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You don’t have to go far to find top-quality orthopaedic care. You’ll find it right here at Pelham Medical Center. Healthgrades,® the leading online resource for comprehensive information about physicians and hospitals, recently listed us among the nation’s top 100 hospitals for orthopedic surgery. We consider this acknowledgment of something we’ve known all along: that no team works harder and better together than the physicians, therapists and staff of Pelham Medical Center Orthopaedics. We’re here to get you moving again without pain, so you can get back to living the life you want. For more information about our comprehensive orthopedic services, please call 864-560-BONE (2663) or visit PelhamMedicalCenter.com/ortho.
Arthritis diagnosis and care Broken bone and fracture care Foot and ankle care Hand and wrist care
• • • •
Joint replacement Pain management Sports medicine Trauma care
250 Westmoreland Dr. | Greer, SC | 864-560-2663
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B o a r d C h a i r We l c o m e B o a r d M e m b e r s & S ta f f C h a m b e r S i g n at u r e E v e n t s Leadership Golden Strip M ay o r We l c o m e C i t y o f Fo u n ta i n I n n S i g n at u r e E v e n t s At A Glance Getting Connected Business Shopping & Dining
18 19 20 21 22 23 25 25 26 29
E d u c at i o n H i g h e r E d u c at i o n Pa r k s & R e c r e at i o n Th e Fo u n ta i n I n n Mu s e u m C u lt u r a l A r t s
C i a a e a o c n
H e a lt h C a r e H o u s e s o f Wo r s h i p Advertiser Index Members – Alphabetical M e m b e r s B y C at e g o r y
This is a Town Square Publication created and produced for the FOUNTAIN INN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 102 Depot St. | Fountain Inn, SC 29644 Phone: (864) 862-2586 | Email: info@fountaininnchamber.org Website: https://fountaininnchamber.carrd.co Copyright© 2019 TOWN SQUARE PUBLICATIONS 155 E. Algonquin Rd.. | Arlington Heights, IL 60005 www.townsquarepublications.com
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this publication. The Chamber and Town Square assume no responsibility for misinformation. Please contact the Chamber with any additions or corrections. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission of the Chamber and Town Square is prohibited.
Chairman, CEO and Publisher | Douglas K. Ray President and Chief Operating Officer | Scott Stone Vice President / Director | Scott Ray Production Manager | Joseph Nugara Editor | Gail Gaboda Senior Project Coordinator | Stefanie Nugara Content Coordinator | Olivia Scordato Graphic Designer | Carrie Dockendorff Lead Sales Coordinator | Tiffany Hogan Ad Production Coordinator | Robin Frederick Directory Coordinator | Michael Sumrak Contributing Writer | Dave Gathman Acquisition & Sales Manager | Marilyn Thomson
• • • • •
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1/18/2019 9:02:12 AM
CARLYLE SENIOR CARE OF FOUNTAIN INN Carlyle Senior Care of Fountain Inn is a place to call home. Consistent and constant care, well-planned activities and warm and caring environments help the residents and families of Carlyle Senior Care of Fountain Inn feel satisfied they’ve chosen Carlyle Senior Care as their new home away from home.
501 Gulliver St Fountain Inn, SC. (864) 862-2554
Services: • Nutritional & dietary counseling • 24/7 care • Medication monitoring • Home-like environment • Personalized activities • Rehabilitation services 2018 - 2019 Director y & Newcomers Guide | 5
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1/17/2019 8:49:58 AM
B o a r d C h a i r We l c o m e
ready to help Fountain Inn grow. If you are a member of the Chamber, thank you! And if you’re not yet a member, it’s time to sign up! Members of the Chamber benefit in a variety of ways throughout the year, and as Fountain Inn continues to grow, it is vital that the business community works together to ensure that commerce thrives. We look forward to seeing you around town!
very community rotates around two things: quality of life and economic growth. Here at the Fountain Inn Chamber, our team works hard to ensure that our organization can help both of these areas thrive through our work with businesses of all size, our local government, and the public at large. Whether it’s hosting public events such as Fountain Inn’s signature Aunt Het Festival, providing leadership development opportunities to business leaders, connecting businesses and consumers or providing a unified businesscentered perspective for our community, the Chamber stands
George Patrick “GP” McLeer, Jr Chair Fountain Inn Chamber of Commerce
B o a r d M e m b e r s & S ta f f
Whitney Ferguson President/CEO
Matthew Waschkowski
George Patrick “GP” McLeer Jr Chair
Melinda Gilreath Vice Chair
John Mahoney Past Chair
Ashley Chaffee
Venus Poe
Amy Riddle
Ray Overstreet
Ashley Tolbert Ex Officio
Toni Conner
Keri Driggers Membership Director
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1/17/2019 8:50:02 AM
The Care You Need, The Way You Want It Click For online care for common conditions: ghs.org/SmartExam
Walk For walk-in care (weekdays/after-hours/weekends): ghs.org/MD360
Call To ďŹ nd a new healthcare provider: 1-844-GHS-DOCS (447-3627)
ghs.org 2018 - 2019 Director y & Newcomers Guide | 7 18-0788
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1/17/2019 8:50:04 AM
C h a m b e r S i g n at u r e E v e n t s
men, women and children. All the clothing remains in our community, going to our local James Monroe Mission House. Volunteers at the James Monroe Mission House serve and distribute food and clothing weekly at no cost to over 350 families in the Upstate’s Golden Strip area. In July is our Cruise-in for School Supplies when the Chamber partners with Bojangles, Unique Car Club of Greenville and others. The school supplies are given to Generations Group Home for Boys.
ur signature events give many additional opportunities for networking and sponsorships to all members. Our Annual Chamber Banquet in the late winter celebrates our wonderful members. The Chamber’s Annual Golf Tournament is held in August. The Annual Aunt Het Fall Festival, always held the first Saturday of October, is a favorite with everyone and just celebrated 35 years. It brings thousands of visitors to our wonderful downtown area with crafters, food vendors, music, a classic car show, two-day quilt show and much more. The Christmas Parade is a favorite in the Golden Strip area, and enhances Fountain Inn’s Christmas events with carriage rides, food and shopping in unique downtown stores. Our Chamber loves helping those in need. Here, we help “give back” throughout the year in various ways. Our classic car show at the Aunt Het Festival collects nonperishable food for The Center For Community Services. From late October until Christmas, the Chamber is an official drop-off point for One Warm Coat, a national organization that collects new and slightly worn clothing for
Chamber Signature Events: Annual Chamber Banquet Cruise-in to collect school supplies
in July
Annual Chamber Golf Tournament in
Annual Aunt Het Fall Festival held first
Saturday in October
Classic Car Show (Aunt Het Festival)
to collect canned food items
One Warm Coat Drive October through
Annual Chamber Christmas Parade
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Leadership Golden Strip
he Fountain Inn Chamber of Commerce and the Simpsonville Chamber worked together in 2018 to launch Leadership Golden Strip, a leadership development program for local business people in the Golden Strip area. The inaugural class began in June 2018, with participants graduating in spring 2019. Leadership Golden Strip is a 10-month program for professionals with the desire and ability to shape the future of our vibrant communities. Through face-to-face meetings with regional leaders and on-site visits with local agencies and businesses, participants explore the major issues and unique challenges facing the Golden Strip area. “We are thrilled for this opportunity to collaborate with one of our neighboring Chambers, and to offer a more robust leadership development option for members of our community,” said Simpsonville Area Chamber President Allison McGarity. The Simpsonville Area Chamber has a strong history of developing community leaders by providing its own Leadership Simpsonville program, which will now be incorporated into the LGS program. “Since joining the staff of the Fountain Inn Chamber last November, I have been pursuing meaningful opportunities to engage our members and encourage workforce and leadership development,” said Fountain Inn Chamber President Whitney Ferguson. “This collaboration is in line
with the mission of our Chamber, and I anticipate that our members will be eager to become involved.” Participants must complete a rigorous application process, uphold the program’s strict attendance policy and meet all program requirements in order to graduate. The graduating class will be publicly recognized with a formal graduation ceremony. This dynamic program cultivates corporate and community leaders by introducing them to the various aspects of developing and maintaining a vibrant community, establishing dialogue with fellow community leaders and facilitating their contributions to the betterment of the community. Leadership Golden Strip will fuel a network of strong, informed, community-minded leaders that will go on to work for local businesses, start their own ventures and continue to serve those around them. The program begins with a two-day retreat and continues with monthly sessions that cover topics such as local and state government, education, arts and history, infrastructure and more. Each session includes facility tours, expert presentations and one-on-one meetings with aspirational community leaders. As the business community continues to grow, we are excited about the future of this partnership. We are very proud of our graduates and excited for what is to come.
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1/17/2019 8:50:07 AM
M ay o r We l c o m e
t’s hard to believe I’ve been mayor for over three years! My time thus far as mayor of our great town has confirmed what I have always thought: Fountain Inn is filled with great businesses and people. Our dedicated city employees, council members and citizens truly make this town a lovely place to call home. Our downtown continues to grow, becoming an increasingly popular destination in the upstate. Our weekend concert series fills the streets each week with families from our community as well as our neighboring cities. The Saturday farmers market has also provided our residents a chance to savor and explore local produce and craft. These are just a few of the many steps our city has taken toward achieving our goal of creating family-friendly entertainment and events for everyone to enjoy. With our new 2016 Master Plan complete, we are excited to present a clear and attainable vision for the City of Fountain Inn. I personally enjoyed having our residents play such a large role in the creation of this plan. This level of community involvement helps every resident take ownership of the future goals of our city. The staff at city hall has worked
tirelessly to complete this project, and I encourage everyone to look over our new master plan and get excited about the future of our town. The growth of residential home sites and the construction of new schools prove that our city has something others want to be a part of. Though we have made great strides towards progress, our job is never done. I would like to encourage all residents to continue to make a difference by shopping local and exploring the wonderful events and programs the city has to offer. Together, we can build, grow improve and watch our city flourish. Thank you for all of your efforts to make Fountain Inn the “INN” Place to be!
Sam Lee
Sam Lee Mayor Fountain Inn
Fountain Inn Signature Events
ur signature events offer perfect opportunities to come downtown and enjoy time with family and friends. With a variety of events that change with each season, there is sure to be something for everyone! Starting in March, our St. Patrick’s Day Celebration is a great time to break out your green and bring the family for music, food and fun! The Mac Arnold Festival held in April is one of Fountain Inn’s most popular events. The summer months are especially busy for our Special Events Department. Starting in May and going through September, we offer a farmers market where local vendors are encouraged to come and sell handmade goods, fresh produce and so much more! We also begin our blue grass series every
Saturday night from May through June with live bluegrass bands and food trucks that come from all across Upstate South Carolina. Dancing on Depot takes over Friday nights starting in June and going through August. Live music from a variety of bands and entertainers around the South Eastern region perform every week. As the months cool down, we look forward to our Halloween Festival in October and as we move into the holiday season, we offer Christmas Inn Our Town, with traditional horse-drawn carriage rides through our beautifully decorated city.
For more information, contact: City of Fountain Inn Special Events Department 200 N. Main St. Fountain Inn www.fountaininnevents.com Ashlee Tolbert Special Events & Community Development Manager (864) 862-7233 Heather Cannon Special Events Coordinator (864) 724-8044
Blue Grass – May & June Dancing on Depot – June through August
(Friday night music series)
Fountain Inn Signature Events:
Independence Day Celebration – July
St. Patrick’s Day Celebration – March
BBQ Charity Fundraiser – September
Mac Arnold Festival – April
Halloween Festival – October
Farmers Market – May through September
Christmas Inn Our Town – December
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1/17/2019 8:50:10 AM
Stefani Cudic
FINANCING LAND FOR OVER A CENTURY. Give Kevin & Todd a call today! 306 Hillcrest Dr. | Laurens, SC
AgSouthFC.com NMLS# 619788
Sunrise Auto Repair offers comprehensive automotive maintenance and repair services. Our highly-trained, ASE Master Certified staff collectively has over 50 years of expertise in the automotive industry.
1215 N. Main Street Fountain Inn, SC 29644
Phone: (864) 228-0576 www.sunriseautorepair.biz
Comfort Suites • Simpsonville •
3971 Grandview Dr. Simpsonville, SC 29680
Building lifelong legal relationships, one pivotal life moment at a time Cudic Law Firm, LLC is located in Fountain Inn, SC. We provide customized legal services to residents of Greenville and Laurens counties, providing assistance to both individuals and small businesses with estate planning, probate, and elder law. We further provide law related fraud consultation services for small business.
• Estate Planning • Probate • Elder Law www.cudiclaw.com 207 S. Main Street | Fountain Inn, SC 29644 Phone: 864-208-9152 | Fax: 864-208-9158 email: admin@cudiclaw.com
• Birthdays • Holidays • Weddings • Funerals • Graduation We have rooms for you.
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1/17/2019 8:50:12 AM
At A Glance Geography
Major employers
Region: Upstate, Piedmont Counties: Greenville, Laurens Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time
Average Monthly Temperatures in Degrees Fahrenheit: January: 41 February: 44 March: 52 April: 61 May: 69 June: 77 July: 80 August: 79 September: 72 October: 61 November: 51 December: 43 Annual Average High Temperature: 73 Annual Average Minimum Temperature: 49 Annual Mean Temperature: 61 Annual Average Precipitation: 47.36 inches
2018 Estimate City of Fountain Inn: 8688 Greenville County: 506,837 Laurens County: 66,848
Average Household Income 2018 Estimate Fountain Inn: $51,705 Greenville County: $51,595 Laurens County: $39,848
Type of County Government: Council/Administrator Number of County Council Members: 12 Length of Terms: Four years Type of City Government: Council/Mayor/Administrator Number of City Council Members: Seven Length of Terms: Four years Terms are staggered every two years
Greenville County Schools Yanfeng Global Automotive Interiors Bosch Rexroth Corp. Continental Automotive Systems, Inc. Grainger KS Bearings Inc. Rich Products Corp. Saati S.C. Plastics Unisite ZF Transmissions Greenville Health System Southeastern Products Stueken D&W Fine Pack Tower Automotive Pierburg, AVX Corp. IPS Packaging Astro American Chemical EuroKera North America Inc. Plastic Plate LLC.
Fountain Inn Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club of Fountain Inn Fountain Inn Garden Club American Legion Auxiliary Fountain Inn Chorale Girl Scouts of South Carolina – Mountain to Midlands Boy Scouts of America Troop 48 The Fountain Inn Music Club
Download the SeeClickFix App for Fountain Inn! Submit and follow requests Stay updated on local information and events
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Getting Connected Utilities
Public Works
Fountain Inn Public Works Department (864) 409-3334 www.fountaininn.org
Charter Communications (833) 694-9256 www.charter.com
Laurens County Water & Sewer Commission (864) 682-3250 (800) 358-3445 www.lcwsc.com
Laurens Electric Cooperative Inc. (800) 942-3141 www.laurenselectric.com
Verizon (800) 922-0204 www.verizon.com
Renewable Water Resources of Upstate South Carolina (864) 299-0260 www.rewaonline.org
Greenville Water System (864) 241-6000 www.greenvillewater.com
Duke Energy Home (800) 777-9898 Business(800) 653-5307 www.duke-energy.com
Fountain Inn Natural Gas Co. (864) 862-0042 www.fountaininngas.org
AT&T Residential (888) 757-6500 Business (866) 620-6000 www.att.com
Post Office
Fountain Inn Post Office 290 McCarter Rd. (864) 862-3383
1126 N. Main Street Fountain Inn, SC 29644
(864) 862-4707 Dustin Dustin Borkosky, Borkosky, DVM DVM (Owner) (Owner)
Julie Haas, Brian Roberts, DVM
www.fiacpetvet.com fiacpetvet@gmail.com
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1/17/2019 8:50:16 AM
Former textile town prospers with a booming auto industry
hen Fountain Inn was officially incorporated as a South Carolina city on Christmas Eve 1886, its economy centered largely on farming and textile mills. But as the American textile industry dried up, a variety of other manufacturers have moved in to replace those. Many have to do with the auto industry, in part because BMW has opened a massive auto assembly plant in nearby Spartanburg County. That was followed by a Michelin tire factory. And in 2012 the German firm ZF Friedrichshafen opened a 975,000-square-foot plant with more than 1,000 employees to make eight- and nine-speed automatic transmissions in Gray Court, just five miles from Fountain Inn. “Since BMW came into the area, a lot of their suppliers have moved throughout the Upstate, which has brought a lot of jobs and business opportunities,” said Ashlee Tolbert, manager of special events and community development for the City of Fountain Inn. An increasing share of those new companies have chosen Fountain Inn itself to be their home thanks to its desirable location and transportation. Located in the fast-growing “Golden Strip” along Interstate 385 through northwestern South Carolina, Fountain Inn is just 15 miles from Greenville via that superhighway and less than a half hour from Greenville-Spartanburg International Airport. It’s just a 90-minute drive along interstates from Columbia and about two hours’ drive along Interstate 85 from both Charlotte and Atlanta. Fountain Inn’s industrial park also offers rail service. The Greenlink Transit bus service reaches from downtown Greenville to the outskirts of Fountain Inn, and talks are underway to extend that service to Fountain Inn proper. Michigan-based Tower International opened a $75 million, 264,000square-foot production facility in Fountain Inn in June 2017. The plant builds metal components and assemblies for BMW. The plant began with 40 employees and is expected to add 100 more jobs by 2019. “We have a whole new category, a whole new type of work – highly skilled, highly specialized, based on brainpower,” South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster said when Tower held its grand opening. Yanfeng Automotive Interiors, the world’s largest supplier of automotive interior components, recently established a 365,000-square-foot Fountain Inn plant that it acquired from Faurecia SA. Yanfeng then spent $70 million to expand the factory by 100,000 square feet, adding 35 new jobs. Bosch Rexroth has operated a hydraulics production plant in Fountain Inn since 1989. Beginning in 2013, the company invested $80 million in a five-year project to expand its production and convert an existing 260,000-square-foot industrial warehouse into a modern manufacturing and assembly plant. The facility now encompasses more than 100 acres of land and employs 700 people.
Caterpillar operates a manufacturing logistics plant in Fountain Inn while AVX Corp. manufactures electronic components. Other major companies that have committed to Fountain Inn and the adjoining Golden Strip include W.W. Grainger and Emitec Inc. One of the newest, Lowe’s Foods, opened about five miles away in Simpsonville in 2017.
Growing Population
Whether they go to work in one of those local industries or find employment 20 minutes away in bustling Greenville, newcomers find Fountain Inn to be a convenient, affordable and family-friendly place to call home. “People want to live in Greenville County, but our housing is a little more affordable than the downtown area of the county,” Tolbert said. Fountain Inn has been sustaining a steady growth in population, from the official census figure of 6,000 at the turn of the century to 7,799 a decade later to an estimated 8,700 in 2017. Most Fountain Inn people still live in single-family homes. But a supply of 350 market-rate apartment units recently was reinforced by a new 396-unit market-rate apartment project. Median household income is a healthy $52,000 a year.
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Paul M Valentine
Member SIPC
Financial Advisor
19 Halton Green Way Greenville, SC 29607 864-987-5009
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Shopping & Dining Fountain Inn offers big-city access, small-town warmth, downtown boutiques
any of the thousands who decide to make Fountain Inn their new home do so because it still hangs onto the family-friendly feel of a small Southern town but also offers easy access to the excitement of a big city. And they also can find a wide array of shopping and dining right in Fountain Inn, with a special emphasis on boutique stores. “Our Main Street sells the town,” said Whitney Ferguson, a lifelong resident who has become president and CEO of the Fountain Inn Chamber of Commerce. “Whether your planning to relocate or start a new business, you’ll fall in love with our cities charming history and warm hospitality!” Though Fountain Inn itself consists of a homey 8,700 people, the Greenville metro area
is home to more than 500,000. That makes it the third-largest and fastest-growing urban area in South Carolina. Many small towns and suburbs have struggled to keep their central business districts alive in the 21st century. And just a little over a decade ago that was the case with Fountain Inn. But an ambitious revitalization project put into place in 2006 has turned what used to be a greater-than50-percent vacancy rate into a 90 to 95 percent occupancy rate. An ambitious Streetscape Beautification Project widened sidewalks, added landscaping and increased parking. The former Fountain Inn High School building was converted into the Younts Center for Performing Arts, with a 418-seat auditorium.
Many of the new businesses have brought a boutique theme to Main Street: The Black Tulip, opened in 2015, is a lifestyle boutique with women’s apparel and home decor. I Declare! stocks gifts, home accessories and jewelry. Inn Season offers floral arrangements, interior design and home decor. Lilies on Main has floral arrangements for any occasion that can be ordered online. The Southern Sisters Boutique, run by sisters Danielle and Mary, offers women’s clothing, pressed-flower jewelry made by one of the sisters, jewelry, accessories and gifts. Expected to open on Main Street in 2019 is the Strike Inn, a “boutique bowling center” with duck pins, a full bar and kitchen, and big-screen TVs.
Your Neighborhood Stores of Fountain Inn
Gaults Handee Mart Handee Mart 200 S. Main St. 864-862-3238
909 S. Main St. 864-862-4267
Village Liquor Store 1107A S. Main St. 864-862-4659
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Eating & Drinking
Steam Coffee & Cream, a new coffee shop on Main Street, and The Ice Cream Fountain, which opened in summer 2017, join six fastfood eateries and more than a dozen sit-down restaurants, including: The Clock Drive-In has served up hamburgers, hot dogs, homemade chili and breakfasts on Main Street since 1981. Cucina 100 allows patrons to taste and sample the best Italian fare this side of Europe. El Patron Mexican Restaurant offers fun, casual Mexican dining, a sports bar and karaoke nights. Georgia Street Cafe @ The Yard offers traditional Southern fare
for breakfast and lunch, including a superhash-brown meal it calls “Trash Browns.” The Growler Haus is the city’s first craft-
beer store, with more than 30 brands on tap. J Peters Bar & Grill gets high marks from guests and is praised for its convenient downtown location. Orion’s Bar & Grill, known for its “happy hour,” boasts that it provides “out of this world good and a stellar atmosphere.” Sweet Catherine’s is the place you want to be if you’re looking for a quick lunch in a quaint and cute environment. Frank’s House of Pizza, Pizza Hut and Tony’s Pizza & Subs all specialize in something flat and tasty. Carolina Growers Group, also known as “CGG Meats,” is committed to “the old-time neighborhood butcher shop experience” with a full-line delicious meats, custom butchering, deli meats and cheeses, sandwiches and more.
Happy Hour Everyday 4pm - 7pm 100 S. Main St. Fountain Inn, SC 29644
864-601-9606 Cucina100@gmail.com
Come inside The Ice Cream Fountain and see what the buzz is all about. The Ice Cream Fountain is changing the way you get to enjoy downtown Fountain Inn. In addition to ice cream and milkshakes, we also have the very popular Dole Whip and we do custom made donuts that are made fresh daily and topped to order.
864-409-7518 109 N Main St Fountain Inn SC United States 29644 theicecreamfountain.com
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1/17/2019 8:50:24 AM
E d u c at i o n
New Fountain Inn High will focus on manufacturing and technology
xcitement is building as Fountain Inn residents look forward to having their own high school again for the first time in more than 60 years. And this time it will be a school offering special opportunities to prepare for a career in today’s advanced manufacturing and technology world. From 1939 until 1957, the city sent its teenagers to Fountain Hill High School at 315 N. Main St. But when Greenview County Schools opened Hillcrest High in nearby Simpsonville, the Main Street building was converted into an elementary school for the next 40 years. Ultimately it became the signature Younts Center for Performing Arts. Local teens still have been getting a solid education in nearby towns, at Hillcrest High, Woodmont High and Mauldin High. But for many Fountain Inn folks, it hasn’t been the same. They missed their Blue Devils. Greenview County Schools officials announced in 2018 that that will change in August 2021, when construction is finished on a new Fountain Inn High School along Quillen Avenue. The school will start with just freshmen. One new class of students will be added each year until all four years are attending in 2024 and the first graduating class emerges in spring 2025. Construction will begin in 2019. But between then and 2021 many exciting details need to be filled in. Community meetings will be held about 18 months before the opening, as the school system decides on things like attendance boundaries. Students, parents and other members of the community then will get the chance to decide on a mascot and school colors. “We believe the students need to have an opportunity to weigh in to make those decisions,” said District Superintendent Burke Royster. The school will be built for 1,000 students and later expanded to house 2,000. It will offer traditional high school classes, advanced-
placement courses and college-level courses. But facing the needs of a hi-tech age, it also will house a wing for advanced manufacturing and engineering. Charles Gunning, lead architect for the design, said that although students won’t be required to take manufacturing classes, the design of the facility leans on that program as its centerpiece. “We’ve incorporated a large window in the lobby so you can look down and see into the advanced manufacturing space,” Gunning said. “We want this to be front and center.” Athletics will begin in the first year with some varsity sports and some “C” level and junior varsity teams. GCS expects to have a full roster of varsity sports at Fountain Inn High by 2024. Meanwhile, younger students from Fountain Inn attend public schools in the big Greenville County School District, whose 76,000 students and 101 buildings make it the 44th largest school district in the United States. These include charter schools, four career technology centers, a center for gifted middle-school students, and programs for those with mental or physical challenges. Inside those schools one can find Promethean boards with Internet access, laptop computers, iPads and computer labs. The typical studentto-teacher ratio is a low 17-to-1. The district has the state’s largest school-choice program, with 15 percent of students attending a school of choice. Families also can choose from a number of private and parochial schools. High-school graduates who are ready to embark on the next leg of their academic journey and older people who want to freshen up their job skills can do that, too, without traveling far. The area boasts a host of nearby community and technical school options as well as several private and public colleges and universities.
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H i g h e r E d u c at i o n
oung adults who are ready to embark on the next leg of their academic journey can do so without traveling far. There are a host of nearby community and technical school options as well as several private and public college and universities. Greenville Technical College – Brashier Campus (Simpsonville) offers more than 100 academic programs, degree, diploma and certificate classes/programs at eight locations. Spartanburg Community College (Spartanburg) is an open admission, two-year institution that offers more than 100 degree and certificate programs. ITT Technical Institute Greenville (Greenville) offers technical training in electronics, drafting design, IT and business. Virginia College Greenville (Greenville) provides career training in fields such as business and office, computer networking, cosmetology, culinary arts and health and medical. Bob Jones University (Greenville) is a Christian liberal arts university with a wide variety of undergraduate and graduate programs in four schools, a college and a seminary. Brown Mackie College-Greenville (Greenville) is a for-profit college offering bachelor’s degrees, associate degrees and certificate programs in early childhood education, legal studies, IT and health sciences. Wofford College (Spartanburg) is an independent national liberal arts college and one of the few four-year institutions in the southeastern United States founded before the Civil War that still operates on its original campus. It offers 64 majors, minors and programs. The campus is also considered a national arboretum. University of South Carolina Upstate (formerly University of South Carolina Spartanburg) (Spartanburg) is said to be the fastest growing university in the state. It is a public university offering bachelor’s degree programs in liberal arts, sciences, business administration, nursing and teacher education; and master’s degree programs in education, nursing and informatics. Furman University (Greenville) is a private coeducational institution, the oldest in the state. It offers majors and programs in 42 subjects, is the highest-ranked liberal arts college in South Carolina and the fifth highest ranked in the South. North Greenville University (Greenville) is a comprehensive university affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention offering bachelor’s degree programs, master’s degree programs and doctoral programs. Anderson University (Anderson) is a selective comprehensive university offering bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees in 60 areas of study.
Before & After School Care (4K - Middle School)
510 Georgia St., Ft. Inn
862-5050 (6am - 6pm)
Only $62 per week
Discount for Extra Siblings
510 Georgia St., Ft. Inn
Tween Center
is open to the public every Friday night 6pm-11pm & Saturday 1pm-11pm. 2018 - 2019 Director y & Newcomers Guide | 19
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Pa r k s & R e c r e at i o n
ountain Inn Activities Center is all about our community. Youth sports remain an important part of the city’s recreation offerings: Baseball, softball, basketball, tackle & flag football and volleyball are offered each season. The popularity of youth sports has resulted in expanded programs, as well as offering an adult softball league, that on average hosts upwards of 18 teams. The Activities Center provides a multi-purpose facility for people of all ages, with a full-court gymnasium, fitness center and meeting space. Senior activities are free of charge to those ages 55 and over, and include exercise classes, walking, health screenings and educational workshops, crafts and special interest groups. The parks and recreation department also sponsors several community events throughout the year: The annual Soap Box Derby Race on Aunt
Het and a 1-Mile Kids Run/5K Rudolph Run in December, as well as hosting a city and community-wide Veterans Day ceremony. The parks and recreation department manages nearly 50 acres of public parks, exceeding the national average for towns of this size. PD Terry City Park and Woodside Park (soon to be upgraded) provide ballfields, picnic shelters and playgrounds, along with tennis courts and much more. As Fountain Inn continues to grow, the parks and recreation department is looking forward to meeting the needs and goals of the community through expanding and upgrading all facilities in years to come. Russ Haltiwanger Director of Parks & Recreation City of Fountain Inn
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Th e Fo u n ta i n I n n Mu s e u m Touching Our Past
tour of our city’s growth, clearly illustrating the special Fountain Inn heritage. The goal of the Fountain Inn Museum is to The museum offers innovative programs provide all visitors, especially young people, and tours for student groups from elementary with a clear view of our town’s fascinating school through high school. Special events and past, from its humble beginnings and dynamic varying presentations provide great interest growth that led to the futuristic prospects now even for repeat guests. within sight. A secure footing in our history The Hooked on History series features will enable tomorrow’s leaders to take on the programs such as Civil War stories that unique challenges of the 21st century. involved Fountain Inn citizen/soldiers; folk The museum opened its doors in 2010, part music of the textile belt with live performances; of Fountain Inn’s Commerce Park project in and An Evening with Robert Quillen, the downtown renewal. From the beginning, the internationally recognized author and aim was to accurately chronicle the town’s publisher of The Fountain Inn Tribune. inception as a way station on the Charleston/ Favorite son “Peg Leg” Bates crafted an North Carolina stagecoach route, and mark its incredible career as a one-legged dancer and, progress from a mostly farming population to as his special exhibit confirms, performed for the high tech and manufacturing concerns that millions. You can even see the wooden leg that “A people without knowledge of dot its landscape today. transported him from humble beginnings to their history, origin and culture An appreciation of Fountain Inn’s history the heights of show business. is like a tree without roots.” includes exhibits reflecting the time when native Make the museum part of your itinerary – Marcus Garvey Americans inhabited the upstate, grew corn and as you experience the exceptional aura of hunted the game that was plentiful in the Piedmont. downtown Fountain Inn. The welcome mat is As European settlers began to arrive, roads and buildings soon followed, out – stop by to learn more about Fountain View’s origin, local history establishing communities that grew into towns such as Fountain Inn. and culture. Museum exhibits and hands-on displays take visitors on a chronological Want a preview? Go to FountainInnMuseum.org.
Explore the stories and treasures that bare witness to our rich heritage! 102 Depot Street Fountain Inn, SC 29644 864-862-2586 www.FountainInnMuseum.org 2018 - 2019 Director y & Newcomers Guide | 21
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C u lt u r a l A r t s
n 2017, The Cultural Arts Foundation of Fountain Inn acquired the Younts Center for Performing Arts from the City of Fountain Inn, and local businesswoman and entrepreneur Debbie Alphin became executive director. With an outcry from the public to keep the center open and the arts alive in the area, Alphin hired Melody Yasi to serve as artistic director and re-opened the theater doors in October. The Tonynominated, “Smokey Joe’s Café” featuring a new and phenomenal local cast, was met with great response and brought the center to life once more. The Younts theater season continued in 2018 with the musical comedy “Nunsense” and their first original musical revue, Groovin’, Great Hits of the ’50s, ’60s and ’70s. Both shows were nominated for local theater awards, and the buzz has continued to grow with their enchanting production of “Disney’s The Little Mermaid.” In addition to high-quality local theater, The Younts Center is also home to several resident companies. The Fountain Inn Chorale, under the direction of Jane Birmingham Morlan, continues to grow, now with over 70 members. The Fountain Inn Symphony and new resident company, Dance Beyond Dance Studio, also add richness to the community. As a result of the dedication of their staff, these groups
continue their outstanding performances at the center. The Younts Center continues to host regional and national outside entertainment like The Drifters and Rick Alviti’s Elvis Tribute. Additionally, Alphin introduced The Gospel Series, bringing in national gospel groups to a sold-out house on several occasions. In addition to shows and performances, the Younts Center also offers facility rentals, including the theater, Atrium Venue, banquet hall, meeting room and classrooms. The Younts Theater seats 418 and is an excellent conference setting for various types of organizations and businesses. A new children’s theater program and after-school arts program are slated to begin in 2019: visit www.yountscenter.org for upcoming information. The Cultural Arts Foundation, Alphin and Yasi are committed to continuing this venture to provide one of the best entertainment venues in the Upstate and make the Younts Center for Performing Arts the “INN” place to be for performing arts. They are excited and pleased to continue the growth and progress the Younts Center for Performing Arts has made since its beginning in 2008, and greatly appreciate your attendance and ongoing support.
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H e a lt h C a r e Greenville Health System
For over 55 years, Greenville Health System – whose name changes to Prisma Health in 2019 – has served as the Golden Strip’s premier health care resource with the Simpsonville Medical Campus. Their health professionals are leading the way in transforming patient care through integrated programs and interconnected teams, and by offering community residents the right care at the right time in the right place. As the anchor of Simpsonville Medical Campus, Hillcrest Memorial Hospital specializes in short stay and outpatient surgeries and has the distinction of being accredited as the Upstate’s first Center of Excellence in bariatric surgery. Last year, the hospital’s 270 team members performed over 2,300 operations, treated 34,000 patients in the ER, and cared for 83,500 patients overall. The hospital provides 24-hour emergency services and is staffed by the same board-certified doctors who rotate throughout all Greenville Health System emergency departments. The hospital also provides a variety of laboratory and imaging services, including 3-D mammography, keeping access to care close to home. Adjacent to the hospital is a medical office building that houses a convenient array of primary
and specialty care practices. The campus also is active in wellness, outreach and education efforts aimed at keeping the community healthy and out of the hospital. Recent awards highlight patient safety, from preventing harm and medical errors – especially related to infections – to overall patient safety honors.
1103 N Main Street, Suite E Fountain Inn, SC 29644 Phone: 864.210.1811 Fax: 864.210.1810 Email: bestrx.01@gmail.com
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Pelham Medical Center
Pelham Medical Center, at the intersection of Westmoreland Road and Highway 14, is Greer’s only certified Primary Stroke Center and provides a wide range of healthcare services, including surgery, intensive care, emergency services, world-class cancer treatment and primary care. The renowned Gibbs Cancer Center & Research Institute – Pelham delivers comprehensive, personalized cancer care to patients in a 10,000-square-foot facility devoted to medical and radiation oncology. The medical center harnesses the power of the Medical Group of the Carolinas, a physician
network consisting of more than 300 physicians. Adjacent to the main hospital and Medical Office Building is the Surgery Center, the first freestanding outpatient surgery center in the Greer area. Modern Healthcare recognized Pelham Medical Center in 2016, 2017 and 2018 as one of 100 organizations named Best Places to Work in Healthcare. In 2018, Pelham Medical Center was recognized by Healthgrades as one of America’s 100 Best Hospitals for orthopaedic surgery.
Bon Secours St. Francis
The Mission of Bon Secours St. Francis Health System is to bring compassion to health care and to be “Good Help to Those in Need,” especially those who are poor and dying. As a system of caregivers, the staff is committed to bringing people and communities to health and wholeness through the healing ministry of Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. With innovative technology, the body is healed. With faith, the spirit is mended. Staff draw from a past that is rich in the healing tradition, while strengthening the future through the guidance and support of sponsors Bon Secours Ministries and Bon Secours Health System, Inc.
Personalized care for every patient. • • • • •
State-of-the-art Technology Most Insurance Accepted Patient Financing Available Same-day Treatments & Restorations Sedation Dentistry Is Available
Dr. Vikas R. Jain, DMD 1125 North Main St. Fountain Inn, SC 29644 | (864) 601-9899 | fountaininndental.com
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Members – Alphabetical A
Abercrombie Insurance Agency Inc. ...........................................................................Insurance
C.Dan Joyner ............................................................................................................Real Estate
AgSouth Farm Credit ......................................................................................Financial Services
Calcutt Family Dentistry ............................................................................................... Dentists
Align Life of Simpsonville .......................................................................... Chiropractic Services
Cannon Funeral Home/Heritage Funeral Home — Simpsonville & Canon Memorial Park ..................................................................Funeral Home
Allstate: Harpe-Snyder Insurance Services ................................................................Insurance AM Hood construction ............................................................................................Construction Ameri-Pak, Inc. ..............................................................................................................Industry Anderson Law Firm, LLC ............................................................................................. Attorneys Astro American Chemical Company Inc. ........................................................................Industry AT&T .............................................................................................................Telephone Services Atkins Data & Telephone Services LLC .................................................Data/Telephone Services AVX-Greenville LLC ........................................................................................................Industry
Capstone Church ........................................................................................................ Churches Carole S. Cooley, CPA, LLC .................................................................... Accountants/Tax Service Carolina Growers Group........................................................................................ Specialty/Deli Carolina Indoor Sports .....................................................................................................Sports Carolina Springs Golf Club .........................................................................................Recreation Carolina Thunderbirds .................................................................................................Nonprofit Caudle, Timothy Gray .................................................................................................. Associate Center for Community Services ...................................................................................Nonprofit CER CAD EngineeringResources ..............................................................................Engineering
Chapman Foundation...................................................................................................Nonprofit
Bailey Manor/Carolina Christian Ministries, Inc .......................................Retirement Community
Children of God’s Kingdom ..........................................................................................Nonprofit
Banovic Insurance Agency ..........................................................................................Insurance
City of Fountain Inn................................................................................................. Government
Beasley Funeral Home ..........................................................................................Funeral Home
Clinton Presbyterian Community .............................................................Retirement Community
Beckham Martial Arts/Fitness ......................................................................Martial Arts/Fitness
Clipper magazine .......................................................................................... Discount Magazine
Bill Bell........................................................................................................................ Associate
Clock Drive-In ............................................................................................ Restaurants/Catering
Berkshire Hathaway Home Service ..........................................................................Real Estate
Comfort Suites Simpsonville..............................................................................................Hotel
Berkshire Hathaway Home Service ..........................................................................Real Estate
Commercial Mortgage ....................................................................................Financial Services
Best RX .......................................................................................................................Pharmacy
Community Chiropractic ............................................................................ Chiropractic Services
BI-LO LLC .......................................................................................................................Grocery
Continental Automotive Systems, Inc ............................................................................Industry
Bible Baptist Church ................................................................................................... Churches
Cooper Planning Group ...................................................... Insurance/Financial Benefits Planning
Black Tulip ......................................................................................................Women’s Clothing
Covenant Handyman Services ...................................................................................Handyman
Blackstream/A Denise Franklin ................................................................................Real Estate
Cruise Planners ................................................................................................... Travel Planner
Blackstream/Sherry Martin-Cantrell.........................................................................Real Estate
Cucina 100 ...............................................................................................................Restaurants
Blades Outdoor Equipment Sales, Service & Repair ................................................................. Outdoor Equipment Service & Repair
Cudic Law, LLC ........................................................................................................... Attorneys
Bloomers Nursery of Fountain Inn LLC ..........................................................................Nursery Bojangles Fountain Inn ............................................................................................Restaurants
Bomar, Dr. George E. ................................................................................................... Associate
D&W Fine Pack LLC .......................................................................................................Industry
Bon Secours St. Francis Health System ..................................................... Hospital/Health Care
DCAN-1, Inc.................................................................................................Underground Utilities
Bosch Rexroth Corporation ............................................................................................Industry
Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC .............................................................................................. Utility
Boy Scout Troop #48 ....................................................................................................Nonprofit Brian Spears Agency Nationwide ...............................................................................Insurance Brooks, Clyde & Eleanor ............................................................................................. Associate Brown Property Management LLC ............................................................Property Management Bryson Elem. PTA...........................................................................................................Schools Bucky’s Bar-B-Q ........................................................................................ Restaurants/Catering Busy Beez Movers, LLC..................................................................................................... Move
E Edward Jones Investments.............................................................................Financial Services Element Security Group ..................................................................................Financial Services Elite Financial Services Inc. ............................................................................Financial Services Ellisor, Chuck .............................................................................................................. Associate Envirocare Landscape Management Inc...............................................Landscape Management EuroKera North America Inc...........................................................................................Industry eXp Realty.................................................................................................................Real Estate Express Press ................................................................................................................ Printing
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Members – Alphabetical F
Greenville News Media Group ..................................................... Advertising/News/Media/Radio
Fairfield Inn & Suites .........................................................................................................Hotel Fairway Outdoor Advertising ....................................................... Advertising/News/Media/Radio
Greenville Technical College Brashier Campus..............................................................Schools Growler Haus 3, LLC ................................................................................................Restaurants
Fisher Barton SC, Inc. ....................................................................................................Industry
Fletcher funeral Service & Cremations .................................................................Funeral Home Fork Lift Equipment Co., Inc. .......................................................................... Industrial Services Founders Fed. Credit Union ............................................................................Financial Services Fountain Inn Animal Clinic .......................................................................................Veterinarian Fountain Inn Dental ...................................................................................................... Dentists Fountain Inn First Baptist Church ............................................................................... Churches Fountain Inn Garden Club ............................................................................Clubs/Organizations Fountain Inn Kid Enrichment Center (FIKE) ..................................................................Nonprofit
H & R Block ........................................................................................... Accountants/Tax Service Handee Mart and Gault’s of Ft Inn ......................................................................... Grocery/ABC Harvey & Associate Inc .......................................................................................Fire Protection Head Financial Group, Inc ...........................................................................................Insurance Hillcrest Memorial Hospital/GHS................................................................. Hospital/Health Care Holmes Law Firm........................................................................................................ Attorneys Hucks Financial Services................................................................................Financial Services
Fountain INN Museum ................................................................................................. Museum Fountain Inn Natural Gas System ..................................................................................... Utility Fountain Inn Nursing Home & Rehabilitation .................................Nursing Homes/Rehabilitation
Fountain Inn Presbyterian Church .............................................................................. Churches
I Declare ..............................................................................................................Specialty Shop
Fountain Inn Symphony Orchestra .............................................. Arts/Entertainment/Foundation
I Heart Media ............................................................................... Advertising/News/Media/Radio
Fountain Inn Warehouse & Transfer ..............................................................................Trucking
Ice Cream Fountain......................................................................................Specialty/Ice Cream
Fountain Inn Wesleyan Church ................................................................................... Churches
Ideal HR Solutions ........................................................................................... Human Resource
Fountain Inn Wine & Spirits/Madhur, Inc.......................................................ABC Package Store
Industrial Power Corporation .......................................................................................Electrical
Fox Creek Mobile Home Park .................................................................... Mobile Home Rentals
INN Season ...................................................................................................................... Florist
Fox Run Country Club ................................................................................. Golf Club/Equipment
IPS Packaging ................................................................................................................Industry
FreeBird concessions LLC .........................................................................Concessions/Vendors
J Peters Bar & Grill ..................................................................................................Restaurants
Garcias Cuisine ........................................................................................................Restaurants Garrett & Garrett ...................................................................................Real Estate Development Garrett’s Discount Golf Carts LLC................................................................ Golf Club/Equipment Geisler, David H. .......................................................................................................... Associate Genco of Simpsonville, Inc. ....................................................................................Pools & Spas Generations Group Homes Inc. ...............................................................................Group Home Gilreath, Melinda......................................................................................................... Associate Global View Investment Advisors, LLC ............................................................Financial Services
K Keep Greenville County Beautiful ........................................................................... Government Kent-Gault Mobile Home Sales Inc. ..............................................................Mobile Home Sales Kidz Kare .....................................................................................................................Day Care Kinard, Gwen .............................................................................................................. Associate Kirven, H G “Butch” ................................................................................................ Government
God’s Pantry Inc. ........................................................................................................Food Bank Andrew Goodson, Atty at law ...................................................................................... Attorneys
GOS ..................................................................................................................... Office Supplies
Lambe-Prater, Maureen .............................................................................................. Associate
Grainger Inc. ..................................................................................................................Industry
Lancaster Services .............................................................................Heating & Air Conditioning
GrandSouth Bank .................................................................................................Bank/Financial
Laurens County Chamber of Commerce ............................................... Chambers of Commerce
Great Southern Homes ...........................................................................................Construction
Laurens Electric Cooperative ............................................................................................ Utility
Greenville Area Development Corporation ..............................................Economic Development
Legal Shield ................................................................................................................ Associate
Greenville Chamber of Commerce ........................................................ Chambers of Commerce
Let’s Dance ............................................................................................................Dance Studio
Greenville Co Library System............................................................................Nonprofit/Library
Liberty Mutual Insurance ............................................................................................Insurance
Greenville County Planning Commission ................................................................ Government
Lilies on Main .................................................................................................................. Florist
Greenville Heritage FCU ..................................................................................Financial Services
Lowes Home Improvement Center .................................................................Building Materials
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Members – Alphabetical M
M & M Scrap Metal ...................................................................................Scrap Metal Recycling
Quillen Manor LLC .................................................................. Retirement/Assisted Living Facility
Mahony, John.............................................................................................................. Associate Main Street Insurance ................................................................................................Insurance MaintainIT Ltd ................................................................................................ Industrial Services Management in Motion ................................................................................Executive Recruiting Marshall Orthodontics ............................................................................................Orthodontics Matthews Wealth Management ......................................................................Financial Services Mauldin Chamber Of Commerce........................................................... Chambers of Commerce McGill Airflow Corporation .............................................................................................Industry MediaMark....................................................................................................... Media Marketing Mill Town Players .........................................................................................................Nonprofit Minuteman Press........................................................................................................... Printing Mr Rooter Plumbing .................................................................................................... Plumbing Mt. Zion Baptist Church .............................................................................................. Churches
R R P Field Services, LLC ............................................................................ Field Creditor Services Rainbow International...............................................................................................Restoration RE/MAX Moves .........................................................................................................Real Estate Recruiting Solutions ........................................................................................ Human Resource Reliance Realty Advisors, LLC...................................................................................Real Estate Renewable Water Resources (ReWa) ...........................................................Waste Management Revolution Church ...................................................................................................... Churches RM Solutions ................................................................................................. Design & Engineer Rotary Club of Fountain Inn .........................................................................Clubs/Organizations Russell’s Mobile Detailing.................................................................................Vehicle Detailing
N N.V., LLC ...................................................................................................... Hospital/Health Care New Life Community Church ...................................................................................... Churches Nimble Thimbles Quilt Guild ........................................................................Clubs/Organizations No Limits Martial Arts ...................................................................................Martial Arts/Fitness North American Flags & Flagpoles LLC................................................................Specialty Shop
S C Wholesale Mattress & Furniture ...............................................................Home Furnishings Sam’s Club — Greenville......................................................................... Wholesale Distribution Saunders Office Supply Inc................................................................................. Office Supplies SC Arts Alliance ...........................................................................................................Nonprofit SC House of Representatives — Garry Smith ........................................................ Government SC House of Representatives — Mark Willis .......................................................... Government SC Vocational Rehabilitation Dept. ....................................................... Vocational Rehabilitation
Sigmann, Mary — Certified Professional Organizer ................................................... Associate
Operators Unlimited, Inc .......................................................................... Wastewater Treatment
Simpsonville Chamber of Commerce ................................................... Chambers of Commerce
Overstreet, Ray C ........................................................................................................ Associate
Skin Care by Cherisa .................................................................................................. Skin Care Smith Chevrolet ...................................................................................................Car Dealership Smith, Walter “Buzzy” ................................................................................................ Associate
P Palisades Apts ........................................................................................Real Estate/Apartments Palmetto Compressors Inc. ............................................................................................Industry Pelham Medical Center............................................................................... Hospital/Health Care Pepsi-Cola of Greenville ............................................................................Beverage Distribution Pierburg US, LLC ............................................................................................................Industry Pizza Hut ..................................................................................................................Restaurants Plastic plate, LLC ...........................................................................................................Industry Presbyterian Fellowship of Fountain Inn .................................................................... Churches Principal Financial Group ................................................................................Financial Services Priority One Security ........................................................................................ Security Systems PWS — Professional Worksite Services .....................................................................Insurance
South Carolina Plastics LLC ...........................................................................................Industry Southeastern Products Inc ............................................................................................Industry Southern Lawn & Landscape Pros........................................................Landscape Management Southern Sisters .............................................................................................Women’s Clothing Spikes After School...................................................................................Day Care/After School Sport Clips Fairview Corners ..................................................................................... Hair Salon Sportsclub Health & Fitness ...................................................................................Health Clubs Steam Coffee ............................................................................................Specialty/Coffee Shop Steel Moving, LLC .....................................................................................Scrap Metal Recycling Stella’s Southern Bistro ...........................................................................................Restaurants Strike-INN ......................................................................................................................Bowling stueken North America ..................................................................................................Industry Sundance Property Management, Inc. ......................................................................Real Estate Sunrise Auto Repair ................................................................................................. Auto Repair Sweet & Saucy ....................................................................................................Specialty Shop
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Members – Alphabetical T
Tatham Body Shop, Inc ....................................................................................... Car Body Shop
Venus Poe, PA ............................................................................................................. Attorneys
Tecknor Apex Carolina Co. .............................................................................................Industry
Village Vapors ......................................................................................................Specialty Shop
The Sentinel..............................................................................................................Newspaper Tonsofrentals.com.Greenville, LLC ................................................................................. Rentals Top ‘em & Drop ‘em ...............................................................................................Tree Servivce Toshiba Business Solutions Inc ....................................................................... Office Equipment Town Square Publications .........................................................................................Publishers Trail Life USA ...............................................................................................................Nonprofit Transamerica Agency Network ...................................................................................Insurance Trinity United Methodist Church ................................................................................. Churches
W Warren Associates Inc .................................................................................Merchandise Broker Wasserstrom & Sons, Gen III Group ...............................................................................Industry West, Jack .................................................................................................................. Associate Wickliffe Insurance Services ......................................................................................Insurance Woods, Roseann ......................................................................................................... Associate
U United States Postal Services................................................................................. Government United Way Of Greenville County .................................................................................Nonprofit
Younts Center for Performing Arts ............................................................................Arts Center Younts Properties, Inc. ..........................................................................Real Estate Development
Upstate Trucking Inc. ....................................................................................................Trucking
Uptown Barber Shop...............................................................................................Barber Shop
Zen Bodywork LLC .......................................................................................... Massage Therapy
Town Square Publications is grateful for the opportunity to partner with the Fountain Inn Chamber of Commerce to produce this high-quality print and digitally integrated product. We hope you enjoy the publication and ask you to consider supporting the advertisers who made this possible.
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M e m b e r s B y C at e g o r y ABC Package Store Fountain Inn Wine & Spirits/Madhur, Inc N Main St Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 408-9631
Accountants/Tax Service Carole S. Cooley, CPA, LLC 106 S Main St PO Box 247 Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-4959 TAX ADVISING & PREPARATION BOOKKEEPING CONSULTING H & R Block 14 Greenville Dr Williamston, SC 29697 (864) 862-6144 http://hrblock.com
Advertising/News/ Media/Radio Fairway Outdoor Advertising 814 Duncan Reidville Rd Duncan, SC 29334 (864) 982-6415 Greenville News Media Group 2305 S Main St Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 298-4807 http://greenvilleonline.com I Heart Media 101 N Main St, Ste 1000 Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 271-5152 http://wslfm.com
Arts/Entertainment/ Foundation Fountain Inn Symphony Orchestra 315 N Main St Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 213-7470 http://fountaininnsymphony.org Younts Center for Performing Arts 315 N Main St Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 409-1050 http://yountscenter.org
Associate Bill Bell 103 Maple Dr Fountain Inn, SC 29644 862-2558
Bomar, Dr. George E. 98 Carolina Way Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-9341 Brooks, Clyde & Eleanor 2 Travelers Ct Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-2062 Caudle, Timothy Gray 403 Rockland Dr Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 433-3960 Ellisor, Chuck 501 Putman Rd Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 967-75882 Geisler, David H. 109 Lafayette Ave Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-5162 Gilreath, Melinda 103 Thackston St Fountain Inn, SC 29644 Kinard, Gwen Clinton, SC 29325 Lambe-Prater, Maureen 535 Brookwood Point Pl, Apt 217 Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 275-8938 Legal Shield 18 Birkhall Cir Greenville, SC 29605 (864) 569-5836 http://legal shield Mahony, John Overstreet, Ray C 4161 Hwy 418 Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-3872 Sigmann, Mary — Certified Professional Organizer 117A S Main St Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 399-0550 http://organizer-coach.com Smith, Walter “Buzzy” 103 Green Ave Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-3825 West, Jack PO Box 12 Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 967-4755 Woods, Roseann 724 Gulliver St Fountain Inn, SC 29644
Building Materials
Anderson Law Firm, LLC 302 N Weston St Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 228-7808 http://sclegacylaw.com
Lowes Home Improvement Center 3958 Grandview Dr Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 962-0671 http://lowes.com
Cudic Law, LLC 207 S Main St Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 208-9152 http://atty Andrew Goodson, Atty at law 703 N Main St Fountain Inn, SC 29644 Holmes Law Firm 712 N Main St Greenville, SC 29609 (864) 271-2381 http://holmes-law.com Venus Poe, PA 105 N Main St Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 409-6084 http://venuspoe.com
Auto Repair Sunrise Auto Repair 1215A N Main St Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 228-0576 http://sunriseautoservices.com
Bank/Financial GrandSouth Bank 325 S Main PO Box 1239 Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-8833 http://grandsouth.com
Barber Shop Uptown Barber Shop 116 S Main St Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 525-0832
Beverage Distribution Pepsi-Cola of Greenville 751 State Park Rd PO Box 3567 Greenville, SC 29608 (864) 672-2073 http://pepsico.com
Bowling Strike-INN 21 Idle Ln Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 905-4208 http://strike-inn.com
Car Body Shop Tatham Body Shop, Inc 2825 New Easley Hwy Greenville, SC 29611 (864) 269-8991
Car Dealership Smith Chevrolet 200 N Harper St Laurens, SC 29360 (864) 984-6581 http://smithautos.com
Chambers of Commerce Greenville Chamber of Commerce 24 Cleveland St Greenville, SC 29601 (866) 485-5262 http://greenvillechamber.org Laurens County Chamber of Commerce PO Box 248 Laurens, SC 29360 (864) 833-2716 http://laurenscounty.org/cc Mauldin Chamber Of Commerce PO Box 881 Mauldin, SC 29662 (864) 297-1323 http://mauldinchamber.org Simpsonville Chamber of Commerce 100 Trade St Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-3781 http://simpsonvillechamber.com
Chiropractic Services Align Life of Simpsonville 419 SE Main St, Ste 200 Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 881-3693 www.alignlifesimpsonville.com Community Chiropractic 3725 Grandview Dr Fountain Inn, SC 29644 228-0047 www.communitychiropracticsc.com
Churches Bible Baptist Church 233 Harrison Bridge Rd Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 963-9152 http://bbcsimpsonville.com
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M e m b e r s B y C at e g o r y Capstone Church 601 Fairview St Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-3993 http://capstonechurch.net Fountain Inn First Baptist Church 206 N Weston St Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-3350 http://fifbc.org Fountain Inn Presbyterian Church PO Box 337 Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-3341 http://fountaininnpres.org Fountain Inn Wesleyan Church 205 Woodside Ave PO Box 846 Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-5517 http://fountaininnwesleyan.org Mt. Zion Baptist Church 103 Mt Zion Dr Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-2540 New Life Community Church 535 Brookwood Point Pl, #111 Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 525-5552 Presbyterian Fellowship of Fountain Inn PO Box 429 Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 423-4265 http://pffi.net Revolution Church 610 Fairview St PO Box 466 Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-3070 http://revolutionchurchnow.org Trinity United Methodist Church 403 S Weston St Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-4561 http://fitumc.com
Clubs/Organizations Fountain Inn Garden Club Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 409-1489 Nimble Thimbles Quilt Guild 121 Wofford Shoals Rd Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-3202 http://ntquiltguild.com Rotary Club of Fountain Inn PO Box 315 Fountain Inn, SC 29644
Design & Engineer
FreeBird concessions LLC 2010 Kilgore Bridge Rd Woodruff, SC 29388 (864) 887-9700 http://concessions
RM Solutions 110 Forest Dr Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 363-5891 http://amylynnereed.com
Discount Magazine
AM Hood construction 108 Green Ave Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 483-8081 www.amhoodconstruction.com
Clipper magazine 216 Laurel Rd Greer, SC 29651 (864) 238-5696 www.clippermagazine.com
Great Southern Homes 90 N Royal Tower Dr Irmo, SC 29063 (803) 699-4734 http://greatsouthernhomes.com
Dance Studio Let’s Dance 103 S Main St Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 268-8588 http://letsdancesc.com
Data/Telephone Services Atkins Data & Telephone Services LLC PO Box 385 Inman, SC 29349 (864) 708-1109 http://atkinsdts.com
Day Care Kidz Kare
Day Care/After School Spikes After School 510 Georgia St Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-5050 http://spikesafterschool.com
Dentists Calcutt Family Dentistry 284 McCarter Rd Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-2966 http://calcuttfamilydentistry.com Fountain Inn Dental N Main St Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 601-9899 http://professional
Economic Development Greenville Area Development Corporation 233 N Main St, Ste 250 Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 235-2008 http://greenvilleeconomicdevelopment.com
Electrical Industrial Power Corporation 503 N Weston St Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 901-9600
Engineering CER CAD EngineeringResources 404A Wall St Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-5222 http://cergroupna.com
Executive Recruiting Management in Motion 403 N Main St Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 525-7008 www.managementinmotion.us
Field Creditor Services R P Field Services, LLC 216 S Main St Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 881-3604 http://rpfield.com
Financial Services AgSouth Farm Credit PO Drawer 1439 Laurens, SC 29360 (864) 984-3379 http://agsouthfc.com Commercial Mortgage PO Box 566 Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-3151
Edward Jones Investments 19 Halton Green Way Greenville, SC 29607 987-5009 http://edwardjones.com Element Security Group 125 Harts Ln Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 346-2486 http://elementsecuritygroup.com Elite Financial Services Inc. 1215 NE Main St Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-0372 http://elitefinancialservicesinc.com Founders Fed. Credit Union 737 Plantation Rd Lancaster, SC 29720 (864) 938-2415 http://foundersfcu.com Global View Investment Advisors, LLC 420 E Park Ave, Ste 303 Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 272-0820 http://globalviewinv.com Greenville Heritage FCU 350 Harrison Bridge Rd Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 228-6108 http://greenvilleheritage.com Hucks Financial Services 138 S Main St Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 642-2471 www.raymondjames.com/jasonhucks Matthews Wealth Management 123 Wilbon Cir Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 420-1426 http://financial Principal Financial Group 40 Verona Cir Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 884-2040 http://principal.com
Fire Protection Harvey & Associate Inc 306 Hughes St PO Box 818 Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-2379 http://harveyandassociates.com
Florist INN Season 125 N Main St Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 409-2424 Lilies on Main 100 N Main St Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 409-1064 http://liliesonmain.com
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M e m b e r s B y C at e g o r y Food Bank
Hair Salon
God’s Pantry Inc. PO Box 1088 Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 963-4441 http://godspantry.org
City of Fountain Inn 200 N Main St Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-4421 http://fountaininn.org
Sport Clips Fairview Corners 343-B Harrison Bridge Rd Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 228-5801 http://haircutmensimpsonvillesc.org
Comfort Suites Simpsonville 3971 Grandview Dr Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 757-1552 http://comfortsuites.com
Greenville County Planning Commission 301 University Ridge, Ste 3800 Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 467-7278 http://gcplanning.org
Funeral Home Beasley Funeral Home 205 Knight St Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-2362 http://beasleyfuneralhome.net
Keep Greenville County Beautiful 301 University Ridge, Ste 400 Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 467-7270 http://keepgreenvillecountybeautiful.org
Locally owned & operated Cannon & Byrd families
Cannon Funeral Home
Heritage Funeral Home
1150 North Main Street Fountain Inn
313 North Main Street Simpsonville
Roots Dating Back to 1879
Cannon Memorial Park 1150 North Main Street Fountain Inn 864-862-2225
Cannon Funeral Home/ Heritage Funeral Home — Simpsonville & Canon Memorial Park 1150 N Main St Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-2225 www.cannonbyrd.com Privately owned and operated. “We will treat you the way we would want to be treated. That’s our promise, from our family to yours.”
Fletcher funeral Service & Cremations 1218 N Main St Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 967-2424 http://fletcherfuneralservice.com
Kirven, H G “Butch” 7 Ralph Hendricks Dr Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 228-9300 http://greenvillecounty.org SC House of Representatives — Garry Smith 210 Foxhound Rd Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 963-0337
Fox Run Country Club PO Box 545 Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 967-9505 http://foxrunccsc.com
Garrett’s Discount Golf Carts LLC 604 N Woods Dr PO Box 1914 Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-7709 http://garrettgolfcarts.com Proudly Serving Fountain Inn and Surrounding Areas for Over 25 Years! New and Preowned Sales, Event Rentals, Parts, Service, Repairs, Financing Available www.gowithgarretts.com
Health Clubs Sportsclub Fitness & Wellness 667 SE Main St Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 228-8282 http://sportsclubsc.com
Heating & Air Conditioning
SC House of Representatives — Mark Willis 201 Quillen Ave Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 821-6179 United States Postal Services 290 McCarter Rd Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-3383 http://usps.com
Home Furnishings
BI-LO LLC 1103 N Main St Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-5585 http://bi-lo.com
Covenant Handyman Services 103 Manitou Way Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 907-4832 https://m.facebook.com/covenant-handymanservices-665302230215426/
Lancaster Services PO Box 74 Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 303-3081
Golf Club/Equipment
Handee Mart and Gault’s of Ft Inn S Main St Fountain Inn, SC 29644
Group Home Generations Group Homes Inc. 820 Dunklin Bridge Rd PO Box 80009 Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 243-5557 http://generationsgroup.com
Fairfield Inn & Suites 5821 Grandview Dr Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 962-8500 http://marriott.com/gspsm
Human Resource Ideal HR Solutions 31 Boland Ct Greenville, SC 29615 (864) 286-9009 http://iidealhr.net Recruiting Solutions 124 Verdae Blvd, Ste 103 Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 234-0072 http://recruitingsolutionsonline.com
Industrial Services Fork Lift Equipment Co., Inc. 201 Chevy Dr PO Box 430 Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-2908 http://forklift-parts.com
S C Wholesale Mattress & Furniture 110 S Main St Fountain Inn, SC 29617 (864) 862-4608 http://wesleepgreat.com
MaintainIT Ltd 406 Parker Ivey Dr Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 272-1975 http://maintainit.net
Hospital/Health Care
Bon Secours St. Francis Health System 1 St Francis Dr Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 255-1000 http://bonsecours.com/greenville
Ameri-Pak, Inc. 477 S Woods Dr Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-8696
Hillcrest Memorial Hospital/GHS 729 SE Main St Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 454-6151 http://ghs.org/hillcrest N.V., LLC 417 Batesville Rd Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 608-4933 http://peacemedicacenter.com Pelham Medical Center 250 Westmoreland Rd Greer, SC 29651 (864) 530-2366 http://pelhammedicalcenter.com
Astro American Chemical Company Inc. PO Box 878 Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-2731 http://astroamericanchemical.com AVX-Greenville LLC 1 AVX Blvd Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 228-8844 http://avx.com Bosch Rexroth Corporation 8 Southchase Ct Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 228-3079 http://boschrexroth-us.com Continental Automotive Systems, Inc 400 S Nelson Dr Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-0305 http://emitec.com
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M e m b e r s B y C at e g o r y D&W Fine Pack LLC PO Box 766 Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-4004 http://dwfinepak.com EuroKera North America Inc. 140 Southchase Blvd Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 963-8082 http://eurokera.com Fisher Barton SC, Inc. 100 Industrial Blvd Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-3138 http://fisherbarton.com Grainger Inc. 101 Southchase Blvd Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-8442 http://grainger.com IPS Packaging PO Box 2009 Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-1500 http://ipspackaging.com McGill Airflow Corporation 300 Dale Dr Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 241-1540 http://mcgillairflow.com Palmetto Compressors Inc. PO Box 577 Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 409-9330 http://palmettocompressors.com Pierburg US, LLC 5 Southchase Ct Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 688-1411 www.rheinmetall-automotive.com
Wasserstrom & Sons, Gen III Group PO Box 368 Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-4742 http://wasserstrom.com
Insurance Abercrombie Insurance Agency Inc. PO Box 157 Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-2548 http://theabercrombieagency.com Allstate: Harpe-Snyder Insurance Services 1004 W Georgia Rd, Ste A Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 202-4800 http://allstate.com Banovic Insurance Agency 1900 S Hwy 14, Ste D Greer, SC 29650 (864) 655-7314 http://banovicinsurance.com
Brian Spears Agency, Inc. Brian Spears Agency Nationwide 400 N Main St Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-3311 http://nationwide/agent/fountaininn.com Celebrating 25 years providing Home, Auto, Life, Business and Financial insurance solutions in Fountain Inn, Simpsonville and surrounding areas. Simpsonville office conveniently located at 674 Fairview Rd.
Plastic plate, LLC 830 International Blvd Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-0100 www.lacksenterprises.com
Head Financial Group, Inc 880 S Pleasantburg Dr, Ste 2C Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 232-7355 http://headfinancial.com
South Carolina Plastics LLC PO Box 1030 Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 757-7023 http://southeasternproducts.com
Liberty Mutual Insurance 10 Patewood Dr, Ste 120 Greenville, SC 29615 (864) 676-8080 x08762 http://libertymutual.com
Southeastern Products Inc 145 Southchase Blvd Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 233-9023
Main Street Insurance 102 N Main St Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 978-6061 http://agencythatcares.com
stueken North America 137 Southchase Blvd Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-0612 http://steuken.com Tecknor Apex Carolina Co. PO Box 926 Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-6444 http://tecknorapex.com
PWS — Professional Worksite Services Insurance Broker Owner: Tim Lancaster (864) 505-7057 www.myworksiteservices.com
Transamerica Agency Network 250 Commonwealth Dr, Ste 101 Greenville, SC 29615 (864) 451-8086 http://transamericaagencynetwork.com Wickliffe Insurance Services 406 SE Main St Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-4755
Insurance/Financial Benefits Planning Cooper Planning Group 412 Woodland Oaks Ct Simpsonville, SC 29681 (716) 794-3009 x101 www.cooperplanninggroup.com
Landscape Management Envirocare Landscape Management Inc PO Box 80394 Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 304-3522 http://environcarelandscape.com Southern Lawn & Landscape Pros 162 Richard Dr Fountain Inn, SC 29681 (864) 409-3133
Martial Arts/Fitness Beckham Martial Arts/Fitness 101 Trade St Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 449-1397 No Limits Martial Arts 510 S Main St Fountain Inn, SC 29644
Massage Therapy Zen Bodywork LLC 107 S Main St Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 979-8548 http://zenbodywork.massagetherapy.com
Merchandise Broker Warren Associates Inc 111 Inn Circle Fountain Inn, SC 29644 862-3847
Mobile Home Rentals Fox Creek Mobile Home Park 1 Tolland Ct Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 862-1200
Mobile Home Sales Kent-Gault Mobile Home Sales Inc. 705 N Main St Mauldin, SC 29662 (864) 288-5623 http://kentgault.com
Mover Busy Beez Movers, LLC 21 Irish Moss Ct Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 423-8954 http://busybeezmovers.com
Museum Fountain INN Museum 102-B Depot St Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-2586 http://fountaininnmuseum.org
Newspaper The Sentinel 102 Foxhound Rd Simpsonville, SC 29680 www.simpsonvillesentinel.com
Nonprofit Boy Scout Troop #48 Fountain Inn, SC 29644 Carolina Thunderbirds PO Box 731 Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 275-8755 Center for Community Services 1102 Howard Dr Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 688-2215 www.centercs.com Chapman Foundation 22 Howard Creek Dr Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-6797 www.chapmanfoundation.com Children of God’s Kingdom PO Box 52 Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 230-0634 Fountain Inn Kid Enrichment Center (FIKE) 604 N Woods Dr, #A PO Box 1816 Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864).641.3453 http://fikecenter.com Mill Town Players PO Box 121 Pelzer, SC 29669 (864) 947-8000 http://milltownplayers.org
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M e m b e r s B y C at e g o r y SC Arts Alliance PO Box 865 Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 314-0712 Trail Life USA 10612 Augusta Rd Belton, SC 29627 (469) 986-0237 www.traillifeusa.com United Way Of Greenville County 105 Edinburgh Ct Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 467-3333 http://unitedwayofgc.org
Nonprofit/Library Greenville Co Library System 311 N Main St Fountain Inn, SC 29644
Nursery Bloomers Nursery of Fountain Inn LLC 15 Howard Creek Dr Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 409-9650 http://bloomersnurseryoffountaininn.com
Nursing Homes/ Rehabilitation Fountain Inn Nursing Home & Rehabilitation 501 Gulliver St PO Box 67 Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-2554 http://fountaininnrehab.com
Office Equipment Toshiba Business Solutions Inc 201-C Pelham Davis Cir Greenville, SC 29615 (336) 834-7435 http://tbs.toshiba.com
Office Supplies GOS 310 E Frontage St Greer, SC 29651 (864) 233-5346 http://gos1@com Saunders Office Supply Inc. 611 NE Main St Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 967-2935 http://saundersos.com
Orthodontics Marshall Orthodontics 551 Harrison Bridge Rd Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 336-2965 http://marshall-orthodontics.com
Outdoor Equipment Service & Repair Blades Outdoor Equipment Sales, Service & Repair 550 N Woods Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-3525 http://bladesoutdoorequipment.com
Pharmacy Best RX 1103 N Main St, Ste E Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 210-1811 www.bestrxpharmacy.org
Plumbing Mr Rooter Plumbing 1341 Rutherford Rd Greenville, SC 29609 (864) 230-0327 http://mr rooter plumbing
Pools & Spas Genco of Simpsonville, Inc. PO Box 1076 Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-8918 http://gencopools.com
Printing Express Press 501B Richardson St Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 757-9652 http://epgvl.com Minuteman Press 435 Wade Hampton Blvd Greenville, SC 29609 (864) 233-6029 http://gsc.minutemanpress.com
Real Estate
Berkshire Hathaway Home Service 634-A Fairview Rd Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 963-0900 http://cdanjoyner.com
Carolina Springs Golf Club 1680 Scuffletown Rd Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-3551 http://carolinaspringsgc.com
Berkshire Hathaway Home Service 334 Belle Oakes Dr Simpsonville, SC 29680 (843) 685-1506 Blackstream/A Denise Franklin 20 Overbrook Ct, Ste 400 Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 313-1566 Blackstream/Sherry Martin-Cantrell 20 Overbrook Ct, Ste 400 Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 630-7892 C.Dan Joyner 672B Fairview Rd Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 516-2472 eXp Realty 711 Fairview St Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-1400 http://jimgirard.com RE/MAX Moves 108 S Main Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 520-1002 http://greenvillemoves.com Reliance Realty Advisors, LLC PO Box 699 Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 232-0019 www.reliance-advisors.com Sundance Property Management, Inc. 9918 Carver Rd, Ste 110 Cincinnati, OH 45242 (513) 489-3363 http://sundancemanagement.com
Rentals Tonsofrentals.com.Greenville, LLC PO Box 580 Arden, NC 28704 (800) 789-1135 http://tonsofrentals.com
Restaurants Bojangles Fountain Inn 200 McCarter Rd Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-8778 http://bojangles.com Cucina 100 100 S Main St Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 601-9606 Garcias Cuisine 1003 N Old Laurens Rd Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 601-9665 Growler Haus 3, LLC 101 N Main St Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 398-6299 http://growlerhaus.com J Peters Bar & Grill 111 N Main St Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 408-9883 Pizza Hut PO Box 49099 Greenwood, SC 29649 (864) 409-3003 http://pizzahut.com
Property Management
Real Estate Development
Brown Property Management LLC PO Box 1034 Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 616-3098 http://donnabrownproperties.com
Garrett & Garrett PO Box 36 Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-3501
Younts Properties, Inc. PO Box 1767 Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 962-8958
Bucky’s Bar-B-Q 103 N Main St Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 409-3333 http://buckysbbq.com
Real Estate/ Apartments
Clock Drive-In 303 S Main St Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 423-9569
Town Square Publications PO Box 280 Arlington Heights, IL 60006
Palisades Apts 2 Palisade Knoll Dr Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 714-9062
Stella’s Southern Bistro 684C Fairview Rd Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 757-1212
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M e m b e r s B y C at e g o r y Restoration
Security Systems
Rainbow International 1341 Rutherford Rd Greenville, SC 29609 (864) 631-3783 http://rainbowintl.com
Priority One Security PO Box 36 Mauldin, SC 29662 (864) 288-1400 http://priority1security.com
Carolina Indoor Sports 1103 N Main St, Ste F Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 408-9724 http://carolinaindoorsports.com
Retirement Community
Skin Care
Telephone Services
Skin Care by Cherisa 310 Quail Run Cir Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 414-2412 www.zenbodywork.massagetherapy.com
AT&T 218 College St Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 298-4949 http://at&t.com
Bailey Manor/Carolina Christian Ministries, Inc 300 Jacobs Hwy Clinton, SC 29325 (864) 833-3425 http://baileymanor.org Spacious 1, 2 & 3 room Independent apts ~ Our award winning staff provide superior care to aid in daily living skills: bathing, dressing, grooming, medication management, fun activities & much more. You will fall in love with our family atmosphere! Clinton Presbyterian Community 801 Musgrove St Clinton, SC 29325 (864) 833-5190 www.prescommunities.org
Retirement/Assisted Living Facility Quillen Manor LLC 709 Quillen Ave Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 601-1441 http://quillenmanorliving.com
Schools Bryson Elem. PTA 703 Bryson Dr Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 350-9344 Greenville Technical College Brashier Campus 1830 W Georgia Rd Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 250-8000 www.gvltec.edu/brashier
Scrap Metal Recycling M & M Scrap Metal 12805 Hwy 101 S Gray Court, SC 29645 (864) 876-1031 www.mandmscrapmetal.com Steel Moving, LLC 12805 Hwy 101 S Gray Court, SC 29645 (864) 876-1031
Specialty Shop
Travel Planner
I Declare 107 N Main St Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-7004
Cruise Planners 113 Belgian Blue Way Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (315) 725-6132 http://globaltraveldiscoveries.com
North American Flags & Flagpoles LLC 1624 Woodruff Rd, Ste 1 Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 288-1418 http://northamericanflags.com Sweet & Saucy 104-A N Main St Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 275-0375 Village Vapors 308 Fairview St Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 630-5143 http://visitgreenvillesc.com
Specialty/Coffee Shop Steam Coffee Main St Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 724-4128
Specialty/Deli Carolina Growers Group 202 S Weston St Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 409-2323 http://carolinagrowersgroup.com
Specialty/Ice Cream Ice Cream Fountain Main St Fountain Inn, SC 29644
Tree Servivce Top ‘em & Drop ‘em 6269 Hwy 14 Gray Court, SC 29645 (864) 201-5188
Trucking Fountain Inn Warehouse & Transfer PO Box 37 Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-3538 Upstate Trucking Inc. PO Box 447 Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-1343 http://upstatetrucking.com
Underground Utilities DCAN-1, Inc. PO Box 359 Lyman, SC 29365 (864) 304-8596 http://dcan-1.com
Utility Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC 40 W Broad St, Ste 690 Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 777-9898 http://duke-energy.com Fountain Inn Natural Gas System 100 S Weston St PO Box 127 Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-0042 http://fountaininn.org
Laurens Electric Cooperative PO Box 700 Laurens, SC 29360 (864) 683-1683 http://laurens electric.com
Vehicle Detailing Russell’s Mobile Detailing 104 Spencer Josh Ct Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 534-0916
Veterinarian Fountain Inn Animal Clinic 1126 N Main St Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 862-4707
Vocational Rehabilitation SC Vocational Rehabilitation Dept. 22861 Hwy 76 E Clinton, SC 29325 (864) 833-4121 http://scvrd.net
Waste Management Renewable Water Resources (ReWa) 561 Mauldin Rd Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 299-4000 http://rewaonline.org
Wastewater Treatment Operators Unlimited, Inc PO Box 1077 Mauldin, SC 29662 (864) 228-1131 http://operatorsunlimited.net
Wholesale Distribution Sam’s Club — Greenville 1211 Woodruff Rd Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 987-7220 http://samsclub.com
Women’s Clothing Black Tulip 127 N Main St Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 409-2300 Southern Sisters Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 409-2560
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