LATAM In this March issue, we are pleased to present their stories and plans for development Technology to revolutionize the consumption of medicine Mothers who fight for the right to choose and who demand cannabis treatments for their children's ailments Laws that benefit us and that are built from a social perspective Great stories compiled in our third edition a project that is for you I would like an opportunity to salute each one of the people who work every day around this magnificent plant, because they are the main reason why cannabis has a guaranteed place with the big issues in the international agenda (such as public health or global warming) And in the case of countries like Mexico, where the market is so incipient there is no better time to show that an empathetic, supportive and conscious industry can be built One where equal opportunities security and inclusion serve as an example for the transformation of many other levels Good vibes, green life, and lots of love for y'all! Salvador Vega
How can I improve or change this reality (whatever it may be)? It is one of the common questions between all those who have undertaken a project thinking about the collective benefit In the cannabis industry there are many stories just like that And born from the question of how to better influence the present and guarantee more dignified living conditions for the future What do we do to generate better medicine that is more effective and less invasive for our body? How do we defend our right to treat ourselves or our children with this plant? What laws must be changed to ensure that legalization is a way to build peace? It all starts with a question

All these questions triggered projects that will be outlining the future of the industry in Mexico and
I would like to think that we advance at the speed of our ideas and that it is to the extent that we are learning, experimenting, and updating all the content inside our head, is that we can take firm steps towards a better tomorrow Perhaps for certain people the generation of new ideas is not an important issue But for another sector it represents a constant struggle; a path full of resistance The search to break traditionalist schemes to go further and do whatever is necessary to show that another world is possible
President / Charlie Bravo Media Director / Salvador Vega Style Corrector / Víctor D. Flores Editors / Paola Galante, Antonio Romero, Gary "Toke" Thompson, Psycho Memes, Cynthia Olivieri, Gaby Arellano. Special collaborations: Alejandro Piña, Axel Delgado, Patrick García Art and Design / Susana Romero Photographers / Mr Pipe, ELV TJ Translation / Diana Baquero Marketing Director / Crishtian González Social Media / Andrés Palomares Sales Director México / Fernando Flores Sales Director Colombia / Johnny Torres Sales Director US / Andrew Simon Contact Us hablemos@tuvidaverde com Available in creatividad@tuvidaverde com +52 (55) 6783 9958 Copyright Notice COPYRIGHT January 2022. Year 01, number 01. TU VIDA VERDE© is a monthly publication protected by the Copyright Laws of Mexico and by the UCC Universal Copyright (Geneva and Paris Convention). Stock images used in this issue are fully licensed for commercial use and distribution. Reproduction, printing, or distribution of this copy without permission is prohibited Powered by: Milagro Pharmaceuticals

INDEX 08 30 25 29 36 40 41 Probably Stoner and an oz of cannabis Buen Viaje brand celebrated his second anniversary with a big party Mr Cannavz answers the doubts of our followers about self cultivation Dr Luis David Suárez shares the importance of higher studies in cannabis Space Lasagna Classics never die that is why we bring you the complete recipe in detail TVV Profiles Zara Snapp and the fight for legalization for the construction of peace in Mexico Front Page María Camila Torres: Colombia, has the time come? Andrew Simon: The human body and benefits of cannabis Rich Karou: The effects of cannabis at work and the benefits of legalization Sublingual thin films with cannabinoids, could be a positive alternative for millions of patients in Latin America TH Climbers high passion athletes 20 Argentina advances in the green market THC has a new global face Fit & Green 04 Industry Voices 14 18 International Psycho Meme Underground Ask the Expert Puff of Medicine

Today almost 6 years have passed since they began to draft decrees sign resolutions approve licenses the "pull and loosen" began personal or collective interests
And although a legal framework was approved that is still in its last touches, in addition to legislating, progress must be made, we still need to disclose, make known, and above all "allow" that, people with Fibromyalgia can sleep a full night and can alleviate the strong pain in their knee or hands; that a father knows that his son is not going to have seizures at school and is happy because epilepsy can be controlled; that the mother who suffers from severe cancer pain can enjoy good times with her children It is a plant whose medicinal capacity is extraordinary It is time to allow, to disclose, to teach about the endocannabinoid system, to return to the land, to nature, to extract the wealth and benefits that this plant contains, to stop postponing signatures and resolutions for almost 6 years It is time to take advantage of the strengths that Colombia has to become the market leader and give cannabis the place and medicinal use that it should always have
In Colombia at the beginning of 2017 it was heard in the written media and local news that the government had begun the process of legalizing cannabis for medicinal use and I confess that despite being a follower of alternative medicines and all the "homemade mixtures" of plants or fruits that were recommended to me to alleviate some ailment and avoid going to the specialist I did not know anything about marijuana beyond what most knew at that time
I thought it was interesting that cannabis users were going to be able to buy without having to hide or make an appointment on a corner with their "trusted dealer" so that they would sell them $50,000 pesos, a bag with some big and beautiful flowers that it was not known where they were grown but when they were smoked, they were good Yes, I confess that I had no idea what was coming for the Medicinal Cannabis industry in Colombia and for this industry worldwide Many new companies began their procedures before the ministries assigned for this legalization, documents, payments, deadlines, decrees, resolutions but we, the people who did not consume and only knew that out there they sold drops or creams with cannabis, did not understand what was happening I had a great career opportunity to get into the medical cannabis industry and my horizon broadened Boom! I discovered the miraculous truth of the cannabis plant, I fell in love with its benefits, its extensive medicinal use, its multiple cannabinoids that improve the living conditions of many patients, and its indication for countless diseases I
n d u s r t y V o i c e s I n d u s r t y V o i c e s

MAR ant A medicine with different forms of administration depending on the patient's needs: drops creams ointments strips shots edibles For years they had sold us another idea demonizing the plant saying "the plant that kills" "that is for smoking in a park" bordering on ignorance

ars the word Cannabis they which is why CBD gets such a nnabis is misunderstood and t both these plants are part onsisting of up to 7 different clude marijuana hemp hops ch have their own healing O (Full Extract Cannabis Oil) traction due to their long list of healing benefits
These popular terms or phrases just mean that the healing capability is way higher when using products like CBD that contain other amazing components like terpenes, flavonoids, phytochemical compounds, and natural minerals, compared to taking CBD Isolated products A great way to remember the benefits that this miracle plant can offer is in the Acronym PAINE Which stands for Pain(inflammation), Anxiety (mood), Insomnia (sleep), Nausea (digestive issues), Epilepsy (cognitive performance)
To sum it all up, we all have this specialized Endocannabinoid system (ECS) within every cell of our body and with various factors like healthy lifestyle living as well as taking Full Spectrum CBD products on a daily basis, this can play a huge role in helping activate/balance our ECS Ultimately helping us live a long, prosperous, and healthy life
ANDREW SIMON / Cannabis Connoisseur To first answer this question it’s important to understand that every human being has their own Endocannabinoid System (ECS) within them with more receptors in this system than any other kind in the human body How pivotal the ECS is from a physiological standpoint is majorly overlooked The ECS regulates everything including appetite pain response memory metabolic function mood immune system function motor control etc In other words without our Endocannabinoid system we couldn’t even function The next question would be, what can I do to activate or help heal my ECS? The ECS is activated/balanced naturally through exercise, nutrition, getting a high quality sleep, and even things like laughing, singing, dancing, and meditation Other than healthy lifestyle habits, the most common way to activate the ECS would be to take different forms of high quality Cannabis and/or hemp products, specifically full spectrum CBD products This can be taken in the form of capsules, tinctures, vapes, suppositories, sublingual strips, to name a few CBD and THC are Cannabinoids that come from the plant itself Where CBD(Hemp) is well known for its anti inflammatory effects, THC (marijuana) is commonly known as a drug or for its psychoactive components

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For that reasons, legal market for Cannabis could bring tremendous economic benefits on a local and national level
However, those friends at school are not the only ones who constitute that peer group; members of their families are as well
RICH KAROU / Life and Healing Guru

Recent research indicates that Cannabis availability does affect people's ability to work productively but not for the reasons you might think Based on previous research, it is common sense that increased use of alcohol or intoxicants will not be good news for productivity or workplace safety When these findings are examined closely, it becomes apparent that many of them are tailored to younger workers or are driven by their presence in the study This may lead to exaggerated conclusions In particular, the National Institute on Drug Abuse says some studies find "specific links between Cannabis use and adverse workplace consequences, such as accidents or injuries " But the single study cited finds "it is not clear that heavy cannabis users represent a meaningful job safety risk without using it before or during work " Researchers from William Paterson University, the University of Cincinnati, Temple University, and RAND Corporation published their latest study at a timely moment In the wake of recreational Cannabis being legalized in 14 states and the District of Columbia, and several more likely to be legalized this year, Cannabis effects are becoming more urgent Several reasons can be attributed to young adults smoking or ingesting Cannabis, but they essentially maintain a social background
It does not mean that teens use Cannabis because they feel pressured by their friends Their social group's acceptance of drug use makes it more likely that they will use it themselves
Peer pressure contributes to young adults starting to smoke Cannabis A person adjusting to college, high school, or a new job or career forms new friendships and sorts out their identity and socializing methods
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In other words, when young adults witness their older relatives using Cannabis, it can greatly impact them Besides peers and family, pop culture is another means of peer pressure Depictions of Cannabis in movies, television, and social media also contribute to the normalization of Cannabis use
s that a person's social environment can cannabis experiments during a vulnerable p
Additionally, it would help investors across the country and overseas to secure their investment portfolios Despite Cannabis s legal status on the federal level, it is challenging for investors to capitalize on the industry's growth Cannabis related companies trading on public stock exchanges are few and far between While investors can work with over the counter exchanges, many early legal cannabis businesses have been based in America or other countries Cannabis companies would be able to list their stocks on all U S exchanges if Cannabis were legalized on a national level, increasing the liquidity of stocks and allowing greater access to investors If growth rates for the cannabis industry continue to rise, investors may take a larger interest in this sector
The demand of women for freedom, security and autonomy over their own bodies and lives has a forceful example in the mothers who make up the cannabis community worldwide From this collective sphere, they fight for the human right to treat their children's illnesses with medicines based on this plant. Cynthia Olivieri


“Mothers who give their children cannabis”, a phrase that, when heard without context, can cause warning signs of irresponsibility, ignorance and prejudice in society to go off However, although the phrase bluntly summarizes what they are, the reality experienced by those who fight for this decision is just the opposite In countries like Mexico, according to official statistics from INEGI (the national statistics institute), 72 3% of 15 year old women have already had at least one son or daughter, and 7% of them are single mothers People who face the task of providing a dignified, safe and healthy life for their children, but that becomes an extreme task when childhood diseases are added to the equation A path where the solution for stress for the uncertainty produced by parenting or not finding a remedy for the ailments of their children lead to the excessive consumption of prescription drougs Normalizing the use of pills that reduce the quality of life of families facing these adversities “This was the reality for me and for my friends from school People think it's normal to put up with things. So precisely because we have all these pills that what they do is put us to sleep (numb the feelings) it is very difficult to fight Above all because you seek help and it is precisely a doctor who gives it to you ” Like hundreds of mothers around the world, Danielle Ceruti Espinel had to suffer just this reality when the doctors diagnosed her son as part of the autism spectrum A path that forced her (by the laws of the state of Florida where she lived) to give her little one treatment with drugs considered aggressive But unfortunately they are the only way she had at that time "As mothers, it should be our human right to treat our children's illness with the best and most appropriate tools"

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Inherbook,Daniellesharesaglimpseof herexperienceconsumingtheplant Image Imagen:CortesíaCannalatino DanielleCerutiEspinel,FounderandSeedMotherintheUSAof Cannamadres Imagen:CortesíaCannalatino 11 M a r c h 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 3

Here, when we began to consume, I began to get involved in a whole community Suddenly I met people who invited me to do yoga And with my yoga tribe I learned to eat better and knowing a healthier life, with my nutritionist friends, I learned to cultivate So it is no longer just cannabis but a community process in which 90 percent of those circles were made up of mothers she details Health Education In that process of discovery, Danielle comments on how the need to start disseminating real information was born; to raise awareness about cannabinoid medications and the benefits they can bring to minors A path that confronted her against new prejudices and criticism from society As I shared what I learned in my networks people began to react Wow wow wow are you giving the boy marijuana?’ I don't want to tell you about the ways I was graded But I think it is ignorance, that part of the lack of knowledge And that is precisely why we created Cannalatino, as the first means of communication and cannabis education in the United States for the Spanish speaking” Currently in addition to being a cannabis coach promoter of legalization and author of the book "What I know + several recipes" Danielle is more aware of the historical moment that minors live in regions where marijuana for medicinal use is already being a reality, since it is an alternative that has proven to be less aggressive and much closer to the comprehensive development of children The boys are the first generation (here in the United States) of cannabis users They are this wonderful generation who want to know more and be informed before taking any drug or medication I believe that as mothers, it should be our human right to treat our children's illness with the best and most appropriate tools And that is precisely why the mothers who come to this community fight for legality” I can make you a list with the amount of medication that they gave my son and that, if they didn't give it to him, the state of Florida would take my son away from me I had school social workers at my home once my son became suicidal (because of the amount of bullying he suffered because of his condition) at 13 years old And it wasn't until I moved to Colorado that I started using cannabis to improve my quality of life but also my son's All this through a doctor and thank God in a state where it is legal because there are many people who unfortunately cannot have that possibility Those people who have to give children Ritalin, Adderall or even methamphetamine Danielle understood that the problem was with that system dehumanized and not very empathic with the problems that mothers face in these same conditions So she began a process of learning and experimentation that led her some time later to found Cannamadres a support network for women around the world “What Ritalin didn't do in 9 years cannabis did in 6 months For both of us, both for my son and for me And when you begin to know cannabis, when you begin to control the doses and use it as part of a medical treatment (with a specialized accompaniment), you realize that it is not "the magic pill" that they gave you before and sent you home No

In Mexico the regulation of cannabis remains suspended due to lack of political will of the members of the Senate of the Republic
Senator Patricia Mercado established that in theory this discussion should be ready before May 20 the date on which the current session ends "The Justice Commission distributed the proposal for an opinion on the regulation of cannabis The Justice and Health Commissions have to meet to rule enrich and vote on the opinion before the end of the period, we are so far behind," she explained at a press conference
Cannabis Regulation Law faces its second delay so far this year alone
In 2020 the Mexican legislators approved a Federal Law to regulate the consumption of cannabis, however it was the work of the deputies and the different changes that the document underwent the main reason why a new initiative had to be made, this time presented by the current president of the Senate Olga Sánchez Cordero
Since March 2021, the Justice and Health commissions of this legislative body ensured that cannabis was a priority But after the suspension of activities for the end of the year parties, the senators have left the draft opinion on the regulation of cannabis on the desk
At the end of February, a document on the regulation of cannabis was distributed to be analyzed ruled on and voted on In this regard

From the political point of view, the conservative party sectors have managed to reconcile points of agreement with their interlocutors but the multiple emergency and security issues, as well as the growing polarization in the country have made agreements around the plant difficult
For his part, Senator Miguel Angel Mancera commented that this law is one of the issues that must be addressed before April 30 because it has been in that status since the beginning of the legislature Three years in which two extensions had to be issued by the Supreme Court and an order from the same court to legislate since 2018

The United Nations Organization (UN) warned that organized crime in Mexico is laundering about 25 billion dollars a year through cryptocurrencies and electronic commerce This figure was obtained thanks to an estimate made by the International Narcotics Control Board the UN body that is dedicated to controlling the illicit drug market around the world According to the report bitcoin purchase to evade resource origin verification controls is becoming fashionable among cartels in the north and southeast of the country and it is a system that consists of the acquisition of simultaneous accounts for the purchase of bitcoin to later spread it throughout various regions of the world In Mexico the Financial Intelligence Unit (UIF) has stated that the growth of this practice of organized crime is real so the pressure to regulate these activities is a problem supported by the government in turn Regarding the recommendations issued by this report the UN recommends maintaining a continuous observation of the growth of new financial options that involve cryptocurrencies and wallets However the report does not contain indications on the best paths that should be taken to generate laws that better protect and regulate this practice
M a r c h 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 3 13 WARNING ABOUT THE USE OF CRYPTO FOR CARTEL LAUNDERING CryptocurrenciesaregeneratingfertilegroundforcriminalcellsinMexico,accordingto internationalorganizations Imagen:CanvaStock

Stoners and Mexican climbers will remember 2021 as a fundamental year. On one hand, to continue defending human rights and the free development of the personality, and on the other, to make visible a sport that is not only for “hippies” but for professional athletes of the highest level. Alejandro Piña by

That was perhaps one of the first truly identifiable faces within the world climbing culture: the long haired young man with clothes covered in dirt, identified with nature and the values of love and peace who also likes the playful use of psychotropic substances Since 2018 cannabis has been completely legal in California, and Yosemite Valley remains one of the main climbing meccas in the world
At the end of the 1960s when the hippie movement exploded in San Francisco, one of the places that best represented this way of life in connection with nature was the Yosemite Valley, also located in the state of California It was there, in those times when there were no climbing gyms, that the naturalness of the moment forced beginners to go straight to the rock (reported in greater detail in the documentary "Valley Uprising")
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A month and a half later, during the final days of competition at Japan, sport climbing made its historic debut on the Olympic program The strongest 20 men and 20 women in the world jumped on stage to climb the Japanese walls and delight climbing fans around the world with their fine movements For that reason, both Stoners and Mexican climbers will remember 2021 as a fundamental year; on the one hand to continue defending human rights and the free development of the personality, and on the other to make visible a sport that is not only for “hippies but for professional athletes of the highest level I just want to climb… and smoke Worldwide there are currently 30 million climbers according to data from the International Federation of Sport Climbing (IFSC), a minimum number compared to the four billion fans of football (the world's most popular sport) However, this low global interest in climbing has never been a limit for the sport, since from its origins it has strengthened the growing climbing community to make it more united
One month before the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games begin, at the end of June last year, the Mexican Supreme Court (SCJN) declared it unconstitutional to prohibit the use of cannabis for playful consumption or recreational use a momentous event for the cannabis movement in Mexico

CLIMB and get HIGH Once again, the community that lives in the gym is the one that drives the practice not to remain only on the wall, it is time to go out and climb the rock Like any diverse community, there are climbers who are not cannabis users, but there are too many who are; going to the rock is transformed from a competition to a contemplative experience in connection with nature and with the other That's where THC kicks in for some it's relaxing to stand in front of a giant rock and for others it helps activate muscles before those deadly squeezes It will depend on the type of climbing that is being done and the personal limits of each climber in terms of consumption; perhaps to do bouldering (stones from three to five meters) it is consumed more during the entire session since it is an individual modality, but to do route (walls of 7 meters and above) the use of rope and safety climbing in pairs, is more prudent moderate consumption In Mexico there is a very wide range of rock climbing areas : mountains, valleys, monoliths, forests, hills Some of the most relevant are not far from Mexico City, such as the "El Huevo" area in Jilotepec, State of Mexico, where one of the routes with the highest degree of difficulty open in the country is found. La Peña de Bernal in Querétaro, the third largest monolith in the world where there are more than 500 bouldering problems of all levels; the Mineral del Chico forest in Hidalgo one of the most developed and popular areas today In the end it is summed up in a shared experience with the other generated by the attraction of nature towards places full of green Where the rock and stone walls come to life when touched by the hands and feet of those who, from its origins, took refuge in an experience that allows you to escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday reality and be able to contemplate the silence of the stones while you exhale cannabis smoke through the mouth

Climbing is born from nature; there in the quarry where there are no colored pieces, no tapes to tell you where to start, much less mattresses to protect you from a fall Its evolution over time generated different needs from the most basic, such as the creation of indoor climbing gyms to be able to train, to the most complex, such as founding an International Federation (IFSC) in 2007 That is why events like the Olympic Games are of vital importance when it comes to introducing a "new" sport to the world In addition to showing the three different modalities: speed, route and bouldering; his free internet broadcasts generated a flood of new climbing enthusiasts in Mexico And although climbing is deeply related to nature, today there are few who start in this sport going to climb directly on the stones of a forest or on the slopes of a hill most opt for the safest and friendliest method such as the sports climbing wall or gym Within these artificial walls, the aim is to imitate nature, for the polyurethane of the pieces to be rough and irregularly shaped to generate a texture like that of rock; the different angles of inclination in the walls simulate the natural collapse of the stone Being a man made construction, it is limited in terms of connection with nature, it is more linked to sports competition and governed by IFSC rules attached to the statutes of world organizations such as WADA (World Anti Doping Agency) where all natural or synthetic cannabinoids are prohibited before and during the competition

Theprovinceispreparingtoproduceitsmedicinaloilwithadistributionschemethatwillfavorlocal consumption Imagen:lariojagobar/CanvaStock

Meanwhile, for the inhabitants of La Rioja who have a medical indication for treatment with cannabis the oil produced by Agrogenetica will be available in pharmacies in the province

According to the local media La Rioja/12, the second authorized planting of cannabis in Argentina was successfully harvested whose destination will be the production of medicinal oil for local consumption For this project, the province would have invested 16 million pesos for the operation through the company Agrogenetica Riojana in charge of the security infrastructure for the crop, while another 24 million will be used for the purchase of equipment for the extraction and for oil production Agrogenetica Riojana heads this project thanks to the fact that it obtained the corresponding permits for the staggered sowing of nearly 10 000 plants "From the product, that is, the flower that is obtained we are going to extract an oil rich in CBD this in conjunction with the National University of La Plata (UNLP) and the La Riojana Environment Laboratory " said Benjamín Enrici, manager of the state company For its part the Ministry of Health approved the Agrogenetics project in accordance with Law 27,350, which establishes the regulatory framework for medical and scientific research on the medicinal, therapeutic and palliative use of the cannabis plant and its derivatives La Rioja through Law 10 005 enacted in 2017 adhered to the national law and the authority to apply the regulations in the province is the Ministry of Health As the province itself made known the plan also establishes the distribution modality, this through a program of the Ministry of Public Health that will include patients who need it and are registered in the Registry of the Cannabis Program (REPROCANN) of Nacional level

The region of La Rioja will start the production of medicinal cannabis oil for local consumption.
Argentina joins the list of countries that during 2022 have accelerated their steps towards regulation, with the announcement of the second major project related to this plant in the country in the South of the continent

ASTM International, an organization that develops technical standards for different industrial sectors, presented the international symbol to identify products that contain psychoactive cannabinoids such as THC (tetrahydrocannabinol)

AllproductsandextractsderivedfromcannabisthatcontainTHCwillbeabletobe identifiedfromthepackaging Imagen:CortesíaASTMInternational 19 M a r c h 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 3

As part of the promotion of the new universal symbol of psychoactive cannabis, the ASTM will hold a webinar on June 1 to address issues related to its implementation and what will likely be a global educational campaign for its knowledge and adoption
THC HAS A NEW GLOBAL FACE The iconography is designed for the identification of products with psychoactive
The international symbol of psychoactive cannabis was designed by David L. Nathan and Eli Nathan as part of a project originated by the organization Doctors for Cannabis Regulation (DFRC)
Months ago the ASTM published a report on the status of Delta 8 THC and the problems that the lack of regulation or standards represents for consumers cannabis.
According to the Industry420 report, the ASTM (formerly known as the American Society for Testing and Materials) announced that its cannabis committee developed the D8441/D8441M standard which is a symbol to be used on psychoactive cannabis packaging to human or animal consumption
For many years, one of the big problems with cannabis has been dosage The difficulty of the patients to receive a precise dosage for the medical consumption of the plant However, new technology and the vision to improve the quality of life, give us a new therapeutic experience that will transform the Latin American market. by Antonio Romero Sublingual thin films with cannabinoids, could be

Imagine the last time you got sick and had to take a handful of pills for a week or two to feel better For healthy people (myself included) the issue can be very annoying, but it is solved by carrying a case with pills and a bottle of water everywhere as well as activating a couple of alarms on the cell phone to be aware of the next dose
Incredible as it may seem, the cannabis industry is setting another important precedent in terms of innovation with the development of cannabinoid medications in the form of sublingual films

Older adults children or people who have stomach problems People who face the heavy routine of swallowing pills, with the side effects that large amounts of medication can have on intestinal health
This technology consists of taking advantage of the oral transmucosal route (OTD) which in simple terms is the inside of our mouth In this area, our body has a blood absorption and irrigation system that represents a lower risk for the administration of medicine to metabolism, avoiding the passage of substances through the liver or intestine and therefore delivering to the body a higher dose of medication directly into the circulatory system
In these years, we have realized that patients in Europe and the United States recognize how quickly this system works It is an easier dosage form that does not need water you can take it with you and the most important thing is that the route we offer delivers the active (substance or drug) more effectively , comments Rob Davidson CEO of Cure Pharmaceutical To begin the interview, Rob took out a small envelope from his pocket as if it were candy In that small green envelope the letters CBD were distinguished one of the most popular cannabinoids today and one of the many formulas that Cure (thanks to its registration with the FDA and DEA) is authorized to produce “As you will see it is a very thin film and there are several ways in which the product can be delivered Under the tongue is the one suggested since it is the one that reaches the blood faster bypassing what we call the first step of degradation in the intestine The second way is through the space between the cheek and the gum the thin film is placed inside the mouth as if chewing tobacco
And the other is to simply take it as a mint It is very simple because it is soluble and when you put it on your tongue you will be able to dissolve it and the active ingredient will continue to be delivered into the bloodstream”, he explains a
positive alternative for millions of patients in Latin America. 21 M a r c h 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 3

However, for the millions of patients who must take at least 20 pills a day the situation is not only annoying but can also be extremely uncomfortable and paradoxically risky for the body
But how to solve the dilemma of generating less invasive drugs, but at the same time highly effective for patients who need it most?
“For cannabis precise dosing is key And weight based dosing is a lot different than just making tinctures, smoking it, or administering it in edibles Users know that effects take time and there is no real precise dosage in those methods That's really the key element within the film technology

We observed that in the other cannabis delivery systems THC or CBD (both cannabinoids) had very low permeation or bioavailability upon entering the blood because it degrades; it's a very finicky molecule that doesn't really absorb very well With that in mind, we tested it with clinical studies we have a lot of evidence behind all of this which showed that this new technology absorbs into the blood much more efficiently meaning the consumer gets exactly what they need ” says Rob During the conversation the specialist explained to me that after years of key case studies they currently have 42 patents for oral drug delivery systems as well as a strong portfolio of intellectual property, with research and studies and more than 200 different formulations in their library Many of them, focused on different types of cannabinoids
"We are ready to provide patients with a new experience to improve their life quality"
Cannabisdosage:the permanentchallenge

The problem for patients came from two angles: the relationship between effectiveness and the amount of medicine that is entering the body, as well as the vehicle to effectively carry the substance to the body And just as not all people can swallow pills, there are others for whom vaporization is impossible while for others edibles or drops are imprecise for monitoring effects
It is no secret to anyone that one of the most recurring problems in the field of legalization (especially in regions such as Latin America where laws that favor cannabis are beginning to take their first steps) is the guarantee to control and regulate individual doses This was previously due to a lack of research, but also to the versatility of the plant and its many forms of consumption
To conclude he mentions that this 2022 will begin the boom of this type of technology at a global level, with the opening of the market in Mexico and Latin America A joint alliance with Milagro Pharmaceuticals which has the local regulations of the Cofepris health authority (equivalent to the FDA), for the production, sale and distribution of strips with different formulas including CBD “We have excellent formulators researchers biochemists chemical engineers; a whole portfolio of scientists working on this We also do many collaborations with other research groups and are also working with Northern California's first FDA approved manufacturer, BRC Pharmaceuticals led by George Hopkins We have a lot of research in Israel with the Technion institute and Dr Betty Murray a good friend of mine”
“Unlike a pill with this technology you can take a 50 milligram strip and cut it in half to have a homogeneous 25 milligram that you can carry and transport everywhere It's really nice and easy to carry you put it in your pocket your wallet, whatever, that's really the key, we're ready to launch it, we're ready to give patients and consumers a different experience to improve their quality of life Thestripshavetheeffectivenessandspeedtotransform thetherapeutic consumerexperience Imagen:CortesíaCurePharmaceutical 23 M a r c h 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 3

We are proud that of the few options that exist for delivery systems through sublingual strips, our ability to encapsulate high amounts of actives is very high We can even in the same thin film encapsulate different types of active ingredients or medicines without them touching each other" he comments

We're going to continue those efforts on the research side, not just investigating the delivery system but everything that's going on with cannabis molecules, terpenes or flavonoids in different combinations So, for that reason, for the years that we've been working behind this we want to be leaders in the field of cannabis "

With a decade of experience in drug policy research and development, the co-founder of the RIA Institute points out that cannabis regulation in Mexico is an opportunity to demonstrate that building an industry with a sense of social justice, damage repair and focus on the most vulnerable communities is possible.

by Gaby Arellano

I m a g e n C o r t e s í a Y o s h i

Zara is a personality within the industry that needs no introduction Her years of work in activism communication and the generation of public policies for drug regulation have made her one of the most powerful voices in the Mexican cannabis universe Today the author of the Drug Dictionary and co founder of the RIA AC Institute, observes the legalization processes in this country from two very specific perspectives: the boom of an incipient industry and the possibility of competing on a par with the green powers of the world, but also with the caution of understanding the complex political terrain that prevents a law like the one we deserve It has been five very busy years since the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) ruled in 2015 on self cultivation and on the possibility that people could have plants in their homes (under the right of free development of the personality) We have experienced many changes, but at the same time none of them are real because no complete law has been approved” she comments in an interview for Tu Vida Verde For the specialist the achievements obtained in the SCJN are directly opposed to the phenomenon of lack of political will on the part first of all of the members of the Senate of the Republic Those who keep the issue of the Federal Law for the Regulation of Cannabis detained on the desks
“It is a discussion merely in the legislative sphere and that is where we are somewhat at the disposal of the senators; to the political will they find and the political calculations they are currently making I would like to say that they are about to start and that we are going to see a prediction in these months and that they pass it on to the deputies (before the end of the session period on April 30), but I am not sure "
Small actions ranging from reflecting support through a garment with the image of the plant, or openly talking about it in the family circle, are ways that the specialist considers valuable to build greater social participation translated in turn into structural changes

As a member of the #RegulationForPeace coalition Zara recognizes that there is a transformation in social perception on issues related to marijuana A change that from her perspective has become more evident thanks to the accelerated increase in social networks People who have a greater reach of information, or who are adult consumers who gradually help to break the taboo

Now what we have to analyze is how to politicize these actions That to ensure that these people become political actors, exerting pressure When I think about the role of communication efforts like this magazine or like us in the Tiempo de Cannabis program are always based on evidence and the investigation of what is happening”
“After 10 years of working on drug policy, two things that I consider essential for regulation are first effectively decriminalizing all activities around the plant We cannot have criminal sanctions for carrying it, just as we do not have legal sanctions for carrying alcohol or tobacco ( )

With effective decriminalization, which is to eliminate simple carrying as a crime with that we can better prioritize government resources It is possible to make a market that benefits communities; that has exclusivity in types of licenses and benefits impacted groups (I am thinking of people who have been criminalized or who have a family member who has been a victim) We have to think about how to repair the damage how to have these categories of security and how to make a fund for the distribution of taxes
Regarding the main obstacles, the political scientist considers that in addition to the real stigmas on cannabis consumers, there are other very real risks that must be anticipated such as the approval of a law that only benefits the participation of foreign companies and that leaves vulnerable communities relegated (as has happened with other types of industries that are born in the countryside)

“They are somehow ways to come out of the closet and talk about your consumption without being so open, and at the same time there are a lot of companies and brands that want to be part of a legal industry I believe that this is the only illegal market in which everyone is saying 'we want to pay taxes', both from brands and from consumers or users, who demand to be in the formality and not be criminalized
To conclude Zara reflects that her struggle during these years consists of observing the government as a whole, as the great actor that must be changed since it depends on this that the regulation of cannabis is an issue that benefits the country “It is essential that the regulation is given from the point of view of repairing the damage and social justice, because only in this way we see that it can have an impact on the construction of peace If we do not take these mechanisms into account, it could improve an industry that does not have the benefits we seek Personally I do not seek to change another actor beyond the State Because as a citizen, that is where I can demand accountability transparency and that is where I can have an impact About any other actor linked to an illegal market, I have very little or no possibility of influencing”.
"Personally, I do not seek to change another actor beyond the State, because that is where I can demand justice and accountability"
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PROBABLY STONERS Your target is the munchies and you get paranoid at the slightest provocation 29 You alway contempla IN THIS MAGAZINE, WE ARE LOOKING FORWARD THE 4/20 MEMES M a r c h 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 3

They never told us that we were going to look like any of them when we grew up Perhaps it is not all the time, and it changes with the amount of weed that each person decides to consume. But the fact is that at some point in our lives we will come to understand these characters The reason? Well, it is enough to observe them to identify several types of trip that we would like to have at this moment, So you better not forget to follow us on Instagram (@tuvidverde) to help us by sending your contributions to this, the best section of the county.

This recipe came to me when I was tired of experimenting with making biscuits, such as brownies, cakes, cupcakes, etc I decided to do something new and thought about how to add the cannabis and keep the THC active with the food I looked at what all the biscuits I had made with cannabis had in common and concluded that it was the butter that made the THC stick very well to the food
The first thing I thought of using butter was a lasagna, my favorite food that I could even eat for dessert The lasagna has a white sauce called bechamel which is used to moisten the sheets and that sauce is made mainly with flour milk and classic never dies
by Axel Delgado
If you want to try something new and experiment with cannabis, this recipe is for you This lasagna has a special touch, i e a touch of good quality weed

3 ½ pounds ground beef 12 sheets of pasta for lasagna 1/3 cup finely chopped white onion 3 finely minced garlic cloves 6 basil leaves 2 cups mozzarella cheese 1 cup fresh mozzarella cheese
Third step: In a baking pan, put the bechamel sauce and olive oil as a base then put a layer of sheets of pasta and add the ground meat after it has been cooking for 2 hours, the bechamel sauce, and mozzarella cheese Repeat this procedure until you reach the top of the pan and finish with a lot of cheese
Fourth step: seal the pan with aluminum and take it to the oven preheated to 375 F on the bottom for one hour After the hour is up, put the oven on broil mode and let the cheese brown (brown to taste)
The ingredients are: 33 M a r c h 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 3
3/4 of crushed tomatoes without peel and without seeds

3/4 tomato puree 2 teaspoons of black pepper 1 tablespoon olive oil 2 teaspoons of garlic powder 2 tablespoons of salt 2 tablespoons of sugar 1 tablespoon of Italian spices cup of butter 1 cup of milk 4 tablespoons of flour

Fifth step: take it out of the oven put it on a plate and enjoy your lasagna with cannabis Bon appetite!

Second step: for the bechamel sauce we will use the butter, cannabis flour and milk In a pot add the butter and cannabis over medium heat Once the butter has melted add the flour and stir, then add the milk little by little and stir for 15 minutes until the sauce thickens
After the meat is already releasing the juice, add the crushed tomato tomato puree basil and sugar and bring it to a boil Once it is already boiling lower the heat to a minimum and seal the pan with a lid for 2 hours
First step: Finely chop the onion and garlic, fry them in the pan with olive oil over medium heat after frying add the ground meat season it with garlic powder salt black pepper, Italian spices and wait until the meat change color and release juice
The secret is time: both to enjoy this preparation and for the effects it produces.

Contact Us hablemos@tuvidaverde com 35 WHAT COMES DURING APRIL Do you have an event, social or educational action coming up (in Mexico or around the world) and would you like to announce it? Do not hesitate to contact us! We offer you the space so that your activities reach more people M a r c h 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 3

by Gary "Toke" Thompson

Disclaimer: In TVV we are aware that an important part of the cannabis culture (especially regarding responsible adult consumption) moves outside the law For this reason we do not safeguard information, direct contacts or elements related to the collaborators of this section The opinions activities and products shown here are the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of our media In accordance with Article 13 of the American Convention on Human Rights as well as Article 06 of the Mexican Constitution the information expressed is for the exclusive reading of adults (21+) and for informational purposes only

Buen Viaje pipe and gl Mexico City A party wh shades and nuances

The private party took p cannabis community to ice creams, Machete Da tried this month, were some of the exhibitors who offered the best of their talent to the delight of the attendees With a piñata, DJs and some familiar faces, such as Brenda Hernández from Chicks vs Stigma or Joint With Us amazing team, accompanied Buen Viaje in this celebration One that was full of good vibes paraphernalia and entertaining moments that were captured with the hashtag

#sucedioenelaniversario M a r c h 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 3

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A range of conditions has been proven to benefit from Cannabis for animals including inflammation, seizures, pain relief, anxiety, and more Cannabis effectively treats pet health problems because it works by stimulating the body's endocannabinoid system
Nearly 26 percent of American adults with dogs use hemp products containing CBD About half of them already use hemp derived CBD for their dogs and the other half just use it for themselves

Other findings include 74% of CBD buyers are pet owners The sales of pet products at regulated adult use cannabis retailers in California, Colorado, Nevada and Washington combined exceeded $9 4 million These statistics are for the period from the first quarter of 2018 through the third quarter of 2019
Since our pets cannot tell us if they are feeling better, watching their behavior is the most reliable way to determine if Cannabis is working Make sure you keep a close eye on your pet after giving them a dose of Non psychoactive annabis to see if any improvements occur Symptom relief may occur as soon as 30 minutes after using the medication or take a few weeks of consistent use Cannabis affects animals differently, as we have discussed If your vet recommends you try it, it may take a few brands, doses, or forms of the drug to find what works for your four legged companion Although finding the right product can be difficult, it's worth the effort to see your pet at its best and happiest

With the booming CBD market came a very interesting subcategory within its category, pet products Nielsen, a well known measurement company and Headset a company that provides data and insights for the legal cannabis industry, just released a report that indicates there is a huge market for CBD pet products By 2025, hemp based CBD products will represent between 3 and 5% of all hemp CBD sales in the U S
An exponential increase in CBD use for pets is predicted by 2025
Imágenes: Patrick García Canva Stock Patrick Garcia

In days or hweeks, ow long can pthe lant take fat lowering time to beready?
María Juanita Putumayo, Colombia Are CBD and hemp the same thing?
Normally the indica or hybrid, approximately 8 weeks, the most sativa up to 9 weeks Count from when flowering started, do not count from when the photoperiod was changed, because flowering can start in an average of 2 weeks or a little earlier

Araceli Peña Jalisco, México
There are several differences that can be seen with the naked eye the cannabis plants that contain a higher percentage of the cannabinoid cannabidiol called CBD are cannabis plants that are very similar to the psychoactive one and that are used for medicinal use; On the other hand, hemp can be differentiated by its more spiky shape between knot and knot, it has industrial use and its percentage of CBD is lower than that of cannabis, because its level of resin is not the same, in addition hemp is grown in large surfaces
Rodrigo ELUCDMX, México Is it possible to do low pruningif the plant is in its first weeks of flowering?
Heather S. Colorado, EU
How often is it recommended to fertilize, in the growth stage and the flora stage?

Normally it is one to two times a week depending on your concentration If it is solid fertilizer it takes several weeks

Each line of liquid fertilizers must have its recommended application and dosage table
You can do it if enough light is not really reaching them to carry out photosynthesis, preferably it is done during vegetative development, so that you take it into account
Therefore, at AMMCann AC we teamed up with the UNAM Health Research Program (PUIS) to organize the first International Diploma in Endocannabinology which will take place from March 2022 to June 2023 in a totally virtual way

F o t o C o r t e s í a D r S u l l v a n 41 M a r c h 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 3

It is necessary to understand that a flower that will be a medicine has very clear production standards that are monitored from the origin of the seed; the cannabinoids that this strain produces (and in what proportion are they found); the collection and storage methods to be used; as well as the methods of extraction and purification of cannabinoids and finally guarantee the stability of the medicine that ensures that its distribution and commercialization as well as all the steps mentioned above are carried out without ever putting patients at risk And, finally, the doctor or health agent who prescribes these medications must fully understand the endocannabinoid system and all the functions that we know it regulates the pharmacological interactions that cannabinoids have with frequently used medications (which only for CBD or cannabidiol are more than 76 identified), the possible adverse or undesirable effects and the scope and benefits that they can bring to the patient
H I G H - Q U A L I T Y E D U C A T I O N : P I L L A R O F T H E I N D U S T R Y by Dr.
The Diploma is coordinated by Dr. Samuel Ponce de León Rosales head of the PUIS, and Dr Raquel Peyraube, and has among its Honorary Academic Committee luminaries of cannabis sciences such as Dr. Lumir Hanus who discovered Anandamide or Dr Daniele Piomielli who directs the Center for Cannabis Studies at the University of California, or Dr. Donald Abrams who is the author of the first medical studies of cannabis in HIV patients around the eighties, or Dr Kirsten Müller Vahl who is the director of the International Association of Cannabinoid Medicines (IACM) The classes which begin with an open classroom on March 23 will last for 58 weeks covering all the contents with more than 232 hours and where the researchers who generate this knowledge are the teachers To register or request information it is necessary to send an email to or visit ammcann org
Above all if we want the regulation to last for many years we need to start off on the right foot, training professionals who can participate in this flourishing industry from its inception
If you are a doctor, veterinarian, dentist, biologist, FB or FI or industrial chemist biotechnologist geneticist and you are interested in this unique training of its kind don't stay out space is limited and we start in two weeks Luis David Suárez, Specialist in Endocannabinology, President of AMMCann AC dr suarez@ammcann org
One of the characteristics that makes it difficult to establish a Mexican Cannabinoid Based Medicine industry is the lack of well trained human resources that can understand all the challenges involved in producing a medicine from a flower

The objective of the course is to contribute to the training of human resources for the research production and prescription of cannabis and cannabinoid based products, from a comprehensive scientific perspective