GC News VOL09_TC

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德國 萊因 TÜV大中華區通訊 TÜV Rheinland Greater China News

高電容太陽能模組 精確功率測量的突破性新方法 Groundbreaking New Procedure for Accurate Power Measurements of High Capacitance PV Modules

ZigBee與物聯網 ZigBee and the Internet of Things


買中古車, 撿便宜不當冤大頭! Lower the Risk When Buying a Pre-Owned Car!

解析能源管理之四大誤解 Four Major Energy Management Misunderstandings



目 錄 / Contents

時 訊/ Alive


04/ 09

買 中 古 車 , 撿 便 宜不當冤大頭! Lower the Risk When Buying a PreOwned Car!

技術專題 / Technical Expertise


高電 容太 陽 能 模 組精確功率測量的突 破性 新方 法 Groundbreaking New Procedure for Accurate Power Measurements of High Capacitance PV Modules 歐盟 機械 式 停 車 設備標準簡介 A Brief Introduction to EN 14010 LED燈具進入日本市場需實行PSE驗證 PSE Certification Required for LED Products into Japanese Market 美國能源部最新提案將能效要求提升 到等級六 U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) Proposes More Stringent Efficiency Level VI for External Power Supplies EN 60950-1資訊技術設備之標準更新 EN 60950-1 Standard Update for Information Technology Equipment

10/ 11 12/ 15 16/ 17 18/ 19 20/ 21

動 態 與 服 務/ Featured Service


解析能源管理之四大誤解 Four Major Energy Management Misunderstandings

22/ 27

聯想顯示器獲頒全球首個「綠色產品 標誌」 Lenovo Awarded the First TÜV Rheinland Green Product Mark on Display Product Worldwide

28/ 29

參與歐洲商會低碳行動推廣綠色產品 標誌 Joining ECCT LCI Event to Promote Green Product Mark ZigBee與物聯網 ZigBee and the Internet of Things 大鵬科技獲得 ZigBee產品驗證 Dapeng Technology Granted First ZigBee Product Certification in Taiwan 為長城汽車成功進行ISO 26262功能 安全標準企業內訓 Successful In-house ISO 26262 Automotive Design Workshop for Great Wall Motor

30/ 31 32/ 34 35 36/ 37


台 資 上 海 禾 新 醫 院 通過SQS 服務品質 認證 Landseed International Hospital Passes TÜV Rheinland SQS Certification

38/ 39

環 球 掠 影/ Global News Flash


為Vodafone D2進行「雲端服務供應 商」的驗證 Certification of “Certified Cloud Service Provider” for Vodafone D2


德 國 萊因 大 中 華 區可核發IEC60601-111 CB報 告 TÜV Rheinland issues CB Scheme approvals according to IEC 60601-1-11

40/ 41

新 增 家用 吊 扇 「 能源之星」驗證服務 New Product Category — ENERGY STAR Certification for Ceiling Fans

42/ 43

藍 牙 4. 0 應 用 升 溫 Increasing Applications with Bluetooth 4.0

44/ 45

三星和 LG獲得永續發展驗證 Samsung and LG Certified for Sustainability


插 頭 插 座 及 電 線 電纜驗證標準技術 培訓 Technical Training in Certification Standards for Plugs, Sockets, Wires and Cables

46/ 47

為迅達繼續提供聯合驗證服務 Continued and Extended Certification for Schindler


收購campus GmbH公司 Acquiring the campus GmbH


企 業 社會責任 / Corporate Social Responsibility


香港龍舟錦標賽 Hong Kong Dragon Boat Competition


廣西教師培訓專案 Teacher Training Programme in Guangxi


雲 南 學 校 重 建 專 案 最新進度 Updated Status of Yunnan Schools Reconstruction Project 寶 寶 趣 味 運 動 會 成 功舉行 A Success of Kids Sports Gathering

49 49


編 輯 團 隊 / Credit 主編 /Chief Editor:

李濤 / Li Tao

編輯 /Editor:

張瑋磊 /Clare Zhang 夏文秀 /Michelle Xia

出版日期 Publication Date:

雷霞/ Nora Lei 2012. 08

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買中古車, 撿便宜不當冤大頭!

想要買中古車,但: 自己不具備車輛專業而感到猶豫無助…… 找不到可信任的技師協助判斷車況……

想要賣中古車,但: 無法接受車商的估價及說詞…… 買家對車況持懷疑態度……

You want to buy a pre-owned car, but you: Do not have the necessary expertise and feel un-informed. Cannot find a reliable engineer to assess the car quality.

You want to sell a pre-owned car, but you: Are unable to accept the dealer’s offered price and sales pitch. Meet potential buyers who doubt the quality of your car.


在全球經濟趨緩的年代,購買中古車已經是 越來越多消費者的選擇,今年台灣的新車市 場萎縮,中古車買賣卻逆勢成長了一成多可 見一般。而在大陸地區,隨著新車市場連續 12年高速發展,汽車擁有量不斷攀升,中古 車市場也因之進入黃金發展時代,以年平均 二位數的速度增長。然而購買中古車的消費 糾紛時有所聞,引發爭執的原因很多,歸根 究柢不外乎無法確實掌握車況。常見的中古 車消費糾紛,包括在行駛的里程數上造假、 隱瞞中古車曾發生過重大事故嚴重毀損,其 中比例最高的,當屬每年風災洪災過後混入 市場的泡水車。買到一台泡水車,通常意味 著處理不完的小毛病與車體鏽蝕問題,導致 消費者買了車後必須頻繁進出修理廠,造成 金錢和精神上的雙重損失。 另一方面,想換車的車主出售舊車時,卻又 很難避免的遭到買方的質疑,結果是買賣雙 方都擔心疑慮,耗費許多時間成本,可以說 中古車交易,讓買賣雙方都是既期待、又怕 受傷害。

As the world’s economy slows down, pre-owned cars have become a popular choice among car buyers. Interest in new cars is shrinking in Taiwan while the demand for pre-owned cars has bucked the trend and increased by 10%. In Mainland China, the demand for new cars has been consistently high for the past twelve years. With overall car ownership climbing steadily, China’s pre-owned car market is flourishing with double-digit growth. Despite this global surge in popularity, there has been a marked increase in the number of disputes displayed in the news involving the buying and selling of pre-owned cars, including sellers manipulating mileage history and keeping mum about major accidents and damage. The most common problem has been waterlogged cars entering the pre-owned car market after sustaining wind and rain damage. These cars often have so many irresolvable problems and rust issues that the unfortunate buyers end up paying a lot for repairs, which can add up to serious monetary loss and stress. The owners of pre-owned cars who wish to sell them also suffer from the growing doubts of potential buyers and this distrust leads to unnecessary losses, both of time and money. Pre-owned car sales are highly anticipated events where both parties are afraid to get hurt.





買中古車,只能碰運氣!?? Is Luck the Only Factor When Buying a Pre-Owned Car? 購買中古車需要注意的細節有許多,除了 產權等關於法律的內容外,更重要的是對 車況的掌握,但並不是每個人都知道如何 選購品質優良又安全可靠的中古車。由於 保養與使用方式的不同,每輛車的狀況與 品質都不盡相同。調查結果顯示,多數人 在購買中古車時,會尋求「懂車」的親朋 好友的協助。然而一般人大多著重檢查車 輛外觀及引擎問題,許多重大的車身結構 損害卻必須頂高車輛檢查底盤才能發現, 尤其是現在汽車結構複雜且龐大,車輛本 身所呈現的各種狀況或痕跡所透露出的可 能問題,都需要經驗豐富的專業檢測工程 師才能判斷。 中古車交易,除了買賣雙方外,中古車行 是另一個關鍵角色。中古車行是依靠中古 車的交易來維持營運,若是車行自行驗出 中古車有問題,遇到有良心的車行會在整 修後賣出該車或是告知顧客,但是中古車 的買賣利潤就會下降,而有些車行為謀取 暴利則有可能會刻意隱瞞實情。因為牽涉 到銷售利益,消費者難免對車商的說法打 些折扣,而對於誠信的中古車商而言,如 何建立公信力贏得消費者的信任就成了當 務之急。

There are many things to consider when buying a pre-owned car. In addition to the legal issue of ownership, buyers must be able to assess the condition of the cars they want to buy. However, not every buyer knows how to evaluate whether a car is safe, reliable and in good condition. Every driver maintains and uses their car differently, so the quality and condition of pre-owned cars differ significantly. According to a recent survey, many potential buyers rely on friends and family members who “know cars” when shopping for a pre-owned car. Buyers are often more concerned about a car’s exterior and engine, but many potential problems can arise from a faulty infrastructure or chassis. These hidden faults can only be discovered by a professional inspection. This is especially true with many of the cars in the market today, which have become increasingly large and complex.

During the sales process, in addition to the buyer and seller, the dealer also plays an important role. Pre-owned car dealers sustain their businesses by selling and buying pre-owned cars. A responsible dealer will make the necessary repairs before selling a preowned car to a customer. However, shrinking profits have led many dealers to cover up faults in an effort to increase profits. This is why many potential sellers doubt dealers’ sales pitches. The prevalence of dishonest dealers have made it difficult for trustworthy dealers to build winwin relationships with customers because winning back customers’ trust becomes a huge headache.




Certification of Pre-Owned Cars CPO(Certified Pre-owned car)驗證中古 車,是近十餘年來歐美車輛市場的新趨 勢,也就是經過原車輛製造廠或是檢測單 位鑒定的中古車。以美國為例,驗證中古 車佔中古車銷售市場將近50%。根據J.D Power 2006年的中古車市場調查報告,雖 然檢驗合格的中古車售價與同年份的車型 相比平均高出1680美元,但消費者仍然願 意花較高的價格購買。原因就在於歐美國 家的消費者把CPO當作是品質與價值的保 證。CPO這股風潮已經在世界各地產生影 響,特別是經濟發展相對穩定的亞洲區, 從台灣近日來頻繁出現在電視上的中古車 驗證廣告,不難看出汽車市場的另類商 機。 目前大陸地區為中古車提供品質保證的, 主要是由整車廠直接經營或者授權的4S店 來提供中古車品質保證服務,但由於誠信 體制不完善,這些4S店既是驗證方,也是 經營方,等同球員兼裁判。由廠家主導推 出的品牌中古車,直接的動機是為了爭取 更多的新車用戶,公平性相對較受質疑。 此外,品牌經銷商在鑒定評估系統方面的 專業化程度雖然具有一定的水準,但僅限 於本品牌車輛,範圍狹窄,且價格偏高。 在2008年,中國大陸某中古車網站與中國 機動車輛安全鑒定檢測中心(簡稱中國車 檢中心)共同成立了「中古車第三方權威 驗證」機構。不過,有代理商認為,第三

A certified pre-owned car (CPO) is one that has achieved the necessary inspection and been certified as being of acceptable quality. In the past ten years, CPOs have become increasingly popular in the USA and Europe. For example, in the USA, CPOs make up near 50% of the pre-owned car demand. According to J.D. Power’s 2006 market report for the pre-owned car market, CPOs cost US$1,680 more than normal preowned cars of the same age. Despite the cost difference, consumers are still willing to pay more because buyers in Europe and the USA see a CPO as a more reliable, safer option that translates into a better value for their money. CPO sales are also picking up all over the world, especially in the most economically stable Asian regions. For example, in Taiwan, frequent advertisements confirm the CPO market as a lucrative business opportunity.

方驗證機構的檢測和驗證需要繳納一定的 費用,對於有實力的代理商而言沒有大問 題,然而市場上經營的大部分都是小的經 銷商,資金本來就不多,能省則省,要讓 他們去做這類的檢測驗證比較困難,如果 讓消費者掏腰包,又會增加購車成本。其 次,由於該網路平臺本身也涉及交易,消 費者很容易聯想到驗證單位與交易市場兩 者間存在利益關係。也就是本質上沒有改 變其驗證的資格,操作方式換湯不換藥的 做法,對激勵行業發展所產生的影響相當 有限。因此,讓消費者完全信服,需要確 保「第三方」真正的獨立性,同時不斷強 化其權威性和公信力。

In China, the party responsible for guaranteeing the quality of a pre-owned car is the original car manufacturer or its designated 4S shop. However, the integrity of this system is imperfect because the 4S shops are the certifiers and remain oriented to pre-owned car sales. The situation is similar to a player on a competitive sports team also being the umpire. Car manufacturers who promote their own pre-owned cars also have suspicious motives because their ultimate objective is to sell new cars. Car manufacturers, while

more professional and capable of conducting high-quality inspections, can only inspect their own fleet. Thus, the inspection coverage is limited and the cost of inspection is high.

In 2008, a famous Chinese preowned car website collaborated with the China Motor Vehicle Safety Inspection Centre (known as the VIC) to establish the Third-Party PreOwned Car Inspection Body. With its arrival, dealers noted that paying for inspections and certifications, while not a problem for large-scale dealers with the necessary capital, might prove difficult for small players with limited capital who needed to keep costs to a minimum. Likewise, encouraging smaller dealers to pay for third-party inspection services is also problematic because the cost of inspection is transferred to the potential buyer, which drives up the price of the car. Buyers have also tended to be suspicious of the inspection body’s motives because they believe that the certification body and transaction market are profit-oriented. As a result, the collaboration was not well received. Clearly, for buyers to trust an inspection body, it must be 100% independent and unbiased.




中古車獨立第三方驗證,安心信賴的選擇 Achieve Peace of Mind through Independent Third-Party Pre-Owned Car Inspection 目前市場上堆出中古車檢測服務的選擇琳 瑯滿目,從汽車原廠到車商聯盟紛紛投入 檢測市場搶食利益大餅,各有訴求。然而 在眾多服務供應商中,獨立第三方驗證機 構以其專業及中立的角色,最受青睞。 透過第三方驗證單位檢測中古車,有以下 優點:

• 提供中古車完整車況,為車輛的安全與 品質把關

• 確保交易公平,避免買賣糾紛 • 提供購買後所需的保養及維修項目資訊 • 不涉及買賣利益的專業檢測,可以提供 消費者經濟實惠的選擇

• 不涉及買賣利益的專業報告,可以為車 主提出品質證明,解決買方對車況的疑慮

• 中古車檢測服務不僅助於買賣雙方,也 能加速成交速度,為車商創造價值

特別要提醒消費者的是,儘管驗證是購買 中古車的重要保障,坊間不少中古車商也 都標榜「自家中古車通過驗證」,但光憑 「驗證」這兩個字可不夠,主要是因為檢 測的項目琳瑯滿目,一部通過「無事故」 驗證的中古車,並不保證不是泡水車,所 以消費者在選購中古車時,務必釐清通過 驗證的項目,才不會又陷入「認知不同」 的窘境,花錢受罪。

Currently, there are many pre-owned car certification services in the market offered by original car manufacturers and associations. There are also thirdparty certification bodies that are 100% independent, professional, unbiased and increasingly popular among buyers.


Independent third-party pre-owned car inspection bodies have the following advantages:


• Provide a complete condition evaluation of pre-owned cars to guarantee safety and quality • Guarantee sale integrity and prevent transaction disputes • Provide post-sale car maintenance and repair information • Provide professional and unbiased inspection services at an affordable cost • Provide professional and unbiased inspection reports that can be used as proof of quality for sellers to resolve the doubts of buyers • Quicken the sales process for sellers and buyers, thus adding value to car dealers and manufacturers. We want to remind consumers that while certification is an indication of quality, they must remain vigilant about the misleading information provided by some dealers who label their preowned cars as having passed an in-house inspection, which may not be true or adequate. Car inspection includes many aspects and pre-owned cars that have passed “non-accident damage” inspections may not offer the assurance that they are not waterlogged. Buyers must understand what inspection tests the car has gone through and whether they were adequate. Otherwise, they may be caught unaware and waste their money.

的車輛檢測經驗,以獨立協力廠商檢測 驗證機構的角色,開發出了一套精密的 檢測專案,專業的檢測團隊更會根據豐 富的經驗來為您的車輛安全把關,只做 檢測不參與車輛交易,提供買賣雙方更 客觀的參考依據。在臺灣,我們的專 業工程師可針對車輛的內裝及外觀、 項目進行嚴謹的檢驗與評估。檢測完成 後會提供一份檢測報告,內容涵蓋車輛 安全與品質的重要資訊,作為維修與改 善的參考,此外,檢驗合格的車輛可獲 得「德國萊因TÜV二手車檢測合格標識 (TÜV Rheinland Inspected)」,讓 消費者可以安心選購。 協力廠商驗證的風潮也已登陸中國大 陸。自從幾年前中國商務部頒佈《二手 車流通管理辦法》後,二手車市場就一 直在呼喚協力廠商驗證體系。在歐美、 日本等二手車交易市場成熟的國家,協 力廠商驗證機構不僅業內認可,同時 也獲得國家強制要求執行。這些成熟 市場以政府有效管理和行業嚴格自律 為前提,以協力廠商專業驗證為保證, 以多樣的銷售管道為手段,形成二手 車市場的經濟規模,憑藉低廉的價格 和可靠的品質,有效地平衡了市場供 需。2010年,德國新車與二手車銷量 比為1:2.2,而同期中國的新舊車銷 量比例只有1:0.3。隨著汽車擁有量 不斷攀升,如何引導中國二手車市場的 健康發展,將是相關單位的重要課題。


Empowered with over one hundred years of vehicle inspection experience, TĂœV Rheinland has developed a stringent set of tests in Taiwan, ensuring the safety of your vehicle with a team of highly qualified experts with rich experience. Being dedicated in inspections only and not vehicle transactions means that we are able to provide buyers and sellers with an objective, unbiased point of reference. In Taiwan, our engineers help buyers and sellers perform more than 160 tests on car interiors, exteriors, chassis, engines and dynamic testing. Upon completion of testing, a test report is issued, encompassing important information about vehicle safety and quality to serve as a reference for maintenance and improvements. In addition, pre-owned cars that have passed our certification receive the TĂœV Rheinland Inspected quality mark, indicating them as safe purchases for consumers. The trend of 3rd party certification has now being popular in Mainland China. Since the Ministry of Commerce of China announced Measures for the Administration of the Circulation of Second-hand Automobiles a few years ago, the second-hand automobile market has continually sought out a system for 3rd party certification. In

nations with a mature secondhand automobile market, such as Europe, the US, and Japan, the 3rd party certification is recognised within the industry, and more important there are mandatory national requirements. Built on the basis of effective governmental administration and strict industry’s self-discipline and guaranteed by professional 3rd party certification and diverse sales channels, these markets have formed an economy of scale for the second-hand vehicle


market and effectively balanced the market supply and demand with low prices and reliable quality. In 2010, the sales ratio of new to second-hand German automobile was 1:2.2 while the new and used automobile sales ratio in China was only 1:0.3. As car ownership climbs, the positive development of the second-hand automobile market in China will be an important issue for relevant units.




高電容太陽能模組 精確功率測量的突破性新方法 Groundbreaking New Procedure for Accurate Power Measurements of High Capacitance PV Modules 太陽能(PV)模組的功率等級通常在陽





















能會對模組的定價帶來潛在影響。到目前 為止,高效能晶矽太陽能模組都是利用常











高電容模組的電流電壓特性(IV)測量 中造成很大的誤差。 雖然在長脈衝時間(大於100毫秒)的 陽光模擬器中進行測量能夠解決此一問 題,但這種方法不僅成本高昂,同時還 會因為模組升溫而導致其他問題。幾位 科學家已經分別提出在脈衝模擬器下精 確測量高電容模組功率的替代方法。這 些方法大多基於以逐點或段落的方式對 IV進行分割,將測量時間延長至100毫秒 以上。此方法雖然有效,但由於氙燈運 作之間的停滯時間相當長,因而非常耗 時。因此,這些方法對產業內的模組額 定量測產生了重大限制。 我們已經開發出一種全新方法,稱為動態 IV(Dynamic


器,從短路(ISC)到開路(VOC)的條 件實現快速而精確的IV測量。資料獲取 可在一次閃光脈衝下完成,其時間可縮短 至10毫秒。這種方法的創新之處在於, 它將時間作為IV測量的一個獨立變數。

圖1:不同測量技術下高電容元件A 的IV特性比較。黑色IV曲線在穩態 條件下獲得,掃描時間為100毫秒。 紅色IV曲線在直接單次閃光測量條 件下獲得,掃描時間為10毫秒,明 顯低估了元件性能。藍色資料點則 代表動態IV曲線,掃描時間也為10 毫秒,與穩態特性相比表現出極佳 的一致性。 Figure 1: Comparison of the IV characteristics of a high-capacitive module A using different measurement techniques. The black IV curve was obtained in steady-state with a 100ms sweep-time. The red IV curve, obtained using a direct single flash measurement with a 10ms sweeptime, considerably underestimates module performance. The blue data points represent the Dynamic IV curve, performed in 10ms, which shows excellent agreement with the steady-state characteristics.


The power rating of photovoltaic (PV) modules is commonly performed in solar simulators and is considered the backbone of PV evaluation. However, the power measurement of high efficiency crystalline silicon (c-Si) technologies, specifically back-contact or heterojunction, has been proven a challenge for the PV community for the past two decades with test houses reporting significantly different nominal power for the same test specimens with such technologies. These measurement deviations have been largely attributed to the internal capacitance of the tested solar cells which is orders of magnitude higher than that of typical industrial silicon solar cells. This high capacitance causes hysteretic cell responses under varying applied voltage or light intensity. As a result, the current-voltage characteristics (IV) measurement of high capacitance modules is affected by significant errors. A solution to this problem lies in performing measurements within solar simulators with very long pulse times (>100ms). However, this would be very expensive and might introduce additional problems due to module heating. Several scientists have independently suggested alternative methods for accurately rating high capacitance modules in pulsed simulators, most of which rely on extending the measurement time to more than 100ms by segmenting the IV tracing on a point-by-point or multi-sectional basis. Such methods are effective but time-consuming because the rundown time between flashes for xenon lamps is significant. Therefore, they impose severe constraints on module rating in the industry. We have developed a novel method, Dynamic IV, for obtaining rapid and accurate IV measurements with

conventional pulsed simulators from short-circuit (ISC) to open-circuit (VOC) conditions. The data acquisition is performed in a single flash pulse, whose duration can be as short as 10ms. What makes this method so innovative is that it introduces time as an independent variable in the IV measurement. Dynamic IV has been experimentally verified against steadystate IV measurements (measurements under permanent simulated sunlight) and shown excellent agreement, as Figure 1 reveals. This work may prove essential to the power rating of high-efficiency c-Si PV modules in the industry because it could potentially affect module pricing. So far, high-efficiency c-Si PV modules are rated in production lines using conventional methods that may often considerably underestimate actual module power. The application of Dynamic IV measurement would minimise such losses, reduce measurement uncertainty and improve the confidence of rated power.


For years, high-efficiency crystalline technologies such as back contact or heterojunction have been the topic for scientists in research laboratories. Recently, however, equipment manufacturers have also started to focus on these technologies and module manufacturers are implementing them. Therefore, there is an increasing need for the accurate rating of highefficiency c-Si modules. Our experts are currently conducting further research on this project, which is expected to reach completion later this year.




歐盟機械式停車設備標準簡介 A Brief Introduction to EN 14010

嚴格的電氣系統要求 Strict requirements for door locking system 在EN 14010中,對於自動停車系 統,有著很嚴格的門禁系統要 求。其中不僅有關於各類門禁系 統所選用的門的類型,還有對於 鎖定裝置和連鎖裝置方面的要 求。其中甚至有關於鎖定裝置鎖 定距離>7mm的要求。這些對於 中國市場上的停車設備來說,也 會是比較大的考驗。另外,在進 行驗證時,還會要求對這些裝置 進行試驗。

In EN 14010, for automatic parking system, there exists very detailed and strict door locking system requirements. The requirements mainly cover three areas: specific door type selection, locking system and interlock mechanism. Some of them are described in very details, e.g. the locking distance should be over 7mm. During certification, manufacturers need to provide necessary samples components for testing.


近幾年,隨著機械式停車設備的廣泛使用,在中國從事停車設備行業的企業也日益增 多。與 此同時,有 不少品牌的停車設備已將目標瞄準歐 盟市場。面 對 這樣的趨 勢,我們在 此 為大家對相關標準進行簡要的詮釋。目前歐盟標準中與機械式停車設備相關的是EN 14010 Safety of Machinery —Equipment for Power Driven Parking of Motor Vehicles — Safety and EMC Requirements for Design, Manufacturing, Erection and Commissioning Stages,翻成中文是《機械安全——動力驅動式機械式停車設備——設計、製造、安裝和使 用中的安全和電磁 相容性要求》。相較 於中國停車設備的標準,歐 盟標準在很多方面都有極 大的差異,所有停車設備設計者和製造商都需要特別注意。 Recently, with the wide use and development of the domestic parking structure’s market, more and more companies and manufacturers have engaged in this industry. Meanwhile, some of them have even aimed at European markets. In this case, we would try our best to help them familiar with the related European standards. The latest European standard related with parking structure is EN 14010, “ Safety of Machinery —Equipment for Power Driven Parking of Motor Vehicles —Safety and EMC Requirements for Design, Manufacturing, Erection and Commissioning Stages”. Comparing with our national standards, this European differs a lot, which needs all designers and manufacturers’ understanding.

分類的不同 Different classification EN 14010中對停車設備的分類和中國的分類大 不相同。EN 14010中只將停車設備分成自動停 車系統和非自動停車設備兩大類。其中,自動 停車系統類似於PCS和多層PPY等自動化程度較 高、且在各出入口安裝門禁系統的停車設備; 而非自動停車設備則類似於PJS和單層PPY。不 過縱觀整個中國市場,幾乎所有停車設備的操 作都不是「點動式」的,這並不符合EN 14010 中關於非自動停車設備的要求。這裡所謂「點 動式(hold-to-run)」,根據相關的定義,就是 指只有當手動操作裝置動作時,機器才能啟動 並保持運轉的操作裝置。當放開時,該手動操 作裝置能自動回復到停止位置。

另一個有爭議的是PSH,因為無論將PSH劃到哪 個類別,似乎都不能滿足EN 14010的要求。如 劃進自動停車系統,則幾乎所有PSH都不具備門 禁系統的要求;但是如劃進非自動停車設備, 則PSH必須改成「點動式」操作模式。

There is a huge difference between the classification of this European standard and that of the Chinese standard. In EN 14010, the parking structure is only divided into two groups: Automatic Parking System and Non-automatic Parking Equipment. Automatic parking system is very similar with those highly automatic types, like PCS and multi-lever PPY. Besides, gate and locking systems are also the essential component of the automatic parking system. On the other hand, non-automatic parking equipment is similar with PJS and single-lever PPY. However, nearly all the controls of the parking structures in domestic market are not “hold-to-run” type, which does not meet the requirement of EN 14010. “Hold-to-run”, according to the definition, means that the machine can only maintain running when the enable button is pressed. And the button will return to the off position after released. Another interesting topic relates with the very common type: PSH, which is quite difficult to classify. If PSH is classified as “Automatic Parking System”, none of them can meet the gate locking system requirements. But on the other side, if PSH is classified as “Non-automatic Parking System”, their control systems must be modified to “hold-to-run” style.





安全系統的「類別(Category) 」 Safety concept “Category” 安全系統的「類別」是一個特殊的概念,指的是安 全系統的安全零件在防止故障能力,以及故障條件 下後續行為方面的分類,它透過零件的結構佈置、 故障檢測和(或)零件可靠性實現。目前,中國企 業對這個概念的瞭解程度還很低。雖然也已經被引入 國家標準,但是為推薦標準,沒有強制執行,也沒有 被大範圍引用,在停車設備的定檢和監檢中,也從來 沒有要求。 「類別」的相關定義和等級在EN 954中有詳細的描 述。不過目前,EN 954已被ISO 13849-1淘汰。比 「類別」更具體的「性能等級」(Performance Level) 也可能會被引入EN 14010中,勢必將抬高停車設備 安全技術壁壘,對設計者和製造商將是更大的考驗。 如果運用EN 14010來對停車設備進行驗證時,設計 者應該對停車設備的相關安全系統進行評估,找出 停車設備相關安全回路,然後按照標準類別的定義 和等級來對各個安全回路作出評級,考察是否滿足 標準的要求。

“Category” is a special concept, relating with the classification of the safety-related parts of a control system in respect of their resistance to faults and their subsequent behaviour in the fault condition, and which is achieved by the structural arrangement of the parts, fault detection and their reliability. Although this concept has been introduced in some national standard already, it is defined as optional standard and the concept itself is still very new to most domestic designers. The concept and classification of “Category” are defined in EN 954, which is currently expired by ISO 13849-1. With its expiration, the more specific concept “Performance Level” may be introduced to EN 14010 sooner or later. Thus, it will inevitably increase the technical safety barrier and ask a lot more on designers and manufacturers. When EN 14010 is applied during certification, designers need to rate the safety system of the parking structure, in order to decide whether the safety system meets the requirements.


嚴格的電氣系統要求 Very strict electric requirements 在歐盟,幾乎所有的機械設備都會引用 E N 60204系 列 的 標 準 。這些系列標準涵 蓋了設備上電氣系統的各個部分,對電源 進線、支路設置、電氣保護裝置、元器件 的選擇、接地接零保護、接線方式、IP等 級、控制器的要求等方面,有非常詳細而 嚴格的要求。這不僅對設計者和製造商, 也對停車設備的安裝方提出了要求。接線 不規範、端子不牢靠、色標混亂、電線線 徑不足、跨接線缺失、電氣系統IP保護等 級不足等都是經常出現的問題。

另一個難點在於要求電氣安全觸發裝置為 「強制斷開」的模式。這雖然不是新的概 念,但在中國並沒有這方面的要求,所以 很多設計者和安裝人員並不清楚這方面的

In EU, nearly every machinery standard quotes the serial standard EN 60204. This serial standard covers almost every part of the electrical system of the machine, from electric supply, sub-circuits, protective measurement, selection of the components, earth fault protection, wiring practices, IP protection, control systems, etc. They have built up requirements not only for all manufacturers, also for all installers. In practices, following problems are very common, which needs manufacturers and installers’ close attention: mix wiring, bad connection, puzzle color marker, inadequate wiring diameter, missing equipotential bonding, inadequate IP protection… Another important safety topic is “Compulsory Cut”. It is not a new concept, but there is no similar requirement from national standards. Therefore, it is still very new to many designers and manufacturers. To meet this requirement, just purchasing safety electric components with marks is far from enough, their wiring and actuation practices would be more crucial.

概念。「強制斷開」不僅需要採購符合相 關標準、帶有



隨機資料的要求 Use information requirements 這裡的隨機資料不僅包含使用說明書,還有 安裝、維修保固、培訓方面的內容。同時, 應附上相關圖示(總圖、爆炸圖等),其中 應標註安全裝置的位置和作用,還應對操作 者和使用者作出必要的警示等。所有的這些 資料都必須是英語和安裝當地的語言,在歐 盟地域內保存副本。

Very different from national standards, European standards require a lot on use information documents. According to EN 14010, manufacturers should provide not only user manual, but also instructions for installing, maintenance and training, together with necessary diagrams like main structural diagram, electric drawings and so on. Besides, a copy of these documents must be written in English and local languages, and must be preserved in the region of European Union.

以上是歐盟EN 14010標準中特殊技術要求的大致內容,希望這說明能幫助廣大停車設備設計者和製造商更清楚的理解歐盟 標準,為打開歐盟市場做好準備。如需瞭解更多,請聯繫工業服務部吳煒俊先生, +86 21 61081289, weijun.wu@shg.chn.tuv.com

The above is the general introduction to EN 14010, and we hope that it could help parking structure designers and manufacturers to better understand EN standards and to prepare for entering the European market. For more information, contact Mr. Weijun Wu, +86 21 61081289, weijun.wu@shg.chn.tuv.com





燈具 進入日本市場 需實行PSE驗證

PSE Certification Required for

日本經濟產業省(Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, METI)於2011年 7月1日公佈《關於修訂電氣用品安全 法施行令的部分內容的政令》。根據該 政令的最新規定,進入日本市場銷售的 「LED燈泡」及「LED燈具」,於2012年 7月1日起,須加貼圓形PSE標誌。這表 示「LED燈泡」及「LED燈具」成為《電 氣用品安全法》管制對象。管控對象範 圍限於額定電壓為100V~300V,額定功 率大於1W的使用50Hz和60Hz交流電路的 LED燈具和燈泡。 日本LED產品驗證的安全和電磁兼容標準 目前只有公告省令1項,省令2項(JIEC) 的協調標準尚未公告。因此與LED相關的 IEC標準不在《電氣用品安全法》接受範 圍內,也代表從2012年7月1日進口至日 本市場必需依據日本省令1項的技術基準 製造LED燈泡和LED燈具。 德國萊因為日本METI核可之發證單位 (ACAB),可以直接執行省令 1項之相關 測試,台灣實驗室可以直接核發具有公 信力的報告,審核時間短且申請流程簡 單方便。一站式服務,一次測試,一次 文件準備,世界通用。



日本為全球最大LED產值國,據統計,在節約能源的趨 勢下,LED市場年增長率正逐步增加中。 Japan is the world’s largest LED producer by value, and the LED market has continued to grow each year due to the movement to conserve energy resources.

On July 1, 2011, the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) published the “Partial Revision of the Cabinet Order by the Amendment to the Government Ordinance for the Electrical Appliances and Materials Safety Law.” The new amendment requires a round “PSE Mark” to be affixed to “LED Lamps” and “LED Electric Light Instruments” intended for sale in the Japanese market from July 1, 2012. “LED Lamps” and “LED Electric Light Instruments” have thus become regulated products under the Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Law (“DENAN Law”). Only LED lamps and light instruments with a voltage between 100V~300V

and a power rating greater than 1W that use 50Hz and 60Hz AC circuitry will be regulated. METI Ministerial Ordinance No. 1 is currently the only safety and electromagnetic compatibility standard for LED product certification in Japan. The harmonized standards for METI Ministerial Ordinance No. 2 (JIEC) have not yet been published. For this reason, the IEC standard for LEDs is not accepted under the DENAN Law. All LED light bulbs and LED electric light instruments imported into Japan after July 1, 2012, must therefore conform to the Technical Requirements of METI Ministerial Ordinance No. 1.

We are an Authorized Conformity Assessment Body (ACAB) approved by Japan’s METI, and can carry out tests required under METI Ministerial Ordinance No. 1. Test reports are accredited and can be issued in Taiwan, shortening and simplifying the application process. Our one-stop services provide one-time testing and onetime documentation preparation that is accepted across the world.




美國能源部最新提案將 能效要求提升到等級六 U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) Proposes More Stringent Efficiency Level VI for External Power Suppliess

美國能源部在2012年3月7日發佈了最新之「能效法規提案 制定公告(N O PR )」,將能效 等 級從等 級四一 舉提升到等 級 六,超越 當今由能源之星和歐 盟ErP指令制定的最高要求等 級五。這個公告 內容明顯的加強和擴大目前外接電源供應器(EPSs)的最低能效要求 範圍,將衝擊所有電源供應器之製造商。這些建議的標準,如果獲得 通過,將適用於在2013年7月1日或之後製造或進口到美國的產品。 On March 7th 2012, DOE issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) which will impact EPS manufacturers. DOE proposes amended energy conservation standards for Class A EPSs and new energy conservation standards for non-Class A EPSs. The efficiency level will be increased from current level IV to level VI which is even stricter than level V from Energy Star and EU ErP efficiency requirements. These proposed standards, if adopted, would apply to products manufactured in, or imported into, the United States on or after July 1, 2013.


重要改變: Major Changes: 1. 大外接電源供應器範圍

1. Expanding scope of EPS

新的提案將包含7個產品的分類,原A類 已經改為基本輸出B與D類,並納入能源 之星有關低電壓(<6V的輸出電壓,輸 出電流>550毫安)的直流電和交流電輸 出,分別為C類產品和E類產品。再者, 美國能源部打破新的觀點,把那些多重 輸出電源及輸出電源大於250瓦功率, 分類在產品X與H類。最後,在實際應用 中的外接電源供應器(EPS),非直接供 電給終端產品,亦即所連接之終端產品 有內建電池支援的,就分類在N類。

The new proposal contains seven product groups. The original Class A has been changed to Class B (AC-DC) and D (AC-AC) for output with basic voltage EPSs. It also adopts low voltage EPSs with output voltage <6V and current ≥ 0.55A) from Energy Star as Class C (AC-DC) and Class E (AC-AC). Moreover it breaks the rule to include the multiple outputs and high power (>250W) as Class X and H, respectively. Finally, DOE includes the EPS that can’t power a consumer product without the assistance of the product’s battery, the EPS falls into product Class N.

2. 提高效率要求

2. Tightened Efficiency Requirements

美國能源部積極的針對平均效率和無負 載功耗方面,建議提高外接電源供應 製造廠商效率的限制門檻。比Level V (87%,0.3W)更高之平均效率88%,更低 之無負載功耗0.1-0.21W,這將會對電 源供應製造商造成重大影響。

The DoE is tightening the efficiency level for EPS manufacturers, in both active mode average efficiency and no-load power consumption. Higher active efficiency of 88% and lower no load consumption power 0.1-0.21W than current level V requirement (87%, 0.3W). It will certainly cause a significant impact of EPS manufacturers.





資訊技術設備 之標準更新 現行 取代 現行標準撤銷日(DOW) 差異


修改跨接電阻的要求 ( & 增加VDR的要求 ( 修改multiple MAINS SUPPLY connections設備的標示要求( 修改LPS的符合要求(2.5 c) 追加和修改內鎖裝置的要求(2.8.4) 修改延面距離的表格要求 (Table 2N) 追加rack-mounted equipment須符合Annex DD的要求 (4.2.1) 追加rotating solid media的要求 (4.2.11) 追加UV radiation的要求 ( & 修改LED的要求, 其評估改採用IEC 62471法規 ( 追加風扇扇葉Moving fan blades的要求 (4.4.5) 追加用於LPS的IC current limiters的評估要求 (Annex CC) 追加rack-mounted equipment固定裝置的要求 (Annex DD) 追加Household and home/office document/media shredders的要求 (Annex EE)



追加個人播放器的聲壓過大 保護要求

我們的服務 我們公司有能力依據此新標準提供測試與驗證服務,包含下列的 國家/區域的要求: CB體系: IEC 60950-1:2005/A1:2009 德國GS標誌或Bauart標誌:DIN EN 60950-1:2006/A12:2011 TÜV T標誌: BS EN 60950-1:2006/A12:2011 歐洲CE標誌: EN 60950-1:2006/A12:2011 建議您儘快更新既有證書以符合最新的要求.

Our servies TÜV Rheinland offers testing and certification services in compliance with the newest standards, including: CB scheme: IEC 60950-1:2005/A1:2009 German GS mark or Bauart mark: DIN EN 60950-1:2006/A12:2011 TÜV T mark: BS EN 60950-1:2006/A12:2011 Europe CE marking: EN 60950-1:2006/A12:2011 We recommend that all existing certificates be updated as soon as possible to meet the latest requirements.






解析能源管理 之


Major Energy Management Misunderstandings

在國 家 節 能 減 碳 的 政策 推 動 下 , 各 地 的 節 能 諮 詢 服 務 公 司 如 雨 後春筍 般出現在市場上,爭相從這塊大餅上分一杯羹。無奈雷聲大,雨點小,許多製造 商對能源管理的認識和意識仍相當薄弱,造成了節能服務市場出現僧多粥少的現 狀。究竟是什麼原因讓眾多製造商在能源管理改善的道路上徘徊不前呢?讓我們 的能源管理專家:清潔發展機制(CDM)技術評審中心技術評審員李利新博士和教育 與培訓業務部可持續發展專案經理田雨先生,幫您走出能源管理的四大誤解,解 答你在節能減碳 工 作 方 面 遇 到 的 各 種 疑 難 。 Driven by the national policy of energy conservation and emission reduction, various energy conservation consultancy service companies have sprung up across the country, competing for a share of this significant market. The frustration is that many of these manufacturers exhibit extremely weak energy management, which has created the current “much supplied but little demanded” market dynamic. What causes these manufacturers to wander off the path of energy management improvement? Our energy management experts, Dr Li Lixin, technical auditor for the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Technical Assessment Center and Tian Yu, sustainable development project manager for the Training and Consulting Business Department, are here to help identify the four major misunderstandings of energy management and provide solutions to the difficulties of implementing energy savings and emission reductions.


Misunderstanding I: Saved energy can be sold directly for money.

01 誤解一: 節省下來的能源能夠直接賣錢


























變 更 框 架 公 約 》 履 行 理 事 會 )進 行 項






















關檔案遞交到EB,審核通過EB簽發證 明,買家就憑此證明與專案業主進行 交易。在這裏值得一提的是,為確保 資料真確性和公平性,大規模專案申 請之初的第三方審定的機構,與在專 案完成後負責核證減碳量的機構不能 為同一家。


Dr. Li Lixin: Benefiting from energy conservation is neither a simple trade process, nor pure selling. Of course, some enterprises that are provided with specific conditions can ultimately trade saved energy with those in need to make a profit using certain procedures. Take profiting from a CDM project’s carbon reduction as an example. When an energy consumption enterprise has an energy-saving project, all relevant documents must be comprehensively prepared and submitted to the United Nations EB (the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Implementation Commission) for project registration after examination and approval by national authorities and a third party (Beijing-based CDM Technical Assessment Centre of TÜV Reinland, which is the CDM project validation and verification institution authorised by the United Nations). There are actually some restrictions on applicants’ qualifications, such as the return on investment not being too high (lower than the base earnings ratio of the industry); the project not




being completed; or the applicant being a Chinese enterprise or an enterprise controlled by a Chinese party. After a project’s successful registration, the carbon reductions will be examined with the assistance of a third party and the project owner can negotiate with the buyer on the expected emission reductions in advance. Upon the project’s completion, a third party verifies the emission reductions and issues a report. The project owner then delivers the report and related supporting documents to the EB and a certificate is signed and issued upon successful examination. The project owner can then trade with the buyer on the strength of the certificate. Another thing worth noting is that to guarantee the correctness and equity of the data, the organisation used for examination at the beginning of the application for a large-scale project cannot be the same entity as the one used to verify the carbon reductions upon completion of the project.

Another condition is contract energy management mode, which always involves multilateral cooperation. Energy conservation service, equipment and technology companies, in addition to an investment and financing institute, might participate while the third party consistently assesses and verifies processes. If an enterprise has an energy-saving project, then an investment and financing institute can help in terms of capital while the other aforementioned companies provide solutions or technology and equipment. The project can be implemented if both parties agree to this cooperative mode in advance. From a market perspective, decreasing an enterprise’s production costs through energy conservation can expand its profit margin if the price of the marketed products is not changed, which presents two advantages. First, the flexibility of market promotion is stronger, such that the enterprise

can possess more resources to advertise and promote its products and enhance competitiveness among similar products. Second, energy conservation management transformation can improve production environment and technology, such that the enterprise has more resources for product development and upgrade, which expands the market share in a higher end market. In this way, enterprises also benefit from energy conservation.



誤解二: 節能改造的核心就是替換 舊的設備和管理模式

Misunderstanding II: The core of energy saving reconstruction lies in technology and equipment replacement.


Tian Yu: There are many methods and means for improving energy efficiency management and achieving energy conservation. Certainly, enterprises will inevitably be required to replace some equipment or adjust management modes and production operation procedures, but this does not mean that replacing old equipment and management modes with new ones will result in energy savings. For instance, when conducting an energy management project, we first conduct a site assessment of the systems and conditions, such as process equipment and systems, energy flow systems, the operating conditions of the energy consumption equipment, energy flow and management conditions and energy consumption management.

02 多種方法和途徑。當然,有時企業難免

會被要求更換設備,或調整管理模式和 生產操作流程,但不是說將所有舊的設 備和管理模式推倒重來就是實現節能。 像我們進行能源管理專案時首先要針對 工藝設備與系統、能源流程系統、能耗 設備運作狀況、能源流程及能源管理、 用能管理情況等方面進行現場評估,再 作數據收集和核算,內容包括:生產及 生產相關高能耗系統、輔助生產系統的 能耗情況、企業綜合能耗、用能單位能

源成本、主要用能設備運作效率分析 等。所有資料和數據就緒了,再進行分 析評估,作出有針對性的方案。從技術 層面來說,節能改造的方案確實有提出

對高能耗的設備進行更換的可能性, 或用能管理流程不合理的環節需進行整 改,但我們很少會作全盤否定。有針對 性和必要性的調整,企業更樂於接受, 也有利於推動社會節能減碳的進程。此 外,方案的實施、未來可持續的改進是

需要人來貫徹落實,並不斷學習改善 的方法和技術。因此能源管理的核心


的協調活動本質。從管理層面來說,能 源管理或是節能改造是一個循序漸進的 過程,這不僅僅是購買新設備就能達到 節能目的,更重要的是在管理層面的改 善,這其中包含了管理人員、技術人員 的節能意識和知識的培養。因此,節能 改造並不是一蹴而就的事情,企業應遵 循第三方專家的指導,循序漸進,從易 到難逐步地 實 現 節 能 的 目標。

We then perform data collection and accounting on elements such as the energy consumption conditions of production and production-related high energy consumption systems and auxiliary production systems, the comprehensive energy consumption of the enterprise, the energy costs of the energy consumption units and the operation efficiencies of the major energy consumption equipment. Once all materials and data are available, analyses and assessments are conducted to create a specific scheme. In terms of technology, this energy saving reconstruction scheme may result in the replacement of high energy consumption equipment or improvements in the irrational energy consumption management procedures, but it will rarely repudiate all old equipment and management modes. Targeted and necessary adjustments are more likely to be accepted by enterprises and are also more favourable for socially promoting energy savings and emission reductions. Additionally, future schemes and sustainable improvement must be implemented by professionals who constantly study improvement methods and technologies. Thus, the core of energy management is “management”, which focuses on human-centred coordination activities. In terms of management, energy management or energy saving reconstruction is a step-by-step process achieved not only through the purchase of new equipment, but also through the improvement of management activities such as energy savings awareness and the knowledge cultivation of management personnel and technicians. Therefore, enterprises achieve their energy saving objective gradually, from the simple through the difficult aspects of energy saving reconstruction, by following the advice of third-party experts.




誤解三: 能源管理只是節能服務公 司的事

Misunderstanding III: Energy management is the business of energy conservation service companies.


Dr Li Lixin: As mentioned above, an energy conservation service company, like an energy saving equipment and technology company, an investment and financing institute or a third party, is a cooperative member of an energysaving project. Enterprises sometimes need their resources for conducting energy management, or they might work independently if they have enough power and resources. As a link in enterprise management, energy management must be integrated into the management system and production. Thus, enterprises assume important responsibilities and entrusting energy management to an energy conservation service company or a third party and counting on unilateral cooperation to achieve energy savings objectives does not necessarily result in overall energy conservation or emission reductions. Only through the full cooperation of the production enterprise and the energy conservation service company (and/or a third party), the implementation of an effective solution provided by the service company/third party, and complete implementation from enterprise project to personnel training, can energy conservation and emission reductions be realised for every link in the management system, such that enterprise operation costs are actually reduced. However, the effect of energy saving construction will be heavily discounted if improvement is focused exclusively on a certain link but is absent within the overall energy efficiency.

03 務公司,像節能技術和設備公司、投融 資機構、第三方機構,是參與節能專案 的其中一分子;企業有時候需要借助他 們的資源來進行節能管理,如果企業有 足夠的實力和資源,也可以獨立完成。

能源管理作為企業管理的其中一環, 必須融入企業管理體系和生產過程中, 因此企業擔負著重要的責任。如果認為 把能源管理的事委託給節能服務公司或 第三方機構,指望靠單方面的運作就能 完成,這樣的做法並不能在整體上實現 節能減碳。只有雙方通力合作,在能源 管理改造中生產企業和節能服務公司( 或/和第三方機構)互相配合協作,服 務公司/第三方機構提供有效方案,企

業專案執行到人員培訓全面落實,才能 確保在管理體系中的每一個關鍵環節實 現節能減碳,確實降低企業營運成本。 如果只是對某一環節進行改造而疏忽整 體的能效提升,節能改造的成效將會大 打折扣。



誤解四: 「碳盤查」與「零碳」是 一回事

Misunderstanding IV “Carbon inventory” is the same thing as “zero carbon”.


Tian Yu: “Carbon inventory” is the calculation of greenhouse gas discharged directly or indirectly through social or production activities with single organisations (government, enterprise or other organisations) as the basic unit. The specific contents include defining organisation and operation boundaries (such as area of enterprise and plant thereof, transport tools, outsourcing power, operation activities, staff business trips, outsourcing services, facilities in field), the identification of greenhouse emission sources, greenhouse gas activity intensity data collection and compilation, greenhouse gas emission coefficient collection and compilation, greenhouse gas emission calculation, greenhouse gas emission inventory and greenhouse gas accounting reports. We began to provide various organisations with carbon management services in 2011. Our services are based on carbon inventories and include conducting accounting work for enterprises’ direct and indirect emission sources within organisation and activity boundaries according to the ISO 14064 standard to define the major emission sources and total carbon emissions with the goals of realising energy conservation and emission reductions and achieving sustainable development according to individual conditions in combination with energy efficiency improvement means. “Zero carbon” actually means “carbon neutral” or “carbon offset”, which is realised by offsetting the carbon emissions during production by purchasing carbon emission reduction limits. For example, at the end of 2011, a world-known outdoor brand held a carbon neutral concert for which we provided professional and overall support, including site examination, activity boundary defining, confirmation of greenhouse gas emission sources and activity risk control. To guarantee that the emission data conformed with the standard, we, as a third party, further conducted an independent examination to the calculation results, issued a carbon measurement check report and awarded a carbon neutral certificate after strictly implementing all of the processes. The sponsor then successfully purchased a carbon emission project that met the trading standard in an exchange based on the strength of the certificate and finally achieved carbon offset.

04 團體)為單位計算其在社會和生產活動 中各環節直接或者間接排放的溫室氣


組織及營運邊界界定(如:企業及其廠 房所在區域、運輸工具、外購電力、作 業活動、員工差旅、外包服務、場內設 施等)、溫室氣體排放源鑒別、溫室氣 體活動強度資料收集及匯整、溫室氣體 排放係數收集及匯整、溫室氣體排放量 計算、溫室氣體排放清單、溫室氣體盤 查報告。從2011年起,我們為各組織提

供碳管理服務。我們的服務以碳盤查為 基礎,在組織邊界和營運邊界內,按照

ISO 14064標準,對企業的各個直接和間 接排放源進行盤查工作,以確認其主要 排放源及其碳排放總量大小,從而因地 制宜地結合能效提升手段,實現節能減 碳、永續發展的目標。所謂「零碳」其 實是碳中和的意思。碳中和也叫碳補償

(Carbon Offset),透過購買碳減排額度 的形式抵消活動中所產生的二氧化碳排 放,從而實現「零碳」目標。如:去年 年底,一個國際知名戶外品牌主辦碳中 和演唱會,我們為主辦單位提供全程專 業支援,包括現場審核、活動邊界的確 定、溫室氣體排放源匯的確定以及活動 風險控制。為確保排放資料符合標準, 我們作為第三方還對測算結果進行獨立 核查,並簽發了碳計量核查報告;在所 有嚴格的程式執行完成後,為其頒發了 碳中和證書。主辦方憑證書到交易所購 買符合交易標準的碳減排項目,最終實 現碳抵消。





首個「綠色產品標誌」 Lenovo Awarded the First

TÜV Rheinland Green Product Mark on Display Product Worldwide

德國萊因TÜV綠色產品驗 證是一項自願性驗證, 旨在針對消費品及其環 境影響做自律性規範。 針對不同產品,會結合 各種相關驗證要求和標 準,所依據的標準以社 會責任審核和安全法 規要求為基石,並配合 化學物質的使用、廢棄 物回收再利用、能耗能 效、產品碳足跡四大方 面的國際標準作進一步 規範。 德國萊因TÜV會對通過測試的產品頒 發綠色產品標誌,一方面協助企業向








品市場中識別綠色環保產品。 于海先生強調:「綠色環保一直是 「聯想集團一直是資訊產品行業綠色


















TÜV Rheinland’s Green Product Certification is a voluntary sustainability certification that aims to award consumer products with the least impact on the environment. The Green Product Certification is based on a safety evaluation of the product against various regulatory requirements and a social Compliance Check for the product manufacturer. Additionally it focuses on four key dimensions: the responsible use of chemical substances, recyclability



聯 想 集團ThinkVision LT23 23z VoIP成功通過德國萊因TÜV整合性綠色 產 品 驗證,以其卓越環保性能成為世界上第一款獲得該綠色產品標誌的顯示器。德國萊因TÜV 大中華區副總裁溫豪格先生、聯想集團全球顯示器事業部總經理于海先生出席了於5月28 日 在 深 圳 舉 行 的 頒證儀式。 Lenovo ThinkVision LT2323z VoIP display product successfully passed TÜV Rheinland Integrated Green Product Certification, which was issued the world 1st green product mark. The award ceremony was held at the Shenzhen on May 28th, with Holger Kunz, Vice President of TÜV Rheinland Greater China, and Eric Yu, Executive Director and General Manager of Lenovo Group Worldwide Visuals Business Unit in attendance.

green innovation. The cooperation, we believe, will create certain impact on the IT industry. Through our joint action, we aim to further expand Green Product Mark’s influence in the Chinese market, and provide green product certification to more brand name owners and downstream suppliers. Together with Lenovo, we will kick off a green revolution in the IT industry. “ and sustainable products in the often crowded marketplace. & the usage of recycled materials, energy consumption and efficiency, and the determination of the product carbon footprint. We will issue Green Product Mark to the certified product, which can assist companies in demonstrating their corporate commitment and products’ international competitiveness to brands and retailers. In the other hand, the mark can give end consumers and buyers guidance in identifying green

Kunz mentioned in the opening speech, “Lenovo has been an ardent advocate of green innovation in the information technology industry. By joint efforts with TÜV Rheinland in developing green product certification and being the first company awarded TÜV Rheinland integrated green mark worldwide, Lenovo has not only demonstrated their commitment to the pursuit of corporate sustainable development, but also proved once again their long-standing efforts in

“Green is part of the DNA of ThinkVision. We truly appreciate TÜV Rheinland’s noted reputation as one of the strictest international environmental standards. Through the strategic partnership with TÜV Rheinland, we can benchmark our commitment towards environmental excellence. As an industry leader, Lenovo will continue investing on the innovative green technologies, pushing the edge of green performance. “said Eric Yu.









2012年六月十二日,歐洲商會(ECCT)在台灣舉 辦低碳倡議行動(Low Carbon Initiative,簡 稱LCI)。台灣德國萊因總經理兼大中華區電子電 氣產品事業部總監何士登以發起會員身份代表參 加,而大中華區管理系統事業部總經理吳仲賢亦 在研討會中主講相關議題及參加分組討論會。除

低碳倡議行動的宗旨,在於引導企業界、大眾、 及政策制定者達到台灣政府訂定的減碳目標,同 時讓企業界因應日漸升高的能源價格。LCI由二 十個發起會員簽署成立,這二十個會員國在會場 上展示各類型的節能減碳產品、技術方式及服 務。

邀請客戶前往參加外,德國萊因在此次活動中推 廣綠色產品標誌以及其他相關綠色服務。

On 12 June 2012 the European Chamber of Commerce Taipei (ECCT) showcased solutions for lowering carbon emissions in Taiwan at its inaugural Low Carbon Initiative (LCI) Exhibition and Conference. TÜV Rheinland Taiwan’s General Manager and Electrical Director, Mr Uwe Halstenbach, joined the event as a founding member and Jason Wu, General Manager of Systems, was also invited to deliver a speech at one of the conference’s forums and panel discussions. At this event, we primarily promoted Green Product Mark and other Green solution services in addition to inviting key customers to participate.

The LCI aims to engage local businesses, the public, and policy makers in meeting the targets set by the Taiwanese government to lower CO2 emissions and prepare companies for rising energy costs. The LCI is endorsed by twenty founding members whose exhibition booths displayed a comprehensive array of products, technical solutions, and services designed to lower carbon emissions.






w.tuv.co w


Certified Green Product



Joining ECCT LCI event to promote

Green Product Mark

台灣德國萊因總經理何士登同時也是要務推動 平台的企業會員代表之一,該平台主要在台灣 提倡歐洲的標準,藉以促成台灣低碳產品、技 術與方案的進步。為推廣德國萊因新的綠色產 品標誌服務,德國萊因電子電氣事業群顯示器 部門總經理Bodo Kretzschmar先生也在會上分 享了我們的經驗與成功案例

Mr Halstenbach also serves as a member company representative of the Advocacy Platform, which focuses on promoting European standards for advancing low carbon products, technology, and solutions in Taiwan. To help promote our new Green Product Mark service, TÜV Rheinland Taiwan’s Electrical General Manager, Mr Bodo Kretzschmar, also shared our experiences and best practices for this programme.

副總統吳敦義、經濟部次長杜紫軍、以及歐洲經貿辦 事處處長Frédéric Laplanche也都出席了這次會議。 Other notable attendees included ROC Vice President, Wu Den-yih; Ministry of Economic Affairs Vice Minister, Duh Tyzz-jiun; and the Head of the European Economic and Trade Office, Frédéric Laplanche.





ZigBee 物聯網 與

and the Internet of Thin

網 ngs


物聯網的概念是由IBM於2005年率先提出,美國總統歐巴馬 與中國總理溫家寶相繼於2008年與2009年把物聯網(Internet Of Things)的發展規劃列入國家政策,自此物聯網成為繼網際網路 (Internet)熱潮之後的資訊新潮流。這波物聯網浪潮將是未來最重要 的資通訊(ICT)產業趨勢之一,因此全球資通訊相關業者,對於物聯 網所可能帶來的商機,都抱持高度的期待,根據惠普網路暨通訊研究 院院長李大維博士的分析,其中最大的利潤應該會出現在應用服務、 系 統 整合等服務端。

IBM introduced the ‘Internet of Things’ concept in 2005 and its development programs were listed in the national policies of the US and China in 2008 and 2009, respectively. Since then, the Internet of Things has generated a new tide of information that is growing into one of the most important future information and communications technology (ICT) industry trends.


What is the Internrt of Things?

物 聯 網 簡 單 的 說,就 是 透 過 各 種 網 路 連 結 方 式,讓 人 與 人、 人 與 機 器或者 機 器 與 機 器,彼 此 都 能 順 暢 交 換 任 何 訊 息,並 藉 由 無 縫 的 網 路 連 結,提 供 使 用者更方便且完整的服務體 驗。物 聯 網 的 應 用 非 常 廣 泛, 包 括 家 庭 自 動 化、建 築 自 動 化、健康照護、物流管理、環境 監 控 和 智 慧 能 源管 理 等。以 家 庭 自 動 化 為 例,當 家 中 的 亮 度 感測器偵測到環境光源的變 化 時,會 自 動 調 整 電 燈 的 明 亮 度,以 達 到 省 電 的 目 的。這 樣 的 概 念 雖 然 簡 單,卻 需 要 透 過 各 種 技術 緊 密 的 配 合,才 能 帶 給使用者優質的使用體 驗。

The term ‘Internet of Things’ refers to various devices and technologies, including infrared and other sensors, radio frequency identification (RFID) technology, global positioning systems (GPS), laser scanners and gas inductors, that conduct the real-time collection of any object to be monitored, connected and interacted with in relation to this collection process. It is aimed at connecting objects, people, products and networks to achieve convenient identification, management and control. It covers wide applications, including home and building automation, logistics management, environmental and health monitoring and smart energy management. Take home automation as an example. A luminance sensor in a home can detect changes in the ambient light and automatically adjust electric lamps to simultaneously achieve optimal luminance and save power. Such concepts, while simple, can deliver an excellent user experience through the close cooperation of various technologies.





在 龐 大的物聯 網架 構中,與使 用者 最 息 息相關的技術 就 是 無 線 感 測通訊標 準,Zig B e e則是 其中 最 成熟的國際 通訊標 準, 它是 一種低 成 本、低 功 耗 的短 距 無 線傳 輸 技術,為 Zig B e e 聯 盟 所提出,該 聯盟為了確 保不同廠 商推出的Zig B e e解決 方案 能 達 到傳 輸 穩 定性 要求 與 不同系 統 之間的互 通性,於 是制定 Zig B e e驗證 方案(Zig B e e C ertifie d Pr o g ra m ),希望藉由 驗 證 規 範來促使 廠 商開發優良的Zig B e e產品,確保優質的產 品才能取得Zig B e e的驗 證標誌,任何符合Zig B e e標準或規格 的產品於銷售前,均需 經 過Zig B e e聯盟 規 範的測試及驗證。 德 國 萊 因 是 Z i g B e e 聯 盟 的 認 可 機 構,也 是 亞 洲 地 區 唯 一 有 資格 進 行 Zig B e e 驗 證 測 試 服 務 的 機 構。我 們 可提 供 Zig B e e 的 測 試 專 案 包 括 射 頻 晶 片、媒 體 存 取 層 ( M A C )、Z i g B e e C o m pliant Platfor m(ZCP)與Zig Be e Pr ofiles(e.g. H o m e

Within the vast Internet of Things, the standard for wireless sensor communications is ZigBee, a shortdistance, low cost, low power consumption, wireless transmission technology proposed by the ZigBee Alliance. To ensure that ZigBee solutions that have been launched by different manufacturers reach the transmission stability requirements for interacting with different systems, the Alliance developed the ZigBee Certified Program, which facilitates manufacturers in the development of exceptional ZigBee products through certification standards. To ensure that the ZigBee certification mark is exclusively available to superior products, any product complying with ZigBee standards or specifications must undergo ZigBee Alliance’s normative testing and certification before being sold.

Aut o m atio n, Zig B e e S m art En er g y versio n 1.0/1.1, Zig B e e

R F4 CE,

et c.)驗證與測試,涵蓋的產品包括藍牙設

備、電腦、手機、相機、醫 療設備、頭戴式耳機以及PDA等。

We are the accreditation body of ZigBee Alliance and also the sole body in Asia entitled to provide ZigBee certification and testing services. We provide ZigBee testing items including the certification and testing of radio frequency chips, Media Access Control (MAC), ZigBee Compliant Platforms (ZCPs) and ZigBee Profiles (e.g., Home Automation, ZigBee Smart Energy version 1.0/1.1 and ZigBee RF4CE). These services cover such products as Bluetooth devices, computers, handsets, cameras, medical equipment, headphones and PDAs.


大鵬科技獲得ZigBee產品驗證 Dapeng Technology Granted First ZigBee Product Certification in Taiwan 由台灣經濟部技術處主導,工研院資通所負責執行之「智慧聯 網(IoT)產業技術推動計劃」,於去年底與德國萊因(TÜV Rheinland)合作, 共同輔導大鵬科技,於今年三月底通過ZigBee Home Automation Profile 終端產品驗證測試,成為臺灣第一家獲頒此認證的企業。工研院資通所李岳 峰經理表示,資通所已投入多年資源研發無線感測網路相關技術,藉由政府 的支持累積多年ZigBee的研發能量,此次協同國際驗證實驗室,全力輔導優 質廠商通過ZigBee終端產品驗證,協助廠商成功進軍全球市場,以拓展國 際供應鏈,並帶動整個物聯網產業的發展。

Supported by the Information and Communications Research Laboratories (ICRL) under the Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan and TÜV Rheinland, Dapeng Technology Co., Ltd. passed the ZigBee Home Automation Profile terminal product certification test at the end of March 2012 to become Taiwan’s first enterprise to achieve this certification. ICRL manager Li Yuefeng indicated that ICRL has invested many years of R&D in wireless sensor network techniques to accumulate ZigBee R&D capabilities through a reliance on the support of the Taiwanese authorities. Working with TÜV Rheinland, ICRL supported Dapeng Technology in its efforts to pass the ZigBee certification process that allows terminal products and assisted manufacturers to successfully enter the global market, expand the international supply chain and drive the further development of the Internet of Things.





2012年5月28日至30日,德國萊因 T Ü V為長城 汽車股份有限公司進行了為期三天的道路車輛方向 ISO 26262功能安全企業內訓課程,長城汽車研究院 的車輛底盤部門、動力部門、電子電氣部門、新能源 部門、車輛安全工程部門、可靠性工程研究院及電控 工程研究院等部門的部長、科長、工程師等135人參 加 了 此次培訓。









+86 10 65666660-120,










助企業在產品設計中滿足ISO 26262標準的

全法規實施有其必要,而ISO 26262正是對


這些車輛和系統作出功能性安全要求的標 準。德國萊因TÜV的功能安全培訓能幫助










28-30 May marked a successful, three-day workshop event in the Automotive ISO 26262 Functional Safety standard for the Great Wall Motor Company, hosted by TÜV Rheinland. A total of 135 professionals attended from a variety of sectors, including the Research Institute’s vehicle chassis, power, electrical, new energy, vehicle safety engineering, reliability engineering and electrical engineering sectors. . Senior manager of Functional Safety for TÜV Rheinland Greater China, provided detailed explanations including functional safety management, HW/SW development and safety-related bus systems. These explanations of the standards and the shared experiences generated by the workshop helped prepare attendees to meet ISO 26262 requirements. The auto industry has developed rapidly in recent years, such that both quality and safety must be carefully monitored. The potential hazards

of defective automotive electronic products and designs threaten drivers, passengers and everyone else on the road, and recalls create great losses for companies. Improvements in the general standard of living standard have driven attention to safety even as automotive electronic product design becomes more complex. While software is an integral part of automotive electronics, consumers pay more attention to functional safety. To reduce potential hazards and avoid recall costs, companies are placing growing importance on the safety of

their products, and the ISO 26262 standard requires the functional safety of automotive parts and systems. Our Functional Safety Program facilitates engineers who wish to deepen their knowledge, accumulate experience and gain the globally recognised practical knowledge and functional safety skills required by ISO 26262. If you have any question about ASIL or Functional Safety certification and workshop, please contact Mr Yonggang Wu, +86 10 65666660-120, yonggang. wu@chn.tuv.com.




台資上海禾新醫院 通過SQS服務品質驗證

隨著大陸醫療改革推進和簽署兩岸經濟協議 (ECFA)實施後,台商積極把握商機。首家台灣獨資

早期醫療服務品質指的是醫療人員的技 術能力,但隨著經濟能力的提升,消費 者滿意度及醫療機構的行政服務、醫療



開幕。 開幕儀式中由德國萊因TÜV代表頒發中國首


張SQS服務證書予上海禾新醫院。 With the implementation of medical revolutions in Mainland China and the enactment of the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA), Taiwanese investors have proactively seized business opportunities. The first hospital to be funded solely by Taiwanese investors, Landseed International Hospital (LIH), has been approved by the Ministry of Health of the People’s Republic of China, and was formally opened on June 26th. During the opening ceremony, a representative from TÜV Rheinland presented the first SQS service-quality certificate in Mainland China to Landseed International Hospital, Shanghai.

獨資的禾新醫院領先取得德國萊因TÜV 大陸地區第一張醫療業SQS服務品質證 書,即以行動宣示打造切入上海徐匯區 高階醫療的市場定位。 此次禾新醫院進行的SQS服務品質評估包 含門診、掛號、客服、藥局等服務態度 及流程。德國萊因TÜV大中華區展開兩 岸三地的合作及資源整合能力,結合當 地法規及台灣的服務規格,協助禾新醫 院建立持續改善的服務品質管理系統。 面對大陸13億人口的龐大醫療商機, 與兩岸交流的頻繁,各國大型企業及財 團紛紛想跨足此一市場大餅。德國萊因 TÜV大中華區管理系統服務總監汪如順 表示:「兩岸醫療業者在面對強大競 爭壓力時,該思考如何提升醫療服務品 質,以滿足消費者需求,並進而提高顧 客滿意度,才能由內而外加強核心競爭 力,達到永續經營的目標。」



medicine in Shanghai’s Xuhui District.

際驗證機構,秉持德國嚴謹專業的精 神,不論是知名歐系汽車、觀光休閒、 保健醫療都已優先選擇德國萊因為其產 品或服務品質驗證。目前大中華區巳有 台灣多家知名醫療機構取得德國萊因 TÜV的SQS服務品質證書,如彰化基督教 醫 院、朴子 醫 院 、 光 田 醫 院 等 。

Initially, service quality in the medical industry referred to the technical capabilities of medical personnel. However, as economic capacity has risen, consumer satisfaction, the administrative services of medical organizations, treatment processes, hardware and software environments, and other elements have all gradually been encompassed under the farreaching scope of medical-service quality. After the enactment of the ECFA, the first hospital funded solely by Taiwanese investors, LIH is also the very first to obtain SQS service-quality certification within the medical industry in the Greater China region. This move signifies the hospital’s aim to situate itself within the market for high-end

The SQS service-quality audit process conducted for LIH on this occasion evaluated service attitudes and procedures in their clinic, registration, customer service, and pharmacy service. we have embarked on an integrated series of cooperation and resourceintegration initiatives within the Greater China region, combining expertise in local regulations with service standards from Taiwan to assist LIH in establishing a service-quality management system which fosters continual improvements. Seeking to take advantage of the enormous business potential of the medical industry in Mainland China, with its population of 1.3 billion people, there have been frequent cross-strait exchanges as major corporations and groups from various nations are attempting to establish a presence in this market sector. Yushun Wong, the director of Systems in TÜV Rheinland’s Greater China, commented: “when faced with enormous competitive pressure, medical


businesses in the Greater China region should contemplate ways to enhance medical-service quality in order to fulfill consumer demands and in turn heighten customer satisfaction. This is how a business will be able to achieve the goal of sustainable operations, when core competitiveness is strengthened from the inside outwards.” We are a global certification organization renowned for its stringency and adherence to professional, steadfast German spirit. Renowned European automobile companies, tourism and recreation enterprises, as well as healthcare and medical facilities have all made us their first choice when seeking certifications for their product safety or service quality. Several renowned Taiwanese medical facilities in the Greater China region have now obtained SQS service-quality certifications from us, such as Changhua Christian Hospital, Potz Hospital, and Kuang Tien General Hospital.





可核發IEC60601-1-11 CB報告 TÜV Rheinland Issues CB Scheme Approvals

According to IEC 60601-1-11





境、居家、汽 車、飛機、輪椅等。相較 於醫師在專業醫 療機構操作醫

業照護 機 構中具醫 療 訓練背景人 員隨侍 在旁的環境,例如:戶外環






的意外與風險。基於這項需求,IEC發展出醫療器材之IEC 60601-1性能。此份IEC標準之後也被引用至歐盟標準,並成為醫療器材指令 (Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC)的調和標準。

市的CB測試實驗室, 德國萊因的專業團隊擁有專業的家庭醫療器材檢驗測試經驗。為了

可提供IEC 60601-1-



透過位於台灣台中市的CB測試實驗室,可提供IEC 60601-1-11標準



(1.0版)的CB測試報告與證書。台灣德國萊因也是大中華區及亞太 費用,一次就為相關產品申請並取得 CB證書與測試報告。針 對 符合 歐洲市場醫療器材指令的基本要求(附錄I),德國萊因能協助廠商提 供相關的測試服務及驗證標誌。 如需更多資訊,請就近聯絡我們的醫療服務專家。


An increasing number of various types of medical devices are nowadays intended for use in home healthcare environments, meaning the dwelling place in which a patient lives or other places where patients are present. Professional healthcarefacility environments where operators with medical training are continually available when patients are present are excluded. Examples include outdoor environments, homes, cars, airplanes, and wheelchairs. Use of medical devices in home healthcare environments is associated with hazards, and leads to risks different from those related to medical devices operated by physicians in professional heathcare facilities. Acknowledging the need for relevant safety regulation, the IEC has developed the IEC 60601-1-11 collateral standard to address basic safety and essential performance aspects for this large category of medical products. The standard has also been published as a European Standard harmonized with the Medical Device Directive. Our team of highly qualified experts has built up a solid base of

knowledge and experience in the testing of home healthcare medical devices. In our continuous effort to provide flexible solutions to manufacturers in the Greater China and Asia Pacific region, we, through our CB Test Laboratory located in the city of Taichung, Taiwan, have acquired the capacity for CB Scheme testing and certification according to IEC 60601-1-11, ed. 1.0. TĂœV Rheinland Taiwan is the first laboratory in the Greater China and Asia Pacific region to acquire this scope, and manufacturers can now apply for and obtain a CB Scheme Certificate and Test Report demonstrating product compliance in a single step at reduced cost. We also offer various certification marks and testing services ensuring compliance with the essential requirements (Annex I) of the Medical Device Directive that must be satisfied for access to the European market. For more information and inquiries, please contact with our Medical Service Team at your nearest TĂœV location.


Our team of highly qualified experts has built up a solid base of knowledge and experience in the testing of home healthcare medical devices. In our continuous effort to provide flexible solutions to manufacturers in the Greater China and Asia Pacific region, we, through our CB Test Laboratory located in the city of Taichung, Taiwan, have acquired the capacity for CB Scheme testing and certification according to IEC 60601-1-11, ed. 1.0.





從2012年3月起,德國萊因 TÜV深圳新增家用吊扇「能 源之星」測試及驗證服務。

We announced a new product category, ceiling fans, to the ENERGY STAR energy efficiency testing and certification services available at the Shenzhen office in March 2012.


Environmental protection and energy savings are growing increasingly important. In the U.S., the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) cooperated to launch the “ENERGY STAR” programme, which monitors efficiency with the goal of encouraging manufacturers to produce energy-efficient products. The products assessed by this programme include most energy-using consumer products and household appliances. Ceiling fans are a popular household appliance for U.S. families, and the promotion and acquisition of ENERGY STAR testing and certification will prove vital to U.S. market access, which requires regulation compliance and market competitiveness..

重視。在市場監管方面,美國環境保護 總 署 ( EPA) 與 美 國 能 源 部 ( DOE) 聯 手 推 出「能源之星」計畫,鼓勵製造商推廣 高效節能和環境保護型的產品,管控的 產品範圍包括大部分耗能的消費性電子 產品和家用產品。吊扇(Ceiling Fan) 是美國本土熱銷的家用產品,獲得「能 源之星」驗證,對於產品的市場准入、 市場競爭力和影響力,具有十分重要的 意義。 美 國 的 「 能 源 之 星 」 計 畫 自 2 011 年 1 月 1日起,強制實施第三方驗證制度。產 品 必 須 通 過 E PA 認 可 的 第 三 方 實 驗 室 及 驗證機構(CB)審核,才能被授權貼上 「能源 之星 」 標 誌 。

As of 1 January 2011, the EPA requires ENERGY STAR product partners to follow a new set of Third-Party Certification procedures in which the testing of all ENERGY STAR-qualified products must be conducted in laboratories that are officially recognised by the EPA and certified by EPA-recognised Certification Bodies.



「能源之星」計畫對吊扇產品在每分鐘 每 立 方 英 尺 ( CFM) 的 送 風 能 力 和 耗 電量比,有極其嚴格的要求標準。根據 E PA 標 準 , 貼 有 「 能 源 之 星 」 標 誌 的 吊 扇(帶 有 照 明 功 能 ), 單位電量產生的風 量 至少 要比 普 通 吊 扇 多 出 15%至 20%, 而在照明上比相近的白熾燈型吊扇耗電 量 要 節 省 40%以 上 。 所 以 , 貼 有 「 能 源 之星」標誌的吊扇具有更高的性價比, 更能受到美國零售商、買家及一般消費 者的認可及青睞,更具有市場競爭力。 德 國 萊 因 T Ü V 深 圳 是 中 國 大 陸 獲 得 E PA 認可的少數有資格的吊扇測試實驗室之 一,為家用吊扇供應鏈提供能源之星本 地測試服務。此外,我們的專業團隊 還為吊扇企業提供更多的北美市場准入 服 務 , 如 北 美 安 規 認 證 c T U Vu s 、 美 國 DOE/CEC,和化學有害物質檢測等,其 專業的測試能力和豐富的經驗,將幫助 本地製造商更快地進入北美市場。


ENERGY STAR Requirements for Ceiling Fans

The ENERGY STAR programme has strict requirements for airflow ratio (CFM) and power consumption (Watts). Per EPA standards, ENERGY STAR-compliant ceiling fans must generate at least 15-20% more airflow than a normal fan. Regarding ceiling fans that provide lighting, a power savings of around 40% must be achieved, compared to ceiling fans with incandescent lamps. Therefore, ceiling fans that earn the ENERGY STAR label represent a higher performance-to-price ratio and competitiveness level that will perform better with U.S. retailers, buyers and end consumers. TÜV Rheinland Shenzhen is one of the few EPA-recognised laboratories in mainland China that offer ceiling fan manufacturers and buyers with ENERGY STAR services, as well as cTUVus, DOE/CEC and hazardous chemical substances testing. Providing professional testing, technical support and consultation allow us to help local manufacturers gain faster access to North American markets.




SIG藍牙協會於2010年7月正式採用最新核心技術規格 4.0版本,隨著4.0核心技術版本的晶片及模組的研發製造,成品製 造商也相繼推出4.0核心技術應用的產品。

SIG adopted the latest 4.0 Core version in July, 2010. Along with 4.0 Low Energy (LE)Technology being developed, there is a growth in 4.0 (LE) end product coming out of the market also. 作 為 功 能 齊 全 的 測 試 實 驗 室,德 國 萊 因

華 區 第 二 家 可針 對所 有 的 藍 牙 規格(傳 統

T Ü V 台 灣 公司 的 藍 牙 實 驗 室 可 針 對 所 有

的 B R / E D R 到 現 今 4.0 的 技 術 版 本 ),提 供

的 藍 牙 規 格(傳 統 的 B R /E D R 到 現 今 4.0 技

射 頻,藍 牙 通 訊 相 容 性 測 試 的 實 驗 室。此

術 版本),提 供 射 頻、藍 牙 通 訊/應 用 協 定

外,香港德 國萊 因也 是 香港 通訊管 理 局所

與 相 容 性 測 試,目前已協 助多家 晶 片及模

授 權 之 本 地 驗 證 機 構( L C B)之一,可 根 據

組 廠 商,針 對 4.0 核 心 技 術 版 本 的 晶 片及

H KC A標 準為客戶提 供電 訊 和IS M 設備測試

模組完成藍牙驗 證資格計劃。

及 驗 證 服務。

透 過 德 國 萊 因 測 試 驗 證,2 01 2 年 4月華 碩

無 線 技術 發 展 至今,除了藍牙技術 普 遍 應

電腦(ASUSTek Com puter Inc.)完成了第

用 在 手 機 及 電 腦 外,還 有 無 線 充 電 技 術


Q i 在 低 功 率 產 品( 如 手 機 )的 應 用;例 如

驗 證 資格計 劃。此外,晶綸( Ve n c e r C o.,

在手 機iP h o n e 4 S上 加裝 無線 充電 底 蓋,


無 需 連 接 插 頭、電 線,只 要 手 機 放 在 充

功 率 藍 牙 傳 出的防 盜 鑰 匙 扣( Blu e t o o t h

電 板,即 可 充 電 使 用。符合 無 線 充 電 聯 盟

v4.0 P r o m ix it y Ta g ),並已 取得 藍牙 驗

( Wir ele ss Po w er C o n sortiu m,W PC)的

證,其產品Ven cer 4.0 Pro mixity Tag低

Q i標 準 技術,因 為 沒 有 接 點 限 制,有 支 援

耗能,體積小,方便攜帶,可與iP h o n e 4 S


對 連,透 過 PX P( P r o m ix it y P r o file)及 FMP(Find Me Profile)的應用,可偵測兩

台 灣 德 國 萊 因 公司 除了是SIG 藍 牙 協 會 認

台裝置間的距 離,讓 彼 此間超出一定 範圍

可 的 實 驗 室 外,同 時 也 是 無 線 充 電 聯 盟

時,發 出 聲 響 提 醒,以 防 止手 機 遭 竊 或 遺

W P C 認 可的 第三 方 Q i符合 性 測 試 實驗 室,

失,這兩個藍牙規範(PX P& F M P)的釋出,可

參與無線充電 聯盟 對 於 無線充電 技術規


格 的 制 訂以 及 認 證 計 劃 的 執行,可以協 助


廠 商針 對 無線技術的應 用發 展,提 供相關 多元化的驗 證 服務。

一直以來,德 國萊 因集團積 極發 展兩岸三 地 的 藍 牙 測 試 能 力和 設備。繼 台 灣 後,香 港 也已 於本 年 7月成 為 德 國 萊 因 集 團 大中

Our Taiwan company is a wellequipped Bluetooth testing laboratory, which can handle RF conformance testing, Bluetooth protocol and application profile testing for all Bluetooth specification (BR / EDR, to the latest 4.0 version). We had assisted a number of chip or module manufactures to obtain the Bluetooth certification for their Bluetooth chip and module under 4.0 core version. With the well-equipped testing capability of Taiwan company, ASUSTek Computer Inc, completed the first 4.0 core Bluetooth qualification for their own brand product Padfone™. Vencer Co., Ltd, has also designed a low power Bluetooth Anti-theft key chain (Bluetooth V4.0 Proximity Tag) which based on the Bluetooth low energy technology and was already been certified. The advantage of Vencer 4.0 Proximity Tag is low energy consumption, small and portable, which make it easy to carry and can be connected with iPhone 4S via PXP (Proximity Profile) and FMP (Find


Me Profile), in order to detect the distance between two devices. Hence, once the distance between the tag and the mobile phone was beyond the certain range, an alarm signal will be issued, in order to prevent the mobile phone being stolen or lost. With the release of these two Bluetooth Specification (PXP & FMP), more diversely in security monitoring and remote control calling devices can be foreseen in the near future. Over the years, we have been devoted to developing the Bluetooth test capability in Greater China region. Following the foot step of Taiwan, TÜV Rheinland Hong Kong became the second BQTF in Greater China region that can offer testing for all Bluetooth specification (BR / EDR, to the latest 4.0 version) for Bluetooth RF conformance testing and application profile testing in July, 2012. In additional, TÜV Rheinland Hong Kong Ltd. is also one of the

local certification body (LCB) authorized by Hong Kong Communications Authority who can conduct testing and certification service according to HKCA standard for Telecommunications and ISM product. With the development of wireless technology, nowadays, beside Bluetooth which was commonly found in mobile phone and computer device, wireless charging technology (Qi) also became more and more popular in some low power device (e.g. mobile phone). For example, simply placing iphone 4S with wireless charging receiver backcase on the wireless charging pad, you can charge iphone 4S without any connection of the adapter or wiring, which fullfils the Wirelesss Power Consortium (WPC) Qi standard requirement and because there is


no limitation of the connection interface, theoretically, it can be used on every devices which support Qi technology. TÜV Rheinland Taiwan Ltd. is not only a SIG appointed BQTF, but also recognized by Wireless Power Consortium (WPC) as a third party Qi Compliance testing laboratory. We participated in the development of the wireless charging specification and execution of certification service. With our professionalism we support our clients to develop wireless technology and provide a wide range of testing and certification services.




插頭插座及電線電纜 驗證標準技術培訓 Technical Training in Certification Standards for

Plugs, Sockets, Wires and Cables 目 前插頭插座以及電線電纜類產品可以申請


的 證 書 已 經 超 過 3 0 個 國 家 及 地 區 , 德 國 萊 因 TÜV透 過 推 廣

標準的技術培訓在浙江梅城召開。這次研 討會得到30多家當地企業的熱烈回應,共





案,一次測試頒發多張證書與轉證的服務,在時間週期和 價 格 費 用 上 都 為 客 戶帶來極大的優勢。

電器協會的大力支持。 研討會由建德市低壓電器協會的實驗室 主任陳燕主持。會上,我方銷售代表姚 寅首先介紹公司概況,接著由來自巴西公 司的簽證官Nelson先生為與會人員詳細 介紹巴西當地驗證機構的組成,以及巴西 INMETRO驗證申請的流程及產品的應用範 圍。隨後國際驗證部經理王靜芳介紹多國 驗證機制。最後由專案經理洪健和倪文超 分別詳細解說電纜與插頭插座的標準技術 要求。 5個多小時的研討會,會場的氣氛非常熱 烈,與會人員熱情高漲,不斷提出許多驗 證及測試的問題,以至於Nelson先生在 休息時間還被團團圍住,為客戶解答疑 惑 。 與 會 人 員 表 示 , 德 國 萊 因 TÜV適 時 推 出巴西等國驗證,正契合了他們開拓國際 市場的需求,是一場「及時雨」。這次 講解標準宏觀且詳細,為他們在新產品開 發的過程中提供了不少幫助,避免走冤枉 路。


At present, plugs, socket, wire and cable certificates can be applied in over thirty countries and regions and we provide technical training that assists manufacturers in the timely understanding of the certification application processes, standards and technical requirements of each country. Our convenient, ‘one-stop’ service, which issues multiple certificates from one test and facilitates certificate transfer, provides our customers with significant lead time and price benefits.


On 31 March, a technical training event in the certification standards of plugs, sockets, wires and cables was conducted in Meicheng, Zhejiang Province. The workshop received a warm response from over thirty local enterprises and was attended by leaders, R&D engineers and sales engineers from more than eighty enterprises overall. It also received strong support from the Low Voltage Electrical Apparatus Association of Jiande City. The workshop was chaired by Chen Yan, the lab director from the Low Voltage Electrical Apparatus Association. TÜV Rheinland sales representative, Yao Yin, made an introduction of TÜV Rheinland and Mr Nelson, the certifier from TÜV Rheinland’s Brazil branch, detailed the composition of the local certification agency and the INMETRO certification application process and products application scope for Brazil. Subsequently, International Certification Department manager, Wang Jingfang, introduced the multinational certification mechanism and project managers Hong Jian and Ni Wenchao presented detailed explanations of the standards and technical requirements for cables, plugs and sockets. The workshop lasted more than five hours with the highly spirited attendees raising so many certification and testing questions that Mr Nelson found himself surrounded, even during breaks, by eager participants and their engaging questions. The attendees indicated that the certification of Brazil and other countries was launched at just the right moment to meet their demand for expansions into international markets. They confirmed that this standard, straightforward, detailed workshop was very helpful in terms of new product development and avoiding costly detours.


Corporate ALIVE Socail 时讯Responsibility


香港龍舟錦標賽 Hong Kong Dragon Boat Competition 6月23日是端午佳節,德國萊因 TÜV香港公司的25名員工組隊 參加龍舟比賽。為了讓隊員掌握 划龍舟的技巧和培養團隊節奏 感,在4到6月之間,龍舟隊總 共進行了8次訓練。 龍舟隊由來自企業發展部的 Sinny Chen和貿易與零售商服務 部的Sarah Grochulski領隊,其 他隊員分別來自紡織品、玩具及 化學服務部、輕機械及五金產品 服務部和電子電氣產品服務部。 比賽在赤柱正灘泳灘舉行,吸引 了大批觀眾前來吶喊助威。

A team of 25 TÜV Rheinland Hong Kong employees competed in the dragon boat race during the Dragon Boat Festival on June 23 after completing a training programme consisting of 8 sessions that was offered from April to June to equip paddlers with professional dragon boating skills. The Dragon Boat team, led by Sinny Chen from Corporate Development and Sarah Grochulski from Retail, included paddlers from Softlines,

Hardlines and Electrical. Held on the Stanley Main Beach, the competition attracted cheering crowds who rooted enthusiastically for their favorites.

廣西教師培訓專案 Teacher Training Programme in Guangxi

受苗圃行動的邀請,德國萊因 TÜV大中華區的4名志工隨同臺 灣文化事務學會(ICA)的老 師,於5月11和12日來到廣西省 南寧華光女子中學。志工協助 ICA的老師對華光女子中學的教 師進行綜合培訓。 這一培訓專為華光中學量身打 造, 在關 懷團 隊建 設的 同時 導入 教學 材料 和教 學技 巧。 透過 研討 會和 遊戲 等方 式, 教師 們學 習到 團隊 如何 合作 、如 何使 用教 學材 料, 如何 保持 積極 的態 度等 。據 老師 們觀 察, 這一 次培 訓既 提高 了教 師們 的自 信心 ,也 增強 他們 彼此之間的信任。

In response to an invitation from the Sowers Action group, four volunteers travelled to the Nanning Huaguang Girl’s School, together with Taiwan ICA facilitators, on May 11 and 12, 2012 to assist the ICA facilitators in providing a comprehensive training programme for the Huaguang School teachers. Specifically designed for the Huaguang School staff, this programme focused on team spirit building and introduced teaching materials and skills. Workshops and games guided teachers regarding how best to

work as a team, use appropriate teaching materials and provide a positive attitude. Facilitators observed increased self-confidence and trust among the teachers in the programme.



寶寶趣味運動會成功舉行 A Success of Kids Sports Gathering 2012年5月19日,德國萊因 TÜV深圳寶寶趣味運動會在深 圳大沙河公園舉行。50多位 寶寶同他們的父母一起參加這 次趣味活動。其中精彩項目包 括「龜兔接力」、「障礙接力 賽」和「二人三腳」等。家人 們協力合作,盡情享受比賽的 樂趣。這次活動的成功舉辦不 僅促進了員工及其家庭成員之 間的感情,更展現德國萊因 TÜV在實現企業社會責任過程 中,對員工活動的大力支持。

The TÜV Rheinland Shenzhen’s Kids Sports Games were held in Shenzhen’s Dashahe Park on May 19, 2012. More than 50 kids participated, together with their parents, in a variety of interesting games such as the “turtle-rabbit relay”, the “obstacle relay” and the “threelegged race”. Family members collaborated with each other and enjoyed themselves. This successful event not only strengthened the relations among

employees and their families, but also demonstrated great support for our Corporate Social Responsibilities practices.

雲南學校重建專案最新進度 Updated Status of Yunnan Schools Reconstruction Project

2011年7月來自德國萊因TÜV 的代表們參觀位於雲南省臨滄 縣偏遠地區的忙南糯和象腳水 學校,其後決定支持苗圃行動 的學校重建專案。自重建專案 開始至今,苗圃行動定期派遣 一支為數兩人的志願隊,其中 包含專業工程師,到學校實地 勘察工程進度。據最新報告顯 示,象腳水完小於四月份開始 重建工作,預計在今年年底竣 工。而忙南糯完小預計將於七 月份全面完工。

Representatives of TÜV Rheinland visited the MangNanNuo and Xiangjiaoshui Schools in a remote area of Lincang, Yunnan in July, 2011. The conditions observed during the July visit prompted us to offer financial support to the Sowers Action group for the reconstruction of the schools. A team of two volunteers, including professional engineers, have conducted regular on-site inspections since the reconstruction began. The latest report showed that the construction of the Xiangjiaoshui School buildings had

commenced in April, and completion for the Xiangjiaoshui School project is expected by the end of this year, while the completion of the Mangnannuo School construction slated for July.


Global News Flash


01/ 為Vodafone D2進行「雲端服務供應商」的驗證 Certification of“Certified Cloud Service Provider”for Vodafone D2

Vodafone D2計畫推廣其雲端服務, 客戶可使 用各種 裝 置 進 入Vo d a fo n e 的「 雲 端 」,進 行 各 項 操 作 並 存 儲 資 料。V o d a f o n e 已 指 定 德 國 萊 因 T Ü V i - s e c 為 其 進 行「 雲 端 服 務 提 供 商 」的 驗 證 工 作。德 國 萊 因 的 專 家將對Vo dafon e的基 礎設施進行 技 術 安 全 分 析,檢 查 它 的 組 織 流 程 並 調 查 其 合 規 性,例 如 雲 端 術 語 及 其條件是否符合聯邦資料保護法 (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz)中關 於資料隱私方面的規定。 安全等級評估的重點是虛擬化系統安 全性、資料分離、網路分割和分離、資 料生命週期、存取控制、人身安全、操

Vodafone D2 plans to offer their customers comprehensive Cloud services. They shall be able to access the Vodafone Cloud with various types of devices and operating systems to store their data within the Cloud. They have opted for the certification of“Certified Cloud Service Provider” by TÜV Rheinland i-sec. Our experts will conduct technical security analysis of the firm’s infrastructure, examine its organisational processes, and investigate compliance, for example the conformity of data privacy of the Cloud´s terms and conditions according to the Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (Federal

Data Protection Act). Security level evaluation focuses on the security of virtualised systems, data separation, network segmentation and separation, data lifecycle, access control, physical security, operational processes and data privacy.


03/ 為迅達繼續提供聯合驗證服務

Continued and Extended Certification for Schindler

德國萊因TÜV已獲得迅達集團委託, 繼 續 為 其 提 供 聯 合 驗 證 服 務,包 括 管理系統驗證(依照ISO 9001:2008 標準)、歐 盟電 梯指令 95/16/EEC附 件XIII、EN 13015以及客戶服務系統 驗 證(依 照 澳 大 利亞標 準 D 10 2 0 和 OHSAS 18001)。 「迅達是德國電梯市場的領導者,我 們對 於 能夠贏得 其持 續 信 賴 感 到非

We have been commissioned by the Schindler Group to continue and extend the combined certification of the Group’s management system in compliance with the ISO 9001:2008 standard and EC Lift Directive 95/16/EEC, Annex XIII, EN 13015, and its customer service system in accordance with Austrian Standard D 1020 and OHSAS 18001.

常 驕 傲 」德 國萊 因 T Ü V 德 國商 業 領 域負責人Thomas Pfaff說道。迅達創 建於1906年,目前是德國電梯行業的 龍頭,在全球100個國家擁有43,000 名員工。

“We are proud to have convinced this German market leader to give us its long-term loyalty”, said Thomas Pfaff, head of TÜV Rheinland’s German

business field. Established in 1906, Schindler is currently the Number One firm in Germany’s lift sector. Schindler is also a global player, with worldwide staff in 100 countries numbering 43,000.


02/ 三星和LG獲得永續發展驗證

Samsung and LG Certified for Sustainability

德國萊因TÜV已將綠色產品證書頒 發 給 消 費 電子 製 造 商 三 星電子和 L G 電子,三 星3 D 智 慧 電 視 和 L G 3 D 智 慧 電視成為全球首批擁有綠色產品標 誌的電視機。 綠色產品驗證符合歐盟的強制性要求 和其他綠色產品要求。獲得該驗證的 前提包括產品安全評估以及製造商的 企業社會責任報告。除此以外,LG和 三星電視機均通過了針對化學物質、 可回收性、再生材料使用、碳足跡、能

We have awarded the Green Product Certificate to consumer electronics manufacturers Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics, whose Samsung 3D SMART TV and LG 3D SMART TV are the world’s first television sets to carry a Green Product test mark. Green Product Certification meets mandatory EU and additional green product requirements, and its prerequisites include a

safety assessment of the product concerned and a report on its manufacturer’s corporate social responsibility (CSR). Both the LG and Samsung TV sets were tested for the responsible use of chemical substances, recyclability and the reuse of recycled materials, carbon footprint, energy consumption and efficiency.


04/ 收購campus GmbH公司 Acquiring the campus GmbH

為了擴 大 專 業 I T 培 訓 課 程 的 國 際 服 務 範 圍,德 國 萊 因 T Ü V 收 購 了總 部 位 於 杜 塞 爾多 夫 的 c a m p u s G m b H 公 司,該 公 司 是 德 國 最 大 最 成 功 的 專 業IT培訓機 構之一。 成 立 於 1 9 8 4 年 的 c a m p u s G m b H, 在 德 國 1 2 個 據 點 擁 有 1 2 0 位 員 工, 且 擁 有 優 質 的 培 訓 合 作 夥 伴,如 M ic r o so ft、O ra cle及 A p ple 等 知名 軟硬體 供 應 商,每 年提 供 600項以 上 的I T培 訓 課 程,學員 超 過 4 萬 名。此 次收 購 讓 德 國 萊 因 T Ü V 在IT培 訓 專 案組合上的搭配更加完整。

To expand its international range of professional IT training sessions and services, we have acquired Düsseldorfbased the campus GmbH, one of the largest and most successful professional IT training providers in Germany. Founded in 1984, the campus GmbH employs 120 staff in 12 locations across Germany. Prestigious training

partnerships with such renowned hardware and software providers as Microsoft, Oracle and Apple, combined with more than 600 IT training sessions with upwards of 40,000 participants per year, make the campus an ideal complement to our IT training portfolio.


傳承百年,共創未來 The future has tradition.

下期預告:敬請期待「140周年特刊」! Stay tuned for the next edition-A Supplementary Issue for the 140 Anniversary.

德國萊因TÜV大中華 區版權 所有 TÜV Rheinland Greater China All Rights Reserved

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