1 minute read
Honey Glazed Turkey Breast
H o n e y G l a z ed
Turkey Breast

Ingredients 1 (5-6 lb.) thawed bone in turkey breast ¼ cup butter, melted ¼ cup honey 1 orange, juiced and zested

Directions 1. Place turkey breast in the Stack Cooker 1¾ Qt. Casserole. 2. Mix together butter, honey, orange juice and zest; pour over turkey. 3. Cover and microwave on high for 10 minutes; un-cover and baste with juices. 4. Re-cover microwave at 50% for 30 minutes; un-cover and baste with juices. 5. Re-cover microwave at 50% for 20-25 minutes or until thermometer insert in the thickest part reaches 170°F. 6. Tent turkey with foil allow to rest for 20 minutes.