Come, Lord Jesus
(Revelation 22:20b).
February 25–March 25 | 6:30-7:15 p.m. | Assembly Rm. 302
February 25
Loving One Another | Greg Mees | John 13:34
March 4
Serving Through Our Gifts | Kim Halfhill | 1 Peter 4:10
March 11
Inspiring Worship | Kristen Wooldridge | Psalm 96:1–4a
March 18
Telling Others About Jesus | Christy Edwards | Philemon 6
March 25
Passionate Spirituality | Jeff Langford | Romans 12:11–12
Visit our website: Church office: 816-781-2824
February 22, 2015
Mid-Week Retreat @ 2BC
Coming Up @ 2BC
LEADING TO EASTER: Searching the Soul
7-Week Lenten Series Leader: Jeff Langford | February 22–April 5 (STARTS THIS SUNDAY!) The events leading up to Jesus' death and resurrection were vitally important in the scope of human history, but they were also profoundly impacting for the human beings who experienced them. People like the disciples, Pontius Pilate, Mary, the soldiers guarding the tomb, and many more. Those events can still impact us today—if we let them. So join us for a time of searching the soul this Easter season.
Game Night @ 2BC | Feb. 27 | 7:00 p.m. | Social Room
People of all ages are invited to bring their favorite board or group game from 7–9 p.m. and meet in the Social Room. Stay as long as you want or leave when you need. We will also have a game or two for the entire group. No need to sign up to be a part of this fun night. How about the live version of Hungry-Hungry Hippo! Don’t Miss It!
WOMEN ON MISSION March 3, 2015
9:30 am Study Group: Captured by Grace 10:30 am Refreshments 11:00 am Program: Jerry and Diane Connor Mission Project: Madge Truex, Alberta Gilpin Fund
LOST! Charcoal wool coat—knee length with belt and hood. Missing from the Welcome Center since February 11. Please contact the church office if you have seen this item or picked it up by mistake. Similar one left behind.
Sunday, March 1 2BC Annual Easter Egg Hunt Planning Meeting Imagine in your mind the taste and smell of coffee and warm cinnamon rolls, the sounds of a couple hundred excited children and parents, the sights of a hillside filled with brightly colored eggs and a big, white, fluffy bunny. Do those images remind you of the annual Easter Egg Hunt? Believe it or not, Easter is fast approaching and that means planning needs to begin. If you would like to join our small planning group, please meet with us on Sunday, March 1, in the Social Room at 9:00 a.m. We hope to see you there!
Interested in ministry in Thailand?
Please join us...
Luncheon March 1 | Lunch following 11:00 am Worship 2BC Social Room On Sunday, March 1, our missions partner, Tui, will be here with us in worship. Tui is the Director of Upland Holistic Development Project, where the 2BC team visited last June in Thailand. After the 11:00 service, our Thailand team will host a meal for anyone who is interested in meeting Tui, learning about UHDP, and exploring future ministry. Tui will also be with us until Wednesday so other conversations are also possible. Please plan to join us for lunch next Sunday.
Equipping Ministry Workshop 3.0
March 8 @ 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. | March 9 @ 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Mark your calendars to join us for the finale of the Equipping Ministry Workshops presented by Vernon and Charlene Armitage! 2BC leaders in all areas of ministry are encouraged to participate as we celebrate our launch into the next phase of the Equipping Ministry. For more information, please contact: Kim Halfhill 2BC Volunteer Director of Equipping
We look forward seeing you on March 8-9!
300 E. Kansas | Liberty, MO 64068
Sunday, February 22 | First Sunday in Lent STUDENT DISCIPLE NOW 2015 8:30 Worship | Tutt Chapel Disciple Now (Breakfast | Closing Session) 9:00 Children’s Choirs 9:45 Bible Study for all ages 11:00 Worship | Sanctuary 4:00 Financial Peace University | Social Room 5:00 Stephen Ministry Meeting
Wednesday, February 25 5:45 6:30 7:15
Second Servings (meal) : Social Room | Assembly Room 302 Children’s Mission Groups Student Ministry Groups Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal : Choir Room
Friday, February 27 9:30
MOPS Steering Team Meeting
Sunday, March 1 | Second Sunday in Lent For the rest of the story, visit the 2BC Blog @
I don’t remember any mention of Ash Wednesday or Lent or Holy Week. We did make note that it was Palm Sunday and Easter. My faithful attendance at a rural non-cushioned-pew, mostly Baptist church, just didn’t include these things as I grew up. My Roman Catholic friends ate fish on Friday. I only knew that because we always had fish sticks at school on Fridays and not being one who enjoys repeat foods I asked why. My Lutheran friends would talk about what they had “given up for Lent” but I had no idea what they meant . . .
SECOND SERVINGS MENU: Mexican casserole seasoned rice garden salad assorted cookies From her blog (
February 25, 2015
Why Ashes? by Connie McNeill
on the blog...
this week
FOOD SHARE SUNDAY 9:00 12:00 4:00
Easter Egg Hunt Planning Meeting (Social Rm. | Join us if interested in helping!) Lunch w/Tui from Thailand (UHDP | Social Rm.) Financial Peace University
(The events listed here are in addition to our regular Sunday schedule.)
Follow us @2bcliberty
Questions? Contact us by phone or email, or visit us online: