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Robo Cleaners by Sidhu Engineering Works Brings You One Step Closer To Better Cleaning and Savings
Robo Cleaners - an advanced cleaning system by Sidhu Engineering Works - has been developed for the cleaning of the wire and felt part of the paper machine. Until now, the manufacturer has installed 35 systems which stands testament for the effective performance of the cleaning system.
Apaper machine performs three major functions through its different sections - formation of sheet/dewatering of the pulp sheet (wire part); pressing of the paper sheet (press part); and drying of the paper sheet (dryer part). All these functions require some kind of a belt structure to carry the pulp sheet to move forward to other sections. The formation of pulp sheet from pulpiscarriedoutbywirewheredewateringonwire(forming fabric madeof polyamide). Thepressing of thepapersheet is performedonthepresspartwherethefeltisusedforpressing and absorptionof waterand thedryerpart forthepressing of the web firmly with the dryer to enhance the heat transfer withthehelpof SLDF(CFM).
Although these fabrics require periodic cleaning, in case of pressand wire part, there iscontinuouscleaning iscarried out with conventional showers. These conventional showers use ample amounts of water for cleaning the wire and press sections.Thereareafewsolutionsforthecleaningof SLDF but these are very costly and less effective. With the current increaseintheuseoftheOCC/recycledfiber,theimportanceof cleaningisbecomingmoreandmoreimportantbecauseof:more finesgeneration;stickiesformation;andothercontaminants.
Robo Cleaners
An advanced cleaning system has been developed by Sidhu Engineering Works. The Company has already been providing solutions for wire and felt cleaning with the Robo Cleaning system. So far, they have installed 35 systems, wherein the Company claims that they were are able to decrease water consumption drastically and were able to increaseimproveCDmoistureprofile.
The recently developed SLDF cleaner - Robo Dryer Screen Cleaner - is being used successfully on many machines. It is continuous and advanced machinery which is one-of-itskindandapioneering'MadeinIndia'product.
How SLDF Robo Cleaner Works and its Significance
RoboCleanershavearoboticheadwhichoscillatesinalinear manner. We've tweaked thedesign of the robotic head in the Robo Cleaners with several nozzles and a different open area in the same head. A jet from nozzles hits the SLDF with high pressureandsimultaneously, thevacuumsucksthecontaminants and removes these from the system. An air knife is also providedforenhancedcleaning.
In case of wire and felts showers being in continuous or intermittently operational, the conventional showers enable the paper mills to maintain the normal operative conditions and in meeting the optimum process levels. Due to the inadequatecleaningof SLDF,anumberof problemscanarise suchas - stickies, deposits, etc. whichcan lead topapersheet breaks. On the other hand, with SLDF Robo Cleaners, the cleaning is much better, resulting in the reduction of paper breaks. Thus, this eventually reduces the downtime in production and achieves the maximization in production levels. Furthermore, the bettercleaning outcomes also paves wayforbetterdryingrates.
Benefits of the Robo Dryer Screen Cleaner
To sum up, there are several advantages offered by the Robo DryerScreenCleanerssuchas: l Reducingthecleaningtimeandofflinecleaning. l Tremendous increase in the life of the SLDF due to the enhancedcleaningof theSLDF. l Reduction in the steam consumption as the CFM remains asdesignedandsuppliedbythemanufacture. l Increase in the evaporation rate of the moisture in the papersheet. l There will be lesser breaks on the paper machine in the dryerpartsinceallthestickiesandothercontaminantswill beeradicatedoutof thesystem.
Robo Cleaners will provide all the aforementioned benefits and havingaveryhighpaybackbecausethesteameconomics will be betterwhich implies thatanyunwanted expensesdue to improper cleaning wouldn't arise. In addition, a new fuel policy - regarding the use of unapproved fuels - is being implemented in Delhi-NCR, around 150 paper mills are affected by it. Thus, it becomes imperative to use the maximum amount of heat from the dryer since the cost of steamhasincreased.