1 minute read
Home Style Meatloaf
H o me st y l e
Ingredients 2 lb. ground beef 1 medium onion chopped 2 cloves garlic, minced 2 eggs, beaten ¼ cup tomato catsup 5 saltine crackers, crushed ½ tsp. black pepper ½ tsp. salt 1½ tsp. Worcestershire sauce ¼ cup tomato catsup (spread over meatloaf) ⅛ tsp. chili powder
Directions 1. In a medium Thatsa Bowl, mix together all ingredients, except ¼ cup tomato catsup and chili powder. 2. In the Stack Cooker 3 Qt. Casserole with Cone inserted add meatloaf mixture cover and microwave on full power for 12-14 minutes. 3. Top Meatloaf with remaining catsup and sprinkle chili powder, cover and return to the microwave for an additional 2-3 minutes.
H o n e y


Ingredients 1 cup flour 1 cup cornmeal ¾ cup milk ⅓ cup honey ¼ cup vegetable oil 2 large eggs 2 tsp. baking powder
Directions 1. In a medium Thatsa Bowl, mix together all ingredients, just until blended. 2. Lightly grease Stack Cooker 3 Qt. Casserole with Cone inserted pour in cornbread mixture. 3. Microwave on full power for 6-8 minutes. 4. Allow to cool for 5 minutes before serving.