It seemed beautiful to me how our mind through an immense network of cells that connect with each other and generate precise and microscopic electrical discharges, could build sensations or images as vivid as the ones I had experienced that afternoon of meditation To be one with the universe To feel part of that macrocosm that extends and spreads through nothingness Stars and galaxies impacting, shining, and fading Everything is in permanent distension This experience that happened many years ago did not define me at all In fact, I have returned to meditate very few times since then I had it very present during the creation of this edition of Tu Vida Verde Magazine A magazine that this month we dedicate to psilocybin Because thanks to the stories collaborations and articles we prepared in this September edition I understood that the ability to access those inner doors; to connect with the subway, neuronal or spatial networks, are elements that also serve to describe the first experience with psychedelic mushrooms I am not sure if all people are fortunate enough to connect with those kinds of sensations in life, but what I do know is hat the spaces to contemplate ourselves and feel the umility of belonging to such a wonderful WHOLE are within veryone's reach Whether it is as simple as reathing/observing, or by using the ancestral tools that pring from the earth nd although sometimes they seem to be a novelty due to mass media, Netflix documentaries or new age influences, the se of mushrooms and all the knowledge that emanates from hem has a historical basis that dates back not centuries, but millennia ago Like cannabis mushrooms and the psilocybin contained in at least 200 registered varieties of them represent scientific knowledge; a medical and therapeutic alternative, but also a culture and lifestyle that must be openly protected and regulated Human rights must be protected So without further ado let's hope that this issue will be the spore that manages to spread a whole network of stories and knowledge Mushrooms as a sustainable alternative to heal the earth Fungi nourish our organism and mushrooms heal our physical and emotional affections Living beings that open internal doors, but also serve to connect externally, with a new vision of humility and empathy towards all our fellow men Welcome to the fungi kingdom! Good vibes, green life, and lots of love for y'all! I remember the first guided meditation exercise I did in my life In that process, we were asked for the group of enthusiasts who were part of that collective experience, to imagine that we were entering the depths of ourselves We were asked to try to recreate a mental image something like an internal avatar which could open a series of hidden doors in our being After performing certain actions one of the doors led to a garden where a monumental tree rested or at least that is how our spiritual guide suggested we imagine it I remember the moment when she asked us to feel that tree and imagine that we were connecting with its roots which extended below the earth like an immense neural network Suddenly, without taking drugs and without investing large amounts of money in courses with life coaches or attempts of gurus and just by the simple fact of breathing I managed to have what I define to this day as my first experience with the WHOLE A concept that some people explain in a simple way as the act of being aware of the present moment


hablemos@tuvidaverde com creatividad@tuvidaverde com +52 (55) 6783 9958 Powered by: Milagro Pharmaceuticals I m a g e n : C a n v a S t o c k President / Charlie Bravo Media Director / Salvador Vega Style Corrector / Clau Ocaranza Editors / Paola Galante, Gary "Toke" Thompson, Psycho Memes, Cynthia Olivieri, Gaby Arellano and Simona Rubio. Special collaborations: Alejandro Gutiérrez. Art and Design / Liz Salazar, Axel Delgado and Susana Romero Photographers / Mr Pipe, ELV TJ Translation / Araceli Zetina Advertising / Iván Núñez Social Media / Axel Delgado Sales Director México / Fernando Flores Sales Director Colombia / Johnny Torres Sales Director US / Andrew Simon Contact Us Available in Copyright Notice COPYRIGHT August 2022 Year 01, number 08 TU VIDA VERDE© is a monthly publication protected by the Copyright Laws of Mexico and by the UCC Universal Copyright (Geneva and Paris Convention) Stock images used in this issue are fully licensed for commercial use and distribution Reproduction, printing, or distribution of this copy without permission is prohibited.

Front Page Psilocybe Lab From magic mushroom incubator three young growers tell us about their love for science and living beings 28 04 Industry Voices Andrew Simon Alberto Álvarez Oswaldo Olivas Ana Lucía González Psilocybin began to take over mainstream interest in what experts say is the third psychedelic wave in the world Psilocybin church prepares a monumental lawsuit in Oakland and Colombia enjoys its first pro legalization president We met a very special community They live in the forest and collect different products from the land we're crazy now 11 20 32 14 International 40 Psycho Meme This recipe will generate curiosity and respect Specialized confectioners and growers share their process with us 16 The mythical chocohongo TVV Profiles Isaac Nurko shares a unique perspective on his work in the CBD industry, as well as his plans for this year Teacher Miriam give us the best perspectives in the field of public health from the hand of fungi tools 31 Puff of Medicine CannabiSalud changes date and weedtrucks little by little begin to become a trend in different cities 24 Local News

When you open the door to your hotel room, it opens with ease and there is a vibrant light that illuminates down the hallway Allowing you to see other doors, bringing more feelings of open ness and willingness to explore When I am stressed and participating in daily mundane activities, I tend to become a creature of habit and don t feel as open minded or solution oriented as I d like to be
Essentially, this analogy helps to explain what mushrooms can potentially do to help someone see things from a different perspective, therefore opening new paths for potential self growth
There are many nicknames that are used for magic mushrooms Shrooms, mushies, golden tops, liberty caps, philosopher's stones, etc Psilocybin is the active ingredient in psychoactive mushrooms Modern neuroscience has revealed how psilocybin interacts with serotonin receptors in the brain in order to produce a range of consciousness altering effects Psilocybin has provided the spiritual and cultural bedrock of many great civilizations In fact, the Aztecs referred to Teonanácatl, which translates as meat of god' Ongoing research is looking at the potential of psilocybin to treat various mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, Cancer related psychological distress and problematic substance use Groups that have done various clinical trials include John Hopkins University, UCLA, Stanford University, Harvard University, Cambridge University, Yale, The Beckley Foundation, and more Some of my experiences and feelings that are associated with magic mushrooms include bringing clarity creative insights self reflection being more in touch with myself and nature deeper conscious breathing etc One of my favorite analogies that relates to my experience on magic mushrooms is to imagine that you re staying in a famous hotel and you re feeling like you want to explore I
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The opposite explanation to the hotel analogy would be like opening a rusty, hard to open door to a pitch black hallway and instantly closing it without thinking twice
MAGIC MUSHROOMS by ANDREW SIMON / Cannabis Connoisseur
During your average day in the human brain, neurons are constantly firing and neurotransmitters are traveling well trodden paths through the brain, somewhat like cars on a freeway With billions of neurons with electrical circuits in the brain, creating new pathways could mean reprogramming the hardware of the human brain Like cars on a freeway being given free rein to stray from the highway and take back roads towards new destinations This dynamic could allow the brain to tap into otherwise inaccessible states from utilizing individual brain networks to the creation of a more "global" network across the brain creating the potential for miracles and new beginnings r t y V o i c e s I n d u s

Perhaps what comes to mind when we hear the concept "Mushroom" may be completely different according to the environment and education where we grew up Some people will surely think of the mushrooms in their quesadilla others will even think of that popular green mushroom that gave us an extra life while playing Mario Bros on our Nintendo (yes I'm that old) But they also refer us to ancestral medicine history, where the very few initiated in the Fungi world can also think of the most important character in the history of mystic mushrooms; Maria Sabina Maria Sabina was an indigenous oaxacan woman who specialized and was recognized worldwide as the priestess of mushrooms A shaman and healer who dedicated her life to heal people with hallucinogenic mushrooms, which she called "niños santos"
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I remember an anecdote written by Alejandro Jodorowsky, in his book "The Master and the Magicians", where he narrates his experience with Maria and explains that the healer made him eat a certain number of niños santos These had their psychotropic effect and caused the travelers to vomit because of the discomfort caused This was an expected reaction for the shaman, as Alejandro says when the stomach ejected, she observed the number of mushrooms that were returned and from there, she could tell "how much was the subject's need for healing" This practice has become today (along with Cannabis) a New Ancestral Medicine, because people are more willing to experiment with alternative therapies, to find a more natural way to alleviate their ailments, be they physical, mental or of the soul, in modern society
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And the first of these products has already arrived: Mane's Lion, is a neuroregenerator and memory reactivator, 100% organic that also helps regulate the nervous system and is composed of two main ingredients Lion's Mane Mushroom (Hericium Erinaceus) and Psilocybin (in non psychoactive microdoses) These elements make Mane's Lion a coadjuvant in the regulation of emotions, anxiety, depression, as well as stimulating neuronal connections Alternative medicine, herbal and ancestral medicine, have gradually gained ground in therapy, but also, have found good reception by the medical community, who have turned their eyes back to these medicinal plants It has also achieved a breakthrough in the field of professional development and research, to discover all the benefits we can get from this wonderful natural medicine given to us by the land where we live and fortunately, there is still much more to discover 05

Because that is also one of the advantages we find in mushrooms they heal the body calm the mind and soothe the spirit It is an integral and multifactorial medicine that can help to enrich the immune system; to improve the microbiota with oncological problems It strengthens the musculoskeletal system and overall mental and emotional health Taking into account all these benefits and the great demand that exists in the population to find accessible, safe and effective alternatives to improve our health, in Alive Collective we decided to create Fungi, a sub brand that will be dedicated to research and develop hand in hand with health specialists and experts in mycotherapy, a line of products for all users to find the one that best suits their therapeutic needs

Juicy Fields' offer was as follows: if someone invested starting at 50 euros they could receive their money back with very high returns thanks to an alleged operation of cannabis cultivation for medicinal use in several markets For two years Juicy Fields fulfilled its premise until last July when the debacle began Thousands of investors many of them in Spain stopped having access to the platform and have not been able to recover the money they invested Juicy Fields executives have distanced themselves from the matter and among them there are vague accusations that seek to blame a group of German and Russian businessmen The Berlin Police are already investigating this case and have frozen Juicy Fields assets valued at 2 5 million euros while in Spain investors who claim to have been defrauded are preparing several lawsuits before the National Court against whoever is responsible for the disappearance of the money
During its operational stage Juicy Fields growth model was based on marketing with the sponsorship of dozens of cannabis industry events in Mexico Colombia Spain South Africa and other countries Juicy Fields seemed to be an ally for entrepreneurs in the sector and there were many who reached out to receive its benefits Now all the people and companies that had some relationship with Juicy Fields are distancing themselves and say that they never imagined that something like this would happen although the signs that something was not right were always evident: too high yields unproven associations with companies and a branding based on elements of opulence and easy money to attract the incautious and financially uneducated
t id d 07

OSWALDO OLIVAS / Editor Industria420 com

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There are many of us Latin Americans who have ideas and projects around the plant and there is very little access to capital or sponsorship so many companies and people said yes to Juicy Fields and associated it with their brands and events But at a very high price Now many people might associate investing in the cannabis sector with scam and pyramid schemes From now on those of us in the cannabis communications sector have a responsibility to prevent mistakes like Juicy Fields from happening again because there will surely be more disreputable companies trying to profit from the nascent cannabis industry
In recent weeks the company Juicy Fields unleashed a scandal when alleged internal changes within the company left thousands of investors in the so called "crowd growing" model without access to their money and with them the curtain came down on what could be a pyramid scheme of international magnitude
At that time I searched for information about the operation of the company which is registered in Malta and inconsistencies were present Everything pointed to the fact that it was an operation related to characters with reports of belonging to the Russian mafia (something that has not yet been confirmed) and in Industria420 we took the decision not to cover Juicy Fields block their ads from the Google Adsense platform and stay away Juicy Field s growth was driven by the cannabis industry itself which accepted the brand as a predominant sponsor of serious events the flagship of TV shows and media advertising Each collaboration with Juicy Fields gave validity to this venture that in the end only caused great harm to the industry
During The Cannabis Expo 2021 in Mexico City an event sponsored by Juicy Fields I spoke with an entrepreneur in the industry who came from the United States to look for business opportunities in Mexico We talked about Juicy Fields and he told me without thinking "this is clearly money laundering" and I agreed with him
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FUTURE ECONOMIC IMPACT OF THE CANNABIS MARKET IN MEXICO by ANA LUCÍA GONZÁLEZ / Founder of Tetra Buró and Director of the Sustainable Development Commission of the Mexican Cannabis and Hemp Council

This must necessarily include the use of biogenic waste generated in the transformation, production, and consumption processes, taking advantage of the knowledge of biological processes and principles, as well as the technologies applicable to the knowledge and transformation of resources
Everything seems to indicate that we are in the final stage of cannabis prohibition in Mexico In 2021, the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) resolved the general declaration of unconstitutionality of the absolute prohibition contained in the "General Health Law to carry out activities related to the playful or recreational self consumption of cannabis and THC"; while the Congress approved the draft of the "Federal Law for the Regulation of Cannabis" This opens up a wide range of possibilities for the growth of a thriving Mexican cannabis market Based on the U S market which is currently worth US $13.4 billion according to various estimates Mexico could reach a size of up to 5 billion pesos by 2025 This is of course an industry full of challenges The biggest of these is to be able to integrate cannabis cultivation into a bioeconomy that is an economy based on the consumption and production of goods and services derived from the direct use and sustainable transformation of biological resources
Through an integral approach of governmental policies at a global level, it could be achieved that developing countries' ecological resources could be strategically harnessed to enhance their international trade This could be achieved through exports that are committed to supplying the world's demand for raw materials and that achieve a lower carbon footprint during the production chain from initial seed to final product Mexico for example has the ideal conditions to strengthen its economy by relying on biomass production which can be used by the paper textile and construction industries as well as biotechnology, biofertilizers and biofuels
(PART 1)

Only in this way would it be possible to make the pertinent decisions at the different levels of government and in both the private and public spheres to ensure among other things that international treaties allow for a licensed supply c This in turn would ensure the sufficiency of resource inputs of the quality and cost required for the massific of the crop controlling the potential impact on the cou ecological systems as well as on public health
What is fundamental is a structural change in the way the plant is perceived Cannabis sativa or hemp colloquially "marijuana" or "hashish" which is generally associated with its psychoactive characteristics Such a biased view means that it is harshly judged when it comes to elaborating or even proposing public policies concerning these crops

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Likewise such stigmatization has caused the disruption of the cultivation trade and use of a plant that has in itself the capacity to positively contribute to the social food environmental and economic crisis that the world is going through It is imperative therefore to correct this distortion through educational campaigns and the dissemination of accurate and science based information
An essential first step would be to carry out intersectional work to launch pilot programs at the state level to test the premises proposed for an agro productive market on the dimensions that it could reach in Mexico
Today we must think of hemp as an essential part of the integration of a new diverse bioeconomy that will allow us to move towards more sustainable agro productive industries Through the design and implementation of appropriate policies for product development and technological innovation, these industries can have a lower impact on the environment, reducing waste generation and the use of fossil fuels This, along with increasing total production capacity to meet the demands of an ever growing world population
However it is undoubtedly up to the country's governments to ensure first and foremost that the necessary legalization, regulation and promotion steps are taken in order to do so in an orderly manner In this way it will be possible to develop diverse and transparent markets that will promote a healthy economic balance in the economic regions that embrace these agro productive systems
In order to integrate this crop into Mexico's bio economy it would be necessary to have the support of institutions organizations and funds such as the Fund for International Cooperation in Science and Technology the Institutional Fund for Regional Development for Scientific and Technological Development and Innovation CONACYT the Mexican Society of Biotechnology and Bioengineering the Mexican Society of Cell Biology the Mexican Society of Genomic Sciences as well as the biotechnology clusters in Guanajuato Jalisco Morelos Nuevo León and Querétaro or the seed growers associations and the National System of Science Technology and Innovation
An important finding that could be obtained from such test their results is the number of natural resources that s be allocated to carry out the massification of cultivatio consumption without affecting other types of product to possible restrictions on available water and fertile soil
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It is certainly not an isolated or niche industry There are numerous industries adjacent to the cannabis industry: transportation, insurance, financing, packaging, storage, plus a long etcetera The processes may well be diverse, but they are all connected in some way, which is why the opening of the Mexican market does not exclusively benefit those interested in working directly with this type of cultivation, but is amplified in a radial manner, crossing an endless number of industries, and affecting the national economy as a whole
It goes without saying that the private sector has the responsibility to take up the challenge of adopting those inputs and production processes that will make it possible to achieve the sustainable development objectives set by the international organizations that monitor the delicate state of the environment and the current economy

Located on the outskirts of one of Mexico's main cities, there is a small artificial ecosystem. A space where incubation chambers, laboratory equipment and samples suspended in glassware become part of a very unique ritual. Here, magic mushrooms are cultivated. Psilocybe cubensis, known for 60 years as one of the most representative psychedelics in Latin America.

Disclaimer: In TVV we are aware that an important part of the cannabis culture (especially regarding responsible adult consumption) moves outside the law For this reason we do not safeguard information direct contacts or elements related to the collaborators of this section The opinions activities and products shown here are the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of our media In accordance with Article 13 of the American Convention on Human Rights as well as Article 06 of the Mexican Constitution the information expressed is for the exclusive reading of adults (21+) and for informational purposes only by Gary "Toke" Thompson

Upon entering one is amazed by the work of the young scientists who since 2016 have been dedicated to the development of this project which offers an alternative to access psilocybin without having to compromise the natural ecosystems of the fungi that produce it "When I was invited to this project a different world opened up for me A new vision of science" Grower 01 commented in an interview for Tu Vida Verde Among biology books, a blackboard with the processes perfectly delimited and the smoke of a joint that has just been lit the members of the Otorhongo project narrate how it was precisely the study with cannabinoids that led to the leap towards the incubation of psilocybial fungi "We started to exploit the vision of cannabis and science Then Grower 03 said he wanted to grow his own mushrooms for personal consumption For his psychonautical theme And he grew them in his bathroom!" The enthusiasm for the fungi world led them to plan a strategy to grow big Goals for production that would allow them to reach more people and share the collective experience of consumption "When Grower 02 joined, that's when we boomed Because he came to implement a more professional vision We started to acquire equipment and began to set a very clear line on processes We agreed to work with certain recipes and under the line of good laboratory practices " Mexico and its developing potential For Otorhongo's partners, although the equipment, facilities, and processes have been professionalized in the last 5 years they consider that they are working at 20% of their capacity or less due to the cost of the equipment, but also due to the risk involved in belonging to such a stigmatized sector However, the passion for the study of living beings, and specifically the plant kingdom, drives them to continue learning how to grow mycelium which they do in liquid solutions and gelatin plates "I am more dedicated to plants I have a research topic within what I do which is plant physiology but coming here and having a space for us and everything we have done is great Because the ideas that we have introduced or the techniques that we have implemented are not things that people commonly work with in laboratories The material is not so accessible and while there are people working at home with lighters we have other ideas of how we want to grow" says Grower 02 In his laboratory, Otorhongo experiments with the development of spores in different stages, and over time they have incorporated movement techniques to analyze the best propagation The next step is the inoculation of the fungus in corn kernels "We work with some tissue samples What we do is propagate from the vegetative part There are different parts in the life cycle of mushrooms, but we can't work with mushrooms because it is the last part (the sexual reproductive part) of the organism What we propagate more is the vegetative mycelium
Images: Mr Pipe With thermometers and a controlled climate as well as UV light to eliminate any probable source of contamination, Otorongo's psilocybes are distributed in large quantities and serve as raw material for the generation of various Underground products in Mexico This country is experiencing a rebirth in its love for psychoactive culture "Mexico has an important ethnomycological tradition due to the important mycophilic and mycophagous communities (both for being enthusiasts and consumers) This has generated knowledge that has been preserved such as the best known Mazatec mushrooms We work with another community, the Matlatzincas, which is where we collect our wild mushrooms but we do not belong to any traditional community We are neither Mazatec nor Matlatzinca We want to appropriate neither the discourse nor the tradition of these peoples We speak from science and that is the space we share," says Grower 01 From his perspective the work carried out is an alternative way of obtaining the fungus without having to go out and prey on it, given that there are many psilocybe species currently under threat of extinction "Something incredible is that Mexico is the territory with the greatest psilocibe genus biodiversity in the world There is no greater number of species concentrated in any other part of the world, and the area that shares this biodiversity is Oaxaca and Veracruz In the transition of the mountain mesophyll forest There is an impressive number of psilocybe species there Now universities like John Hopkins and other psychedelic research institutes are coming in and doing clinical studies with psilocybin and they are approaching mushrooms with this medical vision Now we receive information in this way and people believe it because they see it in a Netflix series (from the United States) and they think 'ah, psilocybin is no longer a drug and it will get me out of depression " he mentions But for this collective of young scientists, the production of these psychedelic species is about something more It is about ancestral knowledge that should be revalued and preserved for the benefit of all "All this is connected to the spiritual part because mushrooms are entheogenic organisms It is the way we have to connect with the imperishable At the end of the day we are trying to produce it from the scientific part, but we see that everything is linked: the spiritual part the biotechnological part and the knowledge that is emanating and becomes dissemination Sooner or later people have to realize this," reflects G02 To conclude G01 mentions that we are at an ideal time to develop a mushroom industry in our country Not only for recreational spiritual consumption but also as a way to counteract the innumerable environmental damages that modern societies bring with them “It's a good time for different mushroom ventures " he said “Why? Because there are not so many There are some already very consolidated in the food industry, but it is a good opportunity for biologists or anyone interested in this world No living being can be illegal Neither humans plants animals or fungi It is a biological contradiction The psilocybe mushroom for me is wisdom for good living More than a drug or anything else, I would define it as knowledge for your life" Images: Mr Pipe

The religious community advocating the use of cannabis and magic mushrooms is preparing a class action lawsuit against the city of Oakland.
To join the Zide Door Church those interested must fill out an online form in which they are asked to accept cannabis and psilocybin mushrooms as part of their religious formation The experiment which is an offshoot of cannabis clubs is a belief founded on the idea that through entheogenic (or psychoactive) plants humans can access a better spiritual connection and development

However both Hodges and the founding members of this new cult detailed to various local media such as the Chronicle that the action violated their religious rights, framed in the free development of personality as indicated in the U S Constitution so the legal action was filed immediately

Two years after suffering a police raid that resulted in the seizure of cannabis and psilocybin mushrooms, the Zide Door Church a church that has become popular for the use of these substances for its activities is preparing an unprecedented lawsuit against the city of Oakland This under the allegation that the action taken by the authorities completely violated federal laws and the constitutional principle of protection of freedom of worship
Thepsychoactiveculthas60,000registeredfollowersonitsonlineplatform Images:Instagram@Davehemp
The Zide Door is an organization belonging to the Church of Ambrosia, a cult that opened its doors in 2019 and that uses psychedelic substances as part of its sacraments This activity generated that in 2020 the authorities of the state of California organized a raid for the seizure of these inputs Police officers raided the place and seized more than 300 thousand dollars including the value of the seized products and cash This decision caused the mobilization of the church headed by Pastor Dave Hodges popular in several internet images due to his robe printed with marijuana leaves a cult that to this day has 60 thousand active members and an affluence of 200 people a day in the city of Oakland In addition to distributing joints among his parishioners, Hodges charges a monthly fee of 5 dollars that allows the followers to receive the substances as a donation and as part of the religious ritual For this reason, the justice authorities decided that the scheme was a form of unauthorized dispensary, so they proceeded in accordance with the law


Inlessthanamonth thepresidenthasraisedawarenessofthefailureoftheinternationaldrugprohibitionpolicyatthelocallevel

Gustavo Petro who is the first president in Colombia's history to openly declare himself in favor of drug legalization, is reaching his first month in office with a historic increase in popularity: 22 percentage points above the indicators obtained at the end of March
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Currently Colombia maintains an open policy towards the use of medical cannabis but the systems are limited and regulated through license applications so the national president explained that an open proposal should be made and that it should also contemplate recreational adult use

Likewise, Gustavo Petro stated his position on the people imprisoned for crimes related to the consumption carrying or trafficking of the plant affirming that "the time has come to release people from prison"
According to data obtained by the pollster Invamer, the president now has a 64% approval rating among Colombians A politician who belongs to the new wave of leaders who are openly in favor of the open and unlicensed regulation of cannabis and even cocaine "It is time to accept that the war on drugs has been a complete failure" were the words Petro said during his inauguration ceremony at the beginning of August, and later reaffirmed at the XXII Andean Presidential Summit which beyond the dismay caused sense to most Colombians who have witnessed the havoc that decades of prohibitionist policies have left on society in a country that belongs to the top 10 producers of this kind of substances in the world

Colombia's new president registered a historic increase in his approval ratings according to local trackers. butalsoathisfirstinternational summitinthecityofLima,PeruattheendofAugust

The chocohongo is the modern version; the most popular urban vehicle to dive into the inexplicable and magical fungi kingdom. An experience that as well as being therapeutic, can result in a fall similar to Alice going down the rabbit hole.

The simple pronunciation of this snack generates a mixture of curiosity and respect. Those who do not know it, may be attracted by its effects and taste. But for all those who have already tried it, the respect provoked by the experience makes them recommend to handle the doses with care. It is not for nothing that it is one of the most popular edibles in the underground, especially in countries like Mexico, where the history of the consumption of "niños santos" and other varieties of mushrooms with psilocybin have ancestral origins.

All the flavor and magic of the forest are contained in a sphere of sweet pleasure. by Cynthia Olivieri Contains Contains cContains cannabis& cannabis& pannabis& psilocybin! psilocybin! silocybin! The mythical chocohongo

To the next level In Mexico one of the innovators in this field are the Makech confectioners, whose psilocybin chocolates are enhanced with cannabis oil Thus, cannachocohongo (or chocohongoil) is their way of integrating the best of two worlds in the same bite.

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"Although the usual dose is one chocolate, for inexperienced or sensitive people it is recommended to ingest half a chocolate You can increase the dose according to taste since the package contains four chocolates," says a member of this project. Regarding the effects they seek to generate in consumers, the collective specialized in edibles comments that one of the main qualities is flavor which they seek by using high quality materials "This is to be able to enjoy the flavors of both the chocolate and the plant so that they converge with the mushroom and the spices In this way, the psychoactive effect is enhanced" Safe doses (or at least those that have been proven to be manageable for recreational purposes) range up to 3.5g. And it is the manufacturers themselves who are the first to warn about the responsible consumption of these products, since excess or irresponsible ingestion of these products can lead to serious consequences "After the recommended dose, the effect becomes more "shamanic"; there is a possibility that some mental illness may surface or you may stay on the trip for quite a while or something worse may even happen That's why I would recommend starting small, getting informed and raising the dosage depending on the desired result " Initial effects may include nausea and excessive yawning After this, the "trip" begins, which can be mild (leaving the person drowsy or relaxed) and you start to see and feel different things than normal, for example the light is sharper, as if everything has a special glow that you have not seen before But stronger doses can cause hallucinations, anxiety, paranoia and nervousness, so it is recommended to be very cautious with this consumption and not to leave it within reach of minors

by Paola Galante

country, Isaac has not only been in charge of opening the gap for the development of physical dispensaries in Mexico, but also of demonstrating that this industry is not only for young people.

This transition did not happen overnight as it has been a constant search for legal advice a study of the plant and the real possibilities for development But today, what was born simply with one more CBD brand on the market (Kanabos) has become thanks to its quality and attention a project that is on the eve of opening a dozen franchises throughout the country “Selling online is relatively easy because everyone does it and it can be hidden But getting the permits to open the physical doors was a hard and rough step But the signs I have here show what I sell and there is nothing to hide” says Isaac Nurko CEO of Kanabos and owner of Wellness Market

I m á g e n e s C o r t e s í a I s a a c N u r k o

The silhouette of a marijuana leaf illuminates the busy street in Mexico City An advertisement that invites passers by to pass Inside, past kids on skateboards or graffiti artists Isaac is making tea Willing to inform you about the variety of products that he offers in the Wellness Market
And it is that the step that he has had from being a wood craftsman to becoming part of the royalty of CBD in Mexico has not been easy In the first place because of prejudice and the shadow of illegality, but above all because of the fact that standing up is never easy Looking a customer in the eye and providing real information is a task that can only be sustained by those with a clear conscience It's all about traceability; where the seed comes from until the elaboration of the product Everything here is regulated by a laboratory and that is why I am certain that I know what I am selling So people can come here to complain and tell me “hey you're not selling me what you promised me ” Right now there are a lot of charlatans in the market, so here we are to show that things can be done well , he said Isaac comments that to get to this point a huge investment of time and effort was required, in which it was necessary to involve lawyers and advisors some of them former collaborators of Cofepris the health authority in this country to be certain of each step I didn't discover the black thread, but there isn't an exact formula to get the permits either Everyone has to find their way There are a series of rules on how to do it but it is still complicated, and unfortunately, most of the businesses that are open do not have them ”he said His first store located in the Bosques de las Lomas area has already brought him interesting experiences and learned about the fear that people have towards the cannabis plant “Breaking paradigms is difficult but it has helped us that we are focused on wellness We give therapies and medical consultations, so people leave happy because they feel the change Another of our goals is to make CBD accessible to everyone because there are people who can sell you a full spectrum for $5 000 pesos for $9 000 which is crazy For example, I sell that same full spectrum for $2,400 pesos, so it becomes accessible to most people The idea is to bring people closer to this new world” he shares in an interview for TVV Magazine

There are clients who call me or write to me after five days saying 'hey what did you give me? I feel rywhere ' to convince people of everything you're selling, but I e samples I offer green tea with CBD or give them of creams to try They have direct contact with me and I m my direct cell phone I have a doctor behind me who n; he is a doctor and has taken many cannabinoid courses, so he advises me throughout the process, ”he ude Isaac says he is very excited about what is coming month they are looking to start the expansion process more stores by the end of 2022 my job: that they see that people my age are involved in well, it must be for something I am studying ogether with people who know about herbalism, who know about ozone, and with specialists in m cause we are going to open Wellness Market franc ut the country of them on Calzada de Tlalpan the next in and we already have a proposal to open in Queré ertain that we are on the right path certain tha to compete with all the foreigners who arrive here hat we are going only for the legal way In Kanabos Market we are a Mexican company with Mex production and investment”
Although Isaac recognizes that the big changes and the main business segments for cannabis products are young adults, he believes that people of his generation or above him have awakened an interest in the plant

“I am in a world of young people, and many times clients have told me that they like that amalgamation that is made between the experience of old people getting into a business as young people Introducing older people or people from another generation to this world is also breaking a very strong paradigm it has cost me a lot”

"If there are people who come to ask me and I guided them what brands to buy, what to do because if they don't they are going to get into a mess that can even be dangerous But the approach for older adults is very different Obviously, it is a way to change your life You can come here asking for a cream for knee pain or ointment and I convince you to take the dropper along with the ointment Imágenes:CortesíaIsaacNurko 23 S e p t e m b e r 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 8

The common denominator among young consumers is the search for recreational products with THC but for them Isaac is a trusted person who can guide them with recommendations of external brands But for athletes those over 35 or people who present with some kind of ailment, the CEO of Kanabos is a specialist who has a catalog of more than 70 products at his disposal

Due to changes, adjustments, and setbacks, CannabiSalud: Business & Investment Summit changes in the calendar moving from October of this year to mid May 2023

During this month of September CannabiSalud will launch the registration process to start collecting projects seeking investment An ideal opportunity for Mexican companies seeking to grow on the international scene
In addition to this factor and the international problem of post pandemic resources the economic slowdown that was suffered not only in the world of cannabis but in various sectors the voices of panelists businessmen and exhibitors who were present at the 2021 edition prompted the organizers to adjust the dates on the calendar, now being the week of May 17 to 19, 2023, the new date that was agreed “For next year we will bring a slightly different dynamic than last year all this with respect to the projection and presentation of startup projects before a qualifying court and investment funds It will be a networking dynamic where all attendees will be able to participate to get to know each other; There will be discussion tables round tables for a time like a speed dating type she said
We are promoting this congress as an international meeting point ( ) We want Cancun to be the meeting point for the industry at a global level, where companies from all over the world come to connect and discuss important innovative and highly relevant topics about the cannabis industry"

Registrationprocesstosignprojectstobesubmittedforreviewwillstartthismonth Images:CourtesyCannabiSalud

The biggest congress of cannabis businesses and ventures in Mexico changes to May of next year.
Lorena Beltrán, co founder and director of this project the largest of its kind in Mexico assured that a series of factors led to this decision An unexpected readjustment but one that will be beneficial for the growth and better use of this international event “They have really been complicated years due to the pandemic issue 2020 was the most chaotic year we've ever had because the event didn't happen and still in 2021 we were a bit hesitant to do it In the end, we cheered up and it was a success, but we realized that November is a month where the weather not so hot and in fact a little rainy was not so favorable she commented in an interview for Tu Vida Verde

According to specialists this outdoor sales modality encourages the curiosity of the uninformed consumer, without the harmful stigma still attached to dispensaries (considered from the point of view of ignorance as drug distribution centers) However, by being located on public streets the weedtrucks make it easier for people to approach them and help to break down the prejudices surrounding the sale and consumption of products derived from the plant
As published by the EFE news agency one of the neighborhoods where the presence of these business models is growing is in Thonglor popular among young people as a district for fun and nightlife, now tucked under the mantle of therapeutic and recreational cannabis

alking down the street at night strolling e city Suddenly you notice the lights and vehicle that capture your attention It s not ou recognize the familiar image: a plant eaves that has been associated with n for years but now comes to you in the form e dispensary d have been just a dream until a couple of now represents the most innovative business t is rapidly catching on in legalizing weedtrucks he system is not new and has already been in in some locations in the United States, such e of California weedtrucks have begun a expansion to key areas such as New York the curiosity of tourists and enthusiasts of id based products n this region, the police seized 19 vehicles nnabis edibles alleging that they did not have ponding operating permits Thus the Weed nd (focused on the distribution of edibles) a fine of 200 thousand dollars for the start eet of trucks d however the weed truck craze is just arted With barely two months since the start of legalization at the federal level, the streets of Bangkok are beginning to light up with the glowing advertisements of vehicles specialized in marijuana

The uniqueness and convenience offered by these business models are being rapidly replicated in regions close to legalization
ThesebusinessmodelsarethrivingacrosstheUnitedStatesandreplicatedinThailand Imagen:Instagram@thesativan, @beatler72 27 S e p t e m b e r 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 8

The path that these fungi traveled from the forest is marked by a process of deep respect for their ecosystem. And thanks to the creativity of the Monstruo de Agua project, today we can enjoy its flavor infused in a one-of-a-kind beer. I m a g e n : C o r t e s a M o n s t r u o d e A g u a

by Paola Galante

Hearing of it made w accept that made with curiosity is Not only b species of p psilocybin nation the enthusiasts Dutrenit, g this interest demonstrates the respect for the fungi kingdom We are a brewery from Mexico City founded in 2013 and we were born with the vision of connecting the Mexican countryside with the beer world We know that (of the cultivation and use of mushrooms) is an ancestral knowledge that is passed from mouth to mouth through practices that go back thousands of years of connection with the land ”he comments in an interview for Tu Vida Verde Matías affirms that there were two determining factors in deciding to create two beers with edible mushrooms First, the deep love for the biocultural heritage of the country, and second the fact that most craft beer producers today use imported products Back in 2003 there were about 50 craft breweries in the country and right now there are more than 1 500 But it is still as true now as it was before that practically all craft beers are produced with imported inputs And sometimes not only imported inputs but also, in a certain sense, recipes and also processes For this reason together with the mycologist from the Oaxacan Mixteca, Osvaldo Sandoval, Monstruo de Agua developed two products: Ji'i Yisi beer (made with Avocado mushroom) and Ji'i Ndanduji (with Chicken Patita mushroom) Varieties are added to the list of more than 120 styles that the brewery has developed so far under the same discourse We seek that this diversity of ingredients that we use have traceability We work with producers who are already carrying out agroecological farming practices or who are in the process ( ) and although all beers are made with fungi because yeast is the only ingredient that is essential to make beer many people to talk about it” shares Matías In addition to working directly with the communities that collect them responsibly, the Monstruo de Agua project revolves around innovation Well before the question of all those who feel restless when tasting a pint of these beers, the creators are open to the possibility that one day Mexican laws allow it “I consider that the consumption of psilocybin and the mushrooms that contain it is something profound Of course, I have done it and I love doing it because I find it very therapeutic Of course the possibility is something that is still in development, but as far as it happens, I love all this, this topic of research or studies around fungi I believe that mushrooms in general are a good source of use not only for health issues, but as in our case for food issues, or even for the generation of new industries 29 I m a g e n : C o r t e s a M o n s t r u o d e A g u a S e p t e m b e r 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 8

It is known that the use of this type of mushroom has been present since pre Hispanic times in America, as evidenced by different codices, paintings, and sculptures, among others In Mexico, we have the privilege of having the current presence of native cultures such as the Mazatec Chinantec and Mixe communities to mention a few of which currently use Psilocybe mushrooms as medicine to treat diseases of different origins and that have shown resistance to other treatments
in Science
31 S e p t e m b e r 2 0 2 2 | I s s u e 0 8
Psilocybin molecule, chemically called 4 phosphoryloxy N, N dimethyltryptamine (4 PO DMT) is naturally generated by psilocybin fungi This molecule has also been synthesized artificially since 1958 From that year onwards, Western scientific research on its effects and possible uses for the treatment of mental disorders began to develop On the other hand, the prohibition and outlawing of this substance also began
All of this has been under professional treatments of effective therapeutic monitoring It should be taken into account that most of the typical antidepressants also act on the serotonergic system so adding psilocybin may over stimulate this system which is why a professional should be consulted for the use of these substances

F U N G I I N H E A L T H by


The fungi kingdom has maintained a strong influence on human life from ecological to medical aspects In 1991 one of the oldest pieces of evidence of the anthropocentric use of fungi was recorded the finding of the mummy Ötzi who inhabited the planet in 3255 B C and among the various tools he carried with him were found two fungi: Fomes fomentarius and Piptoporus betulinus with antimicrobial properties and as fire starters Different cultures around the world and throughout time have left records of the nutritional consumption of this type of organisms One of the most popular cases and of greater medical relevance in recent years is the use of psilocybin mushrooms as they are called the mushrooms that generate the molecule Psilocybin There are about 200 species of fungi of different genera that are capable of generating this molecule, however, the most studied with respect to their biochemical effect on humans are those belonging to the Psilocybe genus
In addition to psilocybin mushrooms, there is a wide range of mushrooms with medicinal activities such as Lentinula edodes (shiitake), Trametes versicolor (turkey tail), Ganoderma sp (reishi), to mention some of the most commercial ones, with immune system activating properties or Hericium erinaceus (lion's mane) with effects at neuronal level Mushrooms involve a range of known and undiscovered properties so further research is essential as well as the use of professionals to avoid negative consequences that often stigmatize these organisms Miriam Deloya Olvera / Master
Some of the most notable differences between the use of mushrooms, compared to the use of synthetic psilocybin, is that mushrooms are accompanied by other molecules such as norpsliocin and aeruginascin which also have an effect on the brain 5 HT2A receptor however they have been less studied In addition the concentration of active molecules in mushrooms tends to vary depending on growth and storage conditions
However, the economic cost of pure psilocybin synthesis remains very high Psilocybin, natural or synthetic, is metabolized in the stomach and converted to psilocin which exerts partial agonism of the 5 HT2A receptor activating serotonergic receptors that trigger changes in the centers of mental perception which can generate mystical experiences or inner divinity Psilocybin has been shown to significantly reduce symptoms of severe depression, post-traumatic stress, anxiety, anorexia and has supported rehabilitation from strong chemical addictions
I l u s t r a c i ó n F i v e r r
by Simona Rubio

Recent discoveries in the field of psilocybin are awakening a new wave of interest globally. A revival that is connecting the wisdom of the past, the technological tools of the present, and the possibilities of harnessing "magic mushrooms" to generate medical alternatives of the future.
From the ritual use of at least 180 native peoples to the psychological research carried out by institutions such as Johns Hopkins University magic mushrooms have opened a door to an alternate reality; a world in which new medical treatments for a wide variety of physical or mental ailments are beginning to be seriously analyzed from the perspective of the fungi kingdom
In the mid 1950s Albert Hofmann Swiss chemist discoverer of LSD and one of the fathers of psychedelia managed to synthesize the predominant ingredient in these organisms: psilocybin With this he generated an understanding of the molecular structure (4 phosphoryloxy N,N dimethyltryptamine) and with it a mechanism to reproduce it synthetically Since then and until today the knowledge of this molecular family has been under the pressure of international prohibition policies, which prevented the successful development of research on its capacity to help combat physical conditions chronic problems and mainly mental illnesses Especially in countries like Mexico which is home to most of the 200 species of magic mushrooms known so far
"Certainly what is happening now is what some scholars claim is the third wave of fungi Assuming that the first wave is the ancestral use or that of the native peoples; the second wave is the one that occurred in the 60s with the hippie culture, and this is the third wave in which one of the characteristics we see is that the research that was left pending is being reinitiated, especially due to the prohibition stage that existed in 1971 with the Vienna Convention", comments Eros Quintero, biologist dedicated to clinical neurophysiology and member of the Mexican Psilocybin Society in an interview for Tu Vida Verde
"Although the psychedelic revolution is taking place in Mexico psilocybin and the mushrooms that contain it are cosmopolitan, because they grow practically in most parts of the world ( ) What is interesting is that research is resurging, and that is convenient before drawing hasty conclusions about its properties", he indicates

With a history inscribed in the primordial records of the cultures of the Americas, neurotropic, magic or psychedelic mushrooms are considered a fundamental part of the biocultural heritage of humanity Despite the taboos of prohibition or the multiple campaigns to stigmatize the consumption of the "first drug of the world", people's interest in understanding the functioning of these entheogenic organisms, as well as the multiple pressures to include these species of mushrooms within the legal frameworks for their use, protection and study, are growing at an ever increasing speed in various parts of the world

Although formal studies were weavi like mycelium under the ground for important findings in the field of began to sprout in recent years beco positioning themselves as fertile territ The most remote but relevant of thes 2013 research by Charles S. Grob of Psychiatry at Harbor UCLA Medical Ce P. Bossis of the same area at New Yor of Medicine demonstrating the psilocybin use for the treatment of e associated with terminal cancer patie "In a patient population struggling w levels of existential anxiety and treatment may have the ability to re significance or purpose into thei hallucinogen (psilocybin) treatment m and potentially valuable approach existential crisis that is often observed with the potential to significantly im of life and psychospiritual well being " conclusion For its part, in February 2022, Johns H published that treatment with magi effective in controlling cases of sev patients for periods of up to one year to the evidence that under ca conditions, this is a promising therape can lead to significant and lasting depression," said Natalie Gukasy psychiatry and behavioral sciences while specifying: "the results we see setting and require a lot of preparatio support from trained clinicians and should not attempt to try it on their ow The most recent of these studies, sig Rootman and Zach Walsh of department at the University of Br Canada, came out last June It addre mushroom microdosing on people's mood with concrete evidence of an im subjects who underwent treatment wi

Recent findings
PSILOC PSILOC PSILOC Imágenes:CanvaStock urrently, interest in the field of entheogenic organisms has grown anks to the collaborative work not only of scientists, but also of atients and enthusiasts in the field of magic mushrooms Who rough experimentation and responsible consumption, are ntributing valuable elements for the development of new medical ernatives for all his new medicine opens new paths in the mind It allows the brain reconnect in ways it hasn't connected in a long time," says a ecialist in microdosing technologies (who for legal reasons decided remain anonymous) in the United States an interview for TVV, the expert explains that the common nominator among most people is a kind of "blockage"; psychological obstacles that can be overcome through therapy with psychoactives in small doses.
"We are usually blocked, as if the mind were a highway and there is traffic on all the roads This medicine then works as an alternate way out; a very gentle detour that allows you to flow I recommend people who want to get high and have psychoactive experiences to go eat the mushrooms naturally and like everyone else they will get that effect But that's not what we want We are looking for the mom the businessman, the teacher or the bus driver; regular people who suffer from anxiety stress pain to change their lives " he says For this specialist the path of mushroom research began in 2006 following a motorcycle accident that shattered his spine "I died for a few moments during surgery, but God was kind enough to give me a second chance to see and feel things differently " he says From that moment on, he approached cannabinoid therapies, which would lead him and a small team of enthusiasts to develop a full spectrum extract of the marijuana plant Later, with the knowledge gained, came an interest in psilocybe "I became interested in pure medicine in its natural state I had a transition between cannabis medicines to mushrooms and then I didn't want just psilocybin, which for many is just a fancy word to describe something they don't know What we are looking for now is the pure extraction of the mushroom All the molecules and therapeutic benefits as a whole "
The project he is currently working on involves the creation of vaporizers with natural psilocybin A unique initiative of its kind that is already generating dozens of favorable results in its testing phase in Mexico and the United States A product designed to take microdosing to new areas and so that more people can benefit from these ancestral tools

Microdosingandfull spectrum

Imágenes CanvaStock

"Conventional vapes contain chemical agents to generate the large clouds We chose coconut oil as the vehicle (for the mushroom) because it vaporizes in a different way We were very careful with the manufacturing of this product because we wanted to do it in a natural and very organic way So now you can imagine what it's like to have a product that cleans your lungs as well as cleansing your mind, " he says enthusiastically One of the areas where the expert considers that microdosing can be more than functional is in cases of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Mental illnesses associated in the United States with war veterans, the specialist himself being part of this sector "This helps a lot because one of the things that happens with PTSD is that it generates social anxiety and this is a big obstacle for the correct functioning of the individual. The brain and the body protect us from feeling bad again and somehow "lock us in" or isolate us from any experience that could trigger it But the bad thing is that to cure these disorders we must somehow allow ourselves to feel them It is like feeling a blow and not crying over it; containing it But it doesn't work like that, you need to know and face those feelings to overcome them
The bad thing is that unlike physical ailments (which are observable or obvious, like a bruise or a broken bone), mental illnesses are not observable and that's why no one attends to them or they are so hard to detect " Fungi Future The potential for the development of a new psilocybin paradigm in countries rich in ethnomycological traditions is enormous However, in cases like Mexico where prohibition policies and lack of information contribute to the generation of prejudice psychedelic mushrooms continue to be in a limited scenario For multiple analysts, the first steps that must be taken to transform the harmful perception toward these living organisms are a series of laws that protect the species in their various ecosystems Laws that go hand in hand with implementing new public policies to decriminalize its consumption Similarly investment and support are required for scientific anthropological, and psychological research, all under a vision that maintains as a priority the communities that use psilocybin mushrooms as part of their tradition It is important to mention that the future of fungal research not only has medical, recreational, or ritual applications, but also industrial ones The development of sustainable crops allows expanding the vision toward the use of other varieties of non psychoactive mushrooms Species that can benefit the recovery of soils, that can be positioned as alternative sources of food due to their high nutritional values, or that contribute to the environmental balance of their surroundings

Imágenes:CanvaStock WHAT COMES DURING OCTOBER Do you have an event, social or educational action coming up (in Mexico or around the world) and would you like to announce it? Do not hesitate to contact us! We offer you the space so that your activities reach more people. Contact Us

The Tu Vida Verde team had the opportunity to visit a very peculiar psychoactive community. No conflicts, no problems of violence or anxiety. All cooperating and working happily in complete functionality. Their only problem is a prohibitionist and deceitful old man who wants to take away their freedom at all costs. But despite the constant threats and pressures, they do not stop singing and living in fabulous houses made of magic mushrooms. The utopian life for any lover of the medicine that springs from the earth.

S E P T I E M B Weird, mushies still doesn't hit me, I think I was scammed / 5 min later *Buying weed for the first time "May I have 2 weeds please" Smokes Cristal Uses psychedelics

What is the best way to dry them? Marcos Eduardo Arizona, EU Is it better to grow indoor or outdoor?
Is it the psame rocess pfor sychedelic and pnon sychedelic?

Mushrooms have growing characteristics based upon their species, not their psychoactive properties. They require the right growing medium and proper nutrients, the proper temperature and constant humidity. And given that they are fungi, the species we grow requires no sunlight.

Obviously, mushrooms can grow outdoors. However, to ensure a consistent, safe ‘crop’, all of our mushrooms are grown indoors in our climate controlled facility.
AndrésELESE Cd. Juárez, México
Héctor TomásSan Salvador, El SalvadorHow longdoes it take to grow a mature mushroom? MERO_63 CDMX, México
We dry our mushrooms with sunlight in a specially built greenhouse that is temperature controlled. There is an art, as well as a science to this, since you can affect their potency by drying them to quickly, or subjecting them to excess heat. We take our time and dry them slowly at 72 degrees, while we reduce humidity levels down to less than 5%. This usually takes several days.
Depending on the mushroom species you want to grow, it can take from 2 weeks to 2 months. Growth can be slow at first, typically the first 7 8 days, then if all the conditions are right, they begin to grow rapidly. Often they will double in size daily.