1 minute read
Baked Pears with Walnuts & Honey
Baked Pears w it h W a l n ut s & H o n e y


2 large ripe pears ¼ tsp. ground cinnamon 2 tsp. honey ¼ cup crushed walnuts
1. Cut the pears in half, using a measuring spoon or melon baller, scoop out the seeds. 2. Place pears in the base of MicroPro Grill, sprinkle with cinnamon, top with walnuts and drizzle ½ tsp. honey over each one. 3. Place cover in CASSEROLE position and microwave on high for 1012 minutes.
Baked R a v i o l i

½ pound ground beef 4 oz. fresh mushrooms, sliced ½ small onion, diced 2 cups spaghetti sauce 1 (20 oz.) pkg. cheese ravioli, refrigerated 1 cup mozzarella cheese, shredded
1. Crumble hamburger, onion and mushrooms into the MicroPro
Grill. Place cover on GRILL position. Microwave on high 3 minutes.
Remove from microwave, Stir. Place cover in the GRILL position.
Microwave 3 minutes more or until meat is no longer pink.
Remove meat mixture to a bowl. 2. Pour 1 cup sauce in the MicroPro Grill, layer the ravioli, pour hamburger mixture over it. Pour remaining sauce over the meat, then top with mozzarella cheese. 3. Place cover in CASSEROLE position. Microwave on high for 8-10 minutes. 4. Uncover and place cover in GRILL position and microwave on high for 1-2 minutes