1 minute read
Flancocho Flan Cake
FlanCocho F l a n C a k e

Ingredients 1(16.5 oz.) devil’s food cake mix (plus ingredients per box) 8 oz. cream cheese, softened 1 (12 oz.) can evaporated milk 1 (14 oz.) can condensed milk 1 tsp. vanilla extract 3 large eggs ½ cup caramel sauce for flan
Directions 1. In medium Thatsa Bowl mix devil’s food cake mix with ingredients per box instructions, set aside. 2. In the SuperSonic Chopper Extra with the paddle attachment, mix cream cheese, evaporated milk, condensed milk, vanilla and eggs until batter is smooth. 3. Pour half of cake mix into Stack Cooker 3 Qt. Casserole and top with half of the flan mixture. 4. Microwave on full power, uncovered, for 11 minutes. At the end of cooking time, remove from microwave and cover for 2 minutes. 5. Transfer your Flancocho to a serving plate. 6. Repeat cooking process with remaining batter. 7. Refrigerate until ready to serve. 8. Pour caramel sauce over cake just before serving.