Without further ado we want you to enjoy this project as much as we enjoy bringing it to your hands
Not only because of the indisputable interest of international companies or large capitals that see Mexico as a region with a billionaire potential but because of something more important than that: the widespread understanding that the cultivation, consumption recreational or therapeutic or the use of this plant and all the knowledge that emanates from it is a matter of human rights And that in the particular case of this country it is inscribed in the constitutional principle of the free development of the personality
On the other hand, some of the great pending issues of the present summarized in general and painful concepts such as inequality, poverty, insecurity; educational backwardness and lack of development have immediate examples in the day to day life of marijuana in Mexico
Good vibes, green life and lots of love to all of you!
“Mexico is written with M for Marijuana” It was a phrase that I heard at some point in life and that seemed quite nice at least until I understood the broad phenomena that this plant goes through Realities that now give a different weight to each of those words

In this way “Mexico Legalizes Marijuana!!”
And it is enough to review the past a quick dive into our history to understand that this country has a background of social struggle cultural transformations and even political progress that are linked to cannabis
And in this same year we are born An informative project that is possible thanks to the will, affection and dedication of our collaborators not only in Mexico, but also in Colombia, Canada and the United States With an international team of talents who have the vision of contributing the best of their knowledge so that these changes are possible and positive
As for the future the panorama for weed in this country is so promising that little by little all the arguments that for years have put a brake on legalization are being diluted
Salvador Vega
It is not only a fact that happened almost 82 years ago as you will see later in our cover article But a call to action; a cry of urgency or a prophetic sentence that announces a destination towards which we are inevitably heading
But I am also pleased to welcome all those who are entering the exciting, creative and evolving world of marijuana for the first time We assure you that in our edition you will find valuable information, handled with the responsibility and rigor that you deserve
Present, past and future
In this first issue I am honored to welcome our cannabis industry readers many of whom will find familiar faces and shared stories in our pages
Media Director / Salvador Vega Style Corrector / Víctor D. Flores Editors / Paola Galante, Antonio Romero, Gary "Toke" Thompson, Psycho Memes, Cynthia Olivieri, Gaby Arellano Photographers / Montserrat Sánchez, Mr. Pipe, ELV TJ. Translation / Diana Baquero Social Networks / Andrés Palomares Marketing Manager / Crishtian González Contact Us hablemos@tuvidaverde com Available in creatividad@tuvidaverde com +52 (55) 6783 9958 Copyright Notice COPYRIGHT January 2022 Year 01 number 01 TU VIDA VERDE© is a monthly publication protected by the Copyright Laws of Mexico and by the UCC Universal Copyright (Geneva and Paris Convention) Stock images used in this issue are fully licensed for commercial use and distribution Reproduction printing or distribution of this copy without permission is prohibited

Front Page 03 INDEX TVV Profiles UNDERGROUND: The kings of Instagram Psycho Memes Lorena Beltran: the strength of the cannabis industry and the expansion vision for 2022 Pesticide free memes to make your trip more enjoyable 27 04 Industry Voices Pepe Rivera: Pro Person 420 Kelly Beker: Conscious Cannabis: The Next Commodity Ripe for Exploitation Oswaldo Olivas: Legalization of cannabis; the great opportunity for Mexico Mexico Legalizes Marijuana!! The past present and future of cannabis regulation 82 years after milestone AB CBD: Practical Advice for 2022 A guide to consumption analysis of virtues and purchases for initial consumers Cannabis for high performance Athletes from all over the world bet on the consumption of the plant as a measure to improve their performance The events, talks, educational activities or social resistance that our community shares with us13 32 07 17 Non Psychoactive Everything Green is Good 24 Fit & Green 34 Calendar News from Mexico and the world in the value chain of cannabis and its derivatives 20 News Dr Paul Sullivan explains to us the Endocannabinoid System 35 Puff of Medicine Mr Cannavz answers the doubts of our followers about self cultivation 36 Ask the Expert J a n u a r y 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 1

And this is the central theme of this column to explain how to legislate from a human rights perspective that is progressive Find the best public policies and start monitoring international legislation that can provide the greatest protection to people It is important to question ourselves later and ask why this norm is not incorporated into our legal system? This would help guarantee a vision of human rights to end the punitive and prohibitionist cannabis system as quickly as possible In Uruguay any of the three forms of supply individual self cultivation associations and pharmacies is limited to 40 grams per month, or 1 4 ounces That for some people would be insufficient and they are forced to obtain supplies in other ways either by breaking the law and over cultivating or buying on the black market
The norms related to human rights will be interpreted in accordance with this Constitution and with international treaties on the matter favoring people at all times the broadest protection
PRO PERSON 420 PEPE RIVERA / Activist Plantón 4/20

In those same places however you can buy the quantities you want if it is in one of the State stores What is the message that is sent with this? That individual cultivation is dangerous but free purchase in stores is safe? Makes no sense
The constant in the internal debates of these countries is that the prohibitionists speak of the rights of third parties, but not of the people who use cannabis as subjects of human rights Recreational use is viewed as a privilege Responsible consumption, which is most of the marijuana use, is not guaranteed or discussed Instead, they only recognize problematic use, which they see as something inevitable that must be allowed or tolerated by other adults
In Canada the situation is worse because the limitation of having 4 cultivated plants is per household, not per individual This implies that the more people co inhabit a space, the fewer plants they will get Also, this can vary by the province as there are places where you cannot grow your own plants, such as in Quebec and Manitoba
The fact that Uruguay and Canada have been the first two countries to regulate cannabis for adult use does not mean that they have done it correctly Mexico seems to have lost third place now that Malta legalized, however, that European country only decided to allow self cultivation, not the marijuana trade It is important to learn from these countries now that, from February to April, Mexico enters its sixth legislative period to discuss the issue

For example, if the plants will not be destined for consumption by third parties, nor will they be traded, the State would not have to limit the number that is kept at home The plants by themselves are not a risk or danger to anyone, especially since they are not usually for immediate consumption They must carry out a process that includes at least recognizing when the flowers are ripe, drying, and curing THCA, the main activities and exposed component in the plant, cannot generate psychoactive effects by contact The equivalent threat or risk would be to think about getting drunk on freshly picked grapes So, what is the justification for limiting self cultivation to six plants in Uruguay and four in Canada? These countries do not allow a personal relationship with the truly free plant What is important is to ask ourselves, why would a citizen of one country have fewer human rights than another in another part of the continent?
The experiments of the two countries that they regulated have ceased to be so long ago They are already public policies with indicators and experiences that can be measured and examined to determine how successful they are But in the end the indicators should not be economic ones such as the size of the legal market and annual sales the greatest benefits in terms of freedom and respect should be sought Because the legislation that is generated must be dignified and protect the dignity of the people
First, you must see from where these countries regulate If the main reasons cited by José Mujica and Justin Trudeau are reviewed, there are only three: to combat organized crime, protect the health and protect minors Mujica went as far as declaring that "the real problem is not marijuana, it is drug trafficking" They do not regulate to guarantee the human right to the free development of the personality, they do not even use the banner of the right to freedom What is politically safe and what they can talk about is the right to security, health, and childhood The other big selling point: the economic benefits
I n d u s r t y V o i c e Is n d u s r t y V o i c e s J a n u a r y 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 1 04
In the Political Constitution of Mexico and in human rights there is the pro persona principle of interpretation When a judge must decide on a case he must select the norm be it a law constitution or international treaty that gives greater protection
KELLY BEKER / Co Founder Executive Director Cannabis Education Guild

Today cannabis is underdeveloped; the ultimate opportunity is not only creating an industry free from human exploitation but of leveraging the sector s infancy to make time sensitive change and set precedent for a new way of working
Human trafficking and modern slavery is already happening in both the legal and illicit trade of cannabis In some regions drug trafficking zones like the Golden Triangle in Northern Mexico the Golden Crescent in South Asia and the Emerald Triangle in Northern California now overlap with newly legal cannabis markets
As witnessed in the North American market the cost of a commodity cannot withstand the requirements of heavy regulations indoor facilities and high labour costs so as the industry moves to the Global South cannabis risks being the next commodity ripe for exploitation
Operating in both illicit and legal markets; cultivated in 151 countries; legal now in over 50 countries; there are over 25 000 products which can be developed using the plant; the land required to grow cannabis will rival that of tobacco and will employ hundreds of thousands in the supply chain In countries around the world governments have established task forces to evaluate cannabis legalization With this not only comes agricultural requirements but it is the advancement of plant based Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) driving a huge demand for new types of products This means manufacturing the plant for everything from food to fiber to fuel to cosmetics; THC cigarettes; CBD lotion oil and capsules to help with sleep ease pain and end seizures It is apparent cannabis will be marketed to satisfy every ailment and consumer consumption occasion which is why Today is the smallest the cannabis industry will ever be the perfect time to implement new social impact standards in one of the fastest growing industries While firms expand around the world the cost of cannabis will continue to plunge and countries with the best growing conditions and cheapest labour like Mexico will catapult to become market leaders 05
And as players transition from the illicit market to the legal sector cannabis risks the same bad practices of violence, forced labor and human trafficking of the workers Even though the cannabis supply chain is not yet as vast and murky as other crops like coffee or cocoa instances of modern slavery have already surfaced in the legal industry too In 2021 there were three reported cases where migrant workers from Mexico Guatemala the Caribbean and South East Asia were exploited in facilities across North America demonstrating how the legal sector is just as susceptible to participating in labour exploitation as the illicit market
The reality is every cash crop has become a race to the bottom We need a system in place that provides mechanisms and measurement tools so the cannabis industry can be the benchmark for higher standards and human protection
Unlike most plant based drugs cultivated in only a few countries cannabis is grown in almost every country and continues to be the most consumed drug worldwide As global legalization continues and trade agreements are revised cannabis will be one of the most significant commodities traded over the next decade With this comes a timely opportunity to embed new policy into the foundation of a nascent industry cannabis can set a standard and precedent for global trade to operate free of forced labour child labour smuggling kidnapping trafficking and all forms of human exploitation Why Cannabis? Why Now?
Is It Too Late For Transparency?
J a n u a r y 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 1 I n d u s r t y V o i c e s I n d u s r t y V o i c e s

● In Argentina the government of Alberto Fernández through the Ministry of Productive Development is promoting the creation of a value chain around the medicinal use of the plant which will have a regulatory framework in force this year
The good news is that in the country there are activists entrepreneurs associations researchers investors and more people around the plant who are already working for Mexico to eventually become a world leader in this industry
OSWALDO OLIVAS / Editor Industria420 com

● Panama, Costa Rica, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Peru are some of the countries that are advancing in the creation of an industry that could be one of the most important for the nations that are already leaving behind the prohibitionist policies of the last century In Mexico where the industry can count on better opportunities than all the countries mentioned above together the politicians in power still do not understand the magnitude of the issue even when the course is already being defined on the world stage

● Colombia is ahead in Latin America with a cannabis production program for medicinal use focused on export and industrial products such as cosmetics The sector has the support of President Iván Duque who months ago signed a decree to establish clearer rules facilitate the growth of producers and attract investment
In 2022 we will have a law that will legalize adult use and establish some foundations for the production chain but surely this regulation and its government execution will be the responsibility of all those involved so it will be the first step on a long road to form a Mexican cannabis industry
I n d u s r t y V o i c e s
The path of legalization of cannabis in its three uses (adult industrial and medicinal) in Mexico is characterized by two elements: lack of political will and government omission Mexico has the characteristics to be a world power in the production of cannabis for three uses the sector can generate thousands of new jobs it is a way to move the Mexican countryside forward and legalization can be done with a vision of restorative justice But as long as this does not happen as Mexicans we are wasting time and great opportunities in the national and international market
In other countries where the politicians in charge do know that we are already in the 21st century regulatory frameworks for the use of the psychoactive and non psychoactive cannabis plant in its multiple uses are being rapidly created:
MEXICO LEGALIZES MARIJUANA!! by Paola Galante y Antonio Romero

This 2022 marks the 82nd anniversary of the legalization of psychoactive substances in Mexico An event that continues to maintain international relevance as it is considered one of the most progressive regulations ahead of its time This regulation, which remained in force for an apparently insignificant period of four months, set an important precedent in terms of defending consumer rights This, while demonstrating that there are real alternatives to prohibition and the war on drugs.

This regulation, promulgated in the Official Gazette of the Federation on February 17 1940 recognized that the policy of persecuting addicts was ineffective at the same time as increasing drug costs Turning them into a lucrative business for some, without helping people overcome their addictions
This proposal was born in 1938, thanks to the vision of Dr Leopoldo Salazar Viniegra who revolutionized the idea of addictions in his report "The Myth of Marijuana" In this investigation the psychiatrist proposed that addicts or drug addicts (users of psychoactive substances for recreational purposes) were not criminals and should be treated from a public health approach and not as criminals His experience dealing with patients at the La Castañeda asylum led him to refute pre existing postulates against marijuana which indicated that this plant transformed people into violent beings

In conjunction with the arrival of the Regulation, an official dispensary was opened in Mexico City under the responsibility of the Department of Public Health who stockpiled substances such as cannabis, cocaine, heroin and morphine, which were supplied as treatment to the people with dependency security, addiction treatment and research in the first regulation in the history of Mexico
But in Mexico the new political system headed by President Lázaro Cárdenas was an example of social progress
And it was precisely during that brief space in history that psychoactive substances were legalized throughout the national territory Drug Addiction Regulation
Educational campaigns on a national scale and the expropriation of the oil industry were hallmarks of a government characterized by promoting cutting edge projects
For this reason together with the government of President Cárdenas a new project was developed with an emphasis on education social reintegration programs and social support for the most vulnerable sectors: the Federal Drug Addiction Regulation
Cannabis was widely known in Mexico in the 1940s A plant that at that time was an indisputable part of the popular culture of a country that had just experienced the phenomenon of the Revolution and was heading towards the formation of a government attached to the principles of the recently created Constitution In that period, the world was struggling with the leftover problems of the First World War and preparing to enter a second armed conflict
ThedraftingoftheDrugAddictionRegulationwithemphasisonthehealthsector Image Segobdigitalarchive IDof Dr Salazar oneofthefathersoflegalizationinMexico Image:CourtesySalazarArchive Thepressplayedacrucialroleasacounterweighttotheadvancebypushingtheban Image:CourtesySalazarArchive 08 J a n u a r y 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 1

Suspended from history for almost 80 years it was the civil sectors that oversaw promoting new initiatives taking advantage of the change of government
That same year in which Mexico went down in history for legalizing narcotics Lázaro Cárdenas concluded his term And with it, government legalization initiatives were abandoned with society overseeing leading the movements towards a new regulation
The first, motivated by a drug shortage that made treatment difficult for patients in Mexico City A problem that the Cárdenas government attributed to the shortage of supplies due to the war in Europe
According to the investigation of historians such as Ricardo Pérez Montfot and Froylán Enciso, there were three factors that caused the failure of the project and its eventual suspension just five months after its publication in the Official Gazette of the Federation
Even though the Federal Drug Addiction Regulation was a progressive document of social justice and ahead of its time its effects were felt in the country for half a year
However the third factor was the most important since it was thanks to pressure from the United States government whose anti drug policies promoted by the first commissioner of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, Harry J Anslinger, guaranteed that prohibitionism would return to being part of the legal order
10 Insomeregions theauthoritieshaveexpressedtheirsupport forlegalizationprojects Imagen Facebook/CEDHdelEstadodeMorelos TheMexicanSenatepostponedthediscussionoftheCannabis Lawagain thistimeforthemonthofFebruary Imagen:Twitter@RicardoMonrealA Publicspaceandprotesthavebeenaspaceforthedefenseoftherighttofreedevelopmentofthepersonality Imagen MontserratSánchez J a n u a r y 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 1
To date, the text of the Cannabis Regulation Law is on the desks of the Health and Public Safety commissions of the Senate of the Republic pending discussion and eventual approval in the Congress of the Union However, in fact, and although there is a consensus among industry peasant sectors researchers doctors scientists and responsible consumers, it is the lack of political will that prevents the issue from being vented in the legislature
Since its origins, Mexico has faced a profound problem of understanding and prejudice against cannabis by the political class Ignorance, lack of interest or adherence to conservative agendas impede the progress of the second legalization

Lack of political will Currently legalization in Mexico was reactivated in the legislative field in 2017, almost at the same time as the arrival of the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador
Another factor that influenced was the conservatism of Mexican society motivated in part by the partial criteria of the national press A sector where the initiative was underestimated along with criminalizing consumers

In this sense, one of the groups that has gained greater national visibility due to the progress of its initiatives is the Cannabis Peasant Cooperative of Tetecala who intend to move towards the formation of the first town in Mexico where this plant can be freely planted
Shouting “land to grow, freedom to smoke it”, thousands of Mexicans take to the streets every year to demand the right to smoke weed A slogan that refers to the legendary phrase by Emiliano Zapata, contained within the principles of the Ayala Plan A citizen and at the same time peasant motto, in which the two most urgent demands regarding the second legalization in our country are concentrated: the right to cultivate and consume marijuana within the margins of the law and with the security and support of the State
One that according to its founders will not end until the country's capital in its entirety becomes a zone of tolerance for the recreational use of cannabis

As for the freedom to consume Plantón #420 of Mexico City has gone around the world for its two years of peaceful civil resistance outside the Senate of the Republic

There are two big demands that lead the citizen protests all around Mexico A matter of human rights that drives a continuous fight against prohibition
Similarly the former governor of CDMX Miguel Ángel Mancera indicated that the priority will be to adhere to the criteria of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation and promote the non criminalization of the psychoactive plant
Actionsofresistance suchastheinstallationofPlantón420outsidetheFederalSenate havebeentransformedintoaspacefortoleranceandeducationaroundcannabis Image Mr Pipe J a n u a r y 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 1
One of its initiatives is to provide producers with technical knowledge and tools that allow them to perfect the product and take advantage of it not only for sale as raw material but also for the development of products that boost their local economy
For the countryside, the production of cannabis and hemp represents the opportunity to motivate regional economies in states where the plant already occurs naturally In these entities the control of the planting falls into the hands of organized crime, in a scheme where the abuse and hoarding of resources concentrated in intermediaries prevent the peasants from receiving a decent remuneration for all their effort 11 "There is practically a final document, which is subject to the way in which this new Cannabis Law was evaluated We hope to be able to approve it before the end of this period (December 2021) At least leave the position end of the Senate of the Republic and this provides an opportunity for the Chamber of Deputies to receive it from the beginning beginning next year Senator Américo Villarreal commented in an interview for Tu Vida Verde A goal that obviously was not achieved During this month two senators have already marked their position on the matter: the president of the Senate Olga Sánchez Cordero affirmed that the regulation of cannabis will be part of the priority agenda during February

Entrepreneur, activist and passionate about the industry The founder and Director of the CannabiSalud, tells us about the position that Mexico is adopting in the international cannabis market A path in which human rights and the defense of the Mexican countryside will be some of the keys to being an example and even a power before the world.

Now as director of the CannabiSalud project Lorena is aware of the direction that the industry should take in Mexico supporting the generation of ventures with an understanding of the country's realities 14 Projects in the industry must be done by establishing fair and inclusive regulations First thinking about our society In how we are going to benefit internally or how we are going to benefit the Mexican countryside First the domestic market and then begin to look abroad” she commented in an exclusive interview for Tu Vida Verde Regarding the role of Mexico on the eve of legalization, the specialist mentioned that our country is anticipated as a world power for the development of cannabis, so it is important to continue preparing all sectors for the changes that are about to occur Mexico is a country in such an important geographical position next to a power such as the United States and even Canada Hopefully we can eventually enter into a Free Trade Agreement within this industry “There are people who see opportunities within this industry Opportunities to impact society, the environment, or the economy of an entire country But also, those who see opportunism, and that is something that we also managed to identify It does not mean that they are bad people who are in this area because of opportunism but perhaps a deeper knowledge of everything that this plant represents is lacking

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Now the common denominator for the new generation of entrepreneurs who seek to transform Mexico is the notion that business is done with empathy with support networks and with firm steps that allow collective development
"Eventually we will be able to enter into a Free Trade Agreement with the US and Canada within this industry"
And in the world of cannabis Lorena Beltran has distinguished herself precisely for this: by promoting growth and constant professionalism, without stopping looking towards the sectors that make the operation of the entire value chain possible in the now called "emerald economy"

Fortaleza | p 5
Until a few years ago striking a balance between a strong business vision coupled with a sense of social responsibility seemed like a virtue reserved for the most accomplished individuals in any industry
Born in the state of Chihuahua the businesswoman began her career in the world of marijuana at Charlotte s Web Hemp in Colorado United States Later she would become the Operational Director of LATAM for the company Concentrate USA and would participate as an advisor in the project of the Law on the use of Cannabis for Medicinal and Scientific Purposes, published in June 2017
CannabiSalud as a space for business development and continuous learning 15
During the past year the CannabiSalud project made its debut with a cannabis forum format specialized in business An innovation applied to the original concept focused solely on the medical branch of the plant CannabiSalud 2021 was very different This project was born in 2017 in Guadalajara, Jalisco and for 2018 and 2019 it was carried out in Mexico City, but always focused on medicinal issues But this year it made a difference since a congress focused on business and investment issues was presented in a tourist spot such as Cancun “We had the presence of probably more than 10 countries with representatives of companies associations investment funds and private individuals There is a lot of interest in the emerging Mexican industry People want to know what is legal and what is not What can be done, how to invest or where to invest , he indicated Regarding the lessons learned from this new forum called "Business & Investment Summit" Lorena shared that one of the most relevant was recognizing that Mexico is in the international eye and that there is an interest "far beyond what we believed" Likewise, the founder of the project commented that it was pleasant to receive positive feedback from both the participants and the panelists An environment that fostered high level networking
"The pandemic has made us evolve in technological matters and now the alliance between technology and the cannabis plant is perceived Projects as interesting as cryptocurrencies or block chain, where peasant communities in regions of Colombia are already joining to avoid those intermediaries that do not allow the real resource to reach the communities that cultivate sometimes extract or make industrial products So introducing these technologies to avoid intermediaries and that people can invest directly in projects of these people (who also have cultivation licenses) is something incredible and it opened many people's minds about the possibilities "
The next CannabiSalud come with an important force because we are already a global community It is already the fifth year that we present this project They return for 2022: CannabiSalud "Business & Investment Summit in Cancun and CannabiSalud Mexico City which is the original focused on the medical part Regarding the innovations and the projects that they selected as winners of the last edition, they highlighted the projects related to technology A window into the immediate future where marijuana and applied science could mark a path of progress in our country

We as a team take on the task of sending the invitation to CannabiSalud to people who have a much more socially and environmentally responsible vision of this industry who agree on many of these ideas to grow this global community " With all this accumulated experience, Lorena Beltran anticipates that this 2022 the congress will continue its expansion with various surprises and multiple exhibitors
The comment that was constantly repeated to me was about the human quality of the people who came Such beautiful people so committed and so passionate in a space that allowed connections between individuals that were very significant
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Thanks to her experience as an international speaker
Lorena Beltran is aware that the regulations that are at the door in Mexico must be unique in their kind

Towards the creation of a single legal framework
Not all these people are within an organized criminal group, but rather they are farmers who have been farmers for generations So, I think the authorities have needed more empathy and knowledge of the reality of this plant in our country ” he argued With the Cannabis Law at the door in the Senate of the Republic, the specialist details that our country is ready to learn from international experiences to achieve a document that is up to the potential of Mexico in the cannabis industry We have an opportunity in our hands to write laws and regulations when we have already seen what works and does not work in other countries We must write a kind of 'tailored suit' for our country, which really benefits the people who are already in the field Without seed and plant, there is no industry
There is still a little more knowledge of the reality that is lived especially from the field Because this is not an industry that is born overnight but has been in an illegal framework for many generations Why pretend that this must be regulated as something totally new? Especially when people already grow crops and when they are the ones who have suffered the consequences of the ban which has been a lot of violence
"The authorities have needed more empathy and knowledge (...) Without seeds and plants, there is no industry"
I m á g e n e s C a n n a b i S a l u d
An opportunity to demonstrate that reforms with a sense of social justice can be promoted from the legislative power, with full knowledge of the realities facing the country Likewise, from a critical and reasonable stance she points out that political actors lack a lot of interest and knowledge about a phenomenon that has been going on for a long time
Tips for 2022 What should we evaluate before purchasing products with this cannabinoid?

by Cynthia Olivieri

Currently, there are biotechnology techniques to make the most of plants Crops that grow quickly and healthily and that thanks to the continuous monitoring of specialists can guarantee a high quality product
I m á g e n e s : C a n v a S t o c k J a n u a r y 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 1

Source An important step to ensure that your purchase process will be more effective is to ask your distributor about the origin of the raw material of their product Knowing the place where hemp is grown and even some techniques used for its growth (organic crops or in highly controlled spaces) have a direct impact on the quality of the CBD that you are going to consume
Asking about the CBD extraction method will give you a guideline to analyze the quality and level of experience of the brand you are going to choose The three main techniques are: through solvents, through CO2 extraction, or by a food grade oil (hemp or olive the most common) Depending on the method, durability will be increased and better results per dose may be guaranteed 18 Technology Sanitary Filters Extraction
If this is your first experience with CBD, do not forget to ask your distributor all your questions.
Consider if your product passed these tests before buying CBD is one of more than 100 known cannabinoids and its effect is therapeutic, not psychoactive

If you have doubts about the quality of the CBD that you are about to acquire, you can always ask about the technology used to make it
It is not a secret that the companies that offer CBD operate under a legal framework, which in Mexico is registered in the General Health Law regarding Sanitary Control for the Production, Research, and Medicinal Use of Cannabis This regulation indicates, among other things, that suppliers are required to submit their products to laboratory tests Similarly, COFEPRIS has the power to carry out a sanitary verification to check the operating conditions of the brands
There are two schools of thought around CBD: full spectrum extracts or single element extracts
From the quality of the packaging to the information you receive, look for options that give you transparency
The difference between one and the other is that the full spectrum contains other organic components of the plant (terpenes or molecules such as CBG or CBN) and even in some cases psychoactive THC in minimal doses On the other hand isolated techniques guarantee the consumption of CBD completely free of any other element It is important to consider which of the two is acquired to monitor the effects
Being new, you might consider that a low impact CBD could be the option for you, but to obtain better effects and results there are a series of elements that influence the best option From the physical characteristics of the consumer (height and weight), metabolic elements, and concentration Initial doses are typically 50 to 150 milligrams one to two times a day, but this often varies You should know that when buying a CBD product, the ideal way is to receive personalized advice from your distributor
For greater control of the dose, it is necessary that you choose well the product that will give you greater comfort If you are forgetful or do not hit on pill schedules, look for an alternative that involves a single dose a day On the other hand, if you are looking for CBD to control disorders such as anxiety, stress, or attention deficit, vaporization could be a much more effective route of administration 19
Presentation Isolated / Full Intake I m a g e n : C a n v a S t o c k J a n u a r y 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 1

Keep in mind that an oil (the most common form of CBD on the market) is not necessarily the best option for you Because if what you are looking for is CBD consumption to relieve muscle pain creams ointments or topicals are a better method of use There are also pills added drinks edibles or sublingual strips that can better suit your needs and lifestyle

"Our data shows that CBD A and CBG A are effective against the (virus) variants we tested These cannabinoid acids are abundant in hemp and many hemp extracts," said Richard van Breemen of the Global Innovation Center of Hemp, from OSU
The research proved that the acidic compounds of hemp can neutralize the proteins of the virus to prevent its spread in the human body. 20

Science and cannabis continue to show interesting results for health and development Especially in scenarios as urgent as the international efforts to contain the Covid 19 pandemic
The research showed that cannabigerol acid CBG A and cannabidiol acid CBD A (obtained in the growth stage of the plant) block the spike proteins of the virus, preventing its development
During this month scientists from Oregon State University (OSU) surprised the world by revealing that two cannabinoids contained in the cannabis plant could be one of the keys to neutralizing the SARS Cov 2 virus infection

The technique of blocking the microscopic structures that make up the virus (and thus preventing them from adhering to human cells and multiplying) was tested with extracts from other plants such as red clover or hops but the most outstanding reaction that was achieved successful blockade against viral receptors were cannabinoids
The peer reviewed study was published in the Journal of Natural Products and concluded that hemp compounds were effective in inhibiting the growth of the virus that causes Covid 19 disease

CBGAandCBDAacidsneutralizethedevelopmentofthevirus Image:CanvaStock Thecharacteristicproteinspikesofthecoronavirusarethekeyto itsreproduction Image CanvaStock Althoughthestudyisnotrelatedtocannabisuse itshowsthatfurtherresearchintothehorizonsoftheplantisneeded Image CanvaStock J a n u a r y 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 1
It is important to clarify that this finding is not related to the recreational use of cannabis nor does it guarantee that consumers of the plant (in any of its formats) are shielded or have immunity against contagion However, the research sets an important precedent regarding the need to continue investing resources in research and the scientific field

ThedrugcreatedbyArenaisdesignedtohelpfightstomach problems Image:CanvaStock Pfizerisoneofthelaboratoriesthatareattheforefrontofeffortsto combatthepandemic Image CanvaStock
The agreement signed between the companies is equivalent to $6 7 billion dollars as well as the purchase of all the shares in cash Arena Pharmaceuticals is a biotechnology company dedicated to the application of cannabinoids for therapeutic purposes the most promising of which is called Olorinab (APD371), a medicine to combat stomach and intestinal conditions

The pharmaceutical company Pfizer entered the cannabis industry through the acquisition of the multinational company Arena Pharmaceuticals, a corporation dedicated to the development of treatments based on the popular plant

"Pfizer's proposed acquisition of Arena is a recognition of our work focused on serving the needs of inflammatory disease patients " said Amit D Munshi, CEO of Arena Among the products that will now be part of the Pfizer firm are other patents for innovative drugs to treat various stomach diseases acquisition of Arena Pharmaceutical, which specializes in cannabinoid treatments, marks the start of the multinational in the emerald economy
The project through which it is intended to provide the peasants of the region with support, security, and freedom to plant cannabis has so far collected 159 digital forms which are added to the 137 face to face forms obtained at the end of November 2021
the project Collectives
Requested by official letter COD/2046/2021
With this background, members of the Peasant Cannabis Cooperative of Tetecala announced that they will seek to give the initiative greater visibility, so that in this way a process that is already underway can be formalized

The cannabis communities of the state of Morelos confirmed that the support process for the Tetecala Plan will continue in 2022 digitally
to facesupportofahundredpeopleforthesigningofthePlan Image:TVV J a n u a r y 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 1

The authorities that are promoting the Tetecala Plan as well as the producers and activists involved trust that during the period prior to legalization, Tetecala can become an example of the plant's potential as a vehicle for local development

“The cultivation, production, sowing, transformation transportation and distribution of marijuana is allowed for people in the agricultural sector whose objective is related to production for the improvement of their condition and social growth of their communities, facilitating their condition and access to free cultivation of their land indicates the Plan signed by 296 people to date
In this way it is intended to continue with the support campaign to turn Tetecala into the first cannabis town in Mexico a project that in the long term could represent the first tourist corridor focused on marijuana in the country These initiatives seek the benefit of both peasants and community producers, as well as the entities that are supporting them
the State Security Commissioner and the Secretary of Public Security of the municipality of Tetecala, Morelos, to implement precautionary measures to avoid violations of the human rights of the people present in the activities to achieve the objective of the peasant project was part of the statement signed by Israel Hernández Cruz head of the State Human Rights Commission, a document that supports the project
TETECALA PLAN ADVANCES, IN DIGITAL FORMAT people so far have given their support to from Morelos and activists will continue campaign during 2022 22
With the opening of its new branch in San Luis Potosí the Paradise chain reached its 70th store in operations in Mexico This project, owned by businessmen Roberto Palazuelos Marcus Dantus and former president Vicente Fox claims to be operating in 28 states, while continuing to accelerate its expansion campaign “We have specialist doctors in the endocannabinoid system This system is present in all human beings Few people have information about it so our goal is to inform and help people who are looking for a natural alternative for their health We are not looking to sell for the sake of selling but rather to promote informed and responsible consumption said César Escalante promoter of the brand in an interview for a local newspaper With the new branch installed the brand plans to meet the goal of 200 stores open in the 32 states of the Mexican Republic by the end of 2022 Within its business model Paradise already has its own CBD brand as well as various licenses for the distribution of glassware and accessories for responsible adult consumption CBD chain affirms that by the end of 2022 there will be 200 branches that will operate throughout the country

FormerPresidentVicenteFoxmaintainshisopeningtoursandleadsthecompanyscommunicationcampaigns Image:Facebook/ParadiseShopMX
And as if that were not enough: the hours of rest are heavy when you have the pressure of competition at the door or when you are dealing with stress anxiety or depression that sometimes you suffer in silence by Gaby Arellano
What concepts do we associate with a healthy life? It may be a question that when listening to it many of us associate with a balanced diet sports practice and rest to maintain the good health of our body
The use of cannabis and its derivatives as tools to improve the physical capabilities of the human body continues to be a topic of debate in the sports world Better muscle recovery, increased focus, and the ability to combat stress are elements that athletes seek within this plant

I m a g e n C a n v a S t o c k
However when it comes to high performance athletes these ideas fade because it is not enough to follow simple advice when embarking on the path to overcoming physical limits Maintaining a balanced diet becomes difficult when supplementation is involved, the selection of correct proteins, or when you must eat four or five meals a day, sometimes without appetite
The habit of regular exercise changes becoming an obligation With the muscles of the body crushed and without room for a good recovery

Bodybuilders and professionals from any variety of sports disciplines who use marijuana for these purposes but who also combine them with the recreational 25 O N S U M P T I O N S T I G M A

It wasn't until he decided to experiment with cannabis edibles that the training experience was completely transformed I felt like I weighed 50 pounds and running uphill became an easy and fun experience And with a suitable soundtrack it became the highlight of my day" In his recently published book, Hesse exposes the subculture of athletes who consume the plant for performance enhancing purposes

The same prestige that has diminished the achievements of those characters in the world of sports who publicly accept their consumption
The improvement in income from the promotion of new brands, the benefit in physical performance and support for mental health are part of the immediate changes that are beginning to be seen in these areas
In an interview for The New York Times, the author of the book Runner's High narrates that he started running as a regular training, but that the lack of habit in the exercise wore him down discouraged him and caused him more troubles than benefits for his body
My life was miserable and out of control I fought with everyone and if someone asked me for an autograph, I could punch them in the face It was a disaster, and it wasn't until I retired that I started smoking (cannabis) That was a big mistake I should have smoked my entire career" he said in a recent interview for Yahoo Finance Now thanks to the wave of legalization that continues to cover the globe the censorship phenomena of the past are slowly fading away Changes in doping regulations or policies in international companies are generating significant resonance in other disciplines
In the case of the UFC (the world leader in mixed martial arts) the decision to withdraw penalties for marijuana use has been a maneuver that is already having an impact on fighters and the general dynamics of combat sports in the United States
Although cannabis has made its way into the conception of a healthy life and body care, prejudices persist in the sports field that prevents investment in science and technology to support athletes with cannabis

These realities, among many other possibilities, are what have opened a gap for the arrival of cannabis in the sports world For the journalist Josiah Hesse the path to defend the use of the plant as a high performance tool started from scratch From the personal obligation to exercise and improve your health at age 30
Reprimand that opened the debate but at the same time subjected the extraordinary medalist to public pressure and discredit for exercising his right to responsible consumption Another athlete who caused great controversy in 2018 for his pro marijuana stance was former Denver Nuggets basketball player Kenyon Martin, who at the time claimed that 85% of NBA players were cannabis users
One of the most emblematic cases of censorship for the use of cannabis occurred in 2009, against the eight time swimming champion at the Beijing Olympics Michael Phelps The three month suspension (product of an image showing the champion smoking a pipe at a party) was imposed by the United States Swimming Federation

In boxing, the legendary Mike Tyson became an ambassador for the recreational use of the plant which he claims could benefit the performance of athletes around the world
MichaelPhelpscontinuestobeoneofthecasesofhigh performanceathleteswhohavereceivedcriticismfortheiruseofCannabis Image Instagram/@m phelps00 Hessesbookproposesareflectiononsportsconsumption Image CanvaStock TopicalsandCBDarehavingpositiveeffectsonathletes Image CanvaStock J a n u a r y 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 1

Creativity, Innovation and Challenges from the perspective of Mexican Top Shelf brands

Disclaimer: In TVV we are aware that an important part of the cannabis culture (especially regarding responsible adult consumption) moves outside the law For this reason we do not safeguard information, direct contacts or elements related to the collaborators of this section

The opinions activities and products shown here are the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of our media In accordance with Article 13 of the American Convention on Human Rights as well as Article 06 of the Mexican Constitution the information expressed is for the exclusive reading of adults (21+) and for informational purposes only

As consumers we need a culture of consumption and access to information about the quality of the product that is consumed As a seller the quality of your product and service is key to being successful That the sale, only of the plant and derivatives, has been decriminalized And that the potential market is huge due to ignorance and lack of experience in consuming the flower correctly TVV: What are the risks you run as a team? Because it is not yet fully legalized there is a risk of legal consequences For our part all our products are sold with specialized packaging with the aim of making their transfer more discreet Among many internal protocols to take care of ourselves TVV: What are your expectations for 2022?
TVV: When did you start and how much have you grown since then? We started in 2017 selling a single brand and a single product in an informal way through WhatsApp and Instagram and only in CDMX Today we have an online store with limited access and a catalog with more than 100 products with a presence in more than 25 states of the Republic
Experience, quality and variety with a unique system for its consumers: @donquicklifestyle

TVV: How would you describe your consumers?
“Like the discreet adult over 30 years old; professionals, lovers and demanding of good weed who are looking for a reliable and quality guaranteed dispensary service TVV: What have you learned from the industry in Mexico?

Flowers Edibles Vapes F o t o s C o r t e s a D o n Q u i c k J a n u a r y 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 1
“As a dispensary, we look forward to expanding into every state and expanding our product portfolio By 4/20 of this year we hope to have ready our first batch grown by us with the Living Soil method
Extractions Oil FlowersF o t o s C o r t e s í a M a c h e t e D a b s J a n u a r y 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 1
TVV: How would you describe your team and consumers? “We are a diverse group Different ages worldviews possibilities, and the taste for good dab and good maconha unites us

TVV: What is the reception that your products have?
"Speaking of the extract itself, we have learned that the rule of ‘what goes in is what goes out' is totally true in terms of the quality of the material with which one works" 29 710
“We have learned that in Mexico there are more and more enthusiasts about the world of extractions but that for the amount of population we have there is a long way to go in that regard Our proximity to the United States greatly influences the hunger for consumption and knowledge of these products and at the same time there is a bit of 'malinchismo' so many consumers still do not finish trusting Mexican producers
The good thing is that more and more producers are informed and concerned about the quality of their products reducing the line between us and the other side Today you can find Mexican extracts thatcan stand up to any American product

TVV: What have you learned so far from the industry?
We started 3 years ago at a friend's house we started experimenting with extractions with very basic equipment and modest supplies Our quality was nowhere near as good as what we can produce now as was our output We have quintupled our production and formed a good team and work methodology
Innovation, passion for quality and high impact flavor that is guaranteed: @machete dabs

TVV: When did you start and how much have you grown since then?

Flowers Edibles Wax Cartridges F o t o s C o r t e s í a M r K n g K o n g J a n u a r y 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 1

TVV: How would you describe your consumers?
TVV: What are the risks you run as a team?
TVV: Do you think that legalization in Mexico would bring you benefits or just the opposite?

TVV: When did you start and how much have you grown since then?
"By 2022 the expectations are to open personal deliveries in 3 cities of the Mexican Republic and continue to position our brand and work on a quality service and first class products" 30 Popular products, homemade mixes and the most amazing delivery system: @Mr KingKong 420

"In terms of risks there are several risks when selling weed online or via the Internet: you expose yourself to the cyber police, risks with local authorities in terms of shipments seizures etc "
"The truth is that consumers are intelligent super understanding people who have different perspectives with a large part of society "
“Look, of course, it would bring us many benefits, because you know that when it becomes legal the government in terms of taxes is going to raise them For that reason weed or products made with cannabis must be expensive accordingly People are going to look for our market because it is cheaper, so by legalizing it, of course, we are going to continue having business
TVV: What are your expectations for this 2022?
Look, the beginning of Mr King Kong was in 2020 and in terms of growing upwards something important is that people already see cannabis use as more natural ”


Ladies and gentlemen of the Senate, I come before you to humbly ask your attention for the following statement: We really want to smoke weed. That's it for now. We wish you a good week and please apply yourselfs and finish working on those laws Special dedication to Mexican senator Doña Olga Sánchez Cordero Whose support to make this possible will be well rewarded with a special kush with her name They even sent us a sample of the packaging similar to the Mexican classic "Chocolate Abuelita": For this edition, our buddy ELV TJ sent us these beautiful vintage 2022 flower postcards. When we saw such tremendous jewels, we had a different reaction for each one:

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INTERACTIVE INTERACTIVE INTERACTIVE MEME MEME MEME 33 We will also leave them on IG We asked the editor to enter the dynamics, and this is what he sent us: Harvest of the month!! J a n u a r y 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 1

Contact Us hablemos@tuvidaverde com WHAT COMES DURING THE MONTH Do you have an event, social or educational action coming up (in Mexico or around the world) and would you like to announce it? Do not hesitate to contact us! We offer you the space so that your activities reach more people

F o t o C o r t e s í a D r S u l l v a n J a n u a r y 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 1

K N O W Y O U R E N D O C A N N A B I N O I D S Y S T E M by: Dr. Paul Sullivan Compound Pharmacist 35

IF the ECS is NOT functioning correctly or its own endocannabinoids are deficient, the body would be out of balance and subject to many health conditions that would require additional outside support This outside support could then be provided by either prescription drugs or PHYTOCANNABINOIDS such as THC from Cannabis or CBD from Hemp The body has two special receptors that are designed to process this external support that act like a “lock and key” system where the receptor is the lock and THC, or CBD (for example) are the keys The two receptors are CB1 and CB2 with THC primarily being the key to CB1 (the lock) and CBD primarily being the key to CB2 (the lock) These CB1 and CB2 receptors are distributed throughout the central and peripheral nervous systems and influences regulatory processes as diverse as appetite, sleep, mood, stress, energy levels and reproduction
The Endocannabinoid System then can be brought back into balance by the addition of exogenous ” (produced externally) phytocannabinoids THC and or CBD along with their various other constituents Understanding the value and the function of the ECS is critical to understanding the benefits of Cannabinoids as they relate to our health
Maintains balance in EVERY system Maintains balance BETWEEN systems Disruptions in ECS are seen in many MEDICAL CONDITIONS and DISEASES Conventional medicine is not effective because it s not treating the real problem Cannabinoids (from Cannabis and Hemp) can often resolve conditions because they address and correct the deficiencies in the disrupted ECS The ECS is a system of self regulating receptors that work in a lock and key relationship
It is difficult to discuss the benefits of Cannabis and THC or Hemp or CBD without first understanding the biological system that supports the; Endocannabinoid System (ECS) While we are very familiar with most of the body s “systems that help run our physiological processes; Muscular System, Skeletal System Nervous System Circulatory Systems etc but few are aware of the Endocannabinoid System We are learning more each day as research evolves and even the FDA tells us the ECS is “everywhere” in our body with the following benefits: If the ECS is operating correctly it would produce its own endocannabinoids (Anandamide and 2 AG) that would support balance and homeostasis in the body

A plant is known to be female or male when it shows sex for approximately three to four months When you get regular seeds that is the pollination of a male plant and a female plant produces seeds, what you must know is how to distinguish female plants and male plants The females show the sex with pistils or white stigmas that come out between the nodes of the plant that would be the flower of the female that does produce buds In the same way happens with males the difference is that the male produces stamens that are the male's flower easier to recognize because it shows them faster and they have circular shapes and they appear between the nodes of the plant and these do not produce buds To harvest the plants it is necessary to consider the change of photoperiod from vegetative to flowering which is twelve hours of light and twelve hours of darkness 36
Vane 4:20Cali, Colombia

At what moment and how can we know if the plant is male or female when they come from regular seeds?
The substrate must be aerated, retain moisture, and have good drainage so that the plant does not suffer from drought or high humidity, thus it is less prone to pests A good base substrate contains peat moss, perlite, and coconut substrate. The main characteristics to know that a plant is ready to harvest is to observe that more than 75% of the pistils or stigmas are in a brown color and the trichomes are with a white or amber color to harvest at the exact point of maturity
Raquel G. San Diego, EU
How to identify that a seed is suitable for growing?
How should the type of substrate be used for the plant to grow in coptimal onditions?

Alfonso Díaz Z. CDMX, México
What are the characteristics of height, time, color, flowers, etc. to know that the plant is ready to harvest?
The seed is ready to germinate when pressure is applied with the fingers, it does not burst, it is gray in color and the seed must be harvested within a maximum period of one year to be ready for germination.
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Ciudad Juárez, México