Harrisonburg Rockingham VA Community Profile

Page 1

www.hrchamber.org 1

Table of Contents Photo courtesy of Joshua Gooden Photography

This publication is proudly produced by:

7766 Ewing Blvd, Suite 200, Florence, KY 41042 800-933-3909 • 800-488-3101 (fax)


Living the Good LIfe

This Friendly Hub Cannot Be Beat

Scott Robertson Executive Vice President srobertson@southcomm.com Gerrie Cook Senior Vice President of Business Development gcook@southcomm.com Todd Patton Senior Operations Manager tpatton@southcomm.com

Darren Hinerman Publisher dhinerman@southcomm.com

Welcome to Harrisonburg and Rockingham County.

8 The 411 Find important community

information here.

10 demographics See how the region stacks up. 12 Chamber Connection Discover Chamber membership benefits.

20 Vital SIgns

Providers have the prime prescription.

Brooke Payne Editorial Coordinator


Samantha McHenry Graphic Designer


Jessica Hill Graphic Designer

jhill@southcomm.com Swartz Photography Contributing Photographer

Cathy Cuthbertson Contributing Writer

Lauren Stepp Contributing Writer

32 Things to see & DO

Steve Anderson Project Sales Director

38 Membership directory

24 report card

Our schools put students first.

Don’t miss these must-see attractions.

Contact our Chamber members for your business and personal needs. Cover photo courtesy of Mike Miriello

Index of Advertisers Ashby Animal Clinic ���������������������������������������������������������������������31 Blue Ridge Christian School ��������������������������������������������������������26 Blue Ridge Community College ��������������������������������������������������36 Bridgewater Retirement Community ������������������������������������������23 Brown, Edwards & Company, L.L.P. ���������������������������������������������31 Cathcart Property Management - The Reserve at Stone Port & Bellaire at Stone Port ����������������������������������������������������������������18 Clear Spring Homestead, LLC ������������������������������������������������������29 Courtyard Marriott �����������������������������������������������������������������������19 DuPont Community Credit Union ��������������������������������������������������7 Eastern Mennonite University �����������������������������������������������������27 Eastlawn Memorial Gardens �������������������������������������������������������35 Echard Insurance Agency, Inc. �������������������������������������������������������9 Fairfield Inn & Suites ��������������������������������������������������������������������28 Farmers & Merchants Bank ���������������������������������������������������������37 First Bank �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������19 First Bank & Trust Company ������������������������������������������� Back Cover Friendship Industries, Inc. ������������������������������������������������������������36 Harrisonburg Baptist Church �������������������������������������������������������36 Harrisonburg Ford/Virginia Dreams Center Stage �������������������������5

Sarah Lancaster Production Manager



Philip Hageman CEO



Donna Eslinger Project Sales Director deslinger@southcomm.com Gerald Gillette Project Sales Director


Mark Heagy Inside Sales Director

mheagy@southcomm.com Tom O’Sullivan Project Sales Director tosullivan@southcomm.com

Jerry Starnes Project Sales Director jstarnes@southcomm.com

Nick Yankosky Project Sales Director nyankosky@southcomm.com

James Madison University Lifelong Learning Institute ���������������27 Massanutten Realty �����������������������������������������������������������������������9 Massanutten Regional Library ������������������������������������������������������9 Massanutten Technical Center �������������������������������������������������������7 Mountain View Dental Team �������������������������������������������������������35 PBMares, LLP �������������������������������������������������������������������������������11 Pendleton Community Bank �������������������������������������������������������30 Rockingham County Fair ��������������������������������������������������������������36 Rockingham County/City of Harrisonburg ������������������������������������3 Sentara �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������23 Shenandoah Valley Regional Airport ������������������������������������������28 Sleep Inn & Suites ������������������������������������������������Inside Back Cover Sunnyside Communities �������������������������������������Inside Front Cover TB Pallets, LLC ������������������������������������������������������������������������������31 Town of Dayton ����������������������������������������������������������������������������30 Town of Elkton �����������������������������������������������������������������������������11 Union Bank & Trust ����������������������������������������������������������������������22 The UPS Store �������������������������������������������������������������������������������29 Valley Care Management �������������������������������������������������������������29 Wharton Aldhizer & Weaver, PLC ������������������������������������������������29


For more information about this publication and/or advertising rates, call 800-364-2034. SouthComm Publishing Company, Inc. also produces community magazines, chamber membership directories, industrial brochures and business marketing materials. This publication was produced exclusively for The HarrisonburgRockingham County Chamber of Commerce by SouthComm Publishing Company, Inc. Copyright 2017. Reproduction, in whole or part, of this publication without expressed or written consent of the publisher is prohibited. Violators of this copyright notice will be prosecuted. All claims, materials and photos furnished or used are, to the publisher’s knowledge, true and correct. Hence, liability cannot be assumed by the publisher for errors or omissions. Advertisements and editorial information published in this, or any other publication produced by SouthComm Publishing Company, Inc., are subject to the unrestricted right to edit of and by, our editors/publisher. 09/2017 Proud Member of:

Photo courtesy of Shenandoah Valley Regional Airport

Welcome TO

HaRRISONBURG-ROCKINGHAM We are excited to present the latest edition of the HarrisonburgRockingham Chamber of Commerce’s (HRCC) Community Profile and Membership Directory. The HRCC distributes several thousand printed copies throughout the year and highlights the online version on our website. The publication is a wonderful resource to display our beautiful Shenandoah Frank M. Tamberrino Valley, friendly atmosphere, President & CEO unlimited recreational activities and our outstanding educational system. The Community Profile section has a wealth of information about the community, as well as a list of resources and contact information, and hopefully, captures the sense of growth, activity, prosperity and progress in Harrisonburg and Rockingham County that we feel every day. Whether you live here, are visiting or are looking at a business investment in the area, the Harrisonburg metropolitan area is a special place in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Harrisonburg has earned the nickname “The Friendly City,” and we hope you will agree. The Membership Directory in the back half of this publication is also a great resource for goods and services in the community. Being a Chamber member, these companies and individuals have shown their commitment to the economic and social well-being of Harrisonburg, Rockingham County and the Shenandoah Valley. They go the extra mile to make this a great place to live, work and play. Please support these businesses, 6 HARRISONBURG-ROCKINGHAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE

organizations and nonprofits. Of course, we also invite you to take advantage of our recently upgraded Chamber website, hrchamber.org, and follow us on social media. This Chamber was organized in 1916 as a way to share information, promote the community and positively influence the direction of the economic, social and political bases of Harrisonburg and the surrounding region. We do the same today but with much more technology at our disposal. However, the bottom line is that the Chamber is still about creating and building relationships. Whether you are a visitor or a lifelong resident, I sincerely hope the Harrisonburg-Rockingham Chamber of Commerce will be a catalyst to make your stay or your life a little better.

Frank M. Tamberrino, President & CEO


Trenton Turner Manager of Finance & Administration

Sheena Armentrout Director of Membership Development & Investment

Carlie Floyd Administrative Assistant

Cari Orebaugh Director of Marketing & Communications



Unless otherwise noted, all area codes are 540.

Climate & Geographical Facts

Harrisonburg Average Annual Rainfall �������������������� 34.3 inches. Average Annual Temperature ��������������������52.1°F. Rockingham County Average Annual Rainfall ������������������ 34.34 inches Average Annual Temperature ������������������� 52.2°F. Source: U.S. Climate Data and www.usa.com

State Senators Emmett Hanger, 24th District ������804-698-7524 Pocahontas Building, Room E507, Richmond, VA 23218 district24@senate.virginia.gov

Courthouses Rockingham County Circuit Court �������564-3126 80 Court Square, Harrisonburg, VA 22802

Bridgewater College �����������������������������828-5680 402 E. College St., Bridgewater, VA 22812 www.bridgewater.edu

Town of Bridgewater ����������������������������908-4212 www.town.bridgewater.va.us

Mark D. Obenshain, 26th District ����������������������������������804-698-7526 Pocahontas Building, Room E502, Richmond, VA 23218 district26@senate.virginia.gov

Town of Broadway �������������������������������896-5152 www.town.broadway.va.us

American National University ��������������432-0943 1515 Country Club Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.an.edu

Delegates Robert “Rob” Bell, 58th District.................................804-698-1058 General Assembly Building, Room 801, Richmond, VA 23218 DelRBell@house.virginia.gov

Town of Elkton �������������������������������������� 298-1951 www.elktonva.gov

Todd Gilbert, 15th District ������������804-698-1015 General Assembly Building, Room 511, Richmond, VA 23218 DelTGilbert@house.virginia.gov

In care of an emergency, dial 911.

Emergency / Medical

Steve Landes, 25th District ���������804-698-1025 General Assembly Building, Room 947, Richmond, VA 23218 DelSLandes@house.virginia.gov

Hospital Sentara RMH Medical Center ���������������689-1000 2010 Health Campus Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.sentara.com

Tony O. Wilt, 26th District ������������804-698-1026 General Assembly Building, Room 526, 201 N. 9th St., Richmond, VA 23219 DelTWilt@house.virginia.gov

Fire Departments Harrisonburg Fire Department ������������ 432-7703 101 N. Main St., 3rd Floor, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.harrisonburgva.gov/contact-fire-department

Local City of Harrisonburg Municipal Building ������������������������������� 432-7701 409 S. Main St., Harrisonburg, VA 2280 www.Harrisonburgva.gov

Rockingham County Department of Fire & Rescue ���������������������������������������� 564-3175 20 E. Gay St., Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.rockinghamcountyva.gov Law Enforcement Harrisonburg Police Department ���������434-4436 101 N. Main St., Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.harrisonburgva.gov/contact-hpd Rockingham County Sheriff’s Office ����564-3800 25 S. Liberty St., Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.rcso-va.com Department of Family & Children Services Harrisonburg-Rockingham Social Services District ������������������������������������ 574-5100 110 N. Mason St., P.O. Box 809, Harrisonburg, VA 22803 www.rockinghamcountyva.gov


Federal U.S. Senators Tim Kaine ��������������������������������������202-224-4024 231 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510 www.kaine.senate.gov/contact Mark Warner ��������������������������������� 202-224-2023 703 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510 www.warner.senate.gov U.S. Representatives Bob Goodlatte ������������������������������ 202-225-5431 70 N. Main St., Harrisonburg, VA 22802 goodlatte.house.gov

City Council Mayor Deanna R. Reed deanna.reed@harrisonburgva.gov City Council Vice Mayor Richard Baugh Richard.baugh@harrisonburgva.gov Council member Ted Byrd ted.byrd@harrisonburgva.gov Council member Christopher B. Jones christopher.jones@harrisonburgva.gov Council member George Hirshmann george.hirshmann@harrisonburgva.gov Rockingham County Administration Center ������������������������� 564-3000 20 E. Gay St., Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.Rockinghamcountyva.gov Board of Supervisors Pablo Cuevas, District 1 pcuevas@rockinghamcountyva.gov Frederick E. Eberly, District 2 feberly@rockinghamcountyva.gov Rick Chandler, District 3 rchandler@rockinghamcountyva.gov William B. Kyger, Jr., District 4 bkyger@rockinghamcountyva.gov Michael A. Breeden, District 5 mbreeden@rockinghamcountyva.gov


Town of Dayton ������������������������������������ 879-2241 www.daytonva.us

Town of Grottoes ����������������������������������249-5896 www.ci.grottoes.va.us Town of Mt. Crawford ��������������������������433-6938 www.virginia.org/cities/MountCrawford

Eastern Mennonite University �������������432-4000 1200 Park Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.emu.edu Massanutten Technical Center ������������434-5961 325 Pleasant Valley Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.mtcva.com Preschool Good Shepherd School & Day Care ����� 564-1744 991 Chicago Ave., Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.goodshepherdschools.com


Pets Animal Control Rockingham County Animal Control ��� 564-3171 25 S. Liberty St., Harrisonburg, VA 22801


Humane Society Rockingham/Harrisonburg SPCA ��������434-5270 2170 Old Furnace Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22803

Town of Timberville �����������������������������896-7058 www.town.timberville.va.us Massanutten Regional Library ������������434-4475 174 S. Main St., Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.mrlib.org Automobiles Drivers License and License Plates Virginia DMV - Harrisonburg Customer Service Center �������������������������������804-497-7100 3281 Peoples Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.dmv.virginia.gov Education Primary Harrisonburg City Public Schools ��������434-9916 One Court Square, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.harrisonburg.k12.va.us

Leash Laws For more information on laws affecting animals, please contact Animal Control listed above.


Cable & Satellite Providers Comcast ����������������������������������������888-266-2278 xfinity.com Shentel ��������������������������������������������������984-5459 Shentel.com

Rockingham County Public Schools ����564-3230 100 Mount Clinton Pike, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.rockingham.k12.va.us

Gas & Electric Amerigas �����������������������������������������������434-6745 www.amerigas.com

Private Blue Ridge Christian School �����������������828-2233 100 Dinkel Ave., Bridgewater, VA 22812 www.brcschool.org

C.L. Cluster ������������������������������������������� 434-8888 www.clcuster.com

Eastern Mennonite School ������������������ 236-6000 801 Parkwood Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.easternmennoniteschool.org Redeemer Classical School ������������������437-0880 1688 Indian Trail Road, Keezletown, VA 22832 www.redeemerclassical.org Cornerstone Christian School �������������� 432-9816 197 Cornerstone Lane, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.ccsconnection.org Colleges/Higher Education James Madison University �������������������568-6211 208 Alumnae Hall, MSC 7608, 91 Alumnae Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22807 www.jmu.edu James Madison University Lifelong Learning Institute ���������������������������������568-2923 601 University Blvd., MSC 9006, Harrisonburg, VA 22807 www.jmu.edu/outreach/programs/all/lli

Columbia Gas ��������������������������������800-543-8911 www.columbiagasva.com Dixie Gas & Oil Corporation �����������������248-6273 www.dixiegas.com Dominion Virginia Power ������������ 888-667-3000 www.dom.com Harrisonburg Electric Commission ������434-5361 www.harrisonburgelectric.com Holtzman Oil ����������������������������������������� 433-2626 www.holtzmancorp.com Quarles Energy Services �����������������������434-3434 www.quarlesinc.com Rockingham Petroleum �����������������������434-4321 www.rockinghampetroleum.com Shenandoah Valley Electric Co-op ������574-7250 www.svec.coop Telephone Advanced Telephone & Data, Inc. ���������337-1706 Advanced-telephone.com

Infusion Audio & Video �������������������������435-2625 National Public Radio (2 stations) ������� 568-6221 Infusionva.com WMRA/WEMC www.wmra.org Lumos Networks �����������������������������������578-0752 Lumosnetworks.com Star 94.3/ESPN 1240 �����������������������������885-5188 www.star94radio.com Shentel �������������������������������������������������� 984-5459 Shentel.com Harrisonburg Radio Group (6 stations) �������������434-0331 More 96.1/Q101/96.9 WSIG/V100.1/ Shentel/Sprint ���������������������������������������432-3300 Rewind105.1/WSVA/ESPN unlimityourdata.com www.wsvaonline.com Verizon Wireless ������������������������������������ 433-7676 WBOP ����������������������������������������������������� 432-1063 Verizonwireless.com WSVG 790 AM/WAMM1230 AM �������� 477-4443 Waste Management & Recycling www.wsvgradio.com Rockingham County Landfill ����������������564-3159 Print Harrisonburg Trash Collection ��������������434-5928 The Breeze (JMU) ����������������������������������568-6127 www.breezejmu.org Water & Sewage Harrisonburg Department of Daily News-Record ������������������������������� 574-6200 Public Utilities ��������������������������������������� 434-6783 www.dnronline.com Hometown Value Magazine �����������������234-9170 Media www.valleyhvmag.com Television WHSV TV-3(ABC)/WSVF (CBS) ������������433-9191 The News Leader ���������������������������������� 255-9985 www.whsv.com www.newsleader.com WVPT (PBS) �������������������������������������������434-5391 Shenandoah Living Magazine ��������������746-1962 www.wvpt.com www.shenandoahmagazine.com Radio iHeartMedia (6 stations).......................434-1777 98Rock/93-7Now/Mix93-1/WKDW/104-3KCY Country/WKCY 1300 www.kccountry.com

www.hrchamber.org 9

Demographics Population (2016)




Rockingham County Source: U.S. Census Bureau

Median Household Income (2015) Harrisonburg


Rockingham County


Rockingham Measure Rate Real Estate..........................Assessed Value.................................................$.74 Personal Property...............Loan Value-78% Retail ....................................$3.0 Machinery/Tools ................Org. Cost 90%=year 1 to 20%=year 8 +......$2.55 Source: Regional Data Center for Virginia’s Central Shenandoah Valley

Median Value of owner-occupied housing units


Harrisonburg Rockingham County


Source: U.S. Census Bureau

Source: U.S. Census Bureau

Median Home Sale Prices (2017 through June)

median age (2016) Harrisonburg


Rockingham County

Harrisonburg/Rockingham County


Source: Sperling’s Best Places, Suburban Stats

cost of living Harrisonburg Rockingham Overall..................................................96................................................100 Grocery.................................................94............................................... 96.9 Health..................................................101...............................................100 Housing................................................97................................................110 Utilities.................................................99................................................100 Transportation......................................92.................................................92 Misc. ....................................................97.................................................97 Source: Sperling’s Best Places. Cost of living indices are based on a U.S. average of 100.


Harrisonburg Measure Rate Real Estate..........................Assessed Value................................................ $.85 Personal Property...............Trade-In Value (Vehicles/Other).......... $3.50/$2.12 Machinery/Tools ................Org. Cost 90%=year 1 to 30%=year 7 +......$2.12 10 HARRISONBURG-ROCKINGHAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE


Source: Funkhouser Real Estate Group

median days on market (2017 through June) Harrisonburg/Rockingham County


Source: Funkhouser Real Estate Group

Top Employers in Harrisonburg MSA Company No. of Employees James Madison University....................................................................2,500-4,999 Sentara/Rockingham Memorial Hospital.............................................1,500-2,499 Pilgrim’s Pride Corporation...................................................................1,500-2,499 LSC Communications............................................................................1,000-1,499 Cargill.......................................................................................................... 1,000+ Massanutten Resort.................................................................................... 1,000+ Wal-Mart....................................................................................................600-999 Marshall’s...................................................................................................600-999

Tenneco Automotive, Inc............................................................................600-999 Perdue Farms, Inc. ......................................................................................600-999 Merck & Company, Inc................................................................................500-999 MillerCoors Shenandoah Brewery..............................................................300-599 Source: Source: Harrisonburg Economic Development and Rockingham County Economic Development

Percentage of Educational Attainment (2015) Harrisonburg MSA

Less than 8th grade............................................................................................7% Some high school...............................................................................................8% High school graduate.......................................................................................30% Some college....................................................................................................28% Associate degree................................................................................................5% Bachelor’s degree.............................................................................................14% Graduate/professional degree.......................................................................... 9% Source: American Community Survey, 2011-2015

Employment by Sector in Harrisonburg–Rockingham MSA (2017)

No. of Employees Government................................................................................................. 10,240 Manufacturing............................................................................................. 10,150 Health Care..................................................................................................... 6,806 Retail .............................................................................................................. 6,630 Accommodation & Food Service..................................................................... 6,364 Transportation & Logistics.............................................................................. 3,452 Construction................................................................................................... 3,051 Source: Rockingham County Economic Development

unEmployment rate Harrisonburg/rockingham (May 2017)


Source: Regional Data Center for Virginia’s Central Shenandoah Valley

www.hrchamber.org 11

chamber connection

Sights Set on the Future Going Above and Beyond for Members


eading the way and building the community as a vibrant place of opportunity, the HarrisonburgRockingham Chamber of Commerce celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2016 and is poised for a dynamic future as it begins a second century of service. “We’ve successfully served the business community for a very long time,” says Greg Godsey, senior vice president, commercial market executive of Union Bank & Trust and Chamber board chair. “The key to our success is providing


Members of the Broadway-Timberville Business Council enjoy learning about The Village Arts Center from Owner/Founder Dawn Murray.

value to our members. We keep a close watch on all of our programs and services, constantly evaluating and making sure they fit the needs of our members. It’s all about giving them a return on their investment.” The Chamber advocates for its diverse base of more than 800 members. With committees that cover everything from military affairs and health care to hospitality and public policy, there’s a place for everyone to learn and develop leadership skills, while building the foundation for forward-

The Chamber helps members make vital contacts for a long-lasting and profitable future.

“We’re one of the few Chambers in the nation that thinking policies that ultimately find their way to local, state takes the leadership program a step further with BOLD, and federal officials. or Building Optimal Leaders by Design,” says Godsey. “A big piece of what we’re doing comes through the “It’s an advanced leadership program that follows LHR, Chamber’s Public Policy Committee,” Godsey says. “It’s a providing interaction with prominent leaders and greater forum for members to talk about positions on issues like tax opportunities for networking and enhancing commitment policy, transportation, health care and education, and a host to community engagement.” of business concerns. Our staff and leadership work with No matter what, the Harrisonburg-Rockingham local, state and federal officials to make our voice heard and Chamber of Commerce always puts members first. create pro-business policies.” “There are four things we focus on every single The Chamber provides a multitude of services to assist day,” says Godsey. “Those are our guiding tenets: lead, existing businesses and new start-ups. Companies in the advocate, network and promote. With our attention on region benefit from a thriving economy, planned growth each of those, we serve our members to the fullest.” t By management, an ideal location and technology zones. The Cathy Cuthbertson zones provide economic incentives to encourage the location and expansion of technology companies. Membership also includes a host of publications, including a bi-weekly e-newsletter and quarterly electronic newsletter, The Advocate. In addition, the Chamber recently announced a partnership with the Daily News-Record that features a quarterly Chamber update in the Shenandoah Valley Business Journal. Members receive access to more than 100 discounts through the Chamber’s Member2Member program, where member businesses provide discounts on goods and services to other members. Developing strong citizens and innovators with deep connections to the community, the Chamber’s Leadership Harrisonburg-Rockingham (LHR) program introduces aspiring leaders to the many aspects of the area—from business and government to health and history. Members appreciate the opportunity to get together with peers to discuss their services. www.hrchamber.org 13

chamber connection


he Chamber offers a variety of programs designed to meet the needs of its member businesses. Through networking events, educational programs and committees, they build community relations and offer members a variety of ways to make new customer

contacts and network with fellow Chamber members. Members can network at Chamber events, such as the Annual Banquet, Business After Hours and Business Smarts Educational Series and celebrate the new beginnings of fellow Chamber members at ribbon cuttings and ground breakings. To view community events and register for Chamber events, please visit the Chamber’s events calendar at chamber.hrchamber.org/events/calendar.

Chamber Committees Those interested in building relationships with local business and community leaders who share similar interests and passions, please attend an upcoming committee meeting. Visit the Chamber’s events calendar or call the Chamber offices for more information on upcoming meetings.

• Aging in Place Roundtable educates the

community about local services supporting vitality and choice in the second half of life and provides a forum for discussion and collaboration about the issues surrounding aging in place.

Business Councils—including Broadway- Timberville, East Rockingham, Greater Ashby and Diversity—provide businesses with opportunities to connect through informational and educational meetings in order to promote the economic vitality and quality of life throughout the community.

• Hospitality Committee exists to improve the economic competitiveness of the hospitality industry through dialogue and relationship building.


Public Policy identifies, evaluates and monitors social, political and environmental trends, issues and concerns affecting the business community.

Shenandoah Women’s Alliance is a network of dynamic, diverse women empowering one another through inspiration, education and service.

Visit Our Website Today to: Learn about Chamber Membership Benefits: hrchamber.org/membership-benefits View Area Job Postings: chamber.hrchamber.org/jobs Join the Conversation + Keep Up with the Harrisonburg-Rockingham Chamber at:

Photo courtesy of Housden Photography

Annual Banquet Award recipients

Celebrating New Beginnings

Business Smarts Educational Series

Photo courtesy of Massanutten Resort

valley engineering ribbon cutting

ValleyFest Beer & Wine Festival

www.hrchamber.org 15


Good Life the

By Lauren Stepp and Brooke Payne


Photos courtesy of Massanutten Resort, Shenandoah Valley Regional Airport and Swartz Photography

This Friendly Hub Cannot Be Beat


he Harrisonburg-Rockingham area is no longer the Shenandoah Valley's best-kept secret. Nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains, this area of the Old Dominion is home to outdoor enthusiasts, young professionals, growing families and retirees seeking well-deserved rest and relaxation. “The beautiful quality of life can't be beat,” says Brian Shull, economic development director for the city of Harrisonburg. As a longtime resident, Shull can vouch for the area's dynamic culture. With a combined population of approximately 134,000, Harrisonburg and Rockingham County provide a charming, small-town atmosphere but with the perks of a larger area. The county seat of Harrisonburg even owes its nickname—“The Friendly City”—to its tight-knit sense of community. With its prestigious educational institutions, rewarding jobs, endless entertainment opportunities and proximity of larger metropolitan areas, it’s no wonder people of all ages are flocking to this endearing part of Virginia. In 2014, the area was named the Best Place to be a Millennial by Blue Ridge Outdoors. A year later, Forbes ranked Rockingham No. 32 in the nation on the list of Best Small Places for Business and Careers. In 2016, it was recognized as one of America’s Favorite Towns by Travel + Leisure. And in 2017, Harrisonburg was recognized by Southern Living on their 15 Affordable Small Towns We Love list. In recent years, the region has also seen significant expansion, chiefly in business. While tried and true industries like agriculture and higher education are holding steady, the small business and startup sectors are booming. Chiedo, a recent James Madison University (JMU) graduate and Chamber board member, started his business, the Chiedo Companies, in 2012. Since then, he says that web development enterprises have been cropping up left and right. In fact, technology startups are the fourth largest employer in Harrisonburg-Rockingham. “Harrisonburg is always talking about ways to support the little guy,” Chiedo says. “Not many places can say the same.” According to Andrea Dono, executive director of Harrisonburg Downtown Renaissance (HDR), the city is very intentional about attracting new entrepreneurs. Business owners can access facade grants, small business loans and free entrepreneurship workshops. But more than that, Harrisonburg advocates for their mom-and-pop stores. “People love shopping and make a point to support independent businesses,” Dono says. “They take brunch very seriously . . . A strong sense of family is important too.” Newcomers and longtime residents alike can live close to their offices too, making commutes a breeze. Nearly 600 units are available for rent in downtown Harrisonburg, offering proximity to restaurants, shopping, entertainment and more. Luxury one-, two- and

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three-bedroom apartments can be found at Denton Center Apartments, the LOFTS at 83 South Main and the Ice House Apartments, to name a few. The Reserve at Stone Port is a high-end, pet-friendly apartment community new to the HarrisonburgRockingham County area. Residents have full access to all of the Reserve’s amenities, including two resort-style salt-water pools, a 24-hour business and fitness center, a cyber lounge with TV, a 22-seat movie screen theater, billiard, ping pong and foosball, a fire pit with lounge area and grilling station, a poolside veranda with grilling station, two tot lots, two dog parks, a putting green and more. “We provide our residents access to a luxury style home without the long-term financial commitment that is a requirement of purchasing a home,” says Todd Dofflemyer, CEO of the Cathcart Group, the developer behind the Reserve at Stone Port. “Maintenance-free living, coupled with access to the Reserve Club, provides residents with an affordable lifestyle of luxury.” Those looking for more space can also find single-family homes and large tracts of land, as well as amenities and attractions like the Harrisonburg Farmers Market and restaurants and galleries. After all, the community is a hub for arts and culture. With plenty of restaurants and craft breweries, as well as festivals throughout the year, it’s a serious

Area apartment communities, like the Reserve at Stone Port, offer plenty of amenities.


With remarkable schools in proximity, such as James Madison University, first-time students and career changers don't have to travel far for a great education.

stomping ground for foodies. There’s something to please every palate, from authentic Indonesian cuisine at BoBoKo to Italian fare at Agrodolce Italian Restaurant. For award-winning burgers, stop by Jack Brown’s Beer and Burger Joint, which recently came in at No. 11 on a top 50 burger joint list from Business Insider. For even more ways to escape, Harrisonburg-Rockingham

County is a mecca for outdoor enthusiasts. With such proximity to Shenandoah National Park, the Appalachian Trail, the Blue Ridge Mountains and more, the region has it all. To discover even more of what the Harrisonburg-Rockingham area has to offer, check out the “Adventurous Things to See and Do” article starting on page 32.

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Photo courtesy of Sentara

vital signs

Harmonious Healing Putting Patients Front and Center


hen Harrisonburg-Rockingham County residents need medical care, they can rest assured they have access to some of the best facilities in the state for all ages and ailments.


Providers throughout the region give residents peace of mind when it comes to medical care.

Sentara RMH Medical Center The evolution of Sentara RMH Medical Center has been remarkable. When Rockingham Memorial Hospital opened its doors in 1912, it had 20 beds and one operating room.

Harrisonburg Community Health Center Now with three locations in the area, Harrisonburg Community Health Center (HCHC) provides affordable, quality care to the Harrisonburg-Rockingham community. From routine check-ups and school physicals to immunizations and dental services, HCHC offers a wide range of services at a discounted rate based on household income, in addition to accepting most insurance plans. Patients can communicate with their physicians through an online patient portal, and interpretation services are available for those who do not speak English as their primary language. HCHC offers same-day appointments, as well as walk-ins.

Bellaire at Stone Port In 2016, Cathcart Group opened Bellaire at Stone Port, the finest assisted living and memory care facility in the Harrisonburg area. “The communities elegantly appointed building and furnishings, large floor plans and private patio apartments enhance your living accommodations. This, combined with a comprehensive set of amenities, is unsurpassed in the area. Our residents enjoy on-site physical therapy, spa room, beauty and nail salon, as well as a library, game room and community events,” says Todd Dofflemyer, CEO of the Cathcart Group.

Residents and their families can feel confident in the level of care that is appropriate for them. Bellaire showcases two furnished model rooms that give possibilities in a variety of floor plans, as well as innovative use of Wi-Fi throughout the community that assists staff and residents with seniorfriendly technology. Photo courtesy of Sentara

Over the past 105 years, it has grown with the needs of the community to become the state-of-the-art, 238-bed medical center it is today. The 2011 merger with Sentara Healthcare has helped propel the hospital into the forefront of innovation. Now known as Sentara RMH Medical Center, the HarrisonburgRockingham community hospital offers top-notch medical care, including comprehensive cardiology, oncology and orthopedic services. “The reputation of our hospital in this community is impressive,” says Doug Moyer, president of Sentara RMH Medical Center. “People know they don’t have to travel outside of this area to receive compassionate care that uses the best technology and is characterized by the highest levels of clinical excellence. It’s all here—in our hometown.” Sentara RMH Medical Center continues to move forward. Population growth in the northern service area prompted the development of Sentara Timber Way Health Center, a beautiful clinic that opened in February 2016 and houses primary care, therapy, imaging and lab services. In spring 2017, construction began on a similar facility in the Bridgewater area, expected to be complete in early 2018. The cardiology program at Sentara RMH Medical Center recently added another service to its already comprehensive program: transcatheter aortic valve replacement, or TAVR. Only a few heart centers in the country offer this program, and Sentara RMH Medical Center is one of them,” says Moyer. “We can now replace heart valves in the sickest patients using a minimally invasive catheter approach, instead of open heart surgery.”

Highly trained doctors, surgeons and nurses help patients receive the best care.

Likewise, they participate in special events through the Harrisonburg-Rockingham Chamber of Commerce, Sentara RMH Round Table and The Aging in Place groups, which create a sense of community.

Bridgewater Retirement Community Whatever the retirement need, Bridgewater Retirement Community is a resident’s dream. Their Life Plan Community is about living life to the fullest at every stage. With a main campus of more than 50 acres, Bridgewater offers a full continuum of living in one beautiful setting. Residents will find independent living, assisted living, memory support, rehabilitative services and nursing households, all with a focus on resident-centered care. At each level of living, residents feel respected and encouraged to be involved. “We are always looking for the best and most visionary ways to keep residents engaged in life,” says President Rodney Alderfer. “The newest campus addition, The Oasis, an outdoor pavilion and park, offers an open scenic space for residents and families to visit and enjoy the outdoors during all types of weather.” Bridgewater is continuing to expand. Their newest independent living project, The Grove, is scheduled to open in 2019.

The Legacy at North Augusta Imagine a not-for-profit senior living community where residents are eager to return from their errands and outings because they don’t want to miss their favorite activities with neighbors who’ve become cherished friends. It’s true of community life at the Legacy at North Augusta. Their comprehensive array of services and amenities—including the support and comfort of convenient in-home assisted living, if www.hrchamber.org 21

Photo courtesy of Sunnyside Communities

needed—provide a custom-tailored, at-your-service hospitality. And their dining options, extensive choice of floor plans and monthly rental flexibility are exceptional accommodations.

Living Waters Senior CAre Living Waters Senior Care is a locally owned and operated company that offers senior care and medication management services. At their Timberville facility, they specialize in dementia care.

Park view village Park View Village creates a community that fosters interdependence across generations. The Village model connects members living in and around Harrisonburg in order to provide support for each other, to enable individuals to remain in their homes longer and to create lasting relationships with their neighbors.

sunnyside communities Sunnyside is an award-winning Life Plan Community in Harrisonburg. With more than 100 years of experience in senior living, Sunnyside has been voted No. 1 for Best Retirement Community in the Shenandoah Valley in 2015, 2016 and 2017 by readers of Virginia Living magazine. Sunnyside has also been recognized locally, regionally and nationally for its whole-person wellness programming and highest ratings for quality of care. “As a Life Plan Community, we are continually focused


Residents enjoy beautiful views and fun with friends.

on the needs of our current residents while anticipating the expectations of future residents in order to remain at the forefront of senior care,” says John J. “Jack” Broaddus, president and CEO of Sunnyside Communities. Offering a variety of affordable living choices, including villas, cottages, duplexes and apartments, Sunnyside boasts a newly renovated health care center that includes modern and spacious rooms, inviting community spaces, two spas and café-style dining. In addition, the recent acquisition of 50

acres adjoining the campus offers opportunities for walking trails and future expansion while maintaining the natural setting surrounding the campus. Plans are currently underway for expanded dining options and a new wellness, arts and cultural center.

Additional exhibitions include the Strokes of Distinction in partnership with Sentara RMH and the Spotswood Garden Club Flower Show. t Information in this article was provided by Sentara RMH Medical Center, Bellaire at Stone Point, Bridgewater Retirement Community, Sunnyside Communities, VMRC and Brooke Payne. Photo courtesy of VMRC

Virginia Mennonite retirement community Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community (VMRC) creates a community of hope, meaning and growth for retirees. In October, VMRC opened five additional homes in Woodland Park, a residential community that provides longterm care in home environments that focus on a meaningful and satisfying lifestyle. Residents at VMRC enjoy farm-to-table dining thanks to the VMRC owned and operated Farm at Willow Run. The farm produces enough vegetables, greens and herbs to use in VMRC’s dining services, to sell to local restaurants and to sell to residents and employees at a market cafÊ. VMRC projects to have 54,000 pounds of produce during the 2017 growing season. The proximity of the farm to VMRC reduces the carbon footprint, as shipping and delivery are minimal as is the pollution from delivery vehicles. Recognizing the value of the arts, VMRC offers Park Gables Gallery as a community venue for popular art shows, including the VMRC-sponsored national Annual Juried Art Exhibition, the Shenandoah Valley Watercolor Society Annual Member Show and the 6 x 6 x 30 Exhibit in partnership with Spitzer Art Gallery.

VMRC prepares delicious food made from only the freshest ingredients grown in their garden at the Farm at Willow Run.

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Photo courtesy of Bob Adamek

report card

Expanding on Education Schools Lay Groundwork for Success


rom workforce development and dual enrollment to new schools and educational leaders, scholastic options abound throughout the Harrisonburg-Rockingham area.

Schools throughout the HarrisonburgRockingham area give students the skills they need to succeed.

“We are dedicated to helping all children succeed, and so we are actively planning for the future,� says Dr. Scott Kizner, superintendent.

Harrisonburg City Public Schools

Rockingham County Public Schools

Harrisonburg City Public Schools (HCPS), located in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley, is an award-winning school system educating over 6,200 students in prekindergarten through 12th grades. HCPS believes that the strength of the school system comes from a highly diverse student population, excellent staff and innovative programs. HCPS is one of the fastest growing school divisions in the Commonwealth of Virginia, with a 34.6 percent increase over the last 10 years and rapid growth that is expected to continue. As a result, two new facilities will be opening in fall 2017: Bluestone Elementary School and Elon W. Rhodes Early Learning Center. Additionally, the school board has voted to build a second high school, with plans for completion in 2021.

Rockingham County Public Schools (RCPS) educates over 11,000 students. The district is home to 15 elementary, four middle and four high schools; a career and technical center; and an alternative learning school for middle and high school students. One of the most exciting initiatives throughout the district is its digital conversion. They are currently starting year three of the five-year implementation plan to provide up-to-date technology integration into instruction for personalized student learning. Moreover, dual enrollment and advanced placement classes are offered to students who seek to get a jump-start on their college courses. Pupils are also privy to learning techniques that help them take lessons in the classroom and apply those findings


Photo courtesy of Steve Maylone/Moseley Architects

to real-world practices. One way to do this is to take career and technical education courses and to be truly engaged in learning. The overall goal is to help students find an area of interest that correlates to available jobs in the region. Pupils even have opportunities to participate in mentorships that help them get an idea of various jobs. Both Rockingham and Harrisonburg students are eligible to participate in Massanutten Regional Governor’s School and Massanutten Technical Center.

Massanutten Regional Governor’s School Massanutten Regional Governor’s School (MRGS) is one of the 19 Academic-Year Governor’s Schools The Houff Student Center at Blue Ridge Community College features state-of-the-art labs and more. in Virginia. MRGS is operated as a come. t Information in this article was provided by Harrisonburg joint school serving Harrisonburg- Rockingham City Public Schools, Massanutten Regional Governor’s School, and other areas within the Shenandoah Valley. Their Massanutten Technical Center and Brooke Payne. instructional goal is to provide an integrated, collaborative and enriched inquiry-based curriculum to highly motivated high school juniors and seniors centered upon the exploration of interactions between human and environmental systems at local, regional and global levels. Institutions Building for the Future MRGS believes that learning should mimic the real world, thus students engage in simulations, presentations, Whether attending college for the first time, studying for investigations, problem-solving activities, extensive research, an advanced degree or finishing one after time off, students intensive use of technology and mentorships. have access to some of the top higher education institutions All MRGS core classes are dual enrolled through Lord in the Commonwealth right here in the HarrisonburgFairfax Community College. In 2016, 78 students earned Rockingham area. 1,466 college credits. Of 39 seniors, 25 were recognized as Governor’s Scholars and six earned an associate degree American National University concurrent with high school graduation. American National University (ANU) entered its 131st year in 2017, and the Harrisonburg campus—one of 20 community Massanutten Technical Center campus locations in six states—continues to serve the Massanutten Technical Center (MTC) has experienced Shenandoah Valley with career-focused programs in health great growth and progress over the course of the past year, science, business and computer technology. enrolling more than 1,000 students and graduating 375 The Harrisonburg campus serves as a videoconferencing second-year students. hub, hosting students in remote campus locations through For the 2017-18 school year, MTC is excited to announce live video course delivery by experienced faculty. In addition, the addition of agriculture production technology and building area students have access to more class offerings through maintenance classes. MTC has partnered with Valley View Farms online delivery via ANU’s eUniversity, making it easier to and owner Mike Phillips to offer real-life, hands-on experience complete required coursework. Labs and other intensive, to students in the setting of a 160-acre farmland. Students will hands-on courses in health science and information be able to work with livestock and agricultural technologies to technology continue to be offered on campus. better understand sustainable farming firsthand. ANU offers associate, bachelor’s and master’s degrees, “I don’t want them to just be working the land,” Phillips as well as diplomas, both online and on campus in areas says, “I want them to become a part of the land.” of study, such as business administration, pharmacy MTC has also begun building and producing computers technician, RN to BSN, medical health services management, for use within the school. The computer repair and networking cybersecurity and network administration. An online students have planned, budgeted and built computers that will master’s in business administration (MBA) is offered with be used by teachers, students and administration in the years to six specializations: accounting management, healthcare

On the Horizon

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management, international business, organizational management, information technology and hospitality management. Additional master’s degrees in cybersecurity, information technology and nursing are also offered.

Valley Partnership, BRCC works with regional economic development professionals to identify and address workforce training needs in the region.

Blue Ridge Community College

Bridgewater College is an independent, private, liberal arts institution founded in 1880 and was the first private coeducational college in Virginia. Bridgewater has a total enrollment of nearly 1,900 students and offers bachelor’s degrees in more than 60 majors and minors, along with a Master of Science in athletic training, pre-professional programs such as medicine and law, dual-degree programs and teacher licensure. The college launched its first master’s program in 2017 and continues to develop students who are grounded in the liberal arts and pursue learning in every area of life. They collaborate with faculty to create personalized and unique learning experiences. Bridgewater also continues to revitalize its facilities, with the renovated and expanded Nininger Hall, home to the Department of Health and Human Sciences, as well as the athletics program. The college plans to break ground on a renovated library in 2018, transforming the existing space to create a dynamic, collaborative learning commons. With nearly 60 social, cultural, religious and academic clubs and organizations, there is an opportunity for everyone to be involved on campus, and almost a third of the student

Education providers in the Shenandoah Valley are committed to advancing economic prosperity through workforce development. At Blue Ridge Community College (BRCC), a state-of-the-art Advanced Manufacturing Technology Center was augmented in 2017 with the opening of the newly renovated Houff Student Center. In addition to housing several new classrooms and a new chemistry laboratory, student services offices were upgraded to enhance the experience of newly admitted students as they register for classes. BRCC also implemented a new state program that provides workforce certification training programs for onethird of the normal cost for students pursuing such diverse fields as CDL truck driving, welding, machining and certain health care professions. Among a variety of other transfer and career programs, BRCC recently established a new cybersecurity certificate program. BRCC is well known for its responsiveness to local business and industry needs for high-demand workforce training fields. As a proud member of the Shenandoah

Bridgewater College

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Photo courtesy of Joshua Gooden Photography

Higher education institutions prepare adult learners for the careers of their choice.

body participates in intercollegiate athletics at the NCAA Division III level. Bridgewater is committed to cultivating the full potential of its students to excel in all areas of life. Academic excellence, service, ethical values and a strong community shape the Bridgewater experience.

Eastern Mennonite University From 40 students in 1917 to nearly 2,000 students today, Eastern Mennonite University (EMU) celebrates


transformation from an enclave on a hill into a place that prepares graduates to engage with the world and all its complexities. With peacemaking, formation and cross-cultural encounters at the core of its liberal arts curriculum, EMU offers more than 60 academic programs to undergraduate and graduate students. EMU’s engineering program continues to attract students and accolades. In a poster design competition this spring, student researchers earned first prize for their sustainable bike project, competing among larger, more established programs. Two new minors were added in fall 2017. Criminology and restorative justice prepares graduates to engage with a vision of a more just world, while the neuroscience minor integrates psychology and biology curriculum to provide interdisciplinary preparation for medical and graduate school. “The new [school] year brings a time to [look] both forward and back as we grow more fully into our mission as a Christian school steeped in Mennonite values of discipleship,

service, community and peacemaking,” says Dr. Susan Schultz Huxman, who became EMU’s ninth president and first female president in May 2017.

James Madison University James Madison University (JMU) is a public university offering a wide variety of undergraduate and graduate degrees. The university consistently receives top national rankings, including being recently listed by U.S. News & World Report as one of the top 10 regional public universities in the South. With enrollment growing to 21,000 students, JMU continues to improve and expand facilities on campus. An exciting building project is a new multipurpose venue currently in fundraising and design stages. To be located on the east side of campus at the corner of University Boulevard and Carrier Drive, the facility will serve as home to JMU basketball and other athletic functions, numerous university events—like commencement and orientation—and as a hub for major community events, such as concerts, trade shows and other sporting events. This transcendent venue for the Shenandoah Valley is slated for completion in late summer of 2020. Another project on the horizon, is the university’s new College of Business Learning Complex, which is also expected in 2020. The beloved Gibbons Hall, where students have dined since the 1960s, was recently razed in order to rebuild a stateof-the-art dining complex. The new dining hall is expected to

open in 2018 and will have an all-you-can-eat section, as well as a food court with notable chains like Chick-fil-A, Steak ’n Shake and Qdoba. JMU has elevated its longstanding honors program to a full-fledged honors college, fulfilling a major initiative of the university’s strategic plan. The Honors College will provide individualized paths for students and help to create the next generation of engaged civic leaders who take calculated and enriching risks in their education. With community support and collaboration, JMU has embarked on a bold new era under the leadership of its sixth president, Jonathan Alger. He has made community engagement, ethical reasoning and civil discourse priorities, resulting in the launching of Ethical Reasoning in Action, a core initiative to teach ethical reasoning skills to the entire student body. t Information in this article was provided by ANU, BRCC, Bridgewater College, EMU and JMU.

Instruction With Influence Inspiring the Next Generation

Parents looking to give their children an education that not only stimulates their academic achievements but their

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spiritual growth as well have plenty of alternative education options to choose from in the HarrisonburgRockingham area.

Blue ridge Christian school Blue Ridge Christian School (BRCS) serves prekindergarten to high school families by partnering with home and church, providing an academically strong, Christ-centered foundation. Student success is the focus of BRCS’s targeted growth opportunities, including elementary to varsity sports, such as baseball, basketball, soccer, volleyball, and track and field; fine arts, including private musical lessons, piano, guitar, band, choir, handbells and chimes, drama, art and fashion design; language learning, with Spanish beginning in pre-K; rigorous academics, like dual enrollment and advanced placement; and spiritual development through Bible, apologetics, chapel and more. BRCS is accredited through ACSI and SACS/Advanced Ed. Tuition assistance is available, as well as multichild discounts. BRCS believes that children are the greatest investment one can make.

Cornerstone Christian school For students in preschool through the middle grades, Cornerstone Christian School (CCS) presents a Christcentered education that will further not only their academic knowledge but their Biblical proficiency as well.


Founded in 1990, Cornerstone Christian School (CCS) offers a faith-based education to students in preschool through eighth grades. Students at CCS take the core subjects of science, math, history and language arts, all from a Bible-based curriculum. Students are also taught the importance of appreciating the environment, human dignity, freedom, good citizenship and the like. Extracurricular opportunities at CCS include music, choir, art, drama and more, as well as athletics, such as basketball, volleyball and soccer. Middle school students at CCS go on mission trips locally, nationally and abroad to places such as Virginia Beach and Mexico City, which also gives students the opportunity to practice their Spanish in the real world.

eastern Mennonite school For 100 years, Eastern Mennonite School (EMS) has offered students from kindergarten through the 12th grade a holistic education based on faith, academic excellence, personal integrity and compassionate service. Special attention is given to building community through weekly chapels, neighbor groups and small-class sizes. Numerous AP, honors level courses, experiential learning, leadership opportunities and research opportunities are available, offering students a comprehensive and rigorous academic experience.

Photo courtesy of Redeemer Classical School

Fine, applied and performing arts excel at EMS, with multiple drama productions per year, auditioned choirs, a full orchestra and a comprehensive art curriculum. Competitive athletic teams for soccer, cross country, track, basketball, baseball and more allow students the opportunity to compete on a local and state level.

Redeemer classical school Redeemer Classical School (RCS) has been offering students in prekindergarten through the eighth grade a Christian-based education since 2004. With 130 students currently enrolled, RCS is the only private school in the area providing a classical curriculum. RCS works together with parents to lead children on a lifelong path of glorifying God in all they do. At RCS, children are encouraged to investigate, debate, contemplate and pursue knowledge. Scholars study Latin, math, science, logic, writing, art, music, theology and more under the guidance of dedicated teachers. Students looking to participate in extracurricular activities have the opportunity to chose from cross country, soccer, volleyball, dance and more. Afterschool programs are also available from 3:00 to 5:30 p.m. t Information in this article was provided by BRCS, EMS and Brooke Payne.

Private schools immerse scholars in a faith-based curriculum.

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Adventurous THINGS to See & Do Discover the Wonders of the Shenandoah Valley

By Brooke Payne

From outdoor adventures and festivals to the arts and history, the HarrisonburgRockingham region is full of attractions that guarantee a fun-filled time.

The region is a hub for festivals and events all year long, including the Rockingham County Fair.

Agritourism The Shenandoah Valley is the third most visited spot for agritourism in the state. Local farms like Back Home on the Farm, Breaking Free, Mason Dixon Lavender Farm, Showalter’s Orchard and Greenhouse, as well as White Oak Lavender Farm welcome visitors to explore the grounds and participate in events such as corn mazes, hayrides, pick-your-own and more. www.hrchamber.org

Appalachian Trail As it stretches from Georgia to Maine, the Appalachian Trail passes through Harrisonburg-Rockingham, attracting hikers, cyclists, walkers and others to the Shenandoah Valley. Adventure seekers will enjoy breathtaking views as they take to the trail, which travels alongside the Shenandoah River. www.appalachiantrail.org 32 HARRISONBURG-ROCKINGHAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE

Arts Council of the Valley/Court Square Theater Dedicated to keeping the arts and culture scene thriving, the Arts Council of the Valley is behind some of the best creativity the Harrisonburg-Rockingham area boasts. From performances and film screenings at Court Square Theater to art exhibits at Smith House Galleries, there is something for everyone to enjoy. The council, in partnership with other community organizations, helps host First Fridays Downtown, a monthly event that encourages all to explore downtown’s numerous merchants. www.valleyarts.org

Blue Ridge Tours, Inc. Explore the region in style without the hassle of driving! Blue Ridge Tours’ luxury motor coaches invite passengers to sit back, watch TV and take in the sights. The company offers weekly tours

Photo courtesy of Explore More Discovery Museum

and customized travel plans throughout the Shenandoah Valley. www.blueridgetours.com

BrydgeWorks Glass Studio Looking for the perfect piece of stained glass? Find already-made works, have one custom made or make one at BrydgeWorks Glass Studio, Supplies & Gifts. Classes include creating wind chimes, ornaments, repurposing wine bottles and more. www. brydgeworksglass.com

Camp Horizons Children ages six to 17 will have a blast during the summer at Camp Horizons. This American Camp Association accredited site has been welcoming youngsters for 35 years, featuring a wide range of activities, such as aquatics, horseback riding, swimming, hiking, arts and crafts, science experiments and so much more! Camp Horizons is also available year-round for retreat, conferences and other occasions for kids and adults. www.camphorizonsva.com

CrossRoads: Valley Brethren-Mennonite Heritage Center Get a glimpse of the past at the Valley Brethren-Mennonite Heritage Center. Located on 24 acres, the center features a working blacksmith shop, the 1854 Burkholder-Myers House and a schoolhouse, to name a few. www.vbmhc.org

Dubby’s Fishing & Hunting Dubby’s Fishing & Hunting is a one-stop shop for those who love spending time in the great outdoors, with everything from bait and reels to ammo and guns. Dubby’s also offers tournaments, classes and more. www.godubbys.com

Duke Hall Gallery of Fine Art The Duke Hall Gallery of Fine Art, located on the James Madison University (JMU) campus, offers visitors a well-rounded cultural experience. The gallery features photography, paintings, sculptures and more, representing international, national and regional importance. www.jmu.edu

Explore More Discovery Museum With exhibits created specifically for curious young minds, the Explore More Discovery Museum is the perfect place for a birthday party, field trip or afternoon adventure. Exhibits cover a wide range of subjects, from health and science to art and architecture. Just launched is Maker City, a new makerspace designed especially for youth ages eight and up to design, invent, create and collaborate using real tools. www.iexploremore.com

Farmers Market The Harrisonburg Farmers Market is open all year long on Tuesdays and Saturdays in downtown. Find locally grown fruits and vegetables, farm-fresh cheeses, arts and crafts, freshly baked goods and more. www.harrisonburgfarmersmarket.com

The Explore More Discovery Museum is fun for children of all ages.

Festivals and Events Visitors and residents alike enjoy good food, music and more at festivals year-round throughout the Harrisonburg-Rockingham area. Don’t-miss celebrations include the Chamber's ValleyFest Beer & Wine Festival at Massanutten Resort, Dayton Autumn Celebration, Eastern Mennonite University’s Shenandoah Valley Bach Festival, Rockingham County Fair, Harrisonburg International Festival, Fridays on the Square in downtown Harrisonburg, Valley Fourth Harrisonburg, Summer Jam and Fall Festival at Massanutten Resort. www.hrchamber.org

Fields of Gold Farm Trail Discover the homegrown side of Virginia in the Shenandoah Valley. Whether planning a day-trip with family, a weeklong excursion with friends or just a spur-of-the-moment getaway, adventure awaits on the Fields of Gold Farm Trail. Start the adventure now! www.fieldsofgold.org

Forbes Center for the Performing Arts at James Madison University The Forbes Center for the Performing Arts at JMU features five state-of-the-art performance venues and two centers. Guests will not only discover award-winning theatrical, musical and dance performances worthy of a standing ovation but displays of student artwork as well. www.jmu.edu/forbescenter

George Washington and Jefferson National Forests Nestled in the Appalachian Mountains, the George Washington and Jefferson National Forests have been combined for more than 1 million acres of breathtaking scenery and beautiful vistas. The forests boast plenty of opportunities for outdoor recreation, such as biking, hiking, fishing, camping and more. www.fs.usda.gov/main/gwj

The Golden Pony A music venue and restaurant, the Golden Pony’s music venue in its first year received significant regional awards. The professional sound stage is set for live music Sunday to Thursday and DJs on the weekends. www.goldenponyva.com www.hrchamber.org 33

Photo courtesy of Massanutten Resort

The Heritage Museum and the Harrisonburg-Rockingham Historical Society Visit the Heritage Museum to see a map of Stonewall Jackson’s Valley Campaign of 1862, exhibits, galleries, a genealogy library and more. The museum is also home to the Harrisonburg-Rockingham Historical Society, as well as the Historic Dayton Welcome Center. www.valleyheritagemuseum.org

House of Clues Tee off at one of the local golf courses throughout the Harrisonburg-Rockingham area.

The latest challenging and fun experience for a group of friends, family or coworkers to solve the clues, puzzles and codes to vanquish the game in 60 minutes. www.harrisonburgescaperoom.com


Luray Zoo

From 18-hole courses to driving ranges to classes, the Harrisonburg-Rockingham area has plenty of places for golfers of all skill levels to tee off. Spend a day on the green at Mulligan’s Golf Center, Massanutten Resort, Heritage Oaks Golf Course, Spotswood Country Club, Lakeview Golf Club and Packsaddle Ridge Golf Club. www.hrchamber.org

Luray Zoo is a rescue zoo, dedicated to providing animals with a

Grand Caverns

Massanutten Resort

Don’t miss a visit to the Grand Caverns, now a National Natural Landmark, discovered in 1804. The caverns are famous for being a site of rich history. As visitors traverse the caverns, they’ll see hundreds of Civil War soldiers’ signatures that adorn the walls. www.grandcaverns.com

Green Valley Book Fair Visit this discount book outlet store featuring over 500,000 new books at incredible bargain prices. Browse over 30,000 different titles in more than 60 categories. Check their website for select weekends throughout the year when the Book Fair is open. www.gobookfair.com

loving and caring home on a 3+ acre facility. www.lurayzoo.com

Massanutten Adventures Explore the beautiful Shenandoah River on a fun canoe, kayak or tube adventure. www.massadventures.com

No matter the season, there’s something for all ages at the 6,000-acre Massanutten Resort. Whether coming for the day or staying for a week, there’s never a chance to be idle with so many things to do, from skiing and zip-lining to hiking and golfing. With both an indoor and an outdoor waterpark, an arcade, spa, condos, shops and the like, kids and adults will find plenty of ways to play. www.massresort.com

Mountain Bike Trails Grab a pair of wheels and get ready to hit the trails! Harrisonburg has been named a Bronze Level Ride Center by International Photo courtesy of Massanutten Resort

Hardesty-Higgins House Visitor Center The home of Harrisonburg’s first mayor, Isaac Hardesty, serves as the ideal destination to discover Harrisonburg like a native. Visitors can discover the role the Shenandoah Valley played in the Civil War at the Harrisonburg-Rockingham Civil War Orientation Center and learn about the history of what is now known as U.S. Route 11 at the Valley Turnpike Museum. Visitors can also enjoy the Heritage Bakery & Café and gift shop before exploring all Harrisonburg has to offer. www.visitharrisonburgva.com/hardesty-higgins-house

Harrisonburg-Rockingham Artisan Trail With museums, craft shops, restaurants, galleries, theaters and so much more, the Harrisonburg-Rockingham Artisan Trail, displaying the region’s rich arts and culture scene, has something to pique all interests. www.artisanscenterofvirginia.org 34 HARRISONBURG-ROCKINGHAM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE

Gear up for an adventure along the trails in this biking destination.

Mountain Bicycling Association. Riders of all skill levels will find plenty of scenic trails to explore. For even more action, visit Massanutten Resort’s mountain bike park and trails. Only in its third year, the bike trails are rated as some of the best on the east coast. www.shenandoahbicycle.com and www.massresort.com

other, make up the Shenandoah Beerwerks Trail. Chauffeured excursions are available through Shenandoah Tours for an even more enjoyable time. Be sure to check out Brothers Craft Brewing and Pale Fire Brewing Co. on the trail. www.beerwerkstrail.com and www.shenandoahtours.com

OASIS Fine Art & Craft

Shenandoah Caverns

The works of nearly 40 local artists are on exhibit and for sale at OASIS Fine Art & Craft. The gallery also offers art and music classes for all ages, as well as live concerts. www.oasisartgallery.org

For 95 years, visitors have been exploring the Shenandoah Caverns, Virginia’s only cavern with an elevator! With unique features like a Rainbow Lake and Bacon Formations, the caverns are a thrill for all ages. The caverns also host the annual Shenandoah Uncorked event, with wine, food, crafts and other activities. www.shenandoahcaverns.com

The Outdoor Learning Center at Horizons From kayaking and canoeing to horseback riding and zip lining, the Outdoor Learning Center at Horizons is full of fun. Meeting rooms, lodging and outdoor spaces make this the perfect venue for team building, retreats, church groups, student orientation and other occasions. www.horizonsoutdoorlearningcenter.com

Schultz Theatre and School of Performing Arts The Schultz Theatre is a nonprofit (501C3) community theater group providing quality theater for adults and families, as well as youth and teen theater education and camps. www.schultztheatre.com

Shenandoah Beerwerks Trail More than 10 breweries, all located within an hour of each

Shenandoah National Park Shenandoah National Park has something for everyone, whether they’re just passing through or here for the night. The park is 100 years old and features plenty of ways to enjoy the great outdoors, such as hiking, horseback riding and rock climbing. www.goshenandoah.com

Shenandoah River Adventures For more than 10 years, Shenandoah River Adventures has been keeping the warmer months cool as the ideal locale for kayaking, canoeing and tubing down the Shenandoah River. www.shenandoahriveradventures.com

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Shenandoah Spirits Trail Running along Interstate 81 from Harrisonburg to Winchester, the Shenandoah Spirits Trail features nearly 30 wineries, breweries, distilleries and cideries. Enjoy scenic views, satisfying sips and more along the route. www.shenandoahspiritstrail.com

Shenandoah Valley Tourism Partnership/ Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley Explore the Shenandoah Valley across 13 communities throughout Virginia. Discover small towns, mountains, national

parks, history, dining, the beauty of the Shenandoah River and more! www.virginiasshenandoahvalley.com

Silver Lake Mill/LDA Creations Silver Lake Mill is owned and occupied by LDA Creations, a company that has been making custom gifts in small quantities for very special clients since 1987. They now create unique gifts for their own gift shop in the lower level of the mill and showcase the work of area artisans. www.silverlakemill.com

SoLace Studios Awarded the Best Gift Shop in Shenandoah by Virginia Living magazine every year since 2012, SoLace Studios has been handcrafting unique gifts for 25 years. From women’s and men’s clothing and accessories to home décor and everything in between, SoLace Studios offers handcrafts from more than 250 local and national artists. www.solaceinc.com

Stoney Run Artisans Gallery The Stoney Run Artisans Gallery, located in the old Stonewall Bank Building, displays local artists’ paintings, photography, handmade baskets and more, all available for purchase. Patrons will also find furniture, décor and other items for sale from Highland Designs of Richmond. www.stoneyrungallery.com

The Village Arts Center Find handcrafted gifts and more at SoLace Studios.


A comfortable place for everyone to explore their creative talents,

share their artistic skills and enjoy the work of local artists, the Village Arts Center offers music, art and culinary lessons, concerts and gathering spaces.

Virginia Quilt Museum Located in the 1856 Warren-Sipe House, the Virginia Quilt Museum is a delight to sewers and crafters alike. From heirloom to contemporary quilt exhibits, this museum celebrates and preserves the state’s quilting heritage. Don’t forget to visit the shop, where patterns, books and more are available for purchase. www.vaquiltmuseum.org

White Oak Lavender Farm

Pick a bouquet of lavender straight from the field at White Oak Lavender Farm.

Visitors can sit back and enjoy the view or even pick their own bouquets of lavender in season at White Oak Lavender Farm. Essential oils, bath and body products, gifts and other items are available for purchase as well. www.whiteoaklavender.com

WILD GUYde Adventures, LLC Feel the need for adventure? Look no further than WILD GUYde Adventures for caving, canoeing, rock climbing and more thrills throughout the Shenandoah Valley. Whether an individual or group, get ready to go on an adventure like never before. www.wildguyde.com

Wineries, Breweries, Cider and Spirits Wine connoisseurs, craft beer enthusiasts and devoted cider and spirit drinkers will find plenty of options to quench their thirst in Harrisonburg-Rockingham. From Barren Ridge Vineyards in Fishersville, Bluestone Vineyard in Bridgewater, Brix & Columns Vineyards in McGaheysville and CrossKeys Vineyards in Mt. Crawford, to Brothers Craft Brewing, Purple WOLF Vineyard and Pale Fire Brewing Co. in Harrisonburg, to Old Hill Hard Cider at Showalter’s Orchard and Greenhouse, this area of Virginia is brewing up something for every taste. www.hrchamber.org

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alphabetical Membership Directory listing 1380 Blackberry Lane................ 540-564-1380 Event Facilities 250 Metro................................. 540-434-8500 Real Estate - General

Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Andrew Huggins, CFP................. 540-434-4956 Financial Services


Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Everette F. Driver, CFP................ 540-434-0432 Financial Services

A & J Development and Excavation.......................... 540-433-4921 Building - Site Preparation

Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Steve Krech, CRPC...................... 540-434-3622 Financial Services

A Bowl of Good Cafe................... 540-437-9020 Restaurants & Catering

Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., Koogler Financial Group............. 540-434-0484 Financial Services

AAMCO Transmissions and Total Car Care...................... 540-433-1232 Automotive - Service and Repair Aaron’s Sales & Lease South Carlton Street.................. 540-433-3800 Shopping AC Chiropractic.......................... 540-433-6909 Chiropractors Access Dermatology, PC.............. 540-434-1756 Health Services ACME Stove & Fireplace Center.... 540-433-9181 Home Improvement Acorn Mini-Storage Inc............... 540-574-3947 Moving & Storage Adcom Group/ Privott Advertising.................... 540-574-4448 Advertising Agencies

Ameriserv Financial Bank........ 1-800-837-2265 Banks/Lenders/Mortgages Andros Foods NA........................ 540-217-4100 Food & Beverage Services Anicira Veterinary Center........... 540-437-1980 Veterinary Anna’s Top to Bottom Cleaning Service........................ 540-705-4720 Cleaning Services Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield......................... 540-853-5037 Insurance APB Management (McDonalds)....540-432-9383 Restaurants & Catering Apex Insurance Group................ 540-214-2418 Insurance

Advanced Telephone & Data, Inc.....540-337-1706 Telecommunications

APICS - Blue Ridge Chapter......... 540-560-7042 Consultants - Coaching/Training

Advantage Physical Therapy & Sports Performance................ 540-434-1200 Physical Therapy/Rehabilitation Centers

Appalachian Equipment & Supply of Virginia................... 540-434-8338 Equipment Sales & Rentals

Affordable Corporate Suites....... 540-432-7992 Extended Stays

Appalachian Physical Therapy - Broadway................... 540-901-9501 Physical Therapy/Rehabilitation Centers

Agrodolce Italian Restaurant..... 540-615-5442 Restaurants & Catering All About Paws.......................... 540-208-7540 Veterinary Allstate Insurance Company Abbas Rawoot........................... 540-564-2400 Insurance Allstate Insurance Company Tom Wimer................................ 540-434-3950 Insurance

Appalachian Physical Therapy, Inc.............................. 540-209-8977 Physical Therapy/Rehabilitation Centers Appeal Production..................... 540-271-0023 Media - Video Applebee’s................................ 540-438-8121 Restaurants & Catering APR Associates, P.C. Architects.... 540-434-9807 Architects

Alpha Omega Investment Advisors.................. 804-955-1612 Financial Services

The Arc of Harrisonburg and Rockingham....................... 540-437-9214 Community Organizations

Alzheimer’s Assoc. Central & Western Virginia Chapter............434-973-6122, ext. 116 Community Organizations

Ariake U.S.A., Inc....................... 540-432-6550 Manufacturing

American Cancer Society - Relay For Life of Harrisonburg-Rockingham.... 540-434-3360 (ext 3) Community Organizations American National / Farm Family Insurance............... 540-908-4926 Insurance American National University..... 540-432-0943 Education American Red Cross Central Virginia Chapter............. 434-979-7143 Community Organizations Amerigas.................................. 540-434-6745 Gas/Oil/Propane Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc Burkholder & Associates............. 540-442-1110 Financial Services

Armed Forces Recruiting Center (Army)............................ 540-434-6691 Government Arts Council of the Valley/ Court Square Theater................. 540-801-8779 Arts Ashby Animal Clinic................... 540-433-9174 Veterinary Ashley Furniture Homestore....... 540-442-7290 Specialty Stores Association & Property Management Services, LLC......... 540-423-3879 Real Estate - Property Management Association of Fundraising Professionals Shenandoah Chapter................. 540-433-8886 Specialists At The Wheel Coaching............... 540-874-2647 Consultants - Coaching/Training


Atlantic Bay Mortgage Group..... 540-384-1437 Mortgage Banking

Blue Ridge Area Food Bank........ 540-248-3663 Community Organizations

AVA Care of Harrisonburg........... 540-434-0685 Churches/Faith-Based Organizations

Blue Ridge Bank........................ 540-432-7970 Banks/Lenders/Mortgages

Avante at Harrisonburg.............. 540-433-2791 Assisted Living

Blue Ridge Beverage................. 540-941-3730 Food & Beverage Services

AVIA, LLC................................... 540-867-0303 Audio Systems & Network Wiring

Blue Ridge Christian School........ 540-828-2233 Education


Blue Ridge Community College...540-234-9261 Education

B & B Electrical Systems............. 540-432-7915 Electrical

Blue Ridge Hospice Thrift Shop....540-271-0337 Antiques

Back Home on the Farm............. 540-442-6110 AgriBusiness

Blue Ridge Insurance Services, Inc.............................. 540-437-9030 Insurance

Balzer & Associates, Inc.............. 540-433-1908 Engineering/Surveying Bank of the James Shenandoah Valley.................... 540-437-9886 Banks/Lenders/Mortgages

Blue Ridge Power Sports............ 540-434-7345 Specialty Stores Blue Ridge Safety Association.... 540-942-2733 Community Organizations

Bankers Insurance, LLC.............. 540-434-4469 Insurance

Blue Ridge Tours, Inc.................. 540-289-9559 Attractions

Bankers Title Shenandoah......... 540-437-9560 Real Estate - Title Companies

Blue Sky Radiator & Electrical Shop........................ 540-432-6666 Automotive - Service and Repair

Barkey Financial and Trust Services, LLC...................... 540-849-6265 Financial Services Barnes Technologies International LLC ...................... 540-246-6313 Consultants - Coaching/Training Barren Ridge Vineyards.............. 540-248-3300 Wineries BB&T Bank................................ 540-801-1253 Banks/Lenders/Mortgages BB&T Insurance Services, Inc...... 540-437-1300 Insurance BB&T Scott & Stringfellow.......... 540-434-2882 Financial Services The Beauty Spa LLC.................... 540-564-1925 Salons/Spa/Beauty Belk...................................540-434-4477 x220 Shopping

Blue Stone Hills Dentistry.......... 540-433-3625 Dentists/Oral Surgeons Bluestone Bike & Run................ 540-434-5151 Sports/Fitness/Recreation Bluestone Bodyworks, LLC......... 540-434-5000 Salons/Spa/Beauty Bluestone Vineyard................... 540-828-0099 Wineries Bob Wade Auto World................ 540-434-3900 Automotive - Sales Bobby E. Harris Moving, LLC........ 540-434-2269 Moving & Storage BoBoKo Indonesian Cafe............ 540-434-3542 Restaurants & Catering Botkin Rose............................... 540-437-0019 Attorneys/Legal Services

Bellaire at Stone Port................ 540-246-0888 Retirement Communities

Boys & Girls Club of Harrisonburg & Rockingham County................ 540-434-6060 Community Organizations

Beyond..................................... 540-432-0105 Restaurants & Catering

Branner Printing Service, Inc...... 540-896-8947 Printing & Publishing

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Harrisonburg-Rockingham......... 540-433-8886 Community Organizations

Breaking Free ........................... 540-896-8505 Community Organizations

Billy Jack’s Wing & Draft Shack... 540-433-1793 Restaurants & Catering

The Breeze................................ 540-568-6127 Media - Print

BioLife Plasma Services............. 540-801-0672 Health Services

Bridge of Hope Harrisonburg-Rockingham......... 540-478-2356 Community Organizations

Black’s Paint & Floor Covering..... 540-433-9207 Home Improvement

Bridgewater College.................. 540-828-5680 Education

Blackwell Engineering, PLC........ 540-432-9555 Engineering/Surveying

Bridgewater Historicial Society....540-828-9986 Community Organizations

Blakemore’s Flowers, Inc............ 540-434-4461 Florists

Bridgewater Retirement Community............................... 540-828-2550 Retirement Communities

Blauch Brothers Inc................... 540-434-2589 Heating & Air Conditioning Phil Blosser - Lighting Design & Electrical Contractor............... 540-434-3990 Electrical Blosser Insurance Agency........... 540-298-1910 Insurance Blue Ridge Architects................. 540-437-1228 Architects

broadSPECTRUM Marketing Services & Consultation............. 336-247-3951 Marketing Broadway Metal Works, Inc........ 540-896-7027 Manufacturing Brookdale Senior Living Solutions......................... 540-574-2982 Assisted Living

Brookhaven Natural Birth Center.............................. 540-437-9850 Health Services

Chestnut Ridge Apartment Homes..................... 540-574-2252 Apartment

Community Foundation Harrisonburg............................. 540-828-1080 Community Organizations

Brothers Craft Brewing.............. 540-421-6599 Breweries

Chick-fil-A................................. 540-574-2232 Restaurants & Catering

ComSonics, Inc........................... 540-434-5965 Manufacturing

Brown, Edwards, & Company, LLP......................... 540-434-6736 Accounting & Tax Services

The Chiedo Companies............... 540-391-0503 Media - Web/Graphic Design

Corrugated Container Corporation............................... 540-869-5353 Individual Members

BrydgeWorks Glass Studio, Supplies and Gifts...................... 540-833-6368 Waterjet Cutting Service Budget Inn................................ 540-434-3687 Accommodations Buffalo Wild Wings.................... 540-438-9790 Restaurants & Catering Burgess Plumbing, Inc............... 540-896-9922 Plumbing Burner Well Drilling, Inc............. 540-289-9421 Building - Well-Drilling By the Side of the Road Bed & Breakfast........................ 540-801-0430 Bed and Breakfasts

Christophel Properties............... 540-434-2100 Apartment Christopher William Jewelers..... 540-290-4630 Specialty Stores Christopher William Jewelers..... 540-689-0027 Specialty Stores The Chuck and Buddy College of Business Knowledge.............. 703-850-7400 Consultants - Coaching/Training Church World Service Immigration and Refugee Program................ 540-433-7942 Churches/Faith-Based Organizations Cii Service................................. 540-434-8569 Heating & Air Conditioning

Byler’s Barns & Backyards........... 540-433-3990 Building - Speciality Bldgs & Sheds

Cinnamon Bear Bakery & Deli, Inc.................................. 540-433-2867 Restaurants & Catering


City of Harrisonburg.................. 540-432-7701 Government

C.L. Custer, LLC........................... 540-434-8888 Gas/Oil/Propane

Harrisonburg-Rockingham Civil War Orientation Center..................... 540-432-8935 Attractions

Cambridge Court Apartments..... 540-249-4332 Apartment Camp Horizons, LC..................... 540-896-7600 Sports/Fitness/Recreation Campbell Print Center................ 540-434-4171 Printing & Publishing

Clark & Bradshaw, PC................. 540-433-2601 Attorneys/Legal Services Classic Cleaners......................... 540-432-6080 Cleaning Services

Candlewood Suites.................... 540-437-1400 Accommodations

Classic Distribution Inc.River Run Cabinetry................... 540-438-5973 Manufacturing

Capital Ale House....................... 540-564-2537 Restaurants & Catering

Classic Kitchen & Bath................ 540-437-1990 Home Improvement

Care is There Geriatric Care Management..................... 540-246-0211 Home Health Services

Classic Tuxedos & Suits............... 540-433-9966 Specialty Stores

Cargill....................................... 540-896-7750 AgriBusiness Cargill Value Added Meats Retail....540-879-2522 AgriBusiness Carter Bank & Trust.................... 540-432-6101 Banks/Lenders/Mortgages Carteret Title, LLC...................... 540-438-9531 Real Estate - Title Companies

Clear Spring Homestead, LLC...... 540-879-2796 Accommodations Clutter Conversions, LLC............. 540-294-1523 Professional Organizing Cobalt Communications............. 540-689-0288 Advertising Agencies Coca-Cola Refreshments USA...... 888-890-7377 Food & Beverage Services

Costco Wholesale....................... 540-432-8989 Shopping Cottonwood Commercial............ 540-434-9922 Real Estate - Commercial Country Cupboard Catering........ 540-943-0026 Catering Courtyard By Marriott................ 540-432-3031 Accommodations CPA Source Accounting LLC...... 1-540-437-2350 Accounting & Tax Services Cracker Barrel............................ 540-574-3099 Restaurants & Catering

Don Largent Roofing Inc............ 540-434-0868 Building - Exterior Maintenance DoubleTree by Hilton Harrisonburg ............................ 540-433-2521 Accommodations

CrossKeys Vineyards................... 540-234-0505 Wineries

DS Services (Crystal Springs)....... 804-349-9375 Food & Beverage Services

Crossroads to Brain Injury Recovery Inc.............................. 540-568-8923 Community Organizations

Dubby’s Fishing & Hunting......... 540-574-3474 Sports/Fitness/Recreation

CrossRoads: Valley BrethrenMennonite Heritage Center........ 540-438-1275 Attractions Curb Appeal Automotive Paint Pro, LLC............................ 540-564-1130 Automotive - Service and Repair


Dunkin Donuts.......................... 540-217-5517 Restaurants & Catering DuPont Community Credit Union....540-946-3200 Banks/Lenders/Mortgages Dutch Way, LLC.......................... 540-564-1322 Building - Exterior Maintenance Dynamic Aviation Group, Inc....... 540-828-6070 Aviation

DaddyG Foods LLC...................... 804-357-2670 Food & Beverage Services


Daily News-Record..................... 540-574-6200 Media - Print

E & M Auto Paint & Supply Corporation.................... 540-433-2471 Automotive

Dairymen Specialty Co., Inc........ 540-433-9117 AgriBusiness Dan’s Body Service, Inc............... 540-434-8889 Automotive - Service and Repair Daniel’s Promotional Products....540-434-4240 Advertising - Promotional Items

Colonnade Apartments.............. 540-442-7368 Apartment

Dean Brothers, Inc..................... 540-433-8873 Electrical

Columbia Gas of Virginia............ 804-768-6410 Utilities

Dean Steel Erectors.................... 540-434-7465 Building - Commercial

Comcast.................................... 804-915-5204 Media - Television

Deavers Tax Service Inc.............. 540-298-9912 Accounting & Tax Services

Comfort Inn............................... 540-433-6066 Accommodations

Delphine Enterprise Center........ 540-256-1784 Warehousing & Freight Logistics Management

Commonwealth Environmental Associates, Inc........................... 540-442-0550 Environmental Services

Dental Health Associates............ 540-433-2613 Dentists/Oral Surgeons

Commonwealth Promotional LLC....540-887-2660 Advertising - Promotional Items

Domino’s Pizza.......................... 540-433-3111 Restaurants & Catering

Drs. McIntyre and Whiting.......... 540-828-2312 Dentists/Oral Surgeons

CDH Framing, Div. of Valley Renovators............ 540-801-0877 Building - Residential

Cherubs Cleaning Service........... 540-560-3696 Cleaning Services

Dominion Virginia Power........... 866-366-4357 Utilities

Crossfit Harrisonburg................. 540-810-2689 Fitness Centers

The Dayton Market.................... 540-879-3801 Specialty Stores

CommonWealth One Federal Credit Union.................. 540-801-1295 Banks/Lenders/Mortgages

Dixie Gas & Oil Corporation......... 540-248-6273 Gas/Oil/Propane

Driver Properties, LLC................ 540-434-2232 Real Estate - Commercial

Colonial Optical Company, Inc..... 540-433-2642 Eye Care

Charlie Obaugh Chevrolet Buick GMC Kia RV....................... 540-885-8893 Automotive

Diversified Business Services...... 540-896-3663 Accounting & Tax Services

Creative Cause Solutions, Inc...... 646-257-2964 Printing & Publishing

Cave Hill Corporation................. 540-289-5051 Equipment Sales & Rentals

Central Valley Habitat for Humanity............................. 540-828-6288 Community Organizations

DIGICO Shoot | Post | Design........ 540-433-6529 Media - Video

Dove Development and Consulting.......................... 540-810-7903 Consultants - Coaching/Training

CASA for Children....................... 540-213-2272 Legal Services

Central Shenandoah Planning District Commission................... 540-885-5174 Government

Dick Myers Chrysler Dodge Jeep....540-433-1600 Automotive - Sales

Cravens & Noll, P.C..................... 540-246-0684 Legal Services

Collins Center & Child Advocacy Center........................ 540-432-6430 Community Organizations

Center for Marriage and Family Counseling..................... 540-433-1546 Counseling

Design Concrete Builders, Inc..... 540-421-8686 Home Improvement

Davis Equipment Services, LLC.... 540-433-0767 Equipment Sales & Rentals

Denton Downtown Properties.... 540-289-5790 Apartment Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services.............. 540-434-5981 Government DePaul Community Resources.... 540-437-0033 Community Organizations

Eagle Carpet, Inc........................ 540-434-1818 Home Improvement EAGLE EXPRESS LINES - ATLANTIC.... 540-434-8545 Transportation - Trucking Early Katering Co./Event & Conference & The Barn at Klines Mill............ 540-801-8139 Restaurants & Catering Earman & Associates Travel, Inc..... 540-442-1111 Travel Agencies Eastern Mennonite School......... 540-236-6000 Education Eastern Mennonite University.... 540-432-4000 Education Eastlawn Memorial Gardens....... 540-434-3827 Funeral/Cemeteries/Memorials Echard Insurance Agency Inc...... 540-289-5119 Insurance Econo Lodge - Harrisonburg....... 540-433-2576 Accommodations Eddie Edwards Signs.................. 540-434-8595 Signage Edible Arrangements................. 540-433-6006 Food & Beverage Services Edward Jones - Bob Wheatley..... 540-828-0756 Financial Services Edward Jones - Josh Lowe........... 540-574-1013 Financial Services

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Edward Jones - Ken Surber......... 540-433-9278 Financial Services

First Class Services, Inc............... 540-432-0082 Mail Services/Shipping

Good Printers, Inc...................... 540-828-4663 Printing & Publishing

Edward Jones - Sean Philpott..... 540-434-2457 Financial Services

The First Tee of Harrisonburg...... 540-437-4239 Sports/Fitness/Recreation

Electric Motor Sales & Service, Inc............................. 540-434-6466 Electrical

First Time Cleaning LLC.............. 540-433-2869 Janitorial/Maintenance

Good Shepherd School & Day Care...................... 540-564-2929 Day Care - Child Care

Elkton Family Pharmacy............ 540-298-9090 Pharmacies Embrace Home Loans ....800-333-3004 ext 3846 Mortgage Banking Emergicare of Harrisonburg....... 540-432-9996 Hospitals & Clinics Enlisted Auctions....................... 540-337-3446 Auctioneer Enterprise Rent-A-Car East Market Street..................... 540-432-8690 Rental Companies - Vehicles Enterprise Rent-A-Car South Main Street..................... 540-433-7455 Rental Companies - Vehicles Escapes Mini Day Spa................. 540-383-7953 Salons/Spa/Beauty Everence Financial Advisors / Everence Federal Credit Union.... 540-437-7422 Financial Services Evergreene Homes..................... 540-605-9530 Building - Developers Evermore Construction.............. 540-433-8293 Building - Commercial Excel Steel Works....................... 540-433-9131 Manufacturing Excel Truck Group....................... 540-234-0999 Transportation - Trucking Exceptional Smiles Family Dentistry........................ 540-434-5500 Dentists/Oral Surgeons Explore More Discovery Museum....540-442-8900 Attractions Extinguisher Sales & Service, LLC............................ 540-434-9415 Security & Safety

F FairField Center (facilitation & training).............. 540-434-0059 Community Organizations Fairfield Inn & Suites................. 540-433-9333 Accommodations Family Life Resource Center....... 540-434-8450 Counseling Farm Credit of The Virginias....... 540-434-5385 Banks/Lenders/Mortgages

First Witness Security................. 540-442-0086 Security & Safety

Goodwill Industries of the Valleys, Inc...................... 540-432-9600 Community Organizations

Fix-It Home Repairs................... 540-298-1776 Home Improvement

Goodwin Oral and Facial Surgery........................... 540-705-0195 Dentists/Oral Surgeons

Food Processors Water Coop Inc....540-896-9161 Utilities

Grace House, Inc........................ 540-652-8926 Health Services

The Forbes Center for the Performing Arts at James Madison University...... 540-568-4393 Performing Arts

Graham and Poirot CPAs LLC....... 540-433-2001 Accounting & Tax Services

Form Networks, LLC................... 540-437-3737 Computers - IT Support/Networking Four Seasons Harmony............... 540-383-9589 Holistic Health Four Star Realty, Inc................... 540-298-0280 Real Estate - General Foxhill Townhomes/ University Management Inc....... 540-432-5525 Student Housing Frazier Quarry........................... 540-434-6192 Building - Supplies/Equipment French Properties...................... 540-828-2606 Real Estate - General Friendly City Food Co-op Inc....... 540-801-8882 Grocery Stores Friendship Industries, Inc........... 540-434-9586 Fulfillment Funkhouser Real Estate Group.... 540-434-2400 Real Estate - General Funkhouser Real Estate Grp-Rogers...................... 540-578-0102 Real Estate - General

G The Gaines Group, PLC................ 540-437-0012 Architects Galindez Painting, Inc................ 540-434-2222 Home Improvement The Galley................................. 540-434-2367 Restaurants & Catering Gemini Coatings........................ 540-434-4201 Manufacturing Generations Crossing................. 540-434-4901 Health Services Generations Crossing................. 540-434-4901 Day Care - Child Care

Grand Home Furnishings............ 540-434-7619 Shopping

Harpine Drywall Company......... 540-896-4139 Building - Residential Harrisonburg Animal Hospital.... 540-434-6331 Veterinary Harrisonburg Baptist Church...... 540-433-2456 Churches/Faith-Based Organizations

Harrisonburg City Public Schools....540-434-9916 Education

Green Hummingbird Fair Trade Clothing.................... 540-421-1441 Specialty Stores

Harrisonburg City Republican Committee.............. 540-432-6049 Government

Green Solutions Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning.................. 540-705-6171 Cleaning - Carpet & Upholstery

Harrisonburg Cohousing............ 540-435-6193 Property Leasing & Management

Green Valley Auctions & Green Valley Moving.................. 540-434-4260 Moving & Storage Green Valley Book Fair, Inc......... 540-434-0309 Specialty Stores Greenberry’s Coffee & Tea........... 540-434-0111 Restaurants & Catering Greens & Grains Café.................. 540-433-1702 Restaurants & Catering The Greens at Chestnut Ridge..... 540-564-0011 Apartment Ground Illusions Landscaping..... 540-574-0278 Landscaping/Lawn Services Grow Forward Solutions Patrice & Associates................... 540-217-6490 Human Resource Services

H H & J Beauty Supply, LLC............. 540-564-3002 Salons/Spa/ Beauty H&R Block................................. 540-896-1163 Accounting & Tax Services H&R Block................................. 540-434-5464 Tax Preperation Hair Cuttery.............................. 540-433-6433 Salons/Spa/Beauty

George’s, Inc.............................. 540-984-6813 AgriBusiness

Hammond Insurance Services.... 540-442-8486 Insurance

Finnigan’s Cove.......................... 540-433-9874 Restaurants & Catering

Gift and Thrift Shop, Inc............. 540-433-8844 Specialty Stores

Hampton Inn of Harrisonburg.... 540-432-1111 Accommodations

First Bank................................. 540-465-9121 Banks/Lenders/Mortgages

Glass Doctor.............................. 540-289-5260 Glass Repair

First Bank & Trust Company........ 540-434-0671 Banks/Lenders/Mortgages

Glen’s Fair Price Store................. 540-434-8272 Specialty Stores

Hampton Inn South Harrisonburg................... 540-437-0090 Accommodations

First Bank & Trust Company........ 540-828-2020 Banks/Lenders/Mortgages

Golden Corral, Valley Corral, LLC....540-564-0477 Restaurants & Catering

First Choice Home Health Services, LLC................... 540-434-3916 Home Health Services

The Golden Pony........................ 540-901-2628 Restaurants & Catering


Harper’s Statuary & Water Gardens........................ 540-434-8978 Home & Garden

Graybar..................................... 540-214-3200 Electrical

Fine Earth, LLC........................... 540-432-7977 Landscaping/Lawn Services

Golden Rule Services.................. 540-249-9227 Building - Exterior Maintenance

Harman Realty, Inc.................... 540-432-6552 Real Estate - General

Harrisonburg City Electoral Board.......................... 540-432-7701 Government

GenHub Inc. DBA The Power Connection........ 540-574-0177 Utilities

Golden Rule Homes Inc.............. 540-434-1553 Modular/Pre-Fabricated

Harman Construction, Inc.......... 540-434-4459 Building - Commercial

Gravity Group............................ 540-433-3071 Advertising Agencies

Farmers & Merchants Bank......... 540-896-8941 Banks/Lenders/Mortgages

First Citizens Bank..................... 540-433-6722 Banks/Lenders/Mortgages

Harlow Remodeling Company, LLC............................ 540-810-0211 Building - Residential

Hall & Dean DDS, PLLC................ 540-432-1215 Dentists/Oral Surgeons

Happy Hounds Doggie Daycare....540-560-8530 Veterinary Happy Little Dumpsters, LLC....... 540-422-0272 Waste/Recycling/Green Technology Hardesty-Higgins House Visitor Center.................. 540-432-8935 Attractions

Harrisonburg Construction Company, Inc............................. 540-434-9560 Building - Commercial Harrisonburg Downtown Renaissance.............................. 540-432-8922 Community Organizations Harrisonburg Education Foundation............................... 540-434-9916 Education Harrisonburg Electric Commission.............................. 540-434-5361 Utilities Harrisonburg Ford..................... 540-434-0700 Automotive - Service and Repair Harrisonburg Harmonizers......... 540-208-7889 Performing Arts Harrisonburg Nissan, Inc............ 540-564-1111 Automotive - Sales Harrisonburg Ob-Gyn Associates.... 540-434-3831 Health Services Harrisonburg Pediatrics, P.C....... 540-434-3004 Pediatrics Harrisonburg Radio Group.......... 540-434-0331 Media - Radio Harrisonburg Redevelopment & Housing Authority.................. 540-434-7386 Government Harrisonburg Refrigeration Service, Inc................................ 540-434-4681 Refrigeration - Sales & Service Harrisonburg Rescue Squad....... 540-434-2323 Medical Transportation Harrisonburg Self Storage.......... 540-432-9657 Moving & Storage Harrisonburg Tourism and Visitor Services.................... 540-432-8935 Community Organizations Harrisonburg Veterinary Emergency Clinic....................... 540-434-0900 Veterinary Harrisonburg Women’s Service League Civic Clubs Harrisonburg-Rockingham Association of REALTORS............ 540-433-8855 Community Organizations

Harrisonburg-Rockingham Chamber of Commerce............... 540-434-3862 Chambers of Commerce Harrisonburg-Rockingham Child Day Care Centers, Inc......... 540-434-5268 Day Care - Child Care Harrisonburg-Rockingham Free Clinic................................. 540-433-5431 Health Services Harrisonburg/Shenandoah Valley KOA................................. 540-896-8929 Campgrounds Hawk Security Systems Inc......... 540-434-4295 Security & Safety Hearing At Home....................... 540-908-8910 Health Services Hearing Healthcare of Virginia....540-421-7736 Health Services The Heritage Museum and Historical Society....................... 540-879-2616 Attractions Heritage Oaks Golf Course.......... 540-442-6502 Golf Hess & Miller, Inc....................... 540-434-7383 Real Estate - Residential Hess Financial........................... 540-246-0122 Financial Services

Integrity Insurance Group.......... 540-433-0200 Insurance InterChange Group, Inc.............. 540-433-1900 Warehousing & Freight Logistics Management Interstate Batteries................... 540-433-7111 Automotive - Service and Repair IntraPac Corporation................. 540-434-4411 Manufacturing The Isle Company...................... 540-578-2108 Specialty Stores IT Decisions............................... 540-908-4223 Computers - IT Support/Networking

J Jack Brown’s Beer & Burger Joint........................... 540-433-5225 Restaurants & Catering James Madison University.......... 540-568-6211 Education James Madison UniversityLifelong Learning Institute........ 540-568-2923 Education JaymaxX, LLC............................. 540-434-2128 Computer Supplies Jeff Harris & Assoc...................... 540-574-2508 Financial Services

High Speed Link.net.................. 540-437-0195 Computers - IT Support/Networking

Jenkins Insurance and Financial Services, Inc................ 540-434-8388 Insurance

Histand Services........................ 540-705-7815 Electrical

JJ’s Soft Serve............................ 540-896-9449 Restaurants & Catering

Holtzman Oil Corporation and Holtzman Propane......................540-433-2626 Gas/Oil/Propane

JMU Alumni Association............. 540-568-2631 Community Organizations

Kline May Realty/The Harrisonburg Homes Team................................ 540-421-3179 Real Estate - Residential Knockerball Harrisonburg.......... 540-333-0873 Entertainment Krispy Kreme............................. 361-756-1275 Restaurants & Catering


Magnolia’s Tacos & Tequila Bar....540-217-5816 Restaurants & Catering

Lakeview Golf Club.................... 540-434-8937 Golf

Maxine Z. Magri, CPA................. 540-433-8483 Accounting & Tax Services

Landes Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc.................. 540-434-5988 Heating & Air Conditioning

Main Street Title Group, LLC....... 540-437-3731 Real Estate - Title Companies

Lantz & Gochenour Investment Group of Janney Montgomery Scott LLC.... 540-236-9220 Financial Services Lantz Construction Company...... 540-896-8911 Building - Commercial Larson Wealth Management ..... 540-574-4391 Financial Services Layman & Nichols, P.C................ 540-433-2121 Attorneys/Legal Services LBM Office Solutions.................. 540-433-7283 Office Equipment and Supplies LD&B Insurance and Financial Services...................... 540-433-2796 Insurance The Legacy at North Augusta...... 540-885-5454 Retirement Communities LegalMatch............................... 415-946-0800 Attorneys/Legal Services

Homer’s Automotive, LLC........... 540-298-9153 Automotive - Service and Repair

JMU Dining Services/ARAMARK....540-568-3103 Restaurants & Catering

Lenhart Pettit PC....................... 540-437-3113 Attorneys/Legal Services

Hometown Value Magazine....... 540-705-0977 Media - Print

Joe Bowman Auto Plaza............. 540-434-6731 Automotive - Sales

Letter Perfect, Inc...................... 540-652-2022 Signage

HoneyBaked Ham & Cafe............ 540-434-5700 Restaurants & Catering

Joe’s Griddle n Grill..................... 540-437-0061 Restaurants & Catering

Life Care Center of New Market....540-740-8041 Health Services

Hope Distributed Community Development.......... 540-578-3510 Community Organizations

Johnson Funeral Service, Inc...... 540-828-2542 Funeral/Cemeteries/Memorials

Lindsey Funeral Home & Crematory.................... 540-434-7318 Funeral/Cemeteries/Memorials

Houff Transfer, Inc..................... 540-234-9233 Transportation - Trucking Housden Photography............... 540-432-3686 Photography House of Clues, LLC.................... 540-810-0623 Attractions House of Oak & Sofas................. 540-432-1383 Interior Design

Journeys Crossing...................... 540-298-0054 Assisted Living

K Kanawha Stone Company.......... 540-289-1414 Contractors Kate’s Natural Products, Inc........ 540-433-2359 Specialty Stores

Leitner Law Group, PLC.............. 540-442-7700 Attorneys/Legal Services

MartinWren, P.C........................ 434-817-3100 Attorneys/Legal Services Mason Dixon Lavender Farm...... 540-249-7620 Agriculture Massanetta Springs Camp & Conference Center.................. 540-434-3829 Accommodations Massanutten Adventures........... 540-289-4066 Attractions Massanutten Animal Clinic......... 540-434-2364 Veterinary Massanutten Dining (Great Eastern Purveyors)........... 540-437-3371 Restaurants & Catering Massanutten Property Owners Association.................... 540-289-9466 Community Organizations Massanutten Realty.............540-289-6335 x26 Real Estate - Residential

Massanutten Technical Center.... 540-434-5961 Education

Living Waters Senior Care........... 540-896-4558 Retirement Communities

Mast Landscapes, Inc................. 540-432-0788 Landscaping/Lawn Services

Local Chop & Grill House............. 540-801-0505 Restaurants & Catering

Matchbox Realty & Management Services, Inc.....540-434-5150 x112 Real Estate - Commercial


Kingmor Supply, Inc................... 540-433-0073 Automotive

iHeartMedia (formerly Clear Channel Media and Entertainment)......... 540-434-1777 Media - Radio

Kingston Enterprises................. 540-421-7191 Financial Services

Long Insurance & Financial Services...................... 540-434-1512 Financial Services

Kline May Realty....................... 540-437-3500 Real Estate - Residential

Martin’s Native Lumber, Inc........ 540-879-2518 Building - Supplies/Equipment

Little Grill Collective.................. 540-434-3594 Restaurants & Catering

Loker CPA LLC......................... 1-540-437-2350 Accounting & Tax Services

INTEGRITY HOME MORTGAGE CORP........................ 540-208-7771 Mortgage Banking

Martin, Beachy & Arehart, PLLC....540-433-2488 Accounting & Tax Services

Massanutten Resort.................. 540-289-9441 Attractions

Kelly Services, Inc...................... 540-433-5993 Employment Agencies

Kiwanis Club of Harrisonburg Virginia, Inc.......... 540-820-8498 Civic Clubs

Mark Thompson Rockingham Group.................... 540-434-1144 Insurance

Litten & Sipe, LLP...................... 540-434-5353 Attorneys/Legal Services

H. McNeill Hutson, DDS.............. 540-434-1125 Dentists/Oral Surgeons

Independent Solar Solutions ..... 540-579-4565 Solar & Radiant Systems

Manpower, Inc.......................... 540-442-7625 Employment Agencies

Massanutten Regional Library....540-434-4475 Libraries

Howard A Spangler Co. Inc.......... 540-434-2581 Wholesale

Immerge Technologies, Inc........ 540-307-0766 Media - Web/Graphic Design

Mama’s Caboose........................ 540-908-0029 Restaurants & Catering

Liquid Capital of Virginia............ 540-221-2593 Financial Services

Keens Storage Trailers & Containers............................. 717-951-2087 Moving & Storage

Kingsway Prison & Family Outreach........................ 540-433-5658 Community Organizations


Kroger...................................... 540-432-1830 Grocery Stores

Home Instead Senior Care.......... 540-213-7800 Home Health Services

Hot Yoga Harrisonburg...............540-433-YOGA Fitness Centers

Luray Zoo A Rescue Zoo.............. 540-743-4113 Attractions

Madison Center for Community Development.......... 540-568-5272 Education

JMU Corporate & Foundation Giving..................... 540-568-4121 Education

Joshua Gooden Photography...... 540-246-6826 Photography

Lumos Networks........................ 540-578-0752 Telecommunications

LogicFound............................... 434-227-4007 Marketing

May Supply Company................. 540-433-2611 Home Improvement McClung Companies................... 540-949-8139 Printing & Publishing McDaniel Contractor Services..... 540-298-9476 Building - Commercial

Longview Oaks Apartments........ 540-433-0228 Apartment

McGaheysville Timeshares......... 603-516-0200 Real Estate - Timeshares

Loomis Wealth Management, LLC...................... 540-434-2505 Financial Services

McNett Angus Beef.................... 540-830-8396 Food & Beverage Services

LSC Communications.................. 540-432-5401 Printing & Publishing

Meals 4 Home, LLC..................... 540-564-6181 Restaurants & Catering MedExpress Urgent Care............ 540-432-3080 Health Services

www.hrchamber.org 41

Medicap Pharmacy Pro Pointe Lane......................... 540-433-6337 Pharmacies

Muddy Feet Graphics................. 540-574-3338 Advertising - Promotional Items

The Overlook at Stone Spring..... 540-438-8790 Student Housing

Pure Environmental................... 877-617-2847 Environmental Services

Mulligan’s Golf Center................ 540-432-9040 Golf



Murphy Business Blue Ridge LLC DBA Murphy Business Brokers & Appraisers.................. 540-248-8899 Business Mergers, Acquistions and Valuations

P & W Title Examination Services, LLC.............................. 540-434-3609 Real Estate - Title Companies

Qualified Staffing of Virginia, DBA Adams & Garth................... 540-434-9675 Employment Agencies

Myers Ford, Inc.......................... 540-298-1271 Automotive - Sales

Packaging Corporation of America................................ 540-434-0785 Manufacturing

Quality Inn................................ 540-442-1515 Accommodations


Packsaddle Ridge Golf Club........ 540-269-8188 Golf

N2 Hair Salon............................ 540-434-4844 Salons/Spa/Beauty

Pale Fire Brewing Co.................. 540-217-5452 Breweries

NAIFA Shenandoah Valley .......... 540-434-2500 Insurance

Pano’s Restaurant...................... 540-434-2367 Restaurants & Catering

Mid Valley Electric...................... 540-433-6815 Electrical

National Timeshare Help Center.... 888-793-3770 Real Estate - Timeshares

Paradise Energy Solutions.......... 877-851-9269 Solar & Radiant Systems

Midas Auto Service.................... 540-432-6623 Automotive - Service and Repair

Neff Enterprises......................... 540-434-9593 Real Estate - Commercial

Park View Federal Credit Union...540-434-6444 Banks/Lenders/Mortgages

Miller and Jameson, CPAs........... 540-434-3825 Accounting & Tax Services

Neff Lumber Mills, Inc................ 540-896-7031 Manufacturing

Park View Village....................... 540-705-0432 Home Health Services

Miller, Earle & Shanks, PLLC........ 540-564-1555 Attorneys/Legal Services

Neogas North America............... 803-408-8866 Gas/Oil/Propane

Partners Excavating Company.... 540-433-1475 Building - Site Preparation

Miller, John............................... 540-828-3021 Individual Members

Nerdy Dog’s Pet Shop................. 540-208-7717 Pet Shop

Pat’s Manor Homes, Inc.............. 540-434-9951 Modular/Pre-Fabricated

Miller’s Supplies At Work............ 866-216-4812 Office Equipment and Supplies

NES Rentals............................... 540-433-0011 Equipment Sales & Rentals

Patchwork Plus, Inc.................... 540-879-2505 Specialty Stores

Raymond James Financial Services, Inc.-Kathy Moran......... 540-434-7470 Financial Services

MillerCoors Shenandoah Brewery................ 540-289-8201 Manufacturing

NET100, Ltd............................... 540-200-9228 Telecommunications

Paul Davis Restoration............... 540-740-2696 Construction Management

Recycle Management LLC........... 540-908-3902 Waste/Recycling/Green Technology

Nichols Financial Group.............. 540-438-8173 Financial Services

PBMares, LLP............................ 540-434-5975 Accounting & Tax Services

Red Front Supermarket.............. 540-433-9171 Grocery Stores

Nielsen Builders, Inc.................. 540-434-7376 Building - Commercial

Peace, Love, and Little Donuts.... 540-707-9199 Bakery

Reddy Ice.................................. 540-433-2751 Manufacturing

North 38 Apartments................. 540-574-2901 Real Estate - Property Management

Pendleton Community Bank...... 540-214-2070 Banks/Lenders/Mortgages

Redeemer Classical School......... 540-437-0880 Education

More 4 Less Cleaning................. 434-760-3838 Cleaning Services

Northwest Registered Agent, LLC................ 509-768-2249 Insurance

Perry Engineering Company, Inc............................. 540-667-4310 Building - Site Preparation

Republic Services....................... 434-566-1729 Waste/Recycling/Green Technology

Morgan Stanley......................... 540-438-7909 Financial Services

Northwestern Mutual ............... 540-908-3414 Financial Services

Pet Dairy................................... 540-442-6000 AgriBusiness

Morin, Richard R. J..................... 540-820-9725 Individual Members

NWG Solutions.......................... 434-979-0555 Information Technology Services

Peyton Yancey Holdings, LLC....... 540-896-7604 Individual Members


PHI Air Medical: AirCare 5........... 540-453-2000 EMS

OASIS Fine Art & Craft................ 540-442-8188 Arts

Piedmont Concessions, LLC dba ‘’Crabdaddy’s’’..................... 434-249-8274 Catering

Merck & Company...................... 540-298-1211 Manufacturing Mercy House, Inc....................... 540-432-1812 Community Organizations Meriwether Hills Apartments..... 540-434-4300 Apartment Merry Maids.............................. 540-234-0501 Cleaning Services Michael’s Auto Body................... 540-434-0074 Automotive - Service and Repair Microtel Inn & Suites by Wyndham............................. 540-437-3777 Accommodations

MobileEYES............................... 540-434-6622 Eye Care Monica Grimes Portrait Design....540-705-6096 Photography Montebello Packaging Inc.......... 540-437-0119 Manufacturing

Morris Insurance and Financial Services................ 540-896-7085 Insurance Mosaic Federal Credit Union....... 540-564-6080 Banks/Lenders/Mortgages

Office Products, Inc.................... 540-434-8958 Office Equipment and Supplies

Quarles Energy Services............. 540-434-3434 Gas/Oil/Propane

R R.C. Showalter Builders, LLC....... 540-867-9420 Contractors R.S. Monger and Sons, Inc.......... 540-434-3882 Building - Supplies/Equipment Ragtime Fabrics......................... 540-434-5663 Specialty Stores Ramada Harrisonburg............... 540-434-9981 Accommodations Randy’s Do It Best Hardware...... 540-896-5403 Home Improvement Ray Carr Tires............................ 540-434-3633 Automotive - Service and Repair

The Reserve at Stone Port.......... 540-434-2000 Apartment Residence Inn by Marriott.......... 540-437-7426 Extended Stays Residential One......................... 540-434-5490 Apartment Responsive Management........... 540-432-1888 Consultants Rhodenizer Construction, LLC..... 540-433-1078 Building - Commercial

Pilgrim’s Pride Corporation........ 540-901-6110 AgriBusiness

Rice Tire.................................... 540-442-7444 Automotive

Old Hickory Storage Buildings.... 540-830-1755 Individual Members

Pioneer Bank and Valley Finance Service, Inc................... 540-433-9981 Banks/Lenders/Mortgages

Riddleberger Brothers, Inc......... 540-434-1731 Heating & Air Conditioning

Olive Garden............................. 540-434-2326 Restaurants & Catering

Planet Fitness........................... 540-246-0309 Fitness Centers

On Sunny Slope Farm................. 540-830-5400 Event Facilities

Pleasant View Inc...................... 540-896-8255 Assisted Living

On the Road Collaborative.......... 540-360-1123 Education

Plumbing Perspectives, LLC........ 540-433-2003 Plumbing

Mountain View Dental Team...... 540-432-0609 Dentists/Oral Surgeons

Orangetheory Fitness Harrisonburg............................. 540-324-2314 Fitness Centers

Port Crossing Shopping Center....757-627-9088 Real Estate - Commercial

Movement Mortgage................. 540-746-8358 Mortgage Banking

Outback Steakhouse.................. 540-438-0190 Restaurants & Catering

Moseley Architects..................... 540-434-1346 Architects The Mosquito Authority............. 434-985-2844 Pest Control Motel 6..................................... 540-433-6939 Accommodations Mountain Valley Management Inc....................... 540-434-1173 Real Estate - Property Management Mountain Valley Meeting and Retreat Center.................... 540-896-7600 Special Events - Facilities

Moyers Automotive, LLC............. 540-434-7525 Automotive - Service and Repair Mr. J’s Bagels & Deli.................... 540-442-1997 Restaurants & Catering Mt. Olivet Christian Church......... 540-574-0670 Churches/Faith-Based Organizations

Old Dominion Realty.................. 540-433-2454 Real Estate - General

Outdoor Learning Center at Horizons..................... 540-896-7600 Education Overhead Door Company of Shenandoah Valley................ 540-433-3903 Building - Commercial


Precision Locksmith Company, LLC............................ 540-433-4007 Security & Safety Price’s Electric Motor Repair....... 540-896-9451 Electrical Primary Residential Mortgage...........................540-433-6611 x103 Banks/Lenders/Mortgages

Riner Rentals............................ 540-438-8800 Apartment RJF Construction, LLC................. 540-652-3268 Building - Residential RMC Events, Inc......................... 804-353-7621 Security Services RMH Wellness Center................. 540-564-5680 Fitness Centers Alan D. Robbins, D.D.S................ 540-896-5351 Dentists/Oral Surgeons Robert Good Photography......... 540-289-9795 Photography Roberts Home Medical, Inc......... 540-564-1194 Home Health Services Rocking R Ace Hardware, a division of Rockingham Cooperative, Inc..... 540-434-9967 Home Improvement

Rockingham Canvas Company, Inc............................. 540-434-7171 Tarps and Awnings Rockingham Construction Co...... 540-433-1000 Building - Commercial Rockingham Cooperative........... 540-434-3856 AgriBusiness Rockingham County................... 540-564-3000 Government Rockingham County 4-H............. 540-564-3080 Community Organizations Rockingham County Fair Association......................... 540-434-0005 Special Events - Facilities Rockingham County Public Schools........................... 540-564-3230 Education Rockingham County Republican Party....................... 540-908-7050 Community Organizations

Serco North America.................. 540-236-5500 Research & Patents

Silver Lake Mill/LDA Creations.... 540-879-2800 Gifts, Awards & Souvenirs - Manufacturing

Deirdre Staton, LCSW, PLLC......... 540-820-4396 Counseling

SERVPRO................................... 540-433-6100 Environmental Services

Simple Elegance Catering, LLC.... 540-910-0797 Restaurants & Catering

Staunton Steam Laundry, Inc..... 540-886-2304 Laundry & Dry Cleaning

Shade Equipment Company, Inc.............................540-433-6440 Equipment Sales & Rentals

Skanska USA Building................ 540-400-3834 Building - Commercial

Stern & Heatwole Financial PC.... 540-438-0547 Financial Services

Skin and Zen, LLC....................... 540-810-0141 Salons/Spa/Beauty

Steve Wingfield Evangelistic Association............. 540-433-0769 Churches/Faith-Based Organizations

Shared Blessings Wireless Dba Cricket................................ 540-689-0302 Shopping Sharpe Family LLC t/a Oak Hill Apartments............. 540-434-8869 Apartment Shenandoah Caverns Family of Attractions................. 540-477-3115 Attractions Shenandoah Growers, Inc........... 540-896-6939 AgriBusiness Shenandoah Heritage Market.... 540-433-3929 Specialty Stores

Rockingham Educational Foundation, Inc......................... 540-564-3218 Education

Shenandoah Oral and Facial Surgery, PLC..................... 540-433-1751 Dentists/Oral Surgeons

Rockingham Eye Physicians and Associates........................... 540-433-2485 Eye Care

Shenandoah River Adventures....888-309-7222 Attractions

The Rockingham Group.............. 540-434-5344 Insurance Rockingham Harrisonburg ASAP.... 540-434-0154 Community Organizations Rockingham Petroleum Coop..... 540-434-4321 Gas/Oil/Propane Rockingham Scrap Metal, Inc..... 540-434-3403 Waste/Recycling/Green Technology Rockingham Union Lodge A.F. & A.M. No. 27 Community Organizations Rockingham-Harrisonburg SPCA.... 540-434-5270 Community Organizations Rockydale Mundy Quarries......... 540-833-2061 Building - Supplies/Equipment Rodamer’s Landscaping Inc........ 540-434-9448 Landscaping/Lawn Services Rotary Club of Harrisonburg....... 540-568-2341 Civic Clubs

S S2 Capital Partners.................... 703-639-6327 Real Estate - Commercial The Salvation Army.................... 540-434-4854 Community Organizations Saucy Dogs, LLC......................... 540-560-8593 Restaurants & Catering Schultz Theatre and School of Performing Arts..................... 540-896-9600 Arts

Sleep Inn & Suites...................... 540-433-7100 Accommodations Sleep On It................................ 540-432-9316 Shopping Snow and Ice Christmas & Gift Store............................... 540-434-7669 Specialty Stores SoLace Studios Fine Handcrafts....540-298-5222 Specialty Stores Solutions Place.......................... 540-256-1784 Real Estate - Commercial

Steven Toyota............................ 540-434-1400 Automotive - Sales Stewart TitleShenandoah Valley, LC............... 540-432-0825 Real Estate - Title Companies Stone Hill Construction, Inc........ 540-879-2804 Building - Commercial Stone Law Group....................... 540-432-0157 Attorneys/Legal Services Stonecrop Antiques, LLC............. 540-434-0893 Antiques Stonewall Jackson Area Council, Boy Scouts of America................ 540-943-6675 Civic Clubs Stonewall Jackson Hotel and Conference Center............... 540-885-4848 Accommodations

Sport Clips, Inc........................... 540-434-2226 Salons/Spa/Beauty

Shenandoah Valley Bach Festival............................. 540-432-4652 Performing Arts

Stoney Run Artisans................... 540-289-5132 Arts

Spotless Specialty Cleaning & Restoration.............. 540-434-1292 Cleaning - Carpet & Upholstery

Shenandoah Valley Builders Association.................. 540-860-1281 Community Organizations

Stow Away Self Storage & U-Haul....................... 540-442-7869 Moving & Storage

Spotswood Country Club............ 540-433-2659 Golf

Studio Hair Salon and Day Spa, The....................... 540-434-8188 Salons/Spa/Beauty

Shenandoah Valley Apartment Guide....................... 804-739-8555 Apartment

Shenandoah Valley Electric Co-Op............................ 540-574-7250 Utilities Shenandoah Valley Office Equipment....................... 540-434-7549 Office Equipment and Supplies Shenandoah Valley Partnership.... 540-568-3100 Community Organizations Shenandoah Valley Regional Airport........................ 540-234-8304 Aviation Shenandoah Valley Small Business Development Center.................. 540-568-3227 Consultants - General Shenandoah Valley Technology Council.................... 540-568-7882 Community Organizations

Spotswood Trail Therapeutic Massage................. 410-299-3819 Salons/Spa/Beauty

Subway - North Main Street....... 540-828-2867 Restaurants & Catering

SRI International....................... 540-438-6600 Research & Patents

Summit Community Bank....540-442-6776 x481 Banks/Lenders/Mortgages

Stanley Steemer of Harrisonburg......................... 540-437-1801 Cleaning - Carpet & Upholstery

Sunchase Apartments................ 540-442-4800 Student Housing

Staples..................................... 540-432-0124 Printing & Publishing Star 94.3 FM/ESPN 1240 The Boss.................................... 540-885-5188 Media - Radio Star Heating and Cooling, Inc..... 540-433-1102 Heating & Air Conditioning

Shenandoah Women’s Healthcare................................ 540-438-1314 Health Services Shenandoah Writing Services..... 540-476-1855 Writing Services

State Farm Insurance Bobby Dudley Agency................ 540-433-2448 Insurance

Sease & Associates..................... 540-433-1218 Architects

Sherri’s Crab Cakes..................... 717-761-3322 Food & Beverage Services

Second Home Child Care Center....540-432-7989 Day Care - Child Care

Shickel Corporation................... 540-828-2536 Manufacturing

SeeYouSEO................................ 703-431-1106 Media - Web/Graphic Design

Shirley’s Gourmet Popcorn......... 540-208-7601 Restaurants & Catering

Select Genetics, LLC................... 320-235-8850 AgriBusiness

Showalter’s Orchard & Greenhouse, LLC DBA Old Hill...... 540-896-7582 AgriBusiness Shreckhise Landscape & Design Service........................ 540-234-9911 Landscaping/Lawn Services Sign Pro.................................... 540-574-3032 Signage

Study Group.............................. 540-568-4372 Education

Squeeky Clean........................... 540-339-3432 Cleaning Services

State Farm Insurance Agency Field Office.................... 540-908-5867 Insurance

Shentel Sprint........................... 540-984-5459 Telecommunications

Sentara RMH Medical Center...... 540-689-1000 Hospitals & Clinics

Skyline Roofing......................... 540-879-2279 Building - Exterior Maintenance

Southern Care, Inc..................... 540-801-0406 Hospice Service

Scuba Buddys............................ 540-433-3337 Sports/Fitness/Recreation

Senior Helpers........................... 540-746-7060 Home Health Services

Skyline Literacy......................... 540-433-0505 Community Organizations

State Farm Insurance - Courtney Litchford Insurance Agency Inc................. 540-433-1916 Insurance State Farm Insurance Robert Teague........................... 540-896-7472 Insurance State Farm Insurance Agency Dennis C. Blackwell.................... 540-433-5338 Insurance State Farm Insurance Shannon Lokey.......................... 540-879-2311 Insurance State Farm Insurance Jeffrey S. Rebich, ChFC, CPCU...... 540-289-9611 Insurance

Sunnyside Communities............ 540-568-8600 Retirement Communities SunTrust Bank........................... 540-568-1044 Banks/Lenders/Mortgages Super 8 Motel............................ 540-433-8888 Accommodations Superior Concrete, Inc...........540-433-2482 x22 Building - Commercial Swartz Photography.................. 540-383-6071 Photography Switchboard Health & Wellness....540-434-9653 Home Health Services Synergy Life & Wellness Coaching LLC............................. 540-746-5206 Consultants - Coaching/Training Sysco Virginia, LLC..................... 540-434-0761 Food & Beverage Services

T Taj of India................................ 540-615-5888 Restaurants & Catering Target Marketing/ Southcomm Publishing ............. 800-933-3909 Media - Print TB Pallets LLC............................ 540-249-8900 Manufacturing TCL Cleaning and Janitorial........ 540-435-2738 Cleaning Services

www.hrchamber.org 43

Team Nurse............................... 540-574-4321 Home Health Services Telamon Corporation................. 540-705-4440 Employment Agencies Tenneco, Inc.............................. 540-434-2561 Manufacturing Texas Roadhouse....................... 540-801-0324 Restaurants & Catering Timberview Crossing................. 540-896-9858 Assisted Living Total Technology Management....540-432-1385 Telecommunications Town and Country Insurance ..... 540-641-2668 Insurance Town of Broadway..................... 540-896-5152 Government Town of Dayton......................... 540-879-2241 Government

Union Station Restaurant and Bar................... 540-437-0042 Restaurants & Catering United Bank.............................. 540-432-9300 Banks/Lenders/Mortgages United Way............................... 540-434-6639 Community Organizations United Way of Harrisonburg & Rockingham County................ 540-434-6639 Community Organizations UPS........................................... 540-290-4895 Mail Services/Shipping The UPS Store............................ 540-434-9400 Mail Services/Shipping The UPS Store............................ 540-433-6245 Mail Services/Shipping


Village of the Valley................... 540-652-1159 Shopping

Wells Fargo Home Mortgage...... 540-438-8899 Banks/Lenders/Mortgages

Ville View Enterprises Inc........... 540-476-1074 Photography

Wendy’s of East Market Street.... 540-434-3368 Restaurants & Catering

Virginia Blood Services.............. 434-390-5742 Health Services

Wendy’s of South Main Street..... 540-434-0218 Restaurants & Catering

Virginia Business Systems.......... 434-961-2592 Office Equipment and Supplies

Wharton Aldhizer & Weaver PLC...540-434-0316 Attorneys/Legal Services

Virginia Eagle Distributing Company, LLC............................ 540-248-8131 Food & Beverage Services

Which Wich............................... 540-434-9424 Restaurants & Catering

Virginia Economic Development Partnership.......... 804-545-5700 Government Virginia Employment Commission.............................. 540-830-4993 Employment Agencies Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community............. 540-564-3400 Retirement Communities

White Birch Communities........... 540-879-9699 Health Services White Oak Lavender Farm.......... 540-421-6345 Specialty Stores WHSV TV-3................................ 540-433-9191 Media - Television WILD GUYde Adventures, LLC...... 540-433-1637 Attractions

Town of Elkton.......................... 540-298-9480 Government

Valley Bookkeeping Services, Inc.............................. 540-896-3056 Accounting & Tax Services

Town of Grottoes, Inc. a Virginia Municipal Corp............540-249-5896 Government

Valley Building Supply............... 540-434-6725 Building - Supplies/Equipment

Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community - Assisted Living...... 540-564-3550 Assisted Living

Valley Custom Homes................. 540-433-3233 Building - Residential

Virginia National Bank............... 434-962-2076 Banks/Lenders/Mortgages

The Wishing Well....................... 540-908-2333 Florists

Valley Engineering.................... 540-434-6365 Engineering/Surveying

Virginia Peninsula Photography.... 540-395-3477 Photography

WMRA and WEMC Public Radio....540-568-6221 Media - Radio

Valley Fitness............................ 540-433-3434 Health Services

Virginia Poultry Federation........ 540-433-2451 AgriBusiness

Womack Electric Supply............. 540-434-1738 Electrical

Valley Handyman Services......... 540-294-6119 Home Improvement

Virginia Poultry Growers Cooperative, Inc........................ 540-867-4000 Manufacturing

Woodforest National Bank......... 540-433-3660 Banks/Lenders/Mortgages

Town of Timberville................... 540-896-7058 Government Transamerica............................ 540-810-4945 Insurance Transformational Impact LLC...... 703-606-8931 Consultants Travel Counsellors, Inc................ 540-434-1796 Travel Agencies Travel Leaders........................... 540-433-7292 Travel Agencies

Valley Health Plan..................... 540-564-7126 Health Services

Trobaugh Group, LLC.................. 540-442-7000 Real Estate - General

Valley Honda, Nissan, Subaru, & Volkswagen............... 540-213-9000 Automotive - Sales

Tropical Smoothie..................... 540-560-2378 Restaurants & Catering

Valley Living Magazine.............. 540-433-5351 Press/Publications/Radio

Trost Custom Homes, Inc............ 540-820-3304 Building - Residential

Valley Mall Management Office....540-433-1797 Shopping

Truck & Equipment Corporation....540-434-2557 Transportation - Trucking

Valley Playhouse....................... 540-560-7501 Media - General

Truck Enterprises, Inc................. 540-564-6900 Transportation - Trucking

Valley Program for Aging Services-Harrisonburg Rockingham Region................... 540-568-5687 Community Organizations

TruGreen................................... 540-896-4700 Landscaping/Lawn Services Trumbo Electric......................... 540-896-7095 Electrical TSSi.......................................... 540-434-8974 Security & Safety Turkey Knob Apples & Peaches... 540-896-3079 AgriBusiness Turner Travel............................. 540-433-2438 Travel Agencies Twin State Beauty Supplies, Inc....540-434-3344 Salons/Spa/Beauty

Valley Renovators Inc................. 540-801-0172 Building - Commercial Valley Southern Title LTD........... 540-434-8571 Real Estate - Title Companies Valley Suites.............................. 540-437-1440 Extended Stays Valley Turnpike Museum, The..... 540-432-8935 Attractions Valley Urgent Care & Occupational Medicine............... 540-434-5709 Hospitals & Clinics

Virginia Quilt Museum............... 540-433-3818 Attractions Virginia State Dairymen’s Association.............. 540-828-6960 AgriBusiness

WoodmenLife............................ 540-879-9249 Insurance WVPT ....................................... 540-434-5391 Media - Television

Y Michael Yankey.......................... 540-896-1637 Individual Members

Vision Technology Group LLC...... 540-437-0112 Computers - IT Support/Networking

Young, Nicholas, Branner & Phillips LLP............... 540-433-2581 Accounting & Tax Services

W W. A. Hartman Memorials.......... 540-434-2573 Funeral/Cemeteries/Memorials W.B. Mason............................... 540-434-5386 Office Equipment and Supplies Wal-Mart #1726......................... 540-433-0808 Shopping Wal-Mart #2807......................... 540-438-0349 Shopping Walnut Hill Builders................... 540-820-9839 Building - Residential Ward’s Tree Service, Inc.............. 540-820-8733 Landscaping/Lawn Services Waste Management.................. 540-434-8720 Waste/Recycling/Green Technology

U U Fit, LLC................................... 540-688-7296 Fitness Centers

Valley Water Gardens, LLC.......... 540-879-2555 Home & Garden

Union Bank & Trust.................... 540-434-8495 Banks/Lenders/Mortgages

VBS Mortgage........................... 540-442-8583 Banks/Lenders/Mortgages

Union Bank & Trust - Grottoes..... 540-249-3556 Banks/Lenders/Mortgages

Vector Security Inc..................... 540-433-2428 Security & Safety

Weaver’s Floor Covering Weaver’s Flooring America......... 540-433-1517 Home Improvement

Union Bank & Trust - Harrisonburg Commercial Banking.................. 540-568-2080 Banks/Lenders/Mortgages

Venture Builders, Inc................. 540-434-7927 Building - Residential

The Wellness Center at VMRC...... 540-574-3850 Fitness Centers

The Village Arts Center, LLC........ 540-560-2974 Arts

Wells Fargo Advisors.................. 540-434-9926 Financial Services

The Village Inn.......................... 540-434-7355 Accommodations

Wells Fargo Bank NA.................. 540-564-5206 Banks/Lenders/Mortgages


Winchester Fire & Security, LLC....540-667-5078 Security & Safety

Vision Appraisal Services LLC...... 540-248-6400 Real Estate - Appraisals

Valley Washers, Inc.................... 540-434-8086 Laundry & Dry Cleaning

Union Bank & Trust Main Branch.............................. 540-432-1777 Banks/Lenders/Mortgages

Williams & Associates................. 540-442-7872 Real Estate - General

Water Works Water Treatment, Inc........................... 540-433-5669 Water Treatment - Residential/Commercial Weaver Irrigation & Lightscapes.... 540-434-5755 Landscaping/Lawn Services

categorical Membership Directory listing Accommodations Budget Inn.................................540-434-3687 Vikas Gandhi 687 East Market Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801

Candlewood Suites.....................540-437-1400 Ken Hubbard 1560 Country Club Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-5071 www.candlewoodsuites.com/harrisonburgva

Clear Spring Homestead, LLC.... 540-879-2796 Phil Evans 5603 West Dry River Road, Dayton, VA 22821 www.clearspringhomestead.com (Please see our ad on page 29) Comfort Inn................................540-433-6066 Michael Sandercock 1440 East Market Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-5110 www.choicehotels.com/virginia/harrisonburg/comfortinn-hotels/va429?source=lb

Courtyard By Marriott............ 540-432-3031 Brendan McCoy 1890 Evelyn Byrd Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3571 www.marriott.com/shdcy (Please see our ad on page 19) DoubleTree by Hilton Harrisonburg .............................540-433-2521 Debbie Napier 1400 East Market Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-5110 doubletree3.hilton.com

Econo Lodge - Harrisonburg........540-433-2576 Paul Patel 1703 East Market Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-5103 www.choicehotels.com/virginia/harrisonburg/econolodge-hotels/va182?source=lb

Fairfield Inn & Suites.............. 540-433-9333 Franita Coleman 1946 Medical Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.marriottharrisonburg.com (Please see our ad on page 28) Hampton Inn of Harrisonburg.....540-432-1111 Mendy Roadcap 1400 E. Market Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 dtharrisonburg.doubletreebyhilton.com

Hampton Inn South Harrisonburg....................540-437-0090 Mendy Roadcap

Ramada Harrisonburg................540-434-9981 Zubin Ratwani 91 Pleasant Valley Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-9723 www.Ramadaharrisonburg.com

Sleep Inn & Suites.................. 540-433-7100 Julie Spitzer 1891 Evelyn Byrd Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3487 www.choicehotels.com/virginia/harrisonburg/sleepinn-hotels/va339?source=lb (Please see our ad on the inside back cover) Stonewall Jackson Hotel and Conference Center................540-885-4848 Damon Strickland 24 South Market Street, Staunton, VA 24401-4350 www.stonewalljacksonhotel.com

Super 8 Motel.............................540-433-8888 Vikas Gandhi 3330 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-2674 www.super8-va.com

The Village Inn...........................540-434-7355 Kevin Early 4979 South Valley Pike, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3933 www.thevillageinn.travel

Accounting & Tax Services Brown, Edwards, & Company, LLP........................540-434-6736 Jeff A. Smith 124 Newman Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-4004 www.becpas.com (Please see our ad on page 31) CPA Source Accounting LLC.......1-540-437-2350 Marsha Neilson 1951 Evelyn Byrd Ave, Suite H, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.cpasourceaccounting.com

Deavers Tax Service Inc...............540-298-9912 Loraine Deavers 80 Ashby Avenue, Elkton, VA 22827

Diversified Business Services.......540-896-3663 Keith Bly 128 S. Main Street, Broadway, VA 22815

Graham and Poirot CPAs LLC........540-433-2001 Peter Poirot 57 South Main Street, Suite 507, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3725 www.grahamandpoirotcpas.com

43 Covenant Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 hamptoninn3.hilton.com

H&R Block..................................540-896-1163 Theodore Booker

Massanetta Springs Camp & Conference Center...................540-434-3829 William P. Vance

Loker CPA LLC..........................1-540-437-2350 C. Wayne Loker

2200 Hollow Run Rd, Luray, VA 22835

712 Massanetta Springs Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-2259 www.massanettasprings.org

1951 Evelyn Byrd Ave, Suite H, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.lokercpa.com

Microtel Inn & Suites by Wyndham..............................540-437-3777 Angela Payne

Maxine Z. Magri, CPA..................540-433-8483 Maxine Magri

85 Pleasant Valley Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-0000 www.microtelinn.com

Motel 6......................................540-433-6939 Alonda Wallace 10 Linda Lane, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-8850 www.motel6.com

Quality Inn.................................540-442-1515 Christine Forehand 1881 Evelyn Byrd Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3487 www.choicehotels.com/virginia/harrisonburg/qualityinn-hotels/va673?source=lb

451 University Blvd., Suite B, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3758 www.magricpa.com

Martin, Beachy & Arehart, PLLC....540-433-2488 R. Scott Beachy 209 North High Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-3801 www.mba-cpas.com

Miller and Jameson, CPAs............540-434-3825 Alan L. Miller 202 North Liberty Street, #100, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-3836

PBMares, LLP.........................540-434-5975 Mike Garber 558 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-0000 www.pbmares.com (Please see our ad on page 11) Valley Bookkeeping Services, Inc...............................540-896-3056 Patsy Evans 156 N. Main St, Timberville, VA 22853-0336

Young, Nicholas, Branner & Phillips LLP.............................540-433-2581 David Black 1041 South High Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-9506

Advertising - Promotional Items Commonwealth Promotional LLC.........................540-887-2660 Brad Thorpe 36 Lucas Road, Fishersville, VA 22939 www.commonwealthpromotional.com

Daniel’s Promotional Products....540-434-4240 Daniel Newberry 2060 Pro Pointe Lane, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-8021 www.danielspro-ad.com

Muddy Feet Graphics..................540-574-3338 Todd Dofflemyer 2061-E Evelyn Byrd Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.muddyfeetgraphics.com

Advertising Agencies Adcom Group/ Privott Advertising.....................540-574-4448 Robert R. Privott PO Box 694, Harrisonburg, VA 22803-0694

Cobalt Communications..............540-689-0288 Leslie Harris 100 N. 5th St. Suite B, Elkton, VA 22827 www.cobaltcommunications.com

Gravity Group.............................540-433-3071 Lindsey Laughlin 107 East Water Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-4067 www.gravitygroup.com

AgriBusiness Back Home on the Farm..............540-442-6110 Lynne Hess 2915 Willow Run Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.BackHome-ontheFarm.com

Cargill........................................540-896-7750 Alan Shelton 480 Coop Drive, Timberville, VA 22853

Cargill Value Added Meats Retail...............................540-879-2522 Randy Batson PO Box 158, Dayton, VA 22821-0158 www.cargill.com

Dairymen Specialty Co., Inc.........540-433-9117 Teresa Butcher 2098 John Wayland Hwy., Harrisonburg, VA 22801-4508 www.dairymenspecialty.com

George’s, Inc...............................540-984-6813 John Tranum 1620 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.georgesinc.com

Pet Dairy....................................540-442-6000 Greg Harper PO Box 120, Mt. Crawford, VA 22841-0120

Pilgrim’s Pride Corporation.........540-901-6110 LouAnn Zirk 330 Co-op Drive, Timberville, VA 22853 www.pilgrims.com

Rockingham Cooperative............540-434-3856 Norman Wenger 1040 South High Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-0000 www.rockinghamcoop.com

Select Genetics, LLC....................320-235-8850 Richard VanderSpek 1800 Technology Drive NE, P.O. Box 753, Willmar, MN 56201 www.agforte.com

Shenandoah Growers, Inc............540-896-6939 Timothy A. Heydon 3156 North Valley Pike, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.shenandoahgrowers.com

Showalter’s Orchard & Greenhouse, LLC DBA Old Hill.......540-896-7582 Sarah Showalter 17768 Honeyville Road, Timberville, VA 22853 www.showaltersorchard.com

Turkey Knob Apples & Peaches....540-896-3079 Jaime Williams 17581 Mechanicsville Road, Timberville, VA 22853-2115 www.turkeyknobapples.com

Virginia Poultry Federation.........540-433-2451 Hobey Bauhan PO Box 2277, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-0000 www.vapoultry.com

Virginia State Dairymen’s Association...............540-828-6960 Eric Paulson PO Box 29, Bridgewater, VA 22812 www.vsdaonline.com

Agriculture Mason Dixon Lavender Farm.......540-249-7620 Ron Winters 19149 Huckleberry Rd, Elkton, Virginia 22827 www.masondixonlavenderfarm.com

Antiques Blue Ridge Hospice Thrift Shop....540-271-0337 Blue Ridge Hospice Thrift Shop 182 Neff Ave Suite 1-4, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.blueridgehospice.org

Stonecrop Antiques, LLC..............540-434-0893 Charles & Judy Warren 5348 South Valley Pike, Mt. Crawford, VA 22841

Apartment Cambridge Court Apartments......540-249-4332 Rebecca Vaughan 1203 Randall Road, Grottoes, VA 24441 www.humphreymanagement.com/dfh/tabid/81/ default.aspx

Chestnut Ridge Apartment Homes......................540-574-2252 Leigh Pinner 181 Chestnut Ridge Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.chestnutridge-apts.com

Christophel Properties................540-434-2100 Paul Christophel 94 Dutchmill Court, Suite J, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3340

Colonnade Apartments...............540-442-7368 Tina Conner 351 North Mason Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.colonnadeapartments.info

www.hrchamber.org 45

Denton Downtown Properties.....540-289-5790 Tripp Denton

OASIS Fine Art & Craft.................540-442-8188 Keith Barch

Lenhart Pettit PC........................540-437-3113 Cathleen Welsh

Massanutten Resort...................540-289-9441 Sarah Elson-Staniunas

The Greens at Chestnut Ridge......540-564-0011 June Holsinger-Boshart

Schultz Theatre and School of Performing Arts......................540-896-9600 Neil Marrin

Litten & Sipe, LLP.......................540-434-5353 Stephen Heitz

Shenandoah Caverns Family of Attractions..................540-477-3115 Joe Proctor

PO Box 65, Penn Laird, VA 22846 www.dentondowntown.com

128 Chestnut Ridge Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3444 www.thegreensatchestnutridge.com

Longview Oaks Apartments.........540-433-0228 Karen Ashby 480 Vine Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-6401 www.longviewoaksapartments.com/

Meriwether Hills Apartments......540-434-4300 Ryan Pearson 151 Colonial Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-2721 www.meriwetherhills.com

The Reserve at Stone Port......540-434-2000 Kehris Snead 2015 Reserve Circle, Rockingham, Virginia 22801 www.liveatstoneport.com (Please see our ad on page 18) Residential One..........................540-434-5490 Angela D. Wiseman 2510 Mosby Court, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.res1.net

Riner Rentals.............................540-438-8800 Paul Riner

1587 Port Republic Road, Suite 3, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3580 www.rinerrentals.com

Sharpe Family LLC t/a Oak Hill Apartments...................540-434-8869 Phil Sharpe 208 Governors Lane, PO Box 147, Harrisonburg, VA 22803-0147

Shenandoah Valley Apartment Guide........................804-739-8555 Michael Bognar PO Box 1495, Midlothian, VA 23113 www.apartmentsharrisonburg.com

Architects APR Associates, P.C. Architects.....540-434-9807 Fred Bosserman 286 East Market Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-4131 www.aprassoc.com

103 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3602 www.oasisfineartandcraft.org

J Frank Hillyard Middle School , Broadway, Virginia (VA) 22815 www.schultztheatre.com/

Stoney Run Artisans....................540-289-5132 Sarah Upshur 9945 McGaheysville Rd, McGaheysville, VA 22840 www.stoneyrungallery.com/

The Village Arts Center, LLC.........540-560-2974 Dawn Murray 141 South Main Street, P.O. Box 815, Broadway, VA 22830 thevillageartscenter.weebly.com

Assisted Living Avante at Harrisonburg...............540-433-2791 Ressa Baugher 94 South Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-2827 www.avantegroup.com

Brookdale Senior Living Solutions..........................540-574-2982 Jennifer McNamara 2101 Deyerle Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-8025 www.brookdale.com/

Journeys Crossing..................540-298-0054 Carla Monger 102 North Stuart Avenue, Elkton, VA 22827 www.valleycaremanagement.com (Please see our ad on page 29) Pleasant View Inc.......................540-896-8255 Pamela Miller 14883 Spar Mine Rd, Timberville, VA 22853 www.pleasantviewinc.org

Timberview Crossing..............540-896-9858 Kathy Smith 351 New Market Road, Timberville, VA 22853 www.valleycaremanagement.com (Please see our ad on page 29) Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community - Assisted Living.......540-564-3550 Maureen Pearson

Blue Ridge Architects..................540-437-1228 Randy Seitz, AIA, LEED GA

1401 Virginia Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.vmrc.org

The Gaines Group, PLC.................540-437-0012 Charles Hendricks

Botkin Rose................................540-437-0019 Kevin Rose

Moseley Architects......................540-434-1346 Jim Henderson, AIA

Clark & Bradshaw, PC..................540-433-2601 Mark Callahan

126 W. Bruce St. Suite 102, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3716 www.blueridgearchitects.com

141 West Bruce Street, Suite 201, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.thegainesgroup.com

50 West Market Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3709 www.moseleyarchitects.com

Sease & Associates......................540-433-1218 John Sease 560 Neff Avenue, Suite 100, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-8017 www.seaseandassociates.com

Arts Arts Council of the Valley/ Court Square Theater..................540-801-8779 Jenny Burden 311 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.ValleyArts.org

Attorneys/Legal Services 3190 Peoples Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-7600 www.botkinrose.com

92 North Liberty Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-3733 www.clark-bradshaw.com

Layman & Nichols, P.C.................540-433-2121 Michael L. Layman 268 Newman Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-4028 www.layman-nichols.com

LegalMatch................................415-946-0800 Nancy Smith 395 Oyster Point Blvd #550, South San Francisco, CA 94080 www.legalmatch.com/find/Virginia-Lawyers.html

Leitner Law Group, PLC...............540-442-7700 Cathy Leitner 2565 John Wayland Hwy, ste 110, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-0000


PO Box 1287, Harrisonburg, VA 22803-1287 www.lplaw.com

410 Neff Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3434 www.littensipe.com

MartinWren, P.C.........................434-817-3100 Kirk Becchi 400 Locust Ave, Suite 1, Charlottesville, VA 22902 www.martinwrenlaw.com

Miller, Earle & Shanks, PLLC.........540-564-1555 Nathan H. Miller, Mg Ptr 560 Neff Avenue, Suite 200, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-8017 www.harrisonburglaw.com

Stone Law Group........................540-432-0157 Phillip C. Stone, Jr. 250 East Market Street, Suite A, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.stonelawva.com

Wharton Aldhizer & Weaver PLC.........................540-434-0316 Rebecca Rawley 100 South Mason Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-7528 www.wawlaw.com (Please see our ad on page 29)

Attractions Blue Ridge Tours, Inc...................540-289-9559 Kelli Nichols 1850 Meadow Vista Lane, McGaheysville, VA 22840-0000 www.BlueRidgeTours.com

CrossRoads: Valley BrethrenMennonite Heritage Center.........540-438-1275 Greg Yoder 1921 Heritage Center Way, Harrisonburg, VA 22803-1563 www.vbmhc.org

Explore More Discovery Museum....540-442-8900 Lisa Shull 150 S. Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.iExploreMore.com

1822 Resort Dr, Massanutten, VA 22840 www.massresort.com

261 Caverns Road, Shenandoah Caverns, VA 22847 www.shenandoahcaverns.com

Shenandoah River Adventures....888-309-7222 Rodney Turner 415 Long Avenue, Shenandoah, VA 22849 www.shenandoahriveradventures.com

The Valley Turnpike Museum.......540-432-8935 Brenda Black 212 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.visitharrisonburgva.com

Virginia Quilt Museum................540-433-3818 Kimberly McCray 301 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3606 www.vaquiltmuseum.org

WILD GUYde Adventures, LLC.......540-433-1637 Lester Zook 1047 Stuart Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-2437 www.wildguyde.com

Auctioneer Enlisted Auctions........................540-337-3446 Ben Yoder 1263 Cold Springs Road, Stuarts Draft, VA 24477 www.enlistedauctions.com

Audio Systems & Network Wiring AVIA, LLC....................................540-867-0303 David Rieves 4060 South Main St., Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.go-avia.com

Automotive Charlie Obaugh Chevrolet Buick GMC Kia RV........................540-885-8893 Eric Obaugh

Hardesty-Higgins House Visitor Center.............................540-432-8935 Brenda Black

410 Lee Jackson Hwy, Staunton, VA 24401 www.charlieobaugh.com

Harrisonburg-Rockingham Civil War Orientation Center......................540-432-8935 Brenda Black

2860 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-2664 www.emautosupply.com

212 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.visitharrisonburgva.com

212 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.visitharrisonburgva.com

The Heritage Museum and Historical Society........................540-879-2616 Penny Imeson 382 High St., Dayton, VA 22821 www.valleyheritagemuseum.org

House of Clues, LLC.....................540-810-0623 Tara Einstein 737A East Market Street, Shannon Hills Office Park, Harrisonburg, Virginia 22801 harrisonburgescaperoom.com

Luray Zoo A Rescue Zoo...............540-743-4113 Christine Kilby 1087 US HWY 211 West, Luray, VA 22835 www.lurayzoo.com

Massanutten Adventures............540-289-4066 Kelli Nichols 1850 Meadow Vista Lane, Massanutten, VA 22840-0000 www.massadventures.com

E & M Auto Paint & Supply Corporation.....................540-433-2471 Sheldon Whitmore, Jr.

Kingmor Supply, Inc....................540-433-0073 Floyd W. Morris, Jr. 3400 Cross Keys Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-2410 www.kingmorsupply.com

Rice Tire.....................................540-442-7444 John Brown 3228 North Valley Pike, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.ricetire.com

Automotive - Sales Bob Wade Auto World.................540-434-3900 John Wade 3005 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-2669 www.bobwadeautoworld.com

Dick Myers Chrysler Dodge Jeep....540-433-1600 Suzy Anthony 1711 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-0000 www.dickmyers.com

Harrisonburg Nissan, Inc.............540-564-1111 Ed Lewis 2275 East Market Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-8761 www.harrisonburgnissan.com

Joe Bowman Auto Plaza..............540-434-6731 Joe Bowman 2455 E. Market Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-8763 www.joebowmanautoplaza.com

Myers Ford, Inc...........................540-298-1271 John J. Myers, Jr. 13959 Spotswood Trail, Elkton, VA 22827-0086 www.myersford.com

Steven Toyota.............................540-434-1400 Steven Sodikoff 2970 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-2666 www.steventoyota.com

Valley Honda, Nissan, Subaru, & Volkswagen................540-213-9000 Scott Simons 296 Lee Jackson Highway, Staunton, VA 24401-0000 www.myvalleyhonda.com

Automotive - Service and Repair AAMCO Transmissions and Total Car Care.......................540-433-1232 Tom Imeson 1851 Reservoir Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-0000 www.harrisonburgautorepair.com

Blue Sky Radiator & Electrical Shop............................540-432-6666 Bill Rader 601 North Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-4620

Curb Appeal Automotive Paint Pro, LLC.............................540-564-1130 Jim Estep Curb Appeal Automotive Paint Pro, LLC, 2431 John Wayland Highway, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.curbappealautobody.com

Dan’s Body Service, Inc................540-434-8889 Donald Hensley 2591 Harpine Highway, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.dansbodyservice.com

Harrisonburg Ford.................540-434-0700 Jennifer Henline 3155 S. Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.harrisonburgford.com (Please see our ad on page 5) Homer’s Automotive, LLC............540-298-9153 Brian Purdham 6384 E Point Road, Elkton, VA 22827 www.homersautomotive.com

Interstate Batteries....................540-433-7111 Brian Siegrist 51A Burgess Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.interstatebatteries.com

Michael’s Auto Body....................540-434-0074 Roger Michael 3116 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-2670 www.michaelsautobodyrepair.com/

Midas Auto Service.....................540-432-6623 Gary Bauserman 282 University Blvd., Harrisonburg, VA 22801

Moyers Automotive, LLC..............540-434-7525 Johnny Moyers 613 West Market Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-0000 www.moyersautomotive.com

Ray Carr Tires.............................540-434-3633 Colleen Grattan 335 North Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.raycarrtiresandautoservice.com

Aviation Dynamic Aviation Group, Inc........540-828-6070 Michael A. Stoltzfus

Shenandoah Valley Regional Airport....................540-234-8304 Greg Campbell 77 Aviation Circle, Weyers Cave, VA 24486-0125 www.flyshd.com (Please see our ad on page 28)

Bakery Peace, Love, and Little Donuts.....540-707-9199 Matt Hershey 865 Port Republic Rd., STE 107, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.facebook.com/plldofharrisonburg

Banks/Lenders/Mortgages Ameriserv Financial Bank.........1-800-837-2265 Sam Ashworth 2322 Blue Stone Hills Drive, Suite 160, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.ameriserv.com

Bank of the James Shenandoah Valley.....................540-437-9886 Thomas Rea 1391 South High Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.bankofthejames.com

BB&T Bank.................................540-801-1253 Chris Ellis 250 Neff Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-0000 www.bbandt.com

Blue Ridge Bank.........................540-432-7970 Jonathan Comer 563 Neff Avenue, Suite B, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.mybrb.com

Carter Bank & Trust.....................540-432-6101 Timothy K. Wines 75 North Mason Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-4147 carterbankandtrust.com/

CommonWealth One Federal Credit Union...................540-801-1295 Vincent Cash 42 Terri Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-8853 www.cofcu.org

DuPont Community Credit Union.............................540-946-3200 Jess Gelser 1820 South High Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.mydccu.com (Please see our ad on page 7) Farm Credit of The Virginias........540-434-5385 Scot Lilly 4646 South Valley Pike, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-0000 www.farmcreditofvirginias.com

Farmers & Merchants Bank....540-896-8941 Holly Thorne PO Box 1111, Timberville, VA 22853 www.fmbankva.com (Please see our ad on page 37) First Bank..............................540-465-9121 Jeff Smith 301 W Spotswood Trail, Elkton, VA Virginia 22827 fbvirginia.com (Please see our ad on page 19) First Bank & Trust Company...540-434-0671 Larry Packett 120 University Blvd, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-5102 www.firstbank.com (Please see our ad on the back cover)

First Bank & Trust Company...540-828-2020 David Kiracofe 610 B North Main Street, Bridgewater, VA 22812 www.firstbank.com (Please see our ad on the back cover) First Citizens Bank......................540-433-6722 Debra Callison 320 University Blvd., Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3755 www.firstcitizens.com

Mosaic Federal Credit Union........540-564-6080 Cathy Hollar 31 South Carlton Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-4324 www.mosaicfcu.org

Park View Federal Credit Union...540-434-6444 John Beiler 1675 Virginia Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-8327 www.pvfcu.org

Pendleton Community Bank....540-214-2070 Dan Withers 57 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.yourbank.com (Please see our ad on page 30) Pioneer Bank and Valley Finance Service, Inc....................540-433-9981 Bill Groseclose 890 West Market Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-2106 www.pioneerbks.com

Primary Residential Mortgage........................... 540-433-6611 x103 David Bates 128 W. Market St., Suite 101, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3430 www.mtgdeal.com

Summit Community Bank.... 540-442-6776 x481 Dennis Snyder 224 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-9507 www.mysummit.com

SunTrust Bank............................540-568-1044 Tony Roedersheimer PO Box 1312, 180 East Market Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22803-1312 www.suntrust.com

Union Bank & Trust................540-434-8495 Russ Blanton 390 University Boulevard, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.bankatunion.com/home/home (Please see our ad on page 22)

VBS Mortgage............................540-442-8583 Diane Buchanan 2040 Deyerle Avenue, Suite 207, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3583 www.vbsmortgage.com

Virginia National Bank................434-962-2076 Sam Ashworth c/o Sam Ashworth, 163 Fairway Dr., Harrisonburg, VA 22802 vnb.com

Wells Fargo Bank NA...................540-564-5206 Melissa Self 141 East Market Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-4128 www.wellsfargo.com

Wells Fargo Home Mortgage.......540-438-8899 Alisa Spiggle 1964 Evelyn Byrd Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3423 www.wellsfargo.com

Woodforest National Bank..........540-433-3660 Terri Smith 171 Burgess Road, Located inside Walmart, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.woodforest.com

Bed and Breakfasts By the Side of the Road Bed & Breakfast.........................540-801-0430 Janice Fitzgerald 491 Garbers Church Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.bythesideoftheroad.com

Breweries Brothers Craft Brewing...............540-421-6599 Adam Shifflett 800 N. Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-0000 brotherscraftbrewing.com/

Pale Fire Brewing Co...................540-217-5452 Tim Brady 217 S Liberty St #105, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.palefirebrewing.com

Building - Commercial Dean Steel Erectors.....................540-434-7465 Tom Morris 5366 North Valley Pike, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-0000 www.deansteel-dse.com

Evermore Construction...............540-433-8293 Ernie Campbell 4060 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.evermoreconstruction.com

Union Bank & Trust Grottoes................................ 540-249-3556 Jennifer Shifflett 106 Sixth Street, Grottoes, VA 24441-1192 www.bankatunion.com/ (Please see our ad on page 22)

Harman Construction, Inc...........540-434-4459 Wayne Witmer

Union Bank & Trust - Harrisonburg Commercial Banking..............540-568-2080 Greg Godsey 1920 Medical Avenue, Suite E, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3755 www.bankatunion.com (Please see our ad on page 22)

3011 John Wayland Hwy.,, Dayton, VA 22821-2000 www.harrisonburgconstruction.com

Union Bank & Trust Main Branch.......................... 540-432-1777 Ashley Stevens 440 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.bankatunion.com (Please see our ad on page 22) United Bank...............................540-432-9300 William Todd Chapman 110 University Blvd., Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3746 www.bankwithunited.com

1024 Pleasant Valley Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-9790 www.harmanconstruction.com

Harrisonburg Construction Company, Inc..............................540-434-9560 Bob Ryder

Lantz Construction Company.......540-896-8911 Douglas Driver 539 South Main Street, Broadway, VA 22815-0515 www.lantzcc.com

McDaniel Contractor Services......540-298-9476 Cory Redifer 15386 Old Spotswood Trail, Elkton, VA 22827-0061 www.mcdanielcontractorservices.com

Nielsen Builders, Inc...................540-434-7376 Jim DeLucas 3588 Early Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-9724 www.nielsen-inc.com

1402 Airport Road, Bridgewater, VA 22812-0007 www.dynamicaviation.com

www.hrchamber.org 47

Overhead Door Company of Shenandoah Valley.................540-433-3903 Robert Olaker 1573 CF Pours Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-0000 www.overheaddoorsv.com

Rhodenizer Construction, LLC......540-433-1078 Wade Robinson 3028 John Wayland Hwy, Dayton, VA 22821 www.rhodenizerconstruction.com

Trost Custom Homes, Inc.............540-820-3304 Ben Trost PO Box 227, Harrisonburg, VA 22803 www.trostcustomhomes.com

Valley Custom Homes..................540-433-3233 Chris Russell 2040 Deyerle Avenue, Suite 205, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.valleyhomesusa.com

Campgrounds Harrisonburg/Shenandoah Valley KOA..................................540-896-8929 Monica Morgan-Hucul 12480 Mountain Valley Road, Broadway, VA 22815-3749 www.koa.com/campgrounds/harrisonburg/


Venture Builders, Inc..................540-434-7927 James Maust

Country Cupboard Catering.........540-943-0026 Patsy Wood

PO Box 808, Harrisonburg, VA 22803-0808

PO Box 1193, Harrisonburg, VA 22803 www.venturebuildersinc.com

Skanska USA Building.................540-400-3834 Scott Rivenbark

Walnut Hill Builders....................540-820-9839 Joel Davis

Piedmont Concessions, LLC dba ‘’Crabdaddy’s’’......................434-249-8274 Michael Kelly

Rockingham Construction Co.......540-433-1000 Winston Weaver

820 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22807 www.skanska.com

Stone Hill Construction, Inc.........540-879-2804 Bev London 112 Meigs Lane, Dayton, VA 22821 www.stonehill4va.com

Superior Concrete, Inc........... 540-433-2482 x22 Tony Wilt PO Box 1147, Harrisonburg, VA 22803-1147 www.superiorconcreteinc.com

Valley Renovators Inc..................540-801-0172 JM Snell, II 3909 Cavalry Lane, Penn Laird, VA 22846-9638 www.valrenonline.com

Building - Developers Evergreene Homes......................540-605-9530 Scott Timmermans 3371 Vera Vista Path, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.prestonlakeva.com

Building - Exterior Maintenance Don Largent Roofing Inc.............540-434-0868 Michael B. Taylor PO Box 627, Harrisonburg, VA 22803-0627 www.donlargentroofing.com

Dutch Way, LLC...........................540-564-1322 Dale Shank 27 White Picket Trail, Mt. Crawford, VA 22841-2361 www.dutchway.com

Golden Rule Services...................540-249-9227 Mark Harding 400 Aspen Avenue, Grottoes, VA 24441 www.goldenruleservicesva.com

Skyline Roofing..........................540-879-2279 Phil Clem 112 Meigs Lane, Dayton, VA 22821 www.skylineroofingonline.com

Building - Residential CDH Framing, Div. of Valley Renovators.......................540-801-0877 JM Snell 3909 Cavalry Lane, Penn Laird, VA 22846-0000 www.valrenonline.com

Harlow Remodeling Company, LLC.............................540-810-0211 Mike Harlow 879 Rockingham Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22802

Harpine Drywall Company..........540-896-4139 Tony Harpine 117 Hartz Blvd, Broadway, VA 22815

RJF Construction, LLC..................540-652-3268 Jim Printz 317 North 4th Street, Shenandoah, VA 22849 www.rjfconstruct.com/

2915 Diamond Spring Lane, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.walnuthillbuilders.com

Building - Site Preparation A & J Development and Excavation...........................540-433-4921 Kathie Brandt 425 Cecil Wampler Road, Mt. Crawford, VA 22841-2172 www.teamaandj.com

Partners Excavating Company.....540-433-1475 Marcia Stutzman 859 Cottontail Trail, Mt. Crawford, VA 22841 www.partners-excavating.com

Perry Engineering Company, Inc.....540-667-4310 Mike Perry 1945 Millwood Pike, Winchester, VA 22602 www.perryeng.com

Building - Speciality Bldgs & Sheds Byler’s Barns & Backyards............540-433-3990 Steve Byler 3318 N. Valley Pike, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.bylerbarns.com

Building - Supplies/Equipment Frazier Quarry............................540-434-6192 Kevin Baker 75 Waterman Drive, PO Box 588, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.frazierquarry.com

831 Rockfire Road, Waynesboro, VA 22980

1809 East Main Street, Waynesboro, VA 22980

Chambers of Commerce Harrisonburg-Rockingham Chamber of Commerce................540-434-3862 800 Country Club Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-5033 www.hrchamber.org


Valley Building Supply................540-434-6725 Tom Dawson 210 Stone Spring Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-9651 www.valleybuildingsupply.com

Building - Well-Drilling Burner Well Drilling, Inc..............540-289-9421 Gary F. Burner 604 Island Ford Road, PO Box 98, McGaheysville, VA 22840-0098 www.burnerwelldrilling.com

Business Mergers, Acquistions and Valuations Murphy Business Blue Ridge LLC DBA Murphy Business Brokers & Appraisers.....540-248-8899 Richard K. Halterman II, CPA 2269 Lee Highway, Mt. Sidney, VA 24467 www.halterman-murphy.com


Stanley Steemer of Harrisonburg....540-437-1801 James Phillips 1200 Keezletown Road, Weyers Cave, VA 24486-0000 www.stanleysteemer.com

Cleaning Services Anna’s Top to Bottom Cleaning Service.........................540-705-4720 Melissa Knoll 318 Old South High St, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.facebook.com/ AnnasTopToBottomCleaningService

Classic Cleaners..........................540-432-6080 Patty Rodeffer

AVA Care of Harrisonburg............540-434-0685 Susan Null 833 Martin Luther King, Jr Way, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-4323 www.avacareforyou.org

Church World Service Immigration and Refugee Program.................540-433-7942 Jim Hershberger 250 East Elizabeth Street, Suite 215, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.cwsglobal.org

Harrisonburg Baptist Church...540-433-2456 Cindy Kite 501 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-5818 www.hbcalive.org (Please see our ad on page 36)

R.S. Monger and Sons, Inc...........540-434-3882 James B Higgs

PO Box 126, Broadway, VA 22815 www.rockydalequarries.com

PO Box 1605, Harrisonburg, VA 22803 www.spotlessVA.com

Churches/Faith-Based Organizations

463 Hidden Creek Lane, Harrisonburg, VA 22801

Steve Wingfield Evangelistic Association..............540-433-0769 Steve Wingfield

Rockydale Mundy Quarries..........540-833-2061 Ricky Dellinger

Spotless Specialty Cleaning & Restoration...............540-434-1292 Doug Detrick

Cherubs Cleaning Service............540-560-3696 Elly Lafkin 382 Trenton Ave, Shenandoah, VA 22849 www.cherubscleaningservice.com

Mt. Olivet Christian Church..........540-574-0670 Wayne Wright

265 Chesapeake Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3617 www.mongerlumber.com

PO Box 670, Harrisonburg, VA 22803 www.greensolutionscleaning.net

AC Chiropractic...........................540-433-6909 Alan Cason

Martin’s Native Lumber, Inc.........540-879-2518 Kenny Martin 3319 Lumber Mill Road, Dayton, VA 22821-3045 www.martinsnative.com

Cleaning - Carpet & Upholstery Green Solutions Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning.............540-705-6171 Barry Click

38 Mt. Olivet Church Road, Elkton, VA 22827-3415

2389 Grace Chapel Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.stevewingfield.org

Civic Clubs Harrisonburg Women’s Service League Elizabeth Kistler PO Box 1502, Harrisonburg, VA 22803-0000 www.hwsl.org

Kiwanis Club of Harrisonburg Virginia, Inc...........540-820-8498 Dennis Baugh 2651 Hawksbill Road, McGaheysville, VA 22840 www.kiwanisclubofharrisonburg.org

Rotary Club of Harrisonburg........540-568-2341 Tom DuVal PO Box 683, Harrisonburg, VA 22803-0683 www.harrisonburgrotary.org

Stonewall Jackson Area Council, Boy Scouts of America.................540-943-6675 Matt Dale 801 Hopeman Parkway, Waynesboro, VA 22980 bsa-sjac.org

171 Neff Ave., Suite B, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.classiccleaners.net/

Merry Maids...............................540-234-0501 Joel Wildermuth PO Box 98, Weyers Cave, VA 24486-0098 www.merrymaids.com

More 4 Less Cleaning..................434-760-3838 Jeff Williams 84 Roxbury Drive, Fishersville, VA 22939 www.more4lessva.com

Squeeky Clean............................540-339-3432 Susan Huffman 3400 Cross Keys Rd, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 besqueekyclean.com

TCL Cleaning and Janitorial.........540-435-2738 Tiffanny Morris 4729 Mount Clinton Pike, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.tclcleaning.com/

Community Organizations Alzheimer’s Assoc. Central & Western Virginia Chapter............ 434-973-6122, ext. 116 Sue Friedman 1160 Pepsi Place, Suite 306, Charlottesville, VA 22901-0000 www.alz.org/cwva

American Cancer Society Relay For Life of HarrisonburgRockingham..................... 540-434-3360 (ext 3) Annika Dean 420 Neff Avenue, Suite 210, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.relayforlife.org/rockinghamcountyva

American Red Cross Central Virginia Chapter..............434-979-7143 Christine Drake 1105 Rose Hill Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22903-5130 www.redcross.org/centralvirginia

The Arc of Harrisonburg and Rockingham........................540-437-9214 Shea Godwin 620 Simms Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-4813 www.hrarc.org

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Harrisonburg-Rockingham..........540-433-8886 Lindsey Douglas

Harrisonburg Downtown Renaissance...............................540-432-8922 Andrea Dono

Shenandoah Valley Technology Council.....................540-568-7882 Nicky Swayne

Blue Ridge Area Food Bank.........540-248-3663 Carrie Covey

Harrisonburg Tourism and Visitor Services.....................540-432-8935 Brenda Black

Skyline Literacy..........................540-433-0505 Elizabeth Girvan

225 North High Street, Suite 1, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-3826 www.bbbshr.org

96 Laurel Hill Rd., Verona, VA 24482-0937 www.brafb.org

Blue Ridge Safety Association.....540-942-2733 Katelyn Haupt 917 Chicago Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.blueridgesafety.org

Boys & Girls Club of Harrisonburg & Rockingham County.................540-434-6060 Lori Kizner 620 Simms Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22803-0000 www.bgchr.org

Breaking Free ............................540-896-8505 Joseph Lynch 15150 Strooptown Road, Timberville, VA 22853 www.breakingfreetsd.org

Bridge of Hope Harrisonburg-Rockingham..........540-478-2356 Stephanie Resto PO Box 535, Harrisonburg, VA 22803-0535 www.bridgeofhopeinc.org

Bridgewater Historicial Society....540-828-9986 Ben Beydler PO Box 102, Bridgewater, VA 22812 www.bridgewaterhistoricalsociety.com

Central Valley Habitat for Humanity..............................540-828-6288 Marsha Smith PO Box 245, Bridgewater, VA 22812-0245 www.centralvalleyhabitat.org

Collins Center & Child Advocacy Center.........................540-432-6430 Melissa Fisher 217 S Liberty St, Suite 205, PO Box 1473, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.thecollinscenter.org

Community Foundation Harrisonburg..............................540-828-1080 Revlan Hill 150 Wildwood Drive, Bridgewater, VA 22812 www.the-community-foundation.org

Crossroads to Brain Injury Recovery Inc...............................540-568-8923 Sharon Moore 600 University Blvd, Blue Ridge Hall, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.c2bir.org

DePaul Community Resources.....540-437-0033 Tonya Dunlap 36 Southgate Court, Suite 102, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-9668 www.depauldifference.org

FairField Center (facilitation & training)...............540-434-0059 Timothy Ruebke 111 East Market Street, Suite B, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3600 www.fairfieldcenter.org

Goodwill Industries of the Valleys, Inc.......................540-432-9600 Misty Adams PO Box 6159, Roanoke, VA 24017 www.goodwillvalleys.com

Harrisonburg-Rockingham Association of REALTORS.............540-433-8855 Bob Hill 2050 Pro Pointe Lane, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-4266 www.hrar.com

212 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3606 www.downtownharrisonburg.org

212 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3605 www.visitharrisonburgva.com

Hope Distributed Community Development.............................540-578-3510 Felicidad Martinez 1871 Boyers Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.hopedistributed..org

JMU Alumni Association..............540-568-2631 Ashley Privott Leeolou Alumni Center, MSC 4402, 2002 Alumni Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22807-0001 www.alumni.jmu.edu

Kingsway Prison & Family Outreach.........................540-433-5658 Louise Jennings 2217 S. Main St., Duke’s Plaza, PO Box 2335, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.kingswayprisonfamilyoutreach.com

Massanutten Property Owners Association.....................540-289-9466 G. Carter Miller 3980 Massanutten Drive, McGaheysville, VA 22840-2906 www.massanuttenvillage.com

Mercy House, Inc........................540-432-1812 Shannon Porter PO Box 1478, Harrisonburg, VA 22803-1478 www.themercyhouse.org

Rockingham County 4-H..............540-564-3080 Dara Booher 965 Pleasant Valley Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-9630 www.offices.ext.vt.edu/rockingham

Rockingham County Republican Party........................540-908-7050 Dan Cullers 182 Neff Ave, Suite 7, Harrisonburg, VA 22801

Rockingham Harrisonburg ASAP....540-434-0154 Pam Simmons 350 North Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-3933 www.vasap.state.va.us/asap/asap_rockingham.htm

Rockingham Union Lodge A.F. & A.M. No. 27 Chip Rothery 114 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.rockinghamunion27.com/

Rockingham-Harrisonburg SPCA....540-434-5270 Anne Anderson 2170 Old Furnace Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.rhspca.org

The Salvation Army.....................540-434-4854 Ashley Gordon-Becker 185 Ashby Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-4605 www.salvationarmyharrisonburgva.org

Shenandoah Valley Builders Association...................540-860-1281 Michelle Johnson PO Box 1286, Harrisonburg, VA 22803-1286 www.valleybuilders.org

Shenandoah Valley Partnership....540-568-3100 Carrie Hileman-Chenery 220 University Boulevard, Suite 2100, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.shenandoah-valley.biz

127 W Bruce Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.svtc-va.org

160 N. Mason Street, Suite A, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.skylineliteracy.org

United Way................................540-434-6639 Laura Toni-Holsinger 100 S Mason St, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.healthycommunitycouncil.org

United Way of Harrisonburg & Rockingham County.................540-434-6639 Laura Toni-Holsinger

100 South Main Street Suite A, PO Box 326, Harrisonburg, VA 22803 www.uwhr.org

Valley Program for Aging Services-Harrisonburg Rockingham Region....................540-568-5687 Beth Bland 601 University Blvd Room 159, Harrisonburg, VA 22807 www.vpas.info

Computer Supplies JaymaxX, LLC..............................540-434-2128 Chip McIntyre 1150 Kiln Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.jaymaxxonline.com

Computers - IT Support/Networking

At The Wheel Coaching................540-874-2647 Letitia Bates 57 South Main Street, Suite 403, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.atthewheelcoaching.com/

Barnes Technologies International LLC .......................540-246-6313 Susan K. Barnes 169 Blue Stone Hills Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3410 www.barnestechint.com

The Chuck and Buddy College of Business Knowledge...............703-850-7400 Chuck (Berry-Hoover) Boles 200 Claremont Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.buddycollege.com

Dove Development and Consulting...........................540-810-7903 Wesley & Cindy Dove 1575 Cory Lane, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.dove-development.net

Synergy Life & Wellness Coaching LLC..............................540-746-5206 Christina Kunkle 4033 Cannery Woods Drive, Bridgewater, VA 22812 www.synergylifeandwellnesscoaching.com

Consultants - General Shenandoah Valley Small Business Development Center...................540-568-3227 Joyce Krech 127 W. Bruce Street, MSC 5502, Harrisonburg, VA 22807 www.valleysbdc.org


Form Networks, LLC....................540-437-3737 Samantha Sommers

Kanawha Stone Company...........540-289-1414 Eileen Prosser

High Speed Link.net...................540-437-0195 Alex Phillips

R.C. Showalter Builders, LLC........540-867-9420 Russell Showalter

3221 Peoples Drive, Suite 160, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-0000 www.formnetworks.com

1528 Country Club Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.highspeedlink.net

IT Decisions................................540-908-4223 Ross Carter 139 N Liberty St., Suite 103, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.itdec.com

Vision Technology Group LLC.......540-437-0112 W.C. Tolbert 125 West Bruce Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.vtg.biz

Construction Management Paul Davis Restoration................540-740-2696 Brent Wilson 9644 S. Congress Street, New Market, VA 22844 www.pdrva.com

Consultants Responsive Management............540-432-1888 Alison Lanier 130 Franklin Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.responsivemanagement.com

Transformational Impact LLC.......703-606-8931 Robert McFarland 5570 Indian Trail Road, Rockingham, VA 22802 www.transformationalimpactllc.com

Consultants - Coaching/Training APICS - Blue Ridge Chapter..........540-560-7042 David Warren 105-A Lew Dewitt Blvd., Suite 270, Waynesboro, VA 22980 www.blueridgeapics.org

9986 Spotswood Trail, McGaheysville, VA 22840 www.kanawhastone.com

7941 Eden Valley Road, Rockingham, VA 22802-0042 www.facebook.com/RCShowalterBuilders

Counseling Center for Marriage and Family Counseling......................540-433-1546 Reagan Eshleman 96 Campbell Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.cmfc.org

Family Life Resource Center........540-434-8450 Andrea Bieber 273 Newman Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-4027 www.flrc.org

Deirdre Staton, LCSW, PLLC..........540-820-4396 Deirdre Staton 217 S. Liberty Street, Suite 201, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.deirdrestaton.com

Day Care - Child Care Generations Crossing..................540-434-4901 Laurie Deavers 3765 Taylor Springs Lane, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.generationscrossing.com

Good Shepherd School & Day Care.......................540-564-2929 Steve McClay 991 Chicago Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-5433 www.goodshepherdschools.com

Harrisonburg-Rockingham Child Day Care Centers, Inc..........540-434-5268 Delores Jameson 281 East Market Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.hrdaycare.org

www.hrchamber.org 49

Second Home Child Care Center....540-432-7989 Krisztina Szekely 281 East Market Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 secondhomeva.com

Dentists/Oral Surgeons Blue Stone Hills Dentistry...........540-433-3625 Sarah Janowski 2342 Blue Stone Hills Dr. , Harrisonburg , VA 22801 bluestonehillsdentistry.com

Dental Health Associates.............540-433-2613 Dennis Calvano 3340 Emmaus Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.mydentalhealthassociates.com

Drs. McIntyre and Whiting...........540-828-2312 Becky McIntyre 115 Oakwood Drive, Bridgewater, VA 22812-0000 www.smilesforlifeonline.com

Exceptional Smiles Family Dentistry.........................540-434-5500 Victoria Zagliada 563 University Blvd., Suite 140, Harrisonburg, Virginia 22801 www.ExceptionalSmiles.Dental

Goodwin Oral and Facial Surgery....540-705-0195 William Goodwin 3200 Peoples Drive, Ste 210, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 GoodwinOFS.com

Hall & Dean DDS, PLLC.................540-432-1215 Amelia Hall 2575 Evelyn Byrd Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22801

H. McNeill Hutson, DDS...............540-434-1125 H. McNeill Hutson 129 University Blvd., Suite C, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3751

Mountain View Dental Team....540-432-0609 Kathryn Biery 4100 Quarles Court, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-8797 www.mvdteam.com (Please see our ad on page 35) Alan D. Robbins, D.D.S.................540-896-5351 Alan Robbins PO Box 602, Timberville, VA 22853

Shenandoah Oral and Facial Surgery, PLC......................540-433-1751 Aaron Quitmeyer 2031 Legacy Lane, Rockingham, VA 22801 www.shenandoahofs.com

Education American National University......540-432-0943 Wandile J. Maseko 1515 Country Club Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-0000 www.an.edu

Blue Ridge Christian School....540-828-2233 100 Dinkel Avenue, Bridgewater, VA 22812-0207 www.brcschool.org (Please see our ad on page 26) Blue Ridge Community College.................................. 540-234-9261 John A. Downey One College Lane, Weyers Cave, VA 24486-0080 www.brcc.edu (Please see our ad on page 36) Bridgewater College...................540-828-5680 Abbie Parkhurst 402 East College Street, Bridgewater, VA 22812-1599 www.bridgewater.edu

Eastern Mennonite University..............................540-432-4000 Susan Schultz Huxman 1200 Park Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-2462 www.emu.edu (Please see our ad on page 27)

Study Group...............................540-568-4372 Adam Copeland

Harrisonburg City Public Schools............................540-434-9916 Scott Kizner

B & B Electrical Systems..............540-432-7915 Gary McDonald

One Court Square, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-0000 www.harrisonburg.k12.va.us

Harrisonburg Education Foundation................................540-434-9916 Zanetta Ford Byrd Harrisonburg City Public Schools, 1 Court Sqaure, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.harrisonburgeducationfoundation.com/

James Madison University...........540-568-6211 Lisa Hajdasz 208 Alumnae Hall, MSC 7608, 91 Alumnae Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22807 www.jmu.edu

James Madison University Lifelong Learning Institute....540-568-2923 Nancy Owens 127 W. Bruce St. MSC 9006, Harrisonburg, VA 22807 www.jmu.edu/lli (Please see our ad on page 27) JMU Corporate & Foundation Giving......................540-568-4121 Cannie Campbell MSC 4401, Harrisonburg, VA 22807 www.jmu.edu

Madison Center for Community Development...........540-568-5272 Nick Swartz 1077 South Main Street, MSC 1506, Funkhouser House, Harrisonburg, VA 22807 www.jmu.edu/mccd

Massanutten Technical Center....................540-434-5961 Kevin Hutton 325 Pleasant Valley Road, Harrisonburg, Virginia 22801 www.mtcva.com (Please see our ad on page 7) On the Road Collaborative...........540-360-1123 Brent Holsinger The Hub Coworking, 128 West Bruce Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 ontheroadcollaborative.com

Outdoor Learning Center at Horizons......................540-896-7600 Julie Fisher 3856 Horizons Way, Rockingham, VA 22802 www.horizonsoutdoorlearningcenter.com

Redeemer Classical School..........540-437-0880 Teresa Patton 1688 Indian Trail Road, Keezletown, VA 22832-0000 www.redeemerclassical.org

Rockingham County Public Schools............................540-564-3230 Carol Fenn 100 Mount Clinton Pike, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-3707 www.rockingham.k12.va.us

Rockingham Educational Foundation, Inc..........................540-564-3218 Katie LaPira 100 Mount Clinton Pike, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 refi.rockingham.k12.va.us/

Eastern Mennonite School..........540-236-6000 Paul Leaman 801 Parkwood Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-2499 www.easternmennoniteschool.org


396 S. High St., Harrisonburg, VA 22807 corporate.studygroup.com/

Electrical 30 Baxter Drive, Unit 120, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-0000 www.bbsystemsinc.com

Phil Blosser - Lighting Design & Electrical Contractor................540-434-3990 Phil Blosser 1620 Country Club Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.blosserlighting.com

Dean Brothers, Inc......................540-433-8873 Steve Dean 1358 North Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-4635 www.deanbrothersinc.com

Electric Motor Sales & Service, Inc..............................540-434-6466 Roy Zirk, Jr. 1640 North Valley Pike, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-1129

Graybar......................................540-214-3200 Floyd Johnson 3175 S Main St, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.graybar.com

Histand Services.........................540-705-7815 Joel Histand 3390 Fort Lynne Road, Rockingham, VA 22802

Mid Valley Electric.......................540-433-6815 Tim Link 1180 South High Street, #100, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-1521

Price’s Electric Motor Repair........540-896-9451 Buck Price

EMS PHI Air Medical: AirCare 5............540-453-2000 Jim Miller 43 Aviation Circle, Suite 103, Weyers Cave, VA 24486 www.facebook.com/AirCare5-Medevac-ShenandoahValley-135376658619/

Engineering/Surveying Balzer & Associates, Inc...............540-433-1908 William Moore 128 West Market Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.balzer.cc

Blackwell Engineering, PLC.........540-432-9555 Dick Blackwell 566 East Market Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-4241 www.blackwellengineering.com

Valley Engineering.....................540-434-6365 Daniel Michael, PE 3231 Peoples Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-7600 www.valleyesp.com

Entertainment Knockerball Harrisonburg...........540-333-0873 Dirk Taylor 1765 Janie Lane, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 knockerballharrisonburg.com/

Environmental Services Commonwealth Environmental Associates, Inc............................540-442-0550 Ryan Cramer 1910 Erickson Ave, Suite 11, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.commonwealthenvironmental.com

Pure Environmental....................877-617-2847 Stan Jones

356 3rd Avenue, Timberville, VA 22853

3060 North Valley Pike, Rockingham, VA 22802 www.purenvironmental.com

Trumbo Electric..........................540-896-7095 Brent Trumbo

SERVPRO....................................540-433-6100 Wanda Delaney

258 North Timber Way, Broadway, VA 22815-0038 www.trumboelectric.com

Womack Electric Supply..............540-434-1738 Brian Taylor 2475-D S. Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.womackelectric.com

Employment Agencies Kelly Services, Inc.......................540-433-5993 Frank McMillan

1951 Evelyn Byrd Avenue, Suite G, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3483 www.kellyservices.com

Manpower, Inc...........................540-442-7625 Patricia Hoke 2061Evelyn Byrd Avenue, Suite A, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3442 www.us.manpower.com

Qualified Staffing of Virginia, DBA Adams & Garth....................540-434-9675 Melissa Wampler 625 Mount Clinton Pike, Suite A, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-2547 www.adamsandgarth.com

Telamon Corporation..................540-705-4440 Magaly Quinones Guzman 250 East Market Street, Suite C1C2, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.telamon.org

Virginia Employment Commission...............................540-830-4993 David Silcox PO Box 351, Harrisonburg, VA 22803-0351 www.vec.virginia.gov

3211 People’s Drive, #140, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.servproharrisonburgrockinghamcounty.com

Equipment Sales & Rentals Appalachian Equipment & Supply of Virginia....................540-434-8338 Marvin Baker 600 North Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-4621 www.appalachianequipment.com

Cave Hill Corporation..................540-289-5051 Walter M. Hopkins PO Box 335, McGaheysville, VA 22840-2306 www.cavehillcorp.com

Davis Equipment Services, LLC.....540-433-0767 Joyce Davis 4297 North Valley Pike, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-1117 NES Rentals................................540-433-0011 JoAnn Will 141 LeRay Circle, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.nesrentals.com

Shade Equipment Company, Inc.....540-433-6440 Ruth Turner 4072 North Valley Pike, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-1115 www.shadeequipment.com

Event Facilities 1380 Blackberry Lane.................540-564-1380 Cindy Carr 1380 Blackberry Lane, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.1380blackberrylane.com

On Sunny Slope Farm..................540-830-5400 Harry Jarrett 1000 Ericsson Avenue, Rockingham, VA 22801 www.onsunnyslopefarm.com

Extended Stays Affordable Corporate Suites........540-432-7992 Sheila Caldwell 20 Pleasant Hill Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-5709 www.affordablecorporatesuites.net

Residence Inn by Marriott...........540-437-7426 Brian Gearhart 1945 Deyerle Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-0000 www.residenceinn.com/shdhr

Valley Suites...............................540-437-1440 Alexandra Karageorge 2420 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-2609 www.extendedstayvalleysuites.com

Eye Care Colonial Optical Company, Inc......540-433-2642 Kasey Hulvey 210 University Blvd., Harrisonburg, VA 22801

MobileEYES................................540-434-6622 Michael Gowen 1870 Reservoir Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.shenandoaheyecare.com

Rockingham Eye Physicians and Associates............................540-433-2485 Kenlyn S. Miller 1921 Medical Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3437 www.rockinghameyephysicians.com

Financial Services Alpha Omega Investment Advisors...................804-955-1612 Holly Ruff, CFA 1450 Commerce Rd., Suite 6, Staunton, VA 24401 www.aowealth.com

Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc Burkholder & Associates..............540-442-1110 Brian Burkholder 560 Neff Ave, Ste 400, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.ameripriseadvisors.com/brian.burkholder

Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Andrew Huggins, CFP..................540-434-4956 Andrew Huggins, CFP 4030 Quarles Court, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-8716

Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Everette F. Driver, CFP.................540-434-0432 Michael A. Bowen, CRPC 2565 John Wayland Hwy., Suite 112, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-0000 www.ameripriseadvisors.com/everette.f.driver/

Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Steve Krech, CRPC.......................540-434-3622 Steve Krech, CRPC 373 Neff Ave, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3430 www.ameripriseadvisors.com/stephen.a.krech

Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., Koogler Financial Group..............540-434-0484 Patricia Koogler, CPA, CRPC® , CLTC® 373 Neff Ave, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.ameripriseadvisors.com/patricia.f.koogler

Barkey Financial and Trust Services, LLC.......................540-849-6265 Eric Barkey 715 N. Main Street, Bridgewater, VA 22812 www.barkeyfinancial.com

BB&T Scott & Stringfellow...........540-434-2882 Travis Marshall 250 Neff Avenue, Suite 200, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-8017 www.BBTScottStringfellow.com

Edward Jones - Bob Wheatley......540-828-0756 Bob Wheatley 121 North Main Street, Bridgewater, VA 22812 www.edwardjones.com

Edward Jones - Josh Lowe............540-574-1013 Joshua Lowe 625 Mount Clinton Pike, Suite D, Harrisonburg , VA 22802

Edward Jones - Ken Surber..........540-433-9278 Ken Surber 245 Newman Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-4027 www.edwardjones.com

Edward Jones - Sean Philpott......540-434-2457 Sean Philpott 4038 Quarles Court, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.edwardjones.com

Everence Financial Advisors / Everence Federal Credit Union.....540-437-7422 Joseph L. Lapp, JD 841 Mt. Clinton Pike, Suite A, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.everence.com/harrisonburg

Hess Financial............................540-246-0122 Stephan Hess, CFP 380 East Market Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.Hess-Financial.com

Jeff Harris & Assoc.......................540-574-2508 Chuck Williams ChFC 410 Neff Ave. , Suite 200, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.jeffharrisria.com

Kingston Enterprises..................540-421-7191 Kevin Shifflett 520 Fairway Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-0000 www.kingstonenterprises.com

Lantz & Gochenour Investment Group of Janney Montgomery Scott LLC.....540-236-9220 Michael Gochenour 313 Neff Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.lantzandgochenour.com

Larson Wealth Management ......540-574-4391 David T. Larson, CLU, CFP 578 East Market Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.askbluestone.com

Liquid Capital of Virginia.............540-221-2593 Terrence Campbell 105-A Lew Dewitt Blvd #102, Waynesboro, VA 22980 www.lcva.liquidcapitalcorp.com

Long Insurance & Financial Services.......................540-434-1512 Dreama A. Long 1891 Virginia Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.longinsurance.biz

Loomis Wealth Management, LLC.......................540-434-2505 William C. Loomis, III 1954 Evelyn Byrd Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.loomiswm.com

Morgan Stanley..........................540-438-7909 Robert Frakes 333-B Neff Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.morganstanleybranch.com/harrisonburg

Nichols Financial Group...............540-438-8173 Garry Nichols, MBA, CPA, CFP 4030 Quarles Court, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-8716 www.ameripriseadvisors.com/garry.r.nichols

Northwestern Mutual ................540-908-3414 Chris Bowen 420 Neff Ave, Ste 230, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.nmfn-blueridge.com

Raymond James Financial Services, Inc.-Kathy Moran..........540-434-7470 Marcie Harris 4149 Quarles Court, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-0000 www.raymondjames.com/virginia

Stern & Heatwole Financial PC.....540-438-0547 Christine Worontzoff 305 Lucy Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-8050 www.sternheatwole.com

Wells Fargo Advisors...................540-434-9926 Dan Grandstaff 2011 Evelyn Byrd Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.wellsfargoadvisors.com

Fitness Centers Crossfit Harrisonburg..................540-810-2689 Garth Kunkle 2511-B East Market Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.cfharrisonburg.com

Hot Yoga Harrisonburg............... 540-433-YOGA Anita Yoder 90 North Main Street, Harrisonburg, Virginia 22801 www.hotyogaharrisonburg.com

Orangetheory Fitness Harrisonburg..............................540-324-2314 Mary Davis 1005-B Port Republic Rd, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 orangetheoryfitness.com

DS Services (Crystal Springs)........804-349-9375 Gary Hughes 4930 Old Midlothian Turnpike, Richmond, VA 23224 crystal-springs.com

Edible Arrangements..................540-433-6006 Terry Timbrook 2035 East Market Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.ediblearrangments.com

McNett Angus Beef.....................540-830-8396 Austin McNett 28 Hatchery Rd. , Grottoes, VA 24441 www.McNettAngusBeef.com

Sherri’s Crab Cakes......................717-761-3322 Keith Behney 1909 State Street, Camp Hill , Pennsylvania 17011 www.sherriscrabcakes.com

Sysco Virginia, LLC......................540-434-0761 Dave Kraft 5801 South Valley Pike, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-7520 www.sysco.com

Virginia Eagle Distributing Company, LLC.............................540-248-8131 Scott Heinz PO Box 496, Verona, VA 24482-0496


Planet Fitness............................540-246-0309 Brad Driver

Friendship Industries, Inc......540-434-9586 Sandra Quigg 801 Friendship Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-4566 www.friendship-industries.com (Please see our ad on page 36)

RMH Wellness Center..................540-564-5680 Melinda Swisher


1790 E. Market Street, Suite 74, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.planetfitness.com

2500 Wellness Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-9662 www.rmhwellnesscenter.com

U Fit, LLC....................................540-688-7296 Dawn Flowers 639 North Main Street, Suite 102/103, Mount Crawford, VA 22841 www.ufitva.com

The Wellness Center at VMRC.......540-574-3850 Melinda Noland 1481 Virginia Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.vmrc.org

Florists Blakemore’s Flowers, Inc.............540-434-4461 Abby Long 4080 Evelyn Byrd Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.blakemoresflowers.com

The Wishing Well........................540-908-2333 Terrie Dean 243 Neff Avenue, Suite U, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-0000 www.thewishingwell.biz

Food & Beverage Services Andros Foods NA.........................540-217-4100 Kelly Good Singleton 10119 Old Valley Pike, Mt. Jackson, VA 22842 www.androsna.com

Blue Ridge Beverage..................540-941-3730 Jacqueline Archer 349 South Oak Lane, Waynesboro, VA 22980-0142 www.blueridgebeverage.com

Coca-Cola Refreshments USA.......888-890-7377 Kathleen Regan P.O. Box 29165, Hot Springs, AR 71912 www.ccep.com/

DaddyG Foods LLC.......................804-357-2670 Chris Galiffa

Eastlawn Memorial Gardens....540-434-3827 Keith Coffman 3289 Spotswood Trail, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-2218 www.dignitymemorial.com (Please see our ad on page 35) Johnson Funeral Service, Inc.......540-828-2542 John Johnson

208 South Main Street, PO Box 41, Bridgewater, VA 22812-0041 www.johnsonfs.com

Lindsey Funeral Home & Crematory...............................540-434-7318 Shelly Biller 473 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3608 www.lindseyharrisonburg.com

W. A. Hartman Memorials...........540-434-2573 Douglas Pence 459 Noll Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-3995

Gas/Oil/Propane Amerigas...................................540-434-6745 Bob Bowman 1631 Red Oak Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-8308 www.amerigas.com

C.L. Custer, LLC............................540-434-8888 Brent Miller 2010 West Market Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-9078

Dixie Gas & Oil Corporation..........540-248-6273 Chris Earhart 229 Lee Highway, PO Box 900, Verona, VA 24482 www.dixiegas.com

Holtzman Oil Corporation and Holtzman Propane...............540-433-2626 Bill Holtzman PO Box 8, Mt. Jackson, VA 22842-0008 www.holtzmancorp.com

Harrisonburg, VA 22802

www.hrchamber.org 51

Neogas North America................803-408-8866 Terry McCormick 266-B Evans Road, Lugoff, SC 29078 Neogas.us

Quarles Energy Services..............540-434-3434 John Shifflett 1006 West Market Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-9001 www.quarlesinc.com

Rockingham Petroleum Coop......540-434-4321 Irvin Armentrout 981 North Liberty Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.rockinghampetroleum.com

Gifts, Awards & Souvenirs Manufacturing Silver Lake Mill/LDA Creations.....540-879-2800 Stan Farthing 2328 Silver Lake Road, Dayton, VA 22821 www.silverlakemill.com

Glass Repair Glass Doctor...............................540-289-5260 Chad Wilcher 1740 Country Club Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.glassdoctor.com/harrisonburg-va

Golf Heritage Oaks Golf Course...........540-442-6502 David Johns 680 Garbers Church Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-8412 www.heritageoaksgolf.com

Lakeview Golf Club.....................540-434-8937 Dean Greer 4101 Shen Lake Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-2418 www.lakeviewgolf.net

Mulligan’s Golf Center.................540-432-9040 Nancy White 141 Carpenter Lane, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-9777 www.mulligans-golf.com

Packsaddle Ridge Golf Club.........540-269-8188 Brad Powell 3067 Packsaddle Trail, Keezletown, VA 22832-2128 www.packsaddle.net

Spotswood Country Club.............540-433-2659 Aki Heydarian 1980 Country Club Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-8841 www.Spotswoodcc.com

Government Armed Forces Recruiting Center (Army).............................540-434-6691 Raymond Maldonado 1645 Reservoir St, Suite 130, Box 4, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.goarmy.com/

Central Shenandoah Planning District Commission....................540-885-5174 Rebecca Joyce 112 MacTanly Place, Staunton, VA 24401-0000 www.cspdc.org

City of Harrisonburg.............. 540-432-7701 Kurt D. Hodgen 345 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-7531 www.harrisonburgva.gov (Please see our ad on page 3) Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services...............540-434-5981 John Jackson 351 North Mason Street, Suite 109, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.vadrs.org/

Harrisonburg City Electoral Board...........................540-432-7701 Sandra Price-Stroble

Brookhaven Natural Birth Center...............................540-437-9850 Misty Ward

Landes Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc...................540-434-5988 Jason Landes

Harrisonburg City Republican Committee...............540-432-6049 Greg Coffman

Generations Crossing..................540-434-4901 Laurie Deavers

Riddleberger Brothers, Inc..........540-434-1731 Kelly Blosser

Grace House, Inc.........................540-652-8926 Sue Kite

Star Heating and Cooling, Inc......540-433-1102 Bill Yount

409 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801

1062 Wyndham Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 harrisonburg.gop/

Harrisonburg Redevelopment & Housing Authority...................540-434-7386 Michael Wong 286 Kelly Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-4721 www.harrisonburgrha.com

Rockingham County...............540-564-3000 Stephen King 20 East Gay Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.rockinghamcountyva.gov (Please see our ad on page 3) Town of Broadway......................540-896-5152 Kyle O’Brien PO Box 156, Broadway, VA 22815-0156 www.town.broadway.va.us

Town of Dayton...................... 540-879-2241 Bobby Popowicz 125 B Eastview Street, Dayton, VA 22821-0215 www.daytonva.us (Please see our ad on page 30) Town of Elkton.......................540-298-9480 Wayne Printz 20593 Blue & Gold Drive, Elkton, VA 22827-1118 www.elktonva.gov (Please see our ad on page 11) Town of Grottoes, Inc. a Virginia Municipal Corp............540-249-5896 Jeff Nicely 601 Dogwood Avenue, Grottoes, VA 24441-0146 www.ci.grottoes.va.us

Town of Timberville....................540-896-7058 Austin Garber

1461 Brookhaven Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.brookhavenbirth.com

3765 Taylor Spring Lane, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-0000 www.generationscrossing.com

509 Third Street, Shenandoah, VA 22849 www.GraceHouseShenandoah.org

Harrisonburg Ob-Gyn Associates....540-434-3831 Cathy Slusher, M.D. 2291 Evelyn Byrd Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-5424 www.harrisonburgobgyn.com

Harrisonburg-Rockingham Free Clinic..................................540-433-5431 Keith Gnagey 25 West Water Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3624 www.hrfreeclinic.org

Hearing At Home........................540-908-8910 Michael Combs 128 West Bruce Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.hearingathomeva.com

Hearing Healthcare of Virginia....540-421-7736 Kara Farver 1951 F Evelyn Byrd Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.hearvirginia.com

Life Care Center of New Market....540-740-8041 Natalie Fitzwater 315 E Lee Hwy, New Market, VA 22844 lifecarecenterofnewmarket.com

MedExpress Urgent Care.............540-432-3080 Kathy Schwartz 1840 East Market Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-0000 www.medexpress.com

Shenandoah Women’s Healthcare.................................540-438-1314 Tracey Barb

392 South Main Street, Timberville, VA 22853 www.townoftimberville.com

240 Lucy Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-8036 www.swhc.net

Virginia Economic Development Partnership...........804-545-5700 Matt McLaren

Valley Fitness.............................540-433-3434 Val Holmes

One James Center, 901 East Cary Street, Suite 900, Richmond, VA 23219

Grocery Stores Friendly City Food Co-op Inc........540-801-8882 Steve Cooke 150 East Wolfe Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.friendlycity.coop

Kroger.......................................540-432-1830 Matt Hall 1790 E Market St, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.kroger.com

Red Front Supermarket...............540-433-9171 John W. Garber, Jr. 677 Chicago Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.redfront.com

Health Services Access Dermatology, PC...............540-434-1756 Mary Mather 563-A Neff Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.access-dermatology.com

BioLife Plasma Services..............540-801-0672 Jonathan Williams 269 Lucy Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-8036 www.biolifeplasma.com


381 Lucy Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-8050

Valley Health Plan......................540-564-7126 Stephanie Hutchens PO Box 388, Harrisonburg, VA 22803-0388 www.valleyhealthplan.com

Virginia Blood Services...............434-390-5742 John Pepper Harrisonburg Donor Center, 182 Neff Ave., Stes. 11 and 12, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.vablood.org

White Birch Communities............540-879-9699 Patricia Hughes 847 Oakwood Dr., Rockingham , VA 22801 whitebirchcommunities.com

Heating & Air Conditioning Blauch Brothers Inc....................540-434-2589 James Blauch, Jr. PO Box 1092, Harrisonburg, VA 22803 www.blauchbrothers.com

Cii Service..................................540-434-8569 Curtis E. Edwards 1062 Chicago Avenue, Suite A, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.ciiservice.com

101 West Mosby Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.landeshvac.com

6127 South Valley Pike, Mt. Crawford, VA 22841-0027 www.rbiva.com

1045 B South High Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-1520 www.starheatingcooling.com

Holistic Health Four Seasons Harmony................540-383-9589 Whitney Erwin Ice House Studios, 217 S. Liberty St. Suite 201, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.fourseasonsharmony.com

Home & Garden Harper’s Statuary & Water Gardens.........................540-434-8978 Doug Harper 2670 North Valley Pike, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-1101 www.harpersstatuary.com

Valley Water Gardens, LLC...........540-879-2555 Charles Williams 3094 John Wayland Highway, Dayton, VA 22821-0000 www.valleywatergardens.com

Home Health Services Care is There Geriatric Care Management......................540-246-0211 Elizabeth Swider 785 Pewter Court, Charlottesville, VA 22911 www.careisthere.com

First Choice Home Health Services, LLC....................540-434-3916 370 Neff Avenue, Suite P, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.firstchoice4you.com

Home Instead Senior Care...........540-213-7800 Roger Boles 11 Green Hills Drive, Suite 5, Verona, VA 24482-0000 www.homeinstead.com/staunton Park View Village........................540-705-0432 Paul Yoder 1515 Park Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22803 www.parkviewvillageva.org

Roberts Home Medical, Inc..........540-564-1194 Dennis Johnson 1970 Evelyn Byrd Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3423 www.robertshomemedical.com

Senior Helpers............................540-746-7060 Fred Haar 30 Ladd Road, Fishersville, VA 22939 www.srhelpersva.com

Switchboard Health & Wellness....540-434-9653 Lewis Driver 1064 Switchboard Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.hscwater.net/lewisd

Team Nurse................................540-574-4321 Brittany Dorman 1012 Reservoir Street, Suit A, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.teamnurse.com

Home Improvement ACME Stove & Fireplace Center.....540-433-9181 Larry Parlee 1702 East Market Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-5104 www.acmestoveco.com

Black’s Paint & Floor Covering......540-433-9207 Donna Black 625 West Market Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-2103 www.blackspaintandfloorcovering.com

Human Resource Services Grow Forward Solutions Patrice & Associates....................540-217-6490 George Wooten

Classic Kitchen & Bath.................540-437-1990 Jill McGlaughlin

107 S. Main St., Ste 1, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 PatriceJobs.com/GrowForwardSolutions

Design Concrete Builders, Inc......540-421-8686 Eugene Friesen

Corrugated Container Corporation................................540-869-5353 Jeff Davis

1930 Deyerle Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3484 www.classickitchens.com

950 Smith Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-0000 www.designconcretebuilders.com

Eagle Carpet, Inc.........................540-434-1818 Rodney Eagle 1188 Port Republic Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3510

Fix-It Home Repairs....................540-298-1776 Chad Wilcher 1740 Country Club Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.fixitrepairs.net

Galindez Painting, Inc.................540-434-2222 Michelle Galindez 1780C South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801

May Supply Company..................540-433-2611 Larry G. Fanella 1775 Erickson Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-8555 www.maysupply.com

Randy’s Do It Best Hardware.......540-896-5403 Randall Andes PO Box 1122, Timberville, VA 22853 www.randyshardware.com

Rocking R Ace Hardware, a division of Rockingham Cooperative, Inc......540-434-9967 Bill Freeman 1030 South High Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.rockingrhardware.com

Valley Handyman Services..........540-294-6119 George Drumheller 371 Statlon Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22802

Weaver’s Floor Covering - Weaver’s Flooring America........................540-433-1517 Kenneth G. Weaver 3245 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-2676 www.weaversflooringamerica.com

Hospice Service Southern Care, Inc......................540-801-0406 Lori Sue Mason 420 Neff Ave. Suite 110, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.southerncarehospice.com

Hospitals & Clinics Emergicare of Harrisonburg........540-432-9996 DeeAnna Orebaugh 343 Neff Avenue, Suite C, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.emergicares.com

Sentara RMH Medical Center....540-689-1000 Sarah Wichael 2010 Health Campus Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-0000 www.sentara.com (Please see our ad on page 23) Valley Urgent Care & Occupational Medicine................540-434-5709 Michelle Seekford 119B University Blvd, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.valleyurgentcareva.com

Individual Members

905 Jonathan Street, Woodstock, VA 22664 www.cccbox.com

John Miller.................................540-828-3021 316 North First Street, Bridgewater, VA 22812-1313

Richard R. J. Morin,.....................540-820-9725 620 Allegheny Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22802

Old Hickory Storage Buildings.....540-830-1755 Gregory Turner 113 Granny Smith Drive, Timberville, VA 22853

Peyton Yancey Holdings, LLC........540-896-7604 D. Peyton Yancey 486 Crestover Drive, Broadway, VA 22815

Michael Yankey...........................540-896-1637 Michael Yankey 236 Old Mill Lane, Broadway, VA 22815

Information Technology Services NWG Solutions...........................434-979-0555 James Fretwell 913 E Market St., Charlottesville, VA 22902 www.nwgsolutions.com/

Insurance Allstate Insurance Company Abbas Rawoot............................540-564-2400 Abbas Rawoot 167-D North Liberty Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-0000 www.allstateagencies.com/abbasrawoot

Allstate Insurance Company Tom Wimer.................................540-434-3950 Tom Wimer 243-H Neff Ave, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 agents.allstate.com/tom-wimer-harrisonburg-va1. html

American National / Farm Family Insurance................540-908-4926 Donna Preziuso 35 Southgate Court, Suite 201, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 agent.farmfamily.com/harrisonburg/donna_preziuso/

Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield..........................540-853-5037 Lisa Yerly 2221 Edward Holland Drive, Mail Drop VA4001-R405, Richmond, VA 23230 www.anthem.com

Apex Insurance Group.................540-214-2418 Valery Ischinger 3221 Peoples Dr. Suite 150, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 mlagents.americannational.com/ valeryischinger-16693/

Bankers Insurance, LLC...............540-434-4469 Lee Shuler 560 Neff Avenue, Suite 500, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-8051 www.bankersinsurance.net

BB&T Insurance Services, Inc.......540-437-1300 Thomas L. Beierle 328 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-0000 www.bbandt.com

Blosser Insurance Agency............540-298-1910 Burt Blosser 116 East Spotswood Avenue, Elkton, VA 22827-1512 www.blosserinsurance.com

Blue Ridge Insurance Services, Inc...............................540-437-9030 Karin Flagle 116 Reservoir Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-4232 www.brisinc.com

Echard Insurance Agency Inc..... 540-289-5119 Mark Echard 6884 Oak Shade Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-6033 www.echardinsurance.com (Please see our ad on page 9) Hammond Insurance Services.....540-442-8486 Dain Hammond 3230 Peoples Drive, Suite 110, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-9503 www.hammond-insurance.com

Integrity Insurance Group...........540-433-0200 Skip Frost 410 Neff Avenue, Suite 400, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.integritygroupva.com

Jenkins Insurance and Financial Services, Inc.................540-434-8388 Mike Jenkins 1920 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-5725 www.nwagent.com/mike_jenkins.html

LD&B Insurance and Financial Services.......................540-433-2796 Gene Diener 205 South Liberty Street, Suite A, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3621 www.ldbinsurance.com

Mark Thompson Rockingham Group.....................540-434-1144 Mark Thompson 370 Neff Avenue, Unit G, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-4266

Morris Insurance and Financial Services.......................540-896-7085 Emily Morris 148 North Main Street, Broadway, VA 22815-0005 www.morrisinsuranceva.com

NAIFA Shenandoah Valley ...........540-434-2500 Christy Miller 57 S Main Street, St 514, Harrisonburg , VA 22801

Northwest Registered Agent, LLC..................................509-768-2249 Drake Forester 906 W 2nd Ave suite 100, Spokane, WA 99201 www.northwestregisteredagent.com/virginiaregistered-agent.html

The Rockingham Group...............540-434-5344 Robert Lyon 633 East Market Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-4294 www.rockinghamgroup.com

State Farm Insurance Agency Field Office.....................540-908-5867 Tonya Sivinski PO 33, Elkton, VA 22827 www.statefarm.com

State Farm Insurance Robert Teague............................540-896-7472 Robert Teague PO Box 865, Broadway, VA 22815 www.insurewithteague.com

State Farm Insurance Agency Dennis C. Blackwell.....................540-433-5338 Dennis Blackwell 119 South Carlton Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-4326 www.statefarm.com

State Farm Insurance Shannon Lokey...........................540-879-2311 Shannon Lokey 9 Killdeer Lane, Dayton, VA 22821 www.shannonlokey.com

State Farm Insurance Jeffrey S. Rebich, ChFC, CPCU.......540-289-9611 Jeffrey S. Rebich, ChFC, CPCU 9980 Spotswood Trail, McGaheysville, VA 22840-2421 www.jeffrebich.com

Town and Country Insurance ......540-641-2668 Larry Elkins 316 N Main Street, Bridgewater, Virginia 22812 www.townandcountry-insurance.com

Transamerica.............................540-810-4945 Michael Simmons 2597 Ralston Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.transamerica.com

WoodmenLife.............................540-879-9249 Roger Lilly 3045 John Wayland Hwy., Dayton, VA 22821-0600 www.woodmen.org

Interior Design House of Oak & Sofas..................540-432-1383 Merle Wenger 2265 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 houseofoak.com

Janitorial/Maintenance First Time Cleaning LLC...............540-433-2869 James Ware 40 Southgate Court #202, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 firsttimecleaning.net

Landscaping/Lawn Services Fine Earth, LLC............................540-432-7977 Chad Layman 1126 North Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-4631 www.fineearthllc.com

Ground Illusions Landscaping......540-574-0278 Jim Thompson 3050 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-0000 www.groundillusionslandscaping.com

Mast Landscapes, Inc..................540-432-0788 Jennifer Rucinski 5420 Jesse Bennett Way, Linville, VA 22834 www.mastlandscapes.com

Rodamer’s Landscaping Inc.........540-434-9448 Chuck Rodamer

State Farm Insurance Bobby Dudley Agency.................540-433-2448 Bobby Dudley

951 Acorn Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.rodamerslandscaping.com

State Farm Insurance - Courtney Litchford Insurance Agency Inc..................540-433-1916 Courtney Litchford Teague

967 Keezletown Road, Weyers Cave, VA 24486-0000 www.shreckhiselandscape.com

2760 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-2615 www.statefarm.com

1880 Reservoir Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-8742 www.courtneylitchford.com

Shreckhise Landscape & Design Service.........................540-234-9911 Jim Shreckhise

TruGreen....................................540-896-4700 John Rogers 412 Trumbo Court, Broadway, VA 22815-9161 www.trugreen.com

www.hrchamber.org 53

Ward’s Tree Service, Inc...............540-820-8733 Gary Ward

ComSonics, Inc............................540-434-5965 Jack Bryant

Weaver Irrigation & Lightscapes....540-434-5755 Lorraine Weaver

Excel Steel Works........................540-433-9131 Jay Monger

20 Martz Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.wardstreeservice.com

PO Box 204, Harrisonburg, VA 22803 www.weaverirrigationinc.com

Laundry & Dry Cleaning Staunton Steam Laundry, Inc......540-886-2304 Lee A. Beam PO Box 300, Staunton, VA 24402-0300 www.stauntonsteam.com

Valley Washers, Inc.....................540-434-8086 Gene Nemo 18 West Johnson Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.valleywashers.com

Legal Services CASA for Children........................540-213-2272 Juan Pablo Molina 119 W Frederick St., Staunton, VA 24401 casa4children.com

Cravens & Noll, P.C......................540-246-0684 Bryan Cave 1400 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 cravensnoll.com/

Libraries Massanutten Regional Library....................540-434-4475 Michael Evans 174 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3629 www.mrlib.org (Please see our ad on page 9)

Mail Services/Shipping

1350 Port Republic Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-1106 www.comsonics.com

1030 Greystone Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-1476

Gemini Coatings.........................540-434-4201 Scott Rott

Daily News-Record......................540-574-6200 Peter Yates

4850 Crowe Drive, Mount Crawford, VA 22841 www.intrapacgroup.com

231 South Liberty Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-0000 www.dnronline.com

Merck & Company.......................540-298-1211 Jeff Ko

Hometown Value Magazine........540-705-0977 Scott Price

2778 South Eastside Highway, Elkton, VA 22827-0007 www.merck.com

PO Box 1908, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.valleyhvmag.com

MillerCoors Shenandoah Brewery.................540-289-8201 Rachel Jackson

Target Marketing/ Southcomm Publishing ..............800-933-3909 Scott Robertson

5135 South Eastside Highway, Elkton, VA 22827-0025 www.millercoors.com

Montebello Packaging Inc...........540-437-0119 Mary Staubus 812 North Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.montebellopkg.com

Neff Lumber Mills, Inc.................540-896-7031 Mari Jo Wood PO Box 457, Broadway, VA 22815-0457 www.Nefflumber.com

Packaging Corporation of America.................................540-434-0785 Randy Aikens 930 Pleasant Valley Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-9629 www.packagingcorp.com

610 Pleasant Valley Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.reddyice.com

UPS............................................540-290-4895 Justin Freeman

Shickel Corporation....................540-828-2536 Jeff Stapel 115 Dry River Road, Bridgewater, VA 22812-1202 www.shickel.com

TB Pallets LLC.........................540-249-8900 Tommy and Tammy Begoon 3879 East Side Highway, Grottoes, VA 24441-4836 www.tbpallets.com (Please see our ad on page 31)

The UPS Store........................540-433-6245 John Mansour 1866 East Market Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 theupsstorelocal.com/0527 (Please see our ad on page 29)

Tenneco, Inc...............................540-434-2561 Christopher McHugh


Virginia Poultry Growers Cooperative, Inc.........................540-867-4000 James L. Mason

Ariake U.S.A., Inc........................540-432-6550 Traci Mallow 1711 North Liberty Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-4518 www.ariakeusa.com

Broadway Metal Works, Inc.........540-896-7027 Duane L. Showalter PO Box 125, Broadway, VA 22815-0125 www.broadwaymetal.com

Classic Distribution Inc.River Run Cabinetry....................540-438-5973 Chad McGlaughlin 4660 Early Road, Mt. Crawford, VA 22841-0000 www.riverruncabinetry.com

The Breeze.................................540-568-6127 Brad Jenkins

IntraPac Corporation..................540-434-4411 Randy Churchill

451 Pleasant Valley Road, Suite B, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-9738 www.firstclassservicesinc.com

1322 Hillside Ave, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 harrisonburg-va-6595.theupsstorelocal.com/

Media - Print 1598 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22807-0001 www.breezejmu.org

Reddy Ice...................................540-433-2751 Norbert Garcia

The UPS Store.............................540-434-9400 Peter Brown

P.O. Box 1112, Harrisonburg, VA 22803 www.valleyplayhouse.com

3333 Willow Springs Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-9732 www.gemini-coatings.com

First Class Services, Inc................540-432-0082 Linda Greene

74 Expo Road, Fishersville, VA 22939 www.ups.com

Media - General Valley Playhouse........................540-560-7501 Steve Winegard

3160 Abbott Lane, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-9750 www.tenneco.com

6349 Rawley Pike, Hinton, VA 22831-0228 www.vapoultrygrowers.com

Marketing broadSPECTRUM Marketing Services & Consultation..............................336-247-3951 Shonta Sellers 1690 Buckingham Drive, Rockingham, VA 22801

LogicFound................................434-227-4007 Rick Tamberrino www.lfci.com/


7766 Ewing Blvd. , Suite 200, Florence, KY 41042 www.chambermaps.com

Media - Radio Harrisonburg Radio Group...........540-434-0331 Steve Davis 1820 Heritage Center Way, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.harrisonburgradiogroup.com

Media - Web/Graphic Design The Chiedo Companies................540-391-0503 Anneke Bauman 50 W Market Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.chiedo.com

Immerge Technologies, Inc.........540-307-0766 William Roy 139 N. Liberty St., Suite 202, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.immergetech.com

SeeYouSEO.................................703-431-1106 Jonathan Kiser 616 Sugar Maple Lane, Harrisonburg, Virginia 22801 www.seeyouseo.com

Medical Transportation Harrisonburg Rescue Squad........540-434-2323 Mike Neff 1700 Reservoir Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-1477 www.rescue40.org

Modular/Pre-Fabricated Golden Rule Homes Inc...............540-434-1553 Kurt C. Herring 825 North Main Street, Mount Crawford, VA 22841-0000 www.goldenrulehomes.biz

Pat’s Manor Homes, Inc...............540-434-9951 Pat A. Harrold 3506 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-9760 www.patsmanorhomesinc.com

Mortgage Banking

iHeartMedia (formerly Clear Channel Media and Entertainment)....................540-434-1777 Bridgett Knupp

Atlantic Bay Mortgage Group......540-384-1437 Rachel Lotts

Star 94.3 FM/ESPN 1240 The Boss....540-885-5188 Gary Ratcliff

Embrace Home Loans .... 800-333-3004 ext 3846 Don Earman

WMRA and WEMC Public Radio....540-568-6221 Al Bartholet

INTEGRITY HOME MORTGAGE CORP.........................540-208-7771 Chris Carson

207 University Blvd., Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3749 www.kcycountry.com

PO Box 1085, Staunton, VA 24402 www.star94radio.com

983 Reservoir Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-4350 www.wmra.org

Media - Television Comcast.....................................804-915-5204 Melanie Miller 600 Hays Avenue, Staunton, VA 24401 www.comcast.com

WHSV TV-3.................................540-433-9191 Tracey Jones 50 North Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-3719 www.whsv.com

WVPT ........................................540-434-5391 Tony Mancari 847 MLK, Jr. Way, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3063 www.wvpt.net

Media - Video Appeal Production......................540-271-0023 Andy Vanhook 250 East Elizabeth Street,Suite #111, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.appealproduction.com

DIGICO Shoot | Post | Design.........540-433-6529 Joey Groah 29 West Water Street, Suite 103, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3624 www.godigico.com

185 Neff Avenue, Suite 104, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.atlanticbay.com

2342-B Bluestone Hills Drive, Harrisonburg, Viginia 22801 www.embracehomeloans.com/don-earman

4145 Quarles Court, Rockingham, VA 22801 www.ihmcloans.com

Movement Mortgage..................540-746-8358 Erin Chiles 1962 Evelyn Byrd Ave., Harrisonburg, Virginia 22801

Moving & Storage Acorn Mini-Storage Inc................540-574-3947 Teresa Bayes 950 Acorn Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-0000 www.acornministorageva.com

Bobby E. Harris Moving, LLC.........540-434-2269 Alice Harris 2721 Steel Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22801

Green Valley Auctions & Green Valley Moving...................540-434-4260 Greg Evans 2259 Green Valley Lane, Mt. Crawford, Virginia 22841 www.greenvalleyauctions.com AND www. greenvalleymoving.com

Harrisonburg Self Storage...........540-432-9657 Tammy Dean 2557 East Market Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-8764 www.harrisonburgselfstorage.net

Keens Storage Trailers & Containers..............................717-951-2087 Heather Keens PO Box 2334, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.keensps.com

Stow Away Self Storage & U-Haul....540-442-7869 Tom Oberholtzer 4068 Early Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.gostowaway.com

Office Equipment and Supplies LBM Office Solutions...................540-433-7283 David Stinnett 629 N Coalter Street, Staunton, VA 24401 www.lbmva.com

Miller’s Supplies At Work.............866-216-4812 Jody Dorsey 1154 Martinsburg Pike, Winchester, VA 22603-0000 www.millersatwork.com

Office Products, Inc.....................540-434-8958 Cheryl Harmon 4011 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-9771 www.furniture-systems.com

Shenandoah Valley Office Equipment........................540-434-7549 Tim Hebb PO Box 878, Verona, VA 24482-0878 www.svoe.net

Virginia Business Systems...........434-961-2592 2422 Richmond Highway, Suite E, Charlottesville, VA 22911-3629 www.vabusinesssystems.com

W.B. Mason................................540-434-5386 Larry Sutler 2515 E. Market Street, Suite D, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.piferos.com

Pediatrics Harrisonburg Pediatrics, P.C........540-434-3004 Cheryl Long 1947 Medical Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3437 www.harrisonburgpediatrics.com

Performing Arts The Forbes Center for the Performing Arts at James Madison University...........540-568-4393 Regan Byrne 147 Warsaw Avenue, MSC 2107, Harrisonburg, VA 22807 www.jmuforbescenter.com

Harrisonburg Harmonizers..........540-208-7889 Jim Bell Providence Baptist Church, 1441 Erickson Ave, Harrisonburg, VA 2280, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 harrisonburgharmonizers.com

Shenandoah Valley Bach Festival..............................540-432-4652 David Mccormick 1200 Park Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.emu.edu/bach

Pest Control The Mosquito Authority..............434-985-2844 Carmen Lynch PO Box 511, Ruckersville, VA 22968 www.bugsbite.com

Pet Shop Nerdy Dog’s Pet Shop..................540-208-7717 Donna Finnigan 1030 West Market Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801

Pharmacies Elkton Family Pharmacy.............540-298-9090 Randy Bryant 111 South Stuart Avenue, Elkton, VA 22827-0000

Medicap Pharmacy Pro Pointe Lane..........................540-433-6337 Jathan Payne 2091 Pro Pointe Lane, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-8021 www.medicap.com/366

Photography Housden Photography................540-432-3686 Pat Housden 1688 Port Republic Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3520 www.housdenphoto.com

Joshua Gooden Photography.......540-246-6826 115 Maple Leaf Lane Elkton, Virginia 22827

Monica Grimes Portrait Design....540-705-6096 Monica Grimes 234 W. Lee Hwy, Hewitt Hall Room 213, New Market, VA 22844 www.monicagrimes.net

Robert Good Photography..........540-289-9795 Patti Good 12517 Spotswood Trail, Elkton, VA 22827-0000 www.robertgoodphotography.com

Swartz Photography...................540-383-6071 Ashley Swartz 9498 Rawley Pike, Hinton, VA 22831 www.swartzphotograph.com

Ville View Enterprises Inc............540-476-1074 David W. Showalter 1826 Ridge Road, Bridgewater, VA 22812-2718 www.villeview.com

Virginia Peninsula Photography....540-395-3477 Gerry Neary PO Box 34, Harrisonburg, VA 22803 www.VirginiaPeninsulaPhotography.com

Physical Therapy/ Rehabilitation Centers Advantage Physical Therapy & Sports Performance.................540-434-1200 Bill Johnson 313-C Neff Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-0000 www.advantageptsp.com

Appalachian Physical Therapy - Broadway....................540-901-9501 Bill & Colleen Whiteford 171 East Springbrook Road, Broadway, VA 22815-9526 www.aptfc.com

Appalachian Physical Therapy, Inc...............................540-209-8977 Vicki Terry 2035 E Market St., Suite 45, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 aptfc.com

Plumbing Burgess Plumbing, Inc................540-896-9922 Brian Burgess

Campbell Print Center.................540-434-4171 John Beery 4564 S. Valley Pike, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-4366 www.campbellcopy.com

Creative Cause Solutions, Inc.......646-257-2964 John Otsuki 105 Dry River Rd., Bridgewater, VA 22812 www.creativecause.com

Good Printers, Inc.......................540-828-4663 Esther Hurst 213 Dry River Road, Bridgewater, VA 22812-1242 www.goodprinters.com

LSC Communications...................540-432-5401 Gary Calleo 2347 Kratzer Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-1004 www.rrd.com

McClung Companies....................540-949-8139 Mandy Troxell 550 Commerce Avenue, Waynesboro, VA 22980-2832 www.mcclungco.com

Staples......................................540-432-0124 Glenn Granger 265 Burgess Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3718 www.staples.com

Professional Organizing Clutter Conversions, LLC..............540-294-1523 Kathryn McMillan 552 Buttermilk Spring Road, Staunton, VA 24401 www.clutterconversions.com

Property Leasing & Management Harrisonburg Cohousing.............540-435-6193 Nathan May 3210 Arrowhead Road, Rockingham, VA 22801 harrisonburgcohousing.org/

Real Estate - Appraisals Vision Appraisal Services LLC.......540-248-6400 Teri Robinson PO Box 120, Verona, VA 24482 www.visionappraisalservicesllc.net

Real Estate - Commercial Cottonwood Commercial.............540-434-9922 Keith May 1958 Evelyn Byrd Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.cottonwood.com

Driver Properties, LLC.................540-434-2232 David W. Driver 1150 Hillcrest Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3020

Matchbox Realty & Management Services, Inc....................... 540-434-5150 x112 Mike Hendricksen

Solutions Place...........................540-256-1784 Rebecca Polan 1 Solutions Way, Waynesboro, VA 22980 www.solutionsplace.com

Real Estate - General 250 Metro..................................540-434-8500 Thomas Brubaker

250 East Elizabeth Street, Suite 101, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-4159 www.250metro.com

Four Star Realty, Inc....................540-298-0280 Pete Bonavita 14016 Spotswood Trail, Elkton, VA 22827-3214 www.fourstarrealty.biz

French Properties.......................540-828-2606 Larry B. French 7698 Warm Springs Pike, Bridgewater, VA 22812-3602

Funkhouser Real Estate Group.....540-434-2400 Kemper Funkhouser 401 University Boulevard, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3758 www.funkhousergroup.com

Funkhouser Real Estate Grp-Rogers.......................540-578-0102 Scott Rogers 401 University Boulevard, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.scottprogers.com

Harman Realty, Inc.....................540-432-6552 Randy Harman 1741 Virginia Avenue, Suite A, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-8330 www.harmanrealty.com

Old Dominion Realty...................540-433-2454 Jessica Hensley 2340 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-2697 www.ODRVA.com

Trobaugh Group, LLC...................540-442-7000 Sallye Trobaugh 370 Neff Avenue - Suite V, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.trobaughgroup.com

Williams & Associates..................540-442-7872 Rodney Williams 1741A Virginia Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.williamsandassociates.com

Real Estate - Property Management Association & Property Management Services, LLC..........540-423-3879 Terry Weaver 165 Massanetta Springs Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.aapmrealty.com

Mountain Valley Management Inc........................540-434-1173 Steve Stein 420 East Market Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-4226 www.landlord4rent.com

5921 Klines Mill Road, Linville, VA 22834 www.burgessplumbing.net

202 N. Liberty Street, Suite 101, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-0000 www.MatchboxRealty.com

Plumbing Perspectives, LLC.........540-433-2003 Chris Orebaugh

Neff Enterprises..........................540-434-9593 Bill V. Neff, Sr.

1190 Meridian Circle, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 north38apts.com

Port Crossing Shopping Center....757-627-9088 Montana Mawhiney

Hess & Miller, Inc........................540-434-7383 Rick Martz

112 Meigs Lane, Suite A, Dayton, VA 22821 www.plumbingperspectivesllc.com

Press/Publications/Radio Valley Living Magazine...............540-433-5351 Lindsey Shantz 1251 Virginia Ave, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.valleyliving.org

Printing & Publishing

3570 North Valley Pike, Rockingham, VA 22802-1110 www.billneffenterprises.com

2529 Virginia Beach Blvd., Suite 200 Rivers Edge ., Virginia Beach, VA 23452-0000 www.wheelerint.com

S2 Capital Partners.....................703-639-6327 Robert Seidel 6842 Elm Street, Suite 202, Mclean, VA 22101

North 38 Apartments..................540-574-2901 Kendra Plowman-See

Real Estate - Residential 234 East Market Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.hessandmiller.com

Kline May Realty........................540-437-3500 Karl A. Waizecker 1962 Evelyn Byrd Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3423 www.klinemay.com

Branner Printing Service, Inc.......540-896-8947 Ronald C. Branner 13963 Timber Way, Broadway, VA 22815-0307 www.brannerprinting.com

www.hrchamber.org 55

Kline May Realty/The Harrisonburg Homes Team...............................540-421-3179 Chris Rooker 83 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.harrisonburghomes.com

Massanutten Realty......... 540-289-6335 x26 Cindy Whitelock 11610 Spotswood Trail, Elkton, VA 22827-3236 www.massanuttenrealty.com (Please see our ad on page 9)

Real Estate - Timeshares McGaheysville Timeshares..........603-516-0200 Kathryn Auger 100 Domain Dr. Suite 105, Exeter, NH 3833 www.sellmytimesharenow.com

National Timeshare Help Center....888-793-3770 Stephan Townsend 11530 Model Road, Elkton, VA 22827-0000 www.timesharehelp.net

Real Estate - Title Companies Bankers Title Shenandoah..........540-437-9560 Danielle Tubbs

SRI International........................540-438-6600 Dawn Landes 140 Research Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-0000 www.sri.com

Restaurants & Catering A Bowl of Good Cafe....................540-437-9020 Katrina Didot 831 Mount Clinton Pike, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.abowlofgood.com

Agrodolce Italian Restaurant......540-615-5442 Joe Penza 1647 E Market Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801

APB Management (McDonalds)....540-432-9383 Al Boxley 530 Neff Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-2830 www.mcstate.com

Applebee’s.................................540-438-8121 Barbara Abbrescia 1860 East Market Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.applebees.com

Beyond......................................540-432-0105 Cy Khochareun

2040 Deyerle Ave, Suite 106, Harrisonburg, VA 22801

50 West Water Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.restaurantbeyond.com

Carteret Title, LLC.......................540-438-9531 Tony Brown

Billy Jack’s Wing & Draft Shack....540-433-1793 Aaron Ludwig

1056 Chicago Avenue, Suite B, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-5403 www.carterettitle.com

Main Street Title Group, LLC........540-437-3731 Kerrie Rodocker 606 S. Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.Mainstreettitleva.com

P & W Title Examination Services, LLC...............................540-434-3609 Wayne L. Brown 226 Blue Stone Hills Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22801

Stewart Title-Shenandoah Valley, LC....................................540-432-0825 Mike Harvey 1920 Medical Avenue, Suite I, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-8016 www.stewart.com/harrisonburg

Valley Southern Title LTD............540-434-8571 L.A. Hollen 410 Neff Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3434

Refrigeration - Sales & Service Harrisonburg Refrigeration Service, Inc.................................540-434-4681 Sandee Emswiler 800 Chicago Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-5605 www.harrisonburgrefrigeration.com

Rental Companies - Vehicles Enterprise Rent-A-Car East Market Street......................540-432-8690 Chris Severs

92 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.billyjacksshack.com

BoBoKo Indonesian Cafe.............540-434-3542 Ridwan Hotiman

2420 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-2609

Golden Corral, Valley Corral, LLC....540-564-0477 Mat Lawhon 2335 East Market Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-8719 www.goldencorral.com

The Golden Pony.........................540-901-2628 Paul Somers 181 N. Main St., Harrisonburg, Virginia 22802 www.goldenponyva.com

Greenberry’s Coffee & Tea............540-434-0111 Carolyn Burkholder 400 South High Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.facebook.com/pages/Greenberrys-Harrisonburg

Greens & Grains Café...................540-433-1702 David Engel 865 Port Republic Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.greensandgrainsva.com/

HoneyBaked Ham & Cafe.............540-434-5700 Bob Elliott 182 Neff Avenue, Suite S5, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3488 myhoneybakedstore.com/harrisonburg/2233/home/ index.asp?ref=76393579:1567172381

Jack Brown’s Beer & Burger Joint............................540-433-5225 Aaron Ludwig

JJ’s Soft Serve.............................540-896-9449 Joann Campbell

291 University Blvd, Suite 103, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.buffalowildwings.com

Capital Ale House........................540-564-2537 Amy DuFour 41 A Court Square, Harrisonburg, Virginia 22801 CapitalAleHouse.com

Chick-fil-A..................................540-574-2232 Ashley Bellamy 1691 East Market Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-5117 www.ipickchicken.com

Cinnamon Bear Bakery & Deli, Inc...................................540-433-2867 Kate Magri 600 University Blvd., Suite E, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3763 www.cinnbear.com

Cracker Barrel.............................540-574-3099 Melissa Hizer 121 Pleasant Valley Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-0000 www.crackerbarrel.com

Domino’s Pizza...........................540-433-3111 David Holloway

Dunkin Donuts...........................540-217-5517 Atul Patel

1450 Technology Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-0000 www.serco-na.com

Olive Garden..............................540-434-2326 Stephen Walls

Buffalo Wild Wings.....................540-438-9790 Steve Beaudoin

Enterprise Rent-A-Car South Main Street......................540-433-7455

Research & Patents

The Galley..................................540-434-2367 Alexandra and Pete Karageorge

30 West Water Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3625 www.finniganscove.com

80 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-0000 www.jackbrownsjoint.com

204 West Hampton Street, Staunton, VA 24401 www.dominos.com

Serco North America...................540-236-5500 Jan Sweet

Mr. J’s Bagels & Deli.....................540-442-1997 Joseph A. Jerlinski

217 S Liberty Street #102, Harrisonburg, Virginia 22801 www.bobokoindonesiancafe.com

734 East Market Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.enterprise.com

3115 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-2671 www.enterprise.com

Finnigan’s Cove...........................540-433-9874 Donna Finnigan

291 University Blvd, Suite 100, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.dunkindonuts.com/content/dunkindonuts/ en.html

Early Katering Co./Event & Conference & The Barn at Klines Mill.............540-801-8139 Kay G. Early 2061-F Evelyn Byrd Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-0000 www.earlykatering.com

173 McCauley Drive, Timberville, VA 22853

JMU Dining Services/ARAMARK....540-568-3103 Adam Poling

150 Bluestone Drive, MSC 0901, Harrisonburg, VA 22807-0000

Joe’s Griddle n Grill......................540-437-0061 Ronnie Owen 3356 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.joesgriddleandgrill.com

Krispy Kreme..............................361-756-1275 Bobbie-Louise Major 35 Burgess Rd, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.krispykreme.com

Little Grill Collective...................540-434-3594 Camille Sallette 621 North Main St, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-4620 www.lilgrill.com/

Local Chop & Grill House..............540-801-0505 Jeff Hill 56 West Gay Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-0000 www.localchops.com

Magnolia’s Tacos & Tequila Bar....540-217-5816 Chris Kay 14 E Water Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 magnoliastacos.com

Mama’s Caboose.........................540-908-0029 Diane Roll 245 Main Street, Dayton, VA 22821 www.mamascaboose.com

Massanutten Dining (Great Eastern Purveyors)............540-437-3371 Mark Litz PO Box 1227, Harrisonburg, VA 22803-1227

Meals 4 Home, LLC......................540-564-6181 James Eanes 105 North Liberty Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22802


1635 East Market Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-5105 www.mrjsbagels.com

45 Burgess Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.olivegarden.com/locations/va/harrisonburg/ harrisonburg/4492?cmpid=br:og_ag:ie_ch:dry_ ca:OGGMB_dt:ong_sn:gmb_gt:harrisonburgva-4492_pl:locurl_rd:1363

Outback Steakhouse...................540-438-0190 Dawn Tolley 261 University Blvd., Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3749 www.outback.com

Pano’s Restaurant.......................540-434-2367 Pete Karageorge 3190 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-2670 www.panosrestaurantandlounge.com

Saucy Dogs, LLC..........................540-560-8593 Michelle Galindez 1780 C South Main St., Harrisonburg, Virginia 22801

Shirley’s Gourmet Popcorn..........540-208-7601 Bob & Lisa Roeschley 102 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.shirleyspopcorn.com

Simple Elegance Catering, LLC.....540-910-0797 Brenda Vann 231 Tinkling Spring Road, Fishersville, VA 22939 www.foodthatwows.com

Subway - North Main Street........540-828-2867 Melanie Morris 610 North Main Street, Bridgewater, VA 22812-0000 www.subwaycatering.com

Taj of India.................................540-615-5888 Ashok Kunver 34 S. Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801

Texas Roadhouse........................540-801-0324 Ron Voltin 1860 Evelyn Byrd Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.texasroadhouse.com

Tropical Smoothie......................540-560-2378 Corri Loan 1011 Port Republic Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.tropicalsmoothie.com/

Union Station Restaurant and Bar....................540-437-0042 Cassandra Gordon 128 West Market Street, Suite 202, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-0000 www.unionstationdowntown.com

Wendy’s of East Market Street.....540-434-3368 James Shifflett 1694 East Market Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.wendystriple.com

Wendy’s of South Main Street......540-434-0218 James Shifflett 1560 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.wendystriple.com

Which Wich................................540-434-9424 Cary Jackson 291 University Blvd, Suite 102, Harrisonburg, Virginia 22801 www.whichwich.com

Retirement Communities Bellaire at Stone Port.............540-246-0888 Lorna Weldon 1684 Port Hills Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.bellaireatstoneport.com (Please see our ad on page 18) Bridgewater Retirement Community............................540-828-2550 Carrie Budd 302 North 2nd Street, Bridgewater, VA 22812-1712 www.brc-online.org (Please see our ad on page 23) The Legacy at North Augusta.......540-885-5454 Fonda Sundeen 1410 A North Augusta Street, Staunton, VA 24401 www.thelegacyatnorthaugusta.org

Living Waters Senior Care............540-896-4558 Melissa Green 379 N Main Street, Timberville, VA 22853 livingwatersseniorcare.com/

Sunnyside Communities.........540-568-8600 John J. Broaddus 600-L University Blvd., Harrisonburg, VA 22801-0000 www.sunnysidecommunities.com (Please see our ad on the inside front cover) Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community..............540-564-3400 Eric Phipps 1501 Virginia Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-2452 www.vmrc.org

Salons/Spa/Beauty The Beauty Spa LLC.....................540-564-1925 Anita Yoder 510 East Market Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-4228 www.beautyspaonline.com

Bluestone Bodyworks, LLC..........540-434-5000 Shannon Lafy 70 E Mosby Rd, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 bluestonebodyworks.com/

Escapes Mini Day Spa..................540-383-7953 Kimberly Williamson 21 Southgate Court, Suite 102, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.escapesminidayspa.com

H & J Beauty Supply, LLC..............540-564-3002 PALMALA HEARN 54 S Carlton St, HARRISONBURG, VA 22801 handjbeautysupply.net

Hair Cuttery...............................540-433-6433 Tracy Landrum 1790 E. Market Street, Space S128, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 haircuttery.com

N2 Hair Salon.............................540-434-4844 Debbie Dean 611 W. Market St, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.n2hairbarberandstylingsalon.com

Skin and Zen, LLC........................540-810-0141 Kimberly Landis-Hamner 4157 Quarles Court , Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.skinandzen.com

Sport Clips, Inc............................540-434-2226 Kelly and Tim Beckett 1645 Reservoir Street, Suite 180, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.haircutmenharrisonburgva.com

Spotswood Trail Therapeutic Massage..................410-299-3819 Kathy Volrath 14020 Spotswood Trail, Elkton, Virginia 22827 www.spotswoodtrail.com

Studio Hair Salon and Day Spa, The...............................540-434-8188 Judith Crawford

Sleep On It.................................540-432-9316 Don Knicely

353 Neff Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.thestudiohairsalon.com

1971 Evelyn Byrd Avenue, Suite A, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3477 www.sleeponit.com

Twin State Beauty Supplies, Inc.....540-434-3344 Barry Minnick

Valley Mall Management Office....540-433-1797 Daniel Martin

160 Waterman Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22802

Security & Safety Extinguisher Sales & Service, LLC.............................540-434-9415 Ted Budd 990 North Liberty Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-4504

First Witness Security..................540-442-0086 Rodney Dixon 2309 Lee Hwy, Mount Sidney, VA 24467 www.firstwitnesssecurity.com

Hawk Security Systems Inc..........540-434-4295 Amy Weller 1124 South High Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-1521 www.hawksecuritysys.com

Precision Locksmith Company, LLC.............................540-433-4007 Fred Stokley 2061 Evelyn Byrd Avenue, Suite D, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-0000 www.precisionlocksmithco.com

TSSi...........................................540-434-8974 William Strang PO Box 1890, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-9500 www.tssi-ops.com

Vector Security Inc......................540-433-2428 Steve Robinson 3211 Peoples Drive, Suite 130, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-0000 www.vectorsecurity.com

Winchester Fire & Security, LLC....540-667-5078 Shaw Hergenrather 44900 Acacia Lane, Suite 106, Sterling, VA 20166 www.winchestersprinkler.com

Security Services RMC Events, Inc..........................804-353-7621 Linda Schmitt 3700 West End Driv, Henrico, Virginia 23294 www.rmcevents.com

Shopping Aaron’s Sales & Lease South Carlton Street...................540-433-3800 Gary Jackson 109 South Carlton Street, Suite A, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.aarons.com

Belk................................... 540-434-4477 x220 Terri Drugmand 1925 East Market Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3432 www.belk.com

Costco Wholesale........................540-432-8989 Anita Schwartz 1830 Reservoir Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-8742 www.costco.com

Grand Home Furnishings.............540-434-7619 Jack Burch 2080 Evelyn Byrd Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3421 www.grandhomefurnishings.com

Shared Blessings Wireless Dba Cricket.................................540-689-0302 Shawn Dean 116 Burgess Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22801

1925 East Market Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3432 www.thevalleymall.com

Village of the Valley....................540-652-1159 Paul Dovel 11702 Spotswood Trail, Elkton, VA 22827 www.villageofthevalley.com

Wal-Mart #1726..........................540-433-0808 Mike Lovelace 171 Burgess Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3704 www.walmart.com

Wal-Mart #2807..........................540-438-0349 James Rothe 2160 John Wayland Hwy., Harrisonburg, VA 22801-4509 www.walmart.com

Signage Eddie Edwards Signs...................540-434-8595 Chris Runion 560 Waterman Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-5303 www.eesigns.biz

Letter Perfect, Inc.......................540-652-2022 Sheila Morris 2454 N. Eastside Highway, Suite 8, Elkton, VA 22827 www.letterperfectva.net/

Sign Pro.....................................540-574-3032 Kerry Cofield

2427 John Wayland Highway, Suite1, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.mysignpros.net

Solar & Radiant Systems

Blue Ridge Power Sports.............540-434-7345 Mitch Troyer 20 Heritage Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-0000 www.blueridgepowersports.com

Christopher William Jewelers......540-290-4630 Whitney Hardy 3287 Lee Highway, PO Box 113, Weyers Cave, VA 24486 www.christopherwilliamjewelers.com

Christopher William Jewelers......540-689-0027 Whitney Hardy 4090 Evelyn Byrd Ave, Suite 102, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.christopherwilliamjewelers.com

Classic Tuxedos & Suits................540-433-9966 Kevin Murphy 171 Neff Ave., Suite A, Harrisonburg, Virginia 22801 www.classictuxedos.net

The Dayton Market.....................540-879-3801 Fred Shank Sr. 3105 John Wayland Highway, Dayton, VA 22821-0000 www.daytonfarmersmarket.com

Gift and Thrift Shop, Inc..............540-433-8844 Deb King 731 Mount Clinton Pike, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-5463 www.giftandthrift.org

Glen’s Fair Price Store..................540-434-8272 Gary Stiteler 227 North Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-3891

Green Hummingbird Fair Trade Clothing.....................540-421-1441 Eleanor Held 320 South Main St, 1B, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.greenhummingbird.net

Green Valley Book Fair, Inc..........540-434-0309 Michele Branner 2192 Green Valley Lane, Mt. Crawford, VA 22841-2430 www.gvbookfair.com

Independent Solar Solutions ......540-579-4565 Jack Dixon

The Isle Company.......................540-578-2108 Becca Slye

18350 Railroad St, Bluemont, Virginia 20135 independentsolarsolutions.com

165 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.theisleco.com

Paradise Energy Solutions...........877-851-9269 Joe Sadonis

Kate’s Natural Products, Inc.........540-433-2359 Ralph Magri

730 Parkview Avenue, Staunton, Virginia 24401 www.paradisesolarenergy.com

Special Events - Facilities Mountain Valley Meeting and Retreat Center.....................540-896-7600 Julie Fisher 3586 Horizons Way, Rockingham, VA 22802 www.mountainvalleyva.com

Rockingham County Fair Association.................... 540-434-0005 Pam Edwards 4808 South Valley Pike, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3934 www.rockinghamcountyfair.com (Please see our ad on page 36)

Specialists Association of Fundraising Professionals Shenandoah Chapter..................540-433-8886 Lindsey Douglas PO Box 1894, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 afpshenandoah.afpnet.org/

Specialty Stores Ashley Furniture Homestore........540-442-7290 Raina Oates 1866 E. Market Street, Suite G, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.ashleyfurniturehomestore.com

451 University Blvd., Suite A, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3758 www.katesnaturalproducts.com

Patchwork Plus, Inc.....................540-879-2505 Susan Oehler 17 Killdeer Ln, Dayton, VA 22821 www.patchworkplus-quilting.com

Ragtime Fabrics..........................540-434-5663 Laura ‘’Belle’’ Stemper 926 West Market St. , Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.ragtimefabrics.com

Shenandoah Heritage Market.....540-433-3929 Brenda Judy 121 Carpenter Lane, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.shenandoahmarket.net

Snow and Ice Christmas & Gift Store................................540-434-7669 Dustin Kline 4080 Evelyn Byrd Avenue, Suite 102, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.snowandiceonline.com

SoLace Studios Fine Handcrafts....540-298-5222 Barbara Polin 193 West Spotswood Avenue, Elkton, VA 22827 www.solaceinc.com

White Oak Lavender Farm...........540-421-6345 Julie Haushalter 5060 Newcomer Lane, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-0000 www.whiteoaklavender.com

www.hrchamber.org 57

Sports/Fitness/Recreation Bluestone Bike & Run.................540-434-5151 Kyle Coleman 1570 S Main St., Harrisonburg, Virginia 22801 www.bluestonebikerun.com

Camp Horizons, LC......................540-896-7600 Julie Fisher 3586 Horizons Way, Rockingham, VA 22802-1776 www.camphorizonsva.com

Dubby’s Fishing & Hunting..........540-574-3474 Dubby Carr 100 Waterman Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.godubbys.com

The First Tee of Harrisonburg.......540-437-4239 690 Garbers Church Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.thefirstteeharrisonburg.org

Scuba Buddys.............................540-433-3337 Shawn Hassler 3430 North Valley Pike, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.scuba-buddys.com

Student Housing Foxhill Townhomes/University Management Inc........................540-432-5525 Stephanie Furr

Transportation - Trucking EAGLE EXPRESS LINES - ATLANTIC....540-434-8545 David Rose 5978 S. Valley Pike, Mt Crawford, VA 22841

Excel Truck Group........................540-234-0999 Greg Witt 3243 Lee Highway, Weyers Cave, VA 24486 www.exceltruckgroup.com/

Houff Transfer, Inc......................540-234-9233 Douglas Z. Houff 46 Houff Road, Weyers Cave, VA 24486-0220 www.houff.com

Truck & Equipment Corporation....540-434-2557 Sonny Lasam 3640 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-9511 www.truckequip-va.com

Truck Enterprises, Inc..................540-564-6900 James Hartman 3440 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-9544 www.truckenterprises.com

Travel Agencies Earman & Associates Travel, Inc.....540-442-1111 Diane Earman

1627 Devon Lane, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-5279 www.umicommunities.com

1587 Port Republic Road., Suite 4, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3580 www.earmantravel.com

The Overlook at Stone Spring......540-438-8790 Tamara Atkins

Travel Counsellors, Inc.................540-434-1796 James Jenkins

607 John Tyler Circle, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.pickeringandco.com

276 West Market Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3713 www.traveltci.com

Sunchase Apartments.................540-442-4800 Latany Bell

Travel Leaders............................540-433-7292 Brandi Simmons

1941 Sunchase Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-8713 www.sunchase.net

Tarps and Awnings Rockingham Canvas Company, Inc..............................540-434-7171 Jeff Nemoytin 188 Charles Street, PO Box 54, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.rockinghamcanvas.com

Tax Preperation H&R Block..................................540-434-5464 Drew Peters

336 Neff Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-5116 www.travelleaders.com/harrisonburgva

Turner Travel..............................540-433-2438 Angela Christian 614 Hawkins Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-4394 www.turnertravel.com

Utilities Columbia Gas of Virginia.............804-768-6410 Robert Innes 1809 Coyote Drive, Chester, VA 23836-2400 www.columbiagasva.com

Veterinary All About Paws...........................540-208-7540 Tricia Eagle 1685 B Garbers Church Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.allaboutpawsboarding.com

Anicira Veterinary Center............540-437-1980 Cate Mansfield 1992 Medical Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.spayandneuterclinic.org

Ashby Animal Clinic................ 540-433-9174 Tricia Eagle 1685A Garbers Church Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-4525 www.ashbyanimalclinic.com (Please see our ad on page 31) Happy Hounds Doggie Daycare....540-560-8530 Marcella Smith 220 Waterman Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.happyhoundcompound.com

Harrisonburg Animal Hospital.....540-434-6331 Maureen Ward 1611 N. Liberty Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 hahpets.com

Harrisonburg Veterinary Emergency Clinic........................540-434-0900 Dr. Salem 1950-B Deyerle Ave, , Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.harrisonburg911petclinic.com/

Massanutten Animal Clinic..........540-434-2364 Jim Svonavec 2702 Spotswood Trail, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.massvets.com

Warehousing & Freight Logistics Management Delphine Enterprise Center.........540-256-1784 Rebecca Polan 1 Solutions Way, Waynesboro, VA 22980 www.delphineenterprisecenter.com

InterChange Group, Inc...............540-433-1900 Devon Anders 1346 Pleasants Drive, Suite 6, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3852 www.interchangeco.com

Waste/Recycling/Green Technology

Dominion Virginia Power............866-366-4357 Emmett Toms

Happy Little Dumpsters, LLC........540-422-0272 Kyle Miller

2 Technology Drive, Staunton, VA 24401-3500 www.dom.com

507 Mount Olivet Church Rd, Elkton, VA 22827 happylittledumpster.com

Advanced Telephone & Data, Inc....540-337-1706 Cindi Fortin

Food Processors Water Coop Inc....540-896-9161 Eddie Long

Recycle Management LLC............540-908-3902 Arianna Ramberg

PO Box 913, Stuarts Draft, VA 24477-0913 www.advanced-telephone.com

PO Box 338, Timberville, VA 22853 www.fpwc.biz

1610 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, Virginia 22801 www.recyclemanagementllc.net

Lumos Networks.........................540-578-0752

GenHub Inc. DBA The Power Connection.........540-574-0177 Jordan Rohrer

Republic Services........................434-566-1729 David Holcomb

14005 Wards Rd, Lynchburg, VA 24501 hrblock.com


1 Lumos Plaza, Waynesboro, VA 22980 www.lumosnetworks.com

NET100, Ltd................................540-200-9228 Kathy Woolf

PO Box 655/2398 Stuarts Draft Hwy, Suite 100, Stuarts Draft, VA 24477 www.net100ltd.com

Shentel Sprint............................540-984-5459 Accounts Payable 215 Burgess Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.shentel.com

Total Technology Management....540-432-1385 Donna Gerding

2132 John Wayland Hwy, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 thepowerconnectioninc.net

Harrisonburg Electric Commission...............................540-434-5361 Brian O’Dell 89 West Bruce Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-3635 www.harrisonburgelectric.com

Shenandoah Valley Electric Co-Op.............................540-574-7250 Mike Aulgur PO Box 236, Mt. Crawford, VA 22841-0236 www.svec.coop

100 Waterman Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-2112 www.ttmol.com


1831 Avon Street, Charlottesville, VA 22902 www.republicservices.com

Rockingham Scrap Metal, Inc......540-434-3403 Clay Ellis 893 North Liberty Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22802 www.jssmetals.com

Waste Management...................540-434-8720 Kevin Nicholas 3580 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-9757 www.wm.com

Water Treatment Residential/Commercial Water Works Water Treatment, Inc............................540-433-5669 Bob Coakley 1760 Dealton Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22801-2723 www.waterworkswater.com

Waterjet Cutting Service BrydgeWorks Glass Studio, Supplies and Gifts.......................540-833-6368 Rachael Cedeno 3315 Harpine Highway, Harrisonburg, VA 22802-1027 www.brydgeworksglass.com

Wholesale Howard A Spangler Co. Inc...........540-434-2581 Kiity Urban 245 Old South High Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.spanglerpaper.com

Wineries Barren Ridge Vineyards...............540-248-3300 John Higgs 984 Barren Ridge Road, Fishersville, VA 22939 www.barrenridgevineyards.com

Bluestone Vineyard....................540-828-0099 Lee Hartman 4828 Spring Creek Road, Bridgewater, VA 22812-0000 www.bluestonevineyard.com

CrossKeys Vineyards....................540-234-0505 Nikoo Bakhtiar 6011 East Timber Ridge Road, Mt. Crawford, VA 22841-0000 www.crosskeysvineyards.com

Writing Services Shenandoah Writing Services......540-476-1855 Colleen Dixon 135 Belmont Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 www.shenandoahwriting.com

www.hrchamber.org 59


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