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RCBBankStays True to itsRoots
RCB Bankwas formed in 1936duringthe Great Depression whenpeople were strugglinginGreen Country. People needed help becauseotherbanks were notmeeting their needs. RCB Bank’s founders stepped in to helplocal citizenskeep their farms afloat and their businessesoperating. RCB Bank madebold movestolendmoney, becauseitknewaperson’s character —not just their accountbalance—was worththe investment RCB Bank is aboutrelationships, community and boldness.Itbelievesinbuildingrelationships withcustomerstohelp better understand and serve their needs, anditbelieves in building stronger communities by providing financial servicestohelp citizens thriveand local businesses grow.Ittakes boldsteps to meetthe needs of its communities, even in tough times.
“AtRCB Bank, we understand that thesuccess of our communities aredirectly tied to the success of all businesses withinthem,” RCB Bank President and CEORogerMosier said.“That’s whyweare deeply invested in and connected to the community.Wetakeprideinthe fact that we areapartofthe local community andnot just a financial institution operating within it.”
RCB Bank regularly participates in community events and sponsors local schools, organizations and charities.
“Webelieve in the powerofeducationto empowerindividuals and families to takecontrol of their financial futures,”said Skiatook and Bartlesville MarketPresidentGeoff McGoffin.

“Wealso understand the importantrolethat smallbusinesses playinthe community,and we arecommitted to supporting their growth and success. We areproud to be atrusted financial partnerfor manyofthe small businessesand organizationsinour communities.
In addition to its community involvement,RCB Bank also prides itself on providingpersonalized and responsiveservice to its customers.
Thebank’s customer service is drivenbyits community-based approach.

“AtRCB Bank,webelieve thatbanking shouldbeapersonal and relationship-driven experience,”said Broken Arrow,Coweta and Union Market President RichardWillhour.“We work closelywith our customerstounderstand their unique needsand provide financial solutions that aretailored to meet those needs.Weknow ourcustomers by name, notjustbyaccount number, and we arealwaysavailabletohelp them with any financialneed theymay have.

“Small businesses arethe backboneofour economyand we areproud to supportthem through ourlendingprograms,” VP Loan Officer Robin BrownofClaremoresaid. “Weunderstand that startingand running abusinesscan be challenging, andweare committed to providing the resources and supportneeded to help these businesses succeed.”
Because of RCB Bank’s progressivespirit to loan in tough times, it hasbuilt loyalcustomers and servedthe needs of multi-generation families.
“Withoutthe dedication of principled leaders andemployees, RCB Bank could notserve as a responsible citizen of thecommunityorprovide high-quality customer service,” Mosier said. “Aswegrow, we makeitagoal nottolose the personal connection while simultaneously taking advantageoftechnologyadvancementstomeet the evolving needsofour customers. We are proud of ourpersonal, individualizedapproach to customerservice.”

RCB Bank offersawide rangeof financial servicestoits customers, including personal and business banking, mortgage lending andwealth management.
“Weare committed to providing our customers with afull rangeof financial servicesthatwill help them achieve their financial goals,” said OwassoMarketPresidentSkip Mefford. “We areaone-stop-shopfor all of our customers’ financialneeds.”
It’seasy to seewhy so manyofits customers say“RCB Bank, that’smybank!” RCBBankisa$3.8billioncommunitybankwith64locationsin 35citiesacrossOklahomaandKansas.Foundedin1936,RCB Bankiscommittedtoservingitscommunitieswithconservative bankingpracticesandprogressivebankingproducts.Learnmore atRCBbank.comorgiveusacallat855.226.5722.Lendingservices availablewithapprovedcredit.MemberFDIC,EqualHousing Lender,NMLS#798151.