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2023 ERG Leadership Summit
TVA’s Employee Resource Groups
ABLED ABLED (Awareness Benefitting Leaders & Employees about disAbilities) seeks to engage, equip and elevate TVA’s workforce on issues and barriers facing individuals with disabilities. ABLED exists to improve the workplace environment and community for individuals with disabilities by creating a culture of access.
ACTion—the Asian Collaboration Team— focuses on helping TVA become an employer of choice in the Asian-American community and to collaboratively build greater inclusion and diversity across the organization and within our communities.
Said Sidiqi Victoria Vicente Bob Dalrymple
African American Voices
African American Voices provides a forum for employees to exchange ideas and to network within TVA and in the communities we serve. We seek to engage, educate and mentor our members, impact our diverse workforce and support TVA’s mission of service.
Council of Native Americans
The Council of Native Americans (CNA) ERG provides educational opportunities for the TVA workforce to learn and interact more with a focus on the cultural diversity of Native Americans, to help facilitate the growth of the Native American employee population in numbers, and to provide an avenue for Native Americans to share their cultural diversity.
New Employee Network
The New Employee Network engages our team members from the beginning of their TVA experience. We connect new employees with networking, learning and career development opportunities while enabling organizational leaders to better understand emerging employee trends and needs.