50 Voices: Daniel Page

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50 Voices

DANIEL 50 Voices captures the authentic voice of the people that use our services and our staff as Turning Point celebrates its 50th anniversary

50 Voices

Daniel Page

50 Voices

Daniel Page

Daniel Page came to Turning Point for support with substance misuse issues. Daniel now works as a Project Worker at Waltham Forest Structured Day Programme.

My name is Daniel Page and I have been a Project Worker at Turning Point’s Waltham Forest Structured Day Programme in Walthamstow since September 25th 2013. As a Project Worker, my main responsibilities include leading both one-to-one and group sessions. However my relationship with Turning Point began about a year and a half earlier when I myself became a service user of the programme.

When I came to Turning Point, my drinking had hit an all time low. It was spending a week in hospital, on the verge of having to have a liver transplant, that made me realise something had to change. I’d suffered with substance misuse issues since I was about 12 years old and there was a history of it in the family too with my dad dying of a heroin overdose and alcohol taking my stepdad. I suppose you could say I wasn’t the stereotypical drinker; I wasn’t what most people imagined when they thought of someone with those issues. I had always worked but I was still using at the same time. After leaving hospital I went to visit the community drug and alcohol team and it was then I realised I needed Turning Point’s support. At that point I had a choice; either sobriety or my same old life which would probably see me end up in prison, hospital again or six feet under.

50 Voices

Daniel Page

Turning to Turning Point felt right and I knew I wouldn’t have done it by myself. Honestly it was a relief to be able to share all the thoughts, feelings and emotions that I had kept hidden for so many years. I was still shy and a bit nervous at first but I knew I had to be there and I wanted to be there. By working with my key worker I saw how my confidence grew naturally, it wasn’t forced or strained. Initially I had no idea of how Turning Point was going to support me but I could never have imagined the extent to which Turning Point would positively impact my life. The group sessions were particularly impactful on my journey, I was naturally shy when I was younger and I think that’s why I used substances so that I could forge a forced confidence. But in the group sessions, substance free and speaking to other people in similar situations to me, my confidence soared. I no longer felt so shy and reserved as I had been before and finally I didn’t need alcohol to make me feel that way. It meant a lot to me to be in a place where people actually spent time to listen to me and challenge my thoughts. When first asked if I thought it was normal to drink every day, my immediate response was Yes but through oneto-one and group sessions I began to reassess why I thought the way I did.

Turning Point gave me ideas of how to cope with day to day life without drink or drugs which was a scary thought when you’re used to drinking every day but quite honestly it was a turning point.

My key worker was key in my journey! I was encouraged to look at all aspects of my life; work, family, finances. That was something I had not ever done before; planning ahead. In the past I’d been in trouble with the police but I had a second chance and new opportunities such as the computer training course I did. I used to live day to day but for the first time in my life I was looking to the future and it looked bright. Nearing the end of the 3 month group work programme, I realised that I was on the road to recovery; I was feeling better about and in myself. One day I saw a Peer Mentoring leaflet and picked it up, for once I felt strong enough and secure enough to give something back.

50 Voices

Daniel Page

I’m proud to now be working at Turning Point because I know the service and I know how it can help change someone’s life in a positive way which is the best thing you can do for someone. I think what makes Turning Point unique is its dedication to working close with the community. Furthermore in our service in particular, several staff members have worked here for a long period of time and have developed a really great understanding of how the service works. Being amicable, friendly but most importantly having a sense of humour really helps me do my job to the best of my ability. We’re talking about drugs and alcohol with people who have hit rock bottom; needless to say it’s not the happiest of topics. So if a silly joke makes them smile, that’s at least a small motivation for them to carry on. Before I used to fix washing machines and stack shelves and there’s no shame in that but for me where I really feel fulfilled is supporting people in their recovery and helping make their lives better.

The biggest misconception about people with substance misuse issues is that they are wastes of space who bring it on themselves and are generally no good. Substance misuse issues don’t magically manifest overnight; there is always a reason. People can be quick to judge but there are often some truly heartbreaking stories behind substance misuse issues.

The best part of my job is working with the clients. Meeting and interacting with interesting people and seeing them walk out of group sessions filled with positivity and hope.

Since receiving help from Turning Point the increase in my self-esteem is incredible. I believe in myself and understand that it’s OK to just be myself. I don’t have to rely on anything else now! I’m more focused and organised. I’m always early these days! Turning Point has supported me in going from strength to strength and has helped make living pleasant for me. I was lost, sad and directionless and now I’m happy, focused and proud. For me Turning Point means a life away from substance misuse, providing security and safety and making things better. If I could go back in time and give my past self one message it would be Don’t wait until tomorrow, do it now! That’s my mantra now because now is normally the best time to take action.

50 Voices

Turning Point Standon House 21 Mansell Street London E1 8AA 020 7481 7600 info@turning-point.co.uk

50 Voices Learn more at www.turning-point.co.uk For press enquiries about 50 Voices please contact press@turning-point.co.uk

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