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for Ashford March 2015
Belmont Sandbanks Care Group offers care for people in delightful settings in coastal Kent and East Sussex. We provide specialist care for people in these areas via our services which include Residential Care, Day Care Services, Respite Services and Home Care Services. Belmont Sandbanks Care Group consists of Madeira Lodge, Sandbanks and Edendale ZKLFK RÎ?HU VSHFLDOLVW dementia care for the elderly. Madeira Day Services is a day centre within the grounds of Madeira Lodge, RÎ?HULQJ FDUH DQG VXSSRUW WR ROGHU SHRSOH ZLWK GHPHQWLD DQG RWKHU PHQWDO KHDOWK SUREOHPV ZKR PD\ OLYH alone or be cared for by others. There is a registered mental nurse and dementia clinic available through our GD\ VHUYLFHV WR RÎ?HU FOLQLFDO VXSSRUW DQG VXSHUYLVLRQ IRU VWDÎ? VHUYLFH XVHUV DQG IDPLOLHV DW DOO RI RXU VLWHV ΖQ DGGLWLRQ WR WKH UHVLGHQWLDO DQG GD\ FDUH VHUYLFHV %HOPRQW 6DQGEDQNV DOVR RÎ?HUV DVVLVWHG +RPH &DUH Services. Our skilled care assistants and domestic assistants can come to your home to help with your LQ KRXVH FDUH :H RÎ?HU SHUVRQDO DQG GRPHVWLF FDUH LQ WKH KRPH DQG D ZLGH UDQJH RI VHUYLFHV SOHDVH IHHO IUHH to discuss these options with us. &RPELQHG RXU VHUYLFHV SURYLGH D VSHFWUXP RI FDUH IRU WKH HOGHUO\ ZLWK GHPHQWLD :H DOVR RÎ?HU D GLYHUVH UDQJH RI FRPSOLPHQWDU\ VHUYLFHV IRU IDPLOLHV 8QOLNH PDQ\ UHVLGHQWLDO FDUH EXVLQHVVHV ZH GR WKLQJV YHU\ GLÎ?HUHQWO\ E\ RÎ?HULQJ D ZLGH UDQJH RI FDUH VHUYLFHV WR VXSSRUW WKH ORFDO FRPPXQLW\ WKHVH LQFOXGH
• Residential Care • Respite Care • Rehabilitation Care & Emergency Support • Dementia friendly communities
• Dementia Clinics • Home Care & Domestic Care Services • Day Care Services
$V DQ RUJDQLVDWLRQ ZH WRRN WKH GHFLVLRQ WR RÎ?HU D PRUH URXQGHG FDUH VXSSRUW V\VWHP WR KHOS DOO WKRVH FDULQJ for people with Dementia. With Belmont Sandbanks you need not only come to us for residential support but for full support, whether it be living with us or at your own home. Thank you.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. T: 01797 366810 E: W:
April Issue Deadline 13th March
Hi everyone,
follow in future updates, so watch this space.
Welcome to the March Issue, hopefully the worst of the winter weather is behind us, although we’re not out of the woods yet. Spring always heralds what feels like a fresh start, and when the clocks go FORWARD at the end of the month, a promise of long sunny days and light balmy evenings lay ahead (she says with tongue firmly lodged in cheek!)
March also brings with it Mother’s Day on the 15th, with the exception of Christmas it must be the busiest day of the year for our local pubs and restaurants, so don’t takes any chances, book early for Mum’s treat, after all she deserves it! My precious mum is no longer with us but I will always remember taking her to the coast on Mother’s Day, then if she behaved herself we would bring her back!....Sorry mum, but you always did enjoy a joke! Whatever you do on Mother’s Day, Enjoy!
There is no other place I would rather be in springtime than our beautiful Kent countryside. Now is the time to look out at our gardens and think about the work required to bring them back to their prime. I’ve already made a nice list for my husband, he’ll appreciate that! I mustn’t take too much of hubby’s time though, he’s in the process of giving our website a much needed face lift. This will ensure that it’s fully accessible for all mobile devices. Currently the magazines can only be viewed online from Android devices. This will be phase one, we then have lots of new ideas for content to
Until next time, have a great month!
~ Debbie T: 01233 720488 e: e: w: 3
Plumbing & Heating Services PLUMBING
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Blockages & Burst Pipes Taps Ball Valves Hot & Cold Tanks
Repairs Pumps & Radiators Specialist Power Flushing & De-scaling Service NO CALL OUT CHARGE FREE ESTIMATES
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01233 642233
the garden
Facing North by Pippa Greenwood The problem I am asked about most frequently is that of what to do with a north-facing wall. Everyone wants to know what you can plant up it but more importantly, what you can do to increase the chances of your chosen plant not just surviving but also thriving.
Getting the right plant for the spot is essential and I’ve listed some great north-facing wall climbers below. But first consider whether you need year round cover (and so something evergreen) or would accept a deciduous climber that will lose its leaves but keep a framework of stems, or if you could live with an herbaceous climber that will die back each year and return again in the spring. If the wall is very shaded it may be worth reducing the shade if you can. Nearby wall-shrubs could be pruned back or overhanging trees crown lifted (the lower branches removed) or crown thinned (the crown’s density reduced). Walls may be a dark grey or brick colour but you can make the spot considerably more plant friendly if you change the colour of the wall before planting. A pale-coloured masonry paint on the wall will cause light to be reflected back to the plant and make it more likely to thrive.
Consider growing more than one climber to increase the season of interest and so the amount of time that the wall looks good. Flowering may be reduced if the site is gloomy and so to maximise your climber’s flower power make sure that you apply sulphate of potash as this will increase flowering potential. Follow the instructions on the pack, and generally try to apply it to the root area in late summer and then again in spring. Make sure that the climber goes in at a good distance from the wall up which it is to grow. A minimum of about 45cm (18in) should mean that it can develop a good strong root system and this will help to keep it growing well. Self-clinging climbers such as the climbing hydrangea or a variegated ivy can look great and help to provide at least part of the interest you’re after for your north-facing wall, but even these often need a bit of a helping hand to get them started – train the stems on to the wall and protect from wind until they get properly attached. TOP PLANTS FOR NORTH-FACING WALLS AND FENCES Akebia Quinata - Pretty pale green foliage with vanilla perfumed purple-brown flowers in late spring.
Berberidopsis Coralline - Prefers acidic soil, clusters of deep red flowers in early autumn. Clematis - Many smaller flowered varieties such as white flowered, rampant C. montana do well. Codonopsis Convolvulacea Pretty bell or saucer shaped violet coloured flowers in summer. Humulus Lupulus (the hop) - The golden leafed ‘Aurea’ will perform quite well as long as the shade is not too intense or the site windy. Hydrangea Anomela Petiolaris - A deciduous climber with broad creamy white flowerheads. Lathyrus Latifolius - the everlasting pea. Small clusters of pinky purple flowers throughout the summer and in to early autumn Lonicera x Americana - Classic honeysuckle flowers in yellow flushed red and with a gorgeous perfume during the summer. Lonicera x Tellamanniana - Bright yellowy orange honeysuckle flowers in late spring and summer. Vitis Coignetiae - Renowned for its fabulous autumn colour. Visit Pippa’s website www. for ‘Grow Your Own with Pippa Greenwood’ veg growing system, biological controls, fleece, copper tape and lots more besides.
the garden AGF Tree Services Tree care that does care
FOR ALL YOUR MOWING NEEDS Please Ring 07712 615 115 No Job Too Small • Regular or One Off
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A Complete and Comprehensive Tree Care Service since 1907 For over 100 years, Bartlett Tree Experts has led both the science and services that make your landscape thrive. No matter the size or scope of your needs, our arborists bring a rare mix of groundbreaking research, global resources and a local service approach to every task at hand. Trees add so much value to our lives; Bartlett adds even more value to your trees.
Tree & Shrub Pruning | Planting | Tree Removal | Hedge Cutting Stump Grinding |Woodland Management | Disease & Insect Control For a free quote please contact your local arborist Jim Treby
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the home
All sofas in 100% leather
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Also still the best selection of natural oak furniture in Kent 8
Ashford’s Original Bed Centre Selling beds in Ashford for over 3o years Ashford Furniture Store, 98 - 100 Hythe Road, Ashford, Kent TN24 8PR
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Home & Interiors Design A Blissful Bedroom
Your bedroom is a private retreat, a special place in which to relax, unwind and express your true personality. Our tips from expert Katherine Sorrell will help you make it as comfortable, functional and beautiful as possible
By Katherine Sorrell
First, think about how you use your bedroom – is it just for sleeping, or do you listen to music, watch TV, make phone calls or even work? You will need to allocate space for each different function. Then, consider the atmosphere you want to create – would you prefer a light, bright and airy room, or one that is dark and dramatic? In general, soft and gentle colours are considered most restful, and it is a good idea to avoid loud patterns and clashing shades. A feature wall (perhaps behind the bed head), with either one strong paint colour or an interesting wallpaper pattern, can be a great way to provide interest without going over the top. In high-traffic areas such as halls and living rooms, carpet (if used at all) needs to be hardwearing and practical. In a bedroom, however, wear and tear is not such
a factor, spills are not such a risk and bare feet are more likely to be the norm. All of which means that this is the ideal place to give your toes a treat and opt for a sumptuous, deep-pile carpet. That said, natural or painted wooden floorboards with a few rugs scattered about (on each side of the bed in particular) is an alternative with masses of character. Whether you use curtains, blinds or shutters, your windows should be well-covered, both for privacy and to avoid earlymorning sunlight waking you up. Sumptuous curtains with a blackout lining will do the trick, as will louvered shutters – which also offer an extra element of security. Roller blinds are plain and simple, and ideal where space is restricted, while Roman blinds pull up in lovely soft folds that give an attractively draped effect.
GET A REALLY GOOD NIGHT’S SLEEP • Choose as big a bed as you can, as disturbance from a partner is one of the most common causes of sleeping complaints. • The mattress should be comfortable and supportive. Lying down, slide the flat of your hand into the hollow of your back. If it slides in very easily, the bed is too firm; if it’s hard to slide your hand in, the bed is too soft. • If you and your partner prefer different mattresses, or are very different in weight, you may need a combination mattress, or two singles that zip together. • Launder pillows regularly and replace every few years.
Aim for the maximum storage possible: ideally a combination of floor-to-ceiling fitted wardrobes with freestanding pieces for character and flexibility. If in doubt, the only way to calculate exactly how much storage you need is to take a tape measure and calculate square footage for long and short hanging, folded clothes, shoes, blankets, linens and other items. Plan the interior of a wardrobe with the utmost precision, and look for gadgets such as tie racks, belt racks and pull-out trays. If you’re really short of space, clever storage ideas include under-bed drawers, stacking boxes, canvas “tidies” hung on the back of the door, plastic shoe racks stacked inside the wardrobe, and a bamboo ladder leant against the wall for scarves, spare bed linen or clothes. Subtle, flattering lighting is best
for a bedroom, and if yours is not quite how you would like it you can make some quick, easy and inexpensive changes such as adding a table lamp or two in the corners, and fitting a dimmer switch to a central pendant. A strong, bright light, on the other hand, is essential above a dressing table mirror (don’t position it to one side – it will cause awkward shadows). For bedside reading, a pair of swing-arm, wall-mounted lights will free up space on a bedside table – some types include tiny, adjustable spotlights so you can enjoy a novel without disturbing your partner. Lastly, to transform a bedroom from boring to boudoir, introduce sumptuous bed linens that are gorgeous to look at and enjoyable to touch – cool and crisp or cosy and warm, depending on the time of year. The quickest and easiest way to
the home
put together a gorgeous-looking bed is simply to use plain white or off-white sheets, pillow cases and a duvet cover, and add a stunning throw, blanket, eiderdown or quilt – or several, for eye-catching colour and pattern. Layer texture on texture, plains with patterns, modern with vintage – creating a serene and luxurious, indulgent retreat. Images: Layer bed linen for an interesting mix of textures and attractive effect. This design, of pleats, ruched cotton and grey hand stitching on 100% cotton percale, would work in a traditional or modern room. Ruffle Pleat bed linen, from £28 for a pair of pillowcases, The French Bedroom Company, 08456 448022; www.
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the home 01303 812889 • 07710 077711 All Work Fully Insured Start & Completion Times Guaranteed
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Conservatories - Advice, design & CAD General building & renovations General Maintenance & Repairs Paths, patios, driveways, block or paving Decking and raised ponds
Stanford Conservatory & Building Co. may be starting up as new company but our staff and associated contractors have been in the construction industry for a considerable time. I personally have been in construction for over thirty years, my last post, for over nine years, was as the Construction Director for a national company responsible for in excess of £20m of work per annum, I decided that my time of driving over 60K miles per year and working for someone else needed to stop, so we have started up Stanford Conservatory and Building Company. We intend bringing our experience and knowledge to the local market place, we will help you to design all manner of projects and bring your ideas and thoughts to life. We will advise what is practicable and what is not cost effective. Our commitment with any building (new or renovation) is what our clients want they get, we can build conservatories of any size, any
shape, anywhere, if it is possible to fit it in the area you have we will. One of our most important criteria will be ensuring that our clients know exactly what they are paying for, all Conservatories will be drawn up as a three dimensional design and given to the client prior to any orders being placed, if you approve we can then move on to the next stage. All general building, maintenances, Paving, repair works, and renovation work will be in writing prior to any orders being placed and the price given will be the price charged at the completion of the contract. One of the problems that seems to be always coming to the fore is when builders are not on site, or do not appear when they say they will. We will never do this. We will give you guaranteed commencement and completion dates, a guaranteed price and up to a fifteen year warranty on materials and workmanship. ~ Peter Maddox
01634 891306
01233 633928
CHATHAM DOCKSIDE OUTLET CENTRE ASHFORD The Brook, Chatham ME4 4NX Chatham Maritime ME4 3ED Beaver Road, Ashford TN23 7RR (next to Tesco on the ring road)
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food & drink
Cake and Bake Hot Cross Buns Home-made hot cross buns are easy to make so why not give them a go? Serve warm from the oven, split and spread with orange flavoured butter for the ultimate Easter treat! 16
Ingredients: • 500g strong white plain flour, plus extra for dusting • ½ tsp salt • 2 tsp ground mixed spice • 55g caster sugar • 1 x 7g sachet easy blend or fast action dried yeast • 300ml milk • 55g butter, cubed • 1 large egg • 150g dried mixed fruit
for the crosses and glaze • 3 tbsp plain flour • 1-2 tbsp warmed golden syrup or honey
Serves 12
1. Sift the flour into a large bowl and stir in the salt, mixed spice, sugar and dried yeast. Make a well in the middle. 2. Bring the milk almost to the boil in a small pan then stir in the butter until melted. Leave the liquid to cool until it’s just hand hot. Pour the liquid into the well with the beaten egg and mix with a round- bladed knife to make a soft and slightly sticky dough. 3. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead for 8-10 minutes until smooth and elastic, adding a little more flour if the dough is too sticky. 4. Place the dough in a clean, lightly greased bowl and cover with oiled cling film. Leave the bowl in a warm place for about 1 hour or until the dough has doubled in size. 5. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead in the dried fruit. Divide and shape the dough into 12 even-sized buns and place on a large greased baking sheet, leaving about 2cm space around each bun. 6. Cover loosely with oiled cling film and leave in a warm place until the buns have risen by at least half again and are almost touching each other. This will take about 45 minutes to an hour. Preheat the oven to 220C, 200C fan, Gas Mark 7. 7. For the crosses, place the flour in a bowl and gradually add enough cold water (about 2 tbsp) to make a thick paste. Spoon into a piping bag fitted with a small plain nozzle and pipe crosses on each of the buns. Bake the buns in the preheated oven for 15-20 minutes until risen and golden brown. Leave on the baking sheet for 5 minutes then transfer to a cooking rack. Brush with the warmed golden syrup or honey while the buns are still warm.
Call Christina 01303 864280
Make Do And Mend Sewing Services
Curtains, Blinds and Cushions Clothing Repairs, Alterations, Zips & Hems,School Uniform Repairs Call Paulette 01233 331 994 M: 07932 903864
Country Flowers Country Florist
In Season:
March Fruit Apples Pears Rhubarb
Vegetables Broccoli Cabbage Cauliflower Chicory Greens Kale Leeks Parsnips Shallots Swede Turnips Winter Greens
Salad Lettuce
Fish Cockles Cod Hake
essentiallyhops beautiful flowers & hops for all occasions
Halibut Herring John Dory Lemon Sole Mackerel Plaice Salmon Sea Trout
Meat & Game Beef Guinea fowl Mutton Pork Rabbit Veal Venison Wood Pigeon
Open: Mon-Sat 9am-5pm, Sun 10.30am-4pm Chalkpit Farm Rural Shopping, Bekesbourne, Nr Canterbury CT4 5EU email: tel: 01227 830666
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House Proud Kent
HOUSE KEEPER & CLEANING SERVICES Professional Lady House Keeper & Cleaner Offering the following services:
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End of tenancy / house moving cleans One off deep cleans Special occasions - pre/prior events cleaning Regular maintenance cleaning weekly / fortnightly • Ironing services collect and deliver Please call to discuss your cleaning requirements t: 01303 814166 m: 07522 348 812 e: Personal license holder, CRB checked & approved. CIEH level 3 management in food hygiene. Full, clean driving license. Full liability insurance
Local Markets Challock Challock Memorial Hall, Blind Lane. 1st & 3rd Friday of each month 1pm to 4pm Contact Pauline Hickson 01233 740979 The Barn Shop Traditional Market Challock - 2nd & 4th Saturday of each month 10am – 2pm Contact 01233 740237 Charing Farmer’s Market Charing Church Barn 9 -11.30 every Thursday morning Contact 01233 740176 Egerton Every Friday 2 - 4.30pm Millennium Hall Rolvenden - 01580 240763 Every Thursday 10am -12 noon St Mary’s Church and the Village Hall Rye Farmers Market Every Wednesday at Strand Quay 10am - 1 pm (12pm Oct - April) Rye Market Every Thursday at the Cattle Market Car Park. Early till around 3pm (depending on the weather)
Rye Country Market Formerly WI Market Rye Community Centre, Conduit Hill. Every Friday 10am -11.30am Tenterden Country Market Every Friday 9.30am -11.00am St Mildred’s Church Hall, Church road. Tenterden High Street Market Friday’s – 0830 – 1400 Wittersham Market Every Tuesday Village Hall 9am. - 11am Tel: 01797 270757 Wye First and third Saturday of every month on the Village Green in Wye. Tel: 07804 652156
Sotirio’s as a name has been established for 22 years and we would like to remind our customers that we are not just a cabaret venue...but a fully air conditioned restaurant, serving excellent food from all over the world with service second to none!
We are open Wednesday to Saturday, inclusive o lunch and dinner, hosting a variety of menus.
Traditional Sunday Lunch from 12 - 4pm offers an excellent choice of succulent meats, carved at you table, alongside a full menu.
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Winter hours open Thursday, Friday & Saturday evenings from 6pm until late. Sunday Lunch 12 until 3pm. Offering a fine selection of Spanish & Greek cuisine.
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Come along to our Comedy and Open Mic Night on the last Thursday of the month. No entrance fee, a night of great comedy, and enjoy Tapas or just a drink. Pauline Mason (International Medium) appears in the Tapas Bar on the first Thursday of every month. ÂŁ10 entry incl. finger buffet.
01797 361603
L i v e Ja z z Ma r c h 1 5 T h e Wi n d m i l l I n n Hythe Rd, Ashford TN24 0QR Tel: 01233 647349 Thursday 05 March Jeremiah Longshanks
Delta Blues Friday 06 March Aftershock - 80’s & 90’s Rock Saturday 07 March Leigh Highwood
BandRock Covers Friday 13 March Fat Badger The House Rock Band Saturday 14 March Horns High Retro Rock & Metal Covers Friday 20 March Throwbacks - Rock & Pop Saturday 21 March Mashville - Americana Friday 27 March Bad Pandas - Rock / Indie covers Saturday 28 March Cold Steel - 70’s Classic Rock Friday 03 April Total MayhemRock Covers Saturday 04 April Moroccan Mole Post Punk / New Wave Covers
T h e Fo l k e s t o n e J a z z C l u b A t T h e To w e r To Book Call: 01303 277175 All gigs start at 8 30pm, Adm £10 Thur March 5th 8 30pm £10 MORNINGTON LOCKETT - SIMON SPILLETT QUINTET JOHN CRITCHINSON piano - Ronnie Scotts right hand man for many years -& -leading this must have trio. ALEC DANKWORTH double bass - The legacy continues. A brilliant musician & one of the UKs finest bassists. CLARK TRACEY drums - The legacy continues. A brilliant musician & is held by his peers as Europes finest drummer. This my friends is a Very Special Event for The FJC Thur March 12th 8 30pm £12 THE BONE SUPREMACY Five yes Five Trombones & Three Rhythm. . Here we have 5 of the UKs finest trombone players, playing arrangements of the big band era & all backed by another supreme rhythm section full of big band experience. Trombones IAN BATEMAN - -ANDY FLAXMAN - CHRIS GOWER MARK NIGHTINGALE - -WINSTON ROLLINS. Rhythm - NICK DAWSON piano- JEROME DAVIES double bass PETE CATER drums
Thur March 19th 8 30pm £10 THE DEREK NASH BAND with LOUISE CLARE MARSHALL The charismatic lively Derek Nash & his band Plus the wonderful LOUISE MARSHALL - the vocalist from the Jools Holland Rhythm & Blues Orchestra . So folks you can bet on a lot of really swinging blues numbers. This Lady is Really Special she has sung in a number of West End musicals - including Jesus Christ Super Star. Whistle Down the Wind & The Genius of Ray. Plus the amazing NEIL ANGILLEY piano - to see - to hear to be amazed WINSTON BLISSETT bass -This guy swings like a pendulum NIC FRANCE drums - This is really for the blues. THERE ARE BLUES SINGERS & THERE IS MISS MARSHALL
What’s On Monday 16th March - Ashford Music Society Primavera Chamber Ensemble Paul Manley (violin), Andrew Fuller (cello), and Michael Dussek (piano). Primavera is a firm favourite with the members and friends of the Ashford Music Society. Primavera always lives up to its name of ‘joie de vivre’ and on this occasion they will be playing three wonderful Piano Trios by Arensky, Haydn and Mendelssohn that have been particularly chosen for this event. After 72 years of promoting concerts in Ashford by professional musicians, sadly this will be our final concert. It promises to be a very special evening. Venue: The Norton Knatchbull School, Hythe Road, Ashford, TN24 0QJ Time: 7.30 p.m. Tickets: £12 (Adults) and £3 (Students) Contact: Brenda McCormack on 01233 622971 or Hilary Pittock on 01233 623700.
Tuesday 17th March - Ashford Flower Club is hosting a Flower Demonstration ‘Wooden It Be Lovely’ by Robin White, at Furley Hall, Maidstone Road, Ashford. 7.30pm (doors open 6.30). Visitors welcome - £3.00 at the door.
Sunday 22nd March 2015- 10.30am Pilgrims Hospices Rainbow Ride and Stride This is an event for everyone; families, friends, children and dogs. We want to see everybody there in every colour of the rainbow; red and yellow and pink and green, purple and orange and blue!
Wednesday 25th March Heaths Countryside Corridor Torchlight Amphibian Survey Evening at 7pm - 9pm Chilston Ponds - Lenham Heath Rd, Sandway, near Lenham, Maidstone. Join Heaths Countryside Corridor (HCC) at Chilston Ponds, Lenham Heath to discover great crested newts, smooth newts & frogs by torchlight and find out all about our British amphibians. For more information visit and to book a place please contact Remember to bring a torch!
what’s on
Sunday 29 March Sutton Valence Choral Society Spring Concert, All Saints’ Maidstone plays host to the Sutton Valence Choral Society and two outstanding compositions by the Czech composer Antonin Dvorak. Dvorak’s exquisite Romance for solo violin and orchestra is paired with the expressive beauty of his setting of the 13th century poem “Stabat Mater”. Sutton Valence Choral Society, with over 90 singers, will be joined by the Beresford Sinfonia and four top-class soloists: Helen Bailey, Frances Bourne, David de Winter and Gavin Horsley. The Society’s Music Director, Bryan Gipps, will be the solo violinist; he was an Exhibitioner at the Royal Academy of Music and has appeared as a violinist and conductor in such venues as the Albert
Wainwright’s of Hythe
Individual Items of Interest Always Wanted Single Items Purchased For Cash • Antique Furniture • Paintings • Jewellery • Objets d’art • House Clearing Service
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Calling All Music Acts to Celebrate Create Festival’s 20th Anniversary! The Create Music Festival is back and this year it is remarkably celebrating its 20th anniversary! If you think you’ve got what it takes to entertain thousands of people at Ashford’s biggest free music festivals, then apply online now at www. and be part of this year’s very special Create Music Festival on Sunday 26th July.
Way back in 1995, the very first Create Festival, organised by Ashford Borough Council, promised local music lovers that ‘July would never be the same again’. 20 years on, the free summer extravaganza has served as an important platform for showcasing new and emerging talented musicians from the local area, as well as entertaining thousands of people along the way. In recent years, the festival has grown significantly, becoming one of the largest free music festivals in the South East, by hosting four live music stages of local and headline acts, with a range of other entertainment filling one big day in Victoria Park. Create has also begun to programme some unique spin-off events in Ashford Town Centre with local sponsors. Last year, Nizlopi headlined the Ashford College Main Stage, whilst Brit-pop chart toppers Toploader performed an intimate set to a packed St Mary’s Church, in association with Right Track Music. The festival organisers are once again on the prowl to find the right mix of acts to take to the various stages. If you think you’ve got what it takes to entertain the crowds at Create, and would like to be in with a chance to play on Sunday 26th July 2015, then you’re invited to apply online. Performers of all genres, from bands, DJs, singer-songwriters and performance poets are all encouraged to sign up.
Cllr Jessamy Blanford, portfolio holder for culture said: “The council is incredibly proud of the achievements of the festival throughout the years and we as a Cabinet are committed to ensure its 20th year is celebrated in style.” Create Organiser, Chris Dixon said: “It is both daunting, yet an honour to be organising such a special landmark year for Create. My first year of organising Create was the festivals’ 10th year in 2005 – so it feels great to now be at the 20th mark. “In this time, I have received so much support from local musicians, volunteers, suppliers, funders and businesses – and I would like to thank them all. Their part, no matter how big or small, has all contributed to Create growing and moving with the times. “I can promise Create festival-goers a few surprises for 2015, something very special for the local area, which at present I am keeping firmly under wraps.” The closing date for entries is 12noon on Friday 13th March. Organisers say that young, local quality performers that promote new original music will be prioritised. You can apply online at: For more information on Create, please visit or follow on twitter facebook www. If you are interested sponsorship opportunities at Create Festival, please contact Chris Dixon, Arts and Cultural Industries Manager for Ashford Borough Council, at
Teen Career Coaching to Compliment Careers Advice
“This personal dedication and respect for their research and decisions, seems to spur on a passion and drive in my teenage clients. They are excited to work towards their new career” says Claire. “Suddenly, the subjects they struggle with have a purpose, if no more than to get them to the next stage of their career journey”.
Flying Iguana, is a relatively new business in Kent with an innovative take on careers advice for teens. Founded by Claire Foy, just over a year ago, Flying Iguana looks to provide one on one coaching to teens around the careers not only available to them, but also most suited to Since launching, Claire has coached teens their desires, not just their abilities. that seemed unmotivated and disinterested, Whilst coaching professionals in the city for undecided or just bored with school. She over 12 years, Claire found many adults were supported them through finding their specific in careers they abhorred, but felt financially path to follow, making sure it is one that they bound to. They worked to pay bills, and most have personally chosen and are therefore were spending more time at work, than living much more driven to attain. the life they were born for. Claire found her client’s main desires were to go back to school and make wiser career choices from the start and for their children to choose careers that really made them happy. As a qualified coach, mother and step-mum of teenagers, the simplicity of career “coaching” teenagers seemed an obvious solution to these desires, and so Flying Iguana was born. Teen coaching is common in America, and has proven results, in lower secondary education drop out rates. Claire uses her expertise in executive career coaching to compliment the careers advice offered to teenagers in schools. Flying Iguana’s three coaching programs are designed to work closely with your child to discover their ambitions and 3 pivotal points of their education. Pre-GCSE subject selection, post selection, and post exams. In hourly one to one sessions, Claire listens and challenges them to open their minds. She expects them to take ownership of their own choices, and allows them the responsibility of research and discovery by setting tasks between sessions. Most teens do not know what a job fully entails let alone know what careers are available to them. Claire encourages them to unearth this for themselves.
Flying Iguana
Coaching for Teens KENT BASED CAREERS COACHING YEARS 8, 9 & 10
First session completely FREE
GCSE ^ĞůĞĐƟŽŶ ǁŝƚŚ future career in mind
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M: 0794 999 6828
For The Love Of Horses Canterbury Horse Rescue We are a small registered charity (No.1101452) based at Lenham. We have no Government funding and endeavour to serve the whole of Kent, but we need public support in order to continue to feed our horses and ponies. We have only one full time paid Yard Manager and currently only enough money for 5 months food.
! n u f r e t s a
ll a g n i b ...and hlaemholidays! t h g u o r h t
Can you help us? Perhaps you could organise a Boot Sale or maybe a sponsored ride event etc. if not on horseback /bikes for us?
Eas See o “M ter p ur Em ons ant po te o! riu r m”
FLYGRAZING - This is where people turn their animals out as they no longer want them, maybe due to old age, illness and consequent vet bills, livery charges etc. This is a big problem at present. Kent alone is reported as having over 900 flygrazers. Sadly we are unable to help at present. £5, £10, £15, or £20 would go towards buying the essentials needed for our horses and ponies to survive the winter and beyond. Donations may be given via our Website or by bank transfer to Natwest, Faversham Sort code 5600-51 Account 32509057. Donations of hay, straw, hardtack and any horse equipment would also be gratefully received. Thank you so much. WE OFFER - Advice and Training courses for all aspects of Horse Welfare. Volunteers (age 18 Plus) training to NVQ level. Carriage Driving lessons & Carriage Trips (Summer time) CAN YOU HELP? We are also looking urgently for land, minimum 5-8 acres, due to a Trustee loan. Our present landowner has decided to sell the 40 acres where we are currently based. On a Happier Note - PANDORA our much loved donkey is a highlight at the Easter Service on Palm Sunday where she travels to a Church in Gillingham every year much to the congregations delight. For additional information please contact John Rowling on 07732 689653 or Jan Creber on 07815884457
Find out what’s on...
01233 861 493
As part of our regular series on legal matters, Kerry Carter, of Tenterden law firm Pengelly & Rylands, looks at the government’s recent changes to Stamp Duty. What is Stamp Duty? Stamp Duty is a tax on land and property transactions. Its full name is 'Stamp Duty Land Tax' (SDLT). In residential property transactions, Stamp Duty is payable when you buy a property over £125,000. The amount of Stamp Duty you will be liable for will depend on the value of the property. Last year, the Chancellor announced changes to the Stamp Duty system and these came into effect on 4th December 2014. He has claimed that 98% of homeowners in England and Wales will pay less under the new system and some property experts have predicted a boom in sales of houses between £250,000 and £280,000 as a result of the changes.
The old system: The previous system had been criticised by many for creating odd price distortions. A seller with a property which should have been worth between £251,000 and £275,000 usually had to resign themselves to only achieving £250,000 for the property, as buyers would be unwilling to pay an additional 2% in Stamp Duty for a property just over the £250,000 threshold. For example, buyers paying £250,000 would pay £2,500, or 1% in Stamp Duty. However, if the price was £260,000, the buyer would pay 3%, or £7,800. What has changed? The new system is more like the system of income tax. The new rates of Stamp Duty only apply to the amount of purchase price falling within the particular duty band, smoothing out the jumps in the previous Stamp Duty thresholds. For example, someone buying a house for £275,000 will pay nothing on the first £125,000, 2% on the next £125,000 (amounting to £2,500) and then 5% on the balance of £25,000 (being £1,250). So the total amount payable would be £3,750, a saving of £4,500 against the old system. The new rates are:Up to £125,000: £125,001 to £250,000 £250,001 to £925,000 £925,001 to £1.5m Above £1.5m
0% 2% 5% 10% 12%
Kerry Carter – Chartered Legal Executive Purchase at £185,000 Stamp duty payable under the old rules Stamp duty payable under the new rules
£1,850 £1,200
Purchase at £325,000 Stamp duty payable under the old rules Stamp duty payable under the new rules
£9,750 £6,250
Purchase at £510,000 Stamp duty payable under the old rules Stamp duty payable under the new rules
£20,400 £15,500
If you have any questions regarding Stamp Duty, or about buying or selling a property, please telephone Kerry Carter or Elizabeth Connell on 01580 762248 who will be happy to help.
Pengelly & Rylands FAMILY SOLICITORS For friendly advice in times of need • Family, Children & Divorce (Fixed Fee appointments available) • Elderly Client Care • House Sales & Purchases • Equity Release • Wills & Probate • Commercial
Please call us on 01580 762248 39/41 High Street, Tenterden, Kent TN30 6BJ
YOUR TAX RETURN DONE? Contact Peter / Andrea 01233 627000
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health & Lifestyle
Hobbies Get Ready For The Cycling Revolution By Kate McLelland
Graham Flavell from Dorset fondly remembers the bike he owned as teenager:
“I sold it when I learned to drive a car, but I really regretted that later.”
As a child growing up in the Midlands he not only used it to cycle to school, but would spend hours roaming the neighbourhood with friends, all of whom owned bikes:
“I remember that in the ‘50s and ‘60s everyone who worked at the factories commuted by bicycle, so for my generation cycling was a way of life.” After university Graham moved to Dorset to take up a new job and decided to return to cycling as a way of exploring the countryside. For many years he continued to enjoy low-key, leisurely bike journeys: discovering more about the local area and enjoying the occasional family holiday on two wheels. In recent months, however, Graham’s commitment to cycling has undergone something of a revolution. He is now one of the many thousands of people in the UK for whom cycling has become a serious hobby, and he currently cycles up to 140 miles
each week with a group of likeminded friends. Graham says: “We meet twice a week and I enjoy the camaraderie of cycling with other people. It was hard when I started, but I’ve been amazed how my fitness has improved over the last six months.” The popularity of cycling has been enhanced by trailblazing athletes such as Sir Bradley Wiggins, who has achieved elite status as a professional cyclist on both track and road, but this new trend is also driven by health concerns: Graham admits that health is “a big topic” amongst his fellow cyclists. Sport England claims that over 2.1 million people currently cycle on a weekly basis in the UK, and in the autumn of last year the government published a draft version of its Cycling Delivery Plan for consultation, giving details of a 10-year strategy that includes the ambition to double the amount of cycling activity on Britain’s roads by the year 2025. In the Netherlands cycling has enjoyed popularity for over 100 years and even now nearly 30% of all Dutch journeys are made by bike. The recent
government consultation is one of a number of promising signs indicating that the UK is trying to catch up with its Dutch neighbours. So where do you start if you have decided to take up cycling for the first time? It really depends on what kind of cycling appeals to you. Will you be using your bike for transport, for leisure or for competition? Budget is another important factor. Not everyone can afford to buy models such as the new, lightweight carbon framed bicycles, which can cost up to £1,000. An old bike can fit the bill provided you’re not competing in the Tour de France or planning any off-road trekking, but if you’re buying second hand it’s advisable to get your bike serviced to ensure that it is roadworthy. If you’re not sure what type of bike you need - and there are a bewildering variety of models out there - a specialist cycling shop should be able to help. Alternatively Guardian journalist Helen Pidd’s book The Complete Guide to Everyday Cycling (published by Penguin) offers a practical, illustrated guide to buying and riding a bike for the first time.
health & Lifestyle Once you have bought your bicycle, you’ll need to acquire some basic skills. How to signal, how to ride in traffic, how to do an emergency stop and even how to change a tyre: these are all essential things to learn before you before you set out on a busy road. On the British Cycling website ( you can search for a local Bikeability course, designed to teach you the skills you need to ride confidently on today’s roads. Britain’s network of cycle lanes and paths is steadily growing, and cycling is now a much safer activity than it used to be, although urban cyclists often complain of cycle lanes being too narrow, or the layout stopping abruptly. Rural roads offer their own challenges, but after a lifetime’s cycling along country lanes Graham Flavell says that the drivers he has met are generally respectful. However, he recalls one man who was less than happy to meet a group of cyclists:
“We must have annoyed him, because he waved a tyre lever at us, threatening to ‘get us’ if he saw us again. The next day a policeman knocked at his front door, to warn him about his behaviour. When the driver asked how the officer knew about his ‘road rage’ incident, he replied: ‘Last time you saw me I wasn’t wearing a policeman’s helmet, I was on my bike’.”
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Cycling is a great leveller and Graham’s anecdote shows that these days you can expect to meet anyone - from your local bobby to a millionaire pop star - getting around on two wheels. These new converts to the cycling revolution understand that cycling not only benefits their physical and mental health but also helps the environment by cutting carbon emissions.
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health & Lifestyle
Beauty Wrinkle Removal: The Results & the Risks
by Alison Runham
prescription-only treatment that shouldn’t be undertaken without a review of your medical history. All the treatments below have one risk in common: allergic reaction. While this may be limited to itching, allergic reactions can lead to anaphylaxis, so ensure you’re confident that the therapist would know how to deal with this if it occurs. Injectable Treatments
You moisturise, tone, exfoliate, eat a healthy diet and stay out of the sun. You don’t smoke. But still those pesky wrinkles gradually gain ground. If you want to keep them at bay a little longer, it’s time to let the professionals take charge. Available treatments can significantly reduce telltale signs of ageing, and whilst the effect won’t be as dramatic as cosmetic surgery, for many it’s enough to give them a ‘lift’ and a fresher appearance. Picking Your Therapist Recommendations are great, but always check the qualifications and experience of any therapist. Stay safe: • Therapists performing nonsurgical cosmetic procedures don’t require medical qualifications and aren’t overseen by the Care Quality Commission, but many
procedures do carry risks and should only be carried out by someone highly trained. The Treatments You Can Trust (TYCT) register, backed by the Department of Health, will tell you if the treatment provider is appropriately qualified. • Injectable cosmetic treatments (e.g. Botox, Restylane) should only be performed by an appropriately trained doctor, dermatologist, dentist or registered nurse within a clinical setting. Check that they are registered with the appropriate professional body: doctors or dermatologists, the General Medical Council (GMC); dentists, the General Dental Council (GDC); nurses the Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC). • See your doctor before undergoing injectable treatments. Botox® is a
Botox® Botox® contains a toxin Botulinum toxin A – which relaxes the muscle underneath the wrinkle, smoothing it out. Several small injections are usually given and it’s particularly popular for brow lines. Pros: The effects usually last for several months. Cons: You may have flu-like symptoms for a day or so, and some bruising. The results can take up to a fortnight to become evident and repeat treatments are needed to maintain your new look, although some people develop a resistance the treatment. Treated areas may be droopy for a while, and blurred vision can occur if the area around the eyes is treated. Dermal fillers Dermal filler is the general term for a variety of chemicals (e.g. hyaluronic acid and collagen) that are injected either to fill wrinkles or plump up your lips. Although it’s not a legal
health & Lifestyle requirement for these to be administered by a medical professional, it’s highly recommended (a look at the ‘cons’ below will explain why). Some fillers are more permanent than others, and certain treatments may require a local anaesthetic first. They are usually given as a series of small injections, and the treated area is massaged. Pros: Permanent fillers give long-lasting results. Cons: The results can sometimes be asymmetrical or lumpy, or the filler can drift away from the injection site – this may need surgical repair. The treated area is likely to be swollen and tender for a while, and you may experience itching and bruising. In the worst case scenario, dermal fillers can cause necrosis (death of the surrounding tissue). Resurfacing Treatments All the treatments below aim, in essence, to damage the outer layer of skin - removing dead and aging skin cells, forcing the body to produce more collagen, and stimulating new growth to repair the damage. If you’re a cold sore sufferer, they may trigger an outbreak. Laser/light resurfacing This is also known as a ‘laser peel’ or ‘labrasion’. A pulsating burst of light from a laser or pulsed diode light is used to remove the skin’s outer cells layer by layer. Pros: May remove blemishes and acne scars too. Effects are usually long lasting (up to several years). Cons: Itching is common and your skin will dry and begin to peel after a few days. Facial redness may last for months. Chemical peels. A variety of chemicals can be used to ‘burn’ or peel away the top layer of old or dead skin cells. Fruit and glycolic acid peels have a limited effect but intensive peels that use more aggressive chemicals (e.g. salicylic acid and trichloroacetic acid) penetrate deeper into the skin, giving more noticeable results. Pros: Younger looking skin without the risk of injections. Deep peels are a one-off, long-lasting treatment. Cons: Deeper peels can be uncomfortable and the likelihood of scarring and changes in skin pigmentation are increased. A sedative and/or local anaesthetic may be needed.
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fine abrasive crystals to remove the outer layer of skin cells. A vacuum device is used simultaneously to remove dead skin cells as they are ‘sanded’ off. Pros: Usually produces noticeable results and may remove blemishes too. Cons: Can cause facial redness for several hours, and some slight bruising. It may cause scarring and permanent pigmentation changes. A course of treatments gives the best result.
Remember: Always tell your therapist about any sensitivities, allergies or medical conditions before Microdermabrasion Microdermabrasion or ‘particle resurfacing’ uses you start treatment.
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Puzzle Time Sudoku
Using only the letters in the Wordwheel, you have ten minutes to find as many words as possible, none of which may be plurals, foreign words or proper nouns. Each word must be of three letters or more, all must contain the central letter and letters can only be used once in every word. There is at least one word that uses all of the letters in the wheel.
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3 x 3 box contains the digits 1 through 9, with no repetition! That’s all there is to it, you solve the puzzle with reasoning and logic there’s no maths involved and no adding up. It’s fun. It’s challenging. It’s addictive!
TARGET Excellent: 36 or more words Good: 28 words Fair: 25 words
R U 34
Quick Crossword Across 1. Unkempt (6) 4. Bogs (6) 9. Get better (7) 10. Command (5) 11. Not dirty (5) 12. Rational (7) 13. Honourable (11) 18. Consistent (7) 20. Hoard (5) 22. Blockade (5) 23. Impartial (7) 24. Tasks (6) 25. Remained (6)
Down 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Swap (6) Type of fruit (5) Adult (5-2) Incorrect (5) Relating to healing (7) Saunter (6) Substitute (11)
8 9
16 18
14. Apparent (7) 15. Reckon (7) 16. Cared for (6)
17 19
17. Shouted (6) 19. Overweight (5) 21. Transport (5)
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Noel McAllen (Dial-a-Plumber)
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useful information CARM
Emergency Police Neighbhd Team Ashford & Tenterden Crimestoppers
Out of Hours Doctor William Harvey Hospital
0845 4349655 01233 633331
08457 90 90 90
Electricity: Southern Electric EDF Energy Gas: Natural LPG
101 0800 555 111
Macmillan Cancer Support W:
Parkinson’s UK, Ashford Branch Contact Mike Wharrad
01233 623520 SE Kent Multiple Sclerosis Soc. 07767 326138 Royal British Legion 01233 620 167 British Red Cross 0800 0280 831
0845 770 8090 0800 783 8866
Ashford Youth Forum Trust
0800 111 999 Details on tank
National Train Enquiries Bus Enquiries
Doctors Surgeries
Youth Projects Coordinator
Arriva Bus Enquiries Stage Coach East Kent
Willesborough Health Centre Bentley Road Willesborough Ashford TN24 0HZ Tel: 01233 621626
01233 758122 E: W:
(Customer Services)
01233 330290
0844 800 44 11 0871 200 22 33 08456 00 22 99
Parish Councils Kingsnorth - Parish Clerk: Len Bunn 01233 502 969 website: Parish office: Kingsnorth Recreation Centre.
New Hayesbank Surgery Bybrook Kennington Ashford TN24 9JZ 01233 624642
Village Halls Kingsnorth (Church Hill) - 01233 634 557 Godinton (Loudon Way) - 01233 612 703 Singleton (Hoxton Close) - 01233 640 551
Veterinary Clinics Barrow Hill Veterinary Hospital 01233 624687 24 Hour Emergency Care on site.
Ashford Borough Council - Civic Centre Tannery Lane, Ashford, Kent, TN23 1PL Tel: 01233 331111
Ashford Rural Trust Ashford Dyslexia Centre
01233 624 544
International House, Dover Place, Ashford Kent, TN23 1HU 01233 750 248 Citizens Advice Bureau 01233 626185
Alcoholics Anonymous Ashford Volunteer Centre Age UK Ashford
0845 7697555 01233 647 422 01233 668 765
Solutions : Kid’s Corner Scrambled Foods: Meat and Potato Pie, Cheeseburger, Hot Dog, Hot Chocolate, Cheese and Ham Pasty Three items: Meat and Potato Pie (£2.40) Hot Chocolate (£1.57) and Ham and Cheese Pasty (£2.38) Hot Dogs: A and F are exactly the same.
Disclaimer: Every care is taken to ensure this directory is as accurate as possible but the publishers do not accept responsibility for any loss or damage resulting from errors or omissions.
Seven Local Editions Delivered by Royal Mail to 55,000 Homes & Businesses Ashford: 20,000 homes in and around TN24 & TN23 Kennington, Willesborough, Park Farm, Kingsnorth & Great Chart
Charing Area: Charing, Pluckley, Biddenden, Smarden & Egerton. CHURCH ROAD HYTHE ROAD KENNINGTON WILLESBOROUGH TN24 9DG TN24 0QQ Email: Email:
01233 622808 01233 623946
Wye Area: Wye, Brook, Bodsham, Brabourne,Westwell, Hastingleigh, Boughton Lees, Eastwell.
Aldington Area: Aldington, Mersham, Bilsington, Bonnington, Brabourne Lees, Smeeth, Sellindge, Stanford & Stowting.
TN26 Area: Appledore, Hamstreet, Puzzle Solutions Wordwheel: PRODUCE
High Halden, Bethersden, Hothfield, Shadoxhurst,Woodchurch, Warehorne.
Tenterden & Rye: Tenterden, St Michaels, Wittersham, Rye, Pladen.
The Marsh: Romney Marsh from Dymchurch to Dunguness. Crossword
Please note this is a summary of the towns and villages covered, we reach EVERY home and business within each postcode area.
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