德国 莱茵 TÜV大中华区通讯 TÜV Rheinland Greater China News
与您共塑未来 德国莱茵TÜV绿色解 决 方 案 塑造可持续发展的 未 来
Shaping the Future Together TÜV Rheinland green solutions, guiding the way towards sustainability
旅游新趋势 德国莱茵TÜV开发 生 态 酒 店 验 证 服 务
A New Trend in Tourism
TÜV Rheinland Develops ECO-Hotel Certification Services to Help You Catch the Trend
交通及新能源 加速中国交通及新能 源 市 场 发 展 Strengthening China’s
Transportation and New Energy Market Development
目 录 / Contents
技 术 专题/ Technical Expertise
保障核电工业安全——德国莱茵TÜV 推动中国核电企业国际化进程 Guaranteeing the Safety of Nuclear Power Plant I&C System —TÜV Rheinland Facilitates Global Market Access for Chinese Nuclear Enterprises
20/ 21
领先的蓝牙产品检测认证服务 加速产品的市场准入 从 森 林 到消 费 者 的 生态环保——森林 管 理 委 员会 产 销 监 管链实施标准 Environmental Protection from Forest to End Users—FSC Standard For Chain Of Custody Implementation 供 应 链 安全 ——国 际贸易的成功要素 Supply Chain Security— A Success Factor in International Trade
动 态 与服务/ Featured Service
cTUVus Acceptance Confers Accesss to Mexico Market
Update On IECEE’s Approach to Evaluation of Risk Management for Medical Devices 绿 色 解 决方 案 ——塑造可持续发展 的未来 Shaping the Future Together—TÜV Rheinland’s Comprehensive Green Solutions Services
06/ 07
cTUVu s 认 证 打 开 墨西哥市场
I E CE E C B 针 对 I E C60 6 01-1第三版 更 新 医 疗器 械 及 系 风险管理要求
04/ 05
08/ 09 10/ 11 12/ 15
16/ 19
TÜV Rheinland’s Leading Bluetooth Testing and Certification Services Ensure the Shortest Time to Market 日本电气和原料安全法——技术标准 第2条修订案
Revision to Clause 2 of Technical Standards of Japan DENAN Law 医疗器材风险管理应用 Application of Risk Management to Medical Devices
时讯/ Alive
CIPPE上海石油石化展圆满落幕 德国莱茵TÜV大中华区倍受瞩目 TRGC Concluded CIPPE Shanghai 2010 Participation on A High Note
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24/ 25
防 爆 安 全 重 要 一 课 ——德国莱茵 TÜV 大 中 华 区 防 爆 安全专家讲解 AT E X认 证
26/ 27
Need for ATEX Certification Gains Industry Attention— Explosion Safety Experts from TÜV Rheinland Greater China Provide ATEX Training in Wenzhou cTUVus活动进一步扩大北美市场份额 cTUVus Campaign Yields Major Market Share Gain in North America 旅游 新 趋 势 — — 德国莱茵TÜ V 开发 生态 酒 店 验 证 服 务 A New Trend in Tourism—TÜV Rheinland Develops ECO-Hotel Certification Services to Help You Catch the Trend
28/ 29 30/ 31
德国莱茵TÜV集团成功参加第五届中 国国际安全生产及职业健康展览会 TÜV Rheinland Participated in the 5th China International Occupational Safety & Health Exhibition Declared a Success 加速中国交通及新能源市场发展 德国莱茵TÜV集团与中国汽车技术 研究中心和中国质量认证中心签署 战略合作协议
Recycled Plastic Turns into Gold Super Textile to Receive TÜV Rheinland Recycled Material Certification
TÜV Rheinland’s Testing and Certification Services for PV Products Grant You Quick Access to International Markets 通 往 全 球 的 市 场 ——德国莱茵TÜV 分 享 轨 道 交 通 认 证 专业与技术 Connecting the World—TÜV Rheinland Group Offers Insight into World’s Fastest-growing Rail Certification Market
32/ 33
德式风情客户年会在全国各地完美 绽放——德国莱茵TÜV集团积极推 动中德民俗文化交流 Oktoberfest Celebrated across Greater China
34/ 35
36/ 37 38/ 41
Strengthening China’s Transportation and New Energy Market Development TÜV Rheinland Group Signs Partnership Agreements with CATARC and CQC
再生塑料变黄金——世堡纺织取得 德国莱茵TÜV完整再生材质认证
专 业 本 地 化 光 伏 检 测和认证,助您 便 捷 获 得 全 球 光 伏 市场通行证
Credit 主编/Chief Editor:
李涛/Li Tao
徐菁/Grace Xu 戚黎俊/Treen Qi 谢幸儒/Joyce H. J. Hsieh
42/ 43 44/ 45
森林管理委员会产销监管链实施标准 Environmental protection from forest to end users FSC Standard for Chain of Custody Implementation
森林管理委员会(FSC)成立于1993年,旨 在促进以负责任的态度管理全世界的森 林。针对所有对林业负责管理有兴趣的 公司或组织,FSC提供国际公认的标准制 定、商标保证及认证服务。 FSC通过森林管理委员会产销监管链(FSC COC)监管从森林到消费者,即加工、转 换、制造和销售的整个连续阶段来追踪 FSC认证的材料。该标准概述了产销监管 链(COC)在采购、标签标示及销售经FSC 认验的产品方面的管理和生产要求。
FSC认证要求主要分为以下四个部分 • 包括适用于所有产销监管链经营 机构的产销监管链控制通用要求。 • 介绍三种在产品上做出FSC声明 的控制体系,各单位必需为已经确 立的FSC产品类别选择一个体系。 • 包括产品上使用FSC标签的要 求和起点。 • 对产销监管链控制体系具体情况 的补充要求。
The FSC certification requirements comprise four main components • Includes the universal requirements for COC control that apply to all COC operations. • Presents the three control systems covering FSC claims on output, with organisations required to choose one system for each established FSC product group. • Contains the requirements and thresholds for the use of FSC labels on products.
FSC COC 提供从森林到消费者的产品信 息(若为循环材料,则为从加工厂到消费 者的产品信息),涵盖加工、转化、生产
• Provides supplementary requirements addressing specific situations for COC control systems.
及销售等环节。由于供应链的每个过渡环 节均涉及所有权的改变,各组织必须建立 有效的COC管理系统,在必要时通过认 证机构对产品进行FSC认证。COC管理体 系的发展和实施帮助组织有效控制加工系 FSC标签将林业产品的负责生产和消费联
德 国 莱 茵 T ÜV大 中 华 区 目 前 与 德 国
LGA InterCert 合作,提供 FSC COC
The aim of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), which was established in 1993, is to promote the responsible management of the world’s forests. The FSC provides internationally recognised standards-setting, trademark assurance and accreditation services to all parties interested in responsible forest management. The FSC is aimed at the channel through which products are distributed, from their origins in the forest to their end use. This channel is referred to as the FSC Chain of Custody (FSC COC). The FSC standard outlines the management and production requirements for COC control with respect to the sourcing, labelling and
sale of products marked as FSC-certified. FSC COC provides an information trail on the path that a product takes on its journey from the forest or, in the case of recycled materials, reclamation site to the consumer, including the processing, transformation, manufacturing and distribution stages in which progress to the next stage of the supply chain involves a change in ownership. A change in ownership anywhere in the supply chain requires the establishment of an effective COC management system at the organisational level, and its verification by a certification body, if the organisation in question wishes to make an FSC claim about its products. The development and implementation of a COC management system is an effective way for an organisation to control its processing system effectively and render the origins of the material in its products transparent to customers.
FSC certification provides a credible guarantee to customers, including end-users, by providing products with a FSC certificate code showing that they originated from managed forests, controlled sources, reclaimed materials or a mixture of the three. A FSC label provides a credible link between the responsible production and consumption of forest products, thereby enabling consumers and businesses to make purchasing decisions that benefit human beings and the environment and provide ongoing business value. FSC certification helps enterprises to protect their brand name and reputation and allows access to highly environmentally sensitive markets. TÜV Rheinland Greater China currently provides a FSC COC certification service to industry through an established team that works in coordination with Germany’s LGA InterCert.
供应链安全 国际贸易的成功要 Supply Chain Security A Success Factor in International Trade
国 际贸易已成为全球经济成长的关键
驱动力之一。统计数据显示,80%的普通货 物通过集装箱运输,平均每天有一千八百万 个集装箱往返在世界各大洋上。 国际供应链所面临的安全风险日趋 普遍,已对国际贸易及各贸易国的 经济增长构成重大威胁,全球贸易
ISO 28000
ISO 28 0 0 0 是供应链安全管理体系的主要标准,旨在
配合并补充世界海关组织的标准框 架,从而 改 进供 应
其可能出现的破坏性影响。 加强供应链安全有利于降低营运成
ISO 28000标准适用于从小公司到跨国企业的各种规模
的组 织,以 及 生 产 或供 应链中各 阶段的制造、服 务、
存储及 运输 等。该标 准协助企业在其涉及的国际供 应
链 方面 建 立 适当的安 全等级。此 外,在 第三方进 行 供 应链安全管理体系审核时,ISO 28 0 0 0 亦被作为确定
作为德国认证机构TGA (现称DAkks) 授权的国际认证机构,德国莱茵 TÜV集团提供ISO 28000认证服务, 帮助您提升供应链安全。
International trade is one of the key drivers of global economic growth. According to recent statistics, 80% of general cargo is transported in containers, 18 million of which can be found plying the world’s oceans each day. Cargo supply chains are complex, involving a great number and variety of different parties. Security threats against international supply chains have become more common and now pose a major threat to international trade and the economic growth of trading nations. The global trading system cannot afford the consequences of destructive attacks. People, goods, infrastructure and means of transport must be protected against security threats and their potentially devastating effects. International supply chains are highly dynamic and consist of many business partners. ISO 28000 is the
main standard covering security management systems for supply chains. This standard is intended to work in concert with and complement the World Customs Organization’s Framework of Standards to secure and facilitate the global trade framework. It does not attempt to cover, replace or supersede individual customs agencies’ supply chain security programmes and their validation requirements. The ISO 28000 standard is applicable to organisations of all sizes, from small to multinational, and to those operating in the manufacturing, service, storage or transport sector
at any stage of the production or supply chain. The application of this standard helps organisations to establish adequate levels of security in those parts of the international supply chain that they control. It also serves as the basis for a third party to determine the existing level of security when employing a compliance baseline for the acceptance of a supply chain security management programme. The advantages of improved supply chain security are reduced operating costs, shorter customs clearance lead times, fewer insurance-related losses, improved efficiency, greater customer confidence and satisfaction, and compliance with regulations. TÜV Rheinland is an international certification body authorised by the German accreditation body TGA (now known as DAkks) to certify firms’ compliance with the ISO 28000 standard.
The regu
• NOM 001 音视频类设备
• N
效性,为电子产品进入墨西哥市场提供了便捷的途径。该决议 声明,墨西哥进口商可以出示NOM证书进行产品清关,也可以 使用cTUVus证书进行清关。 右图三类产品在2010年底之前可直接使用有效的cTUVus证书在 墨西哥海关进行产品清关。自2011年1月1日起,这些产品在出 示cTUVus证书的同时,还需要一份由墨西哥认可机构出具的附 加信函,以确认您的产品符合此项新决议。 On 17th August 2010, the Mexican Government published in the Official Gazette a new resolution to change the requirements relevant to product importation into Mexico. The aim is to provide a single and more efficient method of market access for electronic products by accepting the equivalence of Mexico’s NOM regulations with the relevant US and Canadian standards. Following this resolution, Mexican importers can show Mexican Customs authorities the mandatory NOM safety certificate OR, for instance, a cTUVus certificate. Until the end of 2010, Mexican Customs will allow the importation of certain products (those falling into the aforementioned scope) upon presentation of a valid certificate such as the cTUVus. From 1st January 2011, however, an additional letter showing compliance with the new regulation will be required.
美国:ANSI/UL 60065
加拿大:CAN / CSA-C22 No. 60065-2003 +
Amendment 1: 2006 • NOM 016 家用电器类产品
• N
美国:ANSI/UL 60335-1
加拿大:CAN / CSA E60335-1/4E-03 (R2007)
• NOM 019信息技术设备
• N
美国:ANSI/UL 60950-1
加拿大:CAN / CSA-22.2 No. 60950-1-07
cTUVus 认证 打开墨西哥市场 s Acceptance Confers Accesss to Mexico Market
e following list illustrates the applicable NOM safety ulations and the equivalent US and Canadian standards.
重 要 提 示 Important Note 以下产品不包含在上述范围之内,仍然需要NOM证
NOM 001 for audio and video products
书 : 电 源 适 配 器 、 充 电 器 、 电 源 、 警 报 系 统 、电话应
US:ANSI/UL 60065
答 机 、 微 波 产 品 、 射 频 放 大 器 、 红 外 及 紫 外 产品、不
Canada:CAN / CSA-C22 No. 60065-2003 + Amendment 1: 2006
NOM 016 for Household and electrical appliances
US:ANSI/UL 60335-1
Canada:CAN / CSA E60335-1/4E-03 (R2007)
NOM 019 for IT products
US:ANSI/UL 60950-1
Canada:CAN / CSA-22.2 No. 60950-1-07
间断电源、稳压器、照明产品、电子玩具等。 AC adapters, battery chargers, power supplies, alarm systems, answering machines, microwave products, radio-frequency (RF) amplifiers, infrared and UV products, uninterruptible power supply (UPS) products, voltage regulators, lamps, illumination (lighting) products, and electric toys and dolls, amongst other products, will continue to require certification under the traditional NOM certification scheme. 关于附加信函的申请流程和所需文件,您可致电德国莱 茵TÜV大中华区服务热线。 If you have any questions about the application procedure for this additional letter or require additional information on our services, then please contact TÜV Rheinland Greater China at one of our hotlines: 4008831300 / 8009993668 香港地区 (Hong Kong): +852 21921022 台湾地区 (Taiwan): +886 2 25287007 或者电邮我们,将为您提供详尽的墨西哥市场认证信息。 or send an email to: 墨西哥官方信息可参考以下链接: Reference to the Mexican Official Gazette: 22&fecha=17/08/2010
IECEE CB针对IEC60601-1第三版更新 医疗器械及系风险管理要求 Update on IECEE’s approach to evaluation of risk management for medical devices 一场关于医疗器械风险管理的研讨会于9月22日至24日在意大 利米兰召开。在会上工作小组介绍了基于ISO14971更新的检查 表以及评估医疗器械风险管理所用的指导性文件,并且从制造 商和NCB两者的角度对评估过程进行了回顾,此外还通过实践 操作增加了对这些文件理解和运用。 此次更新的文件是用来配合最新版本的测试报告模板 ( I E C 6 0 6 01 _ 1 F ) , 它们现在已经可以从IECEE的网站上下载 了。右图是德国莱茵TÜV集团大中华区所使用评估过程的简化 描述。 如果您需要了解我们更多的服务细节或需要咨询,请联系我们 医疗服务部门。
The IECEE task force held a workshop on the risk management of medical devices from the 22nd to the 24th of September in Milan. It covered the updated ISO 14971-based checklist and the guidance document for evaluating the risk management of medical electrical equipment and systems. The process was reviewed from both the manufacturer’s and National Certification Body’s points of view, and the workshop also included practical sessions aimed at improving attendees’ understanding of the application procedure and the documents required. The updated documentation presented during the workshop is designed for use with the latest (IEC60601_1F) test report format, and is already available on the IECEE website. The following diagram shows a simplified example of the TÜV Rheinland Greater China assessment process. For further details and service enquiries, please contact our Medical Services Team.
<I EC 6 0 6 01- 1 第3 版验证> 流程图 <I EC 6 0 6 01- 1 > 3rd A p p roval Proce ss Flow 制造商 Manufacturer
认证机构 Third Party
风险管理文档 (RMF) 及技术建设文 档 (TCF)
(现场 ) 风 险管 理文 档 技术 建设 文档 以及 器械 样品
Risk Management File (RMF) &Technical Construction File (TCF)
(On-site) review of RMF, TCF and representative device sample(s)
是 否符 合IEC 60601-1 第 3版 各项 要求 ? Compliance with the respective requirements of IEC 60601-1 3rd?
是/YES 确定 测试 计划 ,进 行测 试 Preparation of Test Plan, Testing
是 否符 合IEC 60601-1 第 3版 各项 要求 ? Compliance with the respective requirements of IEC 60601-1 3rd?
IEC 60601-1第3版 测 试 报 告 和发放证书 IEC 60601-1 3rd Test Report and Certificate
是/YES 编写 报告 ,申 请证 书 Complete Reporting, Certification
绿色解决方案 塑造可持续发展的未来
突破绿色壁垒,发展循环经济 国际贸易中的绿色壁垒对产品的整个生 命周期,包括设计开发、生产工艺以及 生产过程、消费回收等各个环节提出了 绿色环保的要求,因此,对中国制造企
Shaping the future together TÜV Rheinland’s Comprehensive Green Solutions Services
随着能源短缺、环境污染以及全球气候变暖等问题日益突 出,许多国家开始寻求并关注新能源的开发利用,旨在推动战略性 可持续的经济发展。近年来,美国、德国、日本、韩国以及澳大利 亚等国已经或正在出台清洁能源、低碳、能效及环保方面的相关法 规,技术创新与环保的产品成为了开拓国际市场的重要因素,为中 国制造企业参与国际贸易带来了挑战和新的发展机遇。
际环境标准动态,以绿色技术创新为核 心,节能减排,实施绿色贸易增长战 略,发展循环经济尤为重要。
德国莱茵TÜV绿色解决方案,推动实 现可持续发展
美好未来为企业发展目标,积极倡导人 类、科技与环境之间的和谐发展。关注 人类生活安全和品质,提供可持续发展 的解决方案以成功减少人类活动对大自 然的影响,并满足市场需求为我们赢得 了全球客户的尊重和信赖。
我们在降低风险、环境标准合规、提 高效率和市场认可方面拥有卓越的能力 以及丰富的经验,为您提供从清洁能源 发电到生产流程、产品、服务安全可靠 性等领域环保相关的检测和认证服务。 德国莱茵TÜV集团绿色解决方案覆盖产 品、能源、体系、生活、建筑、循环、 交通、咨询,通过客户化的服务帮助您 打造生态友好的产品,满足市场对于环 境保护的特定要求。
德国莱茵TÜV致力于为您提供卓越的安 全、质量和环境保护服务,绿色解决方 案让我们进一步兑现品牌可持续发展的 承诺,与您一起制订合适的发展战略, 携手实现均衡的增长和环保目标。
The ways we help you 产品生产周期
Green design analysis and support to account for the whole life of the product/service.
Testing and inspection of raw material, components and finished products
Auditing and certification of green manufacturing procedures and management systems
产品研发阶段,绿色设计确 保产品终生体现环保理念
产品生产阶段,从原材料, 零部件选择以及成品的安全 和质量把关
流程和工厂管理阶段,确保 工艺和流程管理遵守环保认 证体系
With energy shortages, environmental pollution and global warming the major concerns of today, many of the world’s countries are paying increased attention to the development of renewable energies in their strategic drive towards a sustainable economy. In the past few years, the US, Germany, Japan, Korea and Australia have all established laws and/or regulations concerning clean energy, reduced carbon emissions, energy efficiency and environmental protection. These measure both create opportunities for and pose challenges to Chinese manufacturers, as technical competence and innovative products with eco-friendly features have become the key to participation in international trade.
Compliance to market regulations and positive recognition and association in the market 市场销售阶段,符合市场准 入条件,遵守当地的环保标 准要求
Pursue green strategy for sustainable development In line with this increased global awareness of the need for environment protection, many countries are now raising green barriers requiring that all products meet certain environmental standards throughout their lifecycle,
including design and development, production and distribution, and marketing and recycling. It is thus of paramount importance that Chinese manufacturers familiarise themselves with all relevant international standards, particularly environmental requirements, and adopt green strategies, advanced technology and improved efficiencies, such as energy savings and reduced emissions.
TÜV Rheinland green solutions, guiding the way towards sustainability Since 1872, TÜV Rheinland has striven to shape a better future by ensuring a balance between man, technology and nature. With the aim of contributing to the development of products, services and systems
with a low carbon footprint, our commitment to delivering sustainable solutions promotes the highest level of respect for individuals, minimises the impact of human activities on the natural environment, and matches the needs of the market, thereby earning us the trust and respect of individuals and companies around the globe. With our proven competence in risk mitigation, environmental standards compliance, efficiency improvements and market recognition, and supported by a wide array of experts who specialise in environmental fields ranging from clean power generation to the testing and certification of eco-friendliness and the safety of processes, goods
and services, we at TÜV Rheinland deliver green solutions that allow us to fulfil our brand promise to ensure sustainability by providing services that help enterprises – like yours – to generate eco-friendly products and fulfil market-specific environmental objectives. TÜV Rheinland Green Solutions represent our commitment to providing superior safety, quality and environmental services that protect the environment and fulfil our brand promise to promote sustainable development. We work with you to find the proper strategy and delivery method that will help you both to achieve balanced growth and meet environmental targets.
受北京及台湾地区核工业相关企业及政 府核研究机构的委托,德国莱茵TÜV近 期参与了核电站安全控制系统的开发、 设计、审查及验证计划等工作,为核电 工业安全提供专业支持。 温室气体排放及全球能源燃料短缺等问 题使世界各国重新关注核能政策。相对 于石油、煤炭等燃料能源,核能属于低 碳能源,促进民生经济及环境发展,因 此已成为持续能源政策的极佳选择。 在核电站安全仪控系统的硬件及软件应 用领域,德国莱茵TÜV服务于众多国际 领先的制造商,为核电控制产品颁发超 过180张证书。例如全球知名的英维思公 司(IPS)的Tricon安全控制系统,已取得德 国莱茵TÜV的独立评估与专业认证,在 2001年获得美国核能管制委员会同意颁 发核能电厂的运营执照,成为其它国家 核电站的重要案例及参考指标。 2010年8月,德国莱茵TÜV在台湾地区获
系统(Taiwan Nuclear I&C System, TaiN-
术咨询将IEC 61508及相关核能电厂标准
SIL 3的要求。
TÜV功能安全全球负责人Mr. Gall就功能
继2010年8月份德国莱茵TÜV台湾公司在 台湾签署了核能领域的首个功能安全认 证项目后不久,莱茵检测认证服务(中国) 有限公司工业服务部,也与北京广利核 系统工程有限公司就核电安全系统的验 证及确认服务签署了中国核能行业的第 一个认证服务合同。 北京广利核系统工程有限公司是从事核 电数字化仪控系统设计、制造和工程服 务的专业化公司,在中国核电的安全系 统领域享有非常高的知名度。该公司在 国产自主研发的安全系统领域已经是众
在核能发展复苏的趋势下,最为关注的问题仍然是 核能安全。核能工业技术日趋成熟确保了全球核电站的安全运 转。此外,核电法规管制层面也日趋严谨,尤其是核电站的安 全仪控系统,随着 IEC 61508 功能安全标准的诞生,核电相关 的标准如 IEC 61226、IEC 61513、IEC 60880、IEC 60987、IEC 60780 等也随之全面改版,这不仅使控制系统的安全生命周期 受到更严谨的管理监督,在硬件、软件及人为可能产生的各 种故障失效也受到完整的预防和控制,系统可靠性得到大幅提 升,从而最大程度保障了财产、生命安全及环境。
The nuclear industry sectors and research and professional institutions of Beijing and Taiwan recently entrusted TÜV Rheinland with a project to review and certify the safety of the instrumentation and control (I&C) and research and development (R&D) systems of nuclear power plants. TÜV Rheinland now bears the heavy responsibility of ensuring the safety of Greater China’s nuclear power industry. Because of the huge impact of greenhouse gases on the environment and concerns over global fuel and energy depletion, many countries have begun to reconsider their nuclear power policies. Relative to energy produced from fossil fuels, nuclear energy constitutes low-carbon energy, and can thus make a remarkable contribution to livelihoods, the economy and the environment. Hence, many countries now consider it a very good option for a sustainable energy policy. With regard to the hardware and software applications related to nuclear power plant safety and I&C systems, TÜV Rheinland has long experience in the certification of at least 180 products, including the state-of-the-art systems of many leading international manufacturers. For example, in 2001, the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) agreed to issue an operating licence to a number of nuclear power plants following an independent TÜV Rheinland review and professional verification of their Tricon safety control systems, which were manufactured by Invensys Process Systems (IPS), a well-known manufacturer in this field. This important case has provided a reference index for nuclear power plants throughout the world.
In August 2010, TÜV Rheinland was entrusted by Taiwan’s nuclear industry sector and the governmentrun Institute of Nuclear Energy Research (INER) to participate in a review and certification project concerning the safety of the R&D and I&C systems of the country’s nuclear power plants. The project is entitled the Taiwan Nuclear I&C System (TaiNICS) project. In addition to providing professional training and technical consultancy concerning the introduction of IEC 61508 and related specifications into I&C system safety applications, TÜV Rheinland will also assist the INER in gaining international certification for a number of products developed by the country’s nuclear power industry. The particular focus will be on ensuring that the local development of the nuclear reactor safety digital control platform meets the requirements of safety integrity level (SIL) 3. On the mainland, TÜV Rheinland (China) Ltd. (TRC) recently signed its first certification contract in the country’s nuclear industry. The contract will involve cooperation between the TRC’s Industrial Service department and China Technology Co., Ltd. (CETC) in carrying out a Verification & Validation assessment of the latter’s nuclear safety system. CETC is widely known and highly reputed in China in the nuclear safety system arena, and specialises in the design, manufacture, engineering and servicing of digital I&C systems. The company’s mission is to become the China’s top-quality supplier of I&C systems for nuclear power plants, and it has already engaged in technical and project cooperation with such well-known multinational corporations as AREVA, Mitsubishi and Siemens.
In September 2010, members of the Chinese Nuclear Power Professional Association (CNPPA) came to the TRC head office to discuss functional safety developments and applications in the nuclear power field. Following the meeting, which laid a solid foundation for future cooperation between TRC and the nuclear industry, they visited the TRC laboratory. TRC’s contract with CETC and its cooperative partnership with the CNPPA give it strong impetus to continue in its efforts to promote its certification services to China’s nuclear power industry. By providing a high-quality functional safety certification service to this industry, we can help to improve the international reputation and market access of Chinese nuclear enterprises.
Of course, safety remains the most pressing issue in the revival of nuclear energy as a viable option. As the industry’s technology has gained in maturity, however, the safety performance records of the world’s nuclear power plants have also improved. At the same time, the nuclear power plant regulatory regime has also become much stricter in most countries, with a particular focus on the ‘brain’ of nuclear power plant operations, the I&C system. Such nuclear standards as the IEC 61226, IEC 61513, IEC 60880, IEC 60987 and IEC 60780 have also undergone comprehensive revision because of the effecting of the IEC 61508 functional safety standard. Further, the safety lifecycle of control systems are now more strictly managed and supervised. Faults and failures may result from hardware, software or human errors, and systems must be put in place to prevent and control them, thus improving the overall reliability of I&C systems and protecting property, health and the environment.
领先的蓝牙产品检测认证服务 加速产品的市场准入
TÜV Rheinland’s Leading Bluetooth Testing and Certification Services Ensure the Shortest Time to Market
德国莱茵 T Ü V大中华区致 力于为台湾、香港 及中国大陆的客户 提供完整的蓝牙 认证服 务,协助客 户由初期的产品开 发到最后的产品公 示,以最经济有效 的方式获得蓝牙质 量认证。
蓝牙技术联盟(Bluetooth SIG)认可的蓝牙
制 定 和 方 法 , 并 负 责 ZigBee产 品 的 认
• 7Layers Interlab RF Tester
• 依照 Public Profiles 的标准 (Home
—— 蓝牙射频测试系统 • BITE蓝牙通讯与应用协议测试器 • 最新版的Profile Tuning Suite (PTS) —— 蓝牙兼容性测试系统
Automation and Smart Energy),执行 ZigBee logo的测试。 • 依照 ZigBee 2007 和 ZigBee PRO 的 标准,从 IEEE 802.15.4 Radio conformance、 MAC-layer到 ZCP,
具备完整的蓝牙测试能力,同时也是大 中华地区第一家可以提供完整的蓝牙4.0
ZCP是 一 整 套 的 作 业 平 台 包 含
控制器,并结合ZigBee 通讯协议到应用
新的无线电接收器、微控制器和通讯协 议的结合,都需要有独立的ZCP认证,
在 测 试 服 务 以 外 ,我 们 凭 借 在 蓝 牙
领域 超 过8 年的蓝 牙 通讯 与应 用协议
(Bluetooth protocol stack)测试经验, 协助厂 商分析 解 决问题,为其 提 供 技术
认证服务,帮助厂商了解各国无线电规 范的要求,为其拓展海外市场提供便捷 的一站式服务。
The TÜV Rheinland Group offers a complete package of Bluetooth services to clients in the Greater China region, including Taiwan, Hong Kong and mainland China. Our Bluetooth engineers and eight Bluetooth Qualification Experts (BQEs) offer the comprehensive support and guidance you need to complete the qualification process – from the early development phases to final listing – in a cost- and time-effective manner. We have three Bluetooth Qualification Test Facilities (BQTF) in Taiwan, Hong Kong and mainland China. These facilities are equipped with the most advanced Bluetooth testing systems, all of which have been validated and are recognised by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG), including the following. • 7-Layer Interlab Radio-frequency (RF) Tester – Bluetooth RF test system • BITE protocol and profile tester • Latest Profile Tuning Suite (PTS) for profile testing. Our BQTFs provide a complete range of testing services, from RF testing and protocol/profile conformance testing to profile interoperability for all of
the demands set forth in Bluetooth Core Specifications V2.0, V2.0+EDR, V2.1, V2.1+EDR, V3.0, V3.1 and V4.0. Furthermore, we were also the first BQTF in Greater China to offer 4.0 lowenergy testing for RF/protocol layers. Our Bluetooth service includes more than testing, however. We can also help to debug log files and analyse problems during testing. Our eight years of experience in this highly specialised and complicated arena guarantee you a smooth and rapid qualification process. In addition to our Bluetooth service, the TÜV Rheinland Group has also been officially appointed as a testing body by the ZigBee Alliance to develop and implement the qualification procedures for ZigBee products. We have not only been extensively involved in the development of all ZigBee testing specifications and methods, but are also responsible for the testing of ZigBee devices. Our ZigBee testing service is available from TÜV Rheinland Taiwan and from our subsidiaries throughout Greater China, including Hong Kong. We offer a complete ZigBee testing service, from IEEE 802.15.4 radio conformance, MAC-layer, and protocol
stacks ZigBee 2007 and ZigBee PRO to such public profiles as Home Automation and Smart Energy. The ZigBee Compliant Platform (ZCP) forms the basis of ZigBee technology implementation in proprietary and open ZigBee-enabled end products. Each new combination of transceiver, microcontroller and stack requires separate ZCP certification by the ZigBee Alliance. Platform-level certification ensures the interoperability of ZigBee devices in multi-vendor networks. ZigBee logo testing for public profiles is the last step in the testing procedure. Once it has been passed, the ZigBee Alliance will grant you the right to sell products with the ZigBee logo. We also provide certification services for RF products and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) testing to help clients who are seeking to ensure the compliance of their products with individual national specifications.
日 本电气 和 原 料 安全 法 技术标准第2条 修订案 Revisions to Clause 2 of Technical Standards of Japan DENAN Law
日本经济贸易及产业省(METI)于2010年7 月5日在官方网站正式公布日本电气和原 料安全法(DENAN Law)技术标准第2条的 修订案。 修订重点摘要如下: • 安规技术标准编号修订 部分标准将由J-IEC Standard (Hxx) 更 新版本为J-IEC Standard (H22),即 2010 年版。J6950(H19):2007更新版 本为J60950-1(H22):2010,与 IEC 60950-1:2001版及日本国家标 准差异协调成为J60950-1(H22):2010 。 J60065(H20):2008则不受影响。 • RFI射频干扰技术标准编号修订 J55013(H14)更新版本为 J55013(H22):2010,J55022(H20) 更新 版本为J55022(H22):2010。 • 新增J60745-2-18,J60974-1等多项标准。 根据日本经济贸易及产业省公告,上述更 新标准将于2010年10月1日起正式实施, 过渡期为 3年。 有关上述更新及新增标准的进一步消息可 在METI网站上查询 Further information on the above-mentioned updates and additions of standards can be found on the METI website seian/denan/hourei/gijutsukijun/100705_ revise/2koukijunkaisei_100705.pdf
On 5th July 2010, Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) announced revisions to Clause 2 of the Technical Standards of its DENAN Law on its official website. The details of the revision are outlined below. • Revision of Safety Technical Standards Numbering Some of the standards are updated from J-IEC Standard (Hxx) to J-IEC Standard (H22), i.e., the 2010 edition. J60950(H19):2007 is updated to J60950-1(H22):2010 and harmonised with IEC60950-1:2001 and the Japanese national deviations from it. J 60065(H20): 2008 remains unaffected. • Revision of Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) Technical Standards Numbering J55013(H14) is updated to J55013(H22):2010, and J55022(H20) is updated to J55022(H22):2010. • Addition of various standards, including J60745-2-18 and J60974-1. According to the METI announcement, the foregoing revisions take effect on 1st October 2010, with a transition period of three years.
补充说明 2010年9月1日起,日本电气和原料安全法 新增J3000(H21)要求受控产品(例如笔记 本电脑的电源,但直接式适配器不受影 响)必须在申请PSE认可时评估该标准,此 要求没有过渡时期,即日生效。 Note Effective from 1st September 2010, the DENAN Law requires controlled products (such as desktop power supplies, but not direct plug-in adaptors) to be tested to the additional requirements of J3000(H21). The evaluation of this standard should be included in the application for PSE approval. This requirement takes effect immediately without any transition period. 有关上述更新及新增标准的进一步消息 可在METI网站上查询 The announcement can also be found on the METI website seian/denan/hourei/gijutsukijun/090911_ revise/2koukijunkaisei_090911.pdf
医疗器 材 风险管理应用 Application of Risk Management to Medical Devices ISO 14971: 2007
中国于2009年出口至东盟、欧盟与美国 的医疗器械总值超过122.4亿美元。德国 莱茵TÜV大中华区针对中国医疗器械出 口市场蓬勃发展的态势,分别于2010年 8月10日和11日在深圳和广州举办了医疗 器械风险管理研讨会。研讨会旨在为制 造商介绍医疗器械的ISO风险管理标准, 并告知他们如何贯穿医疗器械的生命周 期,建立、设计、制造与维护持续进行 的风险管理流程。 从材料选择、设计至生产、分销、仓储 到使用,医疗器械的安全和效率在生命 周期的每个阶段都面临着越来越高的要 求,因此医疗器械制造商逐渐对风险管 理给予了越来越多的关注。材料、零部 件及/或产品功能的变化均可能导致故 障的发生或失灵。因此医疗器械制造商 必须采取措施,尽可能将风险降至最低。 德国莱茵TÜV大中华区医疗器材主任审核 员秦辉先生担任本次研讨会主讲人。他 向80名与会者介绍了ISO 14971的要求, 列举了风险分析、风险评估及风险控制 和管理的案例分析。他还和与会者分享 意见、交流想法,并开展讨论。德国莱 茵TÜV的医疗器械服务有助于中国医疗器 材提高其安全性与质量,并帮助中国制 造商进军国际市场。
China exported more than US$12.24 billion worth of medical devices to the ASEAN countries, the EU and the US in 2009. In view of China’s rapid development of and healthy export market for medical devices, TÜV Rheinland Greater China (TRGC) held seminars on the risk management of medical devices on the 10th and 11th of August 2010 in Shenzhen and Guangzhou, respectively. The aims of these seminars were to introduce manufacturers to the ISO risk management standard for medical devices and to inform them of how they can establish, design, manufacture, and maintain an ongoing risk management process throughout the medical device lifecycle. With increased safety and efficiency demands at all stages of this lifecycle – from material selection and design to production, distribution, storage and use – medical device manufacturers are now paying greater attention to risk management. Changes in materials, parts and/or product functions
may cause malfunctions or failures. Accordingly, device manufacturers need to take measures to achieve the lowest degree of risk possible. The seminar speaker, Mr Samuel Qin, TRGC’s lead auditor for medical devices, informed the 80-strong audience of the ISO 14971 requirements, and presented case studies of risk analysis, risk evaluation, and risk control and management. He also exchanged ideas and opinions with audience members in face-toface discussions. TÜV Rheinland’s medical device services are enhancing the safety and quality of Chinese medical devices and helping Chinese manufacturers to gain access to international markets.
CIPPE上海石油石化展圆满落幕 德国莱茵TÜV大中华区倍受瞩 TRGC Concludes CIPPE Shanghai 2010 Participation on a High Note
展会同期,德国莱茵TÜV大中华区举办 2010年9月1日至3日,继
了 针 对 欧 洲 防 爆 ATEX认 证 的 技 术 研 讨
认证以及工厂防爆安全要求等问题同德 国莱茵公司进行了深入的沟通。这些交
2010 CIPPE 上海国际石油石化技
展出面积达3万平米,为石油和化 工企业提供展示产品和服务的平
业的安全顾问,保证了防爆认证的顺利进 行,使企业高效,快速取得ATEX证书的 同时,有效降低爆炸事故的发生。
德国莱茵TÜV集团在防爆安全领 域有着悠久的历史,作为欧盟 授权的ATEX认证机构及防 爆电气设备及非电气设备 的测试认证专家,德国 莱茵TÜV集团自5年前 开始在中国推行ATEX 防爆认证服务,已经具备了成熟的本地 化服务经验,目前已经有中方防爆认证 专家及团队对企业进行相关的服务。
Following the success of its participation in the 10th China International Petroleum & Petrochemical Technology and Equipment Exhibition (CIPPE) in Beijing, TÜV Rheinland Greater China (TRGC) attended the CIPPE in Shanghai from 1-3 September 2010. During the course of the exhibition, TRGC presented a seminar on ATEX certification, and publicised its one-stop ATEX explosion-proof testing and certification services for the petroleum and petrochemical industries. CIPPE Shanghai 2010, one of the top three petrol and petrochemical exhibitions in the world, attracted more than 500 exhibitors, who showcased their products and services over 30,000 m2 of exhibition space.
TRGC’s ATEX technical seminar was well-received by the more than 100 renowned industry leaders, engineering experts and exhibitors’ representatives in attendance. The seminar was delivered by Mr Xiaolong Zhang, TRGC’s experienced explosion-proof certification manager, who explained the concept of explosion safety certification, introduced the relevant technologies and procedures, and offered an opportunity for interaction with the attendees. The resulting greater awareness amongst enterprises of the ATEX concept has established a good foundation for future cooperation. The long lead-times and tedious procedures are the main problems with ATEX certification in China today. To combat these problems, TÜV Rheinland offers a one-stop service locally for Chinese enterprises. TÜV Rheinland experts will assist the
factory from the application stage to the establishment of an ATEX system, thereby ensuring a smooth certification process. Such quick and efficient attainment of ATEX certification has also noticeably reduced instances of hazardous explosions. TÜV Rheinland has a long history of explosion safety expertise. As the official certification body for the European Union’s ATEX directive and an international IECEx organisation, it is well-experienced in the testing and certification of explosion-protection electrical and non-electrical equipment. The company has offered an ATEX service in China for the past five years and now has rich local service experience. A large team of qualified experts is now available to provide ATEX international services locally.
广大的阀门企业要跟上国际步伐,与国际 标准接轨,以增加国际市场的竞争力”。
本次年会上,阀门标计委秘书长张晓忠 先生特别邀请了德国莱茵TÜV大中华区 防爆认证经理张小龙先生以及销售主任 张凯先生,针对石油石化领域阀门以及 执行器类产品防爆ATEX认证进行了相关 技术讲解,同时与参会的阀门界技术专 家进行了深入的技术交流。目前石油石 化行业连续发生了几起安全事故,设备 防爆安全问题已经引起了业内的广泛关 注 , ATE X防 爆 认 证 作 为 欧 盟 一 项 重 要 的安全技术法规,目前在温州,苏州, 上海等地区的阀门企业中已经有了普遍 的重视,尤其针对阀门行业的出口型企 业,石化行业国际设备采购商对ATEX认 证提出了明确的要求。
德国莱茵TÜV集团在防爆安全领域有着悠久的 历史,作为欧盟授权的ATEX认证机构,自5年前开始 在中国推行ATEX防爆认证服务,目前已经具备了成熟 的本地化服务经验,在北京已经有中方防爆认证工程 师以及市场人员对企业进行相关认证服务。
防爆安全 重要一课 Need for ATEX Certification Gains Industry Attention 德国莱茵 TÜV大中华区 防爆安全专家讲 解ATEX认证 Explosion safety experts from TÜV Rheinland Greater China provide ATEX training in Wenzhou The TÜV Rheinland Group has a long history in the explosion safety field. Five years ago, we began to develop ATEX explosion-proof certification services in China, and hence we now have mature local experience. Chinese explosion-proof certification engineers and market staff are now based in Beijing to provide a range of services related to ATEX certification.
The latest meeting of the Zhejiang Province Valve Standardization Technical Committee convened in the Wenzhou Longwan Brook Dynasty Hotel on 16th July 2010. Experts from the Committee, Zhejiang Bureau of Standards Measurement and the Longwan Branch Bureau of Standards Measurement, as well as standardisation work embranchment leaders, the principals of functional departments and special guests, were in attendance.
Committee Secretary Mr Zhang Xiaozhong invited TÜV Rheinland Greater China’s ATEX certification manager Mr Zhang Xiaolong and sales director Mr Zhang Kai to give talks during the meeting. Both men elaborated on the most interesting topics in the petroleum valve and petrifaction arenas and discussed the implementation of ATEX certification. The meeting also provided the TÜV experts with the opportunity to engage in fruitful communication with quite a number of valve specialists. The petroleum and petrifaction industry has suffered frequent security incidents in recent years, and the safety issues surrounding explosion-proof equipment are causing widespread concern in the industry. Of particular interest to the valve manufacturers and exporters of
Wenzhou, Suzhou and Shanghai is ATEX explosion-proof certification, as it is an important European safety technical regulation with which many international buyers in the petroleum and petrifaction industry demand compliance. Three valve enterprises in Wenzhou, the BAOYI Group, Boteli Group and Chaoda Group, are pioneers in ATEX certification. During the meeting, Mr Zhang Xiaozhong stated: “In addition to the American Petroleum Institute (API) standards, ATEX explosion-proof certification is also a very important safety standard in the valve industry. Our large valve businesses need to keep pace with international market and global standards, so that we can increase our competitiveness in international markets.”
为 c T U Vu s 标 志 在 北 美 市 场 取 得 了 重 大
价格下快速认证流程的需求。 “看着联想的评级标志,让我们深感骄
“变革时刻”营销活动在2007年开始推 出,随着联想在北美市场销售的新型号产
品将Worldwide Visuals BU转变成cTUVus
的认证服务产品组合,包括CB, GS, cTÜ-
Vus, Ergo 和Market Access方案。 全新打开的市场确保了利润增长,在这
联想显示器部门宣布在新型号产品上使用 cTUVus标志取代UL标志。 在2007,该活动旨在引领客户走出对北
的成功。得益于此次活动,我们与Home Depot, Best Buy 和Office Depot等零售
美监管体系理解的误区,并向品牌所有者 说明:出口至美国和加拿大的产品认证,
商,以及一线供应商Lenovo, 3M和GE签
cTUVus 活动进一步 扩大北美市场份额 cTUVus Campaign Yields Major Market Share Gain in North America “这是一次重要的胜利。我们的梦想与我们最重要客户之一的希望相符合。凭借着 坚韧不拔的毅力、以客户为中心的价值观,以及集中策略,我们如今在这个细分市场中占据 领先地位。这场竞赛还未结束,因为我们希望联合更多品牌使用cTUVus服务。”德国莱茵 TÜV大中华区副总裁和市场准入服务的全球负责人Holger Kunz这样说道。 “This is a major success”, states TÜV Rheinland Greater China Vice President Mr Holger Kunz, who is also a globally responsible business field leader for Market Access Services. “Our dream has aligned with one of our biggest key account’s wishes. Perseverance and customer focus paired to a focused strategy have allowed us to take the pole position in this industry segment. The race is not over, as we wish to rally other brands to utilise our cTUVus services.”
TUV.COMMUNICATION TÜV Rheinland’s “It’s Time for Change” marketing campaign has yielded major gains for the cTUVus mark in the North American market. Launched in 2007, the marketing campaign has made further inroads in the North American market with the Visuals business unit of Lenovo Worldwide switching to the cTUVus mark for all new models sold in the US and Canada. This major milestone for our brand comes with the announcement that Lenovo’s monitoring division will – as of August 2010 – replace the UL mark with the cTUVus mark on all new models. When the “It’s Time for Change” campaign was launched in 2007, the aims were to challenge customers’ misperceptions of the North American regulatory environment and to
communicate to brand owners that there are other certification body choices when exporting products to the US and Canada. At the same time, the promotion positioned the cTUVus mark as a better option that could deliver superior safety while catering to the customer’s need for on-site support, manufacturing efficiency and a speedy approval process at a reasonable price. The shorter time-to-market argument was foremost in convincing Lenovo to make the strategic switch for its new product lines. The strategy also favours the company’s suppliers by offering an attractively packaged portfolio of services that include the CB, GS, cTUVus, Ergo and Market Access schemes. Part of the campaign’s success can also be attributed to TÜV Rheinland’s unique global network, which caters to both
ends of the supply chain, that is, supplier and distributor. “This marketing campaign has been in place for three years now, which demonstrates how difficult it is to challenge the established UL brand in a defined market”, Mr Kunz says. “However, it also hints that reputation alone is no longer sufficient to retain a market leader position. Looking at Lenovo’s rating label makes us proud, since they really do use a lot of our marks. For our clients, this is a very important reference and will help us in the next step, which is to approach other suppliers.” Opening new markets secures growth avenues in an environment in which national boundaries no longer define the scope of action. The “It’s Time for Change” campaign represents the successful completion of TÜV Rheinland’s North American Market Access project, which has also produced contracts with such retailers as Home Depot, Best Buy and Office Depot and such tier 1 players as Lenovo, 3M and GE.
旅游新趋势 德国莱茵TÜV开发
生态酒店验 证服务 A New Trend in Tourism TÜV Rheinland Develops ECO-Hotel Certification Services to Help You Catch the Trend 作为发展最为迅速 的旅游型态之一,生态旅 游的规模可以达到每年约 5,300万人次。这个规模据 估计至少占全球旅游业的 6%。现在,游客们越来越 倾向于那些致力于环保的 旅游景点和酒店。
司Marius Stepien先生应邀,围绕“环保
的演讲。Marius Stepien先生表示德国莱
为旅游行业所设计,而且可以根据旅游 行业的需求进行适度调整。
与会者对环保酒店这个主题表示了浓厚兴 趣。Stepien先生在演讲了强调藉由环保
望 在 2020年 成 为 世 界 第 一 大 旅 游 目 的
美 林 娱 乐 集 团、圣淘沙发
成本、增加竞争力与赢得国际 肯定等效益。
Eco-tourism is one of the fastest growing tourism sectors, with related forms of such tourism estimated to account for at least 6% of global tourism arrivals, representing roughly 53 million per year. Tourists are increasingly expressing a preference for eco-friendly travel destinations and hotels.
The Chinese tourism industry has grown rapidly in recent years, and the country is expected to become the world’s No. 1 tourism destination by 2020. Along with the ongoing development of tourist properties and hotels, timeshare properties, service apartments, luxury villas and resorts, and world-class theme parks, a number of eco-hotels are also in the planning and construction stages. The 3rd Annual Asia Tourism Property & Attraction Summit was held in Shanghai on 17th September 2010. The Summit was chaired by the
Shanghai Tourism Administration, and Mr Marius Stepien of TÜV Rheinland Japan was invited to give a 40-minute talk on the topic of “Eco-Hotel and Security”. Mr. Stepien discussed the eco-hotel service scheme that TÜV Rheinland has developed and adapted specifically for the tourism industry and its requirements. Summit participants represented governments and the hotel, property, and construction industries, many of them amongst the top management of local and overseas firms. More than 150 representatives of the tourism sector also participated, including representatives from tourism management institute, such as National Tourism Administration, Ministry of Cambodian Tourism, Shanghai Tourism Trade Association, National Real Estate Association; hotel management group, such as Universal Parks & Resorts, Merlin Entertainments Group, Sentosa
Development Corporation, Lanson Place Hotel; and hotel investment properties, such as LCW Golf Design Inc., Jiangxi Kangzhuang Investment Properties Ltd., Werkhart World Wide 5-Star Alliance, Shanghai Dongtan Wetland Park. Summit participants expressed great interest in the eco-hotel topic, and, during his talk, Mr. Stepien emphasised the importance of the ecological requirements of such hotels to ensure a sustainable future. The components of an eco-hotel include the ecological management of energy, safety, water, and waste and compliance with all relevant legal requirements. Companies that develop successful eco-hotels will benefit from their protection of the environment through cost savings, increased competitiveness and international recognition.
专业本地化 光伏检测和认证 助您便捷获得全球光伏市场通行 证 TÜV Rheinland’s Testing and Certification Services for PV Products Grant You Quick Access to International Markets
德 国 莱 茵 T Ü V 大 中华 区于 9月参加了三 场 大 型 光 伏 展 览 会,分 别 是:2 0 1 0 年 第 四 届 世界太 阳 城 大 会 暨 展 览 会(9月 15 -17日,山东德 州)、第六 届 德雷 斯中 国国际 太阳能 光 伏(深 圳)展 览会(9月 2 5 - 2 7日)和 2 0 1 0 中国( 成都)新 能 源 国际峰 会暨 展 览会(9月2 8 - 3 0日)以 及 台湾国际 太阳光电论 坛 暨 展 览会〈10月 2 6 - 2 8 日〉。目的 在 于 向 采 购 商 和 制 造 商大力推介 我们在 光伏和太阳热能产品 方面的 测 试 和 认证 服 务,彰显 德国莱 茵
新能源产业正以前所未有的速度迅猛发展,新 能源的开发已成为中国最具发展前景的产业之一。中国 是目前世界上最大的光伏设备生产国和光伏零部件出口 国,已投产的有10多家晶硅生产企业、60多家硅片企 业、60多家电池企业、330多家组件企业。中国的太阳 能电池产量已占到世界总产量的30%。因此,市场亟待 高品质的本地化一站式测试和认证服务,有效帮助当地 光伏产品供应商开辟新市场。
T Ü V 集团的 专业 测 试能力,同时展示 我 们遍布全球的服 务网络帮助企业迅 速打 开国际市场的能力。
TÜV Rheinland Group participated in four major photovoltaic (PV) exhibitions in the Greater China region in September and October 2010: the 4th International Solar Cities Congress (ISCI), held from the 15th to the 17th September in Dezhou, Shangdong; the 6th Dresche China International Solar PV (Shenzhen) Exhibition, held from the 25th to the 27th September; the China (Chengdu) New Energy International Forum & Fair, held from the 28th to the 30th September; Taiwan International Photovoltaic Forum & Exhibition, held from the 26th to the 28th October in Taipei. The purpose of our participation was to publicise our PV and solar thermal testing services amongst buyers and manufacturers, and also to demonstrate our ability to help them to access international markets through our global network.
New energy development has become one of the most dynamic industries in China. The country boasts the world’s largest producer and exporter of PV components, and is also home to more than 10 polycrystalline silicon enterprises, more than 60 silicon wafer companies, more than 60 solar cell companies and 330 assembly companies. China’s solar cell output now accounts for 30% of the world’s total. The availability of a one-stop localised testing service is essential to ensuring that domestic PV manufacturers can open up new markets. TÜV Rheinland, trusted by approximately 80% of solar module manufacturers worldwide, is one of the world’s largest PV testing and certification providers. We operate seven PV laboratories internationally, employing more than 180 experts in solar module, systems and component testing. To help local manufacturers to gain quick access to the global
market, TÜV Rheinland Greater China established PV testing labs in Shanghai and Taichung in 2007 and 2009, respectively. With our global network, renowned PV product testing expertise and international client resource base, TÜV Rheinland is ready to support domestic enterprises in gaining global market share.
通往全球市场 德国莱茵TÜV分享
Connecting the World 轨 道交通认证专 TÜV Rheinland Group Offers Insight into World’s Fas
Rail Certification Ma 德国莱茵TÜV集团于2010年9月21日至24
国 大 陆 及 台 湾 地 区 拓 展 业 务 的 客 户。
我 们 以“ 抓住 轨 道 交 通市 场 高 速 发 展 的
术展览会 (Innotrans 2010) ,不仅展示了
机 遇”为 主 题,为 客户 创 建 一 个 沟 通 的
平台,从而加深 对 我们的了解;同时,也
是 面 向 潜 在 客户,一同见 证 我 们 在 这个
快 速 发 展领 域 里的成 就,发 掘更多的 商
机 。” 德 国 莱 茵 T Ü V 大 中 华 区铁 路 事 业 部总 经理陈钟铭先生在交谈中提到。
德国莱茵TÜV集团的“地区日”促进了各 行业间相互了解。作为轨道交通认证市
及产品供应商、运输公司以及交通当 局提供各种服务,其中包括开发影响
“我们在亚洲地区提供专业的本地化服务,获得了 客户的高度重视及广泛认可。”德国莱茵TÜV大中华区副 总裁吕伯肯先生说, “InnoTrans 作为全球轨道交通技术领 域的主要展示平台,通过面对面 的交流为客户提供现场支持以 及市场介绍,让我们有机会向客 户展示定制方案。 我们认为这是与全球市场领先 者互动,宣传我们质量与安全 认证品牌的最佳方式。”吕伯肯 先生总结道。
TÜV Rheinland recently participated in InnoTrans 2010, which was held in Berlin from 21st to 24th September 2010, to showcase its latest guidedsystems technology and services. In addition to a display at its booth in Hall 2a, the leading technical service provider also invited leading rail engineers from North America, Asia and Europe to a series of TÜV Rheinland Regional Days to provide them with unique insights into these regions. These Regional Days provided a unique opportunity for the respective teams to meet and enhance their understanding of the way the industry operates in other regions. TÜV Rheinland Greater China’s rail experts, who operate in one of the world’s fastest-growing rail certification markets, also joined the delegation of distinguished specialists to showcase the latest technologies and services being evaluated in Greater China. “On 21st September, we organised a customer gathering in the TÜV Rheinland booth for our clients who are active – or are interested in
Market becoming active – in the mainland and Taiwan”, states Mr Vincent Tan, General Manager of Rail in Greater China. “With the theme ‘Seize opportunities in the fastest-growing rail market’, we created a platform to talk with our clients and deepen their trust in us. We also opened the door for potential clients to witness our achievements in this booming region and to explore business prospects”, Mr Tan adds. Backed by more than 40 years of know-how and experience, TÜV Rheinland Greater China’s rail experts provide Chinese government agencies, rolling stock manufacturers, system and product suppliers, transport companies, and traffic authorities with a variety of services, including development impact studies, project management, independent verification, validation, certification and assessments.
“In Asia, we are recognised for our expertise and our attention to customers, which we ensure via our local presence”, states TÜV Rheinland Greater China Vice President, Mr Gerhard Luebken. “As the world’s main event in terms of railway technology, InnoTrans allows us to demonstrate our customer-oriented approach by offering our visiting clients on-site support and a preview of the market. We see no better way to interact with the world’s leading players and communicate the quality and safety of our brand”, he concludes.
德国莱茵T Ü V集团成功参加 第五届中国国际安全生产及职业健康展览会 TÜV Rheinland participation in the 5th China International Occupational Safety & Health Exhibition declared a success
德国莱茵 TÜV集团成功参加第五届 中国国际安全生产及职业健康展览会 联系人:德国莱茵TÜV集团市场部 会场:北京国家会议中心 地点:中国北京市区朝阳区天辰东路7号 邮编:100105 时间:2010年9月1日至3日 TÜV Rheinland successfully participated in the 5th China International Occupational Safety & Health Exhibition Contact: GC Marketing Event Team Venue: China National Convention Center Address: No. 7 Tianchen East Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100105, China Dates: 1-3 September 2010 德 国 莱 茵 T Ü V 集 团 参 加 了第 五 届 中 国
国际安 全 生 产及职 业健 康 展 览会(展位
号:A 2 3)。该 展 览会 于2 0 10 年 9月1日
至3日在 北京国家会 议中心举 行。另外,
德 国 莱 茵 T Ü V 集 团 于 9 月 2 日 举 办了题 为“功能安 全 认证 服 务 介 绍”的 技术研
专家 和 参展 代 表前来参加。研讨 会 得 到
了与会者的热烈欢 迎,座无虚席。
术和标准的修定而更新的功能安全方面知 识和经验。所有86名与会者表示非常欣赏
TÜV Rheinland recently participated in the 5th China International Occupational Safety & Health Exhibition (COS+H 2010), which was held from the 1st to the 3rd of September at the China National Convention Center in Beijing (Booth No. A23). On the 2nd of September, TÜV Rheinland held a technical seminar entitled “Functional Safety Service Introduction”, which proved extremely popular amongst the industry leaders, engineering experts from relevant authorities
and exhibitors’ representatives in attendance. The No. 1 work safety and occupational health exhibition in the Asia-Pacific region in terms of scale, COS+H 2010 boasted 18,000 square metres of exhibition space and welcomed more than 200 exhibitors from the US, the UK, Germany, France, the Czech Republic, Japan, South Korea, Australia, Canada and China. TÜV Rheinland’s seminar was aimed at encouraging exchanges of the
latest techniques, explicating the complexity of machinery and plant, analysing potential hazards, and sharing knowledge and experience of functional safety, which is subject to frequent changes in technology and standards. All 86 of the seminar participants appeared to greatly appreciate the information presented by Mr Zhao Bin, Functional Safety Manager of TÜV Rheinland Greater China, as well as the opportunity to exchange knowledge and experience with others in the same industry.
展树立了新的里程碑。 Fr ie d r i c h H e c ke r 先生表示: “协议的 德国莱茵TÜV集团首席执行官Friedrich
签署表明了德国莱茵 T Ü V 集团将通 过 深
化与中国战略 伙伴的合作关 系实现在中
国市场 的 长期 发 展。通 过与中国合 作 伙
伴的紧密 合 作,我们坚 信 德国莱 茵 T Ü V
集团能够 帮助中国企业提高效率 和全 球
化能力,加 强 其 在国 际市 场中的 竞 争 优
势 并 实现可持 续 发 展,推 动中国经 济 和
生,以及大中华区政府关系总监刘慧芳 女士。
In October 2010, the TÜV Rheinland Group announced the achievement of two significant milestones in its business expansion in the Chinese market: the signing of memoranda of understanding (MOUs) with two Beijing-based Chinese organisations, the China Automotive Technology & Research Center (CATARC) and the China Quality Certification Center (CQC). These memoranda signify the strong foothold that TÜV Rheinland, a top-quality certification company, has gained in its expansion efforts in the world’s fastest-growing economy. Mr Friedrich Hecker, CEO of TÜV Rheinland AG, was present at both MOU signing ceremonies, which were held during a two-day tour of China during the course of which he also held a high-level meeting with senior officials from the China Certification and Accreditation Administration (CNCA) in Beijing. He was accompanied by Mr Ralf Scheller, Chief Regional Officer and President of TÜV Rheinland Greater China; Mr Gerhard Luebken and Mr Holger Kunz,
加速中国交通及新能源市场发展 德国莱茵TÜV集团与中国汽车技术研究中心 和中国质量认证中心签署战略合作协议 Strengthening China’s Transport and New Energy Market Development TÜV Rheinland Group signs partnership agreements with CATARC and CQC
Vice Presidents of TÜV Rheinland Greater China; and Ms Liu Huifang, Director of Government Relations, TÜV Rheinland Greater China. Under the auspices of the two agreements, the TÜV Rheinland Group will further strengthen its cooperation with its Chinese partners, including the provision to the CATARC and CQC of expertise and services in the fields of product certification, system safety assessment, and project management in the automobile and Photovoltaic (PV) industries, respectively. Mr Hecker said: “The signing of these agreements demonstrates the TÜV Rheinland Group’s longterm commitment to the Chinese market by deepening our level of cooperation with our strategic partners here. Working closely with our Chinese partners, we believe that TÜV Rheinland will be able to help Chinese organisations and enterprises to improve efficiency, sharpen their market edge and enhance their global competitiveness.”
交通和光伏产业是德国莱茵TÜV集团在中国进行新 业务拓展的重点领域,此外,绿色和可再生能源、节能减 排、碳排放控制、土木工程,食品安全、以及生命科学等 也是在中国发展业务的重要方向。
The transport and PV industries are amongst the key future growth industries targeted by TÜV Rheinland in its business expansion in China. The others include the green and renewable energy, energy saving, carbon emissions control, civil engineering, food safety, pharmaceutical and healthcare industries.
况,Friedrich Hecker先生就集团全球的业
强与中国相关铁道研究机构的合作,帮助 在德国莱茵TÜV集团与中国汽车技术研究
Transportation Market “As one of the world’s leading inspection and certification service providers, we focus on helping Chinese enterprises to improve their globalisation capability and attain sustainable development, both of which will prove instrumental in pushing China’s economic and social growth forward”, Mr Hecker added. By leveraging the TÜV Rheinland Group’s rich experience and expertise in the transport and PV industries, the CATARC and CQC now have access to the world’s most advanced technology inspection and certification services, thus helping them to upgrade their capabilities in conducting R&D and production testing and certification in accordance with internationally recognised standards. The CATARC and CQC are leading technical organisations affiliated with the Chinese government. They provide technical advisory support to government departments and enterprises on important strategic decisions. China’s rapid economic growth has resulted in the fast-paced expansion of the country’s highway and railway networks, which has posed social and economic challenges for China’s automotive and railway enterprises and also offered them opportunities for growth. If these enterprises are to expand their business share in world markets, however, then they will need to comply with stringent international standards in the areas of product quality and safety and
New Energy Market environmental protection. A strong partnership with TÜV Rheinland can help Chinese automobile and railway firms to succeed in their globalisation drive. During Mr Hecker’s visit to the CATARC, CATARC President Mr Zhao Hang informed him of the centre’s business development and the progress of the construction of its new base. Mr Hecker gave a presentation on the global business operations of TÜV Rheinland Worldwide, and Mr Scheller discussed the overall business development of TÜV Rheinland Greater China. The two parties then signed a MOU stating that they will strengthen their level of cooperation in numerous fields, thereby contributing to the internationalisation capabilities of the country’s automobile industry as a whole. Mr Hecker also held talks with a number of influential railway organisations that are keen to enter the international marketplace. In line with the urgent demand for global technological standardisation, the TÜV Rheinland Group is strengthening its cooperation with key Chinese bodies to enhance the global competitiveness of the local railway certification industry.
The signing of a MOU with the CQC coincides with rising demand for PV products. According to a study report released by the European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA) in May, the world’s PV market is anticipated to continue its expansion over the next five years, reaching 30 GW by 2014. Certified domestic manufacturers thus have tremendous growth opportunities. Given adequate incentives, analysts expect more than 2,500 MW of new solar capacity to be installed in China by as early as 2014, up from just 160 MW in 2009. A global leader in the testing of PV modules and components, the TÜV Rheinland Group is responsible for the testing and certification of up to 65 per cent of these products worldwide. With the global PV market exhibiting fastpaced growth and domestic demand rising rapidly, the future looks bright for China’s PV industry. TÜV Rheinland’s enhanced cooperation with the CQC should further facilitate the industry in its globalisation efforts.
世足赛全球聚焦,周边商品更是各家品牌厂商争取曝光的 渠道,而世足赛的部分球衣材料更是来自台湾的回收宝特瓶 (PET)。 宝特瓶再生变黄金,近年来在环保风的助长下,已算是一种「高经 济作物」。知名的慈济回收站将宝特瓶回收制成毛毯用于国际赈灾 或经由义工赠予有需要的人,不但延续了物品的生命,也减少宝特 瓶对环境的大量污染。
Businesses the world over sought products during the recently concluded World know is that many of the footballers donned s recycled PET bottles in Taiwan. With the need emerged as a hot topic in recent years, recycle ‘gold’ and now constitute a high economic-val Foundation, for example, has distributed blank during international relief efforts. Such recyclin original good, but also reduces pollution.
慈济的绿色 polo 衫是国内知名环保纺织
Tzu Chi’s green polo shirts are one of the Super Textile Corporation’s many products. TÜV Rheinland has been involved in establishing, reviewing and documenting a system for management compliance at the company. It is also involved in tracking supply materials from their origin, determining whether the use of recycled materials is appropriate, sourcing renewable materials and carrying out a comprehensive supply audit encompassing all phases. The TÜV Rheinland certification granted to Super Textile will serve as powerful evidence of compliance with international standards to show to foreign buyers.
管理,而且产品从源头即开始追踪是否 使用再生材质、再生材质的来源出处,
吸引欧美买家关注,并取得较佳的商品 利润。 在现今竞争激烈的纺织与电子产
否使用再生料或添加比例,对国外买 家、标章申请单位或消费者来说仍存众 多疑虑。因此,若能由公正的第三方认 证机构透过专业严谨的查验程序提供查 认证明,不但能消除买家与消费者的疑 虑,还有助于提升企业产品在市场上的 竞争优势。 2009年台湾废塑胶容器回收处理量约18 万公吨,足可堆满约六座台北101大楼。 德国莱茵TÜV大中华区台湾管理系统服 务总经理吴仲贤表示,要取得再生材质 认证,除了生产厂家需具备再生料再制 能力外,其再生料的来源、种类、回收 方式及再生料的混合量等,都被列入考 量范围,而终端产品的危害物质含量, 也是查验的重点之一。 国际上对产品的环保规定越来越多,从 工业减废、源头减量、绿色制程,生态 化设计到生命周期管理等,对于原物料 的使用及物质循环再用均有明确的努力 方向:例如德国的蓝天使标章、美国的 EPEAT、瑞典TCO、台湾环保标章等都
图中人名(左到右)世堡纺织罗忠佑董事 长、纺拓会许文正副秘书长、台湾德国莱 茵TÜV何仕登总经理 Photo (from left to right): Mr Alex C.Y. Lo, President of the Super Textile Corporation; Mr Frank Hsu, Deputy Secretary-General of the Taiwan Textile Federation; and Mr Uwe Halstenbach, General Manager of TÜV Rheinland Taiwan
In the past, the Taiwanese public has perceived recycled materials to be of poor quality, and difficulties have been encountered in inspections of these materials. As reliable evidence of quality has been lacking, the public has been obliged to rely solely on suppliers’ self-declarations, which has inevitably led to doubt and uncertainty. The third-party certification of recycled materials following professional and rigorous inspection procedures will help to alleviate buyers’ and consumers’ concerns and enhance the competitive advantage of these products in the marketplace. According to Taiwanese government statistics, approximately 0.18 million tonnes of waste plastic containers was created in Taiwan in 1998 (equivalent to six Taipei 101 buildings). Jason Wu, Vice Director of the Energy and Environmental Technology Department, has stated that to obtain recycled material verification, an enterprise must not only have the capability to produce products from recycled materials, but
m m re m o o co
T in th fr re ec T d m in th A C (T M ra o to th en to
T o m te a in ce p fo p co p m en o
t exposure for their brands and d Cup. What you probably didn’t sportswear were manufactured from d for environmental protection having ed PET bottles have been turned into lue crop. The well-known Tzu Chi kets made from recycled PET bottles ng not only extends the life of the
must also consider the sources of those materials, the types of materials and ecycling methods used, and the recycled material-raw material mix, amongst other considerations. Another key issue of concern is the hazardous substance ontent of the end products.
Today, there are increasing numbers of nternational environmental regulations hat govern the manufacture of products, rom industrial-waste reduction to source eduction and green manufacturing and co-design to lifecycle management. These regulations provide clear directions concerning the use of raw materials and recycled materials. For nstance, Germany’s Blue Angel Mark, he US Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT), the Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees TCO) standards and Taiwan’s Green Mark all define the appropriate use atios for recycled materials. The use of recycled materials not only helps o show that an enterprise is meeting he international requirements for nvironmental protection, but also helps o increase its ‘green’ competitiveness.
Taiwan’s textile industry has many years of experience in the use of recycled materials, and thus possesses mature echnology. It has successfully created wide range of quality products for nternational manufacturers. The ertification of recycled products provides a strong boost in attracting oreign buyers, and brings in higher profits. Although there is very keen ompetition in the textile and electronic product industries, newly emerging manufacturers of recycled materials can nhance the value of their products by obtaining certification.
再 生 塑 料变 黄 金 世堡纺织取得德国莱茵TÜV完整再生材质认证
Recycled Plastic Turned into Gold Super Textile to Receive TÜV Rheinland Recycled Material Certification
11月7日,为期4天的深圳德国啤酒节在众宾欢愉的高涨情绪下,完满地落下帷幕,标志着 2010年在德国莱茵TÜV大中华区架构整合后首度统一组织的客户年会取得全面成功。德国莱茵TÜV 从今年8月开始先后在青岛、成都、北京、广州、上海、台 北、宁波、香港、深圳热情赞助或举办 德国啤酒节,让客户和当地民众可以体验地道的德国文化和习俗,积极推动中德民俗文化的交流。 Sunday, 7th November 2010 The curtain has closed on the music-, laughter- and dance-filled four-day Shenzhen Oktoberfest. The Oktoberfest theme was adopted for this year’s series of annual client gatherings. Beginning in August, TUV Rheinland Greater China (TRGC) took the Oktoberfest to nine major cities across the greater China region, Qingdao, Chengdu, Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Taipei, Ningbo, Hong Kong and Shenzhen, with the aim of offering local clients and residents a window into a unique aspect of German culture. The company spares no effort in promoting cultural exchange between China and Germany. BEIJING
香港Hong Kong
德国风情客户年会 在全国各地完美绽放 德国莱茵TÜV集团积极推动中德民俗文化交流
Oktoberfest Celebrated across Greater China 德国莱茵TÜV大中华区此次举办的德国啤
A total of 2000 clients and staff
members participated in the local
client gatherings this year, each
receiving a special taste of German
culture during an unforgettable
evening. These Oktoberfest
celebrations were deemed the
support for
perfect way to express to clients our
the Chinese
gratitude for their ongoing trust
export industry. We
and support. They also provided a
have built up a good relationship with
platform for us to demonstrate that
our Chinese partners and customers,
in addition to the care, precision and
and the Oktoberfest offers a unique
德国莱茵大中华区管理 层在各地啤酒节
thoughtfulness that characterise the
platform that allows old and new
致欢迎辞中提到: “德国莱茵TÜV在中国
German way of doing business is a
friends to experience this enjoyable
扎 根 2 0 余 年,一直积极参 与协助中国各
lively traditional culture. Through
aspect of German culture. In future,
the client gathering, it has enhanced
we plan to focus on new business in
the understanding of the needs of
the wind energy, Photovoltaic (PV)
节是一个很好的平台让新 老朋友相聚一
the customers which path the way
and energy efficiency industries, while
for further cooperation.
fulfilling our responsibility as a global
务发 展 如:风能,光 伏,碳 足 迹,以 及能
corporate citizen through a variety
效 等服 务;同时 通 过 支 持本 地的 各种 公
For the past 20 years, the TÜV
of corporate social responsibility
Rheinland Group has been
(CSR) projects that support education,
committed to the long-term development of the Grater China region and to providing continuous
台北Taipei 广州Guangzhou 宁波Ningbo
environmental protection, and social welfare and help Chinese companies to reduce their carbon footprint. By so doing, we add value to the businesses of our Chinese clients.
Our green solutions allow us to fulfill our brand promise to ensure sustainability by providing services that help enterprises - like yours - to generate eco-friendly products and fulfill market-specific environmental objectives. 德 国 莱 茵 TÜV 大中华区版权所有©2010 TÜV Rheinland Greater China All Rights Reserved