Simpsonville SC Community Profile

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Area Chamber of Commerce

SIMPSONVILLE Area Chamber of Commerce


11/6/2018 11:55:55 AM

Checking & Savings Accounts Higher dividend rates and same day deposit credit! Interest Bearing Checking with Free Debit Card & Unlimited Transactions!

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The Care You Need, The Way You Want It Click For online care for common conditions:

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Call To ďŹ nd a new healthcare provider: 1-844-GHS-DOCS (447-3627)


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It’s bound to happen. You might take an unexpected spill or maybe spike a worrisome fever. At some point, you will want quick, expert medical care close to home. The good news is Immediate Care – Pelham is now located around the corner from you. Our highly qualified physicians are available every day with extended hours and weekends as well. Visit, call 864-530-3500 or simply walk in without an appointment. Stop in, keep going.


Weekdays 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. / Weekends 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 3611 Pelham Road, Greenville, SC 29615

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ta b l e o f c o n t e n ts This is a Town Square Publication created and produced for the Simpsonville Area Chamber of Commerce 100 W. Trade Street, Simpsonville, SC 29681 Phone: (864) 963-3781 • Fax: (964) 228-0003 Copyright© 2018 Town Square Publications 155 E. Algonquin Road, Arlington Heights, IL 60005 Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this publication. The Chamber and Town Square assume no responsibility for misinformation. Please contact the Chamber with any additions or corrections. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission of the Chamber and Town Square is prohibited. Chairman, CEO and Publisher | Douglas K. Ray President and Chief Operating Officer | Scott Stone Vice President / Director | Scott Ray Production Manager | Joseph Nugara Editor and Graphic Designer | Gail Gaboda Client Liaison / Content Coordinator | Stefanie Nugara Ad Production Coordinators | Tiffany Hogan and Neila Frontier Directory Coordinator | Michael Sumrak Contributing Writer | Jean Murphy Acquisition and Sales Manager | Marilyn Thomson

6 6 8 9 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18-20 21 22-23 24 25 34 46

Welcome from the Chamber President Welcome from the Chamber Board Chair Board of Directors & Chamber Staff Welcome from the Mayor City Council City At A Glance Newcomer Information Enjoying Simpsonville Entertainment & Recreation Shopping & Dining Guide Real Estate Services Area Church Listings Award-Winning Schools and Teachers Developing Local Leaders Featured Local Businesses Simpsonville Knows How To Grow Alphabetical Member Listings Categorical Member Listings Advertiser Index

Local & luxury experts serving the Upstate.

864-626-0789 302 NE Main Street Simpsonville SC 29681 2018 – 2019 Newcomers Guide & Directory

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Here at the Chamber, we are committed to being a positive force in providing leadership and advocacy to unite and improve the local business community. We coordinate professional programming, events, and initiatives designed to create more business opportunities, better living conditions, and a more attractive and desirable community in which to live, work, and visit.

I have greatly enjoyed serving as Chair of the Board of Directors for the Simpsonville Area Chamber of Commerce this year. Our organization is building on recent successes, and we are looking forward to an even stronger future for our residents and business community here in Simpsonville.

I am passionate about the role that our Chamber plays in community growth and economic development. We give back to the community and improve the quality of life by influencing issues like public policy, education, and community development. Along with our members and partners, we are proud to be a collective influence that constantly strives to shape Simpsonville and Greenville County. Whether you are planning to relocate or start a new business venture, I hope that you will stop by our office and see the many resources we have to offer. Our Welcome Center has great information on area attractions, restaurants and local shopping, available real estate, and more. We also have packages of information for entrepreneurs and others in the business world. We have a wealth of resources to meet your needs – whether you are looking to grow your business, move into the area, or simply plan a fun trip. Chamber staff are always happy to spend a few minutes with visitors and share all of the reasons we love Simpsonville! Sincerely, Allison McGarity, President/CEO Simpsonville Area Chamber of Commerce

Jim McGill AGENT

Bus 864-967-0100 Toll Free 864-967-0102 400 SE Main St. Suite E Simpsonville, SC 29680

Providing Insurance and Financial Services


Being a Simpsonville resident, I will be the first to attest to all of the wonderful things that Simpsonville has to offer for both residents and visitors alike. A vibrant business climate, thriving real estate markets, strong public and private school systems, and strong partnerships with other communities all make Simpsonville a unique place for families to live, work, and play. I am proud to serve an organization that strives to serve this community and its businesses. If you are planning a visit or considering a move to Simpsonville, please stop by the Chamber & Welcome Center to meet our staff and gather information about our area, business leads and referrals, and relocation materials. You can also find us on Facebook and online at Sincerely,

Clint Richey Commercial Insurance Broker & Risk Management Consultant Brown & Brown Insurance of SC, Inc. 2018 Chamber Board Chair

Auto Home Renters Health

se habla espanol

SIMPSONVILLE Area Chamber of Commerce

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chamber board of directors

CLINT RICHEY Brown & Brown Insurance of SC, Inc. 2018 Board Chairman

LOU HUTCHINGS Simpsonville City Council, Ward VI City Council Advisor

DOUG MILLER Laurens Electric Cooperative Director

BRITTANY BROCKMAN Allstate Insurance- Cornell Sweeney Agency Past Board Chairwoman

BOB BROWN Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices/C. Dan Joyner Realtors Director

CHRIS MIZE Community Volunteer Board Treasurer

JILL CONNOR Pelham Medical Center Director

TAFT OSBORNE First Reliance Bank Director

KATHY MOORE Greenville Heritage Federal Credit Union Board Secretary

JEFF GERBER Summit Media LLC Director


BUTCH KIRVEN Greenville County Council, District 27 County Council Advisor

SCOTT JONES Hillcrest Memorial Hospital Director

JULIA SCHOLZ Stella’s Southern Bistro Director

ANDREA MERRITT Sportsclub Simpsonville Director

ANJA SMITH All Clear Plumbing Director

c h a m b e r s ta f f

ALLISON MCGARITY Simpsonville Area Chamber of Commerce President/CEO


JENNIFER RICHARDSON Simpsonville Area Chamber of Commerce Director of Corporate & Community Events

SIMPSONVILLE Area Chamber of Commerce

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w e l c o m e f r o m t h e m ayo r Whether you are a new resident, business or visitor or have lived and worked here for years, the City of Simpsonville and I welcome you. Now is the time to come live, work, and play with us. We have seen tremendous growth in the last few years and expect even more to come. From ongoing economic development, great parks, a walkable downtown to live entertainment, Simpsonville certainly has something for everyone! The most important responsibility that public officials have is serving their community and constituents. Because we at City Hall care about the safety and security of our residents, businesses, and visitors, we have the best law enforcement officers and first responders a city could have. The Simpsonville Fire Department has stations strategically positioned around the entire

community to provide fast and efficient service, and the Simpsonville Police Department works closely with the Greenville County Sheriff’s Office to ensure all residents are safe. Our public safety officers go above and beyond the call of duty. As a small-business owner, I understand the need for a business-friendly climate. Recent economic development in Simpsonville demonstrates the ease with which new businesses can set up shop. Our community is undergoing changes that position Simpsonville as a destination city while keeping that small-town, “stay-a-while” charm. The City of Simpsonville and Simpsonville Area Chamber of Commerce are working together to make sure your experience in Simpsonville exceeds expectations. The Newcomers Guide and Directory is a resource for you to discover all that our community has to offer. We at City Hall and the Chamber are excited about current projects, future opportunities and continued progress in and around Simpsonville — I think you will be, too.

Mayor Janice Curtis City of Simpsonville

city council WARD I Matthew Gooch 116 Howard Circle Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 399-9405 Elected through 2019

WARD V Ken Cummings 27 Open Range Lane Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 323-5909 Elected through 2019

WARD II Stephanie Kelley 204 N Pliney Circle Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 395-1619 Elected through 2021

WARD VI Lou Hutchings 304 Alder Drive Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 303-5767 Elected through 2021

WARD III Jenn Hulehan 14 Sierra Court Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 757-4945 Elected through 2019

MAYOR Janice Curtis 1500 Brentwood Way Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 619-8445 Elected through 2019

WARD IV Sherry Roche 204 Foxhound Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 325-3035 Elected through 2021

2018 – 2019 Newcomers Guide & Directory

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c i t y at a g l a n c e GEOGRAPHY Location Simpsonville is positioned 34.71 degrees north of the equator and 82.24 degrees west of the prime meridian

Dance The Greenville Ballet The Carolina Ballet Theatre Art Simpsonville Arts Foundation Metropolitan Arts Council Bob Jones University Museum & Gallery Museum & Gallery at Heritage Green The Fine Arts Center Furman University Thompson Gallery Greenville County Museum of Art Upstate Visual Arts

Region in South Carolina Northwest County Greenville County seat Greenville Metropolitan Statistical Area Greenville-Mauldin-Easley Miles to: Columbia – 90 New York – 735 Miami – 726 Atlanta – 156 Charleston, S.C. – 205 Washington, D.C. – 494

POPULATION 2017 Simpsonville – 22,072 Greenville County – 506,837 2015 Simpsonville – 19,615 Greenville County – 474,266

Howard’s Pharmacy

Prescription Specialist 864-963-5303

102 S Main St. Simpsonville, SC

Monday-Friday 8am - 7pm 10

Saturday 9am - 5pm

Sunday 1pm - 5pm

2010 Simpsonville – 18,238 Greenville County – 451,225 2000 Simpsonville – 14,352 Greenville County – 379,616 1990 Simpsonville – 11,708; Greenville County – 320,167 QUALITY OF LIFE Organizations Chamber of Commerce Rotary Club Lions Club Kiwanis Club Shriners Jaycees Music Charter Amphitheatre at Heritage Park Carolina Youth Symphony Greenville Chorale Greenville Civic Band Greenville County Youth Orchestra Greenville Symphony Orchestra Heritage Chamber Society The Younts Center for Performing Arts Theater Centre Stage – South Carolina Greenville Little Theatre The Peace Center South Carolina Children’s Theatre The Warehouse Theatre GLOW Lyric Theatre The Younts Center for the Performing Arts Milltown Players

Museums Museum of Revolutionary War History Greenville County Museum of Art Children’s Museum of the Upstate Upcountry History Museum Museum and Library of Confederate History GOVERNMENT Type of city government Council, mayor Six council members City council terms: Four years; two-year staggered terms Type of county government Council, county administrator Twelve council members County council terms: Four years Fire department 65 personnel that includes one chief, one assistant chief, one fire marshal, one deputy fire marshal, one training officer, and 60 shift personnel dispersed throughout five stations. Seven engines, one aerial platform, one heavy rescue truck, one HAZMAT truck, one brush truck, six administrative vehicles, a station pickup truck, a collapse/shoring trailer, a fire prevention/education trailer, and a former administrative vehicle used for personnel to travel to and from training classes. It is a DHEC-certified first response department for medical response. Police department: 43 police officers Eight dispatchers Two civilian personnel

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n ewc o m e r i n f o r m at i o n GETTING CONNECTED To locate underground lines, contact Palmetto Utility Protection Services at 811 or (888) 721-7877 CABLE TELEVISION, INTERNET, & PHONE SERVICE Spectrum TV, Internet, and Phone (formerly Charter Communications) (888) 438-2427 AT&T U-Verse (800) 288-2020 Frontier Communications (855) 733-4314 ELECTRIC SERVICE Duke Energy (800) 777-9898 Laurens Electric Cooperative (800) 942-3141 GAS SERVICE Piedmont Natural Gas Co. (800) 752-7504

WATER Greenville Water System (864) 241-6000

SCHOOLS See full listing of local schools on page 36.

POST OFFICE Simpsonville Post Office 634 N.E. Main Street (864) 963-5909 Simpsonville Post Office 677 Fairview Road (864) 962-5193

TRANSPORTATION Greenville-Spartanburg International Airport (864) 877-7426 Greenville Downtown Airport (864) 242-4777 GreenLink Bus Service (864) 467-5001 Amtrak Trains (864) 255-4221 or (800) 872-7245 Greyhound Bus Service (864) 235-4741 or (800) 231-2222

EMERGENCY SERVICES General Emergency – 911 Fire Department (864) 967-9545 Police Department (864) 967-9536 Poison Control (800) 922-1117 SC DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES or (803) 896-5000. Local field office: 1310 N. Main Street, Fountain Inn (864) 967-4013


GREENVILLE COUNTY INFORMATION VisitGreenvilleSC (Convention and Visitor’s Bureau) (800) 717-0023 Greenville County Health Department (864) 282-4100

Greenville County Magistrate’s Office (864) 963-3457 Greenville County Recreation District (864) 288-6470 Greenville County Sheriff’s Office (864) 271-5210 Greenville County Tax Collector (864) 467-7050 Greenville County Zoning Administration (864) 467-7425 Greenville County Library System (864) 242-5000 Department of Social Services (864) 467-7700 American Red Cross (864) 271-8222 South Carolina Department of Revenue (864) 241-1200 Voter Registration Office (864) 467-7250



ALTA ELISABETH LEE , M.H.A. Advisor Health & Life

I help the individuals and families with health insurance needs. My particular focus is on the individual both under and over age sixty-five (Medicare), the self-employed, and small business owners. Being an “independent” agent allows me to offer products to meet every need, at any age, with any budget and every lifestyle. S.C. LICENSE 303365 TEL. (864) 593-3691 | FAX. (864) 729-3800 2018 – 2019 Newcomers Guide & Directory

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enjoying simpsonville


impsonville, South Carolina, is a diverse and growing community that attracts young couples, busy families and active retirees. Unlike similarly sized communities across the U.S., Simpsonville has been able to keep its small-town feel while enjoying enviable growth. Only 20 minutes from downtown Greenville and an hour-and-a-half from Atlanta and Charlotte, Simpsonville is a growing community with award-winning schools, beautiful parks, accessible public services, lively events, and a wide variety of restaurants, retailers, and employers to keep residents engaged and happy. “Simpsonville has it all: an expanding economic landscape, great sources of entertainment and a family-friendly atmosphere,” said Justin Campbell, City of Simpsonville community relations specialist. “From local boutiques to farm-totable restaurants to big-name headlining bands, Simpsonville has the amenities one needs without leaving the city limits.” Through the Simpsonville Area Chamber of Commerce, Simpsonville’s merchants often assist with events and other important initiatives. Local businesses range from large stores like Publix, Target, Belk, and Michaels to smaller local enterprises like Mary’s Lunchbox, the Ice Cream Station, Stella’s Southern Bistro, Danny Smith’s Fillin’ & Fixin’ Station, and Vaughn’s Country Store. One of Simpsonville’s biggest assets is Heritage Park, which boasts a full-size amphitheater, a fun outdoor venue where 16,000 people can enjoy a summer concert. The 2018 season featured Hank Williams Jr., rock bands Evanescence and Paramore, the Charlie Daniels Band, and both Foreigner and White Snake in a joint performance. The venue is also home to family-favorite events like the 10-day Fair at Heritage Park each May, an Easter egg hunt, Movies in the Park, the Independence Day Celebration featuring a professional fireworks display, Halloween at Heritage Park and Christmas at Heritage Park


featuring Santa Claus. Heritage Park also has athletic fields, walking trails, two playgrounds, and a miniature replica steam engine train that takes people of all ages around the park. Simpsonville’s City Park is another beacon of entertainment for residents and visitors looking for family-friendly activities. City Park has a smaller amphitheater and stage that serves as the site for free Friday night concerts in the summer, sponsored by the Simpsonville Arts Foundation, Inc. Between 500 and 1,000 people can gather around the stage to enjoy a performance, and the city is pleased the Simpsonville City Park Amphitheater has grown as a destination in recent years. “The City of Simpsonville and Simpsonville Area Chamber of Commerce co-hosted the ‘Support the Arts’ fundraiser at City Park in May, which featured the Jimmy Buffett Tribute Band, and took in about $15,000 for the Simpsonville Arts Center,” Campbell said. “The community really showed its support for local art and Simpsonville.” With $30,000 raised by the 2016 class of Leadership Simpsonville, a sensory playground compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act and featuring inclusive equipment was added to City Park’s play area in 2017. While many people move to Simpsonville to work for one of the community’s large employers, it is worth noting that another sizeable group consists of empty-nesters who move to

Simpsonville to retire and be closer to their families. Although retirees are certainly drawn to the city by family, the area’s many golf courses, active senior centers, and various fun things to do nearby with their grandchildren – like the Discovery Island waterpark – attract them, too. A strong local health care community with three major health systems is also a deciding factor in why retirees move to the area. The Simpsonville community has continued to gain national recognition over the past decade for its diverse attributes. More recently, Simpsonville was rated as one of the 10 Best Places to Live in South Carolina for 2018 by regional “infotainment” website HomeSnacks based on numbers from the U.S. Census and FBI crime data. Career expert website Zippia named Simpsonville one of the Ten Most Successful Cities in South Carolina based on 2016 property values, median household income, and unemployment rate. In 2017, Simpsonville was declared the Safest City in South Carolina by a company that reviews home security systems online. Money Magazine named our city one of the 25 Most Affordable Cities in the United States in 2011, and Family Circle Magazine named Simpsonville one of the Ten Best Towns for Families in South Carolina in 2010. The City of Simpsonville is truly a vibrant, growing, and welcoming place.

SIMPSONVILLE Area Chamber of Commerce

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e n t e rta i n m e n t & r e c r e at i o n COMMUNITY CENTER Senior Activity Center 310 W. Curtis Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-9533

CONCERT VENUES Heritage Park & Amphitheater 861 SE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 757-3022

ENTERTAINMENT Golden Lanes 108 Balcome Boulevard Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-8551

City Park & Greenville Heritage Federal Credit Union Stage 198 Park Drive Simpsonville, SC 29681

Greenville Swamp Rabbits 650 N. Academy Street Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 250-4926

TRZ Management 861 SE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 296-6601

The Gun Shop & Indoor Range 622 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 757-8580

Younts Center for Performing Arts 315 North Main Street Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 409-1050

Museum of Revolutionary War History 110 Academy Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 235-6527

PUBLIC DOG PARK The Dog Spot 100 Park Drive Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 228-0022


1 2 3

PUBLIC PARKS City Park 198 Park Drive Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 961-9533

PUBLIC WATER PARK Discovery Island 417 S. Baldwin Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 963-4345

College Street Park 321 College Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-9533 Alder Park 298 Alder Drive Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-9533

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FREE Fitness Coaching FREE Child Care

with your family membership


2018 – 2019 Newcomers Guide & Directory

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dining & shopping guide Unterhausen – The Castle Cellar Pub 103 E. Curtis Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 SHOPPING GUIDE Shopaholics rejoice! Simpsonville offers a wide variety of shopping options for everything from unique boutiques to national retailers. DINING GUIDE There is no shortage of great food to be found throughout the Simpsonville area. Hungry citizens and visitors alike make these restaurants a regular part of their dining habits!

McDonald’s 1025 South Street Simpsonville, SC 29681

Anthony’s Pizzeria 655-A Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29680

692 Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29680

Chick-fil-A 659 Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 Chili’s 700 Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 The Honeybaked Ham Co. and Café 339-A Harrison Bridge Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 Ice Cream Station 125 S. Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 Mary’s Lunchbox 215 N. Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681

924 N.E. Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681

Seasons Cafe and Catering 1054 E. Butler Road Greenville, SC 29607 Silver Bay Seafood 916 N.E. Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 Shortfields 111 N. Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 Stella’s Southern Bistro 655-A Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 Thai Cuisine 128 S. Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681

Belk 665 Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 Clark’s Fine Jewelers 679-B Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 Extreme Tee’s/Palmetto Cotton Co. 129 S.E. Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 The Gun Shop & Indoor Range 622 N.E. Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 Hobby Lobby 714 Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 Koinophobic Boutique 404 Harrison Bridge Road, Suite B Simpsonville, SC 29680 LulaRoe by Kelli Fugate Serving Simpsonville & Upstate SC Merle Norman Cosmetics 655-N Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 Pink Owl Boutique 104 W. Curtis Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 Three Generations Boutique 131 S.E. Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 Vaughn’s Country Store 109 W. Trade Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 Walmart Supercenter 3950 Grandview Drive Simpsonville, SC 29680


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Comfort Suites • Simpsonville •


3971 Grandview Dr. Simpsonville, SC 29680


• Birthdays • Holidays • Weddings • Funerals • Graduation We have rooms for you. 2018 – 2019 Newcomers Guide & Directory

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r e a l e s tat e s e rv i c e s REAL ESTATE AGENTS Allen Tate Realtors 672B Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 962-4727 Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices/C. Dan Joyner Realtors 634-A Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 963-0900 Coldwell Banker Caine 111 Williams Street Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 250-2850 Donald Barbour/Realtor with Keller Williams 403 Woods Lake Road, Suite 100 Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 704-0006

NAI Earle Furman 101 E. Washington Street, Suite 400 Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 232-9040

Gilliam Properties 300 S. Main Street Mauldin, SC 29662 (864) 221-4094

RE/MAX Moves 100 Batesville Road, Suite C Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 757-4787

Hendricks Properties, Inc. 7 Ralph Hendricks Drive Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 228-2480

The Marchant Company 419 SE Main Street, Suite 300 Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 901-3839

Howard Properties 205 N. Maple Street, Suite 3 Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-8997

Shaun & Shari Realty 302 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 626-0789

Jeff Richardson Company 607 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 962-1750

WMK Properties, LLC 2917 Fork Shoals Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 277-7757

Kirven Company 7 Ralph Hendricks Drive Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 228-9300


APARTMENT LISTING 630 Fairview Apartment Homes 630 Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 963-7715 Arbors at Fairview 1000 Arbor Keats Drive Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 228-3892 Bridgeway Apartment Homes 617 Richardson Street Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 967-3301 Stillwater at Grandview Cove Leasing Office 3714 Grandview Drive Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 967-2010 Garden District Apartment Homes 100 Garden District Drive Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-1000

Jasmine Cove Apartments 1600 Jasmine Cove Circle Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 967-4663 Larkspur Pointe Apartments LLC 1000 Knights Spur Ct. Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 676-8070 Oak Pointe Apartment Homes 112 Davenport Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 228-2686 Spring Creek Apartments 10 Capewood Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 967-3905 Greenville, LLC 330 E. Coffee Street Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 527-5974

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area church listings Cedar Grove Baptist Church 206 Moore Street | P.O. Box 837 Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-6935 Clear Spring Baptist Church 301 Bethany Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-4804 First Baptist Church of Simpsonville 3 Hedge Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-8591

Bible Baptist Church 233 Harrison Bridge Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 963-9152 Calvary Baptist Church 3810 Grandview Drive Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 967-7803

Holly Ridge Baptist Church 260 Adams Mill Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-8887 Simpsonville United Methodist Church 215 SE Main Street P.O. Box 1357 Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-3071

SUNDAY WORSHIP 8:40am & 11:05am Traditional 10:55am Contemporary SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:55am (All Ages) YOUTH GROUP Sundays 5:30pm Middle School Fellowship Sundays 6:30pm High School Fellowship


United Methodist Church A Stephen Ministry Congregation

215 SE Main Street • Simpsonville, SC 29681 • 864-967-3071 Weekday Preschool & Kindergarten, Ext. 4 2018 – 2019 Newcomers Guide & Directory

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award-winning schools & teachers


he children of Simpsonville are educated in 12 elementary, middle and high schools that are part of a single district known as Greenville County Schools. “Preparing students for their future pursuits in life, work and education is our responsibility and privilege,” said Superintendent Dr. Burke Royster. “We are committed to a studentcentered culture, which means everything we do is focused on responding to the individuality of our more than 76,000 students. Some students need academic, social, or emotional support and mentoring, while others just need guidance, challenges, and opportunities. In all cases, we are committed to helping students fulfill their potential and ensure a bright future for them and our community.” The District has received National Accreditation from the AdvancED Accreditation Commission, recognizing it as a high-quality school district. In addition, it is South Carolina’s leader in school choice, featuring schools of various sizes in urban, suburban and rural settings, and magnet academies offering specialized studies in areas such as communications, foreign languages, the arts, science and mathematics. About 16 percent of district students take advantage of school choice to match their needs and interests. TEACHER OF THE YEAR For the second consecutive year, a teacher in a Simpsonville-based school was named the entire District’s Greenville County Teacher of the Year award in 2017. Suzanne Billings, a fourth-grade teacher at Plain Elementary School, earned the honor. She has taught at Plain for 10 years and is the first teacher at that 950-student school to be


so honored. “Suzanne is the consummate professional who has true passion for children, teaching and learning,” said Debbie Mihalic, Plain Elementary Principal. “She is very innovative and is a designated ‘inclusion’ teacher who works closely with special education students who periodically come to join her students for certain activities. Suzanne inspires all students to learn and succeed by fostering a collaborative environment at school.” Billings has initiated an interaction between her classroom and a special-needs classroom of similarly aged children challenged by autism, intellectual, physical and developmental delays and emotional disabilities. The two classrooms interact for 30 minutes, once every two weeks, in order to open the fourth graders’ eyes to different people’s unique abilities and to encourage people’s compassion. “And the skills they have learned by interacting with the special-needs children have even spilled over into our classroom with students now understanding that everyone has different abilities. Some are good at math. Others are good at other things and we all need help sometimes, so you shouldn’t make fun of people when they need and ask for help,” Billings said. “Working with the specialneeds students has taught

my students acceptance, kindness, and many amazing life skills. They are now super excited to see each other in the hallways.” Interactions between the classrooms include communication games, service projects like making posters to put up around the school, reading to each other, making thank-you cards and training for the Special Olympics. “This classroom interaction has taught the students that we are all the same. We just face different challenges,” Principal Mihalic noted. “This initiative led by Suzanne Billings fits beautifully into our school vision: ‘A School Family Positively Committed to Excellence.’ We work to foster a student-centered, family environment with strong relationships and an emphasis on both education and security. There is a compassionate, calm school culture.” In addition, “the teachers at Plain collaborate well and have high morale. As a result, the environment is very positive,” Billings added. GOLDEN STRIP CAREER TECHNOLOGY CENTER Golden Strip Career Technology Center serves schools in the Simpsonville area. It offers career preparation in culinary arts, digital art and design, welding, cosmetology, machine tool technology, early childhood education, building construction, automotive technology, auto collision repair, HVAC, law enforcement, mechatronics and more. The extremely popular areas of endeavor – health science and agriculture – have been moved into each of the Greenville County high schools so that more students may enroll.

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Begun in the late 1970s, Golden Strip is one of four such career centers within the Greenville County School District. It currently serves approximately 600 students, primarily from JL Mann, Hillcrest and Mauldin high schools. “We offer 15 programs that are designed to give students the essential skills, attitude and mindset that they will need to do well in life. This is not just a trade school. It is a lifelong skills school,” said JF Lucas, director. Ninth-graders can go to the Career Center for exploratory sessions to see what fields interest them; then 10th-12thgraders get their training; and 11th and 12th graders may participate in co-ops, internships and apprenticeships. Some of the career center courses are dual-credit which means a student may receive college credit for their Career Center course. Once they have learned the basic skills in their field, students are encouraged to engage in internships and paid apprenticeships at local companies like Michelin, Steuken, Gregory Electric and Brasfield & Gorrie. Many students – 104 this past school year – also earn their OSHA-10 safety certificate in addition to industry certifications such as Automotive Service Excellence or EPA Section 608. “We have companies that pay students to work for them while also going to school,” Lucas said. “Our Work-Based Learning Coordinator, Lynn Tuten, has as her main mission to find work for our students. She makes contacts, arranges for internships and prepares our students for interviews and making work connections.” “Michelin hires our mechatronics students as apprentice ‘reliability technicians’ who perform mechanical and technical machine maintenance. It is a highly-skilled and paid position that they are struggling to fill because current employees are retiring,” Tuten said. Mechatronics is a field that is a combination of mechanical engineering, electronics, computer engineering, telecommunications engineering, systems engineering and control engineering. Bosch and many other local manufacturing companies hire these students. “We have students interning in various industries. Examples include Steuken, a German company that hires our machine tool students for internships and apprenticeships and even pays their college tuition, and Southeastern Products, a firm that make grocery store interiors. They have hired one of our students as an industrial painter,” she added. According to Tuten, students from the Career Center’s fire technology courses co-op with several area fire departments and HVAC students have found employment at both Carolina Heating and Gregory Electric. “We would love to have more district students be a part of what we are doing here. Most get internships, co-ops and certifications so that they can go right to work after high school, if that is what they want to do. Parents often don’t realize the opportunities we offer,” she added. GREENVILLE TECHNICAL COLLEGE A popular option for higher education after high school is nearby Greenville Technical College’s Brashier Campus. It is the most convenient community college campus for residents of Simpsonville, Mauldin, Fountain Inn and other nearby communities. It houses core programs including nursing, welding, industrial maintenance/mechatronics and fire

science. The campus also offers high-quality general education courses that transfer to any college or university. For this reason, the college is a good place for local residents to begin their higher education. In fact, high school students are encouraged to pursue dual enrollment in courses at the technical college while simultaneously completing their high school requirements. Greenville Technical College also plays an active part in the surrounding community. Its faculty and staff understand that an educated workforce attracts new businesses and encourages economic development in a region, so they partner closely with local municipal, business and education leaders on a variety of local councils in order to foster community growth.

I am a visual learner who benefits from using hands-on materials. I receive lessons in a classroom with a 12:1 student to teacher ratio. I am encouraged to explore subjects that interest me. I am Five Oaks Academy.

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area school listing ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Bells Crossing Elementary School 804 Scuffletown Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 355-3800

CAREER CENTER Golden Strip Career Center 1120 E. Butler Road Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 355-1050

Bethel Elementary School 111 Bethel School Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 355-4100

CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER SHARE Early Headstart 1200 Howard Drive Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 355-5070

Bryson Elementary School 703 Bryson Drive Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 355-3600

COLLEGES Greenville Technical College Brashier Campus 1830 West Georgia Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 228-5000

Fork Shoals School 916 McKelvey Road Pelzer, SC 29669 (864) 355-5000 Mauldin Elementary School 1194 Holland Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 355-3700 Monarch Elementary School 224 Five Forks Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 452-0600 Oakview Elementary School 515 Godfrey Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 355-7100 Plain Elementary School 506 Neely Ferry Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 355-7700 Rudolph Gordon Elementary School 1507 Scuffletown Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 452-0200 Simpsonville Elementary at Morton Place 200 Morton Avenue Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 355-8300


MIDDLE SCHOOLS Bryson Middle School 3657 S. Industrial Drive Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 355-2100 Hillcrest Middle School 510 Garrison Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 355-6100 Langston Charter Middle School 1950 Woodruff Road Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 286-9700 Mauldin Middle School 1190 Holland Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 355-6770 Ralph Chandler Middle School 4231 Fork Shoals Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 452-0300 HIGH SCHOOLS Brashier Middle College Charter High School 1830 W. Georgia Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 757-1800 Hillcrest High School 2665 S. Industrial Drive Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 355-3500

Woodmont High School 2831 W. Georgia Road Piedmont, SC 29673 (864) 355-8600 PRIVATE SCHOOLS Five Oaks Academy 1101 Jonesville Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 228-1881 Grades: Preschool-8 Greenville Classical Academy 2519 Woodruff Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 329-9884 Grades: K4-12 Hope Academy 2258 Woodruff Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 676-0028 Primrose School 2255 Woodruff Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 757-1191 simpsonville-five-forks Grades: 6 weeks-K5 Southside Christian School 2211 Woodruff Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 234-7595 Grades: Pre-school-12

Bob Jones University 1700 Wade Hampton Blvd. Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 242-5100 Furman University 3300 Poinsett Highway Greenville, SC 29613 (864) 294-2000 University Center of Greenville 216 S. Pleasantburg Drive Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 250-1111 AREA COLLEGES Colleges, universities, technical schools and other schools serving the area include: Anderson University Clemson University Converse College ECPI College of Technology Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine North Greenville University Presbyterian College Southern Wesleyan University Spartanburg Methodist College Spartanburg Technical College Tri-County Technical College USC Upstate Webster University Greenville Wofford College

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developing local leaders


r s ve r e O Yea ienc r 36 pe x E

he Simpsonville Area and Fountain Inn Chambers of Commerce worked together in 2018 to launch Leadership Golden Strip, a leadership development program for local business people in the Golden Strip area. The inaugural class began in June 2018, with participants graduating in spring 2019. LGS is a 10-month program for professionals with the desire and ability to shape the future of our vibrant communities. Through face-to-face meetings with regional leaders and on-site visits with local agencies and businesses, participants explore the major issues and unique challenges facing the Golden Strip area. “We are thrilled for this opportunity to collaborate with one of our neighboring Chambers, and to offer a more robust leadership development option for members of our community,” said Simpsonville Area Chamber President Allison McGarity. The Simpsonville Area Chamber has a strong history of developing community leaders by providing its own Leadership Simpsonville program, which will now be incorporated into the LGS program. “Since joining the staff of the Fountain Inn Chamber last November, I have been pursuing meaningful opportunities to engage our members and encourage workforce and leadership development,” said Fountain Inn Chamber President Whitney Ferguson. “This collaboration is in line with the mission of our Chamber, and I anticipate that our members will be eager to become involved.” LGS participants must complete a rigorous application process, uphold the program’s strict attendance policy and meet all program requirements in order to graduate. The graduating class will be publicly recognized with a formal graduation ceremony. This dynamic program cultivates corporate and community leaders by introducing them to the various aspects of developing and maintaining a vibrant community, establishing dialogue with fellow community leaders, and facilitating their contributions to the betterment of the community. Leadership Golden Strip will fuel a network of strong, informed, community-minded leaders that will go on to work for local businesses, start their own ventures, and continue to serve those around them. The program begins with a two-day retreat and continues with monthly sessions that cover topics such as local and state government, education, arts and history, infrastructure and more. Each session includes facility tours, expert presentations and one-on-one meetings with inspirational community leaders. As the business community continues to grow, McGarity is excited about the future of the partnership with the Fountain Inn Chamber. “We are constantly looking for new strategies to shake things up and increase the value that our Chamber provides for the business community here in Simpsonville,” she said. “Leadership Golden Strip is one of our pillar programs which upholds the Chamber’s mission statement. We are very proud of our graduates and excited for what is to come.”

674 Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 Tel: 864.757.9764 2018 – 2019 Newcomers Guide & Directory

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f e at u r e d l o c a l bu s i n e s s e s FIRST RELIANCE BANK First Reliance Bank arrived in the Simpsonville/Greater Greenville community during the first quarter of 2018 when it acquired Independence Bancshares, Inc and its subsidiary, Independence National Bank. Ranked among the top 20 banks in South Carolina with assets of nearly $535 million and 170 associates, First Reliance was founded in Florence in 1999 by longtime bankers and brothers, Rick and Paul Saunders, and their friend, Dale Porter. Today First Reliance Bank has branches statewide, as well as in Winston-Salem and Lake Norman, North Carolina. “We have a great team of bankers and now we have the resources of a strong community bank behind us. We are looking forward to growing our business in the thriving upstate of South Carolina,” said Kemper Kenan, First Reliance City Executive for Greenville/Simpsonville. “We believe banking is not simply about dollars and cents. First Reliance Bank serves hard-working Americans who prefer to bank with people who understand their needs and are committed to helping them achieve their financial goals,” said Pam Rhoads, Vice President Marketing and Customer Relationship Management. First Reliance has been recognized for its success, including receiving a Banky Award from the Institute for Extraordinary Banking for being among the top one percent of banks in the country. It is also the only company ever to be named to The Top 25 Fastest Growing Companies in South Carolina four times running.


The staff at First Reliance weathered the global economic crisis that began a decade ago and reshaped the way it does business. It was a difficult journey, Rhoads noted, one that required strong risk management, credit discipline, efficiency and expense management – while also expanding their ability to generate profits through the expansion of a mortgage business line and auto lending as competitive advantages – but they succeeded and continue to expand. The First Reliance Bank team gets to know each customer personally and provides them with products and services focused on “convenience” and being “easy to do business with.” They also offer a variety of communityoriented custom programs through which they are able to treat their customers like individuals and not account numbers including programs for young adults, mothers, hometown heroes (police, fire, teachers) and those who have had trouble managing a bank account. The bank also makes significant economic contributions to the communities they serve. For instance, First Reliance annually donates over 800 volunteer hours of service and is one of the top local contributors to the American Cancer Association. Finally, First Reliance provides financial literacy videos and information used in school presentations to encourage people to save, budget, and develop strong money management habits. The bank’s online banking service also has a free financial management and budgeting component available to support customer needs.

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Cleveland Park East Animal Hospital HOURS OF OPERATION Monday through Friday 7:30am to 6pm Saturday 7:30am to 12:00pm PRIMROSE SCHOOL OF SIMPSONVILLE AT FIVE FORKS Primrose School of Simpsonville at Five Forks, a highly-rated and nationally-known preschool and childcare franchise, opened in Simpsonville in August 2015. The school, located at 2255 Woodruff Road, boasts a very special and unique lineage that sets it apart from the other 375 Primrose Schools across the country. This school was opened by Meggie and Buck Bradberry, the daughter and son-in-law of the preschool chain’s founders. Paul and Marcy Erwin founded Primrose Country Day School, the first Primrose School, in Marietta, Georgia, in 1982. Six years later the chain’s fourth school opened and was the first to be franchised. That same year, Jo Kirchner, the company’s current President and CEO, was hired as a consultant to help shift the then half-day preschool to a full-day model, as well as to assist in the launch of the franchising concept. She remains at the helm of the AdvancED Corporation accredited family of schools today. Meggie Bradberry, owner of the Simpsonville Primrose School, grew up attending her parents’ preschool and learned the business through osmosis by listening to her parents’ discussions over the dinner table for years. One of the schools’ animal mascots – a pig – is even named “Meggie.” She majored in marketing at the University of Georgia, and then worked for a Charlotte-based bank. Meanwhile, Buck worked in construction. However, they both desired to become entrepreneurs. The couple started a small company with moderate success. But when Meggie became pregnant, the couple started thinking about following in the Erwins’ footsteps and opening a Primrose School. They purchased land and spent two years building the facility. Today the Primrose School of Simpsonville cares for over 180 children from 6 weeks to 6 years old – some part-time and some full-time, and offers after-school programs for children up to age 12. Meggie and Buck’s children, Mae, age 4, and Hank, 1, both attend the school. Operating Monday through Friday from 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., the school employs a full-time chef who prepares five meals and snacks each day for their tiny charges. The school follows the company’s proprietary Balanced Learning curriculum, which combines traditional, teacher-guided learning with more child-initiated play and emphasizes building character in students. The concept of “giving without expecting” is central to their teaching. Primrose also emphasizes parent communication in order to foster the connection between home and school and create continuity in the children’s educational experience. For more information, visit simpsonville or call (864) 757-1191.

We Offer Services for Dogs, Cats, Pet Birds and Exotics. We are highly skilled in Soft Tissue & Orthopedic Surgery, Advanced Dentistry, Spays, Neuters, In House Laboratory & Pharmacy, Boarding and Grooming.

815 N.E. Main St. Simpsonville, SC 29681


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s i m p s o n v i l l e k n ow s h ow t o g r ow


hile the Simpsonville area retains its small-town charm, the region is growing, adapting, and continuing to realize its potential. Over the last two decades, the Simpsonville community has become a popular residential area for young couples, families and retirees due to its proximity to larger cities like Greenville and its convenient offerings for shopping, dining and recreation. At the same time, the population in the city limits has increased by about 133 percent, and the trend will likely continue for the foreseeable future. While the numbers of residents and rooftops have increased over time, the pace of local commercial development has not always kept up. Understandably, the Great Recession hurt many investors with eyes on Simpsonville, and put many plans on pause. The challenge for Simpsonville today is embracing a future of economic growth while honoring our past and preserving our identity. The community has a strong desire to keep its small-town charm, and leaders are sensitive to that desire when considering major shifts in planning and zoning strategies. Unfortunately, plots of land have gone underutilized, “for sale or lease” signs have lingered and residents have needed to drive 15-20 minutes to enjoy fine dining, shop for pet supplies or buy organic groceries. Now, Simpsonville is accelerating economically with no signs of slowing down. Simpsonville’s business landscape is best broken into four trending commercial areas: Downtown, Fairview Road/Harrison Bridge Road, West Georgia Road and the Five Forks area. Downtown offers the traditional Main Street business district with local shops and restaurants, community events and historic architecture. The Fairview Road/Harrison Bridge Road area features big box retailers and nationally branded commercial developments. Five Forks has an intriguing variety of local and regional franchises and smaller retailers. The West Georgia Road area includes the Brashier Campus of Greenville Technical College, medical offices, and grocery stores. Each of these commercial areas is evolving to meet the needs of Simpsonville’s residents. Downtown has seen a lot of transition in the last five years, with many storefronts changing hands and becoming destination retailers like


specialty restaurants or bars, antique dealers, and unique gift stores. These types of businesses attract both visitors and residents, and offer a reason to “stay a while” and enjoy Simpsonville’s past and present. The City of Simpsonville and Greenville County are working to bring a main trunk of the Swamp Rabbit Trail to downtown. Securing a connection to the popular trail is part of a larger effort by the city to create a city-wide trails plan. With a grant from the National Park Service, the city is working to bring multiple trail connections to Simpsonville. Already on Main Street is the clock tower donated by former Mayor Ralph S. Hendricks in 1987. The clock tower is an important historical landmark that is itself a destination. As the city grows and adapts to a new economic climate, the clock tower is a reminder of where we come from as we learn where we are going. The types of businesses in the Fairview Road/ Harrison Bridge Road area have remained constant in recent years, but the size of this area is quickly expanding. A recent development in this commercial area is a 22.5-acre shopping center, where the most commercial building is taking place. The architecture of the buildings complements the heritage of the old farm land on which the center was developed. The shopping center now houses a Hobby Lobby, Publix and newly opened Chili’s, and will soon include Sharonview Federal Credit Union. Other retailers that have come to the Fairview/ Harrison Bridge roads area in recent years include Petco, PetSmart, Michaels, Planet Fitness and Bee Safe Storage. A new Aldi store recently opened. Tracts of land remain available in this area, so it is certain there is more to come in the years ahead. The Five Forks area of Simpsonville boasts a

median household income that’s more than twice that of the state’s, and a lot of the commercial development in the area serves that market. Lowes Foods is a regional grocery chain that opened a new store model in the area to offer fresh local produce, made-to-order meals and a full-service deli and bakery, plus all the brands typically found at a grocery store. A boutique fitness studio, fresh smoothie shop, and a salon have also joined the shopping strip. In March, the Greenville County Library System’s newest branch opened in Five Forks. The 28,000-square-foot Five Forks Branch is the second largest out of all 12 branches, has two drive-up windows and offers the latest technology that makes checking materials in and out fast and efficient. Although the West Georgia Road area may be the least developed, this area too is rapidly changing. The current renovation of Cotton Mill Commons to bring Class A apartments to the area is expected to increase property values and improve quality of life. In recent years, a Neighborhood Wal-Mart has opened, several multi-family complexes are in process, available land is being snatched up and announcements of planned developments should be made in the coming weeks and months. As the momentum of economic growth and development builds and builds, it’s no wonder why the Simpsonville community continues to be a vibrant place for people to call home and earn a living. An expanding residential market has drawn a diverse selection of businesses that have created jobs for people served by new apartment and housing developments. Simpsonville is proudly meeting the challenge of planning for its economic future while keeping its small-town charm with thoughtful sustainable growth.

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alphabetical member listings #

630 Fairview Apartment Homes 630 Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 963-7715 Apartments


ABC Party Rentals 286 Rocky Creek Road Greenville, SC 29615 (864) 675-6688 Event Services, Venues & Rentals

Allen Tate Realtors 1025 Woodruff Road Unit D104 Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 962-4727 Real Estate Services Allstate — Cornell Sweeney Agency 100 W. Curtis Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-2362 Insurance Services Allstate — Harpe Agency, LLC 1004 W. Georgia Road Suite A Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 202-4800 Insurance Services

AC Insurance & Multi Service Agency 119 SE Main Street Suite D Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 962-3200 Insurance Services

Alzheimer’s Association 301 University Ridge Suite 5850 Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 250-0029 Philanthropic & Community Service Organizations

Adjust to Life Chiropractic 634-B Fairview Road Suite 2 Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 305-1009 Chiropractors

Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. 880 S. Pleasantburg Drive Suite 1C Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 370-9222 Financial Advisors & Wealth Management

Advisor Health & Life Serving Simpsonville & Upstate SC (864) 593-3691 Insurance Services

Animal Rehab & Conditioning Center 109 Monroe Drive Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 962-0101 Veterinarians & Animal Care Providers

AECELIGY CORP 37 Villa Road Suite 211 Greenville, SC 29615 (864) 520-1433 Health Care Airite, Inc. 103 Old Laurens Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-8200 Industrial Equipment AlignLife of Simpsonville 419 SE Main Street Suite 200 Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 881-3693 Chiropractors

Anita’s Mexican Restaurant 101 Alice Avenue Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-3855 Restaurants & Caterers Anne Marie Realty, LLC 213 E. Butler Road Suite A2 Mauldin, SC 29662 (864) 881-9579 Real Estate Services

Anthony’s Pizzeria 655-A Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 228-9677 Restaurants & Caterers

All Clear Plumbing 18 Piedmont Highway Piedmont, SC 29673 (864) 979-7059 Maintenance

Assisting Angels Homecare, Inc. 620 Howell Road Unit 10 Greenville, SC 29615 (864) 288-7100 Home Care Providers

Appalachian Council of Governments 30 Century Circle Greenville, SC 29606 (864) 242-9733 Economic Development Agencies Arbors at Fairview 1000 Arbor Keats Drive Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 228-3892 Apartments

Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices/ C. Dan Joyner Realtors 672-B Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 963-0900 Real Estate Services Best Version Media Serving Simpsonville & Upstate SC (978) 895-3181 Printers, Publishers & Graphic Designers

ATA Black Belt Attitude School 656 Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 297-3992 Fitness ATA Black Belt Attitude School 102 Batesville Road Suite A-B Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 297-3992 Fitness AVX Corporation One AVX Boulevard Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 967-2150 Manufacturers & Industrial Facilities


BB&T 713 SE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 228-6450 Banks & Banking Associations B Encouraged 208 S. Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-1521 Philanthropic & Community Service Organizations Babb & Bixler 505 W. Butler Road Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 422-0022 Attorneys & Legal Services

Better Business Bureau of the Upstate 408 N. Church Street Suite C Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 242-5052 Business Services The Blood Connection 1099 Bracken Road Piedmont, SC 29673 (864) 255-5000 Philanthropic & Community Service Organizations Blue Ribbon Express Lube Inc 1010 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 962-2301 Auto Repairs & Services BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina I-20 @ Alpine Road MC AX-340 Columbia, SC 29219 (800) 288-2227 Insurance Services Bon Secours St. Francis Health System One Saint Francis Drive Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 241-5136 Health Care Providers Bradham Printing & Signs 11 Barkingham Lane Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 297-5639 Printers, Publishers & Graphic Designers Bridgeway Apartments 617 Richardson Street Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 967-3301 Apartments

Baking Sweet Scents Serving Simpsonville & Upstate SC (864) 238-2499 Grocery Stores & Gourmet Shops Ballantyne Commons Apartments 5001 Ballantyne Drive Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 757-8802 Apartments Belk 665 Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 963-7005 Retailers — National

Brown & Brown Insurance of SC, Inc. 10 Falcon Crest Drive Suite 100 Greenville, SC 29606 (864) 527-1128 Insurance Services BSC Metal Recycling 1035 Old Stage Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-8949 Utilities & Environmental Services

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alphabetical member listings Bundle of Joy Academy 402 Fowler Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 228-9362 Education & Childcare Providers

The Community Edge Serving Simpsonville & Upstate SC (864) 915-8074 News Community Journals 581 Perry Avenue Greenville, SC 29611 (864) 679-1200 News

Busy Beez Movers Serving Simpsonville & Upstate SC (864) 558-9930 Moving & Storage


C & M Restrooms 1201-B NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 228-0787 Utilities & Environmental Services Calvary Baptist Church 3810 Grandview Drive Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 967-7803 Churches Catering by Bernie and Candie Serving Simpsonville & Upstate SC (864) 569-7770 Restaurants & Caterers CCJ Communications/Publications 911 River Walk Drive Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 962-1175 Business Services Cedar Grove Baptist Church 206 Moore Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-6935 Churches Center for Community Services 1102 Howard Drive Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-2022 Philanthropic & Community Service Organizations Chanticleer Pest Solutions 50 Grand Avenue Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 293-2285 Pest Control Services Chick-fil-A 659 Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 962-5157 Restaurants & Caterers

Chili’s 700 Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 343-1928 Restaurants & Caterers SC Representative Bill Chumley P.O. Box 22 Reidville, SC 29375 (864) 303-2726 Elected Officials City Scape Winery 589 Dunklin Bridge Road Pelzer, SC 29669 (864) 329-0615 Winery Clark’s Fine Jewelers 679-B Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 228-2920 Retailers — Specialty Clear Spring Baptist Church 301 Bethany Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-4804 Churches Cleveland Park East Animal Hospital 815 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-8025 Veterinarians & Animal Care Providers The Clinton Presbyterian Community 801 Musgrave Street Clinton, SC 29325 (864) 939-0590 Assisted Living Facilities Coldwell Banker Caine 111 Williams Street Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 250-2850 Real Estate Services

Cooper Planning Group 412 Woodland Oaks Court Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 962-3039 Insurance Services Corley Plumbing Air Electric 8501 Pelham Road Greenville, SC 29615 (864) 908-3385 Maintenance

Community Chiropractic 3725 Grandview Drive Suite 3 Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 228-0047 Chiropractors

Days Inn 45 Ray E. Talley Court Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 963-7701 Hotels & Lodging DE Family LLC 2917 Fork Shoals Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 277-7757 Real Estate Services Dex Media Serving Simpsonville & Upstate SC (864) 275-7241 Business Services DigitalThinker Inc 879-C NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 520-1115 Business Services

Countybank 201 McBee Avenue Greenville, SC 29601 Banks & Banking Associations

The Dog Spot at City Park 198 Park Drive Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-9526 Attractions: Art, History & Recreation

The Crossings at Five Forks 345 Five Forks Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 412-4700 Assisted Living Facilities

Dr. Sara Bopp, EyecareCenter 877-A NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-8582 Health Care Providers


Danny Smith’s Fillin’ & Fixin’ Station 136 S. Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-4805 Auto Repairs & Services David F. Sullivan Law Firm, LLC 105 S. Maple Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 757-1524 Attorneys & Legal Services

Duke Energy 40 W. Broad Street Suite 690 Greenville, SC 29601 (800) 777-9898 Utilities & Environmental Services


edible Upcountry Serving Simpsonville & Upstate SC (864) 270-7159 News Edward Jones — Berra Byrd 125 Woodruff Place Circle Suite C Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 288-9325 Financial Advisors & Wealth Management

Come Hear Hearing Center 114-C Hospital Drive Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 325-3584 Health Care Comfort Suites Simpsonville 3971 Grandview Drive Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 757-1552 Hotels & Lodging


Connected Health Pharmacy 3907 Grandview Drive Unit D Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 962-7101 Pharmacies & Medical Equipment

Davis Orthodontics 630 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 801-3500 Dental Care

Davis Audiology 4318 E. North Street Greenville, SC 29615 (864) 551-2344 Health Care Davis Audiology 11 Five Forks Plaza Court Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 551-2344 Health Care

Edward Jones — Frank Thomas 628 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-7300 Financial Advisors & Wealth Management Edward Jones — Kevin Willmot 38 Ray E. Talley Court Suite D Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 963-9828 Financial Advisors & Wealth Management

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alphabetical member listings Edward Jones — Michael Wolfe 400 SE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-1958 Financial Advisors & Wealth Management Elite Financial Services, Inc. 1215 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-0372 Financial Advisors & Wealth Management Events at Sapphire Creek 401 N. Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 238-9392 Event Services, Venues & Rentals Express Press 501 Richardson Street Suite B Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 757-9652 Printers, Publishers & Graphic Designers Extreme Tee’s/Palmetto Cotton Co. 129 SE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 962-0996 Retailers — Specialty


Fairfield Inn & Suites 3821 Grandview Drive Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 962-8500 Hotels & Lodging Fann Creative Serving Simpsonville & Upstate SC (864) 905-2656 Printers, Publishers & Graphic Designers Fann Electric Serving Simpsonville & Upstate SC (864) 363-7028 Maintenance First Baptist Church of Simpsonville 3 Hedge Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-8591 Churches First Choice Insurance Agency 503 Old Boiling Springs Road Greer, SC 29650 (864) 334-1200 Insurance Services

Green Elephant Agency Serving Simpsonville & Upstate SC (864) 901-4400 Business Services

First Citizens Bank 636 Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 962-5791 Banks & Banking Associations First Citizens Bank 2708 Woodruff Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 627-4461 Banks & Banking Associations First Reliance Bank 150 Highway 14 Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 688-1071 Banks & Banking Associations First State Mortgage, Inc. 1206 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 962-5747 Financial Advisors & Wealth Management Fitesa 840 SE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-5600 Manufacturers & Industrial Facilities Five Forks Dental Care, Inc. 2833 Woodruff Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 289-0289 Dental Care Five Oaks Academy 1101 Jonesville Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 228-1881 Education & Childcare Providers Fletcher Funeral & Cremation Service 1218 N. Main Street Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 967-2424 Funeral Homes & Memorial Parks Fork Shoals School 916 McKelvey Road Pelzer, SC 29669 (864) 355-5000 Education & Childcare Providers

Founders Federal Credit Union 24543 Highway 76 East Clinton, SC 29325 (864) 938-2415 Banks & Banking Associations Founders Federal Credit Union 1650 John B. White Boulevard Spartanburg, SC 29301 (864) 342-4430 Banks & Banking Associations

Greenfield’s Bagels & Deli 101 Verdae Boulevard Suite 180 Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 987-0064 Restaurants & Caterers Greenhill Pharmacy 2531 Woodruff Road Suite 107 Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 520-1550 Pharmacies & Medical Equipment

FOX Carolina — WHNS 21 21 Interstate Court Greenville, SC 29615 (864) 213-2121 News

Greenville Area Development Corporation 233 N. Main Street Suite 250 Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 235-2008 Governmental Agencies & Public Services


Greenville Area Parkinson Society 220 N. Main Street Suite 500 Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 905-2574 Philanthropic & Community Organization

Garden District Apartment Homes 100 Garden District Drive Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-1000 Apartments Genco Pools & Spas 1217 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-7665 Maintenance GHS Family YMCA 550 Brookwood Point Place Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-3605 Fitness Gilliam Properties 300 S. Main Street Mauldin, SC 29662 (864) 221-4094 Real Estate Services Girl Scouts of South Carolina — Mountains to Midlands, Inc. 500 Independence Pointe Suite 120 Greenville, SC 29615 (864) 770-1400 Philanthropic & Community Service Organizations Golden Lanes 108 Balcome Boulevard Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-8551 Attractions: Art, History & Recreation Goodwill Industries/Job Connection 915 South Street Unit N Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 351-0100 Philanthropic & Community Service Organizations

Greenville Awning Company, Division of Air Vent Exteriors, Inc. 4 McDougall Court Suite 107-B Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 288-0063 Building Materials Greenville Business Magazine 303 Haywood Rd Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 271-1105 News Greenville County 301 University Ridge Suite 2400 Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 467-7715 Governmental Agencies & Public Services Greenville County Councilman Lynn Ballard (Dist. 26) 505 Shaded Acre Court Pelzer, SC 29669 (864) 243-0014 Elected Officials Greenville County Council Chairman Butch Kirven (Dist. 27) 7 Ralph Hendricks Drive Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 228-9300 Elected Officials Greenville County Councilman Rick Roberts (Dist. 21) 111 Golden Wings Way Greer, SC 29650 (864) 877-9755 Elected Officials

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alphabetical member listings Greenville County Councilman Dan Tripp (Dist. 28) 300 Hickory Lane Mauldin, SC 29662 (864) 601-5120 Elected Officials

Greenville Technical College, Brashier Campus 1830 W. Georgia Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 250-8000 Education & Childcare Providers

Greenville County Parks, Rec. & Tourism 4806 Old Spartanburg Road Taylors, SC 29687 (864) 676-2180 Governmental Agencies & Public Services

GSA Business Report 35 Cessna Court Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 235-5677 News

Greenville County School Board of Trustees 301 E. Camperdown Way Greenville, SC 29602 (864) 355-3100 Education & Childcare Providers

The Gun Shop & Indoor Range 622 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 757-8580 Retailers — Specialty

Greenville County School District 301 E. Camperdown Way Greenville, SC 29602 (864) 355-3100 Education & Childcare Providers Greenville County Workforce Development Board 225 S. Pleasantburg Drive Suite C-11 Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 467-3605 Business Services

Greenville Heritage Federal Credit Union 520 W. Washington Street Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 467-4160 Banks & Banking Associations Greenville Heritage Federal Credit Union 350 Harrison Bridge Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 228-6108 Banks & Banking Associations The Greenville Journal 581 Perry Avenue Greenville, SC 29611 (864) 679-1200 News Greenville News 32 E. Broad Street Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 298-4351 News Greenville Planning Commission 301 University Ridge Suite 3800 Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 467-7270 Governmental Agencies & Public Services Greenville Swamp Rabbits 650 North Academy Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 674-7825 Attractions: Art, History & Recreation



H&R Block 655-K Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 962-0415 Accountants, Bookkeepers & Tax Professionals

Heritage Funeral Home 313 N. Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 757-1771 Funeral Homes & Memorial Parks Hillcrest Animal Hospital 1211 E. Georgia Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-7387 Veterinarians & Animal Care Providers Hillcrest Memorial Hospital 729 SE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 454-6151 Health Care Providers Hobby Lobby 714 Fairview Rd Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 228-0001 Retailers — National Hogue Health 327 White Drive Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 451-4377 Health Care Providers

H&R Block 831 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-9400 Accountants, Bookkeepers & Tax Professionals Hampton Inn by Hilton 3934 Grandview Drive Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 963-9292 Hotels & Lodging Heartland Hospice 421 SE Main Street Suite 100 Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-0045 Hospice Heather Larkin LLC 116 Moorgate Drive Simpsonville, SC 29681 (248) 730-0630 Recruiters & Staffing Agencies Helpers of the Vine, Inc 1200 Woodruff Road Suite A-3 Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 627-3134 Home Care Providers Hendricks Properties, Inc. 7 Ralph Hendricks Drive Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 228-2480 Real Estate Services Henry Pak 211 Old Laurens Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-5302 Manufacturers & Industrial Facilities

Howard’s Pharmacy 102 S. Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-5303 Pharmacies & Medical Equipment

Hucks Financial Services 138 S. Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 642-2471 Financial Advisors & Wealth Management Hurt & Associates, Inc. — Berkshire Hathaway Home Services — C. Dan Joyner Realtors Serving Simpsonville & Upstate SC (843) 685-1506 Real Estate Services

I Holiday Inn Express & Suites 642 Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 962-3228 Hotels & Lodging Holly Ridge Baptist Church 260 Adams Mill Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-8887 Churches Holly Tree Country Club 500 Golf Club Drive Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-9510 Golf Courses & Country Clubs Home Care Assistance 7 Brendan Way Suite B Greenville, SC 29615 (864) 289-9897 Home Care Providers The Honeybaked Ham Co. and Cafe 339-A Harrison Bridge Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 967-4267 Restaurants & Caterers Howard Properties 205 N. Maple Street Suite 100 Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-8997 Real Estate Services

Ice Cream Station 125 S. Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 962-9200 Restaurants & Caterers iHEARTmedia 101 N. Main Street Suite 1000 Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 271-5144 News


J.P. Benefits 232 Adley Way Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 991-5259 Insurance Services Jasmine Cove Apartments 1600 Jasmine Cove Circle Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 967-4663 Apartments Jeff Richardson Company 607 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 962-1750 Real Estate Services JH Global Services Inc. 378 Neely Ferry Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 553-7150 Manufacturers & Industrial Facilities

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alphabetical member listings Josh Wiseman with Keller Williams 403 Woods Lake Rd Suite100 Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 567-5402 Real Estate Services


KDH Technology Services, Inc. 1029 Old Stage Road Suite G Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-9800 IT Service, Support & Configuration KEMET Electronics Corporation 2835 Kemet Way Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-6300 Manufacturers & Industrial Facilities Kinlaw & Cunningham, Attorneys at Law 105 S. Maple Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 399-6018 Attorneys & Legal Services Kirven Company 7 Ralph Hendricks Drive Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 228-9300 Real Estate Services Kiwanis Club of Simpsonville P.O. Box 231 Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 968-6357 Civic Clubs Koinophobic Boutique 404 Harrison Bridge Road Suite B Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 962-3360 Retailers — Specialty


Lanzer’s Catering Services Serving Simpsonville & the Upstate Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 887-2597 Restaurants & Caterers Larkspur Pointe Apartments LLC 1000 Knights Spur Court Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 676-8070 Apartments

The Marchant Company 419 SE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 901-3839 Real Estate Services

ME Salon & Day Spa, All about You 116 S. Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-5700 Beauty Salons & Day Spas

Laurens Electric Cooperative 2254 Highway 14 Laurens, SC 29360 (864) 682-3141 Utilities & Environmental Services

Marietta’s Quilt and Sew 3421 N. Industrial Drive Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 962-5353 Retailers — Specialty

Memory Care of Simpsonville 645 Scuffletown Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 962-3038 Assisted Living Facilities

Law Office of M. Brooks Derrick 224 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 757-0757 Attorneys & Legal Services

Marion & Ralph S. Hendricks Branch Library 626 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-9031 Education & Childcare Providers

Merle Norman Cosmetics 655-N Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 962-1767 Retailers — Specialty

LifeSpan Therapy Services, LLC 120 S. Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 320-7244 Physical Therapy & Massage

Marshall Orthodontics 551 Harrison Bridge Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 336-2965 Dental Care

Mill Town Players Inc 214 Lebby Street Pelzer, SC 29669 (864) 947-8000 Attractions: Art, History & Recreation

Lowe’s 3958 Grandview Drive Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 962-0671 Building Materials

Mary’s Lunchbox 215 N. Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 862-0963 Restaurants & Caterers

Mission Accomplished Consulting LLC Serving Simpsonville & Upstate SC (864) 449-1126 Business Services

Lowes Foods 2815 Woodruff Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 234-6842 Grocery Stores & Gourmet Shops

Massage Envy Simpsonville 355 Harrison Bridge Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 688-3689 Physical Therapy & Massage

LuLaRoe by Kelli Fugate Serving Simpsonville & Upstate SC (864) 616-6311 Retailers — Specialty

McCourry & Company CPA, PA 674 Fairview Road Suite B Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 757-9764 Accountants, Bookkeepers & Tax Professionals


Manquen Automotive 315 N. Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 757-1767 Auto Dealers Mantis Homes & Gallery LLC 109-A W. Trade Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 962-3370 Homebuilders, Contractors & Developers Maple Street Storage 806 N. Maple Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-7310 Moving & Storage

Museum of Revolutionary War History 110 Academy Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 235-6527 Attractions: Art, History & Recreation


Main Street Dental 512 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-4410 Dental Care Manpower 545 Haywood Road Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 297-5304 Recruiters & Staffing Agencies

Mungo Homes 441 Western Lane Irmo, SC 29063 (803) 749-9000 Homebuilders, Contractors & Developers

NAI Earle Furman 101 E. Washington Street Suite 400 Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 232-9040 Real Estate Services McDonald’s 1025 South Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-7703 Restaurants & Caterers McDonald’s 924 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 962-5600 Restaurants & Caterers McDonald’s 692 Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 228-3500 Restaurants & Caterers

Nationwide Insurance — Brian Spears Agency 674 Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 228-0754 Insurance Services New Life Functional Neurology & Endocrinology 227 N. Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 757-8500 Health Care Providers

McMillan Pazdan Smith 400 Augusta Street Suite 200 Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 242-2033 Architects & Planners

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alphabetical member listings P

Partners in Primary Care 101 Orchard Park Drive Greenville, SC 29615 (864) 263-8099 Health Care NFL Office Works 146-F W. Phillips Road Greer, SC 29650 (864) 680-2244 Office Supplies, Equipment & Furniture


O’Malley Dental 419 SE Main Street Suite 100 Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 962-4140 Dental Care Oak Pointe Apartment Homes 112 Davenport Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 228-2686 Apartments OBS, Inc. — Commercial Roofing 101A McDougall Court Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 234-1223 Building Materials

Peachtree Place 113 Karland Drive Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 561-8042 Apartments Peak Medical Products, Inc. 109 E. College Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 228-3881 Pharmacies & Medical Equipment The Pearl at Five Forks 15 Five Forks Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 568-3833 Assisted Living Facilities Pelham Links of Simpsonville 805 W. Georgia Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 757-1500 Dental Care Pelham Medical Center 250 Westmoreland Road Greer, SC 29651 (864) 530-6000 Health Care Providers

PIP Marketing, Signs, & Print 1143-H Woodruff Road Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 234-0098 Printers, Publishers & Graphic Designers

Postal Annex 370 2607 Woodruff Road Suite E Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 288-1171 Business Services

PremierePC Technology Group 2320 E. North Street Suite GG Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 335-9223 IT Service, Support & Configuration Primrose School of Simpsonville at Five Forks 2255 Woodruff Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 757-1191 Education & Childcare Providers Priority One Security Services 18 Interchange Boulevard Suite B Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 288-1400 Security Systems

Office Depot Business Solution Division 101 Verdae Boulevard Suite 1000 Greenville, SC 29607 (888) 263-3423 Office Supplies, Equipment & Furniture

Perry Productions 5 Digby Place Simpsonville, SC 29681 (404) 909-7540 Video Production

Old School Knife Sharpening Serving Simpsonville & Upstate SC (864) 304-4418 Retailers — Specialty

Piedmont Pest Control 600 N. Harper Street Laurens, SC 29360 (864) 984-7378 Pest Control Services

Original Relocation Guide Magazine 2435 Lynn Road Suite 106 Raleigh, NC 27612 (919) 518-0755 Relocation Services


Pink Owl Boutique 104 W. Curtis Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 420-4669 Retailers — Specialty

Quilts of Valor Foundation Upstate of SC #601 Serving Simpsonville & Upstate SC (864) 593-3170 Veteran Services


Rainbow Child Care Center 700 W. Georgia Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (800) 90-LEARN Education & Childcare Providers Ray Thompson’s Upstate Karate 129 N. Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-3930 Fitness RE/MAX Moves 100 Batesville Road Suite C Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 520-1000 Real Estate Services Renewable Water Resources (ReWa) 561 Mauldin Road Mauldin, SC 29607 (864) 299-4000 Utilities & Environmental Services

ProTec Security, A Division of LEC 2254 Highway 14 Laurens, SC 29630 (800) 942-3141 Security Systems

Rink Strategic Communications, LLC 308 Tea Olive Place Suite 2 Simpsonville, SC 29680 (703) 856-5467 Business Services Rolling Green Village 1 Hoke Smith Boulevard Greenville, SC 29615 (864) 987-4612 Assisted Living Facilities

Piedmont Wood Carvers Club Serving Simpsonville & Upstate SC (864) 593-5345 Civic Clubs Pigtails & Crewcuts 2815 Woodruff Road Suite 105 Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 626-3338 Beauty Salons & Day Spas


Publix Super Market 704 Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 962-1030 Grocery Stores & Gourmet Shops Publix Super Market 2700 Woodruff Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 234-3860 Grocery Stores & Gourmet Shops


Sam’s Club 1211 Woodruff Road Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 987-7220 Retailers — National

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alphabetical member listings Sandlapper Concrete 123 Metrogate Court Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-5875 Building Materials

Sharonview Federal Credit Union 1027 South Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-2169 Banks & Banking Associations

Simpsonville Public Works Department 110 Woodside Park Drive Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-9531 Governmental Agencies & Public Services

Saunders O’Dell PA 210 E. Trade Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-3467 Accountants, Bookkeepers & Tax Professionals

Shaun & Shari Realty 302 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 626-0789 Real Estate Services

Simpsonville Recreation Department 310 W. Curtis Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-9533 Governmental Agencies & Public Services

SC Department of Commerce — Regional Workforce Advisor 225 S. Pleasantburg Drive C-11 Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 467-3620 Education & Childcare Providers

Sherwin Williams 632 Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 228-0642 Building Materials

Simpsonville Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center 807 SE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-6069 Health Care Providers

SC Manufacturing Extension Partnership 37 Villa Road Suite 500 Greenville, SC 29615 (864) 326-2834 Business Services SC Representative Garry R. Smith 210 Foxhound Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 963-0337 Elected Officials SC Senator Ross Turner 512 Gressette Building Columbia, SC 29201 (803) 212-6148 Elected Officials The Schmooney 100 W. Trade Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 275-6175 Retailers — Specialty Sealed Air Corporation 803 N. Maple Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-1212 Manufacturers & Industrial Facilities Seasons Cafe and Catering 1054 E. Butler Road Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 297-6516 Restaurants & Caterers Security Finance #731 1024 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 962-9809 Accountants, Bookkeepers & Tax Professionals Senior Action, Inc. 50 Directors Drive Greenville, SC 29615 (864) 467-3660 Fitness SERVPRO of South Greenville County 887 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 292-3137 Maintenance

Shortfields 111 N. Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 757-8228 Restaurants & Caterers Silver Bay Seafood 916 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 228-9705 Restaurants & Caterers Simpsonville Arts Foundation Inc. Serving Simpsonville Area (864) 430-1003 Philanthropic & Community Service Organizations Simpsonville City Hall 118 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-9526 Governmental Agencies & Public Services

Simpsonville Rotary 205 N. Maple Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-0730 Civic Clubs Simpsonville United Methodist Church 215 SE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-3071 Churches Small Business Development Center 1 N. Main Street Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 370-1545 Business Services Solutions 4 Promotions Serving Simpsonville & Upstate SC (864) 360-4387 Business Services

Simpsonville Elementary School 200 Morton Avenue Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 355-8310 Education & Childcare Providers

Sound Hearing Care 857 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 881-1663 Health Care

Simpsonville Family Dentistry 308 Highway 14 Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-3481 Dental Care

South State Bank 1 Five Forks Plaza Court Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 527-2963 Banks & Banking Associations

Simpsonville Fire Department 403 E. Curtis Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-9545 Governmental Agencies & Public Services Simpsonville Florist 1209 NE Main Street Suite D Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-2949 Florist Simpsonville Genealogical Research Room 310 W. Curtis Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 561-7178 Attractions: Art, History & Recreation Simpsonville Police Department 405 E. Curtis Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-9536 Governmental Agencies & Public Services

Southern Traditions Window Fashions 319 Garlington Road Suite B2 Greenville, SC 29615 (864) 286-0044 Building Materials Spencer Hines Properties — Agent Jason Klue 245 N. Main Street Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 905-8401 Real Estate Services

Sportsclub Five Forks 317 Scuffletown Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 675-5808 Fitness Sportsclub Simpsonville 667 SE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 228-8282 Fitness Spring Creek Apartments 10 Capewood Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 967-3905 Apartments The Springs at Simpsonville 214 E. Curtis Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 962-8570 Assisted Living Facilities State Farm Insurance — Allison McDaniel Agency 637 NE Main Street Suite A Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-7654 Insurance Services State Farm Insurance — Cristina Ortiz Agency 118 W. Butler Road Mauldin, SC 29662 (864) 288-1597 Insurance Services State Farm Insurance — Jim McGill Agency 404 Harrison Bridge Road Suite H Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 967-0100 Insurance Services State Farm Insurance — Liz Berry Agency 1004 W. Georgia Road Suite G Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 228-6300 Insurance Services State Farm Insurance — Rachel Keeter Agency 100 Batesville Road Suite B Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 520-5160 Insurance Services State Farm Insurance — Sean Feliciano Agency 600 Laurens Road Suite D Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 990-2739 Insurance Services

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alphabetical member listings State Farm Insurance — Tanner Jordan Agency 413 SE Main Street Suite D Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-2511 Insurance Services Steadman Hawkins Clinic of the Carolinas 727 SE Main Street Suite 220 Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 454-7422 Health Care Providers Stella’s Southern Bistro 684-C Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 757-1212 Restaurants & Caterers Stillwater at Grandview Cove 3714 Grandview Drive Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 967-2010 Apartments Storage Rentals of America 1108 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 438-5138 Moving & Storage Stress Free Accounting, LLC 8 Briarhill Drive Simpsonville, SC 29680 (719) 499-4055 Accountants, Bookkeepers & Tax Professionals Strike Hold Targeting LLC Serving Simpsonville & Upstate SC (910) 489-9510 Maintenance Summit Media LLC 220 N. Main Street Suite 402 Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 235-1073 News




Ten at the Top 124 Verdae Boulevard Suite 202 Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 283-2315 Economic Development Agencies

United Way of Greenville County 105 Edinburgh Court Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 467-3333 Philanthropic & Community Service Organizations

Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1845 121 Hedge Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-2934 Civic Clubs

Thai Cuisine 128 S. Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-3400 Restaurants & Caterers

Unterhausen — The Castle Cellar Pub 103 E. Curtis Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 757-8801 Restaurants & Caterers

Thomas McAfee Funeral Home 1604 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 688-1600 Funeral Homes & Memorial Parks

The UPS Store 655-H Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 228-9405 Business Services

Three Generations Boutique 131 SE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-3021 Retailers — Specialty

Upstate Alliance 124 Verdae Boulevard Suite 202 Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 283-2301 Economic Development Agencies

Taylor Color & Collision 104 Metragate Court Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 962-8224 Auto Repairs & Services Greenville, LLC 330 E. Coffee Street Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 527-5974 Real Estate Services Town Square Publications, LLC 155 E. Algonquin Road Arlington Heights, IL 60005 (253) 973-1476 Printers, Publishers & Graphic Designers

TRZ Management 861 SE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 296-6601 Attractions: Art, History & Recreation SunTrust Bank 124 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 757-7128 Banks & Banking Associations Surya Yoga Studio 702 Fairview Road Suite 105 Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 714-9727 Fitness


Two Men and a Truck 107 Sandra Avenue Greenville, SC 29611 (864) 329-1228 Moving & Storage

United Community Bank 106 W. College Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-3671 Banks & Banking Associations

Vaughn’s Country Store 109 W. Trade Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-4430 Retailers — Specialty

VisitGreenvilleSC 148 River Street Suite 122 Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 421-0000 Philanthropic & Community Service Organizations


Walmart Neighborhood Market #3628 115 Highway 14 Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 757-7086 Grocery Stores & Gourmet Shops

Upstate Podiatry Group 801 SE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 399-9070 Health Care

Walmart Supercenter 3950 Grandview Drive Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 963-0049 Retailers — National

Upstate Trophies 403 N. Main Street Mauldin, SC 29662 (864) 234-6886 Trophies & Plaques

Waldrop Heating & Air Conditioning 331 S. Hammett Road Greer, SC 29651 (864) 272-3201 Maintenance

US Congressman Jeff Duncan 303 W. Beltline Boulevard Anderson, SC 29625 (864) 224-7401 Elected Officials

Wenderoth Orthodontics 619 SE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-9700 Dental Care

US Senator Lindsey Graham 130 S. Main Street Suite 700 Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 250-1417 Elected Officials

Wickliffe Insurance Services, Inc. 406 SE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-4755 Insurance Services

US Senator Tim Scott 104 S. Main Street Suite 803 Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 233-5366 Elected Officials US Small Business Administration 1835 Assembly Street Suite 1425 Columbia, SC 29201 (803) 253-3753 Economic Development Agencies

Willow Creek Golf Club 205 Sandy Run Drive Greer, SC 29651 (864) 670-9329 Golf Courses & Country Clubs Windsor Forest Homeowners Association 451 Haywood Road Greenville, SC 29602 (864) 297-4970 Real Estate Services Wireless Express 673 Fairview Road Suite A Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 962-8950 Cellular Phone Service/Cellular Repair

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alphabetical member listings Y

WLOS 13 (ABC) & WMYA MY40 33 Villa Road Suite 105 Greenville, SC 29615 (864) 297-1313 News Woodmont High School 2831 W. Georgia Road Piedmont, SC 29673 (864) 355-8600 Education & Childcare Providers

Younts Center for Performing Arts 315 N. Main Street Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 409-1050 Attractions: Art, History & Recreation

Woodspring Suites Simpsonville 3025 Grandview Drive Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 962-9500 Hotels & Lodging

The Write Way 655H Fairview Road, Suite 322 Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 625-8779 Business Service

Wren Hospice, LLC 955 W. Wade Hampton Boulevard Greer, SC 29650 (864) 326-3242 Hospice

WSPA 7 News 250 International Drive Spartanburg, SC 29303 (864) 576-7777 News WYFF 4 505 Rutherford Street Greenville, SC 29609 (864) 242-4404 News


zBananas 655-H Fairview Road Suite 258 Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 905-0024 Business Services

Area Cham

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OVER 100 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN PRINT PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT 2018 – 2019 Newcomers Guide & Directory

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c at e g o r i c a l m e m b e r l i s t i n g s ACCOUNTANTS, BOOKKEEPERS & TAX PROFESSIONALS H&R Block 655-K Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 962-0415 H&R Block 831 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-9400 McCourry & Company CPA, PA 674 Fairview Road Suite B Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 757-9764

Peachtree Place Lauren Lunsford 113 Karland Drive Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 561-8042

Saunders O’Dell PA 210 E. Trade Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-3467

Spring Creek Apartments Marie Maddox 10 Capewood Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 967-3905

Security Finance #731 1024 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 962-9809

Stillwater at Grandview Cove 3714 Grandview Drive Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 967-2010

Stress Free Accounting, LLC 8 Briarhill Drive Simpsonville, SC 29680 (719) 499-4055


APARTMENTS 630 Fairview Apartment Homes 630 Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 963-7715 Arbors at Fairview 1000 Arbor Keats Drive Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 228-3892 Ballantyne Commons Apartments 5001 Ballantyne Drive Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 757-8802 Bridgeway Apartments 617 Richardson Street Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 967-3301 Garden District Apartment Homes Amanda Morris 100 Garden District Drive Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-1000 1, 2 & 3 bedrooms; loft options available • Washer & Dryer included • Extra-large closets • Salt water pool • Gated Access... and so much more. Email: leasing@ Jasmine Cove Apartments 1600 Jasmine Cove Circle Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 967-4663 Larkspur Pointe Apartments LLC 1000 Knights Spur Court Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 676-8070


Oak Pointe Apartment Homes Victoria Valentin 112 Davenport Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 228-2686

McMillan Pazdan Smith 400 Augusta Street Suite 200 Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 242-2033

ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES The Clinton Presbyterian Community 801 Musgrave Street Clinton, SC 29325 (864) 939-0590 The Crossings at Five Forks 345 Five Forks Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 412-4700 Memory Care of Simpsonville Kim Brandon 645 Scuffletown Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 962-3038

ATTORNEYS & LEGAL SERVICES Babb & Bixler 505 W. Butler Road Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 422-0022 David F. Sullivan Law Firm, LLC 105 S. Maple Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 757-1524 Kinlaw & Cunningham, Attorneys at Law 105 S. Maple Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 399-6018 Law Office of M. Brooks Derrick 224 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 757-0757

ATTRACTIONS: ART, HISTORY & RECREATION The Dog Spot at City Park 198 Park Drive Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-9526 Golden Lanes 108 Balcome Boulevard Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-8551 Greenville Swamp Rabbits 650 North Academy Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 674-7825

AUTO DEALERS Manquen Automotive 315 N. Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 757-1767

AUTO REPAIRS & SERVICES Blue Ribbon Express Lube Inc 1010 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 962-2301 Danny Smith’s Fillin’ & Fixin’ Station 136 S. Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-4805 Taylor Color & Collision 104 Metragate Court Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 962-8224

BANKS & BANKING ASSOCIATIONS BB&T 713 SE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 228-6450 Countybank 201 McBee Avenue Greenville, SC 29601

Mill Town Players Inc 214 Lebby Street Pelzer, SC 29669 (864) 947-8000 Museum of Revolutionary War History 110 Academy Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 235-6527 Simpsonville Genealogical Research Room 310 W. Curtis Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 561-7178

First Citizens Bank 636 Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 962-5791 First Citizens Bank 2708 Woodruff Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 627-4461 First Reliance Bank 150 Highway 14 Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 688-1071

The Pearl at Five Forks 15 Five Forks Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 568-3833 Rolling Green Village 1 Hoke Smith Boulevard Greenville, SC 29615 (864) 987-4612

TRZ Management 861 SE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 296-6601

The Springs at Simpsonville 214 E. Curtis Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 962-8570

Younts Center for Performing Arts 315 N. Main Street Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 409-1050

Founders Federal Credit Union 24543 Highway 76 East Clinton, SC 29325 (864) 938-2415 Founders Federal Credit Union 1650 John B. White Boulevard Spartanburg, SC 29301 (864) 342-4430

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c at e g o r i c a l m e m b e r l i s t i n g s BUILDING MATERIALS

Greenville Heritage Federal Credit Union 520 W. Washington Street Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 467-4160 Greenville Heritage Federal Credit Union 350 Harrison Bridge Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 228-6108 Sharonview Federal Credit Union 1027 South Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-2169 South State Bank 1 Five Forks Plaza Court Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 527-2963

SunTrust Bank 124 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 757-7128 United Community Bank 106 W. College Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-3671

BEAUTY SALONS & DAY SPAS ME Salon & Day Spa, All about You Stephanie Henderson 116 S. Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-5700 At ME Salon & Day Spa, We are All About You! We offer a variety of salon & spa services to make sure YOU look and feel your best. Our expert staff will have YOU leaving refreshed & renewed. Pigtails & Crewcuts 2815 Woodruff Road Suite 105 Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 626-3338

Greenville Awning Company, Division of Air Vent Exteriors, Inc. 4 McDougall Court Suite 107-B Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 288-0063 Lowe’s 3958 Grandview Drive Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 962-0671 OBS, Inc. — Commercial Roofing 101A McDougall Court Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 234-1223 Sandlapper Concrete 123 Metrogate Court Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-5875 Sherwin Williams 632 Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 228-0642

Southern Traditions Window Fashions 319 Garlington Road Suite B2 Greenville, SC 29615 (864) 286-0044

Mission Accomplished Consulting LLC Serving Simpsonville & Upstate SC (864) 449-1126

Postal Annex 370 2607 Woodruff Road Suite E Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 288-1171 Rink Strategic Communications, LLC 308 Tea Olive Place Suite 2 Simpsonville, SC 29680 (703) 856-5467

DigitalThinker Inc 879-C NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 520-1115

Community Chiropractic 3725 Grandview Drive Suite 3 Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 228-0047

CHURCHES Calvary Baptist Church 3810 Grandview Drive Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 967-7803

Small Business Development Center 1 N. Main Street Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 370-1545

Cedar Grove Baptist Church 206 Moore Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-6935

Solutions 4 Promotions Serving Simpsonville & Upstate SC (864) 360-4387

Clear Spring Baptist Church 301 Bethany Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-4804

The UPS Store Richard Bivans 655-H Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 228-9405


Dex Media Serving Simpsonville & Upstate SC (864) 275-7241

AlignLife of Simpsonville 419 SE Main Street Suite 200 Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 881-3693

SC Manufacturing Extension Partnership 37 Villa Road Suite 500 Greenville, SC 29615 (864) 326-2834

Better Business Bureau of the Upstate 408 N. Church Street Suite C Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 242-5052 CCJ Communications/Publications 911 River Walk Drive Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 962-1175

CHIROPRACTORS Adjust to Life Chiropractic 634-B Fairview Road Suite 2 Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 305-1009

The Write Way 655H Fairview Road, Suite 322 Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 625-8779 zBananas 655-H Fairview Road Suite 258 Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 905-0024

Green Elephant Agency Serving Simpsonville & Upstate SC (864) 901-4400


Greenville County Workforce Development Board 225 S. Pleasantburg Drive Suite C-11 Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 467-3605

Wireless Express Ashley Hamrick 673 Fairview Road Suite A Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 962-8950

First Baptist Church of Simpsonville 3 Hedge Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-8591 Holly Ridge Baptist Church 260 Adams Mill Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-8887 Simpsonville United Methodist Church Karen Smith 215 SE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-3071 We welcome persons to faith in Jesus Christ, equip for a faith that works in daily life and send into the world to make a difference in Jesus’ name.

CIVIC CLUBS Kiwanis Club of Simpsonville P.O. Box 231 Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 968-6357 Piedmont Wood Carvers Club Serving Simpsonville & Upstate SC (864) 593-5345 Simpsonville Rotary 205 N. Maple Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-0730

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c at e g o r i c a l m e m b e r l i s t i n g s Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1845 121 Hedge Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-2934

DENTAL CARE Davis Orthodontics 630 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 801-3500 Five Forks Dental Care, Inc. 2833 Woodruff Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 289-0289 Main Street Dental 512 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-4410 Marshall Orthodontics 551 Harrison Bridge Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 336-2965 O’Malley Dental 419 SE Main Street Suite 100 Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 962-4140 Pelham Links of Simpsonville 805 W. Georgia Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 757-1500 Simpsonville Family Dentistry Gary Holtzclaw 308 Highway 14 Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-3481 Simpsonville Family Dentistry is a stateof-the-art dental facility. We see children and adults of all ages in a friendly, familylike atmosphere. Call today to schedule with us!

US Small Business Administration 1835 Assembly Street Suite 1425 Columbia, SC 29201 (803) 253-3753

EDUCATION & CHILDCARE PROVIDERS Bundle of Joy Academy 402 Fowler Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 228-9362 Five Oaks Academy 1101 Jonesville Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 228-1881 Fork Shoals School 916 McKelvey Road Pelzer, SC 29669 (864) 355-5000 Greenville County School Board of Trustees 301 E. Camperdown Way Greenville, SC 29602 (864) 355-3100 Greenville County School District 301 E. Camperdown Way Greenville, SC 29602 (864) 355-3100 Greenville Technical College, Brashier Campus 1830 W. Georgia Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 250-8000

Upstate Alliance 124 Verdae Boulevard Suite 202 Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 283-2301


Woodmont High School 2831 W. Georgia Road Piedmont, SC 29673 (864) 355-8600


ELECTED OFFICIALS Greenville County Councilman Lynn Ballard (Dist. 26) 505 Shaded Acre Court Pelzer, SC 29669 (864) 243-0014 Greenville County Council Chairman Butch Kirven (Dist. 27) 7 Ralph Hendricks Drive Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 228-9300 Greenville County Councilman Rick Roberts (Dist. 21) 111 Golden Wings Way Greer, SC 29650 (864) 877-9755 Greenville County Councilman Dan Tripp (Dist. 28) 300 Hickory Lane Mauldin, SC 29662 (864) 601-5120

Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. 880 S. Pleasantburg Drive Suite 1C Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 370-9222 Edward Jones — Berra Byrd 125 Woodruff Place Circle Suite C Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 288-9325 Edward Jones — Frank Thomas 628 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-7300 Edward Jones — Kevin Willmot 38 Ray E. Talley Court Suite D Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 963-9828 Edward Jones — Michael Wolfe 400 SE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-1958 Elite Financial Services, Inc. 1215 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-0372

Marion & Ralph S. Hendricks Branch Library 626 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-9031

SC Representative Garry R. Smith 210 Foxhound Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 963-0337

First State Mortgage, Inc. 1206 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 962-5747

Primrose School of Simpsonville at Five Forks 2255 Woodruff Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 757-1191

SC Senator Ross Turner 512 Gressette Building Columbia, SC 29201 (803) 212-6148 US Congressman Jeff Duncan 303 W. Beltline Boulevard Anderson, SC 29625 (864) 224-7401 US Senator Lindsey Graham 130 S. Main Street Suite 700 Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 250-1417


Ten at the Top 124 Verdae Boulevard Suite 202 Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 283-2315

Events at Sapphire Creek 401 N. Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 238-9392

SC Representative Bill Chumley P.O. Box 22 Reidville, SC 29375 (864) 303-2726

Wenderoth Orthodontics 619 SE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-9700

Appalachian Council of Governments 30 Century Circle Greenville, SC 29606 (864) 242-9733

Simpsonville Elementary School 200 Morton Avenue Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 355-8310

Rainbow Child Care Center 700 W. Georgia Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (800) 90-LEARN SC Department of Commerce — Regional Workforce Advisor 225 S. Pleasantburg Drive C-11 Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 467-3620

Hucks Financial Services 138 S. Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 642-2471

US Senator Tim Scott 104 S. Main Street Suite 803 Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 233-5366

EVENT SERVICES, VENUES & RENTALS ABC Party Rentals 286 Rocky Creek Road Greenville, SC 29615 (864) 675-6688

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c at e g o r i c a l m e m b e r l i s t i n g s FITNESS

Heritage Funeral Home 313 N. Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 757-1771 Thomas McAfee Funeral Home 1604 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 688-1600

ATA Black Belt Attitude School 656 Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 297-3992 ATA Black Belt Attitude School 102 Batesville Road Suite A-B Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 297-3992 GHS Family YMCA 550 Brookwood Point Place Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-3605 Ray Thompson’s Upstate Karate 129 N. Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-3930 Senior Action, Inc. 50 Directors Drive Greenville, SC 29615 (864) 467-3660

Sportsclub Simpsonville 667 SE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 228-8282 Surya Yoga Studio 702 Fairview Road Suite 105 Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 714-9727

FLORIST Simpsonville Florist 1209 NE Main Street Suite D Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-2949

FUNERAL HOMES & MEMORIAL PARKS Fletcher Funeral & Cremation Service 1218 N. Main Street Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 967-2424

Baking Sweet Scents Serving Simpsonville & Upstate SC (864) 238-2499 Lowes Foods 2815 Woodruff Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 234-6842


Willow Creek Golf Club 205 Sandy Run Drive Greer, SC 29651 (864) 670-9329

GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES & PUBLIC SERVICES Greenville Area Development Corporation 233 N. Main Street Suite 250 Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 235-2008

Publix Super Market 704 Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 962-1030

Upstate Podiatry Group 801 SE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 399-9070

Publix Super Market 2700 Woodruff Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 234-3860


Walmart Neighborhood Market #3628 Michelle Younce 115 Highway 14 Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 757-7086 simpsonville-sc/details


Greenville County Parks, Rec. & Tourism 4806 Old Spartanburg Road Taylors, SC 29687 (864) 676-2180

AECELIGY CORP 37 Villa Road Suite 211 Greenville, SC 29615 (864) 520-1433

Greenville Planning Commission 301 University Ridge Suite 3800 Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 467-7270

Come Hear Hearing Center 114-C Hospital Drive Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 325-3584

Simpsonville City Hall 118 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-9526 Simpsonville Fire Department 403 E. Curtis Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-9545 Simpsonville Police Department 405 E. Curtis Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-9536 Simpsonville Public Works Department 110 Woodside Park Drive Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-9531

Partners in Primary Care Angela Henderson-Grant 101 Orchard Park Drive Greenville, SC 29615 (864) 263-8099 At Partners in Primary Care, we believe the right relationship means you deserve to feel as welcome and comfortable as possible when you’re sick, injured or simply maintaining your health. Sound Hearing Care 857 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 881-1663

Holly Tree Country Club 500 Golf Club Drive Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-9510

Greenville County 301 University Ridge Suite 2400 Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 467-7715

Sportsclub Five Forks 317 Scuffletown Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 675-5808


Bon Secours St. Francis Health System One Saint Francis Drive Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 241-5136 Dr. Sara Bopp, EyecareCenter 877-A NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-8582 Hillcrest Memorial Hospital 729 SE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 454-6151 Hogue Health 327 White Drive Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 451-4377 New Life Functional Neurology & Endocrinology 227 N. Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 757-8500 Pelham Medical Center 250 Westmoreland Road Greer, SC 29651 (864) 530-6000

Davis Audiology 4318 E. North Street Greenville, SC 29615 (864) 551-2344 Davis Audiology 11 Five Forks Plaza Court Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 551-2344

Simpsonville Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center 807 SE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-6069 Steadman Hawkins Clinic of the Carolinas 727 SE Main Street Suite 220 Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 454-7422

Simpsonville Recreation Department 310 W. Curtis Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-9533

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c at e g o r i c a l m e m b e r l i s t i n g s HOME CARE PROVIDERS

First Choice Insurance Agency Ed Brashier 503 Old Boiling Springs Road Greer, SC 29650 (864) 334-1200

Assisting Angels Homecare, Inc. 620 Howell Road Unit 10 Greenville, SC 29615 (864) 288-7100 Helpers of the Vine, Inc Donna Dewar 1200 Woodruff Road Suite A-3 Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 627-3134 Home Care Assistance 7 Brendan Way Suite B Greenville, SC 29615 (864) 289-9897

HOMEBUILDERS, CONTRACTORS & DEVELOPERS Mantis Homes & Gallery LLC Ann Clark 109-A W. Trade Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 962-3370 Mungo Homes 441 Western Lane Irmo, SC 29063 (803) 749-9000

HOSPICE Heartland Hospice 421 SE Main Street Suite 100 Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-0045 Wren Hospice, LLC 955 W. Wade Hampton Boulevard Greer, SC 29650 (864) 326-3242

HOTELS & LODGING Comfort Suites Simpsonville 3971 Grandview Drive Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 757-1552 Days Inn 45 Ray E. Talley Court Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 963-7701


Holiday Inn Express & Suites 642 Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 962-3228 Woodspring Suites Simpsonville Dionna Juzwick 3025 Grandview Drive Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 962-9500


J.P. Benefits 232 Adley Way Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 991-5259 Nationwide Insurance — Brian Spears Agency 674 Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 228-0754 State Farm Insurance — Allison McDaniel Agency 637 NE Main Street Suite A Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-7654

Airite, Inc. 103 Old Laurens Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-8200

State Farm Insurance — Cristina Ortiz Agency 118 W. Butler Road Mauldin, SC 29662 (864) 288-1597


State Farm Insurance — Jim McGill Agency 404 Harrison Bridge Road Suite H Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 967-0100

AC Insurance & Multi Service Agency 119 SE Main Street Suite D Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 962-3200 Advisor Health & Life Serving Simpsonville & Upstate SC (864) 593-3691 Allstate — Cornell Sweeney Agency 100 W. Curtis Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-2362 Allstate — Harpe Agency, LLC 1004 W. Georgia Road Suite A Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 202-4800 BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina I-20 @ Alpine Road MC AX-340 Columbia, SC 29219 (800) 288-2227

Fairfield Inn & Suites 3821 Grandview Drive Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 962-8500

Brown & Brown Insurance of SC, Inc. 10 Falcon Crest Drive Suite 100 Greenville, SC 29606 (864) 527-1128

Hampton Inn by Hilton 3934 Grandview Drive Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 963-9292

Cooper Planning Group 412 Woodland Oaks Court Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 962-3039

State Farm Insurance — Liz Berry Agency 1004 W. Georgia Road Suite G Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 228-6300 State Farm Insurance — Rachel Keeter Agency 100 Batesville Road Suite B Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 520-5160 State Farm Insurance — Sean Feliciano Agency 600 Laurens Road Suite D Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 990-2739 State Farm Insurance — Tanner Jordan Agency 413 SE Main Street Suite D Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-2511 There when things go wrong. Here to help life go right! We have a plan to meet your needs! Auto, home, life, health, bank! Let us help protect your future! Wickliffe Insurance Services, Inc. 406 SE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-4755

IT SERVICE, SUPPORT & CONFIGURATION KDH Technology Services, Inc. 1029 Old Stage Road Suite G Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-9800

PremierePC Technology Group 2320 E. North Street Suite GG Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 335-9223


All Clear Plumbing Anja Smith 18 Piedmont Highway Piedmont, SC 29673 (864) 979-7059 We’re a family-owned company that provides top plumbing services to residential and commercial customers throughout the Upstate. We’re staffed with plumbers, not salesman, who are proud to work for a plumbing company your grandfather would recognize. Corley Plumbing Air Electric 8501 Pelham Road Greenville, SC 29615 (864) 908-3385 Fann Electric Serving Simpsonville & Upstate SC (864) 363-7028 Genco Pools & Spas 1217 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-7665 SERVPRO of South Greenville County Steve Lambright 887 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 292-3137 Strike Hold Targeting LLC Serving Simpsonville & Upstate SC (910) 489-9510

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c at e g o r i c a l m e m b e r l i s t i n g s Waldrop Heating & Air Conditioning 331 S. Hammett Road Greer, SC 29651 (864) 272-3201

MANUFACTURERS & INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES AVX Corporation One AVX Boulevard Fountain Inn, SC 29644 (864) 967-2150 Fitesa 840 SE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-5600 Henry Pak 211 Old Laurens Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-5302 JH Global Services Inc. 378 Neely Ferry Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 553-7150 KEMET Electronics Corporation 2835 Kemet Way Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-6300 Sealed Air Corporation 803 N. Maple Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-1212

MOVING & STORAGE Busy Beez Movers Serving Simpsonville & Upstate SC (864) 558-9930 Maple Street Storage Lois Bundrick 806 N. Maple Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-7310 Storage Rentals of America 1108 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 438-5138

Two Men and a Truck 107 Sandra Avenue Greenville, SC 29611 (864) 329-1228

NEWS The Community Edge Serving Simpsonville & Upstate SC (864) 915-8074

Community Journals 581 Perry Avenue Greenville, SC 29611 (864) 679-1200


Alzheimer’s Association 301 University Ridge Suite 5850 Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 250-0029

edible Upcountry Serving Simpsonville & Upstate SC (864) 270-7159 FOX Carolina — WHNS 21 21 Interstate Court Greenville, SC 29615 (864) 213-2121 Greenville Business Magazine 303 Haywood Rd Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 271-1105

NFL Office Works 146-F W. Phillips Road Greer, SC 29650 (864) 680-2244

The Greenville Journal 581 Perry Avenue Greenville, SC 29611 (864) 679-1200 Greenville News 32 E. Broad Street Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 298-4351 GSA Business Report Rick Jenkins 35 Cessna Court Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 235-5677 We’ve been the premier Upstate business publication for 21 years. We deliver (mail only) serious business news to serious business executives. 80%+ of readers are biz owners, c-suiters, presidents or VPs. iHEARTmedia 101 N. Main Street Suite 1000 Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 271-5144 Summit Media LLC 220 N. Main Street Suite 402 Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 235-1073


B Encouraged 208 S. Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-1521 The Blood Connection 1099 Bracken Road Piedmont, SC 29673 (864) 255-5000 Center for Community Services 1102 Howard Drive Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-2022

Office Depot Business Solution Division 101 Verdae Boulevard Suite 1000 Greenville, SC 29607 (888) 263-3423

PEST CONTROL SERVICES Chanticleer Pest Solutions 50 Grand Avenue Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 293-2285 Piedmont Pest Control David Nelson 600 N. Harper Street Laurens, SC 29360 (864) 984-7378


Girl Scouts of South Carolina — Mountains to Midlands, Inc. 500 Independence Pointe Suite 120 Greenville, SC 29615 (864) 770-1400 Goodwill Industries/Job Connection 915 South Street Unit N Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 351-0100 Greenville Area Parkinson Society 220 N. Main Street Suite 500 Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 905-2574 Simpsonville Arts Foundation, Inc. Serving Simpsonville Area (864) 430-1003 United Way of Greenville County 105 Edinburgh Court Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 467-3333

Connected Health Pharmacy 3907 Grandview Drive Unit D Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 962-7101

VisitGreenvilleSC 148 River Street Suite 122 Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 421-0000

WSPA 7 News 250 International Drive Spartanburg, SC 29303 (864) 576-7777

Greenhill Pharmacy 2531 Woodruff Road Suite 107 Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 520-1550


WYFF 4 505 Rutherford Street Greenville, SC 29609 (864) 242-4404

Howard’s Pharmacy 102 S. Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-5303

WLOS 13 (ABC) & WMYA MY40 33 Villa Road Suite 105 Greenville, SC 29615 (864) 297-1313

LifeSpan Therapy Services, LLC 120 S. Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 320-7244

Peak Medical Products, Inc. 109 E. College Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 228-3881

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c at e g o r i c a l m e m b e r l i s t i n g s Massage Envy Simpsonville Candace Wall 355 Harrison Bridge Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 688-3689 simpsonville.aspx Massage Envy Simpsonville provides massage and skin care services. We believe that regular massages and facials are an integral part of total body wellness.

PRINTERS, PUBLISHERS & GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Best Version Media Serving Simpsonville & Upstate SC (978) 895-3181 Bradham Printing & Signs 11 Barkingham Lane Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 297-5639 Express Press 501 Richardson Street Suite B Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 757-9652 Fann Creative Serving Simpsonville & Upstate SC (864) 905-2656 PIP Marketing, Signs, & Print Katrina Henderson 1143-H Woodruff Road Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 234-0098 Direct Mailings • Promotional Items • Tradeshow & Event Marketing HighQuality Products & Fast Turnaround Call or email us today! Town Square Publications, LLC 155 E. Algonquin Road Arlington Heights, IL 60005 (253) 973-1476

REAL ESTATE SERVICES Allen Tate Realtors 1025 Woodruff Road Unit D104 Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 962-4727 Anne Marie Realty, LLC Laura Sampson 213 E. Butler Road Suite A2 Mauldin, SC 29662 (864) 881-9579 Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices/C. Dan Joyner Realtors 672-B Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 963-0900


Coldwell Banker Caine 111 Williams Street Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 250-2850 DE Family LLC 2917 Fork Shoals Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 277-7757 Gilliam Properties 300 S. Main Street Mauldin, SC 29662 (864) 221-4094 Hendricks Properties, Inc. 7 Ralph Hendricks Drive Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 228-2480 Howard Properties 205 N. Maple Street Suite 100 Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-8997 Hurt & Associates, Inc. — Berkshire Hathaway Home Services — C. Dan Joyner Realtors Bob Hurt, Broker-Associate Serving Simpsonville & Upstate SC (843) 685-1506 Jeff Richardson Company 607 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 962-1750 Josh Wiseman with Keller Williams 403 Woods Lake Rd Suite100 Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 567-5402

Spencer Hines Properties — Agent Jason Klue 245 N. Main Street Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 905-8401 Greenville, LLC 330 E. Coffee Street Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 527-5974

NAI Earle Furman 101 E. Washington Street Suite 400 Greenville, SC 29601 (864) 232-9040 RE/MAX Moves 100 Batesville Road Suite C Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 520-1000 Shaun & Shari Realty 302 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 626-0789

Chick-fil-A 659 Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 962-5157

Windsor Forest Homeowners Association 451 Haywood Road Greenville, SC 29602 (864) 297-4970

RECRUITERS & STAFFING AGENCIES Heather Larkin LLC 116 Moorgate Drive Simpsonville, SC 29681 (248) 730-0630 Manpower 545 Haywood Road Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 297-5304 Phillips Staffing Nancy Evans 1115-C NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-0124


Chili’s 700 Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 343-1928 Greenfield’s Bagels & Deli 101 Verdae Boulevard Suite 180 Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 987-0064 The Honeybaked Ham Co. and Cafe 339-A Harrison Bridge Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 967-4267 Ice Cream Station 125 S. Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 962-9200 Lanzer’s Catering Services Serving Simpsonville & the Upstate (864) 887-2597 Mary’s Lunchbox 215 N. Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 862-0963

Kirven Company 7 Ralph Hendricks Drive Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 228-9300 The Marchant Company Joan Rapp 419 SE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 901-3839

Catering by Bernie and Candie Serving Simpsonville & Upstate SC (864) 569-7770

Original Relocation Guide Magazine 2435 Lynn Road Suite 106 Raleigh, NC 27612 (919) 518-0755

RESTAURANTS & CATERERS Anita’s Mexican Restaurant 101 Alice Avenue Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-3855

McDonald’s 1025 South Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-7703 McDonald’s 924 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 962-5600

Anthony’s Pizzeria 655-A Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 228-9677

McDonald’s 692 Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 228-3500 Seasons Cafe and Catering 1054 E. Butler Road Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 297-6516

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c at e g o r i c a l m e m b e r l i s t i n g s Shortfields 111 N. Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 757-8228 Silver Bay Seafood 916 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 228-9705 Stella’s Southern Bistro 684-C Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 757-1212 Thai Cuisine 128 S. Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-3400 Unterhausen — The Castle Cellar Pub 103 E. Curtis Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 757-8801

RETAILERS — NATIONAL Belk 665 Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 963-7005 Hobby Lobby 714 Fairview Rd Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 228-0001 Sam’s Club 1211 Woodruff Road Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 987-7220

Marietta’s Quilt and Sew Marietta Louk 3421 N. Industrial Drive Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 962-5353 We offer the finest 100% cotton quilting fabrics available, along with a large selection of embroidery & quilting supplies. Exclusive Baby Lock dealer, with full line of sewing, embroidery & serger machines, as well as on-site machine service/repair. Merle Norman Cosmetics 655-N Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 962-1767

Pink Owl Boutique 104 W. Curtis Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 420-4669 The Schmooney 100 W. Trade Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 275-6175 Three Generations Boutique 131 SE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-3021

Walmart Supercenter 3950 Grandview Drive Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 963-0049



Clark’s Fine Jewelers 679-B Fairview Road Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 228-2920

Priority One Security Services 18 Interchange Boulevard Suite B Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 288-1400

The Gun Shop & Indoor Range 622 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 757-8580 Koinophobic Boutique 404 Harrison Bridge Road Suite B Simpsonville, SC 29680 (864) 962-3360 LuLaRoe by Kelli Fugate Serving Simpsonville & Upstate SC (864) 616-6311


BSC Metal Recycling 1035 Old Stage Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-8949 C & M Restrooms 1201-B NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 228-0787 Duke Energy 40 W. Broad Street Suite 690 Greenville, SC 29601 (800) 777-9898

Perry Productions 5 Digby Place Simpsonville, SC 29681 (404) 909-7540

WINERY City Scape Winery 589 Dunklin Bridge Road Pelzer, SC 29669 (864) 329-0615

Old School Knife Sharpening Serving Simpsonville & Upstate SC (864) 304-4418

Vaughn’s Country Store Betsy Lancaster 109 W. Trade Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-4430

Extreme Tee’s/Palmetto Cotton Co. 129 SE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 962-0996


Laurens Electric Cooperative 2254 Highway 14 Laurens, SC 29360 (864) 682-3141 Renewable Water Resources (ReWa) 561 Mauldin Road Mauldin, SC 29607 (864) 299-4000

VETERAN SERVICES Quilts of Valor Foundation Upstate of SC #601 Serving Simpsonville & Upstate SC (864) 593-3170

VETERINARIANS & ANIMAL CARE PROVIDERS Animal Rehab & Conditioning Center 109 Monroe Drive Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 962-0101 Cleveland Park East Animal Hospital 815 NE Main Street Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 963-8025 Hillcrest Animal Hospital 1211 E. Georgia Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 967-7387

ProTec Security, A Division of LEC 2254 Highway 14 Laurens, SC 29630 (800) 942-3141

TROPHIES & PLAQUES Upstate Trophies 403 N. Main Street Mauldin, SC 29662 (864) 234-6886

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advertiser index Advisor Health & Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Bella Vista Spa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Clark’s Fine Jewelry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Cleveland Park East Animal Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Comfort Suites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Fairfield Inn & Suites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 First Baptist Simpsonville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Five Forks Dental Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Five Oaks Academy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 GHS Family YMCA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Greenville Health System Simpsonville Medical Campus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Greenville Heritage Federal Credit Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Howard’s Pharmacy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 McCourry & Company CPA, PA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Nationwide Insurance — Brian Spears Agency, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 O’Malley Dental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Pelham Medical Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ProTec Security Systems/Laurens Electric Cooperative, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 Ray Thompson’s Upstate Karate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 Shaun & Shari Realty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Simpsonville United Methodist Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Sportsclub Fitness & Wellness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 State Farm Insurance — Liz Berry Agency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 State Farm Insurance — Jim McGill Agency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Stella’s Southern Bistro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 The UPS Store . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 42

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