50 voices Cathie Birrell

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50 Voices

CATHIE 50 Voices captures the authentic voice of the people that use our services and our staff as Turning Point celebrates its 50th anniversary

50 Voices

Cathie Birrell

50 Voices

Cathie Birrell

Cathie Birrell works as the Team Leader and the Registered Manager at Avondale in Salisbury.

What is the best part of your job? For me the best part of the job is working with individuals. Turning Point has a very personcentred focus. Everybody has the right to choices and the right to be part of the decision process when the decisions concern them. No matter how challenging it is, it is really important. In order to achieve this, it’s crucial that our staff learn how our service users communicate. We’re all about getting it right. We work with families and get support from them so that we’re all singing from the same hymn sheet. Families are very much involved; we want to know if they agree with how certain aspects of the service are run and if not we’ll discuss how we can make it better.

Cathie Birrell at Avondale’s Queen Jubilee party in 2012. With everyone dressed in the patriotic colours, including some of the family members who attended, the atmosphere was truly “jubilant”. A barbecue, a sing song and jubilee spirit all helped

Everybody has the right to choices and the right to be part of the decision process when the decisions concern them.

50 Voices

Cathie Birrell

What skills or qualities do you have that help you do your job to the best of your ability? I think being a qualified learning disability nurse is really helpful as it enables me to utilise my skills well. I keep up my prep and my registration to make sure I’m updated with new information. Epilepsy, for example, is an extremely complex condition and there is no average or textbook length of time that someone will have a seizure for. By being an LD nurse and knowing our service users, I understand what isn’t “normal” for one service user may be “normal” for another. I think this helps me to provide a better service as it prevents individuals unnecessarily ending up in hospital who do not need to be, and overall ensuring that service users are as comfortable, content and settled as possible.

What is unique about your service in the way that it supports service users?

In this line of work, you can’t be money motivated - that sort of mentality just wouldn’t work.

Definitely the staff. They are the most unique people in this world and there is nothing they won’t do. In this line of work, you can’t be money motivated - that sort of mentality just wouldn’t work. The staff at Avondale are so focused on providing an excellent quality of care. Honestly they give a whole new meaning to the phrase “going the extra mile”.

50 Voices

Cathie Birrell

What is the biggest misconception about people with learning disabilities? The biggest misconception about people with learning disabilities is that they don’t communicate but every human being communicates!

The biggest misconception about people with learning disabilities is that they don’t communicate but every human being communicates! It’s a very patronising mentality that just because someone can’t talk or communicate verbally that they can’t communicate at all. It could be through a gesture, body language or a facial expression that an individual conveys how they’re feeling or what they need. Something as simple as taking someone’s hand, leading them to the kitchen and gesturing at either the kettle or a squash bottle could communicate not only that they’re thirsty but also the type of drink they would like.

Why are you so passionate about being a part of Turning Point?

The individuals make me passionate about being a part of Turning Point

The individuals make me passionate about being a part of Turning Point. They are the reason I get up every morning and they are the reason that I know I’m going to have a good day. To be a constant presence in their lives, providing a good service is a wonderful feeling. Avondale is a happy place and it’s their home.

50 Voices

Turning Point Standon House 21 Mansell Street London E1 8AA 020 7481 7600 info@turning-point.co.uk

50 Voices Learn more at www.turning-point.co.uk For press enquiries about 50 Voices please contact press@turning-point.co.uk

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