1 minute read
Greek Salad with Pita Crisps
G r e e k S a l a d w it h P i t a C r i s p s


Ingredients 10 oz. romaine lettuce 1 cucumber 1 tomato 1 cup black olives 2 green onions ½ cup Greek dressing ¾ cup crumbled feta cheese
Pita Crisps 4 pieces pita bread, quartered ½ tsp. dried oregano 1 tsp. extra virgin olive oil Greek Dressing 2 garlic cloves, minced ¼ tsp. salt 1½ tsp. Dijon mustard ½ cup extra virgin olive oil 2 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice ½ tsp. sugar 5 Tbsp. red wine vinegar ½ tsp. basil leaves ¼ tsp. oregano leaves
Directions 1. Add cucumber, tomato, black olives and green onions to the
SuperSonic Chopper Extra with blade attachment, cover and pull a couple times to coarsely chop. 2. Add all the Greek dressing ingredients to the Quick Shake
Container, cover and shake until well combined. 3. In the Salad on The Go Bowl combine the lettuce, cucumber, tomato, olives and green onion. Toss with ½ cup dressing. Top with the cheese and if you choose, warm pita crisps. 4. Preheat oven to 350° F/175° C. Place the pita bread on the
Silicone Baking Sheet with Rim. Drizzle the bread with olive oil.
Sprinkle with dried oregano, salt and pepper. Place in the oven for 10 minutes, or until the pita is crisp. Along with cheese, top salad with pita crisps.