1 minute read
Cinnamon Roll Bread Pudding
C i n n a m o n R o l l
Bread Pudding w it h V a ni l l a B ut t er c r e a m I c i ng

1½ cups milk 2 eggs ¼ cup brown sugar ½ cup granulated sugar 1 tsp. vanilla extract 1 tsp. ground cinnamon ¼ tsp. nutmeg 3-4 cups torn bread Vanilla Buttercream Icing 2 Tbsp. butter, softened 1 cup powdered sugar ½ tsp. vanilla extract 1 Tbsp. milk
1. In a medium Thatsa Bowl, whisk together milk, eggs, brown sugar, granulated sugar, vanilla extract, ground cinnamon and nutmeg. Add bread and push down to soak up liquid. 2. Pour bread mixture in the MicroPro Grill. Place Cover in the
CASSEROLE Position. 3. Microwave on high for 8 minutes, check to see if done, if more time is needed, cook in one minute increments until done. Let cool with lid on for 10 minutes. 4. In a small Thatsa Bowl, whisk butter until creamy, add powdered sugar, vanilla extract and enough milk to achieve desired consistency. 5. Using a plastic spatula cut bread pudding, remove and drizzle with buttercream icing