But I am sure that the same is true in your country or the region where you are right now I am sure of that because, regardless of the context, race, or particular situation, mothers, in general, teach us one of the most elemental feelings of existence: love That nurturing sheltering and bonding thing that connects us to each other

Salvador Vega
Every day I observe them in action Working moving from one place to another and in constant communication In my country, mothers move the economy They give meaning to everyday life Businesswomen, traders, and entrepreneurs with their efforts make their dreams come true and nurture our dreams They take care of us They provide us with food and support From the most basic nectar from their breast to a plastic bag with food and water Something that happens if you are, for example, riding on a train migrating to the USA (here mothers take care of their children and other people's children) They teach us to fight They encourage us in our first steps and respect the paths we take as we walk Even if it involves pain and anguish, it doesn't matter Growing up is not an option and mothers in my country accompany you in that constant struggle And unfortunately, in my country, no matter where you are, you can simply disappear one day Product of a senseless war, unleashed by prohibitionist policies and the most sinister power games But even there your mom will look for you She will look under the sun, in the desert, and in the plains With shovels, picks, and their bare hands Mothers in my country will go through this darkness indifference and fear until they find their children because they are everyone's children Mothers in my country
I m a g e n C a n v a S t o c k
And regardless of whether we are fortunate enough to have them present in our lives or permanently alive in our memories mothers are the embodiment of the sometimes abstract concept of love They are heroines and in this issue that you have in your hands, we take the opportunity to offer an article about the presence of cannabinoids in breast milk A discovery that, in addition to representing an advance in the knowledge of how the human body works will boost the interest and the need to investigate cannabis and all the phenomena related to its consumption in maternity
Important topics that we have brought to you to continue learning about this wonderful plant that, like a mother, can nourish, protect and give us comfort Good vibes, green life, and lots of love for y'all!
hablemos@tuvidaverde com +52 (55) 6783 9958 President / Charlie Bravo Media Director / Salvador Vega Style Corrector / Víctor D. Flores Editors / Paola Galante, Antonio Romero, Gary "Toke" Thompson, Psycho Memes, Cynthia Olivieri, Gaby Arellano. Special collaborations: Alejandro Gutiérrez, Axel Delgado Art and Design / Susana Romero Photographers / Mr Pipe, ELV TJ Translation / Araceli Zetina Marketing Director / Crishtian González Social Media / Andrés Palomares Sales Director México / Fernando Flores Sales Director Colombia / Johnny Torres Sales Director US / Andrew Simon Contact Us Available in Copyright Notice COPYRIGHT May 2022. Year 01, number 05. TU VIDA VERDE© is a monthly publication protected by the Copyright Laws of Mexico and by the UCC Universal Copyright (Geneva and Paris Convention). Stock images used in this issue are fully licensed for commercial use and distribution. Reproduction, printing, or distribution of this copy without permission is prohibited Powered by: Milagro Pharmaceuticals

Non-Psychoactive INDEX Fit & Green Professional wrestlers who promote the use of cannabis as a measure of well being 28 04 Industry Voices Kelly Beker Jiangsu Wongpec Abelardo Bravo Automation as the future of Indoor crops Breast milk and the cannabinoids naturally detected in the first food of the human being After a lifetime of working in a warehouse, CBD therapy helped improve the life of Mrs Liliana in Colombia Outstanding events for the month of June 08 12 24 16 Front Page 32 Testimonial 36 Calendar Cannabis and the development of treatments to combat Multiple Sclerosis 23 Puff of Medicine Mr Cannavz answers the doubts of our followers about self cultivation 38 Psycho Meme The prohibition phenomenon from the lens of the border photographer Alejandro Gutiérrez 37 GalleryTVV Profiles Brenda Hernández founder of Chicks vs Stigma and the construction of an inclusive community We will resist until this magazine is entirely full of memes 41 Ask the Expert

While measuring ESG today can still be challenging the rewards of getting it right are high According to the World Bank by the end of 2022 ESG related investing could reach $45 trillion; ESG s impact on investing today is no longer niche To address the need for a broad ESG benchmark in Mexico S&P Dow Jones Indices and the Mexican Stock Exchange joined forces to launch the S&P/BMV Total Mexico ESG Index as a solution to the growing demand for ESG in the country
The index attributes the recent demand in Mexico to global investors with investment strategies now based around pillars of sustainability Today not only are companies returns evaluated but there is also a legitimate conscious effort to examine how companies gained their returns and the impact of their activities on our society and the environment
Though much of the ESG conversation today is focused on company ratings and impact investors there is one aspect that remains less discussed: the opportunity Adopting ESG presents an opportunity to lead As the cannabis industry expands rapidly companies will continue to try and distinguish themselves ESG is a way forward for both survival and growth A well developed ESG strategy will deliver benefits in risk mitigation commercial opportunities brand value and both customer and employee acquisition and retention Any and all of these performance indicators can provide a positive Return on Investment from ESG Why ESG? Why now?
Guild I n d u s r t y V o i c e s I n d u s r t y V o i c e s

Over the past decade ESG has gained significant attention as both a framework for corporate risk assessment and an investment strategy ESG (Environmental Social Governance) is the consideration of a company s practices and risk factors in these areas using a set of metrics for assessment along with measuring traditional financial performance In today s financial marketplace investors and corporations are aware that risk matters and therefore so does risk assessment through models like ESG ESG provides a wide scope in corporate risk assessment to improve operations and internal and external engagement The frameworks can help companies navigate ESG risks they face every day such as: water conservation plastic use and carbon emission reduction (Environmental); human rights labour relations and engagement in broader community (Social); regulation compliance external audits executive compensation transparency and disclosure and Board independence (Governance)
The adoption of ESG commitments in cannabis corporations can help to create a strong foundation of best practices, and in turn, boost the bottom line Earning $43 billion in Canada, almost $30 billion in the United States, and over $2 billion in Mexico, today North America is the most advanced and lucrative cannabis market making up over 96% of legal sales This makes it imperative for companies to be proactive and intentional with Environmental, Social and Governance issues, as North American companies will set the standard the rest of the industry will follow
KELLY BEKER / Co Founder, Executive Director Cannabis Education

For example in January 2022 the government issued a new resolution that requires public pension funds to incorporate ESG processes into their investment strategy This has caused pension funds to use different tools (such as company ESG scores) to help meet the requirements set by the National Commission for the Pension System (CONSAR)
As the impact of climate change, the plastic crisis, and equitable pay are socialized among business leaders, there is an urgency to understand ESG risk factors in developing sectors like the cannabis industry
Fortunately, cannabis producers in Canada and the US have started integrating Environmental, Social and Governance issues into their operations, and several have published reports If Mexican cannabis companies understand their obligations surrounding water consumption, energy usage, packaging materials, supply chain transparency, and product safety, there will be opportunities to improve efficiency, decrease cost, and meet global ESG standards By embedding new ESG standards into the regulations, Mexico’s cannabis sector can make a substantial global social impact, and w way of doing business in the market
The Demand for Ethical Cannabis
Along with financial incentive from a new wave of impact investors regulatory forces on ESG are also pushing big industries in Mexico
JIANGSU WONGPEC / Activist and Entrepreneur

Cannabis, marijuana, and hemp can produce more than 5 thousand derivative products It is a plant that can provide us with food medicine shelter clothing raw materials nutrition and recreation
Many people wonder if it s already possible to invest or do business in the Mexican Cannabis industry, and the answer is yes With the Reform to the General Health Law in 2017 and the publication of the Regulation of the General Health Law on Sanitary Control for the Production Research and Medicinal Use of Cannabis and its Pharmacological Derivatives published in January of this year a series of legal markets in Cannabis for Mexico has given a chance to a series of legal markets for Cannabis And although there is still a strict moral social stigma about the uses of the plant little by little in Mexico spaces of communication are opening up where information is being generated and education is being promoted about its true uses effects and advances in all its aspects At this moment the areas of opportunity in Mexico are in the products and services dedicated to medicinal and therapeutic cannabis specialized care and scientific research In the near future the range of opportunities will extend to industrial hemp consumer products and responsible adult use Because of this situation Mexico is facing an unprecedented opportunity the possibility of developing an industry that can transform the country's economy
And the only thing Mexico needs is to be visionary and courageous in order to legalize and regulate the industrial medicinal recreational and spiritual uses of the plant 05
The economic potential of the industry in Mexico is 250 billion dollars by 2025
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Being a disruptive industry in every sense there will be ideas and concepts that are equally novel and disruptive From Alcann (Latin American Cannabis Alliance) we want to promote a culture of the sustainable and lasting economy that allows an equal growth of small medium and large companies that are looking for an opportunity in this industry Cannabis has the quality of being abundant and to the extent that its essence is preserved the plant itself will open the paths that we must take so the industry development will be of great benefit to the country Cannabis is ready to create new leaders and entrepreneurs with a vision of a more abundant and green future for all

07 I n d u s r t y V o i c e s I n d u s r t y V o i c e s M a y 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 5

At Studio Berlin we freedom through th members Through Berlin, Caterpillar, Sa we make a communi life for our environm Inspiration to chang anywhere, doing a strangers In my cas tiny cannabis club in Even though it was small because the Spanish legislation forced it, this club was the coexistence base of a spectacular community formed by "normal" people In the community, there were "desk jockeys", software developers, store workers, hairdressers, DJs, and waiters, among others It was also a very diverse community in gender, preferences, and political sentiment The only thing that characterized each of the individuals in this community was very simple: kind people struggling to exercise their right to freely develop their personality wherever they were because human rights know no political division

We invite you to visit one of our projects open for the public in its opening month: CAFÉ BERLÍN, ORUGA (artshop), and Fitspin x Studio Berlin
no e no unity er to sible duct ly to o be you to the circle of trust that had been created Studio Berlin is the tribute that a group of friends have made to that beloved club, which had no name, but everyone located it by the number 2 above a door in a small street in the center of Madrid I m a g e n : C a n v a S t o c k

by Antonio Romero
Pro Wrestling in the United States is transforming its cannabis use policies, while openly push superstars who promote consumption. Wrestling (also known in the United States as Sports Entertainment) continues to be a show of high contrasts Where the skill, ability and strength of television superstars’ contrast with a life of injury, stress, and chronic pain under the ropes

During 2022 the Wrestling industry managed to break several audience records, being the Wrestlemania 38 show (of the WWE company) the first show broadcast live for the whole world that managed to surpass Super Bowl LVI in the digital terrains of reproductions conversation in social networks and interaction Being a mass phenomenon and given the influential power it has around the world, it is striking that this same year, the sports industry is changing its discourse towards marijuana with more flexible policies for its consumption, but above all, with the promotion towards an open discussion on the subject Ongoing controversy Along with the theatricality and glamour of a show that has been presented (for decades) every week on television, professionals in the business take real risks and injuries, which have even ended the lives or careers of some of the biggest names in the profession It is in this space that cannabis culture has been able to incubate and expand over the years
RobVanDampromotedmarijuanaculture fromthebeginningofhis career Image:VideoFrame ECWHardcore(TV1998) WorldchampionRicFlairisdevelopinganediblesbrandwithMikeTyson Image:Twitter@RicFlairNatrBoy M a y 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 5

Inthe80's JimDugganfacedseriousconsequencesinhiscareerforhis cannabisuse ImagenFile1987ThePost
From that moment on cannabis would appear at key moments in the underground wrestling industry in the USA with personalities whose cannabis activism became a permanent part of their discourse In the 1990s, superstar Rob Van Dam became the clearest example of this in addition to help break consumer stereotypes (with his feats of agility and strength), he imbued Wrestling culture with glimpses of the cannabis world, even christening a maneuver as the "420 Leg Drop" performed in Rey Mysterio's company Today Rob Van Dam as well as many other fighters have not only witnessed the transformation of laws or public opinion about the plant, but are even more openly activists for consumer rights promoting cannabis brands of various kinds 09 Star

One of the most popular cases of marijuana use among wrestling superstars occurred in 1987, with the arrest of Jim Duggan and The Iron Sheik for possession of marijuana and cocaine when they were caught drinking and driving "We were pulled over by the officer and he asked me if I had anything illegal in the car Obviously, he could smell weed, so I replied 'yes officer, there's a small amount of marijuana under the seat ( ) suddenly we were both under arrest cops everywhere 'Are you Hacksaw Duggan and The Iron Sheik?!' They gave me two tickets, one for drinking and driving and one for the four joints I had, less than half an ounce, under the seat," the retired wrestler commented on Chris Jericho's podcast

"I don't see myself fighting after 50, that's for sure My body feels good right now because I've been applying new therapy methods with STEM cells hyperbaric chambers and CBD " mentioned wrestler Rey Mysterio on the Lillian Garcia show An athlete who, despite undergoing surgeries on both knees, continues to maintain a high risk style of performing maneuvers
Marijuana is currently the focus of two discussions in the U S wrestling industry The first is about the well-being and health of the superstars in the ring Thanks to the use of alternative treatments with cannabinoids, they have managed to extend their quality of life their time in the ring and even overcome addictions

Other personalities such as the legendary Ric Flair have confessed that marijuana helped him overcome his addiction to alcohol, and he is even in talks with Mike Tyson for a line of gummies with his name on them
But the second and most important of the discussions has to do with two of the current superstars promoting the plant: Randy Orton and Matt Riddle, the RK BRO tag team champions who openly talked about smoking and even launched official merchandise with the iconic 420 Like the UFC and the NFL the WWE joined the list of multi million dollar companies that removed cannabis and its derivatives from their doping policies A move that continues to set an example of the plants usefulness as an alternative to improve the life quality of athletes in the sports world 11
plant'sreleasefromdopingregulations Image:Courtesywwecom M a y 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 5

Tribe, personality, and knowledge. Concepts that Brenda Hernández transmits in a project that has become a permanent reference for the cannabis community in Mexico City by Gaby Arellano

I m á g e n e s C o r t e s í a @ d r a w e e d o f i c i a l 13 M a y 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 5

The name jumps out at you in the middle of an urban labyrinth dominated by vehicles that come and go It is a phrase or a declaration of principles that have remained in the same place for almost a year and provides a unique identity to this space widely known by the cannabis community in Mexico City For Brenda Hernandez, the Chicks vs Stigma project began as a need to provide cannabis information to the public and specifically to connect women and dissidents with all the knowledge derived from the plant This is a safe and inclusive space "I started learning about the plant because of a medicinal issue with my mom She suffers from rotational scoliosis of the spine and at the most difficult times, we exhausted all our options of pharmacy medications It was at that moment when we said 'let's give marijuana a chance', which by then we had already heard that it helped terminal patients or those with very strong chronic pain In those years there was not so much information and I realized that when us women asked about the plant we were attributed (and to this day) this double predisposition to judge you So, for me, it was important to develop a space for us to talk about cannabis without feeling judged or stigmatized To generate a community based on information

I started looking for items that had a better design Not items that you would want to hide in the drawer when you have visitors but items that you can put in your living room as decoration," she said Besides appealing to knowledge spreading, inclusion, and the identity of the responsible consumer another of the lines that Brenda projects in this space are the support to the local market.
We want to generate a community where, no matter who you are or where you come from; the economic capacity you have no matter who you are, you can come to learn Not just to buy because here we have many workshops circles, and events promoting education ( ) More than a smoke shop, Chicks vs Stigma is a place of community, where we can be who we are and unite around the plant"
"The plant is a lifestyle for many But not having the accessories that reflect who we are doesn't allow us to feel as comfortable with them. For that reason, part of the need for the project is to offer different options
Although the project initially focused on speaking to women (because of the double discourse that persists towards female consumers), Brenda believes that it is not only women who suffer from stigma, but all communities that are dissident or made up of people who think differently "The plant has something unique, that you can't just support with numbers There is the whole spiritual or experiential part of how cannabis can make you more introspective That's part of the knowledge spreading both scientific and anecdotal, and it's something that will continue to be part of this project Images:TuVidaVerde/Courtesy:ChicksvsStigma 15 M a y 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 5

Brenda explains that it was when she began to speak to these niches of women, members of the LGBT+ community, or different minorities that the store project began to take on new connotations Mostly because the merchandise or paraphernalia for the plant's consumption became extensions of the consumers' personalities
"In Mexico, we are making a lot of products related to the cannabis lifestyle that are cool and that didn't have visibility before We are used to seeing a lot of popular products that we love (and that we have here too) but that are foreign Today, almost a year after the opening of the Chicks vs Stigma store I dare say that 70% of the products we have are Mexican We are helping to generate this new local market, in which in addition to all the history we have of cannabis related ventures now we can also add lifestyle"

Find your tribe

by Cynthia Olivieri Research on cannabinoids contained in breast milk is advancing by leaps and bounds. Today the findings of these compounds generated naturally in the human body are being complemented by studies on cannabis consumption during maternity I m a g e n C a n v a S t o c k I m a g e n : C a n v a S t o c k

Since then, and despite the fact that this study has generated clarifications and corrections for methodological errors made, it also gave rise to a new research that has been able to verify that, just as the cannabis plant produces its cannabinoids the human body manufactures them equally

PrimaryNutrientsfor Development
This statement is part of a series of recent findings and research reviewed and supported by scientists and doctors from around the world People who have given themselves the task of understanding the function of the Endocannabinoid System (present in all mammals) since the beginning of our development
One of the popular investigations that is taken as a reference for this discussion is the investigation published in 1994 for the American Academy of Pediatrics entitled "Prenatal marijuana exposure and neonatal outcomes in Jamaica: an ethnographic" In that study, the authors discussed cannabis use before and after birth mentioning the presence of different types of cannabinoids in breast milk
From the first sip of life our nutrition is related to the consumption of cannabinoids Molecules present in breast milk which are generated naturally in the body of our mothers


Effects and characteristics In more recent times one of the investigations that drew attention was published in 2004 in the European Journal of Pharmacology Here scientists focused on the analysis of these endocannabinoids in the infant feeding stage Just as it happens with cannabis consumers who enjoy the increase in appetite in the infamous “Munchies” effect, newborns could receive, through their mothers milk, a stimulus for the muscular functions related to sucking thus favoring their feeding However, being a relatively recent finding, claims about cannabinoids produced by our body should be taken with great caution For Elizabeth Appiah Kusi, of the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, the claim that human breast milk contains cannabinoids is usually inaccurate "These are not cannabinoids, but endocannabinoids: 'endo' meaning 'inside,' is that which is produced by the body The cannabinoids in cannabis are what we call Phyto cannabinoids (from 'phyto' which means plant) And although abinoids and Phyto cannabinoids have a emical structure they are not the same e details in a publication on the subject opular disclosure and peer review site edback me publication the specialist affirms that more recent knowledge, it is known that annabinoid System of the human body is n the regulation of brain development, ntrol, cognition and emotional stimuli eginning of our development Rose Chesworth Postdoctoral Research chool of Medicine, Western Sydney comments that although the 1994 study resent a measurement on cannabinoid reast milk (and therefore no claims can from there) it is the most recent such as the joint research by Boston and State Universities from 2018: st recent evidence suggests that es of the Endocannabinoid System are n breast milk It appears that these us cannabinoids facilitate the sucking and enhance feeding behavior in motherswhohaveconcerns Image:CanvaStock reflexesandappetiteinbabies Image:CanvaStock

Stimulus for research
Although the subject of breastfeeding has been (and continues to be) controversial from different angles a double social stigma has developed for mothers who consume cannabis One that from the point of view of science has become an ideal pretext to increase the stimulus for research related to the plant during this period Today, we know that compounds such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) bind to the fats contained in breast milk. And also, thanks to phenomena such as the SARS Cov 2 pandemic, we know that many women increased their consumption of cannabinoids for various reasons (from stress reduction to muscle relaxation prior to childbirth) However, despite the fact that no significant change has been observed in newborns who are exposed to an increased number of cannabinoids during their development (a rather encouraging result for many), the consumption of related products has not been recommended by any health organization in the world This phenomenon was brought to the table in research by the American Pediatric Association, which analyzed the medical records of 763 premature infants between 2014 and 2020 finding that in 17 percent of cases mothers tested positive for THC It was found, in addition to the fact that a significant percentage of mothers use marijuana before and after delivery that premature babies born to mothers who tested positive for the substance did not show any difference in their health compared to those who did not receive additional cannabinoids in breast milk "It would be amazing to follow these babies over the long term, to learn more about their health Are they similar or behind in their developmental milestones? How often are they taken to the emergency room or emergency department? Do they have other illnesses or medical problems compared with children who were not exposed to THC? Therefore, no conclusive statements can be made But the research inspired me to explore the topic further, to help better inform new mothers and their physicians about how the benefits of breast milk compare or about the potential health risks of THC " said Dr Natalie L Davis, lead author of the study, in an interview with Healthline I m a g e n C a n v a S t o c k

C A N N A B I S T R E A T M E N T S F O R M U L T I P L E S C L E R O S I S by Dr. Raúl Porras Gutiérrez: Pro Secretary of Consejo Mexicano de Cannabis y Cáñamo Alitzel Moreno Aguilar: Social Service o C o r t e s í a D r S u l l v a n 23 M a y 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 5

Currently there is no infallible cure for MS but there are various treatments that will depend on how the disease develops Medications available in Mexico include disease altering drugs that can modify the disease's development such as Avonex Betaferon and Glatiramer acetate which are administered intravenously; there are also oral medications such as Teriflunomide Fingolimod and Dimethyl fumarate; additionally, there is the possibility of injecting monoclonal antibodies such as Natalizumab and Alemtuzumab However the side effects of these pharmaceuticals may often not be tolerated by many patients and they could interrupt treatment Other symptoms may include headache, fever, pain, heart failure, nausea, depression, anxiety, anemia, neoplasms, loss of appetite, weight gain and anal problems
For more than 5000 years cannabis has had various recreational and medicinal uses In recent decades, many studies have been conducted for the management of various diseases and symptoms using the plant's compounds Some of them suggest that cannabinoids derived from Cannabis sativa can be used to control symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) such as spasticity and chronic pain; in conjunction with their endogenous counterparts (endocannabinoids) they can exert neuroprotective effects and delay the progression of this disease
The first study of cannabinoids in MS was published in 1981 in which the sporadic improvement of spastic patients was demonstrated After cannabis inhalation there was inhibition of polysynaptic reflexes caused by THC, this research was performed in animals From then on other clinical studies came to evaluate the effects of cannabinoids (CB) in the relief of MS symptoms using various synthetic or natural cannabinoids with different routes of administration MS is an autoimmune, inflammatory demyelinating chronic and progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects approximately 2 3 million people worldwide (Browne et al 2014) being more common in young people and women It attacks the body's own structures by abnormal cell activation and leads to demyelination of axons in the Central Nervous System (CNS) due to inflammation

It is for this reason that many patients are now opting for alternative treatment options such as Cannabis sativa compounds Studies, preclinical and clinical data have indicated that the combined use of CBD and Delta 9 THC drugs such as nabiximols (Sativex) are more effective in reducing MS symptoms than the use of CBD or Delta 9 THC alone thanks to the compounds' synergistic effect While CBD induces anti inflammatory properties Δ 9 THC is more effective in reducing clinical scores of spasticity

technology is taking the game to the next level.

performance, and product quality are some of the reasons

by Paola Galante
Convenience, why where
more and more consumers are opting for indoor selfcultivation. A practice

Today more and more people or consumers are joining this trend, with indoor cultivation being the most popular thanks to the discretion and convenience it represents in countries where legalization laws are still in process, but also because of recent phenomena such as the pandemic In 2022, two of the three most profitable companies in the cannabis industry on a global scale (GrowGeneration and Urban Gro) are dedicated to the technology and equipment development for cannabis cultivation A reflection of people's growing interest in this phenomenon In countries like Mexico where the laws for self cultivation are already recognized by health and justice authorities, self cultivation is facing a process of modernization thanks to technology "During the pandemic, we looked at options in other countries that didn't offer everything that a private individual needs which is to be able to leave your crop or even go on vacation and not have to depend on someone to water the plants, remove the humidity or control the lighting and temperature," says Daniel Torres, CEO of Gapy This Mexican company took on the task of designing an automation system for indoor cultivation, which allows users to professionalize their growing experience at home comparable in quality and level of control to industrial growers "Unfortunately, many of the current solutions in the international market are focused on large scale cultivation This makes it very difficult for a private user to have access to these types of tools, which are not only expensive but also require an engineering team to implement them ” "Our system allows the private user the opportunity to grow without limitation, which is the case with most of the grow boxes that exist It is guaranteed that the plant will have a good process from seed to the end, but they do not grow more than one plant We do not limit the space in terms of indoor cultivation " he explains Food,lighting,temperatureandgrowtharesomeoftheparametersthatare controlledfromthecellphone Image:CortesíaGapy
Whether it is for recreational use, medical purposes, or the simple purpose of cultivation, it is evident that during the last few years the self cultivation of cannabis has gone through a boom period throughout the world

Efficientautomationsystemconsoleshavedaisychaincapability Image::CortesíaGapy

Sustainable solutions

Although there is an important debate on automation (new techniques used in the field versus traditional farming techniques) the international trend is increasingly clearer towards indoor techniques This is due to the lower environmental impact and the ability to maintain a constant and favorable crop yield

"We calculate that, if you have a crop of four plants and you can get a production of 250 grams per plant you could be recovering the investment in two crops with a system like ours The benefits you get are many " says Daniel Torres adding that energy savings and reduced maintenance costs are other factors to consider when implementing this type of technology By 2023, Gapy expects to officially launch mass production and distribution of its technological solutions for self cultivation For the time being, they remain in an interesting testing phase to demonstrate performance "We are inviting several people with cultivation experience to be the first to test the product We are working with different industries (strawberry, mushroom, or even insect crops) and we are looking for a beta tester on the cannabis side, obviously with a cultivation permit, to generate a use case that can be made public "I see an increasingly evident trend of individuals approaching self cultivation, not only for the medicinal or recreational part but also for the food part We are seeing more and more of these types of systems because we are not the only ones developing them Fortunately, there are more and more people who are concerned about automation artificial intelligence and sustainability" he concludes DuringtheCannabisCongressinMexicoCity theprototypeofthesystemwas presented,whichwillbemassproducedby2023 Image:CortesíaGapy 27 Creatorsclaimthatyoucanhave50plantsunderthesameschemewithout spacebeingaproblem Image:CortesíaGapy M a y 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 5
Cannalmon or Salmonnabis?, the name doesn't really matter, because you will love the recipe for this "flying fish". For this preparation we use special flowers infused in butter, which is one of the most popular ways to prepare cannabis dishes nowadays

If you are new to the world of cannabis cooking this process is known as decarboxylation and consists of the transformation of the THCA molecules to pure THC Once the 40 minutes have elapsed, we pass the cannabis butter through a strainer and then store it in a container where we will let the butter cool at room temperature for a minimum of 3 hours, and then take it to refrigeration for another 4 hours It is easier than you think Now comes the fun part...
The first step to make this butter is to clean the marijuana in order to remove the bitter taste of the chlorophyll Just put a pot of water on the stove until boiling point, turn off the stove and add the cannabis to the hot water for 10 minutes After that time, take the flowers out of the water and put them in a bain marie together with the butter for at least 40 minutes so that all the components adhere well
by Axel Delgado
Herbal, potentand fresh like no other

1 salmon with skin 1 lemon 2 garlic Cannabutter Sprig of thyme, Pepper to taste, Salt to taste 1 tablespoon of honey Dried parsley RECIPE

Images:AxelDelgado/CanvaStock A b r i l 2 0 2 2 | N ú m e r o 0 4 31 M a y 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 5
Step 1: Season the salmon with salt and pepper to taste Step 2: Take the salmon to the hot frying pan over medium heat with oil thyme and whole garlic for flavoring e salmon is in the pan and the skin is flip it around and leave it for 5 minutes again to add the zest and lemon juice; a , parsley, and chopped garlic, along with a ste of cannabutter We take a spoon and e the salmon with the flavored oil that is nabis flower to flavor the salmon and seal heat for 7 minutes nt cannabis salmon with an explosion of s Enjoy, and bon voyage!

I m a g e n C a n v a S t o c k

by Gary "Toke" Thompson

TVV: How was the surgery process? At first, I had patella surgery on my left knee, with analgesic treatment for pain and antibiotics to avoid infection I was implanted with a titanium knee But these medications were not able to relieve the pain, in fact, a few months later I had the same procedure on my right knee But I did not feel any improvement at all The pain and swelling continued, in fact, I had to use a wheelchair for a while "My health deteriorated a lot because I gained a lot of weight due to so many medications, which made my knee problems even more difficult and made it harder for me to move around"

Mrs Deysi Liliana Benavidez is a business administrator from the city of Cali in the Department of Valle del Cauca in Colombia She worked for 15 years in one of the largest department store chains in the region Liliana loves to tell her story because, although her job allowed her to grow in every way (study, get married, raise her children, and at 56 years old retire) it also meant a sacrifice of time and health: 40 years of a full time job that required her to be on her feet for most of the day which caused consequences in her joints ankles and knees, as well as the eventual operation of both legs TVV: Mrs Liliana how long have you been experiencing discomfort in your legs? My legs started to bother me about 10 years ago At first there were many medications and painkillers which made me feel better: my legs stopped hurting for a while and then I was told that it was a problem of blood circulation, something like varicose veins TVV: So, you stopped treatment once you got better? No not at all I have always had to receive medication and painkillers, because, over time, the pain was not only in my legs but also in my joints, knees, and ankles The tests x rays, and some therapies with a physiotherapist began, but I never obtained any definitive improvement My health deteriorated a lot because I gained a lot of weight due to so many medications, which made my knee problems even more difficult and made it harder for me to move around
I m a g e n C a n v a S t o c k

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DeysiLilianahasbecomeapromoterofCBDtreatmentsthankstoheramazing recovery Images:Courtesy TVV/CanvaStock
TVV: Have you lost your fear for medical cannabis? Totally! And not only that I am recommending it to everyone It improved my sleep quality and life overall I really hope that every day it becomes easier to find it in any pharmacy so that this miraculous medicine can reach everyone 41 "The pain has gone down a lot, my legs are no longer swollen, and I am already walking with the help of a walker. I left the wheelchair, and little by little I return to normal"
At first, I did not feel any improvement, I o consumed two drops at night, then my friend explain to me that I should increase the dose until I found one that would make me feel good and so I did At t moment I can tell you that it is the only thing that really worked for me The pain has gone down a my legs are no longer swollen, and I am already walking using a walker I have left the wheelchair and little by little I am returning to normality

TVV: How did you hear about cannabis or C treatments? A friend told me about the medical cannabis drops, told me that he knew a lady in Bogota who h fibromyalgia and that she had improved a lot At first was very difficult for me because I have never be close to those kinds of drugs and I have been very afr of marijuana (laughs at the memory)
TVV: And how did it evolve? Well, with so much pain, I made the decision th months ago to consume cannabis drops My frie explained to me that it was CBD and that t component was not psychoactive, therefore, I was going to get addicted (laughs again)

hablemos@tuvidaverde com WHAT COMES DURING JUNE Do you have an event, social or educational action coming up (in Mexico or around the world) and would you like to announce it? Do not hesitate to contact us! We offer you the space so that your activities reach more people Contact Us

EFFECTIVE EWARNINGS FFECTIVE EWARNINGS FFECTIVE WARNINGS Publicly, people doubt the commitment that the potheads have to use the plant responsibly This happens because we often boast so much that there are no serious consequences associated with recreational use For that reason, we propose these labels to show that we are ready to be responsible for ourselves now that it is legalized and we can buy a joint in the corner stores Why go to the beach if we can travel to Andromeda. *Somebody calls me pothead* Me: "I think the term you are looking for is SPACE RANGER" "In case of ´greening out', do not forget to breathe" "Abuse in the consumption of this product can make you fat" 37 M a y 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 5

According to the Mexican Government, so far during the current administration, more than 53 thousand marijuana plantations have been seized A volume equivalent to 604,343 kilograms of flower that ended in incineration National Army boasts this as a feat and indicates in its recent report of March 31 that these efforts represent "4 million 138 thousand 200 doses of drugs that did not reach the population" the real question: is it worth it? can benefit from the destruction of more than 6,000 hectares of crops? that could be used for the manufacture of medicines to promote scientific research or the development of a new national industry


Alejandro Gutiérrez Text: Salvador Vega

Furthermore crops could benefit the countryside and contribute to the environmental balance, not the other way around Photographer Alejandro Gutiérrez gives us through these pictures a moment to reflect on the empty and meaningless policies that are still in place today:

Irving García CDMX, México Which plant takes the least time to flower and what type of water should I use?
The scrog is a technique widely used in indoor growing It is a mesh with not quite small cavities, which helps the plants to receive more light in their cuttings and to produce more flowers.
Tom_CarreñoSan Diego, California
The difference between Sativa and an Indica plant is easy: Sativa has bigger stems; they are more spiky plants and their effect is not analgesic but energetic They have more airy flowers and take three or four months more for their maturation As for the indicas, they are more robust and smaller in size but with more production of cannabinoids
Plants grown indoors may be manageable because they have controlled aeration and lighting as well as being less prone to pests A plant in a closet can be managed with two or three months of vegetative cycle and two months of flowering according to the space
The plants known as auto flowering have a faster flowering cycle Their production is asexual; therefore all plants are female and can be grown in any climate condition Also the lighting conditions do not vary in their development The whole process takes four months

Whatis the differencebetween Sativa and Indica?

Eduardo Santos Cali Colombia
Regarding water it is advisable to avoid tap water because of the chlorine content in the water coming from the treatment plants We recommend storing rainwater or letting the tap water stand for 24 hours so that the chlorine evaporates and is not harmful to your plants
Cancún, México
What is scrog
How long does ittake to grow pa lant in a closet?