GC News VOL7

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德国莱茵 TÜV大中华区通讯 TÜV Rheinland Greater China News 与爱达克共建中国首家

汽车零部件检测实验室 Partnering with EDAG to Set up Automotive Components Testing Lab in Shanghai

签发全球第一张 高压零部件证书 TÜV Rheinland Issues Its First High Voltage Component Certificate

绿色产品标识 Green Product Mark 更少环境影响,更多市场机遇 For Consumer Products with a Smaller Environmental Impact

完善测试艺术 持续拓展中国战略市场 TÜV Rheinland Marks Further Strategic Expansion in China with “The Art of Testing” Ceremony



目 录 / Contents 技术专题/ Technical Expertise


产 品 安 全法 (ProdSG)于德国联邦 法 律 公 报发 布 The Product Safety Law (ProdSG) as

German GS Certification Adds Two

TÜV Rheinland Shanghai Approved by

04/ 05

CARB for Formaldehyde Emission Testing

06/ 07

与爱达克共建中国首家汽车零部件 检测实验室

published in Federal Law Gazette GS认 证 新 增 两 项 强制性多环芳烃 PAHs测 试 New PAH Substances

青岛新建食品检验示范实验室 A New Food Demo Laboratory in Qingdao

Partnering with EDAG to Set up

Publication of Regulations Amending Canada’s Energy Efficiency Regulations

08/ 09


时讯/ Alive



10 /21 推进中国电动工具行业认证发展 Accelerating the Development of Certification in China’s Electrical Tool

绿 色 产 品标 识 : 更 少 环 境影 响 , 更 多市场机遇 Green Product Mark for Consumer Products

10/ 13

专家讲解防爆电器类产品国际认证 TÜV Rheinland Invited to Address on the Application and Management of Electric

上 海 实 验室 获 得 TCO认证资格

Explosion-protection Technologys

TCO Accreditation 开 拓 巴 西 玩 具 市 场 检测服务 TÜV Rheinland Hong Kong Can Now Serve the Brazilian Toy Market

14/ 15 16

22/ 23


with a Smaller Environmental Impact

TÜV Rheinland’s Shanghai Receives

18/ 19 20/ 21

Automotive Components Testing Lab in


动态与服务/ Featured Service


上海实验室获得甲醛释放量测试 资质

验证日本辐射去污后的公共设施辐射 安全性 Verifying Radiation Safety of Public Facilities After Decontamination in Japan

24/ 25 26/ 27


中 德 合 作 电 动 交 通认证 Sino-German Cooperation on E-mobility Certification 台 湾 顽 皮 世 界 野 生 动物园通过 ISO 9001及 优 良 服 务 体系双认证 Wanpi World Safari Zoo Passes ISO

28/ 29 30/ 31

9001 and SQS Certifications 实行“绿色制造”,提升产业竞争力 Strengthening Green Competitive Edges for Manufacturers 签发全球第一张高压零部件证书 TÜV Rheinland Issues Its First High Voltage Component Certificate 温豪格: 十 年 励 精图 治 , 期 待再创辉煌 Holger Kunz: The Road to China,

环球掠影/ Global News Flash


2012绿色解决方案之旅将在德国推出 Green Solutions Tour 2012 to be

34/ 35 36/ 39


Launched 乌克兰电梯现代化项目已启动 Program for the Modernisation of

32/ 33



Elevators in the Ukraine Started

Restrictions on Role-toy Export to Italy


德国莱茵TÜV在美被确认轴承测试 提供商



TÜV Rheinland Recognized as Bearings Test Provider in US

Paving the Way for a Brighter Future

编 辑 团 队 / Credit

完 善 测 试 艺 术 , 持 续拓展中国战略 市场 TÜV Rheinland Marks Further

40/ 43

主编/Chief Editor:

李涛/Li Tao


张玮磊/Clare Zhang 夏文秀/Michelle Xia 雷霞/Nora Lei

出版日期 Publication Date:

2012. 02

Strategic Expansion in China with

联 系 方 式 / How to contact us

“The Art of Testing” Ceremony 2012年3月培训与咨询课程计划 Training and Consulting Schedule in March 2012

44/ 45


400 883 1300 / 800 999 3668 +852 21921022 (中国香港 Hongkong)





关注我们/Follow us:





The Product Safety Law


as Published in Federal Law Gazette 于德国联邦法律公报发布 新《产品安全法》执行EC 765/2008指令规定的要求,但不改变原《设备及产品安 全法》中定义的产品安全途径。新法更明确规定了商业从业人员,如进口商和零售商的责任。 应特别注意的是,该法增加了要求进口商和零售商/经销商检查产品已正确标记GS标识这项新 规定。 The new ProdSG implements the regulations as stipulated the EC-directive 765/2008 but does not change the approach of product safety as defined in the predecessor GPSG. It defines more clearly the responsibility of economic operators as importers and retailers. Special attention should paid to new requirements that have been laid down for importers and retailers/distributors who are required to check the rightness that a product is marked with a GS-mark.

《产品安全法》概览 2011年9月23日,德国联邦议院颁布了《设备及产品安


全 法 》(GP SG)的 修 订版,即现时的《 产品安全 法 》






行。 欧洲指令中关于产品制造商/进口商及零售商产品的其 EC 765/2008指令规定了与产品行销相关的评审和市场


监督要求。在《德国设备及产品安全法》中,该条例和 当地法律曾有冲突。因此,德国立法机构修订了《设


备及产品安全法》,整合了EC 765/2008指令中涉及评




EC 768/2008指令中关于术语和其他方面的条例。

处以10,000欧元的罚款;某些条件下,如无相应证书使 用GS标识,罚款将高达100,000欧元。如在没有相应




罚款规定也予以强化。这种情况下,按立法机关的处罚 规定可判处罚金或最高监禁一年。




制造商、进口商及零售商(经销商)方面的主要变动 The major changes for manufacturers, importer and retailers (distributors) are 1. 核实生产出来的消费品是否与原设计相符 Verification that the manufactured consumer products comply with the original design 2. 核实是否获准使用GS标识且是否具有相对应的证书 Verification that the use of a GS mark on a product is allowed and the corresponding certificate does exist 3. 对已获GS标识的产品,进口商应在进口前检查相应证书的有效性并记录生效日期、GS标识颁证机构以及证书编号 The importer shall check for a GS marked product the validity for the corresponding certificate prior import and record the validation date, which certification body issued the GS-Mark and the certification number

General overview on the ProdSG At September 23rd 2011, the German

on the ruling of the GPSG. For

consumer products. The fine level has

Bundestag enacted a reformulated

manufacturers the requirements

been increased in order to deter abuses

version on the Equipment and Product

remain essentially unchanged.

and achieve lasting effectiveness. In the event of noncompliance, a fine of

Safety Act (GPSG) that is now known as Product Safety Law (ProdSG). The

The ProdSG applies to almost all types

€10,000 and in certain circumstances

German Bundesrat approved the Law

of products but excludes special areas

e.g. the use of a GS mark without

and let it announce in the Federal Law

such as medical devises and food. It

a corresponding certificate being

Gazette at November 11th 2011 and

implements a range of European CE

available; up to €100,000 is imposed.

came into force at December 1st 2011.

directives into German law. Besides that regulated area of harmonized

The penalty regulations have likewise

The EC regulation 765/2008 sets out

directives, the ProdSG defines

been extended, e.g. the persistent

the requirements for accreditation

provisions for products that are outside

and repeated use of the GS mark or

and market surveillance relating

of these harmonized directives such

advertising without a corresponding

to the marketing of products. That

as components and assemblies used

GS certificate. In these cases, the

regulation was, in existence of the

by commercial customer for further

legislative body has provided

GPSG in Germany, in competition


punishments ranging from a monetary fine or up to one year in

with local law. Hence the German law maker reformulated the GPSG and

Further obligations on manufacturers/

integrated the regulations as stipulated

importers and retailers for products

by EC regulation 765/2008 related to

which are subject to European

accreditation and market surveillance.

Directives are regulated in the

Furthermore, the ProdSG adopts the

corresponding ProdSG sections.

regulations of EC regulation 768/2008 in regards its terminology and other

New fines have been fixed in the


Product Safety Law e.g. for missing instructions in German language and

To a large extend the ProdSG took

missing specifications or labels on





GS认证 新增 两项强制性多环芳烃PAHs测试

German GS Certification

Adds Two New PAH

GS认证 新增的两项PAHs Two New PAH Substances

名称 Name


Benzo[j]fluoranthen 苯并[j]荧蒽


Ben-zo[e]pyren 苯并[e]芘


德国安全技术认证中心(ZLS)在第 67届会议 上批准了由技术设备及 消费品委员会 (ATAV)提出的议题,即在GS 标识认证中增加 两项强制性多环芳烃(PAHs)测试。 At its 67th meeting, the German Security Technology Certification Center (ZLS) approved an extension of the list of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) proposed by the ATAV.

德国安全技术认证中心(ZLS)将修改ZEK 01-08号文件,加入新增的两项PHAs物 质。PAHs将更新为18项物质。在6个 月的过渡期结束后,GS认证机构将于 2012年7月1日正式执行此项规定,在 GS标识认证中增加两项强制性PAHs的 测试。 ZLS will revise document ZEK 01-08 by adding two new PAH substances, bringing the list to 18 substances. After a six-month transitional period, GS certification will formally implement this new requirement from 1 July 2012.



H Substances

根据 ZEK 01-08 文件的要求,所有申请GS认 证的产品,需由经过认可的测试机构对产品 可与皮肤接触的材料在正常使用、合理误用 或预期合理误用下进行评估并记录说明。对 需要测试的材料,需按照ZEK 01-08的测试方

According to document ZEK 01-08, products for which GS certification is sought must be tested in accredited institutions where materials that come into contact with the skin through normal use, misuse or expected to be misused will be assessed and recorded in accordance with the ZEK 01-08 test method to meet the requirements set out in the following table.


参数 / Parameter

1类 / Category 1

可能放入口中的材料,以 及3岁以下幼儿玩具可与 皮肤接触的材料 Materials intended for insertion into the mouths of children aged <36 months with intended skin contact

2类 / Category 2

1类中不包括,可能产生 长期皮肤接触的材料(接 触时间长于30秒) Materials not covered by category 1 with foreseeable skin contact lasting longer than 30 seconds (long-term skin contact)

3类 / Category 3

1类与2类中不包括,可能 产生短期皮肤接触的材料 (接触时间短于30秒) Materials not covered by categories 1 or 2 with foreseeable skin contact up to 30 seconds (shortterm skin contact)

Benzo[a]pyrene 含量 (mg/kg)

不可检测到(<0.2) Not detectable(<0.2)



18种PAH 总量 Sum of 18 PAHs (EPA) (mg/kg)

不可检测到(<0.2) Not detectable(<0.2)






增强了以下7类产品关于“最低能效标准”的要求及管控范围 Increase the stringency and/or scope of existing Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) for seven currently regulated products • 电气马达

• Electric motors

• 家用燃气锅炉

• Residential gas boilers

• 家用煤油锅炉

• Residential oil boilers

• 干式变压器

• Dry-type transformers

• 大型空调设 施及 热泵

• Large air-conditioners and heat pumps

• 商用一体冰 箱

• Commercial self-contained refrigeration

• 自带反光罩类白炽 灯

• General service incandescent reflector lamps

针对以下产品提出了最低能效标准及报告事项的新要求 Introduce new MEPS and associated reporting and compliance requirements for following products • 电子产品待机能耗

• Standby for electronic products

- 音频类产品

- Compact audio products

- 电视,显示器等

- Television (TV) and TV combination units

- 视频播放 类产品 • 外置电源

(and reporting only of TV on mode) - Video products

• 数字电视适配器

• External power supplies

• 电气锅炉

• Digital TV adaptors

• 单一立体空调和热泵

• Electric boilers • Single package vertical air-conditioners and heat pumps

针对制造商及进口商的强制性指令 Mandatory requirements for importers and manufacturers 所有制造商及 进口商必须

Manufacturers and importers should be well prepared

遵 循 该 指 令,确 保 所 生 产

if their products fall into the above mandatory product

及 进 口的 产 品 满 足 该 指 令

list as a result of the new Amendment, so that their


products shipped to Canada meet MEPS.

准 。制 造 商 及 进 口 商 应 当

Approval documents such as reports/certificates can

通 过 被 认可 的 的 第 三 方 认

be obtained through an authorized third party who

证 机 构 测 试,获 得 符 合 性

provides related testing and certification services.



加拿 大 能 效 (NRCan) 指令修订11正式发布 Publication of Regulations Amending Canada’s Energy Efficiency Regulations (NRCan) 2011年10月12日,加拿大政府公报Canada Gazette, Part II 正式发布了“产品能效 指令”修订11(Amendment 11),并将在发布6个月后正式实施生效,即2012年4月12日。 Amendment 11 to the Energy Efficiency Regulations was published on 12th October 2011 in the Canada Gazette, Part II, and comes into force six months after publication, on 12th April 2012. 德国莱茵 TÜV是加拿大标准局(SCC)认可的第三方认

The Standard Council of Canada (SCC) has

证机构,为制造商及 进口商提供相应的能效测试及认

accredited TÜV Rheinland and its affiliates to test

证服 务,并且签发能效报告及证书。

and certify products for compliance with NRCan.

通 过我们测试及评估的产品,可获得TÜV-EEV证书,证

We offer the Energy Verified Mark to those customers

明其已满足 加拿大能效要求,产品上可以使用TÜV-

that complete the energy efficiency certification








绿色产品标识 更少环境影响 更多市场机遇


绿色产品标识的引入是为了让产品 在保证质量和安全的基础上,进一步体现 其对环境的承诺。 为了保护人类健康及所赖以生存的生态环

德国莱茵 T Ü V绿色产品标识是一项自愿







生材料的利用以 及 产品碳足 迹等 各项环




者非政 府机 构自发而起的环保活动也在


如火 如荼地展开,例如碳揭露项目,电子 行业行为准则以及由“绿色和平”组织的

绿色产品标识的引入 是为了让 产品在保


证 质量和安 全的基础上,进一步 体 现其

也愈发重视产品是 否满足环保及可持 续



类 消费品,例如显示器、信息通讯、周边


设备(办公、实验室、视听设备、电池)、 家用电器、休闲与运动设备、家具等,全

面对种类繁多的标准标识,是否有一个独 立的认证标识能 表明产品符 合一系列环 保法规和要求,并能更直接、快 速、有效 地传达产品环保信息?德国莱茵TÜV绿色 产品标识就此应运而生。






The foundation of the Green Product Mark is to have safe and sustainable products. Countries worldwide have implemented regulations and imposed limits on the use of hazardous chemical substances and energy efficiency and their consumptions, to protect human health and the ecosystem. Around the globe initiatives are launched which promote limited green house gas emissions, like the carbon disclosure project, the electronic industry code of conduct or the guide of green electronics by Green Peace. Additionally buyer and trader change towards green and sustainable requirements, the usage of post consumer recycled material is only one example. Is there an independent certification mark that can demonstrate the compliance with various sustainability regulations and requirements and help manufacturers to promote their eco-friendly products in a more direct, fast and efficient way? Yes, TÜV Rheinland’s Green Product Mark does

all that and more. TÜV Rheinland’s Green Product Mark is a voluntary sustainability mark for consumer products and shall give the end consumers and buyers guidance in the often crowded market place to identify green and sustainable products. The Green Product Mark tries with the related certification requirements to minimize the impact to the environment of consumer products. The foundation of the Green Product Mark is to have safe and sustainable products. It can be applied to various of consumer products, such as visual display, infocom, peripherals, house hold appliance, leisure and sports equipment, furniture and others.



产品安全性以 及制造商的社 会责任感是“绿色产品标识” 的 立 足 点,针 对电子产品,可 以从以下4个方面体现:

The Green Product Mark requirements for an IT Product are based on the evaluation of 4 pillars. The prerequisite is a passed safety evaluation of the product and the social compliance of the manufacturer.

01 化学物质的使用必须满足欧盟不同的标 准及指令的要求,包括RoHS,REACH 等。这些标准严格规定了在电子电气设 备中有害物质的使用,以保护人类健康 及环境。

01 The responsible use of chemical substances is the first pillar of the Green Product Mark requirements. Different European Union (EU) standards and requirements need to be passed, including RoHS, REACH and other related regulations which help to restrict the use of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment to protect human health and the environment.

03 The third pillar is the requirement of the Green Product Mark for a Product Carbon Footprint Calculation. Carbon Footprint assessment is a new method to measure the impact of carbon emissions of a single product over its lifecycle.

02 The second pillar is the waste management and the usage of recycled materials in the IT Product. TÜV Rheinland verifies the correct usage and labeling of the recycled material content. Especially here attention is paid to the limited use of PVC, phthalates or brominates flame retardants in the recycled material content.

04 The fourth pillar of the Green Product Mark is the Energy Consumption and Energy Efficiency with having an IT Product complying with the stringent requirements, a limitation of energy consumption and consequently cost cutting in the households of endconsumers will be achieved.

02 废弃物管理及可再生材料的使用。我们 将证明再生材料的正确使用,特别针对聚 氯乙烯(PVC) , 邻苯二甲酸(phthalates) 或溴化阻燃剂 (brominates flame retardants)在可再生材料中的有限使 用。 03 产品碳足迹分析,用来计量产品在其整 个生命周期中的碳排放,从而评估其对 温室气体的影响。 04 能源消耗及能效表现将会被要求严格满 足相关标准,其低能耗将直接对终端消 费者带来裨益。

德国莱茵TÜV绿色产品标识将于2012年3月初正式推出,在增强产品品牌附加值的同时, 它将带领制造商及消费者给环境产生更少的影响,进一步实现人类的可持续发展。 如需了解更多,欢迎您的咨询。 TÜV Rheinland’s Green Product Mark is to be launched in March 2012. It will add extra value to the products and lead consumers and manufacturers to have less impact on the environment. Contact us for more information.

















常广泛,包括 LCD屏幕、台式电脑、笔记本


电脑、键盘、打印机、LCD电视等。 德国莱 茵 TÜV上 海人体工学 实 验室设备 全球各大领先的制造商都会选择具有TCO

完善,拥有经验丰富的专业人才,可依 据




Notebook Computers 3.1、All-in-one



Computers 1.0、TCO Certified Edge 提 供测试服务,为显示器制造商提供方便的 一站式服务。TCO组织将根据我们的测试 结果核发相关证书。



德国莱茵TÜV上海人体工学实验室近日成为继台湾人 体工学实验室、深圳人体工学实验室之后第三家获得该认可的 实验室。

TÜV Rheinland’s Shanghai Ergonomic Laboratory is pleased to announce that it has been the third laboratory to achieve this recognition after TÜV Rheinland’s ergonomic laboratories in Taipei and Shenzhen.

TCO, a representative of the Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees, strives to create safe, ecofriendly working environments. To receive TCO certification, electronic products must comply with all the listed standards pertaining to ecology, energy-conservation, radiation and ergonomics. Today, TCO is one of the most important certifications in the world for display panels, with TCOcertified display devices securing more than 60% of the global market. TCOcertified product lines are extensive and include LCD monitors, desktop PCs, notebook PCs, keyboards,

printers and LCD TVs, among others. Leading manufacturers around the world are choosing TCO-accredited ergonomic laboratories to implement their TCO certifications. TÜV Rheinland Taiwan’s Ergonomic and Optical Laboratory was the first TCOaccredited testing facility in Asia and the Greater China region, and Shenzhen’s ergonomic laboratory soon followed. Combined with the capacities of the Shenzhen laboratory and the newly-accredited Shanghai laboratory, TÜV Rheinland now offers a more flexible lead time and comprehensive services for businesses and manufacturing plants

in the Greater China area that wish to acquire certification for GS, CB and the cTUVus marks. Display manufacturers can also contact the nearest ergonomic laboratories in Taiwan, Shenzhen or Shanghai for a better understanding of the latest development standards. TÜV Rheinland’s Ergonomic Laboratory in Shanghai is fullyfurnished with testing apparatus staffed by experienced experts who are qualified to provide convenient, one-stop testing services for Display 5.2, Desktop 3.0, Notebook Computers 3.1, All-in-one Computers 1.0 and TCO Certified Edge, among others – in full compliance with TCO standards. TCO will issue certificates for relevant marks based on the test results from TÜV Rheinland.




TÜV Rheinland Hong Kong Can Now Serve the

Brazilian Toy Market

作为南美洲最大的经济 体,巴西拥有一个庞 大、蓬勃发展的玩具市场。因此,巴西对于玩具和其它 消费品的质量安全检测需求也日益见涨。 As the largest economic entity in South America, Brazil’s toy market is huge, booming and prosperous. The demand for safety and quality testing of toy and other consumer products is rising.


Brazil has recently introduced changes in the regulations


for the approval of toys, which now allow products to


be tested abroad. Because product manufacturers are


no longer required to test products in Brazil, product


testing can be arranged in TÜV Rheinland’s accredited


laboratory in Hong Kong.


TÜV Rheinland Hong Kong has been accredited by the

可,成为可为巴西市场提供NM300 series玩具

CNAS as a 3rd party testing laboratory for the Brazilian


market, under the NM 300 series standards for toy


testing. We can now serve customers with markets in


Brazil, where testing of toy products is mandatory.

除 了 玩 具 检 测 服 务 外 ,我 们 也 可 以 提 供

In addition to our toy service in Brazil, we can now also


provide INMETRO certification service.


Bringing your products to the Brazilian market is now


easier, faster and more reliable than ever.



德国莱茵 TÜV上海实验室已成功通 过了

for composite wood products. The


ATCM requires all manufacturers of

作为第三方认证机构(第 W-11-038号执

composite wood products to verify

验室有资格 作为以下复合木制品

行 令),来开展复合木制品中的甲醛释

compliance with the formaldehyde


放 量测试。

emission standards by a third party

TÜV Rheinland group is pleased to


• 硬木胶合板(H W P W)

德国莱茵 T Ü V 能提供以下服 务来满足

• 刨花胶合板(P B)

美国CARB的规定 TÜV Rheinland - CARB compliance services

The approval allows TÜV

announce that our Shanghai laboratory has been successfully approved by the California Air Resources Board (CARB) in the US as a third party certifier (Executive Order W-11-038) and to perform testing for formaldehyde emissions in composite wood products.

• 对复合木制品开展经CARB批准的甲醛 测试 • 验证复合木制品制造商甲醛释放量测试

美国ATCM的相关 规定和要求 US ATCM regulation and requirements

的程序和设施的精确性 • 监督制造商的质量保证计划


• 提供独立审计和检查


• 为质检员提供认证方案

量” (“ATCM”,第17章,加州法规,第 93120- 93120.12节),该措施明确了复合 木制品甲醛释放量标准。ATCM要求所有 复合木制品制造商需委托第三方认证机构 来验证其产品是否符合甲醛释放量的标 准。 CARB has adopted the “Airborne Toxic Control Measures to Reduce Formaldehyde Emissions from Composite Wood Products” (the “ATCM”; title 17, California Code of Regulations, sections 93120– 93120.12), which establishes formaldehyde emission standards

• Perform CARB-approved formaldehyde tests on composite wood products • Verify the accuracy of the emission test procedures and facilities used by composite wood product manufacturers to conduct formaldehyde emission tests • Monitor manufacturer quality assurance programs • Provide independent audits and inspections • Provide certification programmes for quality controllers

该项认可使德国莱茵 T Ü V上海实

• 中密度纤维板(M D F)

Rheinland’s Shanghai laboratory to certify the following composite wood products: • Hardwood Plywood (HWPW) • Particleboard (PB) • Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF)

















利润达122亿元人民币,占整个中国食品行 业的18.44%。

莱茵技术-商检(青岛)于2001年成立,为 山东境内及周边客户提供本地化检测、检













总裁孟庆发出席仪式,并分别代表两家公 司签 署了下一 个 十年建 立合 资公司的协 议。同时,在当天还启动了青岛食品检验示 范实验室,致力进一步加强本地检测实力, 拓宽本地化服务范围和业务类型。 随着消费者对食品安全的日益关注,及食 品制造加工业对品质和风险管理意识的提 升,莱茵技术-商检(青岛)基于本地市场 的需求,提供成本更低和周期更短的定制 化服务,即被称为“替代科技”的自我品管 实验室服务,帮助食品制造加工企业建立

山东省作为中国最大的食品加工出口基地,在青 岛新建立的食品检验示范实验室将进一步拓宽莱茵技术商检(青岛)有限公司(简称“莱茵技术-商检(青岛)”) 的服务范围和业务类型,为食品制造及 加工企业提供国 际标准的咨询及个性化服务。





A New Food Demo Laboratory in Qingdao A new Food Demo Laboratory in Qingdao was established, designed to facilitate China’s largest food-processing export base in Shandong Province in complying with international standards and customised services, and thus further expanding the service scope of TÜV Rheinland/CCIC (Qingdao) Co., Ltd. to the food manufacturing and processing industries.

According to the National Bureau of Statistics, in 2010 the turnover of China’s food industry was over 1 trillion RMB and exports amounted to 320 billion RMB, with an annual growth rate of 25%. Shandong Province is China’s largest food manufacturing base and in 2010 its food industry sales reached 185 billion RMB, accounting for 18.29% of the entire Chinese food industry. In the same year, its profits reached 12.2 billion RMB, accounting for 18.44% of China’s food industry. On 25 November 2011, TÜV Rheinland and the China Certification

& Inspection Group (CCIC) celebrated the tenth anniversary of TÜV Rheinland/CCIC (Qingdao) in Qingdao. During the ceremony, Ralf Scheller, President and CEO of TÜV Rheinland Greater China, and Meng Qingfa, President of CCIC, signed a further 10-year joint venture agreement. On the same day, they also opened the new Food Demo Laboratory, designed to further enhance their local testing facilities and broaden the scope of their local services. In response to consumers’ increasing awareness of food safety, and with concerns for food quality improvement and risk management, TÜV Rheinland/CCIC (Qingdao) provides customised services based on local market demand at a lower cost and with a shorter cycle. This is referred to as the “alternative technology” of self-quality-control laboratory services – it helps to

develop food manufacturing and processing companies’ self-testing and quality control abilities, and provides a considerable reduction in quality control costs, floor space and staff training costs, while also reducing the possibility of food recall incidents and their associated losses. TÜV Rheinland and CCIC invested in TÜV Rheinland/CCIC (Qingdao) as a joint venture in 2001, to offer local testing and inspection services for Shandong. Over the past decade, TÜV Rheinland/CCIC (Qingdao) has developed product and system services for domestic- and exportoriented enterprises, including industry and energy, transportation, toys and chemical, electrical and electronic products and life sciences industries.


















2,000万人民币,配备最先进的仪器和检测 设备,协同中德两国的车辆技术专家,进行

测需求也将与日俱增。 对国内零部件制造商而言,零件在供给本





车零部件检测实验室(ACT Automotive


Components Testing)可依据国外整车厂 或客户特殊规定的质量及实验标准,在国









Partnering with EDAG to Set up Automotive Components Testing Lab in Shanghai

由于汽车 零件种类繁多、检测项目繁杂,多数国外汽车整车厂实 验室都没有足够的检测能力,零部件的委 外第三方检测已成为国外汽车整 车厂所采用的通用办法。 Due to the sheer volume and complexity of automotive components, most foreign car makers lack the capacity to carry out all of their testing in-house. The outsourcing of components testing to third-party testing bodies is now extensively used by foreign car makers.



Spending on testing services for

China. Local components makers

Daimler and GM. In phase 1,

automotive interior fittings along

can now have their samples tested

RMB 20 million has been invested

with electrical and electronic

and certified locally in accordance

in the latest instruments and

components now amounts to over

with the quality and testing

testing equipment. Chinese and

US$2 billion a year worldwide.

standards specified by foreign car

German automotive engineers will

Although third-party testing is a

makers or customers. Local testing

be working together to conduct

relatively new field in China, the

helps the customer to shorten testing

automotive-component function,

demand for outside automotive-

times, reduce testing costs and

chemical and EMC testing.

components testing services is

eliminate communication problems.

Components to be tested include

growing rapidly as China prepares

The customer can also participate in

interior fittings, wiring and cabling,

to become the world’s largest car

the testing process and discuss the

control units, connectors, switches,

parts could be supplied to local

test results in order to enhance and

fuses and other devices.

jointly-owned or foreign car makers.

improve its R&D capabilities and

The process often involved many

manufacturing standards.

manufacturer and consumer. While for local component makers, they had to send samples to foreign car makers or authorised third-party laboratories for testing before their

communication problems that cost extra time and money.

Combining TÜV Rheinland’s global reputation for product certification

The Shanghai ACT laboratory has

with EDAG’s R&D expertise in

been established in Shanghai,

automotive products, the synergy

To solve this problem, TÜV

and it is also the first local testing

from this partnership will boost

Rheinland and EDAG, the world’s

laboratory to receive the seal of

the competitiveness of Chinese

largest third-party automotive

approval from such Western car

automotive components in the

engineering and design company,

makers as Volkswagen, BMW,

global market.

have set up the first automotive components testing (ACT) laboratory approved by foreign car makers in





电动工具行业认证发展 Accelerating the Development of Certification in China’s

Electrical Tool Industry

2011年12月22日, 德国莱茵TÜV大中华区副总裁吕伯肯先生与上海电动工 具研究所所长、全国电动工具 标准化技术委员会主任刘世昌教授 在上海电动工具研究所签署全面合作协议,为中国工具制造商提 供快速进入国内和国际市场的准入服务。 A comprehensive cooperation agreement aimed at providing Chinese tool manufacturers with fast access to domestic and international markets has been concluded between Mr. Gerhard Luebken, Vice President of TÜV Rheinland Greater China, and Prof. Liu Shichang, Director of Shanghai Electric Tool Research Institute (SETRI) and Chairman of the National Technical Committee for the Standardization of Electrical Tools. The agreement was signed in Shanghai on December 22, 2011.


根据协议,上海电气器具检 验测试所为德国莱茵TÜV工具类 产品在中国地区合作的唯一CCC实验室及其 首选的第三方合作实验室。同时,德国莱茵 TÜV为上海电气器具检验测试所国际认证 业务的唯一合作伙伴。双方并将在此基础上 开展多方位的合作关系。此举将大力促进中 国电动工具行业测试认证的发展,为中国电 动工具制造商提供一次测试、两套报告、多 国认证的整体解决方案。 刘世昌教授高度评价此次合作: “中国电动 工具制造商的发展方兴未艾。本地制造商依 靠国内外市场的共同开发,弥补了金融危机 带来的冲击。上工所与德国莱茵TÜV的合作 将帮助中国制造商大大减少产品内销、出口 所需的测试认证成本和时间,对中国电动工

According to this agreement, the Shanghai Testing and Inspection Institute for Electrical Appliances (TIET) will act as the sole CCC laboratory in China and the preferred third party joint lab for TÜV Rheinland in the field of tools. Similarly, TÜV Rheinland will be the sole partner of TIET with regards to international certification. Both parties will develop all-round cooperation in this area, which will significantly accelerate the development of testing and certification in China’s electrical tool industry and offer Chinese electrical tool manufacturers an integrated solution, incorporating one test, two reports and a multinational certification.

具行业影响深远。” 吕伯肯先生亦对此充满信心: “上海电动工具 研究所参与电动工具行业中国国家标准的制 定和对工具质量的市场监督。德国莱茵TÜV 自上世纪80年代末进入中国,工具业务始终 是我们发展的重点。很高兴这次能有此机会 向上工所学习,相信此次合作不仅为两家带 来双赢,更将惠及中国广大工具制造商。” 出席签约仪式的嘉宾还包括中国电器工业协 会电动工具分会秘书长及《电动工具》期刊 主编张传富教授,上海电气器具检验测试所 常务副所长潘顺芳女士、副所长陈建秋先 生、市场经理顾菁女士和德国莱茵TÜV大中 华区商用及工业产品服务总监陈伟康博士。

“Chinese electrical tool manufacturers are flourishing. Through the simultaneous development of domestic and international markets, local manufacturers have weathered the global financial crisis. The cooperation between SETRI and TÜV Rheinland will help Chinese manufacturers greatly reduce the costs and time needed for the testing and certification required for both domestic product marketing and exports, and will have a profound influence on China’s electrical tool industry, ” remarked Prof. Liu Shichang.


“SETRI is involved in the preparation of national standards for China’s electrical tool industry and market supervision of tool quality. Since our entry into China at the end of the 1980s, we have focused on the tool business, so we are glad to have this chance to learn from SETRI. We believe this cooperation will not only achieve a win-win situation for our two organizations, but will also benefit a broad range of Chinese tool manufacturers,” Mr. Gerhard Luebken said confidently. Guests present at the signing ceremony included Prof. Zhang Chuanfu, Secretary-General of the Power Tool Institute of China Electrical Equipment Industrial Association and Chief Editor of Electric Tool, Ms. Pan Shunfang, Mr. Chen Jianqiu and Ms. Gu Jing, respectively the Standing Deputy Director, the Deputy Director and the Marketing Manager of TIET, as well as Dr. Chen Weikang, Director of Commercial Products, TÜV Rheinland Greater China.




德国莱茵TÜV大中华地区防爆认证业务负责人张小龙受邀出席中国 国际电气防爆技术应用与管理研讨会暨防爆电气认证制度推介会,并作为重要 嘉宾发表主题演讲,内容围绕防爆电器类产品海外国际认证ATEX以及IECEx 的相关要求。 Mr. Zhang Xiaolong, Head of Explosion-protection for TÜV Rheinland Greater China, was invited to the China International Seminar on the Application and Management of Electric Explosion-protection Technology and Promotion of the IECEx Scheme for Certification to Standards for Electrical Equipment for Explosive Atmosphere as a keynote speaker, covering the issue of ATEX for international certification and the relevant IECEx requirements for electrical explosion-protection products.


此 次会 议旨在 推 进国际间防爆电气产品 管理经验的相互了解和借鉴,加快IECEx 体系认证工作在中国的应用和推广及促进 IECEx爆炸性环境用设备全过程合格评定 体系的应用,进而实现“一个标准、一张证 书、全球通行”的目标。 由于目前多数国内企业对于国际防爆认证 (如ATEX、IECEx)接触不多,产品设计方 面对于防爆的技术要求不规范,从而造成 申请认证时面临不少的技术阻力。德国莱 茵TÜV针对以上问题可以面向工业企业,

The seminar aimed to promote international understanding and the exchange of information regarding the management of electrical explosion-protection products, accelerating the application and promotion of IECEx certification in China along with the application of full-process conformity assessment systems for equipment in IECEx explosive environments. The resulting goal was “One standard, one certificate, globally recognised.”

尤其是石油石化行业内的企业,提供相关 培训和产品评估服务,帮助企业在申请认 证前期阶段做好准备,完善产品设计,从而 提高防爆认证效率,并协助产品制造商以 及设计商评估项目可行性,给出设计的指 导性方案。 德国莱 茵 T Ü V是 欧 盟 AT E X 指 令及国际 IECEx组织的公告认证机构。作为防爆电 气设备及非电气设备的测试认证专家,德 国莱茵 T Ü V 可以 对AT E X、IEC E x、巴西 INMETRO防爆认证、澳洲IECEx、俄罗斯 GOST等法规颁发认证证书。近年来德国 莱茵TÜV大中华地区防爆安全团队一直致 力于推行一站式的本地化服务——从防爆 产品认证技术培训、认证预评估服务、到产 品防爆认证。

Most Chinese enterprises currently lack knowledge of international explosion-protection certification (e.g., ATEX and IECEx) and have failed to apply the standard technical explosion-protection requirements to their product design process, technologically hindering their certification applications. To tackle these problems,TÜV Rheinland provides training and product evaluation services to industrial enterprises that are preparing certification applications. The Group can also assist product manufacturers and designers in evaluating project feasibility by proposing a design guidance scheme.


TÜV Rheinland is a certification body authorised by both ATEX and IECEx. As a testing and certification expert for the explosion-protection of electrical and non-electrical equipment, TÜV Rheinland is able to issue certification in regulatory systems such as ATEX, IECEx, Brazil’s INMETRO, Australia’s IECEx, and Russia’s GOST. In recent years, the explosion-protection safety team of TÜV Rheinland Greater China has been committed to providing one-stop local services ranging from technical training in explosionprotection product certification and certification pre-evaluation to the explosion-protection certification of products.




位于 福 岛 第 一 核 电 厂 附 近 2 0 - 3 0 公 里 范 围 内 的 南 相马市部分区域在福岛核泄 漏 意外 事故中遭 受 严 重 的 放 射 性 污 染 。成千上 万个 家 庭 由于 形 势严峻而 离开 家园。随着辐射和“热点”的程 度 加深,当地居民的未来充满了不确定性。 Minamisoma city, located partially within the 20-30 km zone around the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, has suffered from significant radioactive contamination since the accident. Thousands of families left their homes due to the seriousness of the situation, and elevated levels of radiation and “hot-spots” created uncertainty among the local community regarding their future.



Verifying Radiation Safety of Public Facilities After Decontamination in Japan 南相马市政府与日本安全局及科学专家在 疏散区域外共同开发了一套全面的辐射去 污计划以确保当地居民的安全。 为了证实辐射去污措施的效能,南相马市 当地政府决定采用德国莱茵TÜV主导的第 三方评估。为了协助地方当局查明数据,德 国莱茵TÜV日本提出了一项特殊的自愿性 计划— —为公立学校进行辐射去污计划 成果评估。2011年10月,南相马市共有四个 机构获选,包括幼儿园、托儿所、小学以及 初中。 德国莱茵TÜV的辐射防护专家Jens-Uwe Schmollack博士与在日本负责辐射污染 检查团队的Manfred Brinkmann博士共 同完成了上述四所机构的全方位评估计 划,并且不收取任何费用。 “对于此项目, 德国莱茵TÜV的动机非常单纯:我们想借 助切尔诺贝利核电厂事故后多年来累积 的知识及专业经验,代表德国工业界为此 次长期复原工作作出有意义的贡献。”J-U Schmollack 博士表示。 德国莱茵TÜV的整体评估清楚地指出这些 机构的辐射去污计划已获致成功。虽然在 某些测量位置发现程度较高的辐射值,但 是通过我们的专家提出实际可行的建议, 当地政府将能进一步合理地降低潜在危 险。对当地政府和学校主管来说,获得第三 方的评估数据以协助未来的决策对于在此 就学的儿童家长极为重要。 德国莱茵TÜV以独立的专业能力,确保受 检机构的安全性已达重新正常开展教学活 动的程度,为当地居民带来更多的信心。

The local government of Minamisoma, together with the Japanese safety authorities and scientists, developed a comprehensive decontamination plan outside the evacuation zone to ensure the safety of the local population. Nevertheless, voices of concern could still be heard among the local community. To verify the efficiency of the decontamination measures, the local government of Minamisoma city decided to use TÜV Rheinland’s 3rd party evaluation service. To support the local authorities and communities with verifiable data, TÜV Rheinland Japan offered a special volunteer project – Evaluation of the Results of the Decontamination Program in Public Schools. In October 2011, four facilities in Minamisoma city were selected, including a kindergarten, a childcare centre, an elementary school and a junior-high school. TÜV Rheinland’s radiation protection expert from Germany, Dr. Jens-Uwe Schmollack, together with Dr. Manfred Brinkmann, a colleague from the Radiation Contamination Inspection team of TÜV Rheinland Japan, have completed a full-scale evaluation of these facilities on a free-of-charge basis. “The motivation for this project for TÜV Rheinland was very simple: we wanted to provide a meaningful, focused contribution from German industry to support long-term recovery by sharing our knowledge and

expertise accumulated in Germany in the years following the Chernobyl accident”, says Dr. J-U Schmollack. Overall assessment by TÜV Rheinland clearly indicated that the decontamination projects for these facilities were successful. Although elevated levels of radiation were found at some points, with the practical recommendations from our experts the local administrations were able to further reduce the potential risks. It was very important for the local authorities and the school administrations to obtain evaluation data from an independent 3rd party to support future decisions and to facilitate communication with the parents of children attending these facilities. Finally, for everybody involved in this project, it was important simply to make sure that the inspected facilities are safe for children to return to. For TÜV Rheinland it was very rewarding and stimulating to observe that our support, although minor in relation to such a large-scale accident, was seen as a valuable contribution. We strongly felt that our independent expertise was able to provide additional confidence to the local community and could ensure that safety levels were acceptable to resume educational activities in the inspected schools.




德国联邦经济与 技术部(BM W i)与中国国家 认证认可监督管理委员会(C N C A) 于2011年10月共同在北京举行了中德认证合作 启动仪式,提议中德政府在德国国际合作机构(GIZ)协调之下 开展可行性研究,在电动汽车认证领域展开合作。合作承诺正式 落实到书面,合同由两国官员刘伟军先生(中国国家认证认可监 督管理委员会副主任)和 Werner Ressing先生(德国联邦经济 与技术部部长)共同签署。

The German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) and the Certification and Accreditation Administration (CNCA) held a Launch Event for the SinoGerman Cooperation on Certification in Beijing in October 2011. The event kicked off a proposal in the field of EV certification for the Chinese and German governments, following a feasibility study under the coordination of the GIZ (German Agency for International Cooperation). The pledge to cooperate was formally put in writing, as the contract was sealed by officials from both countries, Mr Liu Weijun (Vice Director, CNCA) and Mr Werner Ressing (Ministry Director, BMWi).




政 府 递 交会 议 结






总裁Gerhard Luebken列席了















们已可以根据欧盟标准( ECE- R10 0 )对电













零部件检测实验室(ACT Lab)能对一些电


Gerhard Luebken, TÜV Rheinland Greater China Vice President, attended the event to offer our technical expertise to the working group. Other members of the working group include representatives from German OEMs (BMW, Daimler, VW and Audi), Chinese Automotive Manufacturers (BYD) and test houses (CQC, CARTAC). TÜV Rheinland is the only European testing organisation included in this working group. TÜV Rheinland has built a professional team with rich experience in the EV certification. The Automotive Components Testing Lab (ACT Lab), collaborated with EDAG - the world’s largest third-party automotive engineering and design company is now able to proceed EV component on performance, electric and chemical tests, such as cables, connectors, switches and control units. We are already very active in

Li-Battery testing. We partner with International Technology Research Institute (ITRI) in Taiwan; there is a high tech automotive battery test lab in Japan; we offer Li-Batteries tests for EV scooters or bicycles in China; and in Germany we have a lot of expertise as well. Moreover, we have already tested several EV buses according to EU standards (ECE-R100). The first meeting will be held in November in China and the second in Germany in the coming March or April. In June 2012, the results will be presented to the governments of both countries. The core of the project is a GermanChinese dialogue at the political and technical level. The dialogue between the competent authorities and certification institutions will strengthen and leverage their support

for the compatibility of Chinese and German certification process. Germany has set a target to become an international hub and knowledge base, and China is an important market for German manufacturers. This launch event marks an important first step for both countries towards a harmonized greener future. By partaking in the initial discussion that will shape future development of e-mobility certification, we can take a vantage point in this fledgling market.




顽皮世界以野生动物为主题,希望发展成 为具有观光、教育、研究等多元功能的野 生动物园。为实现这一目标,顽皮世界致力 于不断强化管理质量,并申请ISO 9001及 优良服务体系(SQS)认证 。


ISO 9000系列标准

近日获得德国莱茵TÜV ISO 9001及优良服务 体

ISO 9000系列标准是国际标准组织对

系(Service Quality System, SQS)双认证。在


娱乐休闲行业 竞争日益 激 烈的 今天,顽 皮世界


野 生动 物园此举无 疑强化了整 体 经 营优 势,极 大地增强了竞争实力。 Taiwan’s Wanpi World recently received ISO 9001 QMS and Service Quality System (SQS) certifications from TÜV Rheinland. This achievement marks Wanpi World’s successful efforts to maintain sustainable operations and standardize its various management and service processes in the highly competitive recreation industry.

此标准的好处在于强化管理质量、提升 率等。ISO认证在大众心目中已成为品质 的代名词,通过ISO认证有助于企业建立 积极正面的形象,树立卓越的品牌形象。 在ISO审核之前,企业必须建立符合ISO 9000国际标准规定的质量手册、一套标 准经营流程文件以及相关表格。

优良服务体系(SQS) 优良服务体系(SQS)认证则重在结合文 件审查与实地考察,考量客户需求与行业 特性,鼓励企业具体落实服务管理的精 神。在优良服务体系认证审查过程中,德 国莱茵TÜV首先安排优良服务专家以普通


游客的身份进行匿名调查,了解一线工作员 工的服务实况,之后再由经验丰富的ISO审 核员,从质量管理、法令规章与服务流程 的角度出发,考察顽皮世界在服务管理流 程、人员培训、硬件设施规划与维护等方面 是否达到国际服务品质标准。 Wanpi World is one of a handful of theme parks offering animal shows and feeding experiences, and it seeks to become a tourist attraction offering educational, research and wildlife conservation opportunities. To make this goal a reality, Wanpi World has made continuous efforts to enhance its management quality. As one step in this process, Wanpi World applied for the ISO 9001 and SQS certifications.

The ISO 9000 series The ISO 9000 series sets forth the minimum requirements for the quality assurance of enterprises as established by the International

Organization for Standardization. The advantages of implementing ISO international standards include improved management quality, enhanced customer satisfaction, minimized quality-relation problems and increased operational efficiency. ISO certification has become synonymous with superior quality within the general public, and achieving ISO certification can improve an enterprise’s image enough to deliver significant brandimage benefits. Before passing ISO certification, enterprises must establish a quality manual and a set of standard operating procedures in addition to preparing the relevant forms in accordance with ISO 9000 international requirements.

SQS certification Considering both customer requirements and industry specifics, SQS certification integrates document review and on-site auditing,


encouraging enterprises to fully realize their service-management goals. In the Wanpi World audit, TÜV Rheinland first arranged for service-quality experts to serve as mystery shoppers to cultivate an understanding of the service status of front-line employees. Next, experienced ISO auditors examined the service-management processes, personnel training and planning and maintenance of hardware facilities – ensuring that all met international service-quality standards in terms of quality management, regulatory requirements and service processes.




中国去年公布了“十二五”规划,其目的是将世界第二大经 济体从一个投资推动的发电机打造成一个发展轨迹更加平 稳的全球发电厂。中国成熟的制造商在技术上落后于全球竞 争对手,同时面临产能过剩、效率低下和污染严重等问题。 而新能源等行业不仅利润增长潜力大,而且其发展对绿色节 能也有极为重要的贡献。随着整个社会对绿色环保的关注, 中国制造业的流程和管理改造以及产业升级势在必行。 实行“绿色制造”对企业运营来说,不仅能提升组织的形象 和声誉,体现社会责任感和对可持续性发展作出的贡献,而 且能帮助企业增加经济效益。例如,实施“绿色制造”能最 大限度地提高资源利用率、减少资源消耗,直接降低成本。 同时,也能减少或消除对环境的污染,减少或避免因环境问 题引起的罚款。实行“绿色制造”将全面改善环境或美化企 业的工作环境,既可改善员工的健康状况和提高工作安全 性、减少不必要的开支,又可推进人类和社会的和谐发展。 China has announced its “12th Five-year Plan” last year, which is designed to transform China, the world’s second-largest economy, from an investment-driven generator to a global power plant for maintaining stable development. Mature Chinese manufacturers are now falling behind their global competitors in terms of technologies, and are facing

the challenges of excess capacity, low efficiency and severe pollution. Green industries, such as new energy industries, not only have the potential for high profitability, but can also make a significant contribution to energy saving. As society pays increasing attention to environmental protection, it is imperative for Chinese manufacturers to engage in process modifications, management improvements and industrial upgrading. The concept of “Green Manufacturing” not only improves a business’s image and reputation with its contribution to social responsibility and sustainable development, but also helps to improve profitability. For example, Green Manufacturing can cut costs by maximizing a firm’s resource utilization ratio and reducing consumption, and can reduce or eliminate the fines related to environmental impact by reducing or eliminating pollution. It can also improve employees’ health and work safety, thereby reducing unnecessary expenses and ensuring a harmonious society by improving the environment and working conditions. The positive effects of “Green Manufacturing” are obvious.


德国莱茵 TÜV 作为全球领先的第三方认证机构,为制造业提供贯彻整个生命周期的绿色解决方案,包括 TÜV Rheinland aims to provide the manufacturing industry with Green Solutions that cover a product’s entire lifespan

( market access and compliance with local environmental requirements )

德国莱茵 TÜV 在大中华地区为制造业提供的服务包括 Our services in the Greater China region include

Energy consumption testing and energy efficiency marking

Battery testing

Product and enterprise carbon footprinting

Environmental protection systems

Noise and carbon dioxide emissions

Clean development mechanisms

我们致力于协助中国制造业实现产业升级,提升绿色竞争力。 TÜV Rheinland is dedicated to helping Chinese manufacturers with their industrial upgrading and strengthening of their green competitiveness.





签发全球第一张 高压零部件 证 TÜV Rheinland Issues High Voltage Component C 近几年来中国电力承包商不断拓展国际市场,承包海外电力工程,同样在国 内,越来越多的电力工程也需要按照国际标准和规范进行设计和施工。因此,高压电力 零部件的安全和品质对整个电力系统的运行尤为重要。 Over the past few years, Chinese electrical power contractors have been constantly exploring the international market to undertake overseas electrical projects. Similarly, at home, an increasing number of electrical projects need to be designed and constructed according to international standards and criteria. Therefore, the safety and quality of high voltage electrical components are crucial for the operation of the entire power supply system.





部件IEC 标准符合性证书。河北盛跃是由








缘子(Insulators 25KV)。除了高压绝缘子

根据IEC 61952-2008,IEC 61109-2008





械部件。在证书颁发仪式上,河北盛跃副总 经理王峥先生表示今后愿继续与德国莱茵





器、电流互感器、电力金具、浪涌保护器、 变电 站、高压断路器、负荷开关、接地开 关、高压接触器、电力变压器、电力电容器 等高压零部件产品提供检测认证服务。

TÜV Rheinland recently issued its first High Voltage Component certificate with conformity to IEC standards to Hebei Shengyue Railway Electrification Equipment Co., Ltd., which is a joint venture invested by the China Railway Construction Electrification Bureau Group Co., Ltd and Hebei Xinji Tengyue Industrial Co., Ltd. The certificated product this time are Composite Line Post Insulators and Composite Suspension & Tension Insulators (Insulators 25KV). Besides high voltage insulators, Hebei Shengyue and its parent company are also engaged in manufacturing other high


证书 Its First Certificate

voltage components and mechanical components for diversified applications. In the certification ceremony, Mr. Wang Zheng, Vice GM of Heibei Shengyue, expressed that they will continue to coorperate with TÜV Rheinland for the future testing and certification services for access to the international market. In the past, one of the certification bodies was dominant in the area of HV testing and certification. After eight months of preparation, TÜV Rheinland’s Commercial Products department in Greater China has broken this monopoly and successfully accessed this market. We can now offer new testing and certification options for HV component manufacturers. TÜV Rheinland is qualified to test and certify Composite Line Post Insulators and Composite Suspension & Tension Insulators in accordance with standards such as IEC 61952-2008 and IEC 61109-2008. In addition, TÜV Rheinland can also provide testing and certification services for HV components according to international and domestic standards, such as high-voltage (HV) insulating tubes, oxide metal surge

arresters, current transformers, electric power fittings, SPD, power stations, HV circuit breakers, switches, earthing switches, HV contactors, power transformers and shunt capacitors for AC power systems.





温豪格:十年励精图治,期待再创辉煌 Holger Kunz: The Road to China, Paving the Way for a Brighter Future

温豪格先生现任德国莱茵TÜV大中华区副总裁兼华南区执行董事,是大中华区董事会成 员。目前所负责管理的产品认证业务,是集团最大的业务部门。他从2002年来深圳开始负责开拓和管理 华南地区的业务,今年是温豪格先生在德国莱茵TÜV深圳公司(以下简称:深圳莱茵)工作的第十年,让 我们来分享他和深圳莱茵一起成长的历程。 Holger Kunz is currently TÜV Rheinland Greater China Vice President and Managing Director of South China, with Holger’s responsibility for consumer product related testing, inspection and certification services, which is the group’s largest division. Since joining TÜV Rheinland Shenzhen in 2002, he has been in charge of the company’s operation and business development in southern China. This year will mark Kunz’s 10th anniversary in Shenzhen, and here we share the history of TÜV Rheinland Shenzhen and Kunz’s own development during that time.


当初是什么原因促使你留在深圳发展呢? Why did you finally settle in Shenzhen? 我之前在德国莱茵 T Ü V台湾任职,一干就是 6 年 半。后来,有一 个来 深 圳发 展的 机会:这 意味着 我会从 产品安全 领域的一线奋斗转为专注于华南地 区的整 体业务经营和管 理。这 无疑 是一个充满吸引 力的挑战,所以我 毅 然接受了这个机会。 I was first given the opportunity to work for TÜV Rheinland Taiwan, where I stayed for six-and-ahalf years. I was then given the opportunity to work in Shenzhen and changed my career focus from the front-line of the product-safety business to the full-scale operation and management of TÜV Rheinland South China. The opportunity was so attractive that I could not turn it down.

2004年接受央视采访 Interviewed by CCTV in 2004



2011年深圳莱茵办公大楼开幕 仪式 Shenzhen office opening in 2011


2012年是你在深圳莱茵的第十个年头,在过去的十年里,公司发生了怎样的变化? 2012 is your 10th anniversary at TÜV Rheinland Shenzhen. What major changes in the company can you recall? 2 0 0 2年,我刚到深圳莱茵的时候,测

When I first came to Shenzhen in 2002, TÜV Rheinland

试设备和 服 务可以说 是 少 得可怜,只 能 从事

Shenzhen could perform only a few services related to

一些 产品安 全的测试 和 化学分析的服 务。之

product safety and chemical testing. The changes over


the following 10 years took place in two phases.

第一 阶 段:与 外 部 实 验 室 建 立合 作 关 系。同 时,公司开始扩 充,招揽 更多的专业人才,建 立了化 学 实 验 室、机 械 产 品 实 验 室、全 新电 器产品测试实验室以 及 升级针对 视觉显示

First stage: building up a cooperative relationship with external laboratories. We have also built our own electrical, chemical and mechanical laboratories and upgraded our ergonomic-testing equipment for visualdisplay testing in a separate location. In the past five

器 的 人体 工学 测 试 设 备。近 五年,我 们 也 建

years, we have built new testing laboratories, such as our

立了其他 的 测 试 实 验 室,如:食品 安 全 质 量

food-testing centre and battery-testing centre. Under the

检 测中心,电 池 测 试 实 验 室。在 深 圳 公司 的

supervision of the Shenzhen office, we have established a

管 理下,我 们 在 厦门建 立了天 然 石材 测 试 实

natural-stone testing laboratory in Xiamen.

验室。 Second stage: consolidating resources to support business

第二阶段:深 圳 公司先后 配合华南地区整 体

development in southern China and restructuring of

业 务发 展 及 整 个 大 中 华 区 架 构 重 组 进 行 资

the Greater China region. In accordance with the local

源 整 合。目前 深 圳 公司主 要专 注 于电子电器

industry structure, the Shenzhen office now mainly offers

产品、鞋 类、纺织品、玩具及化学服 务、医疗 器械以及食品安全和质量的检测。

services to the electrical and electronic, softlines (shoes, textile, toys and chemical), medical device and food sectors.




2009年深圳莱茵电池检测中心成立仪式 Shenzhen battery testing center opening in 2009


深圳莱茵的新办公大楼在去年11月正式投入运营,新办公大楼在功能性和 业务运营方面有哪些大的改善会带给本地出口商更多便利呢? How does the new TÜV Rheinland Shenzhen office provide greater convenience for exporters? 秉承着持 续为企业提供优

Always striving to deliver greater efficiency

质 服 务 的 这个 宗旨,我 们 打 造了一

and high-quality services to our clients, we

座 总面 积 达7, 0 0 0 平方米高品 质的

have further integrated our laboratories and

综 合办 公室,是华 南地区 最 完 备 的

resources in a 7,000m² facility, which will be

消 费品 安 全 检 测中心之一,内 设有

one of the most comprehensively equipped

食 品 、可 视 显 示 屏 、电 池 、电 子 电 器、化学、玩具、纺织品及鞋类、材 料 等 多个产品 检 测 实 验 室。此 外, 新办公 楼 座 落 于广深 高 速 公 路 附 近,可以 更 加快 捷 地将资源和 服 务

inspection and testing centres for consumer product safety in southern China. The new TÜV Rheinland Shenzhen office is equipped with state-of-the-art laboratories for testing food, visual displays, batteries, electrical safety, chemicals, toys, textiles, shoes and materials.

辐射到整 个 珠 三角地区。打造 整合

Given the convenient location of the new

式 办 公 楼,可做 到 地方问 题 当地 解

facility, close to the inter-city expressway, we

决,大 大 提 升服 务人 员与客户间的

aim to serve manufacturers across the whole

沟 通 效率,以 适 应 企业 经 营多元化

Pearl River Delta region. The integration

业 务 的 发 展 需 求,节约 成 本 的同时

of our office and all of our testing facilities

缩 短 产品 上市时间,最 终让 更 多中

and resources under one roof will allow us

国出口企 业、贸易商 和 采 购 商能 够

to greatly improve communication with our


clients and provide a wide range of localised services that are tailored to different clients’ needs, while saving on costs and project leadtime.




未来五年,德国莱茵TÜV在华南地区有何发展策略? What are the Group’s development directions in South China over the next five years?


Upgrading and further extending existing services.

1.与 零 售贸易商 的 合 作。目前 我 们已为 他们 进 行 整 个 供 应

1. Cooperation with Retailers and Traders – Currently,

链的管理,未来,我们会继续 加强 这方面的合作,招揽并培

we are able to provide complete supply-chain


management. In future, we will continue to reinforce our relationships with retailers and traders and increase

2. 绿色解决方案。这 是一个横向发展的业务,它跨越了各 个 行业和领域,包括能效管理、碳足 迹评估等服 务。 3 . 产 品 使 用 性 能 的 检 测。这 项 服 务 适 用 于所 有 行业,我 们

the number of qualified inspection auditors to the extent where we can compete on a level ground with other market players in the same price range and increase our market share.

未来 业务发展的重点之一是要系统 地把这项 服 务推广到其

2. Green Solutions – We provide a horizontal service


across different industries and sectors, including energy efficiency and carbon-footprint services.

开拓与本地市场及行业发展相匹配的新型业务。 3. Fitness-for-Use Testing – This type of service is


applicable to various industries. One of our key targets

性 的需求。来年 我们 会投 入 更多的资 金去发 展 技术并购置

for future business development is to systematically

测 试电 动 车电 池性能 的 设备,希 望检 测 范围能 覆 盖 更 多大

promote this service to other industries.

型汽车的电池;同时,我们提供各种类型电池的安全测试。 Exploration of new services based on local market and

2 .全 新推出3D显示屏业务:目前越 来 越多3D显示屏进 入市 场,顺 应 市场的潮 流,我们配备了先 进的光学实验室,并 拥 有3D系统的独家测试能力。 此外,针对服 务行业,德国莱茵 TÜV管理体系服 务 部有针对

industry development. 1. Battery Testing – At present, there is a strong market demand for battery storage-capacity testing. We plan to invest more resources in the development of electric vehicle battery-testing technology and equipment,

酒店、商务度假、购物中心等以 提 供 服 务质量、可持 续发 展

expanding our testing scope to include batteries for

为目的稽查、审核的服 务,希望未来能有更多华南地区的企

large-size vehicles in the coming year. Meanwhile, we


provide battery-safety testing services for a wide range of batteries, which minimises the associated risks. 2. Brand New 3D Display Service – Large manufacturers have shifted their focus from computer monitors to multimedia displays, and are introducing more and more 3D displays to the market. TÜV Rheinland has responded to this market demand with a state-of-theart optical laboratory and exclusive 3D-display testing capability. In addition, TÜV Rheinland’s customised audit services that encompass service quality and sustainable

2006年深圳莱茵公司成立10周年 10th anniversary of Shenzhen office in 2006

development for hotels, business travel, shopping centres, and so forth.




继去年4月宣布其亚洲最大综合测试能力大楼之一上海莱茵大厦的正式落 成并启用后,德国莱茵TÜV再传佳音,将继续拓展其在中国的投资,新建成的综合测试大 楼二期即将投入运营。 “测试的艺术”揭幕仪式于2012年1月10日在上海莱茵大厦举行,闸 北区政府区长翁祖亮、闸北区政府副区长林龙斌、德国莱茵TÜV全球首席执行官白莱恩博 士,德国莱茵TÜV大中华区总裁薛勒及众多重要客户出席揭幕仪式。 TÜV Rheinland announced on January 10, 2012 that it will continue to expand its investment in China and that Phase 2 of its new integrated testing building will be commissioned in 2012. TÜV Rheinland started operations of its new Shanghai TÜV Rheinland Building in April, 2011, the group’s most modern and largest integrated testing facilities in Asia. “The Art of Testing” unveiling ceremony held at the facility was attended by Weng Zuliang, Governor of Shanghai Zhabei District Government and Lin Longbin, Vice Governor of Shanghai Zhabei District Government, TÜV Rheinland AG CEO Dr. Manfred Bayerlein, TÜV Rheinland Greater China CEO Ralf Scheller, as well as key clients.

上 海 作为 德 国 莱 茵 TÜV在 全 球 设 立 的 六

TÜV Rheinland Shanghai operations represent one of the group’s six


Global Technology Assessment Centers (GTAC), and the Shanghai TÜV

厦 是 亚 洲 面 积 最 大、技 术 最 先 进 的 独 立

Rheinland Building houses one of the largest and most modern integrated

检 测 综合楼。秉 承“ 精 准 ”的 检 测 理 念,

testing spaces in Asia. As an extension of the ideal of “precision” in

德国莱茵 TÜV率先在认证检测行业提出

testing with the unveiling ceremony entitled “The Art of Testing”, TÜV

“测试艺术”的概 念。它深信检测服 务 是 严 密 而 精 准 的,检 测 事 业 的 繁 荣 如 同 艺 术,需要 精 英 的人才,先 进 的 设备及 从 业 者的 激 情。检 测不 单 单是 测试,在 遵守严 格精 确 的 标 准 之下,更 有 对安 全、品 质 及 可持 续发展的郑重承诺。

Rheinland has become the first enterprise in the industry to associate the technical field to art. The group believes that testing services are all about rigor and precision. As with art, the success of the industry is built on talented people, state-of-the-art equipment and a passion for exacting work. Inspection means more than the simple running of tests. The implementation of precise standards also represents a commitment to safety, quality and sustainable development.


完善测试艺术 持续拓展中国战略市场 TÜV Rheinland Marks Further Strategic Expansion in China

With “The Art of Testing” Ceremony





“作为具有140年专业经验及历史的全球领先的检验检测和认 证服务提供商之一,我们致力于帮助中国企业提高全球化能力,以及实现 可持续发展,这将被证明是推动中国经济和社会不断向前发展的重要途 径。”德国莱茵TÜV全球首席执行官白莱恩博士如是说。 2 0 11年世界 经 济历 经 金 融 危 机 和 欧债

为上 海及 周边省份的制造商提 供 服 务,

据悉,交 通 运 输 和光 伏 产业 是 德国莱 茵

危 机多重 磨 难,然而 欧 洲仍旧是一 个重


TÜV在 中国 进 行 新业 务 拓 展 的 重 点领 域 。此 外,绿 色 和 可 再 生 能 源、节 能 减

要且 实力强 大的 市场。德国作为欧 洲的 一 个重 要 经 济 体,已经 安然 度 过了此 次

莱茵大 厦一期实验 大 楼的测试能力已经

排 、碳 排 放 控 制 和 土 木 工 程,以 及食品

的危 机。 “ 德 国莱 茵 TÜV在 全 球 经 济 低

能 满 足 消费产品、机 械 和 太阳能 行业制

安 全、生命 科 学等也是 德国莱茵 T Ü V 在


造 商 的 测 试 需 求,拥 有最 先 进 的 设备,


继 续 加 大在 中国 的 投 资 ”,白莱 恩博士

可开展化学分析、电气安 全、校准、适用

说, “中国 是 我 们 的 一 个重 要 的 战 略 市

性、物 理 和 机 械 性 测 试 。不 仅 如 此,为

场,我 们 致 力于 保证中国企业 的 产品 不

更 大程 度 上配备国际领先的检测能力,

仅符 合 进口国家 或 地区的 特定 技 术要

满 足 国内更 多客户的 测 试 需 求,莱 茵大

求,还因产品带有 我们的 标 志而 获得广

厦二 期 将 继 续 扩大 实 验 规 模 及 设 备 投

泛 的 质量 及安 全 认可。上 海这个 最 先 进

入,尤 其 是 在 太 阳 能 光 伏、消 费 产 品 的

的一站 式测试中心可以 更加快捷便利地

检 测 领 域,致 力于更快 捷 地 为客户提 供 本 地 化 服 务,缩 短 检 测 周 期,提 升 服 务 效率。



In 2011, the global economy was

testing center here in Shanghai will

will provide customers with faster,

buffeted by the ongoing worldwide

be able to efficiently meet the needs

localized service, shorten testing cycles

financial crisis and Euro debt crisis.

of manufacturers in Shanghai and

and improve service efficiency.

Yet Europe remains a strong and very

neighboring provinces.” he further

important market. Certain countries


like Germany, Europe’s strongest

Transportation and PV industries are among the key future growth

national economy, have so far

TÜV Rheinland Building Phase 1 is

industries targeted by TÜV

gotten through the crisis practically

now sufficiently advanced to meet

Rheinland in business expansion

unscathed. “Despite the global

the testing needs of consumer-

in China. The other sectors include

economic slump, TÜV Rheinland

product, machinery and solar-

renewable energies, energy saving,

remains very confident about the

power manufacturers. The advanced

carbon emissions control, civil

Chinese market, and is continuing

equipment is used to carry out

engineering, in addition to food safety,

to increase its investment in China”-

chemical, electrical safety, calibration,

pharmaceuticals and health care.

Dr. Bayerlein states. “China is an

validation, and both physical and

important strategic market for TÜV

mechanical property testing. To

Rheinland. We not only work to

further advance its world-class testing

ensure that products from Chinese

capability and even better meet

companies conform to the technical

the testing requirements of local

requirements of developed countries

customers, Shanghai building Phase

and regions, but also that products

2 will expand the testing scale and

bearing our mark gain widespread

equipment investment, particularly

acceptance regarding quality and

in the areas of photovoltaic and

safety. Our cutting-edge one-stop

consumer products. The expansion

“This year we celebrate 140 years in the business. As one of the world’s leading inspection and certification service providers, we have helped Chinese enterprises improve their global reach, and now we turn to help them attain their sustainability targets, a factor which will prove to be instrumental in pushing forward China’s economic and social growth,” stated Dr. Bayerlein, the CEO of TÜV Rheinland AG.




2012年3月培训与咨询课程计划 Training and Consulting Schedule in March 2012


高级审核技巧/内审员技巧提升课程 Advanced Audit Skills/ Internal Auditor




Lean Manufacturing and 5S Management Production Planning & Logistics Planning



Energy Efficiency Improving





2012绿色解决方案之旅将在德国推出 Green Solutions Tour 2012 to be Launched 德国莱茵TÜV正计划展开2012德国范围内的信息之旅,旨在

to show ‘on the ground’ how truly sustainable


solutions can work that offer both

系统部门管理委员会成员Ralf Wilde博士谈到: “凭借绿色解

economic and ecological


benefits.” The key concept


of Green IT is employed in


the smart application of


renewable energies,

TÜV Rheinland is planning to conduct a nationwide information tour in 2012 aimed at promoting increased sustainability in German cities and municipalities. Dr Ralf Wilde, Board of Management member for the Products and Systems division of TÜV Rheinland, had the following to say: “With

energy efficiency in buildings, sustainable construction and energy savings in management.

the Green Solutions Tour, TÜV Rheinland aims

乌克兰电梯现代化项目已启动 Program for the Modernisation of Elevators in the Ukraine Started Started 德国莱茵TÜV与德国国际合作协会(GIZ)GmbH携手,在居民 人数超过一百万的乌克兰城市奥德萨启动了一项旨在积极修复 电梯的项目。该项目预计在2013年10月底竣工,为在中长期内 实施奥德萨电梯的现代化工程提供技术、立法和财政依据。项 目技术负责人Tino Zacheja谈到: “凭借德国莱茵TÜV的丰富 经验,我们预计这项现代化和优化措施能将旧电梯的能耗降 低40%,并且能将二氧化碳排放量降低30%至70%。” TÜV Rheinland has initiated a partnership with the German Association of International Co-operation (GIZ) GmbH, Eschborn, to renovate elevators in the

Ukrainian city of Odessa, a city over a million residents. The project, with a projected completion date of the end of October 2013, will create the technical, legal and financial basis to implement modernisation works on Odessa’s elevators in the medium to long-term. “Based on our broad experience, we can predict that modernisation and optimisation measures may reduce the energy consumption of the older elevators by 40 percent. Concerning the CO2 emission, we would say that a reduction of between 30 and 70 percent may be realised.”, says Tino Zacheja, Technical Head of the project.



“角色玩具”出口意大利面临限制 Restrictions on Role-Toy Export to Italy 意大利卫生部最近发出通知,特别关注角色玩具(也被称为功能玩 具)的进口问题。事实上,意大利已针对此类玩具制定了具体的限制 措施,并对此类玩具的进口格外关注。德国莱茵TÜV可为您针对该问 题提供详尽的咨询服务,并在有关玩具的新法律允许的范围内帮助您 满足所有法律要求。 The Italian Ministry of Health has recently issued a circular which specifically concerns the importation of role toys (also known as functional toys). Specific restrictive measures are provided for these toys and greater attention must be paid with regards to their import.TÜV Rheinland is at your disposal for any questions about this topic, and to assist you in meeting all the legislative requirements under the new legislation on toys.

德国莱茵TÜV在美被确认轴承测试提供商 TÜV Rheinland Recognized as Bearings Test Provider in US TÜV Rheinland Rail Sciences, Inc. (TÜV RSI) has been approved to test rail car bearings by the Wheels, Axles, Bearings and Lubrication (WABL) Committee of the American Association of Railroads (AAR). TÜV RSI performs the testing in accordance with the AAR Manual of Standards and Recommended Practices, Specification M-959. The AAR requires all manufacturers to submit new types of bearings to an accelerated lifecycle test to ensure their safety and reliability before distribution in the North American market. 德国莱茵TÜV轨道科学公司(TÜV RS)经美国铁路协会 (AAR)的车轮、车轴、轴承及润滑委员会(WABL)批准, 获得了轨道车辆轴承测试资格。TÜV RSI 可根据AAR标准 手册、建议方法及M-959规范开展测试。AAR要求所有制造 商提交新型轴承,以加快生命周期测试的速度,从而在北美 市场开始销售前能确保轴承的安全性和可靠性。 轴承测试批准进一步扩大了TÜV RSI铁路测试服务的范围, 包括故障分析、金相分析、无损检测、扫描电镜(SEM)和光 学显微镜、机械(拉伸、疲劳和冲击)测试、腐蚀性分析及化 学分析。其它服务包括有限元分析、现场测试和数据采集、 机械和材料设计服务、新产品开发援助、供应商验证、质量 控制、事故再现以及专家意见。

The bearings test approval further expands TÜV RSI’s wide range of railroad testing services, including failure analysis, metallography, non-destructive testing, SEM and optical microscopy, mechanical (tensile, fatigue, impact) testing, corrosion analysis and chemical analysis. Additional services include finite element analysis, on-site testing and data acquisition, mechanical and materials design services, new product development assistance, supplier validation, quality control, accident reconstruction and expert witness testimony.

德 国 莱 茵 TÜV大 中 华 区版权所有©2012 TÜV Rheinland Greater China All Rights Reserved

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