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Elgin Mall hasa new home in East Dundee
Village boardsigns off on permit, zoning
Alicia Fabbre
For Reflejos
EastDundeetrustees on MondaygaveElgin Mall vendors the news theyhad hoped for since July theywill have anew home.
Trustees voted4-1 approving azoning changeand special use permit to allow the mall to moveintoa shutteredDominick’sstoreatthe River ValleySquare shopping center offDundeeAvenue. Trustee Rich Treiber voted againstthe zoning changeand specialuse permit.
“We’reveryexcited to come to anew place where we’rereally going to makeitbetter,”saidRosa Leal, amall co-owner whose shop,Leal’sLa Moda Western, sells traditional western wear
Thesearch foranew home began in July,when the Elgin Mall’s former management informed more than 90 vendors thatitwould be closing by the end of August. Vendors quickly came together,formed a newownership group and worked with the buildingowner to extend their lease in Elgin
Leal, partofthe newElgin Mall Group, said vendors will be allowed to stay at theElgin location until the mall moves intoits newlocation in EastDundee. Mall owners anticipate opening in the formerDominick’s store by October.
“Ithas been alearning experience,”Leal said after Monday’s vote.“It was alittle bit stressful at times... butnow thatwe’re here and we know thatwegot accepted, we know thatitwas all worth the while and the workthatwehaveput into it.”
Aformalvendor meeting on Sundaywill discuss next steps, Leal said.
Apopular weekenddestination,the Elgin Mall attracts shoppers from the Chicagoregionlooking fortraditional Mexican clothes, religious items, jewelry, boots, electronics, furnitureand other products.
Many of themall vendors have been in business for more than 20 years and have aloyal following.
Owners of the Elgin Mall Group estimate the mall’s annualrevenue at $12.5 million annually,which could mean up to $200,000 in sales tax revenue for thevillage.
Villageofficialsalso noted the mall’s relocation fills akey storefront thathas been vacant formore than adecade.
Theowners of the EastDundee shopping centersaid theyplan to make$4.5million in improvements to the interior and exterior of the building to accommodate their newtenants.