德国 莱茵 TÜV大中华区通讯 TÜV Rheinland Greater China News 碳足迹标识 出口企业的环 保 记 录
Carbon Footprint Label the Green Mark for Manufactures
塑化剂风暴人人自危 德国莱茵 TÜV为台湾卫生署指定实 验 室 TÜV Reinland Laboratory Designated
A DEHP Testing Lab by Taiwan DOH
助力英利绿 色 能 源
低碳环保能效减排项目 TÜV Reinland Facilitates Yingli Green Energy’s
Energy Efficiency and Low-Carbon Project
3D认 证 3D认证
3D显示设备的品质保障 3D显示设备 的品质保障
3D Certification
A Guarantee For 3D Displays 莱 茵 技 术 监 护 ( 深 圳)有限公司乔迁新址 TÜV Rheinland Shenzhen Office Relocation
目 录 / Contents
技术专题/ Technical Expertise
3D认证——3D 显示设备品质保障 3D Certification ——A Guarantee For 3D Displays 节能创利——企业能效提升项目助 您发掘全新的盈利模式 Energy Efficiency Project——Boost Revenue by Energy Savings
ISO 50001:2011 正 式发布 ——能源管 理 制 度 迈入 国 际 标 准化时代 ISO 50001:2011 Officially Released—— Energy Management System Enters Era of International Standardisation
动态与服务/ Featured Service
04/ 07
全 新 北 美认 证 标 识 正式推出 New North American Mark Design Launch 碳 足 迹 标识——出 口企业的环保记录 Carbon Footprint Label ——The Green Mark for Manufactures 太 阳 能 电站 盈 利 性 认证与测试 ——为 您 增 添 安全 信 心 Testing and Certification to Ensure the Bankability of Solar Power Plants 塑 化 剂 风暴 人 人 自 危——德国莱茵 TÜV为 台 湾 卫 生 署 指定实验室 TÜV Rheinland Laboratory Designated a DEHP Testing Lab by Taiwan DOH
携手BRE助全球制造商取得英国 MCS 产品认证 BRE & TÜV Rheinland Provide Worldwide Access to UK Microgeneration Approval
16/ 17 18/ 19 20/ 21
太阳能组件腐蚀试验扩容 ——世界上 最大氨气与盐雾测试箱 Capacities Expansion for Corrosion Testing of Solar Modules—— World’s Largest Test Chambers for Special Stress Testing with Ammonia and Salt Spray
22/ 25
二手车检测认证服务 ——为您增添安 全信心
26/ 27
09/ 11 12/ 13 14/ 15
CPO Car Inspection Service——Adds Trust in Safety JRF/JPA验证,助电信产品顺利进入 日本市场 TÜV Rheinland Offers JRF/JPA Services for Your Telecom Products
28/ 29
全 新 推 出 太 阳 能 组件光谱响应测试 New Test Station for Spectral Sensitivity Measurement of Photovoltaic Modules
时讯/ Alive
30/ 31
助 力 英 利 绿 色 能 源 低碳环保能效减 排项目 TÜV Rheinland Facilitates Yingli Green Energy’s Energy Efficiency and Low-carbon Project 突 破 汽 车 绿 色 贸 易 壁垒,助车企走 出国门 Break the Green Trade Barrier for Automotive Industry
32/ 33
德国莱茵 TÜV 大中华区颁发首张汽 油发电机日本菱形 PSE 证书
34/ 37
加入绿色制造网络,与您分享绿色 制造相关最新信息
First Japanese Diamond PSE Approval for Gasoline Generator Issued by TÜV Rheinland Greater China
TÜV Rheinland Greater China Training and Consulting 2011 Sept.-Oct. Schedule
A Green Economy for Enterprises in Guangzhou Development District 全 国 防 爆 电 器 行 业 精英汇聚,热议 防爆电器产品国际认证 Explosion-proof Certifications Access to the Global Market
38/ 39 40/ 41
TÜV Rheinland Becomes Green Manufacturing Network Partner 德国莱茵 TÜV大中华区培训与咨询 2011年9-10月课程计划
携 手 广 州 跨 国 公 司 联谊会,助企业 开拓可持续发展之路
Credit 主编/Chief Editor:
李涛/ Li Tao
谢幸儒/ Joyce H. J. Hsieh 张玮磊/ Clare Zhang
出版日期 Publication Date:
2011. 08
44/ 47
随着全球变暖问题的升温以及世界各 地 居 民 受 到气候异常的影响日益明显,各国政府对防灾的要求和标 准也随之提升。全球气候变化的沟通平台——联合国气候 变 化 公 约 ( UNFCCC) 已 成 立 , 各 国 政 府 都 已 承 诺 减 少 温 室 气 体 排 放 。 随 着 第 一 个 承 诺 减 量 期 的 截 止 时 间 临 近 ( 2008年 至 2012年 期 间 , 承 诺 降 低 至 1990年 的 排 放 基 准 ) , 各 项 管 控 温室气 体产生的政策也陆续出台。 Global warming is becoming an increasingly worrying phenomenon, with the impact of climate anomalies on people around the world becoming increasingly evident. Accordingly, increasing numbers of governments worldwide are establishing standards that aim to ward against the disasters that global warming may bring. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was established about a decade ago as a communication platform for global climate change. All of the governments that have signed up to the framework have made a commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The deadline for the first reduction commitment period is imminent (governments promised to reduce emissions to the 1990 emission standard between 2008 and 2012).
其中包含发展再生能源(如太阳能、风 能 等 ) , 组 织 型 温 室 气 体 核 查 ( 如 ISO 14064-1),计划型温室气体减量(如ISO 14064-2、CDM、VCS等),排放权交易 制度(如欧盟ETS、各国环境交易等), 产品节能(如ErP指令、节能标识等),碳 标识(如ISO 14067、PAS 2050、BP X30323等),节能减排或清洁生产工作等。 各国发布以上标准和要求的时间分别如下: • 2000年美国国家标准协会发布能源管 理系统 MSE 2000 • 2001年丹麦标准协会发布DS 2403丹 麦能源管理规范 • 2003年瑞典标准化协会发布SS 627750 能源管理系统说明 • 2005年爱尔兰国家标准局(NSAI)发布 I.S. 393:2005能源管理系统要求与使 用指引 • 2008年美国国家标准协会修正并发布 能源管理系统 ANSI/MSE 2000:2008 • 2009年英国标准协会(BSI)发布BS EN16001:2009能源管理系统要求与使 用指引 • 2009年中国发布GB/T 23331-2009能 源管理体系要求 • 2011年6月中旬ISO组织发布ISO 50001: 2011能源管理系统要求与使用指引
Policies concerning the control of greenhouse gas generation have been formulated in a step-by-step fashion, including the development of renewable energy (such as solar energy and wind power), tissue-type greenhouse gas verification (such as ISO 14064-1), plan-type greenhouse gas reduction (such as ISO 14064-2, CDM and VCS), emissions trading systems (such as the EU’s ETS and national environmental exchanges), energy saving products (such as the ErP directive and energy-saving marks), carbon labelling (such as ISO 14067, PAS 2050 and BP X30-323), energy conservation, and emission reductions or cleaner production methods. The time of release for the aforementioned standards and the requirements of different countries are as follows. • In 2000, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) released an energy management system, MSE 2000. • In 2001, the Danish Standards Association (DSA) released DS 2403,
the Danish energy management standard. • In 2003, the Swedish Standards Institute (SSI) released SS 627750, which describes Sweden’s energy management system. • In 2005, the National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI) released I.S. 393:2005, which comprises energy management system requirements and a user guide. • In 2008, the ANSI released amendments to the ANSI/MSE 2000:2008 energy management system. • In 2009, the British Standards Institution (BSI) released BS EN16001:2009, which includes Britain’s energy management system requirements and a user guide. • In 2009, China released GB/T 23331-2009, the energy management system requirements for that country. • In mid-June 2011, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) issued ISO 50001:2011, which covers energy management system requirements and a user guide.
能源管理系统运作模式 Energy Management System, EnMS
ISO 50001:2011 能源管理系统要求与使 用指引分为以下几个单元。各企业可针对 自身状态独立建立或与既有管理体系(如 ISO 9001、ISO 14001等)结合运作。 • 一般规范 • 管理责任 • 能源政策 • 能源计划 • 实施与营运 • 效能检查 • 管理审查
The ISO 50001:2011 energy management system requirements and user guide are divided into the following units. Enterprises can establish an independent system according to their own status or incorporate the system with existing management systems such as ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. • General requirements • Management responsibility • Energy policy • Energy planning • Implementation and operation • Performance checks • Management review
ISO 50001: 2011
ISO 50001:2011可帮助企业识别内部能源 使用,建立能源基准线,拟定能源使用与 管理目标,并通过定期监测与分析以及能 源管理审查,达到节能目标。 德国莱茵TÜV的专家针对能源管理体系为 您提供独立的审核及咨询服务。凭借在该 领域丰富的经验及严谨态度,我们能够帮 助您实现降低碳排放、降低生产成本。 我们建议您以下列步骤实现企业节能减排 目标:
ISO 50001:2011 can help enterprises to recognize significant energy use, establish an energy baseline, propose energy usage and management targets, and finally achieve energy saving targets through regular monitoring and analysis and energy management examination. The experts of TÜV Rheinland can provide you with independent examination of and consulting services in establishing an energy management system. Our rich experience in this field and our cautious attitude allow us to help you to realise a reduction in both carbon emissions and the cost of production. We recommend that you follow the following steps to achieve your enterprise’s energy conservation goals.
Step1 企业碳足迹认证(ISO 14064-1) 了解组织管辖区域内外的能源消耗与碳排 放情况 Step2 产品碳足迹计算(ISO 14067) 就企业内外能源消耗与碳排放的状况做详 细分析,进而检讨生产与采购过程 Step3 建立能源管理系统 针对企业实际情况订立能源政策、能源目 标与计划,建立合适的短期和长期发展目 标,并进行绩效评比,确保持续改善 Step4 持续进行清洁生产或节能减排目标 由人员培训、建立能源管理作业的标准与 操作参数调整实现短期目标;通过设备改 善或计划型温室气体减排(ISO 14064-2)实 现长期目标 Step5 进行碳中和 由于无法减排或投资成本过高,通过购买 排放额度并进行碳中和来达到企业的低 碳目标
Step1 Corporate carbon footprint certification (ISO 14064-1) Understand the energy consumption and carbon emission requirements both inside and outside your region or jurisdiction. Step2 Corporate carbon footprint calculation (ISO 14067) Analyse your enterprise’s internal and external energy consumption and carbon emissions in detail, and then review your production and procurement process. Step3 Establish energy management systems Formulate an energy policy, energy goals and energy plans according to the actual situation of your enterprise, so as to establish appropriate short- and long-term development objectives, conduct performance appraisals and ensure continuous improvement. Step4 Ongoing clean production or energy reduction targets Fulfil your short-term targets through training, the establishment of energy management standards and adjustment of operating parameters; fulfil your long-term targets through device improvement or plan-type greenhouse gas emission reduction (ISO 14064-2). Step5 Carbon neutrality In the case that you fail to reduce emissions or the investment costs to do so are too high, you can become carbon neutral and achieve your low carbon goal by purchasing emission credits.
cTUV 新标识/ New Marks
TUVus 新标识/ New Marks
cTUVus 新标识/ New Marks
全新北美标识的字体加粗,易于识别,小型产品使用时更清晰明确。此外,对 于小型产品,仍可使用图片面积较小的简版德国莱茵TÜV北美认证标识。 The new North American marks feature bolder text for easier identification and greater clarity when used on small applications. Small products are still eligible to utilise the reduced and simplified version of the TÜV Rheinland North American certification mark in applications with limited available space.
2011年4月1日,德国莱茵TÜV正式推出了 全新设计的TÜV北美认证标识。新设计将 每个标识的地方优势和认可度与德国莱茵 TÜV品牌的全球影响力融为一体,不仅帮 助制造商提升了产品价值和认证统一性, 更易于全球消费者和监管部门进行识别, 以帮助客户在全球市场获得成功。 持有cTUV、TUVus和cTUVus有效证书 的客户均可从2011年4月1日起更换新标 识。而原先的cTUV、TUVus和cTUVus标
TÜV Rheinland formally introduced the new design for its North American marks on 1st April 2011. With the aim of helping our customers to achieve success in the global marketplace, the new design combines the local strength and recognition of each mark with the global brand power of TÜV Rheinland. It thus adds value to manufacturers’ products and confers consistency and ease-ofrecognition to consumers and code officials worldwide. All TÜV Rheinland clients with valid cTUV, TUVus and cTUVus certificates are eligible to switch to the new marks from 1st April 2011. The existing cTUV, TUVus and cTUVus marks will continue to be valid, but transition to the new marks should occur by the end of 2012.
识仍将继续有效。2012年年底之后将改 用新标识。 此次设计仅对标识本身,获取证书的规 则或流程未发生任何变更。一旦新标识 投入使用,直至2012年年底前得过渡期
There are no changes in the regulations or processes required to obtain certifications. Existing test reports and certifications remain valid, and clients do not need to replace them. There will be a transition period until the end of 2012 during which clients can adopt the new marks with no impact on the test reports for their certifications.
内,现有的测试报告和证书仍将有效。 德国莱茵TÜV认证标识仅可使用官方的标 识版本。若对上述事宜有任何疑问,敬请 联系您所在地的机构或联系
TÜV Rheinland’s certification marks may not be altered. Only the official artwork versions of the marks should be used. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter, please contact your nearest local office or
德国莱茵TÜV不仅身体力行地引入碳足迹计算服务,除一般产品安全测试服务之外,还提 供包括能源效率评估项目等综合服务。我们的“一站式”绿色解决方案包括:绿色产品、绿色能源、 绿色体系、绿色生活、绿色建筑、绿色循环、绿色交通和绿色咨询。各项服务之间联系紧密,可作为 单独项目也可多个结合作为综合项目。我们不仅在大中华区积极推进绿色解决方案,而且在全球范围 内,也正着重拓展该业务,致力于塑造更美好的未来。 TÜV Rheinland has not introduced its Carbon Footprint Calculation service in an isolated manner. In fact, a package service constituting Energy Efficiency Evaluation programme with our usual Product Safety test mark services is now available. In the larger context, TÜV Rheinland also provides its customers with a comprehensive, “one-stop” environmental solution under the common umbrella of Green Solutions, which comprises Green Products, Green Energy, Green Systems, Green Living, Green Buildings, Green Lifecycle, Green Transportation and Green Consulting. The selection of one or more of these eight services to help customers to meet market demands is one intertwining and comprehensive service that TÜV Rheinland is strengthening its presence in the Greater China region, if not, globally.
碳 足 迹 分 析 和 计 算、全 球 变 暖 潜 能、京 都 议 定 书 、碳 排 放 交 易、温 室 气 体 、生 命周 期 评 估、碳 足 迹 标 识、能 源 相 关 产 品、欧盟2009/125/EC指令和要求、法国 GRENELLE II法令、PAS 2050标准、PAS 2060标准、ISO 14064-1/2/3标准...... 德国莱茵TÜV自提供碳足迹计算相关服 务以来,收到了各领域客户的热烈反响。
Carbon Footprint Analysis and Calculation; Global Warming Potential; Kyoto Protocol; Carbon Emission Quota Trading; Green House Gaseous, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA); Carbon Footprint Label; Energy Related Products; European Directives and Requirements 2009/125/EC; GRENELLE II; PAS 2050, PAS 2060; ISO 14064-1/2/3... TÜV Rheinland has been receiving great attention rippling outward from within all business lines in TÜV Rheinland and across all trades and sectors of our customers.
根据联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会的定义,一个碳足迹相当于十亿吨二氧化碳排放量。二氧化碳当 量(GtCO2eq)是度量温室效应的基本单位,指在给定时间跨度内(一般为10 0年),各种给定温室气体的 全球变暖潜能(GWP)所相当的二氧化碳的排放量。二氧化碳当量反映了将时间因素考虑在内时,一定量温室气体 的“辐射力”或向大气中所排放温室气体的排放率,而非大气中温室气体存量(浓度)的“辐射力”的瞬时值。 The carbon footprint, represented by carbon dioxide equivalency, is actually, by the UN climate change panel IPCC definition: 1 billion metric tones of CO2 equivalent (GtCO2eq). Carbon dioxide equivalency is a quantity that describes the amount of CO2 that has the same global warming potential (GWP) as a given mixture and amount of greenhouse gases when measured over a specified timescale (generally, 100 years). Carbon dioxide equivalency thus reflects the time-integrated “radiation force” of a quantity of emissions or the rate of greenhouse gas emissions − flow into the atmosphere − rather than the instantaneous value of the “radiation force” of the stock (concentration) of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere described by CO2e.
德国莱茵T Ü V大中华区商用与工业产品
门 于 2011年 2月 中 旬 推 出 碳 足 迹 计 算 服
如果Grenelle II 要求成为强制性规定甚
法国Grenelle II法令规定自今年7月1日
众 所周 知 的规 则,我 们 预期 这项 服 务 的
More than 18 seminars and workshops have been conducted so far since Carbon Footprint Calculation service was launched in mid-Feb 2011 by TÜV Rheinland Shanghai Commercial Product business line. Major brand names like HuaWei, Kohler, Midea, LiNing, SMIC, China YingLi, SHURE, etc. have participated or have commenced in this “care-for-our-planet cum green solution” program, besides meeting their client requirements to have carbon footprint label in place. Joint seminars held with the CIQ and CCIC of the People’s Republic of China scattering around eastern, southern and northern China have attracted significant attention from manufacturers in different sectors. Extensive enquiries and mounting number of orders for this service has been escalating within TÜV Rheinland over the last few weeks. The coverage of products ranges from components, electric vehicle cables; power and garden tools; photovoltaic modules, stoneware and textile related products, with the list going on, probably and possibly extending the carbon footprint calculation
service geography to more products and services in time to come. A pressing concern amongst Chinese manufacturers exporting products to France is meeting the 1st July deadline in France’s Grenelle II requirements. All products that are purchasable off rack or on the shelf are required to have a carbon footprint label within their user instructions or printed on the packaging, although the requirement is currently deemed to be in trial mode. The scheme will be evaluated in May 2012 to decide whether it will become mandatory. However, the key point here is that the requirement is likely to be here to stay and may even be extended. Mr. Andy Ng Eng Ann, Vice General Manager for TÜV Rheinland Greater China Commercial Products Business Development stated,” We anticipate the development for this service to be overwhelming if the Grenelle II requirement shall become mandatory, or even, extended throughout the European Union (EU) as mutual recognition is a well-known motto of the EU. Having a service or product’s carbon footprint calculated,
implementing the carbon footprint label on products or services is something that we are expecting manufacturers wanting to have a trail of their carbon footprint, rather than feeling exposed and rushing to get the demand met at the last minute. The current effort ploughed into this arena can be considered a pre-emption for our new and existing customers. Nevertheless, continuous and progressive education plus knowledge sharing with our clients have always been the de facto attitude of TÜV Rheinland as a service provider.”
商用与工业产品服务业务拓展部 副总经理黄荣安 Mr. Andy Ng Eng Ann, Vice General Manager for TÜV Rheinland Greater China Commercial Products Business Development
评估系统的可盈利性旨在帮助投资者或太阳 能电站经营者对电站的各项性能增强透明度和信心,包 括优秀的质量、完善的系统、盈利保障、安全性、长期 操作性等方面。德国莱茵TÜV的专家根据一个综合性的 测试标准,向全球投资者与项目策划人提供太阳能电站 盈利性认证与测试服务。 德国莱茵TÜV可再生能源部负责人Wilhelm
阳能电站进行认证与测试,包括意大利、 西班牙、法国、葡萄牙、美国、德国及亚
与建造监管包括可靠的电气与机械安装、 结合产量评估的功能优化鉴定、系统的初
场评估与日照阴影分析、生产监控、操作 可靠性与产量监控等认证服务。这些服务 涵盖了例如创建产量预估、核查专家现场
德国莱茵TÜV的专家不仅参与组件与零部件测 试,同时也投身于新测试方案制定以及太阳能利 用研发项目,以专业的知识帮助世界各国的光伏 制造商。
TÜV Rheinland’s solar certification is aimed at providing investors and solar power plant operators with the greatest possible transparency, as well as confidence in the high quality of state-ofthe-art photovoltaic systems, thus guaranteeing profitable, safe and long-term operation, as well as healthy investment returns. TÜV Rheinland’s team of experts offers the testing and certification of solar power plants to investors and project planners worldwide according to a comprehensive new list of criteria. “This independent testing and risk assessment is important for banks, insurance companies and providers of capital”, according to Wilhelm Vaaßen, Head of Regenerative Energies at TÜV Rheinland. The company has recently contributed to a number of projects worldwide, including projects in Spain, France, Portugal, the US, Germany and several countries in Asia. Although the selection of optimally suited modules represents the largest investment in the establishment of solar power plants, TÜV Rheinland’s
services are not limited to this area. Our services also extend to yield certification, including site evaluation and shade analysis, and to construction supervision, assurance of reliable operation and yield monitoring. These services include the creation of yield forecasts, verification of expert reports on yield with regard to plausibility and consideration of identifiable reductions in yield, assistance during the request for proposal phase, and bid evaluation. In addition, we also offer system design assessments, including the selection and verification of components and the
power measurement of solar modules on a random sampling basis. The technical implementation and construction supervision provided by the independent experts of TÜV Rheinland comprises supervision of the reliability of electrical and mechanical installation, optimal functioning in line with yield estimates and the initial startup of the system, including evidence of supply to the power network. Our service offering is completed by system monitoring with yield verification, which, with the corresponding calibrations, can lead to certification of yield, and we also engage in periodic monitoring and advisory activities. Our experts not only test modules and components, but also develop new testing methods, collaborate on R&D projects for the use of solar energy and assist customers worldwide in the construction of solar power plants.
DEHP被称为环境荷尔蒙,是环保署 列管的毒性化学物质,累积体内将会 干扰生物内分泌,影响生殖、神经系 统,引发癌症。 DEHP however is a commonly used plasticizer in plastic materials. It is not permitted as a food ingredient, as it is an environmental hormone listed as controlled Chemicals by the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA). Its accumulation in the body can interfere with secretion and negatively affect the reproductive and nervous systems and even promote the growth of cancer.
郁 美 指 出 , DEHP一 类 的 塑 化 剂 已 被 美
DEHP是 一 种 普 遍 用 于 塑 料 材 料 的 塑 化
larm over the recent discovery that a number of dishonest Taiwanese manufacturers have created severe food contamination by dosing the plasticizer has expanded and worsened in scope. The list of products confirmed by Taiwan’s Department of Health (DOH) to be contaminated with plasticizer additives ranges from drinks to health supplements due to the complexity of raw material sourcing and the complicated food supply chain. The scope of the problem has spread fear amongst consumers and manufacturers.
A clouding agent is a legitimate food additive that is often used in food products such as juices and other beverages. DEHP however is a commonly used plasticizer in plastic materials. It is not permitted as a food ingredient, as it is an environmental hormone listed as controlled Chemicals by the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA). Its accumulation in the body can interfere with secretion and negatively affect the reproductive and nervous systems and even promote the growth of cancer.
Fan Chiang Yu-Mei, director of the Taipei Health Department’s Food and Drug Division, has stated that plasticizers such as DEHP have been classified as controlled toxic substances by the United States, the European Union, Japan and Taiwan. Taiwan’s DOH has also prohibited the use of plasticizers as additives in food and cosmetic products. The Tolerable Daily Intake (TDI) of DEHP for an adult with a body weight of 60 kg is 1.2-8.4 mg. Moreover, according to the “Sanitation Standard for Food Utensils, Containers and Packages” released by the DOH, the results of leaching analyses on plastic food
containers show that amount should be restricted to below 1.5 ppm. TÜV Rheinland‘s PingTung Laboratory is a DOH-appointed DEHPtesting laboratory for Taiwan. This laboratory has significant experience and demonstrated testing capabilities that allow it to ensure the accuracy of food inspections. A number of the country’s manufacturers and vendors have now sent a range of merchandise to the PingTung lab to be tested for a group of plasticizer substances, including DEHP, DBP, BBP, DIDP, DINP and DNOP.
通过德国莱茵TÜV的3D显示器检测的产品将会取得“3D tested”标识, 以表明显示器符合对比、色彩、闪烁及迭影等相关规定,可确保使用者受3D影像的 舒适度,避免任何影像不稳定、阴影干扰,色彩不平衡及亮度不均匀等问题。 Products that pass TÜV Rheinland’s 3D testing will receive a “3D tested” mark that confirms the display system complies with contrast, colour, flicker, crosstalk and other specifications, thus ensuring that users can comfortably enjoy 3D content and not confront such problems as interference shadows and unbalanced colours.
尽管 3D显示目前仍存在
然而 3D成为显示产业的
Search 2010 年的数据显
美元),预期到2018年可增 长至1.96亿台(产值为220
3D显 示 器 系 统 可 以 以 平 板 显 示 器 为 基
亿 美 元 ) 。 其 中 又 以 3D电
加,3D影像装置除了3D电视、3D投影 机、蓝光播放机外,也会向其它消费电
幕 、 头 戴 式 显 示 器 ( HMD) 等 3D显 示 器
品颁发 GS、TCO Edge、能源之星 (En-
Since the 3D movie hit the screen with a big bang, an increasing amount of 3D digital content and increasingly advanced 3D technology have become available, making it difficult for consumers to keep up. The 3D technologies used in different products have aroused a good deal of technical discussion. However, a good 3D viewing experience is dependent on the method used in the creation of the 3D content and in the 3D hardware employed. With an eye towards enhancing the consumer’s comfort and convenience when viewing 3D content, TÜV Rheinland became the first organisation to develop a testing and certification service for 3D products, thereby offering consumers confidence that they are no longer losing out or being misled when purchasing 3D products. Products that have passed our 3D testing certification process can generally be guaranteed to afford a more comfortable viewing experience. A 3D display system can either use a flat-screen monitor or projection-device technology as its foundation. As the use of 3D content in movies, TV programmes and games becomes increasingly common, in addition to 3D TVs, 3D projectors and 3D Blu-ray players, 3D imaging devices for other types of consumer electronics will also continue to be developed . Different types of projection technologies follow different rules. At present, although 3D display technology continues to improve, 3D image displays often create viewer discomfort. This type of vision-related problem occurs not only with glass-free 3D display technology, but also with 3D display systems that require special glasses (whether active or passive). Although 3D display technology still suffers from many problems, and it is
estimated that some time is still required before 3D displays become popular in the marketplace, it goes without saying that 3D has emerged as the next major development for the display industry. According to the market research institute Display Search, projecting from 2010 data, it is estimated that shipments of 3D monitors will increase from the 700,000 units (US$902 million in revenue) seen in 2008 to 196 million (US$22 billion in revenue) annually by 2018. It is also estimated that 3D TV will be the most significant 3D display application. TÜV Rheinland has more than 20 years of product-quality and performancetesting experience in the monitor field, and is able to provide GS marks, TCO Edge, Energy Star, Ergonomics and usability testing marks to meet different regulatory requirements for products ranging from ordinary monitors to medical monitors. Because TÜV Rheinland is equipped with the most advanced optical laboratory and exclusive 3D-system testing competence, we can perform assessments on such devices as 3D monitors, projectors, TVs, computer monitors and head-mounted displays (HMD). TÜV Rheinland was recently – and simultaneously – appointed the testing partner of two world-renowned manufacturers, LG and Haier, both of which are using TÜV Rheinland standards to apply the latest testing technology to their new 3D TV products.
1 2
质量与运营 能力中心
德国莱茵TÜV 咨询服务 从2011年起,筹划
企业社会责任 与可持续发展 能力中心
询服务已正式启动,并已成立“质量与运营”以及“企业社会责任与可持 续发展”两个能力中心,以促进德国莱茵TÜV咨询服务在中国各生产制造 型企业和服务业中的影响力。同时,也为着重“低碳发展,科技为本”的 可持续发展做出应有的贡献与努力。德国莱茵TÜV咨询服务将针对这两个 能力中心的发展,定期与各位分享最新动态与消息,敬请关注。 根据国家“十二五”规划,中国政府将今后
将能 源消耗 降低15 % ,从而 提高能 源 效
统筹目标,需要建立一个更好的市场机制, 以激励各利益相关方通过提升能效、政策
咨询方案。另外,我们努力面向广大企业传 输绿色供应链的概念,因为只有整合单一
服务通过能效评估为广大中国制造型企业 打造并推出独一无二的企业能效提升项目 (EEP):在不需或略微增加投入的基础上,
TÜV Rheinland Consulting Service has recently launched two Competence Centers – “Quality & Operation” and “CSR & Sustainability”. We are dedicated to fulfill the expectation of facilitating the sustainable development in China, featured by lowcarbon development and technology-orientated. We will share with you the latest news about these two centers on regular basis and welcome your suggestions at any time. In accordance with China’s 12th 5-Year Plan, the Chinese government is increasingly paying greater attention to enhancing energy efficiency and reducing the environmental impact of every industrial sector. Its target is a 16% reduction in energy consumption per GDP and a 17% reduction in CO2 emissions per GDP. Such a holistic goal provides a better market mechanism in motivating stakeholders to overcome the current energy and raw material crisis by improving energy efficiency, policy structures and social responsibility. At the same time, Chinese manufacturers are beginning to win plaudits internationally, in large part because of their increasingly green reputation. To mitigate the impact of the intensive use of energy, TÜV Rheinland Consulting offers a unique Energy Efficiency Project (EEP) to enterprises. The EEP is an energy evaluation approach to reducing energy consumption by 15% with
a limited investment. We strive to help enterprises to convert their energy reduction targets into concrete solutions, thus helping them to reach their goal of sustainable development in a pragmatic manner and enhance their market competitiveness worldwide. To date, our consulting team has successfully provided several energy efficiency improvement service packages through multilateral collaboration with other TÜV Rheinland business lines, such as Systems and Solar & Fuelcell, to mitigate the pressure arising from China’s compulsory national target. Moreover, we endeavour to instill the concept of the green supply chain in Chinese enterprises, as superior energy efficiency that is achieved within a single point along the supply chain can reduce total energy consumption to a significant degree while also bringing the entire chain closer to the ultimate goal of sustainability.
企业能效提升 管理咨询服务 Energy Efficiency Improvement Service
STEP01 Preparation 计划与准备
STEP02 On-site Assessment 现场评估
STEP03 Data Collection and Analysis 数据收集与核算 STEP04 Energy Intensity Evaluation 分析 评价 STEP05 Energy Efficiency Improvement Report 制定方案 STEP06 Implementation 实施方案
STEP07 Continue Improvement 持 续改善
BRE Global和德国莱茵TÜV已签署一项 谅 解 备忘录,旨在帮助太阳能系统制 造 商 通过英国微型发电产品认证计划 (Microgeneration Certification Scheme) 的审核。 MCS为英国认证计划,其依据严格标准 对微型发电技术进行认证。通过简化的 程序,德国莱茵TÜV能够帮助太阳能组件 制造商向BRE Global申请核发MCS认证。 德国莱茵TÜV将负责进行测试和工厂检 查,而BRE Global将提供针对英国市场 的 最 终质量审核。
BRE Global and TÜV Rheinland have signed a Memorandum of Understanding that provides manufacturers of photovoltaic (PV) systems with access to UK Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) approval. MCS is a UK-based scheme that certifies microgeneration technologies according to robust criteria. Manufacturers of PV panels who use TÜV Rheinland for testing and certification will be able to apply for MCS approval from BRE Global under the new streamlined system. Whilst TÜV Rheinland will undertake the testing and factory inspection, BRE Global will provide the final quality review for the UK market.
MCS certification of PV panels consists of two main stages:
• Factory production control in accordance with MCS 010. TÜV Rheinland will conduct a factory inspection visit, including an assessment to determine compliance.
• 根据MCS 010进行工厂生产控制。德 国莱茵TÜV将对工厂进行现场检查, 包括进行合规性评估 • 产品符合MCS 005要求,包括针对晶 硅太阳能的EN 61215和针对薄膜光伏 的EN 61646。德国莱茵TÜV共有六家 认证国际实验室,在其中任意一家测
• Product compliance with MCS 005 (which includes EN 61215 for crystalline PV and EN 61646 for thin-film PV). Testing conducted by TÜV Rheinland at one of their six accredited international laboratories can be considered for compliance with MCS 005.
试通过,即可被视为符合MCS 005要求
Jörg Althaus 德国莱茵TÜV 光伏组件认证部门主管 Head of the PV Modules Qualification division at TÜV Rheinland in Germany
与BRE Global之间的合作是我们在拓展面向太阳能 行业的全球测试服务与认证网络方面迈出的重要一步。我们的宗旨 是向制造商提供一站式测试服务,让它们获得全球各相关市场的认 证。通过与BRE Global合作,我们将能够实现这一目标。 The partnership with BRE Global is an important step towards expanding our global network of test services and certifications for the solar industry. Our mission is to offer manufacturers one-stop testing services with certification for all relevant markets worldwide. Our co-operation with BRE Global allows us to achieve that goal.
David Gall BRE Global的MCS计划经理 MCS Scheme Manager at BRE Global
对于那些希望证明其产品质量的光伏制造商而言,取 得 BRE Global 根据MCS计划发出的认证有着至关重要的意义。与 德国莱茵TÜV达成的协议将帮助世界各地的制造商通过MCS认证。 Certification by BRE Global under the MCS is vital for PV manufacturers who wish to demonstrate the quality of their products. This agreement with TÜV Rheinland provides access to the MCS programme for manufacturers around the world.
德国莱茵 TÜV科隆太阳能测 试中心 的两 个 新 太阳能 组件 特 殊试 验 测 试箱已投入使用,这两个世界上独一无二 的 测 试 箱 每 个 最 多可以同时 对12块 光 伏 组件(最大面积为2米×1米)进行严格的氨 气与盐雾测试。 德 国 莱 茵 T Ü V光 伏 组 件 认 证 部 负 责 人 Jörg Althaus 表示: “随着光伏产业日益 扩 大 与 技 术 的 不 断 提 高,一 些 特 殊 问 题 对 制 造 商、买 家 与 投 资 者 也日益 凸 显 出 重要性。例如,被极端暴露在沿 海地区盐 雾 环 境 下以 及将太阳能 组件 安 装 在农 场 屋 顶 后 的 氨气 暴 露 测 试 。这 样 做 的目的 在 于 进 一 步 提 高 组件 的 质 量与 产 品可 靠 性。”如果 组件暴露在高湿 度和高浓度的 环 境下,它的性能将产 生问题,而 这 正 是 测 试 箱 所 模 拟 的 环 境 。制 造 商 可以自愿 通 过 德 国 莱 茵 TÜV的 这 项 测 试 服 务,为 客户提供 额外的保障。
TÜV Rheinland has placed two new test chambers into operation at the solar test centre in Cologne for special stres testing of solar modules. In each of the test chambers, the only ones of their kind in the world, up to twelve photovoltai modules (maximum size 2 x 1 metres) are tested for their corrosion resistance to high concentrations of ammonia or salty air.
”With the continuous expansion and the technological advancement of photovoltaics worldwide, special issues take on additional importance for manufacturers as wel as for buyers and investors. This includes extreme exposu to salty air in coastal regions, for example, as well as exposu to ammonia when solar modules are installed on the roofs of agricultural operations. The goal is a further increase in the quality and reliability of the modules,” comments Jörg Althau head of the Photovoltaic Modules Qualification division at TÜ Rheinland. This exposure becomes a problem if condensation forms as a result of high levels of humidity. It is exactly this case that is simulated in the climate chambers. Manufacture can offer their customers additional security in this case by means of the special voluntary tests offered by TÜV Rheinlan
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依据 IEC 61701 ed. 2 进行盐雾腐蚀测试 Salt spray corrosion testing in accordance with IEC 61701 ed. 2 光 伏 组件 的 盐 雾 附 着 测 试 由 德 国 莱 茵 TÜV的太阳能专家依据IEC 61701 ed. 2 标准进行。专家们假设,在高度腐蚀环境 下(例如沿海区域环境),太阳能组件中 某些零部件效能可能会降低,从而引起运 转问题。长期腐蚀的环境也可能包括其它 情景,如冬天路面有盐倾洒。因此我们针 对不同情况采用不同程度的腐蚀测试。测 试的第6级,也是对组件最严酷的等级,持 续时间长达56天。在此过程中,组件将被 暴露在5%氯化钠溶液中。一个测试循环 为7天,由四个盐雾喷洒阶段组成,并置于 温度35°C、湿度93%的环境中达2小时。 每 一 个 阶段 结 束 后 都 将 被储 藏 在 温 度 40°C、相对湿度93%的环境中。在完成4
The salt spray corrosion test for photovoltaic modules is carried out by solar experts at TÜV Rheinland in accordance with IEC 61701 ed. 2. It is based on the assumption that highly corrosive atmospheres, such as those present in coastal areas, can degrade certain components of solar modules, causing permanent damage in the process. Intermittent corrosive atmospheres can also arise in other situations, such as when salt is spread on roads in the winter. For this reason, different degrees of testing can be implemented. Testing at level 6, the highest stressing of the modules, lasts 56 days. In this process, the modules are exposed to a 5% sodium chloride solution. A test cycle lasts 7 days and consists of four salt spray phases of two hours at 35°C with 93% humidity. Each of these phases is followed by storage in a moist environment at 40°C, also at a relative humidity of 93%. After completion of the four spray phases with moist storage, the modules are additionally stored in a normal climate for three days.
个喷雾阶段与湿热环境储藏后,组件还将 被放置在常温环境下3天。 经过整个测试周期完成且功率输出降 幅小于5%,根据IEC 61215 标准绝缘 电阻和外观检查都没有问题时,测试组 件即可获得德国莱茵TÜ V认证标识。对 于薄膜组件,在曝光老化测试后所测的 输出功率不得小于制造商声明的额定 功率的9 0 % 。由于新的测试箱盐雾暴 露测试在长宽为3*4,高2. 3米的区域进 行,因此德国莱茵TÜ V 科隆实验室可对 诸如离岸式风力发电机等更大的零部件 进行特殊测试。
After the entire test cycle, the modules receive the TÜV Rheinland test mark if the subsequent reduction in electrical output is less than 5%, the minimum requirements with respect to insulation resistance according to IEC 61215 continue to be fulfilled and no other visible damage is present. With thin-film modules, the measured output power following the ageing tests under exposure to light is not permitted to be less than 90% of the minimum value stated by the manufacturer. Due to the size of the new test chambers for salt spray exposure with a base area of 3 by 4 metres and a height of 2.30 metres, TÜV Rheinland in Cologne is now also able to carry out special testing on larger components for offshore wind turbines.
依据 IEC 62716 draft C 进行氨气测试 Ammonia exposure test in accordance with IEC 62716 draft C 同样的测试标准也适用于氨气暴露 试 验 。 在 这 种 情 况 下 , 就 会 依 据 IEC 62716 标准对“太阳能组件氨气腐蚀测 试”进行测试。这也参考了现有电气系 统标准中对金属表面镀层腐蚀保护与 二氧化硫腐蚀的相关要求,特别是ISO 12944,ISO 3231,ISO 6988 和 DIN 50018。测试方法由德国莱茵TÜV纽伦 堡表面技术性能中心专家与科隆基地太 阳能组件测试专家们携手研发所得。在 德国莱茵TÜV为期20天的循环测试过程 中,组件被暴露在浓度6,667ppm的氨 气环境下,在连续8小时温度60°C、相
The same criteria also apply for exposure testing with respect to ammonia. In this case, the tests are conducted according to the standard draft IEC 62716 “Ammonia corrosion testing of photovoltaic modules”, which considers existing standards for electrical systems, coating corrosion protection and sulphur dioxide contamination of metal surfaces (ISO 12944, ISO 3231, ISO 6988 and DIN 50018 in particular). The method was developed by the experts at the Surface Technology Competence Centre at TÜV Rheinland in Nuremberg in conjunction with the solar module testing specialists at the Cologne site. During the 20-day test cycle at TÜV Rheinland, the modules are exposed to an extreme environment of 6,667 ppm NH3, consisting of alternate cycles of eight hours at 60°C and 100% relative humidity followed by 16 hours at 23°C and a maximum of 75% relative humidity.
对湿度100%与16小时温度23°C、相对 湿度75%的交替循环中完成。
德国莱茵TÜV,世界最大太阳能组件专家团队 TÜV Rheinland: the world’s largest expert network for testing of solar modules 我们的两个新环境测试箱(尺寸:3米×4米×2.3米),加上可测试太阳能组件 或太阳能集热器的太阳能模拟器以及全新的组件广谱响应测试站(尤其是 针对薄膜组件),可以使太阳能行业的测试精度得到非常大的提升。 The two new test chambers are 3 by 4 metres in size with a height of 2.30 metres. Together with the new combined sun simulator for photovoltaic modules or thermal solar collectors and a new spectral measuring station especially for thin-film modules, we offer a considerable extension of the previously available technical testing facilities for the solar industry.
德国莱 茵 TÜV二 手车检测认证服务总 检 师 刘 士 毅 于 2011年 5 月 27日 身 穿 德 国 莱 茵 TÜV工 作 服 , 出 现 在 台 湾的主要电视新闻频 道 之 一 “ TVBSN晚 间 新闻”节目中。 On 27th May 2011, Kevin Liu, chief inspector of TÜV Rheinland’s Certified Pre-owned (CPO) car inspection service, appeared in his working overalls on the evening news on TVBSN, one of the most viewed news channels in Taiwan.
德国莱茵TÜV自2006年起开始提供B2C(企业对消费者)二 手车检测认证服务。目前,越来越多的台湾消费者开始了 解我们的这项服务。 TÜV Rheinland is becoming increasingly known amongst Taiwanese consumers for the business to consumer (B2C) CPO service that we have been providing since 2006.
针对此项车检服务,我们的专家可提 供超过160个检查项目。我们的检验师 拥有五年以上二手车检测经验,不仅可 帮助您确认车辆的外观及技术上的情 况,还可帮助您确认该车是否曾经发 生过车祸或遭受水淹。 如今汽车市场竞争越来越激烈,经销 商及车辆制造商本身都可提供车检服 务。然而,德国莱茵TÜV的优势在于, 作为独立的第三方检测认证机构,我 们可为经销商、卖方及买方提供专业且 中立的意见,因此我们的二手车检测 认证服务已受到台湾企业和民众的高 度认可。除了台湾市场,目前我们正规 划在中国大陆开展二手车检测认证服 务,凭借我们的成功经验和专业技术 为更多地区的消费者提供服务。
With over 160 inspection items and five years of local experience, our inspectors are able to verify a vehicle’s optical and technical condition as well as whether the vehicle in question has previously been involved in a crash or flood. In today’s increasingly competitive marketplace where dealers and car manufacturers are carrying out their own inspections, our advantage lies in our neutrality and independence as a third-party certifier. We are able to offer a professional and unbiased opinion to dealers, sellers and buyers alike. Hence, our CPO service has been well-received by the general public in Taiwan. Motivated by the success the service has achieved in Taiwan, we are now looking into options for how to implement a used car evaluation programme in mainland China.
期演进技术( LTE ) 极有可能成
为电 信 业 的 4 G 技 术 。作为 全
Sierra Wireless 公司的 LTE PCI Express Mini Card (WCDMA HSDPA/HSUPA/
LTE) 已发出首张型式认可证书,使之得以
信 验 证 对于 数 据的准
确度要求非常高,因此 验证过程耗时较长。如
德国莱茵TÜV大中华区与德国莱茵 TÜV日本(注册于 日本总务 省的电信终端设备及 无线设备验 证机构)合作紧密,可以 协助 您克 服 地 理位 置 及语言障碍,为您提 供 专业的 本 地化一站 式 服 务。德国莱茵 TÜV大中华区(包括香港、台湾、深圳和上海)针对 日本无 线 验 证和电信验 证可以在当地 对各种无 线产品进行 测试, 从而为您大幅节省时间和成本,并且协助您准备详尽的技术申请文 件递交日本发证机构,提高验证效率。 Throughout Greater China, including Hong Kong, Taiwan, Shenzhen and Shanghai, we offer a “One-Stop Service” for JRF/JPA Approval. Local testing is available for a variety of wireless products, thereby reducing lead times and costs significantly. We also provide support in preparing the detailed technical application package and managing the administrative process with the certification body in Japan, which also saves our customers a substantial amount of effort.
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products. This approval system is
unnecessary delays in product
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based on Japan Radio Law, the aim
quality testing and certification. TÜV
the likeliest candidates
of which is to eliminate interference
Rheinland’s local expertise in Greater
for the official classification
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as a 4G technology by the
frequency spectrum efficient. Wired
to Japan a simple and easy project.
telecommunications industry. TÜV
terminals such as telephones and
Rheinland Taiwan, one of the world’s
modems and wireless terminals
Our success stems not only from
leading testing and certification
such as mobile telephones and
our close cooperation with TÜV
organisations, is proud to announce
radio-paging terminals are defined
Rheinland Japan, a Japanese
that we have just issued the first type
as telecommunications terminal
Ministry of Internal Affairs-
approval certificate to Sierra Wireless,
equipment. If such equipment is to be
registered certification body for
Ltd. for its LTE PCI Express Mini
connected to a telecommunications
telecommunications terminal and
carrier network in Japan, then it is
radio equipment, but also from the
LTE), thereby granting it access to the
required to comply with Japanese
local support we provide clients, thus
Japanese market.
telecoms requirements.
helping them to overcome location and language barriers.
Telecommunications devices that
JRF and JPA Approvals are notorious
are produced, sold or operated in
for their long lead time and stringent
Japan require both Japan Radio
information accuracy stipulations.
Approval (JRF Approval) and Japan
When using local agents in Japan
Telecom Approval (JPA approval).
to obtain such approvals, exporters
JRF Approval is required for all radio
and manufacturers may encounter
德 国 莱茵TÜV 现可为太阳能晶体 硅与薄膜组件的制造 商们提供光谱响应测 试。新的光谱测试站 已落成于科隆的太阳 能测试中心。 TÜV Rheinland is now offering the manufacturers of crystalline and thinfilm photovoltaic (PV) modules measurement of the spectral sensitivity and quantum efficiency of these modules.
试站可对200厘米以内边长的光伏 组件进行测量。由于组件可以通过
接线端子进行连接,从而不会影响太阳 能电池电路。测试在300至1200纳米的波 长范围内进行,以1纳米为增量且对被测 试组件无破坏,大大地节省了在准备测 试样品与进行分析时的时间与费用。不 仅如此,被测试的组件在生产中还可被 用做高质量校准组件。 该光谱响应测试站不仅提高了光伏组 件,尤其是薄膜组件的功率测量精确 性,同时也带来了其他优势。对组件表 面 约 5*5厘 米 的 测 量 区 域 可 随 机 抽 样 , 这样也加大了不规则光谱响应的发现 率。除此以外,也可对多结电池进行测 试。德国莱茵TÜV组件认证部负责人Jörg Althaus表示:“制造商在研发产品的过 程中可以利用这些测量结果来优化太阳 能组件的设计。”凭借多结技术,太阳 能电池得以优化至一个特定的波段以提 高效率,从而在整体上利用更宽光谱段 的辐照。 德国莱茵TÜV的新光谱测量站是由日本国 家产业技术综合研究院(AIST)发展而来, 也是此领域内全球范围内仅有的测试 站。由德国联邦环境部合作完成安装, 这也是德国联邦环境部对薄膜组件长期 连续性及功率稳定性研究项目的一部 分。在这个项目中,针对不同的薄膜技 术使用了一些特定的测试方法和程序来 提高实验室仿真器测量的准确性。 这项新的测量技术使德国莱茵TÜV可为晶 体硅组件提供高水平的校准服务,同时 可以将测试中测量不确定度由正负2.5% 减小到了正负2%。
he new spectral measuring station established at the company’s solar test centre in Cologne is equipped to measure PV modules with an edge length of up to 200 centimetres. The measurements, in wavelengths ranging from 300 to 1,200 nanometres, are carried out in increments of one nanometre and are non-destructive in nature, as the module can be contacted at the terminals without interfering with the solar cell circuitry. This saves considerable time and money when preparing testing samples and performing analyses. In addition, after measurement the modules can be used as highquality calibration modules in module production, for example. The new spectral measuring station serves to improve the precision of power measurements for PV modules, especially that for thin-film modules, and offers a variety of other advantages. The approximately 5 x 5-centimetre measurement area of the module surface can be freely selected, which also permits irregularities in spectral sensitivity to be examined. In addition, stacked or multi-junction cells can also be tested. “Manufacturers use these measurement results during development in particular, in order to optimise the design of solar modules”, explained Jörg Althaus, head of the Photovoltaic Modules Qualification Division
at TÜV Rheinland. With multijunction technology, the various solar cells must be optimised to a particular wavelength range to increase efficiency to the point that, overall, a broad spectrum of sunlight can be utilised. The new spectral measuring station at TÜV Rheinland was developed by the Japanese National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) and is one of just a few testing stations of its kind worldwide. The installation was co-sponsored by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment as part of a research project for the longterm sustainability and power characterisation of thin-film solar modules. As part of the project, suitable methods and procedures are being developed with the aim of improving the precision of laboratory measurements with sun simulators for various thin-film technologies. Thanks to the new measurement technology, the analyses now available at TÜV Rheinland serve to achieve a higher-quality calibration for crystalline PV modules and to reduce the overall occurrence of measurement uncertainties to a significant extent during testing: from plus or minus 2.5% to around plus or minus 2%.
着政府的大力倡导,推行低能耗、低污染、低排放的低碳经济以减少温室气 体排放已成为国际工商业发展的主要趋势。企业环保意识日益增强,越来越 多的企业开始关注自身的碳足迹,希望了解在生产运营过程中的碳耗用量,
并根据实际情况制定相应的减排策略和减排目标。德国莱茵TÜV的绿色解决方案旨在为 企业提供专业的碳排放管理和能源效率服务,帮助企业全面了解自身的温室气体排放状 况和可能的责任与风险,在提升能源与物料使用效率、降低营运成本的同时挖掘最具有 成本效益的减排机会,为推动企业实现可持续的低碳发展奠定基础。
ncouraged by the government’s vigorous advocacy, a major development trend is for international businesses to promote a low-carbon economy, which will reduce energy consumption, pollution and emissions, thereby ultimately reducing GHG emissions. The environmental awareness of enterprises is growing day by day, with increasing numbers of companies paying closer attention to their carbon footprint. They are seeking knowledge of the amount of carbon they consume during production and operation, so as to formulate a corresponding emission reduction strategy and targets based on the actual situation. TÜV Rheinland’s green solutions are aimed at helping enterprises to learn more about the conditions of, and possible liabilities and risks associated with, their GHG emissions, assisting companies in improving their energy efficiency with lower operating costs, and helping them to identify the most cost-effective opportunities for emission reduction, which will ultimately allow them to demonstrate their corporate social responsibility (CSR) and promote sustainable low-carbon development.
国莱茵TÜV集团技术咨询方签约仪式。全 球领先的技术服 务提供商德国莱茵 TÜ V
莱茵 T Ü V与英利绿色能源有着良好的合
作,此次为英利绿色能源提供专业的碳管 理及能源效率服务,更与德国莱茵TÜV自
吕伯 肯 先 生 出 席 签 约 仪 式 Mr. Luebken attended the ceremony
薛 勒 先 生 会 上发 言 Mr. Sheller delivered a speech on the ceremony
身的品牌承诺不谋而合 — —旨在为企业
提供可持续发展的绿色解决方案。 “我们
民币刺激经济计划中,有5,80 0亿元用于
27 May, Baoding, Hebei Province— TÜV Rheinland recently held a signing ceremony with Yingli Green Energy Holding Company Limited (“Yingli Green Energy” hereafter) in the Power Valley Jinjiang International Hotel in Baoding, the world’s first five-star hotel to operate on solar photovoltaic (PV) power, to provide the company with a technical consultancy service. The TÜV Rheinland Group, a leading global testing and certification provider, has been chosen as a professional technical consultant to provide Yingli Green Energy with energy efficiency and carbon management support.
projects aimed at addressing the climate change issue. China has made tremendous efforts to reduce GHG emissions through adjustment of the country’s economic structure, development of a circular economy, conservation of energy, improvements in energy efficiency, elimination of backward production capacity, development of renewable energy and optimisation of the energy structure, to name just a few. As a globally leading PV module testing expert, TÜV Rheinland has established a good cooperative
低碳环保能效减排项目 TÜV Rheinland Facilitates Yingli Green Energy’s
Energy Efficiency and Low-carbon Project Climate change is a pressing environmental issue. The great challenge we face in attempting to address the climate change issue is that most of our daily activities can produce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. However, China has been taking active measures to address climate change. It was the first developing country to lay out a National Plan for Coping with Climate Change, and it has even established a National Leading Working Group on Addressing Climate Change. Amongst the 4 trillion Yuan that the Chinese government has allotted to its economic stimulus plan, 580 billion Yuan has been allocated to
relationship with Yingli Green Energy. Under the terms of the latest agreement between the two organisations, TÜV Rheinland will provide professional carbon management and energy efficiency services for a pioneer project aimed at the realisation of energy efficiency improvement and carbon emission reduction, which is also consistent with the brand commitment of TÜV Rheinland, i.e., providing enterprises with sustainable green solutions.
We really appreciate the efforts Yingli Green Energy has made in its commitment to CSR, reduction of carbon emissions and protection of the environment, as well as its pursuit of sustainable development”, commented Ralf Sheller, TÜV Rheinland Greater China CEO, during the launch ceremony for the project. “TÜV Rheinland, as an expert in carbon management, will spare no efforts in contributing our technology and services to facilitate Yingli Green Energy’s energy efficiency improvement and carbon reduction project”, he further promised.
当绿色食品、绿色出行越来越多地 融 入我们的生活,在确保环 境可持续发 展的 同时,也 对 制 造 企业 提 出了更 高的 要求。汽 车 产业 链 不但 需 要 考 虑 车 辆 的 安 全 性 与 舒 适性,还要 在车辆的节能减排和回收利用率 方面承担相应的企业社会责任。 Today’s consumers increasingly expect “green” food and “green” travel, where “green” refers to an assurance of environmental sustainability. Accordingly, product manufacturers are also facing more stringent green requirements. The automobile industry chain must not only consider safety and comfort, but is also expected to bear social responsibilities, such as responsibility for vehicle energy savings, recycling and recoverability.
2011年6月17日,德国莱茵 TÜV举办的“中国汽车绿色
贸易 壁 垒”研 讨 会 在 北 京召 开。研 讨 会 上,中国 汽 车 研 究中 心
原材料供应商开始,逐层逐级的供应商协 同,共同打造一条“绿色”的供应链,同时
展 趋 势和 CAMDS数 据 平台,荷兰 交 通部(RDW)的官员也阐述
了与RRR(汽车产品再 利用和回收利用率)认证相关的初始审查
要求。德 国 莱 茵 TÜV的 专 家在会上 提 出了基 于 汽 车产业 链 的“
本次研讨会是一次 跨 部门销售的成 功尝
试,我 们 推 出了 面 向 汽 车 行 业 的“一 站
式”RRR / ELV 解决 方案。来自德国莱 茵 TÜV内部的车辆认证、化学检测、IT和能效 咨询的专家为来自一汽、上汽、东风、北汽 集团等近20家行业领先车企40多位相关领
关于报废车 辆的回收利用,早 在19 9 0年
荷兰 就 提出了自愿性 质的回收 报 废车 辆
概 念。在 20 0 0 年,欧 洲议会 和理事会 颁
布了车辆报废的指令2000 / 53 / EC,促使
《报废汽车回收管理办法》 (征求意见稿),
德国莱茵 TÜV会在未来持续地提供 有关
17 June 2011—TÜV Rheinland Mobility in Beijing recently held a “Chinese Automotive Industry Green Trade Barrier” workshop, during which experts from the China Automotive Technology & Research Center (CATARC) introduced participants to trends in Chinese end-oflife vehicle (ELV) standards and regulations and the China Automotive Material Data System (CAMDS) data platform. In addition, an officer from the Netherlands approval authority expounded upon the “three R’s” – Reusability, Recyclability and Recoverability – in relation to preliminary assessment requirements. The TÜV Rheinland Group presented its “one-stop” solution and the TÜV Rheinland TCP data compliance platform, which applies to the whole automotive industry chain and helps domestic vehicle manufacturers to conquer the green trade barriers they face in expanding into foreign markets. In 1990, the Netherlands proposed a voluntary scheme for the recycling of scrap vehicles. Then, in 2000, the European Parliament and European Council issued the 2000/53/EC directive, which encourages vehicle manufacturers to limit their use of hazardous substances, increase the proportion of recycled and recoverable materials they use, and establish a complete recycling and recoverable network to achieve environmental and consumer protection. By 2005, the EU had further proposed the reuse, recycling and recovery of both local and imported vehicles in RRR Directive 2005/64/EC, which includes type approval requirements for these products. Therefore, if Chinese vehicle manufacturers wish to enter the
European car market, then they must comply with the requirements of the RRR Directive, which limits the use of Hg, Cd, Pb and Cr(VI) and stipulates a reuse and recycling rate of 85% and a reuse and recoverable rate of 95%. With regard to the domestic market, the Chinese State Council also proposed a draft ELV vehicle recycling management scheme in 2001, which is expected to come into force on 1st July 2013, when the “automotive prohibited substances requirements” therein will become mandatory. With the ongoing development of green domestic and international laws and regulations, China’s auto manufacturers will inevitably be forced to face up to this new and significant challenge.
An ELV scheme requires a vast system and programme, and is impossible for vehicle manufacturers to implement alone. The process needs to begin with raw material suppliers, and requires the collaboration of suppliers at each level to build a green supply chain and establish a convenient recycling and dismantling network. In other words, ELV covers the entire industry chain and product lifecycle. The Beijing workshop was a successful attempt at cross-selling, as it provided the automotive industry with a one-stop solution service comprising TÜV Rheinland’s RRR, ELV, Chemical, IT and Low Carbon services. A total of four business lines, including Mobility, Softlines, IT, and Training and Consulting, cooperated in the workshop and gave well-received presentations to the more than 40 participants from 20 vehicle manufacturers, such as FAW, SAIC, DF and BAIC. Most of the participants said that the workshop had informed them of operable procedures and methods related to the ELV/RRR directives/regulations and enhanced their understanding of the ELV/RRR requirements. Moreover, it played a positive role in helping these manufacturers to further expand their overseas markets and save energy. TÜV Rheinland will continue to provide domestic automobile enterprises with the most up-to-date information on and developments in the ELV/RRR directives in a timely fashion to assist them in expanding their overseas markets successfully.
六大支柱产业支撑全区工业经济 高速增长,发挥强势带动效应 All of which have helped it to enjoy fast-paced, strong growth
2010年,广州开发区全区实现地区生产总值1617.83亿元,比上年增长18% In 2010, the GDZ’s GDP increased to RMB 161.783 billion, an 18 per cent rise over the previous year. 德国莱茵TÜV大中华区可持续发展项目经 理田雨先生特别针对开发区的产业结构特 点,针对绿色产品,绿色体系和绿色建筑 三大方面解决方案 进行详细的介绍与分 析,以期帮助开发区及广大企业提高能源 利用效率,降低二氧化碳排放。知名企业 百事(中国)有限公司副厂长吕彦东先生与 金发科技股份有限公司标准化办公室主任 杨超峰先生也分享了他们所在行业节能减 排管理的成功应用经验。在互动交流环节 中,企业如何根据自身条件提高能源利用 效率、减少排放,并为终端用户节省能源 成本成为来宾们关注的热点。
The Zone’s six pillar industries are petrochemicals and chemicals, IT and electronics, machinery and device manufacturing, food and beverages, hardware processing, and vehicles and transport, all of which have helped it to enjoy fast-paced, strong growth. Based on the characteristics of the GDZ’s industrial structure, Yu Tian, Sustainable Development Project Manager for TÜV Rheinland Greater China, introduced the seminar participants to a number of service solutions for green systems and green architecture that have been developed to increase energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions. Lv Yandong, Vice-Director of PepsiCo China, and Yang Chaofeng, Chief of the Standardisation Office of Kingfa Science & Technology Co, also shared their successful experiences of implementing energy saving and carbon emissions reduction measures. During this exchange session, many of the participants enjoyed the lively discussion of efficient resource use, emissions reduction and cost saving measures for end users.
2011年5月27日下午,德国莱茵TÜV大 中华区携手广州跨国公司联谊会在广州 市萝岗区香雪大道西萝岗会议中心举办 主题为“绿色之行开发区企业可持续发 展之如何打造绿色企业”环保专题研讨 会,共吸引了园区内50多位企业代表的 热情参与。会议旨在帮助开发区内企业 了解目前国内外对环保节能的法规要求 和最新趋势,同时分享知名企业的绿色 解决方案、先进管理方法与最佳实践经 验,共同探讨如何推动企业的绿色制造 并且更好地配合国家低碳发展战略。
TÜV Rheinland Greater China and the Multinational Corporation Club Guangzhou (MNCCGZ) held a joint seminar entitled “Green Action – How to Become a Green Enterprise” on the afternoon of 27th May 2011 at the Luogang Conference Center. More than 50 representatives of various enterprises participated in the seminar, whose aim was to inform participants of the latest regulatory developments in energy savings and emissions reduction in China and overseas. The chief speakers also provided attendees with effective solutions and the emissions reduction best practices that prevail amongst large companies. A variety of topics were discussed, including green manufacturing and ways to fulfil China’s national low-carbon emissions strategy, and a number of successful case studies were presented.
Supporting the new 12th Five-year Plan
可持续性发展项目将被视为我们未来五年的战略重点 Sustainable development will be a key project strategy for TÜV Rheinland in the next five years. 2011年正值“十二五”开局之年,国家“十 二五”规划中对生态建设、环境保护等方 面提出了更多的要求,并将其作为未来的 工作重点。广州开发区在生态园区的创建 过程中也将提高资源综合利用水平,把建 设资源节约型、环境友好型区域作为核心, 因此减少资源消耗和降低碳排放将势在必 行。广州跨国公司联谊会此次与德国莱茵 TÜV合作举办环保专题讲座,旨在为区内 企业提供更多绿色环保的服务资讯与成功 案例,把更多企业打造成为节能低碳的典 范,带动中小型企业与开发区共同推动生 态园建设,实现绿色梦想。为积极响应国家 十二五规划,并进一步兑现集团品牌可持 续性发展的承诺,德国莱茵TÜV推出全方 位绿色解决方案,同时组建专案团队以求 全力专注与环境相关的服务与项目。
This year sees the launch of China’s 12th Five-year Plan. The 2011-2015 period will see the country push towards the development of a green economy, an effort that will include energy saving and environmental protection measures, new energy development and the encouragement of ecological construction. The Guangzhou Development Zone (GDZ) is committed to making full use of resources, building an energy-efficient, environmentally friendly community and promoting ecological construction practices. It considers reductions in energy consumption and carbon emissions to be of the utmost importance. The MNCCGZ, together with TÜV Rheinland, promotes low-carbon ways of living and presents small- and medium-sized enterprises with green role models. TÜV Rheinland is supporting the new 12th Five-year Plan and fulfilling our brand promise to ensure sustainability by providing Green Solutions. In fact, the company has dedicated an entire project team to this important environmental task.
匪 浅 , 不 仅 进 一 步 了 解 ATEX认 证 的 最
请 认 证 时
面 临 不
了 全 球 范 围 内 的 广 泛 关 注 , ATEX以 及
防 爆 电 器 类 产 品 海 外 国 际 认 证 ATEX以
德国莱茵TÜV是欧盟ATEX指令及国际IECEx组织的公告认证机构,作为防爆电气设备及非 电气设备的测试认证专家,可以针对ATEX,IECEx,巴西防爆INMETRO,澳大利亚IECEX,俄罗斯GOST等法 规颁发认证证书。近年来在大中华区,德国莱茵TÜV北京防爆安全业务线的专家团队一直致力于推行防爆安 全技术认证的本地化服务,从防爆产品技术培训、预评估服务到产品防爆认证,我们为您提供一站式服务。
TÜV Rheinland is a recognised EU ATEX directive certification organisation and an international IECEx organisation. As a testing and certification expert in the explosion-proof electric and nonelectric apparatus industry, we are qualified to issue authentication certificates according to related regulations (e.g., ATEX, IECEx, Brazil’s INMETRO explosion-proof certification, Australia’s IECEx and Russia’s GOST). The expert team from the explosion-proof security business line of TÜV Rheinland Beijing is committed to providing local explosion-proof security technology certification services. We provide you with one-stop services ranging from explosion-proof product technology training and pre-evaluation to product explosion-proof certification.
On the 16th of May 2011, the National Explosion-proof Electric Apparatus Industry Director Conference and the 4th Meeting of the 5th General Membership Assembly of the Explosion-proof Electrical Branch of the China Electric Equipment Industry Association (CEEIA) were held at the Pavilion Hotel in Shenzhen. Over 100 distinguished guests attended the conference, including explosion-proof electric apparatus manufacturers from around the country, CEEIA leaders and experts, representatives of the Mining Product Safety Approval and Certification Center, explosionproof certification organisations and explosion-proof detection centres, members of the petrochemical and coal mining industries, and members of the industry media. During the Industry Director Conference, Mr Li Shaochun, Secretary of the Explosion-proof Electrical Branch of the CEEIA, issued a special invitation to Mr Zhang Xiaolong and Mr Zhang Kai, the Explosion-proof Certification Manager
and Sales Director, respectively, of TÜV Rheinland Greater China, to give a technical presentation on the international certification of explosion-proof electric products (ATEX) and the related requirements of IECEx and to engage in an in-depth technical exchange with participating experts from the explosion-proof electric apparatus industry. The explosion-proof electric apparatus manufacturers who attended the presentation said that they had benefited greatly. Not only were they equipped with a better understanding of the latest requirements of ATEX certification, but they had also acquired valuable information to help them in their export business. Apparatus explosion security problems have recently captured international attention. As an important safety/technical regulation of the EU, ATEX and IECEx explosionproof certification has received widespread attention amongst China’s explosion-proof electric apparatus manufacturers, especially amongst export-oriented enterprises.
ATEX and IECEx explosion-proof certification is accepted by numerous countries, and thus represents a key to international market access. The majority of domestic enterprises are currently relatively unfamiliar with international explosion-proof certification requirements, such as those of ATEX and IECEx. They are thus failing to follow standard explosion-proof technical requirements in their product design and, accordingly, encountering significant technical resistance during the certification application procedure. To resolve these problems, TÜV Rheinland can provide related training and product evaluation services to enterprises in this arena, thus helping them to prepare fully for certification application and to improve their product design and explosion-proof certification efficiency. We can also help manufacturers and designers to evaluate project feasibility and provide guidance in developing a design scheme.
Commercial Products Division of TÜV Rheinland Greater China recently has signed contract with Chongqing Maifeng Power Machinery Co., Ltd. in terms of Japanese diamond PSE certification service for gasoline generators. By completing the whole project within 6 weeks including safety test, EMI test and factory audit with our knowhow in both Japanese and related regulations, we managed to help our client gain market access to Japan with high efficiency. 德国莱茵TÜV大中华区商用与工业产品 服务部门与重庆迈丰动力机械有限公司 于近期签定合作协议,为其生产的汽 油发电机签发菱形PSE证书。莱茵TÜV 专家熟谙相关法规要求,将包括安规测 菱形PSE证书 Diamond PSE Approval
试、EMI测试和工厂审核在内的项目周期 将缩短至六周,从而帮助客户尽快将发 电机出口业务拓展至日本。 汽油发电机被广泛应用于工农业生产和 日常生活中。因其拥有轻便和节能的特 点,在自然灾害、应急发电等紧急状况 下发挥巨大作用。日本经济产业省电器 用品安全法(DENAN LAW)将控制产品分 为“特定电器及材料类”(A类)和“非 特定电器及材料类”(B类)。进入日本 市场的“特定电器及材料类”(A类)产 品必须获得由日本政府认可的第三方认 证机构(RCAB, Registered Conformity Assessment Body)颁发的菱形PSE标志。 德国莱茵TÜV下属共有四个发证机构获得 日本政府认可,发证范围涵盖电器用品 安全法A类和B类的绝大部分产品。
德国莱茵TÜV致力于为国内相关企业提供快 捷、高效的一站式服务,协助您顺利进入日 本市场,及时获得更多商机。
Gasoline generators are widely used in agriculture, industry and even day-to-day life. Thanks to their portability and high degree of energy efficiency, they play an important role in extreme circumstances such as natural disasters and power supply breakdowns. Specified Electrical Appliances and Materials (Category A) and Other Electrical Appliances (Category B) are defined as controlled goods by the Japan DENAN Law. Products of Category A are obliged to obtain the Diamond PSE mark issued by a Registered Conformity Assessment Body (RCAB) which is officially accredited by the Japanese government. TÜV Rheinland is proud to announce that four of its certification bodies have been accredited and, accordingly, can provide Diamond PSE certification services for a wide range of products of both Categories A and B.
TÜV Rheinland is committed to providing efficient one-stop service for domestic manufacturers. We help you to gain market access to the Japanese market for greater business opportunities.
自今年五月起,德国莱茵TÜV成为“绿 色制造网络”合作伙伴之一,为该网络 内的其他会员提供所有有关生产制造的 最新规定和行业信息,同时也将分享德 国莱茵TÜV各 服 务 部 门 所 提 供 的 信 息 (目前的主要信息来源为纺织品、玩具 及化学服务部门)。 随 着加 入“绿 色 制 造 网 络”,德 国 莱 茵 TÜV凭借遍布大中华区的服务网络和专 业团队,为您及时更新“绿色制造”领域 最新动态,深度解析最新相关标准和法 规,帮助制造商实现绿色可持续发展。
This May, TÜV Rheinland became one of the partners in the Green Manufacturing Network (GMN), and from now on will provide the latest news and information on all relevant manufacturingrelated regulations to the other members of the network. TÜV Rheinland will also provide the network with shared information from its various business lines, of which Softlines is currently the major contributor. The benefits are, through the network, TÜV Rheinland could set up the leading image on “Green Manufacturing”, contribute to the recent updated standards and regulations, share information from other sources, and most important, guide manufacturers to the track of green and sustainable development.
“绿色制造网络”The GMN “绿色制造网络”由香港生产力促进局 于2005年创立,旨在协助业界达成绿 色制造目标。该网络的运作是以会员及 订户为主,同时也欢迎各行各业的制造 企业及其相关机构团体参与并享受其服 务。“绿色制造网络”为其会员和关注 绿色制造的个人一个通过网络相互沟通 的机会,并协助企业符合国际绿色制造 标准。
The GMN was established by the Hong Kong Productivity Council in 2005 to facilitate industrial endeavours in green manufacturing. The Network operates on a membership and subscription basis, and welcomes manufacturing establishments of all types and sizes, as well as their relevant stakeholders, to join and enjoy its services. It also offers members opportunities for networking with like-minded individuals and provides support to help companies to achieve compliance with international green manufacturing standards.
如需了解更多讯息/ For more information:
德国莱茵TÜV大中华区 培训与咨询2011年9-10月课程计划 TÜV Rheinland Greater China Training and Consulting 2011 Sept.-Oct. Schedule 以下所有课程,除在各地定期举办公开课外,均可根据顾客要求随时提供标准或客户化的企业内部 培训,也可以为企业提供相关的现场咨询项目等“一站式”解决方案,欢迎向各地办事处查询。 Besides regular public classes in various locations, all the courses can be customized as corporate internal training and “one-stop” solutions such as onsite consulting projects. Welcome to contact us for further information.
培训服务 —— 公开课 Training Services-Public Classes
培训服务/ Training Services 深圳 Shenzhen/ 广州 Guangzhou 联系人 Contact:敖丽华 Tel:+86 755 82681255 Ext.1254
上海 Shanghai 联系人 Contact:杨怡 Tel:+86 21 61081149
北京 Beijing 联系人 Contact:张一凡 Tel:+86 10 65666660 Ext.118
大连 Dalian 联系人 Contact:栾晶 Tel:+86 411 83698380
咨询服务 —— 案例解析与工作坊 Consulting Services-Case Study and Workshop
咨询服务/ Consulting Services 深圳 Shenzhen/ 广州 Guangzhou 联系人 Contact:程亘卉 Tel:+86 20 28391888 Ext.1367
上海 Shanghai 联系人 Contact:王惠玲 Tel:+86 21 61081431
北京 Beijing 联系人 Contact:何丽玮 Tel:+86 10 65666660 Ext.128
莱茵技术监护(深圳 )有 限 公 司 乔 迁 新 址 TÜV Rheinland Shenzhen Office Relocation 深圳市南山区高新技术产业园北区
3&4 F, Cybio Technology Building No.1, Langshan No. 2
Road South, 5th Industrial Area, High-Tech Industry Park
North, Nanshan District, 518057 Shenzhen, P.R.China
+852 21921022 (香港Hong Kong) 邮箱: 网址:
Hotline: 4008831300/8009993668 +852 21921022 (Hong Kong)
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