TVV Magazine: Summer 2022

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call to action to make us go out and enjoy life in the most authentic way Disconnect for a moment or accumulate new meaningful experiences on the shores of the big blue A vibe that without fear of contradiction, is highly valued by all of us who are part of the cannabis industry anywhere in the world

One can watch images, and documentaries or connect in a matter of seconds to a live transmission, generated from any point on the planet We can try and waste our time because the reality is that in this world there is a phenomenon that can only be experienced and understood by physically being there The sea, as one of the greatest and most imposing forces of nature is one of these A place that cannot be replicated in the metaverse; a space that demands our physical presence and that confronts us (almost obligatorily) with ourselves Do you remember the first time you observed the ocean the first time you touched the warm sand or felt the wet, salty breeze in your lungs? I may not remember my first visit, but I treasure every moment when I have the chance to go back there

The sea makes use of all our senses, but it also gives us the gift of humility: to observe on a real scale the physical space we occupy in comparison with the immense mass, pulsating with life and strength, that it represents That is why it is not at all unusual that being in front of the sea, many people enter a sacred space where they generate new thoughts or throw into the waves (in a ritual or symbolic sense) the worries and fears that afflict them Something that connects us

For that reason in this edition we want to welcome the summer with an article that compiles 10 of the most emblematic beaches in the world to smoke a joint Spaces that have become iconic for the experiences shared and for serving as a refuge for all those seeking an air of freedom This edition brings that flavor but comes loaded with all the information sections and collaborations that have distinguished Tu Vida Verde during this halfyear A project that continues to be made with the heart and talent of a great team; with the support of our advertisers and sponsors, but above all with the backing of an ever growing community of extraordinary readers So without further ado we hope you enjoy this edition as you enjoy a delicious high while walking along the seashore Good vibes, green life, and lots of love for y'all!

hablemos@tuvidaverde com creatividad@tuvidaverde com +52 (55) 6783 9958 Powered by: Milagro Pharmaceuticals I m a g e n : C a n v a S t o c k President / Charlie Bravo Media Director / Salvador Vega Style Corrector / Víctor D. Flores Editors / Paola Galante, Antonio Romero, Gary "Toke" Thompson, Psycho Memes, Cynthia Olivieri, Gaby Arellano. Special collaborations: Alejandro Gutiérrez, Alejandro Piña Art and Design / Susana Romero Photographers / Mr Pipe, ELV TJ Translation / Araceli Zetina Marketing Director / Crishtian González Social Media / Axel Delgado Sales Director México / Fernando Flores Sales Director Colombia / Johnny Torres Sales Director US / Andrew Simon Contact Us Available in Copyright Notice COPYRIGHT July 2022 Year 01, number 06 TU VIDA VERDE© is a monthly publication protected by the Copyright Laws of Mexico and by the UCC Universal Copyright (Geneva and Paris Convention) Stock images used in this issue are fully licensed for commercial use and distribution Reproduction, printing, or distribution of this copy without permission is prohibited.

Front Page The holy trinity Chocolate brownies and cookies as the most popular edibles in the world 13 04 Industry Voices Rich Karou Karina Belmont Oswaldo Olivas 10 beaches in America that every lover of waves sand and the fumes of freedom must visit The opening of legalization in Thailand the experiments with chickens and superfoods and news about German regulations This magazine will soon be smokeable But until then enjoy a little humor 26 32 18 08 International 25 Psycho Meme Do you know what cannabic therapy consists of? Dr Mirna explains it to you 11 Puff of Medicine Mr Cannavz answers the doubts of our followers about self cultivation Underground Despite the inconveniences and location changes Hempresarios 2022 was a success 35 Ask the Expert Outstanding events for the month of August 31 Calendar International Cannabis Film Festival kicks off in Mexico City 17 Local News INDEX

My heart reaches out to all life and my mind opens to the whole universe and I feel one with God The blissful feeling continues to take hold of me as I rejoice in being alive Feeling one with spirit and nature is such an awesome feeling and as I walk deeper into the gentle ocean and the waves, I feel so inspired and satisfied I can't believe that I am just outside of Los Angeles and feel like I am on vacation 100's of miles away I am definitely in vacation mode and feel very grateful to be in such a beautiful place where time seems to stand still It s just me and nature, myself and God, and somehow the world feels right and a joyful smile takes over my face I jump fully into the ocean and feel like I have been reborn, so very wonderful

JUST ME AND NATURE RICH KAROU / Guru of Life and Healing I n d u s r t y V o i c e s I n d u s r t y V o i c e s

put my towel down, and walk right up he ocean's shore, all my worries are left y and mind open with an expansive feeling of lightness Now I am dreaming and in life at the same time, what a blessing, and right then, my life is perfect and I am breathing deep breaths feeling the freshness of the ocean air throughout my body

I am mesmerized by the beauty I see and the deep relaxation and oneness I feel As I walk down the steps to this magical beach, I feel like I have gone back in time, no trash cans or lifeguards or any remnants of society except for the gorgeous homes above on the cliff I feel like I am in a dream and get a happy both relaxed and excited feeling with each footstep in the sand, right along the ocean's edge

The weather is perfect with the sun g ocean as I am cruising up Hwy 1 to Po taken a gummy, I reach Point Dume a g through the beautiful trees and plants As I am beginning to feel the effects of the gummy, all of the nature I see is so beautiful and I feel like I am a part of it My mind stops thinking and I am focusing on every plant, flower, and tree I feel myself relaxing and being one with nature Soon I am on Point Dume and am walking down the path to the beach

As I reach the cliff right above the ocean, I see these beautiful waves smoothly breaking into the crescent shaped beach and marvel at the sunlight continuing to glisten and reflect off the ocean


For this reason, it is urgent to expand hemp agriculture in Mexico and raise awareness about the importance of bees in our lifestyle and our planet It is necessary that society understands the need to protect them So, from now on you know what to do with your male plants The ecological situation o warming is a phenomeno pollinating organisms (s affected by this It is worth mentioning t that carry out the pollination process, but it turns out that these insects are the most efficient They provide a service that is fundamental for the survival of human beings, because, thanks to this pollen transport, fruits and seeds are obtained In this context, cannabis has high potential because it has been proven that in places where the variety known as hemp is extensively cultivated, bee visits are intensified And although cannabis is not a nectar producing species, plants with male flowers are extremely attractive to bees because of the amount of pollen they give off, and this pollen is used by bees to make royal jelly and propolis

It has been identified that bees foraging in Sativa crops usually takes place in the morning since the anthers (male sexual structures of the plant) open in the morning to release pollen Studies have verified that this cultivation, which is a slow maturing crop, can help bees in times when food resources are scarce since it is in bloom while many species are not BELMONT / Agricultural Engineer, Activist and Specialist

s a potential world materials (honey and have better results in psychotropic effects and other mammals, r system or an Endocannabinoid System

It has been documented that the height of hemp crops has to do with the intensity of the number of visits, since, if the plants measure more than 4 meters, the bees visit the crop much more; this is an excellent alternative to help bees survive due to the high content of proteins, vitamins and minerals contained in cannabis pollen 05 J u l y 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 6 I n d u s r t y V o i c e s I n d u s r t y V o i c e s


In Mexico there are more than two thousand species of wild bees that are dying due to intensive agriculture that cause food stress to these insects Displacing the native species of plants on which they feed, transgenics are also harmful through the use of neonicotinoids that are used from seed handling and foliar applications

AMLO: ENEMY OF CANNABIS BUT FRIEND OF ORGANIZED CRIME OSWALDO OLIVAS / Editor Industria420 com 07 I n d u s r t y V o i c e s I n d u s r t y V o i c e s J u l y 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 6

The President of Mexico Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) does not want cannabis to be legalized in Mexico This was confirmed by the National Commissioner Against Addictions Dr. Gady Zabicky Sirot who last May commented that the president has no interest in developing a cannabis industry in this country

Cienfuegos was accused by the U.S. government of working with the cartels but AMLO intervened on his behalf and had him sent back to Mexico where he was released and no charges have been filed against him

The clearest example of the collusion between AMLO and the narco beyond his sympathies with the family of Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán is the rescue of General Salvador Cienfuegos

The CONADIC official told the local press that "there is no interest from the Mexican government in developing a global industry that we could but as I already said there is no interest from the president in us becoming marijuana growers" Despite the fact that in Congress there are legislators from Morena the President's party who have unsuccessfully tried to promote legalization such as Senators Olga Sanchez Cordero and Ricardo Monreal there is no political will to approve a regulatory framework And if the Federal Law for the Regulation of Cannabis were to come to fruition in Congress President López Obrador would most likely veto or freeze it AMLO is against the plant it is a fact He has said so on several occasions and it is unlikely that he will change his mind But at the same time he has become the most condescending President toward drug trafficking groups in Mexico The policy of "hugs not bullets" is in fact a green light for organized crime to "work" without problems throughout the country in many cases with the approval of the Armed Forces which in this six year term have become the great operative arm of the Government

On the cannabis issue as in many others this will be a lost six years for Mexico while in other Latin American countries such as Colombia and Argentina political leaders do live in the 21st century and see the plant as a means to revitalize and develop the countryside

The good news is that López Obrador will not be at the helm of the Mexican government forever and eventually there will be a generational change in the political class Hence the importance of supporting young politicians who will promote the structural changes that the country requires and who do not confuse governing with making up ideas every morning on a television program that promotes misinformation and ignorance

Zepeda who was Secretary of National Defense during the government of Enrique Peña Nieto and who was arrested in the United States in October 2020


The production of superfoods is one of the most attractive areas of research for cannabis worldwide and with the recent discoveries in the field of poultry nutrition we could be getting closer to new and healthier ways of consumption and maintenance of species thanks to this plant

"The chickens that were fed cannabis did not grow faster than the controlled ones but they were not weaker either Their organisms remained healthy " said Chompunut Lumsangkul the professor in charge of the study in an interview with the EFE news agency

The research consisted of providing the animals with different doses and forms of the plant although all at safe levels so that the control birds had no adverse effects Afterward the usual drugs were stopped and the results were evaluated

Dosesusedforfeedingthebirdsdonotputtheirhealthatrisknordotheycausealterationsintheir metabolism Images:CanvaStock

Research in Thailand shows that farm birds can drastically reduce their drug use thanks to a cannabis based diet.

Findings from the Department of Animal and Aquatic Sciences of the Faculty of Agriculture at Chiang Mai University in Thailand showed that a diet based on marijuana was the key to reducing the need to provide antibiotics to a group of chickens

With this Thailand is positioned as one of the countries that after the regulation of cannabis use is focusing its efforts and attention on the use and exploitation of the plant for different productive sectors


"As we use crushed marijuana or mixed in water, the intensity of the active ingredients is not high", said the specialist without forgetting that long term analyses are still required to verify the health of the birds

However the preliminary results obtained show that there is a greater resistance to diseases and indicated that the meat quality of chickens fed with cannabis could also be superior to those that currently receive high doses of antibiotics

The German government will start this week a series of hearings with specialists with the aim of having a regulatory framework for cannabis adult use before the end of 2022

Theeconomicbenefitgeneratedbythepromotionofcannabisestimatedaround47 billi I C S k 09 J u l y 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 6


Last November, the three parties forming the government coalition headed by Chancellor Olaf Scholz agreed to legalize adult use through a licensing system for production and sale in dispensaries, as well as strict control and a ban on sales to minors

The German government seeks that the cannabis sector has guaranteed quality controls and that the legislation considers the social impact of legalization In addition the regulation will be reviewed four years after it comes into force

Recent estimates indicate that the adult use of cannabis would represent revenues of more than 4 7 billion euros per year and would generate around 27 000 new jobs as well as high tax revenues a system of licenses for production and sale in dispensaries, the country is preparing to compete in the emerald economy.

According to a report by the AP news agency published by the portal Industria420 com, the German Ministry of Health will hold five hearings with more than 200 local and foreign experts from different cannabis sectors to create a regulation that guarantees the protection of young people and the health of consumers

Every day I hear those kinds of comments when I mention the word cannabis Fortunately the media have helped a little and now people are talking more about it, but what do doctors know about it?

t o C o r t e s í a D r S u l l v a n 11 J u l y 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 6

Her instantaneous response was astonishment

This is the way to make patients like Mrs Juanita consider that cannabis therapy is not the same as recreational use by Dra. Mirna Flores Meza President of AMEDCANN

With regard to patients we must demystify, re educate and inform them in a responsible manner about what cannabis therapy consists of what to expect from the treatment and what ailments it works on, as well as informing them that the plant is a medicine like any other, always prescribed by a doctor

Believe it or not many doctors and other health professionals don't know what cannabis therapy is all about I have noticed this during my meetings with colleagues and at academic events what's more even my dentist whenever the subject comes up and I ask him "do you know what cannabis therapy is", answers "yes, I think it works as a palliative for cancer pain or in terminal patients"

The first step we must take is to answer this question: What do we mean by cannabis therapy?

For this reason AMEDCANN was born as the need to train educate and teach in a professional way, based on clinical evidence and the scientific method to any doctor who wants to study cannabinoid medicine It consists of learning modules in which we study the physiological and chemical bases of the Endocannabinoid System; what are cannabinoids and how they interact pharmacologically with the receptors We also review each of the pathologies that we can treat through cannabis therapy as well as their adverse effects We talked about the history and about legislation

No Doctor but in my town I used to see how people killed themselves for it Besides I don't smoke I never had those vices

When my consultation begins, I listen to Mrs Juanita (70 years old, from a small town in Oaxaca) a resident of Mexico City who has spent her whole life working as a house cleaner Every month that she comes to my office she explains to me that she wakes up with numb fingers and that it is hard for her to get up, since she cannot move her joints completely She indicates that when she wakes up, she must take more than 3 pills for different illnesses, one of them the famous pill for her "arthritis" I check her and notice that she also has gastritis and intestinal inflammation because of those pills At the end of the examination I tell her: Mrs Juanita do you know about cannabis therapy?


and the adventures that he has lived, and that he imprints on one of the top underground brands in Mexico Piña

by Alejandro

Sitting on a bench in the backyard of his home Bala forges a joint with one of his top shelf strains; he smokes it, enjoys the potent flavor smiles and looks around He knows the present wasn't always like this

Before the house, the Buddha heads that adorn the place, the premium ounces and the corporate life there was a long road to travel and without knowing it it would have its start in Canada: the first G 20 country to legalize marijuana for recreational use

Although Bala saw no point in returning to Mexico, the forces of fate pushed him towards the inevitable The Canadian adventure had to end, and it was time to return home; to set out on his own path and return to the land of his birth a different person I m á g e n e s C o r t e s í a @ d r a w e e d o f i c i a l

More than twenty years have passed since Bala left his parents' home in the Valley of Mexico for one of the most progressive countries in the West He remembers it well a blink of an eye is all it takes to teleport his mind back to 2002 when at the age of 21 he arrived in Quebec to study French It was there that he got to know marijuana and where his life changed completely "Before my experience in Canada, I had not tried any substances I led a very superficial life: clothes, clubbing, booze, cars, schmoozing I was amazed by the cultural diversity independence, and openness of Canadian youth The friends I made there were my first contact with cannabis and since my first smoke it changed me because it opened in me a very different perception of life I had to expand my knowledge" says Bala in an interview for Tu Vida Verde

His carefree attitude at his age and his interest to continue traveling led him to Kahnawake, a Mohawk reservation outside Montreal where he stayed to live with a small native community that welcomed him for two years His options as an illegal immigrant were not many so he did not hesitate to accept food and shelter in exchange for working in the fields With them he learned a different way of eating, thinking and conducting his life on schedules habits that would eventually help him evolve to an intelligent mind body way "With the Mohawks over four growing seasons I learned all about the different processes from growing in water to growing below ground; but the most important thing they taught me was values: everything you do with your hands has to be programmed for a person's health and well being " he says

"For my family it was a complicated process since I went to Canada because I left to learn a language and grow my professional profile and when I returned, I was a hippie with dreadlocks who smoked and grew pot; they saw me changed they left a very cool guy who worked at the embassy and this totally different person comes back But being here I didn't give up and continued to grow my own crops At the same time I also worked in a company dedicated to training coaching and leadership workshops At that time, I didn't have it in my head to make a brand and sell cannabis My first closet was four by four and could fit 20 to 40 plants I just wanted to smoke good weed and share it with my closest people," says Bala

Without the intention of getting rich driven by passion and interest in seeing the effects of a plant in metabolism Bala's first product was medicine It came out in 2016 and was called "The Flower of Life" focused on seniors which he developed together with a doctor with whom he learned a lot about extractions "We sold it mainly to seniors and other times we would make donations of the product It was a very underground product and there were hospitals that did not accept the donations because it was an illegal flower so I started to go to homes for the elderly where some accepted the help and it worked very well, but obviously it was also illegal and there were always risks for both parties; however we helped many patients with cancer glaucoma AIDS; quite elderly people with a very poor quality of life who were changing for the better through cannabis " he recalls with precision It was thus in 2018 when Atomic was born, with its first product whic was the THC cartridge "At the beginning of the brand I started with my brother, he helped m with the designs, and I published them Little by little people joined th project and all these people who to this day have joined have bee people who first met Atomic, tried it and liked it; they liked what the saw and said, Hey I want to be part of this It was something very uniqu to me because most of them were people I didn't even know in a busines like this" he assures Since Atomics beginnings, the brand has had a disruptive, authentic innovative and reliable visual appearance thanks to the fact that Bala vision is also embodied there; growing is his passion and everything ha been extremely different from growing 10 plants to having a thousand unique opportunity to generate a business structure with a product that i one hundred percent his own something that no one can take away from him "I don't want to see your face; I want you to have an excellent experience to enjoy what you're smoking because it's an honest product I want t treat consumers with that respect break that line of the illegal and something goes wrong there is nothing to worry about because I will b accountable for my product I want to make people a lot more confiden about approaching a cannabis brand I have created this project thanks to all the support that my family ha given me in the process as well as many valuable people who hav helped me and encouraged me I realized that I am made for this and want to do it in a different way I am not going to walk around wit kilos and machine guns and my team is not going to be hitmen My team is going to be an honest team that is prepared to take on this culture an express it as best we can in Mexico," concluded Bala, ending the interview with the last smoke of the evening Images:AlejandroPiña/Cortesía:@the real bala atomico 15 J u l y 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 6

Reality hit Bala when he returned to Mexico, his life in contact with nature vanished and the freedoms he experienced in Canada with respect to cannabis were nonexistent in Mexican territory Similarly, the transformations came even in his family environment

Seven long years passed in that dynamic However time was not wasted and although his office job was not what he was most excited about he put into practice the teachings of his Mohawk masters where adapting was the best way to survive Atomic: a reality



The exhibition is designed to generate a new awareness about the plant through short films, talks and allusive series.

Organizersofthisinternationalexhibitionwillhaveanofficialselectionandaseriesofactivitiesdesignedtodiscusstherecreationaluseofthe heimpactoflegalizationonculture Imagen:FacebookFEICCA 17 J u l y 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 6

Attendees will be able to enjoy the exhibition at the official venues in the Roma neighborhood in the CDMX, which are Cine Tonalá, Marketeatro, Huerto Roma Verde, Falling Piano, and the Film Faculty The closing and award ceremony is expected to take place at Cine Tonalá with the screening of the film Amityville

With the aim to change the prohibition narratives around the plant, the International Cannabis Film Festival FEICCA 2022 arrives in Mexico City A 4 day film showcase that will present the work of directors actors and filmmakers who promote a new awareness about marijuana According to the organizers the project will feature the exhibition of short films, series, and feature films, as well as talks, workshops and debates to promote the transformation of clichés or stereotypes associated with cannabis as well as the usefulness of this resource in our society In this space works such as Cannábicas the first collective documentary of women consumers in the world will be screened There will also be a hybrid program that includes an official selection of works, a red carpet, and various activities such as yoga, dance, sensorama, and product sales

by Cynthia Olivieri

Summer Summer Vibes! Vibes!

This month we took on the task of asking our friends and collaborators for some of the ideal beach destinations for every cannabis lover. And although the countries laws in some selected places (such as Mexico, Brazil, or the state of Texas in the U.S.) do not favor consumers, the local underground experience will allow you to have access to the plant with the proper precautions.

Summer is finally here! The vibes are everywhere and it's a perfect opportunity to pack a suitcase and travel to destinations that allow us to connect with ourselves. After all, there is nothing better than the sea during the month of July... especially for those of us who enjoy a spliff with all of nature in front of us. Just imagine the waves, the breeze, and the smoke of freedom to accompany the experience. The only problem is deciding which of the amazing destinations we could visit, at least on this continent. But that's what we're here for, to help you choose.

2. Black’s Beach (California), USA.

1. Ocho Ríos (Saint Ann), Jamaica

Located in the region of La Jolla, this is one of the best spots for surfing in Southern California. To access it you must hike down a cliff, so it is ideal for adventurous spirits. he beach is nudist and breathes a free spirit, and has the particularity of having cannabis delivery services, in case you forgot to stock up at a local dispensary.

A magical destination for its extraordinary waterfalls, the most famous of them in Dunn River. A true paradise an hour and a half from Montego Bay. If you visit the north coast of Jamaica, don't forget to ask how a small fishing village became an international tourist destination. You will surely discover that it is thanks to one element in particular: the local weed. Not consuming it would be a mortal sin.

I m a g e n C a n v a S t o c k I m a g e n T w i t t e r @ K i r s t e D r e w

Nothing more and nothing less than the home of the most famous waves in the world. If you go and don't dare to surf, there's no problem as you can sit back and enjoy the show put on by the best athletes on

The location of this beach is privileged and is located in one of the most important national parks of the country. Clear beaches, dreamlike golf courses and landscapes with wooden houses and nt species of ost important ends with the reen gold".

I m a g e n C a n v a S t o c k I m a g e n C a n v a S t o c k I m a g e n C a n v a S t o c k

Just a few kilometers from Puerto Nuevo is K38, internationally known as the home of the best lobster in the world. You can enjoy this dish in addition to the extraordinary sunsets of the Pacific, which in this region reach orange and purple tones that seem rendered. Although in Mexico the sale of cannabis is not legal, possession and individual consumption is protected by the Constitution. In addition, the proximity to California allows the flowers to flow to the rhythm of the waves.


This beach is an icon of the progressive spirit and a communion point for the youth not only of Canada, but of the thousands of students who attend the University of British Columbia. It starts in a wooded area, which will reward you with a unique landscape of its kind. Nudism and cannabis consumption are allowed, plus there are various recreational activities and musical events that are usually free of charge at the seashore.

7. Mazunte (Oaxaca), Mexico

6. North Beach (Corpus Christi), USA

Who would imagine that in Texas there would be good beaches? For those who love walks, this region offers more than 100 miles of beach for walking, horseback riding, or even driving. Camping is available here and it is characterized as a very private area. The only thing that would improve the experience would be the decriminalization of cannabis use in the state (something that doesn't look close to happening). However, that is solved by going to the doctor to tell him you have insomnia problems.

The local yerba grows free and wild in a region that is setting an example for its local laws protecting the consumption of the plant. A paradise for ecotourism and relaxation.

8. Wreck Beach (Vancouver), Canada World famous for its free spirit, its magical waves, and its jazz festival. The traditional cuisine and fusion of flavors will delight your palate, while a walk to Punta Cometa will allow you to contemplate one of the best sunsets in southern Mexico.

A small island with an amazing landscape. You can enjoy the delicious crab empanadas, which are an ideal snack after swimming. You can swim around the island while watching the colorful fish in the crystal clear water.

A semi deserted beach just an hour and a half from downtown Rio. Located in the western part of the city, where the population density is low, and the wild nature of Brazil is shown in all its splendor.

I m a g e n : C a n v a S t o c k I m a g e n : T w i t t e r @ c a p a c i o l i

The area belongs to the McBean Lagoon National Park and is a real little known gem of the Caribbean Sea. If you're there, cannabis is going to pop up at a moment's notice. You just have to watch for the signs and ask the right questions to the locals.

It is a natural reserve highly appreciated by surf lovers, but also valued for its spectacular sunsets and delicious food. Of all the destinations, this is the most difficult in terms of laws protecting consumers, but if you make friends in Rio, you will surely be able to access a joint that you must discreetly light up in this paradise on earth.

We are committed to contributing to the pollination of the planet For that reason it is necessary that we start planting weed plants immediately If we're lucky enough, we might get a visit from the queen bee. But be careful: if you grab it badly it could easily knock your teeth out. This species is characterized by its tattooed eye and by chewing the ears of its rivals 25 When you smoke and hold your cough so you don't look weak The bro who says that marijuana is not a drug but a magical and ancient plant. J u l y 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 6

by Antonio Romero

In the gospel of cannabis gastronomy there are three elements that give meaning to everything These are desserts that open the doors for the first time to the taste buds into a universe of psychedelic experiences Chocolates, brownies, and cookies are the top three international desserts that have always served as a vehicle to take novice marijuana users to the most potent experience of their lives And while many go through the effects of cannabis ingestion in a stormy way (even moving away from the plant completely given the intense effects), for others it is the starting point of a constant practice where the effects can be varied and controlled as much as possible


Chocolate Brownies Cookies J u l y 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 6

Three basic rules

The most famous cannabis desserts in the world have a very simple base, which is butter (whose recipe and preparation can be found in our TVV Magazine issue 05) Taking this into consideration, it is very difficult to predict or evaluate their potency, especially when they are prepared in a homemade way For this reason it is necessary that you take into account these basic elements to extract the maximum benefits from this experience: Portioning These foods have the advantage of being easily divided This makes it easier to preserve and distribute them in a better way, and also allows the consumer to experience the sensations in a pleasant way Eating a large quantity or even a whole dessert without fear could lead to the appearance of unpleasant side effects that will end up in the famous green out effect Waiting he waiting time to feel the effects varies between 1 and 3 ours depending on the individual's organism Often, when ot feeling the effects for a while the brain is tempted to k for an additional portion, but this must be avoided at all osts so that the effects and the sensations of pleasure ever get out of control nticipate here is nothing better than estimating the setting, the onditions and the place to consume one of these desserts relaxed atmosphere, no worries and water on hand are e best way to go through the effects for the first time elieve me when I tell you that it won't be pleasant if you e at work, in traffic or on a phone call when the effects nally hit you Images: CanvaStock 29

Contact Us hablemos@tuvidaverde com 31 J u l y 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 6 WHAT COMES DURING AUGUST Do you have an event, social or educational action coming up (in Mexico or around the world) and would you like to announce it? Do not hesitate to contact us! We offer you the space so that your activities reach more people

Hempresarios 2022 edition was successfully held in Mexico City A space where consumers, brands, and specialized exhibitors met to exchange perspectives on the legalization and development of projects focused on the cannabis plant Due to civil protection issues, the event had to change venue, so the capacity objectives (estimated at 2,500 people) could not be met However for Paco OG founder of this initiative the interest and the disruptive format of the meeting were achieved "The speakers and exhibitors were happy The truth is that despite a small complication with the location change (from the Angela Peralta Theater to Central Granada 67), the event went smoothly by Gary "Toke" Thompson

We were able to save the event and have good sales for everyone The change affected us because many media did not cover us (important media and television stations), but in the end, we must recognize the support of the Mayor's Office of Miguel Hidalgo for the event," he said in an interview for Tu Vida Verde He also mentioned that the event's format, with free attendance, was ideal since it encouraged participation and access to information for people who do not have much knowledge about the plant

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On the other hand the report notes that legalization has increased tax revenues and generally reduced arrest rates for cannabis possession Overall, an estimated 284 million people between the ages of 15 and 64 used drugs worldwide in 2020 a 26 percent increase over the previous decade

Theresearchreflectedthegrowthoflegalizationonthecontinent,whichwillmotivatestudieson theimpactonthehealthofconsumers Images:CanvaStock

The legalization of cannabis and the pandemic had a significant effect in North America as, according to recent studies, the daily consumption of the plant is increasing and thus the concerns of various specialists In the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) World Drug Report 2022, marijuana registered an 8 percent increase compared to the same ranking in 2010 This means that from the 170 million users reported in 2010 today the organization highlights that there are 209 million users worldwide Specialists highlighted that there are real concerns, especially in the use of modern cannabis products, associated with the growth of people with psychiatric disorders and, in extreme cases, suicides and hospitalizations


NODC report on drugs in 2022 indicates that 4% of the world's population (209 million people) are cannabis users

"Younger people are using more drugs and current levels of use in many countries are higher than the previous generation In Africa and Latin America people under 35 years of age represent the majority of those receiving treatment for drug use disorders," they say


AntonioMR. Jalisco, México 35 J u l y 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 6

Being a plant in a pot with a substrate is known as organic growth When the plant is submerged with the roots in water it is known as hydroponic cultivation it is highly recommended as you can have much more control over your plants and have good management of pests and fertigation as well as light and air sources wise am going on vacation for one week and my apartment will be alone, can you recommend to me some tips, so that don't entrust plant to many grams of flower get plant of medical cannabis?

can I


to grow cannabis athome? Fer García CDMX, México I

Marce CruzLos Ángeles, California Isit

anyone? Eliz 017 Cali Colombia How

If the plants are indoors, it is good that you leave everything automated with timers but if your culture is outside, the most advisable thing is to have enough water if they are in a vegetative cycle For this, you could use a one liter bottle with a hole in the lid and put it upside down to keep the plant humidified while you go out. As for the lighting it is good to know what type of cultivation you want to do, because you can also manage light reinforcement outdoors with timers Is a potted pcannabis lant the same as ahydroponic crop?



Depends on the genetics of the plant, its way of cultivation, and its specific characteristics That is something that is not known exactly unless you already have a technical sheet that gives you an approximate

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