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德国莱茵 TÜV大中华区通讯 TÜV Rheinland Greater China News



目 录 / Contents 时讯/ Alive

04/07 04/ 07

“能 效 虚标 ” 究 竟 伤了谁? Who is the Victim of a “Fabricated Energy Efficiency Mark”?

动 态 与服务/ Featured Service 首 家 电 动汽 车 充 电 桩 CB实 验 室 在 沪 成 立 Asia’s First CB Testing Laboratory for

08/25 08/ 11

Electric-Vehicle Charging Stations and

18/ 19

风能服务新获 DAkkS 授权 Wind Energy: TÜV Rheinland Receives New Accreditation

20/ 21

认清GS标志 买游乐场设备更放心 GS Mark Represents Playground

Connectors Opened in Shanghai

Equipment Safety 青岛石化安全研究院获 TÜV功能安全 专家资质(TÜV FS Exper t )证书 Qingdao Sinopec Safety Engineering Institute

22/ 23

Granted Its First TÜV FS Expert Certificate 高雄食品实验室正式启航 无 线 充 电产 品 认 证 破百 新 技 术 将加 强 异 物 侦测安全机制 100 Qi-Certified Products, New Test

12/ 13

Specification for Foreign Object Detection 骑 车 生 活新 潮 流 Trending: A Second Look at Green Transportation LG 电 子滚 筒 洗 衣 机 赢得 绿 色 产 品标 识 LG Electronics’ Drum Washing MachineFirst Electronic Home Appliance to Win Green Product Mark

Grand Opening of TÜV Rheinland Kaohsiung Laboratory Harbour Service Officially Launched

技术专题/ Technical Expertise

14/ 15 16/ 17

24/ 25

欧盟公布新修订废弃电子电机设备 WEEE指令 (2012/19/EU) Recast EU WEEE Directive (2012/19/EU)

26/29 26/ 27

Published 最新食品标准信息发布 Latest News about Food Standards

28/ 29


企 业 社会责任/ Corporate Social Responsibility


30/31 30

向 四 川 仁 加 学 校 捐赠多媒体设备 Donation of IT Equipment to Sichuan Renjia School


广 西 教 师 培 训 计 划第二轮圆满结束 Second Round of Teacher Training in




“冰 茶 日 ” 活 动 募 得 7 0,000 元 善 款 RMB70,000 in Donations Collected on Ice Tea Day

BMW Receives Certificate


ANSI Accreditation Obtained


CQC中方代表团在科隆总部 进行培训



CQC Chinese Delegation at Cologne Headquarters

公 司 足 球 友 谊 赛 ——深圳V S广州 Interoffice Football Match - SZ vs. GZ

环 球 掠影/ Global News Flash 为Uniklinik München提供移动设备 管理系统

31 32/33 32

编 辑 团 队 / Credit 主编/Chief Editor:

李涛/ Li Tao


张玮磊 /Clare Zhang 夏文秀 /Michelle Xia 雷霞 /Nora Lei

出版日期 Publication Date:

2012. 11

Secure Smartphones for the Uniklinik München

联 系 方 式 / How to contact us 电话/Tel:

400 883 1300 / 800 999 3668 +852 21921022 (中国香港 Hongkong)





关注我们/Follow us:




标识显示耗能低的品牌家电真的名副其实吗?与其他产品 相比,选择低能耗产品后消费者真的能够节约开支吗?

Do all low energy consumption-labelled products live up to their reputations? Can consumers really save money by buying low energy consumption products? 除了价格、功能、品牌以外,低能耗已成为消费者




新的阶梯电价政策以后,许多精明的消费者更加注 意控制家庭年度用电量以避免电费超支。同时,随







转变,并鼓励企业研发节能产品。继“家电下乡”、 “以


旧换新”等政策到期之后,国家惠民、助企的又一举 措――家电节能补贴政策从今年6月起开始推行,








元-2,50 0亿元的消费。受补贴的家电样品一律贴





发 的功 能。虚 标 能 效 固然 在 短 期 能让企业赚得补贴、获取市场利




场 一片混战,品牌形象摇摇


欲坠, 降低消费者选择低




Frequency of fabricated energy labels mentioned in the media, involving almost all brands of home appliances

近来媒体频曝知名家电企业“能效门”, 从小家电到白电、黑电,几乎涉及整个家 电领域 2012年3月5日 青岛财经日报 “能耗虚标成家电业潜 规则”

2012年8月6日 IT时报(上海) “多家彩电厂商被质疑 为骗补突击变更备案信 息”几乎涉及所有国内 知名品牌

2012年5月29日 东北新闻网 “某产地广东的国内排 2012年8月28日 名前三冰箱品牌虚标能 21世纪经济报道 效不合格被查” (广州) “享誉国际的某国内著 2012年8月6日 名家电品牌突击更改 东方网 平板电视能效数据, “企 业 骗 取 节 能 补 贴 涉嫌套补贴” 虚标严重,下半年家电 能效标准将提高”涉及 国内微波炉及电扇巨头

5 March 2012 Qingdao Financial Daily “Fabricated energy label becomes hidden rule in home appliance industry”. 29 May 2012 nen.com.cn “Some famous microwave oven brand investigated for fabricated energy label on refrigerators”. 6 August 2012 Eastday.com “Enterprises defrauded energy-saving subsidies by fabricating energy label, energy efficiency standard of home appliances will be raised in the second half year”.

6 August 2012 IT Times (Shanghai) “Several Colour TV manufacturers suspected of suddenly amending filed information for subsidies”. Almost all of TV brands were involved. 28 August 2012 21st Business Herald (Guangzhou) “Some local brand which enjoys high international reputation suddenly amended the data on energy label of FTV, suspected of cheating for subsidies”.

In addition to price, performance and brand,

preference” would fail to meet the purpose

which the state aims to benefit people

low energy consumption has become one

of promoting environmentally friendly

and enterprises – would be implemented

of the major factors for consumers in buying

products. Fabricating energy labels enables

beginning in June. More than twenty-six

home appliances. Since China adopted

enterprises to acquire subsidies and benefits

billion yuan in financial subsidies have been

a new pricing policy on electricity, many

from the market in the short term, but in the

allocated to initiate the policy targeting for

shrewd consumers have paid more attention

long term brand image is threatened and

the promotion of air-conditioners, FTVs,

to their annual power consumption in an

those who fabricate will suffer if the home

refrigerators, washing machines and water

effort to stay within the quota. Meanwhile,

appliance market falls into chaos.

heaters that meet energy-saving standards.

because people are more aware of

Analysts estimate that this 26.5 billion yuan is

environmental protection, manufacturers

The government’s original intentions in

expected to stimulate consumption from 200

are realising that home appliances with low

mandating energy labels were to provide

to 250 billion yuan. All subsidised products

energy consumption are going to be the

users and consumers with the information

receive a blue “China Energy Label”, which

general trend. However, do all low energy

necessary to make purchasing decisions;

indicates the energy consumption and power

consumption-labelled products live up to their

to guard and help consumers choose

of the product.

reputations? Can consumers really save money

high energy-saving products as a way of

by buying low energy consumption products?

encouraging the cultivation of an energy-

If the energy labels that consumers depend

saving-oriented consumption manner

on to identify energy efficiency fall into

If, as reported, fabricated energy labels

and concept throughout society; and to

the tool for cashing, then how to protect the

have become a hidden rule in the domestic

encourage the development of energy-

consumers? How to guarantee that the financial

home appliances market, then uninformed

saving products. As the “home appliances

subsidy is in the right use for encouraging eco

consumers will be the first to suffer and

going to the countryside” and “subsidy

product R&D? Who can help manufacturers to

the brand effect of legitimate energy labels

program for home appliance replacement”

proof the integrity of themselves?

will be greatly discounted. State financial

policies expire, subsidies for energy-saving

subsidies as a “generalised system of

products – another measure through





What is an energy label?

等级1 表示产品达到国际先进水平,最节电,即耗能最低

Level 1: the product exhibits internationally advanced quality and saves the most energy possible by consuming the least possible amount of energy 等级2 表示比较节电

Level 2: the product is relatively energy-saving 等级3 表示产品的能源效率为我国市场的平均水平

Level 3: the energy efficiency of the product is of an average level in the Chinese market 等级4 表示产品能源效率低于市场平均水平

Level 4: the energy efficiency of the product is lower than the average level 等级5 是市场准入指标,低于该等级要求的产品不允许生产和销售

Level 5: the market accession standard; products that fail to meet this standard cannot be manufactured or sold

凭企业自觉?只是消费者美好的愿望 目前,大多能效标识都由企业自行检测,即自我声明。 这无疑给企业提供了巨大的空子可钻,有媒体爆料,仅 花一元钱就能购买能效标识。不少以短期经济利益为 目标的企业充分利用了这个政策漏洞,随意改写能效, 造成了家电市场乱象丛生。

依靠监管机构惩罚制度?有待时间的考验 据称,下半年国家发改委将大幅度提高一系列节能 产品的能效标准,争取向国际标准看齐,同时还将开 展大规模打击能效虚标行为的专项行动。不过,监管 机构的抽检存在时间、地域、批次上的局限,虽能起 到“杀一儆百”的威慑作用,却仍会有挂一漏万的可能。

第三方检测的支持才是长久之计 通过中立的第三方检测机构出具相关证明或报告, 消费者可以放心选购真正低能耗的家电产品,而相 关企业也可以降低自身风险,赢得更多客户的信赖。 同时,第三方检测机构可以利用自身的服务网络,帮 助定期抽检产品,保障产品的一致性和稳定性。这 样才是一个成熟的消费市场的良性循环,也是发达 国家产品质量不断提升的成功经验。

Consciousness? Only a wish for consumers Currently most of the energy labels are provided by manufacturers themselves, that is, self-announcement, which brings huge chance for them to falsify the labels. According to some media report, manufacturers can get an energy label at the cost of 1RMB. Those short-sighted manufacturers make advantage of the policy and caused the chaos in home appliances market. Depend on penalty system developed by supervisory organs? Need to be tested by time It is said that in the second half of the year, the National Development and Reform Commission will raise the energy efficiency standards of energy-saving products by a big margin in an effort to reach the international standard. In addition, a large-scale special operation will be conducted to crack down on the fabrication of energy labels. But the method of sample inspection is limited in the aspects of time, location and production batch. Although it will trigger the alarm, there is still possibility of omission. Third-party inspections is the final resort A neutral third-party testing institution enables consumers to trust the true energy efficiency products, and at the same time, helps enterprises to reduce risk and win consumers’ trust. In addition, thanks to its own service network, a third-party testing institution can help to inspect products on the market on a regular basis in order to ensure the consistency and stability of quality. This is a mature product circulation that many developed markets apply.



在质量控制方面,我们 的专业团队



可以帮助您 减少样品差异,保持批




Our experienced team provides testing and certification services for the safety, performance and energy consumption of home appliances

In terms of quality control, our experts can minimise sample discrepancies to maintain quality consistency in mass production

Our high-precision measurement can serve as the basic standard of production






提 供包括零部件审核、管理体系等




We are the first third-party lab to establish an air-conditioner balancing room recognised by the China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment


Our global network provides onestop service, including component examinations and management systems

We offer professional assistance in compliance with energy efficiency related laws and regulations, setting backgrounds, market trends and regulatory systemsboth at home and abroad






莱茵技术(上海)有限公司首席运营官 陆勋海先生致开幕词

Mr. Lutz Frankholz, Chief Operation Officer of TÜV Rheinland Shanghai, delivered the opening speech



2012年10月12日,我们的电动汽车充电桩和 连接器CB 实验室的开业典礼在上海莱茵大厦隆重举 行。该实验室在2 012年6 月及8月初分别成 功通 过国 际电 工 委员会的 C B T L 和中国认 监 委的 C N A S资格认证,我 们 也由此成为亚 太区唯一一家有能力为电动汽 车全产业链提供“一站式”测试认证服务的专业第三方机构。

The opening ceremony for our CB Testing Laboratory (CBTL) for Electronic Vehicle Charging Stations and Connectors was held in TÜV Rheinland Building in Shanghai on October 12, 2012. The laboratory received CBTL certification from the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and CNAS certification from the Certification and Accreditation Administration of China (CNCA) in June and August 2012 respectively. We have thus become the only third-party institution in the Asia-Pacific region with the ability to provide “one-stop” testing and certification services for organizations along the electric-vehicle industrial chain. 由于能源、环境、气候变化等全球性问题 的出现,电动汽车作为一种解决方案成为 全球汽车工业发展的方向。发展电动汽车 成为提高汽车产业竞争力、保障能源安全 和发展低碳经济的重要途径。从国际发展 趋势看,随着技术的不断创新与突破,面 对金融危机、油价攀升和日益严峻的节能 减排压力,自2008年以来,以美国、日本、 欧盟为代表的国家和地区相继发布实施了 新的电动汽车发展战略,进一步明确了产 业发展方向,明显加大了研发投入与政策 扶持力度。 受益于电动汽车作为朝 阳产业在全球市 场的蓬勃发展,与电动汽车相关的基础设 施 — —充电系统产品行业也迎来了前所 未有的快 速发展 机 遇。据预测,到2 015 年,全球电动汽车的充电点将达约470万 个,全球电动汽车充电设施的年销售额将 达180亿美元。从目前来看,电动汽车充电 设施市场竞争正日趋加剧,通用电气、西 门子、ABB、施耐德、博世等跨国公司已 纷纷加大开发电动汽车充电设施产品。

In response to global energy, environmental and climate challenges, electric vehicles have emerged as a possible solution and a new trend in the global automotive industry. The manufacture of electric vehicles is one of the most important methods by which car makers can enhance their competitive edge, ensure energy security and support the development of a low-carbon economy. Continued innovations and breakthroughs across the world have helped firms to cope with the financial crisis, soaring oil prices and increasingly pressing energy and emission challenges. Since 2008, the United States, Japan and EU have announced new strategies for electric vehicles. In addition to setting a clear direction, these countries have significantly increased research and development

(R&D) input and policy support for the sector. Benefiting from the boom in the electric-vehicle sector in the world market, a supporting sector -- the charging system -- is embracing the fastgrowth opportunities. It is estimated that, by 2015, about 4.7 million charging stations will be set up around the world, and gross sales for charging systems worldwide will be total US$18 billion. Competition in the electricvehicle charging-system market is now heating up, as transnational companies, including GE, Siemens, ABB, Schneider, and Bosch, expand into the sector.























括对电动汽车充电桩、充电电缆、连接器 等零部件及整车提供检验服务。 “目前,中



认证需求也 将随着行业的发展而不断加

我们 提 供 的一站 式服务能帮助中国企业









Mark 认证资质。2008年,凭借一贯的敏





产品服务总监陈伟康对最新的电动汽车充 电系统测试和认证服务表示充分的信心。

In view of the severe challenges posed by the need for energy conservation and emissions reduction, it has become a historic quest to drive the development of new-energy vehicles as an emerging strategic sector, and for rapid progress in this field’s technology. Obviously, the development of electric vehicles is both a strategic demand and a strategic priority for China’s hightech community. According to targets set under the 12th five-year plan for the development of electric-vehicle technology, total electric-vehicle ownership in China will reach nearly 1 million units by 2015, and 5 million units by 2020. By 2015, a powersupply network consisting of 400,000 charging stations and 2,000 charging/ battery replacement stations will be established in over 20 pilot cities and their surrounding areas.


The demand for testing and certification of the electric vehicle charging products will definitely increase with the development of the industry. TÜV Rheinland started providing vehicle-test services in 1904, and today provides automobile and parts certification through 28 service sites around the world. It is authorized by the transportation departments of many countries to issue E/e-Mark certificates. As a result of keen market insight developed over the years, we became the first organization to provide testing and certification services for electricvehicle charging systems in 2008. We possess the industry’s largest engineering team and leading technologies, and have numerous partners in the electric-vehicle chargingsystem market within China, including

market leaders from the west such as Siemens, ABB, Bosch, Schneider, and Phoenix Contact, Delta Electronics from Taiwan, and domestic market leaders Nari (State Grid Electric Power Research Institute) and BYD. We are able to provide clients around the world with testing and certification services for charging stations, cables, connectors, and electric vehicles in accordance with the standards and regulations of the EU, United States, Japan, and China. Mr. Chen Weikang, director of TÜV Rheinland’s Greater China Commercial Products, says that: “China’s shipments of electric vehicles to North and South America have been increasing steadily. With its ‘one-stop’ service, we help Chinese manufacturers meet the requirements of different markets, including those for CE and


TÜV certification in Europe and cTUVus certification in North America. Our service has been a significant driver in helping China’s automobile industry to establish its position in the international market. We believe electric vehicles made in China will one day lead the world market.” Chen’s confidence in the firm’s testing and certification service for electric-vehicle charging systems knows no bounds.

德国莱茵 T Ü V大中华区副总裁 严晓文女士与闸北区人民政府副 区长林龙斌先生参与启动仪式

Ms. Cathy Yan, Vice President of TÜV Rheinland Greater China and Mr. Lin Longbin, Vice Governor of Shanghai Zhabei District Government, participated in the opening ceremony




无线充电技术联盟(Wireless Power Consortium, WPC)于 七月十 六日正 式 宣 布 第 一百个 Q i 无 线 充 电 产 品 认 证 登 录 完 成,此 产 品 由 同 样 为 W P C 创 始 会 员 的 香 港 C onvenient Power所提供,并由目前大中华地区唯一认 可的无线充电认证实验室台湾德国莱因完成认证测试,标 志着无线充电技术发展迈进了全新的里程。 无线充电Q i的兼容性认证早期由荷兰菲









充电的目标。尽管WPC目前仍有待突破, 但在各会员的精心研发下,相信Qi将来会



机制造商推出新款手机,以无线充电功能 作为市场卖点,意在击败其他智能型手机



球首家可以提 供最新规格的测试认证机









On July 16, 2012, the Wireless Power Consortium announced on its website that the 100th Qi-compliant product had been listed. This was a milestone in the development of wireless power technology. The 100th product is a Qi transmitter developed by Convenient Power Hong Kong, one of the founding members of the Wireless Power Consortium, and was tested for compliance at TÜV Rheinland Taiwan. Qi compliance testing was first offered by Philips in the Netherlands. TÜV Rheinland Taiwan later took over this service, becoming the first officially appointed Qi test lab in August 2011. Since the launch of TÜV Rheinland Taiwan’s Qi testing service, the number of certified Qi products worldwide has more than doubled, from 45 to 109. Wireless charging function is the market trend. Recently some famous mobile phone manufacturer has launched a new product with wireless charging function, trying to beat other smart phones and retrieve the throne of the

mobile phone industry. Application of wireless charging function has become increasingly widespread, which leads to brilliant opportunities for Qi testing. The future of the Qi standard is the spread of usage from the current lowpowered devices to medium-powered devices such as tablets, notebooks, etc. A design standard for such mediumpowered devices is expected to be available sometime in 2013. There will also eventually be a standard that covers such high-powered devices as kitchen appliances, though this is not expected before 2015. Many challenges lie ahead for WPC members, but with their

combined force we are sure products made according to the Qi standard will become mainstream in our daily lives and elsewhere. Notably, TÜV Rheinland Taiwan has been the first to offer testing services according to the latest standard version, starting at the end of September 2012. We will continue to support the members of the consortium with our service and expertise, to ensure them to enter the market successfully.




总体而言,随着人们生活方式的改变, 结合鼓励骑车出行的各种措施,势必对 自行车购买量的增加起到推动作用。为 了继续推广使用自行车作为娱乐休闲和 通勤工具,厂商必须承担确保生产出高 品质产品的责任。 德国莱茵 T Ü V 机械产品资深经理郭晋 锋先生表示:“进行高品质自行车的检 测时,会兼顾到产品安全性,功能性,耐 用性,操控性,手艺和腐蚀等方面。自行 车安全除了需要考虑产品机械性,还包 括与驾驶者皮肤接触的塑料和金属部件 的化学性安全以及通过定期验厂来监控 制造商生产过程的技术和企业社会责任 的标准。德国莱茵TÜV只会将GS标志 授予符合所有测试要求的产品。”德国 莱茵 T Ü V 新建立的自行车检测实验室 位于苏州昆山,比邻中国最大的自行车 生产中心— —上海。该世界领先的测试 实验室将支持更多自行车和电动自行车 生产企业获得GS 标志,T Ü V 标志 或任 何其他相关认 证,协助他们的产品 更顺利地出口到美 国,欧洲和亚太 地区等市场。

Overall, the combination of initiatives to promote bicycles along with changes in lifestyle has created a trend towards increased bicycle purchases. Yet, in order to continue to promote cycling for work or leisure, manufacturers must play their role to assure high quality of bicycles. “The high quality bicycle test takes numerous things into account, including product safety, functionality, durability, handling, workmanship and corrosion,” indicates Benson Guo, a senior expert from TÜV Rheinland . “For bicycles, we are not only concerned about mechanical safety, but also chemical safety of plastic and metal components that come in to contact with the rider‘s skin as well as regular factory audits to monitor that manufacturer’s production process meets the highest technical and CSR standards for the buyers. Our TÜV Rheinland GS Mark is only granted if the product is in line with all of the requirements”. With the newly establish bicycle testing laboratory located in Kunshan, China‘s largest bicycle production hub near Shanghai, the world leading testing house can support bicycle and e-bike manufacturers to obtain the GS Mark, TUV Mark or any other relevant certification to export their products to American, European and Asia Pacific markets.


最 近,骑自行车成为发 达国家一个主流的城市出行模式。许多积极的原因 使人们 选 择使用自行车,包括:环保,价格 低 廉,快 速,乐趣和 健 康。城市规 划师 越来越重视自行车在环保方面作为一种可持续出行模式去替代其它交通工具。

Cycling has recently become a mainstream mode of urban transportation in developed countries. The many positive reasons why people choose to use their bicycle include the fact that they are environmental friendly, inexpensive, fast, fun and healthy. Urban planners have increasingly paid attention to bicycles as an environmentally sustainable substitute to other means of transport since they do not cause pollution, traffic nor noise all the while reducing consumption.



作为获得首个德国莱茵T Ü V“绿色产品标识”的 家电产品,LG 滚筒洗衣 机(型号:F1***F D ( S ))向世界 展示了其卓越的环保科技。

Drum washing machine (Model: F1***FDS) manufactured by LG Electronics has been awarded the Green Product Mark from TÜV Rheinland, for demonstrating excellence in its eco-friendly technology. This is the first time that an electronic home appliance has received the Green Product Mark.





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Certified Green Produc t


这款滚筒洗衣机以其对环境影响较小的 特性获得绿色产品标识。其高效低震“直 驱(DD)”电机技术获得了欧洲最高能效 等级“A+++”的评定。 众所周知,德国莱茵TÜV“绿色产品”的 认证过程非常严格,我们会对产品各项指 标进行广泛评估,包括电耗、能耗、水耗、 环境有害物质含量、整个生产过程中碳排 量、产品回收率以及制造商的社会责任。 绿色产品标识旨在针对消费品及其对环境 的影响做自律性规范。针对不同产品,我 们结合各种相关认证要求和标准,对通过 测试的产品颁发绿色产品标识,我们帮助 您的产品在市场竞争中脱颖而出,引导终 端消费者识别绿色环保产品。

LG’s drum washing machine obtained the Green Product Mark in recognition of the products limited environmental impact. The high efficiency and lowvibration technology of its proprietary “direct drive (DD)” motor, which earned an “A+++” energy efficiency grade, is the highest grade for energy efficiency in Europe. TÜV Rheinland’s Green Product Mark is very demanding as an extensive range of criteria are tested including electric power, energy and water consumption, the content of environmentally harmful substances, carbon emissions involved in all manufacturing processes, recycling ratio of products and the social responsibilities of the manufacturers.


The Green Product Mark is a voluntary sustainability mark of TÜV Rheinland for consumer products that will give end consumers and buyers guidance in identifying green and sustainable products in the often crowded market place. Along with the related regulatory requirements, it aims to minimise the impact of consumer products on the environment.




根据国际标准I EC 614 0 0 -22要求,德国认可 机构( DA k k S ) 授权德国莱茵 T Ü V成为风力涡轮机型式 和组件认证机构。

TÜV Rheinland has been accredited by the German Accreditation Body (DAkkS) as a certification body for type and component certification of wind turbines in accordance with international standard IEC 61400-22.


经授权,德国莱茵TÜV有权对海陆涡轮机 及其组件进行合格评估,并据评估结果出 具证书。“通过此次成功授权,DAkkS认 可了我们在风能领域的专业性,”德国莱 茵TÜV能源系统主管Bruno Kuckartz说 道, “现在涡轮机和组件制造商在认证服 务方面有了更多选择。”这也完善了德国 莱茵TÜV风能业务的服务范围。 第三方认证机构如德国莱茵TÜV对风力涡 轮机的型式认可,旨在避免制造商为每一 单独涡轮机分别申请测试。根据涡轮机的 设计,认证包括对施工文件的全面评估、制

This authorizes the company to conduct conformity assessments of onshore and offshore turbines and their components and to issue certificates accordingly. “With this successful accreditation, DAkkS has affirmed our expertise in the field of wind energy,” commented Bruno Kuckartz, Head of the Energy Systems division at TÜV Rheinland. “We can now offer manufacturers of turbines and components an alternative on the market.” This completes the company’s range of services for the wind energy industry.

造流程评估(包括质量管理)以及由第三方 专家进行的型式测试。测试包括设计要求 和安全相关问题,以及涡轮机、齿轮传动装 置和动叶片的设计。也可选择对地基和其 他测量报告进行评估。评估结果以专家报 告形式,对完整系统或组件进行认证。在最 终评估后向制造商出具相关证书。 德国莱茵TÜV为制造商、营运商、投资人 和保险公司提供全面的风能服务。通过专 家报告和测量报告为全球客户提供支持, 进行风险和危害分析,同时对风力涡轮机 和风能项目进行认证。德国莱茵TÜV经德 国联邦海洋和水道测量局认可成为海上风 电场项目的认证公司。在土木工程领域, 我们同样能够提供综合性服务,如现场评 估和土 壤 检 测 以及制 造 监督、结构 设 计 验证、质量控制和施工监理(如风塔和地 基)。除此以外,我们也可根据风力涡轮机 建筑主管机关的要求,进行验收测试和定 期检查以及合格评估。海上风力涡轮机和 变压器平台运输和安装管理,即海洋保证 调查服务,也是我们的特色服务。德国莱 茵T Ü V代表营运商或保险公司确保新涡 轮机的顺利安装,致力于降低风险。

Type approvals of wind turbines by a neutral certification body such as TÜV Rheinland are conducted in order to prevent that manufacturers have to submit every single turbine for a separate test. The certification process comprises several steps. Based on the turbine design it includes a comprehensive assessment of the construction documents, evaluation of the manufacturing process, including quality management, and prototype testing by neutral experts. Amongst others, the tests cover design requirements and safety related issues, as well as the design of turbines, gear systems and rotor blades. Optional assessments of the foundations and additional measurements can be conducted. The results are expert reports for verification for the complete system or components. After a final evaluation, the process is completed with the issuance of the appropriate certificate to the manufacturer.


TÜV Rheinland offers manufacturers, operators, investors and insurance companies a comprehensive range of services for wind energy. The company supports customers worldwide through expert reports and measurements, performs risk and damage analyses as well as certifications of wind turbines and wind energy projects. TÜV Rheinland is also recognized by the German Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) as a certifier of offshore windfarm projects. In the field of civil engineering, the company offers sophisticated services such as site assessment and soil examinations, as well as manufacturing surveillance, and structural design verification, quality control and construction supervision, e.g. for the tower and foundation. In addition, TÜV Rheinland performs acceptance tests and periodic inspection as well as conformity assessments in accordance with the building authorities for wind turbines. Supervising the transport and installation of offshore wind turbines and transformer platforms – known as marine warranty survey services – is a further key area of activity. On behalf of operators or insurance companies, TÜV Rheinland ensures the smooth installation of new turbines and helps considerably to minimize risks.




德国莱茵T Ü V大中华区机械产品安全检测专家陈少波 先生解释: “需注意的地方包括锋利的边缘、尖角、分裂错开的表 面,凸出的螺丝、螺纹,可能夹住孩子 们手指的地方,这些产品都 不应该在考虑 范围之内。”他的秘诀 是: “买家选 择带有G S 标 识 的产品,它代 表 产品的安全 得到独 立 第三方检 测 机构的认可,同 时生产过程也获得定期及独立的监控。”

“Avoid sharp edges and corners, splintered surfaces and protruding screws, screw threads or columns that might result in children pinching their fingers”, recommends Shaobo Chen, an expert in garden play equipment at TÜV Rheinland. His key tip: buyers who opt for items with the GS mark will be on the safe side. This mark indicates approved safety and standards along with independent production controls.


在国外,只要家中花园有足够空间,多数家长 都会为孩子们建立一个小型游乐场。目前在中 国,越来越多的住宅小区为业主配备儿童游 乐场;有条件者则在自家活动房或别墅花园 内建立起儿童小天地。市场上玲琅满目的游 乐场设备,往往使采购者在选购时眼花缭乱, 无法判断。因此,在购买及安装使用前先作评 估,可避免意外伤害发生,确保孩子安全。 陈少波补充: “沥青和混凝土不是合适的安 装地面,最好使用草地、沙池或从专业商店 购得的特殊的弹性地砖,这样对可能发生的 坠落提供缓冲保护。”此外,在安装秋千、跷 跷板和滑梯时,须保持与附近的建筑物、树 木和围栏有足够的距离;家长们需要注意, 避免在烈日下玩金属材料做的滑梯,因为金 属材料会在曝晒下迅速升温,很可能会灼伤 孩童的皮肤。 “我们不能一概而论地认为金 属制作的游乐场设备一定比木材或者塑料 制成的差,材料的选择有时取决于个人喜 好。正确规范的安装使用说明,除了详细且 易懂地解释每个安装步骤,以便购买者能 最好地安装游乐场设备,同时也应清楚说明 如何对游乐设备进行维护。”陈少波最后总 结道。 父母或购买者应对经常使用的游乐场设备 进行定期检查,例如:稳定性和材料状态,

Given the space, many parents decide to purchase and install a small playground for their children at home. However, selecting the right equipment can be an exercise in confusion, and consumers who can evaluate before buying have a distinct advantage. There are several foundation choices, Chen notes, “Asphalt and concrete are not proper substrates. Grass, sand or special elastic tiles from the hardware store are more effective buffers should falls occur. In addition, swings and slides should be a sufficient distance from nearby buildings, trees and fences. It is also important to consider that metal slides heat quickly in the hot sun and can cause serious burns.” Playground equipment made of metal is less favourable than items made of wood or plastic, although one cannot say that metal should not be used because the choice of material is also a matter of taste. What can be said is that detailed, easy to understand assembly and use instructions are a necessity. Explanations must be clear and guidance should be offered regarding the best fit and proper maintenance of playground equipment.

并在早春和秋季进行全面检查,提早预防材 料生锈、磨损和损坏,并及时补救,方能延 长这些昂贵的游乐设备的使用寿命。我们的 实验室可根据不同的标准为游乐场设备及 游乐场地表面提供相应的测试服务,例如: 针对减震游乐场地表面的EN 1177,针对游 乐场设备、滑梯的EN 1176等;同时可为制 评估报告,包含物理机械和化学方面的测 试,签发GS证书和德国莱茵TÜV认证证书 等。消费者在选购产品时可向零售商作进一 步了解,以便挑选到优质的游乐设备。


造商提供产品质量监督服务,产品安全性 tuv.com w.


Parents should test the equipment regularly, at short intervals, to ensure stability and monitor the condition of the materials, especially with structures that are subject to heavy use. A comprehensive review in both the spring and autumn is beneficial. Depending on the material, rust, wear and damage can be remedied in their early stages to maximise the lifespan of the purchase. Our labs provide testing services based on different standards for playground equipment and ground surfaces, such as EN 1177 standards for ground surfaces in regard to shock absorption and EN 1176 standards for playground equipment. We also provide product quality control services for manufacturers, along with safety reports on physical, mechanical and chemical tests, in addition to issuing GS and TÜV Rheinland certificates.




2012年6月26日,德国莱茵TÜV大中华区工 业 服 务 部 总 监傅 尔曼 一 行 5 人 拜 访 了 青岛 石化 安 全 研 究 院 (Sinopec Safet y Engineering Institute (SSEI ) ) 。傅 尔曼先生为李玉明先生颁发了T ÜV功能安全专家资质(T ÜV FS Exper t) 证书,藉此李玉明先生成为中国石化系统内首位获 得此殊荣的专家。

李玉明先生 (M r Li)

傅尔曼先生 (M r Fu h rm a n n)


额的经济损失。国际标准IEC 61511对自动控制安全仪


表系统应用作出了功能性的安全要求。通过IEC 61511








帮助学员在IEC 61511标准的基础上提高开发安全产品 的能力,在功能安全领域获得世界公认的实际知识和



忽视。石化厂、化学工厂、火力发电厂等危 险事故 频




Afterwards, the two sides engaged in a friendly and fruitful exchange on relevant topics. TÜV Rheinland conducted process safety management and safety instrumented system presentations as part of a vigorous promotion. Principal Mou of Qingdao SSEI provided a detailed introduction to the company’s businesses and services. This communication laid a sound foundation for future cooperation. The process industry has developed rapidly in recent years, and it cannot afford to overlook safety issues. The frequent occurrence of serious accidents in petrochemical, chemical and fire powder plants not only poses grave threats to human lives and safety, but also results in tremendous economic and professional losses. International standard IEC 61511 sets safety requirements for the application of automatically controlled SIS in terms of functionality. An IEC 61511 functional safety certificate guarantees products, systems, plants and personal safety. TÜV Rheinland also offers functional safety training that provides process industry engineers and personnel with the technological knowledge to improve their


ability to develop safe products that conform to the IEC 61511 standard, obtain globally recognised practical knowledge and experience in the field and provide engineers engaged in functional safety with a professional certificate that proves their capacity.

On 26 June, a group of five, headed by Mr Fuhrmann, director of Industrial Services for TÜV Rheinland Greater China, visited the Sinopec Safety Engineering Institute. Mr Fuhrmann issued the TÜV Functional Safety Expert (TÜV FS Expert) certificate to Mr Li Yuming – the first expert to receive such an honour within the Sinopec system.




德国莱茵T Ü V 高雄食品实验室于8月10日在高雄加工出口区 隆重开幕。杜夫莱茵总经理高玉强先生表示,台湾 近年来因奶粉、肉 品及许多日常用品纷扰不断,重创消费者信心。现在,为提 升台湾安 全 检 验 机制,德国莱 茵 T Ü V 直 达 港区,实 地 提 供 更 新 颖、更 严格 的 进出口项目专业方案,让制造商及其高质量的产品能够开创新局面并 且获得消费者更多青睐。

TÜV Rheinland’s Kaohsiung Laboratory celebrated its grand opening within the Kaohsiung Export Processing Zone (KEPZ) on 10 August 2012. Mr Magala Kao, General Manager of TÜV Rheinland Aimex Ltd ., stated that problems with milk powder, meat products and many daily necessities have led to a significant decline in consumer confidence in recent years. To help improve the Taiwanese safety inspection system, the Kaohsiung Laboratory is offering a one-stop field service for rigorous professional import and export solutions. Conscientious manufacturers with high-quality products are now able to enter a new era of consumer confidence.


此次开幕典礼中高雄经济发展局、高雄经 济部标检局、高雄市卫生局、屏东县卫生 局等政府代表及业界伙伴都应邀出席,一 起见证了德国莱茵TÜV高雄实验室的规模 与技术能力以及为食品安全把关的决心。 德国莱茵TÜV秉持专业与严谨的企业精 神,致力于维护消费者的安全与权益。此 次设立高雄加工出口区的实验室时,除扩 大服务范围、提升食品安全效率外,更领 先掌握各项进出口产品的关口查验,成为 第一时间质量监督角色。我们不仅为台湾 优良产品提供支持,并帮助企业拓展国际 市场。 德 国 莱 茵 T Ü V 大中 华 区 首 席 执 行 官及 总裁Ralf


高雄港区只是扩大食品安全服务系统建 置的第一步,将来除做好本地服务外,依 然会 持 续引进国 际检验 技术与最 优化 的 流 程,持 续 改 进 服 务方案,打 造 精 良 的 品 质 管 理 系 统 ,帮 助 制 造 商 找 到 最 好 的 产 品 解 决 方 案 。未 来 也 希 望 能 逐步整合ISO 22000,ISO


HACCP,GLOBALGAP,IFS,BRC 等体系审核,同时展开工程师 与检验等专业人才培训计 划,开启各类型的分 析与信 息咨询 服务。

Government representatives from the Kaohsiung Economic Development Bureau, the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection, the Kaohsiung Department of Health, the Pingtung County Department of Health and other departments, along with industry partners, attended the ceremony to express their congratulations and witness the initiation of the Kaohsiung Laboratory’s efforts to fortify food safety control. TÜV Rheinland’s international reputation as a leader in food safety inspection has been enhanced by the opening of the Kaohsiung Laboratory. With a quality oversight role in customs inspections, we are able to provide support for quality Taiwanese products and help promote the international marketing network of local manufacturers. During the lively opening ceremony, TÜV Rheinland expressed its belief that with a mechanism for food safety inspection properly linking the KEPZ and the domestic market, Taiwanese citizens would have a more


comprehensive guarantee of their own well-being. Mr Ralf Scheller, CEO and President of TÜV Rheinland Greater China, emphasised that the Laboratory is only the first step in the expansion of the company’s food safety service system. In future, TÜV Rheinland will introduce international inspection technologies and the most applicable procedures to consistently improve service solutions, and will build precise product control systems that offer manufacturers novel solutions. Mr Scheller also expressed his expectation of offering audits based on the ISO 22000, ISO 9001, HACCP, GLOBALGAP, IFS and BRC standards, and the launch of training programs for engineers, inspectors and other professionals. Also to be launched, he said, would be various analytical and information consulting services. Through the Kaohsiung Laboratory, TÜV Rheinland intends to improve the safety levels of domestic food and support Taiwanese products that project highquality and reassuring brand images in the international market.




欧盟委员会于2012年7月24日正式公布新修订 的废弃电子电机设备( W E E E ) 指令( 2 012 / 19 / EU),并于2012年8月13日生效。经过重新修订 后,欧盟成员国需于2 014 年2月14日前将指令 ( 2 012 /19 / EU ) 转化为本国法律法规和管理条 例。原指令(2002/ 96 / EC)将于2014年2月15日 废除。

On 24 July 2012, the European Commission published the recast EU WEEE Directive (2012/19/EU), which entered into force on 13 August 2012. EU Member States are required to transpose Directive 2012/19/EU into national law by 14 February 2014. Directive 2002/96/EC will be repealed on 15 February 2014.

新指令加入许多重要规定,总结如下: Several new key provisions are included in the recast Directive. A summary of the details is given below. 回收目标分三阶段逐步提高 第一阶段:2012年8月13日至2015年8月14日 第二阶段:2015年8月15日至2018年8月14日 第三阶段:2018年8月15日起 太阳能板(Photovoltaic panels)被列入第 四类“消费型设备”管制产品 新 增 医疗 设备(植 入 型 及 感 染 性 产 品 除 外)回收目标

2018年8月15日起,范围扩大至所有电子电气设 备(EEE),将原10大类重新分类成6大类产品 -温度交换设备 -屏幕、监视器及屏幕面积大于100cm2 之设备 -灯泡 -大型设备(外部直径大于50cm) -小型设备(外部直径小于50cm) -小型电子通讯设备(外部直径小于50cm) W E E E 符 号 要求与原 指 令 规 定相 同,参 照 E N 50419


德国莱茵T Ü V能为您量身订制W EEE服务,我 们 经验丰富的专家针对 您产品的安全 性和 质量 进行 测 试,确保其符合既定标准和规章。如需进一步协助或了 解更详细的内容,请就 近联系德国莱茵T Ü V办公室。

To help you gain European approval, TÜV Rheinland now offers labeling for WEEE compliance. This allows system manufacturers to prove to the EU that they are WEEE compliant. Please contact the TÜV Rheinland office closest to you if you require further information or assistance. Three periods for Recovery Targets Stage I: from 13 August 2012 until 14 August 2015 Stage II: from 15 August 2015 until 14 August 2018 Stage III: from 15 August 2018 Photovoltaic (PV) panels will be included (under Category 4 Consumer Equipment) New Recovery Targets for medical devices From 15 August 2018, an ‘open’ scope will apply, and will be divided into 6 categories (Annex III of the recast Directive) -Temperature exchange equipment -Screens, monitors, and equipment containing screens having a surface greater than 100cm 2 -Lamps -Large equipment (any external dimension greater than 50cm) -Small equipment (no external dimension more than 50cm) -Small IT and telecommunication equipment (no external dimension more than 50cm) Appropriate marking of WEEE is the same as Directive 2002/96/EC in accordance with the European standard EN 50419





IFS食品标准第6版正式生效 IFS食品标准第6版本已于2012年7月1日 正式生效。IFS食品标准是GFSI (全球食 品倡议)认可的标准,用于审核食品加工企 业的过程和产品的食品安全和品质。它包 含了食品加工企业或散货包装的企业。

IFS物流标准第2版本将正式 生效 IFS物流标准第2版本将于2013年1月正 式生效。IFS物流标准适用于食品或非食 品产品,并包括装载,卸载,运输,管理, 分销等各个物流活动。该标准适用于各种 类型的运输工具:卡车,火车,船只,飞机 或者其他类型的运输方式如冷藏或室温 运输。从2012年6月至2012年12月,企业 可以选择IFS物流标准第1版本或第2版本 进行审核,从2013年1月开始,只能进行 IFS物流标准第2版本的审核。

FSSC22000食品安全 体系认证相关变更 从2012年10月1日开始, FSSC 22000食品安全体 系认证不再使用PAS 220,现有依据PAS 220的认证企业将有 1年的转换期,但现 有证书的更新不能 晚于2013年4月30 日。从2012年10月 1日开始,F S S C 22000食品安全体 系认证 只能依 据 ISO 22000:2005 和ISO/TS 220021:2009进行。


FS Food Version 6 Released The application date for IFS Food version 6 – a GFSI-recognised standard for the auditing of food safety and the quality of the processes and products of food manufacturers – is 1 October 2012. Version 6 addresses food processing companies and companies that pack loose food products.

IFS Logistics Version 2 Soon to be Effective The application date for IFS Logistics version 2 – a standard for auditing all of the logistics activities of food and non-food products such as transport, storage, distribution, loading and unloading – is slated for 1 January 2013. Version 2 applies to all types of activities, including delivery by road, rail or ship, for frozen/refrigerated products or similar products that do not require cooling. From 1 June to 31 December 2012, companies can perform IFS Logistics version 1 or 2 audits. From 1

IFS Logistics Version 2

January 2013, only IFS Logistics version 2 will be able to be performed and accepted.

Changes Related to FSSC 22000 Certification As of 1 October 2012, PAS 220 will no longer be acceptable for FSSC 22000 certification. Companies with existing certificates that refer to PAS 220 will be issued a transition period of up to one year, with the requirement that all certificates are to be updated no later than 30 April 2013. After 1 October 2012, only IS0 22000:2005 and ISO/TS 22002-1:2009 audits will be able to be performed and accepted for FSSC 22000 certification.

IFS Food Version 6

1st Jan. 2013

FSSC 22000 Certification

1st Oct. 2012


1st July. 2012




向四川仁加学校捐赠多媒体设备 Donation of IT Equipment to Sichuan Renjia School 继校舍重建和实施为期两年的教师培训计划后,德 国莱茵TÜV于日前向四川芦山七一仁加学校捐赠一 批电脑和多媒体设备。这些设备现已向所有同学开 放并投入使用。9月4日,我们的代表亲赴学校与供应 商和校方一起对安装完成的多媒体设备进行实地验 收。秋季开学后,学校师生就可以享受多媒体教学带 来的生动鲜活的学习体验了。为了使学校教师更加系 统管理和有效使用这些设备,作为设备供应商之一, 联想集团也参与共同对教师进行为期两天的专业培训。

Upon completion of the rebuilding project and two-year teacher training programme at the Sichuan Renjia School, TÜV Rheinland donated a variety of IT equipment including desktop computers and office and multimedia equipment to be used by teachers, staff and students. The equipment is now in regular

use and available for all students. On September 4, our representatives and vendors, as well as the school master, finished the on-site inspection and encouraged the teachers and students to make the most of the new multimedia teaching and learning tools as the new semester begins. A volunteer from one of the equipment vendors, Lenovo, participated in the IT training helping teachers implement effective IT management and design multimedia classrooms that will optimise everyone’s experiences.

广西教师培训计划第二轮圆满结束 Second Round of Teacher Training in Guangxi 受台湾文化交流事务学会的邀请,德国莱茵TÜV大 中华区的3名志愿者在八月底前往广西南宁华光女 子高中对该校教师进行了第二轮的教师培训。 作为系列培训项目,在这次培训里,教师们对自身 在教学事业中的发展进行了规划,也共同畅想了华 光学校的未来。通过研习以及讨论,教师们绘制了 各自心目中的学校三年发展蓝图。该培训再次加强 了教师之间的凝聚力和巩固了他们对学校的发展的 信心。

In response to an invitation issued by ICA, three TÜV Rheinland volunteers travelled to Guangxi to assist in the second round of teacher training for the Nanning Huaguang Girls’ School.

This round focused on exploring teachers’ potential for self-development and supporting the overall development of the school. Through workshops and discussions, teachers began to draw the blueprint for the next three years, gaining confidence to work together to make the plan come true.


“冰茶日”活动募得70,000元善款 RMB70,000 in Donations Collected on Ice Tea Day 9月7日是德国莱茵TÜV的第一个“冰茶日”。在上 海、广州、深圳、北京、台北和香港,共有22支队伍 参加竞技。短短1个半小时的比赛时间内,上千杯冰 茶被售出,销售额高达34,598元,该笔收入依计划 捐给慈善机构。此外,董事会额外捐出35,402元, 与销售额一起,善款总计达70,000元,已捐给云南 地震的灾民,希望他们顺利渡过难关。

The first TÜV Rheinland Ice Tea Day was on 7 September. Twenty-two teams and hundreds of colleagues from Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Beijing, Taipei and Hong Kong participated in the event. Thousands of cups of ice tea were sold in just 1.5 hours, with RMB34,598 collected for charity. In recognition of the sincerity of our colleagues, management has agreed to match the donation with a contribution of RMB35,402. A total amount of RMB70,000 has been donated for Yunnan earthquake victims.

公司足球友谊赛——深圳VS广州 Interoffice Football Match - SZ vs. GZ 在8月11号,深圳员工文化委员会组织了一场跨公 司足球友谊赛。超过30名来自深圳公司和广州公司 的员工和员工家属齐聚广州奥林匹克体育中心。最 终,广州队凭主场优势以4比3的比分赢得了这场友 谊赛的胜利。

On 11 August, the Shenzhen Company Culture Committee hosted an interoffice football match. More than 30 participants from the Shenzhen office travelled to Guangzhou for a game against the Guangzhou office. Colleagues from Shenzhen and Guangzhou Softlines and Electrical participated in the friendly match at the Guangzhou Olympics Sports Center. The Guangzhou team benefited from the home advantage, winning 4–3.





为Uniklinik München提供移动设备管理系统 Secure Smartphones for the Uniklinik München 德国莱茵i-sec为Klinikum Universität München (KUM)设计了一项移动设备 管理系统,该系统可以便捷且安全地融 合智能手机和平板电脑的应用。这家慕 尼黑大学附属医院拥有45间门诊部、研 究所和科室,总计床位超过2,200张。 这项解决方案不仅为安全使用手机设备 和应用奠定了基础,同时也为执行和操 作阶段提供了决定性优势。该系统可在 最短时间内有效投入使用。

TÜV Rheinland’s i-sec implemented a solution for the easy and secure integration of smartphones and tablets within the Klinikum Universität München (KUM). The hospital of the Ludwig-Maximilians

University in Munich houses 45 clinics, institutes and departments with more than 2,200 beds. The i-sec solution not only offers a basis for the secure use of mobile devices and applications, but also decisive advantages during the implementation and operation phases because the system can be used productively within a very short time.

德国宝马汽车公司 (BMW) 荣膺认证 BMW Receives Certificate 根据ISO 14001和OHSAS 18001,我 们对BM W 销售部门和回收中心进行 认证。 集团首席执行官Manfred Bayerlein 博士和董事总经理Gabriele Rausse 向BMW授予ISO 14001和OHSAS认 证证书,标志着为期7个月的审核流程 成功结束,期间德国莱茵对BMW多个 销售部门、代 理商和回收中心进行了 审核与评估。

TÜV Rheinland certifies BMW sales branches and recycling centres in accordance with ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001.

TÜV Rheinland CEO, Dr Manfred Bayerlein, and Managing Director of Certification, Gabriele Rausse, presented the ISO 14001 and OHSAS certificates to the BMW Group. This represented the successful end of a seven-month auditing procedure conducted by TÜV Rheinland at various BMW sales branches, dealerships and the recycling centre.


荣获美国国家标准学会授权 ANSI Accreditation Obtained 美国国家标准学会( A N S I ) 依据I S O 14065,授权我们的能源和环境部在全球 范围内作为独立的国际碳足迹认证提供商 开展业务。根据ISO 14064-3要求所作出 的授权,允许我们对温室气体(GHG)的主 张进行或管理核查及验证。这也包括对减 排项目的量化分析和验证。

managing validations or verifications of greenhouse gas (GHG) assertions. It also includes the quantification and verification of emission reduction projects.

TÜV Rheinland Energy and Environment has been accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in accordance with ISO 14065, enabling TÜV Rheinland to operate worldwide as an independent provider of carbon footprint certification. This accreditation, in accordance with ISO 14064-3, provides conducting or

CQC中方代表团在科隆总部进行培训 CQC Chinese Delegation at Cologne Headquarters 中国质量认证中心(CQC)代表于日前访 问科隆,访问的目的是对德国莱茵TÜV 负责中国审批计划(CCC-FI)的检验员进 行培训。 在过去几年中,CQC要求的强制性工厂 检验数量巨幅增长。全球车辆制造商和 汽车供应商在中国市场销售其产品前必 须申请产品和生产工厂审批。因此,出口 国当地的检验员需要受训以便履行其检 验职责。由于强制性CQC检验的要求, 我们进一步扩展了全球的认证和认可业 务的范畴。

Representatives of the Chinese Certification Body CQC (China Quality Certification Centre) visited Cologne to train TÜV Rheinland inspectors for the Chinese approval scheme (CCC-FI).

There has recently been an enormous increase in so-called (mandatory) factory inspections carried out by the CQC. Vehicle manufacturers and automobile suppliers from all over the world must apply for product and production plant approval before circulating their products on the Chinese market. Consequently, local inspectors were trained to fulfil the related inspectorial tasks. The unique market position of CCC-FI opens the gate to new customers and with the mandatory CQC inspections, TÜV Rheinland is extending its certification and approval business.


德 国 莱 茵 TÜV大 中 华区版权所有 ©2012 TÜV Rheinland Greater China All Rights Reserved

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