P I O N E E R PS I O N E E R S I N T H IE N T H E I N D U S T R IY N D U S T R Y 4 2 0 T R U 4E 2 0 T R U E S T O R Y S! T O R Y ! A P R I L 2 0 2 2 I S S U E 0 4 LIFE IS BETTER IN GREEN

Salvador Vega
Because although there are 420 urgent and complex reasons to break the prohibition policies the biggest legacy left us (unintentionally) by that group of friends who used to sneak together to smoke weed after school was an identity code: Marijuana as a synonym of transgression, culture and freedom Today, the international cannabis community adopts the four hundred and twenty as its banner which just as it can mean a safe space, inspires us to form a community and raise our voices together We are very happy to celebrate our first #420 with all of you, bringing you a collection of amazing stories: projects that revolutionized the industry, led by pioneers of this movement That, in addition to a wide variety of sections and special collaborations that we are sure you will enjoy So, without further ado, let's continue defending the right to health, safety and education; self cultivation and decent work; to scientific research and the development of sustainable alternatives and of course the right to be free to light up inhale and exhale Good vibes, green life, and lots of love for y'all!
It is well known (although not properly recognized) that April 20th is International Marijuana Day A date that has gained relevance gradually since the mid 1970s, and that in recent decades has been enhanced thanks to the hyperconnection provided by digital platforms In various corners of the planet the conversations about regulation about the right to free consumption as well as the arguments to try to dismantle prohibitionist policies (which for years have stopped the access of millions of people to cannabis) will be part, at least for an instant, from the agendas of the mass media, as well as casual chats in our family circles The so called "Stoner's Holliday" exists and the visibility that this celebration has tends to be proportional to the advances in the laws that allow its medicinal, industrial or recreational use in different regions of the globe “I want it to be legal so I can smoke a joint in peace ” is the simplest individual argument that we will find on these dates But however superficial it may seem; it is still a valid reason to fight for legalization Code and Identity

hablemos@tuvidaverde com creatividad@tuvidaverde com +52 (55) 6783 9958 President / Charlie Bravo Media Director / Salvador Vega Style Corrector / Víctor D. Flores Editors / Paola Galante, Antonio Romero, Gary "Toke" Thompson, Psycho Memes, Cynthia Olivieri, Gaby Arellano. Special collaborations: Víctor D. Flores, Alejandro Gutiérrez, Axel Delgado, @babyrockrock art Art and Design / Susana Romero Photographers / Mr Pipe, ELV TJ Translation / Araceli Zetina Marketing Director / Crishtian González Social Media / Andrés Palomares Sales Director México / Fernando Flores Sales Director Colombia / Johnny Torres Sales Director US / Andrew Simon Contact Us Available in Copyright Notice COPYRIGHT January 2022. Year 01, number 01. TU VIDA VERDE© is a monthly publication protected by the Copyright Laws of Mexico and by the UCC Universal Copyright (Geneva and Paris Convention). Stock images used in this issue are fully licensed for commercial use and distribution. Reproduction, printing, or distribution of this copy without permission is prohibited Powered by: Milagro Pharmaceuticals

420 True Story INDEX tuvidaverde.com Cannabis Ice cream Space Gelato and the desserts that are taking everyone into the stratosphere 19 04 Industry Voices Lorena Beltrán and Demitri Downig Stephanie Pow Pepe Rivera Oswaldo Olivas Music, flowers and five friends who give us the code of cannabis culture and identity worldwide, Encuentro Cannábico 2022 Three days of celebrations in the heart of Mexico City Japan in conflict over ban despite acceptance The new regulation project on a Federal level in the United States Surfers beyond the consumer stereotype The only drug is the sea 26 33 16 09 Especial 24 International 30 Fit & Green What is wellness tourism and what does it have to do with the cannabis industry? 13 Puff of Medicine Mr Cannavz answers the doubts of our followers about self cultivation 42 Ask the expert Joint With Us, the Mexican Cannabis Club and the legal strategy behind them 38 Underground TVV Profiles Dra Weed: self cultivation education and censorship Sow and resurface as many times as necessary The 420 memes were so good we're saving some for next year 43 Psycho Memes

DEMITRI DOWNING / Founder of MIITA Read the full article at: tuvidaverde com I n d u s r t y V o i c e s I n d u s r t y V o i c e s

Mexico has a unique opportunity at this historical moment to demonstrate its commitment to society mainly to peasants through the legalization of all uses of cannabis The roots of Mexico s small farmers are often overlooked in favor of big government large corporations and an ever industrializing modern economy that often leaves Mexico's heartland behind
Yes things are always changing in the commodity markets and will also change in the cannabis market over time but wouldn't it be great to at least say that people had the opportunity to work with such a versatile and good natured plant in their land? Wouldn t it be great to tell the father of that family he left behind in the town to go to work in the United States that it's worth going back to the mountains and making a living growing cannabis?
The structures of the world cannabis market are constantly changing however the common denominator in the countries that eliminate prohibition is very high taxes and licensing costs Mexico must be aware that to give small farmers the opportunity to participate in this regulated “ new industry” they must be allowed to operate without a license and without special permits since that makes it extremely complicated and even unattainable for them
As policies evolve across states countries and jurisdictions governments around the world have had to choose what new market structures from production processing cultivation and retail will look like Now it is not the criminal groups but the government that determines who has the right to grow crops to sell and what are the “bottlenecks” where the government will collect taxes
The cannabis industry has evolved into branded manufacturing and infused products which has led the government to impose taxes on the bottlenecks of processing retail distribution retail trade and export The regulatory structure may even require farmers to sell only to certain "collectors" if necessary but the important thing is that their participation is always simple and straightforward All these suggestions are realistic within the capabilities of the Mexican government as well as functional for regulation Everyone wins the people of Mexico who want to see the plant regulated and the small farmer who wants and needs a crop to support his family
The reality is that Mexican peasants do everything possible to avoid having to emigrate from their land Many of them depend on agriculture for their subsistence and to be able to lead an honest life some sell corn beans wheat rice sorghum and other basic products Some commercial crops such as coffee and agave generate income that they use to improve their quality of life a little which is enough for them
For too long many criminal groups have been exploiting small farmers and profiting from the poor; but now with the implementation of fair and inclusive regulation those who have benefited least from cannabis production can now see a real benefit The discussion boils down to simple economics
At this time between parliamentary sessions in Congress there is a crossroads to determine the future of Mexican cannabis policy We all know that we have seen a change in the global perspective of cannabis; from the ban to the management and implementation of "taxes and regulations" which is good but the real question that remains is not when and if Mexico will adopt personal cultivation but who will benefit from the new structure market and how?
Small Mexican farmers are paying attention and so are millions of their relatives in the US They are calling home every day asking “when can we go back home and grow legally? The Americans are selling for thousands of dollars a kilo here in California crops that we can plant in our mountains Why can't we stay home with our family and friends live on our land and grow too? Where is our Mexican government now, what is Mexico doing? When are we going to be able to do what they do in the warehouses here on the fertile lands of our people?”
So regardless of where you are today if you think you ’ ve got the passion, skills, and perseverance there is very likely a place for you to build your long term career in the cannabis industry
What’s next?
To help get clear on where you want to go you can start by asking yourself: By getting clear on where you want to go with your cannabis career the steps to get there will be that much easier to navigate
As you begin to do your research you will most likely discover that there is a place for you to grow your career in the Cannabis Industry
Are you thinking about starting a career in cannabis?
Knowing this it helps to have a clear vision as to where you think you want to go What is your ‘dream job’ in the cannabis industry? What is it going to take for you to get there?
If you are curious about pivoting your career into the cannabis industry now is the perfect time for you to start to explore what possibilities could be out there for you
STEPHANIE POW / Global Cannabis Recruiter & Career Pivot Coach

Talented people who are curious ambitious can thrive in ambiguity and are willing to hold on for the wild ride are the ones helping shape what the global cannabis industry will ultimately become
Remember, it all starts with you.
Wherever you want to go with your cannabis career a reminder that it all starts with you With so many different types of roles and companies that make up the global cannabis industry from seed to sale the career possibilities are endless
The legal cannabis industry needs a wide variety of talented humans
05 I n d u s r t y V o i c e s I n d u s r t y V o i c e s
What is my current job title/function and where does that best match a role within the cannabis industry?
Wondering what it takes to find long term success in an emerging global industry?
As new countries & regions across the globe continue to legalize the use of both medical and recreational cannabis the demand for people to work in the cannabis industry will continue to increase
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The work of people from all different industries professional skillsets & educational backgrounds are building a foundation for the long term success of the cannabis industry
What would be my dream job’ in the cannabis industry? What work do I feel truly passionate about? Where do my current skills educational background and professional experience best align within the cannabis industry?
With the wide variety of companies that make up the industry from seed to sale there is a need for an equally diverse group of talent to make it all function
From entry level positions all the way up to senior leadership roles each person plays a unique and important role
Here is what to keep in mind as you take your first step in exploring a new career in cannabis
Now that you are clear on where you want to go with your cannabis career now it s time to really explore all that can be Follow along (LinkedIn: @Stephanie Pow) as we continue to map out the steps for discovering your future career in the global cannabis industry YOU WANT TO WORK IN CANNABIS
What additional education and/or professional experience will help me to be successful in cannabis?
Let s remember that the Senate literally turned its back on us It was preferred to close its main door to ignore the protest and now all visitors enter through the back door instead of Door 1 It took a new senator to unblock the blockade against human rights defenders who live at the entrance of the Senate It has been two long years in the street however today we have not only a general declaration of unconstitutionality but also bills in both the Senate and Congress of Mexico City If before they preferred not to go down to speak we have taken our agenda inside the Congress of the Union and that of the capital city with the #Initiative420 and the #Capital420 initiative With the #Initiative420 we ask that four types of crops be recognized to exercise the right to free personality development: individual, shared, solidarity and associated self cultivation Together with feedback from more than 50 activists, we finally managed to move the proposal of 6 plants per person that has been offered to us for the last two years Instead of a total of six plants per year the #Initiative420 proposes 10 plants in bloom at any one time Although the #Plantón420 asks for free crops, without plant limits, this is an important advance that brings us closer to the international maximum allowed: 20 flowering plants in Colombia Obviously, what every Mexican consumer must ask is why do they give us less than Colombians?
We have already worked for months with the Senator's team and although we have already managed to enter each time the security guards make us wait unnecessarily There hasn't been a single occasion where I haven't had to download the senator's equipment in person to be allowed access In more than a decade of visits to the Senate I have never seen anyone else undergo a body search upon entering this chamber In addition they have forced us to leave our backpacks and cannabis flowers at the entrance, for which they have even asked us, as if they had any competence to do so , a medical prescription In the Popular School of Cannabis Activism of #Plantón420, it is explained that Human Rights are a set of laws that protect human dignity However, it is not necessary to have an in depth knowledge of human rights to recognize that they are being violated This is because the first sign of a human rights violation is often emotional Anyone who has been unjustifiably criminalized, arrested and mistreated by a police officer, or other figure of authority, such as the Senate Guard can recognize the feeling of indignation
I n d u s r t y V o i c e s I n d u s r t y V o i c e s Read the full article at: tuvidaverde com

PEPE RIVERA / Activist Plantón 4:20 Despite the undignified treatment after two years of peaceful civil protest in the street the #Plantón420 managed to position its four human rights and cannabis demands within the Senate of the Republic: #DignifiedTreatment, #FreeCultures, #FreePosession and #SharedSpaces #InEquality

The treatment I describe is not new to activists in Mexico In 2016 they did not let us enter with a tarp because it had the word cannabis printed on it, a word that was explained to us "was prohibited" inside the legislative palace Obvious censorship and violation of the right to free expression and equality before the law This even though we had permission from the legislators to set up a hemp museum for several days Ironically, the banner said the Mexican Institute of Cannabis which now that it was proposed by Senator Olga Sánchez Coordero, in addition to the deputies is part of the main initiatives that are discussed in both chambers of the Congress of the Union
For the capital initiative we will have to convince 22 deputies for a simple majority At the time it was presented, at least 12 deputies of the 66 joined In that long list that we always see in public spaces: "this establishment does not discriminate based on race, religion, gender, etc", we are going to add "cannabis consumption" Later, we are going to give away a copy of the new Constitution of the City to the shelter of the Senate
The first time that Senator Cravioto's team invited us to talk and get to know each other the team that provides security to the building known as the "Senate Guard" blocked our entrance To the extent that after trying to enter what is supposed to be a public building for more than two hours the first meeting should have been held in the #Plantón420 protest space inside the Louis Pasteur (cannabis) Park and Plaza
OSWALDO OLIVAS / Editor Industria420 com

The guiding axis in the history of cannabis legalization in Mexico is government omission In the case of adult use, the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) has already indicated that it is a right of citizens of legal age, but COFEPRIS refuses to grant the permits
Last June, after another long history of omission by the Congress of the Union, the SCJN ordered COFEPRIS, headed by Alejandro Svarch, through the General Declaration of Unconstitutionality, to grant permits for activities related to the self consumption of cannabis and THC for recreational purposes, respecting the right to free development of the personality of Mexicans More than eight months later, COFEPRIS has begun to give negative responses to requests made by citizens in 2021 to obtain their permit and even challenged before a Collegiate Court in Administrative Matters an order from a federal judge that ordered it to deliver a permit after decline
The adult or recreational use of cannabis is a human right in Mexico, but the federal government clearly has no intention of granting permits, hiding behind a model of strategic bureaucracy that attacks citizens At the same time, in the Congress of the Union, the little interest that there was among the legislators to create the regulatory framework corresponding to the adult use of cannabis is extinguished, something that they have already omitted for years, even when the SCJN ordered them to do so
While officials obstruct and politicians only see the plant as an issue that only matters when there is a spotlight, the rights of adult cannabis consumers continue to be violated Perhaps that is why there are more and more voices in the sector that point out that "you just have to notify the government and not ask for permission"
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COFEPRIS says that it cannot deliver permits because it cannot create a regulatory framework and that this is the task of Congress as well as other excuses that add to the long history of obstacles and locks against cannabis in the country, which are fueled by historical stigma that is still present in those who lead the public administration

This April, one of the most interesting congresses of the green industry in Mexico was held: Encuentro Cannábico 2022 A space that housed during its three days of activity many innovative projects that are making their way into the incipient Mexican market Por Paola Galante tuvidaverde.com

Exhibitors, businessmen, stoners and specialists in various areas exchanged their experience at Encuentro Cannábico 2022 A three day congress when attendees were able to enjoy an event in which good vibes, music, and tastings of an impressive variety of products (from gummies, popsicles, or cannabis ice cream to veterinary products, pills, or boosted with CBD) were the common denominator.
I m á g e n e s T u V i d a V e r d e


tuvidaverde.com 3500 attendees 60 international exhibitors The conferences were given by personalities such as Zara Snapp and Jorge Tinajero; Moisés Acuña with the topic of specialty in sports or Mariana Ugarte with her presentation on sexuality and Cannabis. During the three days, one of the most important activities was the conference's free streaming for all those who could not enjoy the event live. I m á g e n e s : T u V i d a V e r d e A p r i l 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 4 11

F o t o C o r t e s í a D r S u l l v a n A p r i l 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 4 13

In my medical practice within the tourism sector, the initiative to lead a company dedicated to wellness gave me the opportunity and the mission to provide quality of life and care to the vulnerable population For this reason the first headquarters of Cannacare Mexico was born in 2019, on the beautiful beaches of Costalegre, Jalisco Currently at Cannacare Mexico we provide holistic experiences through a national wellness network that is constantly growing, in a sustainable way, friendly to the environment, reducing damage through education, supported by medical technologies functional medicine cannabinoid based medicine and other natural therapies that are already working in other parts of the world Our objectives include people in generative activities, such as: the transmission of correct values, promotion of psychological well being, promotion of sports re learning of good hygienic dietary behaviors which will give positive results in the lives of users caregivers and society in long term overall “A state of well being in adulthood is the determinant of successful aging” Unknown
by Dr. Juan Antonio Loza Gallardo General Doctor and CEO of Cannacare México

On the other hand health tourism is the practice of a patient moving from one place to another to receive treatment, surgical intervention (surgeries, prosthetics etc ) or outpatient (physiotherapy psychological therapies) Also the monitoring of a condition by a certified and endorsed medical team (radiotherapy, MRI, among others)

What does the health sector have to do with the tourism sector? Well, I'll explain briefly: in essence tourism in general has to do with the transfer of people from one place to another in search of "leisure"; experiences that they do not find in their place of origin and that from that search they move to another place to find it
author T O U R I S M , H E A L T H A N D C A N N A B I S
However there is also wellness tourism where users do not necessarily have an illness or medical condition but look for destinations that improve their quality of life through non medical or rehabilitation activities in some cases (spas yoga activities outdoors etc) This type of tourism is more linked to the prevention of chronic and degenerative diseases, prevention of cardiovascular risks damage reduction and improvements to various lifestyles Mexico is currently home to various forms of tourism, including health and wellness tourism, which, by the way, are among the most important for the 2040 agenda Those of us who provide alternative therapeutic experiences take into account that these traditional activities providing medicines and helping the patient in their healing process must always be practiced in an ethical manner, assessing the risk in each particular patient and integrating the different disciplines in a holistic manner Always with a sense of responsibility, with the aim of providing quality of life through adequate care in safe and harmonized spaces for the proper development of the personality
CannabisregulationcampaignpromotedbyMovimientoCiudadanopartyhasalso representationinCDMX Image:Twitter(@JulietaMejia,@MovCiudadanoMx),RoyTorres
“Our general vision on the subject is that the regulation of cannabis should contribute to the construction of peace in the country From there we must analyze who is in prison today for this reason The issue is that: we must not only decriminalize the use, but we must also observe the discrimination that exists Today, the largest number of people imprisoned for these crimes are for minor possession and, furthermore, they are people who do not have the resources to defend themselves That is why we say that criminalization is also a matter of poverty and lack of opportunities However in the face of regime change in 2024 Movimiento Ciudadano began to integrate cannabis regulation policies as part of its permanent agenda “We have been working with organizations, but this issue is a very clear part of our three pillars, which are: decriminalization responsible regulation and justice and inclusion of the victims of the prohibition regime This is what we base our agenda on What we must do is remove the stigmas; see the issue of consumption as an issue of individual freedoms and the progression of rights It is not that by removing this ban everyone is going to go out to smoke, but it is realizing that what the ban has generated is a much more dangerous black market than what the regulation of these substances would mean " he said
Knowing that cannabis is a subject of federal regulation, we want to join in the particular aspects where we can touch it Cannabis must be seen not as a criminal matter, but as a matter of public health ( ) We must change the perspective of prohibition, towards that of responsible consumption"
The legislator explained that the initiative rests on the principle of individual freedom, and crosses aspects of security, discrimination and defense of human rights
During this month an initiative that aims to eliminate the criminalization of the recreational use of marijuana in the country's capital will be presented in the Mexico City Congress

Legislators of the third political force in the country anticipate an initiative for the decriminalization of cannabis use in the capital

The proposal whose fundamental axes are respect for individual freedoms and the guarantee of the free development of the personality (recognized by the Supreme Court of Justice in this country) will be presented in the spirit of #420 by the members of Movimiento Ciudadano the party that is currently the third political force in Mexico In an interview for TVV, Roy Torres, local deputy and coordinator of this party in the CDMX Congress announced that the proposal will seek to transform the mechanics of punishment towards the simple possession of marijuana in this region adding new practices to the national discussion on the decriminalization of the plant

The document signed by the mayor Flor Estela Morales her work team as well as by Diego Leonel Duarte Solís of the Human Rights Defense of the People of Oaxaca details that the measure was taken in consideration of the resolution of the Supreme Court of Justice of Mexico where it is ordered to respect the rights of the users of the plant
OAXACA: SAFE SPACE FOR CANNABIS CONSUMERS city in southeastern Mexico will not be able to criminalize users of the plant on public areas.

Thanks to the intervention of these groups the government of the capital of this state (one of the largest and mega diverse in Mexico) published a document stating that, as long as there are no regulations on the personal consumption of marijuana the police will not be able to arrest, much less imprison people who exercise their right to consume on the street

On the eve of 420 the city of Oaxaca became the first region in Mexico in which the police officers must treat cannabis consumers on public areas with dignity and respect This resolution came after weeks of agreements and pressure from various groups and activists throughout the country motivated by complaints of harassment and violence by the police towards users of the plant
Adultuserswillbeabletosmokeinpublicareas,buttheyareaskedtorespect children'splaygrounds Image:AlejandroGutiérrez A p r i l 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 4 15
Likewise it suggests that people who decide to exercise these rights stay away from children s areas It also indicates that in the event of causing the inconvenience of a third party, the police should only recommend the user to continue traveling or withdraw to another area in case of being at a fixed point
People who take as their starting point the human right to gather, learn, socialize, share experiences and consume the flower in a safe space Precepts that are linked to the origin of this particular celebration tuvidaverde.com

by Cinthya Olivieri

For half a century, a particular celebration has brought together consumers from all over the planet around the lifestyle and culture. Every April 20, marijuana takes over the collective social imagination in a celebration that grows every year During the last decade, Cannabis Holiday has been evolved into a structured celebration that brings together large sectors of the population interested in the legalization of the plant.

And in all these manifestations regardless of the explanation that anyone decides to grant to 420 the common identity persists which involves far beyond consumption and which in a social way aims to unite include belong and above all integrate The 420 is a celebration of identity with even literary and musical nuances
They called themselves "The Waldos" because their typical meeting place was a wall outside their school But how did this spread around the world and even become a party for cannabis connoisseurs? Well, this relates to the larger social connections specifically between one of the Waldo brothers and some popular bands in California at the time like the Grateful Dead and the Deadheads The friendship grew and the number 420 began to be used among the friendship circle as a direct reference to the herb
Various interpretations are strangely related around the number in question The first of them refers to 420 as a police code that was used by US authorities (initially in certain locations in California) to alert about sites where marijuana was consumed
However, the real story began in 1971, when a group of friends, hippies from Northern California, who attended San Rafael High School, began using the term 420 as a secret code, to communicate the time of a meeting (4 :20) and the place: the statue of Louis Pasteur on campus

TheWaldo'smythbeganinthe70sandwasencouragedbyCaliforniancountercultureandthelegalizationmovements Images: courtesy420waldoscom

Code Genesis
The moment the code became part of the entire community was thanks to a 1990 Deadheads show where flyers were scattered saying: “meet at 4:20 on 4/20 for 420 ing" One of these flyers ended up with a High Times magazine reporter and was printed in the magazine in 1991 helping to launch what eventually became known as the Cannabis Holiday globally A day a year where people from all over the world could smoke Cannabis together at the same time and celebrate this miraculous plant Social Impact Although the biggest celebrations take place in the United States, there are more and more frequent meetings and marches on this date in various countries of the world; this has been facilitated with social networks and immediate access to information thanks to the internet However the common denominator of all these expressions is basically the same: to put an end to the prejudices that still exist about the use of cannabis freeing it from that criminal label that conservative and above all uninformed societies imposed on marijuana and those who consume it for years
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by Antonio Romero

Ilustration: @babyrockrock art

For this 2022, the company positioned itself as one of the best cannabis stocks today, with estimated profits of 620 million dollars, with a 10% rise in its shares after a new cannabis bill was announced in early April for the legalization of the plant at the federal level A document in the process of analysis in the House of Representatives but which aroused the interest of investors in new projects

tuvidaverde.com I m a g e n : C a n v a S t o c k

Fromactivismto commercialgrow
It is difficult to list all the people, projects and institutions that, within the cannabis industry, have managed to establish a unique brand. The history of legalization is so recent that the precursors of waves of activism within this movement are present in our times, promoting transformations in favor of the liberation of the plant throughout the world Since the mid 1960s marijuana has managed to raise its leaves above the walls of prohibition and, as punitive regulations are dismantled, the various actors on the international cannabis scene are integrating themselves into new spaces, giving rise to to modern day pioneer milestones In the United States cradle of the countercultural movements that led the "green revolution", there are artistic, political and cultural moments that have managed to transcend, and that today have become multinational corporations with multimillion dollar profits thanks to the plant In this field the company GrowGeneration is a project whose success has been thanks to the legalization movement And it is that, by being specialized in the sale of tools for gardening and care of various types of crops, the company achieved popularity within the cannabis sector with enthusiasts from all over the world interested in acquiring their products to start planting cannabis
tuvidaverde.com Sinceshewasalittlekid Dr Margaritadreamedofhavingaclinictocurepeople withplantsandevenmademodelsofthat Image: DraMargaritaarchive IPNgraduatehasthreedecadesofspecialtyintheauthorizeduseofcannabisfor therapeuticpurposes Image:TuVidaVerde A p r i l 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 4 21

A virtue, a destiny Margarita García was a girl who never imagined being a pioneer in the industry For her childhood, the dream since she was little was to build a clinic where she could cure people from all over Mexico with plants Stories that live through her memory and that of her loved ones, but that became a path that would take her to the point of being one of the forerunners of legalization in this country “Today after a century, the world is woking up to to the positive influence of cannabis It has been recognized for the medicinal properties of the plant I have been a graduate for 30 years and that same time using cannabis in a regulatory way, in a legal way , she comments in an interview for Tu Vida Verde Today, with a dozen specialty courses, hours of seminars and research on the plant as well as hundreds of families benefited thanks to her treatments Dr. Margarita is not only a pioneer in receiving a permit granted by the national authority for the use of for therapeutic purposes but will ome the first woman to bring to the entire country through a annabis clinics ct which materializes and enhances ood dream, was possible thanks to egic alliance with the company Pharmaceuticals, this for the ent of the first business model that medicine production, medical and cannabis pharmacy, all in one. macias + Clínica MHC project is on of starting its operations with an care of 1,500 patients per month me way, thanks to the exclusivity for ction of sublinguals, as well as the with various national brands, macias already has a catalog of BD, CBG, CBN products, with the n to expand its offer of other with cannabinoids hat, throughout the world, the plant watershed for the transformation ments but it is also being seen as a powerful tool to solve some of the strongest emergencies of our times

There are numerous bioenergy applications for industrial hemp; the production of bioethanol and biodiesel from industrial hemp has great potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve the Canadian economy ” said the report published in ScienceDirect.
And while the generation of energy from cannabis is very new, the research and hypotheses go back more than 100 years and include outstanding pioneering researchers such as Nikola Tesla, Royal Rife, Harold Saxton Burr, Samuel Hahnemann and many more Today, innovation in this technology has made it possible to verify that each living object has a natural vibrational frequency; a resonance that, since ancient times and in the oldest cultural traditions, was associated with sanction through specific frequencies In this specific field, it led psychologist and pioneer Richard Eaton to identify, reproduce and replicate the different frequencies and resonances contained within the plant The approach was very simple, since it was only enough to consider the possibility of curing people using organic plants and herbs especially medicinal Cannabis, without actually consuming the plant It took him a couple of years to find a realistic solution, but he finally came up with the idea of generating a mobile patch that could hold an energetic charge for these healing frequencies Through much trial and error, these entrepreneurs have managed to plant a seed for future generations

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And not only because of the capacity to absorb Co2 or the role of soil regeneration represented by farm planting, but because of something even better: its ability to drive or generate energy
Recent research, such as that conducted by the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of New Brunswick in Canada, has shown that cannabis crops can be an invaluable source for bioenergy production, as an alternative to fossil fuels

People who continue to develop their creativity, exercising their right to consume the plant and demonstrating at the same time that cannabis is an opportunity for everyone
Energy and vibration Climate change has motivated endless research on the plant as it has been shown that cannabis (and specifically industrial hemp) could be a powerful tool to mitigate its effects on our environment


Local data, published by Japanese media, show that it is young people 20 years of age or younger who represent 70 percent of the infractions
In this country, the restriction policies are not favorable, especially in an activity that socially and politically has shown not to represent a public health problem; rather, its prohibition (as historically occurred with the sanctions imposed on the sale and consumption of alcohol) can considerably increase criminal behavior, particularly among the youth population

Not in all societies the behaviors associated with cannabis use are at least similar First it is necessary to outline that only a handful of countries around the globe regulated recreational consumption of marijuana is legal; places among which Canada, the Netherlands and some entities of the United States stand out But the Asian reality is very different, Japan in particular In the Japanese island no use for the herb is allowed neither recreational nor medicinal In this context that the black market for marijuana is a growing commercial area that for obvious reasons, has to jump the legal barrier to reach its public In 2021, Japan registered what was called an escalation in crime stemming from the transfer, sale and consumption of the cannabis plant that involved 5,482 people related to the commission of various crimes
Of all the offenders 2 823 are 20 years old and 992 are under 20 As additional information according to a survey applied among them, 70 percent consider that marijuana does not represent any harm to society or their health
Despitethefactthattheblackmarkethastriggeredawaveofarrestsinthisregion,thegoodreputationoftheplantremainsacrosstheAsiancountry Image:CanvaStock
Despite restrictions in Japan, the daily use of cannabis does not stop; although it does detonate crime rates on the Pacific island.

In the particular case of the United States, a society in which contemporary history shows us that these stereotypical locks that condemn the use of weed are being torn down, the House of Representatives voted in favor of an immediate decriminalization of marijuana at the federal level
With 220 votes in favor and 204 against the United States legally pronounces itself for laws that allow this free consumption from now on In addition, for the specific issue of war veterans, the medicinal use of cannabis is recommended and approved for cases in which there is post traumatic stress disorder

At the moment it is expected that this project will also be endorsed in the Upper House with which the neighboring country to the north would definitively set a precedent of great significance for the industry and the consumer community
In different societies of the world various sectors of the population increasingly use their popular representatives to modify the laws in the strict sense of achieving the opening for the recreational or even medical consumption of cannabis
ONE MORE FOR REGULATION IN USA Significant progress has been made in the United States on the road to federal regulation of recreational and medicinal consumption TheinitiativeisalreadyintheevaluationphaseintheUpperHouseoftheUnitedStates Image:CanvaStock A p r i l 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 4 25

Within the world of edibles, the balance between flavor and effect is everything. Because if it is your first experience with them it is likely that the taste of cannabis or the effects they produce are so powerful that they are unpleasant for you However, there are certain preparations that, without imagining it, can become the best experience that any novice in the gastro world of marijuana can imagine Because let's be honest, who doesn't love ice cream? Above all, when an ice cream can take you on a space experience We spoke with the team at Space Gelato, who during the pandemic built a company that is expanding its space flavors across the country

Astral, cold and delicious by Gary "Toke" Thompson
Cannabis Ice Cream tuvidaverde.com 25-50 OMG F THCFor each scoop


The brand plans to build bases in Guadalajara, Monterrey and Cancun, although at the moment they only ship through a parcel system where they use dry ice Likewise, they are innovating the market in the search to produce a fitness line and also one with mushroom extraction “We try that the flavors are not the classics We take out different types all the time and we are very attentive to the tastes of the pachecos community Right now, we are also trying to incorporate another line of business that is less recreational but more functional That is an ice cream that brings everything: terpenes, protein, CBD. That it is well balanced and zero sugars Something that is not just a dessert, but something healthy”
“I am an industrial engineer by profession, and I was in a food company for a long time I have been using cannabis since I was 18 years old and so I decided to put my skills together one day ” says Jossimar who is the creator of the icy delicacies He comments that, although at first the problem was refrigeration and storage, over time the project went from being ice cream made in the home kitchen in an artisanal way, today they already have machinery and equipment to begin the transition to the industrial model My first clients were my mom and my aunts People in the family whose way of consuming was made different It's not like smoking anymore or it doesn't have as much of the stigma of marijuana (which still exists) It is through ice cream that is friendly to people who are curious, who want to live new experiences, or it is their first approach with the plant said The doses they handle in Space Gelato are a standard of 25 mg per serving, a number they reached after a process of experimentation “Right now, we handle the 25mg dose, but there is also a segment of consumers who ask us to make the ice cream a little stronger So, we make it from 50mg of THC It is about the same as a large scoop of ice cream There are people who do not like the taste of cannabis, but others do like it We have been doing market research to get to the point where people accept us for balancing the effects and the taste”
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Surfing and cannabis use have been important part of the same culture of thousands of young people in different generations. People who manage to find a balance between the adrenaline of facing the sea, with the state of serenity that the plant provides them. by Paola Galante Image: Axel Delgado



Many surfers have expressed that the use of marijuana before entering the water produces an effect of connection with the forces of nature; sensations difficult to describe, for those who make their passion for this sport a more intimate moment And although cannabis culture and surfing have gone hand in hand all over the world, it is well known that, at a professional level, cannabinoid consumption must be carried out with good supervision, always avoiding abuse

Many surfers incorporate non psychoactive CBD as part f their daily intake as it has been proven in countless ports disciplines to greatly enhance athletes' performance Theseaandthemovementsofthewavesaretheonlyessentialsubstancetolive theexperience Images:CanvaStock

The risks are high, since the irresponsible consumption of the plant before entering the water can transform the surfer's experience from something positive (which keeps him alert, focused and relaxed), to a situation here his life is in danger ut in the case of experienced cannabis surfers, the ewards of practicing with the right dose are enormous ecause in addition to activating their endocannabinoid ystem, they manage to secrete many hormones such s serotonin, dopamine, endorphins, and nandamide The first three are usually quite well nown, as they are often called colloquially, as "the ormones of happiness" or its part, anandamide, also abbreviated as AEA, is a hemical and natural compound that is part of the lipid mediators of prevalent action This substance generates he sensation of relaxation tranquility and depth which an make surfers feel as if they were on the trip without aving consumed any type of drug Surfing, by itself, is lready the drug
It is likely that at some time in some TV show streaming or Tik Tok you have come across the typical cool character who spends all day on the beach, becoming one with the waves of the sea A stereotype used to identify those who love adrenaline, surfboards and extreme emotions However, I am almost sure you have never related any of this with the cannabis industry or with the way these athletes enjoy the experience of floating on currents

Despite the constant censorship on social media, Ana, the cannabis grower and influencer is recognized as a woman who fights to the end. The love and responsibility that she feels with her digital community, its like the perfect nutrient to extend her leaves to the sky.

by Gaby Arellano

“My grandmother did not plant cannabis but we had a large garden with grapes, tangerine trees, lemon trees, plum trees, fig trees and many others She was one of those housewives who cooked and had many plants My grandmother died but she left me her hands” she mentions And it is that for the cannabis grower and influencer Dra. Weed, the feeling of attachment to nature and the connection that the act of cultivating generates are virtues that she has maintained throughout her entire life
"My grandmother always taught me to cure plants " Living memories that transport us to a garden; space that Ana Laura learned to love as a child and that would become years later a passion for the cultivation of a sacred plant

Cultivating, healing or simply enjoying gardening are some of the initial stimuli that propelled her in her career as a creator of content within the cannabis world “We started the project around 2007 with a group of about 100 farmers in a space called "Cultivating Freedom" That's how the issue of communication and social networks began Forging a space for people was the goal from the first moment: create a space to be able to help others with our experience” she comments Thanks to her dedication and the authenticity of her love for self cultivation Dra Weed's project grew transforming into multiple specialized channels, some in cooking recipes and others simply extensions of her community, which by then exceeded the average of 70 thousand followers C o r t e s í a @ d r a w e e d o

f i c i a l tuvidaverde.com

I m á g e n e s

Ana recently faced one of the most frustrating phenomena for any content creator today: the paralysis of her networks due to violations of the community rules of Meta the company that owns Facebook and Instagram
They know that if they lock me there they lock me all the rest, " she narrates with evident discomfort
However, shortly after the censorship, Dra Weed's followers began looking for her through other types of channels: Twitter, YouTube or email People from different Spanish speaking regions who were looking for her to continue in communication Reliable proof of his drag as a cannabis influencer today

“A guy contacted me on my YouTube channel and told me that the featured posts I shared were like his college notes
“I am aware that I am a South American female influence in the cannabis world but I am also aware that all this is because I am doing things right Because, even if I get frustrated (with the closure of my accounts) or even sometimes say "enough, I'm not doing anything anymore!", it is so much the love and need of the people who look for me, that it is no longer just my work, it is a direct responsibility with my community”

“The goal is for people to farm, and this is already happening All these things or setbacks leave you with a lesson and you learn whether you like it or not Because no matter how much it hurts and it seems like they're sinking you, I'm a seed: no matter how much they bury me, I'm going to rise from the ground That's what it's all about"
tuvidaverde.com Images:Courtesy@draweedoficial A p r i l 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 4 35

Another girl shared with me that thanks to the information I generated, they were able to establish a project in a pediatric hospital I did not know that, without planning it I had helped so many mothers to be able to grow and produce medicine for their children with cancer ”
“Besides this is like a snowball, because if I don't have Instagram, I don't have collaborations and therefore I can't bill, and consequently I can't continue with my channel
Laughing, Dra Weed comments that another frustration is looking at the empty jars, but she anticipates that the hot season is coming and that only means one thing: spending all day in the yard working the garden she loves and striving to keep her organic and respectful of sustainable practices crops, even if that means double the work.
Regardless of whether these are about education human rights or caring for a plant They took me down from 3 years of content: more than 8 thousand 600 posts in 8 Instagram accounts It's frustrating because (the disabled channels) are sources of information They not only lower me, but the entire community that has been formed over the years ” .
A company that has been accused of favoring the censorship of cannabis related content indiscriminately

hablemos@tuvidaverde com WHAT COMES DURING MAY A p r i l 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 4 37 Do you have an event, social or educational action coming up (in Mexico or around the world) and would you like to announce it? Do not hesitate to contact us! We offer you the space so that your activities reach more people Contact Us

by Salvador Vega : In TVV we are aware that an important part of the cannabis culture (especially regarding responsible adult consumption) moves outside the law For this reason we do not safeguard information, direct contacts or elements related to the collaborators of this section The opinions activities and products shown here are the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of our media In accordance with Article 13 of the American Convention on Human Rights as well as Article 06 of the Mexican Constitution the information expressed is for the exclusive reading of adults (21+) and for informational purposes only



The current consensus is that this plant remains under the cloak of prohibition and any activity related to the plant continues to be considered a federally punishable offense
The laws in Mexico are clear regarding the use, sale and distribution of cannabis and its derivatives

Such is the case of Joint With Us, the first cannabis club that beyond being a space for recreation and responsible adult consumption of the plant has become a cannabis micro universe A closed community closer to a city, which operates with its own regulations, but without breaking the current schemes allowed by the Mexican authorities “Cannabis is already an industry and the market in Mexico already exists Being aware of this reality as lawyers we took on the task of finding strategies so that, with the rights obtained to date, we can give legal certainty to companies and brands that are already active and doing incredible things All this with the idea that we are not doing anything wrong, and the law allows it” commented Manolo Castro CEO of Joint With Us in an interview for TVV This project was born in 2019 when protection for the self consumption of 18 people was requested From that moment the strategic litigation grew and was strengthened with the incorporation of various rights, such as the free development of personality and freedom of association (both recognized by the local Constitution).
Now the JWU community has 384 permanent members who under the closed exchange scheme that allows the legal concept of transfer, can access cannabis products with legal certainty, as well as receive support to professionalize their business projects Cannabis is a benefit and a medicine We cannot continue prohibiting it and keeping underground all these big businesses that are going to change our country But let it be very clear: this is a legal strategy because there are no licenses or permits currently in Mexico What it is about is generating the bases so that we can start establishing ourselves as companies and promote the fight for acquired rights

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“With marijuana it is a fight for rights The first victory was the change to the General Health Law, but later we won the right to self cultivation What is coming is the right to work; to dedicate ourselves to this profession This is a historic opportunity to build community Here there are opportunities for everyone and competition is good because it forces us to become professional to be strong in the international market” 384 members 4 years of operation
However although the fight for decriminalization and regulation advances in our country there are small spaces; cracks or ajar doors that have allowed legal specialists to step foot to allow more people to cross the threshold towards legality in this industry

The specialist affirmed that although the limitations in the country revolve around the gaps in terms of regulations (a phenomenon that has generated a longer time in which permits are granted by the health authority, to mention an example), at the same time, it becomes an opportunity to generate structures that can gradually put pressure on these cracks So that the door that tries to crush the foot that prevents it from closing, gradually gives up its resistance and opens finally to give everyone the opportunity to compete in the cannabis market If you want to enter successfully you must start with a good business plan Starting with the registration of your brand Later you must make structures to be internally regulated We, for example, work by paying taxes on invoices and making sure we are well audited Having a shelter is still necessary A request from Cofepris (health authority in Mexico) and in the immediate future it will be very important to have traceability certification and a production chain that allows you to guarantee the quality of your products ” he recommended For Iván Vallejo, who is in charge of business development and market intelligence, Joint With Us offers associates much more than just a safe space since connectivity and being close to people who seek to take that leap towards legality generates an incubation and promotion function for large projects “We are not only with Joint With Us as a cannabis club That is only a small part For this year we are very focused on services for companies and brands that want to start being part of the cannabis industry from a regulated aspect We are a network where we are dedicated to connecting various services legally It is like a small city although at the moment we are not everywhere ” he said Resistance and unity For Rafael Castro Hernández

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Legal Director of the project the path paved so far is sustained on the pillars of legality business vision and unity for Mexican entrepreneurs “We are not a platform to promote drug dealing or drug trafficking We want our associates and the projects that arrive to always seek high quality standards We are in a time when we must subject everything to a review exercise, because, just as we have access to endless information, we are also exposed to deception and fake news It is for this reason that it is better to be overregulated” he pointed out Rafael adds that, for these reasons, the Joint With Us protection scheme had to be private and not with a public exercise mechanism Leaving out economic schemes related to the Mexican peso and opting for the creation of a system through a currency called Joint Coin For a membership of 150 pesos (less than 8 dollars a month), members can have access to an exclusive dispensary legal protection and exclusive cannabis events for members thanks to the networking that was built with its base of more than 300 members The only option that, for the moment, allows them to develop regularly in this industry “There is a long way to go and specialized lawyers are needed who can understand various branches of law, to find the legal framework that can generate opening strategies ( ) Unfortunately there is a lack of knowledge of what exists and of the possibilities we have as consumers Today many of the activities carried out by people who are within the industry are unfortunately illegal and any mechanism that the authority could generate to impute the commission of a criminal act can be carried out But it is precisely for this reason that all parts of the industry that have the possibility of making our right to the free development of personality through self consumption viable, we have to generate this collective gear ( ) It is part of the individual activism of the people who they are interested in this happening globally and not only for those who in the study of these laws find these mechanisms of closed communities"

Plants need fresh air rich in Carbon dioxide to perform their photosynthesis well or they will not develop. If you don't have an extractor fan, at least make sure to keep the indoor door open and keep fresh air in the room where it is located.
Indoor light does not reach the plant well, so it cannot carry out photosynthesis. That is why the lower branches tend to turn yellow, spend unnecessary energy, and because they are weaker, they bring problems and pests. Remove all the branches that are not going to carry out a correct photosynthesis, leaving only the branches with leaves that are going to become large flowers.
Héctor TomásSan Salvador, El SalvadorCannabis oil can only be obtained from the flower, or can it also be obtained from the leaves and stem? México

How much do yourecommend pruningthe lower obranches f my plant?any are left perarm?
Yes, it can be extracted from various parts of the plant, but not from the leaves and stem. Only from the seeds and flowers, but they are oils for different uses.
AndrésELESE Cd. Juárez, México

How harmful would it be to plant without the extractor? Marcos Eduardo Arizona, EU is apical pruning done? how many nodes minimum?
Preferably at the fourth node you can start, and then every one or two nodes in the new branches.

A p r i l 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 4 43 Waiting patiently for 4:20 I don't even know what it means but I do it to follow the tradition Where's granny? She found some mushrooms in your drawer, and made herself a quesadilla and went for a walk Granny: