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What didJimmyCarterdofor Latinos? Is there
Theworld stood still brieflyonSaturday, Feb. 18, when the Carter Center,founded by former U.S. President JimmyCarter and his wife, Rosalynn,announced thatthe 39th president “decided to spend his remaining time at home with his family and receive hospicecare instead of additional medical intervention.”

“Hehas the full support of his family and his medical team. TheCarter family asks for privacyduringthis time and is grateful for the concern shown by his manyadmirers,” the statement read in closing.
Ex-presidentCarter,a Democrat,served for one term before amiserable defeatby Republican PresidentRonald Reagan,but in his shortstint, he managed to advance Latino contributions in government narrowly
Carter isn’t remembered well. He entered his firstand lastterm for American voters who grewdistrustful of government and viewed Carter —virtually unknown at the time —asasafe choice.
Though not outwardly,Carter helped further Latino presence in at leasttwo branches of government by supporting the legislative agenda thatwas beginning to emergeinthe post-Nixon years.
Latinos in government
Thefirst, and at the behestofanewly-created Congressional Hispanic Caucus in 1976, the former president tasked his administration to appoint more Latinos to government positions in agreement with members of the Caucus, according to historical archives.
Carter,atthe tail-end of his term, established the Office of Hispanic Affairs “to increase Hispanic representation in the federal government and its programs; provide information about the government to Hispanics,” read records at the JimmyCarter Library,
In doing so, he appointed the late Esteban Torres as Special Assistant to the President for Hispanic Affairs,becoming the highest-ranking Mexican-American within the administration before winning aU.S. House of Representatives race in 1982.
Under Torres, several Latinos served in high-profile roles —including GilbertColón, an armyveteran who supervised the Social Services Department of Puerto Rico in New York City; Raúl RobertTapia, alawyer who clerked for the Supreme CourtofAlaska; MiriamCruz, agovernment staffer under Richard Daley; Hilda Solis, the firstLatina elected to the CaliforniaState Senate —all of whom worked as DeputyAssistant to the President forHispanic Affairs.

Carter,under the guidanceofthe Congressional Hispanic Caucus, proposeda separateDepartmentofEducation to oversee a 1974Supreme Courtdecision thatrequired special assistance be given to students whose English was limited or nonexistent.
At the time, Congress debated amendmentsfor bilingual programs while the Department of Educationdesigned programs to enable non-Englishspeaking students further to become proficient via a $135 million fund for 565 school districts across the country.
These debates setmuch of the tone for discussions around the 1984 BilingualEducationAct and its provisions, including challenges in court,and raised questions about government overreach in schools.
Judicial appointees
Although President JoeBiden has seta major record in the number of diverse appointmentstothe judiciarybench, Carter laid the groundwork to embed Latinos in the nation’s courts.
In 1979, the Honorable ReynaldoGuerra Garzawas tapped to serve on the U.S. Court of Appeals, making him the firstLatino man to serve on the federal judiciarysome years after being the firstMexican-Americanto serve in adistrictcourt.
This, after Hon. Garza turned down Carter’s offer to serveinthe AttorneyGeneral’s office,which wouldhaveestablished the first Hispanic to helm one of the most potent legal offices, pending Senate confirmation.
Following the rhythm of his predecessors, Carter also proclaimed Hispanic Heritage Week before it was expanded to amonthlong period of observance by ex-President Ronald Reagan.
Archaeologists have revealed agroupof structures discoveredatthe famedMayan Chichen Itza archaeological site in Mexico’s Yucatan peninsula,believed to have been part of ahousing complexinhabited by the eliteof the sacred cityfounded in the 5thCentury AD
ArchaeologistFrancisco Perez Ruiz said there were no known residential groupsin Chichen Itza, meaning the housingcomplex would represent “the firstresidential group where arulerlived with his entire family.”

Thearea,known as Chichen Viejo,isexpected to be integrated in the near future into thevisitor area of the Chichen Itza archaeological site, aUNESCO World HeritageSite.
Thenewly discovered complexincludes the entrance arch, the House of the Snails, the Houseofthe Moon, and the so-called Palace of the Phalluses.
Researchers from the National Institute of Anthropologyand History(INAH) hope that this areaand those yettobeuncovered can provide informationonwhatlife was likefor the people whoinhabited thecity.
“There mustbemore residential groups thathavenot been explored yet. Thestudy of these peripheral groups,around the central part, could tell us about other families, other groups thatmade up this greatcity,”said archaeologistJose Osorio Leon.
Thearea has been underexploration since 1998. In 2018, asecond pyramid was discoveredhidden deep within the famous Kukulkan pyramid.

Around 2million people visit Chichen Itza siteinsoutheastMexico each year,according to officialdata.
It was founded as aMayan pilgrimage center by the Itza, or “water sorcerers. ”
Aviso Alos Licitantes
El Distrito de Parques de Waukegan,CondadodeLake,Illinois (“Propietario” o“Distrito de Parques”), lesinvita ahacer su oferta paraelsiguiente Proyecto:
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PorordendelaJunta de Comisionados de Parques del Distrito de Parques de Waukegan
Jay Lerner,Director Ejecutivo

Distrito de Parques de Waukegan (847) 360-4725