1 minute read
Chocolate Croissant Bread Pudding
C h o c o l at e C r o i s s a nt
Bread Pudding

Recipe by Erin Lohse

2 Tbsp. butter, room temperature ¼ cup sugar 1 tsp. cinnamon 1 egg ¾ cup whipping cream 3 large croissants ¼ cup dark chocolate chips Ice cream, if desired
1. In the SuperSonic Chopper Extra with paddle attachment, add butter, sugar, cinnamon, egg and whipping cream, pull cord, to combine all ingredients. 2. In a medium bowl, tear croissants into pieces, pour cream mixture over bread, push down to soak bread. Set aside for 10 minutes. 3. Pour bread mixture into in the MicroPro Grill, sprinkle chocolate chips over bread. Place cover in the CASSEROLE position.
Microwave on high power, 5-7 minutes. Let rest 10 minutes. 4. Serve with ice cream if desired.