WEEKLY Edition
November 16, 2014
Missions Partnership
Today in services we highlight our partnership with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF). Who Is the CBF? “The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship is a fellowship of Baptist Christians and churches who share a passion for the Great Commission of Jesus Christ and a commitment to Baptist principles of faith and practice. Our understanding of Baptist faith and practice is expressed by our emphasis on freedom in biblical interpretation and congregational governance, the participation of women and men in all aspects of church leadership and Christian ministry and religious liberty for all people.” --from the CBF website
Why is the CBF important to Second Baptist? While the Baptist principles of faith and practice are important to us, the word “fellowship” best describes the reason for our connection with CBF since 2000. We have found community with those who cherish and practice being a local faith community like those in scripture. We call attention to the CBF because this network of churches, individuals, and autonomous organizations is our largest partner for global missions and ministry with like-minded churches.
In addition to our financial support through our ministry plan, Catalyst 2.0 will allow us again to make a $10,000 gift to the Global Mission Offering of the CBF at Christmas.
Visit our website: Church office: 816-781-2824
coming up @ 2bc Church-Wide
Soup & Salad Lunch With the Sherins Today | 12:00 p.m. | Social Room Our message today is from Kenny and Karen Sherin, our mission partners through CBF’s Together For Hope—High Plains. Everyone is invited to join us and chat with the Sherins over a soup and sandwich luncheon after 11:00 worship (no reservation needed).
Fair Trade Shop | Nov. 16-Dec. 21 | Sunday Mornings & Wednesday Evenings | Welcome Center One way we are “Turning Christmas Upside Down” is by using our purchasing power to support equitable business practices for sustainable development. Our Fair Trade Shop opens this weekend, and you can purchase items from some of our mission partners and also from Equal Exchange, which supports socially responsible employment practices for small producers and farmers.
Thanksgiving Dinner | Nov. 19 | 6:00–7:15 p.m. | Heritage Hall You can still get your tickets for our Church Family Thanksgiving meal in the Welcome Center today or Monday! Tickets are $8 for adults, $5 for kids 3-12 years, and free for kids under 3 ($25 family minimum). If you joined 2BC within the last year, ask for the special 2-for-1 deal.
Senior Adults Coffee & Conversation | Nov. 17 | Social Room Our Senior Adult Ministry hosts a twice-monthly Coffee & Conversation open to all. No reservations are needed, just bring a friend and your coffee mug! The first Monday of each month features donuts (bring a dollar if you’d like some); the third Monday, homemade treats are shared.
service of hope | Nov. 23 | 4:00 p.m. | Chapel
The Service of Hope is a worship service for people whose A WORSHIP personal loss, illness, struggles with grief or loneliness make the holiday season a challenge. Gwen Phillips, Children’s Pastor of Second Baptist Church, will share a message of hope and healing as together we worship the God of all hope and comfort. A cookie and coffee reception will follow in the Welcome Center.
A word of hope to begin the holiday season.
Annual Parents’ Night Out | Dec. 5 | 6:30-9:00 p.m. | It’s Free! It’s time to celebrate the season for children and parents! Our annual Parents Night Out is a free gift, ready for you to accept! Children birth through 5th grade can join us for a Christmas party with games, crafts, and snacks while their parents enjoy a night to themselves to shop, have a date, sit in the tub, or vegetate! You must register your children by Dec. 3 so we can plan for workers and supplies. Register online or pick up a form in the Welcome Center give to Maggie. Please let us know on the form if there are ANY allergies we need to know about as we plan snacks.
Come to Nov. 30 | 6:00 p.m. | Sanctuary / Social Room (Previously Hanging of the Green)
Join us as we start the season of Advent by singing songs of the season, hearing the prophecies of the coming Christ, and listening to our children’s choirs sing. Then we’ll move to the Social Room for fellowship with warm treats, fun songs, a special musical treat from the Student Choir, and for a limited engagement— a world-renowned choir making ground-breaking history in its Liberty debut.
Sh op h ere, th en donate h ere. 2BC Christmas Store | Dec. 12-13 As part of our Advent 2015 celebration, Second Baptist will sponsor a Christmas Store Dec. 12-13 for the Liberty community. In this way, we can offer people in need the chance to purchase their own Christmas gifts at a greatly reduced cost, allowing them to provide gifts for their family in the way they choose while maintaining the dignity that comes from having provided those items themselves. Would you consider donating a new, unwrapped toy to stock the Christmas Store?
NEW Advent Flower Opportunity This year, on each Sunday of Advent, large fresh flower arrangements will be provided to honor/ remember our loved ones at this special time of year. If you wish to help us fill the sanctuary with flowers, you can contribute and have your loved one’s name added to the dedication in the worship guide by filling out a request form and donating at least $10 toward the flowers. A member of the Arts and Environment Committee will be in the Welcome Center on Sunday, Nov. 16 and 23 to take donations/ submissions. Deadline for requests is Sunday, Nov. 30. If you have questions, please contact Patsy Triplett at
Advent Orchestra The first rehearsal for Advent Orchestra will be Wednesday, Nov. 19, at 8:30 pm in the Assembly Room. Additional rehearsals will be Dec. 3 and 10 at the same time. We will play for the first Sunday in Advent, Nov. 30, through Dec. 21 with Sunday rehearsals at 8:45 a.m. All instrumentalists 9th grade through adult can participate. Email Ann Posey at for information.
300 E. Kansas | Liberty, MO 64068
Please note that Wednesday evening activities will be suspended Nov. 19 for the annual church-wide Thanksgiving Dinner and Nov. 26, for Thanksgiving holiday week. Tickets for the Thanksgiving Dinner are available today or Monday in the Welcome Center or church office.
this week
Sunday, November 16 | Missions Partnership Celebration| Fair Trade Shop Opens 8:30 8:45 9:00 9:45 11:00 12:00 5:30 6:30 6:45
Monday, November 17 Senior Adult Coffee & Conversation : Social Room
Wednesday, November 19 6:00 7:15 8:30 For the rest of the story, visit the 2BC Blog @
This beautiful tension might also be used to describe our Catalyst 2.0 ministry plan. ...
One of the great, mysterious tensions in Scripture — and in our lives — is often described simply as “Already/ Not Yet.” The Kingdom of God is come/ the Kingdom of God is coming. Jesus is with us/ Jesus will be with us. We have been saved/ we are being saved/ we will be saved. At its core, there is an already/ not yet nature to Christian faith.
November 13, 2014 Already and Not Yet | by Jason Edwards
on the blog...
Worship (Tutt Chapel) Student Handbells Children’s Choirs Bible Study for all ages Connections Class : Oak Room (301) Worship (Sanctuary) Lunch with Sherins : Social Room Student Choir Church Council Meeting : Room 505 Student Innermission : Student Room (309)
Thanksgiving Dinner : Heritage Hall Sanctuary Choir rehearsal : Choir Room Advent Orchestra rehearsal : Assembly Room
Sunday, November 23 5:00
Stephen Ministry meeting : Library (312)
(The events listed here are in addition to our regular Sunday schedule.)
CHRISTMAS CAROLS FOR CHRISTMAS EVE GATHERING Children and students taking music lessons are invited to begin now preparing Christmas carols appropriate for worship to play during our Christmas Eve Worship. All instruments are welcome, in addition to piano. Contact Ann Posey at if you are interested in playing.
Follow us @2bcliberty Questions? Contact us by phone or email, or visit us online: