Skating rinks in Ås Petter Nielsen Journalist Tord Kristian F. Andersen Photographer Sofie Palmstrøm Translator
January has arrived in Agrarmetropolen, accompanied by cold weather. Luckily for all those who are frustrated over closed gyms and are in need to get out of their dorms, the cold offers opportunities for outdoor activities. Eika came early Already January 5th, Eika sports center published a Facebook post insinuating that an ice skating rink was to be made on Lillebrand. The picture in the post showed the spray truck driving around. Three days later the ground had been sufficiently watered, and Eika could announce that the ice skating rink was open. The ice skating rink at Lillebrand is well lit, so you can go ice skating at all hours of the day. The ice skating rink outside Eika turned out to be very popular. At times there were almost too many people, and the space was occasionally cramped. Therefore, it was great when Ås county at the end of January managed to clear the snow from three lanes on Skogsdammen. If you do a small search on ice skating rinks in Ås on Facebook, you can also get updates on when the ice is watered so you can go when the conditions are best. Many rinks If you want to go ice skating but are in need to get away from your house mates for a while, there are several opportunities around Ås. In addition to Lillebrand and Skogsdammen, there are in fact ice skating rinks at Dysterlia, Brønnerud school and Sjøskogen school. If you really want to make sure you don’t bump into other students, you can also take the trip to Danskerud. Seize the opportunity To go ice skating is both a fun and a social activity. A great reason to get out of the dorm and into the sunlight. Remember to seize the opportunity now, you never know how long the cold allows the ice to stay.
24 Edition 01 Volume 76