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ComEd Encourages Illinois StudentstoApplyfor College
Scholarships of Up to $10,000 Each ComEd Program Has Awarded MoreThan $350,000 in ScholarshipstoStudents Pursuing STEM Degrees
CHICAGO –ComEd todayannouncedit has awardedscholarshipstoseven diverse students who plan to pursue energy careers through its FutureofEnergyScholarsProgram andisnow acceptingapplications for the next round of scholarships.Since theprogram’s launch in 2022, ComEd has awarded more than$350,000 in scholarships to 69 women and minoritieswho are pursuingdegreesin STEMastheyaspire to careers in the energy industry. Todaythrough March 31, 2023, students in Illinois can apply for scholarships of up to $10,000 each and the opportunitytointern with ComEd.
“ComEd is proud to invest in thefuture leaders of ourindustry. This group of young women andmen represent the diverse and inclusive workforce we are dedicated to buildingand maintaining,” said Lewis Binswanger, ComEd senior vice president of governmental andregulatoryaffairs.“In the very near future, Illinois is projected to gain tens of thousandsof good-payingjobs as aresult of thetransition to aclean energyfuture,and we mustensurethat womenand young people of color benefitfrom this economic opportunity. This next generation of leaders willplaya vital roleinhelping us build an equitable andcleanenergy future.”
ComEdannounced todaythatthe following collegestudents, representingdiverse backgroundsand interests, arethe latestrecipients of theFuture of EnergyScholarship. They all plan to pursuea careerinthe energyindustry Thescholarshiprecipientsare:
•Avidar Al-Kurdi, currently astudentat the UniversityofIllinoisChicago, pursuing a chemical engineering degree.Graduated from Sunmarke School.
•Juan Diaz, currently astudent at Morraine ValleyCommunityCollege,pursuing an electricalengineeringdegree.
•JonathanEghan,currently astudent at IllinoisState University, pursuing an informationsciencedegree.
•DarnellLove,currentlya student at Howard University,pursuing acomputer science andprogrammingdegree.
•Bindu Mukundappa, currentlyastudent at the UniversityofIllinois Chicago, pursuing an electrical,electronic andcommunications engineering degree.
•Bansari Pandit,currently astudent at the University of Illinois Chicago, pursuing an industrialengineeringdegree
•Kierson Rickmon,currently astudent at Wilbur Wright College, pursuing achemistry degree.
To be eligible forthe Future of Energy schol- arship,studentsmustbeenrolled in an eligible college degree program,haveaminimum 2.8 GPA, and submitanapplication. Priority consideration will be given to peopleofcolor and women,Illinoisresidents enrolled in an IllinoisuniversityorcollegeorHistoricallyBlack Colleges and Universities(HBCUs)acrossthe country,and those demonstrating financial need. ComEd is partnering withthe National EnergyEducationDevelopment (NEED)Projecttoadministerthe scholarshipfund
“Weare honored to continueour partnership with ComEd for the Future of Energy Scholarships forstudents interested in acareer in the exciting and expanding energy industry. Thestudentswho areawardedthese scholarships reflect the diversityofa growing energy industryand STEMasawhole,”said Mary Spruill, ExecutiveDirector of TheNEED Project. “The work ethic, talent,and curiosity embodied in eachofthe scholarshiprecipients willshapethe futureofthe energyindustry for manyyears. ”
Pandit, ajunior at the UniversityofIllinois Chicago, was previously an internwith ComEd and is now ascholarship awardee. She decided on acareer in energy because of the critical role it plays in the future. Following graduation, she plans to pursueamaster’s degree and return to
the energysector full-time
“After the internship Ihad with ComEd, I becameeven more interested in thewholeenergysector and howthings work,”said Pandit. “I personally feel like energyplays an importantroleinthe futurewhen we thinkabouta resilientand sustainable economy and world and especially for my generation.Ilikethe idea of innovating andmaking thingsbetter.Ialso hope to bring more womenofcolorinto the industry.”
TheFuture of Energyprogram builds on ComEd’s continued investments in training and education to develop adiverse, local talent pipeline. In addition to the Future of Energy program, ComEd supports manyinitiatives thatinspire studentstopursueSTEM careers, includingthe DePaul CollegePrep Scholars Program, ChicagoBUILDS, and more. As aresult of these investments, over 2,000 participants were served by the ComEd-sponsored workforceand education programs last year alone.
Formore informationortoapply for the ComEd Future of EnergySTEMscholarship, visit: https://need.force.com/ComEd/s/ scholarship-information. Formore information on ComEd’s STEMscholarshipopportunities,contact WorkforceDevelopment@ ComEd.com.
La vozsuburbana de los Hispanos
LindaSiete lsiete@reflejos.com
Raul Ortiz rortiz@reflejos.com
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