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Changing thelandscape for our youthacross America

Over the pastfifteen yearswehavedeveloped acomprehensive bilingualnon generic book series (From the Barriotothe Board Room, Graphic Novel Mi Barrio& Activity Coloring Book Little Barrio) and program thatresonates with the youth and promotes student achievement.

TheBarrio books are being taught in middle schools, high schools,after school programs, colleges and universities. We are providing an academic curriculum at NO COST so thatschools have culturally relevant teaching tools thataddress (SEL) social and emotional learning and helps with our kids critical thinking skills

Youcan requestyour FREE curriculum by emailing Dr.RobertRenteria at: robert@fromthebarrio.com

Principals, teachers,counselors and social service agencies across America are using the Barrio booksand program to help address the issues of bullying, gangs, violence, drugs, suicides and school dropouts.

Thecurriculum context and content of qualitative assessmentisfar greater in scope of its diversityand cultural relevance, inclusive of aholistic viewofacommunityof learners.

Education is aqualitative processand is important to all of us. It is acommunity treasureofcivic responsibilityand ongoing conversation.

If you are looking for aprogram thatis tried and tested to have ahugesocial impact on our teens and at-risk youth, we ask that you reach out to Dr.Renteriadirectly and have thatconversation to help changethe landscape for our youth across Illinoisand beyond.

To learn more, visit theBarrio website at: www.fromthebarrio.com

Contactnumber: 312-933-5619

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