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Arecent collegegraduate came to RussellParkerwitha problem.
Parker,DirectorofAdult Career Developmentand Certifications at TulsaTech,said the graduate’s sculpture artdegree wasn’t helping them find ajob. TulsaTech’s Adult part-timeclasses help people in all kindsofsituationsimprove theirjob or find anew one.

“A lotofour students whocome backare youngpeoplewho have gone through college, gottentheir degree,can’t find ajob,and they come backtousand say, ‘Whatcan Ido?
Parker said TulsaTechfacilitates five core learning divisionsacross sixTulsaarea campuses andthe web. It hosts coursesthatcan improve the working livesofpeoplenew to theworkforce or veterans of a field. Students can enroll in cost-friendly courses taughtbyIndustryexpertfaculty to switchcareers or become equipped with new skillstorisethe corporate ladder.
“That’sone of thereasons Ilove this department so much,” Parker said.“Iget to know people in all differentkinds of circumstances and situationswho just want abetter life forthemselvesand theirfamily andwecan providethattothemata reasonablecost.”
TulsaTech’s course diversityis astonishing.
Theart,education andenrichment program helpsfacilitate careers workingwithpreschoolstudentsand childdevelopment.The business computersand technology umbrella covers everything in the information technology world. Acertification andlicense canhelpstudentsbegin careerssuchassecurityguardsand homeinspectors.The healthcare and wellnesssectorcoversnursing and medicalassisting.Manufacturing, construction andtransportation teachesheavy trades like welding, plumbing andHVAC.
Employersdesirethe skillstaught at TulsaTech. Parker attested to thestrength of the manufacturing, construction andtransportation field when it comestothe jobsearch
“I cantellyou if anyone wantsto go through plumbing, Icould almost 100% guaranteethattheywould haveajob before they finish with us becausethe construction industryis in such desperateneed of plumbers,” Parker said.“They gethired up usually before they even finish our programand starttoworkbeforethe finish,that’sthe wayitisinalot of ourconstruction areas.”
Theseadult classesare availableto students acrossthe Tulsaarea.
“You just havetobe16toattend oneofour classes,”Parkersaid.“So we havestudentswho come outof high schoolwho aren’t able to come to afull-time program, theycan come in the evening. Or youngpeoplewho havegoneout andgotten ajob that’s alower-payingjob,but they still need to work andhavetocomebackand gettrained forsomething better.”
TulsaTech employsabout 150 adjunctinstructors,experts in the fieldwho teachtheircrafttoothers.
“All of ourinstructors areprimarily industryexperts whoenjoyteaching what theydo, andwehireonaparttime basis, andtheycomeand teach what theirtrade is in the evening, Parker said
“They areall people whoare either workingorteaching in that area Youaren’tgoing to getsomeone teaching youHVACwho doesn’t work or trainlikeafull-time instructor in that area.” Parker acknowledged the sacrificesofenrolling in classesbut said the benefits canbeevengreater
“You havetobeself-motivated becauseyou’repayingonyourown, you’re giving up your eveningtime,” Parker said.“We just havealot of people whowantanopportunity to improvetheirlifesituation and continue to grow.”