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Long-sought casino in Waukeganopensto

VIP fanfare andthousands of visitors
Mick Zawislak
Along-awaited casino expected to provide an economic boosttoWaukegan and the area opened this pastweekend to VIP fanfare and abig crowd.
Thousandsattended the grand opening FridayofThe TemporarybyAmerican Place, the 75,000-square-foot initial offering operated by Full House Resorts Inc. Constructionis pending on apermanentfacilitynearby.
“The American Place casino is the biggest development we’vehad in Waukegan in years, and it is incrediblethatwehave finally reachedthis critical milestone of opening The Temporary,”saidMayor AnnTaylor.
Near Interstate 94, TheTemporaryissouth of Route 120 and westofWaukegan Road in whatisknown as Fountain Square shopping mall. It’s open daily from 8a.m.to4 a.m. Table games are open from 2p.m.to2 a.m.daily
“This casino will serve as an economic engine for the greater Lake Countyregion and beyond, bringing newjobs and visitors to our cityand Fountain Square,”Taylor added.
Jeff Babinski,vice president and general manager, said there were more than 14,000 visitors in the2½dayssince the public opening at 8p.m.Friday. ThecompanyThursday received atemporaryoperating permit from the IllinoisGaming Board.
Last summer,Taylor said the opening of TheTemporary could happen between Octo- ber and December.
“Wehavebeen working diligently with the stateofIllinois to ensure thatwecould provide a first-classcustomer experience and did not want to open until we were fully ready,” Babinski said Monday.
TheTemporary features almost1,000 slot machines, 28 tablegames,the L’Américain sit-down restaurant, acenter bar and twoAirstream trailersserving food and drinks
In coming weeks, the casino is expect- ed to expand to 50 tablegamesand addtwo more full-service restaurants, Asia-Azteca and NorthShoreSteaks& Seafood, according to Babinski.
“The casino adds another assettoour collection of tourism attractions in the county,” said Maureen Riedy,president of theVisit Lake Countymarketing and tourism bureau. “It’sbeen alongtime coming and will provide an economic boosttothe region.”
Hotels nearby sawoccupancy increases due to construction and hiring activityasThe Temporarywas being built, Riedy said. That’s expected to continuewhile the permanent structureiserected
Approved by stateregulators in December 2021, the facilityisthe firstcasino to openin the Northern suburbs. It’s advertised as combining “Midwestern charm with asplash of the vibrant energyofVegas.”
In apresentation to investors lastyear,officialssaid American Place will be the closest casino for 1.2million people in Lake County andsouthern Wisconsin.
Thepermanent casino is in the design phase,with construction anticipated to begin later this year,Babinski said.
Plans call for 1,640 slot machines, 100 table games,a multitiered, 1,500-seatentertainment venue, a20-room privatevilla for elite players with butlersand spa servicesavailable, and ahelipad for high rollers, according to Full House.
Estudiante de enfermería de ECC avanza en su carrera a través del nuevoPrograma PATH
Justin Gammad sabía que queríalograr más con su carrera.Trabajar como técnico asistencial paraunhospital local reforzó a Justin que teníauna pasión por ayudar alos demás, pero sabía que necesitaría más educación paralograr su sueño de convertirse en enfermero. Justin estaba preocupado por regresar alaescuelasabiendo que tenía muchas otras responsabilidades financieras yque probablemente tendría que pedir préstamos estudiantiles. Justin recordó: “Nosabía cómo iba afinanciar el programa de enfermería en absoluto, lo que me preocupaba”
Atravésdel nuevo programa PATH de Elgin CommunityCollege, Justin pudocubrir su matrícula ylibros parasus clases de enfermeríadurante su primer semestre. El Programa PATH proporciona asistencia financieray servicios de apoyo aestudiantes elegiblesparaayudarlos acompletar un título ocertificado en atención médica. Através de este programa, los estudiantes elegibles pueden recibir asistencia con la matrícula,libros de texto, materiales, cuidado de niños y reembolso de gastos de viaje.
“Ver el monto de la matrícula yluegola cantidad que PATH cubriría realmentesig-
ECC nursing student furthers his career through new PATH Program

would likely have to takeout student loans. Justin recalled,“Ididn’t know how Iwas going to be funding the nursing program at all,which was worrying me. ” nificó mucho”, dijo Justin. “Dadoque este semestre está pagado, puedorespirar hondo y concentrarme en la escuela”.
Through Elgin CommunityCollege’s newPATHProgram, Justin was able to have his tuition and books forhis nursing classes covered for his firstsemester ThePATHProgram provides financial assistance and supportservices to eligible students to help them complete adegree or certificate in health care.Through this program, eligible students can receive assistancewith tuition,textbooks, materials, childcare, and reimbursement for travel expenses.
Ya seaque esté buscandocomenzar una nueva carreraenelcuidado de la salud oque ya esté trabajando en el campo ydesee mejorar sus habilidades,puede ser elegible para recibirasistencia. Obtenga más información y vea si califica hoyen: elgin.edu/PATH.