It’s All About Jobs & Paychecks
2019 IMPROVED EDUCATION TX-BAY-CW-18 Design.indd 1
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Wel come
This is a Town Square Publication created and produced for the BAY CITY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & AGRICULTURE 201 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 Phone: (979) 245-8333 (979) 245-1622
Ba y Ci ty Chambe r Ba y Ci ty : W he r e A l l t he P i ec es Come Toget h er A P l ace I n H i st or y Na t u r al l y A ppe al i ng
Copyright© 2018 TOWN SQUARE PUBLICATIONS 155 E. Algonquin Rd. Arlington Heights, IL 60005
S h oppe r ’s Par adi se Fo o d & F un E d ucati onal Ex ce l l e nce M a tagor da R e gi onal M e di c a l Cen t er M embe r s – A l phabe ti cal M embe r s B y Cat e gor y
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this publication. The Chamber and Town Square assume no responsibility for misinformation. Please contact the Chamber with any additions or corrections. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission of the Chamber and Town Square is prohibited.
Chairman, CEO and Publisher | Douglas K. Ray
A d v e r t i se r I nde x
President and Chief Operating Officer | Scott Stone Vice President / Director Scott Ray Production Manager Joseph Nugara Editor
Gail Gaboda
Client Liaison / Content Coordinator | Stefanie Nugara Graphic Designer Carrie Dockendorff Lead Sales Coordinator Tiffany Hogan Directory Coordinator Michael Sumrak Acquisition Manager Al Zahringer Advertising Sales Alan Flinton
Buying A Home Just Got Easier
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A Partnership Built on Local Commitment Tenaris is committed to the communities where we operate worldwide, and Matagorda County is no exception. We understand that people – both our employees and members of our community – are our strongest asset. With TenarisBayCity at the heart of our US operations, we aim to work alongside them with a shared focus to leave a lasting impact.
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Welcome Welcome Welcome To This Publication
Chamber, Palacios Chamber and the Sargent Area Chamber. We are able to partner for the benefit of the entire county. We are able to help sell events and festivals. It is important that we keep current on what is happening in every corner of our county. We enjoy working together to promote the treasures in Matagorda County. We value your support and membership in our Chamber. We know you have a choice. Every day we want to earn your respect. We want to grow this community. Communication is the key; we need to hear from you.
What does the Bay City Area Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture do? Good question ... the short answer is we are a catalyst for positive growth in our county. Our job is to see the vision, plan for the future and effectively communicate to the public. It’s easy – together we grow Bay City! The more investment dollars we have, the more we can do for Bay City. Our track record proves we are worth your investment. Members, please tell our story to your friends and neighbors. We are proud to work closely with our neighboring chambers. We communicate often with the Matagorda Area
To Bay City
Mitch Thames, President and CEO Bay City Area Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture
On behalf of the Bay City community, we would like to extend a warm welcome. All of the leaders in Bay City are here because we want to make a difference in people’s lives. This year has seen several important milestones in our growth, with some significant projects being completed, new ones undertaken and a variety of changes within Bay City itself. As mayor of Bay City, I will help fulfill the need for fresh thinking, full participation from all parts of the community and new partnerships. I believe you will find that the programs and activities of the Bay City Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture and City of Bay City are innovative and a reflection of the shared interests and needs of members and residents. There are a multitude of opportunities for becoming involved in the Bay City Chamber of Commerce as a volunteer or leader, and we hope that you will encourage your employees to take an active interest in the Bay City Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture and its various committees.
To Matagorda County
Let me be the first to welcome you to Matagorda County, and please know that we are happy to have you visit. We are a friendly and genuine people, so I know that I speak for all of our citizens in thanking you for taking in the treasures of our county. Along with our natural features, such as the beaches, fishing and birding, we continue to add partners for your enjoyment and opportunities for our citizens. In this year so far, we have added new restaurants, entertainment venues, medical services and a leading international manufacturer to our offerings, and there are many more in the pipeline headed to Matagorda County. We know that you may have questions as you travel in Matagorda County. To that end, you can be sure that our friendly, service oriented staff at the Bay City Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture will be ready to assist. So, if you need printed information or merely a question answered, please visit our Chamber team, located in the Bay City Civic Center. Finally, we hope you enjoy your stay, and we look forward to your return ... again and again!
Mark Bricker, Mayor City of Bay City
Nate McDonald, County Judge Matagorda County
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STP is proud to be a part of this community. As we celebrate our 30th anniversary of commercial operation, we want to express our gratitude for the support we have received from Bay City businesses and organizations throughout the years. It has been our honor to call Matagorda County our home, and we are dedicated to making the people of this community proud through our unrelenting dedication to excellence and our continuing community support and partnership.
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Bay City Chamber Our Mission
The mission of the Bay City Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture is to promote and advance the interests of the Bay City business and agricultural communities. These goals are accomplished by encouraging growth of existing businesses and industries, providing assistance to new firms or individuals seeking to locate in Bay City, and advocating legislative and political actions beneficial to the business or general community. The Chamber also supports and encourages those cultural and civic activities that improve or expand the quality of life in Bay City.
The purpose of the agriculture and aquaculture committee of the chamber is to focus on businesses pertaining to agriculture, improve their sustainability and increase their customer base. We educate them on how to improve their operation so they can reach more people through networking and helping each other. Our mission is to attract more agriculture and aquaculture businesses to the chamber, let them know they matter and give them a voice.
Chamber Ambassadors
Ambassadors are the face of the Chamber. These dedicated members further our community based business, assist with chamber events, participate in ribbon cuttings and welcome new members to the chamber. They also help recruit new members to the Chamber and promote upcoming Chamber events by encouraging members to attend and network. To become an ambassador, contact the Chamber for more information.
Educational Activities
The educational committee assists our local teachers, students and schools as they prepare for the future. This committee supports education by raising funds for scholarships, recognizing achievements and awarding students for making the honor roll. We also honor Educator of the Year and Student of the Year at our annual Chamber banquet where they are presented with plaques and scholarships and recognized for outstanding leadership and academic achievements. The health care committee advocates a higher quality of health care providers and encourages communication between businesses and the health care communities. We seek to improve public awareness and access to the health care resources and individual wellness in our community.
Hispanic Committee
The Hispanic committee strives to identify needs of Hispanic business owners and ensure they are being met. We strive to educate and support business owners, giving them help to develop and promote their companies to create better growth and income.
Mid Coast Educational Industry Alliance
The alliance serves as the link between the business community and supporting quality education to our students. In addition, the alliance works to provide a well-trained work force in the Bay City and Matagorda County area.
Transportation Planning Organization
The transportation planning organization analyzes issues and advocates for infrastructure policies and projects that make efficient
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Why should you join the Bay City Chamber? Exposure for your business. Two free email blasts to membership within your first year
of membership.
Involvement opportunities including various active committees. Promotion for your business through the Chamber’s Business
Directory, website, newsletter and direct referrals.
Participation in seminars and workshops. Networking with other members at Chamber functions such
Health Care Committee
use of each dollar spent on transportation. With transportation being a key factor to our area of trade, the committee works to promote new and expanded transportation as part of economic development. This committee works to keep communication open between businesses, industries, TXDOT, the City of Bay City and Matagorda County officials. Contact the Chamber for information on when and where our committees meet.
as monthly mixers, committee meetings and community and special events.
Opportunities to purchase mailing lists or labels for your
company mailings.
Grand opening and ribbon cutting ceremonies for your new
businesses or relocations.
Opportunities to display your promotional materials in the
Chamber lobby.
Opportunities to participate in business-related projects, such
as the Industrial Trade Show and Purchasing Agents Seminar.
Membership plaque identifying you as a recommended business. Email updates from the Chamber on the latest breaking news
concerning the county, and upcoming networking and workshop opportunities.
When dealing with the public, Chamber members are always
recommended first.
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2019 Officers Chairman of the Board Heather Hilliard Health Food Cottage Chairman Elect Fred Gaytan OXEA Corporation Treasurer Aaron Fox Matagorda Medical Group Immediate Past Chair Al Capristo STP Nuclear Operating Company
2019 Board of Directors Charles Brookhouser First State Bank Jim Coleman Jackson Electric Cooperative Eric Frankson Ward Real Estate Lane Hollister Hollister Insurors Imelda Howard Sugar Valley RV Resort
Donna Huitt Matagorda Episcopal Health Outreach Program
Mike Ferdinand, Executive Director Matagorda County Economic Development Corporation
Robert Knox State Farm Insurance
Jessica Russell, Executive Director Bay City Community Development Corporation
Dianna Kile Lopez Independent Contractor Mike Meyers Jackson Electric Cooperative Troy Nugent Tenaris Bay City Karen Restivo Serenity Matagorda Isle James Scardami Jr. Edward Jones Dr. Marshall Scott, III Bay City Independent School District Anthony Wood LyondellBasell
Ex-Officio Members Nate McDonald, Judge Matagorda County Mark Bricker, Mayor City of Bay City
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Bob Klepac, President Bay City Independent School District Board of Directors
Chamber Staff President & CEO Mitch Thames, IOM Vice President Irene Bishop, IOM
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Bay City Chamber
Where All The Pieces Come Together Finding the right place to live and do business is a puzzle that can be a challenge to put together. Everyone seems to be looking for a community where families thrive in a safe and healthy environment, where work is meaningful and leisure time is fulfilling. A place where neighbors care about each other and take pride in the place they call home. A town that values its past yet plans for its future. A community where the benefits of small-town living are balanced with big-city conveniences. Most folks find only a few of these quality of life pieces in one place – and decide to make do with an incomplete picture. In Bay City however, everything comes together to create the ideal location to live, work and play.
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A Place In History
Photo courtesy of
Photo courtesy of
To find out how Bay City became such a livable community, take a trip back in time to its founding in 1894 by visiting the Matagorda County Museum and Children’s Museum. Here history comes alive in exhibits that include artifacts from the Karankawa Indians (the area’s native inhabitants), a cannon from 17th-century French explorer LaSalle’s ship La Belle and Stephen Austin’s colonization of the area. The Children’s Museum is a recreation of an early 20th-century Texas town where kids can “shop” at an old-fashioned general store, dress up in period costume and interact with the past in other entertaining and educational ways. Visitors to the museum learn that Bay City is actually named for its location on Bay Prairie, between the bottomlands of the Colorado River and Caney Creek. It was established when Matagorda County citizens voted to move the county seat from the little town of Matagorda to Bay City – even though Bay City did not actually exist yet. Betting that an area about 25 miles inland from the Gulf would make a better setting for the county seat, a group of developers had purchased 650 acres and set aside one square mile for the town site. Once the voters decided to move the county seat, the group began selling lots and promoting the town. It didn’t take long to attract people who wanted to live in the new county seat and do business here. Soon Bay City was bustling with residents and retail, manufacturing and service businesses. Bay City Rice Mills built its rice warehouse in 1901 and the next year opened the town’s first mill. Rice is still the top crop in the county today. Other businesses at that time included groceries, feed and farm implement stores, butcher and barber shops, confectioneries and drug and dry goods stores. There was also a brick-making plant, broom factory, cotton gin and lumberyard. In 1901 the railroad reached Bay City, adding to the economic boom. In fact, by 1914, just 20 years after it was founded, Bay City had 3,156 residents enjoying the good life in a thriving community at the center of the largest rice producing area in the nation. Bay City had newspapers, churches, schools, banks, a public library and a municipal waterworks. The town attracted dentists, doctors, bankers, lawyers and other professionals. Bay City continued to grow steadily through the first half of the 20th century. The 1960s and 1970s brought an airport to the area, and the man-made port of Bay City was completed. New technologies brought new industries including the Celanese Chemical Company, the South Texas Project and Occidental Chemical Company. The 1980s and 1990s were also a time of growth and the city now covered more than 6 square miles. By 2000, Bay City’s population was 18,667 with 890 businesses. That growth continues at a steady pace today. A much older piece of Bay City’s history is explored at the Matagorda County Museum in exhibits about LaSalle’s expedition to the area over
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300 years ago. A fleet of four small ships under the leadership of Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle, set out from France with 300 colonists in 1684. Their goal was the mouth of the Mississippi River where their settlement would strengthen France’s claim to western North America. Bad luck haunted the expedition from the start. Even before reaching America, pirates took one ship. The other three ships continued on – but landed on the Texas Gulf Coast several hundred miles west of the Mississippi. La Salle lost a second ship when it ran aground in the shallow Gulf waters. With it sank supplies needed by the colonists to survive. Some colonists rebelled and returned to France on a remaining ship, leaving 180 colonists to explore the wild Texas coast in a single vessel, the La Belle. Early in 1686, La Belle sank in Matagorda Bay. Then La Salle was murdered by his own men near present-day Navasota, Texas. Fast forward 300 years to 1995, when a diver from the Texas Historical Commission discovered a bronze cannon on the floor of Matagorda Bay. More divers were brought in and they found the remains of La Belle. The discovery made international headlines, and the historical commission embarked on a massive operation to recover the oldest French shipwreck in the western hemisphere. The story continues today at the Matagorda County Museum where artifacts from the wreck are on display, along with a diorama of a portion of the ship, showing it under excavation from the bottom of the sea. Along with its historical exhibits, the county museum features paintings by Bay City’s most famous artist, Forrest Bess (1911-1977). Bess was a contemporary of the renowned abstract artist Jackson Pollack and exhibited at the same New York City gallery in the 1950s. Many art critics think Bess might have become as famous as Pollack had not mental illness taken its toll and forced him to return to Bay City, where he lived and worked in seclusion until his death. Today, an authentic Bess painting can sell for five figures and his works continue to rise in value. Bess made national news a few years ago when the Matagorda County Museum decided to have an auction on eBay of a group of paintings that may have been created by the artist. The operative word is “may,” because the paintings came to the museum from a collector known to deal in forgeries, and no one could authenticate the paintings. Real or not, the paintings offered on eBay sold out, and the auction was written about in the Los Angeles Times, Texas Highways and Art & Antiques.
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Naturally Appealing You will also find a wealth of natural beauty and outdoor activities in Bay City. The Colorado River flows through Bay City, and Matagorda Beach on the Gulf of Mexico is just 25 miles to the south. In between and all around Bay City are parks, waterways and other natural areas that make Bay City truly “the gateway to the great outdoors” of south Texas. One way to get up close and personal with nature here is to kayak or canoe some of the many waterways that thread the area. Float down the Colorado River past quiet fields of rice and cattle grazing in the sun all the way to where the river meets the Gulf. Along Caney Creek, visitors enjoy tree-lined banks that shade the water below, offering glimpses of woodland bird species. In and among the saltwater marshes near the coast, visitors savor the solitude and enjoy the wildlife. There are five public-access areas in Matagorda County with many offering picnic sites, camping, fishing piers and group pavilions. Touring the Matagorda County Birding Nature Center is great way to experience the great outdoors in Bay City. The center offers amazing eco-diversity in a compact 34-acre setting. The site was selected because it contains examples of almost every natural habitat found in the county including river, prairie, wetlands, uplands, lowlands, creeks and streams. In fact, the nature center contains all of the habitats occurring in Matagorda County except for beaches and salt marshes. The center borders the Colorado River to the south, offering visitors exceptional views of river birds. The nature center includes interpretive trails, educational kiosks, butterfly and hummingbird gardens, a constructed wetland, indoor and outdoor educational facilities and a boat dock for tours of the Colorado River. LeTulle Park, adjacent to the nature center, is another great place for birders and is frequented by waterfowl and migrating warblers in the spring and fall. Speaking of birds, Matagorda County ranks as one of the top birding spots in North America. Located on the central flyway for migratory birds on their way to and from Mexico, Bay City and the surrounding county are home to 333 species of birds. Numerous bays and streams crisscross the county, providing food
sources for these birds, while timber forests and prairie grasses make perfect nesting areas. Agricultural land, coastal prairies, salt marshes, as well as vast stretches of sandy shoreline provide additional habitats for birds, attracting sea and shore birds as well as waders. It’s no wonder that in recent years, the county has recorded the largest number of species in the U.S. during the prestigious annual Audubon Society’s Christmas Bird Count. The waters of Matagorda Bay offer prime fishing for angling enthusiasts. Drift and wade fishers find redfish and speckled trout. Deep-sea fishers in the Gulf of Mexico catch grouper, red snapper, amberjack, wahoo, black drum and more. Fishing along the Colorado River and area creeks is also popular. Meanwhile, the new LCRA Matagorda Bay Nature Park and Preserve offers more outdoor activities and learning experiences. The 1,600-acre park features a visitors’ and environmental learning center, wildlife viewing areas, boardwalks and trails and a recreational vehicle campground. The nature park’s location near the mouth of the Colorado River on the Gulf of Mexico, affords visitors opportunities to canoe, kayak and hike. Golfers and nature-lovers also head for Riverside Park, just south of Bay City. The park features boating, fishing, camping, jogging trails, picnic pavilions and the Rio Colorado Golf Course, an 18hole Gary Player-designed course on the banks of the Colorado River.
Shopper’s Paradise
The museum anchors Bay City’s lively town square, where retail and service businesses are thriving. People come from all over town – and Texas – to shop the antique and resale shops and gift emporiums that surround the courthouse square. You can enjoy a cup of gourmet coffee
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or cappuccino here, or drop by another shop for organic and natural groceries and snacks. Market Days, held the third Saturday of the month from March through December, are popular events with vendors setting up booths around the courthouse with everything from handmade furniture and art to roasted nuts and fresh flowers and plants. Merchants around the square often have their own specials and sidewalk sales on Market Days as well. Shopping isn’t limited to a few blocks around the square, though. Today in Bay City, you can outfit an entire house with the latest furnishings and appliances bought at local shops or national chain stores. You can build, renovate or update your home with materials bought at Bay City’s hardware and building supply stores and landscape your yard with shrubs and flowers from local nurseries. Full-service grocery stores offer everything from gourmet foods to organic produce to staples. Bay City’s drug stores sell sundries, gifts, cards, school supplies and more. Shoppers also find the latest fashions at Bay City’s department stores and boutiques, and can shop for new or pre-owned cars at automotive dealerships. The retail options go on and on. In fact, there’s not much in the way of goods and services shoppers can’t find in Bay City.
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Food & Fun Agriculture has always been important to the life and economy of Bay City, so it’s not surprising that fresh, local food and good restaurants are plentiful here. Along with its grocery stores, farmers markets and produce stands, Bay City has a restaurant to suit every appetite. There are locally-owned barbecue places where chicken, beef and pork are smoked over native pecan wood until the meat literally falls off the bone. On the Tex-Mex side of dining, you can feast on authentic enchiladas, tacos and tamales, as well as steak, shrimp and chicken fajitas. There are steak houses for juicy Texas beef with all the trimmings, cafés serving pecan chicken salad and homemade desserts, hamburger joints and dairy dips for old-fashioned treats, popular chain restaurants of all styles, Asian eateries, donut shops and more. K-2 Steakhouse planted its roots in Bay City 30 years ago to establish a Kubeczka family tradition of signature meals served with generous portions of southern hospitality. The cornerstone of the menu is choice Black Angus beef hand-cut by their house butcher. They are known to serve only the best steaks, chops and chicken, and a variety of seafood platters with shrimp, catfish, oysters and stuffed crab. Home-style lunches include turkey and dressing, chicken
fried steak and enormous burgers served with flavorful side dishes. The centerpiece of the K-2 Steakhouse is its soup and salad wagon created from an old mail cart used during the Civil War, full of fresh garden vegetables and fruits. Guests are offered a dining experience where chefs impress you and bartenders lift your spirits, all in an atmosphere with southwestern antiques full of charm and history. If Bay City means great food, it also means good times. Residents and visitors alike flock to the fairs and festivals held throughout the year. The Matagorda County Fair & Livestock Show runs from the last weekend in February through the first weekend in March. Summer brings out the fireworks and a big Fourth of July celebration. The Nature Family Fun Fest, an outdoor event that includes an art fair and stagecoach rides, is held at the Matagorda County Birding Nature Center in early October. The Bay City Lions Club Rice Festival in late October celebrates the county’s top crop with a parade, carnival and rice recipe cookoff. Christmas on the Square gets the holiday season started in midNovember and the Bay City Christmas Parade through downtown in early December keeps the celebration going. Other holiday events include the Festival of Trees at the Matagorda County Museum and a special Christmas Market Days at the Bay City Civic Center. Musical concerts, bike rides, 5K runs, art shows, Cinco de Mayo celebrations and golf and fishing tournaments add to the fun all year long. Of course, the people who live here are the most important piece in the quality-of-life puzzle. In Bay City, you’ll meet folks who are friendly, hard working and community centered. They are business professionals, farmers, retailers, cooks, teachers, firefighters, nurses, police officers, engineers, homemakers, factory workers, bakers and pastors. They are young couples just starting families, grandparents enjoying retirement or second careers and every age in-between. They are diverse in culture and background but united in their regard for each other and their town. They are the piece of the puzzle that holds all the others together and make Bay City a great place to call home.
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Educational Excellence
Academic, Career & Technological Opportunities Bay City Independent School District
“Your Hometown School District with Big-city Opportunities” Bay City Independent School District believes in educating the whole child through a variety of academic, career and technological opportunities in a safe, disciplined and nurturing environment. Its goal is to prepare students to excel in our modern society. Covering 158 square miles within Matagorda County, the district serves prekindergarten through 12th grade in three elementary schools, two middle schools, one junior high school and a state-of-the-art high school.The district is a 4A district serving an average of 4,000 students. ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE – High school advanced placement and dual credit courses, SAT and ACT prep classes; earn high school credits in junior high; second through 12th grade honors/advanced/gifted and talented; AVID college prep program; and Bay City Scholars. STATE AND NATIONAL RECOGNITION – in academics, drama, career and technology and speech. BEYOND THE CLASSROOM – career, technology, pharmaceutical, health science technology, agricultural science, vocational tech lab, mechanics, building trades, industrial arts, cosmetology, welding, drafting, technology systems, tutorials and alternative educational programs, bilingual/English as a Second Language, Matagorda County Educational Services for special needs. EXTRACURRICULAR OPPORTUNITIES – UIL Competition, Key, chess, art and Spanish clubs; dance; cheer; Flag Corp; FFA; athletics; yearbook; Interact; HOSA; speech; drama; student council; FCA; band; choir; Crimestoppers; and DECA. COMMUNITY IN OUR SCHOOLS – CARES, mentors, PTO and booster clubs For additional information about Bay City Independent School District, visit Use the link on the home page to visit the Texas Education Agency site for accountability reports. To share your thoughts or learn more, call Superintendent Keith Brown at (979) 245-5766 or email
Van Vleck Independent School District A TEA recognized district
Home of Champions! Van Vleck Independent School District students and faculty strive for excellence in scholarship, honor, integrity, pride and sportsmanship. The district, through a solidified partnership
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with the community, innovatively challenges each student to achieve their maximum potential and success in a positive, safe and stimulating environment. Located six miles east of Bay City, the district covers 657 square miles within Matagorda County serving Ashwood, Cedar Lake, Cedar Lane, Sargent, Sugar Valley and Van Vleck. Campuses include Vleck Elementary, an Exemplary rated school; E. Rudd Intermediate, an Exemplary rated school; O.H. Herman Middle School, a Recognized school; and Van Vleck High School, a Recognized school. Students have access to several opportunities for higher education experiences and cutting-edge technology in core and elective areas. Van Vleck Independent School District is a state-ranked 2A school in many of its extracurricular areas including UIL academics, FFA, drama, athletics and band. The district has excellent parental involvement, partnerships with local businesses and industry, and has 100 percent graduation completion rate. For additional information, call Superintendent John R. O’Brienat (979) 323-5000 or e-mail
Wharton County Junior College
Wharton County Junior College offers an extensive array of educational programs including Associate of Applied Science degrees, an Associate of Arts degree, an Associate of Arts in Teaching degree, certificate and certification programs, continuing education programs and workforce development programs. The college’s main campus is in Wharton, with additional campuses in Bay City, Richmond and Sugar Land. Its Bay City campus, conveniently located at 4000 Ave. F, is housed in the Center for Energy Development. This campus plays a key role in serving industries in Matagorda County and surrounding areas by training students in process technology and nuclear power technology. The college offers a two-year Associate of Applied Science degree in both disciplines, as well as an enhanced skills certificate in nuclear power technology. Industrial labs with state-of-the-art equipment enable students to train on the same equipment used at area plants. Students at the Bay City campus can take core and transfer courses in math, science, English, history and other disciplines. Two interactive labs link students with other Wharton campuses and instructors to further expand course offerings. With affordable tuition and smaller classes, students embarking on a postsecondary education can “Start Smart” at Wharton County Junior College and experience significant cost savings over four-year public universities. Yearly tuition and fees are roughly 25 percent of those at four-year universities in Texas. High school students can take advantage of these savings by enrolling in dual credit courses to simultaneously earn both high school and college credits, thereby reducing the time required to complete a college degree. For additional information, visit
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Capital Farm Credit understand that a house in the country is more than a place to live; it’s a home where you create family memories. We’re a cooperative — your goals are our goals. And our patronage dividend program means we share our profits and put money back in your pocket.
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Opened 2018
Enjoy a relaxing stay at the Fairfield Inn & Suites Bay City by Marriott®. Journey a few miles to the Texas Gulf Coast, a nature lover’s dream for bird watching, deep-sea fishing, beachcombing Matagorda Beach & the Gary Player-designed Rio Colorado Golf Course.If work brings you to nearby STP, Tenaris, OXEA, Phillips 66 or Equistar we will help you work well, rest well, eat well & be well - your home away from home. Relax in our large rooms featuring plush bedding and ample workspace or spread out in our vibrant lobby. Your satisfaction is our priority at Fairfield Inn & Suites Bay City or we’ll make it right.
CORPORATE DISCOUNTED RATES GROUP DISCOUNTED RATES Fairfield Inn & Suites Bay City 515 7th Street Bay City, Texas 77414 CALL US TODAY! 979-323-9191
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Matagorda Regional Medical Center The Matagorda Regional Medical Center (MRMC) Foundation has been working to improve the health of our community since 2004. The foundation is the fundraising arm for the MRMC, and as a nonprofit, 501c3 organization, all contributions are tax-deductible. Its mission is to build community relationships and obtain funding to support MRMC in delivering quality and compassionate healthcare. “As a native Matagorda County girl and having served as head of this organization for the last 10 years, I continue to be humbled by the giving spirit of this city, county and region,” said Tiffany Foltyn, executive director of the MRMC Foundation. The foundation has a long and impressive history directly supporting the health and well-being of the local community through fundraising. From educational programs to much-needed medical equipment, the foundation is a powerful partner in community health. Over the last 10 years, the MRMC Foundation has contributed over $2 million dollars towards the enhancement of health care offered at MRMC. Some of its more recent accomplishments and equipment purchases made possible by generous giving include:
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CT scan machine (The only one of its caliber in the region) 3-D mammography $1 million contribution to the MRMC Wellness &
Rehabilitation Center
Datascope Patient Monitoring System for PACU Unit Integrated operating room system with or lights New beds for all patient rooms Endoscopy suite equipment Glidescope and portable vascular testing system Women’s Center monitoring equipment Mammotome breast biopsy system and work stations Prodigy Pro Bone Densitometer Golf cart for the MRMC campus
The 2019-2020 fundraising season is already off to a tremendous start as the community is rallying around new instrumentation for emergency helicopters and an upgraded infant security system. “On behalf of the foundation board, we would like to extend our utmost gratitude to all of our donors for their continuous support,” Foltyn said. “We are proud of the community relationships we have formed and will continue to raise funds to support Matagorda Regional Medical Center in delivering top-notch health care to our community.” To learn more about the MRMC Foundation, contact Executive Director Tiffany Foltyn at (979) 241-5534.
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You Are
THE MATAGORDA MEDICAL GROUP is a multi-specialty physician practice headquartered in Bay City, with locations throughout the area. We have many great providers to serve your needs right here. Visit us online at to learn more about our medical team.
Family Medicine
Walk-In Care
General Surgery
Obstetrics/ Gynecology
Follow Us on Facebook @matagordamedical 600 Hospital Circle
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Bay City, TX 77414
Main: 979.241.6100
Fax: 979.241.6105
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Members –Alphabetical # 60 North RV Park Karen Kinard 501 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-6605 RV Park
A A & A Bar-B-Que Mr. Allen Korenek 3404 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-5186 Restaurants Ability Beyond Disability John A. Thompson 3636 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (281) 725-2324 • f: (979) 577-0359 Service Organizations Above & Beyond Caring Harry Priesmeyer 920 Nichols Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 533-3091 Clinics & Medical Groups Ad Vantage Specialties Mr. Barry Fry 1000 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-1000 Signs, Banners & Screenprinting Admiral Title, LLC Kelsey Granberry 1731 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-2700 • f: (979) 244-0085 Title Companies AEP Texas Vee Strauss, CEM 2901 E. Mockingbird Ln. Victoria, TX 77904-2438 (361) 574-2236 • f: (361) 574-2292 Utilities Alamo Concrete Products, Ltd. David Gloor P.O. Box 168 Bay City, TX 77404-0168 (979) 245-8365 • f: (979) 245-0231 Concrete Alamo Lumber Company Paul Lopez 2009 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-8301 • f: (979) 245-5127 Building Materials
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Apple Builders LLC Dale Baxter P.O. Box 4071 Sargent, TX 77404 (713) 296-9699 Home Construction
Lurinda & Chal Barnwell Lurinda & Chal Barnwell 2515 Carrington St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-5623 Individual Members
Allen & Allen, CPAs James M. Allen, Terrence D. Allen 1717 8th St., Ste. 1 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-1666 • f: (979) 245-6431 Accountants — Certified Public
Aqua Beverage Co./Ozarka Jeff Socha 701A W. Jackson El Campo, TX 77437-4141 (800) 621-1885 • f: (979) 543-7129 Distributors
Barretts Minerals, Inc. Scott Cheek 1920 Ave. K Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-5547 • f: (979) 245-1733 Manufacturing
Allison Benefit Consultant & Investment Management Mr. Charles Allison 1805 5th St., Ste. 201 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-3218 • f: (979) 244-2032 Insurance
Aqua-Zyme Services, Inc. Jim W. Massey P.O. Box 800 Van Vleck, TX 77482 (979) 245-5656 • f: (979) 244-8239 Portable Toilets
Bartdesigns Bart Szeinbach 4312 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-3100 • f: (979) 244-0455 Computer Service & Security
Allison Custom Homes LLC Grant Allison P.O. Box 1896 Bay City, TX 77404-1896 (979) 245-8758 • f: (979) 245-5455 Custom Home Builders
Art League of Bay City Sharon Leonard 1921 5th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 479-2698 Ext:88 Nonprofit Organizations
Bay Area Council on Drugs and Alcohol, Inc. Director 2911 Southshore Blvd., Ste. 150 League City, TX 77573 (800) 511-3111 Nonprofit Organizations
All Star Real Estate Mrs. Bettie Granberry 2916 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-7827 • f: (979) 245-7875 Real Estate — Commercial & Residential
Allison Music Co. Inc. Robert D. Allison 1817 Ave. E Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2295 Amusement
AT&T Anthony Verastiqui 4500 7th St., Ste. 100 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-2001 • f: (979) 323-9308 Cellular Communications
AllStar Sanitation & Septic Troy & Sonya Schmidt P.O. Box 735 El Campo, TX 77437 (979) 543-1500 • f: (979) 578-8500 Toilet & Septic Pumps
AT&T Texas Michael Flanagan 6500 W. Loop S. Bellaire, TX 77401 (713) 987-9356 • f: (713) 775-1522 Telephone Communications
Allstate Insurance Agency Hank Huitt 3120A Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-4671 • f: (979) 244-3020 Insurance
ATD-AUSTIN Michael Doran P.O. Box 92052 Austin, TX 78709-2052 (512) 395-8101 • f: (512) 395-8115 Directories
Ira T. Anderson, Attorney Mr. Ira T. Anderson 1120 Texas St., #7A Houston, TX 77002-3135 (713) 782-8841 • f: (713) 782-1714 Attorneys Angels Care Home Health Kari Perez 2803 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-0600 • f: (979) 244-4505 Home Health Care Services Anytime Fitness Robert & Patti Ragsdale 4310 7th St., Ste. 500 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-2348 Fitness Centers
B B U Growers Joe M. Crane P.O. Box 453 Bay City, TX 77404-0453 (979) 245-2043 • f: (979) 245-9368 Agricultural Businesses B7 Corner Store LLC Johnny & Yolanda Huerta 8799 State Hwy. 35 N. Van Vleck, TX 77482 (979) 245-2257 Convenience Stores Bad to the Bone Janie Flemming 1916 Nichols Rd. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-0091 Pet Groomers
Bay Boat & RV Storage Thomas & Kelly Billington 616 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77404 (979) 245-3115 • f: (979) 323-0564 Storage Facilities Bay Breeze Apartments Linda Le 800 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-9790 • f: (979) 245-0889 Apartments Bay City Abstract & Title Teri Cartwright, Manager 2021 Ave. G Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-6321 • f: (979) 241-3790 Title Companies Bay City Antique Mall James & Lori Ann Collins 1720 6th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-4117 Antiques & Collectibles Bay City Cardiology Clinic George P. Hanna, M.D. 5274 Hwy. 60 S. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-7000 • f: (979) 323-7391 Physicians & Surgeons Bay City Cemetery Association Susie Adkins P.O. Box 91 Bay City, TX 77404-0091 (979) 245-0872 cedarvale Cemeteries
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Bay City Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture Mr. Mitch Thames 201 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-8333 • f: (979) 245-1622 Chamber of Commerce Bay City Communication and Security Rick Udovich P.O. Box 1815 Bay City, TX 77404 (979) 245-8545 Security Systems — Telephone/Camera Bay City Community Development Corporation Jessica Russell 1112 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-8081 • f: (979) 323-1642 Economic Development Bay City Country Club General Manager P.O. Box 1606 Bay City, TX 77404-1606 (979) 245-5779 • f: (979) 245-3899 Country Club & Golf Course Bay City Dental Victa J. Edwards 1801 Merlin Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-8400 • f: (979) 323-8404 Dentists Bay City Electric & Air Conditioning Stephen Carson 1710 Nichols Ave. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-8224 Air Conditioning/Electrical Services Bay City Feed Pam Hoffman 2020 6th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2712 • f: (979) 245-0033 Agricultural Businesses Bay City Food Mart Jagruti Lad 2300 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-0949 • f: (979) 476-3009 Convenience Stores Bay City Gas Company Mr. Kevin E. Hecht P.O. Box 1603 Bay City, TX 77404-1603 (979) 245-2311 • f: (979) 244-1422 Individuals Bay City Girls Softball Association Melinda DeLeon P.O. Box 412 Bay City, TX 77404-0412 (979) 216-7365 Nonprofit Organizations Bay City Health and Rehabilitation Center Dr. Zack Benson 1201 6th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-1414 • f: (979) 245-1555 Chiropractors
Bay City Imaging/US Imaging Melanie Bradley 720 Ave. F N. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-6660 • f: (979) 245-6669 Imaging Center
Bay City Realty Sherry Williams 1320 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 479-5074 Real Estate
BCOS Office Technologies Mr. Chris Gier 1111 CR 44 Angleton, TX 77515 (979) 849-6888 • f: (979) 849-1473 Office Supplies, Equipment & Furniture
Bay City ISD Dr. Marshall Scott III 520 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-5766 • f: (979) 245-3175 School Districts
Bay City Rotary Club James Scardami P.O. Box 933 Bay City, TX 77404-0933 (979) 323-9574 Service Organizations
Laurie & Fred Beck Laurie Beck P.O. Box 441 Austin, TX 78705 (956) 285-3234 Individual Members
Bay City Junior Service League President P.O. Box 1131 Bay City, TX 77404-1131 (979) 323-9789 Nonprofit Organizations
Bay City Self Storage Marguerite Ciruti 5224 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-0318 • f: (979) 245-2423 Storage Facilities
Bay City Lady Lions Club Heidi Martinez P.O. Box 2034 Bay City, TX 77404 (979) 323-1176 Nonprofit Organizations Bay City Lions Club Terry Farrar P.O. Box 867 Bay City, TX 77404-0867 (979) 245-4533 Service Organizations
Bay City Tribune Brenda Burr P.O. Box 2450 Bay City, TX 77404-2450 (979) 245-5555 • f: (979) 244-5908 Newspapers
Bay City Little League Felix Nunez P.O. Box 176 Bay City, TX 77404-0176 (979) 557-4345 Nonprofit Organizations Bay City Ophthalmology Dr. Michael A. Peggs 1713 Merlin Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-3558 • f: (979) 244-5352 Physicians & Surgeons Bay City Pediatrics Patricia Maxwell 2417 Ave. I Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-5600 • f: (979) 245-5614 Physicians & Surgeons Bay City Plumbing Supply, Inc. Richard Knapik P.O. Box 1509 Bay City, TX 77404-1509 (979) 245-5452 • f: (979) 245-6360 Plumbing Supplies Bay City Police Department Chief Robert Lister 2201 Ave. H Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-8500 • f: (979) 245-5758 City Bay City Public Library Samantha Denbow 1100 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-6931 • f: (979) 245-2614 Libraries
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Bay City Sentinel Mike & MaLinda Reddell 3769 FM 2668 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-9613 Newspapers
Bay City Veterinary Clinic & Equine Hospital Dr. Randy Volkmer 4501 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-6364 • f: (979) 245-6433 Veterinarians Bay Prairie Investments, Inc. Mrs. Patsy Anderson 1821 Sycamore Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-4316 • f: (979) 245-6187 Real Estate — Commercial & Residential Bay Villa Health Care Center Paul Cowey 1800 13th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-6327 • f: (979) 245-0164 Nursing Homes Baycel Federal Credit Union Paula Abshier 2320 6th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-3995 • f: (979) 244-8207 Credit Unions The BayTex Stuart Lynn 1617 6th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-8900 Apartments — Lofts Baywash Tim Riggs 3816 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 429-4722 Car Washes
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Bega LLC Roland Jimenenz 730 N. Post Oak Rd. 206 Houston, TX 77024 (713) 482-1702 Construction Companies Bell Legal Services William M. Bell, Jr. 1605 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (713) 439-1115 Attorneys Bell Valuation Service Tim Bell 1605 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-5300 • f: (979) 244-1040 Real Estate — Appraisers Bert’s RV Park Sherry Head, Greg Rothermel 1120 Hwy. 35 S. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2840 • f: (979) 479-3324 RV Park Best Insurance Services, Inc. Russell Burnett P.O. Box 428 Lake Jackson, TX 77566 (979) 245-1194 • f: (979) 245-5289 Insurance Best Western Plus Inn & Suites Jessica Perez 501 7th St. Bay City, TX (979) 557-6678 • f: (979) 557-0679 Hotels/Motels Big “G” Auto Shop II Diane Segrest 1601 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-5994 • f: (979) 245-1491 Glass Bill Bell Realty Mr. Bill Bell 1605 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-5589 • f: (979) 244-1040 Real Estate — Commercial & Residential Blue Ocean Seafood Restaurant Jesus & Luz Lopez 2921 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-6559 Restaurants
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State Representative Dennis Bonnen Shera Eichler 122 E. Myrtle St. Angleton, TX 77515 (979) 848-1770 • f: (979) 849-3169 Government — Elected Officials Boys & Girls Club of Bay City and Matagorda County Bebee Manrique-McMillan 2404 Cottonwood Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-8865 • f: (979) 245-6639 Nonprofit Organizations Mark Bricker, Mayor of Bay City Mark Bricker 1901 5th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2137 • f: (979) 323-1626 Government — Elected Officials Bricker Pest Control Tim Bricker 875 Nichols Ave. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-5811 Exterminators Bright Eyed Beginnings Consteance Perry 3211 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 417-6233 Child Care Brown Hearing Centers Ken Bostrom 1717 8th St., Ste. 3A Bay City, TX 77414 (800) 392-1041 Hearing Service Kay Brown Kay Brown 337 Brazos Dr. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-6450 Individuals Buddy’s Butcher Shop & Seafood Gina Treybig 2115 Ave. K Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-9860 Retail Seafood The Burlap Sack Debbie Franz 2105 Ave. G Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 476-3190 Retail Shops Busha Boat Works Donald Busha 3113 Nichols Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-3369 • f: (979) 245-1599 Boat Dealers
C C & D Printing Co. Ron Bingham P.O. Box 8 Bay City, TX 77404 (979) 245-5941 • f: (979) 245-5650 Printers, Publishers & Graphics
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C3 Cattle Company Mr. Clive Runnells, III P.O. Box 5097 Austin, TX 78763 (512) 940-4119 Agricultural Businesses
Chicken Express Mike Garza 2104 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-9886 Restaurants
Campbell-Huitt Insurance Mr. Jay Huitt 3725 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-8343 • f: (979) 245-2858 Insurance
The Children’s Store Inc. Jean Fehmel 1800 6th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 578-1600 Resale Shops
Candlewood Suites Bay City Shae Ingram 5800 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-7500 Hotels/Motels
Chili’s Bay City Les Handley 4207 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-2144 • f: (979) 244-5850 Restaurants
Cantu’s Coastal Automotive Martha Cantu 2006 Cottonwood Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 943-1252 Automobile — Repair & Service
City of Bay City Mayor Mark Bricker 1901 5th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2137 Government Service
Capital Farm Credit Blake Barger 2013 Ave. C Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-4828 • f: (979) 245-6469 Ag/Rural Real Estate Carroll Enterprises D.L. Carroll 2330 CR 329 Milano, TX 76556 Office & Storage Rental Cattails Sue K. Milberger 22996 Hwy. 60 Matagorda, TX 77457 (979) 863-7737 • f: (979) 863-7700 Retail Shops Celanese Matt McCall P.O. Box 509 Bay City, TX 77404-0509 (979) 241-4386 • f: (214) 258-9335 Manufacturing Century A/C Supply Bill Roy 1904 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2665 • f: (979) 245-2762 Air/Heat Wholesale Chemcel Federal Credit Union Kim Ford FM Rd. 3057 S. Bay City, TX 77404-0509 (979) 241-4295 • f: (979) 241-4298 Credit Unions Chevron Phillips Chemical Company Wendy Irwin P.O. Box 1000 Sweeny, TX 77480 (979) 491-5500 Manufacturing
City of Bay City City Secretary David Holubec 1901 5th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (832) 244-6021 Individual Members Classic Chevrolet Ray Aguilar 13115 Southwest Fwy. Sugarland, TX 77478 (281) 491-9000 • f: (281) 923-4176 Automobile — Dealers Clay Time Eric Rooth 110 N. Hwy. 60 Bay City, TX 77414 (281) 620-2819 Sporting Recreation Coastal Paws Pet Lodge Allison Coleman 3439 FM 3156 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 451-1133 Pet Boarding Service Coastal Plains SBDC Kyle Smith 1900 5th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-8466 Nonprofit Organizations Coem Texas, LLC Claudio Tresoldi 2612 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2700 Manufacturing Colorado River Alliance Brent Lyles P.O. Box 50029 Austin, TX 78763 (512) 498-1587 Nonprofit Organizations
Comfort Suites Janissa Sims 5100 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-9300 • f: (979) 245-2250 Hotels/Motels Community Actors of South Texas Richard Knapik P.O. Box 813 Bay City, TX 77404-0813 (979) 318-2485 Nonprofit Organizations Community Pathology Associates David M. Titus 1 Baylor Plz., Ste. 286A Houston, TX 77030 (713) 798-4661 • f: (713) 798-6126 Pathology/Medical Practice Charles Coney Charles Coney 1604 Edna Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-5255 Individuals Cornelius Crawfish Herff Cornelius P.O. Box 288 Wadsworth, TX 77483 (979) 245-4390 • f: (979) 244-4390 Agricultural Businesses Bill & Connie Cornman Bill & Connie Cornman 2617 Encino Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-9600 Government — Elected Officials CPR by Mary Helen Nelson Mary Helen Nelson 2708 Sims Ave. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-1609 Health Care Services Crossfit Acquire Jessica Herzik 1912 Ave. I Bay City, TX 77414 (713) 492-7877 Fitness B. Allen Cumbie, Attorney Mr. B. Allen Cumbie 1514 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-1623 • f: (979) 245-1146 Attorneys Custom Auto Refinishers, Inc. John & Tina Arlitt 121 Ave. F N. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-7345 • f: (979) 245-8449 Automobile — Body Shops Custom Cedar Patio Furniture, LLC Daniel Murphy P.O. Box 1019 Bay City, TX 77404-1019 (979) 240-3850 Furniture — Hand Crafted
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D Data Imaging Systems, Inc. Raymond Baker 12615 Jones Rd., Ste. 107 Houston, TX 77070 (281) 807-4022 • f: (281) 807-9990 Printing Daughters In Progress Ms. Lillie Hines P.O. Box 234 Bay City, TX 77404-0234 (979) 245-8524 Nonprofit Organizations Davis Brothers Auto Supply Clyde Davis 2802 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-1541 • f: (979) 245-3024 Automobile — Parts Davis’ BBQ & Cafe Glen & Leslie Davis 2901 Nichols Ave. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 429-0331 Restaurants Del Papa Distributing Company, Inc. Peter Williamson 3907 E. Rio Grande Victoria, TX 77901 (888) 433-5727 • f: (361) 570-9143 Distributors Mike & Becky Denn Mike & Becky Denn 17 Valhalla Dr. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2237 Individuals Dental Arts of Bay City Crayden Dennard, DDS 4040 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-4746 • f: (979) 244-4746 Dentists Dependable Machine, Inc Mr. Ronnie Bose 3124 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-6415 • f: (979) 245-0151 Automobile — Machine Services
Dunn Heat Exchangers Pete Dunn, Jr. 410 21st St. S. Texas City, TX 77590 (409) 944-3963 Heat Exchangers
E Economic Action Committee of the Gulf Coast Kristie Pustejovsky P.O. Box 1685 Bay City, TX 77404 (979) 245-6901 • f: (979) 245-5699 Nonprofit Organizations Edward Jones Alyssa Sanders 1500 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-3999 • f: (888) 609-7982 Financial Advisor/Investment Representative Edward Jones Mr. John Dickerson 2230 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-0717 • f: (888) 270-2534 Financial Advisor/Investment Representative Edward Jones James Scardami 2120 6th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-9574 Financial Services EHRA, Inc. Jim Russ 10555 Westoffice Dr. Houston, TX 77042 (713) 784-4500 • f: (713) 784-4577 Surveyors El Campo Bowling Center, LP Nancy Fucik 806 W. Loop El Campo, TX 77437 (979) 543-9999 • f: (979) 543-0009 Bowling
Edwin Hawes Dickerson Edwin H. Dickerson 2230 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 241-2526 Individual Members
El Campo Coca-Cola Mr. Bruce Morrison 1001 W. Jackson El Campo, TX 77437 (979) 543-2522 • f: (979) 578-3005 Bottlers
Douglas Realty Company E. M. Douglas 5224 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-5901 • f: (979) 245-2423 Real Estate — Commercial & Residential
El Zarape Rita Martinez 1917 13th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2097 Restaurants
Drenner’s Carpet Gallery Frank & Pat Drenner 5615 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-9103 • f: (979) 245-7206 Carpet, Rugs, Wallpaper & Window Coverings
Joseph D. Enoch Joseph D. Enoch 16 Murex Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-3017 Individuals
First Presbyterian Church Pastor 2216 Ave. H Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-8327 • f: (979) 244-4891 Churches/Ministers
Executive Inn Mr. Patel 3620 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-5900 Hotels/Motels
First State Bank Bay City Charles Brookhouser P.O. Box 2433 Bay City, TX 77404-2433 (979) 244-3000 • f: (979) 244-5113 Banks
Express Cleaners Ms. Janie Gonzales 3921 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-1107 Dry Cleaning & Laundry Service Express Self Storage Ryan Cheek 4901 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-0999 • f: (979) 323-0999 Storage Facilities
F The Facts Yvonne Mintz P.O. Box 549 Clute, TX 77531 (979) 265-7411 • f: (979) 265-2213 Newspapers Fairfield Inn & Suites Samantha Lopez 515 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-9191 Hotels/Motels Family Business Services Rick Sims 1520 S. York Rd. Gastonia, NC 28053 (713) 899-3777 Marketing & PR Farmers Insurance Group Gary Krenek 2323 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-3317 Insurance Fat Grass Restaurant & Bar Shawn Watkins 1717 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-7277 Restaurants Ferrellgas Mr. Frank Hurley, III P.O. Box 1390 Bay City, TX 77404-1390 (979) 245-1766 • f: (979) 245-0291 Oil & Gas First Financial Bank Kenneth Johnson 459 Main St. Palacios, TX 77465 (361) 972-1181 Banks
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Craig Estlinbaum, 130th District Court Judge Judge Craig Estlinbaum 1700 7th St., Rm. 317 Bay City, TX 77404-0289 (979) 244-7635 • f: (979) 245-6478 Government — Elected Officials
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Fit For Life Julie Green 2200 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-5535 Fitness Centers For the Love of Animals Cheryl Stahle 4101 Ave. F S. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 241-2802 Nonprofit Organizations Four Pz Pizza Inc., Pizza Hut Teresa Guanajuato 4301 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-7601 • f: (979) 244-1096 Restaurants Frankson & Griffith, CPAs Jim Frankson & Mike Griffith 2245 Ave. G Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-9236 • f: (979) 245-4092 Accountants — Certified Public Fraternal Order of Eagles 3232 Jayme Rocha P.O. Box 803 Bay City, TX 77404-0803 (979) 245-6251 Nonprofit Organizations Tim Frawley Tim Frawley 2612 Hillcrest Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-9434 Individual Members Frontz Electrical Mechanical Service, Inc. Bill Frontz P.O. Box 2252 Bay City, TX 77404-2252 (979) 245-7796 • f: (979) 245-2218 Air Conditioning/Electrical Services Full Stringer Realty David & Jody Cassady 3021 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-4663 • f: (979) 245-1750 Real Estate Funtastic Cakes, LLC Teresa J. Morales 2815 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-2253 Bakery
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Geography Geography Geography Geography Matagorda County ...................... 1,115 square miles Matagorda County ...................... 1,115 square miles Matagorda County miles Matagorda County ...................... ...................... 1,115 1,115 square square feet miles Elevation..........................................................56 Geography Elevation..........................................................56 feet Elevation..........................................................56 Elevation..........................................................56 feet feet Interstate 10 .................................................. 5555 miles Matagorda ...................... 1,115 square miles Geography Interstate 10County .................................................. miles Interstate Interstate 10 10 .................................................. .................................................. 55 55 miles miles
Elevation..........................................................56 feet Matagorda County ...................... 1,115 square miles U.S. Highway 59,59, (1-6 9) ............................... 2525 miles U.S. Highway (1-6 9) ............................... miles U.S. U.S. Highway Highway 59, 59, (1-6 (1-6 9) 9) ............................... ............................... 25 25 miles miles Interstate 10 .................................................. 55 miles Elevation..........................................................56 feet Distance to Major Texas Cities Texas Cities Cities 55 Distance Major Texas Distance to Major Texas Cities U.S. Highway 59, (1-6 9) ............................... 25 miles Interstate 10 to .................................................. Houston........................................................ 7575 miles Houston........................................................ 75 miles Houston........................................................ miles Houston........................................................ miles U.S. Highway (1-6 9) ............................... 25 Distance to59,Major Texas Cities 75 Dallas...........................................................321 miles Dallas...........................................................321 miles Dallas...........................................................321 miles Dallas...........................................................321 miles Houston........................................................ miles Distance to Major Texas Cities 75miles Dallas...........................................................321 Dallas...........................................................321 miles Dallas...........................................................321 miles Dallas...........................................................321 miles miles Houston........................................................ 75 SanDallas...........................................................321 Antonio ................................................200 miles ................................................200 miles San Antonio ................................................200 miles San Antonio ................................................200 miles Dallas...........................................................321 miles Austin .........................................................16 7 miles Austin .........................................................16 7 .........................................................16 miles Austin .........................................................16 77 miles miles San Antonio ................................................200 Dallas...........................................................321 miles Corpus Christi .............................................145 miles Corpus Christi .............................................145 miles .............................................145 miles Corpus Christi .............................................145 miles Austin .........................................................16 7 miles San Antonio ................................................200 Air Transportation Air Transportation Air Transportation Corpus Christi .............................................145 Austin .........................................................16 7 miles Hobby National (Houston)........................... miles Hobby National 6767 miles (Houston)........................... 67 miles Hobby National (Houston)........................... 67 Corpus Christi(Houston)........................... .............................................145 miles Air Transportation Bush Intercontinental (Houston) ................. miles Bush Intercontinental (Houston) ................. 8787 miles Intercontinental (Houston) ................. 87 miles Bush Intercontinental (Houston) ................. 87 miles Hobby National (Houston)........................... 67 miles Air Transportation City Regional BayBay City Regional Bay City Regional Bush Intercontinental (Houston) ................. 87 Hobby National (Houston)........................... 67 miles Runway Length ...................................... 5,150 feet Runway Length ...................................... 5,150 feet Runway Length ...................................... 5,150 feet ...................................... 5,150 feet Bay City Regional Bush Intercontinental (Houston) ................. 87paved miles Runway Surface ............................................ Runway Surface ............................................ paved Runway Surface ............................................ paved ............................................ paved Runway Length ...................................... 5,150 feet Bay City Regional Palacios Municipal Palacios Municipal Palacios Municipal Runway Surface ............................................ paved Length ...................................... 5,150 feet Runway Length ...................................... 5,000 feet Runway Length ...................................... 5,000 feet Runway Length ...................................... 5,000 feet Runway Length ...................................... 5,000 feet Palacios Municipal Runway Surface ............................................ paved Runway Surface ........................................... paved Runway Surface ........................................... paved Runway Surface ........................................... paved Runway Surface ........................................... paved Runway Length ...................................... 5,000 feet Palacios Municipal
Hospitals Hospitals Hospitals Hospitals Bay Palacios BayCity City Palacios Bay City Palacios Bay58 City Palacios Beds Hospitals Beds...................................... ...................................... 58........................... ...........................17 17 Beds ...................................... 58 ........................... Beds ...................................... 58 ........................... 17 17 Bay City Palacios Hospitals Education Education Education Education Beds ...................................... ........................... 17 Bay 58 City Palacios Bay City ISD ............. 5 Schools.......... Bay City ISD ............. 5 Schools..........3,659 3,659students students Bay ISD 3,659 Bay City City ISD ............. ............. 55 Schools.......... Schools.......... 3,659 students students Beds ...................................... 58 ........................... 17 Education Matagorda ISD............1 School............. 163 students Matagorda ISD............1 School............. 163 students Matagorda ISD............1 School............. 163 students Matagorda ISD............1 School............. 163 students Bay City ISD ............. Schools.......... 3,659 students Education Palacios ISD .............. 454Schools.......... Palacios ISD .............. Schools..........1,422 1,422students students Palacios ISD .............. 1,422 students Palacios ISD .............. 44Schools.......... Schools.......... 1,422 students Matagorda ISD............1 School............. 163 students Bay City ISD ............. Schools.......... 3,659 Tidehaven ISD ........... 353Schools............. 975 Tidehaven ISD ........... Schools............. 975students students Tidehaven ISD ........... Schools............. 975 students Tidehaven ISD ........... 33Schools............. 975 students Palacios ISD .............. 1,422 Matagorda ISD............1 School............. 163students students Van Vleck ISD ........... 4444Schools.......... 1,039 Van Vleck ISD ........... 4Schools.......... Schools.......... 1,039 students Van Vleck ISD ........... Schools.......... 1,039 students Van Vleck ISD ........... Schools.......... 1,039 students Tidehaven ISD ........... 34.........................................21 Schools............. 975 students Palacios ISD .............. Schools.......... 1,422 Colleges within 70 Miles Colleges within 70 Miles .........................................21 Colleges within 70 Miles .........................................21 Colleges within 70 Miles .........................................21 Van Vleck ISD 4 Schools.......... 1,039 Tidehaven ........... 3 Schools............. 975 students Junior Colleges within County..................................1 Junior Colleges within County..................................1 JuniorColleges Collegeswithin withinCounty..................................1 County..................................1 Junior Colleges within 70 Miles .........................................21 Van Vleck ISD ........... 4 Schools.......... 1,039 students Vocational Schools....................................................1 Vocational Schools....................................................1 Vocational Schools....................................................1 Vocational Schools....................................................1 Junior Colleges within County..................................1 Colleges within.........................................................3 70 Miles .........................................21 Private Schools .........................................................3 Private Schools Private Schools .........................................................3 Private Schools .........................................................3 Vocational Schools....................................................1 Junior Colleges within County..................................1 Private Schools .........................................................3 Vocational Schools....................................................1 Private Schools .........................................................3
Population Population Population Population City Bay City City City of Bay City Cityofof ofBay BayCity City Population Population City of Bay City City of Bay City
Climate Climate Runway Surface ........................................... paved Length ...................................... 5,000 feet Climate Climate Average Annual Temperature.....................71 degrees Average Annual Temperature.....................71 degrees Runway Surface ........................................... paved Average Annual Temperature.....................71 degrees Average Annual Temperature.....................71 degrees Climate January Average ....................................48 degrees January Average ....................................48 degrees January Average ....................................48 degrees January Average ....................................48 degrees Average Annual Temperature.....................71 degrees Climate July July Average Average ..........................................90 ..........................................90 degrees degrees
July Average ..........................................90 degrees July Average ..........................................90 degrees January Average ....................................48 degrees Average Annual Temperature.....................71 Annual Rainfall.........................................42.1 inches Annual Rainfall.........................................42.1 inches Annual Rainfall.........................................42.1 inches Annual Rainfall.........................................42.1 inches July Average ..........................................90 degrees January Average ....................................48 Annual Snowfall....................................................... Snowfall....................................................... 0 Annual Annual Snowfall....................................................... 0 00 Snowfall....................................................... Annual Rainfall.........................................42.1 inches July Average ..........................................90 degrees Prevailing Wind Direction ............... South-Southeast Prevailing Wind Direction ............... South-Southeast Prevailing Wind Direction ............... South-Southeast Annual Snowfall....................................................... 0 Rainfall.........................................42.1 inches Prevailing Wind Direction ............... South-Southeast Government Government Prevailing Wind Direction ............... South-Southeast Annual Snowfall....................................................... 0 Government Government Bay Bay City City Wind Direction ............... South-Southeast Prevailing BayGovernment City Bay City Mayor Mayor and and Council Council Bay City Government Mayor andand Council Mayor Council Palacios Palacios Mayor and Council Bay City Palacios Palacios Manager and Planning Manager and Council Council Planning Commission Commission Palacios Mayor and Council Manager and Council Planning Commission Manager and Council Planning Commission Zoning Zoning Regulations Regulations Manager Planning Commission Palacios and Council Zoning Regulations Zoning Regulations Taxes Taxes Zoning Regulations Manager and Council Planning Commission Taxes Taxes Tax Property $100 Value Property Tax Per PerZoning $100 Assessed Assessed Value Regulations Taxes Property TaxTax PerPer $100 Assessed Value Matagorda County..........................................0.42 Property $100 Assessed Value Matagorda County..........................................0.42 Property Tax Per $100 Assessed Value Taxes City of Bay Bay City ..............................................0.66 ..............................................0.66 Matagorda County..........................................0.42 Matagorda County..........................................0.42 City of City Matagorda County..........................................0.42 Property Tax Per $100 Assessed Value City Palacios ...............................................0.85 City of of Bay City ..............................................0.66 Bay City ..............................................0.66 City of Palacios ...............................................0.85 City of Bay City ..............................................0.66 Matagorda County..........................................0.42 Bay ISD...................................................1.55 City ofCity Palacios ...............................................0.85 City of Palacios ...............................................0.85 Bay City ISD...................................................1.55 City of Palacios Bay ISD City...............................................0.85 ..............................................0.66 BayMatagorda City ISD...................................................1.55 Bay City ISD...................................................1.55 Matagorda ISD ...............................................1.14 ...............................................1.14 Bay City ISD...................................................1.55 City of Palacios ...............................................0.85 Tidehaven ISD ................................................1.22 Matagorda ISD ...............................................1.14 MatagordaISD ISD................................................1.22 ...............................................1.14 Tidehaven Matagorda ISD................................................1.25 ...............................................1.14 Bay City ISD...................................................1.55 Van Vleck ISD Tidehaven ISD ................................................1.22 Van Vleck ISD ................................................1.25 Tidehaven ................................................1.22 Tidehaven ISD ................................................1.22 Matagorda ISD ...............................................1.14 Palacios ISD...................................................1. 14 Palacios ISD...................................................1. 14 Van Vleck ISD ................................................1.25 Van Vleck ISD ................................................1.25 Van Vleck ISD ................................................1.25 Tidehaven ................................................1.22 City of City City of Bay Bay City Sales Sales Tax Tax ............................... ............................... 2.00% 2.00% Palacios ISD...................................................1. 1414 Palacios ISD...................................................1. 14 Palacios ISD...................................................1. Van Vleck ISD ................................................1.25 City of Palacios Sales Tax ................................ 2.00% City of Palacios Sales Tax ................................ 2.00% City of Bay City Sales Tax ............................... 2.00% Bay City Sales Tax ............................... 2.00% City of Bay City Sales Tax ............................... 2.00% Palacios ISD...................................................1. 14 Matagorda County Sales Tax............................ None Matagorda County Sales Tax............................ None City of of Palacios Sales Tax ................................ 2.00% City of Palacios Sales Tax ................................ 2.00% City Palacios Sales Tax ................................ 2.00% Bay City Sales Tax ............................... Texas State Sales Tax .......................................6.2 5% Texas State Sales Tax .......................................6.2 5% Matagorda County Sales Tax............................ None Matagorda County Sales Tax............................ None Matagorda County Sales Tax............................ None City of Palacios Sales Tax ................................ 2.00% Corporation Income Tax .................................. Corporation Income Tax .................................. None None Texas State Sales Tax .......................................6.2 5% Texas State Sales Tax .......................................6.2 5% Texas State County Sales Tax .......................................6.2 5% Matagorda Sales Tax............................ None Corporation Tax .................................. None Corporation Income Tax .................................. None Corporation Income Tax .................................. None Texas StateIncome Sales Tax .......................................6.2 5% Corporation Income Tax .................................. None
17,558 17,558 17,558 17,558 17,558 17,558
2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018
City Palacios Cityofof Palacios City City of ofPalacios Palacios City of Palacios City of Palacios
4,659 4,659 4,659 4,659 4,659 4,659
Matagorda Matagorda County County Matagorda MatagordaCounty County Matagorda County Matagorda County
2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018
17,189 17,189 17,189 17,189 17,189 Matagorda MatagordaCounty CountyLabor LaborForce Force Matagorda Matagorda County County Labor Labor Force Force Total Labor Force TotalLabor LaborForce Force Total
Total Labor Force Matagorda County Labor Force Total Labor Force Matagorda County Labor Force
6.3% 6.3% Total Labor Force 6.3% 6.3% 6.3% 93.7% 93.7% 93.7% 93.7% 93.7% Employed Employed Employed Employed
Unemployed Unemployed Unemployed Unemployed
Employed Unemployed Matagorda ---17,189 Matagorda County MatagordaCounty County -17,189 17,189 Matagorda County 17,189 Employed Bay City BayCity City--- 8,272 -8,272 8,272Unemployed Bay City 8,272 Matagorda County - 17,189 Palacios Palacios 2,285 Palacios--- -2,285 2,285 Palacios 2,285 Bay City - 8,272 Matagorda County - 17,189 Palacios Bay City--2,285 8,272 Businesses Businesses Businesses Palacios - 2,285
Bay Bay City Businesses BayCity City Total Number ofofEstablishments Establishments .......................... 686 Businesses Total Number Establishments .......................... 686 Total Numberof Establishments.......................... ..........................686 686 Bay City Palacios Total Number Bay City of Establishments .......................... 686 Palacios Palacios Total Number of Establishments .......................... 151 Total Number 686 Total ofofEstablishments Establishments .......................... 151 TotalNumber Numberof Establishments.......................... ..........................151 151 Palacios Matagorda County Housing Matagorda County Housing Total Number of Establishments .......................... 151 Palacios Matagorda MatagordaCounty CountyHousing Housing Total Number ofCounty Establishments .......................... 151 Matagorda Housing Owner-Occupied Dwellings 9,176 67.1% Owner-Occupied Dwellings 9,176 Owner-Occupied Dwellings 9,176 67.1% Owner-Occupied Dwellings 9,176 67.1% 67.1% Matagorda County Housing Renter-Occupied 4,499 32.9% Renter-Occupied Dwellings Dwellings 4,499 32.9% Renter-Occupied Dwellings Renter-Occupied Dwellings Owner-Occupied Dwellings Housing Units Housing Units Units Occupied Occupied Housing Renter-Occupied Dwellings Owner-Occupied Housing UnitsOccupied Occupied Housing Units Occupied Renter-Occupied Dwellings Total Total Housing Total Total Units Occupied Total Total New New Development Development Sought Sought
4,499 4,499 9,176 13,675 13,675 13,675 4,499 9,176 13,675 13,675 4,499 19,069 19,069 13,675 19,069 19,069 19,069 19,069
32.9% 32.9% 67.1% 71.7% 71.7% 71.7% 32.9% 67.1% 71.7% 71.7% 32.9% 71.7%
New NewDevelopment DevelopmentSought Sought New Developmentand Sought Small Small growth growth industries industries and businesses businesses New Development Sought Small and Smallgrowth growthindustries industries andbusinesses businesses Plastic products manufacturers Plastic products manufacturers
Small growth industries and businesses Plastic products manufacturers Plastic products manufacturers Value-added agri/aqua-culture and Value-added agri/aqua-culture and seafood seafood Plastic products manufacturers Small growth industries and businesses Value-added agri/aqua-culture and businesses Value-added agri/aqua-culture andseafood seafood businesses Value-added agri/aqua-culture and seafood Plastic products manufacturers Waterfront tourist businesses businesses Waterfront tourist hotels/motels hotels/motels businessesagri/aqua-culture Value-added and seafood Restaurants Waterfront Waterfronttourist touristhotels/motels hotels/motels Restaurants Waterfront tourist hotels/motels businesses Active adult retirement communities Restaurants Restaurants Active adult retirement communities Restaurants Waterfront tourist hotels/motels Vacation home communities Active retirement communities Activeadult adult retirement communities Vacation home communities Active adultsubdivisions retirement communities Restaurants Residential Vacation communities Vacationhome home communities Residential subdivisions Vacation home communities Active adult retirement communities Industries needing large Residential subdivisions Industries needing large amounts amounts of of gas, gas, Residential subdivisions Residential subdivisions Vacation home communities electricity and electricity and land land Industries needing large amounts of gas, Industries needing large amounts gas, Industries large amounts ofofgas, Residentialneeding subdivisions electricity and land electricity andland land amounts of gas, electricity and Industries needing large electricity and land
36,719 36,719
36,719 36,719 36,719 36,719
2018 2018
2018 2018 2018 2018
TX-BAY-CW-18 Design.indd 24
| C h a m be r o f C o m m e rc e a n d A gri c u l tu re 12/13/2018 9:43:14 AM
P P L A C C A P A A P C In In C A A A A In A A In A B B A U U A B L L B U O O U L C C L O B B O C C U B U B
E U E U C C E Ja Ja E C
C Ja Ja G G B B
reign Trade Zone
atagorda County Economic Matagorda County Attractions and Museums Recreational Facilities Industrial Advantages: Matagorda County Museum Matagorda Beach evelopment Corporation Large land tracts Rio Colorado Golf Course Sargent Beach
Matagorda County Attractions andMuseums Museums Recreational Facilities b Zone ............................................ Tax Abatemen AirMatagorda quality attainment area Birding Nature Center Birding Nature Center County Attractions and Recreational Facilities Industrial Advantages: Matagorda County Museum Matagorda Beach Industrial Advantages: Matagorda County Museum Matagorda Plastic pellets and plastic powder producers Palacios Area Historical Museum LCRABeach Matagorda Bay Nature Park A Bonds.....................................W orkforce Trainin Large land tracts Rio Colorado Golf Course Center Sargent Beach Large land tracts Rio Colorado Golf Course Sargent Beach Commercial barge port Palacios Marine Education Riverside RV Camping quality attainment areaseafood products AirAir quality attainment area Agricultural, aquaculture and
Birding Nature Center Birding Nature Center Texas Settlement Trail
Birding Nature Center Birding Nature Center Hunting and Fishing (River, Bay, and Gulf) LCRA Matagorda Bay Nature Park LCRA Matagorda Bay Nature Park Boating Parks ...........................................................39 Riverside Camping Palacios Marine Education Center Riverside RVRV Camping Historical Markers Tennis Courts ...........................................................18 Texas Settlement Trail Hunting and Fishing (River, Bay, and Gulf) Texas Settlement Trail Hunting and Fishing (River, Bay, and Gulf) Landmark Home Tours Swimming Facilities ................................................... 4 Texas Independence Trail Boating Parks ...........................................................39 Texas Independence Trail Boating Parks ...........................................................39 Public Libraries ........................................................ 4 Bay City Community Historical Markers Tennis Courts ...........................................................18 Historical Markers Tennis Courts ...........................................................18 Public Golf Courses.................................................. 3 Development Corporation Landmark Home Tours Swimming Facilities ................................................... Landmark Home Tours Swimming Facilities ................................................... 44 Public Libraries ........................................................4 4 Tax Abatement Finance Public Libraries ........................................................ BayCity CityCommunity Community Bay Public Golf Courses.................................................. 3 Bay City Enterprise Zone .............................Workforce Training Public Golf Courses.................................................. 3Palacios
Plastic pellets and plastic powder producers Palacios Area Historical Museum Plastic pellets and plastic powder producers Palacios Area Historical Museum ajor Annual Events Intracoastal Waterway Texas Independence Trail Commercial barge port Palacios Marine Education Center
Commercial barge port
Available labor force arket Days .................................... May & Decembe Agricultural, aquaculture and seafood products Agricultural, and seafood products Attractive laboraquaculture rates Intracoastal Waterway Intracoastal Waterway Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad ck the Block ................................. Second Thursda Available labor force Available labor force Union Pacific Railroad Attractive labor rates Attractive labor........................................................ rates moFest Januar Large capacity utility lines Burlington Northern Santa Railroad Burlington Northern Santa FeFe Railroad Oil and natural gas resources Union Pacific Railroad entine Parade ............................................ Februar Union Pacific Railroad DevelopmentCorporation Corporation Convenient highwayutility network Development Large capacity lines No. of Banks .......................5................................... 2 Large capacity utility lines Tax Abatement Finance City of Palacios Tax Abatement Finance Business friendly arity Ball ................................................... Februar and natural resources No. of Credit Unions ...........2 .................................. 0 OilOil and natural gasgas resources Bay City Palacios Enterprise Zone .............................Workforce Training Economic Development Corporation Bay City Palacios Enterprise Zone .............................Workforce Training Convenient highway network Utilities Convenient highway network atagorda County Fair and R odeo ................... Marc No. of Banks .......................5................................... 2 No. of Banks .......................5................................... 2 Tax Abatement City Palacios Business friendly City ofofPalacios Business friendly No. Credit Unions ...........2 .................................. ofof Credit Unions ...........2 .................................. 00 Electric Enterprise Zone .............................Workforce Economic Development CorporationTrainingNo. Economic Development Corporation atagorda Seafood Fest .................................... Marc Utilities Utilities CPL Retail Energy (Bay City) ........ (866) 322-5563 Tax Foreign Trade Zone Tax Abatement Abatement Jackson Electric Co-opCook-off eat Steak ......................................... Marc Electric Enterprise Zone .............................Workforce Training Electric Enterprise Zone .............................Workforce Matagorda County Economic Training (Palacios) ......................................... (979) 245-3029 CPL Retail Energy (Bay (Bay City) ........ (866) 322-5563 Foreign Foreign Trade Zone CPL Retail Energy City) ........ (866) 322-5563 Trade Zone Development Corporation nco de Mayo...................................................... Ma Jackson Electric Co-op Jackson Electric Co-op Matagorda CountyEconomic Economic Tax Abatement Gas Hub Zone ............................................ Matagorda County (Palacios) ......................................... (979) 245-3029 (Palacios) ......................................... (979) 245-3029 lay for Life ........................................................ Jun Development Corporation Bay City Gas Company IDA Bonds.....................................Workforce Training Development Corporation 86686 Gas Hub Zone ............................................ Tax Abatement Billing........................................ (979) 245-2327 Hub Zone ............................................ Tax Abatement Major Annual Events urth Gas of July Festivals.......................................... Jul Bay City Gas Company IDA Bonds.....................................Workforce Training Emergency ................................ (979) 245-2311 IDA Bonds.....................................Workforce Training Bay City Gas Company 51151 Market Days .................................... May & December Billing........................................ (979) 245-2327 CenterPoint Energy and Blessing Billing........................................ (979) 245-2327 rimporee of ..................... Augus Major Annual Events Fleet Rock the Block ................................. Second Thursday Annual Events Emergency ................................ (979) 245-2311 Major Emergency ................................ (979) 245-2311 (Palacios) ..................... (800) 427-7142 Market Days .................................... May & December Market Days........................................................January .................................... May & December CamoFest acios Chamber Fishing Tournament ............ Augus CenterPoint Energy CenterPoint Energy .1% Rock Block ................................. Second Thursday % Rock thethe Block ................................. Second Thursday Water Valentine Parade ............................................February (Palacios) ..................... (800) 427-7142 (Palacios) ..................... (800) 427-7142 .9% CamoFest ........................................................January % ........................................................January on's Club Rice(979) Festival ................................ Octobe City of Bay City ................................... 245-2322 CamoFest Charity Ball ...................................................February .7% Water Valentine Parade ............................................February % Water Valentine Parade ............................................February City of Palacios .................................... (361) 972-3605 Matagorda County Fair and Rodeo...................March rvest Moon Dinner and Dance................... Octobe City of Bay City ................................... (979) 245-2322 Charity Charity Ball ...................................................February ofWater Bay City ................................... (979) 245-2322 Ball ...................................................February BayCity City Capacity ............................. 9.5 MGD Matagorda Seafood Fest ....................................March City of Palacios .................................... (361) 972-3605 Matagorda Matagorda County Fair and Rodeo...................March City of Palacios .................................... (361) 972-3605 County Fair and Rodeo...................March Bay City Wastewater Capacity ......................4.3 MGD Great Steak Cook-off.........................................March ll Blast ........................................................ Octobe Bay City Water Capacity ............................. MGD Matagorda Matagorda Seafood Fest....................................March Bay City Water Capacity ............................. 9.59.5 MGD Seafood Fest....................................March Cinco de Mayo...................................................... May Telephone Bay City Wastewater Capacity ......................4.3 MGD Great Great Steak Cook-off.........................................March Bay City Wastewater Capacity ......................4.3 MGD Steak Cook-off.........................................March atagorda Boil Blast ...................................... Octobe Relay for Life ........................................................ June Cinco Mayo...................................................... May AT&T (Bay City) ..................... (800) 464-7928 Cinco dede Mayo...................................................... May Telephone Fourth of July Festivals.......................................... July Telephone Relay Life ........................................................ June urmet Guys ................................................ Octobe Repair........................... (800) 246-8464 forfor Life ........................................................ June AT&T (Bay City) ..................... (800) 464-7928 Relay Shrimporee andFestivals.......................................... Blessing of Fleet ..................... August AT&T (Bay City) ..................... (800) 464-7928 Fourth of July July Verizon ( Palacios) ...................... (800) 483-5000 Fourth of July Festivals.......................................... July Repair........................... (800) 246-8464 Palacios Repair........................... (800) 246-8464 Chamber Fishing Tournament ............ August ss Palacios Pageant .................................. Novembe Shrimporee and Blessing Fleet ..................... August and Blessing ofof Fleet ..................... August Verizon ( Palacios) ...................... (800) 483-5000 Shrimporee Cable Television Verizon ( Palacios) ...................... (800) 483-5000 Lion's Club Rice Festival ................................ October Palacios Chamber Fishing Tournament ............ August Palacios Chamber Fishing Tournament ............ August ade and Industry Show ............................. Novembe New Cable Wave Communications Harvest Moon Dinner and Dance................... October Television Lion's Club Rice Festival ................................ October Cable Television Lion's Club Rice Festival ................................ October (Bay City) ...................... (979) 245-5511 Bull Blast ........................................................ October New Wave Communications Harvest Moon Dinner and Dance................... October herman's Festival..................................... Novembe New Wave Communications Harvest Moon Dinner and Dance................... October (Palacios) ....................... (979) 543-6858 Boil Blast...................................... October (Bay City) ...................... (979) 245-5511 Matagorda Bull Blast ........................................................ October (Bay City) ...................... (979) 245-5511 Bull Blast ........................................................ October ghted Boat Parades................................... Novembe (Palacios) ....................... (979) 543-6858 Gourmet Guys................................................ October Matagorda Boil Blast...................................... October (Palacios) ....................... (979) 543-6858 Matagorda Boil Blast...................................... October Miss Palacios Pageant..................................November Gourmet Guys................................................ October Gourmet................................. Guys................................................ October ristmas Bird Count Decembe Miss Palacios Pageant..................................November Trade and Industry Show.............................November Miss Palacios Pageant..................................November Trade and Industry Show.............................November Fisherman's Festival.....................................November ristmas Lighted Parade ........................... Decembe Trade and Industry Show.............................November Fisherman's Festival.....................................November Lighted Boat Parades...................................November Fisherman's Festival.....................................November nta on a Shrimp Boat ............................... Decembe Lighted Boat Parades...................................November Christmas Bird Count ................................. December Lighted Boat Parades...................................November Christmas Bird Count ................................. December Christmas Lighted Parade ........................... December Christmas Bird Count ................................. December Christmas Parade ........................... December Santa onLighted a Lighted Shrimp Boat........................... ............................... December Christmas Parade December Santa a Shrimp Boat............................... December Santa onon a Shrimp Boat............................... December
Port Port ofof Port of Bay City Authority Bay City Authority Bay City Authority
Since1965, 1965, the Port of Bay City Authority (POBCA) has serving been serving Since the Port Bay City Authority (POBCA) has been the the Since 1965, the Port ofofMatagorda Bay City Authority (POBCA) has been servingatthe maritime needs of County. The commercial docks theofPort maritime needs of Matagorda County. The commercial docks at the Port Bayof Bay maritime needs ofthe Matagorda County. The County commercial docks at trading the Portpartners of Bay Cityconnect connect heart of Matagorda with global via the City the heart of Matagorda County with global trading partners via CityColorado connect the heart ofGulf Matagorda CountyWaterway. with globalIntrading partners via thethe River and Intercoastal 1990, the POBCA opened Colorado River and Gulf Intercoastal Waterway. In 1990, the POBCA opened Colorado River Harbor and GulfinIntercoastal Waterway. In Matagorda. 1990, the POBCA openedhas grown Matagordo the historic port town The harbor Matagordo Harbor in historic port town Matagorda. The harbor hasgrown grown Matagordo Harbor in meet thethe historic port town Matagorda. The harbor has over the years to the needs of pleasure and commercial traffic and now over years meet needs pleasure and commercial traffic and now over thethe years toto meet thethe needs ofofpleasure and commercial traffic and now isproud proudtoto offer 260 boat slips, a commercial dock, RV park, bait house, and is offer 260 boat slips, a commercial dock, RV park, bait house, and is proud to offer 260 boat slips, a commercial dock, RV park, bait house, and restaurant. restaurant. restaurant. The POBCA continues its commitment to attract andwater-borne serve water-borne The POBCA continues commitment attract and serve water-borne The POBCA continues itsits commitment toto attract and serve commerce to Matagorda. commerce Matagorda. commerce toto Matagorda. Contact at 135 Seventh Street • Bay City Texas 7714 7714 Contact at 135 Seventh Street •City Bay City Texas Contact usus atus 135 Seventh Street • Bay Texas 7714 Visit web • Visit the web at • Visit thethe web at at • Business office (919) 245-5831 Harbor Master (979) 863-2103 Business office (919) 245-5831 Harbor Master (979) 863-2103 Business office (919) 245-5831 Harbor Master (979) 863-2103
Since 1965, the Port of maritime needs of Mata City connect the heart o Colorado River and Gul Matagordo Harbor in th 1112 7th Street BayCity, City,Texas Texas77414 77414 1112 7th Street • City, Texas 77414 1112 7th Street • •Bay Bay over the years to meet th• •• is proud to offer 260 bo i p Gu i de restaurant. 2019 | C h a m be r Me m be rsh 25 The POBCA continues TX-BAY-CW-18 Design.indd 25 12/13/2018 9:43:16 AM commerce to Matagorda
G & W Engineers, Inc. Tim Thompson 1803A 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-7100 • f: (979) 323-9111 Surveyors
H E B Grocery Clint Hewitt 2700 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2990 • f: (979) 323-0380 Grocery Stores
Charlene Garcia Charlene Garcia 3717 CR 166 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-6372 Rental Properties Gateway Mortgage Group Teri Treadway P.O. Box 693 Matagorda, TX 77457 (979) 863-7874 • f: (918) 858-8401 Mortgage Company Gernand Builders Supply Mr. W. J. Gernand, Jr. 2314 10th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2783 • f: (979) 245-4168 Building Materials Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council Cynthia Brown 3110 Southwest Fwy. Houston, TX 77098 (713) 292-0300 • f: (713) 292-0330 Nonprofit Organizations God’s Creations Photography Lanora Luna 1717 8th St., Ste. 4 & 5 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 479-6373 Photography Grantworks Bruce Spitzengel 1711 Oak Shade Dr. Sugar Land, TX 77479 (281) 980-7259 • f: (281) 980-0144 Consulting Lynn C. Grebe Lynn C. Grebe 2139 Ave. G, Ste. 8 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-4261 • f: (979) 245-8590 Attorneys Green Brothers Jewelers Allen & Gary Green 2121 Ave. G Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2598 • f: (979) 244-1138 Jewelers Green’s Mortuary Mr. Robert Green 2702 Ave. C Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-3489 • f: (979) 245-1515 Funeral Homes
Hampton Inn & Suites Shea Ingram 4617 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-7100 • f: (979) 245-7101 Hotels/Motels Hancock Mortgage Partners LLC Jason Childers 1605 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 824-6761 • f: (979) 429-3959 Mortgage Company Harbor Hospice of Bay City Chalice Miller 5606 N. Navarro St. Victoria, TX 77901 (979) 476-3168 • f: (979) 476-3169 Health Care Services Gertrude Hardy Mrs. Gertrude Hardy 3404 Briar Ln. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2170 Individuals Hawkins Ranch Ltd. Bill Isaacson 2020 Ave. H Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-4001 • f: (979) 245-3901 Agricultural Businesses Bobby Head Bobby Head 2109 Laurel St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 429-1188 Individuals Health Food Cottage Heather Hilliard 1840 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-3833 • f: (979) 245-4044 Health Food Stores Henderson Fabrication, Inc. Alisha Kelly P.O. Box 659 Bay City, TX 77404-0659 (979) 245-5350 Steel — Structural & Miscellaneous Hilliard High Alumni Assoc., Inc. Pat Spiller Jackson P.O. Box 1286 Bay City, TX 77404-1286 (979) 244-2742 Service Organizations Hlavinka Equipment Company Mike Foltyn 601 N. Ave. F Bay City, TX 77404-0830 (979) 245-4630 • f: (979) 323-8707 Agricultural Businesses
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Craig Hlavinka Craig Hlavinka P.O. Box 208 Matagorda, TX 77457 (979) 863-2103 Individuals Holiday Inn Express Keith Moti 5618 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-3333 Hotels/Motels Jack Hollister Insurance Agency Lane Hollister 3600 Ave. F, Ste. A Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-1669 Insurance Home Instead Health Care Chris Baughman 104 Regency Ln. Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 570-5961 Home Health Care Services Hospice Support, Inc. Reneau Gold P.O. Box 1417 El Campo, TX 77437 (979) 578-0314 Health Care Services Houston Serenity Place Child Placement & Adoption Agency Leah Pouncy-Dean 3033 Chimney Rock Rd., Ste. 400 Houston, TX 77056 (832) 834-6152 • f: (832) 962-4180 Foster Care & Adoption Agency Howard & Mendiola LLC Imelda Howard 2617 Tupelo Dr. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 479-5013 Individuals Jim Humphries, DDS Family Dentistry Jim Humphries 2711 4th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-6541 • f: (979) 245-0118 Dentists Hunters Cove Apartments Marisol Macedo 1901 Palm Village Blvd. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-1641 • f: (979) 245-1642 Apartments Hydro Wash Michael Trochta 3220 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-0333 Car Washes
International Bank of Commerce Manager 1916 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-5781 • f: (979) 244-9475 Banks IPH Healthcare Maria Aguilera-Rahaim 190 Abner Jackson Pkwy. Lake Jackson, TX 77566 (979) 848-8151 Health Care Services
J J & J Imagine Juanita Esquivel 1629 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 943-1378 Party & Event Supplies Jackson Electric Cooperative, Inc. Missie Landry 100 Cooperative Way Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-3029 • f: (979) 245-3562 Utilities Jackson Services Buster Jackson 2100 Golden Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-1831 • f: (979) 244-8999 Wrecker Service Jones & Carter, Inc. Matt Breazeale 6415 Reading Rd. Rosenberg, TX 77471 (281) 762-6530 • f: (281) 232-9909 Engineering/Surveying Louis Jurek Louis Jurek P.O. Box 116 Markham, TX 77456 (979) 843-5211 Individual Members
K K-2 Steakhouse Mr. Gary Kubeczka 1701 8th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-6936 Restaurants Karges Construction Mr. Horst Karges P.O. Box 104 Bay City, TX 77404 (979) 245-1383 • f: (979) 245-1383 Construction Companies Dianna Kile Lopez Dianna Kile Lopez 5108 Oak Manor Blvd. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 583-8220 Individuals
Infintech Will Watson P.O. Box 2374 Angleton, TX 77515 (979) 345-2988 • f: (979) 345-1241 Electronic Payment Processing
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KKHA-FM 92.5 Chris Burns 1713 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-7771 • f: (979) 319-4163 Radio Stations Bob Klepac Exterminating Service Mr. Bob Klepac P.O. Box 1484 Bay City, TX 77404-1484 (979) 245-5700 Exterminators KMKS FM 102.5 Kay Sandlin P.O. Box 789 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-4242 • f: (979) 245-0107 Radio Stations Robert Knox State Farm Insurance Robert Knox 2409 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-6331 • f: (979) 244-1702 Insurance Kovar Air Conditioning & Heating Tom J. Kovar 1900 Ave. G Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-4816 Air Conditioning Services
L La Casona Bar & Dining Jesus Vera 2416 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2449 • f: (979) 245-2475 Restaurants La Quinta Inns & Suites Raheem Shivji 5300 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-9095 Hotels/Motels Law Offices of Gwin & Gwin Lawrence P. Gwin 1940 Ave. G, Ste. 3 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-7383 • f: (979) 245-1516 Attorneys Lazy Snake Ranches Caroline H. Dickerson P.O. Box 107 Wharton, TX 77488 Agricultural Businesses Leckhampton Homes Steve Norwood P.O. Box 2331 Stafford, TX 77497 (281) 265-4002 Home Construction David Leese David Leese 9754 CR 112 Van Vleck, TX 77482 (979) 240-0466 Individual Members
Legacy Assisted and Independent Living Theresa Libby 720 12th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-7891 • f: (979) 245-1245 Assisted Living Rick & Brigitta Lehmann Mr. Rick Lehmann 3633 County Rd. 211 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2289 Individuals Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP Robert Cuevas 500 N. Shoreline, #1111 Corpus Christi, TX 78401 (713) 844-3450 • f: (713) 844-3501 Law Firm Lisa’s Main Street Salon, Coffee & Wine Bar Mrs. Lisa Morales 1822 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-4105 Beauty Salons Little River Ranch Becca Sitz 2206 Ave. G Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 241-8448 Real Estate Development
LyondellBasell Industries Anthony Wood P.O. Box 2100 Bay City, TX 77404-2100 (979) 245-1225 • f: (979) 244-7166 Manufacturing
M M.C. Economic Development Corp. Mike Ferdinand 1112 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-8913 • f: (979) 245-5661 Economic Development M.C. Fair & Livestock Assoc. Julie Culver P.O. Box 1803 Bay City, TX 77404-1803 (979) 245-2454 • f: (979) 245-4250 Fair/Rodeo Associations
Matagorda Concrete LLC Bruce Krauskopf 1610 SH 60 N. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-1999 • f: (979) 244-1994 Concrete Matagorda Construction & Materials Bruce Krauskopf 2221 SH 35 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-9911 Sand, Gravel & Topsoil/Demolition Matagorda County Area Go-Texan Wade Calk P.O. Box 582 Van Vleck, TX 77482 (979) 318-4492 • f: (979) 318-4346 Nonprofit Organizations Matagorda County Birding Nature Center Director P.O. Box 2212 Bay City, TX 77404-2212 (979) 245-3336 Nonprofit Organizations Matagorda County CASA, Inc. Dolores Kimball 1017 N. Alabama Rd. Wharton, TX 77488 (979) 245-4958 • f: (979) 245-6453 Nonprofit Organizations
LJA Engineering Inc. Karina Moreno 2929 Briarpark Dr., #600 Houston, TX 77042 (713) 953-5200 Civil Engineering/Project Management
The Madrid Villas/Moneil Management Group, LLC Lois McDermott 5001 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-9955 Apartments
Lower Colorado Chapter CCA Treasurer P.O. Box 1622 Bay City, TX 77404 (979) 318-9007 Nonprofit Organizations
Mann Eye Lupita Gonzalez 3612 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-1450 • f: (979) 244-3122 Physicians & Surgeons
Lower Colorado River Authority Kate Holman P.O. Box 1030 La Grange, TX 78945 (512) 578-2145 Nonprofit Organizations
Billy & Linda Mann Billy & Linda Mann 8399 FM 2668 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-6878 Agricultural Individuals
Matagorda County Impact Center Frankie Glaspy Cole 1209 10th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 479-2393 Nonprofit Organizations
Lowery Real Estate Alice Lowery #1 Abalone St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-4543 • f: (979) 323-9598 Real Estate
Manna’s Pre-Cast Concrete, Inc. Mr. George Manna P.O. Box 292 Bay City, TX 77404-0292 (979) 245-8326 Concrete
Matagorda County Museum Barbara Smith 2100 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-7502 • f: (979) 245-1233 Museums
Mark A. Ludwig Mark A. Ludwig 53 Valhalla Dr. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-9965 Individuals
Mardis Hardware Mr. Gerald Mardis 3001 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-5531 Hardware & Plumbing/Plumbing
Matagorda County Navigation District #1 Victor Martinez Jr. P.O. Box 551 Palacios, TX 77465 (361) 972-5556 • f: (361) 972-3584 Navigation District
Mata. Co. Women’s Crisis Center Eugene Davis P.O. Box 1820 Bay City, TX 77404-1820 (979) 245-9109 • f: (979) 245-3426 Service Organizations
Matagorda County Republican Party Margaret Wier 1605 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (713) 439-1115 Nonprofit Organizations
Lyle Printing Mr. David Lyle 2100 6th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2680 • f: (979) 244-4306 Printers, Publishers & Graphics
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Lynn & Associates Stuart Lynn 1221 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-8900 • f: (979) 245-5345 Engineering
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Matagorda County E. M. S. Amanda Campos 2900 Hamman Rd. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-9020 • f: (888) 449-7680 Emergency Medical Services Matagorda County Farm Bureau Richard Kuenstler 901 Ave. F N. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-9139 • f: (979) 245-9540 Insurance
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Matagorda County United Way Di Ann Sneed 2417 Ave. G Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-5852 • f: (979) 244-1541 Nonprofit Organizations Matagorda Episcopal Health Outreach Program Celeste Harrison 101 Ave. F N. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2008 • f: (979) 245-0744 Health Care Services Matagorda Family Practice, PLLC Felicia Flores 2205 Ave. K Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-9752 Physicians & Surgeons Matagorda House Healthcare Center Donna Schlumps 700 12th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-7800 • f: (979) 245-7801 Nursing Homes Matagorda Medical Group Lauren Fox 600 Hospital Cir., Ste. 201 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 241-6108 Clinics & Medical Groups Matagorda Nursing & Rehabilitation Center Cody Holloway 4521 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-7369 • f: (979) 245-3440 Nursing Homes Matagorda Oilfield Specialty, Inc. Chris Schneider 3586 FM 2668 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-4683 • f: (979) 245-6522 Oilfield Sales Matagorda Regional Medical Center J. Warren Robicheaux 104 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-6383 • f: (979) 245-1525 Hospitals MC Commissioner Pct. 1 Gary Graham 2604 Nichols Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-3914 • f: (979) 245-2210 Government — Elected Officials MC County Clerk Janet Hickl 1700 7th St., Rm. 202 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-7680 • f: (979) 244-7688 Government — Elected Officials MC Credit Union Linda Ging 3700 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-8674 • f: (979) 245-1526 Credit Unions
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McAda Drilling Fluids, Inc. Mr. Jamie McAda P.O. Box 1080 Bay City, TX 77404-1080 (979) 244-3444 Oil & Gas
Milberger Turfgrass Arthur J. Milberger P.O. Box 290 Bay City, TX 77404 (979) 241-8591 • f: (877) 757-7101 Agricultural Businesses
McDonald Equipment Co. Mr. James N. McDonald, Jr. 340 CR 208 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2813 Contractors
Misguided Audio LLC Rick Brown 2908 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 318-1839 Automobile — Accessories
McDonald Services, Inc. Coy McDonald 1021 Ave. F N. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-8772 • f: (979) 245-5163 Hoses/Hydraulics MC County Judge Nate McDonald MC County Judge Nate McDonald 1700 7th St., Rm. 301 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-7605 • f: (979) 245-3697 Government — Elected Officials McDonald’s/Midiosda LLC Daniel Carreon 2101 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-4290 • f: (979) 318-3342 Restaurants Patti McKelvy Patti McKelvy P.O. Box 3383 Bay City, TX 77404-3383 (979) 245-6331 Individual Members Meadow Chase Apartments Laurel James 4901 Misty Ln. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-8616 • f: (979) 245-7120 Apartments
The Monterra Villas/Moneil Mgt. Group, LLC Yakeema Allen 2300 Hamman Rd. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 318-5380 • f: (979) 318-5382 Apartments Moores Ranch Marvin Moore 4006 Aggie Dr. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-3584 Individual Members More Mail Services Rudy Bonifay 2901 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-7000 • f: (979) 245-7001 Mail Service Mr. Tire — Bay City Jimmy Huey 721 Ave. F N. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-4677 Retail Tire, Repair & Auto Service MS Express No. 4 AJ Punjani 1417 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-7171 Convenience Stores
Mechanix, Inc. Richard Riedel 5000 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-8993 • f: (979) 323-8935 Mechanical Contractors
The Muecke Co.’s Mr. Mike Muecke 2808 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-1772 Drug Stores/Pharmacies
Mega Touch Cleaning Service Tamyra Trotter 1308 Marlin Ct. Bay City, TX 77414 (832) 908-0112 Residential & Commercial Cleaning, Lawn Care & Car Wash
Mullen Donuts James & Rosemary Mullen 2501 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-8871 Donut Shops
Michael Stone Grass Farms Mr. Michael Stone P.O. Box 1168 Bay City, TX 77404-1168 (979) 245-1227 Agricultural Businesses Mike’s Machine Works, Inc. John Smiric P.O. Box 3010 Freeport, TX 77541 (979) 233-1257 • f: (979) 233-0129 Machine Shops
Mundy Companies Lazaro Reyes P.O. Box 1980 Bay City, TX 77404-1980 (979) 241-4218 • f: (979) 241-4354 Construction Companies Mustard Seed Mrs. Deborah Pennington 1736 6th Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-4837 Christian Bookstores
N Nana’s House of Treats Chad & Beverly Trombatore 1728 6th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 240-8600 Food & Treats NAPA Auto Parts Gary Faris 2201 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-5506 • f: (979) 245-2842 Automobile — Parts Nephrology Leaders and Assoc., PLLC M. Atiq Dada, M.D. 200 Medical Center Ct. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2421 • f: (979) 245-6263 Physicians & Surgeons NewSound Hearing Janie Gonzales 4017 E. 7th Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-7300 • f: (979) 323-9104 Hearing Service NewWave Communications Jackie Previto 2404 Golden Ave. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-5511 • f: (979) 245-8256 Television — Cable New York Life Insurance Company James Duerr 8000 IH-10 West, Ste. 800 San Antonio, TX 78230 (361) 442-4811 Insurance Nichols Square Apartments Angie Balbas 2901 Hamman Rd. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-4011 • f: (979) 244-4086 Apartments
O O’Day Drilling Company Mike O’Day 5923 CR 931 Rosharon, TX 77583 (281) 485-1330 • f: (281) 485-0962 Water Well Drilling & Pump Repair/Agriculture Oak Manor Villas Veronica Sanchez 5212 Oak Blvd. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 216-8816 Property Development Tereana K. Ottis, Realtor Tereana K. Ottis 2916 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 240-4833 Real Estate OXEA Corporation Fred Gaytan P.O. Box 1141 Bay City, TX 77404-1141 (979) 241-4000 • f: (979) 241-4239 Manufacturing
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P Page Farm Brangus Mark & Cynthia Page 1458 FM 1468 S. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 240-1250 Agricultural Businesses Palacios Community Hub Cassandra Austin P.O. Box 385 Palacios, TX 77465 (361) 972-9990 Nonprofit Organizations Palacios Community Medical Center Director 311 Green Ave. Palacios, TX 77465 (361) 972-3312 Hospitals The Peaceful Pelican Paula Whitney 317 E. Bay Blvd. Palacios, TX 77465 (361) 972-0317 Bed & Breakfast Janet Peden Janet Peden 2020 Ave. H Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-4001 Individuals Pete’s Paint & Body Shop Paul & Corky Roe 308 Ave. F N. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-3105 • f: (979) 245-1682 Automobile — Body Shop Phillips 66 Amanda Linford P.O. Box 866 Sweeny, TX 77480 (979) 491-2200 Oil & Gas Pilot Club of Bay City President P.O. Box 1084 Bay City, TX 77404-1084 (979) 245-0440 Service Organizations Pilot Club of Matagorda County President P.O. Box 1235 Bay City, TX 77404-1235 (979) 244-6804 Service Organizations Pipefitters Local 211 Bryan Edwards 1301 W. 13th St., Ste. C Deer Park, TX 77536-2527 (713) 644-5521 • f: (713) 644-9801 Labor Union Poco Playa Darryl L. Elliott P.O. Box 636 Matagorda, TX 77457 (979) 863-7308 Restaurants
Popek’s Turf William & Deborah Popek P.O. Box 1770 Bay City, TX 77404-1770 (979) 479-6612 • f: (979) 245-6755 Agricultural Businesses
Rice Belt Warehouse Tony Sanchez P.O. Box 82 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-7396 Agricultural Businesses
Power T.E.C., Inc. Jimmy Hubbard P.O. Box 640 Van Vleck, TX 77482 (979) 245-2414 • f: (979) 245-8173 Petrochemical Mechanical Contractors
Rio Colorado Golf Course Terry Stockman P.O. Box 576 Bay City, TX 77404 (979) 244-2955 • f: (979) 245-2767 Golf Courses
Precision Drug & Alcohol Testing Alex Fuentes 2113 Ave. G, Ste. A Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-2328 • f: (979) 244-2331 Drug & Alcohol Testing Presley’s Alternator, Starter & Marine Barbara Presley 700 Ave. F N. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-1382 • f: (979) 216-9041 Automobile — Services Promotions Unlimited Terry Crane, Burke Paul 849 W. Plantation Clute, TX 77531 (979) 265-1616 • f: (979) 265-5652 Advertising Specialties Property Connections Real Estate Cheryl Stewart 1621 6th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-6055 • f: (979) 245-6050 Real Estate Prosperity Bank Tami Savage 1600 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-4200 • f: (979) 245-4242 Banks
R R & M Telephone Service, Inc. Greg Kutach 108 That Way Lake Jackson, TX 77566 (979) 244-0333 • f: (979) 299-6703 Telephone Communications Raystone Apartment Homes Pauline Chomba 2600 Ave. C Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 258-2991 Apartments
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Rev. James Roberson Rev. James Roberson 4203 Lori Ln. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-9265 Churches/Ministers Rocking W Productions Gerald Wendel 35 CR 352 Palacios, TX 77465 (979) 240-8059 Entertainment — DJs Rolling S Construction LLC DeWayne Salas P.O. Box 306 El Campo, TX 77437 (361) 550-9697 Construction — Welding Run-N-Gun Daniel Kubecka 7158 FM 2668 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 240-5312 Outdoor Sports Recreation & Lodging Runnells-Pierce Ranch John S. Runnells, III 121 PR 503 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-4881 Agricultural Businesses
S S’s Discount Liquor, LLC Shane & Sara Tyler 3601 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-0707 Retail Liquor
MC District Attorney Steven Reis Mr. Steven E. Reis, Dist. Atty 1700 7th St., #325 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-7657 • f: (979) 245-9409 Government — Elected Officials Reliance Chevrolet Buick GMC Lee Mehta 5020 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-6391 • f: (979) 245-2152 Automobile — Dealers
Riverway Apartments Melissa Guynes 1909 Hamman Rd. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-2821 • f: (979) 244-1388 Apartments
Saltgrass Charters Kenneth Hauff, Jr. 2828 Del Monte Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 240-3614 Fishing Guides The Savannah House Kimberly Luke 2504 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (832) 474-2842 Bed & Breakfast
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Schulman’s Movie Bowl Grille Bay City Mark Schulman 6655 E. 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 429-2610 Movie Theatre SCORE Mike Price P.O. Box 575 Blessing, TX 77419 (979) 245-8081 Business Education & Mentoring Sears Mr. Hank Huitt 3120 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-3226 Appliances Second Nature/BC Floral Randy & Celeste Cash 2105 Norvell Bay City, TX 77404-0241 (979) 244-4953 • f: (979) 244-5366 Landscaping Security Finance 0519 Sandy Ramos 2211 Ave. G Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-1090 • f: (979) 245-2418 Loan Company Serenity Matagorda Isle Karen Restivo P.O. Box 365 Matagorda, TX 77457 (281) 788-0622 Event Venue Shadow Bay Apartments Lulu Wong 1700 Baywood Dr. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2002 • f: (979) 245-6977 Apartments Shining Nightingale Health Care Farida Abjani 1700 6th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-7099 • f: (979) 323-0555 Home Health Care Services Shoppa’s Farm Supply Manager 1402 FM 3156 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2711 • f: (979) 245-1314 Agricultural Businesses Haskell Simon Mr. Haskell Simon P.O. Box 106 Bay City, TX 77404-0106 (979) 245-1708 • f: (979) 245-1708 Agricultural Individuals Dane D. Simons, M.D., P.A. Dane D. Simons, M.D., P.A. 1120 Ave. G. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-5721 • f: (979) 245-1482 Physicians & Surgeons
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Taylor-Steves Furniture, Home Decor & More Mary Frances Hatchett 1521 6th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-4611 • f: (979) 245-9604 Furniture Stores
The Siringo Guest House Kaye Orr 2509 Ave. I Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 241-2575 Bed & Breakfast — Historic
Southwest Land Title Co. Mr. Fred Law 1803 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2292 • f: (979) 241-3796 Title Companies
Stewart Custom Homes, LLC Ronald G. Stewart, Sr. 2108 6th St. Bay City, TX 77414-5137 (979) 245-2650 • f: (979) 216-9401 Custom Home Builder & Remodeler
David F. Sitz David & Marilyn F. Sitz 491 CR 415 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 241-1078 • f: (979) 245-2350 Individual Members
Spoonbills Restaurant Edie Pruitt P.O. Box 384 Matagorda, TX 77457 (979) 863-7766 Restaurants
Stonebridge RV Park I, LP Leah Giles, Manager 15804 TX-35 N. Sweeny, TX 77480 (979) 245-1200 RV Park
Spread Oaks Ranch Forrest Wylie 2210 Marguerite St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 318-3228 Agricultural Businesses
STP Nuclear Operating Co. Amanda Sitka P.O. Box 289 Wadsworth, TX 77483 (361) 972-3611 • f: (361) 972-7935 Nuclear Power Plants
Sprint Waste Services, L.P. Reagan Swinbank P.O. Box 940820 Houston, TX 77094 (281) 690-5000 • f: (281) 277-1832 Waste Management
Sugar Valley RV Resort Bruce Krauskopf P.O. Box 989 Van Vleck, TX 77482-0989 (979) 323-8000 RV Park
Tenaris Bay City Courtney Stevens 7960 SH 35 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-5200 Manufacturing
St. Peter Lutheran Church The Reverend Jared Stillions 3000 9th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-3778 • f: (979) 245-3778 Churches/Ministers
Sun Loans and Tax Service Sarah Cervantes 4310 7th St., Ste. 300 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-2354 • f: (979) 244-2382 Loan Company
Terracon Jason Mills, David Eby 1740 W. 4th St., Ste. 101 Freeport, TX 77541 (979) 202-1113 Engineering
Joey & Nancy Sliva Joey & Nancy Sliva P.O. Box 949 Bay City, TX 77404 (979) 557-3011 • f: (979) 245-7748 Individuals Sloan Law Office Matthew Sloan P.O. Box 2172 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-3797 Attorneys Sonic Drive-In Andrew Miller 2601 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-6151 • f: (979) 245-0662 Restaurants Sons of the Republic of Texas Janet Knox 1717 8th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-6644 Service Organizations South East Roofing Co., L.C. Robert Goodrum 410 Pecan Sweeny, TX 77480 (979) 245-4776 • f: (979) 548-1006 Roofing, Building and Siding South Texas Inn Mr. Ramesh Bhakta 1121 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-1432 Hotels/Motels South Texas Soundworks Terry Ray 1701 Gloria Ave. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 479-5456 Music Entertainment & Video Southeast Texas Housing Finance Corporation Ron Williams 11111 Sam Houston Pkwy. E. Houston, TX 77089 (281) 484-4663 • f: (281) 484-1971 Housing — Public Nonprofit Southern PR Group Mike O’Connell 1650 Hwy. 6 S., Ste. 430 Sugar Land, TX 77478 (281) 889-7456 Consulting
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The Stanley Building Bart Stanley 1400 8th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-9270 • f: (979) 944-9290 Office Building/Professional Office Suites Stanley-Fisher Bed & Breakfast Peggy Stanley P.O. Box 631 Matagorda, TX 77457 (979) 863-2920 • f: (713) 371-9918 Bed & Breakfast Tom Stanley Tom Stanley 1601 Edna Ave. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-2789 Individuals Stanley’s General Stores Bart Stanley P.O. Box 567 Bay City, TX 77404 (979) 863-7613 Grocery Stores State Farm — Robby Woodard Robby Woodard 702 N. Main Sweeny, TX 77480 (979) 548-3371 Insurance State Farm Insurance Scott Kiser 2516 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 557-0343 • f: (979) 244-1702 Insurance
Sunshine Laundry & Dry Cleaners Tom Perilloux 2320 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-8985 • f: (979) 543-8950 Dry Cleaning & Laundry Service Super 8 Rey Patel 920 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-9500 • f: (979) 323-9555 Hotels/Motels Super Wash Laundry Center Charles Lessenger 1317 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 551-5531 Laundromats Sutherland Lumber-Southwest, Inc. David Powell 5000 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-4900 • f: (979) 244-4836 Building Materials
T Taqueria Fernandez Noe Fernandez 3720 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-1385 Restaurants Taylor Bros./Palacios/B.C. Funeral Home Mr. Ronnie Miller P.O. Box 669/2313 Ave. I Bay City, TX 77404-0669 (979) 245-4613 • f: (979) 244-3113 Funeral Homes
TDECU Jennifer Garza 4205 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 297-1154 Credit Unions Tejas Cove Amelia Griffith 1900 Palm Village Blvd. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-4339 • f: (979) 245-4374 Retirement Homes
Texana Center George Patterson 4910 Airport, Bldg. B Rosenberg, TX 77471 (979) 245-9231 • f: (979) 244-3569 Clinics & Medical Groups Texana Real Estate Elmo Duke 1121 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-1441 Real Estate — Commercial & Residential Texas Commercial Fire & Safety Jonathan Fehmel P.O. Box 238 Bay City, TX 77414 (800) 970-8237 • f: (979) 258-2995 Fire Extinguisher Sales & Service Carolyn Thames Carolyn Thames 716 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-4808 Individual Members Mitch Thames Mitch Thames 716 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-8333 Individual Members Thompson Land Company Lindsey Thompson P.O. Box 807 Bay City, TX 77404-0807 (979) 323-8868 • f: (979) 328-8850 Real Estate — Farm & Ranch
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Tidehaven ISD Andrew Seigrist P.O. Box 129 El Maton, TX 77440 (979) 843-4307 School Districts Tilson Homes Patricia Davis 1128 Velasco Angleton, TX 77515 (979) 849-5748 Construction — New Home Tim’s Auto Body & Frame Repair, Inc. Tim & Sharon Lanoue 921 Ave. F N. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-8020 • f: (979) 245-8048 Automobile — Body Shop Town Square Publications, LLC Stefanie Nugara 155 E. Algonquin Rd. Arlington Heights, IL 60005 (847) 427-4627 • f: (800) 621-0256 Publications Harriet B. Townsend Harriet B. Townsend 3106 El Camino Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-3428 Individuals Travel World Lee Alberga, Melinda Ervin 2124 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-3450 • f: (979) 245-2757 Travel Agencies Triangle Cattle Co./Rice Farms Harley, Stewart or Kirby Savage 10919 SH 60 S. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2733 • f: (979) 245-9107 Agricultural Businesses Triangle Turf Co., Inc. Mr. Malcolm Romine 10917 SH 60 S. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-2496 • f: (979) 245-9107 Agricultural Businesses Trilogy Wealth Management Terry Farrar 2041 Ave. F, Ste. A Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-0649 • f: (979) 245-4573 Financial Planning The Trull Foundation Lisa Harrison 404 4th St. Palacios, TX 77465 (361) 972-5241 • f: (361) 972-1109 Nonprofit Organizations
U U Stor It, LLC Rush Claxton 2010 Ave. K Bay City, TX 77414 (361) 404-0245 Storage Facilities
United Aerial LLC Christopher Pflugfelder 5850 San Felipe, Ste. 500 Houston, TX 77057 (832) 870-9091 UAV Operations Company United Ag Manager P.O. Box 826 El Campo, TX 77437 (979) 543-6284 • f: (979) 543-9004 Agricultural Businesses United Rentals Scott Lowry 5603 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-3890 • f: (979) 245-3870 Equipment Rental
V Vacek’s Barn Brittany Vacek 4100 Sargent Ct. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-4158 Antiques & Collectibles Van Vleck Independent School District John R. O’Brien 142 S. 4th St. Van Vleck, TX 77482 (979) 323-5006 • f: (979) 245-1214 School Districts Varichem International Inc. Gordon Winfrey P.O. Box 528 Van Vleck, TX 77482 (979) 245-7278 Oilfield Chemical Manufacturing Venezia’s Garden Italian Restaurant & Wine Bar Marcos M. Ibanez & Denis Rivas 1300 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2760 Restaurants Ventana Development Bruce Grover 142 CR 222 Bay City, TX 77414 (713) 781-5551 • f: (713) 781-5553 Land Development VFW, Post #2438 John Wells P.O. Drawer 269 Bay City, TX 77404-0269 (979) 245-8857 Service Organizations The Virtual Realty Group Carla Rae Southard 2515 CR 291 Sargent, TX 77414 (832) 563-6221 Real Estate
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VonDerAu Ford John VonDerAu 1912 N. Mechanic El Campo, TX 77437 (979) 543-2753 Automobile — Dealers
W W&D Recycling, LLC Diana Zabodyn 1362 SH 35S Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-9811 Metal Recycling Wadler, Perches, Hundl & Kerlick Philip J. Hundl 101 W. Burleson St. Wharton, TX 77488 (979) 532-3871 • f: (979) 532-3508 Attorneys Walgreens Mendi Zamora 3018 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-7862 • f: (979) 323-7862 Drug Stores/Pharmacies Walmart Brian Rohde 4600 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-0196 Department Stores
Louis & Geneive West Louis West 921 5th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-0426 Individual Members WGP-Transco Jill Davis 2200 Ave. A Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 843-7200 • f: (979) 843-7205 Pipeline Companies Wharton County Junior College Gloria Crockett 4000 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-4552 • f: (979) 244-4377 College Campus/College Campus Whitney Williams Jones School of Dance Whitney Williams Jones 4313 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 240-6712 Dance Instruction Wild Bill’s Western Wear W. R. Newton 1708 6th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-5205 Retail Shops The Wireless Store Michael Spillers 1420 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-3330 • f: (979) 245-3303 Cellular Communications
Ward Real Estate Amanda Sutton 3600 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-5522 • f: (979) 245-5725 Real Estate — Commercial & Residential
Wofford Electric Larry Wofford 1300 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-4851 • f: (979) 245-5040 Electrical Services, Equipment & Supplies
Watertree Kelly Torres 3203 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2755 Water Refill Station — Alkaline
Wood. Rod Daigle 622 Commerce St. Clute, TX 77531 (979) 388-8579 • f: (979) 265-4229 Industrial Construction
Robert “Bob” Watts Bob Watts 2024 Tupperlake Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-5819 • f: (979) 245-5661 Individuals WB Liquors & Wine Jessica Gonzalez 4310 7th St., Ste. 400 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-4250 Retail Liquor Wells Fargo Bank Joan Weathers 1801 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414-5197 (979) 245-7331 • f: (979) 245-9351 Banks
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Woodforest National Bank Tiffany Davis 4600 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-3655 Banks Workforce Solutions Luz Lopez 3501 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-4808 • f: (979) 244-2455 Employment Agencies World Finance Corporation Vanessa Chambless 1700 5th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-8393 Loan Company
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Members By Category ACCOUNTANTS — CERTIFIED PUBLIC Allen & Allen, CPAs James M. Allen, Terrence D. Allen 1717 8th St., Ste. 1 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-1666 • f: (979) 245-6431 Frankson & Griffith, CPAs Jim Frankson & Mike Griffith 2245 Ave. G Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-9236 • f: (979) 245-4092
ADVERTISING SPECIALTIES Promotions Unlimited Terry Crane, Burke Paul 849 W. Plantation Clute, TX 77531 (979) 265-1616 • f: (979) 265-5652
AG/RURAL REAL ESTATE Capital Farm Credit Blake Barger 2013 Ave. C Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-4828 • f: (979) 245-6469 (Please see our ad on pg. 17)
AGRICULTURAL BUSINESSES B U Growers Joe M. Crane P.O. Box 453 Bay City, TX 77404-0453 (979) 245-2043 • f: (979) 245-9368 Bay City Feed Pam Hoffman 2020 6th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2712 • f: (979) 245-0033
C3 Cattle Company Mr. Clive Runnells, III P.O. Box 5097 Austin, TX 78763 (512) 940-4119
Rice Belt Warehouse Tony Sanchez P.O. Box 82 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-7396
Cornelius Crawfish Herff Cornelius P.O. Box 288 Wadsworth, TX 77483 (979) 245-4390 • f: (979) 244-4390
Runnells-Pierce Ranch John S. Runnells, III 121 PR 503 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-4881
Hawkins Ranch Ltd. Bill Isaacson 2020 Ave. H Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-4001 • f: (979) 245-3901
Shoppa’s Farm Supply Manager 1402 FM 3156 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2711 • f: (979) 245-1314
Hlavinka Equipment Company Mike Foltyn 601 N. Ave. F Bay City, TX 77404-0830 (979) 245-4630 • f: (979) 323-8707 Lazy Snake Ranches Caroline H. Dickerson P.O. Box 107 Wharton, TX 77488 Michael Stone Grass Farms Mr. Michael Stone P.O. Box 1168 Bay City, TX 77404-1168 (979) 245-1227 Milberger Turfgrass Arthur J. Milberger P.O. Box 290 Bay City, TX 77404 (979) 241-8591 • f: (877) 757-7101 Page Farm Brangus Mark & Cynthia Page 1458 FM 1468 S. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 240-1250
Spread Oaks Ranch Forrest Wylie 2210 Marguerite St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 318-3228 Triangle Cattle Co./Rice Farms Harley, Stewart or Kirby Savage 10919 SH 60 S. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2733 • f: (979) 245-9107
Frontz Electrical Mechanical Service, Inc. 3421 Sixth St. • P.O. Box 2252 Bay City, TX 77414
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(979)245-7796 BAY CITY
Frontz Electrical Mechanical Service, Inc. Bill Frontz P.O. Box 2252 Bay City, TX 77404-2252 (979) 245-7796 • f: (979) 245-2218 (Please see our ad on pg. 32)
AIR/HEAT WHOLESALE Century A/C Supply Bill Roy 1904 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2665 • f: (979) 245-2762
AMUSEMENT Allison Music Co. Inc. Robert D. Allison 1817 Ave. E Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2295
United Ag Manager P.O. Box 826 El Campo, TX 77437 (979) 543-6284 • f: (979) 543-9004
Billy & Linda Mann Billy & Linda Mann 8399 FM 2668 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-6878 Haskell Simon Mr. Haskell Simon P.O. Box 106 Bay City, TX 77404-0106 (979) 245-1708 • f: (979) 245-1708
AIR CONDITIONING SERVICES Kovar Air Conditioning & Heating Tom J. Kovar 1900 Ave. G Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-4816
Bay City Electric & Air Conditioning Stephen Carson 1710 Nichols Ave. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-8224
Triangle Turf Co., Inc. Mr. Malcolm Romine 10917 SH 60 S. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-2496 • f: (979) 245-9107
Popek’s Turf William & Deborah Popek P.O. Box 1770 Bay City, TX 77404-1770 (979) 479-6612 • f: (979) 245-6755
Bay City Antique Mall James & Lori Ann Collins 1720 6th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-4117 Vacek’s Barn Brittany Vacek 4100 Sargent Ct. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-4158
APARTMENTS Bay Breeze Apartments Linda Le 800 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-9790 • f: (979) 245-0889 Hunters Cove Apartments Marisol Macedo 1901 Palm Village Blvd. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-1641 • f: (979) 245-1642 The Madrid Villas/Moneil Management Group, LLC Lois McDermott 5001 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-9955
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Meadow Chase Apartments Laurel James 4901 Misty Ln. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-8616 • f: (979) 245-7120 The Monterra Villas/Moneil Mgt. Group, LLC Yakeema Allen 2300 Hamman Rd. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 318-5380 • f: (979) 318-5382 Nichols Square Apartments Angie Balbas 2901 Hamman Rd. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-4011 • f: (979) 244-4086 (Please see our ad on pg. 33) Raystone Apartment Homes Pauline Chomba 2600 Ave. C Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 258-2991 Riverway Apartments Melissa Guynes 1909 Hamman Rd. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-2821 • f: (979) 244-1388 Shadow Bay Apartments Lulu Wong 1700 Baywood Dr. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2002 • f: (979) 245-6977
APARTMENTS — LOFTS The BayTex Stuart Lynn 1617 6th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-8900
APPLIANCES Sears Mr. Hank Huitt 3120 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-3226
Bell Legal Services William M. Bell, Jr. 1605 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (713) 439-1115
Tim’s Auto Body & Frame Repair, Inc. Tim & Sharon Lanoue 921 Ave. F N. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-8020 • f: (979) 245-8048
B. Allen Cumbie, Attorney Mr. B. Allen Cumbie 1514 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-1623 • f: (979) 245-1146 Lynn C. Grebe Lynn C. Grebe 2139 Ave. G, Ste. 8 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-4261 • f: (979) 245-8590 Law Offices of Gwin & Gwin Lawrence P. Gwin 1940 Ave. G, Ste. 3 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-7383 • f: (979) 245-1516 Sloan Law Office Matthew Sloan P.O. Box 2172 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-3797 Wadler, Perches, Hundl & Kerlick Philip J. Hundl 101 W. Burleson St. Wharton, TX 77488 (979) 532-3871 • f: (979) 532-3508
AUTOMOBILE — PARTS Davis Brothers Auto Supply Clyde Davis 2802 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-1541 • f: (979) 245-3024 (Please see our ad on pg. 33)
Classic Chevrolet Ray Aguilar 13115 Southwest Fwy. Sugarland, TX 77478 (281) 491-9000 • f: (281) 923-4176
NAPA Auto Parts Gary Faris 2201 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-5506 • f: (979) 245-2842
Reliance Chevrolet Buick GMC Lee Mehta 5020 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-6391 • f: (979) 245-2152
VonDerAu Ford John VonDerAu 1912 N. Mechanic El Campo, TX 77437 (979) 543-2753
AUTOMOBILE — MACHINE SERVICES Dependable Machine, Inc Mr. Ronnie Bose 3124 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-6415 • f: (979) 245-0151
Cantu’s Coastal Automotive Martha Cantu 2006 Cottonwood Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 943-1252
AUTOMOBILE — SERVICES Presley’s Alternator, Starter & Marine Barbara Presley 700 Ave. F N. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-1382 • f: (979) 216-9041
Misguided Audio LLC Rick Brown 2908 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 318-1839
AUTOMOBILE — BODY SHOP Custom Auto Refinishers, Inc. John & Tina Arlitt 121 Ave. F N. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-7345 • f: (979) 245-8449 Pete’s Paint & Body Shop Paul & Corky Roe 308 Ave. F N. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-3105 • f: (979) 245-1682
ASSISTED LIVING Legacy Assisted and Independent Living Theresa Libby 720 12th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-7891 • f: (979) 245-1245
ATTORNEYS Ira T. Anderson, Attorney Mr. Ira T. Anderson 1120 Texas St., #7A Houston, TX 77002-3135 (713) 782-8841 • f: (713) 782-1714
Davis Bros. Auto Supply Cylde Davis & Gary Davis Owners 2802 Avenue F Bay City, Texas 77414 (979)245-1541 FAX (979)245-3024
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Funtastic Cakes, LLC Teresa J. Morales 2815 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-2253
Lisa’s Main Street Salon, Coffee & Wine Bar Mrs. Lisa Morales 1822 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-4105
El Campo Bowling Center, LP Nancy Fucik 806 W. Loop El Campo, TX 77437 (979) 543-9999 • f: (979) 543-0009
First Financial Bank Kenneth Johnson 459 Main St. Palacios, TX 77465 (361) 972-1181
The Peaceful Pelican Paula Whitney 317 E. Bay Blvd. Palacios, TX 77465 (361) 972-0317
First State Bank Bay City Charles Brookhouser P.O. Box 2433 Bay City, TX 77404-2433 (979) 244-3000 • f: (979) 244-5113 (Please see our ad on pg. 35) International Bank of Commerce Manager 1916 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-5781 • f: (979) 244-9475 (Please see our ad on pg. 34) Prosperity Bank Tami Savage 1600 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-4200 • f: (979) 245-4242 (Please see our ad on pg. 34) Wells Fargo Bank Joan Weathers 1801 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414-5197 (979) 245-7331 • f: (979) 245-9351 Woodforest National Bank Tiffany Davis 4600 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-3655
The Savannah House Kimberly Luke 2504 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (832) 474-2842 Stanley-Fisher Bed & Breakfast Peggy Stanley P.O. Box 631 Matagorda, TX 77457 (979) 863-2920 • f: (713) 371-9918
BED & BREAKFAST — HISTORIC The Siringo Guest House Kaye Orr 2509 Ave. I Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 241-2575
BUILDING MATERIALS Alamo Lumber Company Paul Lopez 2009 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-8301 • f: (979) 245-5127 Gernand Builders Supply Mr. W. J. Gernand, Jr. 2314 10th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2783 • f: (979) 245-4168 Sutherland Lumber-Southwest, Inc. David Powell 5000 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-4900 • f: (979) 244-4836
BUSINESS EDUCATION & MENTORING SCORE Mike Price P.O. Box 575 Blessing, TX 77419 (979) 245-8081
BOAT DEALERS Busha Boat Works Donald Busha 3113 Nichols Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-3369 • f: (979) 245-1599
Hydro Wash Michael Trochta 3220 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-0333
El Campo Coca-Cola Mr. Bruce Morrison 1001 W. Jackson El Campo, TX 77437 (979) 543-2522 • f: (979) 578-3005
Baywash Tim Riggs 3816 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 429-4722
CARPET, RUGS, WALLPAPER & WINDOW COVERINGS Drenner’s Carpet Gallery Frank & Pat Drenner 5615 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-9103 • f: (979) 245-7206
CELLULAR COMMUNICATIONS AT&T Anthony Verastiqui 4500 7th St., Ste. 100 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-2001 • f: (979) 323-9308 The Wireless Store Michael Spillers 1420 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-3330 • f: (979) 245-3303
CEMETERIES Bay City Cemetery Association Susie Adkins P.O. Box 91 Bay City, TX 77404-0091 (979) 245-0872 cedarvale
CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Bay City Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture Mr. Mitch Thames 201 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-8333 • f: (979) 245-1622 (Please see our ad on pg. 24)
CHILD CARE Bright Eyed Beginnings Consteance Perry 3211 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 417-6233
IBC Bay City 1916 Seventh St.
IBC Port Lavaca 311 North Virginia
IBC Victoria 6411 North Navarro
TX-BAY-CW-18 Design.indd 34 BAY CITY
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CHIROPRACTORS Bay City Health and Rehabilitation Center Dr. Zack Benson 1201 6th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-1414 • f: (979) 245-1555
CHRISTIAN BOOKSTORES Mustard Seed Mrs. Deborah Pennington 1736 6th Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-4837
Texana Center George Patterson 4910 Airport, Bldg. B Rosenberg, TX 77471 (979) 245-9231 • f: (979) 244-3569
COLLEGE CAMPUS/COLLEGE CAMPUS Wharton County Junior College Gloria Crockett 4000 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-4552 • f: (979) 244-4377 (Please see our ad on pg. 7)
CHURCHES/MINISTERS First Presbyterian Church Pastor 2216 Ave. H Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-8327 • f: (979) 244-4891 Rev. James Roberson Rev. James Roberson 4203 Lori Ln. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-9265 St. Peter Lutheran Church The Reverend Jared Stillions 3000 9th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-3778 • f: (979) 245-3778
CITY Bay City Police Department Chief Robert Lister 2201 Ave. H Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-8500 • f: (979) 245-5758
Tilson Homes Patricia Davis 1128 Velasco Angleton, TX 77515 (979) 849-5748
McDonald Equipment Co. Mr. James N. McDonald, Jr. 340 CR 208 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2813
CONSTRUCTION — WELDING Rolling S Construction LLC DeWayne Salas P.O. Box 306 El Campo, TX 77437 (361) 550-9697
CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES COMPUTER SERVICE & SECURITY Bartdesigns Bart Szeinbach 4312 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-3100 • f: (979) 244-0455
CONCRETE Alamo Concrete Products, Ltd. David Gloor P.O. Box 168 Bay City, TX 77404-0168 (979) 245-8365 • f: (979) 245-0231 Manna’s Pre-Cast Concrete, Inc. Mr. George Manna P.O. Box 292 Bay City, TX 77404-0292 (979) 245-8326 (Please see our ad on pg. 35) Matagorda Concrete LLC Bruce Krauskopf 1610 SH 60 N. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-1999 • f: (979) 244-1994
Bega LLC Roland Jimenenz 730 N. Post Oak Rd. 206 Houston, TX 77024 (713) 482-1702 Karges Construction Mr. Horst Karges P.O. Box 104 Bay City, TX 77404 (979) 245-1383 • f: (979) 245-1383 Mundy Companies Lazaro Reyes P.O. Box 1980 Bay City, TX 77404-1980 (979) 241-4218 • f: (979) 241-4354
CONSULTING Grantworks Bruce Spitzengel 1711 Oak Shade Dr. Sugar Land, TX 77479 (281) 980-7259 • f: (281) 980-0144 Southern PR Group Mike O’Connell 1650 Hwy. 6 S., Ste. 430 Sugar Land, TX 77478 (281) 889-7456
LJA Engineering Inc. Karina Moreno 2929 Briarpark Dr., #600 Houston, TX 77042 (713) 953-5200
CLINICS & MEDICAL GROUPS Above & Beyond Caring Harry Priesmeyer 920 Nichols Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 533-3091
CONVENIENCE STORES B7 Corner Store LLC Johnny & Yolanda Huerta 8799 State Hwy. 35 N. Van Vleck, TX 77482 (979) 245-2257 Bay City Food Mart Jagruti Lad 2300 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-0949 • f: (979) 476-3009 MS Express No. 4 AJ Punjani 1417 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-7171
COUNTRY CLUB & GOLF COURSE Bay City Country Club General Manager P.O. Box 1606 Bay City, TX 77404-1606 (979) 245-5779 • f: (979) 245-3899
CREDIT UNIONS Baycel Federal Credit Union Paula Abshier 2320 6th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-3995 • f: (979) 244-8207 (Please see our ad on pg. 36) Chemcel Federal Credit Union Kim Ford FM Rd. 3057 S. Bay City, TX 77404-0509 (979) 241-4295 • f: (979) 241-4298
MANNA’S PRE-CAST CONCRETE, INC. Established 1944 Concrete Feed & Water Troughs
Matagorda Medical Group Lauren Fox 600 Hospital Cir., Ste. 201 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 241-6108 (Please see our ad on pg. 19)
979-245-8326 | 1-800-262-6627 2928 Nichols (FM 2668) • P.O. Box 292 Bay City, TX 77404-0292 Delivery available at additional charge
TX-BAY-CW-18 Design.indd 35
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12/14/2018 11:48:35 AM
MC Credit Union Linda Ging 3700 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-8674 • f: (979) 245-1526 TDECU Jennifer Garza 4205 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 297-1154
CUSTOM HOME BUILDER & REMODELER Stewart Custom Homes, LLC Ronald G. Stewart, Sr. 2108 6th St. Bay City, TX 77414-5137 (979) 245-2650 • f: (979) 216-9401
Dental Arts of Bay City Crayden Dennard, DDS 4040 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-4746 • f: (979) 244-4746 Jim Humphries, DDS Family Dentistry Jim Humphries 2711 4th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-6541 • f: (979) 245-0118 (Please see our ad on pg. 37)
DEPARTMENT STORES Walmart Brian Rohde 4600 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-0196
DIRECTORIES ATD-AUSTIN Michael Doran P.O. Box 92052 Austin, TX 78709-2052 (512) 395-8101 • f: (512) 395-8115
Whitney Williams Jones School of Dance Whitney Williams Jones 4313 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 240-6712
Aqua Beverage Co./Ozarka Jeff Socha 701A W. Jackson El Campo, TX 77437-4141 (800) 621-1885 • f: (979) 543-7129
DENTISTS Bay City Dental Victa J. Edwards 1801 Merlin Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-8400 • f: (979) 323-8404
Del Papa Distributing Company, Inc. Peter Williamson 3907 E. Rio Grande Victoria, TX 77901 (888) 433-5727 • f: (361) 570-9143
DONUT SHOPS Mullen Donuts James & Rosemary Mullen 2501 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-8871
Precision Drug & Alcohol Testing Alex Fuentes 2113 Ave. G, Ste. A Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-2328 • f: (979) 244-2331
Matagorda County E. M. S. Amanda Campos 2900 Hamman Rd. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-9020 • f: (888) 449-7680
The Muecke Co.’s Mr. Mike Muecke 2808 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-1772
Workforce Solutions Luz Lopez 3501 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-4808 • f: (979) 244-2455
Walgreens Mendi Zamora 3018 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-7862 • f: (979) 323-7862
CUSTOM HOME BUILDERS Allison Custom Homes LLC Grant Allison P.O. Box 1896 Bay City, TX 77404-1896 (979) 245-8758 • f: (979) 245-5455 (Please see our ad on pg. 37)
Express Cleaners Ms. Janie Gonzales 3921 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-1107 Sunshine Laundry & Dry Cleaners Tom Perilloux 2320 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-8985 • f: (979) 543-8950
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Bay City Community Development Corporation Jessica Russell 1112 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-8081 • f: (979) 323-1642 (Please see our ad on pg. 25) M.C. Economic Development Corp. Mike Ferdinand 1112 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-8913 • f: (979) 245-5661 (Please see our ad on pg. 24)
ELECTRICAL SERVICES, EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES Wofford Electric Larry Wofford 1300 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-4851 • f: (979) 245-5040
ENGINEERING Lynn & Associates Stuart Lynn 1221 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-8900 • f: (979) 245-5345 Terracon Jason Mills, David Eby 1740 W. 4th St., Ste. 101 Freeport, TX 77541 (979) 202-1113
ENGINEERING/SURVEYING Jones & Carter, Inc. Matt Breazeale 6415 Reading Rd. Rosenberg, TX 77471 (281) 762-6530 • f: (281) 232-9909
ENTERTAINMENT — DJS Rocking W Productions Gerald Wendel 35 CR 352 Palacios, TX 77465 (979) 240-8059
EQUIPMENT RENTAL United Rentals Scott Lowry 5603 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-3890 • f: (979) 245-3870
EVENT VENUE Serenity Matagorda Isle Karen Restivo P.O. Box 365 Matagorda, TX 77457 (281) 788-0622
Infintech Will Watson P.O. Box 2374 Angleton, TX 77515 (979) 345-2988 • f: (979) 345-1241
TX-BAY-CW-18 Design.indd 36
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Bricker Pest Control Tim Bricker 875 Nichols Ave. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-5811
Edward Jones James Scardami 2120 6th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-9574
Nana’s House of Treats Chad & Beverly Trombatore 1728 6th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 240-8600
Big “G” Auto Shop II Diane Segrest 1601 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-5994 • f: (979) 245-1491
Bob Klepac Exterminating Service Mr. Bob Klepac P.O. Box 1484 Bay City, TX 77404-1484 (979) 245-5700
FAIR/RODEO ASSOCIATIONS M.C. Fair & Livestock Assoc. Julie Culver P.O. Box 1803 Bay City, TX 77404-1803 (979) 245-2454 • f: (979) 245-4250
FINANCIAL ADVISOR/INVESTMENT REPRESENTATIVE Edward Jones Alyssa Sanders 1500 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-3999 • f: (888) 609-7982 Edward Jones Mr. John Dickerson 2230 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-0717 • f: (888) 270-2534
FINANCIAL PLANNING Trilogy Wealth Management Terry Farrar 2041 Ave. F, Ste. A Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-0649 • f: (979) 245-4573
FIRE EXTINGUISHER SALES & SERVICE Texas Commercial Fire & Safety Jonathan Fehmel P.O. Box 238 Bay City, TX 77414 (800) 970-8237 • f: (979) 258-2995
Saltgrass Charters Kenneth Hauff, Jr. 2828 Del Monte Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 240-3614
Green’s Mortuary Mr. Robert Green 2702 Ave. C Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-3489 • f: (979) 245-1515 Taylor Bros./Palacios/B.C. Funeral Home Mr. Ronnie Miller P.O. Box 669/2313 Ave. I Bay City, TX 77404-0669 (979) 245-4613 • f: (979) 244-3113 (Please see our ad on pg. 37)
FITNESS Crossfit Acquire Jessica Herzik 1912 Ave. I Bay City, TX 77414 (713) 492-7877
FITNESS CENTERS Anytime Fitness Robert & Patti Ragsdale 4310 7th St., Ste. 500 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-2348 Fit For Life Julie Green 2200 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-5535
Grant & Crystal Allison
Rio Colorado Golf Course Terry Stockman P.O. Box 576 Bay City, TX 77404 (979) 244-2955 • f: (979) 245-2767
GOVERNMENT — ELECTED OFFICIALS State Representative Dennis Bonnen Shera Eichler 122 E. Myrtle St. Angleton, TX 77515 (979) 848-1770 • f: (979) 849-3169 (Please see our ad on pg. 37) Mark Bricker, Mayor of Bay City Mark Bricker 1901 5th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2137 • f: (979) 323-1626 Bill & Connie Cornman Bill & Connie Cornman 2617 Encino Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-9600 Craig Estlinbaum, 130th District Court Judge Judge Craig Estlinbaum 1700 7th St., Rm. 317 Bay City, TX 77404-0289 (979) 244-7635 • f: (979) 245-6478 MC Commissioner Pct. 1 Gary Graham 2604 Nichols Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-3914 • f: (979) 245-2210
TAYLOR BROS. Humphries Family Dentistry
2313 Avenue I P.O. BOX 669 Bay City, TX 77404-0669
(979) 245-4613
2711 4th Street 2019
TX-BAY-CW-18 Design.indd 37
Custom Cedar Patio Furniture, LLC Daniel Murphy P.O. Box 1019 Bay City, TX 77404-1019 (979) 240-3850
Taylor-Steves Furniture, Home Decor & More Mary Frances Hatchett 1521 6th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-4611 • f: (979) 245-9604
LLISON A CUSTOM HOMES, LLC (979) 245-8758 Quality Custom Homes Since 1998
Houston Serenity Place Child Placement & Adoption Agency Leah Pouncy-Dean 3033 Chimney Rock Rd., Ste. 400 Houston, TX 77056 (832) 834-6152 • f: (832) 962-4180
| C h a m be r Me m be rsh i p Gu i de
12/13/2018 9:56:34 AM
MC County Clerk Janet Hickl 1700 7th St., Rm. 202 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-7680 • f: (979) 244-7688 MC County Judge Nate McDonald MC County Judge Nate McDonald 1700 7th St., Rm. 301 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-7605 • f: (979) 245-3697 MC District Attorney Steven Reis Mr. Steven E. Reis, Dist. Atty 1700 7th St., #325 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-7657 • f: (979) 245-9409
GOVERNMENT SERVICE City of Bay City Mayor Mark Bricker 1901 5th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2137 (Please see our ad on pg. ??)
GROCERY STORES H E B Grocery Clint Hewitt 2700 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2990 • f: (979) 323-0380 Stanley’s General Stores Bart Stanley P.O. Box 567 Bay City, TX 77404 (979) 863-7613
HARDWARE & PLUMBING/ PLUMBING Mardis Hardware Mr. Gerald Mardis 3001 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-5531
CPR by Mary Helen Nelson by by Mary Mary Helen Helen Nelson Nelson
Mary Helen Nelson, RN, BSN, MSN Mary Nelson, Mary Helen HelenOwner/Instructor Nelson, RN, RN, BSN, BSN, MSN MSN Owner/Instructor Owner/Instructor American Heart Assocation Instructor American Heart Assocation Instructor Heart Assocation Instructor AHA Basic Life Support Regional Faculty American AHA Basic Life AHA Basic Life Support Support Regional Regional Faculty Faculty
2708 Sims Avenue, 2708 Sims Avenue, 2708 Avenue, Bay Sims City, TX 77414 Bay City, City, TX TX 77414 77414 Bay Office: (979) 244-1609 Office: (979) (979) 244-1609 244-1609 Office: Cell: (979) 240-5362 Cell: (979) (979) 240-5362 240-5362 Cell:
Teaching Site: 2717 9th St. Teaching Site: 2717 9th Teaching 2717 9th St. St. Family Site: Worship Center Family Worship Center Family Worship Center Bay City, TX 77414 Bay City, City, TX TX 77414 77414 Email:Bay Email: Email:
TX-BAY-CW-18 Design.indd 38
HEALTH CARE SERVICES CPR by Mary Helen Nelson Mary Helen Nelson 2708 Sims Ave. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-1609 (Please see our ad on pg. 38) Harbor Hospice of Bay City Chalice Miller 5606 N. Navarro St. Victoria, TX 77901 (979) 476-3168 • f: (979) 476-3169 Hospice Support, Inc. Reneau Gold P.O. Box 1417 El Campo, TX 77437 (979) 578-0314
NewSound Hearing Janie Gonzales 4017 E. 7th Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-7300 • f: (979) 323-9104
Candlewood Suites Bay City Shae Ingram 5800 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-7500
Dunn Heat Exchangers Pete Dunn, Jr. 410 21st St. S. Texas City, TX 77590 (409) 944-3963
HOME CONSTRUCTION Apple Builders LLC Dale Baxter P.O. Box 4071 Sargent, TX 77404 (713) 296-9699
IPH Healthcare Maria Aguilera-Rahaim 190 Abner Jackson Pkwy. Lake Jackson, TX 77566 (979) 848-8151 Matagorda Episcopal Health Outreach Program Celeste Harrison 101 Ave. F N. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2008 • f: (979) 245-0744
HEALTH FOOD STORES Health Food Cottage Heather Hilliard 1840 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-3833 • f: (979) 245-4044
HEARING SERVICE Brown Hearing Centers Ken Bostrom 1717 8th St., Ste. 3A Bay City, TX 77414 (800) 392-1041
Leckhampton Homes Steve Norwood P.O. Box 2331 Stafford, TX 77497 (281) 265-4002
HOME HEALTH CARE SERVICES Angels Care Home Health Kari Perez 2803 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-0600 • f: (979) 244-4505 Home Instead Health Care Chris Baughman 104 Regency Ln. Victoria, TX 77904 (361) 570-5961 Shining Nightingale Health Care Farida Abjani 1700 6th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-7099 • f: (979) 323-0555
HOSES/HYDRAULICS McDonald Services, Inc. Coy McDonald 1021 Ave. F N. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-8772 • f: (979) 245-5163
South Texas Inn Clean and Comfortable Comfortable Complimentary Coee Complimentary Coffee and Breakfast and Breakfast Refrigeratorsand and Refrigerators Microwavesin inRooms Rooms Microwaves Free High-Speed Wireless Internet Internet Daily Daily –– Weekly – Monthly
Located on HWY 60
HOSPITALS Matagorda Regional Medical Center J. Warren Robicheaux 104 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-6383 • f: (979) 245-1525 (Please see our ad on pg. 2) Palacios Community Medical Center Director 311 Green Ave. Palacios, TX 77465 (361) 972-3312
Best Western Plus Inn & Suites Jessica Perez 501 7th St. Bay City, TX (979) 557-6678 • f: (979) 557-0679
Comfort Suites Janissa Sims 5100 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-9300 • f: (979) 245-2250 Executive Inn Mr. Patel 3620 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-5900 (Please see our ad on pg. 15) Fairfield Inn & Suites Samantha Lopez 515 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-9191 (Please see our ad on pg. 17) Hampton Inn & Suites Shea Ingram 4617 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-7100 • f: (979) 245-7101 Holiday Inn Express Keith Moti 5618 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-3333 La Quinta Inns & Suites Raheem Shivji 5300 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-9095 (Please see our ad on pg. 14) South Texas Inn Mr. Ramesh Bhakta 1121 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-1432 (Please see our ad on pg. 38) Super 8 Rey Patel 920 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-9500 • f: (979) 323-9555 (Please see our ad on pg. 14)
(979) 244-1432
1121 Avenue F • Bay City, Texas
| C h a m be r o f C o m m e rc e a n d A gri c u l tu re 12/13/2018 9:43:37 AM
HOUSING — PUBLIC NONPROFIT Southeast Texas Housing Finance Corporation Ron Williams 11111 Sam Houston Pkwy. E. Houston, TX 77089 (281) 484-4663 • f: (281) 484-1971
IMAGING CENTER Bay City Imaging/US Imaging Melanie Bradley 720 Ave. F N. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-6660 • f: (979) 245-6669
INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS Lurinda & Chal Barnwell Lurinda & Chal Barnwell 2515 Carrington St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-5623 Laurie & Fred Beck Laurie Beck P.O. Box 441 Austin, TX 78705 (956) 285-3234 City of Bay City City Secretary David Holubec 1901 5th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (832) 244-6021 Edwin Hawes Dickerson Edwin H. Dickerson 2230 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 241-2526 Tim Frawley Tim Frawley 2612 Hillcrest Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-9434 Louis Jurek Louis Jurek P.O. Box 116 Markham, TX 77456 (979) 843-5211 David Leese David Leese 9754 CR 112 Van Vleck, TX 77482 (979) 240-0466 Patti McKelvy Patti McKelvy P.O. Box 3383 Bay City, TX 77404-3383 (979) 245-6331 Moores Ranch Marvin Moore 4006 Aggie Dr. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-3584 David F. Sitz David & Marilyn F. Sitz 491 CR 415 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 241-1078 • f: (979) 245-2350
Carolyn Thames Carolyn Thames 716 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-4808
Rick & Brigitta Lehmann Mr. Rick Lehmann 3633 County Rd. 211 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2289
Mitch Thames Mitch Thames 716 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-8333
Mark A. Ludwig Mark A. Ludwig 53 Valhalla Dr. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-9965
Louis & Geneive West Louis West 921 5th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-0426
Janet Peden Janet Peden 2020 Ave. H Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-4001
INDIVIDUALS Bay City Gas Company Mr. Kevin E. Hecht P.O. Box 1603 Bay City, TX 77404-1603 (979) 245-2311 • f: (979) 244-1422 Kay Brown Kay Brown 337 Brazos Dr. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-6450
Tom Stanley Tom Stanley 1601 Edna Ave. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-2789 Harriet B. Townsend Harriet B. Townsend 3106 El Camino Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-3428
Charles Coney Charles Coney 1604 Edna Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-5255
Robert “Bob” Watts Bob Watts 2024 Tupperlake Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-5819 • f: (979) 245-5661
Mike & Becky Denn Mike & Becky Denn 17 Valhalla Dr. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2237
INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTION Wood. Rod Daigle 622 Commerce St. Clute, TX 77531 (979) 388-8579 • f: (979) 265-4229
Joseph D. Enoch Joseph D. Enoch 16 Murex Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-3017 Gertrude Hardy Mrs. Gertrude Hardy 3404 Briar Ln. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2170
INSURANCE Allison Benefit Consultant & Investment Management Mr. Charles Allison 1805 5th St., Ste. 201 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-3218 • f: (979) 244-2032
Bobby Head Bobby Head 2109 Laurel St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 429-1188 Craig Hlavinka Craig Hlavinka P.O. Box 208 Matagorda, TX 77457 (979) 863-2103
Best Insurance Services, Inc. Russell Burnett P.O. Box 428 Lake Jackson, TX 77566 (979) 245-1194 • f: (979) 245-5289 Campbell-Huitt Insurance Mr. Jay Huitt 3725 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-8343 • f: (979) 245-2858 (Please see our ad on pg. 39) Farmers Insurance Group Gary Krenek 2323 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-3317 Jack Hollister Insurance Agency Lane Hollister 3600 Ave. F, Ste. A Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-1669 (Please see our ad on pg. 39) Robert Knox State Farm Insurance Robert Knox 2409 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-6331 • f: (979) 244-1702 New York Life Insurance Company James Duerr 8000 IH-10 West, Ste. 800 San Antonio, TX 78230 (361) 442-4811 Matagorda County Farm Bureau Richard Kuenstler 901 Ave. F N. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-9139 • f: (979) 245-9540
Campbell-Huitt Insurance
Howard & Mendiola LLC Imelda Howard 2617 Tupelo Dr. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 479-5013 Dianna Kile Lopez Dianna Kile Lopez 5108 Oak Manor Blvd. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 583-8220
3600 Avenue F, Suite A Bay City, TX 77414
Auto ✦ Home ✦ Business Boats ✦ Motorcycles
You Need Our Best Price!
(979) 245-8343 Established 1933 • Se Habla Español
3725 7th Street • Bay City, TX 77414
TX-BAY-CW-18 Design.indd 39
Joey & Nancy Sliva Joey & Nancy Sliva P.O. Box 949 Bay City, TX 77404 (979) 557-3011 • f: (979) 245-7748
Allstate Insurance Agency Hank Huitt 3120A Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-4671 • f: (979) 244-3020
| C h a m be r Me m be rsh i p Gu i de
Serving all Commercial business insurance needs, as well as your Home, Auto, Life & Health. 39
12/13/2018 9:43:39 AM
State Farm — Robby Woodard Robby Woodard 702 N. Main Sweeny, TX 77480 (979) 548-3371 (Please see our ad on pg. 40) State Farm Insurance Scott Kiser 2516 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 557-0343 • f: (979) 244-1702
JEWELERS Green Brothers Jewelers Allen & Gary Green 2121 Ave. G Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2598 • f: (979) 244-1138 (Please see our ad on pg. 40)
LABOR UNION Pipefitters Local 211 Bryan Edwards 1301 W. 13th St., Ste. C Deer Park, TX 77536-2527 (713) 644-5521 • f: (713) 644-9801
LAND DEVELOPMENT Ventana Development Bruce Grover 142 CR 222 Bay City, TX 77414 (713) 781-5551 • f: (713) 781-5553
LANDSCAPING Second Nature/BC Floral Randy & Celeste Cash 2105 Norvell Bay City, TX 77404-0241 (979) 244-4953 • f: (979) 244-5366
LAUNDROMATS Super Wash Laundry Center Charles Lessenger 1317 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 551-5531
Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP Robert Cuevas 500 N. Shoreline, #1111 Corpus Christi, TX 78401 (713) 844-3450 • f: (713) 844-3501
Barretts Minerals, Inc. Scott Cheek 1920 Ave. K Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-5547 • f: (979) 245-1733
Family Business Services Rick Sims 1520 S. York Rd. Gastonia, NC 28053 (713) 899-3777
LIBRARIES Bay City Public Library Samantha Denbow 1100 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-6931 • f: (979) 245-2614
LOAN COMPANY Security Finance 0519 Sandy Ramos 2211 Ave. G Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-1090 • f: (979) 245-2418 Sun Loans and Tax Service Sarah Cervantes 4310 7th St., Ste. 300 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-2354 • f: (979) 244-2382 World Finance Corporation Vanessa Chambless 1700 5th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-8393
MACHINE SHOPS Mike’s Machine Works, Inc. John Smiric P.O. Box 3010 Freeport, TX 77541 (979) 233-1257 • f: (979) 233-0129
MAIL SERVICE More Mail Services Rudy Bonifay 2901 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-7000 • f: (979) 245-7001
Matagorda County Museum and Children’s Museum Open Wednesday- Saturday: 1:00-5:00
(979) 245-7502
2100 Ave. F, Bay City, TX 77414 40
TX-BAY-CW-18 Design.indd 40
Celanese Matt McCall P.O. Box 509 Bay City, TX 77404-0509 (979) 241-4386 • f: (214) 258-9335 (Please see our ad on pg. 18) Chevron Phillips Chemical Company Wendy Irwin P.O. Box 1000 Sweeny, TX 77480 (979) 491-5500 Coem Texas, LLC Claudio Tresoldi 2612 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2700 LyondellBasell Industries Anthony Wood P.O. Box 2100 Bay City, TX 77404-2100 (979) 245-1225 • f: (979) 244-7166 OXEA Corporation Fred Gaytan P.O. Box 1141 Bay City, TX 77404-1141 (979) 241-4000 • f: (979) 241-4239 (Please see our ad on pg. 17) Tenaris Bay City Courtney Stevens 7960 SH 35 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-5200 (Please see our ad on pg. 4)
Robby Woodard, Robby Woodard, Agent Agent 702 N Main Street, 702 N Main Street, Sweeny, TX 77480-1604 Sweeny, TX 77480-1604 Bus 979 548 3371 Bus 979 548 3371 Fax 979 548 3374 Fax 979 548 3374 Cell 979 480 7637 Cell 979 480 7637 The greatest compliment you The can greatest give compliment is a referral. you can give is a referral.
MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS Mechanix, Inc. Richard Riedel 5000 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-8993 • f: (979) 323-8935
METAL RECYCLING W&D Recycling, LLC Diana Zabodyn 1362 SH 35S Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-9811
MORTGAGE COMPANY Gateway Mortgage Group Teri Treadway P.O. Box 693 Matagorda, TX 77457 (979) 863-7874 • f: (918) 858-8401 (Please see our ad on pg. 3) Hancock Mortgage Partners LLC Jason Childers 1605 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 824-6761 • f: (979) 429-3959
MOVIE THEATRE Schulman’s Movie Bowl Grille Bay City Mark Schulman 6655 E. 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 429-2610
Jewelers Diamonds Fine Jewelry Custom Design Jewelry Repair
2121 Ave. G, Bay City, TX 77414
| C h a m be r o f C o m m e rc e a n d A gri c u l tu re 12/13/2018 9:43:41 AM
MUSEUMS Matagorda County Museum Barbara Smith 2100 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-7502 • f: (979) 245-1233 (Please see our ad on pg. 40)
MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT & VIDEO South Texas Soundworks Terry Ray 1701 Gloria Ave. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 479-5456
NAVIGATION DISTRICT Matagorda County Navigation District #1 Victor Martinez Jr. P.O. Box 551 Palacios, TX 77465 (361) 972-5556 • f: (361) 972-3584
NEWSPAPERS Bay City Sentinel Mike & MaLinda Reddell 3769 FM 2668 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-9613 Bay City Tribune Brenda Burr P.O. Box 2450 Bay City, TX 77404-2450 (979) 245-5555 • f: (979) 244-5908 The Facts Yvonne Mintz P.O. Box 549 Clute, TX 77531 (979) 265-7411 • f: (979) 265-2213
NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS Art League of Bay City Sharon Leonard 1921 5th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 479-2698 Ext:88 Bay Area Council on Drugs and Alcohol, Inc. Director 2911 Southshore Blvd., Ste. 150 League City, TX 77573 (800) 511-3111 Bay City Girls Softball Association Melinda DeLeon P.O. Box 412 Bay City, TX 77404-0412 (979) 216-7365 Bay City Junior Service League President P.O. Box 1131 Bay City, TX 77404-1131 (979) 323-9789
Bay City Lady Lions Club Heidi Martinez P.O. Box 2034 Bay City, TX 77404 (979) 323-1176
Matagorda County Area Go-Texan Wade Calk P.O. Box 582 Van Vleck, TX 77482 (979) 318-4492 • f: (979) 318-4346
Bay City Little League Felix Nunez P.O. Box 176 Bay City, TX 77404-0176 (979) 557-4345
Matagorda County Birding Nature Center Director P.O. Box 2212 Bay City, TX 77404-2212 (979) 245-3336
Boys & Girls Club of Bay City and Matagorda County Bebee Manrique-McMillan 2404 Cottonwood Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-8865 • f: (979) 245-6639
Matagorda County CASA, Inc. Dolores Kimball 1017 N. Alabama Rd. Wharton, TX 77488 (979) 245-4958 • f: (979) 245-6453
Coastal Plains SBDC Kyle Smith 1900 5th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-8466
Matagorda County Republican Party Margaret Wier 1605 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (713) 439-1115
Colorado River Alliance Brent Lyles P.O. Box 50029 Austin, TX 78763 (512) 498-1587 Community Actors of South Texas Richard Knapik P.O. Box 813 Bay City, TX 77404-0813 (979) 318-2485 Daughters In Progress Ms. Lillie Hines P.O. Box 234 Bay City, TX 77404-0234 (979) 245-8524 Economic Action Committee of the Gulf Coast Kristie Pustejovsky P.O. Box 1685 Bay City, TX 77404 (979) 245-6901 • f: (979) 245-5699
Matagorda County United Way Di Ann Sneed 2417 Ave. G Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-5852 • f: (979) 244-1541 Palacios Community Hub Cassandra Austin P.O. Box 385 Palacios, TX 77465 (361) 972-9990 The Trull Foundation Lisa Harrison 404 4th St. Palacios, TX 77465 (361) 972-5241 • f: (361) 972-1109
STP Nuclear Operating Co. Amanda Sitka P.O. Box 289 Wadsworth, TX 77483 (361) 972-3611 • f: (361) 972-7935 (Please see our ad on pg. 6)
NURSING HOMES Bay Villa Health Care Center Paul Cowey 1800 13th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-6327 • f: (979) 245-0164 Matagorda House Healthcare Center Donna Schlumps 700 12th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-7800 • f: (979) 245-7801 Matagorda Nursing & Rehabilitation Center Cody Holloway 4521 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-7369 • f: (979) 245-3440 (Please see our ad on pg. 18)
OFFICE & STORAGE RENTAL Carroll Enterprises D.L. Carroll 2330 CR 329 Milano, TX 76556
OFFICE BUILDING/PROFESSIONAL OFFICE SUITES The Stanley Building Bart Stanley 1400 8th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-9270 • f: (979) 944-9290
For the Love of Animals Cheryl Stahle 4101 Ave. F S. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 241-2802 Fraternal Order of Eagles 3232 Jayme Rocha P.O. Box 803 Bay City, TX 77404-0803 (979) 245-6251 Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council Cynthia Brown 3110 Southwest Fwy. Houston, TX 77098 (713) 292-0300 • f: (713) 292-0330 Lower Colorado Chapter CCA Treasurer P.O. Box 1622 Bay City, TX 77404 (979) 318-9007 Lower Colorado River Authority Kate Holman P.O. Box 1030 La Grange, TX 78945 (512) 578-2145
TX-BAY-CW-18 Design.indd 41
Matagorda County Impact Center Frankie Glaspy Cole 1209 10th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 479-2393
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BCOS Office Technologies Mr. Chris Gier 1111 CR 44 Angleton, TX 77515 (979) 849-6888 • f: (979) 849-1473
Run-N-Gun Daniel Kubecka 7158 FM 2668 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 240-5312
Ferrellgas Mr. Frank Hurley, III P.O. Box 1390 Bay City, TX 77404-1390 (979) 245-1766 • f: (979) 245-0291
J & J Imagine Juanita Esquivel 1629 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 943-1378
McAda Drilling Fluids, Inc. Mr. Jamie McAda P.O. Box 1080 Bay City, TX 77404-1080 (979) 244-3444
Phillips 66 Amanda Linford P.O. Box 866 Sweeny, TX 77480 (979) 491-2200 (Please see our ad on pg. 41)
OILFIELD CHEMICAL MANUFACTURING Varichem International Inc. Gordon Winfrey P.O. Box 528 Van Vleck, TX 77482 (979) 245-7278
OILFIELD SALES Matagorda Oilfield Specialty, Inc. Chris Schneider 3586 FM 2668 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-4683 • f: (979) 245-6522
PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS Bay City Cardiology Clinic George P. Hanna, M.D. 5274 Hwy. 60 S. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-7000 • f: (979) 323-7391 Bay City Ophthalmology Dr. Michael A. Peggs 1713 Merlin Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-3558 • f: (979) 244-5352 Bay City Pediatrics Patricia Maxwell 2417 Ave. I Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-5600 • f: (979) 245-5614
Mann Eye Lupita Gonzalez 3612 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-1450 • f: (979) 244-3122
Coastal Paws Pet Lodge Allison Coleman 3439 FM 3156 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 451-1133 (Please see our ad on pg. 42)
PET GROOMERS Bad to the Bone Janie Flemming 1916 Nichols Rd. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-0091
PETROCHEMICAL MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS Power T.E.C., Inc. Jimmy Hubbard P.O. Box 640 Van Vleck, TX 77482 (979) 245-2414 • f: (979) 245-8173
Matagorda Family Practice, PLLC Felicia Flores 2205 Ave. K Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-9752 Nephrology Leaders and Assoc., PLLC M. Atiq Dada, M.D. 200 Medical Center Ct. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2421 • f: (979) 245-6263
979-451-1133 3934 FM 3156 Bay City, TX
TX-BAY-CW-18 Design.indd 42
God’s Creations Photography Lanora Luna 1717 8th St., Ste. 4 & 5 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 479-6373
Community Pathology Associates David M. Titus 1 Baylor Plz., Ste. 286A Houston, TX 77030 (713) 798-4661 • f: (713) 798-6126
Dog & Cat boarding for the weekend! BRING YOUR DOG TO DOGGY DAYCARE & GO TO WORK GUILT-FREE!
Dane D. Simons, M.D., P.A. Dane D. Simons, M.D., P.A. 1120 Ave. G. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-5721 • f: (979) 245-1482
PRINTERS, PUBLISHERS & GRAPHICS C & D Printing Co. Ron Bingham P.O. Box 8 Bay City, TX 77404 (979) 245-5941 • f: (979) 245-5650 Lyle Printing Mr. David Lyle 2100 6th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2680 • f: (979) 244-4306
PRINTING Data Imaging Systems, Inc. Raymond Baker 12615 Jones Rd., Ste. 107 Houston, TX 77070 (281) 807-4022 • f: (281) 807-9990
PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT Oak Manor Villas Veronica Sanchez 5212 Oak Blvd. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 216-8816
PUBLICATIONS Town Square Publications, LLC Stefanie Nugara 155 E. Algonquin Rd. Arlington Heights, IL 60005 (847) 427-4627 • f: (800) 621-0256
RADIO STATIONS KKHA-FM 92.5 Chris Burns 1713 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-7771 • f: (979) 319-4163
WGP-Transco Jill Davis 2200 Ave. A Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 843-7200 • f: (979) 843-7205
KMKS FM 102.5 Kay Sandlin P.O. Box 789 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-4242 • f: (979) 245-0107
Bay City Plumbing Supply, Inc. Richard Knapik P.O. Box 1509 Bay City, TX 77404-1509 (979) 245-5452 • f: (979) 245-6360 (Please see our ad on pg. 43)
PORTABLE TOILETS Aqua-Zyme Services, Inc. Jim W. Massey P.O. Box 800 Van Vleck, TX 77482 (979) 245-5656 • f: (979) 244-8239
Bay City Realty Sherry Williams 1320 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 479-5074 (Please see our ad on pg. 43) Full Stringer Realty David & Jody Cassady 3021 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-4663 • f: (979) 245-1750
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Lowery Real Estate Alice Lowery #1 Abalone St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-4543 • f: (979) 323-9598 Tereana K. Ottis, Realtor Tereana K. Ottis 2916 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 240-4833 Property Connections Real Estate Cheryl Stewart 1621 6th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-6055 • f: (979) 245-6050 The Virtual Realty Group Carla Rae Southard 2515 CR 291 Sargent, TX 77414 (832) 563-6221
REAL ESTATE — APPRAISERS Bell Valuation Service Tim Bell 1605 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-5300 • f: (979) 244-1040
REAL ESTATE — COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL All Star Real Estate Mrs. Bettie Granberry 2916 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-7827 • f: (979) 245-7875 Bay Prairie Investments, Inc. Mrs. Patsy Anderson 1821 Sycamore Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-4316 • f: (979) 245-6187 Bill Bell Realty Mr. Bill Bell 1605 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-5589 • f: (979) 244-1040
Douglas Realty Company E. M. Douglas 5224 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-5901 • f: (979) 245-2423 Texana Real Estate Elmo Duke 1121 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-1441
RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL CLEANING, LAWN CARE & CAR WASH Mega Touch Cleaning Service Tamyra Trotter 1308 Marlin Ct. Bay City, TX 77414 (832) 908-0112
Ward Real Estate Amanda Sutton 3600 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-5522 • f: (979) 245-5725 (Please see our ad on pg. 48)
REAL ESTATE — FARM & RANCH Thompson Land Company Lindsey Thompson P.O. Box 807 Bay City, TX 77404-0807 (979) 323-8868 • f: (979) 328-8850
REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT Little River Ranch Becca Sitz 2206 Ave. G Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 241-8448
A & A Bar-B-Que Mr. Allen Korenek 3404 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-5186 Applebee’s Restaurant Brittany Basquez 4701 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-4000 Blue Ocean Seafood Restaurant Jesus & Luz Lopez 2921 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-6559 Chicken Express Mike Garza 2104 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-9886 Chili’s Bay City Les Handley 4207 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-2144 • f: (979) 244-5850
RENTAL PROPERTIES Charlene Garcia Charlene Garcia 3717 CR 166 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-6372
Davis’ BBQ & Cafe Glen & Leslie Davis 2901 Nichols Ave. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 429-0331
Bay City Plumbing Supply, Inc. Residential Commerical Industrial
813 Avenue F Hwy 60 N Bay City, Texas 77414 Richard Knapik 979-245-5452 Manager 1-800-640-7904
K-2 Steakhouse Mr. Gary Kubeczka 1701 8th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-6936 La Casona Bar & Dining Jesus Vera 2416 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2449 • f: (979) 245-2475 McDonald’s/Midiosda LLC Daniel Carreon 2101 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-4290 • f: (979) 318-3342 Poco Playa Darryl L. Elliott P.O. Box 636 Matagorda, TX 77457 (979) 863-7308 Sonic Drive-In Andrew Miller 2601 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-6151 • f: (979) 245-0662
Taqueria Fernandez Noe Fernandez 3720 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-1385
75 YEARS • Catering • Banquet Facilities • Cocktails • Food to Go
(979) 245-2097
1917 - 13th Street • Bay City 2019
TX-BAY-CW-18 Design.indd 43
Four Pz Pizza Inc., Pizza Hut Teresa Guanajuato 4301 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-7601 • f: (979) 244-1096
Spoonbills Restaurant Edie Pruitt P.O. Box 384 Matagorda, TX 77457 (979) 863-7766
El Zarape Rita Martinez 1917 13th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2097 (Please see our ad on pg. 43)
The Children’s Store Inc. Jean Fehmel 1800 6th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 578-1600
Fat Grass Restaurant & Bar Shawn Watkins 1717 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-7277
Land * Homes * Commerical Making Dreams Happen 1320 7th Street • Bay City, TX 77414 Office 979-245-2091
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Venezia’s Garden Italian Restaurant & Wine Bar Marcos M. Ibanez & Denis Rivas 1300 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2760
RETAIL LIQUOR S’s Discount Liquor, LLC Shane & Sara Tyler 3601 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-0707 WB Liquors & Wine Jessica Gonzalez 4310 7th St., Ste. 400 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-4250
RETAIL SEAFOOD Buddy’s Butcher Shop & Seafood Gina Treybig 2115 Ave. K Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-9860
RETAIL SHOPS The Burlap Sack Debbie Franz 2105 Ave. G Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 476-3190 (Please see our ad on pg. 44) Cattails Sue K. Milberger 22996 Hwy. 60 Matagorda, TX 77457 (979) 863-7737 • f: (979) 863-7700 (Please see our ad on pg. 9) Wild Bill’s Western Wear W. R. Newton 1708 6th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-5205
Mr. Tire — Bay City Jimmy Huey 721 Ave. F N. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-4677
Matagorda Construction & Materials Bruce Krauskopf 2221 SH 35 Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-9911
RETIREMENT HOMES Tejas Cove Amelia Griffith 1900 Palm Village Blvd. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-4339 • f: (979) 245-4374
ROOFING, BUILDING & SIDING South East Roofing Co., L.C. Robert Goodrum 410 Pecan Sweeny, TX 77480 (979) 245-4776 • f: (979) 548-1006
RV PARK 60 North RV Park Karen Kinard 501 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-6605 Bert’s RV Park Sherry Head, Greg Rothermel 1120 Hwy. 35 S. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2840 • f: (979) 479-3324 Stonebridge RV Park I, LP Leah Giles, Manager 15804 TX-35 N. Sweeny, TX 77480 (979) 245-1200
M-F 10:00 -5:30 Saturday 10:00-4:00
IG: the_burlap_sack FB: The Burlap Sack
Sugar Valley RV Resort Bruce Krauskopf P.O. Box 989 Van Vleck, TX 77482-0989 (979) 323-8000
TX-BAY-CW-18 Design.indd 44
Bay City Communication and Security Rick Udovich P.O. Box 1815 Bay City, TX 77404 (979) 245-8545
Bay City Lions Club Terry Farrar P.O. Box 867 Bay City, TX 77404-0867 (979) 245-4533
• Storage Units for Rent (Available on a Monthly Basis) • Non-Climate and Climate Controlled Units • Boat Storage • Debit/Credit Cards Accepted
(979) 245-0318
Van Vleck Independent School District John R. O’Brien 142 S. 4th St. Van Vleck, TX 77482 (979) 323-5006 • f: (979) 245-1214
Ability Beyond Disability John A. Thompson 3636 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (281) 725-2324 • f: (979) 577-0359
5224 Ave. F • Bay City 77414
2015 Ave G
Tidehaven ISD Andrew Seigrist P.O. Box 129 El Maton, TX 77440 (979) 843-4307
On the Square
Bay City ISD Dr. Marshall Scott III 520 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-5766 • f: (979) 245-3175 (Please see our ad on pg. 47)
Bay City aBstraCt & title Co. teri Cartwright, Manager
(979) 245-6321 Fax (979) 241-3790
2021 avenue g Bay City, texas 77414-5019
Bay City Rotary Club President P.O. Box 933 Bay City, TX 77404-0933 (979) 244-7667 Hilliard High Alumni Assoc., Inc. Pat Spiller Jackson P.O. Box 1286 Bay City, TX 77404-1286 (979) 244-2742 Mata. Co. Women’s Crisis Center Eugene Davis P.O. Box 1820 Bay City, TX 77404-1820 (979) 245-9109 • f: (979) 245-3426 Pilot Club of Bay City President P.O. Box 1084 Bay City, TX 77404-1084 (979) 245-0440 Pilot Club of Matagorda County President P.O. Box 1235 Bay City, TX 77404-1235 (979) 244-6804 Sons of the Republic of Texas Janet Knox 1717 8th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-6644 VFW, Post #2438 John Wells P.O. Drawer 269 Bay City, TX 77404-0269 (979) 245-8857
SIGNS, BANNERS & SCREENPRINTING Ad Vantage Specialties Mr. Barry Fry 1000 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-1000
SOUTHWEST LAND TITLE Fred H. Law - Manager Diane Herman - Escrow Officer Kaycee Castleberry - Escrow Officer
(979) 245-2292 1803 7th Street Bay City, Texas 77414
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SPORTING RECREATION Clay Time Eric Rooth 110 N. Hwy. 60 Bay City, TX 77414 (281) 620-2819
STEEL — STRUCTURAL & MISCELLANEOUS Henderson Fabrication, Inc. Alisha Kelly P.O. Box 659 Bay City, TX 77404-0659 (979) 245-5350
STORAGE FACILITIES Bay Boat & RV Storage Thomas & Kelly Billington 616 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77404 (979) 245-3115 • f: (979) 323-0564 Bay City Self Storage Marguerite Ciruti 5224 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-0318 • f: (979) 245-2423 (Please see our ad on pg. 44) Express Self Storage Ryan Cheek 4901 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-0999 • f: (979) 323-0999 U Stor It, LLC Rush Claxton 2010 Ave. K Bay City, TX 77414 (361) 404-0245
SURVEYORS EHRA, Inc. Jim Russ 10555 Westoffice Dr. Houston, TX 77042 (713) 784-4500 • f: (713) 784-4577 G & W Engineers, Inc. Tim Thompson 1803A 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 323-7100 • f: (979) 323-9111
R & M Telephone Service, Inc. Greg Kutach 108 That Way Lake Jackson, TX 77566 (979) 244-0333 • f: (979) 299-6703
UTILITIES AEP Texas Vee Strauss 2901 E. Mockingbird Ln. Victoria, TX 77904-2438 (361) 574-2236 • f: (361) 574-2292
NewWave Communications Jackie Previto 2404 Golden Ave. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-5511 • f: (979) 245-8256
Jackson Electric Cooperative, Inc. Missie Landry 100 Cooperative Way Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-3029 • f: (979) 245-3562
Admiral Title, LLC Kelsey Granberry 1731 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-2700 • f: (979) 244-0085
Bay City Veterinary Clinic & Equine Hospital Dr. Randy Volkmer 4501 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-6364 • f: (979) 245-6433
Bay City Abstract & Title Teri Cartwright, Manager 2021 Ave. G Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-6321 • f: (979) 241-3790 (Please see our ad on pg. 44) Southwest Land Title Co. Mr. Fred Law 1803 7th St. Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2292 • f: (979) 241-3796 (Please see our ad on pg. 44)
WATER REFILL STATION — ALKALINE Watertree Kelly Torres 3203 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-2755
WATER WELL DRILLING & PUMP REPAIR/AGRICULTURE O’Day Drilling Company Mike O’Day 5923 CR 931 Rosharon, TX 77583 (281) 485-1330 • f: (281) 485-0962
WRECKER SERVICE Jackson Services Buster Jackson 2100 Golden Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 244-1831 • f: (979) 244-8999 (Please see our ad on pg. 45)
Sprint Waste Services, L.P. Reagan Swinbank P.O. Box 940820 Houston, TX 77094 (281) 690-5000 • f: (281) 277-1832 (Please see our ad on pg. 10)
TOILET & SEPTIC PUMPS AllStar Sanitation & Septic Troy & Sonya Schmidt P.O. Box 735 El Campo, TX 77437 (979) 543-1500 • f: (979) 578-8500
TRAVEL AGENCIES Travel World Lee Alberga, Melinda Ervin 2124 Ave. F Bay City, TX 77414 (979) 245-3450 • f: (979) 245-2757
UAV OPERATIONS COMPANY United Aerial LLC Christopher Pflugfelder 5850 San Felipe, Ste. 500 Houston, TX 77057 (832) 870-9091
AT&T Texas Michael Flanagan 6500 W. Loop S. Bellaire, TX 77401 (713) 987-9356 • f: (713) 775-1522
TX-BAY-CW-18 Design.indd 45
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Advertiser Index Allison Custom Homes, LLC ................................................................ 37
JH D.D.S. – Humphries Family Dentistry ............................................ 37
Bay City Abstract & Title Co. ............................................................... 44
Karankawa Village ................................................................................... 9
Bay City Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture ................................. 24
La Quinta Inn & Suites ......................................................................... 14
Bay City Community Development Corporation .................................. 25
Manna’s Pre-Cast Concrete, Inc. ............................................................ 35
Bay City Independent School District ................................................... 47
Matagorda County EDC ....................................................................... 24
Bay City Plumbing Supply, Inc. ............................................................ 43
Matagorda County Museum and Children’s Museum ........................... 40
Bay City Realty ..................................................................................... 43
Matagorda Medical Group .................................................................... 19
Bay City Storage .................................................................................... 44
Matagorda Nursing & Rehab Center ..................................................... 18
Baycel Federal Credit Union .................................................................. 36
Matagorda Regional Medical Center ....................................................... 2
Coastal Paws Pet Lodge ......................................................................... 42
Nichols Square Apartment Homes ........................................................ 33
CPR by Mary Helen Nelson, RN, BSN, MSN ...................................... 38
OXEA Chemicals – Bay City Plant ....................................................... 17
Dennis Bonnen – State Representative District 25 ................................ 37
Phillips 66 – Sweeny Refinery ............................................................... 41
Campbell-Huitt Insurance ..................................................................... 39
Port of Bay City Authority .................................................................... 25
Capital Farm Credit .............................................................................. 17
Prosperity Bank ..................................................................................... 34
CarQuest – Davis Bros. Auto Supply .................................................... 33
South Texas Inn ..................................................................................... 38
Celanese Chemicals – Bay City Plant .................................................... 18
Southwest Land Title ............................................................................. 44
El Zarape Cafe ...................................................................................... 43
Sprint Waste Services ............................................................................. 10
Executive Inn ........................................................................................ 15
State Farm – Robby Woodard, Agent .................................................... 40
Fairfield Inn & Suites – Bay City Texas ................................................. 17
STP Nuclear Operating Company .......................................................... 6
First State Bank ..................................................................................... 35
Super 8 .................................................................................................. 14
Frontz Electrical Mechanical Service, Inc. .............................................. 32
Taylor Bros. ........................................................................................... 37
Gateway Mortgage Group ....................................................................... 3
Tenaris Bay City ...................................................................................... 4
Green Bros. Jewelers .............................................................................. 40
The Burlap Sack .................................................................................... 44
Hollister Insurors .................................................................................. 39
Visit Bay City ........................................................................................ 11
IBC Bank .............................................................................................. 34
Ward Real Estate, Inc. / Ward Rentals / Holly Lane Four Plexes ............ 48
Jackson Services ..................................................................................... 45
Wharton County Junior College ............................................................. 7
TX-BAY-CW-18 Design.indd 46
| C h a m be r o f C o m m e rc e a n d A gri c u l tu re 12/13/2018 9:43:52 AM
CC oo mm inin gg FF all all2021091:9: • •22ne nw ewscshcohools ols
Wee W
! ! D D S IS I C C BB
Bay City ISD
Mostcomprehensive comprehensive curriculum curriculum in in the the county: Most county:
• •NN ew ewmm ultui-ltipu osoese prp urp sta diu sta mm diu
AAcccceepting pting ttrraannssfer fe ssttuuddents!r ents!
MoreAP/Dual AP/Dual Credit, Credit, Career Career & & Tech, Tech, Fine • • More Fine Arts Arts and and Extracurricular Extracurricularoffered offeredon-site on-siteatat our five campuses. our five campuses. • BCISD students may earn 40+ hours of college credit. 50+ CTE courses offered at the • BCISD students may earn 40+ hours of college credit. 50+ CTE courses offered at the High School. High School.
Excitingnew newelective elective courses courses at at Junior Junior High: Exciting High:
20elective electivecourses, courses, including including new new Health • • 20 Health Science Science Technology, Technology,STEM/Robotics STEM/Robotics Programming & Design, and Computer Science (learn coding!) Programming & Design, and Computer Science (learn coding!) • Junior High students may earn up to 4.5 high school credits on campus. • Junior High students may earn up to 4.5 high school credits on campus.
New music programs at all Elementary campuses. New music programs at all Elementary campuses. Full-time Police Department, with officers stationed at every campus. Full-time Police Department, with officers stationed at every campus.
We’reyour yourHometown Hometown school school with We’re with big bigcity cityOpportunities! Opportunities! Superintendent Dr. Marshall Scott III 520 7th Street 979-401-1005 Superintendent Dr. Marshall Scott III 520 7th Street 979-401-1005
TX-BAY-CW-18 Design.indd 47
12/13/2018 9:43:53 AM
TX-BAY-CW-18 Design.indd 48
12/13/2018 9:43:54 AM