1 minute read
Steamed Stuffed Artichokes
S t e a med
S t u f f e d A r t i c h o ke

Ingredients ¼ + ⅛ tsp. coarse kosher salt 2 globe artichokes, trimmed, cut in half ½ fresh lemon 2 cups Italian or sour dough bread cubes, crust removed 3 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil ¼ cup diced black olives 1 garlic clove, crushed
1. Fill water tray to minimum fill line and add salt to the
SmartSteamer water tray. 2. Remove the two bottom rows of leaves from each artichoke half.
Scoop choke from the center of artichokes, rub cut edges with lemon. Place artichokes in SmartSteamer casserole tray, cut side up. Stack casserole tray above water tray; place cover on
SmartSteamer. Microwave on high power 5 minutes. Remove from microwave, set aside. 3. In a medium bowl, mix together bread cubes, olive oil, olives, garlic, and ⅛ tsp. coarse kosher salt. Press bread cubes together until moist; divide into 4 equal portions. 4. Stuff bread into cut side of each artichoke half, gently pressing bread into the cavity and allowing excess to sit on top of artichoke. 5. Place cover on top of the SmartSteamer and microwave 15 minutes or until artichokes are soft, and bottom leaves are easily removed.