GC News VOL 3_TC

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德 國 萊因TÜV 大 中華區通訊 TÜV Rheinland Greater China News 德 國 萊因TÜV集團

清 潔 發展機制 技 術 評 審 中心在北京正 式 啟 用 TÜV Rheinland Establishes

CDM Technical

Review Center in Beijing

太陽能光電模組測試新方案 提 高 產品透明度及 買 主 信 心

Photovoltaic Modules Put to the Test

New Program to Bring Transparency for Buyers





目 錄 / Contents


德 國 萊 因 TÜV大 中 華區客服專線和 郵箱啟用了 TÜV Rheinland Greater China Customer Service Hotlines and Service Mailbox Go Live

技術專題/ Technical Expertise

05/09 05

德國 萊 因 獲 E P A 認 可 提供 能 源 之 星 測 試服務 EPA Authorises TÜV Rheinland to Offer ENERGY STAR® Services

俄羅斯能效規定 Russia Imposes New Energy Efficiency Regulation

Introduction to the ZLS Experience Exchange Groups

德國萊因TÜV阿根廷公司成立新的 通訊產品實驗室 TÜV Rheinland Opens New Telecom Laboratory in Argentina


德國萊因TÜV集團SEEK國際能源管 理專案正式啟動 TÜV Rheinland Promotes Energy Efficiency with Official Launch of SEEK Project in Beijing

14/ 19

飛機緊急逃生模擬訓練系統機電設 備安全檢查

20/ 21



太 陽 能 光 電 模 組 測 試新方案 提 高 產 品 透 明 度 及 買主信心 Photovoltaic Modules Put to the Test —New Program to Bring Transparency for Buyers


Photobiological Safety Testing Laboratories Established in Ningbo and Guangzhou

07/ 09

關 於 Z L S 經 驗 交 流 工 作組的介紹

動態與服務/ Featured Service

德國萊因在寧波和廣州成功建立光 生物安全實驗室

10/ 11

Safety Inspections for Aircraft Emergency Evacuation Simulation Training Systems 台灣彰化基督教醫院醫療服務品質優 異 通過德國萊因優良服務品質驗證 TÜV Rheinland Grants Excellent Service Quality Certification to Changhua Christian Hospital in Taiwan

22/ 23


德國萊因TÜV集團大中華區成功參 與2010現代化鐵路技術裝備展覽會 TÜV Rheinland Greater China Joins Successful Modern Railways 2010

24/ 28

環 保 旅 館 : 從 環 境管理到節能減 廢,致力永續雙贏 A Win-Win Sustainable Solution: from Environmental Management and Reduction of Waste to Energy Conservation

34/ 35 36/ 39

TÜV Rheinland Group Cooperates with ZTT Equipment Cable Striving for the World-class Production of Special Cables

29/ 31

德 國 萊 因 TÜV集 團 清潔發展機制技 術 評 審 中 心 在 北 京正式啟用 TÜV Rheinland Establishes CDM Technical Review Center in Beijing

時訊/ Alive

德國萊因TÜV與中天科技裝備電纜 協力合作,打造國際一流特殊線纜 生產能力



德 國 萊 因 TÜV協 助 京儀綠能強勢挺進 歐 洲 市 場 : 京 儀 綠能500KW大功率太 陽 能 逆 變 器 通 過 德國萊因TÜV驗證 TÜV Rheinland Supports JYE in Accessing European Markets: JYE 500KW PV Inverter Awarded TÜV Rheinland Group’s TÜV and CE Certificates

32/ 33

德國萊因全程支持中國首場碳中和 演唱會 TÜV Rheinland’s Contribution to the First Carbon Neutral Concert in China

Credit 主編/ C hief editor

李濤/ Li Tao

編輯/ Editor

徐菁/ Grace Xu 謝幸儒/ Joyce H. J. Hsieh 戚黎俊/ Treen Qi

40/ 41




Dear honored Customer,


We are pleased to inform you that the Greater China Customer Service Hotlines and Service Mailbox are now live!

即日起您可以透過下列客服專線與客服信箱,快速聯繫德國萊 因TÜV大中華區客服團隊,我們將立即反應您的需求,為您提 供優質、便捷、專業的服務。 作為聯繫您和德國萊因TÜV大中華區的橋樑,我們樂意提供您 各項服務的基本介紹、諮詢和轉介,隨時傾聽您的建議或訴 求,以期不斷提升我們的服務品質。 感謝您長期以來對我們的鼎力支持,讓我們繼續攜手共進。 德國萊因TÜV大中華區客戶服務部

From 1st January 2011, new contact channels are available with TÜV Rheinland Greater China, thus allowing us to respond to your needs more quickly and providing you with a convenient and high-quality professional service. When you contact us through one of the channels above, we will direct you to and/or provide advice on the most appropriate service. We will listen to and deal promptly with all of your concerns and requests in the most efficient manner, in line with our aim to improve our service quality continuously. We are grateful for your ongoing support and encouragement, and hope we can continue to support you in achieving greater success.

客服專線/ Hotlines:

Central Customer Services TÜV Rheinland Greater China

中國大陸/ Mainland China: 8009993668 / +86 4008831300 800只限大陸固定市話撥打 800 number accessible from domestic fixed lines only


香港/ Hong Kong: +852 21921022 台灣/ Taiwan: +886 2 25287007

客服專線和郵箱啟用了 TÜV Rheinland Greater China

客服信箱/ Service Mailbox: service-gc@tuv.com

服務時間/ Service Hours: 週一至週五上午9:00 – 下午6:00 (當地法定節假日除外) 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, (excluding local national holidays)

Customer Service Hotlines and Service Mailbox Go Live



德國萊因獲EPA 認可提供

能源之星測試服務 EPA authorises TÜV Rheinland to offer

ENERGY STAR services 美國環保署在2010年開始修改行之有年的能

德國萊因已通過美國環境保護署(Environmental Protection


Agency, EPA) 認可的第三方測試實驗室資格,可為能源之星計劃提供獨立



公正的第三方測試與驗證服務。 TÜV Rheinland has been authorised by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to provide independent third-party testing and certification services for the ENERGY STAR® programme.


Changes in the well-established ENERGY

services can also be provided for audio and


STAR® programme came into effect in

video equipment, battery charging systems,


January 2011. These changes are intended

telephony equipment, servers and imaging

to strengthen the ENERGY STAR® mark as a

equipment. This list will be extended to

sign of energy efficient product design. The

further product categories in the near future,

星標誌。此次修改的最大變化是廠商不能再 採取自願性申報,而需經由美國環保署認可 的第三方實驗室及驗證機構進行驗證。除此

除了強制性第三方測試,自2011年起,美國環 保署也將實施產品上市後的市場抽測程序。

major novelty is the system’s move away

and the number of accepted testing facilities


from a voluntary self-declaration scheme to

will also expand.


a scheme in which qualification tests need


to be performed by EPA-accepted third-

In addition to testing in TÜV Rheinland’s


party laboratories and certification bodies

own facilities, the EPA also accepts


(CBs). In addition, the practice of allowing

tests according to the ENERGY STAR®

a product to be listed within one year of

specifications that are performed on

market entry is no longer allowed. Instead,

manufacturers/brands on-site in WMTL/

all products must be tested, certified and

SMTL programmes. Under the auspices

listed before entry into the US market.

of these programmes, an audit by a TÜV

具有在能源效率測試方面累積多年的豐富經 驗,集團內許多其他實驗室也正積極爭取美 國環保署的認可從事此項測試服務。可測試 的產品範圍除了顯示器、電視和電腦,亦包含 視聽設備、電池充電系統、電話設備、伺服器

Rheinland CB will confirm the suitability In addition to mandated third-party testing,

of the manufacturer’s testing abilities.

the EPA has also implemented a verification

The benefits for manufacturers are a

programme starting from 2011. This

faster testing/certification procedure and

verification programme requires ENERGY

personal cooperation with our experienced


STAR® partners – typically the brand name

engineering teams.


holders – to allow the inspection of 10%


of all certified products on the market

TÜV Rheinland also offers the unique


for sampling and testing by ENERGY

opportunity to combine several well-


STAR® CBs. The samples for the required

established testing services together with


verification tests must be purchased off-the-

ENERGY STAR® certification. Testing to


shelf in the markets in which the products

Californian CEC or Canadian NRCan

are sold.

Energy requirements are just two examples.

和影像設備。此份產品測試清單將在不久的 將來進一步延伸,德國萊因可提供此類測試 服務的測試機構也將持續增加。


This service saves interested parties from


Several of the globally distributed

providing samples twice and allows for faster

之 星,另外還有 加州能源法(C EC)、加拿大

laboratories within the TÜV Rheinland

international market access to countries



Group drew on their rich experience in

with energy efficiency regulations in place.


energy efficiency testing to take up the

Please contact us directly concerning the


challenge of gaining accreditation to several

latest energy efficiency requirements for


ENERGY STAR® specifications. In addition

your products.


to displays, TVs and computers, testing





俄羅斯能效規定 Russia Imposes New Energy Efficiency Regulation 根據俄羅斯工業貿易部於2010年9月9日 頒布的357號指令,2010年12月27日起, 俄羅斯開始對14類產品強制實施能效標 籤規定。

From 27th December 2010, Russia’s new energy efficiency requirements are mandatory. According to Order 357, issued by the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade and published on 9th September 2010, energy efficiency marking is required for 14 product groups.


According to the new Russian requirements, the following product groups must carry energy efficiency marking according to their classification.

01 冰箱

08 電視機

01 Refrigerators

08 Televisions

02 洗衣機

09 加熱器

02 Washing machines

09 Heaters

03 空調

10 熱水器

03 Air conditioners

10 Water Heaters

04 洗碗機

11 燈泡

04 Dish washing machines

11 Light bulbs

05 電爐(烤箱)

12 顯示器

05 Electric stoves (ovens)

12 Monitors

06 電烤爐

13 印表機

06 Electric grills

13 Printers

07 微波爐

14 電梯

07 Microwave ovens

14 Elevators



Russian Energy Efficiency Requirements.

A) 針對1-11類產品

A) For product groups 1 to 11 • Perform tests • Provide calculations • Design the energy efficiency label, including the corresponding class (Class A to G), according to the test results • The energy efficiency label should be displayed on the rating label, on the product itself and in its user manual

• 進行測試 • 數據計算 • 根據測試數據來設計包含對應級別 (A-G)的能效標籤 • 能效標籤必須標示在分級標籤、產 品本身以及使用說明書中

B) For product groups 12 to 14 • Provide calculations only • 數據計算 • The calculation information must be included along with the rating • 數據計算資訊必須標示在分級標籤 label (own design) and displayed on the product itself (that is, the (可自行設計)和產品本身(也就是 information label must be placed separately from the rating label 說,資訊標籤必須與分級標籤分開, and in the product user manual) 並放在使用說明書中) B) 針對12-14類產品

備註:關於所有產品類別的 測 試 要 求 和 計 算 資訊僅有俄文說明。 生效日期 2 0 10年 12月27日 能效標籤的語言: 俄文

Note: Information on testing requirements and the calculations for all product groups is available in Russian alone. Language required for labelling information: Russian Effective date: 27th December 2010


Introduction to the Experience Exchange Groups


關於 經驗交流工作組 的介紹 在有關GS驗證的程序文件中,經常會出現ZLS、ZEK、EK、AK等代號,在這裏我們就這些代號做一下介紹。 ZLS是德文Zentralstelle der Länder für Sicherheitstechnik的縮寫,中文翻譯為「國家安全技術委員會」,它是 德國官方的授權GS標誌驗證資格的機構。 ZEK是德文Zentraler


構,ZEK協調各授權驗證公司的工作責任。 In the procedural documents concerning GS-approval, you will often see the acronyms ZLS, ZEK, EK and AK. We would thus like to offer you an introduction to their meanings here. ZLS is an acronym for “Zentralstelle der Länder für Sicherheitstechnik”, which is the German for the Federal Centre for Security Technology, Germany’s official organisation for GS-accreditation authorisation. ZEK stands for “Zentraler Erfahrungsaustauschkreis”, the German for the Central Experience Exchange Group, an umbrella organisation that coordinates the work and oversees the responsibilities of approved bodies.

EK是德文Erfahrungsaustauschkreis的縮寫,中文翻譯為「經 驗交流工作組」,下表是部分按照產品分類的EK委員會名稱: EK is an acronym for “Erfahrungsaustauschkreis”, which, in English, is the Experience Exchange Group. There are 10 EK groups, based on different product categories, as follows.

電器產品 健身、遊樂、休閒產品及船 電梯 防爆 其他技術工作設備和成品 壓力設備 燃料燃燒器具及設備 防護設備 機器、安全零組件 戶外產品





每個EK工作組按產品進一步細分到不同的工作小組,即AK,德文 為Arbeitskreis,負責定期召開技術會議並頒布安全決議和測試 要求,如下表所示(以EK2和EK5為例): Each EK group is further divided into detailed product categories, each of which is the responsibility of a single working group, or, in German, “Arbeitskreis” (AK), which regularly holds technical discussion meetings and issues safety decisions and testing requirements. The following tables list the working groups within EK2 and EK5 as examples. 經驗交流工作組

類別:健身、遊樂、 休閒產品及船 Category: Sports/play/recreational equipment and boats 自行車 玩具 攜帶兒童裝置 健身、休閒設備及船 遊樂場設施及安裝 化學品


類別:其他技術工作設備和成品 Category: Other technical work equipment and finished commodities 鷹架、梯子、踏台 手工具





Safety cabinets


Industrial trucks


Car accessories


Storage facilities


Outdoor products

Hand tools


ZLS會在其官方網站上(http://www.zls-muenchen.de/)定期 頒布各工作小組制定的安全決議和安全要求,作為德國GS安全 驗證的相關依據。下表是部分最新頒布的產品安全要求目錄: The ZLS regularly announces the safety decisions and technical requirements agreed by the EKs/AKs on its official website ( HYPERLINK “http://www.zls-muenchen.de/” http://www. zls-muenchen.de/), which serve as the benchmarks for GS-mark approval. The following are some of the latest testing requirements that have been issued. 產品名稱 Product Name


手動真空起降器 安裝頂杆 手動彈簧夾緊裝置 單軸工業手推車 多軸工業手推車 拖車繩 拖車杆 裝卸坡道/裝卸軌道/裝卸橋 千斤頂支架 徒步旅行手杖 電動助力自行車 公共場所健身設備 雪橇 健身球 使用非常柔軟和彈性塑膠 製成的蓬鬆玩具 手推木板車 蹦床

每個EK工作組會任命來自於相關的授權組織、檢測中心或驗證公司的專家作為 該EK的主席,例如EK2是由TÜV Rheinland LGA Products GmbH的機械安全專 家Mr. Harald Olbertz擔任該工作組主席。 Each EK group appoints an expert from a related accreditation organisation, testing house or certification body as its chairman. For example, Mr Harald Olbertz, an expert in mechanical safety from TÜV Rheinland LGA Products GmbH, has been appointed the chairman of EK2.






德國萊因的專家團隊與柏林的Sola r p r a x i s A G 合 作 展開了一項新的太陽能光電模組比較測試,將來「PV+測試」



Photovoltaic Modules Put to the Test



雜誌 主 編 Dr. Michael Fuhs說:「透過德國 萊 因 獨 立 、 全 面


可以告訴您何謂「優良的」太陽能模組──也就是即使在使 用20年後,產量還是跟原始預測值一樣的太陽能模組。「PV+

的稽核,我們可以逐步獲得可靠、精確、可供比較的產品概 要資訊,市場上的高品質太陽能元件將脫穎而出。」該雜誌 將定 期 發 表測試結果。

New Program to Bring Transparency for Buyers

The experts from TÜV Rheinland together with Solarpraxis AG from Berlin have launched a new comparative test for photovoltaic modules used to generate electricity from solar energy: In the future “PV+Test” will answer the questions about what is a “good” solar module – those that will perform after even twenty years and return the power estimated in the original yield forecast. PV+Test has now been launched with eight module types under trial. The new test programme is open to all manufacturers and will be continually expanded. “Through this independent and comprehensive audit by TÜV Rheinland, step by step a reliable, accurate comparable overview of the high-quality solar modules on the market will come into being” said Dr. Michael Fuhs, Editor in Chief of the trade magazine “photovoltaik” that will regularly publish the test results.


Wilhelm Vaaßen表示:「我們的目標是
















試能反映出模組和測試方法的最新技術水 準。」Wilhelm Vaaßen說道。

德國萊因會以匿名的方式從市場上購買 太陽能模組,然後這些模組會在科隆的






Vaaßen表 示 : 「 這 個 測 試 的 關 鍵 要 素



研究,制定出25種不同的測試及測試標 準。評估採用德國學校的評分制度,分 為卓越、特優和優等。


The modules are purchased anonymously in normal outlets and then subjected to several months of testing in the Cologne laboratories of TÜV Rheinland. Wilhelm Vaaßen, Head of Business for renewable energy and solar expertise at TÜV Rheinland: “Key elements of the test are the output performance, resistance to aging, electrical safety, workmanship, documentation and installation instructions, together with ease of installation and warranty.” Module aging, for example, will be tested in climate chambers at 85 degrees Celsius with 85 percent humidity: The modules will be tested for 1,500 hours under these conditions. A temperature cycle test over almost 40 days is mandatory too. Here, the temperature is varied between 85 and

-40 degrees Celsius in 200 cycles, placing extreme demands on the quality and workmanship of the modules. Ongoing performance measurements, performed before the tests and after each test phase, are particularly important. Some 25 different tests and test criteria have been developed in the past two years jointly by TÜV Rheinland and Solarpraxis in consultation with an advisory committee of 35 experts from the solar industry. The assessment follows the German school grading system, i.e. top grade, very good, and good.


Wilhelm Vaaßen: “Our goal is to create a broadly based new program in the market that rewards the good types of modules and provides accurate descriptions.” The continuous and up-todate comparability of the PV+Test results will also be guaranteed through the module test being given an “expiration date” - after 18 months the modules will automatically fall out of the system and must be re-tested. “This will ensure that the current state of the art is always reflected for modules and test methods.”




德國萊因在寧波和廣州成功 建 立

光 生 物 安 全 實驗室 Photobiological Safety Testing Laboratories Established in Ningbo and Guangzhou 隨著德國萊因在寧波和廣州分別成功建立光生物安全實驗 室,LED照明產品的製造商與零售商在當地即可便捷地申請光 生物安全測試。 2010年10月,德國萊因寧波的光生物安全實驗室被國際電工委 員會IECEE授權認可為CB實驗室,這是德國萊因在大中華區首 家獲得CB資格光生物安全實驗室。同年12月,德國萊因在廣州 又建立了光生物安全實驗室,並通過了中國計量院的計量,設 備正式投入使用。 德國萊因的光生物安全實驗室根據IEC/EN 62471標準為燈和燈 系統提供測試服務,並出具CB或其他測試報告。光生物安全主 要測量燈和燈系統的光輻照度和光輻亮度,模擬燈或燈系統對 人眼的光輻射幾何結構,評估光輻射對眼睛及皮膚所造成的危 害,評估的波長範圍為200-3000nm,並根據測得的資料對每種 產品進行分級,包括豁免級、低危害級、中等危害級、高危害 級。 IEC/EN 62471中規定的輻射危害測試包括: • 對皮膚和眼睛的紫外線危害測試 • 眼睛的近紫外線危害測試 • 視網膜藍光危害測試 • 視網膜的熱度危害測試 • 眼睛的紅外線輻射危害測試 • 對皮膚的熱危害測試 2010年11月17日,德國萊因大中華區副總裁Kunz Holger先生和 電子電氣產品服務部總監Uwe Halstenbach先生參觀了寧波實驗 室,並針對實驗室的建設和發展以及如何提供客戶更優質的服 務給予重要指導意見。

Manufacturers and retailers of LED products can now obtain local photobiological safety testing services in Ningbo and Guangzhou. TÜV Rheinland Greater China’s first photobiological safety lab was established in Ningbo and approved by the IECEE in October 2010. Its second such lab, which has passed National Institute of Metrology calibration, was established in Guangzhou in December 2010. The lab’s equipment is now fully operational. Both laboratories provide photobiological safety testing for lamps and lamp systems according to IEC/EN 62471 and are authorised to issue CB and other test reports. Photobiological safety testing is designed to evaluate the photobiological hazards arising from different durations of exposure to spectral irradiance and radiance from lamps and lamp systems in wave lengths ranging from 200 nm to 3000 nm. These products are accordingly classified into Exempt, Low-Risk, Moderate-Risk and High-Risk groups. The exposure hazards specified in IEC/EN 62471 include the following: • • • • • •

Actinic-UV exposure hazard for the skin and eyes Near-UV exposure hazard for the eyes Retinal blue light exposure hazard Retinal thermal exposure hazard Infrared radiation exposure hazard for the eyes Thermal exposure hazard for the skin

On 17th November 2010, Mr Holger Kunz, Vice President of TÜV Rheinland Greater China, and Mr Uwe Halstenbach, Director of Electrical, visited the Ningbo lab and provided instruction and their views on the lab’s future development and ways to better serve clients.



德國萊因TÜV阿根廷公司 成立新的通訊產品實驗室 TÜV Rheinland Opens New Telecom Laboratory in Argentina


On 4th November 2010, the National Communications Commission of Argentina (CNC) granted accreditation to TÜV Rheinland’s Argentina laboratory, allowing us to testing telecommunication devices according to Argentina’s CNC standards.

CNC-St2-44.01 V02.1.1

The new laboratory’s scope includes the following standards.

• 電話PSTN終端設備(如:傳真機、數據機、私人電話等)

CNC-St2-44.01 V02.1.1 • Telephony PSTN terminals (faxes, modems, private telephones) • Devices intended to be connected to a public telephone line (those to be connected to a private telephone system [PABX] are exempt) • Dedicated telephones (those suitable only for private stations) • Public and semi-public telephones • Telephone tariff meters

2010年11月4日,阿根廷國家通訊傳播委員會(CNC)授權德國萊 因TÜV阿根廷實驗室,可根據阿根廷CNC標準,對通訊類產品 進行產品測試。

• 用於連接公共電話線的設備,但連接到私人電話系統(PABX) 的設備除外 • 專用電話(僅適用於私人電話) • 公用及半公用電話 • 電話收費測量器 CNC-Q2-63.01 • 擴頻系統設備 - 直接序到擴頻和跳頻(如:寬帶遠控 器、Zig-Bee、藍牙) • Wi-Fi設備,包括協議802.11a、802.11b、802.11g、 802.11n及其組合 有了這些新的測試設備及資格後,德國萊因TÜV能為客戶提供 更快速的驗證服務。 德國萊因TÜV是阿根廷國內唯一一家能夠使用自己的實驗室來 提供驗證服務的機構。 此外,阿根廷的CNC驗證證書於下列國家申請驗證時可被直接 接受: •





CNC-Q2-63.01 • Devices using spectrum systems – direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) and frequency hopping (such as wideband remote controls, ZigBee, BlueTooth) • Wi-Fi devices, including protocols 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, and 802.11n and their combinations With the implementation of this new testing facility, TÜV Rheinland is now in a position to offer a shorter and better controlled lead-time for the homologation process. TÜV Rheinland is also now the only organisation in Argentina that can handle the country’s homologation process using its own laboratory. Additionally, the homologation granted in Argentina by the CNC is also accepted as the basis for local homologation in the following countries. • • • •

Uruguay Chile Paraguay Venezuela




德國萊因 TÜV集團

國際能源 管理專案 正式啟動

2010年12月16日,由全球權威驗證機構德 國萊因 TÜV集團主辦的「2010年國際能源管理 交 流峰會」在北京完美落幕,標誌著德國萊因TÜV與 德國投資與開發有限公司合作開發的「SEEK 國際 能 源管 理 專 案」正 式 啟 動。中 國國家發 改 委 能 源 研 究 所能 效中心楊宏 偉 主任、中歐 清 潔能源中心 政 策 和培 訓 執行 官員 王 川蓉 女 士,以 及德 國工商 總會 祁 雨棟先 生、中國可持 續 發 展 工商 理事會 楊 抑女士、天津泰達低碳經濟促進中心王忠明先生、 施耐德電氣中國投資有限公司李大為先生等嘉賓 出席了本次交流峰會。 Beijing, 17 December 2010 – International testing and certification leader the TÜV Rheinland Group officially launched the Solutions to Energy Efficiency Applications & Knowledge (SEEK) project, which is co-financed by the German Investment and Development Company (DEG) with the partnership of the Asia Society for Social Improvement and Sustainable Transformation (ASSIST), at the 2010 International Energy Management Summit in Beijing. In attendance at the summit, which was organised by TÜV Rheinland and concluded on the 16th of December, were Yang Hongwei, Director of the Energy Efficiency Centre at the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), Wang Chuanrong, Operational Officer on Policy Issues and Training at the EU China Clean Energy Centre (EC2), and representatives of the German Chamber of Commerce, China Business Council for Sustainable Development (CBCSD), TEDA Eco Centre and Schneider-Electric.










步及可持續變遷社團)的專家Aru David先






































「中國將會把節約資源提升到基本國策的高度,透 過政府驅動、公眾參與、總量控制、排汙交易等手段實施環 境友好的能源策略,加大能源領域的體制改革和技術創新, 完善法律法規體系和能源管理體制。為落實節能的政策,大 力加強政府節能管理系統的建設,切實轉變政府職能;建立 和完善節能經濟激勵政策;建立終端用能設備能效標準和知 識體系;構建市場經濟條件下的節能新機制。」楊宏偉主任 在介紹中國的能源政策和發展 方向時提到。 “China sets great store by energy conservation, and has made it a fundamental state policy”, Mr Yang stated during the summit. “China is increasingly 中國發改委能源研究所能效中心楊宏偉主任講述 中國能源政策及發展方向 pursuing energy efficiency strategies, including government initiation, public participation, and carbon cap and trade. In addition, the Chinese government has strengthened laws and regulations and pursued technological innovation in favour of energy conservation. While advancing the work of saving energy and reducing emissions, the Chinese government should enhance structural adjustment and administration mechanisms, energy saving incentives, and terminal device energy efficiency labels and mechanisms.”

Aru David, an expert in social progress and sustainable change at ASSIST, discussed international energy management systems and their operation; Dr Lixin Li of the TÜV Rheinland CDM Technical Review Centre gave a presentation on energy audit and management methods; and Mr Wang of EC2 elaborated on the energy conservation trends in Western countries. In her opening speech at the summit, Jessie Li, Deputy Director of Training & Consulting at TÜV Rheinland Greater China, said that in line with the “energy saving and carbon emission reductions stipulated in the restriction index of the 11th Five-Year Plan, China’s energy consumption per unit of GDP will be reduced by about 20% by 2010”. She continued: “During the period of the upcoming 12th Five-Year Plan, demand for new energy sources is expected to rise. Sustainable economic growth requires the continued and vigorous promotion of energy saving and emissions reductions, and greater cooperation with experienced service providers in energy management is also expected in the next five years. TÜV Rheinland is honoured to be able to contribute to this effort.”


Ms Li further noted that “we are honoured to invite energy management multi-stakeholders to join together and share their opinions on the current status of energy efficiency in China. This summit is only the beginning of the SEEK project, which will last 14 months”. She explained that the project will comprise three stages and that TÜV’s target is to “further understanding of the benefits of energy efficiency amongst business and the general public and improve local energy management and utilisation capabilities through a series of progressive activities, including energy efficiency awareness education and popularisation, professional training, e-Learning toolkits and a network platform for experience sharing”. According to Ms Li, “the SEEK project is unique, as it helps to promote energy efficiency in companies and keep a close eye on the social impact. China boasts fairly rich energy resources, but its large population results in average per-capita energy resources that are amongst the lowest in the world”. Although companies should “undoubtedly take full responsibility for their carbon emissions”, Ms Li continued, “the public sector must lead the way as well. Our strategic plan will focus on energy management, striking a balance between sustainable economic growth and harmonious social development. With its years of global management experience in energy efficiency, TÜV Rheinland is collaborating with the Chinese government and industrial leaders with the aim of supporting the localisation of international advanced energy management experience”.

以下是SEEK國際能源管理專案的具體實施階段: Here is the details of SEEK project schedules as follows: 第一階段 / THE FIRST STAGE


Awareness Raising

2010年12月 - 2011年3月

From December 2010 to March 2011


Of great importance is initiating dialogue with


special interest groups in the energy savings and management arena so as to integrate reductions in energy use and the consumption of other resources. TÜV has spared no effort in promoting education, training, and public awareness and has organised a number of seminars in China’s major cities.

話,進行資源整合與優化,在中國各 大城市舉辦能源管理相關的意識普及 推廣研討會等活動。



Building Capabilities

2011年3月 - 9月

From March to September 2011


After soliciting the opinions of various interested parties, different knowledge systems will be built up for industry, technicians and the public. Technology and certification training sessions will be held, and we will develop

產業、技術人員和公眾不同的知識體 系,並對其進行相關的專業技術及認 證培訓。開發電子工具學習包,與 領導企業分享國內外能源效率實踐經 驗,以期經過示範帶動,推動中小企 業變革。針對社會公眾的移動工具學 習包,主要透過提供節能資訊傳送給

toolkits and share information on energy efficiency campaigns at home and abroad. We are committed to keeping the public as well informed as possible about energy conservation.



永續性能力培養期 2011年9月 - 12月 在網路平臺上創建能效管理論壇,企 業和公眾可透過論壇分享成功案例並 交流實踐經驗;定期發送電子雜誌, 及時更新能源管理最新法規與動向; 與公益機構、社區團體舉辦各種評選 活動,以鼓勵企業或個人節能先鋒相 互間宣傳推廣能效意識,讓SEEK專 案進入新一輪的循環。

Achieving Sustainability From September to December 2011 An Internet platform will be established to allow companies and the public to access information on successful case studies and others’ experiences in energy conservation. A regular bulletin will be posted on which all important energy events that occur will be duly noted. Non-profit and community organisations will hold energy savings contests, with awards going to companies and individuals who have made the greatest contributions in this arena.







green consulting

綠色諮詢服務內容 Our Green Consulting Services include: 能源與能效管理 Energy Efficiency & Energy Management

• 能源管理系統的建立與實施 • 能源管理報告 • 能源稽核 • 能源管理標誌 • 能源監測專案 • 能效提升專案 • 國際能源管理專案(SEEK) • 能源管理驗證內部稽核員 • 能源管理驗證經理

• Energy management system set up and implementation

• Energy management report • Energy audits • Energy management marks • Energy monitoring and testing • Energy efficiency programme • International energy management programme (SEEK)

• Certified Energy management internal auditors

• Certified Energy management managers

低碳管理 Low-Carbon Managem

• 溫室氣體盤查專案 • 碳足跡專案

• 組織、專案、供應鏈、 排放的計算

• ISO14064/ISO14067/P 實施專案 • 碳中和專案 • 碳交易模式建構 • 碳標誌工廠

• 整體綠色能力提升專案 FIVE Green)



reen consulting

sustainable future reduce carbon footprint

PAS 2050


Our green consulting services pave the way towards a sustainable future Green consulting is a relatively new field, but its popularity is increasing quickly as more and more businesses see the greening of their business practices as a route to attracting new, and retaining existing, customers. Green business practices can also in some cases help companies to earn financial credits for ecological sustainability. TÜV Rheinland’s team of experts can help enterprises to identify sources of energy consumption and reduce their carbon footprint and environmental impact by inspecting their operations and providing them with alternatives. By optimising manufacturing processes, we can also support you in reducing costs in the long term.

社會責任 Social Responsibility



綠色諮詢是一個相對新穎卻正處於飛速發展階段的領域。如今,國際市場上眾 多企業紛紛透過各種管道、採取多種措施,致力於綠色環保品牌形象的樹立和 維護,希望吸引更多新客戶同時維持現有客戶對其產品的信賴。此外,永續發 展的經營策略對企業贏得政府財政獎勵也具有關鍵性作用。德國萊因TÜV的專 家在諮詢服務方面經驗豐富,透過評估企業的營運系統、檢查生產過程並及時 提出有效的改進意見,幫助企業識別重點能耗,降低碳排放量,同時減少對環 境和生態的影響。從長遠來看,透過優化生產流程,我們還能幫助您降低生產 成本,將利益最大化。

• Greenhouse gas inspection programme

• Carbon footprint programme • Corporate/project/supply chain/ product carbon emission calculation

• ISO14064/ISO14067/PAS 2050 programme

• Carbon neutralisation programme

• Carbon trade module establishment

• Carbon labelled factory programme

• FIT FIVE Green

• 工廠能力建設專案 • 工廠生產效率提升專案 • 工廠人力資源管理系統專案 • 工廠社會責任管理系統專案 • 社會責任標準及稽核專案 SA8000/BSCI/EICC/CoC • 工廠對話專案 • 社會責任報告GRI指南輔導

• FIT FIVE (Factory Improvement Training)

• HRMS (Human Resources Management System)

• CSRMS (Corporate Social Responsibility Management System)

• WE - Factory dialogue progrmme • CSR Report with GRI Guideline • China Rate





飛機緊急 逃生 Safety Inspection 模擬訓練系統 for Aircraft Emergency 機電設備安全檢查 Evacuation Simulation Training Systems

德國萊因提供機場地面支援設備檢驗服務已有多年經驗,近期大中華 區工業服務部門在上海完成一項飛機緊急逃生模擬訓練系統之機電設備安全檢 查,確保參與訓練的飛航及空服人員的作業安全無虞。 TÜV Rheinland has provided inspection services for airport ground support equipment for many years. Our Greater China Industrial Services Division recently completed an inspection of the electrical and mechanical equipment of the aircraft emergency evacuation simulation training system in Shanghai. This inspection was aimed at ensuring the operational safety of all flight attendants and other flight crew during training.













種意外狀況之緊急應變及逃生方法。本 項模擬系統可提供空中巴士A320/A321











的安全檢測及驗證,強化地勤工作人員 及飛航人員的作業安全可靠性,讓旅客





緊急逃生模擬訓練系統之機電設備進行 使用前安全檢查,重點包括機械結構、


Aircraft provide fast and convenient long-distance transport. From takeoff to landing, environmental and human factors pose different risks. Errors can result in serious injury or death. Emergency evacuation simulation training systems allow flight attendants and other flight personnel to experience a variety of unexpected situations and become familiar with emergency response and evacuation methods. For example, the Airbus A320/A321 simulation system encompasses a variety of scenarios that may arise during preparation, flight and landing. The system can also be used to guide staff members in escaping via slide rafts outside the cabin. Further, it can provide a variety


of situations involved in hydraulic and pneumatic systems, electrical automatic controls and computer simulation programmes.

security, thereby allowing flight attendants and other flight personnel to obtain more secure and effective training.

Because of the high degree of complexity and the operational and maintenance risks involved, TÜV Rheinland performs safety inspections before putting into service any simulation training system for aircraft emergency evacuations. The focus of such inspections is on mechanical structures, the hydraulic drive and pneumatic control systems, electrical equipment, various operating conditions and maintenance methods. TÜV Rheinland provides professional advice on safety protection to enhance

To keep pace with the rapid development of airport facilities in the Greater China region, TÜV Rheinland is expanding its professional services for airport ground support equipment. We also provide safety testing and certification for fixed, mobile, indoor and outdoor ground support equipment, elevators, and escalators according to EU standards. Our services strengthen operational safety and reliability for ground staff and flight crews, thus allowing passengers to use airport facilities safely and to enjoy their flights.




台灣彰化基督教醫院醫療服務品質優異 通過德國萊因優良服務品質驗證 TÜV Rheinland Grants Excellent Service Quality Certification to Changhua Christian Hospital in Taiwan

台灣中部地區知名的彰化基督教醫院已於2010年9 月通過德國萊因大中華區的優良服務品質驗證,為首家千張 以上病床規模取得優良服務品質驗證的大型醫療院所。2010 年12月13日由德國萊因大中華區台灣管理系統服務事業群吳 仲賢總經理頒發證書,由院長郭守仁博士代表接受。取得此 一證書除了說明彰化基督教醫院在專業醫療的努力有目共睹 外,仍不忘致力提供病患及家屬卓越的服務品質。



(Joint Commission International)國










病房等與民眾相關的接觸層面。彰基前 後費時近八個月,在全員參與、齊心努









系統面的流程稽核加上從顧客角度出發 的神祕客匿名稽核,可以協助企業充份










The central Taiwan-located Changhua Christian Hospital passed TÜV Rheinland’s excellent service quality certification in September 2010, thus becoming Taiwan’s first hospital boasting more than 1,000 beds to obtain such certification. Mr Jason J. S. Wu, General Manager of Systems at TÜV Rheinland Taiwan, conferred the certificate upon Dr Kuo, President of the Changhua Christian Hospital, on 13th December 2010. TÜV certification not only demonstrates the hospital’s expertise and professionalism, but also the excellent service it offers to patients and their families.

Following its certification by the Joint Commission International (JCI) in 2008, the Changhua Christian Hospital continued to upgrade its service quality to meet international standards and, accordingly, applied for TÜV Rheinland’s excellent service quality certification. The certification scheme includes an evaluation of all service counters, clinics, wards, and other points of contact with patients and their families. Following an eight-month certification process that included anonymous customer visits and audits by TÜV Rheinland senior auditors, the hospital successfully obtained an excellent service quality certificate.

The service process usually focuses only on the behaviour and performance of front-line staff; however, it is difficult to detect problems that underlie the service management system. TÜV Rheinland’s auditing approach encompasses three stages – service process, documentation and staff. It analyses the service management system in six dimensions, including the environment, products, personnel, marketing, back office support and training. Auditing provides TÜV Rheinland’s experts with a better understanding of service standards and staff behaviour, which


assists them in discovering problems embedded in the service and identifying areas for improvement. Excellent service quality certification has been implemented for several years in Europe and the US. Drawing on its many years of experience, TÜV Rheinland provides auditing services for the automotive sales and aftersales, healthcare, retail, and tourism industries. The company’s auditing methodology combines process audits from the system viewpoint with anonymous visits from the customer viewpoint. We help companies to gain insight into the advantages and disadvantages of the service process from the front line to the back office. What’s more, we help companies to establish a quality management system for continuous improvements based on this insight, thereby allowing them to boost customer satisfaction.




環保 旅 館

ECO HOTELS 從環境管理到節能減廢,致力永續雙贏 A Win-Win Sustainable Solution, from Environmental Management and Reduction of Waste to Energy Conservation 隨 著 全 球 暖 化 議 題 的日益 升 溫 與 消 費 者 綠 色 消 費 意 識 的 抬 頭,環保議題已成為企業關注之重點;綠色經營、綠色消費的 風潮,正逐漸對素有「無煙囪工業」之稱的旅館業產生影響。 聯合國的研究指出,觀光旅遊產業的碳排放量佔全球的百分之 五,因此,如何有效管理能源與廢棄物成為重要議題之一。越 來越多旅館業者開始意識到將環保概念納入經營方針的重要 性,以求履行社會責任的同時,達成永續經營的目標。 Increasing concerns over global warming and the rise of consumer green awareness mean that green business and green purchasing trends are gradually making an impact on the hotel industry, a so-called non-smokestack industry. The United Nations has reported that the tourism industry’s carbon emissions account for five per cent of the world’s total. Thus, finding a way to manage energy and waste is a pressing issue. Increasing numbers of hotel industry professionals are now aware of the importance of combining green concepts with management policy and regard the achievement of sustainable development as part of their social responsibility.

隨著經濟發展及主題旅遊的盛行,使得觀 光旅遊產業越來越多元化,旅遊的內容與 型態逐漸由大眾旅遊轉為以自然生態或活 動體驗為主之旅遊,也因此吸引觀光業者 紛紛於鄰近風景優美的地區投資興建觀光 旅館或渡假村。此舉雖能為當地居民創造 就業機會及促進經濟發展,但開發必然會 對環境帶來負面衝擊,例如造成空氣污染 及水污染、增加廢棄物及垃圾、對當地文 化造成衝擊及物價上漲等。故觀光產業要 達到永續發展,除生產力的持續提升外, 也須兼顧環境資源的有效保護。 企業重視環保議題,不但可以幫助其符合 法令、降低成本、提高管理經營的效益, 也可提升競爭優勢,並給予顧客正面的形 象。而高度依賴自然資源的觀光旅遊業, 更必須著手於環保政策,始有永續經營之 可能性。旅館業不僅被要求提供適當之服



何謂「環保旅館」?根據國際環保旅館協會的 定義,「旅 館進行省水、省電 及 減少固體 廢棄物的程序, 並利用節省下來的成本,協助保護地球的環境與資源。」 環保旅館的管理重點在於將環境保護當作基本前提,執行 有效的措施以盡可能減少對環境所造成的衝擊。 What is an Eco Hotel? According to the International Eco Hotel Association’s definition, it is a hotel that saves water and power, implements a solid waste reduction programme and employs the resulting cost savings to help protect the earth’s environment and resources. The basic premise of the management focus of an Eco Hotel is on environmental protection, and its aim is to adopt effective measures to minimise environmental impacts.

務與商品,以滿足消費者的需求,更被期 待在經營上盡可能減少對環境所造成之衝 擊。於是,在永續經營的目標下,環保旅 館(Eco Hotel)或綠色旅館(Green Hotel)的概念應運而生。

The development of theme tourism and the growth of the economy have rendered diversified tourism sectors increasingly popular. Mass tourism activities are gradually giving way to natural and ecological tourism, which has prompted significant investment in hotels and resorts in scenic tourist areas. Although such investment increases employment opportunities for locals and benefits the development of the local economy, it also has a negative impact on the environment in the form of air and water pollution and increased waste, effects to the local culture, and also leads to price increases. The tourism industry can achieve sustainable development only by enhancing productivity whilst protecting natural resources.

Eco-hotel assessment not only helps companies to comply with relevant regulations, reduce costs and obtain a variety of benefits; it also enhances their corporate competitive advantage by presenting a positive image to customers. Due to its high degree of dependence on natural resources, the tourism industry must pursue environmentally protective policies to ensure sustainable development. The hotel industry is not only expected to provide appropriate products and services to meet consumer needs, but is also expected to minimise its environmental impact. The Eco Hotel or Green Hotel concept has emerged out of this need for sustainable development.










品,或是鼓勵旅客自備。有些旅館也對續住的房客倡導減少毛巾與床單的 更換次數,目前實施選擇性更換床單的五星級飯店,已經有平均四成的房 客選擇不換床單,每月省下可觀的費 用。有心的業者還試圖在規劃硬體設 備時融入環保理念,例如將游泳池每 天更換的池水引流作為冷氣主機的冷 卻水塔使用,或將廢水回收,澆灌園 區植栽。另外,資源分類與回收也是 基本的環保措施,更進階還可以落實 回收物資的再利用,例如將廢食用油 做成肥皂或加入木屑做成堆肥。國外 環保旅館甚至會從建築本身做起,包 括建築的採光、通風、裝設太陽能板 等,以達冬暖夏涼、室內終年均溫的 效果,或用牆面和玻璃設計來彌補採 光不足的缺點。電器方面則選擇省電 燈泡、燈管來取代傳統的鎢絲或鹵素 燈。依據2001年調查台灣54家旅館用水量顯示,旅館業每人次每日用水高 達904公升,是每人每日平均用水量的三倍。只要一個簡單的步驟,如利 用卡片鼓勵旅客重複使用毛巾和床單,每間客房每天可以節省平均114公 升的水,加上能源,每天每間客房至少節省1.5美元。 Disposable supplies such as toothpaste, soap, razors and slippers have always been unfriendly to the environment, resulting in financial wastage, and the creation of a huge amount of waste. Although they temporarily meet guests’ needs, such items are neither economical nor environmentally friendly. Today, some hotels offer these items only as a backup and encourage guests to bring their own. They also encourage customers to accept the reduced replacement of towels and sheets. Forty per cent of guests in five-star hotels that implement a selective sheet replacement policy choose not to replace their sheets, thus resulting in considerable cost savings. Some hotels are also trying to mix environmental protection concepts with operational hardware planning concepts, for example, daily swimming pool drainage water as a replacement for air-conditioning cooling water or the recycling of wastewater for plant watering. Another example is the use of waste cooking oil to make soap. Some overseas hotels begin from the building itself, including lighting, ventilation and the installation of solar panels to achieve an average indoor temperature year-round. Other measures include the use of specially designed glass walls and energy-saving lights instead of traditional tungsten filament or halogen-based lamps.

• 增加營收:永續經營將有助於確 保顧客忠誠度和吸引新顧客,增 加營收並提高市場佔有率。 • 降低成本:永續發展的作為可以 幫助降低營運成本和提高整體生 產力,減少資源不當使用,減少 廢物產出和避免違法。 • 獲得資本市場的青睞:目前資本 機構已經將環境和社會標準視為 投資與融資風險評估標準的一部 分,永續經營更能吸引銀行和投 資者資金。 • 提升品牌價值和聲譽:永續經營 可增加旅遊經營者的品牌價值, 鞏固其市場地位。 • 強化員工的自信與榮譽感:工作 人員對於從事具有社會責任之工 作更容易感到自豪,經營者的永 續性政策可吸引並留住優秀員 工,提高他們的創新和競爭力。 • 維護觀光資源:環保與永續經營 能使旅遊地更主動參與地方事 務,確保長期的觀光品質,更有 利於經營。 • 提升客戶滿意度:永續管理的硬 體設施對員工和遊客來說更為安 全和健康,同時支持社區事務並 提高其經濟福祉,以改善服務與 提高客戶滿意度。 • 風險管理和授權經營:由管理層 面強調遵守法律法規的重要性, 可以減少其違反法律的風險。


According to a 2001 survey of 54 hotels in Taiwan, the hotel industry’s daily water consumption was 904 litres, and this was three times the average person’s daily usage. Simple steps such as the use of cards to encourage visitors to re-use towels and linens for a second night save an average of 114 litres of water per day. Such steps can also save at least US$1.5 per room per day. When travel and tourism operators bring awareness of sustainable business management into play, the following significant benefits will be realised. • Revenue increase: sustainable development helps to ensure customer loyalty and attract new customers, thus increasing revenue and market share. • Cost reduction: sustainable development helps to reduce operating costs, improve overall productivity, reduce the inappropriate use of resources, reduce waste output and avoid the risk of legal violations. • Gain capital markets preference: environmental and social standards have become the elements of evaluation for investment and financing as part of risk assessment. Sustainable management is highly attractive to banks and investors. • Enhance brand value and reputation: sustainable development helps to increase brand value and strengthen a hotel’s market position.

• Strengthened staff confidence and pride: staff working for a socially responsible organisation are more likely to feel pride and pursue innovation and competitiveness. • Conservation of tourism resources: the concepts of environmental protection and sustainable tourism contribute to the development of long-term tourism business. • Customer satisfaction: the sustainable management of facilities provide staff and visitors with safer and healthier services, and supports improvements to the local economy. • Risk management and authorization management: these management levels stress the importance of compliance with laws and regulations, thereby reducing the risk of legal violations.


世界上許多大型旅遊公司、 酒店和觀光業者正在採取綠色環保的做 法調整其管理和營運,包括減少消耗的 水、能源和其他資源,同時改善廢棄物 管理和處置。這些做法不僅節省能源、 保護資源,而且還提升了顧客、員工和 供應商的環保意識。 Many of the world’s best known travel companies, hotels and tour operators are adopting green methods, adjusting their management and operational practices accordingly, reducing consumption of water and energy, and improving waste management and disposal. These measures not only help to save energy and protect resources, but also help to raise environmental awareness amongst clients, staff members and suppliers. The TÜV Rheinland Eco-Hotel Standard comprises of more than 110 check points, including the following.

目前德國萊因的環保旅館標準包含超 過110個問題,主要範疇如下:

• 環境組織與目標

• 辦公用品

• 危險物質管理

• 外部設施與環境

• 水源管理

• 能源管理

• 廢棄物管理

• 安全管理

TÜV Rheinland Eco-Hotel Standard is composed of over 110 checking points including: • Organization and objectives • Hazardous substances • Water management • Waste management • Office supplies • External facilities and integration with the surroundings • Energy and resource management • Safety




所有檢核點都是旅館應該遵循的啟發性問 題。透過這些思考層面去檢視旅館執行環 境管理的過程與結果。德國萊因的稽核員 透過設施巡視、文件審查與人員訪談,了 解旅館在環境、資源與生態方面的努力, 並將此問卷的結果轉化為分數,落實項目 超過百分之五十,即通過德國萊因的驗 證。爾後將現場稽核結果與發現交由內部 發證部門進行最後的審查,進入發證程 序。獲得認可的旅館,除表示已經通過品 質評估標準外,並可透過德國萊因證書展 示他們致力於保護環境、有效使用能源和 自然資源的成果。德國萊因能夠提供觀光 旅遊產業不同面向的驗證服務,包含ISO 9000品質管理、ISO 14000環境管理、ISO 22000食品安全及其他旅遊相關標準,例 如服務品質與環保旅館。目前全球已經有 逾千家旅館取得德國萊因的證書,表彰他 們在管理方面的成就。除了在歐、亞、非 洲地區成功推廣這些服務,德國萊因也與 多個政府或組織展開合作,提供專業的技 術支援與顧問諮詢,包含在希臘的星級旅 館評鑑、西班牙與印尼的環保旅館專案 等。

All check points are designed to allow hotels to follow a set of instructions that allow TÜV Rheinland’s auditors to examine the implementation and results of environmental management processes. Our auditors engage in facility inspection, document reviews and staff interviews to better understand the efforts a hotel has made in terms of environmental protection and ecology. The audit results are transferred into a score. If the rate of project implementation is greater than 50%, then the hotel will pass the certification process. The results of the on-site audit are delivered to the certification department for a final internal review. Obtaining an Eco Hotel certificate proves that the hotel has passed a quality assessment, thereby demonstrating its commitment to environmental protection and the effective use of energy and natural resources. Certification is performed on the basis of internationally recognised standards such as ISO 9000 (quality management), ISO 14000 (environmental protection) and ISO 22000 (food safety), as well as specific tourism standards. These include the service quality standard for systematic fulfilment of service requirements and the standards for wellness and eco hotels.

環保旅館的驗 證需求在未來十年將獲得 顯著的重視與成長。透過 這項服務,可以協助旅館 經營者將環保意識深化到 人員訓練與組織管理,達 到降低成本、區隔市場、 提升品牌價值與競爭力的 目標。 Eco Hotel certification requirements are poised to receive significant attention and growth over the next decade. Our service will help hotel operators to combine environmental awareness with staff training and organisational management to reduce costs, classify market segments, enhance brand value and achieve competitiveness objectives.


德國萊因TÜV 集團

清潔發展機制 TÜV Rheinland 技術評審中心 在北京正式啟用 Establishes CDM Technical

Review Center in Beijing 「清潔發展機制技術評審中心在北京 的成 功設 立,必將 進一步提 升我們在 大中華 區的市 場地位;在已建立的CD M 技術領域,德國萊因TÜV的 專業形象和知名度也會因此進一步提 升。」Ra m e s h N a d a ra ja h 先 生 指出,「在 即將 到來 的新 會 計 年 度 裏,我 們 深 信 技 術 評 審 中 心 將 步入 更 大 的 發 展 階 段,一如既往地為客戶提供專業高效的服務!」 “The establishment of the Beijing CDM TR Centre has been a success story; and it is certainly a development that is poised to further improve our market standing in Greater China, while greatly enhancing our professional reputation in the already established CDM technical areas”, Mr Nadarajah said. “We are confident that the TR Centre will secure additional successes in the coming fiscal year all the while providing the best services in the market”, he concluded.





2010年12月7日,德國萊因 TÜV集團宣布 清潔發展機制(CDM)技術評審中心正式於 北京成立。目前,技術評審中心在兩位 資深專家李利新博士和鄧翠萍女士的帶 領下已全面投入使用。自10月試運行階 段以來,技術評審中心在大中華區已受 理超過40件CDM專案;同時,也透過展開 全球各地區的專案評審,對全球CDM業務 的發展和CDM指定經營實體(DOE)的運 作給予專業的技術支援。 綜合專案管理和技術評審週期是影響客戶 選擇指定經營實體的關鍵因素,北京評審 中心的成立大大縮短了技術評審的週期, 許多客戶對此感到非常滿意。德國萊因

Senior Experts of TÜV Rheinland CDM Technical Review Centre

“This certainly bodes well for the future development of the Greater China CDM business, as we are now making progress and definitely looking to gain a higher market share in 2011/2012”, noted Wong Yushun, Director of Systems, TÜV Rheinland Greater China.


生信心十足地表示:「毫無疑問,這意味 著大中華區CDM業務將蘊含廣闊的發展前 景。隨著我們的業務不斷擴展,在2011到 2012年我們必將搶占先機,贏取更多的市 占率。」 歷經五年多的努力,德國萊因 TÜV 大中 華區的CDM業務如今發展迅速,2010年 的營業額已超過2,000萬元人民幣。在大 中華區碳服務總經理Ramesh

TÜV Rheinland has formally announced the establishment of its Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Technical Review Centre (TR Centre) in Beijing. Currently fully operational, and under the guidance of reputed senior specialists Dr Li Lixin and Ms Deng Cuiping, the centre is managing the reviews of more than 40 CDM projects in Greater China. Since the soft launch in October of last year, it has also supported TÜV Rheinland’s global CDM business and the company’s CDM Designated Operational Entity (DOE) office by conducting reviews of projects in other regions.


先生的領導下,位於北京、上海、香港 和成都的16名CDM稽核員積極參與270多 件專案的審定和核查。資料顯示,大中 華 區 業 務 量 已 占 集 團 全 球CDM業務總量

The centre’s establishment has significantly reduced lead times for a variety of projects. Most key clients have indicated that they are very pleased with this development, as integrated project management and lead times are currently the key deciding factors in choosing a DOE.

的60%。此外,在東南亞、印度和東非三 地,大中華區稽核團隊也將與當地CDM專 家攜手,共同負責稽核業務。

From its humble beginnings five years ago, TÜV’s CDM business in Greater China, which is managed by Ramesh Nadarajah, General Manager of Carbon Services in Greater China, is now rapidly expanding and achieved sales of more than RMB 20 million last year. The Greater China team consists of 16 CDM auditors located in Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Chengdu. The team has been actively involved in more than 270 projects, representing more than 60% of the total number of projects under validation or verification by TÜV Rheinland’s global CDM business. In addition, the Greater China team is also working on projects in South East Asia, India and East Africa in collaboration with the regional CDM teams.




CDM Brief Introduction and Current Status


The CDM is a flexible mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol that allows countries with


greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction commitments to invest in GHG reduction


projects in developing countries. The revenues from CDM Certified Emissions


Reductions (CERs) equivalent to one tonne of CO2 can generate part of a project’s


cash flow. Hence, the CDM is designed to promote the transfer of technology and to

證的減排量(CERs)」用於衡量CDM所產生 的溫室氣體減排。每產生一單位CER相當於 減少一噸二氧化碳排入大氣,可以為專案 帶來部分資金流。因此,推行CDM意在促使 技術向開發中國家轉移,為其帶來永續發 展資金。

fund sustainable development in developing countries. Currently, the future of CDM is uncertain due to the expiry of the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol in 2012. However, there is momentum in the UNFCCC negotiations to finalise a post-Kyoto treaty for future global emission reduction commitments, as well as the CDM. The UNFCCC Conference of Parties (COP) 16 negotiations in Cancun, Mexico (held from 29 November to 10 December 2010) has already provided a clearer policy direction towards a post-Kyoto treaty, although a


legally binding global agreement is still in progress.

前國際形勢來看,CDM的未來仍不明朗。 然而,隨著《聯合國氣候變化框架公約》

Once a post-Kyoto solution has been finalised, CDM’s future success appears assured.


There are currently more than 2700 projects registered globally, and this number is


expected to grow. Of these 2700 projects, those registered in China represent more


than 40% of the total. Hence, TÜV Greater China’s CDM business is certainly poised


for significant further expansion.

墨西哥東部城市坎昆舉行。儘管一個具有 法律效力的全球性協議尚在談判中,大會 已經就「後京都協議」提出了更為明晰的



萊因TÜV集團為DOE。現在,德國萊因TÜV集團能夠提供和展開CDM下所有產業的 審定和核查服務。


On 13 May 2005, TÜV Rheinland was accredited as a DOE by the United Nations


Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). We are currently able to


offer/perform validation and verification services across all CDM sectoral scopes


and industry sectors.

中國登記的專案數量占總數40%以上。在龐 大的市場需求下,德國萊因TÜV大中華區



Although there are myriad CDM project types, the most common examples of CDM GHG emission reduction projects include the following.

合國氣候變化框架公約》的談判確立了「 後京都協議」的解決方案,大中華區的CDM 業務一定有望飛速發展。

Global Registered CDM Project

• 再生能源利用 • 改善能源效率 • 市政和農業廢物處理

• Renewable Energy utilization • Energy Efficiency Improvements • Municipal and Agricultural Waste Management




2010年11月10日,萊茵檢測認證服務中國有 限公司(以下簡稱德國萊因TÜV)與北京京 儀綠能電力系統工程有限公司(以下簡稱京 儀綠能)在南京國際博覽中心舉行了頒證儀 式。眾多太陽能產業精英見證了此一時刻。德 國萊因TÜV頒證官Mr. Jan Hoehne 及電子 電氣部門經理麥苗鄭重地將兩份證書交到京 儀綠能產品研發負責人手中。京儀綠能500KW 大功率太陽能逆變器成功通過TÜV和CE驗 證,標誌著京儀綠能進軍歐洲市場已邁出了 堅實的一步。 京儀綠能是京儀集團、北京能源投資(集團) 有限公司、保定英利能源(中國)有限公司合 資成立的高科技新能源企業,擁有從太陽能 光電原材料設備到太陽能光電應用的一條龍 產業鏈。京儀集團在中國太陽能光電產業耕

On 10th November 2010, a ceremony for awarding TUV and CE certificate was held by TUV Rheinland (China) Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as TUV Rheinland) and Beijing Jingyi Renewable Energy Engineering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as JYE) in the Nanjing International EXPO Center. A lot of elites from PV industry witnessed this event. Jan Hoehne, Certifier of TUV Rheinland and Mai Miao, electrical department manager of TUV Rheinland Greater China handed over the TUV and CE certificates to the manager of R&D from JYE. JYE 500KW PV inverter was awarded the TUV Rheinland TUV and CE certificates, which indicated that JYE made a great step in accessing European markets.

耘已久,迄今已經擁有八年併網運行的經驗, 曾承擔西藏無電區17座太陽能光電獨立電站 專案,並在北京鼓樓西大街建成了中國第一 個太陽能光電屋頂併網電站專案。 歐洲是太陽能發電的重要市場,歐洲太陽能 光電工業協會(EPIA)最新資料顯示:到2020 年,歐洲大約四成的用電可以由建築物安裝 太陽能面板供給。因此,該市場一直是太陽能 廠商的必爭之地。2010年下半年,京儀綠能在 中國市場已經相當成功,繼6月中標楚雄4MW 太陽能光電電站專案之後,楚雄職業教育中 心8.1MW太陽能光電建築一體化專案又花落綠 能,下一步京儀綠能需要衝刺國際市場,而第 一站就是歐洲。目前,已經有歐洲的用戶對京 儀綠能提出了合作意願,依據市場進入的要 求,京儀綠能必須在3個月之內拿到TÜV和CE 驗證。 要在三個月內通過500KW大功率太陽能逆變 器的TÜV驗證絕非易事。據瞭解,對於這次 500KW太陽能逆變器的TÜV驗證,德國萊因 TÜV的專家及全體京儀綠能專案團隊成員傾 注了大量精力,從驗證前的培訓,到文件準備 及提交,再到各項驗證測試,他們都做了細緻 的工作。為了使新設計產品能夠完全符合CE/ TÜV標準,研發人員反覆研究全英文標準與 指令,目的是絕不遺漏任何一個微小的細節。

JYE, a high-tech new energy company co-invested by the Beijing Instrument Industry Group Co., Ltd., the Beijing Energy Investment Holding Co., Ltd., and Baoding Yingli Solar (China) Co., Ltd. has formed an industrial chain from PV raw materials and equipment to the PV applications. JYE is a pioneer in China’s PV industry. It has eight years of experience and has undertaken 17 independent PV power station projects in areas of Tibet that previously had no electricity. The company also built the first PV roof grid power station project in the Drum Tower on West Street in Beijing.

Europe is a very important solar power market. Recent data from the European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA) show that, by 2020, about 40% of power will be supplied by buildinginstalled solar panels, thus offering a great opportunity to China’s solar energy companies. JYE has achieved great success in the domestic market. Following the success of the Chuxiong 4MW PV power station project, the company won the bid for the Chuxiong Vocational Education Center 8.1 MW Building Integrated PV project. JYE’s next target is the European market, the world’s largest solar energy market. A number of European buyers had stated their intention to cooperate with JYE contingent upon its successful acquisition of the two aforementioned European certificates within three months. Obtaining TÜV certification for the 500 KW PV inverter was no easy task, however. Experts from TÜV Rheinland and the JYE project team devoted considerable energy to the project, from pre-certificate training to document preparation and test submission. To ensure full compliance with the new CE/ TÜV standards, as well as all relevant directives, JYE’s R&D staff studied them repeatedly to make sure they did not miss any details.


京儀綠能公司總經理兼研發負責人馬亮先生在接受《中國新能 源》記者採訪時表示:「回顧從申請到獲取證書的整個過程,需要感謝很多 人,德國萊因TÜV公司給予了我們很大的支持,是他們對工作的積極與執著 的態度以及對企業的理解使我們的驗證工作得以順利完成。」 JYE general manager Mr. Ma Liang told a journalist from China New Energy that the company was grateful to many individuals for ensuring project success, particularly those from the TÜV Rheinland team. “They gave us great support and understanding, and their enthusiasm and conscientious attitude to work facilitated the smooth completion of the work”, he said. 馬亮還表示,獲得CE/TÜV驗證證明京儀綠能在技術水準上達到了國際先進水準,擁有了 「走出去」的資格。京儀綠能已經完全做好了進軍歐洲市場的準備,已在京建立的兩個生 產基地,將大幅提高綠能產品的產能,更妥善地滿足歐洲市場的需要。 Mr. Ma Liang also noted that this award of the CE and TÜV certificates proves that JYE has reached an international, advanced technical level and is now well-qualified to export to the European market. The company has built two production facilities and plans to increase its production quantity to meet the needs of that market.

德 國 萊 因 TÜV協 助京 儀 綠 能 強 勢 挺 進 歐洲市場

京 儀綠能 500KW大功率太 陽 能 逆 變 器 通 過 德 國 萊因 TÜV驗 證 TÜV Rheinland Supports JYE in Accessing European Markets

JYE 500KW PV Inverter Awarded TÜV Rheinland Group’s TÜV and CE Certificates





第十屆中國國際現代化鐵路技術裝備展覽會 暨第七屆世界高速鐵路大會已於2010年12月9日在北京 國家會議中心圓滿閉幕。作為鐵路系統安全驗證的知名 企業,德國萊因TÜV集團大中華區參加了此次盛會,並 隆重推介了我們鐵路安全驗證的相關服務。 Modern Railways 2010, the only railway fair approved and organised by the Ministry of Railways (MOR) in China, finished its successful run at the China National Convention Centre in Beijing on 9th December 2010. TÜV Rheinland Greater China, an expert in the safety certification of rail systems, participated in the fair to introduce its independent certification and assessment services to manufacturers and other industry players.


會。受邀參加研討會的大多都是知名的 信號和通信企業。研討會上討論熱烈, 德國萊因 TÜV也藉此機會向其他參與者 介紹了我們的技術和服務。 近幾年中國的軌道交通產業──尤其是 高速鐵路──發展迅速。截至2010年11 月底,中國已投入營運的高速鐵路營業 里程已達7,531公里;到2012年,中國高 速鐵路總里程將超過1.3萬公里;到2020 年,將達到1.6萬公里以上。 展覽會期間,「德國萊因 TÜV 集團安全 工程師模型」讓參觀者親身體驗安全工

德國萊因 TÜV 集團大中華區一直致力於











德國萊因TÜV 集團大中華區 成功參與


現代化鐵路 技術裝備展覽會

Modern Railways 2010 was the country’s largest railway exhibition to date, and it ran concurrently with the 7th World Congress on High-speed Rail, which was this year held in China for the first time. TÜV Rheinland’s booth (No. B270) featured a “TÜV Rheinland Safety Engineer Prop”, which allowed visitors to experience being an engineer. It proved very popular and attracted numerous visitors to the booth to take photos and consult with our on-site engineer. As the most professional third-party provider of Independent Safety Assessments (ISAs) in the signalling

system arena, we were invited by the Infrastructure Department of the MOR Transport Bureau to participate in a Signal & Communication Technical Seminar. Some of the best known names in signalling and communication systems, most of them of course our clients, were also invited to participate. We enjoyed the active discussion during the seminar, as well as the opportunity to promote our services amongst those in attendance. Railway development in China, particularly high-speed rail development, has made tremendous strides in recent years. As of November

2010, China has the world’s largest high-speed rail network, totalling 7,531 km in length and a daily ridership of 994,000. Ensuring the safety and stability of the country’s rail systems is of paramount importance. TÜV Rheinland Greater China is committed to the safety of rail systems and offers development studies, project management, independent certification and assessment services. Our 40+ years of experience in the rail industry and our world-renowned reputation help the railway industry to strive for quality.





德國萊因TÜV 集團 與中天科技裝備電纜協力合作 TÜV Rheinland Group Cooperates wit ZTT Equipment Cable, Striving fo the World-class Production o 2010年11月18日,德國萊因TÜV集團萊茵技術 (上海)有限公司(以下簡稱萊 茵)與中天科技裝備電纜 有限公司及中國國家電線電纜品質監督檢驗中心(TICW) 在南通簽署策略合作協定。旨在結合國際、歐 洲、萊 茵及 國家電線電纜品質監督檢驗中心標準、資訊、技術以及試 驗 設備 等 優 勢,加速中 天 具備生 產符合歐 洲標 準 和國家 標準的高品質軌道車輛電纜、風能電纜、太陽能光電電纜 等特殊線纜的能力。 根據策略合作協定,萊茵指定工程技術













家電線電纜品質監督檢驗中心主任吳長 順、中天科技集團董事長薛濟萍、中天












團 作 打造國際一流 th 生產能力 or of Special Cables


TÜV Rheinland Group (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., ZTT Equipment Cable Co., Ltd., and the National Quality Supervision and Inspection Centre for Wire and Cable (TICW) signed a strategic cooperation agreement in Nantong on 18th November. The aim of the new agreement is to combine the advantages of international, European, TÜV Rheinland and TICW criteria, information, technology, and expertise and to accelerate ZTT’s capacity to produce high-quality special cables, such as track vehicle, wind power cables and photovoltaic cables that meet European and national standards.

according to TÜV Rheinland requirements. TÜV Rheinland will also cooperate with the TICW and give priority to answering any questions that ZTT may have about criteria or technology. ZTT and TÜV Rheinland will periodically engage in communications to determine the technology needed to help the former to improve the quality of its products. Under the terms of the agreement, TÜV Rheinland will assign project technicians to carry out tests on ZTT equipment cables at the TICW and will help ZTT to regulate production

The TICW will assign engineers to carry out product testing, analyse the causes of any problems and offer solutions. The centre will also provide training to ZTT’s wire and

cable technicians and other staff members, covering theory, products, experimental methods and operation. Attending the strategic cooperation agreement signing agreement were: Gerhard Luebken, Vice President of TÜV Rheinland Greater China; Liu Weihai, General Manager of TÜV Rheinland Greater China Power Transmission Devices of Commercial Products, Gao Xin, North China Sales Manager of TÜV Rheinland Power Transmission Devices of Commercial Products; Xu Mei, Manager of TÜV Rheinland Greater China Public Relations Department; Wu Changshun, Director of TICW; Xue Jiping, Chairman of the ZTT Group; Zhao Lianqi, Director of the ZTT Research Institute; Xue Chi, Director and Deputy General Manager of the ZTT Group; and Li Haiquan, Deputy General Manager of the ZTT Group and General Manager of ZTT Equipment Cable.











集團大中華 區副總裁呂










為 策 略 合 作 夥 伴。中 天






科 技 是 業 界 的 領 軍 者之


一,我 們 將 與 中 國 國 家



電 線電 纜 品 質 監 督 檢 驗







的產品盡快 達到國際 化



的標準、歐 盟的標準,我







中 心 緊 密 合 作,讓 中 天

們期待未來是一 個多贏 的局面。」

構、電線電纜出口商品註冊登記檢測實 中天科技裝備電纜有限公司係中天科














On behalf of TÜV Rheinland, Mr. Luebken said: “We are very glad to become a strategic partner with ZTT. ZTT is one of the leaders in the industry. We, together with TICW, will provide services for ZTT, and ensure its products meet international and European standards. We are looking forward to a winwin situation in the future.” Gerhard Luebken Vice President TÜV Rheinland Greater China

In a speech during the signing ceremony, Mr. Zhao said that ZTT Equipment Cable focuses on high-end cables for the equipment industry, aims to improve the capacity and level of China’s equipment cable sector, and provides services for the country’s main equipment producers and infrastructure. Cooperation with one of China’s most authoritative certification and testing institutes would certainly help ZTT to improve its quality awareness, management, testing skills and production, he said, and ultimately help to ensure the production of world-class equipment cables. Mr. Li noted that, as a manufacturer of professional and highend cables for the equipment industry, the quality of ZTT’s products affects the national economy and people’s livelihoods. The company thus needs to act with great care in all of its activities. From the very beginning, he said, the company has ensured product quality by adhering to the highest quality criteria and strictest requirements. The aim of its current cooperation with TÜV Rheinland and the TICW is to further its production of world-class high-end products and to provide reliable service for China’s major infrastructure.

ZTT Equipment Cable, established in January 2010, is a shareholding subsidiary of Zhongtian Technologies Co., Ltd. The company’s main products are marine cables, rail transport (railway) vehicle cables, machine cables, marine project cables, low-temperature wind power cables, nuclear power station cables, optical and electric equipment cables, mining cables and elevator cables, rubber cables, welding cables, motor-lead wires, and other wires and cables for electrical equipment. It is a primary supplier of wires and cables to the equipment manufacturing industry and boasts the core technology for the production of such cables. ZTT brings together talent in the fields of materials, technology, and manufacturing and has established a Cable Material Research Centre dedicated to the research and development of insulation and sheathing materials, high- and low-temperature- and oil-resistant materials, and other special cable materials. The TICW is a third-party independent laboratory engaged in the design, development, manufacture, and trade of wire and cable products. It is a 3C certification testing institute appointed by the CNCA, a CNAS-recognized

laboratory, a testing institute with a wire and cable production certificate from AQSIQ, a testing laboratory authorized to register wire and cable products for export, a contract laboratory for CQC, CEEMC and CRCC, a CCS-recognised experiment institute, and a quality supervision and testing centre for wire and cable products for the machinery industry. The TÜV Rheinland Group is headquartered in Cologne, Germany. It has nearly 140 years of experience, and provides reliable certification and testing services that enhance the product security and quality management systems of enterprises all over the world. As a leading international group engaged in the provision of technical services worldwide, the TÜV Rheinland Group boasts 490 locations in 61 countries, as well as about 14,000 employees who provide more than 2,500 value-added services to upwards of 39 industries. The TÜV Rheinland brand has become synonymous with security and quality worldwide. International buyers are much likelier to accept a product with a TÜV Rheinland certificate because they can rest assured that it is of a high-quality standard.




中國首場 碳中和演唱會


TÜV Rheinland’s Contribution to

the First Carbon Neutral Concert in China

2010年11月11日,國際知名品牌 Ti m e rla n d 在 北 京舉 辦 了一場 以「地 球 守 護 者」為主題的演唱會。該演唱會由知名流行歌 手、同時也是Tim berlan d「地球守護者」代言 人王力宏擔綱演出。 On 11th November 2010, the international brand Timberland held an Earthkeepersthemed concert in Beijing, which was performed by Mr. Wang Lihong, the famous pop singer as well as spokesman for Timberland’s Earthkeepers initiative.



Companies can achieve carbon


neutrality by purchasing credits to


offset the carbon dioxide emissions


generated by their activities,


thereby reaching their zero-carbon


targets. The carbon footprint of the Earthkeepers concert was measured by TÜV Rheinland, a professional and authoritative certification body, according to the international rules for the carbon trading process, thus verifying that Timberland had successfully achieved its goal of carbon neutrality to become a pioneer in voluntary emissions reduction in China. The concert was also the

成功地達成碳中和的目標,成為中國自 願減排先驅。這場演唱會也是中國首場 碳中和演唱會。 德國萊因為這場演唱會提供完整的專業 支援,除了進行現場稽核、從各種來源 蒐集溫室氣體排放量的數據,同時查證 計算出來的結果。在完成嚴格的稽核程 序後,Timberland取得由德國萊因頒發 的碳中和證書。


country’s first carbon-neutral concert. TÜV Rheinland provided professional support for the concert by performing an on-site audit, collecting data from a variety of sources of greenhouse gas emissions and verifying the calculated results. After completing all of the strict auditing procedures, Timberland obtained a TÜV Rheinland-issued carbon-neutral certificate.

德國萊因TÜV集團大中華區版權所有©2011 TÜV Rheinland Greater China. All Rights Reserved. www.tuv.com

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