For meetings only. Seats 16 – 20 comfortably
During business hours (8 am – 5 pm)
• Member- Free
• Non-Member $150/1st hour. $50/hour after
• Non-Member, Not-for-Profit: $25/hour
After Hours (5 pm – 9 pm)
• Member - $25 per hour
• Non-Member – Not Available
• Non-Member, Not-for-Profit: $50 per hour
Accommodates up to 100 people
During business hours (8 am – 5 pm)
Members (add $25/hour for after hour events)
• Meeting only (individual or group, no food or beverages served: Free
• Self-Service reception or party (provide own alcoholic beverages): $50 per hour
• Hosted beer & wine reception or party (beer & wine provided by Association): $250/ 1st hour, $50/hour after
Non-Members: (add $50/hour for after hour events)
• Meeting only (individual or group, no food or beverages served): $50 per hour
• Self-Service reception or party (provide own alcoholic beverages and food): $300/ 1st hour, $50/hour after
• Hosted beer & wine reception or party – Not Available
Non-Member, Not-for-Profit: (add $25/hour for after hour events)
• Meeting only (individual or group, no food or beverages served): $25 per hour
• Self-Service reception or party (provide own alcoholic beverages and food): $150/1st hour, $25/hour after
• Hosted beer & wine reception or party – Not Available
Association Committee Meetings (Conference Room or Member Center)
Without beer & Wine - Free
With Hosted Beer & Wine - $150 flat fee (for 5 – 15 people), $200 (over 15 people)
Room rentals are based on availability. Rentals include use of A/V already in room (phone, TV, Speaker. WIFI).
All rentals include free parking in our large, well-lit, 45 vehicle parking lot adjacent to the LCBA building.
Jeffrey A. Berman,Co-Editor
Hon. Charles D. Johnson,Co-Editor
Jennifer C. Beeler
Kevin Berrill
Hon. Bolling W. Haxall
Hon. Daniel L. Jasica
Hon. Christopher M. Kennedy
Jennifer Luczkowiak
Kevin K. McCormick
Shyama Parikh
Stephen J. Rice
Neal A. Simon
Hon. James K. Simonian
Rebecca J. Whitcombe
Alex Zagor STAFF
Greg Weider Executive Director
Jose Gonzalez
Assistant Executive Director
Nancy Rodriguez Receptionist
Summer is almost here and with the change in seasons comes the seasonal shifts at the courthouse and inside law firms. Every year new faces converge on the legal scene as law students seeking practical experience often secure internships or clerkships during the summer in the hope of exposure and new opportunities. Most importantly the warmer weather presents endless opportunities to gather outside for charitable activities and social functions. As we look ahead it is important to recognize the successes of the first quarter of the year, including the tremendous success of the 2024 Gridiron—thank you so much Stella Day and Craig Mandel—and the rocking spring seminars!
Danny Hodgkinson
Kevin Berrill
Jeffrey Berman Secretary
Tara Devine Immediate Past President
Hon. Jacquelyn Melius
Craig Mandell
Sarah Raisch
Jeffrey O’Kelly
Jeremy Harter
Judy Maldonado
Hon. Bolling Haxall
Much like law firms and government entities, the Lake County Bar Association uses the summer to serve as a pipeline for recruiting talent and nurturing future leaders into our association. So please encourage your summer associates and interns to attend “mandatory” fun at an LCBA outing! The
2024 Family Law Seminar
April 11- April 13, 2024
Napa, California
The Meritage Resort & Spa
Thursday, April 11, 2024 - Welcome Reception
Friday, April 12, 2024 - 4 hours of CLE & Activity
Saturday, April 13, 2024 - 4 Hours of CLE & Departure
More information coming soon
$399 LCBA Member
Hard to believe another LCBA Gridiron has come and gone. Those who did not see it this year missed a great show of music, humor, and all-around talent. The Gridiron is a terrific way our Bar Association both showcases the many diverse talents of our Bar’s members, and pokes fun at us to help bring us all back down to earth. Well done, Gridiron team.
With the Gridiron behind us we turn expectantly toward spring. As my friend Don Morrison likes to remind me, spring is the season of pocket parts. For those who do not know what pocket parts were (do they still exist?), they came out every year to supplement the books we used to discover and research the law. For those who never used books for legal research, just take my word for it.
More importantly, spring is when our circuit court is thrilled to confer its Liberty Bell Awards at the April LCBA luncheon. The Liberty Bell Award honors individuals and organizations for outstanding service and dedication to the administration of justice. Over the years, many members of the LCBA have been proud recipients of the Liberty Bell Award. I hope to see you at the April meeting to honor this year’s recipients.
You may have noticed that the courts slowed down one week in February, and again another week in April. This is because judges and justice partners attend the biennial Judicial Education Conference. Lawyers, of course, have MCLE requirements. Judges and many justice partners have other continuing education
requirements (if you were wondering, judges do not receive MCLE credit for participating in attorney continuing education programs—we come because we like hanging out with you!). This week-long education conference, mandated by the Illinois Supreme Court and produced by the Illinois Judicial College, provides robust professional education and development for judges, trial court administrators, circuit court clerks, probation officers, pretrial supervision officers, guardians ad litem, court interpreters, court reporters, and a bevy of other judicial branch professionals. It’s a long but fulfilling week.
If you are in the courthouse on April 26, don’t be surprised to see the median age in the hallways precipitously drop—April 26 is bring-your-child-towork day, and we are proud
to show off the courthouse to our children and grandchildren.
The end of April also means we are preparing for Law Day (really, those preparations begin months in advance). This year, we will celebrate Law Day on Friday, May 3.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower established Law Day in 1958 as a day of national dedication to the principles of government under law. The national 2024 Law Day theme “Voices of Democracy” recognizes that in democracies, the people rule. For nearly 250 years, Americans have expressed their political views and wishes by speaking their minds and voting in elections. This year, the United States will hold its 60th presidential election, and Americans will address fundamental questions about democracy and the rule of law.
The “Voices of Democracy” Law Day theme encourages Americans to deepen their understanding of the electoral process, discuss issues in honest and civil ways, turn out to vote, and help move the county forward after free and fair elections. In this way, Americans ensure that our government remains responsive to the wishes of the people. In Lake County, we have various age-appropriate activities to engage kindergarten through high school students in these principles.
On the business side of running your courthouse, you may be aware that our Executive Director, Todd Schroeder, retired at the end of January. I am excited that our new Executive Director will be starting at the end of April. More on that to come.
These are just some of the things happening at your courthouse. Looking forward to catching up more next month.
Glen Flora Country Club
As the authors expressed in an essay titled “Lawyers as Professionals and Citizens,” lawyers have a critical, ethical responsibility to provide services “in the public interest” and in furtherance of a “safe, fair and just society.” In a nutshell, that is the principal mission of your Lake County Bar Foundation.
The Lake County Bar Foundation is committed to continuing its support for worthy organizations and noble causes. And, of course, there always is more that can be done. With your support, we will be able to achieve that goal.
You can help by contributing time to support the Foundation. Please consider volunteering to serve on the Board or a Committee, or just participate in the Foundation’s philanthropic efforts. And, of course, please attend and support the Foundation’s events. Any comments or suggestions you have to help us further our goals are welcome.
Thank you for your continued support; it will help advance the Lake County Bar Foundation’s philanthropic efforts, and will be greatly appreciated.
MARCH 8–9, 2024
We’ve got you covered. ISBA Mutual is an Illinoisonly insurance company specializing in insuring solo practitioners and small firms.
Options for limits of liability and deductibles to fit your needs, to protect your firm, and to protect your clients
Valuable information and resources to help you manage your practice
Both online and in-person events
Whether you have a potential liability issue, need advice on managing your practice, or an ethical question…we are here to help
Like you, we deal directly with clients, not agents or brokers. Contact us and talk with a decision-maker.
March 19, 2024
Terry Smythe and Jerry Lee have been practicing law together since 1975. They own two buildings, 207 and 211 N. Martin Luther King Jr. Ave., Waukegan, just a block from the Lake County Courthouse. There is a fourteen car parking lot, so off-street parking is not a problem. This could be an ideal office location for a court-oriented law practice.
The 207 building has two offices, a spacious work area, a restroom, and a small kitchenette on the first floor. There is also a spacious office/conference room on the second floor, a work area, and a restroom. The 211 building is a newer building and has three spacious conference rooms, a waiting area, a work area, and two restrooms. There is also a spacious full basement with lots of room for storage. The buildings are linked by a common porch/deck.
We will consider selling the buildings together or separately
Contact Terry Smythe at (224)-369-3370 or Jerry Lee at (847) 404-6325.
Thursday, February 15, 2024
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Lake County Bar Association held in the Executive Conference Room of the Lake County Bar Association, 300-A
Katharine Hatch
Daniel Hodgkinson
First Vice President
Kevin Berrill
Second Vice President
Richard Gellersted
Jeffrey Berman
Tara Devin
Immediate Past President
Craig Mandell
Jeremy Harter
Jeffrey O’Kelley
Sarah Raisch
Judy Maldonado
Hon. Bolling Haxall
Greg Weider
Executive Director
Grand Avenue, Waukegan, Illinois, on Thursday, February 15, 2024.
President Hatch called the meeting to order at 12:11 p.m.
Roll call indicated a quorum was established, with the following individuals present in person: Katharine Hatch, President; Daniel Hodgkinson, First Vice President; Kevin Berrill, Second Vice President; Richard Gellersted, Treasurer; Tara Devine, Immediate Past President; Jeffrey O’Kelley, Director; Hon. Bolling Haxall, Director; Craig Mandell, Director; Sarah Raisch, Director; Judy Maldonado, Director;
Jeremy Harter, Director; and Greg Weider, Executive Director. The following individuals participated by Zoom videoconference: Jeffrey Berman, Secretary.
• Consent Agenda Items
January 18, 2024
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
The Draft minutes from the January 18, 2024, meeting of the Board of Directors was included in the agenda packet. There were no requests for other additions, corrections, or changes to the draft minutes.
New Members and Membership Report
The Membership Report as of February 12, 2024, and New Members Report as of February 12, 2024, was included in the agenda packet.
A motion was made and seconded to approve the Consent Agenda. Upon unanimous voice vote, the motion was declared carried. The Consent Agenda is approved.
• Treasurer’s Report
The January 2024 Financial Report and supporting materials were
included in the agenda packet. Treasurer Gellersted made a presentation regarding the January 2024 Financial Report. Discussion followed. A motion was made and seconded to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Upon unanimous voice vote, the motion was declared carried. The Treasurer’s Report is approved.
• LCBA Board Slate 2024-25
President Hatch and Executive Director Weider made a presentation concerning the LCBA Board Slate for 2024-25. The following individuals are nominated: Second Vice President, Craig Mandell; Treasurer, Jeffrey Berman; Secretary, Jeff O’Kelley; Director, three year term, Karen Levi; Director, three year term, Jennifer Ashley; and Director, two year term, Caryn Barone. Discussion followed.
• Gideon & Justice Jackson Award Nominations
President Hatch and Executive Director Weider made a presentation concerning the Gideon & Justice Jackson Award Nominations. Discussion followed.
• Event Consolidation
• Courthouse Café Closing
President Hatch and Executive Director Weider made a presentation concerning the closing of the courthouse café. Discussion followed.
President Hatch and Executive Director Weider made a presentation concerning event planning and possible consolidation. Discussion followed.
• Committee Liaison Reports
Board members provided Committee updates.
• Executive Director Report
Executive Director
Weider presented his Executive Director Report for February, including an update on the website, CLE opportunities, committee
attendance, upcoming scheduled events, and staff job descriptions.
A motion was made to adjourn. Upon unanimous voice vote, the motion was declared carried. The meeting concluded at 12:49 p.m. The next Board of Directors Meeting is scheduled to take place on Thursday, March 21, 2024.
The LCBA Lawyer Referral Service (LRS) is a valuable member benefit as well as a public service. LRS provides member attorneys with an opportunity to build business through client referrals. The service benefits the public by helping callers quickly find an attorney in the area of law in which they need help.
The LRS program is designed to assist persons who are able to pay normal attorney fees but whose ability to locate legal representation is frustrated by a lack of experience with the legal system, a lack of information about the type of services needed, or a fear of the potential costs of seeing a lawyer.
Cost is only $200 annually for a Standard listing or $350 for a Premium listing. Download the application at www.lakebar. org/page/LRS or contact the LCBA office for more information.
• RSVP to a meeting at www.lakebar.org.
• Meetings subject to change. Please check your weekly e-news, the on-line calendar at www.lakebar.org or call the LCBA Office @ (847) 244-3143.
• Please feel free to bring your lunch to the LCBA office for any noon meetings. Food and beverages at restaurants are purchased on a individual basis.
Your $500 sponsorship includes: • Recognition in advertising before the event and on signage at the event • Reception from 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. • Complimentary beer and wine. Upgrades available for additional fee. LCBA Member Receptions will generally be held on the 4th Thursday of every month. Contact Jose at jose@lakebar.org to add your name to a reception.