What is a miracle in our times? A question that if we stop for a second to analyze we may relate to feats of fantasy Biblical or heroic stories of civilizations that today live only in our history books or on the shelves of our memory It is enough to think about the concept for a second and strive to bring it up to our times so that it immediately becomes a shocking and even absurd idea for some The healing of wounds, the theft of Prometheus' fire or the division of the sea in two stories impossible to believe, to demonstrate and much less to replicate in today's world But deep down, a miracle contains two powerful elements that are still present in our day to day First the astonishment That feeling we have before the birth of a new element; with the arrival of a discovery or knowing something that we did not know existed in our vast universe The second: hope The human feeling that moves and encourages us to a positive state of mind; the flash of light that illuminates the paths of our life and motivates us to take firm steps despite the gloom I see both elements reflected daily in the people who are directly or indirectly part of this industry It is in the efforts of scientists who study cannabis in depth, trying to identify the keys for the generation of new and better medical alternatives for the ailments that afflict us everyday It is in the efforts of pioneering doctors in the use of endocannabinoid treatments whose interest and passion for health promotion has made them break down stigmas and barriers around the world Patients and families who through activism have fought for decades for the human right to free consumption A battle that has managed to cross the seas of prohibitionism and those who want to define the world from their prejudices But they are always there Happening to us every moment For us miracle also means good news because as of this issue Tu Vida Verde is integrated into the vertical scheme of Milagro Pharmaceuticals International company based in Nevada USA whose trust and support will allow us to stimulate this project, not only to bring you more and better content but also to continue growing this platform that belongs to everyone So, a miracle cure? I don't think so But a plant that brings together so many efforts, collective wills and that fills us with wonder and hope as we discover more about it Well that's more than reasonable Walt Whitman “For me every hour of the day and night is a miracle Every cubic inch of space is a miracle” Good vibes, green life and lots of love to all of you!
Observation: there is the element

Salvador Vega

President / Charlie Bravo Media Director / Salvador Vega Style Corrector / Víctor D. Flores Editors / Paola Galante, Antonio Romero, Gary "Toke" Thompson, Psycho Memes, Cynthia Olivieri, Gaby Arellano. Art and Design / Susana Romero, Axel Delgado. Photographers / Alejandro Piña, Mr Pipe, ELV TJ Translation / Diana Baquero Marketing Director / Crishtian González Social Media / Andrés Palomares Sales Director México / Fernando Flores Sales Director Colombia / Johnny Torres Sales Director US / Andrew Simon Contact Us Available in +52 (55) 6783 9958 Copyright Notice COPYRIGHT January 2022 Year 01 number 01 TU VIDA VERDE© is a monthly publication protected by the Copyright Laws of Mex co and by the UCC Universal Copyright (Geneva and Paris Convention) Stock images used in this issue are fully licensed for commercial use and distribution Reproduction printing or distribution of this copy without permission is prohibited Powered by: Milagro Pharmaceuticals I m a g e n : C a n v a S t o c k

F e b r u a r y 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 2 04 Front Page INDEX Fit & Green TVV Profiles K O to the cannabis prohibition in Mixed Martial Arts Ingrid X Yoshi: Experiment, accident and entrail rap 19 05 Industry Voices Karina Belmont: Participation of women in the Cannabis industry Israel Madrid: Let s build an entire industry together! Oswaldo Olivas: New narratives around the plant Advances in scientific research on cannabis from the perspective of international specialists UNAM starts endocannabinology diploma Plantón 420 turns two years old Who is the new Super Bowl GOAT? Balance mind and body Consumption for spiritual and sensory development09 24 13 17 Local News Everything Green is Good 31 Psycho Meme 33 Underground Cannabis cafes in danger of extinction Thailand close to regulation 28 International Dr Enrique Menéndez explains the news about treatments for fibromyalgia 38 Puff of Medicine Mr Cannavz answers the doubts of our followers about self cultivation 39 Ask the Expert

The history of the prohibition of Cannabis in Mexico has lasted 101 years even though in other parts of the world hemp and crops for medicinal purposes are constantly growing In our country the discussion is still going on about the guidelines that will govern this industry that has a promising future for peasants, small producers, micro entrepreneurs, and people who need to make some therapeutic use that implies free possession from the seed, sowing, production, harvest, transport, transformation and sale of all products derived from this species that has been used from the textile as bioplastics, or construction material
The most important of all is the right to health which is the key to having real access proclaiming "Land freedom and equality of conditions for all Mexicans who seek to be cured through this plant" which helps to combat more than 25 diseases among them, diabetes, hypertension, chronic pain, and many ailments that people have Women are part in this movement of struggle we do not want to offend the prison system but we seek to burn down the walls that prevent access to knowledge we want the walls of prohibition to fall and that we change persecution for investigation The land belongs to those who work it and while we wait for this to be understood, women will continue to fight against the prejudices and stigmas that exist towards the plant and towards the women who are related to it, because we are committed to having a country where the state legalizes and regulates for the benefit of public health and social justice History and its narratives depend on power relations, but we will continue to be visible in causes that seem unattainable, in voiceless cries in social struggles where female power has always been and will be.
Also, as a soil phytoremediator, it has a great capacity to absorb Co2 from the atmosphere and is very efficient for making paper; it works as feed for livestock because it has a high fiber content, it helps improve the animal digestion, this makes them release less greenhouse gases such as methane, and they are healthier For its part, the seed is considered a superfood as it has large amounts of omegas 3, 6 and 9 As an agronomist, I believe that producers must be prepared and trained to have opportunities in the next "Green Revolution" On the other hand, simply looking at the plant as one more organism, as a medicinal and ancestral plant, could ease the bureaucracy that does not solve anything We are the second largest producer of Cannabis in the world, this makes it clear that, when export markets are opened, it would be a crop that generates significant income for the country, jobs, and ecological benefits as it is a plant that can replace everything that today is made with oil, in addition to being food

KARINA BELMONT / Agricultural Engineer Activist and Crop Specialist n d u s r t y V o i c e s

nagement of this crop has ry due to the climatic s that we must give rise to ed until now
I n d u s r t y V o i c e s
There are thousands of possibilities and challenges but now is the time to execute My work today is focused on supporting the creation of all the tools and models to be able to start this industry within a framework of sustainability and good practices We are in the right place at the right time and can help with any endeavor
The light at the end of the tunnel.
L IS F e b r u a r y 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 2 06

The ideas emanating from e have confronted us with a rea We had the historic oppor paradigms and at the same innovation an industry that this moment that the countr We have the great opportunity g g g y based on socially responsible models that address not only the vision of entrepreneurship but also sustainable social development
Everything seems to indicate that we are in the final stretch of cannabis prohibition in Mexico With the declaration of unconstitutionality of the SCJN and the decree of the law for the control of cannabis and its derivatives an industry is opened that according to estimates could reach a size of up to five billion dollars in 2025 An industry full of challenges which will have to create a new regulatory system without affecting competitiveness and equity We are facing a historic milestone there has never been so much expectation for the unknown and contrary to everything that could be expected there are very few who are deciding firmly to join the segment A clear example is that for a year we have had a regulation for the medical use of cannabis and yet only a handful of companies have taken action to enter it When the rules are not entirely clear they demand even more definitions from the government however it is time to act e of which do not ion Where is the pecialized media, e industry support r the traditional ploring Mars Some t heads" or "How ted companies that t and education to lready know, within s a low invest, low Something totally a boom and a transformation of the financial ecosystem it could be 100% applicable in a new industry in need of action and forcefulness
For decades Mexico has face years in which cannabis wen "the devil's herb" we have rea has generated is a breeding violence and intolerance T always haunt our social uncon
With the new general law for the control of cannabis and its derivatives, we are building an industry together and for me that is the most exciting
I n d u s r t y V o i c e Is n d u s r t y V o i c e s
Furthermore, the new legislation creates an industry that few see: the industrial hemp The possibility of transforming agriculture into a product that is up to 10 times more profitable could create the most important agricultural investment project in history, a project that, if added to sustainable processes and a socially responsible economy, would generate sustainable raw material for the textile industry, bioenergy, pharmaceutical, construction material and bio plastics One hectare of hemp can produce up to 3 times the amount of fiber compared to one hectare of cotton and requires only a quarter of the water With potentially high biomass yield and its suitability to fit into existing crop rotations, hemp could not only complement but outperform other available energy crops that require high levels of water to grow

For decades, the history of the plant only had two big narratives: the prohibitionist policies of governments and conservative groups that sought its eradication and on the other hand that of activists who consider that consumption is a fundamental civil right
The legalization of cannabis in its different uses is a movement promoted by activists, entrepreneurs, doctors, associations, researchers, and companies that see commercial opportunities medicinal treatments industrial capacities and a potential that has not yet been defined in different areas in the plant Cannabis and its psychoactive and non psychoactive varieties allow multiple applications and derivations in medicinal use, industrial use, and adult use, and so many more that it is no longer possible to have a single vision on the subject

To this bipolar vision of freedom against prohibition, which still persists in the traditional media and among some interest groups today new narratives and characters are added that provide different approaches to cannabis and they are the key to fighting against stigma imposed by prohibition
OSWALDO OLIVAS / Editor Industria420 com

The nascent cannabis industry is not homogeneous on the contrary it is being formed by people and groups with very different profiles but with the common idea that cannabis must be legal in the 21st century and must have clear and effective regulatory frameworks to be able to take advantage of everything that the plant can offer to society
I n d u s r t y V o i c e s
The cultural change around cannabis in the world, led by the approval of regulatory frameworks the drive for research agricultural innovation and technological development are shaping stories about the plant that include verifiable data and measure the economic, environmental psychological and social impact that it can generate This means that going forward we will see more doctors administrators agribusiness experts market researchers pharmaceutical chemists veterinarians, and many other professionals who have something to say about cannabis and its applications which will translate into a reduction in stigma based on verifiable facts

In the world of Mixed Martial Arts, innovation is present at every step Whether through its evolution as a massive spectacle (shaping an industry that amasses billions of dollars annually worldwide) or as a growing athletic discipline MMA is a phenomenon in constant transformation However, one of the milestones that this combat sport is breaking is the prohibition of cannabis as a substance of consumption for high performance athletes The idea that marijuana and its derivatives should be considered an illegal drug for athletes in this sport is slowly disappearing from the octagons and ringlets globally A change that experienced a crucial moment when the UFC company (the undisputed leader in this industry) lifted the ban on cannabis from its anti doping regulations by Antonio Romero I m a g e n : C a n v a S t o c k

USADA website shows Cannabis is no longer considered a prohibited substance for use by UFC athletes

Similarly, one of his strongest rivals, the controversial Connor McGregor, also expressed his taste for marijuana prior to the regulation of the UFC defending his position to a question from the international press

During the first week of January 2021 the UFC removed cannabis and its derivatives from its strict operating regulations, which are supervised by the USADA (United States Anti Doping Agency) This even though in a third of this country cannabis remains an illegal substance, both for medical and recreational use However the decision of the largest company in terms of combat sports remains firm to this day and is considered historic by multiple sports specialists Not only because of its relevance to the lives of athletes, but to the legalization movement on a global scale But the glory of this victory which is a real knockout for the prohibitionist stigma that affects athletes around the planet, falls directly on the superstars who have driven consumption for a few years In 2016 the fighter Nate Díaz caused controversy when he was caught on camera smoking cannabis Defending the consumption of CBD as a natural anti inflammatory and pain reliever After that the welterweight fighter automatically became a promoter of legalization

“Cannabis helps the healing process inflammation and all that So I smoke before, after the fight and during training camp This is called CBD, in case you don't know what it is " he said Nate Díaz (left) and Conor McGregor (right) have been strong rivals in the octagon, but both share that they stopped hiding their consumption in public life Images: @nadiaz209 /

What does continue to work for me is coming out of a hard workout very punished consuming a little cannabis (THC or CBD) and feeling that recovery much faster and more efficiently,” he said The martial artist shared with us that today he has found some varieties of flowers that have helped him when teaching with aspects such as creativity or concentration that are necessary in this sport And in the same way, he told us that observing the opening of these topics is motivation to live in a lighter and more transparent way in his personal life
HEALTHY AND FREE ATHLETES In all corners of the planet, martial artists are beginning to find effective alternatives and recovery techniques in cannabis to maintain a high performance lifestyle,

Seeing that people like Mike Tyson or high level athletes express themselves positively about the use of cannabis is a pleasure and helps me to strengthen and externalize my taste for the benefits of marijuana From that I feel freer, and I am more open in my daily life about my consumption The myths of laziness and heaviness of consumers come from abuse Obviously if excesses are incurred, the body is going to get a little heavy but I think it's all about finding the right dose for the activity you are going to do The myths are there but I know a lot of people who are super active, successful in their lives; they generate jobs, they are activists of a thousand things, and they consume marijuana So, I think that the myth is part of the history of the plant from where its prohibition was born but fortunately I think that today more people are being seen outside of the myth expressing their taste for marijuana

I m a g e n C o r t e s í a R e n é D i o s d a d o
Enalgunasregiones lasautoridadeshanmanifestadosu apoyoalosproyectosdelegalización Imagen Facebook/CEDHdelEstadodeMorelos El SenadodelaRepúblicavolvióapostergarladiscusióndela LeydeCannabis estavezparaelmesdefebrero Imagen:Twitter@RicardoMonrealA “I can tell you that for me, consuming was a bit opposed to my preparation But I recognize that it was due to lack of information I did not know for example that smoking could affect my cardiopulmonary performance since I did not know other ways to consume But little by little I began to realize that it brought me benefits, especially in recovery Not so much when it comes to training
The changes in the UFC's drug policies have generated a global discussion about the paths that cannabis users should take in this sport Well although the plant as well as its derivatives are an alternative that has demonstrated its effectiveness for muscle recovery there is still a lot of work and research to be carried out to analyze its real impact on sport In an interview for Tu Vida Verde the trainer of athletes in Martial Arts and Brazilian Jiu jitsu, René Diosdado Gallardo commented that in Mexico this discussion continues to be left on the sidelines due to a mix between lack of interest and lack of real information about the effects In Mexico there is still a very strong taboo on the use of the plant, and, at the same time, there is a lack of interest People don't care as much about cannabis as they do about the use of other substances I think it is partly due to the misinformation that exists in the country about what weed can do (for better or worse) to athletes” From his experience as an instructor René has witnessed the demystification of certain stigmas, as well as a greater openness of the consumption of CBD and THC among high performance fighters “I think the issue is being uncovered I know many athletes of new generations who are beginning to stand out who use cannabis and express it openly And I can tell you that I have not noticed any kind of shock or disappointment from the fans Marijuana is not a substance that increases your energy or helps you gain performance I think part of it is because of that " The instructor who claims to have smoked cannabis for more than 20 years, indicated that beyond being a tool to increase performance cannabis is an excellent aid for recovery
In 2022, a worldwide boom was perceived in the interest in scientific research around medicinal cannabis, driven by findings that demonstrated the effectiveness of cannabinoids in neutralizing the SARS CoV 2 virus in laboratory tests But where will these discoveries take us, and what do they mean for the plant's immediate future?
An encouraging result that could mean the development of treatments to combat the sequelae of this disease
The first research published in the Journal of Natural Products by scientists at Oregon State University (OSU) shocked the world by revealing that CBG A cannabigerolic acid and CBD A cannabidiolic acid (obtained in the growth state of the plant) managed to block the spike proteins of the SARS CoV 2 virus (causing the Covid 19 disease) preventing adherence to tissues and with this, its development in the human body "Our data shows that CBD A and CBG A are effective against the (virus) variants we tested These cannabinoid acids are abundant in hemp and many hemp extracts " said Richard van Breemen of the Global Innovation Center of OSU Hemp Later, another investigation, by Marsha Rosner of the University of Chicago found that CBD managed to stop SARS CoV 2 infected cells in laboratory experiments "Our findings don't show that this will work in patients They just make a strong case for a clinical trial," she said Thanks to the visibility of these investigations other recent studies came to light again, such as that of the Institute of Plant Science of the Volcani Center An investigation published in the journal Nature that demonstrated anti inflammatory properties in lung cells affected by Covid 19

Medical cannabis and scientific findings became international news during the first months of 2022 Reactivating discussions about legalization in all corners of the planet but also transforming the perception of the scope of marijuana as an element for the development of treatment against major diseases, in this case Covid 19

At least three investigations published in the most important scientific journals aroused the enthusiasm of consumers but at the same time the concern of the medical community due to the wave of misinformation that emerged from these advances in laboratories

Also in an interview for Tu Vida Verde Dr. Raquel Peyraube, a medical specialist in endocannabinology and problematic drug use mentioned that all the research that comes to light must be taken with the caution required by scientific rigor, as well as with the responsibility of knowing that the chemical part of the research process (in vitro) is incipient enough to affirm effects at a clinical level Since of the universe of annual studies on cannabis less than 10% show that they have a real therapeutic effect From the chemical stage to the clinical stage there are a series of steps that must be covered to demonstrate that they are effective But this misinformation that often occurs with scientific work on preclinical cannabis in vitro, leads people to believe that if they smoke or take CBD every day they will not get it or they will prevent it

I m a g e n C a n v a S t o c k
Countries with a developing industry such as Mexico, promote their own research around the plant

Many times the news spreads that cannabinoids are already the miracle cure for Covid, and well, that really has to be looked at with a magnifying glass, because although today we have some very interesting preclinical findings (which would speak for example of a mechanism of action through the inhibition of mast cells, which are the cells responsible for "calling" other substances that promote inflammation) then the word began to spread around this type of information " he said For the Colombian specialist, some of the most interesting research regarding cannabis is related to the pandemic but not directly to the virus But with the other pandemic: the mental health of medical personnel “A very interesting point opens up with cannabinoids which is the issue of health prevention That this is totally revolutionary against the use of this type of substance But it is also very pleasing to find information that is associated not only with the treatment of the virus, but also with the consequences it is leaving on our health workers The whole issue of burnout syndrome (excess work) due to the tension that occurred in the pandemic, that is something very interesting because there are already clinical trials in psychiatry which is also quite innovative such as that of Dr José Alexander Crippa”
But this is misinformation It worries me because then people abandon the preventive measures that have been validated (vaccines or face masks) and therefore do not contribute to the general epidemic situation " she says
For specialist Andrew Simon the large amount of existing research on marijuana derivatives and their analysis for the development of potential antiviral treatments demonstrates the importance of the plant and its healing potential “I believe that the healing potential of the cannabis plant is infinite Since its use against acute symptoms such as pain, anxiety, and sleep; chronic conditions moods or diseases such as epilepsy and cancer ” commented However, the expert considered that as it is a subject that is always in motion, there is still a lot of research to be done "I think that it will take years for the world to discover the full potential of this plant" For his part, the surgeon, epidemiologist and representative of the Society of Cannabis Clinician Dr. Gustavo Ortega explained that the rise in research is encouraging, but it is an issue that should be taken with extreme caution At some point (thanks to recent studies) it was suggested that cannabis users had a lower risk of contagion and that is a belief among people who consume cannabis This is something that had not been studied but I see that there are already outcomes that are wanted to be tried or sought in some medical courts, but that have been projected for 5 years (and that is why the results have not been given)
Controlled in vitro experiments are an encouraging step, but very incipient in the research process

I m a g e n C a n v a S t o c k

The generation of a responsible industry it's in the understanding and supporting the development of scientific research around cannabis.
AndrewSimon CannabisConnoisseur

It's good that there are more of these discoveries, but hopefully we can land them in clinical applications And for that, well trained and qualified personnel are required news spreads that cannabinoids are already the miraculous cure for Covid, and well, that has to be looked at with a magnifying glass" have to appeal to the responsibility we have as doctors to participate in the correct dissemination of knowledge" the chemical to the clinic instance there are a series of steps that must be covered to demonstrate that the treatments are effective"
MemberoftheInternationalAssociationfor CannabinoidMedicines Dr

It never ceases to amaze me how every year there are news about the effectiveness of cannabinoids to prevent viral diseases, but also news that we find that they can be useful for other diseases (such as cancer or others) there is a long way to go in education and research so that these discoveries that occur at an experimental level in vitro can be translated into a clinical application that is useful to patients
F e b r u a r y 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 2 16 A GREAT LEAP FROM MYTHS TO FACTS


"There’s so much research to be done, I think that it will take years for the world to discover the full potential of this plant" LuisSuárez Medicalspecialistinfunctional medicineandendocannabinology MexicanAssociationofCannabinoidMedicine Dr RaquelPeyraube Medicalspecialistin endocannabinologyandproblematicdruguseI GustavoOrtega GeneralSurgeon Epidemiologist inAdvancedInnovativePartners SocietyofCannabisClinician

In a critical sense the also member of the executive committee of the International Association for Cannabinoid Medicine mentioned that in the world of cannabis the pharmaceutical industry is often criticized, but painfully, the excessive enthusiasm or the lack of information makes it enter the same "dirty game" of promoting solutions that are non existent today For example, saying that cannabis cures cancer, when what we can say is that cannabinoids (some of them) have antitumor action That doesn't mean they cure cancer Chemotherapy is also antitumor and does not necessarily cure cancer We also do not know precisely what doses would be useful So it seems important to me that the communication made to the population is done with clarity and responsibility This vision corresponds to that of Dr. Luis David Suárez Rodríguez Medical specialist in functional medicine and endocannabinology President of the Mexican Association of Cannabinoid Medicine

“Working with the highest house of studies in our country allows us to collaborate with other research centers at a very important level Collaboration agreements are being signed for research initiatives in the cannabis world and thanks to the fact that we are at UNAM we will be able to have teachers students and doctoral students who can participate in these initiatives And we believe that this is the most important thing about this training: not only the fact of having well trained human resources but connecting these people with sources of knowledge at an international level so that we can do our research here with our own development Dr Luis David Suárez commented on this Meanwhile, Dr Raquel Peyraybe, who oversaw the genesis of this study program, specified that the course is unique in its kind in the world as it will address core issues that will pave the way for a serious and profitable industry, detached of harmful myths or basic technical errors such as calling "cannabis medicine" to a practice that has another name

There is a polarity in this field that we must resolve between the prohibitionist that is still there waiting for us to fail and the more romantic versions of this story, which seem to me to be legitimate but cannot be the fundamental pillar of public health

The first academic effort of its kind will have a staff of international professors of the highest level
“This is modulation of the endocannabinoid system and therefore it is endocannabinology And cannabis derivatives can be one of the drugs we use to achieve that effect But there are others, along with dietary hygienic measures and a lot of what is integrative and functional medicine that we also work on in the diploma course We bet on the rationality or the rational use of these medicines
TheNationalAutonomousUniversityofMexicoisthemostimportantpubliceducationinstitutionin thecountryandoneofthethreemostimportantinLatinAmerica Image:CanvaStock

Cannabis is fueling growing interest from an entire generation of doctors and scientists searching for the hidden answers within this controversial plant
An example of this occurs in countries like Mexico, where professionalization is opening the academic gap at UNAM the most important public university in this country and one of the 3 best in all Latin America In this space the first Endocannabinology Diploma will be held in March An academic effort with a staff of more than 120 students and 80 professors from all over the world
Similarly the possession of flowers without representing a risk of committing crimes against health and the possibility of generating spaces for shared consumption are the actions on which they have concentrated since 2020 Mexico
Planton 420 is the first civil action of its kind in the world as it represents a permanent demonstration outside a federal building guarded by the local government All this for the generation of a space of respect and tolerance for adult consumption

F e b r u a r y 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 2 18 PLANTON 4:20 TURNS 2 YEARS OLD The activists celebrated the installation of the first tolerance zone for recreational consumption on the outskirts of the political nucleus of
PepeRivera,oneofthefoundingmembersofthemovement,givesafewwordsforthe anniversary Image:CourtesyAlejandroPiña
Among the agenda that the group made up of activists from different generations has prepared for today are educational talks, cultivation seminars and a celebration with sound system and rap among other cultural events
The Planton 420 of Mexico City celebrates this February 2 the feat of remaining two consecutive years outside the Senate of the Republic in a peaceful action of resistance and fight for the legalization of cannabis in our country
According to its organizers, the objectives of this effort are concentrated in 4 axes, which are: a dignified treatment for cannabis users (no criminalization or prejudice towards the consumer); free cultivation of the non profit plant, so that everyone can enjoy its benefits

High-End Edibles
The kick to the palate explosion of fresh flavors on the taste buds and di from their mental concern “This dish tastes like weed”, is what one comes t bite You don't get that stro groceries or space brownie underground market No because it is the highest M with cannabis For this edition, the chefs and Pablo Porras invited Basán's kitchen a gastron heart of the Roma neighbo a place where once a mo have offered a signature can Dishes for the customer innovative cannabis gast practiced with a mixture of discipline, but also with t providing a new experienc “If this is your first time ex cooking, don't expect an e will detect an immediate ta is the first mistake You're g detect sensations, but if y smelled marijuana in your to taste like that This is and calculated”, said chef Pablo, just before serving the cured fish BY GARY "TOKE" THOMPSON

Cured Fish Cortadito WHAT'S ON IT The star: 15 day cured Pacific Mahi Mahi with Colima salt, onion ash, chili powder, mixed lemon zest and espadín mezcal Sweet Note: Tomatoes sealed with butter Smoky Note: Torched avocado Crunchy Element: Blue corn tostada The magic ingredient: Lemon vinaigrette, roasted/candied garlic, ginger, habanero and rosin extract AUTORS: Chef Rogelio Zacatelco Chef Pablo Porras

I m a g e n : T V V I m a g e n T V V

Rarely you will have the opportunity to try such good food in terms of flavors and aesthetics It is very well dosed, you will not "turn pale", crudely said You are not going to have a dose higher than the appropriate one; without paranoia rather you are going to relax "super cool" and have a great time and it really is a very good time, because (get ready) the effect will last several hours But everything is very appropriate and very cool " he said He is a specialist who has worked in some of the best restaurants in the country's capital, as a production manager at the famous Pujol restaurant and as head chef at the Hotel Matilda at the Moxi restaurant “Unravel it All components are made to be tested together” he recommends before completely disassembling the dish For his part, chef Pablo, makes the perfect partner by being a researcher of the effects, quality and flavor of cannabis as an input for gastronomy With both theoretical and practical experience in mixing dosing and pairing multiple types of extracts and flowers “It's been many years of being a cannabis consumer and taking care to know what the flowers or extracts taste like If the supplier tells us that it has a Lemon Haze extract, it can go in this dish because it has citrus notes But if they tell me that they have a Sour Diesel strain which is a slightly gassier flavor (sic), it would not go in this dish And that is the trust that we have with our suppliers, both for cannabis and non cannabis supplies ” he says

Once assembled it leaves the kitchen and the first person to try it is the customer” Rogelio: (For this dish) the acid note is always good not necessarily citrus Sometimes the classic vinaigrette is as such, vinegar However, acidity always comes in handy, more so if it is going to have avocado It also cuts fat and makes it very neutral and palatable” For them, it's all about innovation To mix and reconcile the idea that haute cuisine (be it cannabis or not) is a discipline that revolves around cooking times and temperatures A profession that is practiced with passion but also with the guarantee that the elements of each dish at each time are jewels of unparalleled quality That as a whole achieve an explosion of flavors that are enhanced with the natural sensory qualities of
F e b r u a r y 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 2 22 I m a g e n : C o r t e s í a B a s á n

Both chefs presume that deep down the dishes of the monthly Cannabica project are one of a kind Starting with the inputs and in the case of flowers their traceability to ensure that the strains that are used are indeed from the strain that is mentioned Likewise, the legal support so that this project can be advertised in the way it is done, but above all the honesty with which the elements are handled in the kitchen since they rarely taste their own creations Pablo: “The elements of the dish are tested The vinaigrette and the fish, for example But not tomato and avocado because it is a flavor that we already identify perfectly what it tastes like; you already have it inside you and you don't need to corroborate those kinds of flavors But what we don't try is the full plate

Raw and honest sound. A project that is born and lives from transgression, but that was developed on the magic of the spontaneous. A detonation moment for two artists who, without knowing it, were looking for each other. Experiment, accident and entrail rap I m á g e n e s : C o r t e s í a I n g r i d B r a n s by Cynthia Olivieri

“This is going to be the best interview of your life” says Ingrid from the first moment We have been talking for 10 minutes in the garden of the recording studio in the south of Mexico City Next to her is Yoshi music producer arranger and like the vocalist a personality that is difficult to pigeonhole into a single profession

At that time, she explains that the way in which her life and her career were analyzed from the numbers from the perspective of a new product ready to be marketed or with the coldness of a business that perceived her only as a piece of meat, did not turn out nice

However after the release of the first single titled Qué Pereza both received several criticisms on social networks, much of it oriented by the contrast of Ingrid's image (a personality mainly forged as a celebrity on television) and her immersion in an industry as contrasting as the world of hip hop

But it was there where the connection was made that would lead this duo to develop into the new and transgressive musical proposal that they are today: “At that meeting Yoshi suddenly saw me and said 'what if we go smoke a little?' and we went out to this little roof that is here she points to an area in the garden of the studio and she says to me 'and you what do you want to do?' something that seemed very cool to me at that time”
As she lights a joint, she remembers the first work meeting where the decision to start a career with her as a solo artist was raised I was very overwhelmed at the meeting All talking about money music and stuff Everybody talking like they're I don't know betting on my rear!" she laughed
“A few days before my 34th birthday I met Yoshi they introduced me to him and it was something magical I would say Because being able to coincide with a person who really cares about you from the heart the first time they meet you is not normal comments Ingrid Brans public figure and MC of this project
I m a g e n C o r t e s í a Y o s h i
Both comment on the start of this musical experiment which in public has been a couple of months since its first release but which has represented an adventure full of contrasts discoveries and new sounds

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At that moment, Yoshi intervenes to explain that in this process, rap was never the goal but rather a kind of spontaneous fortune “It's just that Ingrid didn't want to sing She didn't want to be a rapper It wasn't really her dream and I think this (the project we're doing) is almost an accident But when she verified that second time she rapped that there was her special factor as an artist well that's where we left " Now both have 43 songs recorded and a release on the door for this coming February 25: Mandíbula Dislocada A cathartic single that as they both explained to us, is all about the actual physical description of what Ingrid felt one afternoon in the studio A material with which they seek to project all the pressures that we are facing all the time “Talk about how leaning on someone you love can save your life in those moments”
“'You sing really badly, better dedicate yourself to doing what you know how to do' what you know how to do?” she questioned However, she recognizes that the image forged as hostess and model/vedette of Mexican television being a foreigner; working for Víctor Trujillo in his production as 'La Reata' for more than 6 years and participating in reality shows is not a very usual path But not for a second does she hesitate to affirm with integrity that she is a rapper “That's the kind of comment where I feed off and say, 'Now I'll teach you just what I know how to do’ An impulse that encourages her to write, as she has always done Texts that she previously projected to her audience using the nude tool And in that space, when the initial impact of the nude wears off only her words remain That they are the tool that she now uses to project a one of a kind flow Qué pereza was the first song to come to light but in the studio garden both members confess that it is the 12th song they recorded 26 I really didn't know what I wanted to do I wrote and sang, but I didn't identify with any style or tone of voice I recorded myself listened and sounded the same as everyone else It didn't sound bad but it sounded like everyone! This is worse than sounding bad It's like a bad replay so I said how do I make it sound like me?”
Ingrids personality and her career as a model and public figure reduced hercredibilityinsomesectors howeversheisdeterminedtomaintainthis musicalproject Image:@ingridbrans

To finish Yoshi comments on the fortune he feels to this day in embarking on this path with Ingrid And narrating now from his words the genesis of this outbreak he does not stop transmitting how pleasant and surprised he is by the scope of this project: "I saw her once and asked her 'where were you? I needed to find an artist like you' someone with whom to do all this and be able to work just like we are doing And she answered me that she was living everything that she was projecting and writing”
I m a g e n : C o r t e s í a I n g r i d B r a n s

However establishments that were once packed with tourists remain empty in the famous RedLight District, which now looks almost deserted
According to the reported data, more than half of the 167 coffee shops in the capital are downtown and depend entirely on tourism so it has only been through the financial rescue of the government that they have remained afloat
Meanwhile for the Dutch government the concern that motivated the economic support was always revolving around the possibility that the closure of these establishments could once again detonate a wave of illegal traffic in the streets of the city, for which the measures of a financial nature acquired an urgent character Today, although the lockdown is over, and it seems that the hardest part of the pandemic is finally coming to an end the rules in place for the entire Dutch hotel industry remain unchanged All customers must show a vaccination pass in the form of a QR code on their phones to buy cannabis in a cafe, maintain a distance of 1 5 meters indoors and wear a mask when ordering Cafeterias must stop serving at 10 p m but they are allowed to stay open until midnight for take out
The lack of tourism due to confinement measures threatens to trigger a new wave of illegal trade OneoftheDutchgovernment'sfearsisthatthepotentialclosureofcoffeeshopscouldsparkanewwave ofillegalvendingonthecity'sstreets Image:coffeeshop relaxnl I m a g e n : C a n v a S t o c k

According to information published by CNN, one of the most important questions in the industry is how these businesses have managed to survive the lack of tourism in what is considered one of the most important cannabis capitals in Europe

Dutch coffee shops never fully closed during the pandemic as they were classified as essential businesses unlike restaurants cafes and nightclubs

The catastrophic blow to cannabis cafes in Amsterdam has been such that both employees and the few customers who maintain their regular activities are considering that these economic centers are in danger of extinction

The removal of the plant from the list must be formally signed by the minister of health and will take effect 120 days after its publication in the government gazette Thailand's recent changes in cannabis laws have generated confusion throughout the country due to the unclear scope of the amendment But what was detailed is that all those who smoke cannabis can still be arrested in Thailand Similarly all cannabis extracts with more than 0 2% of tetrahydrocannabinol or high induction THC are still
Thailand became the first country in Asia to pass the decriminalization of marijuana, although authorities have left a gray area around its recreational use In statements by Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul published in TIME magazine it was announced that the Narcotics Control Board had approved removing cannabis from the ministry's list of controlled drugs

THAILAND ADVANCES WITH LEGALIZATION The Asian country is months away from its first step in terms of plant consumption standards Extractsandderivatives,aswellasresponsibleadultconsumptioninpublicspaces continuetobepunishedinthisregion Image:CanvaStock

COMPLETEDPASS When you smoke before going to work and you think no one will notice the aroma Your friend wanted to hit the bong for the first time in his life.

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Tom Brady is no longer relevant, because for height and length passes we have a new GOAT Snoop Dogg blew up the last Super Bowl with a show that moved generations from more than 30 years All this while the youth were looking on Tik Tok for someone to explain who 50 Cent is and why he likes to hang upside down But hey, what is a fact is that smoke weed everyday went from being a legendary phrase to a true mantra for all those who want to inject a little taste of the West Coast into their lives

Disclaimer: In TVV we are aware that an important part of the cannabis culture (especially regarding responsible adult consumption), moves outside the law For this reason, we do not safeguard information, direct contacts or elements related to the collaborators of this section The opinions, activities and products shown here are the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of our media In accordance with Article 13 of the American Convention on Human Rights as well as Article 06 of the Mexican Constitution the information expressed is for the exclusive reading of adults (21+) and for informational purposes only

by Gaby Arellano
I m a g e n : C a n v a S t o c k

Aisha says that the regular use of cannabis makes you less sensitive to this kind of stimuli but that the sensory part is still vital for the responsible user experience And it is a fact that is manifested not only in the improvement of illnesses but also in the attitude of people

In six years of providing care with essential oils, people come with chronic insomnia but who can sleep a full night after consumption The plant has helped others to quit addictions such as crystal, and they are feeling things that are noticeable Is there a way to stimulate our senses?
"Sensory stimuli are of vital importance especially if it is the first time," says Aisha Méndez, cannabis activist, mother and certified entrepreneur in the safe use of essential oils and cannabis From his perspective, the plant has now become a powerful vehicle for accessing different internal spaces Zones of consciousness that are usually hidden behind the curtain of routine, fast pace and daily problems

The plant opens your consciousness I remember the first times I used it and it helped me a lot to be able to give order and response to what was happening in my life Yes there is an awakening of consciousness, but more importantly, there is an awakening towards observing that the plant is nothing like what they had told you You don't see pink elephants and I'm not trying to go out and hurt someone On the contrary, you realize that suddenly it can help you feel better and that you are not using other prescription substances "

Anxiety, stress and depression are conditions that become common among people who start the path towards cannabis for the first time But unlike other stimulant substances, marijuana has always been a path for self exploration on a sensory level A key that under certain conditions can open the door to the discovery of an internal world
Aisha is an activist, entrepreneur and certified for the use of essential oils Image: Courtesy Salud Esencial

If there is not good health everything else is a cascade of undesirable symptoms and consequences But health is comprehensive: it includes food, exercise and thinking, everything you consume through the eyes nose or mouth Health is breaking all the stereotypes that prevent a person from developing freely, and that is essential” These concepts in addition to helping her create her Salud Esencial venture allowed her to generate greater empathy and a lot of determination on her part as an activist In addition to observing that the plant is important in the aspect of public health she does not lose sight of the fact that it is also a matter of freedom and the development of our personality “Those spaces are achieved when you can contact yourself and you can hear that voice that tries to tell us something That voice that is sometimes buried among so much information or scrolling on Instagram and social networks Until before the pandemic, we were immersed in a situation of excessive vortex consumption then when you can integrate the plant into your life as a food supplement that nourishes your endocannabinoid system acts on the nervous system and that is when it makes homeostasis in the body Being well, you begin to feel a new peace And for the people who consume the plant this is a constant opportunity to renew ideas actions consumption habits To precisely expand those spaces of peace, serenity and coherence in our livesDepression is one of the most common mental health disorders Image: CanvaStock

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The family startup started in 2019 thanks to María's textile experience who together with her grandson's business vision established 8000Kicks, a sustainable brand of hemp footwear, What makes this company different is that, unlike cotton, five times less volume of water is needed to grow the raw material for production In addition, this type of footwear has the particularity of being

Another feature that makes this project unique is that the soles are also made from another recycled material: seaweed Elements that in addition to the sober but fashionable design of their shoes, managed to collect 214 thousand euros through a collective financing platform To make this planet a better place, we take a 360º approach to define our own responsibility as a company This means empowering customers to choose a more sustainable lifestyle by providing a superior eco friendly footwear solution It means looking at our own footprint, but also that of our partners to minimize our carbon emissions It means caring about protecting the neediest members of our community providing them with comfortable and durable hemp products”, they affirm as a principle of their business
María and Bernardo are an example for entrepreneurs in the hemp industry Images: Courtesy 8000Kicks
Avant garde options for wearing shoes and walking, with the security of collaborating with an environmentally responsible product

The use of industrial materials for the generation of consumer alternatives is beginning to be the line followed by entrepreneurs around the world But when this business vision is mixed with the desire to offer a good product ecologically responsible and with a material that is different from conventional ones, that is when the magic really happens
And in the world of hemp, the story of María Otilia, the 77 year old Portuguese grandmother who decided to open a brand of shoes made with the plant, together with her grandson Bernardo Carreira is already beginning to become legendary among connoisseurs

Contact Us hablemos@tuvidaverde com WHAT COMES DURING MARCH Do you have an event, social or educational action coming up (in Mexico or around the world) and would you like to announce it? Do not hesitate to contact us! We offer you the space so that your activities reach more people

Fibromyalgia is a predominant disease in women (9 out of 10 patients)

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In 2018 a study carried out in Israel by George Habib reported that 94% of the participants presented improvement in pain and 93% did so in sleep quality Only 12% reported adverse effects and approximately 92% denied feeling dependent on cannabis.
It was in 1990 that the American College of Rheumatology published the first consensus diagnostic criteria for this condition, before that the disease was surrounded by a halo of mystery
Contacto: drenriquemenendez@gmail com F o t o C o r t
For your care a multidisciplinary medical team is required to guide the diagnostic therapeutic process and face a very florid clinical picture: History of 3 months or more with generalized muscle pain, which intensifies with mechanical pressure during physical examination in at least 11 out of 18 points known as tender points or "trigger points" (see illustration) also adding tiredness, anxiety, depression, gastritis, colitis, headache sleep wake cycle disturbances and neuroendocrine changes (serotonin substance P growth hormone and cortisol) that suggest a general disorder of the autonomic nervous system
By Dr. Enrique Menéndez Santiago General Surgeon / MSc Physiotherapy e s a D r S u a

It is encouraging to verify that in the most important studies worldwide the clinical improvement presented by a large percentage of patients has made it possible to reduce or suspend the consumption of previously used medications: Pregabalin duloxetine sertraline amitriptyline celecoxib, indomethacin, diclofenac, ketorolac, tramadol and corticosteroids
Controlled clinical studies reveal that medical cannabis produces significant pain relief in these patients, accompanied by an improvement in muscle stiffness and a sense of well being These benefits have been perceptible and quantifiable with the use of the main phytocannabinoids: delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol (THC and CBD) but the use of presentation forms that contain the full spectrum of plant phytocannabinoids provides a higher potency therapeutic effect (entourage effect)
It is common to find in these patients a history of unexpressed emotional suffering and a cancellation of the pleasure (physical and emotional) that comes from enjoying life, including sexual pleasure
The greatest present challenge is that the investigations lead us to reliable standardization protocols that allow the manufacture of phytopharmaceuticals with a high level of safety this considering that biological variability means that there is no predictable pattern in the dose response of each patient in the common forms of current prescription
Medical pain therapy using the resource of medicinal cannabis has recently focused its attention on those patients with chronic pain, such is the case of those who suffer from fibromyalgia a disease seen from multiple approaches with different treatments that are not always successful
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Proper drying is characterized by the time you leave the flowers in the shade with good air conditioning the place where they are going to dry so that it is free of impurities To have cleaner flowers and in good condition, it is recommended that the air circulates and the perfect time is when you break the stem and a “Crunch” sounds.
Brian Douglas Carson, EU
When should pI ut the plant tin he sun, in lthe ight?

It is time to put the seedlings to light when they have the photosynthetic leaves, which are the leaves that come out after the cotyledons (they are the first two round leaves) that moment is the right one to place them in the light or in the sun
Joaquin M. Z.Yopal, Colombia
Male plants serve to pollinate females because their pollen is what is used to get regular seeds from pollinated plants Regarding its use the male plant does not have the same amount of trichomes as the female plants do in their flower production and which are applied in therapeutic recreational food cosmetic areas, therefore, the female plant is the one that gives us all these factors why we are cannabis lovers
Terpenes are volatile organic compounds, which in our lives we experience as characteristic aromas of some species or vegetables Think of the smell of a lemon a pine forest or a rosemary tree: these fragrances are mainly composed of terpenes They have analgesic functions and are responsible for giving the cannabis flowers their taste and smell
What are terpenes and 5 what uses are given to the plant, depending on whether it is male or female?

To germinate a seed, humidity must be considered, the most recommended is the "UFO" method: this method consists of taking a sheet of kitchen paper, folding it in half, putting your seeds moistening without excess in a container in shade within a temperature of 20 to 26 degrees centigrade in three or four days it will have a root
How to properly dry the flowers after harvest?
Adriana MéndezOaxaca, México
Raquelita Corona Puebla, México
How to germinate?