1 minute read
G R I L L P o s i t i o n :
Place cover so that it sets inside the MicroPro Grill.
Grilling position for grilling paninis, grilled cheese, burgers, chicken, fish, grill and sear paninis, meats and vegetables.
G R I L L P o s i t i o n
C A S S E R O L E P o s i t i o n :
Place cover so it sets on top of the MicroPro Grill.
Casserole position for making casseroles, cobblers, enchiladas, crisp desserts, au gratin potatoes, pizza.

C A S S E R O L E P o s i t i o n
T i p s
• Always pat meat dry prior to grilling. Higher water content may cause an unwanted steaming effect. • Do not salt the meat prior to grilling to avoid steaming effect. • For thinner cuts (like chicken cutlets), frozen meat grills better. • For thicker cuts, grill fresh or thawed.