1 minute read
Chocolate Covered Peanut Butter Pretzels
C h o c o l at e C o v e r ed
P e a n u t B u t t e r P r e t z e l s

Ingredients 40 mini pretzel twists ¼- ½ cup peanut butter 1-2 oz. dark chocolate or milk chocolate, coarsely chopped
Directions 1. Spread half of the pretzels with peanut butter. Top with the remaining pretzels. Arrange pretzel sandwiches on the Silicone
Baking Sheet with Rim. 2. In a 2 cup Micro Pitcher microwave chocolate on high for 30 to 60 seconds or until melted, stirring every 30 seconds. Drizzle melted chocolate over pretzel sandwiches or dip in chocolate. Place on
Silicone Baking Sheet with Rim.. Let stand until chocolate is set. 3. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 1 week.
C h o c o l at e C o v e r ed

P o tat o C h i p s

Ingredients 1¼ cup water 1 cup chocolate chips 3–4 cups ridged potato chips

Directions 1. Microwave water in a 2 cup Micro Pitcher on high for 2 minutes. 2. Pour chocolate chips into 1 cup Micro Pitcher. 3. Place 1 cup Micro Pitcher into 2 cup Micro Pitcher so the 1 cup
Micro Pitcher is submerged in water. 4. Let sit for 30–60 seconds and then stir. Repeat until chocolate is smooth. 5. Dip potato chips into melted chocolate until partially coated. Lay out on the Silicone Baking Sheet with Rim. Repeat until chocolate has been used. Chill until chocolate is set, 10–15 minutes in the freezer.