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NaturalGas FuelsComfort andConvenience in GreenCountry
The delicious food produced by Tulsa’sthriving restaurant scene, the comfortable nights at home watching your favorite shows, and the peace of mind that businesses can stay open during winter weather.All these things have asurprising common denominator: natural gas. Natural gas is the heartbeat of many Tulsans’ dayto-day lives. That’swhy Oklahoma Natural Gas takes pride in delivering natural gas to 905,000 Oklahomans each day
What makes natural gas so crucial to the lives of Tulsans? Here are five reasons:
1. Natural gas is reliable –always there when you need it the most.
What does reliability mean to you? Is it the dependable blue flame always there when you’re ready to cook dinner after a long day? Or is it the comfort in knowing your family will stay warm during chilly Oklahoma winters? Snow,rain or shine, you can count on natural gas flowing to your home or businesses. That’swhy over 71 million American households use natural gas, according to the American Gas Association.
2. Natural gas is versatile –offering warmth, comfort and convenience.
Natural gas is commonly used for stoves, furnaces and clothes dryers, but that is only afraction of the possibility of its use. Natural gas fuels many of our day-to-day activities. It’sthe power behind manufacturing plants that drive our local economy.Itroasts delicious coffee beans at your favorite cafe. It heats swimming pools when you’re ready for adip at night. It’sakey component of fertilizers used by Oklahoma ranchers and farmers. It can even be used as afuel for fleet vehicles like buses and trash trucks.
3. Natural gas is affordable –allowing customers to do more and use less energy
The last year has been challenging with higher prices on avariety of everyday items. While most things have become more expensive, natural gas is still one of the most affordable residential energy sources. In fact, it’sestimated that households that use natural gas for heating, cooking and clothes drying save an average of $1,068 per year compared to homes using electricity for those applications. In Oklahoma, natural gas is three times more affordable than other energy sources.

4. Natural gas fuels innovation –an essential part of aclean energy future. Agrowing number of Oklahomans are looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprint and natural gas can play acritical role. Oklahoma Natural Gas actively evaluates our operational practices for emission reduction opportunities and invests in the research and development of new technologies to pave the way for amore sustainable future. In combination with renewable energy,natural gas has already contributed to the decline of U.S. energy-related carbon dioxide emissions to the lowest levels in nearly 25 years. By focusing on emissions reduction and clean energy now,natural gas will be part of abright future for Tulsans for generations to come.
5. Natural gas supports other energy sources –providing stability to the energy system.
Around the clock, seven days aweek, natural gas works well with renewable energy sources like wind and solar.Our modern way of life requires alot of energy –all the time. Natural gas ensures there is asteady supply of power 24 hours aday This reliability is acritical backup for other energy sources to deliver power to your home when you need it regardless of the weather
Natural gas is reliable and affordable, supporting your life and the community’s future.
Want to learn more about how natural gas helps your life? Visit oklahomanaturalgas.com/choose-gas.