1 minute read
Stuffed Cabbage Rolls
S t u f f ed
C a b b a g e R o l l s

Ingredients 4 cabbage leaves 3⅓ cup sliced zucchini ½ cup bread crumbs ½ cup cashew nuts, chop 1 red pepper, chop 1 Tbsp. curry 1 tsp. salt 1 pinch pepper 1 egg, beaten 3 Tbsp. oil
1. Cut out “V” shape at the bottom of 4 cabbage leaf stalks. Pour hot water over them until limp. Drain and pat dry. 2. Mix bread crumbs, cashews, red pepper, curry, salt, pepper, egg and oil for stuffing. Divide into 4 portions and wrap each with a cabbage leaf, place in the SmartSteamer Colander Tray. 3. Place sliced zucchini in the SmartSteamer base. 4. Fill the Water Tray with 1¾ cups water. Place SmartSteamer base and Colander Tray over the Water Tray. 5. Cover and microwave on high power for 25 minutes.