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Musiclandmarks adrawfor Tulsa
High-profile newcomers theBob DylanCenter andChurchStudio opened in 2022
Songwriters have crafted dozens of songswith Tulsainthe title.
Among the best known:
“Tell Me Something Bad AboutTulsa”
“TakeMeBack to Tulsa”
Songwriting legend Burt Bacharach wasaco-writeron“24 HoursfromTulsa,”which became ahit forGene Pitney60years ago.
DannyFlowers wasa member of DonWilliams’ band when he wrote“TulsaTime” 45 yearsago in aTulsahotel room. The song became ahit fora CountryMusic Hall of Famer (Williams)and aRock &Roll Hall of Famer (Eric Clapton).
It’s Tulsatime all over again from amusic standpoint.
The city’spreviouslyestablished music attractions were joined by high-profile newcomers—the BobDylan Center and newly refurbished Church Studio —in2022.
Located down the street from asisterattraction,the Woody Guthrie Center,the BobDylan Center is the official home of the BobDylan Archives, atreasuretrove of morethan 100,000 Dylan-related objects. The George Kaiser FamilyFoundation purchased the BobDylan Archivesin2016.
In its firstsix monthsof operation, the BobDylan Center attracted 23,000-plus visitors hailing from all 50 states and 17 countries. Among them: John Mulaney (comedian, actor), Chris Hillman (The Byrds, The Flying BurritoBrothers), HenryRollins (Black Flag, RollinsBand), Bonnie Raitt(musician), Mavis Staples (musician),Elvis Costello (musician),Patti Smith (musician), George Saunders(Booker Prize-winning author), Penn Jillette (magician), Nick Mason (Pink Floyd), John Doe(theband X) and DeniseCrosby(actress)
The ChurchStudio is aformer church that Tulsa-raised Rock &Roll Hall of Famer Leon Russell purchasedinMarch 1972. The church wasconverted into Church Studio,which became a hangout and workshopfor artists in Russell’s Shelter Recordsstable and forothermusiciansfromall over the world.
Restored to betterthan past glory by Russell admirer and current owner Teresa Knox,Church Studio wasopenedtothe public in March 2022. She’snot the onlyone whodigsRussell and the historic recording studio By the time November arrived, morethan11guestshad come to checkout the place—including an overwhelming 4,000 during a grand opening week.
Tulsaisblessedwith performancevenues formusic acts of all levels,but Church Studio provided another.Bill Champlin, KennyLoggins,George Thorogood, TajMahal, JimmyWebb, Air Supply, John Ford Coleyand othershaveperformed in an intimatesettingthere.
Tulsa’sworld-famous music venue is Cain’sBallroom,the home of BobWills and the Texas Playboyswhen, decades ago, they helped Cain’searnareputation as the Carnegie HallofWestern swing. In 2018,Jack Whitesaid Cain’sisone of his favorite places to playinthe world—and maybe “the” favorite.
“The firstday Icame intotown, just lookingatit, Iwas reallyupsetthat nobodyhad ever told me aboutTulsa,”hesaid. “I walked intoCain’sBallroom, and Ibasicallyalmost firedmybooking agent the moment Iwalked into that room. WhydoInot know aboutthis place? WhyhaveI never been booked here? Why have younever even mentioned this?It wasone of the most beautifulplaces Ihad ever seen. And the vibewhen we played the show, it was just incredible.”
Forarosterofupcomingperformers, go to cainsballroom. com.
TulsaTheater,morethan a centuryyears old, is another drenched-in-historylocal music venue. Fora list of upcoming shows,gototulsatheater.com.
Tulsa’sbiggest music “room” is BOKCenter,anaward-winning downtownarena celebrating a15thanniversaryin2023.
The TurnpikeTroubadourssold out an upcoming showatBOK Center so quicklytherethat a second showwas added. The shows willbebeforeand after a March 31 tour stop from Journey and Toto.
Other upcoming BOKCenterperformersare KoeWetzel (April 14), Shinedown (April 24), Kane Brown(May12), Lizzo(May 20), Shania Twain (June 3), Billy Strings(June 7), The Chicks(July 21), Madonna (July27), Paramore (July29), surging Oologahcountrymusic artistZach Bryan(Aug. 11-12) and LukeBryan (Sept. 30). Fortickets, go to bokcenter.com.
Area casinoshavebecome destinations forgamingand music
The Cove,the concert venue of the RiverSpirit Casino,will welcome Ice Cube (March 16), NittyGrittyDirt Band (March 18), Three Dog Night (March 23), Darius Rucker (April 21), Lady A (June 1) and Earth, Wind &Fire (June24) in the next four months Fortickets, go to riverspirittulsa. com.
HardRock Live is the concert venue of the HardRock Casino, which alsoboastsacountry dancehall (Track 5) that hosts music artists. Upcoming Hard Rock Live performersare Louis PrimaJr. (March18), TracyLawrence(March 24), Asleep at the Wheel(April 6), Foreigner (April 13), TracyByrd(April 20), Cheap Trick (April 28), Everclear(May 6) and Clint Black (June 9). For tickets, go to hardrockcasinotulsa.com. jimmie.tramel@tulsaworld.com
Osage Casino’sconcert venue is Skyline Event Center.Comedians and music artists scheduled to perform therethroughearly June include Deon Cole (March 25), the Cadillac Three (April 7), LilyRose (April 20), Chelcie Lynn (May 13)and the GuessWho (June 2). Fortickets, go to osagecasino com.
Tulsatime alloveragain?
In February, aPBR event in Tulsaset PBR-in-BOK Center attendancerecords.Eli Vastbinder wonthe event while riding abull namedTulsaTime.