300 E. Kansas | Liberty, MO 64068
August 12 ( Our Final of the Summer!) Jason Edwards, Ginger Sue’s
Join our pastoral staff as they host lunches at various restaurants around the Liberty area.
Sunday, August 10 8:30 Worship (Tutt Chapel) 9:45 Bible Study for all ages 11:00 Worship (Sanctuary) Mike Lassiter’s 25th Anniversary Recognition 4:00 Annual 2BC Hymn Sing : Grand River Chapel, WJC Campus 6:30 Deacon Meeting : Assembly Room (302)
Tuesday, August 12 12:00 ME2 Lunch Bunch : Ginger Sue’s, Liberty (Final ME2 of the Summer!)
Wednesday, August 13 Senior Adults : WNO : Corner Cafe, Liberty
Sunday, August 17 | Promotion Sunday 12:00 Food Truck Feast 6:30 Church Council Meeting | Room 505 Student InnerMISSION | Fall Kick-off (pizza party and scavenger hunt) For the rest of the story, visit the 2BC Blog @ 2bcliberty.org/blog
Thank you so much for your investment in our 24-month Catalyst Ministry Plan. Because of your generous commitment to God through Second Baptist Church, we’ve taken important steps these last several months and have seen significant growth in our shared ministry here at Second Baptist Church, around the K.C. Metro Region, and throughout our world. ...
Thank you from Pastor Jason
Wednesday, Aug. 6, 2014
on the blog...
(The events listed here are in addition to our regular Sunday schedule.)
Save the Date
WEEKLY EDiTION August 10, 2014
Children’s Worship Bag Book Shower! You’re invited to the Children’s Worship Bag Book Shower! Sundays, August 10, 17, and 24 | 2BC Welcome Center
coffee with the pastor | Sept. 21 | 9:45 a.m.
Each Sunday, our 2BC children come into the Sanctuary and grab a worship bag for use during the service. Each bag contains magazines, books, and other paper/pencil activities.
Join Pastor Jason Edwards and a few members of Second Baptist Church for an informal coffee. Ask questions and chat about Second Baptist, how things work and anything you might want to know as you become more familiar with the faith family at Second.
Believe it or not, we have very few “religious/Bible story books” for use in these bags. The Book Shower is an easy way for you to help us purchase new books for our children and our worship bags.
Contact Maggie Henderson at mhenderson@2bcliberty.org to sign up.
Stop by the table in the Welcome Center, and choose a book to donate! Questions? Contact Debbie Lane at 781-9281 or debbielane71861@gmail.com.
Follow us @2bcliberty Questions? Contact us by phone or email, or visit us online:
Visit our website: 2bcliberty.org Church office: 816-781-2824
ME2 Lunches | Tuesdays | 12:00 p.m.
this week
NEW WEDNESDAY NIGHTS @ 2bc (Begins August 20!) Second Servings
FOOD AND FELLOWSHIP Our 2BC Cooking Teams are back and better than ever for Wednesday night meals. How does home cooking sound? Five teams of Second Baptist talent have been assembled again this year to rotate the preparation of our meal. It’s going to be good, so join if you can on Wednesday nights for a time of great food and fellowship before moving to the evening sessions for all ages.
MEALS ARE SERVED FROM 5:45–6:30 P.M. COST $5/adult
$3/children age 4–12 No cost for birth–3 year old. $15/family maximum
We are requesting reservations (meals only) by Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. each week, but you can join us without a reservation. To make a reservation, visit to our:
WEBSITE (2bcliberty.org/secondservings) MOBILE 2BC AP: events/RSVP CONTACT THE CHURCH OFFICE: 781-2824 or mhenderson@2bcliberty.org
OUR COOKING TEAMS: We are setting up
five cooking teams (We still need help with two of them!) Each team is responsible for preparation, set-up, and serving three times in the fall and three in the spring. This year we have added seperate clean-up teams for after the meal, so if you would be interested in being a part of a cooking or clean-up team let us know by contacting: Mike Lassiter mlassiter@2bcliberty.org | 781-2824 ext. 307
Second Experience
MID-WEEK ADULT SESSIONS We’ve restructured our adult offerings into the new Second Experience. The sessions are in blocks of four-week offerings with a “GaP” (Gather and Pause) week in-between where we’ll all get together for one special session before we begin again. Here is a sneak peek at the first two GaP and Session blocks.
SESSIONS RUN FROM 6:30-7:15 P.M. GaP 1.0: RECONNECT with 2BC | Aug. 20 SESSIONS 1.0 | August 27, Sept. 3, 10, 17 YOGA with Kathy Benavidez PSALMS with Sherry McGlaughlin PARENTING KIDDOS with Gwen Phillips SEND REMIX with Mike Lassiter COFFEE & CONVERSATION (open social session)
GaP 2.0: MUSIC MINISTRY | Sept. 24 SESSIONS 2.0 | October 1, 8, 15, 22 COOKING with Nick Bartlow & Tracy Zahnd ROMANS with David May
I LOVE YOU MORE (Marriage Enrichment)
with Kristin Wooldridge
SOCIAL JUSTICE with Christy Edwards
& Susan Miller
MENU: AUGUST 20 | End of Summer Picnic Theme brats and hot dogs baked beans (2BC’s Joan Dice recipe!) chips brownies, ice cream. (gluten free, vegetarian, no msg options)
coming up @ 2bc THIS WEEK
Annual Hymn Sing | Aug. 10 | 4 p.m. | Grand River Chapel, William Jewell College Join us as we spend an hour singing our favorites, both old and new.
Mike Lassiter’s 25th Anniversary Recognition | Aug. 10 | 11 a.m. service As a congregation, we will recognize Mike and Debbie Lassiter at the end of the 11:00 a.m. service on August 10 for 25 years of faithful service to 2BC. Please plan to join us.
Fuller Center for Housing Work Day | Aug. 16 | 8:00 a.m. | Meet at 2BC 2BC has an opportunity to help our partner organization Fuller Center for Housing with new home construction for the Rodriguez family. To carpool, meet at the 2BC parking lot at 8:00 a.m., or meet us at the site (4700 NE 46th St., KCMO) at 8:30 a.m. If you have questions or can join us, contact Bob Dusin at bobdusin@att.net.
Promotion Sunday & Food Truck Feast | Aug. 17 August 17 is Promotion Sunday and our end of summer celebration! Children and students will be promoted into their 2014-2015 classes, we’ll worship, then follow with a Food Truck Feast on Kansas Street for lunch with some of Kansas City’s best food truck vendors. Pre-K – 5th Grade | All meet in the chapel at 10:15, then end Bible Study time back in their respective classrooms. 6th – 12th grade | Meet at 9:15 in the youth room (6th floor). We’ll have breakfast, sing, and split into grade levels for discussions.
Wednesday Night Music, YOUTH & CHILDREN Activities Resume | Aug. 20 Wednesday Cafe is now Second Servigns | 5:45-6:30 p.m. Make reservations by calling the church office, emailing mhenderson@2bcliberty.org, or visiting 2bcliberty.org/secondservings. (see pg. 2) Children’s & Student Ministry Groups | 6:30-7:15 p.m. Discipleship sessions and missions for kiddos. Sanctuary Choir Rehearsals | 7:15 p.m. | Choir Room
Innermission Kick-off | Promotion Sunday, August 17 | 6:30 p.m. | 2BC Come for a pizza party and scavenger hunt. Students traditionally meet at 6:45 p.m. on Sunday nights, but on August 17, all will meet at 6:30 p.m.
senior adults
Wednesday Nights Out | Aug. 13 | 5:00 p.m. | Corner Cafe, Liberty Hosted by Bill and Cathy Stillfield. Call the church office (781-2824) by Tuesday at noon to register.
NEW WEDNESDAY NIGHTS @ 2bc (Begins August 20!) Second Servings
FOOD AND FELLOWSHIP Our 2BC Cooking Teams are back and better than ever for Wednesday night meals. How does home cooking sound? Five teams of Second Baptist talent have been assembled again this year to rotate the preparation of our meal. It’s going to be good, so join if you can on Wednesday nights for a time of great food and fellowship before moving to the evening sessions for all ages.
MEALS ARE SERVED FROM 5:45–6:30 P.M. COST $5/adult
$3/children age 4–12 No cost for birth–3 year old. $15/family maximum
We are requesting reservations (meals only) by Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. each week, but you can join us without a reservation. To make a reservation, visit to our:
WEBSITE (2bcliberty.org/secondservings) MOBILE 2BC AP: events/RSVP CONTACT THE CHURCH OFFICE: 781-2824 or mhenderson@2bcliberty.org
OUR COOKING TEAMS: We are setting up
five cooking teams (We still need help with two of them!) Each team is responsible for preparation, set-up, and serving three times in the fall and three in the spring. This year we have added seperate clean-up teams for after the meal, so if you would be interested in being a part of a cooking or clean-up team let us know by contacting: Mike Lassiter mlassiter@2bcliberty.org | 781-2824 ext. 307
Second Experience
MID-WEEK ADULT SESSIONS We’ve restructured our adult offerings into the new Second Experience. The sessions are in blocks of four-week offerings with a “GaP” (Gather and Pause) week in-between where we’ll all get together for one special session before we begin again. Here is a sneak peek at the first two GaP and Session blocks.
SESSIONS RUN FROM 6:30-7:15 P.M. GaP 1.0: RECONNECT with 2BC | Aug. 20 SESSIONS 1.0 | August 27, Sept. 3, 10, 17 YOGA with Kathy Benavidez PSALMS with Sherry McGlaughlin PARENTING KIDDOS with Gwen Phillips SEND REMIX with Mike Lassiter COFFEE & CONVERSATION (open social session)
GaP 2.0: MUSIC MINISTRY | Sept. 24 SESSIONS 2.0 | October 1, 8, 15, 22 COOKING with Nick Bartlow & Tracy Zahnd ROMANS with David May
I LOVE YOU MORE (Marriage Enrichment)
with Kristin Wooldridge
SOCIAL JUSTICE with Christy Edwards
& Susan Miller
MENU: AUGUST 20 | End of Summer Picnic Theme brats and hot dogs baked beans (2BC’s Joan Dice recipe!) chips brownies, ice cream. (gluten free, vegetarian, no msg options)
coming up @ 2bc THIS WEEK
Annual Hymn Sing | Aug. 10 | 4 p.m. | Grand River Chapel, William Jewell College Join us as we spend an hour singing our favorites, both old and new.
Mike Lassiter’s 25th Anniversary Recognition | Aug. 10 | 11 a.m. service As a congregation, we will recognize Mike and Debbie Lassiter at the end of the 11:00 a.m. service on August 10 for 25 years of faithful service to 2BC. Please plan to join us.
Fuller Center for Housing Work Day | Aug. 16 | 8:00 a.m. | Meet at 2BC 2BC has an opportunity to help our partner organization Fuller Center for Housing with new home construction for the Rodriguez family. To carpool, meet at the 2BC parking lot at 8:00 a.m., or meet us at the site (4700 NE 46th St., KCMO) at 8:30 a.m. If you have questions or can join us, contact Bob Dusin at bobdusin@att.net.
Promotion Sunday & Food Truck Feast | Aug. 17 August 17 is Promotion Sunday and our end of summer celebration! Children and students will be promoted into their 2014-2015 classes, we’ll worship, then follow with a Food Truck Feast on Kansas Street for lunch with some of Kansas City’s best food truck vendors. Pre-K – 5th Grade | All meet in the chapel at 10:15, then end Bible Study time back in their respective classrooms. 6th – 12th grade | Meet at 9:15 in the youth room (6th floor). We’ll have breakfast, sing, and split into grade levels for discussions.
Wednesday Night Music, YOUTH & CHILDREN Activities Resume | Aug. 20 Wednesday Cafe is now Second Servigns | 5:45-6:30 p.m. Make reservations by calling the church office, emailing mhenderson@2bcliberty.org, or visiting 2bcliberty.org/secondservings. (see pg. 2) Children’s & Student Ministry Groups | 6:30-7:15 p.m. Discipleship sessions and missions for kiddos. Sanctuary Choir Rehearsals | 7:15 p.m. | Choir Room
Innermission Kick-off | Promotion Sunday, August 17 | 6:30 p.m. | 2BC Come for a pizza party and scavenger hunt. Students traditionally meet at 6:45 p.m. on Sunday nights, but on August 17, all will meet at 6:30 p.m.
senior adults
Wednesday Nights Out | Aug. 13 | 5:00 p.m. | Corner Cafe, Liberty Hosted by Bill and Cathy Stillfield. Call the church office (781-2824) by Tuesday at noon to register.
300 E. Kansas | Liberty, MO 64068
Jason Edwards, Ginger Sue’s
August 12 ( Our Final of the Summer!)
Join our pastoral staff as they host lunches at various restaurants around the Liberty area.
Sunday, August 10 8:30 9:45 11:00 4:00 6:30
Worship (Tutt Chapel) Bible Study for all ages Worship (Sanctuary) Mike Lassiter’s 25th Anniversary Recognition Annual 2BC Hymn Sing : Grand River Chapel, WJC Campus Deacon Meeting : Assembly Room (302)
Tuesday, August 12 12:00 ME2 Lunch Bunch : Ginger Sue’s, Liberty (Final ME2 of the Summer!)
Wednesday, August 13 Senior Adults : WNO : Corner Cafe, Liberty
Sunday, August 17 | Promotion Sunday 12:00 Food Truck Feast 6:30 Church Council Meeting | Room 505 Student InnerMISSION | Fall Kick-off (pizza party and scavenger hunt) For the rest of the story, visit the 2BC Blog @ 2bcliberty.org/blog
Thank you so much for your investment in our 24-month Catalyst Ministry Plan. Because of your generous commitment to God through Second Baptist Church, we’ve taken important steps these last several months and have seen significant growth in our shared ministry here at Second Baptist Church, around the K.C. Metro Region, and throughout our world. ...
Thank you from Pastor Jason
Wednesday, Aug. 6, 2014
on the blog...
(The events listed here are in addition to our regular Sunday schedule.)
Save the Date
WEEKLY EDiTION August 10, 2014
Children’s Worship Bag Book Shower! You’re invited to the Children’s Worship Bag Book Shower! Sundays, August 10, 17, and 24 | 2BC Welcome Center
coffee with the pastor | Sept. 21 | 9:45 a.m.
Each Sunday, our 2BC children come into the Sanctuary and grab a worship bag for use during the service. Each bag contains magazines, books, and other paper/pencil activities.
Join Pastor Jason Edwards and a few members of Second Baptist Church for an informal coffee. Ask questions and chat about Second Baptist, how things work and anything you might want to know as you become more familiar with the faith family at Second.
Believe it or not, we have very few “religious/Bible story books” for use in these bags. The Book Shower is an easy way for you to help us purchase new books for our children and our worship bags.
Contact Maggie Henderson at mhenderson@2bcliberty.org to sign up.
Stop by the table in the Welcome Center, and choose a book to donate! Questions? Contact Debbie Lane at 781-9281 or debbielane71861@gmail.com.
Follow us @2bcliberty Questions? Contact us by phone or email, or visit us online:
Visit our website: 2bcliberty.org Church office: 816-781-2824
ME2 Lunches | Tuesdays | 12:00 p.m.
this week