GC News VOL4_2011

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‫߭ؽ‬ਸᄑ !"#ؐቩ࡙ഏ໳ ၹ !"#$%&'()*+),$-.'+/'.$0&()+$1'23



Grand Opening of Shanghai TÜV Rheinland Building


New Website Go Live






/ Contents

Technical Expertise


—— TÜV Golden Sun Certification Now Open to Taiwanese Manufacturers——TÜV Rheinland Joins Hands with China General Certification Center TÜV

04/ 05

European Energy Label for TVs: European Energy Labeling Directive 1062/2010

06/ 09

—— EU Puts Forward Several New Laws to Strengthen Consumer Product Safety

Featured Service

TÜV Rheinland Taiwan Has a Newly Established Laboratory in Taipei

14/ 15 16/ 17 18

—— TÜV Easy Way to Improve Toy Safety—— TÜV Rheinland Launches Toy Safety Evaluation Service




TÜV CB TÜV Rheinland Establishes Its First Low-voltage Apparatus CB Testing Laboratory in China —— Life Care Division Reports ——Good News in Terms of Both Innovation and Excellence

10/ 11 ——

12/ 13


TÜV Rheinland Opens One of Asia’s Largest Independent Integrated Testing Facilities in Shanghai

19/ 21


ൎ ᛠSNEC 2011Đ ෟؐતٞđಬზ ——‫ ߭ ؽ‬ਸ ᄑ TÜVԯᇴߕܳؐ࢐Lj‫܍‬࿴ ҩߦൄሽॶႬ

22/ 23

Honoured as One of the “Top Ten Highlights” of SNEC (2011) PV Power Expo, TÜV Rheinland’s Participation in the Expo Proves a Success ‫ ߭ ؽ‬ਸ ᄑ TÜVֈ ན จࣟࢠቩ߭ࠠ‫ކ‬౹ ‫ ࣟ ߭ ځ‬ൄ ৰ མ ᆎ ࢐ ൲࿵ൄৰ዁ባ‫ؿ‬ ༭዁ൄሽࢩެ

24/ 25

‫߭ؽ‬ਸᄑ TÜV-PTLഖ‫ؾ‬ୟ߭ OSHAซ ഝࠜۙ ANSI/UL 1703ൄሽ——Ҵୟຘ Ⴗ௙їഠ჋ഊ‫ߋؿ‬उൄሽ


30/ 31

TÜV Rheinland PTL Receives OSHA Approval For ANSI/UL 1703 Certification——Certification for Key North American Photovoltaic Safety Requirement

TÜV Rheinland Becomes the First Foreign Certification Body in China to Obtain QMS, EMS & OHSMS Accreditations from CNAS ໎ැ٢࿦٢ੇ՛౰߭ࣗঃሴ෷ —— ‫߭ؽ‬ਸᄑ TÜVֈ‫ޙ‬ঢґኟՠ႓ໃ࢐ Enhancing the Competitive Edge of Cables & Cords in the Global Marketplace—— TÜV Rheinland’s Hosting of a Seminar Hailed a Success ໎ ැ ߕ ܳ ௣ ӧ ರ ՛౰߭ࣗঃሴઉ ——‫ ߭ ؽ‬ਸ ᄑTÜVᅪფࠞဧ௙ᆑೀม ഠ ഉ ᇸ କ ࠠ ዮ һ ཇ૽ Assuring the Quality of PV Inverters ——TÜV Rheinland Signs a MOU with EHE New Energy ‫ ߭ ؽ‬ਸ ᄑ TÜVࢠ Ⴞ ֵྶఒ୪ඟ࢐Đය ࢐ᇍൃđद૚ଜຠ TÜV Rheinland Attends EUCCC Social Responsibility Forum

26/ 27 28/ 29

ؐѓ‫ࡦېݥ‬Ҧ୊ວࢠ‫߭ؽ‬ਸᄑ TÜV ᆶ෍ԥባࢽຩዚࢰႬሽ Da Ai Eco Blankets Verified by TÜV Rheinland to Contain 100% Recycled Materials and to Have a Small Carbon Footprint

ነӣ0Chief Editor:!

ੳົ0 Li Tao


ၑᓧ0 Grace Xu ಖ੭ৈ0 Treen Qi ဠ့൚0 Joyce H. J. Hsieh

32/ 33 34/ 37








ࢨᅙఒቷ௙ᆑӭೀቑ૑1062/2010ă ּમජว‫܍ؿ‬੥Ljဧ‫ؿ‬ӭೀࡨӛၐ࿛෯ ‫ݘ‬௙ဌӭೀჲནఒቷဂ‫܈‬ሚຈฝቃLj






࿛෯ಘቯ௙ဌ‫װ)ࣃك‬B‫ظ‬H*LjԜ໷‫ؿ‬ ႘ൾ‫ؗ‬ӰԜ໷‫ࣃكؿ‬Ljં൜Lj࠽ൾӰ






ৣ቎P ref ਹఫ‫ڨ‬՛౰‫ࠕؿ‬٢ઢLj࣓๲ֈ


EEI=P/PrefLj ‫ ځ ॒ ۑ װ‬՛ ౰ ‫ ؿ‬௙ ဌ ‫ك‬


ࣃ ă ԯ ৣ ቎ Prefᅈ ౺ ஸ ഏ ᅱ Aਹ ি ‫ ځ‬Lj


ಝዠֈནࢨ‫־‬቎P basic =20WLja࣓๲ֈ


P ref =P basic +Ax4.322W/m²ă൩෸߽ᅏ

௙ဌӭೀ Energy Label

൜ᄱ‫ٵ‬HDD‫ిك‬ऋLjᇏ࢐໎‫ݴ‬P basic ‫ؿ‬


ࢨ‫־‬቎Ǘිച‫ٲ‬ሶರ‫ޙ‬௙ᇏ࢐ठ‫و‬P ba-


sic ‫־ࢨؿ‬቎ăᅪୟ߭ࡦॼҦࡓট௙ᆑቇ





After 30th November, 2011, each TV imported into Europe needs to have a label attached which indicates the Energy Efficiency of the product. This requirement is based on European Energy Labeling Directive 1062/2010. The label itself is already well known to European consumers, as similar labelling is employed on ordinary household items such as refrigerators. Each label displays seven energy levels (A to G), which are indicated by different colours and range from red for “not very energy efficient” (category G) to green (category A) for “very energy efficient”. The levels are determined on the basis of the Energy Efficiency Index (EEI), which classifies power intake based on a reference value, Pref, and is calculated

as EEI = P/Pref. The reference value Pref depends on the screen area A. It consists of a base value P basic = 20W and a is calculated as Pref = P basic +A x 4.322W/m². The inclusion of such accessories as HDD increases the base value of P basic, whereas the omission of a tuner reduces it. Similar to USEPA ENERGY STAR®, such features as automatic brightness control result in a superior classification. Next to the aforementioned category designation, the new label must also display the screen diagonal, power usage, average annual energy usage (based on four hours of daily use), standby power as well as the number of the regulation.


In comparison with other household items, it is rather difficult for the current generation of televisions to achieve an A rating. This is intentional on the part of the Directive’s creators, who wish to allow space for improvements. Further improvements are anticipated, with the gradual removal of the worst energy efficiency classes and the introduction of such ratings as A+, A++ and A+++, as the energy efficiency of TVs and related equipment improves. The labelling scheme does not in itself ban any products from European markets, but is intended to achieve greater market transparency and thus boost the self-regulation of the market.




!!!!!!!!!!!!!ॣൠ3122௧Lj՛౰їഠ൉ ෸ఒ୪‫ߋݴ‬ኙ‫ؿ‬ნ࿵ᄊ໏ăಲड़ቚඬ ჲᅏ൲࿵ဂ‫܈‬౰їഠ࿧ߋ‫ؿ‬ဧ໢ંᆷ ఒ୪෦ේLjቕᆷ࣠ೖဂ‫܈‬౰їഠLjҦ ሊဂ‫܈‬ሚ‫ؿ‬ऌড়ăჵ࿉खན௷ࣿ჋՜ วም൲࿵ఒ୪ဧ໢ંă Stepping into 2011, product safety continues to be a key issue in the EU, with at least three new consumer product safety-related laws implemented in recent months. These laws are aimed at further improving such safety. Here, we would like to bring your attention to the following information on a few quality requirement updates.


ఒ୪۟ߙNo. 10/2011

ᅏߋᅪ෤౰ाׂ๫લࠞ๫લ቟౰‫ؿ‬ їഠ ఒ୪མᆎ࢐ᅙ2011௧1ᆟ15ൊ‫ޞ‬ԝნ ࿵சནᅪ෤౰ाׂ๫લࠞ๫લ቟౰ဧ ໢ં(EU) No.10/2011ă! ဧ໢ંख‫ּ܆‬൩‫ݞ‬࿝ᅏఒ୪ቑ૑Ljಝ ቩҡਭ2002/72/ECĂ80/766/EECࠞ 81/432/EECLjምဎ໢ંखᅙ2011௧5 ᆟ1ൊ಩ሸ෮‫ּ܆‬Lj໷෢ဧ໢ં‫ؿ‬ნྼ ળဧߙ‫ځ‬खᅙ2011௧5ᆟ1ൊ಩෍ဌă! ఒ୪ᅪ෤౰ाׂ๫લࠞ๫લ቟౰ဧ໢ ં(EU)No.10/2011ነ჋ӧ࡞ࠞቱٞ! s ญᄯ࿳ۭཐਮؐ !!!ఒ୪ဧ໢ંNo.10/2011‫ۭؿ‬ཐਮᇴ !!!‫ظ‬ҡ߽‫ڹ‬ቯԥલĂ‫ڹ‬Մԥલ቟౰ቩ !!!‫ؿ‬๫લՄă s ซഝ྘ባઍࠠળӰ !!!ဧ໢ંળֵ‫ݒ‬ऋ1ቩ‫ؿ‬ซഝ྘ባઍ !!!ࠠળӰ(ಝҡ߽885྘ባ)ഖ‫ؗ‬ೇቑ૑ !!!ቩ‫ؠ‬໒ࠞ໚࣠࣎‫ؿ‬࿱४ળӰă s ቱज़ลಿყ‫ؿ‬࿥቟ !!!‫ݒ‬ऋ2ቩจ‫׫‬࿱྿ไ஖મ෤౰ाׂ !!!๫લ቟౰ቩቱज़ลಿყ࿥቟ă

EU Regulation (No. 10/2011)

New EU Regulation on Plastic Materials and Articles that Come into Contact with Food (EU) No.10/2011, a new regulation on plastic materials and articles that come into contact with food, was published on 15th January 2011 by the European Commission. This new regulation repeals several existing directives, including EU Directive No. 2002/72/EC, 80/766/EEC and 81/432/EEC, with effect from 1st May 2011. A number of new provisions have been made in the new regulation, which also takes effect on 1st May 2011. Key Changes and Highlights s Expanded Scope !!!The scope for plastic materials in Regulation No. 10/2011 has been !!!expanded to encompass the plastic layers in multi-material, multi-layer !!!materials and articles. s Union List of Authorised Substances !!!The list of authorised substances (a union list that contains 885 !!!substances) published in Annex I is a substitute for the exhaustive list !!!of monomers and additives in the former directives. s Migration Limits on Heavy Metals !!!Limitations on the migration limits of heavy metals in plastic food !!!contact materials are newly specified in Annex II. s New List of Simulants !!!The rules for verifying the compliance of materials and objects have !!!been modified. s New Requirements for Dry Foods !!!The migration of substances from dry foods is now subject to specific !!!migration tests performed with food simulant E, according to Annex III.

s ஠௟྘ဧળӰ !!!ԥલࠞ྘౰ܲࠠ‫ؿ‬Ⴌሽߙᇏჲ၃ !!!‫ݙ‬ă஠௟྘ࠞন໒(Ճฅ)໢ऋ‫ؿ‬ !!!ဧળӰ࿝ჲળൠ‫ݒ‬ऋ3 ă s ‫߮ݞ‬੥෤౰‫ؿ‬ဧ჋ഊǖ





Date of Enforcement: 1st May 2011 Transitional period: 31st December 2012 to 31st December 2015






ဧቑ૑2011/8/EU !!!!!New directive 2011/8/EU

ఒ୪ഠஅ०ቒᄣ‫ے‬௉౸ԥલ߽ᅏ߷ ྘ባฺ‫܊‬A ఒ୪མᆎ࢐ᅙ2011௧1ᆟ29ൊၠԝ෦ේ ဧቑ૑2011/8/EULjഠஅ࿥቟ᄣ‫ے‬௉౸ ߽ᅏฺ‫܊‬Aăဧ؈ේᅙ2011௧2ᆟ1ൊ಩ ሸ෮෍ဌă ฺ‫܊‬A෸ნቯᅏ߷‫࡞ؿ‬ၪ྘ባLjբҾᅂ ᅙ቟ᇉᄣ‫ے‬௉౸෢෪ᅂ‫ؿ‬তຩ๰ᶠ๫ લLj‫྘ݘ‬ባ࢐ᇓ࣠ീ໒࡫൞࿠юࢽೇ

Directive 2011/8/EU Bans the Use of Bisphenol-A in Plastic Infant Feeding Bottles The European Commission announced a new directive, Directive 2011/8/ EU, on 28th January 2011 that imposes a ban on the use of Bisphenol-A (BPA) in bottles intended for use in feeding infants, with effect from 1st February 2011. BPA is a hazardous chemical that is commonly found in the polycarbonate plastics used in the manufacture of infant feeding bottles. This chemical poses a risk of breast and prostate cancer, and has been found to be particularly harmful for infants and young children.

ળ࿠ю‫ܞؿ‬࿜Lj‫ڭ‬ᄣᅖ‫ے‬ᇉֈཌ߷‫ؿ‬ ‫ܞ‬࿜ᅇན႒ቱă! !

Denmark, France and the United States have all promulgated laws and regulations restricting the use of BPA.

‫؟‬଴Ă۟߭ࠞୟ߭ჲॶֵຕ࿧ᄥ۟ߙ ࿥቟ฺ‫܊‬A‫ؿ‬෪ᅂă!

The Key Measures of the new 2011/8/EU Directive are as follows.


s Ban on product production (1st March 2011) !!!Effective from 1st March 2011, the use of BPA is prohibited in the manufacture of polycarbonate feeding bottles intended for infants.

2011/8/EUቱ჋ௗ൒!! s ०ቒ෍՛! !!!2011௧3ᆟ1ൊ಩०ቒ෍՛߽ᅏฺ !!!‫܊‬A‫ؿ‬তຩ๰ᶠ௉౸ă! s ०ቒခฌ! !!!2011௧6ᆟ1ൊ಩०ቒᆷกՠජခฌ !!!ࠞॣਁ߽ᅏฺ‫܊‬A‫ؿ‬তຩ๰ᶠ௉౸ă! s ฺ‫܊‬A࿥቟቎‫ޑ‬ဧ! !!!‫ڭ‬ᅙಝ຋෤౰ाׂԥલࠞ቟౰Ljฺ !!!‫܊‬A‫ؿ‬໅‫ځ‬ಿყ࿥቟቎ན0.6ࠒ৲0 !!!‫ޞ‬ग़ă!

s Ban from placing in the Market (1st June 2011) !!!Effective from 1st June 2011, it is forbidden to import or place on the market any BPA-containing polycarbonate feeding bottles intended for infants. s BPA limit !!!For any other materials or articles that come into contact with food, the specific migration limit of BPA remains 0.6 mg/kg.


ఒ୪۟ߙNo. 143/2011 !!!EU Regulation (No. 143/2011)


(EU) No. 143/2011 Restrictions on the Use of Six REACH SVHCs

ᅂ૜ቯREACH ‫ߋݴ‬ኙ྘ባ! 2 011 ௧2 ᆟ17 ൊఒ୪མᆎ࢐ۙԝఒ ୪۟ߙEU N o . 14 3 / 2011 Ljሸ෮० ቒ෪ᅂR EAC Hซഝ೼‫ؠ‬ቩ‫ؿ‬7ቯ‫ݴ‬ ߋኙ྘ባă! ּ‫ؾࢠ۾‬ซഝ‫ދؿ‬ӳ‫ํޞ‬ৰჵ෪ ᅂLjም૜ቯ྘ባखᆷཝਹ൲‫ྎظ‬௧ ੴᆷఒ୪०ᅂă຋୦‫܍‬ӳҾअ‫ځ‬ན

On 17th February 2011, the European Commission announced an official ban on the use of six substances of very high concern (SVHCs), which are currently on the REACH authorisation list. These substances will be banned within the next three to five years unless authorisation is granted to individual companies for their use. These SVHCs are carcinogenic, toxic for reproduction, or persist in the environment and accumulate in living organisms. The six following SVHCs are included in REACH Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006, Annex XIV: Substances Subject to Authorisation List

ቛю྘ባLjཌ߷෍ቌྼ໾ࢡգಓ‫؃‬ ᆷᅙࡦॼቩᇉֈ෍྘੠ࢬă! ჵ࿉૜ቯ‫ߋݴ‬ኙ྘ባሸ෮ળൠ REACH ఒ୪۟ߙ( EC) No 1907/2006! ‫ݒ‬ऋ14ǖ྘ባซഝச‫ؠ‬14 s 4,4’ .!ۗќࢨۗӀࣤ༴! s ઽӀۗࣤ๰ࣤӀࢨ‫ٺ‬ᶠ! s ઽӀۗࣤ๰ฺ! s ઽӀۗࣤ๰ۗ‫ࢨٺ‬ᶠ! s HBCDDLj˸.!HBCDD-!˹.!HB CDD)૜អࡦෟۗ༴! s (MX)ۗࣤӀạ࿪

s s s s s

4,4’-Methylenedianiline (MA) Benzylbutylphthalate (BBP) Di(2- ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) Dibutyl phthalate (DBP) Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD) and all major diastereoisomers (˷– HBCDD, ˸– HBCDD, ˹– HBCDD) s 5-tert-butyl-2,4,6- trinitro-m-xylene (MX)





‫߭ؽ‬ਸᄑ TÜVᆷቩ߭‫ؿ‬ จࣟ‫و‬ၼ٢ರ CB ෦Ⴌฃֈ‫ޙ‬ओઅ!

TÜV Rheinland establishes its

first low-voltage apparatus CB testing laboratory in China

2011௧1ᆟ27ൊLjTÜVਸ퐈ሞघිࢩ٢ර࣓႓ঈᆗᆷཫቶ࿪‫ކ‬ੴਲ এ٥ೀมમ‫و‬ၼ٢ರ՛౰Ճฅ‫ࠠؿ‬ዮဒᄊLjӭ቗ኼTÜVਸᄑᆷ߭ௗจࣟ‫و‬ၼ ٢ರCB෦Ⴌฃֈ‫ޙ‬ओઅă On 27th January 2011, TÜV Rheinland Group signed a cooperation agreement for low-voltage apparatus testing with the Zhejiang Institute of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering at the Shangri-La Hotel in Wenzhou. This collaboration between the two parties marks the establishment of TÜV Rheinland’s first low-voltage apparatus CB testing laboratory (CBTL) in China, as well as a new chapter in the partners’ friendly cooperative history.


‫ و‬ၼ ٢ ರ CB෦ Ⴌ ฃ ख ს দ ߭ ࣗ ก ՠ ኳ ൠӭኳན৴ࡖ໎‫ޜ‬ӁٓՃฅLjჵࢽ߭ ࣗӭኳ࿧ߋ዁ၹ‫ྚܵك‬Lj‫ٓࠔޑۑװ‬ ན‫و‬ၼ٢ರ቟ᇉಬზ໎‫ޜ‬ኟზӦै‫ؿ‬ ܵྚ ă ሞघිࢩ٢ර࣓႓ঈᆗ‫چ‬ෳգဠ౶ఉ ෰ Ă TÜVਸ ᄑ ؐ ቩ ࡙ ഏ ݆ ዓ Ԥ ଁ ԏ ৶ ࿏ ෍ֵ ྶ મ ࠠ ዮ ഃ ٟ ă ဠ ౶ఉ෰໎‫ظ‬ǖ Đཻ ୦ ࠭ ‫ ူ ݴ‬௙ ᅪ TÜVਸ ᄑ ، ֈ ‫ ר‬࿵ ‫و‬ ၼ ٢ ರ ՛ ౰ ૏ ᅱ ࣹ Ճ ‫ ࠠ ؿ‬ዮ ăđԃ ೩ Ӱ ، મ ྪ ཆ ໳ ߰ ᅪ TÜVਸ ᄑ ‫ ࠠ ׫ ר ؿ‬ዮ ॣ

The CBTL project has benefited from the long-term cooperation between the TÜV Rheinland Group and the Zhejiang Institute of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering. The new lowvoltage apparatus CBTL is a response to the demands of customers in the Yangtze River Delta. It will provide them with better international market access through local testing services according to international standards and access to a centre of information on standards.

ნԞ༑‫ڈ‬ቩ߭‫و‬ၼ٢ರզඟ‫ࠔޑ‬৑༣ ߭ࣗ ก ՠ ‫ ؿ‬ᄃ ᆕ ă ଁԏ৶࿏෍დᆷቛ‫פ‬ቩӰ෯ǖ Đཻ୦ᆷ ᅪ ሞ घ ි ࢩ ٢ ර ࣓ ႓ ঈ ᆗ գ ، 10‫ ڹ‬௧ ‫ࠠؿ‬ዮቩओઅમශࡂ‫ؿ‬ဪൃࠞᅐᄋLj ԃখ൜ࠟ‫ॣ׶ٓࠔޑ‬ቩ߭ಬზۙᇴҦ ֕৑֎ԝ‫ިؿޞ‬໳ăዮན෱॒૏࿏‫ؿ‬ ࣹՃൄሽࢩެLjཻ୦෭ቮቛઉᅙҔና ቩ߭‫ؿ‬ಬზ໎‫ݴ‬ഠഉ࡞௙ઉLjԃҦ֕ ֕ၝۙᇴ‫ڈؿ‬ઉLjም‫ڭ‬ቩ߭ॶ࣐ࢽය ࢐ۙ ᇴ ෸ ቚ ߋ ቱ ჋ ‫ ؿ‬ă đ

Ms Xie Ping, Chairman of the Zhejiang Institute of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering, and Mr Gerhard Luebken, Vice-president of TÜV Rheinland Greater China, presided over the agreement ceremony. Both praised the strengthening of cooperation between the two parties. Ms Xie said: “We are very pleased to have the chance to cooperate with TÜV Rheinland in the field of low-voltage apparatus”. She further expressed her desire to grant China’s low-voltage apparatus


manufacturers greater global access via this cooperation. In reply, Mr Luebken stated: “We are glad to have such a strong Chinese local partner. The Zhejiang Institute of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering has always shown trust in our services and been open in terms of communicating their expectations when it comes to collaborating in the promotion of Chinese enterprises”. He further added: “As one of the world’s leading inspection and certification service providers, we focus on helping Chinese enterprises to improve their globalisation capability, as well as to attain sustainable development, which will prove to be instrumental in pushing forward China’s economic and social growth”.




ຕҴ ཋ ဲ ෦ Ⴌ ฃ ‫ ة‬෍




ቯࣹႬă‫߭ؽ‬ਸᄑ T Ü V෍஛ ৭ ၪܵ ྚ Ԡ

ᄑ TÜV෍஛ ৭ ၪܵ ྚ Ԡ౺‫ڄ‬෦ Ⴌฃࠠԃ




‫ ؿ‬෦ Ⴌ ฃ ‫ ލ‬ᅧ ൄ ‫ځ‬Ljဒና กՠ ө ෧቎‫ؾ‬

ᇉֵნደኟზ‫ؿ‬Đཋ ဲ෦Ⴌฃđăན෤౰


༑ ः‫ ؿ‬෦ Ⴌ ฃLjఠּટᓗ Ԝತ ‫ ࣹ ؿ‬Ⴌ ‫ܞ‬

ຕ༰෍஛৭ၪ෦Ⴌฃࢠ‫ؾ‬ຕ༰෤౰პ ჊ߏੲট (TFDA)ซഝൄሽ

ಱă‫߭ؽ‬ਸ ᄑ TÜV෍ ஛ ৭ ၪܵ ྚ Ԡ ᆷຕ

პ჊‫ؿ‬їഠᅪባઢѶߋă ࠠԃࡄ‫ؿ‬෦ႬฃLjּમნ҈෍࡞ᅪཋ෍྘

༰ ර અ ‫ڹؿ‬ຈ ෦ Ⴌ ฃLjჲโ ઀ᅙ ച௧ ࢠ



‫ؾ‬ຕ༰ ෤౰პ჊ߏ ੲ ট(TFDA)ซᅧൄሽ




‫ޗ‬Ă࿵஼૚֋đ‫ؿ‬۴ ෮Lj໅ӳሦ‫ڭ‬ᄯ࿳ႊ

MSLjჵ ࢽ ‫ڹ‬࿵ ࿏ ॣ ෦Ⴌ රһăᆷ෤౰ࣹ


ቷ ٓഏ ؐ ታ ᄜ෤ ї ഠ ‫ ྘ ؿ‬ባĂբई ߰ ஓ

Ⴌ࿵஼ජLjּમᆊӁ෤ᅂ္Ă೭ ൠ္྘ባ

ᆑĂ‫ ݥ‬ള ᆑᅪ္࢝ऺ‫ৃݠؿݴ‬ĂഉৃLjࢽ









୦ ৰჵ ໎ ‫ ޜ‬ഠஅ‫ྚ ܵ ؿ‬Lj໎ ැ ෤౰ ཀྵ ෍








޾ ཱིLj௙ ޮ ໎ ‫ތ ޜ‬ቯ ࿵஼‫ ࣹ ؿ‬Ⴌᅪট Ԡ

ࢽᅄ၈‫ؿ‬༐‫ڬ‬Lj֕ ၝ‫ב‬ဧĂኮഊ኶ᆚăཻ

ዀၲზ ྚăԠ୤ነ ߏ ལ ॶ ੲ ֣ ଻ ဪဩٓ

ᆷ ታ ‫ڹ‬዁ ᆑᅪ ૚ ֋ ‫ ؿ‬ሶ ࠠࡄLj‫ ߭ ؽ‬ਸ ᄑ

୦ ख ໎ ‫्ڹޑ ޜ‬ি ۴ѝᅪࠠ ዮ ஠ ෮Ljན

Ӱ෯ǖ Đཋဲ෦Ⴌฃ෸ታ‫ڹ‬৴ࡖಓ‫ؿؚ‬എ



෷Lj‫ޑ‬෸‫ݴ‬ဌଋ्িၒ‫ڹ‬࿵໅ณ૚֋ᅪࣉ ฦདნ۴ѝăđ


Taipei Demo Lab Now in Service A wide range of tests is required to ensure the safety of food and medicine. To this end, the Life Care Division of the TÜV Rheinland Group has established a “Demo Lab” in Taipei that specialises in microbiology and allergen tests to guarantee the quality and safety of food and medicine. In addition to the Taipei Demo Lab, which is a compact, flexible and fully equipped laboratory, the Division has also set up a comprehensive testing process with dedicated personnel and a project-based workflow. This process facilitates the professional testing and monitoring of materials, allergens, and infectious agents, as well as of the rod- and ball-shaped bacteria and fungi that are of particular concern for food safety in many Asian regions. The new Demo Lab follows strict procedures and boasts the latest facilities. The highly experienced engineers and consultants on staff provide complete industry-leading testing and specialist consulting services. Lab manager Alvin Wei confidently states that “the Demo Lab is a development that many of our customers have been looking forward to. It is also the only effective solution for many specialised processes and technologies”.

Chemical Analysis Lab Resources Integrated with Pingtung Laboratory The Chemical Division’s analysis laboratory has now been amalgamated with the Pingtung Laboratory run by TÜV Rheinland’s Life Care Division. The resulting expansion in testing capacity and service scope will provide more diverse, flexible and professional services in the food and medicine sectors. Engineers with expertise in chemical analysis and consulting will join forces with the biochemistry and microbiology technicians at the amalgamated laboratory, and LC/MS, GC/MS and other advanced laboratory equipment will also be introduced on a large scale. The existing edibility and contaminant analysis used in food testing have been upgraded to the contact-level. The amalgamated laboratory is therefore fully equipped to test for heavy metals, organic and inorganic additives, environmental hormones, special hazardous substances and other chemical materials. The resulting improvements in food hygiene and pharmaceutical safety will help our customers to establish a safety monitoring mechanism for everyday products.


This integration of resources and processes is just one example of TÜV Rheinland Group’s ongoing commitment to the development of new professional testing services.

Life Care Labs in Taiwan Gain TFDA Accreditation Regulatory authorities around the world offer laboratory accreditation to assist the market in identifying high-quality laboratories and eliminating poor testing practices. The numerous laboratories run by the TÜV Rheinland Group’s Life Care Division in Taiwan were successful in gaining accreditation from the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (TFDA) last year. The TFDA accreditation mark can now be displayed on all test reports and public documents issued by these labs. The strict self-management process implemented by TÜV Rheinland Group and its proactive search for food/medicine hygiene and safety solutions have proved very effective over the years and garnered considerable industry praise. The laboratory accreditation offered by the Taiwanese authorities has also been a source of great encouragement to the Group. In the future, TÜV Rheinland will not only continue to provide the same high-quality services in food, medicine, cosmetics and hazardous chemical substances, but also leverage our strong reputation, advanced facilities and professional staff to continue our pursuit of international innovation and excellence. By offering more solutions and models of collaboration, we will create new opportunities for the safety and testing industry.




ज़ຘႷሽบ ᆷຕ༰‫ٓج‬ৰලം ‫߭ؽ‬ਸᄑTÜVᅪҴॲअ࠳ ൄሽቩဩနงࠠዮ Golden Sun Certification Now Open to Taiwanese Manufacturers: TÜV Rheinland Joins Hands with China General Certification Center

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ࣙ2010௧ᆷජߴᅪҴॲअ࠳ൄሽቩဩ(CGC)ೀ‫ڂ‬ज़ຘ ႷൄሽࠠዮဒᄊࡄLjTÜVਸ퐈Ҵॲअ࠳ൄሽቩဩᆶ‫ڡ‬ᅙ2011௧1 ᆟ12ൊᆷຕ༰ঢဵ෦Ⴌฃൄৰซഝშ෮ăTÜVਸᄑຕ༰ֵন‫ؿ‬ຘႷ ௙ߕܳ՛౰ࣹՃҫ‫ݻ‬खҾҴॲअ࠳ൄሽቩဩൄৰăཝਹຕ༰෍՛ ‫ܳߕؿ‬ዠऋৰᆷຕ༰‫ٓج‬ලംՃฅLjԃࢠ‫ؾ‬Ҵॲअ࠳ൄሽቩဩ҉ ۙ‫ؿ‬ຘႷ௙՛౰ज़ຘႷሽบă After the signing ceremony celebrating the Golden Sun Certification cooperation agreement between TÜV Rheinland and the China General Certification Center (CGC) in 2010, the two parties held another ceremony in Taiwan on the 12th of January 2011 in honour of CGC’s accreditation of TÜV Rheinland’s Photovoltaic (PV) laboratories in Taiwan. Thanks to the cooperation between the two parties, all solar product test reports issued by TÜV Rheinland in Taiwan will now be recognised by the CGC. In future, solar modules made in Taiwan can be submitted for testing domestically and then receive the Golden Sun Certification issued by the mainlandbased CGC.


Ҵॲअ ࠳ ൄሽቩဩ෸ᅈ߭ࣟൄሽൄৰ࣭ ‫ ߏ ږ‬ੲ མ ᆎ࢐ (CNCA)2003௧ ౕ ኳ ֈ અ ‫ؿ‬Ăቛ ઉ ᅙৰ ᆶ ෍ ௙ ᆑ ՛ ౰ൄ ሽĂࣹ Ճ ‫ ࣉ ك‬ฦ ܵ ྚ ‫ ؿ‬ኟზ ࢩ ެă2007௧LjҴ ॲ अ ࠳ ൄ ሽቩဩಭ ᅂમĐ ज़ ຘ Ⴗđൄ ሽ ӭ ቗Lj৑ ᇴ ຘ Ⴗ ௙ ߕ ܳĂߕ ഽ ՛ ౰ൄ ሽ ܵ ྚă஼ೇLjज़ຘႷൄሽӭ቗‫ࣟ߭ظؾ‬ज़ຘ Ⴗ ෯ۭ ‫֋ޗ‬Ăྠ Թ ‫ ؂ ؂‬໳٢ ࿏ ‫ ط‬࿵஼‫ك‬ ٓ۴ຘႷߕ٢ ࿵஼ჵ ࢽ෱॒ᄙ ဵቀ ֕‫ؿ‬ ߭ ࣗ ຘႷ ߕ٢ ࿵஼Ԫ ဪLjԃ ኉ ऐ ֈ ནቩ ߭ؐ૾ࢸ ন ᄯ࿳ઉ‫ؿ‬ຘႷ௙՛౰ൄሽӭ ቗ă TÜVਸ ᄑ ෸ ഠ ഉ ૏ ࿏ ‫ ܳ ߕ ؿ‬ዠ ऋ ࠞ ૆ Ԡ ऋ Ճ ฅ ܵ ྚ ‫ ؿ‬໎ ‫ ޜ‬ሚLjᆷ ഠ ഉ ᄴ ᅏ 6 ࣟ ෦ Ⴌ ฃLjի ߰ 170ச ኟ ࣟLjན ഠ ഉ ᆙ 80% ‫ ؿ‬ຘ Ⴗ ௙ ዠ ऋ ቟ ᇉ ඟ ໎ ‫ ޜ‬՛ ౰ ї ഠ ࠞ ባ ઢ ܵ ྚă‫׫ ר‬ᅪҴ ॲअ ࠳ ൄሽቩ ဩ‫ࠠؿ‬ዮ ෪ຕ༰ ຘႷ ௙ ዠऋ቟ᇉඟ ৰ ᆷॣဵ߭ࣗൄሽ‫ؿ‬໷෢ࢠ‫ؾ‬Ҵॲअ ࠳ ൄሽቩ ဩ҉ ۙ ‫ ؿ‬ຘ Ⴗ ௙՛౰ज़ ຘ Ⴗ ሽ บLjॅිમՃฅ෢ࣱࢽ࿧ߋ‫܈ؿ‬ᅂă! TÜVਸ ᄑ ຕ ༰ ຘ Ⴗ ௙ ෦ Ⴌ ฃ ॶ ੲ ҡ ძ ‫ྶֵܞ‬ൄৰซഝშ෮ԃӰ෯ǖ Đ࠭‫ူݴ‬ ௙ᅪҴॲअ࠳ൄሽቩဩࠠዮLjസຕ༰ զඟ௙ᅏࢩ࢐ԯᅪቩ߭ؐ૾ߕܳกՠ ‫ ۙ ؿ‬ᇴ ăđҴ ॲ अ ࠳ ൄ ሽ ቩ ဩ ༽ સ ݆ ነ ൃ დ Ӱ ෯ ǖĐ TÜVਸ ᄑ ᆷ ഠ ഉ ߕ ܳ ࣹ Ճ ൄሽ૏ᅱᄴᅏ࠭‫ؿݴ‬ဪᅽᅪ‫ॶؿݐܘ‬ ႬLj‫ۑ‬अ࠳ൄሽቩဩᇏ෸ቩ߭ഝཉ‫ؿ‬ ຘႷ௙՛౰ൄሽࢩެLjཻ୦ྪཆ໳߰ ฺ۴‫ࠠؿ‬ዮLj‫ޥ‬໷‫ॣ׶‬ഠഉߕܳ՛ზ ‫ ॣؿ‬ნ Ԟۙ ᇴ ă đ

The CGC received approval from China’s Certification and Accreditation Administration (CNCA) in 2003, allowing the professional organisation to provide nation-wide technical services dedicated to the certification and testing of renewable energy products. The CGC launched the Golden Sun Certification scheme for solar products in China in 2007, and such certification is now accepted by many regional solar projects, including the National Golden Sun Model Engineering Project and the Tibet Village Electricity Pioneering Project, as well as international projects such as the World Banksupported International Solar Project. Accordingly, it has become one of the most authoritative certification marks for solar products in China. Approximately 80% of solar module manufacturers worldwide have their products tested and certified by TÜV Rheinland. The company employs more than 170 PV experts in six laboratories around the world to provide


testing services for solar products and systems. Its recent collaboration with the CGC means that solar module factories in Taiwan can now receive CGC certification in addition to international certification, saving them not only time but also money. During the certification authorisation ceremony, Robert Struwe, Manager of the TÜV Rheinland Solar Energy Laboratory in Taiwan, said: “It is a pleasure to be able to collaborate with the CGC, which involves manufacturers in Taiwan in the growth of the PV market in mainland China.” CGC Deputy Director Wan Lin said: “TÜV Rheinland has a great reputation and extensive experience in the area of global solar testing and certification. The CGC is the most authoritative organisation for solar product certification in China. Through collaboration between these two parties, we anticipate promoting the development of the global PV industry.”




! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ဧ෦Ⴌฃ‫ؿ‬෪஛ᆷᅙሶࠠࢽਮ֣‫ؽ‬ ߭ਸᄑ TÜV՛౰Ճฅ௙ઉăौࠠຕ༰‫߭ؽ‬ਸᄑ TÜV ཤᅙຕቩ‫ؿ‬٢‫ࣳע‬൒ՃฅٞLjဧຕҴ෦Ⴌฃ‫ؿ‬ዥ ؐߙ࡝՛௙ན 1200 ‫ދ‬࿵஼Ljৰན৴ࡖ໎‫༵ޑޜ‬ሶ ‫ؿ‬٢‫ࣳע‬൒ࢽ྇࿦භ౮Ճฅܵྚă‫ڭ‬ᅙᅏїߙĂ ീ໒‫ޗ‬ၪՃฅࢽࡦഉႬሽՃฅ၍ഊ‫ؿ‬զඟLjौࠠ ٢‫ࣳע‬൒ᅪ྇࿦භ౮‫ؿ‬Ճฅख‫ޑ‬নᅄ෷ă‫ר‬༭Lj ‫ ߭ ؽ‬ਸ ᄑ TÜVؐ ቩ ࡙ ഏ ௗ ࿪ ‫ ݰ‬Ă ශ ᑉ Ă ߖ ቶ Ă ජ ߴĂҴॲ‫ٓك‬დ௙໎‫ޜ‬࿧ᄥܵྚቀ֕ă The new lab will integrate and expand TÜV Rheinland’s product-testing capabilities. Designed with a test capacity of up to 1,200 projects per annum, the Taipeibased facility will provide a wider range of EMC & RF testing services in coordination with our EMC lab in our Taichung office. For manufacturers who must undergo safety and ergonomics testing to meet various national requirements, combining EMC & RF testing will undoubtedly bring greater advantages. In addition, TÜV Rheinland Greater China’s laboratories in Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Shanghai, and Beijing will provide additional support whenever needed.

ན଻ዚ ྇࿦՛౰Ճฅܵ ྚԜ‫ڨ‬ᇓգ‫ؿ‬၍ ഊLjຕ༰ ‫߭ؽ‬ਸ ᄑ T Ü V ༁ ዁ ฮಾ༽ဧ ຕ ӕ‫ؿ‬ဧ٢‫ࣳ ע‬൒ࢽ ྇࿦භ౮ Ճฅ෦Ⴌฃ (EMC & Radio laboratory)ჲᅙ१ಓֈઅLj ಝ٢‫ࣳ ע‬൒ࢽ ྇࿦Ճฅ௙ઉ‫ؾ‬ჵ ؐܰ໎ ැă٢ዊࢽ໳ၹ՛౰զඟᆷලംታ‫ࣗ߭ڹ‬ Ⴌሽ෢ᄴᅏમ‫ޑ‬Ӧै‫ؿ‬ၤᇎLjࣁნ‫׫‬ৰල ം‫ڹ‬ቯႬሽă! ‫ގ‬দఒ୪ቑ૑჋ഊLjຈᅏ٢ዊ٢ಱ՛౰၍ ܲࠠ٢‫ࣳע‬൒္ߙۭLjࣁ՛౰‫ؿ‬٢‫ע‬ԉ‫ݞ‬ ഺԜ௙ᄯ࿳ಝ຋٢ዊ՛౰ᆨዮLj՛౰Ӂව დ၍নᅏ࿧‫ؿڡ֋ج‬٢‫ע‬ԉ‫ݞ‬ഺொญ္Lj Ԧ௙ᆷఒ୪ॼௗခฌăဧ‫ؿ‬٢‫ࣳע‬൒ࢽ྇ ࿦භ౮Ճฅ෦Ⴌฃܲࠠ߭ࣗՃฅӭኳLjి ᅏዥဧ‫ؿ‬ՃฅරһLjৰ‫ڭ‬ဪྩ՛౰Ă྇࿦භ ౮රһĂპ઩ರԥĂᄯᄕ՛౰Ăࣟ٢՛౰Ă ‫ف‬ন՛౰Ă‫ޗ‬ზරһĂ਻ႃ՛౰Ă಴ࢩմ૆ ిऋ‫ك‬Ԝ໷՛౰ॣဵዒ္ࠠՃฅăဧ෦Ⴌ ฃܲࠠຕ༰Ăୟ߭FCCᅪఒ୪ENӭኳ‫ߙك‬ ۭLjՃฅ౮ଋ௙ઢዥ‫ݴ‬ৰ،! 40GHzLjԃন


һ5GHz྇࿦භ౮රһTPC)ۙභ‫ޙ‬ଋ৿቟* ᅪDFS)‫ڈ‬ນ౮ଋၤᇎ*‫ࣹؿ‬Ճ௙ઉă

To provide more convenient and comprehensive services and to cope with the growing need for wirelessproduct testing, TÜV Rheinland Taiwan has invested hundreds of millions of NT dollars and recently completed a new EMC & Radio Laboratory, doubling our testing capabilities for electromagnetic compliance and radio testing. The new lab will offer greater convenience desired by electronics and ICT manufacturers applying for multiple national approvals at the same time.

ؐԠ‫܍‬෦Ⴌฃ‫ڕ‬ᆷ౤ᆓٓഏLj‫߭ؽۑ‬ਸᄑ TÜVຕҴ٢‫ࣳע‬൒ࢽ྇࿦භ౮Ճฅ෦Ⴌฃ ᇏཤᅙद໳ෟ‫܍‬Ӧ઀‫ؿ‬กഏLj۴Ӧ৴ࡖང ਹި໳ăٓੲජ‫ؿ‬ᅄ෷დ෪‫ؾ‬৴ࡖලംႬ ሽ‫ؿ‬Ճฅ෢ࣱৰऺჵངຄ‫ڥ‬ᆙნትዪᅑLj ሶ໒‫ిؿ‬ໄܵྚ‫܈‬ᅂდৰ‫ޑ‬ठ‫و‬ă! ‫߭ؽ‬ਸᄑTÜVఇઉ༣ᇴኟზ‫ྚܵؿ‬ዠࠠLj Ԝ‫ئ‬෸ఒ୪ߌ۴ൄৰ‫ؿ‬EMCቑ‫ځ‬Ⴌሽࢩ ެ(Notified Body)Ljდনᅏࠠ‫ؿކ‬ୟ߭FCC TCBᅪ࣠ீؐIC FCB reviewer዁‫ކ‬Ljნ‫ؤ‬ ՛౰ॶཻ߰୦‫ڙ‬અ‫ٕؿ‬൲۴Ճฅ෦Ⴌฃ‫ؿ‬ ႬሽLjৰჵࢠ‫ؾ‬ఒ୪Ăୟ߭ᅪ࣠ீؐ‫྇ك‬࿦ ՛౰ຈ၍‫ؿ‬࿧ߋሽ஖ăཻ୦໎‫ؿޜ‬Ճฅौ ߮‫ޑ‬ন‫ޞ‬ဪઉLjဒና௷ॣნԞᄭ‫ࣗ߭ؾ‬Ԫ ޭඟ‫ؿ‬ဪ਺ă

According to European Directives, all electrical and electronic products must comply with EMC regulations in order to be marketed in the EU. That is, an electronic product must remain operational within a certain range of electromagnetic interference (EMI), while its electromagnetic emissions must not affect the operation of nearby electronic products. The new EMC & Radio Lab adheres to international testing standards and houses the latest testing equipment. We are able to conduct myriad types of testing for IT products, RF products, medical equipment, AV products, household appliances, luminaries, industrial equipment, Bluetooth products, automotive components, and other products. The new lab fulfills all requirements in Taiwan as well as US FCC and EN


(European) standards, able to test products with a frequency range up to 40GHz. In addition, equipped with TPC (Transmit Power Control) and DFS (Dynamic Frequency Selection), we are able to test 5GHz equipment. Competition among EMC labs in Taiwan is fierce. While most other labs are located in suburban areas, TÜV Rheinland’s EMC & Radio Lab in Taipei is conveniently situated within the city, meaning numerous transportation options to facilitate optimal communication with clients. Among other bonuses created: the lead time required for certification testing will be shortened by one week, and package pricing will be more favorable. TÜV Rheinland continuously seeks to expand our service portfolio. We are a Notified Body recognized by the European Commission, and a qualified FCC TCB (USA) and IC FCB (Canada) reviewer, as a result able to assist manufacturers in obtaining necessary approvals for RF products to be exported to these markets. Certification by an independent third party will lend greater credibility to test reports and help manufacturers gain the trust of overseas buyers.





! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ఒ ୪ ဧ ༱নїഠቑ૑ 2009/48/EC࿝ ჲ ෍ ဌ ă ဧ ቑ ૑ ‫ؿ‬჋ഊӋჵೇ‫ޑ‬ན႒ॢLjቕᆷ ࣠ ೖ ༱ ন ՛ ౰ ‫ ؿ‬ባ ઢࠞїഠă

ན મ Ҕ ና ༱ ন ቟ ᇉ ඟ ‫ װ‬൒ ᄥ ‫ ڭ‬Lj TÜV

The EU’s new Toy Safety Directive 2009/48/EC is now in effect, establishing tougher rules for the quality and safety of toys. To thoroughly prepare manufacturers to meet the challenges of the new directive, TÜV Rheinland is launching an exclusive Safety Evaluation Service.


ਸᄑ໅ӳ༑ֵમઠ࿵ഠဧ‫ྚܵؿ‬Ljჵ ‫ٓࠔޑ‬Ҧሊ՛౰їഠă

1. ഠஅ‫ߙࠠؿ‬ෆՊ

ኳLjഠஅ‫ߙࠠؿ‬ෆՊ໎‫װޜ‬՛౰ර ࣓Lj՛౰ࣹႬӭኳቚҡኧࢡӭ෧჋ഊ ‫༵ؿ‬ሶ‫ؿ‬౹޳ă

2.! ‫ܞ‬࿜౹޳ ᅈᅙ቟ᇉඟࢡᅂࡖ࠭௎ᆁՃ༱ন՛౰ ‫ ؿ‬ೈ ᆷ ‫ ܞ‬࿜ Lj TÜVਸ ᄑ ‫ ܞ ؿ‬࿜ ౹ ޳ ܵ ྚቛઉᅙ‫ދތװ‬Մஅජဂּৰ௙ֵ࿝

This service will strengthen the capacity of toy manufacturers, thus ensuring better product quality.

1. Comprehensive Compliance Review This service offers a full range of assessments according to the current mandatory requirements applicable to toy products. The service scope ranges from product design and testing to applicable product standards to packaging and marking requirements and beyond.


2. Risk Assessment


The potential risks that toys pose are very difficult for manufacturers or users to predict. Our new Risk Assessment service emphasises the removal of risks to the greatest extent possible. The service constitutes one of the most secure ways currently available to make sure that toys are safe. The scope of our Risk Assessment service includes the following.

s ՛౰ර࣓౹޳[ර࣓ෘဌ஠෮ࢽࡄ߮ !!‫( ྟ܍‬DFMEA)] s ৰᆁಓ‫ؿ‬෪ᅂौ߮! s ཌ߷෧ӳᅪ‫!ྟ܍‬ s ࿧ߋฮদौ߮(ࢇฆࠞ๿ඞฮদ ) s ҡኧ0ӭ෧჋ഊ! s ර࣓ओᄊ ໳ ߰ ኟ ზ ‫ ؿ‬༱ ন ї ഠ ౹ ޳ ܵ ྚ Lj TÜV ਸᄑԜॡན቟ᇉಬზᆷ໎ැ༱ন՛౰ ౰ባ۴அ໎‫ޜ‬ᅏઉቀ֕Lj໷෢ནဂ‫܈‬ ሚ‫ؿ‬෍࢝໎‫ؿࠔޑޜ‬їഠҦሊă

s Product Design Evaluation [Design Failure Modes and Effect Analysis (DFMEA)] s Foreseeable Use Findings s Hazard Identification and Analysis s Relevant Data Findings (Injuries and Recall Data) s Packaging/Marking Requirements s Design Recommendations With our professional safety evaluation services, TÜV Rheinland not only ensures the quality of toy products for manufacturers, but also a better and safer life for end-users.



!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!3122௧ 5ᆟ26ൊLjජߴăഠഉ૏࿏‫ࣉؿ‬ฦࣹՃࠞൄሽܵྚ ‫ ޜ‬ᄥඟ‫߭ؽ‬ਸᄑ TÜVࢼ༐ૢቱঢဵમ ਸᄑؐ࿊‫ؿ‬ಭᅂშ෮Lj࿹ֵྶშ෮‫ؿ‬5 1 1‫ڹ‬சࣛӹሸ෮ၠԝમႊቷዥؐ‫ؿ‬෦Ⴌฃዒࠠؐ૦ቇნሸ෮༁ൠ ᆨᄩă ‫߭ؽ‬ਸᄑ TÜVࢼ༐ഠഉจྶቍဵߌFriedrich Heckerኟ֋ೇਹ ජߴነ֕ಭᅂშ෮ԃా໷ࣛӹԯߎમ281 1 1 ౶۴୶ ‫ؿ‬෦Ⴌฃዒࠠؐ૦ăԯ࣠შ෮‫ؿ‬ቱ჋ࣛӹᅏජߴกᇝҴഏഏբམĂഏၠ‫ ׈‬ԠԠգሀྦ౶ĂජߴกֵൠॼࣹႬࣹ ᄀ টটգၑज़ࣔĂቩ߭ൄ ࣭མൄৰ࣭ߏԠነൃ෍‫܀‬ĂජߴกᇝҴഏ݆ഏգ๾߭ӮĂቩࣹ߭৭ᆗᆗգ ੳࡢહ‫ك‬࿧ ߋ ሹ ݃ീ෰ăਸᄑؐ࿊‫ؿ‬ሸ෮ಭᅂӭ ቗ኼ‫߭ؽ‬ਸᄑ TÜVࢼ༐ᆷቩ߭ؐ૾33௧ ۙᇴ੿֋ ‫ ؿ‬ნ ‫ދ‬ቱ჋ੴ֋ұLjॣ ნԞᇴ෯મࢼ༐գಓቛઉᅙནಬზ໎‫ݴޜ‬ባઢĂӁٓ࡞Ăნᇹ෮ࣹՃܵྚ‫ؿ‬ੲ௫ă 15th April 2011, Shanghai. TÜV Rheinland, one of the world’s leading independent technical testing, inspection and certification service providers, recently held a grand opening ceremony to mark the establishment of its new TÜV Rheinland Building and to formally announce to the 400 attendees the start-up of operations of one of Asia’s largest independent integrated testing complexes. Friedrich Hecker, CEO of the TÜV Rheinland Group, flew in from the company’s headquarters in Cologne, Germany, to preside over the ceremony and to lead a tour of the new 17,000-square-metre state-of-the-art facility. Among the invited VIP officials and clients counted Zhang Xi Ping, Standing Member of District Committee of CCP and the Director of Zhabei Publicity Department, Xu Jinji, Director of the Shanghai Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, Sheng Fei, Director of Division for supervision on Accreditation, Sun Guo Biao, Deputy Director of Shanghai Zhabei District, Li Huai Lin, Dean of CAIQ. This official opening marks yet another important milestone in TÜV Rheinland’s 22 years of operation in mainland China and further signals the reputed Group’s long-term commitment to ensuring high-quality onestop local testing services.




!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Đዮནഠഉ૏࿏‫ࣹؿ‬Ճࠞൄሽܵྚ‫ޜ‬ᄥ ඟቇნLj‫߭ؽ‬ਸ ᄑ TÜVࢼ༐ნቊ ቛ ઉᅙҔናቩ߭ಬზ ৑༣߭ࣗกՠLjബҦຊ୦‫ؿ‬՛౰ܲࠠ ॣਁ߭ࣟࢡٓഏ ‫ؿ‬໅‫ࣉځ‬ฦ჋ഊLj໷෢TÜVਸᄑ‫ؿ‬౰డན՛౰ࢠ‫ߖؾ‬ ۱ൄৰ໎ ‫ ޜ‬ᅏઉቀ ֕ đLj‫߭ؽ‬ਸ ᄑ TÜVࢼ༐ഠ ഉ จྶ ቍဵߌFriedrich Heckerۙ႗ቩೖ‫ٲ‬ă ‫ ߭ ؽ‬ਸ ᄑ T Ü V ࢼ ༐ ഠ ഉ จ ྶ ቍ ဵ ߌ!

ຈ ၍‫ؿ‬Ճฅܵ ྚLj໎ ැܵ ྚ ဌଋă

F r i e d r i c h H e c ke r ไLj Đ ౷ ॓ ࿏ ॣ ‫ؿ‬ნ ᇹ ෮ Ճ ฅቩဩLjཻ ୦ ජ ߴ ‫ ࣉ ؿ‬ฦ༐‫ ڬ‬খ

Đ ም ደ ෦ Ⴌ ฃ ዒࠠ ؐ ૦ ‫ ؿ‬ओ અ ‫ظ ؾ‬મ

ৰჵ ‫ ࣠ ޑ‬Ӧ ै ٓནජ ߴࢽ ትӢි‫ؿܔ‬

ٓ ۴ ሹ ݃ ‫ ؐ ؿ‬ઉቀ ֕ đLj‫ ߭ ؽ‬ਸ ᄑ T Ü V

቟ ᇉ ඟ ໎ ‫ྚ ܵ ޜ‬Lj‫ ݴ‬ဌ ٓ ଻ ዚ৴ࡖ‫ތ ؿ‬

ࢼ༐ؐቩ࡙ഏ݆ዓԤ ࠞ ජ ߴഏᅱ ᆨᄩ

ቯ၍ ഊLj൜ ਮؐ ಬზ ՛౰ ࿦ ࠞ ՛౰ ቯ ੥

‫ ݏ‬ᇍ ീ ଁ ԏ ৶ ࿏ ෍ Ӱ ෯LjĐ ෦ Ⴌ ฃ ؐ ૦

ჵ ࢽ ຄ ‫ ڥ‬՛ ౰ ජก ෢ ࣱĂॅᆙ ֈ ӁĂठ

ደ ଥ ᅙජ ߴ ቩဩ ֆ ഏᇝ ҴഏLjౙ ઽජ ߴ

‫ ޜو‬ᄥગ ‫ ܞ‬࿜ ‫ك‬ăđ

࠸೜ द ໳ฑ ఁLjཻ ୦ Ԝॡྪ ཆ ‫ࠔ ޑ‬ནජ ߴ ‫ ؿ‬৴ࡖܵ ྚLj‫ ۑ‬೩ ᆕ ᄃ ནգ घ ൲लቷ

‫ װ‬3 122 ௧ 5ᆟ಩Ljਸ ᄑ ؐ ࿊ ഠ அ ༁ ൠ ᆨ

ࢽ ಝትӢ‫ ؿ‬ಬზ໎ ‫ྚ ܵ ޜ‬ăđ

ᄩLj෸ ႊ ቷ அ ࢬ ዥ ؐĂࣉ ฦ ዥ ࿏ ॣ ‫ڙ ؿ‬ અࣹ Ճ ዒࠠ૦ ቇნăም ደ ෦ Ⴌ ฃ ؐ ૦ৰ

ൄሽဵზ ሸ ॶ ੿ኼՃฅܵ ྚ ༭ҡഎ ෷Lj

ჵ ଻ዚ ဂ‫܈‬՛౰Ăࢩ ယ ࠞ ຘႷ௙ ဵზ቟

ნဎՃฅܵ ྚඟ ख Ԡ‫ࢡ܍‬ሚ ഠ Ԡ‫ؿ‬՛

ᇉ ඟ ‫ ؿ‬Ճ ฅ ၍ ഊLjᄴ ᅏ࿏ ॣ ‫ ؿ‬ර һLjৰ

౰ Ճ ฅ ኡ ყ‫ ލ‬ნ ဎဆ෦ Ⴌ ฃ ჵ ठ ‫ و‬ֈ

৑ᇴ࡞ၪ‫ྟ܍‬Ă٢ಱї ഠĂဈኳĂ္௙Ă

Ӂ ă‫ ߭ ؽ‬ਸ ᄑ T Ü V ࢼ ༐ ᇏ ௣ ૚ ‫ ۑ‬ජ Lj

྘ ੲ ࠞ ࢩ ယ Ճ ฅ ă‫ ߭ ؽ‬ਸ ᄑ T Ü V ࢼ ༐

ၤ ᇎ ᆷ ໷ ნ ٓ ۴ ॣ ဵ ᅏ ঃ ሴઉ ‫ ࢼ ؿ‬ቩ

ख ෦ Ⴌฃࠞ ‫ތ‬ቯ዁ᆑ ॣ ဵમᅄ࡞ሶ ࠠLj

Ճ ฅLjሶ ࠠ ӭ ኳ ባ ઢLjઢ ව ‫ڂ‬ይ ् ি ۴

ຄ ‫ڥ‬મࣹ Ճ ትಓLj‫ޑ‬ਓ ै ٓན՛౰ ໎ ‫ޜ‬

ѝă‫ڭ‬ᅙ ໾ნؐ ઢ Ԫ ޭ ‫૆ ؿ‬ฌ ඟਹไLj

ࢤ྘ ባઢ ෸ ‫ܨ‬൜ნ ෸‫ ۾‬բ ቱ ჋‫ؿ‬Lj‫ۑ‬೩ ઢ ව‫ځ‬ይ ‫ ् ؿ‬ি ۴ ѝ ௙ ޮസቩ߭ ‫ ؿ‬቟ ᇉ ඟ ኉ Ԟ ߰ ‫ڹظ ڢ‬ᆇ࡞ ෍ ՛ăൄሽဵზ ۙ ᇴॅ዗ᆚ ਹ ᆚ ਓLjഠ ഉঃሴ დ ᆚ ਹ ᆚ ࢱ વLjൄሽ ትಓĂባઢĂࣨ‫ކ‬Ă‫ ܞ‬࿜ ߙ ӟ ি ‫ځ‬મზ ྚ ‫ ۙ ؿ‬ᇴ ࠔ ࡤ ăᄓ ‫ר‬Ljૌ ࢝ ᄥ ‫ ࠞ ڭ‬௙ ઉ ఻ Ⴛ ൉ ൃ ቱ ‫ ػ‬ᆓ ăཻ ୦ ༁ ዁ ओ ර ਸ ᄑ ؐ ࿊Ljਮ ؐ Ճ ฅ ௙ ઉLj஼‫ ؿ‬খ ᆷᅙᇓೖ Ճฅૌ္࢝ࠞൄৰဪ ᅽ‫ڡ‬ă Đ1 3 0 ‫ڹ‬௧ਹLjཻ ୦ ‫ ํޞ‬ნቊ ቛ ઉ ᅙ ‫׶‬ ॣ ീ ੥ Ă৭ ࣉ ࠞ ዋ ര ‫ ࠞ ؿ‬ဘ ‫ ؃ ޥ‬đLjଁ ԏ ৶Ӱ ෯LjĐ ਸ ᄑ ؐ ࿊ ‫ ؿ‬ಭ ᅂ സ ཻ ୦ ࿹ ም‫ ދ‬෪ ஛ ଶ ॣમნ ԞLjᄓ ན ཻ ୦ ໳ ߰ ᆨ ᄩ༵ ඙મࣉ ฦLj‫ ۑ‬೩ ᄴ ᅏნቀ ߙ ஠ ࡞ ‫ؿ‬ ኟზ ‫ ֋ޗ‬෗༐ ‫ڬ‬Lj໎ ‫ ݴ‬મҦ ࡓ ဂ ‫ ܈‬ሚ ࠞ Ҧ ࡓࡦ ॼ ‫ࣉ ؿ‬ฦ ܵ ྚ฽౶ăජ ߴ ਸ ᄑؐ ࿊‫ؿ‬ಭᅂ௙ ‫ ޑ‬ᅏ ဌ ٓ ठ ‫ و‬෍ ՛‫ ܞ‬࿜ ࠞ ໎‫ݴ‬՛౰ ባઢLj‫ ގ‬দ‫࣠ ޑ‬႒‫ ॼ ࡦ ؿ ކ‬ӭ ኳ Ճ ฅ ՛ ౰Lj໎ ‫ݴ‬௙ ဌăຈ ᅏ ምნ ೧ ቔ ན Ҕና ཻ ୦ ‫ ؿ‬৴ࡖԜ ‫ࠠ ܲ ٓ ڨ‬ก ՠ ჋ ഊăđ


“As a global leader in independent technical testing and certification, TÜV Rheinland strives to help clients to gain greater access to global markets by ensuring that their products not only conform to the receiving country or region’s specific technical standards, but also benefit from the recognition associated with our brand”, Mr Hecker said during the ceremony. “This latest one-stop centre empowers our Shanghai team to rapidly provide assistance to manufacturers from neighbouring provinces, notably by helping them to fulfil their clients’ demands for growing product variety, shortened production cycles, cost reductions and supply chain risk management.” In full operation as of April 2011, the TÜV Rheinland building houses one of the largest and most modern integrated testing spaces in Asia. It caters to manufacturers from the consumer goods, machinery, and solar industries and houses the latest in chemical analysis, electrical safety, calibration, fitness-for-use, physical and mechanical testing machinery under one roof. Combined offices and laboratories guarantee closer client follow-up and grant immediate access to all applicable

required services for submitted test samples. The overall result is to enhance the customer experience by generating savings in terms of logistics and shortened lead-times. “The establishment of the building obtained great support from the district government and the local China Inspection and Quarantine Bureau”, noted Gerhard Luebken, Vice President of TÜV Rheinland Greater China and responsible for TÜV Rheinland Shanghai operations. “By conveniently locating our new building near the Hongqiao transportation hub in Shanghai Zhabei District, we aim to not only serve Shanghai-based clients, but also those from the Yangtze River Delta and beyond”, Mr Luebken added. The certification industry is undergoing a trend towards the partial or complete outsourcing of product testing to smaller labs to keep costs low. Going against this prevailing current, TÜV Rheinland has opted to instead competitively group tests under one roof to combine standard quality and tailor-made solutions in one location. The question of uniform quality is particularly important for retailers that


deal in large volumes, whereas our tailor-made solutions benefit Chinese manufacturers, which are gradually shifting towards more sophisticated production models. In today’s fastpaced global marketplace, lead-times, quality, price and risk mitigation determine deals, and flexibility and recognised competence go a long way. With its formula of investment in its own capacities, TÜV Rheinland aims to reinforce both. “For more than 135 years, our company has advocated sustainability by means of ensuring the right balance between man, technology and nature”, Mr Luebken said. “This opening brings us closer to meeting this target, as we have established technology-based operations that employ hundreds of locals and promote services that protect both consumers and the environment.” He concluded: “Our investment in this new compound further aligns our experts and labs to mitigate production and product risks, to test products according to the strictest environmental standards and to formulate efficiency improvements, all in order to help our clients to meet market demand sustainably.”




ൎᛠSNEC2011“ෟؐતٞ”ಬზ ‫߭ؽ‬ਸᄑTÜVԯᇴߕܳؐ࢐Lj‫܍‬࿴ҩߦൄሽॶႬ Honoured as one of the “Top Ten Highlights“ of SNEC (2011) PV Power Expo TÜV Rheinland’s participation in the expo proves a success

!!!!!!!!!!!ĐTÜVਸᄑ‫ؿ‬ഠഉߕܳགྷନസཻ୦௙໎‫ޜ‬Ӧै‫ؿ‬Ӂٓ ࡞ܵྚLj๵ኼഠഉ෦Ⴌฃ൒ઢ‫ؿ‬ਮᇴLjཻ୦Ԝ‫ڨ‬ຄ‫ྚܵڥ‬ት ಓLj໳߰Ӂٓ‫ؿ‬෦Ⴌฃནߕܳዠऋզඟ໎‫ޜ‬ዥࣞ‫ؿ‬ቀ֕Ljസ ቩ߭‫ܳߕؿ‬ಬზᆷࣉฦ‫ב‬ဧජᅪఒቷҦ ֕໷Ԟăđ


T Ü V ਸᄑؐቩ࡙ഏຘႷ௙ࢽ റલ٢֗ࣉ


ฦ Ԡዓ ࣭ ຳ ᠗ ੻ ఉ ෰ᆷ ࿝ ՠ द ૚ቩ ໎

( SNECජߴߕܳؐ࢐)LjԃҾ౹ནᇴ࢐Đ

‫ظ‬ǖ Đ஼ೇLjቩ߭9 5% ‫ ܳߕؿ‬՛౰ს ০ֵ


ਁLj๵ኼߴ༭ଳࣟ‫ڭ‬՛౰ባઢ჋ഊ‫ؿ‬Ԝ‫ڨ‬ ࣠ೖLjቩ߭‫ܳߕؿ‬ዠऋզࣟखஅ‫࣠ޑڭ‬႒



ኟზ࡞Ăߙ஠࡞‫࢐ ීܳߕؿ‬LjS N ECߕܳ


ؐ࢐෸ᅈජߴဧ௙ᆑဵზဒ࢐( SNEIA)Ă


ఒቷߕܳ‫ޗ‬ზဒ࢐( EPIA)Ăቩ߭ৰᆶ෍௙


ᆑၪ࢐( CRES )‫ك‬15‫ࠞެࢩࣗ߭ދ‬ዠቈઍ


ࠠነґLjᅙ2011௧2ᆟ22ൊቚ24ൊᆷජߴ ဧ߭ࣗԊ੅ቩဩૢቱঢဵLjቕᆷ‫ܳߕॣ׶‬



ნቊቛઉᅙ༑‫ڈ‬ቩ߭ߕܳಬზᅄባ՛౰ॣ ൠ߭ࣗกՠă໷෢Ljཻ୦ࡨ௙໎‫ޜ‬ቩ߭ज़

॓ናS NECߕܳؐ࢐‫ؿ‬ኟზ࡞౶ຕLjT Ü V


ਸ퐈ߖؐ‫ܳ ߕؿ‬ಬზ‫܍‬࿴મਸᄑᆷ ߕ



໎‫ؿޜ‬ნᇹ ෮ܵ ྚखࢸ ؐٓᆷกՠኳൠ

ߴ༭TÜV ਸᄑ‫ܳߕؿ‬ኟࣟდ೮઼ᇴ࢐Ljᅪ




According to Mrs Therhaag, TÜV Rheinland’s global PV network and constantly extended testing capacity has allowed it to shorten lead-times and provide strong support to domestic PV manufacturers, thus enabling them to keep pace with the developments in European markets in terms of technical innovation.

ၲLjद૚ࣉฦࠞॶႬă T Ü V ਸ ᄑؐቩ࡙ഏ ຘႷ௙ࢽ റલ٢֗ ࣉฦԠዓ࣭!ຳ᠗੻! ! Mrs Ulrike Therhaag Director of Solar/Fuelcell Technology at TÜV Rheinland Greater China


TÜV Rheinland participated in the 5th SNEC International Photovoltaic Power Generation Exhibition & Conference in February 2011, during which it had the great honour of being named one of the event’s “Top Ten Highlights”. TÜV Rheinland’s participation in the Expo ensured that it was a great success. Regarded as one of the most influential international events of its kind in Asia, this PV Power Expo was held from 22nd to 24th February at the Shanghai New International Expo Center (SNIEC). Hosted by the Shanghai New Energy Industry Association (SNIEA) and jointly organised by 15 international associations, including the European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA) and the Chinese Renewable Energy Society (CRES), the Expo showcased the latest technologies and services of this booming industry.


Using the professional communication platform afforded by the Expo, TÜV Rheinland shared information on the latest PV product quality standards, technical specifications, and related services and offered visitors a face-toface opportunity to engage in discussion with TÜV Rheinland’s reputed experts from home and abroad. Speaking at the Expo, Mrs Ulrike Therhaag, Director of Solar/Fuelcell Technology at TÜV Rheinland Greater China, noted that “at present, 95% of China’s PV products depend on exports”. She continued: “As overseas buyers impose higher quality requirements, Chinese manufacturers will be faced with increasingly stricter international market access hurdles. Thus, price competition will no longer be the major strategy for manufacturers to establish themselves in international markets. In our cooperation with Chinese panel manufacturers in recent years, we’ve been happy to see that more and more manufacturers are

strengthening their technology via R&D and thus improving the quality of their products.” “As a trusted partner among buyers”, she said, “we’re dedicated to facilitating good-quality Chinese PV products in accessing global markets. Furthermore, we’re also able to provide the Golden Sun Mark Certification service, which means that for those who want to enter domestic and international markets at the same time, our one-stop services help to save time and effort to the maximum extent possible.”




‫߭ؽ‬ਸᄑTÜVֈན จࣟࢠ‫ؾ‬ቩ߭ࠠ‫ކ‬౹‫ࣟ߭ځ‬ൄৰམᆎ࢐ ൲࿵ൄৰ዁ባ‫ؿ‬༭዁ൄሽࢩެ TÜV Rheinland becomes the first foreign certification body in China to obtain QMS, EMS & OHSMS accreditation from the CNAS

!!!!!!!!!!!!‫߭ؽ‬ਸᄑT Ü V ࢠ‫ؾ‬ቩ߭ࠠ‫ކ‬౹‫ࣟ߭ځ‬ ൄৰ མ ᆎ ࢐ ( CN AS ) ซ


Đባઢߏੲ໒ྼ෸ᆷ ባઢ۴அቑࢂࠞ৿



߭ਸᄑ T Ü V ჲֈ‫ޙ‬ᆷഠ෱॒‫ٓތ‬ནಬზ

ᇷ দঢዚ೸ ቱ ‫ ؿ‬ዮᅂăࡦ ॼ ߏ ੲ ໒ྼ ्

‫ؿ‬՛౰ї ഠᅪባઢߏ ੲ ྼ໾ ໎ ‫ޜ‬ৰဪ਺

িࡦॼཱི໏ ‫ڭ‬ീ ੥ ࢽ ෍ນྼ໾‫ؿ‬ᄯ࿳ă


቉ზऌ ড়ᅪї ഠߏ ੲ໒ྼ ബ Ҧᆎ‫ޗ‬ᆷ‫ޗ‬



ௗߌ۴ ࢩ ެ‫ދ ތڭ‬ൄሽࢩ ެශൠ৑ᇴ౹

Ԟ्෾ǖ Đཻ୦ྪཆ௙ҔናӁٓಬზᆷஅ


‫ޗ ځ‬ዮăࢠ ‫ ؾ‬ಝൄৰ ౹‫ڭ ځ‬༭዁ ൄሽࢩ

‫רڭ‬੥ཱི໏෢ᅏဌٓ Ԫഖᆁ۷ࢽউሸ؈

ࢩ ެĂࡦ ॼߏ ੲ໒ྼൄ

ެ ন ᅏ ቱ ჋‫ ؿ‬ᄃ ᄆLjᅇ ಝ໒ ࿝ᆷ௙ ޮᅈ


‫ר‬Ҕና৴ࡖഖ‫ؾ‬ნᇹ ෮߭ௗ༭ഝ ཉ ዁ባ

ሽࢩ ެĂ቉ ზऌ ড় ї ഠ


ൄ ‫ ྇ۑ ځ‬၍ ቱ ݉ලം߭ௗ዁ ባ ൄሽLjሡ




ኟზ ࢩ ެ ൄৰ ዁ ባLjֈ ནจࣟࢠ‫ݘؾ‬མᆎ࢐ሦ ‫רڭ‬൲࿵዁ባൄৰ‫ؿ‬༭ ዁ൄሽࢩެă

3121௧஦Ljቩ߭ٓ۴࣭ߏࢩެ࣠ೖમ‫ڭ‬༭ Đ!"#$‫ؿ‬ൄৰ‫ཻڭ‬୦ਹไ෸নᅏੴ֋

዁ ൄሽࢩ ެ ‫ߏ ࣭ ؿ‬ઉ‫ڡ‬Lj‫ڭ‬዁ ባ ࢽ ૚ ֋

ұ ᄃ ᄆ ‫ ؿ‬Lj ཻ ୦ ‫ ۾ ظ ݥ ר ڭ‬բ ൎ ჌ đLj

‫ ؿ‬႒୻࣭ Ճ ෸ ቱ ቩቇ ቱăࢠ ‫ࣟ߭ؾ‬౹‫ځ‬





ᅏ‫ؿ‬ባઢߏੲ໒ྼĂࡦॼߏੲ໒ྼĂ቉ ზऌড়їഠߏੲ໒ྼٕ൲۴ൄሽ௙ઉLj ཻ୦௙҉ۙ!"#$ൄৰ‫ؿ‬዁ባሽบăđ


Beijing, 22nd February 2011—Global third-party testing, inspection and certification leader TÜV Rheinland has become the first foreign certification body to be granted three types of accreditation from the China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS). This CNAS accreditation provides further recognition of the Quality Management System Certification (QMS), Environmental Management System Certification (EMS) and Occupational Safety and Health Management System (OHSMS) assessments carried out by TÜV Rheinland. TÜV Rheinland provides authoritative certification and inspection services to companies around the world, granting reliable assurance of product safety and sound quality management systems. In line with China’s flourishing export-oriented business and its rising position in international trade, the country’s official accreditation body

has begun conducting competence assessments of the foreign certification bodies that apply for accreditation. These locally accredited bodies can then grant clients one-stop solutions to both domestic and foreign regulations, thereby allowing them to avoid repeat certification applications. “We are extremely proud of this milestone”, states Wong Yushun, TÜV Rheinland’s Director for Systems. “With this accreditation, we strengthen our offerings, as we add to our existing QMS, EMS and OHSMS third-party assessments capabilities the authority to grant certificates that abide by and are recognised by the CNAS criteria.” Mr Wong continues: “QMS plays a crucial role in the whole operation of a company, as it serves to command and control quality within that company. EMS, in turn, is aimed at controlling


the environmental impacts on human beings and the ecosystem. Lastly, OHSMS refers to systems that ensure the occupational health and safety of employees in the workplace. We at TÜV Rheinland are happy to support local companies that are conscious of the difference they can make by taking corrective and preventive actions. In fact, undertaking such an approach can significantly improve a company’s overall offerings to staff, clients and stakeholders all the while becoming more efficient.” At the end of 2010, local authorities in China began to implement the reinforced monitoring of foreign certification bodies, including the closer monitoring of licensing and other procedures to correct any discrepancies. Recognition by a national accreditation body such as the CNAS is a crucial indicator of the quality of the certifier.





2011௧ 2ᆟ 22ൊ Lj TÜVਸ ᄑ ᅪ ї ࢄ ფ ࠞ





ဧIMS Research႓ঈҫ‫ݻ‬ᆁՃLj‫ظ‬2014





஼ߏੲ‫ك‬۴அॣဵ‫ޑ‬ශൠߖ۱‫ࠠؿ‬ዮă ዮནნࣟኟኙᅙ႓ۙᅪ෍՛ߕܳԃགྷ௣ӧ

TÜVਸ퐈 ї ࢄ ფ ࠞ ဧ ௙ ᆑ ᅏ࿥‫ํޞ‬ೀมഠഉ ᇸ କ ࠠ ዮ һ ཇ ૽





შ෮Ljԃᆷቛ‫פ‬ቩӰ෯ǖ Đ TÜVਸ ᄑ ቛ









ؐ઀Ăቩ߭‫ك‬กՠኳൠӭኳན߭ௗߕܳಬ ზ໎‫ޜ‬࿧ߋ‫ؿ‬՛౰їഠՃฅĂ٢‫ࣳע‬൒Ճ ฅĂ‫ޗ‬ჶࠞባઢ৿቟‫ྚܵك‬ă

!!!!!!!!!!!Đ๵ኼ՛ზߙ஠‫ؿ‬Ԝ‫ڨ‬ਮؐLjߕܳ௣ӧರกՠ‫ဵؿ‬ზঃሴდखൊ എࢱવăTÜVਸᄑ౷॓‫ဵؿݐܘ‬ზॶႬჵࢽ‫ڭ‬࿧ߋ۟ߙ‫ؿ‬ශൠੲ्LjҔና ቟ᇉඟમ्஼ӭกՠ‫ؿ‬ኳൠ჋ഊLjሶࠠ‫ؿ‬ნᇹ෮ኟზܵྚན߭ௗಬზᇓೖ ՛౰߭ࣗঃሴઉ໎‫ޜ‬મᅏઉቀ֕ăđࠟ෼‫ق‬࿏෍ዥࡄዓौ‫ػ‬ă


On 22nd February 2011, TÜV Rheinland officially announced its signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Anhui EHE New Energy Tech. Co., Ltd. (EHE New Energy) during the Shanghai SNEC (2011) PV POWER EXPO. Under the terms of the agreement, the two parties will engage in deeper and more extensive cooperation in product certification, system safety assessment and project management. Mr Uwe Halstenbach, Director of Electrical at TÜV Rheinland Greater China, who was present at the MOU signing ceremony, stated: “TÜV Rheinland has long been committed to providing professional testing and certification services locally to assure the safety and quality of Photovoltaic (PV) products, thus facilitating their global market access.”

+ ฮদਹᆑ!Data Source http://www.imsresearch.com

In recent years, the PV industry has undergone rapid, but steady growth, which has boosted demand for PV inverters in the global marketplace. According to a recent report issued by IMS Research, the international PV inverter market is forecast to reach US$8.5 billion in sales by 2014, a compound annual growth rate of nearly 25%.+ As a high-tech enterprise that specialises in the research, development, manufacture and


export of PV inverters, EHE New Energy began cooperating with TÜV Rheinland in terms of product testing and market access in August 2009. The signing of the MOU marks an important milestone in the establishment of closer ties between the two parties. TÜV Rheinland can currently offer safety and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) services that conform to the requirements of North America, Australia, Europe, Spain, Italy and China.

According to Mr Halstenbach, “the constant expansion in the development of the PV industry has also led to fiercer competition among the manufacturers of PV inverters”. He continued: “From the technical standpoint, domestic manufacturers still have considerable room for improvement in light of the advanced technologies seen abroad. TÜV Rheinland, with its extensive experience in the testing and certification of PV products and in-depth understanding of global standards, keeps manufacturers informed of the latest requirements in their target markets and offers one-stop solutions that help them to strengthen their products’ competitiveness.”





ය࢐ᇍൃ द૚ଜຠ TÜV Rheinland attends EUCCC Social Responsibility Forum !!!!!!!!!!!!‫߭ؽ‬ਸᄑTÜVखဒና௷ᄬाಬზ઀ᄇĂය࢐ᇍൃࠞࡦॼ Ҧࡓ൲ሚࡔ‫ڈ‬ຈؕਹ‫ؿ‬໡ᇸăཻ୦ნቊჵਹჵओරୟࠔཝਹནಬ ზۙᇴ஼ӭLjࢬࢸժ‫ط‬ീ੥Ă৭ࣉᅪࡦॼቇࣱ‫ࠞؿ‬ဘۙᇴăߋኙ ീ੥෍࢝їഠࠞ౰ባLj໎‫଻ޜ‬ዚกՠ၍ഊ೩ܲࠠৰ֕ၝ္ۙᇴ‫ؿ‬ ्ি۴ѝჵֈ‫ंޙ‬ඬീ੥࢝‫ؐڭڈ‬ዋര‫ؿ‬ᄯ࿳Ljནཻ୦ᄭ‫ؾ‬મഠ ഉ৴ࡖ‫ؿ‬ዧቱࠞဪ਺ă 2011௧2ᆟ25ൊāශᑉ




ශ ᑉ ‫ ڄ‬۴ ᄙ ደ এ ٥ ֈ ‫ ޙ‬ঢ ґ મ ነ ໏ ན!


Đ ‫ ݐ‬ᅏ ഠ ഉ ᇍ ൃ ᄃ ෧ đ 2 011 ኂ घ ൲ ल

‫۾‬բӛ჋‫ؿ‬ăISO 26000ሸᆷ‫ݙ‬ӧምቯካ

ቷ ଜ ຠ ă ഠഉࣹႬᅪൄሽܵྚ૏࿏ሚ‫ؽ‬

ਝLj൜ड़LjؐቩဆಬზLj‫۾‬ᄩ઀ࢩެ-! ۙ




ནቑᄞ-! ‫࡝ߙٓࠔޑ‬൜ࠟഠஅ༑ဵය࢐ᇍ



࢐ᇍൃ߭ࣗӭኳISO26000‫ؿ‬ነ໏ႠझLj ԃᅪ‫ظ‬ՠ‫ؿ‬१60சಬზࠞዠቈ‫ݴ‬Մߏੲ


ീᆎࢬࢸສໃ൜ࠟᆷISO 26000‫ؿ‬ቑᄞ࿉



ൃ‫ؿ‬ੲ्Lj‫ۑװ‬ᄞֵᆷဧॶ࣐෢‫ؿؗ‬ಬ ზය࢐ᇍൃৰኡ࡞ནნቯ༁዁ᅪඟࢩLj

଴ї‫ي‬࿏෍ᆷଜຠቩ໎‫ظ‬ǖ Đ2010௧11ᆟ


1ൊሸ෮ֵຕISO 26000:2010෸஼ೇዥ༵






ख ಬ ზ ය ࢐ ᇍ ൃ (CSR)༑ ߖ ‫ ဳ ࠟ ൃ ظ‬෮













TÜV Rheinland can assist you in meeting the challenges that arise from the interactions amongst corporate benefits, SR and environmental protection. We strive for a better future by ensuring a balance between man, technology and nature. Our group’s success in delivering helpful solutions for quality and safety, market access, and sustainable development has earned us the trust and respect of our customers around the globe.

TUV.COMMUNICATION Shenzhen, 25th February 2011 The European Union Chamber of Commerce (EUCCC) and the EU-China Managers Association (EUCMA) jointly hosted the 2011 Pearl River Delta Forum at the Grand Mercure Oriental Ginza Hotel in Shenzhen in February. This successful event adopted the theme “Being Globally Responsible”. TÜV Rheinland, a global inspection and certification leader, was invited to attend the forum during which Andreas Münch, General Manager of Certification and Accreditation of Systems at TÜV Rheinland Greater China, elaborated upon the ISO 26000:2010-Guidance on Social Responsibility (SR). Approximately 60 executives and managers from a range of companies attended the forum and displayed a strong desire to learn more about how they can fulfil their corporate social responsibility (CSR) by following the guidance provided by ISO 26000. During the forum, Mr Münch noted that “1st November 2010 marked the official launch of ISO 26000, the SR guidance standard that provides the most authoritative, up-to-date and comprehensive definition of what it means for any organisation to be socially responsible”. He continued: “It both adds value to existing work on CSR and extends the understanding and implementation of SR. In the past, there were many different code of conduct and standards, but many with a strong focus on the industrial supply chain and not many covering all aspects of SR. For instance, consumer issues have been neglected so far, but of course consumers are an important stakeholder group whose interests need to be considered when balancing the demands from so many different directions.” Mr Münch concluded: “ISO26000 is planning to change that.

The standard now provides guidelines applicable to any organisation – whether small or large, public or private, in the developed world or in developing countries – allowing them to better plan SR fulfilment.” Brian Ho, Director of CSR Asia’s China offices focused on promoting understanding of the CSR concept amongst Chinese firms. He encouraged the attendees to view CSR not only as a social benefit but also as a chance to explore new business opportunities in the new economy. Fu Lei, Nokia’s CSR Director, Greater China, Dou RuiGang, Executive SecretaryGeneral of the Tencent Fund, and Li


Jun, Chairman of the Humanitarian Advisory Council at Operation Blessing China, also attended the forum and shared their knowledge and experience of CSR best practice. By highlighting the example of leading companies and organisations, the forum encouraged small- and medium-sized enterprises to take the leap from good intentions to concrete actions in fulfilling their social responsibilities to achieve a harmonised society.





About TÜV Rheinland PTL, LLC

ደଥᅙႊ઀൶௄ቶLj‫߭ؽ‬ਸᄑT Ü V-

Based in Tempe, Arizona, TÜV Rheinland PTL, LLC is a leading provider of safety and performance testing and market certification serving every sector of the photovoltaic and solar thermal marketplace, from the supply chain through installation. TÜV Rheinland PTL is a member of the TÜV Rheinland Group, which has the largest network of solar energy laboratories worldwide, with six major laboratories on three continents. The lab was formed as a unique partnership between Arizona State University, an institution with more than 50 years of research on solar energy and extensive solar testing know-how, and TÜV Rheinland, a global technical service provider of independent testing, assessment, and certification.

P T L ҴୟຘႷ௙Ճฅቩဩ෸ຘႷ௙ ߕܳᅪຘႷߕഽဵზ૏࿏‫ࣉؿ‬ฦܵ ྚ ‫ ޜ‬ᄥඟLj໎‫ ޜװ ޜ‬ᄥગ‫ظ‬їኧ‫ؿ‬ ༵ሶ‫ؿ‬їഠՃฅĂ္௙Ճฅჵ ࢽก ՠኳൠ ܵ ྚăዮན‫߭ؽ‬ਸᄑ T Ü V ࢼ ༐‫ؿ‬ֈᆎቇნLj‫߭ؽ‬ਸᄑ T Ü V- P T L ෸ᅈ‫߭ؽ‬ਸᄑTÜ Vࢼ༐ᅪႊ઀൶௄ ቶઅؐၪࠠዮර અăೇሚᄴᅏഠഉ ዥ ؐ‫ؿ‬ຘႷ௙෦ ႬฃགྷନLj‫܍‬ԝᆷ ൲ؐ ቷ૜‫ދ‬ነ჋෦Ⴌฃăࡄ ሚᆷ ຘ Ⴗ ௙ ႓ ঈ ࠞ Ճ ฅ ۴ அᄴ ᅏ ի ߰ 5 0 ௧‫ॶݐܘؿ‬Ⴌᅪࣉฦă



ANSI/UL 1703 TÜV Rheinland PTL Receives OSHA Approval for ANSI/UL 1703 Certification

!!!!!!!!!!! ႊ઀൶௄ቶLj2011௧3ᆟ24ൊă‫߭ؽ‬ਸᄑTÜV-PTL෸Ҵୟ ዥؐ‫ؿ‬ຘႷ௙ࠞຘႷߕ٢Ճฅ‫ํޞ‬Ljჲഖ‫ؾ‬ୟ߭቉ზऌড়ᅪїഠߏ ੲট(OSHA)ൄৰLjৰࠜۙANSI/UL 1703ൄሽຈ၍‫ؿ‬ҴୟຘႷ௙ї ഠӭ቗ă‫ۙݘ‬ሽ዁‫ކ‬ख෪‫߭ؽ‬ਸᄑTÜV‫ؿ‬ຘႷ௙Ճฅൄሽზྚ‫࣠ޑ‬ ༵ሶLjဒና৴ࡖ‫ٓࠔޑ‬ഠഉกՠă Tempe, Arizona, 24th March, 2011. TÜV Rheinland PTL, LLC, North America’s largest solar and photovoltaic testing company, was approved by the U.S. Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) to provide certification for ANSI/UL 1703 the required North American solar safety mark. The accreditation is the latest in TÜV Rheinland´s comprehensive portfolio of testing and photovoltaic certifications to help clients penetrate the global marketplace. দ‫ྟ܍‬LjഠഉຘႷ௙ዠऋ቟ᇉඟࠞ࿧ߋ૆

Worldwide, photovoltaic solar module


manufacturers and the suppliers of related components consider the U.S. a large target market according to industry analysts. ANSI/UL 1703 certification is currently one of the pivotal regulatory requirements to launch photovoltaic products in the U.S. marketplace.

ୟ߭ANSI/ UL 1703ൄሽᇏ෸ຘႷ௙՛౰ ॣ ൠ ୟ ߭ ก ՠ ቱ ჋ ‫ ߙ ۟ ؿ‬჋ ഊ ቇნăĐ ཻ୦‫ ۾‬բ ‫ူݴ‬ഖ‫ؾ‬ҴୟOSHA ‫ؿ‬ൄሽ ዁ ‫ކ‬ă‫߭ؽ‬ਸ ᄑ TÜV-PTL ֈ ནୟ߭​߭ࣟൄ ৰ Ճ ฅ ෦ Ⴌ ฃ ( NRTL) ख ෪ ཻ ୦ ௙ ޮ ‫ޑ‬ ᅏဌٓᆨᅂኟზࣉฦჵ ࢽ Ӭԝഠ ഉ‫ؿ‬གྷ ନ‫ٓࠔޑ‬ནഠ ഉ৴ࡖ໎ ‫ ޜ‬ୟ߭กՠኳൠ ܵ ྚăđҴ ୟ ຘႷ௙ ზ ྚ‫ݏ‬ᇍ ീRichard BozicevichӰ෯ă


For more information, visit: www.tuvptl.com.

“We are very pleased by the accreditation of our North American certification body from OSHA. The elevation of status as a Nationally Recognized Test Laboratory (NRTL)

for TÜV Rheinland PTL will give TÜV Rheinland Group another of the key pieces to service our clients globally,” said Richard Bozicevich, North American Business Field Manager for Solar Services, “With this accreditation we can leverage the expertise and geographic reach of the TÜV Rheinland network to better service clients across the globe.”




!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! १௧ਹ๵ኼ௙ᆑĂ໧૸Ăߟ‫ػ‬द໳ĂओኗĂ໳ဪĂ‫׉‬

ԑĂ಴մ‫ك‬՛ზ‫ݴؿ‬๨ۙᇴLjిໄ‫ؿ‬٢࿦٢ੇဵზᄬਹဧ‫ਁֵؿ‬ ࢩᅵă஼ೇLjቩ߭٢࿦٢ੇ቟ᇉ‫ؿ‬՛ခઢჲজ෱॒ቇจLj‫ئ‬෸ታ ‫ؿڹ‬٢࿦٢ੇ቟ᇉಬზഩஅ઼ኼ෍՛ࢼቩ‫وڡ‬Ă቟ᇉֈӁ‫ݴ‬Ăᅈ ᅙദ‫ࠜ۝‬ဩ‫ؿ‬৑ۙ௙ઉ‫ط‬ቛဵზ໷ባ࡞ঃሴ‫ؿ‬႒ে໡ᇸLjTÜVਸ ᄑ‫ؿ‬ኟࣟᆷ‫׫ר‬႓ໃ࢐ቩখ൜ࠟᆷҦሊ՛౰їഠ္‫ؿ‬໷෢໳߰ࣉ ฦ‫ב‬ဧ෦࿝՛౰ැࣃLj‫ۑװ‬໎ැಬზ‫ࠜؿ‬ဩঃሴઉჵ‫ٓࠔޑ‬ԯᅪ ഠഉ࡞ঃሴ໎‫ޜ‬મኟზ‫्ؿ‬ি۴ѝă The soaring development of such industries as energy, rail, rail transit, construction, communications, shipping and mobility has resulted in a dramatic rise in export opportunities for the related cable and cord industry. Although the production and sales volume of China-made cables and cords rank at the top globally, numerous manufacturers are facing such tough challenges as a low production concentration, high manufacturing costs and industrial homogenisation competition due to a lack of core development capability. In the recent seminar, experts from TÜV Rheinland provided professional solutions that will help these manufacturers to ensure product safety and upgrade their products via technological innovation, thus also helping them to enhance their core competence and stand out from the global competition.


2011௧2ᆟ26ൊቚ27ൊLjTÜVਸᄑᆷࠤҴѼ Ⴖ٨ߏੲ఻ၸၪᆗঢґ٢࿦٢ੇ႓ໃ࢐Lj ቕᆷᅪߖؐ٢࿦٢ੇಬზद૚กՠජნဎ ဧဲ‫࣠ݒݴ‬቎໅ቯ٢ੇ‫ࣉؿ‬ฦ໅ٞჵࢽ࿧ ᄥ‫ؿ‬ఒቷࢽ߭ௗ‫ؿ‬ӭኳ჋ഊă‫׫ר‬႓ໃ࢐ ࢠ‫ؾ‬મ߭ࣟ٢࿦٢ੇባઢ࣭‫ࣹږ‬Ⴌቩဩᅪ ࠤҴቩઍ๫थ৭ࣉۙᇴᅏ࿥‫ؐؿํޞ‬ઉቀ ֕ᅪဒናLjԯ࣠ീฮի߰190ീLjਹዋ90ᅟ ࣟಬზLjಝቩҴ۴ٓഏ٢ੇಬზᇷ‫ظ‬50% ჵජLj࡙‫࡙ڄ‬ቩٓഏᇷ‫ظ‬१50%ă‫ר‬༭Lj߭ ྚᆗґ‫ޞ‬໩‫ؿ‬࿧ߋ૏‫ࠞط‬၀࿟‫ٓج‬૏‫ط‬Ă ࠤҴිባࣹᆗ‫ؿ‬ዓ‫ޗ‬ჵࢽࠤҴි٢ੇဒ࢐ ࢐գ๾෰஖࿏෍ĂҴॲ٢࿦٢ੇဵზဒ࢐ ࢐գ໺቗ೖ࿏෍დԇൔֵྶમ‫ڈ࢝׫ר‬ă ནಓઠ໙‫ؿ‬႓ໃ࢐ቩLjTÜVਸᄑؐቩ࡙ഏඟ ᅂᅪ‫ޗ‬ზ՛౰ܵྚԠዓ࣭ցཙড়Ԋ෰ᅪ٢ ઉ‫׈‬ต՛౰ዓॶੲ૘ཙߴఉ෰‫ك‬झ෗‫܍‬ӳ ‫܍‬࿴મఒቷዥဧ‫ؿ‬ຩዚࢰൄሽჵࢽຘႷ௙ ٢ੇĂ٢‫ڈ‬಴մ٢ੇࢽࢩմ٢ੇ‫ؿ‬ൄৰൄ ሽഀਝă߭ࣟ٢࿦٢ੇባઢ࣭‫ࣹږ‬Ⴌቩဩ ྋգโነൃᇏሦ‫ڭ‬ဧူ՛ზ໅ቯ٢࿦٢ੇ ࣉฦۙᇴॣဵમ࿱྿‫॔ؿ‬දăԜඬԯ࢐ಬ ზӰ෯‫׫ר‬႓ໃ࢐ནಬზ‫ࣉؿ‬ฦ႓ۙᅪ՛ ౰ැࣃ໎‫ޜ‬મ‫۾‬բᅏઉ‫ؿ‬ቀ֕ࠞቑ‫ط‬Ljԃ ྪཆॣნԞમ्TÜVਸᄑᆷ‫ݘ‬૏ᅱ‫ؿ‬ൄሽ ॶႬLjჵࢽ‫ؿڹޑ‬٢࿦٢ੇ՛౰߭ࣗกՠ ኳൠ዁ၹLj‫ۑװ‬ᆷกՠ༣ᇴ۴அᄭ‫ؾ‬ঃሴ ᅄ෷ă ‫׫ר‬႓ໃ࢐ᆏ଻ौษăTÜVਸᄑख౷॓ի

TÜV Rheinland hosted a cable and cord seminar at the White Pond Training Centre in Hebei Province on the 26th and 27th of February with the aim of exchanging views with a large number of cable and cord manufacturers and highlighting the technical features of a variety of new and high value-added special cables, as well as the European and domestic requirements covering them. The seminar received strong support from the China National Centre for the Quality Supervision & Testing of Electric Wire & Cable (TICW) and Hebei Zhonglian Plastics Technology Development Co., Ltd. It was attended by more than 190 representatives of over 90 companies, among which cable companies from the north of China accounted for more than 50%, with those from east and central China accounting for the remainder. Joining them were top officials from the General Office of the State Council and Xiong County, the chief engineer of the Hebei Academy of Quality and Technical Supervision, Mr Sun Shiming, Chairman of the Hebei Cable Television Association, and Mr Tong Zhiqiang, Chairman of the Beijing Wire and Cable Industry Association.

߰31௧ᆷ‫ݘ‬૏ᅱ‫ॶݐܘؿ‬Ⴌ֕ቇჵ࠴ٓན ‫ތ‬੥‫׈‬໾٢ੇჵࢽ໅ቯ٢ੇ՛౰Lj൜ߕܳ ٢ੇĂ٢‫ࢩڈ‬մ٢ੇĂ‫ܞ‬௙٢ੇĂࢩմ٢ ੇĂ٢໊٢ੇ‫ك‬໎‫ޜ‬ኟზ‫ؿ‬Ӂٓ࡞ნᇹ෮ ܵྚLjናઉ߭ௗ٢࿦٢ੇ቟ᇉಬზ໎ැ՛ ౰ঃሴᅄ෷Lj‫ۑװ‬෦࿝‫ؿݴޑ‬ზྚᇓգă

During the two-day seminar, Dr Chen Weikang and Ms Liu Weihai, Director of Commercial Products and General Manager of Power Transmission Devices, respectively, at TÜV Rheinland Greater China, familiarised


the attendees with the latest European carbon footprint assessments and the certification status quo for Photovoltaic (PV) cables, electric vehicle cables and locomotive cables. Furthermore, Mr Wu Changshun, Director of TICW, gave a detailed introduction to the latest technological developments of special cables for these emerging industries. The seminar received strong feedback, with attendees noting that they had found it very useful, particularly in the guidance it provided them in terms of technological, R&D and product upgrading. They said they had also appreciated learning more about TÜV Rheinland’s certification services in this arena, as well as receiving information on international market access, thus giving them a competitive advantage in business development. Since the successful close of the seminar, TÜV Rheinland has continued to draw on its 20+ years of experience in this field to fulfil its commitment to providing a one-stop service for manufacturers of traditional and special cables, including PV, electric vehicle, wind energy, locomotive and elevator cables. We stand by our pledge to fully support domestic cable and cord manufacturers in promoting the competitive advantage of their products and achieving further business growth.





ᆶ෍ԥባႬሽࠞຩዚࢰႬሽ Da Ai Eco Blankets verified by TÜV Rheinland to contain

100% Recycled Materials

and to have a small carbon footprint


!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ؐ ѓ ‫ ࡦ ې ݥ‬Ҧ ୊ ວ ᅙ ൊ ೇ ໳ ߰ ‫ ߭ ؽ‬ਸ ᄑ TÜVᆶ ෍ ԥ ባ Ⴌ ሽ ࢽ ຩ ዚ ࢰ Ⴌ ሽ Lj ሽ ஖ ಝ ࡦ Ҧ ୊ວ‫װ‬ᆊલ‫ظ‬՛౰ܲࠠ߭ࣗࡦҦᆶ෍჋ഊLj໷ ෢დሽ஖‫࣐ץ‬ᆷࡦҦ۴அโᄥ߭ࣗഎ෷Ljቛઉ ं ඬ ຩ ఠ ‫ ۼ‬ઢ ă! Da Ai Eco Blankets, which provide warmth with great love, have been granted certification and verified by TÜV Rheinland Group to contain 100% recycled materials and to have a small carbon footprint, thus proving that these green blankets are in full compliance with the environmental requirements of international markets. It also offers proof that the Tzu Chi Foundation’s efforts to make use of recycled materials in line with the international trend towards carbon emission reduction are paying off.

໳߰Ⴌሽ‫ؿ‬଍ൾࡦҦ୊ວনᅏჸ ‫ݞ‬ĂԜჸᆽ‫ؿ‬໅္Ljբᅂᅙഠഉ᧓ ᆳ྘዁ăಝᆊલഖዋ‫܆‬ಳPET๫લ ౸Lj቟ᇉ߰֋ቩԜ໚࣠ളൾ࣎ჵं ඬ‫ۻ‬ቈ౰ളൾ߰֋‫ؐؿ‬ઢᅂ฽ăഖ ‫ؾ‬ᆶ෍ԥባႬሽდሽ஖‫ࡦݘ‬Ҧ‫ۻ‬ቈ ౰໳߰ᅏ߷྘ባࣹՃLj‫ڭ‬ീ໒྇‫ڗ‬ ྇߷ă

These blankets are a true green product. They are highly dirt-resistant and easy to dry, and are often used in global disaster relief operations. The blankets are made from waste PET bottles, and no new dyes are involved in their manufacture, which substantially reduces the amount of chemicals introduced into the environment, as well as the amount of water employed in the production process. Their green colour not only is testament to their environmental credentials, but also shows off the natural colour of recycled PET bottles. The attainment of recycled materials verification demonstrates that the product has been tested and proven safe and non-toxic to humans.





ؐѓ‫ࡦېݥ‬Ҧဆ໦෰ Da Ai Green Tips



ฌࢽဧზྚۙᇴዓॶੲྋቲ࿔ไǖ Đნ҈




೼ ྻ୊ວ෢Ljჵงྻ‫ؗ‬໓


ྻ უࢩLjৰॅිྻუࢩࠕ



௙ ࢽ฽዁ᆑLj‫ྻۑ‬঄ࡄዋ



ര ણ‫ݞ‬დৰჵंඬ‫ݴ‬،



:1 & ຩ ఠ‫ۼ‬ઢă To further protect the environment, Da Ai recommends hand-washing the blankets rather than using a washing machine, thereby saving more energy and reducing water consumption. Air- rather than machine-drying can further reduce carbon emissions by up to 90%.

લĂ቟ᇉĂဂ‫܈‬ሚ෪ᅂ‫ظ‬ቊ‫ظ‬ቮ‫ڤ‬՛౰ ຩዚࢰ෸ࢨᅙԜ໷࢝‫ڈ‬ຈ՛෍‫ཫؿ‬ฃಱ











ં൜ৎ‫ۿ‬ᇙĂPP/PE! Ă‫ۻ‬ቈ౰Ă٢ዊ՛


౰Ă෤౰‫ك‬՛౰‫ؿ‬ຩዚࢰႬሽăཻ୦Ҕ ‫߭ؽ‬ਸᄑTÜVሦ‫ؐڭ‬ѓ଍ൾࡦҦ୊ວຩ


ዚ ࢰ ‫ ؿ‬ෆ ࠜ ۭ ཐ Lj ‫ װ‬PETࢇ ฆ ू ‫ ڧ‬՛ ෍


PETઆ Ă ࣠ ‫ ظ ๎ ޗ‬ֈ ౰ ୊ ວ Lj ҡ ߽ મ ‫ݘ‬ ՛౰ഠ෍஛ትಓቩ‫ؿ‬ఠ‫ۼ‬ႬሽăӁ‫׫‬ຩ


ዚ ࢰ ࣓ ๲ ौ ߮ ࿛ ෯ Lj ჵ PETࢇ ฆ ቟ ֈ ‫ؿ‬








!!!!!!!!!!࿧‫ڭ‬ᅙ෪ᅂဧ‫ؿ‬ᆊ྘લLjৰჵؐ​ؐंඬຩ ఠ‫ۼ‬ઢLjंඬٓഉ዁ᆑ‫ؿ‬ဂࠕăም੥՛౰खֈན‫۾‬ բন‫و‬ຩᅄ෷‫ࡦؿ‬Ҧ՛౰ă! “Compared to the use of new raw materials, putting recycled materials to use can reduce carbon emissions dramatically and decrease consumption of the Earth’s resources. This product is perfectly placed for the eco-friendly, very low-carbon market niche”.


Commenting on the verification, Jason Wu, general manager of TÜV Rheinland Systems Greater China Sales and New Business Development, said, “Normally, the recycled PET impurity rate at recycling plants reaches 1520%, but Tzu Chi’s volunteers have helped to reduce this to less than 10% by using a good PET bottle separation and classification procedure. Such superior processing not only facilitates better quality, but also leads to the consumption of less energy.” Combined with the technical capacity of supply-chain vendors, the end result is green blankets of much greater added value. Da Ai Technology has also found that its use of carbon footprint measurement tools has given it a fuller picture of its green blankets. First, compared to the production of brand new materials, the use of recycled materials reduces carbon emissions by 15%. Second, the company’s green blankets are made of 100% recycled PET, with no additional dyeing ingredients, and thus they require no energy use for dyeing and produce no carbon emissions. Yet, they maintain their naturally green colour and boast strong dirt resistance. The use of carbon footprint tools enables a better understanding of the greenhouse gas emissions produced by different activities and measures the impact of these activities on climate change. The use of oil, water and electricity produces greenhouse gases. The more energy and other resources we use, the more serious climate warming becomes. TÜV Rheinland has verified that Da Ai has fully implemented carbon footprint reduction technology throughout the


ຕ༰‫߭ؽ‬ਸᄑዓॶੲࠟ෰‫ق‬࿏෍ ᅪؐѓ‫ېݥ‬৭ࣉቍဵ‫چ‬ෳੳ‫ٿ‬ங࿏෍ Mr.Uwe Haistenbach, General Manager of TÜV Rheinland Taiwan, and Mr. James Lee, CEO of Da Ai Technology (from left to right)

entire lifecycle of its green blankets, from the recovery of PET particles to the processing of the yarn that goes into the finished blankets.

products and food products, thereby helping manufacturers to improve the efficiency and green credentials of their products.

According to Jason Wu, “companies can use recycled materials to meet the requirements set down in international environmental standards, and also take advantage of carbon footprint tools to measure the carbon emissions of green products at different stages of their lifecycle – from raw materials and manufacturing to consumer endproducts”.

Da Ai Technology chose TÜV Rheinland as its preferred recycled materials and carbon footprint verification partner because of its ability to implement strict internationally recognised third-party audits. The company’s objective in gaining such verification has been not only to fulfil the international environmental requirements for its products, but also to incorporate international-standard documentation and procedures in the hope of promoting the recycled product concept in international markets and doing its part to cultivate a green ethos.

TÜV Rheinland has extensive professional experience in the provision of recycling and carbon management services. For more than 20 years, it has been assisting manufacturers by verifying a wide range of recycled materials, such as waste coffee powder and PP/PE, and has provided carbon footprint verification for textiles, electronic

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