德国莱茵 TÜV大中华区通讯 TÜV Rheinland Greater China News
首届德国莱茵 TÜV大中华区
国际功能安全 峰 会 成功在沪举行 First TÜV Rheinland Greater China
International Functional Safety Symposium 无线充电测试认证 德国莱茵TÜV成 为 WPC全 球 首 家 认可第三方 Qi符 合 性 测 试 实 验 室 First 3rd Party Qi Compliance Testing Lab Recognized by WPC 德国莱茵 TÜV
深圳新办公楼启动 实践低碳绿 色 行 动 TÜV Rheinland Shenzhen Holds a Low Carbon Opening Ceremony
目 录 / Contents
动 态 与服务/ Featured Service
推动防雷技术进步,助力开拓更广市场 ——专访德国莱茵 TÜV大中华区商用与 工业产品服务部总监陈伟康博士 TÜV Rheinland to Promote the Advancement of Anti-lightning Technology and Develop a Broader Market for Manufactures—Interview with Dr. Chen Weikang, Director of TÜV Rheinland Greater China Commercial Products
无 线 充 电测 试 认 证 ,德国莱茵TÜV成 为 WPC全球 首 家 第三方Qi符合性测试 实验室
04/ 05
First 3rd Party Qi Compliance Testing Lab Recognized by WPC 太 阳 能 组件 产 地 认 证服务,助力获取 高 太 阳 能电 力 补 贴 TÜV Rheinland Tests Proof of Origin of Modules for Higher Solar Power Feed-in Tariffs 携 手 广 东检 验 检 疫 技术中心,全方位 深 入 合 作产 品 检 测 服务 TÜV Rheinland Signs Framework Cooperation Agreement with GD IQTC 提 高 防 雷产 品 的 质 量,保障人身财产 安全 TÜV Rheinland Helps China to Improve Quality Control of Anti-lightning Products
06/ 07 08/ 09 10/ 13
分享碳足迹分析,增加通机产品出口 机会
14/ 17
A Great Green Economy for General Machinery Enterprises
时讯/ Alive
首届电梯能效研讨会,热议电梯节能 减排
First Elevator Energy Efficiency Seminar in Hong Kong 德国莱茵TÜV成为青海碳服务合作伙伴 TÜV Rheinland Becomes Carbon Service Partner in Qinghai 无锡地铁系统保证培训,提高系统 安全性 RAMS Training for Wuxi Metro to Improve System Safety
20/ 21 22/ 23
安全处置废弃电子产品,切实关注 环保每个细节
Safe Disposal of Electronic Products Caring for the Environment 德国莱茵TÜV大中华区培训与咨询 2011年11-12月课程计划 道 路 车 辆 系 统 设 计 功能安全研讨 会 , 促 进 安 全 产 品 研发 Functional Safety Training on Vehicle Systems Designed According to ISO 26262 and IEC 61508 首 届 德 国 莱 茵 TÜV大中华区国际功能 安 全 峰 会 成 功 在 沪 举行 The First TÜV Rheinland Greater China International Functional Safety Symposium Was Successfully Held in Shanghai 携 手 方 森 安 略 推 广 功能安全业务 Cooperation with FST to Promote Functional Safety Services in China 德 国 莱 茵 TÜV大 中 华区技术车辆产品 国 际 认 证 部 门 顺 利 通过德国交通部 (KBA)审 核
24/ 25 26/ 29
德国莱茵TÜV深圳新办公楼启动 实践低碳绿色行动
30/ 31 32/ 33
TÜV Rheinland Greater China Mobility Successfully Passes KBA Audit Review 自 动 扶 梯 安 全 问 题 引关注 Frequent Accidents Arouse Concern about Escalator Safety 供 应 商 发 展 项 目 巡讲赢得广泛青睐, SQM课 程 11月 京 沪 穗开讲 SPD Introduction Roadshow Successfully Completed, SQM Series Courses to be Launched from November
TÜV Rheinland Greater China Training and Consulting 2011 Nov.Dec. Schedule
40/ 43
TÜV Rheinland Shenzhen Holds a Low Carbon Opening Ceremony 践行企业社会责任,云南学校重建项目 TÜV Rheinland Cares. New School Rebuilding Project in Yunnan
34/ 35 36/ 38
主编/Chief Editor:
李涛/Li Tao
张玮磊/Clare Zhang 夏文秀/Michelle Xia 雷霞/Nora Lei
出版日期 Publication Date:
2011. 11
44/ 47 48/ 49
于 智能 型 手 机 及一 些 移动 装 置
“无 线充电 联 盟很高兴与德国莱茵 TÜV
的 高 耗 电 量,人 们 常 常 有 在 外
一 起 协助 更 多Qi产 品认证,加 速 Qi产 品
充电 的需 求,因 而 使得 不少相 关 业者 投
进 入 市 场 ,这 对 正 在 成 长 的 Q i产 品 是
入 无 线 充电 的 开发领 域。为顺 应 这一发
一 个里程 碑,同时也反 映 出 大 家 正在 竞
展 趋 势,德 国 莱 茵 TÜV台湾 已于日前 获
逐 无 线 充电领 域 。”无 线 充电 联 盟 主 席
得无 线 充 电 联 盟WPC (Wireless Power
Menno Treffers表示。
Consortium) 认可,成为目前全球首家第 三方Qi符 合性测试实验室。
“我们 对Qi产品认证市场的强 烈需求印 象 深 刻,”德 国 莱 茵 TÜV台 湾 公司 总 经
目前 无 线 充 电 联 盟 WPC是 全 球 唯 一 推
理 Uwe Halstenbach 指出。Qi符 合性测
动 无 线 充电技术 标 准化的组 织,联 盟 成
试及标识将让 消费者对Qi移动装 置 更有
员包括飞 利浦、三洋、诺基亚、德州仪器
信心,不论是在家里,还 是在 酒店、办公
等,其 终 极目标 是 希 望 在 表面平 整 的 介
室等 公 共 场 所,只 要 有Qi兼容 的 充电 基
面上 提 供 无 线 充电 功能,目前则主 要 是
针对5W以下低 功率的电子设备 供电,并 以Qi作为 识 别 标 志。有Qi标 识 的电子产
德国莱茵 TÜV台湾不仅 是 欧 盟指定认证
品 将 具 有兼容 性 及 互用 性,无 须担心 不
机 构,也是 美国政 府 授 权认可的 无 线 通
同品牌的 接 头或充电器不兼容的问题,
讯 产 品 发 证机 构 (TCB)及 加 拿 大 政 府 授
权 认可 的 无 线 产 品 发 证 机 构 ( FCB ),除 了可 提 供 Qi符 合 性 测 试 外,还 可协助厂 商 符 合 R &T TE指 令 要 求 及 提 供 相 关 的 EMC、电池、蓝牙等测试。
无 线 充 电 让 许 多电子产品,如数码相机、手机、MP3、 MP4等只 要 置 于 同 一 无 线 充电装置上即可充电,免去使用不同充电器 的 麻 烦 。 另 一 方 面 , 无 线 充电也意味着环保,省却不同接头的生产将 减少对环境的污染。
Wireless charging makes it possible for different electronic devices, such as digital cameras, cellphones, MP3 players, etc., to be connected to the same wireless charger, reducing the number of different chargers needed and bringing more convenience. Wireless charging also means enhanced environmental protection, eliminating the need for different adaptors and reducing pollution.
ireless charging technology is expected to become a new source of mobile power. As smart phones and mobile devices consume large amounts of power, people frequently need to recharge outside of their homes, which has prompted investment in the development of wireless charging. In response to this trend, TÜV Rheinland Taiwan has become the world’s first third party laboratory for Qi compliance testing recognized by the WPC (Wireless Power Consortium). Currently, the Wireless Power Consortium (WPC) is the world’s only organization pushing for wireless charging technology standardization; alliance members include enterprises from a variety of industries, including Philips, Sanyo, Nokia, Texas Instruments, etc. The goal is to provide consumer
applications for wireless charging functions on a smooth-surface interface, with the current target the provision of power for low-power electronic devices under 5W, with the Qi mark as the identification mark. Electronic products with the Qi mark will have ensured compatibility and interoperability, with no need to worry about adaptors or chargers for different brands, resulting in greater flexibility.
“We’ve been impressed by the strong demand for Qi product certification”, says Uwe Halstenbach, General Manager of TÜV Rheinland Taiwan. Qi compliance, together with the Qi logo, will provide consumers the confidence that their Qi-enabled mobile devices can not only be charged conveniently at home, but also in public places such as hotels and offices, wherever a Qi-compliance charging station is available.
“We’re excited to work with TÜV Rheinland to help quickly certify more Qi products, speeding their time to market”, says WPC Chairman Menno Treffers. “The need for a facility such as this is a testament to the growing demand for Qicompatible devices, and a reflection of the race many companies are engaged in to compete in the expanding wireless charging industry.”
TÜV Rheinland Taiwan is not only recognised by the European Union, but is also appointed by the U.S. and Canadian governments for the certification of wireless products (TCB and FCB respectively). In addition to providing Qi-compliance testing, the Company also helps manufacturers comply with the R&TTE directive and provides related EMC, battery and Bluetooth testing etc.
为了获得上网补贴,从2 012 年7月1日起
在欧 盟进行生 产的每个操作步骤的具体
相 关 公司 必须 履行与质 量、环 境 及 职 业
ISO 9001、OHSAS 18001 和 ISO 14000
能源 负 责 人Jörg Althaus指出: “虽然过
在意大利市场获得成功的关键因素。”德 国莱茵TÜV的专家们熟悉有关国家及国际
在 意 大利的专业 人 员的支 持。在 这一 领
德国莱茵 TÜV太阳能行业的专家网络目
前已经在世界各地拥有总数超过200名的 专业人员,在班加罗尔(印度)、科隆(德
TÜV Rheinland PTL(美国亚利桑那州)
生的附加价值中至少 60 %来自在欧盟地
或举 证 太阳能电池或 硅片在欧洲生产。
德国莱茵TÜV可为来自欧盟的太阳能组件制造商 提供产地证明认证,以便其将来在意大利获得 比原价高10%的电力上网补贴。向意 大利国家电力局(GSE)递交的 提 案要求在 欧 盟生 产的光伏 组件须接 受 独 立 监控。作为IEC体系下国 际公 认 的 认证机构及 太 阳 能系统 认证市 场 的 全球 领 导 者,德 国莱茵 TÜV 可提供各项相关检测服务,包括组件、逆变器和其他系统零部件检测,如安装系统等。
TÜV Rheinland is offering module manufacturers from the European Union the proof of origin certification required to receive 10% higher feed-in tariffs in Italy in the future. The proposal submitted to the Italian Gestore Servizi Energetici (GSE) requires that the production of the modules in the EU be monitored independently. TÜV Rheinland offers the testing as a certification body internationally recognised in the IEC system, and as a global market leader in the qualification of solar systems, not just for modules but also for inverters and other system components, such as assembly systems. The certificates necessary for the Italian market must contain detailed information on the individual working steps of production in the EU. In addition, it is required that the modules be labelled so that they can be traced to their respective production site. “Despite transitional regulations up to summer 2012, the new rules are essentially effective now and the proof of origin is crucial for success in the Italian market”, comments Jörg Althaus, Head of Regenerative Energies at TÜV Rheinland. Experts from TÜV Rheinland support numerous solar companies across the world in matters of market access, as they have intimate knowledge of the relevant national and international regulations. Consequently, not only can module manufacturers call on our global team of 200 solar industry experts, but they can also rely on the broad market knowledge of our specialists in Italy. There, the independent test service provider for quality and safety has been represented by its own company since 1997. In the case of the new Italian feed-in tariff, a detailed comparison of the requirements is necessary. Proof must be provided that 60% of the added value generated during the manufacture of the
system components has been produced within the EU. The areas affected by these regulations are specified in further regulatory statutes. For instance, the lamination of photovoltaic modules, the electrical circuiting and the required electrical tests must be carried out in Europe as part of the production process. Alternatively, the solar cells or wafers must be produced within the EU. In order to receive a feed-in payment, from 1st July 2012 a recycling obligation and the standards and certificates of ISO 9001, OHSAS 18001 and ISO 14000 must be fulfilled, with regard to quality and environment management as well as occupational health and safety. Besides the creation of the proof of origin of the components required by the GSE, TÜV Rheinland also offers services in all these areas.
At present, Italy is one of the most attractive markets for the solar industry. Among other sites, TÜV Rheinland operates a 3,500sqm outdoor test facility for solar modules and is engaged in the testing and certification of solar power plants. The company first started laboratory-scale technical testing of solar components back in 1995. Our solar industry experts now comprise more than 200 specialists worldwide. TÜV Rheinland operates test laboratories in Bangalore (India), Cologne (Germany), Shanghai (China), Taichung (Taiwan), at TÜV Rheinland PTL in Tempe, Arizona (USA) and in Yokohama (Japan). The specialists not only test modules and components, but also develop new test methods, collaborate on R&D projects for the use of solar energy and assist customers worldwide with the construction of solar power plants.
关于IQTC / About IQTC
广东检验检疫技术中心 (简 称 IQTC) 是中国检验检疫系统重要的专业技术保障机构,承担着广东地区大部分出 入境产品的法定检测任务、各类委托检测任务和科研任务。秉承独立、公正、专业的精神,IQTC致力于为客户提 供全面的检验、检疫、鉴定、测试、认证等服务。客户包括众多国际知名品牌和跨国公司,也为海关、工商、法院等 政府机构提供专业服务。IQTC 现已发展成为中国大陆最具实力的质量安全服务机构之一,成为保护消费者,保 护产品和企业品牌不可或缺的可靠力量。 As an important technical support to the Chinese inspection and quarantine authority, Guangdong Inspection and Quarantine Technology Center (hereafter referred to as IQTC) is responsible for the inspection and quarantine of most import and export commodities in Guangdong province, and also the scientific research and development. Highly respecting the values of being independent, impartial and professional, IQTC also provides a wide range of services such as inspection, testing, quarantine, verification and technical consulting service for customers including international corporations, world-famous brands, and government agencies such as customs, courts, and Administration for Industry and Commerce. After years of effort, IQTC has steadily grown into its role as one of the leading institutions providing quality assurance services in China. As the leader in protecting consumers, your products and your brands, IQTC is well positioned for growth and will continue to deliver market leading services wherever they are needed.
大在华投资,借助合作伙伴的有效平台加 强在国内的本土化服务,为更多的中国企 业提供高效优质的检测服务,协助其提高 制造质量和安全管理水平。” 刘中勇先生在致辞中表示: “协议的签署 是IQTC打造高端技术服务平台所迈出的 坚实一步,透 过全方位、深入的合 作,将 德国莱茵TÜV大中华区及广东检验检疫技术中心双方代表出席了协议签署仪式 Representatives from TÜV Rheinland and IQTC attended the signing ceremony
州东圃合 景福朋喜来 登 酒店举 行的协议
平台,携手 德国莱茵 TÜV,充分发挥检验
签署 仪式。薛勒先生表示: “协议的签署
纺织品等全方位 产品领域的检测服 务展
表明了德国莱茵 TÜV在 2011年 将进一步
TÜV Rheinland Greater China has signed a framework cooperation agreement with the Guangdong Inspection and Quarantine Technology Center (IQTC) for the joint development of testing and certification services for all types of machinery, furniture, textiles, electrical products and food. The cooperation will enhance the exchange of technical information, and both parties are committed to launching research projects to support the future development of the Chinese testing and certification industry.
The framework cooperation agreement signing ceremony was held at the Four Points by Sheraton Guangzhou, Dongpu, with TÜV Rheinland Greater China President and CEO Ralf Scheller, IQTC Director Liu Zhongyong and the top management of the two parties in attendance. “This agreement shows that our business must continue to cooperate with local strategic partners to realize the continuous improvement of local testing standards”, Mr. Scheller said. “At the same time, we will increase our investment in China. Through cooperation with a local partner, we will provide an enhanced quality testing service to local enterprises
and assist them in improving safety and quality.” “This cooperation is a concrete step in enabling the IQTC to establish a high-end technical service platform. Through all-round cooperation with TÜV Rheinland, the IQTC will expand its service scope, receive first-hand technical knowledge, and support Chinese enterprises in improving product quality and their competitive edge. Furthermore, by sharing a platform with TÜV Rheinland, we can support Guangdong’s development of strategic emerging industries.” commented Liu.
众所周知,防雷产品质量的优劣性命攸关, 因此防雷产品的检验检测与证明是否符合质量标准尤为重要。 It is widely known that poor quality anti-lightning products can cost lives. 2011年初,德国莱茵TÜ V大中华区已将防雷 产品的检测与认证服务加入到新产品开发计 划中,目前该领 域 的 检 验、检 测 及认证 服 务 已经 步入 正常轨道。隶属于中讯邮电咨询设 计院有限公司(原名邮电部设 计院)的 信息 产业通信产品防雷性能质量监督检验中心, 早在19 9 3 年8月就正式投入使用(原邮电部 电信总 局 通信 防 护 技 术 维 护支 援中心雷电 实验室),现有防雷实验室面积10 0 0多平方 米,20 01年成为第一家获得原信息产业部授 权的第三方防雷质检机构。依托中讯邮电咨 询设计院有限公司在通信防雷业界的权威地 位和在工程咨询设计、检测领域的综合影响 力,信息产业通信产品防雷性能质量监督检 验中心在国内防雷产品检测领域具有极高的 声誉,是中国通信行业中最具品牌和雄厚实力 的防雷产品检测实验室。
At the beginning of 2011, TÜV Rheinland Greater China added t inspection and certification of an lightning products to the group’s development plans in order to he manufacturers enhance product q
A subsidiary of the CITC and beg operations in August 1993, the C laboratory space now covers mor than 1,000 square metres and it i first third-party anti-lightning qu inspection organisation authorise the Ministry of Information Indu 2011. The Centre enjoys an outst reputation in the inspection of an lightning products.
the ntis new elp quality.
ginning Centre’s re is the uality ed by ustry in tanding nti-
德国莱茵TÜV与中国信息产业通 信产品防雷性能质量监督检验中心建立战 略合作,帮助防雷产品企业质量及检测认 证标准达到国际标准。 TÜV Rheinland has entered into a strategic cooperation agreement with the China Information Industry Quality Supervision and Inspection Centre for the AntiLightning Performance of Communication Products with the aim of raising the quality and inspection of anti-lightning products to international standards.
Mr Luebken 德国莱茵TÜV大中华区 副总裁吕伯肯先生
德国莱茵TÜV在中国取得的成功离不开本地实验室的支持与长期 合作。通过达成这次战略协议,我们期待与中国防雷行业的企业建立更广泛 更深入的合作,包括在防雷产品的测试、技术交流、实验室建设等领域,将国 际领先的检测技术和权威认证经验带到中国,让更多的中国防雷企业获得安 全可靠的防雷检测和认证。此外,除通信行业之外,我们的防雷技术检测与认 证还适用于电力、轨道交通、建筑、航空、石油石化等行业,随后我们将逐步开 展与中国其他行业协会组织在防雷电检测与认证方面的合作。
TÜV Rheinland cannot succeed without the support of and cooperation with local laboratories. Through this strategic agreement we expect to further cooperate with enterprises in the Chinese antilightning industry, including in the fields of testing, technology, and the laboratory construction of anti-lightning products, bringing worldclass inspection technologies and authorised certification experience to China. Besides the telecom industry, our anti-lightning technology and certification also applies to industries such as power, railway, architecture, aviation, and petroleum and petrochemicals. We will cooperate with other associations to further develop anti-lightning inspection and certification services.
Mr Zhoubin
中讯邮电咨询设计院有限公司 副总经理、郑州分公司总经理周彬
随着我国对外贸易的快速发展,开展国际认证检测合作是目前国 内质检机构和实验室的一个重要的业务发展方向。能够获得德国莱茵TÜV这 样知名国际认证机构的授权和认可是对实验室管理和技术水平的肯定。同时 在国际认证机构专家的指导下,防雷质检中心的测试能力、管理水平、测试水 平、员工的专业素质将会向更高的水平迈进。今后我们将积极和德国莱茵TÜV 共同开拓防雷产品的安全检测和认证服务。
With the fast development of foreign trade, it is important for the business development of domestic quality inspection organisations and laboratories to cooperate with international certification inspections. Gaining authorisation and recognition from a renowned international certification organisation such as TÜV Rheinland is an acknowledgement of our laboratory administration and technical levels. With the guidance of TÜV Rheinland’s experts, the inspection capability, administration and testing levels and professional qualities of the staff of the anti-lightning quality inspection centre will be greatly improved.
德国莱茵TÜV大中华区日前宣布,与中国 信息产业 通信产品防雷性能质量监督检 验中心建立战略合作,并于2011年6月30 日在河南省郑州市举行了战略合作签字仪 式。同时,德国莱茵TÜV还被授予中国质 量 协会防雷电分 会常务 理事单位 这一称 号。此次战略合作内容包括德国莱茵TÜV 将在中国防雷电产品质量监督检验主管部 门的支持下,帮助更多中国防雷产品制造 企业通过提高产品质量保障企业人身财产 安全,提升企业核心竞争力,从而获得领 先的市场地位,并逐步走向国际市场。充 分体现了德国莱茵TÜV在防雷产品质量监 督、检验检测和认证领域在全球范围内的 权威性和领先性。 在战略合作签字仪式上,德国莱茵TÜV大 中华区副总裁吕伯肯先生和中讯邮电咨询 设计院有限公司郑州分公司副总经理张清 泉先生分别代表双方签署了合作协议。此 次战略合作达成后,信息产业通信产品防 雷性能质量监督检验中心可以依据IEC、EN 等标准对防雷产品(防雷器件、浪涌保护 器、电源防雷系统等)进行测试,德国莱茵 TÜV基于该中心提供的检测数据,颁发通 行世界多数国家的报告和认证证书。签约 仪式后,德国莱茵TÜV大中华区副总裁吕 伯肯先生还代表德国莱茵TÜV向信息产业
TÜV Rheinland Greater China announced that it has entered into a strategic agreement with the China Information Industry Quality Supervision and Inspection Centre for the Anti-Lightning Performance of Communication Products (the Centre hereafter), following a signing ceremony held on 30th June 2011. TÜV Rheinland also became a member of standing council of the Anti-Lightning and Anti-Thunder Branch of the China Association for Quality. With the support of China’s Administration of Quality Supervision and Inspection of Anti-Lightning and Anti-Thunder Products, TÜV Rheinland will help manufacturers of anti-lightning products to improve quality standards to ensure the security of people and property. It will also help them to promote core competence to gain market leadership and enter international markets. The cooperation fully recognises the global authority of TÜV Rheinland in the fields of quality supervision, inspection and detection, and the certification of anti-lightning products.
通信产品防雷性能质量监督检验中心颁发 了认可实验室证书。 仪式最后,信息产业通信产品防雷性能质 量监督检验中心主任朱清峰先生受中国质 量协会防雷电分会理事长刘吉克委托,向 莱茵检测认证服务(中国)有限公司颁发 了中国质量协会防雷电分会常务理事单位 证书,意味着中国质量协会给予德国莱茵 TÜV专业性和权威性的高度肯定,德国莱 茵TÜV也将为提升产品品质与性能,保障 企业人身财产安全发挥关键的作用。
TÜV Rheinland was represented at the signing ceremony by Mr. Gerhard Luebken, Vice President of TÜV Rheinland Greater China, while Mr Zhang Qingquan, Deputy General Manager of the Zhengzhou Branch of the China Information Technology Designing Consulting Institute Co., Ltd. (CITC) was there on behalf of the Centre. Following the agreement, the Centre is authorised
to test anti-lightning products (such as anti-lightning instruments, surge protectors, power anti-lightning systems, etc.) according to IEC or EN standards. TÜV Rheinland will issue reports and certificates accepted by most countries worldwide on the basis of the inspection data provided by the Centre. Following the ceremony, Mr Luebken issued recognised laboratory certification to the Centre on behalf of TÜV Rheinland. To wrap up, entrusted by Liu Keji, the council Chairman of the AntiLightning and Anti-Thunder Branch of the China Association for Quality, Mr. Zhu Qingfeng, the Director of the Center, issued TÜV Rheinland (China) Ltd with the standing council membership certificate of the Anti-Lightning and Anti-Thunder Branch of the China Association for Quality. This signifies that TÜV Rheinland’s professionalism has been acknowledged by China’s authorities and that it is to play an important role in improving product quality, thus ensuring the safety of both businesses and the public.
推动防雷技术进步 助力开拓更广市场 专访德国莱茵TÜV大中华区商用与工业产品服务 部总监陈伟康博士 TÜV Rheinland to Promote the Advancement of Anti-lightning Technology and Develop a Broader Market for Manufacturers Interview with Dr. Chen Weikang, Director of TÜV Rheinland Greater China Commercial Products
日前,德国莱茵TÜV与中国信息产业通信产品防雷性能质量监督检验中心建立了战略合作,为中国防雷产品打 入国际市场提供了更加便捷的通道。为便于更多中国防雷企业对德国莱茵TÜV有进一步了解,此次节选了部分 热门话题,与德国莱茵TÜV大中华区商用与工业产品服务部总监陈伟康博士展开面对面交流,为您答疑解惑。 TÜV Rheinland recently entered a strategic agreement with the China Information Industry Quality Supervision and Inspection Centre for the Anti-Lightning Performance of Communication Products, providing a more convenient route for Chinese anti-lightning products to access the international market. To better understand TÜV Rheinland’s services, we held a Q & A with Dr. Chen Weikang, Director of TÜV Rheinland Greater China Commercial Products.
最近在中国由于雷电原因造成了一些公共安全事故,您怎么看待? Would you like to comment on the recent public accidents caused by lightning in China?
We feel deeply sorry for them and they make us
感我们工作的重要性和使命感。雷电造 成
realise the importance of our work and give us a real
的事故有一个复杂的过程和机 理,相信如
sense of our mission. Accidents caused by lightning
何预防将引起 人们的反 思和重视。作为安
involve complicated processes and mechanisms and
I believe how to prevent them will be a key concern
十 分重 要,如 果它自身不 安 全,更谈不上 防护其它设备,也就 是说其防护性能的可 靠性 变得尤其重要。 目前我国的防雷产品标准虽然比较完善,
throughout the nation. As protection devices, antilightning products’ own safety performance is very important. If they themselves are not safe, how can they protect other equipment? That is to say, their reliability is particularly important.
有 国 家 标 准 和 行 业 标 准 。但 防 雷 产 品 检
At present, the standard of China’s anti-lightning
products is relatively good. There are national
告不完整,会给后 续防雷工程 埋下很 大隐
standards and industry standards, but the testing and
患。这些应引起 主管部门重视。
management of these products needs to take a further step. If an experiment report is incomplete, it leaves great hidden danger for future anti-lightning projects and this is something the authorities need to look at.
防雷产品认证属于德国莱茵TÜV众多业务中的哪一类? Which category does anti-lightning certification fall into among the various businesses in TÜV Rheinland?
德国莱茵 TÜV大中华区商用与工业产品服 务 部总 监陈伟康博士 Dr. Chen Weikang Director of TÜV Rheinland Greater China Commercial Products
Anti-lightning products belong to a branch of the
用与工业 产品 服 务 部门下的一 个 分支,它
commercial products, which includes lightning rods,
包含:避雷针、避雷器、电源浪涌保 护器、
lightning arresters, power surge protectors, signal surge
protectors, anti-lightning devices (piezoresistors, gas
discharge tubes, etc.), grounding strips and grounding
rods. Related standards are IEC61643, UL1449 and
VDE0675 etc.
德国莱茵TÜV对防雷产品的检测认证工作主要涉及哪些内容? What are the main services involved in TÜV Rheinland’s testing and certification of anti-lightning products? 首先,我们可以颁发通行欧洲的CE证书、
德国的GS、TÜV证书、北美cTUVus证书、IEC框架 内互认的CB证书以及通行世界主要发达国家的其它 证书。 同时,我们可以基于不同国家和地区标准和要求对 防雷产品进行测试,颁发测试报告。如国际电工委 员会标准(IEC)、德国(DIN、VDE)标准、美国UL 标准、欧洲EN标准等等。我们也可基于中国的要 求,联合中国的合作伙伴颁发符合GB、YD等标准 的报告。颁发认证证书不是我们的唯一目的,将国际 上先进的技术理念带给生产制造厂,推动技术进步 是我们的追求。
First, we are licensed to issue the CE certificate of Europe, GS of Germany, TÜV certificate, cTUVus Certificate of North America, CB Certificate, which is mutually recognized within the IEC framework, and other certificates which are accepted in major developed countries worldwide. Secondly, we can conduct testing and issue reports for anti-lightning products based on the standards and requirements of different countries and regions, such as IEC standards, German (DIN, VDN) standards, American UL standards, European EN standards, etc. We cooperate with partners in China to issue reports conforming to GB and YD standards based on the requirements of China. We believe that issuing certificates is not our sole purpose. Our aim is to bring international advanced technology concepts to manufacturing plants, and promote the advancement of technology.
德国莱茵 TÜV认证检测在防雷产品的出口上有怎样的重要性?现在国内的防雷厂商是否有主动 去寻找认证检测机构的强烈意识?据您所知,在中国,有哪些防雷企业已经获得了贵司认证?
What’s the impact of TÜV Rheinland certification and testing of anti-lightning products on exports? Currently, do domestic manufacturers of lightning protection products have a strong need to seek testing and certification services? According to your knowledge, in China, who has received certification issued by your company?
积累 通过德国莱茵TÜV认证检测的防雷 产品,意味着该产品符合相关国际标准的要 求,并证明工厂也能持续稳定地生产出符合 标准的防雷产品,为产品获得更高的可信度 和安全性能提供了保障。 目前国内一些高端企业的防雷产品已通过了 德国莱茵 T Ü V认证,如深 圳海鹏信、华为、 核达中远通、厦门赛尔特等等。特别是华为、 中兴已 经 把 通 过 德国莱 茵 T Ü V 认证 作为 挑 选供应商的前提条件。
Passing TÜV Rheinland’s testing and certification means that the anti-lightning product has conformed to the requirements of the related international standards and that the manufacturer has proven ability to manufacture high-quality and safe anti-lightning products. Currently, some of the high-end enterprises that have passed the TÜV Rheinland certification include Shenzhen Microhpx, Huawei, Vapel and Xiamen SET. Furthermore, Huawei and ZTE have made TÜV Rheinland certification a prerequisite to become of one their suppliers.
防雷企业在申请做认证检测时需要注意哪些问题,请提供一些建议? 在这些注意事项中,最为关键的是什么? What issues should companies pay attention to when going for anti-lightning certification testing? And among these issues, which is the most critical?
作为一个以技术服 务为主的公司, 我们强调技术团队,并非常乐意和我们的 朋友分享技术成 果,包括广大防雷产品企 业、我 们 的 客户、合 作 伙 伴,我 们 的 专业 工 程 师 随 时愿 意 和 各界 朋 友讨 论 技 术 问 题。我们发现一些防雷企业在 产品设计阶 段没有充分考虑产品目的地的标准要求, 在认证 测 试 阶 段 难 以 避 免 产 品 整 改 和 重 复 测试的成 本。所以我们建 议,在防雷产 品设计阶段,我们的工程师可以 为防雷企
As a company offering technical services, we have a strong technical team and are glad to share our knowledge with our customers and partners at any time. We have found that some anti-lightning product manufacturers do not fully consider the destination’s standards at the product design stage. It is then difficult for them to avoid rectification costs and repeated tests at the certification stage. We therefore suggest that our engineers share their experience with the manufacturer at the product design stage, in order to avoid later delays and costs.
业分享经验,以 免后期走弯路。
鸣谢: 《中国防雷》杂志为此次专访提供了大力支持,在此表示衷心的感谢!
Acknowledgement: We deeply appreciate great support from China Lightning Protection magazine for this interview.
平、 内S
选择与中国信息产业通信产品防雷性能质量监督检验中心的合作是基于怎样的考虑? What did you consider when deciding whether to cooperate with the China Information Industry Quality Supervision and Inspection Centre for the Anti-Lightning Performance of Communication Products (the Centre hereafter)?
雄厚实力的实验室之一。德国莱茵 T Ü V作为国际知
、员工的专业素质将会向最高水平迈进,还可以为国 PD生产厂家提供更加优质便捷的本土化检测认证
With its impartiality, scientific nature and accuracy, the Centre has established a good reputation and influence in China’s anti-lightning industry, and it is one of the most powerful laboratories with outstanding brands in China. As an internationally renowned product safety and quality certification organization, TÜV Rheinland has demonstrated a very high authority both at home and abroad, and has years of experience in China. The cooperation between the two organisations better provides localized services for China’s anti-lightning enterprises. Through the cooperation, the two organisations’ testing ability, management level, testing level and employees’ professional quality will certainly improve. We can also provide better localized testing and certification services to domestic SPD manufacturers. Through standardised and professional technical testing, certification and experience, they can export successfully and legally. Furthermore, through the integration of the two organisations’ resources and advantages in platforms and media, we can develop the SPD certification market together. Overall, the cooperation between the two organisations will certainly provide Chinese anti-lightning businesses with a better service, allowing them to develop broader market prospects.
德国莱茵TÜV集团所倡导的一站式服务体现在哪些方面? Which aspects reflect the one-stop service advocated by TÜV Rheinland? 我们倡导的“一站式服务”是一个完整的方
案,或者说是一个闭环的服务,不是一个点对点的服 务。也就是说客户通过我们的检测和认证一站式服 务,在严格依照规范执行的情况下,可以节省大量的 生产和管理成本,降低企业风险,加速企业产品生产 和出口流程。 拿SP D为例,我们可以根据客户的需求对每一个环 节依据规范进行严格的检测和指导,从产品设计、 定型、选材、零部件供应商评估、生产工艺过程、产 品过程检验、产品出厂检验、型式试验、产品认证、 出口验货等环节,我们能提供一个整体的检测与认 证方案。如仅针对认证,我们可以提供比如C E(欧 洲)+cTUVus(美国和加拿大)+ PSE(日本)+碳足 迹等等的认证组合方式。
The one-stop service we advocate is a complete solution, or a closed-loop service, not a point-to-point service. That is to say, through our one-stop testing and certification services, which are performed in strict accordance with standards, customers can save substantial production and management costs, reduce business risk and accelerate the production and export business processes. Take SPD for example; we can provide strict testing and guidance at every stage according to customer requirement. From product design, modelling, material selection, component evaluation, production process, product process testing, factory inspection, type testing, product certification and export inspection, we can provide a complete testing and certification solution. In certification alone we can provide certification combinations, such as CE (Europe) + cTUVus (US and Canada) + PSE (Japan) + carbon footprint, etc.
继在上海和台北成功举办研讨会 后,德国莱茵TÜV大中华区又于8月26日在香港 召开首届电梯能效研讨会。目前,节能电梯的市场 需求量不断扩大,降低电梯使用成本和能耗的要求 也相应提高。针对此现状,这次研讨会向来自政府部门 和电梯承包商着重介绍了电梯能效标准VDI 4707. After successful seminars in Shanghai and Taipei, TÜV Rheinland Greater China held its first Elevator Energy Efficiency Seminar in Hong Kong on 26th August 2011. In view of the growing demand for more efficient elevators and the desire to optimise the energy and cost of elevator operations, the objective of this seminar was to introduce elevator contractors and engineers of government departments to the elevator energy efficiency standard: VDI 4707. 特邀演讲嘉宾德国莱茵TÜV大中华区升 降输送机械技术高级经理高鸿钧先生详 细讲解了电梯能效标准VDI4707的 相 关 理论、评估方式和计算方法,通过成功 案例演示了电梯经过能效审核和改善后 节约的电量和CO2 的 减 排 量 。 香港政府去年颁布的《建筑物能源效益 条例》将于2012年9月21日正式生效。 该条例为强制实行建筑物能源守则提供 了法律基础。守则明确规定包括升降机 和自动电梯在内的4类建筑物装备装置 的能效要求。 德国莱茵TÜV大中华区从2010年始已开 启电梯能效评估服务。迄今为止,我们 已为商住大厦包括亚洲一些知名超高楼 建筑物颁发47张能效评估证书。凭借雄 厚的技术实力和丰富经验,能为电梯承 包商、大楼业主和政府机构的节能降耗 提供服务,帮助其获得良好的声誉。
Our guest speaker, Mr Andrew Kao, Greater China Senior Manager of Elevator, Conveyor and Machinery Technology, presented seminar participants with details of the theory, assessment and calculation methods of the VDI 4707 standard. Using a successful case study, he demonstrated the amount of energy that can be saved and the reduction in CO2 emissions that can be achieved after an elevator energy efficiency audit and the introduction of improvement measures. The Hong Kong Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance, gazetted last year and coming into full operation on 21st September 2012, provides a legal basis for the mandatory implementation of the Building
Energy Codes. These Codes specify the basic energy efficiency standards for four major types of building service installations, including lifts and escalators. TÜV Rheinland Greater China launched elevator energy efficiency assessment services in 2010. To date, 47 energy efficiency assessment certificates have been issued to commercial and residential buildings, including some of the leading tower buildings in Asia. Our strong technical capability and experience allows us to support elevator contractors, building owners and governmental agencies in decreasing CO2 emissions, realising energy savings and enhancing their reputation.
8月10日,由重庆市对外经济贸易委员会主办,德国莱茵TÜV和重 庆市通机协会承办的重庆市通机产品出口认证研讨会成功举行。 研讨会上,德国莱茵TÜV的专家团队就通机产品碳足迹和出口认 证做了专业详尽的介绍,让近百位参加研讨会的通机行业代表对 通机产品碳排放与国际认证的了解更加深入。 重庆外经委机电处处长顾华和副处长陈孝福,公共服务处处长杨 占峰均出席并详细介绍了重庆市出口形势及相关政策。面对国际 市场对通机产品出口的环保要求不断提高,如何采用绿色解决方 案减少碳排放、扩大出口、提高企业国际竞争力是企业代表们最 为关心的问题。由德国莱茵TÜV大中华区商用与工业产品服务部 的四位专家包括副总经理黄荣安、高级经理单明、王静芳与园林工 具分部总经理胡英杰博士组成的专家团队针对产品碳足迹的讲解 让企业代表收获颇丰。 研讨会围绕着欧盟市场通机产品碳排放的法规及技术要求,微耕 机、扫雪机的法规及技术要求,发电机EN12601:2010标准与非路 载引擎和北美、日本等国家的法规要求几个主题展开。在答疑环 节,参会企业代表就有关针对通机产品的绿色解决方案的疑问与 德国莱茵TÜV的技术专家展开了热烈的交流。会后,陈孝福副处长 主持了结业典礼,为此次研讨会画上了圆满的句号。
On 10th August 2011, Chongqing Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Commission, Chongqing General Machinery Association and TÜV Rheinland successfully held a seminar on Carbon Footprints and General Machinery (GM) Export Certification. Around 100 representatives from GM companies attended and benefited from detailed presentations given by TÜV Rheinland’s experts on carbon footprints and GM industry certification. Gu Hua and Chen Xiaofu, the Chief and Deputy Chief of the Electromechanics Division respectively, and Yang Zhanfeng, Chief of the Public Service Division of Chongqing Foreign Trade Economic Relations Commission, attended the seminar and gave detailed introduction of the export situation and related policies of Chongqing. Applying green solutions to reduce carbon emissions, growing exports and building competence in the global market were the focus of the seminar. Four experts from TÜV Rheinland’s Commercial Products including Vice General Manager Ng Eng Ann, senior managers May Wang and Ming Shan, and General Manager of the Tools Division, Dr. Joice Hu, gave individual presentations on the topic of products’ carbon footprints. Their professional and detailed explanations deeply impressed the participants. The seminar topics were the regulation of GM carbon emissions in the EU, the regulation of motor hoes and snow sweepers, standard EN 12601:2010 for generator and internal combustion engines to be installed in non-road mobile machinery, and the regulations of North America, Japan and other main export countries. Participants enjoyed the lively discussion with the experts on green solutions for the GM industry. Finally, Mr. Chen Xiaofu announced the closing of the successful seminar.
青海环境能源交易所是中国西部唯一的环境 与能源交易公司,一直致力于青海省的低碳战略和可 持续发展。中国正在筹建温室气体交易市场,而青海 省 将 作为其中一个省份部署碳交易试验计划。
7月30日,德国莱茵 TÜV大中华区管理体
系服 务 部总 监汪如顺(Yushun Wong)
先生代 表 集团与青 海 环 境能 源交易所签
务开 发 总 经 理 吴 仲 贤 (Jason Wu)先 生
署了一项框 架合作谅解备忘录。
介绍了德国莱茵TÜV的碳足迹验证和 能源管理服务。与会人员提出了包括
洁发展机制项目以及与碳和能源相关 的项目。包括环保部以及大庆国家高 新技术产业园代表在内的许多政府官 员与青海环境能源交易所的合作伙伴 一起出席了本次活动。
QHEEEX is western China’s only environment and energy exchange and has been working on low carbon strategies and sustainable development in Qinghai Province, which will be a trial carbon trading scheme as part of steps towards a planned greenhousegas trading market.
On 30th July 2011, on behalf of TÜV Rheinland Greater China, Mr. Yushun Wong, Director of Systems, signed a frame work cooperation MoU with Qinghai Environment Energy Exchange (QHEEEX).
Many government officers, including representatives from the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Daqing National High-tech Park, attended this event together with QHEEEX cooperation partners.
Content of the MoU includes technical consultant services on the development of the Tri-River Standard of Qinghai Province, carbon footprint verification of QHEEEX office buildings, CDM projects and carbon and energy related projects.
Technical seminars and a keynote speech were held in the afternoon. Carbon footprint verification and TÜV Rheinland’s energy management service were introduced by Mr. Jason Wu, General Manager Sales
and New Business Development of Systems. Several topics including the implementation of the TriRiver Standard, future cooperation directions and potential carbon credits were raised and discussed by participants.
培 训 结 束 时,无 锡 地 铁 的 工 程 师 已 对
茵 TÜV作 为 全 球 提 供
随着中国不断 加快轨道交通建设和 规划的步伐,德国莱
机电设备部及运营部的30余名工程师参加 无锡地铁运营部以及设备部负责人表示, 对于此次培训他们感到十分满意,从培训 此 次 系 统 保 证 培 训内 容 主 要包含了
营风险,提供更多安 全保障。
知识,如:系统生命周期、验证和确认、隐 系统RAMS计划和安全证明文件等一系列 相关内容。
From 1st - 4th August 2011 TÜV Rheinland Greater China’s Rail Division held a successful fourday RAMS (Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety) training session at Wuxi Rail Traffic Development Co., Ltd. (Wuxi Metro). The aim was to improve customer knowledge of and expertise in system assurance and system safety indicators. The team of professional trainers was led by Mr Chris Ho, Vice General Manager of the Rail Division of TÜV Rheinland Greater China. More than 30 engineers from the Department of Mechanical and Electrical Equipment and the Operations Department attended the RAMS training session at Wuxi Metro, which covered three main areas: EN50126, RAMS methods and tools, and safety methods and tools. The participating engineers were introduced to the RAMS service scope, particularly in terms
of system lifecycle, verification and confirmation or validation, hazards and risks, system assurance requirements, system safety plans, RAMS plan of system, and training documents. A PowerPoint presentation was combined with discussion of practical project experiences. After the training session the engineers came away with a thorough understanding of the scope of RAMS. To ensure training effectiveness and to check that the participants truly understood what they had learnt, all trainees sat an examination after the TÜV Rheinland training programme. RAMS training certificates were then issued to all of those who passed. According to the leaders of the Wuxi Metro Operations and Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Departments, the participating engineers were very satisfied with
the training programme. As the training outcome demonstrated, the trainees improved their expertise in system safety, and, as a consequence, they will now have greater future confidence in performing safety control work on the products of equipment suppliers. In line with the accelerating pace of rail construction and planning in China, TÜV Rheinland is making an essential contribution to the country’s rail network by boosting industry awareness of risk prevention, reducing operating risks and providing greater safety assurance with nearly 40 years of global experience in the inspection, testing and certification of the rail industry.
近年来,中国汽车行业的发展突飞猛进,产品的质量和安全问题不容忽 视。随着汽车制造的复杂程度不断提高以及越来越多的控制单元包含安全相关的 功能,软件的使用以及机电一体化的实现使得系统失效和随机硬件失效导致的风 险也在增加,中国汽车产品将进入一个以安全为主导的新时期。 China’s automobile industry has developed rapidly in recent years, but the problems of product quality and safety cannot be ignored. As the complexity of vehicle manufacture continues to increase, with rising numbers of control units including safety-related functions, software and the implementation of mechanical and electrical integration increasingly required, the risks of system failure and random hardware failure are also on the rise. China’s automotive products are entering a new safety-oriented era.
安全 领域的基 本 标准 IEC 61508,适用于
能安全的应用标准 ISO 26262,阐述了由
全领域的两项最新国际标准ISO 26262和
IEC 61508。会议举办的目的是让客户全面
细致地了解安全产品的整个生命周期,帮 助客户解决研发过程中遇到的问题,加快
供功能安全专业认证服务的独立第三方机 构。通过组织相关培训活动,让更多的汽车
The Industry Service Division of TÜV Rheinland Greater China held the first Functional Safety seminar on road vehicle system design from the 16th to 19th August 2011. TÜV Rheinland experts from Germany and Japan made a special trip to Shanghai to introduce the two latest international standards in the vehicle functional safety area - ISO 26262 and IEC 61508 - to seminar participants. The aim was to give attendees a comprehensive and detailed understanding of the entire lifecycle of safety products, help them to solve problems encountered in the research and development process, and accelerate their development of safety products.
TÜV Rheinland has taken the lead in China in launching automotive product functional safety testing, certification and training. The two latest international standards in the vehicle functional safety arena are IEC 61508, the basic functional safety standard that applies to electrical/ electronic/programmable electronic systems, and ISO 26262, the application standard for functional safety, which describes the hazards caused by electrical/electronic system failure and recommends appropriate measures. For example, to control or prevent these hazards from occurring,
safety factors are incorporated into the R&D programme at the product design stage. TÜV Rheinland is an independent third-party certification body offering professional functional safety certification services. By organising related training activities, TÜV Rheinland aims to encourage more auto makers to make an in-depth study of related standards, learn from successful domestic and overseas experiences, and employ scientific methods to avoid risks, thereby improving product quality and reducing product recall costs.
2011年10月18-19日为期两天的德国莱茵TÜV大中华区国际功 能安 全 峰 会在 上 海 虹桥元一 希 尔顿 酒店成 功举 行。共 有约 200名来自制 造企业、系统集成商的技术管理人员、21家国内外合作伙伴、相关政府领 导以及学校的专家学者共同出席了此次峰会及同期举行的展览。 On October 18-19,2011, the two-day TÜV Rheinland Greater China - International Functional Safety Symposium was successfully held in Hilton Hotel Hongqiao Shanghai. About 200 technical and management personnel from manufacturing enterprises and system integrators, 21 cooperation partners from home and abroad as well as relevant government leaders, experts and scholars from schools attended the symposium and the accompanying exhibition. 此次国际功能安全峰会堪称功能安 全领域的一次国际盛会。德国莱茵 TÜV功 能 安 全 服 务 的 全 球 业 务 负 责 人 Heinz Gall和 大 中 华 区 功能安全服务负 责 人 赵 斌 先 生 着 重 介 绍 了 IEC61508第 二版的主要变化和重要用户信息。峰 会 共 安 排 了 22个 演 讲 环 节 , 包 括 来 自 上海市安全生产管理监督局、德国卡 塞尔大学、上海自动化仪表研究院的 领导和专家的主题演讲,来自德国、 美国、日本、英国、澳大利亚、荷 兰、新加坡、中国的企业行业专家, 多家国际知名自动化企业,如西门 子 、 ABB、 菲 尼 克 斯 等 作 为 合 作 伙 伴 进行发言并展示了功能安全领域最新 的解 决 方 案 及 技 术 。
This international functional safety symposium is really an exemplary international event in the field of functional safety. Mr. Heinz Gall, the expert in charge of global business of TÜV Rheinland functional safety service and Mr. Bin Zhao, the expert in charge of functional safety service of TÜV Rheinland Greater China focused on the major changes in IEC 61508 Second Edition and important user information. There were 22 presentations during the symposium, including keynote speeches made by leaders and experts from Shanghai Administration of Work Safety, University of Kassel, Germany and Shanghai Institute of Process Automation Instrumentation (SIPAI). In addition, as cooperation partners, the industry experts from the enterprises in Germany, the United States, Japan, Britain, Australia, Netherlands, Singapore and China as well as many internationally well-known automation enterprises, such as Siemens, ABB and Phoenix made presentations and displayed the latest solutions and technologies in terms of functional safety.
功 能 安 全测试能为电子产品企 业提升产品质量、安全性,避免危险意外事 故 发 生 。 德 国 莱 茵 TÜV在 功 能 安 全 领 域 有 近 30年 的 经 验 , 一 直 致 力 于 协 助 企 业 开 发 与 安 全 相 关 的 控 制 产 品 , 以 确 保 其 达 到 功能安全的要求。 Functional safety testing is able to improve product quality and safety for electronic product enterprise and prevent dangerous accidents from occurring. With over 30 years of experience in functional safety, TÜV Rheinland has committed to helping enterprises in developing safetyrelated control products so as to ensure that the control products will meet the requirements of functional safety. 德国莱茵TÜV所提供的功能安全认证及
• 电气/电子/可编程电子安全相关系统的
个生命周期阶段。通过详细分析验证 方式,确保产品及相关文档符合标准要 求。同时也可以为系统集成商和最终用
功能安全: IEC 61508 • 工业机器安全部件: ISO 13849, IEC 62061
同时考虑IEC 61508、IEC 61511、IEC 62061、ISO 13849等应用标准,以确 保产品在其申请的应用领域具有足够的
• 汽车电子安全部件: ISO 26262
• 医疗器械功能安全: IEC 60601
• 核电行业安全控制系统: IEC 61513
品使用TÜV莱茵标识“Type approved –
• 过程工业, 安全仪表系统: IEC 61511
Functional Safety”。
• 高炉用电子控制设备: IEC 50156
• 电子驱动系统: IEC 61800-5-2
• 其它功能安全相关设备
认证,通过对IEC 61508 、IEC 61511或 ISO 26262标准对功能安全管理的要求、 功能安全评估的要求以及管理和评估工 作中所需文件的要求进行了定义。根据 标准的要求,德国莱茵TÜV对客户公司的 安全管理系统进行认证,也可以帮助未 建立安全管理系统的客户,建立并实施 一套合适的功能安全管理系统。
The functional safety authentication and consulting service provided by TÜV Rheinland involve conception stage and various life cycle stages of product research & development. Through detailed analysis and verification, it can be ensured that the products and related files are in compliance with the standards. Meanwhile, TÜV Rheinland can also provide system integrators and end users with consulting service and tell them how to integrate the functional safety products into safety instrument system and application. In light of complexity of new national and international standards in different fields, TÜV Rheinland has also provided training courses for manufacturers, system integrators and end users. The training modes include regular internal training and quality certification courses for TÜV functional safety personnel.
The certifications in industry • Functional safety of electrical/ electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems: IEC 61508 • Safety parts of industrial machinery: ISO 13849, IEC 62061 • Safety parts of automotive electronics: ISO 26262
• Functional Safety of medical machinery: IEC 60601 • Safety control system in nuclear power industry: IEC 61513 • Process industry and safety instrumentation system: IEC 61511 • Electronic control equipment for blast furnace: IEC 50156 • Electronic drive system: IEC 61800-5-2 • Other functional safety-related equipment The functional safety product certification provided by TÜV Rheinland conducts a type certification based on safety integrity level (SIL). With application standards of IEC 61508, IEC 61511, IEC 62061 and ISO 13849 taken into consideration, the products are ensured to enjoy enough safety in its application field. After type certification, TÜV Rheinland Group will issue corresponding certificates and authorize the product to use the mark of TÜV Rheinland “Type approved-Functional Safety”.
The functional safety management system certification provided by TÜV Rheinland defines the requirements of functional safety management, functional safety evaluation and the documents required for management and evaluation according to the standards of IEC 61508, IEC 61511 or ISO 26262. Based on the requirements of the standards, TÜV Rheinland can authenticate the safety management system of clients or help the clients with no safety management system in establishing and implementing an applicable functional safety management system.
德国莱茵 TÜ V大中华区工业服 务 部总 监
Thomas Fuhrmann和方森安略 公司总经
理 赵晓东先生出席了8月4日协议签 署 仪
IEC6150 8电气 /电子/ 可编程电子系统的
功能安全,提出了安全完整 性等级(SIL:
Safety Integrity Level)这个概念和相应的
的安全性能。标准一经推出,就得到各国 及行业的积极响应。
Thomas Fuhrmann表示: “协议的签署表 明了德国莱茵TÜV通过深化与中国战略伙
产过程的自动化程度越来越高,以电气、 电子、可编程电子产品的大量应用为标志 的现代化控制系统 越 来 越多地渗透 到各 个领域,参与各种控制过程。为了最大限
TÜV Rheinland Greater China has signed a cooperation agreement with FST (Beijing) Co., Ltd. for the joint development of Functional Safety services in China. This cooperation agreement expands our reach to local enterprises and reinforces our commitment to promote safety and reliability in the Automation, Software and Information Technology sectors.
a comprehensive Functional Safety Service package and the promotion of Functional Safety.
During the signing ceremony held on 4th August 2011, Thomas Fuhrmann, Director of Industrial Services, and Mr. Zhao Xiaodong, General Manager of FST, signed a contract marking the two companies’ cooperative efforts, and combined resources and strengths, in the provision of
The increased use of modernised machinery and the automation of industrial processes have resulted in modernised control systems, with electrical/programmable equipment being employed in various industry sectors. To reduce the risk of E/E component failures, the International
“This agreement shows that our business must continue to cooperate with local strategic partners to expand our coverage in China and provide high-quality localized Functional Safety services to help Chinese enterprises gain a competitive edge”, Fuhrmann said.
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) has introduced IEC 61508, as well as the new Safety Integrity Level (SIL) concept and other measures to assess the safety performance of complex control systems. These new standards are widely accepted by a variety of industries in countries worldwide. An expert in Functional Safety certification, TÜV Rheinland offers Functional Safety management audits, Calculation of Probability of Failure (PFH/PFD), Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA), determination of Safety Integrity Level (SIL), software assessment and environmental tests (including EMC), fault insertion testing and documentation review including user documentation and safety manuals.
先,由道路交通服务部总监Oliver Rothert
文档和作业相关 流程 进行严格抽查与核
产品认证部门的组织结构及质量体系向审 核员作了总体介绍。三大主要业务领域负
有一处次要缺失,成功通过此次审核,审核 的结果充分体现出大中华区认证团队强大
的技术能力。在此次审核后,KBA 对德国
天下午返回位于上 海的 德国莱 茵 T Ü V合
TÜV Rheinland Kraftfahrt GmbH和莱茵
作实验室—— 国家机动车(上海)检测中
心,分别按照EC 指令以 及ECE法 规 对摩
托 车 和后 视镜 进 行了现 场测试。除 此之
2011年6月27-28日, 在Manfred Hoogen先生 (TÜV Rheinland Kraftfahrt Gmbh技术服务总监)的 陪同下,来自德国交通部 (Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (KBA)- Federal Motor Transport Authority) 的资深审核专家Romeo
德国莱茵 TÜV大中华区
技术车辆产品国际认证部门 顺利通过德国交通部(KBA)审核
TÜV Rheinland Greater China Mobility
Successfully Passes KBA Audit Review
On 27th and 28th June 2011 TÜV Rheinland Greater China Mobility business line passed an ISO 17025 audit review carried out by an expert team composed of Mr Romeo Liebergeld, a senior auditor from KBA (KraftfahrtBundesamt – The Federal Motor Transport Authority in Germany) and Mr. Manfred Hoogen, Head of Technical Services of TÜV Rheinland Kraftfahrt GmbH.
afternoon he inspected our EC directive and ECE regulation testing procedures for motorcycle stands and rear-view mirrors in one of our cooperative laboratories, the National Motor Vehicle Inspection Center (Shanghai). In addition to the on-site visits, Mr Liebergeld conducted spot-checks on our quality manual documentation and the implementation of our work instructions and procedures.
Mr Oliver Rothert, director of TÜV Rheinland Greater China Mobility, welcomed the auditing team to our Shanghai office. His opening speech delivered a general introduction to the structure, the organisation and the quality system of Mobility, and was followed by presentations by line managers Ms Daisy Ma, Mr Liangiun Zhang and Mr Junging Zhang, covering their activities in the three major business lines: 4-wheeler, 2-wheeler and components.
At the final meeting Mr Liebergeld announced that Mobility had passed the audit with just one deviation, explaining that for him this is evidence of the high competence
On the morning of 28th June Mr Liebergeld visited our Wuxi wheel testing laboratory for a field review, while in the
of Mobility’s Greater China team. The audit’s positive result will be integrated into the certification of TÜV Rheinland Kraftfahrt GmbH and TÜV Rheinland Guandong Ltd., and all of our homologation activities in Greater China will be named in the KBA accreditation certificate.
在自动扶梯事 故接二连三地发生后, 公众的目光瞬间聚焦在 自动扶梯的质量与安全 问题上。如今,自动扶 梯已广泛地使用于地铁 站、火车站、机场、百 货商场、大型商业建 筑等人流密集的公共场 所,一旦发生事故,极 易造成群体伤亡事件, 后果非常严重。因此, 加强质量监管、提高公 众安全防范意识、规范 安全检测及维护工作等 措施已被政府相关部门 提上日程。
伤 亡 程 度 严 重 如 北 京 “ 7· 5” 自 动 扶
素。依据技术标准规范GB 16899,自动 扶梯本身设计必须具备多种防护措施,
拥有丰富的安全检查经验,可为自动扶 梯制造产业、自动扶梯终端用户及政府
鉴 于 北 京 “ 7· 5” 电 梯 事 故 的 教 训 ,
A spate of recent accidents has focused the attention of the general public onto the quality and safety problems of escalators. Since escalators are widely used in crowded public places such as subway stations, railway stations, airports, department stores, and large commercial buildings, once accidents occur, they tend to involve masscasualties with severe consequences. For this reason measures have been put on the agenda of the relevant government departments, including strengthening the quality of supervision, improving safety protection awareness, and standardising safety testing and maintenance.
of users, they need to have a shorter testing cycle and higher testing frequency. Furthermore, if the testing is conducted by the escalator maintenance company itself, carelessness and even negligence may be evident. It is recommended that a third just, professional entity be entrusted to conduct independent examinations. The third party can provide objective, professional technical opinion and eliminate potential safety hazards to reduce accidents.
When taking escalators passengers are often not careful enough and most accidents are caused by objects getting stuck in escalator gaps, or by passengers falling. There are rare severe escalator accidents, however, such as the “7.5” escalator accident that occurred in Beijing. According to the report, the preliminary investigation showed that the root cause was the failure of the fixing bolt of the host machine. This caused the displacement of the driving host machine and the main drive chain fell off. As a result, the escalator slipped down and caused a severe accident. The causes may involve improper design and inadequate or careless maintenance. According to the technical standard GB 16899, the escalator should be
As a well-respected equipment safety system testing institute authorized to issue the EU’s CE safety certification for escalators, TÜV Rheinland brings rich safety testing experience in the fields of elevators, escalators, moving sidewalks, cranes and various lifting equipment. TÜV Rheinland provides professional technical services to the escalator manufacturing industry, escalator end users and government supervisory organs, allowing them to share in successful experiences of the safe management of elevators and escalators worldwide and to strengthen the general public’s confidence in the safety of escalators.
designed with multiple protective measures, including: detection of cracks on the drive chain, protection against over-speed or reverse driving, protection against stair sinking, protection against stuck objects, as well as protection against a speed difference between handrail belts and the stairs. In consideration of the lessons learned from Beijing’s “7.5” elevator accident, regular safety testing of escalators and moving sidewalks has received wide attention in respect of strictness, and the testing of escalators at public transport stations, in particular, requires more prudence. Since the operation time of escalators at public transport stations is long, with large numbers
SDP咨询服务内容及目 SDP Scope and Goal of Ser
目标 rvice
2011年9月,德国莱茵TÜV大中华区培训与咨询服务2011年新 研发的咨询产品——供应商发展项目(SDP)全国巡讲在上海、广州和北京 圆满举行。来自全国的200名客户参加了本次研讨会,他们主要来自汽 车、电子、医药行业,包括国际买家和零售商等。来自德国总部的Prof. Dr.Thomann先生和大家分享了供应链卓越管理的理念和方法,本地技术 顾问就供应商战略管理从理念到操作做了详细而且深入的演讲,德国莱茵 TÜV大中华区培训与咨询服务部副总监李佳女士生动地向大家介绍了SDP 的内涵和方法,供应链的绿色发展和能源管理把整个研讨会推向高潮,让 广大客户从新的角度认知未来供应商管理的方向和内容。 TÜV Rheinland Greater China Training & Consulting’s latest service, the Supplier Development Program (SDP), was successfully introduced to Shanghai, Guangzhou and Beijing in September, 2011. Nearly 200 participants from industries covering automotives, electronics, pharmaceuticals, international buying and retail participated in the series of roadshows. Professor Thomann from TÜV Rheinland’s German headquarters shared the concept of excellence in supply chain management, accompanied by detailed presentations focused on supplier strategy management by domestic consultants. Ms Jessie Li, Deputy Director of Training and Consulting of TÜV Rheinland Greater China, delivered an introduction of the methodology and concepts of SDP. New perspectives on the green development of the supply chain and energy management also garnered the participants’ interest.
研讨会后,近20家知名企业提出邀请德 国莱茵TÜV咨询专家到企业现场进行SDP 咨询项目前期调研。 整个研讨会的亮点在于我们成功地将德 国莱茵TÜV认可的供应商质量管理系列服 务包括供应商质量管理工程师和供应商 质量管理经理两个产品展示给客户。该 系列服务也是德国莱茵TÜV咨询服务历经 半年来最新研发的成果,即将于年底前 在全国开设专业的训练营。
Already nearly 20 well-known companies have applied for on-site visit to their factories for this SDP consulting service. The biggest highlight of the roadshow was a good demonstration of the TÜV Rheinland certified series services on supplier quality management, including TÜV Rheinland Certified Supplier Quality Engineer and TÜV Rheinland Certified Supplier Quality Manager which were positively received. The series service is TÜV Rheinland consulting service’s latest offering, with related training programmes planned by the end of the year.
德国莱茵TÜV专业资格认可课程 —— 供应商质量管理系列
TÜV Rheinland PersCert. Certification - SQM Series SDP Scope and Goal of Service
国 莱 茵 T Ü V 大 中 华 区 近日宣 布 与联想集团签署关于安全处置
废 弃电子产品 的 合作服 务 协议。安 全处 置 废 弃 电子产 品(如 电 脑 和 电 池)是 确 保电子设备所 含的化学 物质不深入 生态 系统的关键。首次电子产品回收处理已于 2011年7月7日在德国莱茵 TÜV深 圳分 公 司顺利完成。此后,联想集团将陆续为德 国莱茵 TÜV在中国大陆地区的其它分 公 司提 供安 全处 置废弃电子产品的服 务。 德国莱茵 TÜV大中华区总裁 兼首席 执行 官 薛 勒 先 生 出席了协议 签 署 仪 式,他 表 示 此举为集团今后在华大力推动绿色 环 保业务树立了新的里程碑。 根 据 签 署 的 协议,联 想 集团将为 德国莱 茵 TÜV提供废旧电子设备回收 /或硬盘既 磁介质消磁处理、硬盘数据擦除等服务。 在 深 圳刚结 束的 首次废旧电子产品回收 工作 中,回收 的电子 产 品包 括 笔记 本 电 脑、台式电 脑、打印 机、显示 器、服 务 器 等办公用电子产品。联想集团资产回收服 务(Asset Recovery Service,简称ARS)项 目经理表示,德国莱茵TÜV在可持续发展 与 社 会 责 任方面的坚持 与理 念,与联 想 集团ARS服务的宗旨不谋而合。自此次合 作 开始,联 想集团将 携 手 德国莱 茵 TÜV 集团共同倡 导 绿 色 IT 理 念,发 挥 标 杆 作 用,带动同行与公众积极投身到 环境保护的行动中。
ÜV Rheinland Greater China has signed a service agreement with the Lenovo Group to use an Asset Recovery Service (ARS) for the retirement of unwanted electronic products. It is crucial that the disposal of unwanted electronic products does not cause damage to the environment. The first ARS was implemented at TÜV Rheinland’s Shenzhen office on 7th July, with the service to be available throughout the other locations in Greater China. Signing the service agreement, Ralf Scheller, CEO and President of TÜV Rheinland Greater China, said “the move sets a new milestone in our push for green, environmentally friendly solutions. We do what we advocate and we do it right with socially responsible actions”. Under the ARS agreement, Lenovo will recover used electronic equipment from TÜV Rheinland offices, demagnetize magnetic media and erase unwanted hard disks. The products handed over in Shenzhen included laptops, desktop computers, printers, monitors and computer servers. Lenovo’s project manager said that “TÜV Rheinland’s corporate social responsibility coincides with our ARS principle. Lenovo will work together with TÜV Rheinland to promote green IT. Together we will take the lead in environmental protection and encourage our industry peers and the public to join in”.
德国莱茵TÜV深圳新办公楼启动 实践低碳绿色行动 TÜV Rheinland Shenzhen Holds a Low Carbon Opening Ceremony
德国莱茵TÜV集团于2011年11月11日在深圳举行主 题为“畅想未莱,茵绿而变”低碳新办公楼启用仪式。德国莱茵 TÜV大中华区首席执行官兼总裁薛勒先生,副总裁温豪格先生主 持了启用仪式,并陪同嘉宾参观7000平方米的检测综合大楼。 德国莱茵TÜV深圳新办公楼的正式启用标志着德国莱茵TÜV植根 大中华区二十五年的一个重要里程碑,更展示了集团全力支持中 国低碳经济发展策略。
TÜV Rheinland Group held the first low carbon event entitled “On the Move to A Green Future” for its new office opening ceremony in Shenzhen on Nov.11th, 2011. Ralf Scheller, CEO and President of TÜV Rheinland Greater China, and Holger Kunz, Vice President of TÜV Rheinland Greater China presided over the ceremony and lead a tour of the 7,000-sq-meter state-of-the-art facility. This official opening marks a significant milestone for TÜV Rheinland’s 25 years of operations in Greater China and further signals TÜV Rheinland’s push for China’s low carbon economic strategy.
“德国莱茵TÜV为进一步兑现集团品牌可 持续发展的承诺,从去年开始在全球推广 绿色解决方案,组建专项团队以求全力专 注与环境相关的服务与项目。目前,我们正 在不断推进对节能增效技术以及可再生能 源领域的投资。本次在深圳举办首个低碳 新办公楼启动仪式,是以行动来表明‘我们 实践我们所传播的’。” 德国莱茵TÜV中国 区副总裁温豪格先生在致辞中提到。新办 公楼启动仪式后,当晚德国莱茵TÜV与现 场数百位嘉宾共同欢度啤酒节,共享德国 美酒。 参加仪式的重要嘉宾有来自中国国家认
收服务,服务覆盖中国大陆所有地区。 同时,德国莱茵TÜV也为多家电子产品回
从2011年11月起,深 圳 公 司 的 综 合 办 公 大楼全面投入运营,是华南地区最完 备的消费品安全检测中心之一,内设有 食品、人体工学、可视显示器、电子电 器、化学、玩具、纺织品及鞋类、材料 等多个产品检测实验室,可进行化学分 析、电气安全、适用性、物理和机械性 等测试。新综合大楼的成立大大提升了 服务人员与客户间的沟通效率,缩短项 目周期,为客户提供全面的一站式解决 方案。新大楼座落于广深高速路附近, 便于城市间的往来。我们不仅能为深圳 企业提供便利的服务,也可以更快捷地 将资源和服务辐射到珠三角地区的其它 城市。
关心地球是我们的使命:为了减低本次活动所带来的温室气体排 放量,并展现德国莱茵TÜV对于环境保护的承诺,开幕仪式在白天并以户外 活动的形式,可减少电力的使用。 To reduce the GHG emissions generated from this event and to demonstrate TÜV Rheinland’s commitment to environment protection, we decided to present our opening ceremony during daytime outdoors, which helped tremendously reduce the use of electrical power. Among the invited VIP officials and clients counted Sheng Fei, Director General of the Dept. for Accreditation, Liu Shengming, Board Chairman of CCIC Group, CNCA, Lu Jian, Deputy Director General of SZ SITIC, Dr. Zhong Weike, Deputy Director of Comprehensive Test Center, CAIQ (Chinese Academy of Inspection and Quarantine) and other officers from the government. In addition, Lin Qihuan, our senior auditor of Systems and his team initiated a carbon assessment for the whole event, which covered event power usage, staffs services, guests/staffs transportation and external services. To further achieve the low-carbon target, TÜV Rheinland has purchased carbon credits to offset this event’s GHG emissions. On this special occasion, Wang Yunhui, Lenovo’s Key Client Director, presented the Asset Recovery Services (ARS) Green Mark Certificate to TÜV Rheinland Greater China. TÜV Rheinland and the Lenovo Group signed an agreement on the implementation of Asset Recovery Services (ARS) in July 2011.
According to this agreement, Lenovo will process all of the used computers of the TÜV Rheinland Greater China to remove unwanted electronic products, undertake date erasure and recycle all usable materials for the manufacturing of new products. At the same time, TÜV Rheinland offers Recycled Material Certification services, covering hazardous materials management and control certification, carbon footprint, a recycled materials management system, and recycled materials certification for products and materials for recyclers of electronic products. Together, we will take the lead in environmental protection and encourage our industry peers and the public to follow. In order to fulfill the promise of sustainable development for our brand, TÜV Rheinland Group has provided our green solutions in the world since last year. We have built a specialized team for environmental protection services and projects. At present, we are sparing no efforts improving energy saving and energy efficient technology. We also make input in the development of renewable energy. The opening of this new office will further showcase “We
do what we say and we do it precisely”, Mr Holger Kunz commented. After the opening ceremony, hundreds of our clients joined our Oktoberfest for the celebration of this great time. In full operation as of November 2011, the new office is one of the most comprehensive equipped inspection and testing centers for consumer product safety in southern China. It is equipped with the state of the art laboratories for Food, Ergonomics, Visual Display, Electrical Safety, Chemical, Toy, Textile and Shoe, Material Testing which cater manufactures for chemical analysis, electrical safety, fitness-for-use, physical and mechanical testing. The integration of all our testing facilities and office under one roof will allow us to greatly improve communication with our clients, create savings in cost and leadtime from our one-stop service. Given the location of the new facility, which is conveniently located near the intercity expressway, we aim not only to serve the Shenzhen-based industry, but also manufacturers in other cities in the Pearl River delta region.
由德国莱茵 TÜV援建的四川芦山仁加中心校的重建在前不久
正 式完工。2008年 5·12四川汶 川地震 后,德国莱 茵 TÜV于2009年启动
校舍重 建。仁加中心校重 建竣工后,四川省政 府对 德国莱茵 TÜV参与的
包括项目管理与志愿教师培训工作等各方面投入给予了高度赞扬。与此 同时,为了支持更多的贫困地区,德国莱茵 TÜV再次与苗圃行动合作,着
的援建计划,即对永德镇忙南糯完小的 教学楼重建提供援助,并协助镇康镇勐 堆乡中心完小的教学楼重建工程。考察
手在云南启动新一轮校舍重 建计划。现在,仁加中心校的后期项目已经
TÜV Rheinland’s project in Sichuan – following May 2008’s 8.2 magnitude earthquake in the province – recently came to a close, with the building handed over to the Sichuan Provincial Government. Officials have expressed their deep appreciation for our project management efforts and the volunteer-assisted teacher training that we provided.
到乡民们的热烈欢迎。 结束考察后,德国莱茵TÜV企业发展项目 经理Robert Zorn表示,将会针对两所学 校的情况,在公司内部讨论重建计划, 对重建计划的可行性进行更加客观谨慎 的综合评估。另外,公司内部或将展开 配合该项目的援建的志愿者活动。
为了继续履行 德国莱茵 T Ü V企业社 会责
企业发展项目经理Robert Zorn,四川及重
Representatives of TÜV Rheinland visited two Schools in a remote area of Lincang, Yunnan. The two schools have been declared dangerous after being partially damaged by recent landslides. Now that the TÜV Rheinland Cares – Sichuan School Rebuilding project has come to a close, we are planning to join a similar project in Yunnan launched by Sowers Action. Extending this effort to Yunnan, Sowers Action arranged a trip to Lincang for Mr Mondorf, the ConsulGeneral of the Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Chengdu, Mr Robert Zorn, Manager of Strategic Project Management, Linda Jiang, Regional Business Development Manager, TÜV Rheinland Greater China, and Yan Xiangmei, Secretary of Sowers Action in Yunnan. The visitors were warmly welcomed by the Foreign Affairs Department, the Communist Youth League Committee and
the Education Bureau in Lincang, Yongde and Zhenkang. After visiting both schools, the group expressed alarm at the dangerous condition of the buildings. At one School all buildings have been classified as dangerous, and the second School is close to an area frequently affected by landslides, which means that the whole school needs to be relocated. Sowers Action has drafted a rebuilding plan with the governmental authorities with
the objective of reconstructing both schools. The visitors were invited into the homes of nearby residents of both schools to gain a better understanding of their difficulties and needs in education. After the visit, Mr Zorn said that more discussions were needed to evaluate and assess the feasibility of the project. Volunteers will assist with the project, and we will keep you up to date with progress.
德 国 莱 茵 TÜV大 中 华 区版权所有©2011 TÜV Rheinland Greater China All Rights Reserved