Reflejos 06/12/2020

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VOL. 31, No. 24

MÉXICO, BRASIL, ARGENTINA, COLOMBIA, EDURNE CHILE, PERÚ: " CATARSIS" EL VIRUS SIGUE México, Brasil, GOLPEANDO Argentina, Chile Colombia, Perú: Aldi Allstate Arena AMI Staffing Centro de Informaion Elgin Pharmacy Geico Hilco Development ICIRR Census Jewel Dental Lake County Health Department Lutheran Home Mount Prospect Dental PACE Palatine Public Library Physicians Mutual Dental Insurance Planned Parenthood Purple Group Census Renz Center Specialized Podiatry QUE ASEGURA Union Latina SU VIDA CORRE Villa Olivia PELIGRO EN Waubonsee Community College ESTADOS UNIDOS


Las teorías

conspirativas detrás del tercer retiro de Conor McGregor DEPORTES

El virus sigue golpeando



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Suburban teens to compete on NBC’s ‘World of Dance’ BY JERRY FITZPATRICK

For Reflejos

Makayla D’Ambrosio and her dance-studio friends used to kid about appearing on the NBC competition show “World of Dance,” now in its fourth season. “We all used to joke about it,” said D’Ambrosio, a 17-year-old Fremd High School senior from Palatine. “I never thought it would happen in a million years. I watched the show every season for the past three seasons. I watched all of them and it was always like, ‘Oh my gosh. What if we were on there?’” She need not wonder any longer. D’Ambrosio and the other five members of Carol Stream-based The Difference 6

Dance Company — Haley Rovansek, 17, of Elmhurst; Sophie Gracau, 16, of Elmhurst; Allyson Hiser, 16, of Elmhurst; Johanna “JoJo” Jessen, 15, of Delafield, Wis.; and Finley Williams, 12, of Elk Grove Village — will make their national television debut during the show’s qualifying round at 9 p.m. Tuesday, June 16. “World of Dance” gives aspiring dancers the opportunity to compete for a $1 million grand prize and the title of best dancer in the world. The winner is determined by a celebrity panel of executive producer Jennifer Lopez, singer-songwriter NE-YO and Derek Hough, a sixtime champion on “Dancing with the Stars.”

Solo dancers compete against duos and crews in a five-round competition: the qualifiers, callbacks, the duels, semifinals and the World Final. D’Ambrosio and her troupe — The Difference 6 — competed in the 17-and-under Juniors division of the show, which was filmed between Feb. 21 and March 13. D’Ambrosio said The Difference 6 owes everything to Melissa Lobes, the troupe’s coach and choreographer. Lobes has been coaching D’Ambrosio since fourth grade and opened Difference Dance Company last year. Though she can’t discuss how the Difference 6 fared in the judges’ eyes, D’Ambrosio called the experience “amazing.”

“I’m not from a very big town,” she said. “Not a lot of people outside of Palatine really know what it is unless you really live near it. So, when you get the opportunity like this, which is literally worldwide and everyone can see it and everyone can see your story and see me dance, I mean, that’s the opportunity of a lifetime.” Performing in front of Lopez, Hough and NE-YO was a highlight. “It was like a dream,” D’Ambrosio said. “You walk into something that you never thought would happen in your life. You walk in and you see these people who are such big influences in the world and you’re like ‘Oh my gosh. I have the opportunity to meet them.’”


MEMBERS OF Carol Stream-based The Difference 6 Dance Company will compete on NBC’s “World of Dance” on Tuesday, June 16.



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La voz suburbana de los Hispanos GERENTE DE VENTAS Y OPERACIONES Linda Siete (847) 806-1411 VENTAS Raul Ortiz (847) 427-4634 CLASIFICADOS (847) 427-4770 CIRCULACION (847) 806-1111 COORDINACIÓN DE ANUNCIOS Ana Maria Hinkhouse Reflejos Publications, LLC

95 W Algonquin Rd Suite 300 Arlington Heights, IL 60005

Reflejos es una publicación que sirve a los latinos de los suburbios de Chicago en los condados de Cook, DuPage, Kane, KendallLake, McHenry y Will. Reflejos orgullosamente forma parte de la Familia Paddock y es publicacion hermana del Daily Herald. Fundado en 1990.

In alliance with

Nací en el Barrio del Este de Los Ángeles y nací en la pobreza, mi padre era adicto a la heroína y alcohólico. Estaba entrando y saliendo de la cárcel por robar a la gente y cuando tenía tres años de edad, abandonó a nuestra familia y nos dejó con un montón de cuentas por pagar y un montón de botellas vacías de bebidas alcohólicas en el bote de basura. Mi madre trabajó dos y hasta tres empleos solo para que no nos faltara comida en la mesa y para asegurarse de que no nos convirtiéramos en parte del sistema. Cuando era niño dormía en un colchón maloliente en un piso de concreto en un sótano húmedo donde por las noches se escuchaban los sonidos de trampas para ratones. Hubo momentos en que me despertaron tarde en la noche los rasguños de pequeñas patitas que cruzaban mis brazos, mi espalda y mi cara porque la casa estaba infestada de ratones, ratas y cucarachas. La razón por la que estoy compartiendo esto con usted es porque muchos de nosotros venimos de un lugar difícil, muchos de nosotros provenimos de hogares quebrados, fuimos maltratados y llevábamos una vida con poca o ninguna esperanza. Hemos enfrentado varias crisis a través del tiempo que han afectado a muchos en nuestra comunidad. Esta pandemia actual es solo una de las últimas en probar nuestra fuerza y resistencia. Sin embargo, la mayoría de nosotros hemos hecho todo lo que teníamos que hacer legalmente para salir de muchas situaciones diferentes, limpios ante la ley y la sociedad. Esta vida que estamos viviendo hoy con el Covid-19 pasará y sobreviviremos porque eso es lo que siempre hacemos, somos latinos. Hemos visto el impacto masivo de la pandemia en nuestra comunidad, porque muchos son trabajadores de primera línea o personas cuyos trabajos no les permiten trabajar desde casa. El Covid-19 no solo se ha llevado muchas vidas, sino que también se ha llevado muchos empleos. Hay muchas personas que se están rindiendo, se suicidan, abusan de sus seres queridos, se automedican con drogas y alcohol. Esa no es la respuesta para nadie en nuestra comunidad, así que le pido, por favor que mantenga la fe, manténgase enfocado y fuerte ... ayude a otros a buscar la ayuda disponible que puedan necesitar. Ahora que Illinois está entrando en la fase tres y las pequeñas empresas están reabriendo, por favor permanezcan juntos, apoyen a estas empresas, apóyense mutuamente con palabras de amabilidad, demostrando que también le interesa el bienestar de otros. Cuídense mutuamente y continúen poniéndose a salvo. El distanciamiento social es obligatorio y sí, es muy importante que use su máscara protectora para ayudar a detener la propagación del COVID-19. Recuerde que usar la máscara es también una muestra de respeto hacia los demás, ya que ellos, al usarlas, también muestran ese mismo respeto por usted. Desarrolle un plan para usted y su familia y comprométanse a seguirlo a medida que avanzamos hacia lo que se ha llamado la nueva normalidad. PD. ¡Los amo, y no hay nada que puedan hacer al respecto! Email: Póngase en contacto directamente con el Dr. Renteria al: 312-933-5619 Para más información, visite:

I was born in the Barrio of East Los Angeles and I was born into poverty, my father was a heroin addict and an alcoholic. He was in and out of jail for robbing people and at the age of three he abandoned our family leaving us with a pile of bills and a bunch of empty bottles of booze in the trash can. My mother worked two and three jobs just to keep food on the table and to make sure we did not become part of the system. As a child I slept on a smelly mattress on a concrete floor in a musty basement where at night you would hear the sounds of mousetraps popping. There were times that I would be awoken late at night by the scratches of little feet running across my arms, my back and face because the house was infested with mice, rats and roaches. The reason I am sharing this with you is because a lot of us come from a hard place, many of us from broken homes, abused and a life with little or no hope. There have been any number of crisis during the years that have affected many in our community. This pandemic is just one of the latest to test our strength and endurance. However, most all of us have done whatever we needed to do legally to come out of many different situations, clean on the other side. This life we are living today with the Covid-19 will pass and we will survive because that’s what we do, we are Latinos. We have seen the massive impact on our community, because so many are front line workers or folks who’s jobs do not allow them to work from home. Not only has Covid-19 taken many lives, it has taken so may jobs. There are many people out there who are giving up, committing suicide, abusing their loved ones, self -medicating with drugs and alcohol. That is not the answer for any in our community, so I ask, please keep the faith, stay focused and stay strong…help others seek out the help available that they might need. Now that Illinois is rolling into phase three and small businesses are reopening please stand together, support these businesses, support each other with words of kindness and caring, take care of each-other and continue to be safe. Social distancing is mandatory and yes, it’s very important that you wear your protective masks to help stop the spread of COVID-19. Remember the mask is you also showing respect for others as they show respect for you. Map out a plan of engagement for you and your family as we move forward into what is being called the new normal. PS. I love you and there is nothing you can do about it! Email: Contact Dr. Renteria directly: 312-933-5619 To learn more visit:


Principal makes special home delivery for Huntley High graduates The sounds of “Pomp and Circumstance” and shouts of joy echoed through Lake in the Hills as a team of dedicated Huntley High School officials hand-delivered diplomas to graduating seniors Tuesday. Dressed in traditional graduation attire, Principal Marcus Belin and associate


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principals Danyce Letkewicz and Shelly Kish traveled from home to home aboard a bus. At each stop they gave a short congratulatory speech and took a group photo before climbing back on the bus and heading for the next graduate’s home.


HUNTLEY HIGH School graduate Nicholas Bratton, second from left, receives a diploma Tuesday from Associate Principal Danyce Letkewicz, from left, Principal Marcus Belin and Associate Principal Shelly Kish at his Banbury Lane home in Lake in the Hills.



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Waubonsee does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex, or disability in its programs or activities. Inquiries regarding this policy may be directed to: Michele Needham,Title IX/ADA and Section 504 Coordinator, Route 47 at Waubonsee Drive, Sugar Grove, IL 60554,




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CAT BATTISTA, holding Cupcake the dog, poses with her team at the Aurora Area Interfaith Food Pantry. Pantry clients have increased to 9,000 during the pandemic from 2,000 18 months ago when Battista became executive director.

‘We’ll feed anyone’

That’s the motto at Aurora pantry where demand has more than quadrupled BY MARIE WILSON

For Reflejos

The Aurora Area Interfaith Food Pantry served 2,000 people a week when Cat Battista became executive director 18 months ago. Now it serves 9,000. For the past two months during the coronavirus pandemic, the number of clients has grown for a handful of reasons: People have lost jobs and income. They’ve gained fears about contagion and exposure. They’ve realized they could be at higher risk if they are older or already in weakened health. “We’ll feed anyone — no matter where they’re from, no matter what their story is,” said Battista, a former trial lawyer from St. Charles. “Our goal is to make sure everyone goes away with 100%.” By “100%,” Battista means 100% of everything a family of five would need for meals to last about a week, with nutritional items following theU.S. Department of Agriculture MyPlate guidelines. “And we throw a couple of treats in there,” she said. Because who doesn’t like cookies? In March, Battista and other pantry leaders wrote a pandemic response plan as they watched the new coronavirus affect more

and more of the world. The plan has governed operations since March 17. Operations these days include two food distributions each week following a zero-contact model with a maximum of 40 staff members and volunteers inside the pantry building at any one time. Workers and volunteers pack weekly food boxes and work with police to line up vehicles in an overflow parking lot at nearby Aurora University. Cars then are allowed into the pantry lot 30 at a time. They’re told to pop their trunks, then roll up their windows and keep them that way to avoid contact. Teams of workers and volunteers — including the executive director, who calls the process a great workout — then get their steps in by walking to deliver one food box to each waiting trunk. There are typically 700 to 800 vehicles. “It can be fun because people on the team can get a little competitive about how quick they can fill the cars,” Battista said. Distribution takes three hours, from 9 a.m. to noon, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Mondays and Wednesdays are reserved for donation drop-off from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Battista sometimes starts her work as early as 5 a.m.

She used to litigate nursing home abuse cases, stepping in after situations already had caused pain to try to find resolution. Now, Battista said, she finds her pantry work a fulfilling way to help out before something goes wrong, before food insecurity turns into malnutrition or worse. “I decided I want to pursue what I call front-end justice instead of back-end justice,” she said. “I liked the idea of working on the front lines and doing things that were more preventive.” Pantry crowds are starting to decrease, as Battista said clients might be regaining confidence in grocery stores. But the pantry is always accepting help. To donate or view a shopping list of needed items, Into the pantry lot 30 at a time. They’re told to pop their trunks, then roll up their windows and keep them that way to avoid contact. Teams of workers and volunteers — including the executive director, who calls the process a great workout — then get their steps in by walking to deliver one food box to each waiting trunk. There are typically 700

to 800 vehicles. “It can be fun because people on the team can get a little competitive about how quick they can fill the cars,” Battista said. Distribution takes three hours, from 9 a.m. to noon, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Mondays and Wednesdays are reserved for donation drop-off from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Battista sometimes starts her work as early as 5 a.m. She used to litigate nursing home abuse cases, stepping in after situations already had caused pain to try to find resolution. Now, Battista said, she finds her pantry work a fulfilling way to help out before something goes wrong, before food insecurity turns into malnutrition or worse. “I decided I want to pursue what I call front-end justice instead of back-end justice,” she said. “I liked the idea of working on the front lines and doing things that were more preventive.” Pantry crowds are starting to decrease, as Battista said clients might be regaining confidence in grocery stores. But the pantry is always accepting help. To donate or view a shopping list of needed items,


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LA OMS RECOMIENDA USO GENERAL DE MASCARILLAS Carolina Pikakacho Fronteras de la Noticia - EFESalud Los contagios diarios de COVID-19 alcanzaron en la última jornada un nuevo récord de casi 130.000 casos, lo que indica que aún se está lejos de alcanzar el pico mundial de una pandemia que ya afecta a 6,51 millones de personas, según la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS). América se mantiene como la región con mayor número de casos totales, con 3,08 millones de contagios, seguida de Europa (2,21 millones) y Oriente Medio, donde las infecciones ascienden a 587.000. Los pacientes recuperados en el mundo son ya más de 3,2 millones, cerca de la mitad del total, mientras 53.000 pacientes se encuentran en estado grave o crítico, de acuerdo con los datos de las redes sanitarias nacionales. En una actualización de su guía de consejos sobre este elemento de protección, la organización considera que a medida que los países van levantando las medidas de con#namiento y las restricciones de movimiento es necesario que las personas las utilicen para protegerse en si-

tuaciones en las que no se puede aplicar la distancia social recomendada. Las máscaras recomendadas para el público en general son las de tela, que deben cumplir ciertas condiciones para que realmente representen una protección para el portador y para el resto de la comunidad. La experta del Departamento de Emergencias Sanitarias de la OMS, April Beller, explicó a Efe que hay nuevas evidencias cientí#cas (a partir de investigaciones de las universidades de Stanford y Colorado) sobre las máscaras de tela, los diversos materiales de los que puede estar hechas y el nivel de protección que con#eren. Beller explicó que lo ideal es combinar las telas y que la mascarilla tenga tres capas, utilizando el material más absorbente (por ejemplo, el algodón) más cerca de la boca, lo que hará que, si se tose, las gotas de saliva se queden allí. Una excepción debe ser hecha para las personas de más de 60 años o que padecen enfermedades crónicas, a quienes ahora la OMS también recomienda el uso de mascarillas médicas.




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Dear Community, We know the past 10 weeks have been extremely difficult for many of you. We remain focused on bringing you the latest information on COVID-19, including financial information to help you, your families and your businesses. We see more of you are reading us online and viewing our notices on Facebook … Thank you! As you see from our masthead, Reflejos is 30 years old this year! We had planned a celebration, but that will not happen because of current conditions. SO, we want to share special stories and organize contests that help us better engage with you as our way to celebrate together.

Escaba Más M Profundoo

Also, as more information keeps coming to us, we want to make certain you stay aware of school updates, offers from local businesses and other things you and your family can share safely this summer. To that end, we ask families and readers to send us an email address so we continue to stay connected. Your email will only be used to send you information from Reflejos! Send your email address to Linda Siete at Stay well, stay safe … We will get through this together.

Confident in the care she receives. MyRehab Short-Term Rehabilitation Hearthstone Assisted Living Residential Healthcare MyTapestry Memory Care MySolutions Move Management and In-Home Services Cherished Place Adult Day Club Shepherd’s Flock Child Care Center

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Inscripción en Línea Inicia Lunes, 1 de Junio – Viernes, 7 de Agosto



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6 CLAVES SOBRE REAPERTURA DE OFICINAS DE USCIS PARA TRÁMITES MIGRATORIOS Janine Trainor Fronteras de la Notiica - USCIS El pasado 4 de junio, tras más de dos meses de mantener cerradas sus instalaciones, la oGcina de *er$icios de !iudadanía e :nmigración A'*!:*@ reaFrirá algunas de sus sedes para trámites persona a persona. La agencia ad$irtió %ue el reinicio de sus ser$icios serán paulatinos, pero los inmigrantes podrán acudir a entre$istas para Residencia Permanente, ciudadanía y a ceremonias de naturalización, entre otros procesos. *in emFargo, 5ay $arios aspectos a considerar soFre la reapertura, para e$itar aglomeraciones y posiFles contagios de corona$irus.

1. Seguridad La agencia del Hepartamento de *eguridad 8acional AH;*@ ad$ierte %ue los $isitantes deFerán seguir los siguientes lineamientos para ingresar a sus instalaciones: * 8:8<'8# persona puede acudir si tiene alg2n síntoma de !+&:H-3,, incluyendo tos, GeFre o diGcultad para respirar. * (ampoco si estu$o en contacto cercano con alguien conocido o sospec5oso de tener !+&:H-3, en los 2ltimos 34 días. * 8+ asistir si se 5a estado en cuarentena o aislamiento, deFido a orden mEdica. * Las personas con citas no pueden ingresar a las instalaciones más de 3/ minutos antes de la cita A0> minutos para las ceremonias de naturalización@. * *e proporcionará desin6ectante para manos en los puntos de entrada. * Es oFligatorio el uso de máscara, aun%ue se pedirá retirarla para identiGcación. *e alienta a las personas a lle$ar sus propios Folígra6os de tinta negra o azul. 2. Las entrevistas y citas Las personas %ue tenían citas para entre$istas de Residencia Permanente o naturalización deFen reprogramarlas a tra$Es del !entro de !ontacto de '*!:*.


Es importante recordad %ue 8+ todas las oGcinas estarán aFiertas, por lo %ue se deFerá consultar en la página DeF de la agencia. A#%uí: '*!:* en espa4ol #l acudir a la cita, solamente se permitirá ingreso al solicitante, un representante, un miemFro de la 6amilia y un indi$iduo %ue proporcione ayuda a discapacitados. “El solicitante deFe 5acer arreglos para %ue su intErprete de idiomas estE disponiFle por telE6ono), acotó la agencia en lineamientos pre$ios. 3. Datos biométricos Los !entros de *oporte de #plicaciones A#*!, por su siglas en inglEs@ 6uncionan para la oFtención de datos FiomEtricos y la autoridad in6ormará a cada inmigrante los procesos a seguir. “Las personas recibirán una nueva carta de cita por correo con re"uisitos de seguridad espec!$cos”, indicó '*!:*. #un%ue se atiende a personas %ue llegan en una 6ec5a y 5ora distinta a la programada, la agencia ad$ierte %ue podrían tener %ue esperar un “tiempo signiGcati$o). 4. Ceremonias de naturalización Los inmigrantes %ue ya aproFaron sus eBámenes de ciudadanía y tenían 6ec5a de ceremonia serán in6ormados por '*!:* soFre el día y la 5ora de un nue$o e$ento, los cuales 6ueron modiGcados para e$itar contagios. “Las ceremonias pueden ser más cortas para limitar la exposición a los asistentes”, acota la agencia. Hurante el e$ento no se reproducirán $ideos, como el de Fien$enida del presidente Honald (rump, pero %ue se proporcionarán $olantes con in6ormación y los enlaces para reproducirlos en la DeF. “La asistencia se limita al candidato a la naturalización y a las personas %ue Frindan asistencia a las personas con discapacidad), precisa la oGcina migratoria. 5. Peticiones de asilo La agencia indicó %ue las oGcinas %ue procesan peticiones de asilo reprogramarán automáticamente las entre$istas %ue 6ueron canceladas durante los cierres temporales. “Cuando USCIS reprograme la entrevista, los solicitantes de asilo recibirán un nuevo aviso de entrevista con la nueva hora, fecha y lugar… e información sobre las precauciones de seguridad”, indicó la agencia. 6. Procesos premium '*!:* in6ormó la reanudación del procesamiento premium Arespuesta eBprEs@ para el =ormulario :-31, o “Petición para un traFajador no inmigrante) y el =ormulario :-34> o “Petición de inmigrante para traFajadores eBtranjeros). La agencia acepta el =ormulario :-,>. o “*olicitud de ser$icio de procesamiento premium). ;ay dos distintos procesos para $isas ;-3" cuyos aplicantes Fus%uen una respuesta pronta. Los ajustes se 5arán a partir del - de junio. !onsultar en la página DeF los detalles. El proceso eBprEs tamFiEn puede aplicar al camFio de estado de no inmigrante de $isa =-3.


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I 13

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Census Q&A with Viviana Barajas

Census Coordinator Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights How is Illinois doing in terms of Census response? If you go based on the numbers, Illinois is doing a great job and is actually a national leader in terms of 2020 Census response rates. However, if you look past the numbers and you hone in on the areas where our immigrant communities and our Black and Brown communities live, we still have work to do to get a full count.

With so much going on, why is it still important for people to fill out the Census right now? During a time in which we are experiencing a global pandemic, alongside protests declaring that Black lives matter, it can be easy to dismiss the importance of filling out the Census - but doing so would be a major mistake with long-term ramifications. We are all witnessing in real time the devastating impact that years of disinvestment and a lack of representation have caused Black and Brown communities across the state - and how our communities have been pitted against each-other for resources. While filling out the Census alone might not solve the fundamental issues that prevent our communities from thriving, it is an important element in helping solve some of the issues that continue to hurt Black communities and people of color in Illinois. In the face of so much uncertainty, one thing is guaranteed - the number of people who fill out the Census will determine how much funding and representation our communities receive for the next 10 years. And we definitely know that when communities are underfunded and underrepresented, Black communities suffer the most. Every year, our federal government allocates nearly $1.5 trillion towards health care, food, housing assistance, education, and more. Our communities deserve their fair share of funding and representation in order to voice how those resources should be allocated. If there’s one thing coming up more than ever today, it’s that these resources need to be spent on services that help our communities thrive: education, hospitals, youth programs, housing, and infrastructure. We know our communities are safer and healthier when they have the resources they need. Right now, we have an opportunity to completely change where we put our resources as a state. And for Black and Brown communities, reallocation of those resources relies on a complete Census count.

How can people get involved? Here are a few ways you can get involved right now: 1. Complete your Census! Head to today to participate. There’s still time, you haven’t missed any deadlines. 2. Tell your family and neighbors to participate. The best way to get the word out is by talking one-on-one to people you know. Ask them if they’ve participated. It only takes 10 minutes, and will mean resources for schools, roads, and hospitals in our communities. 3. Want to have an even bigger impact? Join us for Illinois Immigrant and Refugee Census Day on June 17th, Black Census Day of Action on June 19, and LGBTQIA+ Census Day of Action on June 29. All of these events are part of Illinois Census Month. Head over to to sign up and be a part of Illinois Immigrant and Refugee Census Day. If you can’t join us on June 17th, check out our Facebook page at to learn more.

Viviana Barajas Census Coordinator Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights

Learn more: Twitter: @icirr Instagram: @icirr_IL Get in touch at

¡Únete a nosotros!

Join us!

Alentando a nuestros vecinos a responder a su cuestionario del Censo 2020. El Censo es seguro y muy importante para TODOS, independientemente de su raza, idioma, ingresos, estado migratorio y más. En este momento, nuestra prioridad es clara: asegurarnos de que tantas personas como sea posible completen el Censo en línea, por teléfono o por correo, mientras se mantienen seguros y practican el distanciamiento social. Nunca ha sido tan fácil responder desde casa.

In encouraging our neighbors to respond to their 2020 Census. The Census is safe, secure, and very important for EVERYONE regardless of race, language, income, immigration status, and more. Right now, our priority is clear: making sure that as many people as possible complete the Census online, by phone, or by mail, while staying safe and practicing social-distancing. It has never been easier to self-report from home.

CUÁNDO: Miercoles 17 de junio de 2020 a las 11:00 a.m. DÓNDE: Nos reuniremos en el Centro Español a las 10:45 a.m. y conduciremos en vecindarios que todavía faltan por responder.

WHEN: Wednesday, June 17th , 2020 @ 11 AM - 12 PM WHERE: We will convene at the Spanish Community Center at 10:45 AM and drive to low response tracts in Joliet

CÓMO: Haremos anuncios desde nuestros automóviles en todo el vecindario y llegaremos a las personas donde están: en sus hogares. ¡Siéntase libre de crear carteles y decorar sus autos!

HOW: We’ll be making announcements from our cars throughout the neighborhood and reaching people where they are: at their homes. Feel free to create posters and decorate your cars!

Si desea participar, envíe un correo electrónico a *Funding provided by IDHS.The contents are solely the responsibility of the author.

If you’d like to participate, please email



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Centro de Información jointly with Beyond Legal Aid through the Access to Justice Program (A2J) is offering some Immigration procedures free for the residents of State of Illinois with the representation of immigration attorney. June 18

Carlos Rivera

June 19

Maks & Val

9 p.m.


June 21


June 27

8 p.m.

Sept. 19

8 p.m.

Sept. 25

9 p.m.

Sept. 26

7:30 p.m.

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Virtual Graduation Ceremonies to Celebrate Class of 2020 U-46 to host commencement ceremonies June 13

ELGIN – More than 2,700 students will celebrate their graduation on June 13 as School District U-46 hosts virtual ceremonies for our five high schools. Links to the ceremonies will be shared in advance with families and on District and school websites and social media. The recorded ceremonies will later be posted on those platforms as well. The U-46 Board of Education, Superintendent Tony Sanders, Assistant Superintendent for Secondary Schools Instruction and Equity Lela Majstorovic, and high school principals are all part of the recorded virtual graduation ceremonies. “This is not how any of us expected to celebrate the Class of 2020, but we have done our best to make this virtual ceremony meaningful for our graduates and their families,” Superintendent Sanders said. “I am proud of how our seniors have faced this challenge, with resiliency, humor, kindness and understanding. We are celebrating differently this year, but we are still united.” U-46 usually holds five separate graduation ceremonies on one day at the Sears Centre in Hoffman Estates. Given the social distancing restrictions in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the District followed guidance from local public health departments and regional offices of education in creating a celebration plan that could be accomplished virtually. The District has also set aside funds for the graduating classes to hold an in-person event, determined by the schools, as soon as allowed under social distancing guidelines. As part of the process, school teams delivered to students their caps and gowns and any associated stoles or cords. The seniors then received instructions on how to upload a photo of themselves in their cap and gown. Graduation speeches from principals, district administrators, and appointed seniors were recorded on a decorated stage at South Elgin High School. The resulting ceremonies will be streamed at 3 p.m. Saturday, June 13. For the third year, the District will be honoring 47 seniors who enrolled in the full-time Dual Credit program on the campus of Elgin Community College. These students, who must demonstrate certain college readiness benchmark scores for acceptance, take all of their courses at ECC. They earn both high school and college credit for each class in the program. The District is expanding the program in the 2020-21 school year to include high school seniors and juniors. The District expects to see its first group of students conferred with both their high school diploma and associate’s degree graduate in the Class of 2022. One of this year’s Dual Credit students is

Larkin High School’s Celina Sarangaya, who will graduate with 26 college credits. She said the biggest draw for her was to save money on college and avoid putting a financial strain on her parents, but she also liked the challenge of taking more rigorous courses and becoming more independent. The situation became even more challenging after the pandemic forced her to learn and study in a small home shared with nine other family members. But after earning a 3.7 GPA in the fall, she ended this spring with a 4.0. Once she receives her associate’s degree at ECC next year, Sarangaya plans to then attend the University of Illinois, either the Urbana-Champaign or Chicago campus. “Being in an environment other than my home is a huge motivator, and that was lost during online learning,” she said. “So I had to constantly remind myself why school is so important to me: To become a first-generation college student and achieve the life my parents came to America for.” For the fourth year, U-46 will also issue a special honor to graduates who demonstrate a high level of proficiency in one or more languages in addition to English. One hundred and eighty-two members of the Class of 2020 will earn the State of Illinois Seal of Biliteracy and 252 students the Commendation, given to students who have demonstrated significant progress toward achieving a high level of proficiency. “That’s more than 400 awards in seven different languages!” said Jacob VandeMoortel, U-46’s Coordinator for K-12 Social Studies and World Languages, adding that students who earn the Seal qualify for two years of credit in that language at any Illinois post-secondary program. The Class of 2020 graduates include 20 Superintendent’s Scholarship recipients. The program honors students who are first-generation college students with a $1,000 scholarship. They are also being featured on the District’s Facebook page and on a special page in the Class of 2020 section. One of those Superintendent’s Scholars is Ian Rabanal, who is graduating from Bartlett High School with several other community scholarships and honors from his participation in the BHS band program. He said finishing up his senior year via distance learning was challenging, but had its benefits. “For students who truly put in the work and tried to keep up during this difficult time, I believe they learned personal responsibility … communication, organization, and time management skills,’’ said Rabanal, who is headed to the College of DuPage before pursuing a business management degree at a university. Fifty-two graduates rank among the top

I 15

¿Estás Perdiendo los Dientes?

Graduation Facts District Graduation Rate: State Graduation Rate:

83 percent 86 percent

Total number of graduates: 2,745 Number of Bartlett High School graduates: 592 Number of Elgin High School graduates: 624 Number of Larkin High School graduates: 463 Number of South Elgin High School graduates: 628 Number of Streamwood High School graduates: 438

Olvídate de cajas o removibles

Total Graduates in the Dual Credit Program: 47 Bartlett High School: 5 students Elgin High School: 2 students Larkin High School: 7 students South Elgin High School: 16 students Streamwood High School: 17 students Total Illinois State Seal of Biliteracy: Spanish: Polish: French:

182 164 students 9 students 9 students

Empieza a vivir mejor y siéntete con confianza de nuevo con implantes

Total Commendation Toward Biliteracy: 252 Spanish: 202 students French: 24 students Polish: 10 students German: 3 students Italian: 1 students Hindi: 1 students Arabic: 1 students Total Top 2 Percent Graduates:


two percent of their graduating class within the five high schools. These students will attend top universities including Northwestern University, the University of Michigan, Carnegie Mellon University, Wake Forest University, and the University of Illinois. The top two percent graduates were honored by the Board of Education on June 1 and are being showcased daily through the month of June on the District’s Facebook page. All profiles also appear on the Class of 2020 website section. Fhel Vince Mejia, who graduated in the top two percent of his class at Streamwood High School, will be attending Elmhurst College in the fall, majoring in biology and taking with him at least three college credits he earned in his Advanced Placement courses. “Although this pandemic has hindered an important celebration, all our efforts did not go to waste. We still made it through high school!” Mejia said. “Let us learn from this experience that the world needs people to make a difference, as we begin our journey to change the world. Let us remember that we are the future.”


Esta semana con este anuncio

Dr. Victor Sanz, DDS

Hablo Español


1321 Tower Rd. Schaumburg, IL (224) 333-1113



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MÉXICO, BRASIL, ARGENTINA, COLOMBIA, CHILE, PERÚ: EL VIRUS SIGUE GOLPEANDO Carolina Pikacho Fronteras de la Noticia - EFESalud La pandemia por coronavirus sigue golpeando en América Latina. Los efectos en casos y fallecimientos en Brasil, México, Argentina, Colom#ia, Chile y Perú, entre otros países, a diferencia de )uropa, no han alcanzado el pico de incidencia y siguen muy activos México Las autoridades de México anunciaron el pasado domingo que su país acumula 117.103 personas enfermas y 13.699 fallecidos de COVID-19 desde que llegó el coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 al territorio mexicano a &nales de fe#rero. )stos datos suponen un aumento de 3.484 contagios y 188 fallecidos en las últimas 24 horas, y es la primera vez desde que comenzó el mes de junio que la cifra de muertos diarios es menor a los 200. Con 30.223 casos y 3.696 decesos con&rmados, Ciudad de México sigue siendo el foco rojo de la pandemia en el país. )n la capital mexicana est!n ocupadas el 80 % de las camas de atención hospitalaria general y el 79 % de las que cuentan con ventiladores de respiración asistida.

del viernes 5 de junio.

Argentina Argentina registró el domingo 7 de junio 774 casos nuevos de coronavirus, con un total de 22.794 positivos, y otras 16 muertes que llevaron el total de fallecidos a 664, en vísperas de que gran parte del país austral comience la desescalada mientras que el !rea metropolitana de Buenos Aires, principal foco de contagio, seguir! tres semanas m!s en cuarentena. De los 774 nuevos positivos con&rmados, 375 corresponden a la provincia de Buenos Aires y otros 359 a la capital, informó el Ministerio de Salud en el reporte vespertino. )n tanto, en las últimas 24 horas hu#o 16 nuevas muertes, correspondientes a la ciudad de Buenos Aires y en las provincias de Buenos Aires, Chaco y La Rioja. Brasil )l !rea metropolitana de Buenos Aires (AMBA), que )l retraso y la falta de datos consolidados so#re la pan- incluye a la capital y al populoso cordón ur#ano que demia en Brasil han levantado voces de protesta entre la rodea, continúa como el principal epicentro de la la clase política, el Poder Judicial y las asociaciones de epidemia en Argentina y concentra el 86,4 % del total de prensa contra el nuevo método de registro de muertes los contagios a nivel nacional, por lo que el Go#ierno de y contagios implementado por el Go#ierno. Según el Al#erto (ern!ndez dispuso extender allí el aislamiento #oletín del pasado domingo, Brasil es el segundo país social, preventivo y o#ligatorio que rige desde el 20 de con m!s casos con&rmados detr!s de )stados "nidos marzo hasta el próximo 28 de junio. (685.427) y el tercero en número de muertos (37.312). )n las últimas 24 horas fueron 1.382 fallecimientos Colombia y 12.581 casos. )l gigante latinoamericano suma la Colom#ia se acercó este domingo a los 40.000 contagios tensión que se vive en las calles en las manifestaciones por COVID-19 en una jornada en que las autoridades en favor y contra el presidente #rasile*o, Jair Bolsona- de salud reportaron el primer caso en el departamento ro, a un creciente avance de la pandemia salpicado por del Guaviare con lo cual la pandemia llegó ya a todo críticas al Go#ierno tras alterar y atrasar la pu#licación el territorio nacional. )l Ministerio de Salud con&rde los datos so#re la enfermedad. Después de tres días mó 1.209 casos nuevos, para un total de 39.236, y 54 consecutivos con un récord diario de muertes, que lle- fallecidos que elevan a 1.259 las víctimas mortales. Al gó al punto m!s alto el jueves pasado con 1.473 ó#itos, igual que en los últimos días, el departamento cari#e*o el )jecutivo de Bolsonaro adoptó una nueva metododel Atl!ntico volvió a enca#ezar las listas de contagialogía para la divulgación de los datos o&ciales a partir dos y fallecidos al domingo 7 de junio, mientras que en

el Guaviare, situado en el centro-sur del país y única región de Colom#ia a la que no ha#ía llegado la COVID-19, se con&rmó el primer caso. Chile )l ministro de Salud chileno, Jaime Ma*alich, entregó el pasado domingo nuevas cifras so#re el avance del coronavirus en el país, informando de un récord de 6.405 nuevos contagios en las últimas 24 horas, con lo que el total de infectados en Chile asciende a 134.150 personas. Ma*alich tam#ién comunicó que, por recomendación de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), se agregar!n 653 decesos al total de muertes en Chile relacionadas al COVID-19. )stos fallecimientos adicionales datarían del periodo de tiempo comprendido entre el 3 de marzo pasado (primer caso registrado en el país austral) al domingo 7 de junio. Al margen de este dato, est!n los 96 fallecidos que se registraron en el último reporte ela#orado por el Ministerio de Salud. Perú Con m!s de 110.000 casos activos de COVID-19, Perú se mantiene como el octavo país con m!s infectados en el mundo con la enfermedad, adem!s de acercarse a los 5.500 decesos desde que el 6 de marzo detectó el primer caso de la epidemia. )l último reporte del Ministerio de Salud informó que en las últimas horas se diagnosticaron otros 4.757 casos, con lo que el total de infectados se elevó a 196.515 en el país. Sin em#argo, tam#ién se llegó a 86.219 recuperados, ya que otras 3.488 personas reci#ieron el alta médica en hospitales o cumplieron con el período de cuarentena domiciliaria. De esa manera, los casos activos de COVID-19 llegaron el pasado domingo a 110.296 en Perú.


Servicios de calidad para el bienestar familiar

Quality Family Healthcare services P. ¿Qué servicios proporciona el Centro de Salud Planned Parenthood of Illinois de Waukegan? R. Brindamos una amplia gama de servicios los que incluyen varias opciones de anticonceptivos, exámenes de detección de cáncer de cuello uterino y de seno, pruebas de detección de infecciones de transmisión sexual (ITS), pruebas y prevención del VIH (incluidas PrEP y nPEP) y terapia hormonal reafirmante de género. También brindamos servicios de aborto y asesoramiento y anticoncepción de emergencia.

Q. What services does Planned Parenthood of Illinois Waukegan Health Center provide? A. We provide a wide range of services including a variety of birth control options, cervical and breast cancer screenings, testing for sexually transmitted infections (STI’s), HIV testing and prevention (including PrEP and nPEP), and Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy. We also provide abortion services and counseling and emergency contraception.

P. ¿Planned Parenthood ofrece servicios de telesalud? R. ¡Sí! Nos enorgullece ofrecer la atención médica asequible y de alta calidad de PPIL a través de una plataforma de videoconferencia privada y segura. Los pacientes pueden usar los servicios de telesalud para servicios anticonceptivos, tratamiento de ITS, prevención del VIH y más. PPIL también ofrece PPDirect, una aplicación que permite a los pacientes reordenar los métodos del control de la natalidad y acceder a los diagnósticos y el tratamiento de la infección del tracto urinario (UTI) desde su teléfono.

Q. Does Planned Parenthood offer Telehealth services? A. Yes! We are proud to offer PPIL’s high-quality, affordable health care through a private and secure video conferencing platform. Patients can use telehealth services for contraceptive services, STI treatment, HIV prevention, and more. PPIL also offers PPDirect, an app that lets patients reorder birth control and access urinary tract infection (UTI) diagnoses and treatment from your phone.

P. ¿Cuál ha sido la respuesta de PPIL a la pandemia COVID-19? R. PPIL se toma muy en serio su responsabilidad con la seguridad del paciente y del personal durante esta pandemia en curso. Las precauciones de seguridad de PPIL incluyen: distanciamiento social en salas de espera, mejores prácticas de desinfección y limpieza, procedimientos para registrarse remotamente, políticas de enmascaramiento universales y mejores opciones de telesalud. PPIL continúa monitoreando y respondiendo a las pautas y mejores prácticas de los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades de EEUU y el Departamento de Salud de Illinois.

Q. What has PPIL’s response been to the COVID-19 Pandemic? A. PPIL takes its responsibility to patient and staff safety seriously during this ongoing pandemic. PPIL’s safety precautions include: social distancing in waiting rooms, enhanced disinfecting and cleaning practices, remote check-in procedures, universal masking policies, and enhanced telehealth options. PPIL continues to monitor and respond to guidelines and best practices from both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Illinois Department of Health.

Q. Can men use Planned ParentP. ¿Pueden los hombres usar los servicios hood’s services? A. Yes! PPIL provides services for men de Planned Parenthood? R. ¡Sí! PPIL brinda servicios para hom- including STI testing and treatment, vasecbres, incluyendo pruebas y tratamiento de ITS, tomies, HIV testing, and well visits. vasectomías, pruebas para detección de VIH y visitas de rutina.

| Español


I 17



| Español


Pistoletazo de salida para la campaña “Race to Zero” de las Naciones Unidas Carlos Morales Fronteras de la Notiica - EFEverde La campaña global “Race to Zero”, una iniciativa de las Naciones Unidas para promover que todos los países y empresas del mundo alcancen cuanto antes un nivel cero de emisiones de dióxido de carbono, arrancó el viernes 5 de Junio con ocasión del Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente. El proyecto está vinculado a la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático (COP26), que tendrá lugar en 2021 en Glasgow, Reino Unido, con un año de retraso sobre la fecha prevista inicialmente -noviembre de 2020- con motivo de las medidas de seguridad contra la COVID-19. Entre los participantes, la secretaria ejecutiva de la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre Cambio Climático, Patricia Espinosa, recalcó la importancia de aprovechar este momento, en el que muchos países sufren las consecuencias económicas de la crisis de coronavirus en sus territorios. “Aunque no fuimos advertidos de la COVID-19, hemos sido advertidos durante mucho tiempo del cambio climático”, recordó Espinosa, instando a la colaboración entre todos los sectores de la población para salir de esta crisis con una economía más verde. Esta situación, añadió la secretaria, también ha servido para demostrar “que las sociedades pueden, cuando es necesario, unirse para abordar los retos globales con respuestas atrevidas”, algo que solo es posible, añadió, a través de un “multilateralismo inclusivo”. En referencia al pacto europeo que promete acabar por completo con las emisiones de dióxido de carbono para 2050, Espinosa ha asegurado que es imposible llegar hasta 2050 “sin 2020”, por lo que esta campaña “no es para el futuro, sino para el presente”. También participó en el evento de inauguración la ministra de Medio Ambiente de Chile, Carolina Schmidt, que aseguró que uno de los puntos fuertes de esta campaña es “la inclusión del pilar social, que por primera vez sirve como ancla para todos nuestros compromisos climáticos”. La campaña “Race to Zero” está además respaldada por los dos “Campeones de Alto Nivel” de la 25ª y de la 26º Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Cambio Climático, respectivamente el chileno Gonzalo Muñoz y el británico Nigel Topping. Iberdrola o Nestlé son algunas de las empresas que ya han se han adherido a la campaña, que constituye la mayor alianza de compañías, inversores, ciudades y regiones creada hasta la fecha para este $n.


| Español


Ricky Martin asegura que su vida corre peligro en Estados Unidos

Carolina Pikacho, Fronteras de la Noticia - lasopa Ricky Martin externó su preocupación a raíz de los hechos racistas que se han desatado en Estados Unidos, tras el asesinato de George Floyd y dijo que teme por su vida porque es un blanco perfecto por sus preferencias sexuales y su origen latino. "Soy un hombre latino, homosexual, casado con un hombre árabe, viviendo en los Estados Unidos, o sea yo soy una amenaza para esta gente por donde lo veas”, comentó al conductor de radio y televisión Enrique Santos, a quien también compartió los te-

mores a los que se enfrenta día a día. "Vivo esto todos los días, no tan expuesto como todos porque vivo aislado, vivo en mi casa, soy tranquilo, voy de aquí (casa) al trabajo, del trabajo vuelvo a casa, del estudio mío a la casa, pero vivimos aquí, y escuchamos las historias, y sentimos… o sea agarrar el carro y cruzar el desierto y parar a tomar un café en un dinner puede ser peligroso, pero yo no crecí pensando que Estados Unidos es así… Estados Unidos es así ya, siempre ha estado así", compartió. También dijo que ahora es más fá-

El cantante compartió un profundo mensaje con el que alertó a sus seguidores. cil enterarse de lo que sucede porque ya se cuenta con la tecnología para compartirlo. "Ahora tenemos cámaras y lo vemos, ahora nosotros como ciudadanos prendemos el teléfono, grabamos la injusticia y por eso es que nos enojamos, porque ahora lo estamos viendo”, dijo. Finalmente, el boricua comentó que a sus hijos les inculca el amor en todos los aspectos y que para mantenerlos sanos mentalmente procura que no vean todos los disturbios que se están generando en el mundo.

I 19



| Español



Carlos Morales, Fronteras de la Noticia - sensacine “La vida es como una caja de chocolates”, decía Forrest Gump en esa famosa escena en la que comienza a contarnos toda su historia, pasando por ese momento en su infancia en el que le dijeron que no era exactamente brillante, su primer encuentro con Jenny, su gran habilidad para correr, que lo llevó a ser una estrella del fútbol en la universidad, y $nalmente, el exitoso negocio que creó en honor al gran amigo que perdió en la guerra. Forrest Gump, que, de acuerdo con la película, nació un 6 de junio de 1944, es una de las películas más icónicas en la historia del cine y su historia nunca deja de conmovernos (intenta no llorar en esa escena en la que Forrest y su hijo se sientan juntos a $losofar sobre lo más importante en la vida) y, aunque ese hombre amante del ping pong y los Nike Cortez no existe realmente, su historia está inspirada en personas e historias reales. La de Forrest (que corre por todo el mundo sin decir una sola palabra, y

hay un hombre real que intentó lo mismo) es una historia de un “rechazado” logrando cosas que el mundo le dijo que no podría lograr, con una versión del mundo narrada desde el punto de vista de una persona sin los peores vicios de la humanidad (como el cinismo y el pesimismo) que nos enseña que lo único imposible es lo que no nos atrevemos a intentar, y tiene su origen en unas cuantas personas que inspiraron a su creador y en un proyecto militar que existió realmente y que permitió que personas con algún tipo de discapacidad o problemas de aprendizaje fueran a la guerra de Vietnam. La película es una adaptación de la novela de Winston Groom que lleva el mismo nombre, quien usó fragmentos, detalles y partes de sus amigos de la infancia para contar la historia de este hombre que fue testigo de algunos de los momentos más relevantes de la historia. Principalmente, Groom creó a Forrest tomando la forma de hablar y los sueños de sus amigos de la infancia. La vida de Forrest está inspirada en parte en las conversaciones que un

hombre llamado Jimbo Meador y Groom solían tener. el acento de Meador se convirtió en la base de la forma de hablar del personaje. Según cuenta la historia, cuando estaba en su etapa inicial, la forma de hablar de Meador salió a relucir y el profesor de voz de Tom Hanks incluso viajó hasta Alabama para grabarlo para que el actor pudiera escuchar su voz, estudiarla e imitarla el acento para la película. Y la voz es solo uno de los detalles. El Forrest Gump fue tomado del general del Ejército Confederado de la Guerra de Secesión, Nathan Bedford Forrest y el personaje incluso dice en un punto del libro que Nathan es uno de sus ancestros. En cuanto a la película, el guionista Eric Roth se inspiró en un soldado real, en el sargento y héroe de guerra Sammy Davis (que no debes confundir con el legendario músico) para crear el acto más heroico de Forrest en la guerra. El 8 de noviembre de 1967, Davis, quedó convencido de que no podrían sobrevivir a un ataque, así que decidió salir y disparar a quemarropa a los soldados del Vietcong que avanzaba directamente a ellos. Un mortero estalló cerca y Davis cayó, pero se levantó y siguió disparando hasta que no quedaron soldados ene-

migos frente a él, después se dirigió al río, encontró a 3 soldados heridos y empezó a disparar de nuevo para poder cubrirlos y permitir que otros soldados se acercaran a recatarlos. Davis $nalmente recibió un disparo en la espalda, pero sobrevivió y, un año después, recibió una medalla de honor por parte del presidente Lyndon B Johnson y, al igual que con Forrest, esto fue transmitido por televisión. La última referencia fue descubierta por los fans de la película, quienes creen que Forrest Gump podría haber sido parte del llamado Proyecto 100.000, conocido también como McNamara's Folly, McNamara's Morons o McNamara's Mis$ts. Este controversial programa fue creado en los años 60 por el Departamento de Defensa de los Estados Unidos para reclutar soldados que, normalmente, no habrían logrado pasar los exámenes físicos y psicológicos que los soldados debían cumplir para formar parte del ejército. El programa fue impulsado por el secretario de defensa Robert McNamara y fue un intento por enviar más soldados a un frente muy necesitado de cuerpos, y terminó en 1971. De acuerdo con un fan Forrest tenía un coe$ciente intelectual muy bajo, lo que le habría impedido unirse al ejército en otras circunstancias, por lo que tendría sentido que fuera parte de este programa, aunque ni Roth ni el autor del libro han aceptado que esta teoría sea cierta.


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NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED ANNUAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGEOF INVERNESS BEFORE THE CORPORATE AUTHORITIES OF THE VILLAGE OF INVERNESS, ILLINOIS Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, July 14, 2020 at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the Village Board’s Regular Board Meeting agenda permits, a public hearing will be held by the President and the Board of Trustees of the Village of Inverness, at the Village of Inverness Village Hall, 1400 Baldwin Road, Inverness, Illinois, for the purpose of considering the proposed annual appropriation ordinance of the Village of Inverness for the fiscal year commencing May 1, 2020 and ending April 30, 2021. By direction of the President and Board of Trustees the proposed annual appropriation ordinance of the Village of Inverness shall be available for public inspection at the Village of Inverness Village Hall, at 1400 Baldwin Road, Inverness, Illinois, beginning Monday, June 15, 2020, during the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. All residents of the Village of Inverness and other interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing and will be given an opportunity and shall have the right to submit oral or written comments and suggestions and participate at that time. The Village of Inverness is subject to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Individuals with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who require certain accommodations in order to allow them to observe and/or participate in this meeting, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of the meeting or the Village's facilities, are requested to contact the Village at (847) 358-7740 promptly to allow the Village to make reasonable accommodations for those persons. /s/ Sam Trakas Village Administrator Village of Inverness Published in Daily Herald June 12, 2020 (4546282)

VILLAGE OF ELK GROVE VILLAGE LEGAL NOTICE - PC DOCKET #20-5 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on Monday, June 29, 2020 at the hour of 7:30 p.m. at the Charles J. Zettek Municipa l Building, 901 Wellington Avenue, Elk Grove Village, Illinois, the Plan Commission of the Village, acting as a Zoning Commission, will conduct a public hearing to consider the annexation and rezoning petitions submitted by McDonald’s Corporation (owner of record). The petitioner is seeking annexation to the Village and rezoning the property from I-1 Restricted Industrial District to B-3 Business District (Automotive) for the operation of a McDonald’s drive-through restaurant. The property is located in unincorporated Cook County at 1910-1912 E. Higgins Road and legally described as follows: 1910-1912 E. Higgins Road, PIN #08-26-101-007-0000, 08-26-101-011-0000, 08-26-101-015-0000 THAT PART OF THE WEST HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 11 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT A POINT ON THE CENTER LINE OF HIGGINS ROAD AS IMPROVED AND OCCUPIED, 615.14 FEET SOUTHEASTERLY OF ITS INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 26 AFORESAID; THENCE NORTH 48°12’12” EAST (ASSUMED) AT RIGHT ANGLES TO THE SAID CENTER LINE 50.00 FEET TO THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID HIGGINS ROAD AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 48°12’12” EAST 222.28 FEET; THENCE NORTH 37°24’04” WEST 33.70 FEET; THENCE NORTH 48°16’51” EAST 20.83 FEET, MORE OR LESS TO A LINE 82.50 FEET SOUTHWESTERLY OF AND PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF THE PROPERTY ACQUIRED BY THE ILLINOIS STATE TOLL HIGHWAY COMMISSION BY DEED DATED OCTOBER 31, 1956 AND RECORDED NOVEMBER 9, 1956 AS DOCUMENT 16750861, BEING ALSO THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF THE PROPERTY CONVEYED TO THE NORTHERN ILLINOIS GAS COMPANY BY DEED DATED NOVEMBER 10, 1958 AND RECORDED DECEMBER 18, 1958 AS DOCUMENT NUMBER 17408538; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE 102.80 FEET, SAID PARALLEL LINE BEING THE ARC OF A CIRCLE, CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY, HAVING A RADIUS OF 3072.29 FEET AND A CHORD WHICH BEARS NORTH 45°57'33" WEST 102.80 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE NORTH 39°02'46" WEST 161.97 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF OAKTON STREET PER DOCUMENT #9967969 RECORDED MARCH 27, 1928; THENCE SOUTH 88°38'48" WEST ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE 121.59 FEET TO A POINT ON A LINE DRAWN PERPENDICULAR TO THE NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 26, THROUGH A POINT 310.00 FEET EAST OF ITS INTERSECTION WITH THE CENTER LINE OF HIGGINS ROAD AFORESAID; THENCE SOUTH 01°21'12" EAST ALONG SAID PERPENDICULAR LINE 58.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 21°52'39" WEST 64.43 FEET TO A POINT ON A LINE DRAWN PERPENDICULAR TO THE CENTER LINE OF HIGGINS ROAD THROUGH A POINT 312.00 FEET SOUTHEASTERLY OF ITS INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 26 AFORESAID; THENCE SOUTH 48°12'12" WEST ALONG SAID PERPENDICULAR LINE 58.00 FEET TO THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF HIGGINS ROAD; THENCE SOUTH 41°47'48" EAST ALONG SAID NORTHEASTERLY LINE 303.14 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. CONTAINING 78,579 SQUARE FEET OR 1.80 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. All persons interested are invited to attend and will be given the opportunity to be heard. This hearing will be accessible to individuals with disabilities. Persons requiring accommodations are requested to contact the Village Clerk at (847) 357-4040, preferably no later than five days before the hearing. John R. Glass, Plan Commission Chairman Published in Daily Herald June 12, 2020 (4546304)

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING VARIANCE HEARING FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 853 CAMBRIDGE DRIVE GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held at 6:15 p.m. or as soon thereafter as can be reached on the Agenda on Monday, June 29, 2020 at the Grayslake Village Hall, 10 S. Seymour Avenue, Grayslake, Illinois or virtually by the Plan Commission/Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Grayslake, for the purpose of considering granting a variance from the Grayslake Zoning Ordinance, being Ordinance No. 77-0-26, as amended to allow a side yard of 10 feet rather than 21 feet as otherwise required. The parcel is legally described as Lot 711 in College Trail, Unit 7 being a subdivision of parts of the west half of the northwest quarter of Section 25 and of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter Section 24 both in Township 45 North, Range 10, East of the Third Principal Meridian according to the Plat thereof recorded October 27, 1992 as Document No. 3232390 in PUBLIC NOTICE: Lake County, Illinois. CRAN_RCHI_ARNPV_037 The petitioner is Jeannie (FA # 14354684) Reed, owner of the property. AT&T Mobility, LLC is The petition for variance is proposing to collocate on file at the Village Hall, 10 antennas on a 37-ft building South Seymour Avenue, at 152 South York Street, Grayslake, Illinois and Elmhurst, DuPage County, available for public inspecIL. Public comments tion during regular business regarding the potential hours. effects from this site on All interested parties are inhistoric properties may be vited to attend and will be submitted within 30-days given an opportunity to be from the date of this heard. publication to: Amanda Dated: Sabol – CBRE, 70 West Red Karl Molek, Chairman Oak Lane, White Plains, NY Plan Commission/ 10604, whiteplainscultural Zoning Board of Appeals or Grayslake, Illinois (914) 694-9600. Published in Daily Herald Published in Daily Herald June 12, 2020 (4546319) June 12, 2020 (4546329) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NORTH DUPAGE SPECIAL EDUCATION COOPERATIVE FISCAL YEAR 2021 BUDGET Notice is hereby given by the Operational Board of the North DuPage Special Education Cooperative (NDSEC) in the County of DuPage, State of Illinois, that the tentative budget for Fiscal Year 2021 for said Cooperative beginning July 1, 2020, will be on file and conveniently available for public inspection at the NDSEC Administrative Office, 132 E. Pine Ave., Roselle, Illinois, 60172 from and after 8:00 a.m. on the day of June 9, 2020, during normal office hours at the above address. A public hearing will be held and final action taken on said budget on August 10, 2020, at the NDSEC Administrative Office, 132 E. Pine Ave., Roselle, Illinois, 60172 at 3:00 p.m. in the conference room. BY: Susan Steele NDSEC Operational Board Secretary Published in Daily Herald June 12, 2020 (4546308)

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING VILLAGE OF VOLO ANNUAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Volo, Lake County, Illinois will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, June 23, 2020 at 6:55 p.m. or as soon as the matter is reached on the agenda at the Volo Village Hall, 500 S. Fish Lake Road, Volo, Illinois, 60073 on the proposed Annual Appropriation Ordinance of the Village of Volo for the fiscal year May 1, 2020 through April 30, 2021. Copies of the proposed Annual Appropriation Ordinance are available for public inspection between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, at the Volo Village Hall, 500 S. Fish Lake Road, Volo, Illinois, 60073. All interested parties are invited to attend and will be given an opportunity to be heard. Bonnie J. Rydberg, Village Clerk, Village of Volo Published in Daily Herald June 12, 2020 (4546334)

PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE & INVITATION FOR COMMENT 5-YEAR CAPITAL FUND ACTION PLAN NOTICE 2020-2024 LAKE COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY PURSUANT TO EXECUTIVE ORDER 2020-07 SIGNED BY GOVERNOR PRITZKER AND GUIDANCE PROVIDED BY LEGAL COUNSEL, THE LAKE COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY MAY CONDUCT ALL OR PORTIONS OF THIS PUBLIC HEARING BY USE OF TELEPHONIC OR ELECTRONIC MEANS WITHOUT ALLOWING A PHYSICAL PRESENCE. PUBLIC ACCESS TO THIS MEETING IS AVAILABLE AS FOLLOWS: Public Hearing Conference Line Information: (832) 831-2424 Conference PIN: 187623 The Lake County Housing Authority will be conducting a Public Hearing and Adoption for its 2020-2024 Year Capital Fund Program Action Plan on Friday, July 10th, 2020 at 10:00 AM. Due to the COVID-19 virus, this Public Hearing will be on a conference line with the details below. The 5-Year Action Plan is available for public inspection and comment on our website: If you would like a copy of the 5-Year Action Plan emailed to you, please contact LCHA at PublicComment@lakecountyha. org or leave a voicemail at (847) 223-1170 x 2320. Lake County Housing Authority will accept comments in writing during the public comment period between now and Friday, July 10th 2020. Written comments should be submitted to Capital Fund Program Comments at Public or dropped off using a drop box at the LCHA Main office: 33928, N US Highway 45, Grayslake, IL 60030. Public Hearing Conference Line Information: (832) 831-2424 Conference PIN: 187623 Published in Daily Herald 5/29, 6/12, 6/26, 7/2, 2020 (4545619)


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¡Fantástico! Tome el autobús Pace Express en el nuevo carril flexible del I-90

FROM TRAFFIC TO TERIFFIC, Take the Pace Express bus in the new I-90 Flex Lane

Cuando tienes un carril propio, hay menos paradas y más idas. El autobús Pace Express I-90 viaja en un carril exclusivo, sin trafico conectando comunidades sobre el corredor I-90. Con conexión Wi-Fi gratuita, puertos de carga USB integrados, y estacionamiento gratis en las estaciones Pace park-n-ride a lo largo del camino. Para obtener información completa sobre el horario y ubicación, llame al, 847-228-3575 o visite

When you’ve got a lane of your own, there’s less stop and more go.The Pace I-90 Express bus travels in a dedicated, traffic-free lane connecting communities along the I-90 corridor. With free Wi-Fi, on-board USB charging ports, and free parking at Pace park-n-ride locations along the way. For complete schedule and location information, call 847-364-PACE or visit

©2017 Pace

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Mas que comunidad, somos familia. Cuando salimos fuera de casa, nos protegemos usando mascarillas. #YoProtejoAMiFamilia

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